#and had ro rewrite the whole thing
beeanca-writing · 9 months
That other anon was being an asshole, but I am curious about what you had planned for EfC? Not gonna lie, I'll miss the cast—would be nice to know what happens to who!
I'm still unsure what I'll do with EfC. I might come back to it once this current period of my life is over, though it'd likely be very different. First of all, it'd be a shorter story. I'd either get rid of some of the ROs, or find some way to better integrate them into the narrative (compare Harry, who you can have this huge, important backstory with vs Val, whom I love but is also just some guy, I guess?). It'd also probably be more focused on romance since that's usually what interests me the most in IF anyway.
I also might scrap a lot of it and stick to the storylines that interest me the most—mainly the Harry stuff. A shorter game dealing with The Hedonist returning to Court and having to face Harry sounds really fun to write, and it'd be a lot less complex to plan than this whole mess. Also, Harry is definitely a more developed character than some of the other ROs. For example, I love Camila to death, but she doesn't have much significance in the story other than "The Hedonist's friend" and I was never able to find her some meaning.
I'd also make The Hedonist even more of a fixed character by getting rid of all personality stats and focusing solely on their actions instead of worrying about personality. The stats were all carried over from CoG, and it's never been something I enjoy in their brand of IF. I was going to do this anyway when I first transferred the game to Twine, but stupidly asked Tumblr what they thought and, since most people preferred keeping the stats, I did that even though I didn't really want to.
As for to what would happen to the cast... In case I do come back to EfC, I don't think this would change much, so I'll put it into a read more in case someone doesn't want to know. If anyone has any more questions, don't hesitate to ask!
Grandma would die. Sorry!
Also, Cordelia was The Hedonist's twin who drowned in front of them, but that was a bit obvious, wasn't it? I'd definitely remove that from any rewrites, it's so unnecessary and cliché.
Henry would divorce Elizabeth to be with Nicholas. The Hedonist could either support him on this or not.
Due to the divorce, the rest of the family would be disgraced in Court. Evie's reputation is a little less affected if she's still with Harry.
As I mentioned in the past, The Hedonist can choose whether to stay in Court or not at the end.
The Hedonist and Evie can repair their relationship or not. Evie eventually makes an effort to become friends with The Hedonist, and you could choose whether to play nice or not. If The Hedonist romances Harry and you manage to have a good relationship, she forgives you, but asks for some time away from both The Hedonist and Harry.
I didn't really plan Camila's character arc well. She becomes a Republican rebel and can either still be friends with The Hedonist or have distanced herself a bit if they continue to be an asshole.
Sabina can choose to no longer be a nun if encouraged either by a friend or romanced Hedonist. If you romanced her but didn't encourage her to leave the convent, she dumps you. (Note: You later find out she was forced to become a nun by her family.)
Similarly to Sabina, Narcissa can choose to break things off with the Emperor if, again, encouraged either by a friend or romanced Hedonist.
Calvin's ending is the wildest one, actually. He finds out he's a father after the boy's mother passes away. The Hedonist can either tell him to abandon the boy or tell him to raise him (if Calvin is romanced, they kind of become a step parent).
Val can be encouraged to start studying to become a librarian. Also, his whole thing is that his father is the Emperor lol
Lastly, horse boy Harry will want to divorce Evie if romanced and marry The Hedonist instead. If you refuse to marry him, he divorces her anyway but doesn't stay with The Hedonist. A friend!Harry stays with Evie, I think? I don't know.
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girlfromthecrypt · 6 months
I finally got to read the update!! Don't mind me rambling a bit about everything I loved about it...
I really enjoyed the beginning of this chapter.  Being playful with Basil in the van is super cute. It was interesting to see Reem and Basil not getting along a little bit, it makes me intrigued about if there will be any cracks in our little friend group's foundation that might start to show. And if so what that might mean when things start going bad.
Also, Anita is adorable!! It had me giggling when she called everyone attractive--I loved getting to tease her about it afterwards. I chose to room with her and the siblings--though the thought of Basil sleeping alone makes me nervous for the future...
Definitely Looking at Anita's comment about how your sanity starts slipping when you go without sleep. I'm SO eager to reach the horror. Though the slightly slower, cheerful beginning is so great. I love getting to know everyone and seeing them happy and bonding, knowing that there's horror on the horizon...
Javier talking about his mom marrying his dad straight up made me snort laugh. I work with kids and they truly do say the most out of pocket things. It's very true to life. And ooooh, Basil and Gabriel just...staring at the woods got me so hyped. Reading that scene gave me a proper thrill, that little 'heart-pounding-faster' feeling that makes me love horror so so much.
Hell yes at getting to tell the kids a scary story!! I remember being a kid and hearing classics like Don't Turn on the Light and being scared out of my socks. It's sooo fun to be able to play at passing that on to a whole new generation!! I'm 100% in to romance Basil, but this update makes me want to do a run where I romance Anita. She's so so cute. And the siblings both are great in their own ways... I'm sensing that I'll end up doing runs for each of the ROs, you've made such fun and sweet characters!
Aaah that ending!!!! Genuinely terrifying, and made me so anxious about the kids!! I KNOW my MC is going to be hard-pressed to keep them all safe. I can't wait to see what comes next!! I love how you write characters, they're all so likable and distinct!! This was such a good update, it makes me really eager for more.
HI (omg it's that cool person) HIIII <3
Thank you so much for this. I'll have you know I reread this ask like three times and I'm probably gonna read it all over again tomorrow bc it gives me life. I can't express how happy I am that you cared to write such a long ask bc of my IF if all things. Thank you, it made my day.
Basil and Anita's on-the-road scenes in the van were my favorite to write!! And yes, there's certainly a bit of tension in the group. MCs with high sociability or perception will be able to pick up on this, also on George's fondness for a certain colleague--- but don't worry, no one's at each other's throats. Yet.
And yay, some Anita appreciation!! Cut her some slack, she's not used to being around hot people and between a possibly cute MC and the FUCKING MALAKS of all people... yeah. It's not easy for her.
Ok so you know that you can also sleep in the van with Basil if your relationship stat/his approval of you is strong enough? I hope that was clear from the dialogue options and you just chose the cabin despite of it, bc if not, I might have to rewrite the choice. Furthermore, while I can see why you'd be worried for him, I'd be more concerned for an MC who chooses to sleep alone ;) [yes, this is me hinting at a future horror scenario possibly unique to that route].
Ah yes, Javier, my son <3 lol. Nahhh I don't favor any of the campers. Though, if I had to pick which one I liked to write the most, it'd probably be him.
Now I feel bad haha. Ok but srsly, kids can be VERY outspoken, and Javier especially has noooo social filter. You might notice that some of the campers' traits specifically correspond to some of the ROs' characteristics... Looking at Gabriel and Basil here.
Both campfire stories are also really close to my own heart, so I jumped at the chance to include them. As for the ROs, I do hope you'll do a run for each of them! I'm trying quite hard to make it difficult to choose between them ;)
I love that the ending hit the way it was supposed to. If you want to know what's up next, I have one word for you: confusion. Lots of confusion.
See, I need to give this story a slow, slice-of-life start, bc purely from a narrative standpoint, it wouldn't make sense for the horror to come out guns blazing. That's why the MC will at first be the only one to experience the horrors and for the horrors to (seemingly) originate from one of the kids, bc if it was more dramatic and the threat was to come from an exterior source, everyone would just pack up and flee and then the story would be over. That's what I figure.
Anyhow, I'm so glad I still got you hooked with this project. Thanks so much for this super long message.
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underscar · 1 year
Pairing: Near/Female Reader/Mello
Summary: The flowers of spring were your proximate stimulus, displayed not in a sheltered and rancid dwelling nor through a difficult pathway, but instead lingering in an affectionate grass field. You thought a lot about life as your illness became more and more terminal. The presence of two childhood friends encourages reflection. Mello hoping to be helpful during this challenging time of your life, while on your bedside always was Near watching you with morbid interest. Your decisions since becoming ill had seemed questionable to both of them. How you chose to stay at the orphanage rather than a hospital. Your reasoning is that it would make more sense to die in a place of love.
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A/N: This oneshot is sooooo old omg
I remember first writing this when I was in like 6th grade on wattpad! I had a whole death note oneshot book back then lol. i plan on rewriting more of them in the future >_>
WORD COUNT // 3,061 words
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The spring breeze consoles your nerves and shaky hands. Your open window permitted the breeze to pass through, which hovered over you, and gave you more comfort and cuddles than your stuffiest blanket ever could. The flowers of spring were your proximate stimulus, displayed not in a sheltered and rancid dwelling nor through a difficult pathway, but instead lingering in an affectionate grass field.
Outside of Wammy's House were the cheerful sounds of children; you could hear them clearly through your window. The sounds of their delight brought a smile and warmth to your face. The scene brings back memories of your adolescence. Being L's successor often made you feel older than you are, and you frequently forget that you're not that archaic. However, compared to those vibrant orphans outside, you were a despondent dinosaur among them. 
People behave in that way when they are L's successor after all. Well, perhaps the more appropriate phrase for you at this point is "former successor." Being ill and all, you are now unable to succeed L. 
This wasn't detrimental to you in any manner. You never anticipated standing set to proceed L anyway. Regardless, even just being deemed competent in upholding that pinnacle was an honor. In any case, Mello or Near stood a better shot of becoming the new L.
Everyone at the orphanage makes an effort to hide the truth from you or to avoid bringing it up themselves. The truth is that you're running out of time. You'll narrowly outlive L, they say. Yes, you were gravely ill. Yes, you were going to die soon. And yes, you knew all of this. After all, you are not an imbecile, so of course you already knew. 
This isn't something you discovered from another or as a result of your intellect or intelligence. You figured this out because, in the end, you were the suffering individual. Each day, you could feel your body failing you, and every day, you were in pain. You don't feel anxious or glum about dying too soon; everyone passes away, and you've given in to that.
Your foreordained death was something no one liked to talk about, except for Near, who found a morbid novelty about your condition.
You and Near have known each other since the beginning, or at least you believe he considers you friends. Although remarkable and the closest thing you'll ever come to...love, Near is a strange person. Regardless, you wouldn't want anyone else; you don't mind that he's your first and only love or even that it's one-sided. You didn't have to confess, there was no need, of course, as Near was already aware. 
You appreciate Near's candor about your unwell condition. Everyone here has attempted to keep the facts from you, with the exception of Near. Overall, he has been very blunt about your current state and ailment.
You heard the door creek while staring out the window in a wistful daze. You perk up and whirl to see who had come to visit you, Mello, in his jet-black leather jacket, peaked half his body into your modest room. 
"Iris," he voices, before clearing his throat, "-_____, I mean." 
Since your diagnosis, you had developed a preference for using your real name rather than your pseudonym. To you, your alias stood for a life that is no longer fitting or accurate. And as for your general safeness using it, well, at this juncture, it didn't matter.
When you two locked eyes, you beamed at his face. Months had passed since you last saw your beloved Mello. It didn't matter that he was wearing a dissimilar set of clothes or the burn that scarred the bulk of his face, he was still the same boy you had grown up with. With chocolate stains on the corner of his lips, you bet. The thought brought delight to your heart. He has been out there in the world investigating the contentious Kira, likely putting himself and others in danger, though if you knew him as well as you thought, you can guarantee he didn't mind the risk at all.
Your smile screamed home in Mello's mind, and lured the blond further inside the room like a siren's song, shutting the door behind him. 
You scooched further back on your bed till you hit the headboard, drawing him to sit at the end of your bed, which he did, making it bounce scarcely as he sat.
The subsequent silence wasn't uncomfortable in the slightest. Until Mello broke the silence, as he always did, you preferred to continue examining him and observing him without speaking. Now that he's closer to you, you notice that his hair was a little longer, and his neck was bruised the color of plums, you didn't want to know the origin. Near the corner of his lip was stained chocolate, which made you grin. You peer down at your lap to attempt to hide your merriment till you catch how calloused his hands were.
When you look up from his hands, you catch Mello just staring at your face as you did him, then your neck, then your form concealed under the white nightgown you wore, taking it all in, and you knew he was realizing the same thoughts as you: you both had grown up.
Mello sighed at how colorless you were in the face. It crushed him to see how ill you had become since his last visit. 
Mello makes small conversation to mask his exhale. "It's odd saying your name, you know?" he chuckled to himself.
Mello was the opposite of Near; they were in many aspects. Similarly, like everyone else, he detested considering or even bringing up the topic of your illness. Furthermore, he had no desire to undermine your health. You were not bothered by his behavior because he was more devastated by the reality of your circumstances than you were.
You and Mello have also known each other since the beginning, and unlike Near, you could openly read Mello like a book. You would say you knew his thoughts as clearly as you did yours. You were aware from the outset that Mello had a romantic interest in you. 
Even though he made it crystal plain and obvious since you were all kids, you never experienced a romantic spark with him. He was always aware of the one-sidedness of his emotions.
"Should I call you by yours? To even the playing fields?" you proposed.
A grin spread on his face. "Only if you whispered it in my ear," he toyed. "If you are going to say that name, then only I should hear it, after all."
Mello was an exceptional guy, and he is your most beloved friend. Years have passed and you hoped that you both were mature enough to have now moved on from that phase of your friendship, you'd hate to hurt him.
"How have you been, Mello? Having fun, I assume?" 
Mello shrugged his shoulders. "I wouldn't describe it as fun," he said. "Yet, overall everything's been alright, though the Kira case has been bloody demanding. Especially with Near constantly getting in my damn way," he mumbles while pouting almost imperceptibly.
You emitted a small laugh. "You and Near's detestation is peculiar!" you blurted. You never grasped why Mello and Near were never amicable. Regardless of you getting along with both of them, they never got along, not even when you were all kids. Due to their one-sided rivalry, you could never hang out with both of them at the same moment without conflict.
Once you started laughing again, Mello couldn't help but smile a little bit. You hide your giggling with your right hand and the sun seemed to shine more brilliantly in the room, and on you.
Then, however, the clouds abruptly materialize, casting a gloomy shadow, and you start coughing in between laughs before hysterically doing so. Mello instinctively starts patting your back to aid you, but you shove him away simply because you don't want to be a burden.
"I-I'm...fine," you reassure in a small voice. You reach for a tissue on your nightstand as your cough subsides, but Mello grabs it for you. Grudgingly, you thanked him and accepted the tissue, wiping your mouth. 
Blood stained the cotton when you removed it from your mouth. You instinctively tuck it within your fist in the hopes that Mello won't notice.
Mello looked down at his lap. "How have you been, _____?"
You scrunched your brows. "I...haven't been able to sleep, lately," you admit. "Near says it's a symptom in the ending stages of my condition," you added, dropping the tissue into the trash bin on your bedside.
You should've known better than let those words slip out, 'cause, with the mention of Near, Mello visibly flushed and his fist locked.
"Iris..." he scowled, "_____. You're gonna be alright, okay?" he reassured. You could tell he was saying it more for himself because there was no reason for him to tell you this, you already didn't have any childish hope to give. You were one of Mello's closest friends and a one-sided lover, and he didn't want to think you were about to pass away. How could that bloke Near just make your dread worse when you can do nothing about it?
Mello voiced this. "You're already going through a rough time. How can that white-haired bastard tell you that?" he growled, gazing back at the door as if Near was there. You reasoned that Mello might be able to picture Near's mocking white form standing at the door.
Mello stomped to your door from your bed without saying anything and with a grimace on his face.
From your bed, you watched helplessly as he slammed the door behind himself and stomped through the hallway. As soon as Mello enters Rogers' office, you can clearly anticipate what will happen. 
You withered. "Mihael..." you whispered; yet, no one heard. 
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The wooden desk in front of Mello was struck by his hands, driving it to squeak and tremble like a hurricane on his legs. 
Mello scowled at the older man. "We're not trying hard enough!!" he exclaimed. His rebellious fist trembled and bounced, they were a clear indication of his emotions and mental state at the moment.
There was cozy lighting throughout the room. Dark curtains were draped over the windows, and the blinds were sealed. Giving the older man and two orphans proper privacy. Today was a reunion of sorts, yet you were missing, and instead, you were the case of discussion and irritation.
Amid the dispute, Near worked on his blank puzzle while seated on the antique couch, crouched over the table. He deadpanned, "Do you have an additional lung to share, Mello? I'm quite tired of you passing the blame.”
With a nasty glare on his face, Mello glanced over his shoulder at the boy. "Near, if I DID, she would have had it by now," he said through clenched teeth. "I care about her passing, unlike you. I'm surprised she even likes you. You act like you don't even care that she's dying, you bastard!"
"Quit making everything so personal, Mello," Near stated. He twirled his white hair as he glanced up at Mello. Mello had a poor tendency to always invest all of his emotions in things even when they weren't linked, which is what he's doing right now. Near could see that habit plainly. 
"You're clearly more resentful that she doesn't share the same affection for you as she does for me. Please abstain from bearing grudges that have nothing to do with the circumstances, Mello," Near suggested.
Mello had moon-sized eyes and a heated face. In a rage, he gritted his teeth. "W-Why you-"
"Mello, Near, that's enough," Roger says sternly, standing up from his desk chair. Abruptly, the tension in the room burst like a water balloon with the sound of Rogers's voice, drawing the attention of both of the young men to him. He said nothing more because he was at a loss for words to comfort Mello.
The first to speak up was Mello. He shook his fist as he spoke. "I want her...fixed. I don't want her sick anymore, and for her, I'll do this shit myself. As always!" Mello barked, his voice shaking. He stopped speaking after saying and walked towards the door, the door then slammed clumsily behind him as he quickly leaves the orphanage.
With his back to the door, Near refocused on his puzzle. "Whatever makes you feel better, Mello," he uttered. 
The room is silent for a minute as Near continues to solve the puzzle. After he completes it, he calls out to the man. 
"Rogers?" he says, whirling a strand of his wintry hair while marveling at the emptiness of his colorless puzzle.
Rogers sighs from Mello's outburst. "Yes Near?" he acknowledged, restoring the misplaced items on his desk as a result of Mello.
"There won't be a donor in time, will there? Near asks, expressionless. As he disassembles the puzzle, each piece is placed in a box.
"...You already know the answer, Near," Rogers answered, sorrowfully. He sighs and closes his eyes. Rogers watched you develop into a young woman, and he finds it hard to accept that your life is being stolen. The girl he reared, the one who never frowned, was imprisoned in a room that now acted as a cell, with that notable smile, still watching over the other children who slowly grow to forget you. No remorse or pity for yourself, either, just pure acceptance. Few people who have lived longer than you feel as at ease with death and bearing of it as you have.
The boy doesn't confirm. With the puzzle box in hand, Near instead gets to his feet and silently leaves the office.
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"Iris," Near calls out to you. "Why don't you go to the hospital? You should be there rather than at the orphanage?" he asked, intently. He sat on the floor with his back against your bed, his back facing you.
Mello did not come back as you had expected. He left without saying goodbye to you. Cynically, you wonder if you'll even have time for him to visit again because you knew he'd be apologetic when he returned. When he allowed his emotions to overwhelm him, he was always ashamed.
As you answered, you fixed your gaze on his back. "I don't like hospitals. They reek of death and despair," you explained, reaching for your cup of water on your nightstand.
You set your cup back on the nightstand after drinking some water to clear your thoughts before proceeding. “I'd rather die in a place full of tenderness than a place full of cessation."
"Hm, I see," he murmurs. "And do you believe you are going to die, Iris?" He asks, impassively, twirling his wavy locks.  
You sigh as you sink even deeper into your pillow. "Near, I am at the ending stages of my conditions, and nowhere near the top of the list for a transplant. Regardless, it's going to transpire sooner or later."
He does not respond and instead stops twirling his hair. Rather then responding, he kept piling his large dice into buildings. You smile as you watch him. He does not change at all and that fact comforted you. You cast a somber glance at the ground below from remembrance.
“Near, please use my true name instead of my pseudonym from now on, all until the day I die," you requested.
Near nodded. "Okay."
The sound of his dice falling repeatedly could be heard as you two sat in complete stillness. When you're together, you may merely relax in quiet conversation. There are no necessary words to enjoy each other's calm companionship.
"Near, are you afraid of death?" you asked, staring up at the white popcorn ceiling.
"No," he answers.
The wind howled outside and pushed the curtains to flow in obscure directions in the room. It was ignored between you and Near.
"The sentiment of not knowing what will transpire when I'm not here is what I'm more fearful of," you admit. Although it was said that you were melancholy as your life came to an end, you didn't perceive it that way. You understood this to mean that while you were accepting your reality, everyone else was not. However, Near didn't make you feel absurd.
Near maintains silence while listening to you. To be honest, Near doesn't have much to say—at least not anything significant.
Raindrops flickered into the room from outside the window as they paddled onto the ground. Outside the window, you can see the kids hurrying inside as the rain started ferociously pouring onto the fields.
You sighed, "I'm worried for Mello; I don't know how he'll react after my death; he already has a lot going on with Matt, the mafia, and the Kira case." You hated to be another burden on his cluttered plate.
"He would allow his sentiments to get the better of him," Near predicted. He then set the last dice on the top before making the tower fall all over again. "It's quite effortless to predict Mello," he claimed.
You nodded. "I'm sure he will, though, what would you do after I die, Near?" you wondered out loud; not anticipating a literal response. However, to your wonder, Near answered. 
"Continue to investigate the Kira case," he said.
The Kira Phenomenal. It was covered extensively in the press, both in Asia and internationally. Kira was a difficult foe who presented more questions than possible answers. A case that could not solely be solved with just logic. The incident that killed L.
"Why are you here anyway? You should be working the case and not frittering your time here," you inform him.
Near twirled his locks. "I...think more reasonably when I'm with you, _____," he confesses before repeating the process of piling his dice. As long as the rain outside falls, the dice tower will continue to crumble. 
Hearing him call you by your true name and say something so delightful makes you beam. For him, it was uncommon, so you cherished it. 
"I'm also at peace when I'm with you, Near. So...I'm not as afraid of the aftermath of death when you're still here."
"Perhaps...you're sentimentally cynical," Near said.
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© UNDERSCAR 2023 - All rights are reserved to underscar. Do not repost, copy, change/modify, plagiarize, translate or screenshot my work: this will also include not reposting my writing on other social media platforms and writing platforms.
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b00m-b0mb · 1 month
do u have lore/a storyline in ur head for wandering karate perchance? i love them a lot :')
AHHH... Wandering Karate, my truest beloved!!!! I do!! But I am rewriting my canon :3c so this is kind of messy and due for a little bit of changing maybe?! Orz !!!!!!!!
UH.. WEOW... cringe...
The basis for a lot of this is a really old fic I wrote for myself that doesn't exist anymore waaa qwqq sorry if this doesn't make sense!
• Joe's family lives in one of the villages Ronin (Wandering Samurai) has rescued.
• Specefically I imagine the one in "Super Samurai Slice", since he leaves unnoticed.. However, Joe saw the whole thing! (Imagine this is some like, 3rd incident lol)
• I like to think Joe would attempt to jump into action and help out (foolishly brave!), but due to being a teensy bit of a clutz he ends up being carried most of the way.
• But he still helped out you know, and like, real danger! Ronin is impressed. And gave compliments where it was due
• Samurai is invited for a drink / some steak and rice. They hang out!! They just chat. I think both of them are a little lonely, and it was just easy to talk. And they did, for hours.
• Joe's inspired by Ronin's skill. Ronin thinks Joe is inspiring for jumping into the situation despite his misteps. Like the desire, but weak energy for skill (Joe, who i project chronic fatigue onto lol), in contrast to the unstopping precise performance, that could fear nothing more than a mistep.
• To me, Joe is a guy who's embarrassed a lot, but he keeps trekking! But hes also frozen still into his current situation, unable to free his wings. While Ronin has light feet when it comes to his embarrassments. And, ofc, cannot let himself stay too long, anywhere! I think due to his nature, he's lonesome and is locked into a endless cycle of self reflection/percieved redemption (over critical)
• Anyways the family comes home. And Ronin's like, ah, I shall go. (Not wanting to be a disturbance) and heads out the door.
• BUT Senior is like "Joe, I need you to pick up my epic gi from -inserts convenient far away comical temple post office-" and Joe, somehow not irritated, and now given a journey, is like 💡‼️ and chases after Ronin.
• He really wants to tag along for just a while. He helped after all! Whats some more time together..? Ronin briefly attempts to decline, before deciding the company wouldn't be a bother... letting Joe come along- call this a ROADTRIP!
• Anyway, the idea was they had two nights of travel / chitchat, with a bit of shenanigans to themselves. Learn about one another. Kind of can see a glimpse into the others perception. And like.. yah... Dudes who want to be friends so bad, everytime they talk there's a silent spark inside both of them bc they're so lonely and a!!!!
• My oc, Karate Maccie, played into my fic uhmm,,, she became the unwanted child tagalong. She's the comic relief pretty much lol!!! but she also is like really trying to set them up as friends you know? She sees these two introverts trying to make it happen. She thinks Joe could use the friend :] She's also just nosey. I know what you are (lonely.)
• More shenanigans & silly adventure for Senior's mail... In the end, Joe and Ronin would have to part ways, but, they would keep touch in letters!!!! Joe being given a post office to write to, and Ronin promising to be there in time to recieve it!
Also I think Maccie + Ronin would have a mini rivalry arc, but it's mostly one sided from Maccie's end lol, and by the end it's somewhat resolved, and Ronin actually offers to train with her or something some time! They all had fun okay! Ugh!!!
I think from there their relationship is just you know, they get each other I guess? They share their thoughts in letters, and are honest and discuss anything and yeahaha... Sometimes a letter is just. "I saw a bird :)" -drawing-, and they get it...!!! they repeatedly will express in their letters how much they truly treasure the others company. Idk man!!! Queer platon guys okay!!!!!
Ronin would definitely make time to come around and visit the village, and Joe would up and leave the house w/o anouncing for mini trips to travel and meet the wandering samurai when hes close to the area!! Skipping practice?! For the samurai he holds dear?! It's serious, you know!!!
But I think the tension takes forever to boil over into melting their boundaries with one another. These dudes need to embrace. So bad. I think. But it's so hard, when you know the lack of it can hurt???? But one day.. I will feel confident enough in both of us, to hold you...??? And know that even when we part, ill see, and hold you again? Wails???
Uhgrhrbrbmammamaaammama 👍👍👍 normal about burnt out souls that are maybe a little mentally ill <33333333 I LOVE THEM SO MUCH ugh,h,m,m,,,,,,
Also they both have a somewhat similar family life in my hcs. Dead mothers, somewhat strained relationship with father, tradition, a clash in how they want to live? Something. They can't be together, but they treasure and hold their shared time dearly, and hold their long distance relationship with nurture :) I lovegh. Them.
Also, food for thought- Bon Odori is also in the village Joe lives in. (And I hc the toss boys are kids in this village, so fourth) maybe Samurai Slice Endless (DS) is there too :] I think he'd do that anywhere needed, but I like the idea of him going from not well known anywhere aside from few legends, to becoming apart of this community because of Joe? Or something? Sobs...??? Sorry idk...
Also I imagine a mini plotline of their relationship regarding the fact Ronin doesn't have a true name + Joe's rise to doing things outside the house ??? Things.. !!!
and and UHHHGGGGGGG rhythm heaven head canon world I missed you.....
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omc-if · 4 months
Heyyyaaaaa. I really enjoyed your demo. The story intrigues me alot.
There are a few typos and grammatical errors that need to be polished up but you stated that yourself so i won't harp on that at all.
There were 3 choices that wouldn't work. Incase you weren't aware.
1. Was the very sarcastic reply to Klaus when he remarks on MCs speech.
2. When you ask oliver if he's okay or want to take him to the infirmary i think. One of those.
3. Choosing to follow the shadowy figure at the festival.
Those all didnt show any variables and had errors. But i still enjoyed the story.
I have a few questions, tho don't know if I'm stupid for it. Please bare with me 🤣🫣
1. But who exactly are we marrying? Or is it just any one of the ROs?
2. Is it one you choose at the festival?... bt i doubt that because not everyone is present there...
Or is it a specific heir?
3. And if it is the crown prince, how does that affect us if our MC is male, seeing as they can only be romanced by a female MC.
4. Also how does being the same sex as any of the ROs actually affect us? Is same sex marriage a thing in the world building or are we gonna be forced to marry someone else as a cover up?
5. Can you romance any of the ROs even if they aren't our fiance?? Or do we lock a specific RO in the beginning as a route?
Sorry if it's too much. I just have a lot of questions after reading the demo because i want to know exactly how the routes will work. If some of the questions are spoilery, please leave em out. I'd understand, but I'd like to at least be able to know how exactly the Romance option is gonna play out in the game, seeing as it's such a big part of it. 😇
The explanation on this one is going to be long, bear with me 🤣 and yes I plan to rewrite the demo a whole lot. I'll fix the bugs ASAP when I get home from work.
2. Would it be alright if you send a picture of where you get the bug from Oscar's scene? That'll be helpful, sorry for the inconvenience!
3. As for the shadowy figure in the festival. It is selective on your choices. So yes you'll only see 3/4 choices in the festival.
Also thank you for trying out the demo! I'm glad you somehow liked it, there's no such thing as stupid questions!
1. You can marry any of the ROs
2. Yes it is the one who you will choose at the festival, they're all present! But only Clemence didn't have a POV, the choice for her to be your fiancée is still there though.
3. Régis cannot be entirely romanced by M!MC nor pick in terms of route, but you can have a situationship with him, it does not count as romance though.
4. Same sex marriage is frowned upon, that will be further discussed as I go down the world building but yeah, it will be covered up just not in a 'marry someone else' stand point.
5. Yes you are locking in RO route early game 🙇 and yes you can romance any RO, but the end game will always be the route that you are locked into.
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catt-nuevenor · 11 months
First I would like to say that you’re an amazing writer, your dissertation-esque research you’ve put into this project is unmatched, and you’ve been exceptionally kind and gracious in regards to accepting feedback. Second- I personally don’t mind the ROs having lives outside of the MC and their own relationships(I can see people are already getting touchy about it), but adding a number of ‘side characters’ does make it feel a little convoluted, and too much happening in the background that may detract from the story. Of course I can’t say for certain, as the story perhaps seems to be changing as well? It feels to me like instead of a rewrite, an almost- new story completely. If that’s what you intended and we’re unhappy with the past setup of the story, I understand. I wouldn’t want a creator to continue working on something they no longer felt passionate about and I don’t think people have the right to demand you make something you have no desire to continue or bend to their every whim. It just feels a bit jarring, I suppose. Especially with the silence and then all these changes coming at once.Definitely will take some time getting used to and I hope to get over the feeling and return to enjoying your work because like I’ve said, I really have enjoyed it immensely in the past and the detail you put into your research is unmatched. Also gotta respect what a bold move it all is! ❤️
Thank you for your praise and your appreciation of my nerdy research. Not sure whether to be proud or worried you compare it to dissertation research. I suppose if I make a challenge for myself on world building, I commit to it?
Anyway, though you don't bring this up directly in your ask, I think it's best to address the old story vs new story fears that seem to be emerging. Regardless of the changes I am making to the story, the old version's demo with which you are all familiar is staying up and accessible and will not be taken down unless it is no longer possible to do so, be that for hosting reasons or legal complication down the line should I be able to get the fixed narrative story published.
The new version will be a separate demo.
Onto a few of the points you do bring up in your ask...
Cast size was already pretty big in the first place, considering I had well over 100 townsfolk knocking about. That said, yes, making sure our new folks are balanced in their influence on the story and 'page time' will be a challenge, but one I hope to rise to. The aim would be to avoid them feeling convoluted or detracting from the plot. I do plan to use these new folks to enhance the story and flow.
The changes will be big, no question, a lot of this is down to me refining the world building behind the scenes. I'm dragging Myrk Mire out of the patchy world building this whole project began with and into the newer, firmer setting, because I want it to have a place there, to be consumed alongside the fixed narrative pieces without readers having to hold two different but similar fantasy universes in their heads at the same time.
I should have been updating the blog more regularly than I have, just to keep you all in step with the development of things. I'm really bad at juggling tasks, and the last year's been devoted to the fixed narrative story and background world building, not things easily shared while avoiding spoilers. I'd like to say I'm going to keep on top of it in the future, but I'm reluctant to make such sweeping promises. Besides, I want this blog to remain devoted to writing, not my wandering rambles for the sake of putting a post up every day.
There will be time to get used to things, all of this moves very slowly, there are only so many hours in the day for me to type in. But, when things are ready for public consumption, I hope you'll let me know what you think, and if I've managed to keep the spirit of the original story in the new iteration.
So readers coming along later to this discussion know what we're all talking about, here are links to the posts that started it all off:
Changes to the Main Character - Myrk Mire
Location Change
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How different would the story be if Cheers to the Elites wasn't a text-based interactive fiction but a text-based kinetic novel with Emery as the MC?
I mean, Cheers to The Elites was originally supposed to be a novel before I picked up Twine. And if you don't know what a kinetic novel is, it's basically an unbranching story that's put into a visual novel format. So a book with pictures you can click, has sfx and pretty visuals of the characters. The Higurashi series is a great example of one, and I guess NEKOPARA - Cat Boy Paradise to a degree?
To start of, I guess MC's family won't exist anymore? That's one change, besides added visuals, music, and sfx.
Emery (I'm assuming you mean OG Emery in all his glory and just aged up to be a teen) as an MC will be a bit of a problem. Since the IF circles around mysteries that are tied to the Fae, and Emery being one is just going to cause problems for me because 90% of those mysteries will be redundant. I could set up a mystery and Emery would just have to immediately know the answer to because he's a fae.
And that kinda sucks (for me, atleast)
I'll essentially have to rewrite the whole story, and in the process butcher the intended mysteries of it. The darker themes I have intended to be executed in a certain way will also kind of be redundant because I had a human MC in mind, and while Emery can also do what's intended and be empathizing, I rather have an MC that can relate to the struggles the RO's are going through with academics, mental health problems, amongst other things in store.
Because, in my opinion, it just makes the angst scenes I have in mind a bit more angstier and a bit more impactful.
And besides those things, I would have to rewrite the whole story to accommodate Emery as an MC, fix up the formatting and pacing to be viable for a kinetic novel format, and might end up with a new story than what Cheers originally is.
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imgoingtocrash · 10 months
Hi there, it's your Secret Santa :) Hope you had a wonderful week! Two questions for today: 1) When reading a longer story, do you have a preferred chapter length? 2) What did you think of Andor (the TV show)? What was your favourite story arc?
Hello again!
1. Not particularly? I trust the author to know what’s up lol. Most often I find I like a 20k words with ~5 chapters sort of mid-length oneshot sort of thing. Like it has spaced out beats so that I can take a break between chapters if needed, but overall it’s a singular story, if that makes sense. But I’ve also read 20+ chapter fics that update with 2-5k words every week or so. The fic always dictates that kind of thing for me lol.
2. My feelings toward Andor are…complicated. Which I think is a familiar sentiment in the fandom.
Like, I wanted more Cassian Andor, and I got it, and there are some really great pieces of story and writing in there. The score is absolutely incredible. I hope it makes it into at least a couple of Emmy categories.
(Particularly I watched Luther: The Fallen Sun right around when No Way Out aired, and Andy Serkis has some damn RANGE this year and he deserves some supporting credit for sure for that or Andor.)
The cinematography, direction, and set design is INCREDIBLY unique for modern Star Wars. The choice of not using The Wall and doing as much practical set construction as possible SHOWS. It has an intimacy I think the new movies strayed away from, and it benefits what Andor as a show is trying to do. Not to mention that the RO/Rebelcaptain fandom has feasted on scraps for like 5 years and we actually got a lot to play with from the show. (When/If Cassian says Jyn’s name in s2 I will need to be hospitalized ❤️)
But. The Kenari/Kassa thing. The Maarva and Clem “adoption” situation. Some lack of decent reputation. It’s not really my place to elaborate on some of it as a white person, but I’m keeping up with those conversations in the fandom and I find myself agreeing with a lot of them.
Have I proposed AU ideas about Maarva meeting a RO!Lives team with Cassian? Sure. Do I think the way people are writing Cassian’s POV on the canon is really interesting? So far, hell yeah.
As usual, I’m willing to deal with the sandbox I’ve been given and play around in it, but I do think there’s room for improvement, and I’m an OG Rebelcaptain fan, so I’m always down for anyone that chooses to ignore the rewriting of Cassian’s Festian history. I’ll pretend the show doesn’t exist any day of the week and ride whatever vibes the author is putting down.
But as for favorite story arc, I did really enjoy the prison arc (and the kick in the ass of Cassian building the thing that kills him, because we love an awful full circle moment.)
Also, the beginnings of Rebellion Intelligence! I think Mon gets a bad rap sometimes when it’s like…she and Bail literally clawed this whole thing out of nothing. The Padme BFFs Club had a bunch of credits and a hope and eventually saved the galaxy by being true to what they always believed was right. They rule imo.
Also, my favorite scene is the end where Cassian is like “kill me or recruit me bitch” kebdnsn his eyes are so SAD and WET that’s my poor little meow meow spy 🥹
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masonscig · 1 year
I'm really looking forward to the rewrite! I can't wait to see what you come up with! . I did enjoy some of the Romances, specially F's and I also really enjoyed M's best friend route. However, maybe it's just me but I did have some issues with A's route. I felt that a lot of the things that A did in this book kind of contradicted the misbeliefs that were established not only in this book but also in previous books. I wish that the author had taken a bit more time to have A and the detective connect a bit more on an emotional level, specially since A is demi-sexual, it would have been nice to see them slowly getting to know more and more about each other throughout the story. I felt that the plot kind of took a lot of the space that could have been used to flesh out A and the detective's relationship because there was literally only two scenes where I felt they actually bonded on an emotional level. Don't get me wrong Im an angst girlie myself but as someone who's acespec myself i wish that it would have perhaps been explored more and that we got to see more of A being comfortable and slowly getting their walls down around the detective rather than only angst and slowly learning to allow themselves to love again and that its ok to feel what they feel. The whole plot also felt all over the place, I do appreciate the fact that the author tried out and experimented with a bigger narrative scope and darker themes. However, I feel that Wayhaven works best when it has self-contained plots like in book 1 and book 2 rather than a big narrative scope imo. I felt that it hindered some of the characterisation that some of the ROs could have had. Again I appreciate the fact that the author tried her best to challenge herself with so many variables. However, some of the choices felt a bit repetitive. I did also wish that we could have chosen to remain a detective or at the very least do some actual detective stuff. The Trappers also felt very one dimensional for me, personally I found Murphy and Book 2s Malaused (idk of that's how u spell it) way more interesting. I was also hoping for the whole Sin, an babylonian deity being trapped and treated almost as if they were enslaved plot point to be maybe changed at least slightly. Maybe it's just a me thing but I really didn't like that plot point, it felt unnecessary personally. Sorry for the long ramble lol. Gl on the doc, I'm sure it's going to be amazing!
ahh thank you for saying you're excited for the rewrite! <333 i'm so genuinely excited over it that it's lifted my spirits a lot – i have four pages of bullet points as of right now so whew. lots of changes
i haven't done the a route, so im nodding along like a friend you're venting to over coffee rn, but i'll open up the replies/my inbox to anyone else who feels the same! i'd love to hear more about it as someone who's never done a full a du mortain route LMAO <3
but YES, i agree – hindered characterization, repetitive choices, one dimensional trappers, and the becoming an agent aspect YES! i think maybe with the trappers at least, they're pawns, so i guess? they'll be fleshed out as an organization later? but yeah, anytime they show up it's like oh! so some guys with weapons that may or may not take ub down. got it
the repetitive choices were honestly killing me, because that's a huge reason it took me literally all day to read one route – i was stuck at each choice, because truthfully, a lot of things that i made sofía say were just... not her. this book particularly has so much less variance in dialogue options – it's usually "smile, frown, smirk, chuckle, nod/be silent". just feels sloppy in my opinion :( i definitely wouldn't want her to bend over backwards trying to add 15 variants to every choice, just like. maybe not start with the action! maybe work in some blended stat boosters to add some depth (not that there isn't any, there could just be more)! i appreciate her hard work, genuinely i do, but some of the options definitely got old very quickly :/
and yes oh my god sin could've been an incredible "antagonist" – using that word lightly – because there's such an interesting moral dilemma there that just fell flat in the end :/ i blame the overloaded plot
never apologize !! i love reading your thoughts !! <3
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tarn-ati0n · 2 years
Alright I bite, what is that to the moon/sigcorp stuff that suddenly popped up on your blog?
!Warning! By asking this question you have activated a category 9 ADHD fixation rant! Are you willing to proceed?
Tldr; To the moon is an absolutely fantastic story driven game and must be played/experienced by everyone.
The Sigmund-Corp series Is a small Indie-game franchise that follows the paths of Dr. Eva Rosalene and Dr. Neil Watts, whose job it is to fulfill dying patients their last wish.
To the moon was the first game in the series, and also the first game that was released by the independent studio Freebird Games.
The game was created, programmed, written, designed e.t.c. via RPG-Maker by Kan Gao. It was released on the first of November 2011, and got later on released again for steam in 2012.
Like I already said, these games are about two doctors who work for the so called Sigmund-Corporation, a corporation that allows dying people one last wish.
What is so special about their line of work is how they fulfill these wishes.
The doctors of Sigmund Corp enter the memories of their patients to literally rewrite them.
So, let’s say you lived your live, we’re overall kinda happy with it, but deeply regret things like never admitting to someone that you love them or had to see a friend die without saying goodbye. Then these doctors will rewrite your memory so that of course, nothing changed in the real world, but in your mind your wish was granted.
Of course rewriting memories doesn’t come without cost. By changing an aspect of your life there will always be consequences for it, which is why this method of fulfilling dreams has caused to protests in front of the Sigmund corp.
Because let’s say that both you and your best friend have grown old together. You knew each other since forever and grew very close. No they are sadly about to die, but not without sending a wish to the Sigmund corp first. You may not even know what they wished for, because unless they told you about it it is kept secret. But you know that there are currently complete strangers walking around and changing their memories. What if one of the changes they make has the consequence that you two never met? Sure, that wouldn’t change anything here, but remember, these are the memories that they die with.
After that depressing little trip, let me explain how these memories changes work.
The first thing the doctors do whenever they enter a mind is jumping to the nearest accessible point in their memory. Normally this is right after or before their visit to the Sigmund corp.
In that part they can talk to a copy of their clients consciousness, where they get to know more about their wish.
In the first game, to the moon, their clients wish is, surprise surprise, to go to the moon.
From that point on they have to backwards through the clients memory, to implant that wish into the child version of their client. Once that is done, the system will make it so that their life is the one that will get their wish fulfilled.
I’m absolutely not going in on the plot more than that, I can’t say enough how great it is to experience to the moon and the rest of the series for the first time. Seriously, take my word on that, it is absolutely worth your time.
Warning you now though, it WILL leave you a sobbing mess once you’re done with it. I also can’t stress that part enough. Whatever you do, DONT play every game one after another, your mental state will never forgive you if you do (<- speaking from experience, I was a fool)
So instead of talking about what happens, I’ll talk about the games itself and why it’s great.
-The Story
The whole concept of going through and changing peoples memory already had me from the start, and then they topped it off with such beautiful story’s that make me cry every time I play them. It’s unbelievable how good these stories are
-The Characters
The two main Characters are incredible likable, with Dr. Watts being the comic relief character and always having the best comedic moments, and Dr. Ros Alene being so fed up with his bullshit every time he does something stupid. Their Dynamic is everything to me your honor
The other Characters are amazing and fleshed out as well. Of course the character you always get to know best is the client in each game, since the game revolves around their lives
-The Music
Each piece in the ost is either a soft piano or a somber music box. And it’s… so good, like so great, I mean absolutely incredible, I’m talking “if I hear this piece I just feel like crying all over again”, I-
It’s good, just take my word of it.
-Autism representation
This game has by far the best representation for Autism I have seen, PERIOD. It openly talks about how it sucks to constantly be cast out, to act “normal”, to bury your personality just so others would be at least decent towards you. And all that in 2011. But probably my favorite thing about it is, autism is never the butt of jokes. Yes, actually good jokes with autistic characters. I didn’t believe it was possible either.
Still not convinced? I know I hype this series to the moon (heh) but it’s completely justified in my eyes. If you’re considering playing it (do it) but don’t want to immediately buy the game and first see if it would be something you enjoy (fair), I recommend this video:
It’s a one and a half Hour long best of from a stream, but I think that it’s still a great way to experience the game.
But I’m still of the opinion that playing it yourself is the best way to get into it.
Thank you for coming to my Ted talk.
PS: I couldn’t bother to check this thing for any typing errors. If you see one, sorry.
0 notes
Aziraphale sighed as he continued to rummage through the many piles of books scattered around his library. Aziraphale had recently started a new book and somehow lost it in the span of a few minutes. Aziraphale's main dilemma was not only that he lost it, but also that Crowley was waiting on him in the other room.
Aziraphale had gotten used to Crowley's impatient whining. He was even relieved when it stopped. After almost fifteen minutes of complete silence, Aziraphale found himself worried for his usually energetic boyfriend.
"Crowley?" Aziraphale called from the main room.
After no response, Aziraphale gave up on the book and started to walk back towards the room Crowley had decided to camp out in.
As Aziraphale walked into the room, he immediately took notice to Crowley's slumped position on one of the many chairs. Crowley's legs were hanging over the arms of the chair in a relaxed position. As he got closer, he could see Crowley's eyes closed behind his glasses.
"Aww." Aziraphale said softly as he made his way to the couch to grab the softest blanket he owned. Aziraphale cringed as he quickly realized how creaky the floorboards were. A small miracle later and the floors were silent.
Aziraphale picked up the blanket and quickly made his way back over to his sleeping significant other. Gently, Aziraphale draped the blanket over Crowley trying his best to not wake the slumbering man. Aziraphale's eyes focused on the glasses resting on Crowley's face. Slowly, Aziraphale reached his hands towards the glasses and gently lifted them off Crowley's face. He placed them on the table closest to the coffee table.
Smiling in content, Aziraphale walked to the couch nearest to him. Something caught his attention out of the corner of his eye. Turning his head Aziraphale chuckled softly as he noticed the book he was looking for on the coffee table. Aziraphale picked it up and turned to the page he had last stopped at, his full intention to read until his boyfriend woke up.
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bloodlineoffical · 2 years
Hello all!! It’s been a while, and my lovely editor and I have an announcement to make:
But not only that, no! After looking into the story and it’s plans, we have decided to not only return Blood/line-
But we’re also rewriting the story!!
The whole thing. We’re rewriting it.
I have decided that the plans and original layout of Blood/line in short, sucked. The base of the story was based on an idea I had when I was younger and made it grow from there. But the story itself I began to have no fun with, and I see the critics of people saying the plot and way it’s written feels faulty and unfair - And I agree!! 
So my editor and I had been reworking the whole story into something more fun, something more enjoyable. The rewrite has a shift in its plot, its story, and theme. But do not worry! The spine of the story is still there, with the MC having horns and a monstrous society being involved (and your loving father Phil is still there). 
I have grown as a writer, and I am excited to show everyone such growth.
Onto some questions and answers:
When will the new rewrite be out?
I am not so sure, but it may be a while. While I am a writer, I’m also an artist, and I have a lot of my focus on my artwork. The editor, Racooby, also has their own life and work. We both do not have as much free time as we did when Blood/line first began. Updates to the story itself may take more than 2 months, so we’d appreciate some help on keeping the topic alive.
BUT… You can still view previews of Blood/line.
What do you mean by that?
I am planning on putting some snippets of Blood/line in my Patreon for $1 a month. For my $1 tier I have weekly wips, and am considering putting some WIPS of Blood/line chapters in that tier.
If possible, I can even have people gain early access to the prologue when I finish writing it. Blood/line of course still will be free to view, just some wips and possible early access (still thinking about it).
You said the theme changed, what’s changed?
Blood/line is now a sci-fi/supernatural story!! 
Instead of being set in our modern days, it will be set a bit in the future. There will be some high-tech, a different way of life, and a change in atmosphere.
What else can we know about the rewrite?
We will only share a bit, but:
The MC is disabled, and you get to choose how so (It deals with the five senses)
The ROs are still the same, but have been tweaked. We are going to redraw the ROs when we get the chance.
You don’t go to college in Moonspot
There’s a different sense of urgency in the plotline
We’re gonna add in more horror. My lovely editor Racooby is going to help me with that.
What about the old story? What will happen?
The original Blood/line is now no longer available.
I know some do enjoy the story, but I myself just don’t like it. I’d rather not have it up anymore.
Is there any way we can support you and the editor?
We both have our own socials you can follow!
(Mine, Editor Racooby)
The Blood/line Tumblr is currently being reworked! 
You can always drop a donation at my Kofi, or commission me some art! I’m a freelance artist who is always open for some commissions. My mentioned Patreon will be linked both in the forum and here once I have officially posted a wip in there (which may be this coming Monday).
We thank you for your support, and we continue wishing you all a supernatural day.
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anxiousstark · 4 years
S3 18 | The Insatiable Divine Move
Stiles Stilinski x Reader! Half-sibling!Mccall
Word count: 6908
Warnings: Mentions of  injuries, blood, stabs, drugs, death, sex, handjobs, dirty talk, clothing humping, swearing (always), etc.
A/N: Hello there. I’m back. Thank you so much for understanding that I couldn’t upload these last two weeks. But here I am. Two chapters in one and a little surprise at the end. Stiles and Y/N are starting to explore their relationship in other aspects. Enjoy <3.
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Scott helped Stiles walk back to the living room as Noshiko stood there. "Do you recognize me, hmm?"
Stiles nodded his head as Kira appeared, begging her mother to stop. "It's okay." He stepped closer to the woman. "I'm the one who asked her to come."
"You're the one who's going to get stabbed with swords." She glanced at her mother. "Mom, don't do this to him."
"It's already done." Her eyes were focused on Stiles. I was confused by what was going on, until two shadows appeared, grabbing Stiles's from the back of his ear. I quickly tried to step forward, but Melissa and Scott kept me in place, even if I begged them to let me go. I needed to help him. I needed to save him. "Look behind his ear."
I didn't hesitate to fall onto my knees, my hands rubbing Stiles's back while the others looked behind his ear. "It worked." My brother sighed.
"So, I'm actually me?" His body shook while he glanced at Kira's mother.
"More you than the Nogitsune."
"Can The Oni find him?"
"Tomorrow night. It's too close to dawn now."
"Can they kill him?"
"It depends on how strong he is."
"What about Lydia? Why would he take her?" I intervened in the conversation.
Noshiko glanced at me. "He would only take her for an advantage."
"You mean her power?" It was my brother's turn to ask.
"The power of a Banshee."
Stiles's body continued shaking. "I will bring something warm." Getting up from the ground, I walked near-by Noshiko, her hand clenching my arm. I furrowed my eyebrows while meeting her gaze.
"You were stronger and more determined than me." She made a gesture to Stiles, letting me know that she was talking about how she couldn't save Rhys. But was Stiles safe? "However, onis are powerful, and something will end up happening."
"Then, I will try my best," I whispered. "But no one is touching Stiles anymore." I flashed my eyes. "They will have to get over my dead body." She smirked, nodding her head.
"Hey," I swirled around. "Hide those ice blue for me." I laughed, and maybe I looked crazy at that moment as tears fell down my cheek at the same time. But that was the first thing I've heard coming from the real Stiles in a long time.
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Scott opened the door of Noah's office, waiting for him to turn around and see the person he was so desperate to find. "If I could just find my keys." I had a little smile on my face as Mr Stilinski muttered those words to himself.
"In your coffee cup." Noah quickly swirled around as the unmistakable voice of his son resonated through the room. "You always drop them in your empty cup."
Noah blinked a couple of times as he tried to guess if the young boy standing in front of him was his son. The real one, not the one possessed y an old spirit fed by vengeance and chaos.
My brother and I nodded our heads, letting him know that it was him. The older Stilisnki didn't hesitate to drop his coat to the floor, almost tripping with his chair as he ran to his son. They both engulfed each other, breezing in. They swayed from side to side, clutching each other.
"Hey dad," Stiles's voice was deeper from all the crazy things that have been going on. But we could discern the happiness he felt to be back.
When they both parted, Noah glanced at my brother once again. "Is it over?"
I sighed. "Not yet."
We explained what had happened during the last hours. Especially, highlighting the fact that Lydia was missing. She was probably taken by Void. Mr Stilinski had informed us that they had an APB out on Lydia's car. Every unit on the road was looking for her. However, there was nothing more we could do. Void had taken Lydia for a reason. "Okay. What would a Nogitsune need with a Banshee?"
"I don't know," Stiles shook his head as he rested his butt on his father¡s desk. "Lydia's pretty good at finding dead bodies. Maybe he needs to find a body?"
"Scott," Noah glanced at my brother once again. "You know more about this than all of us." I gripped Scott's hand, knowing he felt pressured by all the things we were going through. "You said you got the whole story from Noshiko?"
"I was there too," I added, nodding my head. "But that happened during World War II. Like 70 years ago."
"Wait. What did you say?" Stiles asked while his gaze was lost.
"Noshiko told us about the internment camp..." My brother answered.
"No, before that." His eyes squinted as he looked at his father. "You said, the whole story." Scott and I nodded our head as he seemed to recall something. "There's a girl at Eichen House. Her name's Meredith. I think she might be able to help."
Sheriff had informed Parrish to call Eichen House. As soon as he did, Parrish entered Noah's office where we were waiting. "Sheriff, Meredith Walker."
"She's still there?"
"Yeah, but they moved her to the Closed Unit."
"Why?" The hazel-eyed boy asked.
"They said behavioural issues."
"What issues?"
"She wouldn't stop screaming." Both boys glanced at me as I bit my lower lip.
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I hummed to myself as I sat on a chair. My phone rested on top of the table as I scrolled down through pictures, trying to distract myself. However, Stiles who had been sleeping got up from the couch as if he couldn't breathe.
I ran to him, grabbing his arms to steady him. "You okay?" I heard my brother asking what happened, but I ignored him as I was focused on Stiles.
"What happened? How long was I out?" His breathing was laboured.
"Just a couple of hours." My brother replied. "You should sit down."
He shook his head. "Where's my Dad?" He started blinking faster.
"He's at Eichen House, questioning everyone. Looking for Meredith." I replied, caressing my thumb on the palm of his hand. I glanced back at my brother. "We promised him we wouldn't let you out of our sight."
"Okay," He started playing with my fingers. "What about the others?"
"Allison, Isaac, the Twins, they're all looking for Lydia."
"It's starting to feel like we're waiting for a ransom call."
"We'll find her." Stiles let my hands go as he scratched his arms, grabbing his jacket that had been resting on the couch. "You all right?"
"Yeah. I don't know why, I just can't seem to get warm." His lower lip trembled as his skin became paler.
"Maybe you should sit down. Take it easy." Scott's hand touched Stiles's one, his veins becoming black. "You're in pain." I furrowed my eyebrows.
"It's not that bad. Just more like a dull ache.
"Sort of everywhere."
"Stiles, you're freezing," I added, worried as my hands grazed his skin while he sat on the couch.
My brother sighed, sitting down next to him. "Tell me the truth. How much does it really hurt?" He was interrupted as his phone vibrated inside one of the pockets of his jeans. "It's Kira."
And Kira had news for us, not really sure if they were good or bad. But Meredith was in class. However, when we arrived at school, the people from the asylum had been called and they tried to get Meredith. Surprisingly enough, Coach helped us. Therefore, Meredith was in Stiles's jeep with us now.
"Okay, where is Lydia?"
"Who's Lydia?" We sighed, frustrated. Then, she glanced at me. "Woah," There was a big smile on her face as she tried to get a closer look at mine. "You are a siren."
"H-How do you-."
"My aunt was a siren." She smiled. "I thought you guys were extinct." She seemed to giggle for a couple of seconds as she glanced at Stiles. "Is she the girl you are in love with? Y/N?" I shyly looked at the boy sitting next to me. "He would talk about you in his sleep sometimes."
"We didn't share a ro-."
"I have good hearing."
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As soon as Scott opened the door to our house we were met with Rafe McCall. "What are you doing here?" My brother asked as our sperm-donor was standing in front of Isaac.
"I could ask you the same thing."
"Free period. We're doing group study." Stiles intervened.
Rafe's eyes rested on the girl. "Who's she?"  
"She's my girlfriend." Stiles's blabbed as he placed his arm on her shoulders. My eyes widened as I glanced at him.
"You're not my type." I chuckled as she tried to get away from the hazel-eyed boy who I was going to kill for making such a stupid excuse.
"Well, obviously we have a lot to talk about." He looked at me as I crossed my arms and smirked. You are dead, Stiles. "We should maybe take this upstairs."
"Well, for what I know, you are dating Y/N." He crossed his arms too, which made me uncross mine as I could see similarities between us.
"He was just joking," I added, pinching my boyfriend's arm. "Nice excuse," I whispered to him.
"I've missed you and I can't think properly, that's why it was a bad one." He smiled back.
"You are not getting away from this one." I shook my head with a sheepishly smile on my face.
"He's my type." I snapped my head towards Isaac, who was laughing due to my banter with my boyfriend.
"Okay," I smirked. "Isaac, you can come too." I giggled as the curly-haired boy got up from the chair. "He is single, between." Isaac punched my arm playfully.
"Isaac and Stiles can go," Rafe spoke. "But I want Scott and Y/N here for a couple of minutes." I sighed.
"Hey, Dad, I'll explain all of this later," Scott begged as I stayed silent.
"I don't care that you're not in school. I know your grades are fine." He nodded his head. "Same goes for you, Y/N. All I want to do is talk."
"Now's really not a good time." I snapped.
Scott's voice was softer. "Dad, can't we do this tomorrow?
"That's actually something I've been saying for a long time. Come here." We followed him, standing in front of the stairs. However, he kneeled down. "You see this? This indent in the floor... that was from your head." I leant closer to my brother, not liking where this story seemed to go. "The night before I moved out your mother and I were fighting." Scott kneeled too. "You came out of your room. I grabbed you by the wrist. You pulled back." Rafe's eyes were teary. "And you fell." I gasped. This was what Stiles knew, right? "We watched you tumble down those stairs. You were out for probably 20 seconds. When you came to, you didn't remember a thing. Your mom told me to be out by the morning. That was the last time I ever had a drink." I felt like I shouldn't be listening to that conversation. "And that's why I left."
"I'm going to-." Before I could leave them alone, Rafe gently clutched my wrist.
"It was wrong, what I did with you was wrong on so many levels and I don't have any excuse." He sighed. "I truly am sorry even though I know that it's not enough for you, and will never be." His voice trembled. "I couldn't be with your mother anymore. She was crazy and she wasn't scared to throw a bottle at me every time she had one of her mood changes. And I know that it's more of a reason for you to think I am an asshole because-."
"Because even though you knew she was crazy, you left me there."
"Yeah," He nodded his head. "But I didn't know you were mine." I furrowed my eyebrows. "She was sleeping with multiple men, which I got to know after knowing she was pregnant. She said she believed you were another man's child." He sighed. "I know I did the same to Melissa," He glanced at Scott for a couple of seconds. "She said the other men were just some kind of revenge because I had another family and that it didn't matter to her. She was convinced we could start a family and that we could pretend you were my child."
"When she went to jail...Well, before she did. She contacted me." His eyes were even wetter than before. "The judge was searching for your father to give him your custody in case he was in a better condition than your mother. She told him that I was the father, and I didn't want her to look like a liar. And I felt bad because I left you there with your mother, even if you weren't my child. So I said that I was your father and with my job, they didn't take the investigation further."
"So you aren't my-."
"I'm not sure if I'm honest." My eyes got teary. They got teary because I had gotten so attached to Scott that there wasn't a reality in my mind where he wasn't my big brother, even if it was just for a couple of months. "I always sent money. That's why your mom's friend could take care of you with the job she had." True, she was just a cashier that didn't get paid much. I never thought about all the things she bought and how we could afford them.
"So maybe," I tried to take a deep breath as I glanced at my brother. "So maybe Scott isn't my brother?" Rafe seemed surprised by my question, nodding his head. "Can we...Can we get one of those tests done? I want to know." He nodded his head.
It still wasn't an excuse. He was the one who decided to say he was my father. Even if he wasn't, he took that responsibility, and he should have acted like one.
I felt my brother's hand squeezing mine. "Okay, dad. Let me show you something." He moved to another part of the room, pulling me along while Rafe followed us. "See the edge of this window sill. When I got my first skateboard I slid right into it. Broke my collarbone." He wandered to another place, pointing at the object. "This used to be glass. Until I fell on top of it trying to catch a lacrosse ball from Stiles. I got three stitches on my cheek." He let my hand go to point at the place where he got the stitches. "This house is full of accidents." He shook his head. "The stairs? Maybe it was an accident. Maybe it was worse. But I healed. I don't need your apology. So... See you at graduation. Or whenever you decide to show up again."
"Sco-." Before I could pronounce his name, he pulled me once again with him. We left Rafe McCall standing in the living room with a lost look on his face.
Isaac and Stiles were able to guess where Lydia was after talking to Meredith. Scott had phoned Allison, wanting her to meet us. Therefore, the four of us were now driving towards the place, hoping to meet the Argent girl there.
"All right, I'll say it." I glanced to my side as Issac coughed. "You look like you're dying. You're pale, thin and you look like you're getting worse. And we're all sitting here thinking it." He was right. I couldn't help but glance at the boy driving. He looked sick. He looked like he was dying. "When we find the other you, is he gonna look like he's getting better?
"What happens if he gets hurt?" My brother asked while glancing at his best friend.
"You mean if he dies, do I die?" He sighed, staring at the rearview mirror to look at me for a couple of seconds. "I don't care." My heart dropped. "Just so long as no else dies because of me." Before I could interrupt, he continued. "I remember everything I did, Scott. I remember pushing that sword into you. I remember twisting it." He shook his head. "I remember hitting your sister in the head and making her bleed because she was trying to help you. I remember both of your blood staining my hands."
"It wasn't you."
"Yeah, but I remember it." His voice cracked. "You guys gotta promise me. You can't let anyone else get hurt because of me."
"We can't promise that," I whispered. "We all know that being involved in all of this means that something could go wrong. But I'm not letting you get hurt neither, Stiles." Our eyes met again, and I discerned his quick blinking to hide the tears that invaded his eyes.
As soon as we arrived, Allison and Kira were already waiting there. We glanced at each other, noticing that we were scared. We never knew how a situation like this could end. "We've done this before, guys. A couple of weeks ago we were standing around just like this and we saved Malia, remember?" My brother tried to comfort us, even though he was terrified too. "That was a total stranger. This is Lydia."
"I'm here to save my best friend." Allison hurriedly added.
"I came to save mine." My brother glanced at the sick-looking boy whose hand was clutching mine.
"I'm here for both," I emphasized the last word, trying to hint that I would do whatever I could to bring Stiles back with me. An alive and free Stiles.
"I just didn't feel like doing any homework." I couldn't help but chuckle as Isaac answered.
Then, we entered the place, just to find Kira's mom standing there with a couple of those shadows or demons standing behind her. "Kira, turn around and go home. Take your friends with you."
I nodded at my brother and my boyfriend, giving them the signal to go find Lydia while we stayed where we had to.
"I can't." We walked closer to her mother, Allison preparing her arrows. "When I looked at the game I realized who I was actually playing. You."  
The Argent girl raised her bow. "Call them off."
"You think you could take him alive?" Her gaze went to me. "You think you can save him?"
"What if we can?" I asked, stepping a little closer.
"I tried something like it 70 years ago. Your friend is gone."
"I told you before, ma'am." I gritted my teeth. "I'm not you and Stiles isn't Rhys. We might be able to save him." I chuckled. "Why are you so opposed to the idea of us trying to save him? Is it jealousy? Or rage because you couldn't save Rhys?"
"He is going, dear."
"Are you sure?" Kira stepped closer to me and her mother. "Or if Stiles doesn't have to die. Maybe Rhys didn't have to die either?"
Noshiko chuckled as the demons behind her prepared their swords. "I see I'm no longer the Fox now, Kira. You are. But the Nogitsune is still my demon to bury." Then, the figures behind her vanished and Kira's mom gasped, worrying us due to the fear, decorating her expression.
"What does that mean?" Isaac dared to speak up as we breathed heavily.
"It means there's been a change in ownership." We turned around as we heard another voice. One we knew too well. A couple of meters away, Void was standing with his hands joined together in front of him. The shadows behind his figure. "Now they belong to me."
That's when we saw ourselves in danger. The shadows ran to us with their swords prepared. Kira was using the katana to protect herself as grunts fell from her mouth. One against two.
Isaac was able to pull one of the shadows to the ground, flashing his eyes and teeth. His werewolf form was taking the lead, trying to scare off the adumbrations. However, he quickly got up from the one he had pushed to the ground as another one ran to him. Isaac used his nails to scratch his middle part, throwing him against a wall.
However, that one seemed not to be affected as he quickly raised his sword. Thankfully, Allison had shot one of her arrows, disarming the monster.
I gritted my teeth as tried to be as closer as possible to Isaac, defending each other's back and taking into account my lack of knowledge related to my supernatural abilities. However, I was glad after receiving some basic defence movements from Kira as I gripped one of the demons' sword tightly between my hands.
I panted as I hit one of those things with the sword, trying to push him as far away from me and Isaac as possible. "How do we stop them?" The curly-haired's voice resonated through the darkness as he glanced at Noshiko.
"You can't!"
He had been distracted, and even though his back was protected by me, his chest wasn't. One of them slashed his stomach and I saw the blood spurting everywhere.
"Isaac!" I gasped. However, when I tried to defend him from the shadow who had gashed his stomach, I received the same outcome as it slashed my knee. Nevertheless, I continued trying to protect Isaac and myself. But we still received some cuts. Especially the boy who was now kneeling on the floor.
I was kicked on the chest by one of the others, falling on my butt and wheezing as the air seemed to escape my lungs. Then, an arrow pierced the chest of that demon, saving Isaac from the last blow. The blow that could have killed him.
A light came out of his chest from where he had been hit by Allison, and then, he vanished into thin air.
I breathed calmly this time, turning around to glance at the Argent girl. I offered her a little smile as she was chuckling, relieved because she had saved Isaac and because the monster had vanished.
However, time seemed to slow down. It looked like a slow-motion that you could not stop. I screamed, I screamed her name trying to warn her because I wasn't strong enough to get up from the floor. I tried, I tried getting up while droplets of tears fell down my cheeks.
My knee begged me to lay back on the floor, but I couldn't. I couldn't lay down on the floor. And I couldn't save Allison as she was stabbed by another shadow. Right in the middle of her stomach.  Her mouth was wide open. I heard a scream, Lydia. She knew what had happened.
I ran to her as she fell into my arms, glancing at me. "A-Allison," My eyes were teary as my trembling hands moved the locks of air out of her face. "Allison, w-we need to stop the blood." I started taking my jacket off, pressing it against her stomach. I glanced around as Void had disappeared and the shadows vanished. "We need to do something. CALL AN AMBULANCE!" I screamed out when I saw the others just looking at me. Accepting the Argent girl's fate.
"Well," She chuckled. "N-now you can't have my head on your w-wall." I chuckled as I continued crying. That's what I've told her. The flashback invaded my mind.
I nodded my head. “I’m going to slowly try and forgive you and your family for everything you’ve done to my brother and the people I love.” I swallowed. “But I swear to god, I will not hesitate to-.”
“To have my head on your wall.” She finished for me. I smirked, getting up, going back to my seat next to Stiles. “I’m sorry for the arrow.”
“Well, you know. Every time I look at it I will remember the badass bitch you can be.” I offered her a laugh, which she appreciated.
"B-but you have a reminder of m-me." No, I didn't want a reminder. I wanted her with us. I wanted Allison alive with us.
Before I could say anything, I heard someone falling on their knees next to me and Allison was taken from my arms. Now she was in the arms where she used to belong. Kira ran to her mother as Isaac was badly hurt, mouth wide open as he glanced at the girl he had fallen in love with.
I stayed there, next to them as my brother placed his hand on top of Allison's hand. "I-I can't take your pain." I gulped as I touched his elbow. He glanced at me to later glance at Allison after I made a gesture.
Allison Argent's eyes were wide open as she glanced at the sky, and her chest wasn't raising up and down anymore. "It's because it doesn't hurt." Her voice cracked.
She nodded her head. "It's okay." She cried. "It's okay." My brother's face was the perfect expression of pain. A pain that couldn't be described. "It's perfect. I'm in the arms of my first love. The first person I ever loved. The person I'll always love." My brother held her closer as he sobbed. "I love you. Scott. Scott McCall."
"Don't, please, don't. Allison don't, please."
"You have to tell my dad. And you have to tell my dad. Tell him." She begged as her mouth filled with her own blood. Her last puffs of air left her body as she slowly closed her eyes. As we mourned the death of a friend, a sister and a first love.
I sobbed, placing my hand on my mouth to not make any noise. My head rested on my brother's shoulder, trying to give him as much comfort as I could, which wasn't much because...
Allison Argent was dead.
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But of course, our pain didn't end there. We had to testify about Allison's death, which seemed impossible as we didn't know what to say without looking crazy.
Stiles was still looking as pale as ever. Dark circles under his eyes as if he was dying. Stiles was dying and I couldn't help but have negative thinking. I couldn't lose him. And even worse, Void was there. Void was somewhere. Perhaps hurting someone or feeding himself with chaos and agony.
Now, we were standing in front of the BHHS building. Kira and Scott were ready to open the doors when Stiles stopped them. "Scott, hold on." Lydia and I were helping him stand up. "I know what you're all thinking. If this works, it might kill me, too. But even if it does, you have to go through with it. Stick with the plan, okay?"
"The plan is to save you," I added, glancing up at him.
"That's the plan I'm going with." My brother replied.
Opening the doors, we were met with a white place filled with snow. It looked like some type of garden with Japanese decorations and it was decorated with a blanket of snow. The doors closed behind us and I shuffled closer to Stiles as I shivered.
We turned around again as we heard footsteps. Rhys. The Nogitsune was standing there. But as quickly as he could, he got closer to us, ignoring Kira who prepared her sword.
"Like I promised, Stiles." His voice started to sound like a broken recording. "We're going to kill all of them. One by one." Onis appeared, surrounding us.
"What the hell is this? Where are we?" Scott asked as I glanced around.
"Between life and death," Nogitsune answered.
"But there are no peaceful deities here, Lydia." He mocked us. "You're dying, Stiles. And now everyone you care about is dying, too." He started circling us.
"What?" The boy next to me gulped. "What do you mean?"
"I've captured almost all of the territories on the board, Stiles. The hospital. The sheriff's station." I rested my hand on top of Stiles's shoulder as his body shuffled closer to me unconsciously. "And now the animal clinic." He chuckled. "Do you know the ritual of seppuku, Stiles?"
"No, and I don't want to." As Nogitsune got closer to us, Stiles's body moved in front of me.
"When a samurai disembowels himself with his own sword to maintain his honour, but that's not the cut that kills him. The killing stroke is made by his kaishakunin, who beheads the samurai with his own katana." The snow fell on top of our heads as Stiles brought me even closer to his body. His right hand resting on my waist. "Scott...Scott is your kaishakunin. I'm going to make your best friend kill you, Stiles. And you're going to let him. Because just like you, they're all going to die. Everyone touched by an Oni's blade. Unless Scott kills you first." All of us had teary eyes, but not as much as Stiles.
"Why? Why are you doing this?" I clutched Stiles closer to me as I didn't want him to get closer to the monster standing in front of us.
"To win the game."
Stiles grabbed Lydia and me, getting us in a safe place while Scott and Kira fought the Onis. However, one of the Onis disarmed Kira. And I was shocked when Stiles grabbed the sword, pointing it at himself. Ready to die for our safety.
"Stiles," I whispered.
"What if it saves you? What if it saves all of you?" I saw the point of the blade against his clothed stomach, shock filling my body.
"What if it's just another trick?" Lydia asked. She was scared. We all were.
"No more tricks, Lydia. End it, Scott. Let your friend fall on his own sword. Do for him what he cannot do for himself. Do it, Scott." My body shook but also the body of Stiles. "Be his kaishakunin. Give up the game. You have no moves left."
Stiles seemed to realize something as he stopped pointing the sword to himself. "I do." He passed the object to Kira. "A divine move." His arms brought me closer to his body once again. "Stop fighting them." His voice was loud. "It's an illusion. You have to stop fighting them. It looks real and it feels real, but Scott, you gotta trust me, it's an illusion."
We started walking towards Nogitsune and the Onis. One of them raised his sword, cutting my brother's chest, but we continued walking, ignoring the damage done. My brother and Kira received the most pain as Stiles kept me and Lydia closer to his body, trying to avoid any pain towards us. Then, my brother pushed Nogitsune against the doors we had entered from before. The next thing we knew, we were back at school.
There was no blood, no pain. "We're okay. We're..." Before my brother could finish his sentence, he was pushed against the lockers by Void. Kira was brutally hit as she fell unconscious to the floor. "This was my game." His voice was raspy. "You think you can beat me at my game?" His gaze was mostly directed to Stiles.
"Divine move." I placed Lydia behind me as Stiles put me behind him. "Divine move." Void rapidly got closer to us as we stepped back as quickly. "You think you have any moves at all? You can kill the Oni. But me? Me? I'm A THOUSAND YEARS OLD. YOU CAN'T KILL ME!"
"But we can change you," I replied as he stopped his movements, glancing at me.
"You forgot about the scroll," Stiles added as his body shuffled next to mine.
"The Shugendo scroll."
"Change the host." Void whispered.
"You can't be a fox and a wolf." Stiles lightly smirked as my brother appeared from behind, biting his forearm as Void screamed out of rage and agony. Then, Kira pierced his chest from behind with the sword.
Void fell to the ground, his mouth opened as a fly left from deep inside his body. Then, Isaac appeared, catching the fly, avoiding the insect to go inside someone else. Void continued convulsing, and then he just dissolved.
Stiles's body got far from mine and as I glanced to my side I saw that he had passed out. Nevertheless, when he finally opened his eyes we couldn't help but sigh in relief.
"Oh, God, I fainted, didn't I?" We all chuckled. Stiles Stilinski was back. "We're alive. We all alive?"
My brother answered even though I knew he wanted to say that not all. "Yeah. We're okay."
"I-Is it over?" I was scared of asking such a question. But I needed to hear an answer. I needed to be sure that I could close my eyes without expecting blood covering my hands as soon as I would have opened them.
They all glanced at each other, nodding.
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"Here you go." Mr Stilinski placed some blankets on top of Stiles's bed. "It's going to be a cold night so I will leave some blankets here in case you both get cold at night." He walked closer to his son, giving him a small hug. "Good night." Then, he stepped closer to me, kissing my forehead.
"Thank you for letting me stay here tonight." I shyly whispered as he embraced me.
"Ugh, stop thanking me. You are part of this family. Whatever you need, just tell us." He closed Stiles's bedroom door behind himself when he left.
"Let's get into bed," Stiles whispered as he let me get in the bed first, knowing that I preferred sleeping to the closest place to the wall, feeling protected by the wall and his body. "Want to watch a film?" We both were sitting on his bed together. I nodded my head. "Oh, there's a Robin Hood film..." He trailed off as he glanced at my face. "Yeah, maybe not now." He changed the channel again. "Oh, The Mummy." He shook his head. "We better turn this off." I chuckled, nodding my head.
I sighed, deciding to lay on my left side and examining his face. He laid in the same position as our legs slowly intertwined under the blankets. My hand slowly trailed up, resting on his cheek. "I was so scared of losing you." I chuckled, shaking my head. "And I'm sure you were in a worse position than me. Are you okay?" My thumb rubbing the bone of his cheek.
He offered me a tiny smile. "I will be. And I feel better now that I'm here with you." His voice came out in a whisper. "Did he...Void, you know?"
"No," I continued rubbing his cheek. "He didn't touch me at all."
He sighed in relief. "He was infatuated by you." He bit his lower lip. "Like I had no control over my body but I could see and hear as if I was in control. But he was the one controlling my own body. Whenever you were there he would say something...about you."
"It's okay." I tried to calm him down. "I'm here, Stiles. And most importantly, you are here too." I moved closer to his body as he did the same. "Stiles," My voice shook as our lips grazed each other. "I want you."
His eyes widened. "I've never-."
"I know," I nodded feeling flustered. "Me neither. And I'm scared to do it so soon but I want to get closer." I closed my eyes, feeling even more embarrassed than before. "I'm sorry, forget what I said. I just-."
"You want to build it up? Like, go slowly until we, Uhm, yeah?" I nodded my head, glad he understood but flustered for having such an idea in my head. "So hypothetically talking what would you want to do?" His hips swayed closer to mine, making me gulp.
"M-Maybe touch, uhm." I giggled due to the embarrassment I was feeling. "Touch each other?" I whispered, unsure of how he would feel about my idea.
I heard him gulping as he quickly nodded his head. I sighed in relief. "Yeah, yeah, okay, now?" I shrugged my head, nodding. "How do we...do it?"
I gathered a little courage as the hand that was resting on his cheek trailed down. My fingers grazed his covered chest until they stopped right at the start of his pyjama pants. I glanced at him, asking for permission as he nodded his head. My fingers slowly slipped inside his pants and boxers. My body shook in anticipation as I continued going lower. He was trimmed, I could feel it.
He wasn't hard yet. But as soon as my fingers freed him from his boxers, he got hard on my hand. "Shit, your hands are freezing." He pulled his pants and boxers a little further so it wouldn't bother us.
"I'm so sorry." Before I could take my hand away from his member, he wrapped his hand around mine.
"It does feel good." I gulped, nodding my head. His gaze was fixed on me as I started moving my hand up and down at a slow pace. "Use your thumb for the tip, press on it." I did as he instructed, examining how his face transformed into an open-mouth expression of pleasure. "Y-yeah, just like that."
My hand decided to go faster, gripping his shaft tightly as my thumb didn't forget to press against his tip. Stiles closed his eyes, placing his left arm on top of his face as he tried to drown his moans. His hips seemed to lose control as they moved against my hand, trying to go quicker.
"Stiles," My other hand decided to grab his testicles, massaging them. He finally moaned aloud, taking his arm off his face to glance at me. His cheeks were red and his forehead was covered by sweat. "I want to see your face and hear you." My shy voice didn't correlate with my actions.
"Agh, I'm so embarrassed." His hips stopped moving and his hand grabbed my wrist to stop my actions.
"I-It's the first time someone touches me like that." He blushed. "I normally do this one my own, you know. Because I am a young boy who is horny constan-."
"Stiles." I laughed.
"I've never been touched by another person like this and I have really strong feelings for you and I've been imagining this for a long time and-." I sent him a confused look. "If you continue I'm going to cum already."
"It's okay," I whispered, freeing my hand from his grasp. My hand started moving up and down again as my other hand played with his sack. "Cum, Stiles." My lips grazed his, kissing him deeply. His left hand gripped my side, clutching it strongly as his hips moved faster, fucking himself on my hand. "Let it go, Stiles. Don't be scared to explode. Do it." He groaned against my lips. I glanced down at his hips bucked against my hand until my hand got wet as a trail of cum fell down my hand.
He moaned, which made my pulse go lower than the place where it should be. He rode his high as cum continued dripping down his tip to my hand. "I-I forgot." He gasped. "I cum a lot." I nodded, surprised. "Now you." He took his pants off, cleaning using to clean my hand. Then, he placed his boxers back on.
"It's okay, Stiles."
He furrowed his eyebrows. "I want you to get a release too." He coughed. "And I want to t-touch you." He gulped as his fingers didn't waste time, lowering my pants down and playing with the hem of my panties.
"Ugh," I grumbled, covering my face. "I'm so embarrassed." I was sure I looked as flustered as I felt.
"It's alright. If you want me to do it-." I nodded my head, signalling that I wanted it even though I was all flushed. "Alright." His fingers lowered down. The tips of his finger were a little cold, but the contrast against my hot core was amazing. His other hand lowered my panties as the hand touching my clit, started circling it, slowly. "C-Can you guide me?"
"Just play with it, add pressure sometimes." I sighed as two of his fingers circled it slowly, applying pressure on it sometimes. I gasped when his two fingers started going down, recollecting some of the juices between my lips as he trailed up to add pressure all over again.
"Want it faster?" He whispered as we had totally forgotten his dad was at home. I ground myself against his hand as he cupped my heat, letting me grind on him. "Does it feel good?" He glanced at my hand, which was clutching his arm as I shuffled closer to him so I could rub myself against his hand.
"Wait," I gasped. I forced him to lay down on his back as I sat on top of him.
"W-What are you-." He moaned as I rubbed my core against his clothed dick. "O-okay, that feels, uhh." His hands gripped my waist as he helped me grind against his. My pace quickly fastened with the help of his hands guiding me. "I'm going to, again."
I nodded my head, going faster and trying to contain my moans as low as possible. "Me too." My hands were pressed against his chest as I rode to both of our highs, our faces getting closer, moaning in each other's mouths.
TAGLIST: @og-baby-ob14 - @savemypostcards - @cas-loves-pizza - @used-avocado - @mvrylee - @bilesxbilinskixlahey - @honeydoll-stark - @arieltheworldisamess - @softpeteparker - @kit-kat-katie99 - @thatsuperherosidekick - @bexbetterxthanxwords - @big-galaxy-chaos - @littlemiss-forgotten - @enchantedcruelsummer - @coldfreakeggsexpert - @merla123 - @sammypotato67 - @weirdowithnobeardo - @maggiesblogsblog - @itskindyl - @bobo-bush - @moongoddesskiana - @multifandxm353 - @irwxnhugsx - @xoprincessmel - @iclosetgeek - @andreagf956 - @niawoods - @anerroroccurrrrred - @perrytheplatypus11 - @trustfundparker - @nmriia - @steve-harringtonnn - @trustfundparker - @brithedemonspawn - @weirdowithnobeardo - @my-soul-is-the-moon - @azayamari - @poguestyle17 - @bibliophilewednesday - @10minutesofscreentime - @momentitodebruh - @drikawinchester - @perrytheplatypus11 - @my-soul-is-the-moon - @linkpk88 - @royalreadery - @sweetest-serpent01 - @teenwaywardasgardian - @sadcupofcoffee - @maliyamay - @seninjakitey - @tairisceana - @thegirlwhoimagined - @mackingjj  - @daphnen21 - @malfoystilinskii05 - @caitsymichelle13​ -
People in bold means it doesn’t let me tag them.
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Hey guys so this is a bit of random post but I feel like I’ve been a little more absent than usual so just wanted to give a teeny tiny quick update on things before heading out for bonfire night 🔥✨
Under the cut to save y’all that don’t care and I hope everyone has an enjoyable Friday ❤ ❤ ❤
Ok so! I’ve written and started the whole process of creating the side blog for my celebrity project to really play with the coding (wanna give a shout out to my girl @kalorphic for reading through it for me - you’re a star and I’m very very grateful ❤) and I will be sharing it at some point if any of y’all are still willing to humour me on that one lol (this weekend I’m planning on starting the in-depth character creation process I want in-game so if anyone would be willing to help/give feedback on that I would appreciate it HUGELY)
I’ve set up daily word count goals for the fourth (yes fucking fourth lol) rewrite of the demo, but the reworking I’ve done this time I’m actually really excited about (I actually had to delete a whole paragraph of me rambling right here about it all lol) so while it IS another set back it feels like a positive set back rather than a *I’m doing this wrong* kinda set back, which makes a nice change lol. 
It’s Toni’s birthday on the 11th and while I’m still not 100% on what exactly I could do for it that y’all would enjoy, I do have a Toni drabble planned, as well as a couple of RO aesthetic/quote type posts for them planned, (I’ll also be resharing that fanart of them cos holy shit have you seen it??? I’m so in love lol)
It’s also my birthday this month! So I’m going to be working a little more than usual to save up some extra money because it falls on a Friday this year and I’m planning on having *a night* cos I feel like we all deserve good birthday celebrations after the last couple of years lol.
I think that’s about it? So... yeah!  ❤
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dgcatanisiri · 3 years
Fuck it, I’m gonna say it.
Finn deserved to be the central character of the sequels, not Rey. And no, them as co-leads doesn’t work because fandom is a racist dumpster fire who would have taken the opportunity to build her up as the star anyway - which we can see, because FINN was the central figure to The Force Awakens. He moved the plot along, if you take Finn away from that movie, the whole damn thing needs rewriting, while Rey is more there to facilitate and move his story along. But TLJ and RoS end up shoving him to the side, even with RoS TRYING to bring up his importance by even alluding to the idea of Finn’s Force sensitivity - something that TLJ wants to toss aside entirely.
And it would have been a whole HELL of a lot more meaningful for the trilogy to have Kylo trying to make a big deal out of a rivalry with Rey, trying to make her the only one he’d allow to defeat him, only to have Finn shut him up and kick his ass in their final fight, the one that doesn’t presently exist.
We deserved Finn’s story. Rey’s story, though? Hers is one that the Star Wars universe has done a million times. Hell, it’s Luke’s story, just swapping out a male character for a female character. Like, sure, “the Force is female” might make for a great slogan, but Rey is still a prop for the sake of fucking Kylo’s development all the same, because she can’t get to do a damn thing for herself that doesn’t involve him. It’s not a very empowering feminist tale, that her growth and development depends on this man, who she also sets out to “fix,” for no good reason and actually plenty of good reason that she should NOT try to fix him.
(And don’t start me a-fucking-gain on the fact that Finn got dropped from leading man to disposable C-plot in the name of promoting the fucking neo-natsee who chose fascism in his place...)
Finn’s story was the one that needed to be told. Rey’s... wasn’t. Hers is tried and true within the Star Wars universe. And honestly? If the Sequel Trilogy hadn’t had her? I genuinely think that it would have been an improvement, because then it would have HAD to keep the focus on Finn.
Rey’s just a very flat character who is pulled along by whatever the plot needs her to do and be in the story being told (by VERY different storytellers, no less), which just doesn’t actually let her actualize into a full character - hell, by the end, it’s the character who SHOULD be the bad guy who gets to fulfill the role of hero.
Finn is the REAL counterpoint to everything that Kylo Ren is - Finn is a rank and file stormtrooper to Kylo’s top level enforcer. Finn was taken by the First Order as a child and made to be one of them, Kylo chose to join them. The order to slaughter a village that Finn refuses to follow was issued by Kylo. Where Kylo shows anger, Finn shows compassion. THEY are the mirrors to one another, and THEY should have been rivals. Again, it would even ADD to Kylo as an antagonist by having him explicitly dismiss his ACTUAL rival in the name of pursuing a rival that he would rather have a connection to.
But instead, we have Rey basically take over Finn’s arc as the movies go on, making her into the central figure, the counterpart to Kylo, when she NEVER NEEDED TO BE. In fact, the Rey from TFA? She had every reason to think that Kylo was dead after their fight on Starkiller, a fight that she certainly was ready to kill him during. And yet, so much of her character in the next two movies centers on the idea that she is going to either be a better student and Jedi than Kylo or even that she can redeem him. Because... fuck if I know.
This should have been Finn’s story. And it is racism that decided that there should be this other character who exists and takes over his arc, leaving him as a character with nothing.
* = Note that I am not slamming any actor in this, just the executive decisions made that pushed Finn into the background when he was even sold to John Boyega as the Luke Skywalker figure of this trilogy.
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Truth and Awakenings Ch. 9
Summary: A Jemily rewrite of certain scenes in 14x15 and the first few episodes of season 15, with a few additional scenes :)
Chapter summary: JJ and Emily go on a last-minute planned, late night date.
Read on AO3
It was a late Saturday night, but Tara, JJ, Luke, and Penelope had finished the case early with one of Penelope’s workshop attendees as the target victim of their prime suspect. Emily had a headache from dealing with her ex-neighbor, who thought there was something more to the FBI than they led on. On the ride to the hospital to meet Kristy and Matt there, she had complained to JJ about the awful Saturday she had and begged that their date would save the day. The blonde only gave her a sympathetic smile as a response.
Right now, JJ and Emily had just exited the hospital after congratulating Matt and Kristy for the birth of their fifth child.
“Do you really think they’ll stop at five?” Emily asked, walking in the parking lot and feeling JJ lace her fingers with hers.
JJ shrugged. “Who knows? They are an attractive couple.”
Emily raised an eyebrow at her. “And what does that make us? I mean, I don’t think I have the ability to make you pregnant.”
JJ snorted at the joke. “Well, I wasn’t planning on having more kids after my boys, at least, not giving birth any time soon.”
“Would you have considered it, though? Having more kids, I mean,” Emily asked quietly and seriously.
“If it was with you, I would. Now,” she brought Emily’s hand up to her lips. “I believe I owe you a date. A proper one, this time.”
Emily beamed lovingly at her, blushing at the gesture. “Yes. Where are we going?”
“Can’t tell you.”
“JJ!” Emily whined. “I told you, no surprises. Come on, please.”
JJ kissed her cheek. “It’ll be worth it, I promise.”
“Don’t I get to change first?” Emily frowned down at her outfit. She was wearing a black work dress underneath a blue/grey jacket and black heels.
JJ followed her eyes and smiled. “It’s better if you stay the way you are.”
JJ had planned a last minute small intimate picnic for Emily and herself. She did some late-night grocery shopping and bought things needed for their date in her backyard. She opted for her backyard as the date setting since she had to cancel dinner plans at Emily’s favorite Italian restaurant.
She was a little sad that a busy day at work made her put her plans for a whole day spent with Emily on hold. While working beside Tara on the case, JJ told her she and Emily were supposed to have their date today, but was instead stuck with a Twitch streamer who had quite the sex life. JJ was disgusted by the evidence they had of it, that she kept counting the minutes until she saw her girlfriend’s beautiful face again, to erase the horrors she faced today.
“So…” JJ started, holding a bottle of wine in her hand. “Since we had a case today, I had to cancel the reservation, but I did manage to get us sandwiches, a few snacks, and wine for us. And Will still has the boys, so we are finally alone.”
“Finally,” Emily exhaled in relief, sitting on the blanket they set down on the grass. “No interruptions.” She gently pulled JJ by the wrist and onto her lap, surprising the blonde. JJ wrapped her arms around Emily’s neck with a smile and kissed her, while holding the wine bottle in her hands.
Emily’s lips moved to her neck, and JJ lightly pushed her away, scooting beside her. “Come on. Let’s eat,” JJ said, taking the contents out of the picnic basket. She took out two deli sandwiches, a small container of veggies, some crackers and a cheese platter.
“Wow,” Emily chuckled and looked at the food in front of her. “You really went all out.”
JJ just shrugged and opened the wine bottle with a corkscrew, pouring the wine inside two glasses. Handing one to Emily, they both raised their glasses with a clink before taking a sip of their beverages.
JJ looked up at Emily from her glass, swallowing before she spoke up. "Emily, listen. I'm sorry this didn't go as planned…"
Emily shook her head. "Don't worry." She took JJ's hand in hers and smiled. "I really like this."
"But, well- it's because I thought you wanted-" JJ frowned, feeling disappointed in herself. She really wanted to impress Emily. Even after knowing each other for such a long time, JJ was still nervous about how she would please the woman.
Emily lightly laughed. "JJ, relax. Stop putting yourself down. It's nice to go outside of luxury every now and then. You know my whole life isn't always like that, right?"
JJ shook her head. "No, of course not. I'm really sorry. It's just-" she sighed and looked away from Emily. "I'm really nervous about this, Emily. Not about our relationship! I mean, planning this. Our first date. I just wanted this to be special, you know? I'm sorry, you know what? I'm probably messing this up…" she rambled.
"Hey. No, you're not, JJ," Emily reassured. "I'm used to a lot of my dates taking me to some extravagant, five-star restaurant, and I felt like I was back at my mother's galas all over again. They were nice- well, some of them, but I think I need a break from all that. So, a late-night picnic’s a nice change of pace.”
JJ started to smile, feeling a little relieved. “So, what do you want to start off first?”
“Sandwiches,” Emily pointed with a finger. “I’m starving.” JJ picked up the sandwiches and handed one to her. Unwrapping it and taking a satisfying bite, Emily closed her eyes and moaned. “God, I needed this. Thank you.”
“Yeah, well, it was this or microwaving dino nuggets and calling it dinner.” JJ took another sip of her wine after her sentence.
Emily dramatically gasped. “You mean, you guys had dino nuggets and didn’t tell me?! JJ, I thought you loved me. Why would you keep such a secret from me?” She pouted at her girlfriend.
JJ tilted her head back with a laugh. “You should remind me the next time you come over to spend time with me and the boys,” she winked at her, earning a smile from Emily.
They fell to a silence with only their quiet munching of their food. It wasn’t as awkward as they both had expected, especially since they both knew each other for such a long time and were already so close. It was comfortable with a few stolen glances at each other and small talk in between bites. Not much has changed, but they were ok with it.
“Wait. I almost forgot something,” JJ said, checking inside the basket with a frown before finally finding the item she was looking for. "Ah, here we go!"
Emily gasped as she saw the small square red box with a little white ribbon tied to it. "Is that-"
"Yep." JJ said with a smile, opening the box, revealing it to be pieces of chocolate inside.
"You really do love me." Emily sighed happily, eyes twinkling with adoration. She reached a hand out to grab a piece, but was met with a head shake from her girlfriend. Emily frowned at her. "What was that?"
JJ smirked, grabbing one in between her thumb and index finger. "Open."
Emily nearly blushed at the command and slowly dropped her mouth open. JJ fed her the piece and closed her mouth with her fingers. She softly kissed her cheek and Emily started chewing, blushing even harder.
JJ stared at her with a loving smile and tucked some hair behind Emily’s ear. “You’re so cute.” She loved seeing the effect she had on the older woman at this very moment. Her cheeks were still tinted pink and she had a mix of surprise and confusion in her eyes.
Emily swallowed down the sweet treat and smiled back. “I’m surprised you didn’t bring a pack of cheetos tonight. I would’ve returned the favor.”
JJ shrugged. “I decided to retire it for the night.”
“Really? I thought you could never live without them,” Emily teased.
“Well, I don’t think it would be fair to have two of my loves on this date,” JJ joked before staring up at the night sky. The stars were scattered around, and the moon was full and shining in the corner of JJ’s eye. She smiled, “Emily, you remember Roslyn, right?”
“Yeah, why?” Emily grabbed another piece of chocolate and tilted her head up to see what her girlfriend was looking at.
“We used to go outside at night whenever one of us was dealing with something,” she started explaining, turning her attention back to Emily. “My parents argued a lot before she died, so Ros and I would take a breather and look at the sky. We’d talk our problems out and just admire the world around us. You know, get lost in it. Escape from reality. We both made a promise that if we were ever apart, we'd go outside when the moon was full, look up into the sky, and we’d be looking at the same thing. And we’d never be apart.”
“Wow,” Emily breathed out, looking up again. “I never knew that.”
JJ nodded and stared straight ahead. “Yeah,” she sighed. “I still do it to this day. Like after we got back from East Allegheny.” She bit her lip and shook her head with an almost bitter smile, feeling tears well up in her eyes. “I looked up at the sky and said, ‘Hey, Ros. We caught Mr. Howard. That sick son of a bitch.’” With a small sniffle, JJ looked up again. “I really miss her.”
Emily had her attention on the other woman and nodded in sympathy. “You must have,” she smiled softly. “She meant a lot to you, huh?”
Sniffling again, JJ answered quietly. “Yeah.” After a few more seconds had gone by, she shook her head and wiped her tears away with a small puff of breath. “Anyways, uh… sorry about all that. I didn’t mean to get so emotional on our first date.” JJ nervously wiped her hands on her jeans.
“No. I get it.” Emily said and placed a hand on her arm, squeezing it. JJ scooted closer to her and rested her head against her shoulder. The older woman instinctively put an arm around JJ and held her close.
They took this moment to enjoy the silence and warmth of each other’s presence. JJ loved how easy it seemed between the two of them, after thinking about how she was going to mess this up with Emily. Emily smiled to herself and kissed blonde hair. She was so grateful to have JJ with her, right next to her. It felt like a dream come true and she didn’t want it to end.
“So, how about you?” JJ asked, turning her head slightly to look at Emily.
“When you were younger?”
Emily snorted and shook her head. “Yeah, I don’t think you’d want to know.”
“Come on,” JJ playfully poked her side with a smile. “Because I don’t believe you were ever a bad influence. You’re too good for that, Emily,” she said sincerely. She remembered Emily saying once that her friends’ parents thought she was a bad person because of the things she had done when she was younger, and she refused to believe that is true.
Emily shook her head and waved a hand, looking down at her lap. “You’re just saying that.”
“No, I’m not. Emily, look at me,” JJ softly said and the other woman obeyed. “I know there’s more to you than you lead on. I want to know the real you. You don’t have to lay everything down on the table right now, but I’m curious to learn about you.”
The grey-haired woman reluctantly nodded after sipping her wine and nervously setting it down on the picnic blanket. JJ looked at her with soft and attentive eyes, patiently waiting for her to speak.
“I didn’t pay people to do my homework for me when I was younger,” she began. “Never bullied anyone for it either. It was bad enough that my mom and I pretended she wasn’t ‘helping’ me with my tuition, so I did all my assignments, spent most of my time in libraries, took a lot of notes, even asked for extra credit.”
“Did you ever take a break in between them?”
She shrugged. “Sometimes. But we were always on the move, so it was hard for me to really settle down and make any friends. In fact, the only true friend I had growing up was Matthew,” Emily smiled sadly. “I really miss him.”
JJ nodded in understanding and gently took Emily’s hand in hers to squeeze it. She knew what that feeling was like herself.
Emily shook her head to distract herself. “I’m sorry. Now, I’m being emotional.”
“It’s ok,” JJ assured. “We can move on, if you’d like.” She figured it was a sensitive subject for Emily, and didn’t want to push her, but she was glad that she was opening up at least.
Emily nodded with gratitude and relief. She thinks she's not entirely ready for that conversation just yet. “Ok. I’m actually really, uh, decent in math.”
An eyebrow raise came from the other woman. “Decent?”
Emily looked down with a small blush and mumbled. “I could recite the numbers of pi.”
“Oh my god. Don’t tell me I’m on another date with Spence,” she jokingly groaned and laughed.
Emily scoffed, followed by a pout. “I don’t know if I should be offended by that statement.”
“No, no,” JJ’s giggles began to subside and she faced Emily. “I love you for you.” She paused before saying with an affectionate grin, “My crazy hot nerd.”
Emily raised an eyebrow at her and scooted closer to JJ. She needed to bring her confidence back for a moment. “Can any other nerd do this?”
She softly pressed her lips against JJ’s, tracing her tongue over the blonde’s bottom lip and tilting her head. After about five more seconds, Emily felt her shiver and heard a light gasp, so she pulled away with a smirk, watching JJ blindly chase after her mouth.
“That was mean,” JJ pouted.
Emily smiled. “I love you, too. Anyways, let’s go back to you,” she held her hand and ran her thumb over her knuckles.
“What do you want to hear?”
Emily let out an exhale as she thought about what she wanted to ask her. "Have you ever done anything rebellious when you were younger? Gone behind your parents' backs?" she asked with a smirk.
JJ leaned back on her palms and sighed. "Depends on how you look at it," she answered honestly.
"What does that mean?"
"Well, I grew up in a small town, so word spreads around fast. I used to sneak out of the house. My mom barely cared enough to notice, so I did that pretty often," JJ said and her lips formed a tight line for a second. "I'd drive around, blasting Rage Against The Machine or Foo Fighters through the speakers. I don't know… just something about having a sense of freedom and the rush I get whenever I'm on the road." She chuckled before blushing, "I think I developed a bad habit of speeding over time."
Emily gave an amused chuckle. "My little rebel." She imagined a young JJ in an old, beat-up convertible with the windows down, speeding down a highway. "You listened to rock music?"
JJ nodded. "I had a collection of CDs in my car. I hid them from my mom because she thought I was listening to the devil’s music, which isn’t true. I don't think she knows I still have them.”
"I thought you were into more of the softer stuff." Emily had an amused look on her face upon learning this fact. "Seems like we both have another thing in common."
"What did you listen to?" JJ decided to turn the tables on her.
"Joan Jett, The Cure, probably Mötley Crüe,“ Emily answered with a small shrug. "It eventually calmed down sometime in college." She began to realize a small detail in her response and laughed. "Oh god, I think I just realized how old I am."
JJ laughed with her and shook her head reassuringly. "It's alright," she said and twirled a piece of Emily's grey hair in between her fingers. Leaning closer to her ear, she whispered, “I don’t know if you know this, but I have a bit of a thing for older women.”
“You do, huh?” the other woman remarked, drinking her wine. “Ok, tell me. Was it a college professor? A friend’s mom?”
Looking down, JJ shook her head and smirked. “I’m not divulging any of that information to you right now.”
Emily let out a little laugh and put her hands up in surrender. “Ok, ok. Alright. I won’t make you say, but you’re going to have to tell me eventually.”
“Moving on,” JJ exclaimed with a blush. "I told you what made me attracted to you. So, what about you?”
Emily stared into little baby blues and smiled lovingly. “Your eyes,” she said. “I could get lost in them for days. Years, even,” she softly admitted and continued staring, catching JJ’s now pink cheeks and small upward twitches at the corners of her mouth. “The way they soften when you look out for someone and how they light up when you’re happy.”
The blonde tried to form a comeback, but found herself stumbling over her words and rapidly blinking her eyes, glancing away from Emily. Emily tilted her head to the side and still smiled at the flustered woman.
She finally found the courage to speak. “Who knew Emily Prentiss was such a romantic?” she recovered with a joke.
Emily shrugged. “I try.”
JJ put her head on Emily’s shoulder and looked up at the stars again. Emily pulled away a little and shrugged off her jacket. JJ saw what she was doing and her eyes widened.
“Oh, no. Emily, you don’t have to-”
She shook her head. “I insist.” Placing the jacket over the younger woman’s shoulders, she pulled her close into her right side while leaning back on her left palm.
JJ tugged on the given clothing and let out a sigh of contentment. She chuckled, “Your romantic side is showing a lot right now, you know?”
“Hey, it’s our first date!” Emily playfully defended. “I want to make sure my girlfriend’s happy.”
JJ smiled and glanced back up. “I already am,” she whispered with almost watery eyes.
I forgot to tag lol: @jemilyisms @binariesarebullshit
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