#and grear is to pure for this world absolute cinnamon roll
rowwrites · 2 years
Original Content - Hibiscus and Grear
Visiting Grear is always a mixed bag, in Hibi's humble opinion, not because she doesn't like him (because she does! Who else would invite her for video games and snacks on the reg if not for him?) but because... well... he can get a bit. Wordy. About tech.
Night's been sponsoring his projects ever since Hibi introduced them - and MAN even after all these years her adoptive brother is still super awkward around him. Maybe it was the crush Grear once held? She doesn't know - and he's just nodding along as though he understands whatever.... tech talk mechanic bullshit Grear's on about.
The man in question wheels himself out from round the large thing he was working on - "A magic shield creator!" He'd chirped proudly, "It's a specialised local foci device that-" and she'd zoned out just nodding lightly whilst he chatted on. Night had been interested at least - and smiles a little,
"And that's where you two come in!"
Ah fuck, she'd zoned out for too long.
"So, once again, we are to go off into the wilds, procure your 'absolutely 100% needed' item," Night says, air quoting as he does, "and return to you for you to 'do your thing.'"
"Got it in one, boss man! After all, as my totally secret and mysterious benefactor, you'll support my dreams and inventions, right?" Grear smiles, leaning to the side with his eyes shining brightly.
"... right. Nice seeing you Matthew."
"Ugh, how many times have I got to tell you to call me Grear!? Matthew is the guy from Healing and Matty is the one from Swordsmanship. Grear! Me!" He throws his hands up, forgetting a wrench was in one hand but Hibi moves, used to this occurrence, and snatches it before it can clatter against anywhere important.
"Thanks, Gearhead." She says, passing him the wrench, "We'll be back before you know it."
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