#and has a hole in his sweater but doesnt even realize it and he pouts literally all day and is TIRED!!!!!!!!
imaginethathaikyuu 1 year
my favorite thing about akaashi keiji is how pathetic he is聽
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cottoncandyjester 4 years
What if another person tried to kidnap the yanderes darlings馃憖
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All their reactions will of course be to get you back so I only did the ones that would have the strongest reactions
Also im gonna start pairing hikaru with a y/n who doesn't give a shit about his degrading..cause it's wayyy funnier
Warning this contains: death, talk of torture, cannibalism, yandere behavior, kidnapping
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Definitely wasn't expecting it
Theo is normally prepared but he doesnt have any idea what to do
He of course has to find out who would touch you and how to get rid of them
He is usually so calm and collected but when he gets you back he is merciless with your captor, cold and unnerving downright sadistic
He wants them to suffer for worrying him and stealing his little wife/husband
"so this is where you've been hiding" Theo spoke softly to you with a smile as he gazed at your restraints before setting you free and kissing your wrists which were lightly bruised from the restraints but he heard footsteps his eyes growing cold.
"angel, close your eyes and cover your ears okay? Don't stop til I say..please" he spoke softly before turning his back to you before walking away. Soon screams of pure agony filled the air a constant screaming before utter silence, Theo soon returning to you covered in blood now wiping his glasses clean with a gentle humming
"how about we go home and take a shower, okay angel?"
He gets his brother to help
He is unstable without you
Like he can't think straight and all his senses seem to not work properly he is utterly hopeless
The person who took you will feel his wrath
Axis always shows his his cute side but when he gets you he gets dark as hell
Aka he lets salem devour them
"sweetie! Oh thank goodness I found you!" Axis chirped out pressing a kiss against your lips before he set you free from the cage you were in. "Let's go home okay? I missed you so much!" He huffs out.
"you can't take them" axis shuddered at the voice of your captor and something feral come out of him, they took you..took you away and did god knows what. With a whistle it seems he got salem's attention who was sitting outside the room. Axis turned to you smiling sweetly while salem pounced the sounds of screaming and bones cracking filling the room as axis helped you out the cage and covered your eyes from behind guiding you out the room.
"don't mind the noise okay? I know it's loud." He whispers in your ear before pressing a kiss on the back of your neck.
It's cute that people think they can take you from him
Is very prepared
It takes three hours before he's coming to you to get you
He doesn't seem angry but he is
He's downright cold just cruel
You sobbed softly as your captor tortured you using a knife to cover your body with small but deep cuts, you soon heard a faint sound and looked to the window seeing Yuki open it softly when the two of you locked eyes he pressed a finger to his lips signalling silence.
You tried your best to avoid staring at him as he hopped down from the window into the room the soft sounds of his footsteps alerting your captor who turned around.
"whose the-"
Yuki shoved a gun barrel into the stranger's mouth his eyes cold and dull as he locked eyes with them. "Die." Yuki whispers out shooting the pistol watching them drop before he aimed at them firing again..and again..and again. He didn't stop until the gun clicked so he checked the ammo and was about to even put a new magazine in bloodlust swirling in his eyes.
"y-yuki!" You snapped out your body shaking at the sight of the clearly dead body filled with holes. Yuki glanced down and tilted his head to the side giving a sleepy little oh before putting the gun away and untying you noticing your cuts and shoved his sweater onto you before scooping you into his arms.
"I'm teaching you how to fight."
His mumbled out as he took you home.
Sweetheart he is the leader of a whole gang of clown thugs
It takes him like thirty minutes to find you and the entire time he's smiling
Like "oh well what are you gonna do I guess haha time to get my y/n lol"
In actuality he's PISSED
When he gets you he doesn't show it though
He actually encourages the captor for a little bit before utterly slaughtering them.
"one step closer and I'll kill them!" You whimpered as you were held at knife point staring at rin with fear in your eyes but rin... simply pulls up a chair and plopped a seat his smile never leaving his face. "Go ahead" he stated out now gazing at his purple painted nails.
"boss, are you sure?" One of his goons asked out and rin chuckled before getting up. "They won't do it, that's the funny part. They are just a dumb coward too scared to do it" he explained skipping over to you watching how your captor shook in nervousness pressing the blade closer to your neck blood starting to spill.
"do it motherfucker, I'm fucking waiting" rin whispers out leaning in close his eyes widening almost looking like they were glowing. "Y-you're a monster" your captor cried now shoving you but rin wasn't done tormenting them. "I'll give you two choices, slit your throat...or suffer as my gang force you down and touch you in ways that makes you wish you were dead, over and over til you're a broken bitch, I mean either way they are gonna violate you but wouldn't it be better for them to do it when you're dead and you can't feel their groping hands?" Rin cheers out
Your captor backed up til their back hit a wall as rin hummed sweetly walking closer and closer to them before grabbing them by the shirt yanking them close.
" stop being a fucking pussy and choose or I'll be the one doing the violatinf and trust me you don't want that" rin whispers darkly in their ear before shoving them down and turning to you and his group.
"have fun boys try not to make too much a mess, I'm going home!" he cheers out now walking towards you and holding his hand out towards you with a grin helping you up. "Aweee are you crying?! You're so cute! Cutie cutie cutie!" He cooed now squishing your cheeks together completely ignoring the violence happening behind him.
"let's go home and eat dino nuggets!" He said happily before glancing behind him with an annoyed hiss "fucking coward slit his throat..." He mumbled under his breath but shook it off now taking your hand and skipping with a happy him guiding you away.
He doesn't realize you're gone at first
It takes him a day
He thought you were being a brat and hiding again so he decided to be pretty and ignore you..but he missed you and realizes you're kidnapped
He is pissed at you for being a dumbass and getting taken but also pissed at himself for letting it happen
When he goes there he doesn't even save you at first first he has to bitch about it
You two legit argue while you're tied up
Your captor is like "should i go orrrr..."
Of course they meet death but he has to complain first
Hikaru huffs as he stomped into the warehouse without a single care in the world his eyes glaring at you as you looked at him with relief finally he came for you
"bitch do you know how much of a waste of time this is? Like damn y/n you love wasting my time and money so much you get snatched up" you felt all your relief get replaced with annoyance as your eyes drooped into a glare.
"oh yes hikaru cause I got kidnapped on purpose. If I wanted to waste your money I would steal your credit card" you hissed back and hikaru scoffs lightly.
"well I'm here, what's all the fuss about?"
"I'm fucking kidnapped hikaru! How about you stop being a dick and help they could kill or even violate me!"
Hikaru gave you a sassy expression clearly already fed up with you at this point. "Sweetie, they won't violate you. Gotta be worth violating for that" he sneers out
Your captor gazed at the two of you nervously as to two shouted at each other for the next ten minutes. "Excuse m-" hikaru took out a gun and shot them in the knee as quickly as they spoke before getting back to his argument.
"...all I'm saying is a thank you daddy would be nice! Like I came all the way over here I had a hair appointment but nooo I had to save you. You're so damn selfish"
"oh my fucking god...thank you daddy for coming to save me even though you're my damn BOYFRIEND! I'll get someone else to save me next time" you snapped out and hikaru pouted "your sass is not needed" he grumbled out before untying you.
Your captor who was in very much pain tried to speak and hikaru gave them a disgusted expression, was this plebian speaking to him? "Shut the hell up, it's your fault too you could have taken anyone but no you had to take my pet" he snapped shooting them in the head before grabbing you by your arm dragging you out while grumbling under his breath.
"I better get my dick sucked" he hissed out now shooting you an annoyed look.
He is so worried
Like so worried
He's a himbo so it takes him a bit to realize that you aren't at the store getting him more hamburger steaks
One he figured it out he quickly went to find you
He was such a mess
Once he found you he was crying and hugging you so tight
Snapped your captor's neck
Uses his strength in scary ways.
"y/n! Oh darling! Are you okay sunshine? Are ya hurt?" Rocket squeaked out as he started to untie you his breathing shaky and tears in his eyes. Rocket heard footsteps come closer, in a panic he was shoving you in a closet to hide before meeting the eyes of your captor.
Wasn't long til he was breaking every bone in their body,starting with their arm snapping it like a twig before moving to their leg then to neck making it more and more painful. "I usually hate violence, but my sweetheart..is my everything" he whispers out before turning to you with a gentle smile
"darling, let's go home"
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redhead-33 6 years
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Yoonmin fanfic idea: cliche I love the bad boy Yoongi and soft boy Jimin perhaps a little too much **mentioning of parental physical abuse** Yoongi is the stereotypical bad boy or so everyone thinks. Everyone, even his friends Namjoon and Hoseok think that Yoongi is the biggest punk in the school. He is two years older then everyone in his grade so what exactly do you expect? It doesn't help that he rides a motorcycle, wears a leather jacket, and there are even rumors that he smokes! Of course Park Jimin tries to stay exactly 17389 miles away from him at all times. The Junior already has enough to worry about with pretty much the rest of the school bullying him, he'd rather not have the schools toughest guy pounding his face in as well. But one fateful day at the nurses office brings the two together in ways they never expected. Jimin was there trying to get his nose to stop bleeding when Yoongi walked in with a black eye. The nurse sighed when she saw him and asked what his father had gotten mad about this time. Yoongi smirked at the nurse, a woman everyone knows is his aunt, and told her that its because he didn't make a 33 or higher on the ACT. Jimin had never seen a woman so angry in his life. The nurse got up and put her hands on her hips, her tone was more then fed up, "That man. How dare he! You had a 32 dammit. You've already been accepted and given full scholarships to what? 6 schools? Good ones at that! If your father thinks he can do better you should tell him to come see me because I might just need to give him a mental exam!" Yoongi let out a small chuckle, "calm down Aunt K. I know it seems frustrating but it's ok. Once I leave it'll be fine. I just hope he doesn't get any stupid ideas again." The nurse threw her hands in the air, "Yeah! Like uprooting his whole family from Korea without any notice and moving to America and making his son take kindergarten twice because he had no English teaching before school. Or maybe like moving again once the same child was in 8th grade and already had fantastic friends where he was just because he heard the weather was better in North East!" Jimin of course wasn't sure if he was supposed to be hearing all if this so he tried to sneak out of the nurses office but sadly hit his hip on the edge of a table and was compromised. The two heads simultaneously snapped to jimin st the same time, one gaze a lot kinder then the other. Jimin awkwardly smiled and forcibly laughed, "sorry, I'll be going now, I think my nose stopped bleeding. Thanks for the bandaids Nurse K." The woman nodded, her smile was kind, "I'm sorry we ran out of the regular ones. I just had those I'm my purse and it's my emergency stash for my daughter. I hope it's ok that they are pink and blue." Jimin shook his head, "it's ok, really. I like the colors. They're my favorite actually. You could probably tell, ya know, my hair and all." The woman let out a small laugh, "I guess so. But Jimin, are you sure you dont want to tell the principal this time?" Jimin nodded yes. "Why not sweetie? If you tell the principal who is doing this they could get suspended or something. You don't have to endure this bullying." Jimin sighs, "What happens when they come back from suspension? They just say 'Oh golly gee I realized what I've done wrong sorry ol jimin pal!' No, they'll kill me. I'd rather be bleeding then dead." The woman sighs back, "Ok. Just, try not to get hurt anymore ok. I'm running low on supplies." Jimin nods his head before leaving. Right before he exits the main office to go to class there's a hand on his arm and Jimin curls in on himself, ready to be hit. But it never comes, instead a deep, slightly gravelly voice fills his ears, "Don't tell anyone." Jimin opens his eyes and looks up to see Yoongi, looking quite anxious at that. "Don't tell anyone what?" Yoongi rolled his eyes, "what you heard in there. Don't tell them about the schools or the score and dont you fucking say a word about my dad. Jimin nods, "I want planning on it." He started to leave but Yoongi's grip stayed firm. He looked back at the boy and Yoongi was giving him a confused look, "What?" "Why do you let them do it?" Jimin furrows his eyebrows, "Who do what?" Yoongi mutters a swear under his breath, "Why do you let those shit heads hurt you? I've seen you dance when I'm passing by the dance class, you have muscle even if your cute oversized sweaters cover it. You could take them but instead you let them hurt you because what? You're gay? Why dont you fight back?" Jimin almost laughs, "I'm not much if a fighter. Even if I could've take them I wouldn't want to. Small, ignorant minds talk with their fists." Yoongi scoffs, "Well I don't find it too smart to allow yourself to get beat up every day. It's not stupid to fight back, it's self defense, it's bravery." Jimin shakes his head, "Your bravery is nothing but a mask to hide your emotions. My bravery is coming to school every day even when I know what awaits me. I'm not going to stoop to their level. They only hurt me because they are afraid of me." Yoongi cocks an eyebrow, "Why do you say that?" Jimin smirks, "Let's face it, I'm hotter then half of the girl population at this school and almost all if the boys. I scare them because I threaten their idea of masculinity and make them question their idea of sex." That was when Yoongi knew he wanted Jimin. There was something about the way the boy had said those words that left Yoongi stunned. Jimin shook Yoongi hand off and left. That was also the day Yoongu decided to beat the living shit out of anyone who hurt Jimin. A few months pass and Jimin doesn't get beat up quite as often and he is starting to get suspicious. He doesn't get why its stopping but then it all goes to hell as he's walking home one day. Three boys jump him and start to beat him up. Jimin doesnt really know what happened at first but all of the sudden he's on the ground and his favorite sweater has holes in it while one of the guys from the football team kicks him repeatedly in the side. As he comes to terms that this is where he'll die Jimin shuts his eyes and tries to curl into himself as the three continue to kick and punch him. But then it stops and Jimin hears a few grunts and then shoes running on the pavement and then there's a hand on his cheek, gentle and warm. Jimin slowly opens his eyes and sees the face of Min Yoongi. His lip is busted but aside from that he looks unscathed. The boy looked at Jimin in concern as he tried to sit up but doubled over in pain. Yoongi helped him sit up and then spoke, "What happened? I swear to god I'm gonna kill those bastards, I tell them that if they ever hurt you at school again I'll kill them and then they go and wait for you outside of school. I'm gonna destroy them." Most of what Yoongi was saying was rambling and if Jimin were honest he barely understood because he kept looking at the olders bottom lip where blood was coming from that was covering his chin. Jimin brought his hand up and brushed Yoongi's lips, effectively shutting him up, "You're bleeding. " "Jesus fucking christ Jimin. Who cares about my lip when you are bleeding and bruised-" Jimin pouted, "Me. I do." They sit there for a few seconds just looking at each other, realizing what Jimin Just said. Yoongi broke the gaze off when he felt his cheeks start to turn red and moved to take his jacket off, "Here, put this on. Your shirt is ripped pretty badly." Jimin looked at the jacket in awe, "I didnt know you could take it off. I've never seen you without it on. This is so weird!" "Oh for god's sake just put the damn thing on." Jimin struggled at first but was finally able to put it on. The two spoke just a bit longer before Jimin agreed to go with Yoongi to his house, Yoongi only offered because his father wasn't home. It was there that the two great closer. Jimin found out that Yoongi actually didnt smome but had only tried it out once in the ninth grade and never did it again because of all the coughing he did afterwards. People only assumed he got addicted after that. Jimin also found out that Yoongi was really into music and that he didnt want ti fo ti some ivy league school for college but actually wanted to peruse music. Yoongi found out that Jimin is planning on going to a preforming arts college after high school and that he had been dancing ever since he was three years old. He also found out that jimin is heavily inspired by love poems and short stories and he loves to write in his spare time. That night the two boys fell in love and nothing else in the world mattered to them in that moment. Not bullies or strict abusive fathers. Not grades or sexuality. Only love.
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