#and happy birthday to me <3 sharing a birthday w ur favorite album is the most magical thing
viviarts-c · 2 days
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Stay free
Don't go
Cause we don't need no shows
Happy Hesitant Alien anniversary! Oh the album you are
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winetae · 3 years
ur messages always make me so giddy hehe!! hope you’ve been having a good week and staying warm!! also i think i saw on your about me that you’re a sag so happy early or late birthday!! I’m a sag too hehe twinsies 🥺🥺🎀🎀!!
omg yes I’m so glad you had the chance to travel and leave behind routine and had fun!! if it’s okay to ask did u have a favorite place that you visited? JDNCNCJCJC I think technically I’ve been learning on and off like for 6-7 months?? mainly off tho 😭😭
OMG LITERALLY their evil edits are so annoying and mean!! Hehe yay my favorite was xiaoting too!! i…that is the perfect way to describe gojo for sure chaotic fuckboy gjgngngj
Yes yes literally so good thank u again for reccing it for me!! are u watching anything atm?? I’ve been nonstop watching succession and street woman fighter ZKCKCKCKC
THOTTY SONGS NCCNCNNC wow I am now also seeing the pattern…!! But ah I tried out summer walkers album and it was so good!! Oooh smtm10!! I just know about that boy who sang out Louis Vuitton but haven’t had the time to check it out yet!!
HEHE OFC!!! Please no need to be sorry thank you for sharing your writing with us and the sexual tension was literally so exquisite I think I was sweating at some point CKVKVMVMV!! I felt transported back to summers in college when you’re back at home and it felt so nostalgic!!! but I literally loved every part and every word but especially sweating with jungkook at the end cmcmcmck thank u again for sharing!!
I’m really looking forward to antifreeze too!!! Like jimin (short king) + antifreeze (my favorite song off of baek yerin’s album) + ave’s writing?? Literally perfection I’m so excited!! Hope you have a wonderful weekend!!! 🥺🎀🎀
i have been staying warm ty 🤍 my week was ok ! just trying to adult™ n get my life back on track 🙃 aww thank you !!! my birthday was earlier in the month :) hbu ??! happy early/belated bday 🍰 wishing u only the best !!!! 😚✨
yeaaa ofc ! i think my favorite place to travel this year was near the lake annecy, france. i loved everything about it - the hiking trails, views, medieval towns, all the local cheese… i included some pics bc i wanted to share !!!
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i understand - learning an instrument takes up a lot of time n requires so much effort !! it’s so cool that you’re challenging yourself ! 🌟 oooh i have not watched succession is it any good? n yeS i loved swf!!!!! i cried a lot watching it for some reason LOL i’m actually watching street girl fighter atm ! :o
pls i love exchanging music recs w you 🤍 maybe bc we’re both sags but i think a lot of our tastes align !! what’s ur mbti ?? also ahhhhh i can’t believe u read the new chapter 🥺✨🌸🍃 tysm !!!!! ur thoughts always mean a lot to me hehe i wish my college summers were as interesting ! n eeeeep thank u for hyping me up ! i loved antifreeze too & the lyrics resonated w me a lot so i hope i can convey that feeling through my fic <3
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ot5 · 6 years
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@tllthesundies HAPPY BIRTHDAY BITCH!!!🎉💖🌸💞🎂✨💌💖💞💗🎊🎉🍾💗🎂💕💖✨🎊💖🌹🍾🎉💘💕💌🌻❤️✨🌷💞🎉❤️💝🎂💘
so for this special occasion i used my amazing photoshop paint skills to make u this taylourry manip since there’s an unfortunate lack of those:/ they’re baking you three (3) cakes how great is that😫 louis, of course, asked ‘how do you whisk’ all three times and taylor n harry just shared a look and fondly rolled their eyes at him. i like to imagine they were singing along to britney classics and also laughing about how louis’ album and lyrics will shake us to our core bc they live for that drama👀 and cant wait to watch us freak out. of course at some point louis started throwing flour at taylor &harry which ended up in a messy kitchen fight.
thanks for reading my mini taylourry fic excuse the lack of angst i kno you live for that shit but anyways as i was saying, happy birthday bith! i hope u have a great one!! i cant believe you've turned 20 today🤧 you were already settling down at the old age of 19 an now you’re entering the final Grandma stage *kylie jenner dabbing tears.gif* as an og violin i feel blessed to have followed ur journey and  watched you grow up & to have experienced ur crazy crackhead days which i lowkey miss sometimes it was truly a blast with ur shit posts and you saying things that still haunt me in my sleep. since im getting Sentimental™ you know what else i miss in this chilis today? you getting asks & Interacting on here bc i recall thats what started my soft spot for u. you’re [louis voice] genuinely Genuinely one of the sweetest people ive seen on here like everytime you called someone crouton or replied with a row of heart emoji’s my heart grew 10 sizes bigger💗💗 i hate that my memory is shit and there’s no blog/archive anymore(rip in pieces we’ll get to that later) that i can search thru for those Receipts but i know not one (1) mean word has ever left your mouth, or keybord in this case, those are the Facts #confirmed by me! even back in the day when i was blissfully unaware of any drama and this hellsite was just a happy place u still stood out to me bc when you answered asks or whatever you were just so nice! kind! and sweet! and funny too i feel like u raised me on memes (i also appreciate that u tolerate me w my crusty sense of humor and memes from 2013) and tbh when i saw you were younger than me i was Shook bc you felt like an older sister to me with wise words and just this calm&kind presence on tumblr dot com where everyone always takes offense u were idk the word..... rational/nuanced/patient/understanding? ive thought it many times before but if everyone here were a bit more like you this place would be a nice valley filled with blossoming flowers sawying in a gentle breeze on a warm spring day🌻🌷🌸 (i know u prefer fall so u can represent a Quality Leaf too if u want and i’ll ship you w niall #neaf) anyway as my melancholic ass was saying, i sometimes miss @harryandlouisofficial /harryandlouisau? idk you’ve had your fair share of changes(as i was searching through my own blog for a certain pic i came across some deactivated urls that i think were yours lsdknvds) but that harryandlouis brand™ was truly You and just such a familiarity on my dash and tbh if i come across any blogs that start w harryandlouis im always side eyeing them for that copyright infringement of intellectual property. Even before we really started talking i already felt like i knew you bc you were always....out there...talking, yellin n sprouting bullshit which was [me as that gif of pam from the office tearing up] beautiful😫 like i didnt even know about the existence of the vampire diaries but u were practically screaming about it on a daily basis and lowkey got me to crush on nina dobrev bc of it also ur love for tom odell, soup, domestic hl, Angst, the midnight memories album, that purple suit harry wore to the late late show, birdy, those literature ppl whose names im not even gonna bother with, and of course taylourry & how do you whisk, they’re all filed under ‘Things That Belong To Violet’ and i kno yelling about thing or reblogging ask memes or doing those tag things doesnt go with ur Brand but i wish it did bc there’s so much i wanna know or ask or just see what you think about things👀 u could make a post saying ‘potato’ and eventho id disagree id still be over here giving a standing ovation
this is getting long im so sorry snlkdfnsld i was going somewhere but im kinda losing the plot. So anyhow the point was that ur an angel! and idk also intimidating to me back in the day? ive sent my fair share of anons (nice ones of course nskldnsf) and i vaguely rmr asking for advice a few times too and you were always so kind n wonderful🤧 and then one day i sent smth nice off anon and you followed me back even with the ugly ass url i had back then lfnvslknsd bless you and now here we are:) so i love getting sentimental and reminiscing about the old days but also know that i admire u for jus deleting and starting afresh! kween of rebranding!👏👏 and this tiddiesundays era feels like ur a professional business woman or maybe more like a professional writer who has that clean & calm aesthetic down to a T and i might’ve turned notifs on so i wont miss that one quality (1) post per day sdlknlksdn i love showing my Love thru liking and rb’ing a lot so you make it hard on me sometimes(rmr when we were each other biggest fans? good times😫) but jus kno my heart’s still beating the same yes thats a sad attempt at a oial ref bc that is also filed under the things that belong to u. i dont wanna like, overwhelm? you bc im sometimes afraid ill b too much but know that im always out here rooting for u &hoping that ur doing great bc this bitch has a lot of love and adoration for u!!💗 i know some v sweet people on here but you are just.....on another level like just your presence here clears my skin and puts a big smile on my face esp when u drag me or vice versa for having certain Opinons (like the 1d album or song discourse) dont @ me but ur truly one of my favorite people. One day when you give me the go ahead im gonna send you that card/letter and i’ll get even sappier (yes thats possible!) i was gonna wish you a sunny day but for some reason u love rain so...i hope it rains:’) or else you can move your ass over here so at least one of us can appreciate the dutch weather also i would toast to you but i think ur still not legally allowed to drink which is also a reason to get ur ass over here bc i feel like you’d be a blast to get drunk with (also shout out to you for indulging me in my wine aunt moments u were truly there for me when no one else was🤧came thru with lyrics to tmh bops faster than lightning ill never forget that!) so to conclude this Essay i lov u & hope u have an amazing birthday *serenades you with tom odell songs*💗💕💖💘💗💕💖💝💗💞💘💕💞💖💕💗💝💖💘💞💕💗
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