#and grian is like the most comfort zone of comfort zones for me to draw
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makowcy · 3 months ago
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mochiwrites · 3 years ago
10, 19, 25, 27, 28 ( I’m nosey )
hi nosey, I’m mochi <3
10. Has a piece of writing ever “haunted” you? Has your own writing haunted you? What does that mean to you?
oh absolutely. if you take “haunted” with a negative connotation, then 100%. when I was younger I wrote some uhhh pretty bad stuff at the time, because I was trying to cope with something that had happened to me. other than that, I’m haunted by fics I never finished DBFHTG
19. Tell me a story about your writing journey. When did you start? Why did you start? Were there bumps along the way? Where are you now and where are you going?
this is gonna be a bit of a long one dkfkfk. I started writing when I was in third grade. I used to tear pages out of my marble covered notebooks for school and split them in half; one half for wiring, the other half for drawing. it wasn’t until I was in sixth grade (12 yrs old) that I started posting stuff online.
I used to have a hard time with writing descriptions and working around a plot line. I used to write things with absolutely zero planning and whatever I wanted to happen would happen; even if it didn’t make sense 💧. you won’t believe me but I used to write chapters that were 500 words max dkckf.
but through time and practice, I got better at writing longer chapters. I tried to push myself to 1,000 and then to 2,000. which is how I got to where I’m at now !!
I quite like where I’m at now, and I want to use my abilities to push out of my comfort zone and try new tropes, new genres. I want to keep growing at getting better at writing <3
25. What is a weird, hyper-specific detail you know about one of your characters that is completely irrelevant to the story?
I’ll do a detail from the solar eclipse au, and a detail from the crime au:
se: in high school, grian and joel dated for a bit. joel was questioning his sexuality and grian thought he was cute and joel was Confused but he knew there was some kind of attraction. he made the first move on g ;3
crime: iskall and mumbo go out for drinks together at least once a week, they try to anyways. their jobs get in the way at times and iskall does have a family to look after.
27. Who is the most stressful character you’ve ever written? Why?
if we’re talking hermitcraft, it’s absolutely grian smdkdkd I always get caught up in his characterization and try to nail his voice with his dialogue but sometimes it’s really difficult
28. Who is the most delightful character you’ve ever written? Why?
!!!!! lucy heartfilia from fairy tail, without a doubt <3 her character comes very easily to me and I absolutely love writing her. I should get back into writing fairy tail fics…
weird writer asks!
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votederpycausemufins · 4 years ago
-Smiles widely at the camera that exists somewhere- Ah Grumbot, I’m so glad I remembered to add you in here.
With the arrival of Mumbo and the bots, Grian and Tommy tried to introduce everyone to each other, but another message came in from Scar about doing paperwork with a mention that Iskall was there for the paperwork with Fundy. Immediately Mumbo flew off back towards the shopping district, Tommy barely getting the chance to cover Tubbo’s ears. Tubbee, who had also been brought down from the apiary floor, used Jrumbot as something to hide behind.
“Sorry about that. Iskall is just not the best at reading contracts and Scar likes to hide things in there for fun. If Mumbo hadn’t beat me to it, I would have gone instead since it’s quieter.”
“He forgot Tubbee doesn’t like fireworks.” Jrumbot spoke, petting the mob. 
“Exactly. Your dad can be very forgetful in the moment.”
Grumbot looked towards Tubbo and then took a few steps towards him. “You act like Tubbee. You must be President Tubbo. It is nice to meet the whole of you.”
Tubbo, who was trembling a little bit even though the sound had been muffled, looked down at Grumbot. “Wh-what do you mean?”
“I didn’t tell him that part yet.” Tommy quickly explained to his nephew.
“I see. It is something from what your admin did. In creating your ‘canon lives’ he made it so when you lost one, a part of your being would be broken off and cast somewhere else. I am not sure what happened to your other part as I do not have that information, but one did end up within this bee as it first spawned.”
Tubbo looked at the bee in Jrumbots arms and then smiled. “Perfect. Always wanted to be a bee.”
Jrumbot looked between Tubbo, Tommy, Tubbee and Grumbot. “Is Tubbee my uncle then?”
Grian picked Jrumbot up. Grumbot had gotten more of the smarts since he was built to be a computer to answer their questions. Took a little more after Mumbo that way. Jrumbot on the other hand had originally just been made to help sell stuff and was created on the younger side, so he wasn’t as smart. In fact, he was more like Grian if his affinity for shears, especially near his one dad’s mustache was anything to go by.
“Well, Tubbo is your uncle’s friend, maybe even an honorary uncle at that. And Tubbee isn’t quite the same. Besides, I don’t think Tubbee will mind if you don’t call him your uncle.”
Grumbot walked over to Philza. “You are Philza Minecraft. Former king of the Antarctic Empire and my dad’s father, making you my grandfather.” He then looked at Techno. “You are Technoblade, former prince of the Antarctic Empire and also seem to loathe all forms of government. We will not get along.”
Techno looked down at Grumbot with a neutral expression. “Smart kid.”
“Grumbot, how did you know that about your uncle?”
“The mayoral reservoirs of course. He would have been a danger to the mayoral campaign if he appeared.”
Grian stared his son down. “Are you telling me the entire time you knew about Techno.”
“Not his location, but I was aware of his character and other general knowledge.” Grian looked like he was about to blow a gasket. “Of course, you never asked, so I didn’t assume you wanted to know.”
“Grumbot, when we get home, only your brother is getting a diamond.”
Grumbot stared at his dad before saying a single word. “Fuck.”
Tommy smiled. He had taught his nephew well.
With a break in the conversation, Tubbo spoke up. “Well, I mean Philza has sort of been acting as my dad.”
That immediately grabbed Grian’s attention. “Why?”
“Well, I’m not sure exactly what happened. One moment I was in the car with my dad, next thing I know, I’m in a box on the side of the road.”
“Your dad abandoned you?”
“What? No! He would never!”
“Hey G, might be like what happened to you?” Tommy suggested. There was a pause where everything was quiet before suddenly Grian changed to have six purple eyes. “Grian! No!”
Grian closed them and crossed his arms as best as he could while still holding Jrumbot. “What’s the point of being a Watcher if I can’t actually be one.”
“You almost killed everyone a few hours ago.”
“Dad almost killed someone?” Jrumbot asked, looking worried. Grian shifted him to one arm so he could pat his son and comfort him.
“Yeah, things got crazy for a bit. That’s why we wanted you staying in the hobbit tunnels. Did you at least have fun there?”
The question cheered Jrumbot up. “Yeah! We made more tracks for jousting!” Jrumbot continued to talk about what he and Grumbot had been doing when a message came in on the comms “Dad, Daddy wants your help with Scar.”
Grian sighed. “Well, I guess now is as good a time as any to get that paperwork done. Hey Tommy, where’s your nether portal?”
Tommy led everyone down to the second floor and through a nether portal. Though Tubbo had already been there with Fundy, the rest hadn’t and were surprised by the builds that were in the nether.
“How did you do all of this?!” Wilbur asked, surprised. “We barely had stuff like this in the overworld!”
“It’s actually not that big compared to last season. We use the roof more and everyone has their own separate builds.” Grian’s family tried to resist the urge to shake him and or kill him at how normal he was making it sound. “I’ll have to show you the upside down later.”
Though it took a few small bridges here and there, it was rather quick getting them all back to the shopping district. As the portal was right under the town hall, the group was greeted by music as they came through back into the overworld.
“Is he wasting it on paperwork again?!” Grian asked incredulously to no one in particular. “This isn’t going to help us at all!”
“It actually makes sense this time as there is the potential consideration of people from here and the smp moving between each other.” Grumbot explained, making sure to glare down his anarchist uncle the entire time. “All the proper forms would need to be done to keep Hermitcraft safe from people willing to destroy it.”
“I’m going in there.” Tommy spoke up, quickly leaving the others behind. Just a moment later, he walked back out with papers in his hand. “I think these mean he doesn’t want to see us right now.”
“What exactly is going on?” Philza asked.
At the same time, Grian and Tommy gave an answer. “Superfast build mode.”
“Scar uses vex magic to help speed himself up to do lots of work in a small amount of time. Usually he uses it for building, but recently he’s also been using it for all his mayor work.”
“I… see.”
“Anyway, Grumbot, can you look at the paperwork?” Grian took the papers from Tommy’s hands and gave them to his son. The robot rapidly read through all the papers at a speed that could potentially rival Scar’s own current speed.
“It’s really bad this time. Paying him diamonds, work clauses, extreme zoning laws for temporary housing. You can only grow wheat and chorus fruit, I’m assuming that’s actually a mistake.”
Tommy smiled. “You wanna go in there and fix it.”
Even if they wouldn’t all admit it, the smp members all had a shiver go down their spines as Grumbot spoke coldly and his screen face turned red. “Very much so.” And then he walked up the stairs to the town hall.
“Is he going to kill your mayor?” Wilbur asked, but Grian shook his head.
“No, he only was that serious the first time they met after we finally built his body. It’s only ever near deaths at most. I’m actually wondering if we have more elections if everyone will let Grumbot run.”
“I certainly won’t be giving him permission.” Came Mumbo’s voice as he exited town hall with Iskall and Fundy behind him. “Artificial life or not, he is still considered a child. And Tommy has given him too many ideas. Scar might be exiled for a few days.”
Techno looked like he was about to speak, but was shushed by Philza. 
“Techno, I know you don’t seem to like the government and all, but it works here. I’ve seen hundreds of worlds, so I know how it can all fall apart, but we have literally been doing this for years with not a single problem.”
“With only one single problem.”
“Okay, I cause the problems. Mostly. But Tommy helps me with that! But we only very minorly grief and even then it’s extremely rare. And we definitely don’t steal. It’s mainly harmless pranks like chickens everywhere or hiding something in your base that makes noises and you can’t find it.”
“Or secret base bros.” Tommy added in, making Grian look a little confused.
“Yeah, though we stopped doing that ages ago.”
“Or did we?” Tommy asked, somehow looking very racoonish.
Grian looked at his brother. “Okay, concerning, but we can talk about that later.” He turned back to the rest of his family. “In the meantime, I think we should have the discussion I think we’ve all been avoiding a little. Is it just going to be visits, or are you guys actually deciding to move here?”
“What do you mean? You’re not coming with us?” Philza asked, making Grian frown.
“No, of course not. No offense to your home, but it’s a bit of a mess and I’m not sure I could live there without losing my mind. I’m sure that eventually things will calm down, but I’m sure I couldn’t even make half a hobbit hole before it got messed with in some way. Visits are of course on the table, but I’m not going to be staying.”
“But you’ll just be by yourself again.”
“Um…” Tommy started to say, drawing attention over to him. “I’m actually going to mostly stay here. I know Dream is gone and Tubbo’s in charge now, but I just don’t think I can go back there just like that.”
Tubbo hugged Tommy and then Grian pulled the two of them into a hug with his wings. When Philza tried to take a step forward, Grian glared at him. “No. You were part of the problem. You don’t really deserve this right now.”
Mumbo went over to try and comfort Grian, but just ended up making him more agitated. Iskall pulled his fellow redstoner back then tried to change the topic. “So, Fundy, you said you’re Wilbur’s kid. That makes you Grian’s nephew, doesn’t it? That means you have cousins.”
“I do?” The fox hybrid asked before he was tackled by Jrumbot.
“Hi! I’m Jrumbot! Grian and Mumbo are my dads! My brother went in there to talk to Scar, so you may have seen him.”
“Yeah! I did! Wow! This is the best day of my life! I mean, other than the whole going to war part, but everything else was great! New family, hopefully a better server, and I got to hang out with Iskall!”
“That sounds amazing! I got to meet Tubbo! He’s just as fun as Tubbee!” Jurmbot said, happy to share about his day to a new face.
“They seem to get along just fine.” Iskall chuckled. The comment seemed to help Grian relax a bit and he reluctantly released Tommy and Tubbo from his wings.
“Look dad, I’m happy I found you after all these years. But you being my dad doesn’t change the things I saw you do. You sided with people, not ideas, and because of that you would change what you stood for on a moment's notice just to side with someone you cared about. But that hurt others you cared about at the same time. I’ve been hurt enough in my life. Tommy has too. Things here are safe and stable and even then we don’t always have the best days. I don’t normally curse, but it should get the point across. I am terrified of getting close to you right now and you finding a way to fuck up out lives.”
Mumbo and Iskall shared a look. While it might not get through to the newcomers, they had known Grian long enough to know just how serious he was being. They had both seen just how bad it could get for Grian and Tommy and how helpless they felt sometimes when trying to help the brothers.
Philza was quiet for a while before giving a simple understanding nod. “Thanks dad.”
“Well Grian, I’m sure that it’s been a long day for everyone. I’m sure people are tired and hungry and there’s plenty of paperwork to do. How about once Grumbot is finished, we head over to my Hobbit hole for some food.”
Grian smiled at Mumbo. “That sounds nice. Dinner with the whole family!”
Everyone was pleasantly surprised when they saw Mumbo’s hobbit hole. It was a much more reasonable size. They hadn’t seen Mumbo’s real base quite yet though, so they assumed this was it. It was still quite large from the bumbo baggins society expansion, but that meant plenty of room for everyone to sit at for a meal. 
While there was plenty of variety, golden carrots were the most plentiful and they were gladly eaten for their high saturation. The visitors from the SMP tried not to stare as the bot children were given bowls of nether quartz and red stone to eat. It was hard to even comprehend how they were eating at all as their heads were just computer monitors yet somehow it just worked.
A cake was placed on the table as a joke for all the birthdays everyone had missed but they ended up actually singing. Following that, the dreaded paperwork began, though it was easier to handle now that everyone had a slice of the delicious treat.
While Philza, Wilbur, Techno and Fundy signed paperwork for simply visiting Hermitcraft, Tubbo signed one for visits and for residency. “Tubbo, are you planning to stay?” Tommy asked when he noticed the papers in front of his friend. 
“Well… I would like to. This place seems so nice… but with me being admin now, I need to help the smp. But maybe I can have extended stays in the future.”
Grian looked at Tubbo sympathetically. “Tubbo, you don’t have to be the admin. I’m sure you can find someone you trust enough to move the powers to if you want to stay here.”
“But you made me admin.”
“You were nearby and I knew you probably wouldn’t do anything horrible as admin, but you don’t have to keep them. You are still a kid. You don’t need to keep that responsibility if you want something else.” When Tubbo didn’t look convinced, Grian sighed. “If you want, we can make someone else admin, and if it doesn’t work, you just call me over and I’ll take them away again.”
“Grian, there’s a good chance you could kill someone doing that.”
“And I wouldn’t regret it!”
“Yes you would.”
“Okay maybe.”
Mumbo just gave a very tired sounding sigh.
As dinner was wrapping up, Grian pulled Grumbot over to a side room. “Alright, you were able to help Tommy out with Tubbo and apparently you knew more about Techno than you were going to tell me.”
“That is true.” Grumbot answered. “But you two build me the way you did.”
“I know, and I really regret it.” Grian pulled out a diamond. “Grumbot, do you know anything about Tubbo’s dad?”
Grumbot took the diamond and then processed the question. He was silent for a few long moments, making Grian start to believe that there was nothing Grumbot could find on the man. But just as he was losing hope, Grumbot spoke again.
“He’s called The Captain.”
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