#and getting hunted for sport by xenos
wychelm · 1 year
I think so much about when david 8 is impersonating walter and his response to what sort of world will it be is "I think if we are kind, it will be a kind world" it's so sick because he is such a misanthropic pessimistic logic bro who is revolted by walter being what humans wanted him to be (placid, subservient, saying the nice things at the right time) so beneath the act it's dripping with malice and scorn but at the same time he's such a good actor and so good at mimicry (his entire personality is based on copying human performances in film & regurgitating human art and literature like vomit then licking it back up like a dog) that the line is delivered with complete sincerity and catches me right in its snare because it's so lovely and so exactly what I (human, sentimental) would appreciate hearing in that moment when I've lost so much and have more yet to lose in a world that has just shown itself to be violent cruel and completely ambivalent towards human life. and it being delivered by the android (walter) who serves as the human-obsessed humanist fantasy robot many people love & admire (see: data star trek), in which the android in question seeks to 'become' human by expressing emotion but already is human because the way the show sets it up is tautological, reaffirming humanness to ourselves and how superior it is, which david uses against us so perfectly at every turn, makes it the perfect little 'pspspspsps you're safe little human the entire world is about you don't worry' trap. but the joke is on him too because the narrative also kind of tautologically sets him up as a de-facto member of the human race (the concepts of sociopathy and misanthropy and genocide are just as human as the concepts of kindness and empathy and love) so he's not a god nor above it all and he never will be he's just as stupid impulsive and governed by cause and effect as the rest of us
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gggoldfinch · 9 months
What *is* the predator in AVP? I know nothing
Anon I’m kissing you rn THANK YOU FOR INDULGING ME !!!!!!!! I should mention I had to consult the Xenopedia for a few minor bits of info, like exact numbers, but the rest of this is safely stored within my rancid little brain… which should speak to my level of boundless avp brainrot… (also this post is enormous sorry !!!!!)
Quick rundown of AVP itself for those uninitiated: AVP is the crossover of the Alien and Predator franchises. Although the 2004 and 2007 movies aren’t technically canon to the movie timeline, the crossover is canon to the franchises (along with the Blade Runner universe, believe it or not!) which can be seen in various books, comics, and even easter eggs in the 1981 Predator 2 movie. Basically, the Predators (yautja) hunt the Aliens (xenomorphs) for sport/ as a rite of passage to become adults.
Now onto the Predators!
“Predators” are nicknamed that by humans who encounter them, but their species is called “yautja.” They come from the planet Yautja Prime and are a highly advanced/intelligent species, arguably more so than humans. They come from tribe-like communities and value strength and resilience above all else. Their society is matriarchal, and female yautja are significantly larger/ more powerful than the males. It’s widely accepted in-fandom that yautja hunters take trophies (usually skulls) from their prey specifically to present to potential mates, to make themselves appear more desirable and worthy of attention. They’re somewhat mammalian despite their appearance, and participate in village-raising of their young (which are born live). Female yautja have yet to be seen on-screen, but they are featured in a lot of the literature as hunters.
Due to significantly longer lifespans than humans, they reach adulthood/ maturity at around 50-60 years old. Their status of responsibility/ worthiness/ adulthood is basically determined by their ability to successfully hunt and kill xenomorphs (called “kiande amedha” or “hard meat”). Killing a xeno means they are “blooded” (marked) as warriors, and are therefore worthy to hunt as an adult.
Scar (AVP) marking his bio-mask with acidic xenomorph (facehugger) blood after becoming a Blooded warrior:
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The yautja actually have a lot of physical variation which I think is really cool. Generally they’re between 7-8 ft tall (roughly 500~ lbs), and very muscular. They can have different skin patterns (i.e. green, red, blackish, etc) and freckles/mottling on their reptilian-like skin.
City Hunter (Predator 2) (left) with red patterning, and Scar (AVP) (right) with freckles!:
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There is even genetic variation seen, like with Feral (Prey) and Beserker (Predators 2010), whose facial structures looks vastly different than “regular” yautja. These guys are thought to be subspecies.
Example of Wolf (AVP2) next to Feral (Prey) from the Xenopedia. Feral lacks a substantial forehead crest, facial markings/patterning, and has substantially thinned tresses:
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Some have quills along spots where humans grow body hair (eyebrows, abdomen), and all have long fleshy tendrils (usually called tresses or dreads) that grow from the bony crests of their skull. These tresses are sensory organs and bleed when cut. It’s generally thought in-fandom that the tresses are highly sensitive and somewhat equivalent to erogenous zones/ are intended to attract mates. They can vary in length from short (usually no shorter than neck length) to very long (which is seen as more desirable… and yeah I have to agree). They are often decorated with rings and bones.
Scar (AVP) and his gorgeous long tresses:
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Additionally, Yautja Prime is a hot-climate planet, and yautja canonically don’t do well in cold weather (as seen in the AVP novel where Scar gets windburn from the Antarctic cold). Their thick hide makes them very impervious to damage, but not unkillable; they are also very hard to outsmart given their high intelligence and advanced technology. However, they seem to have somewhat impaired vision without the use of the infrared lenses of their bio-masks (as well as other light-spectrum filters), which has caused problems for hunters dealing with quick-witted humans before.
Some examples of how the yautja see: regular vision (left), thermal bio-mask vision (middle), ultraviolet bio-mask vision (right):
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Hunting & relationship with humans:
They have their own language and writing system. While they communicate predominately with clicks, roars, and growls, and don’t have any lips to really form words, they are capable of replicating human language on occasion. They also use their bio-masks to repeat and string together recorded pieces of human language. Generally, interactions with humans are violent, with humans the ones being hunted, but on occasion humans and yautja have teamed up. The only humans who have canonically been Blooded by yautja have been women, which is awesome.
Yautja have an honor code while hunting that basically goes as follows: only hunt worthy prey, and don’t break the code. There’s lots of interesting facets to the honor code, so I suggest followed that link if you’re actually interested. The yautja who break this honor code are excommunicated, labeled “Bad Blood(s)”, and hunted. It’s not necessarily canon, but they also seem to follow a sort of debt of gratitude code; if a human saves or otherwise helps a yautja, chances are they’ll return the favor of protection— or in the case of Alexa Woods, for saving Scar and killing a xeno, becoming Blooded.
While usually humans fall into the category of “worthy prey” there have been instances of yautja respecting them, and even treating them as equals.
I am incredibly invested in yautja lore and love talking about it. If you’re still curious I could continue talking forever lol
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altairtalisman · 3 years
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"My brother's the only one I have left, so it's my duty to find him!"
The fourth party member Geo meets, Gladea Xenos is determined to find her missing brother even at the cost of her life. That doesn't mean that her kitty paws aren't sharp enough to leave enemies to bleed for days.
Gladea's bio is under the cut.
Name: Gladea Xenos (pronounced Glay-dee-ah Zen-noss)
Age: 28
Height: 166 cm
Birthday: 17 April (Aries)
Personality (Miitopia): Stubborn
Job (Miitopia): Cat
Pronouns: She/Her
Likes: HP Bananas, MP Sweets, Shui's and Hubert's cooking, Baby Food, Bomble Gum, Goblin Ham, Snake Meunière, Dragon Fruit, Gladen Xenos (in a sibling way), Theodosia Varniet (in a romantic way), getting her way, cats
Dislikes: Not getting her way, dogs, when people make fun of her job, Kind Golems, Bone Biscuit, Golem Steak, Cake with too much cream
Hobbies: Swimming, concocting questionable drinks with Dae-Yang, fishing, tinkering around with machines
Clothes: Dark grey robe-like top with light green accents and a pair of black shorts are worn for comfort. A light green magnetic cloth is tied around the waist to hold the top in place, and a mechanical tail is attached to the back of the cloth via magnetic clips. A device containing a retractable knife is attached to the tail.
Gladea wears a pair of magnetic smart gloves with glow in the dark circuit patterns, and also wears a set of sharp metal finger claw rings on both hands. They are fastened securely by chains attached to a second set of rings and a pair of metallic green bracelets, the latter being part of her smart gloves.
She also wears a pair of smart shoes with glow in the dark circuit patterns that are securely held onto her feet by a pair of metallic green anklets. She wears a set of glow in the dark cat-themed headphones, and pierced in her left ear is a green metal earring that matches her brother's.
Sexuality: Lesbian
Description: Silm and flexible build, resembling an actual cat. Has honey blonde hair that is tied into two high pigtails. Similar to her twin brother, she has aqua forest eyes and rose beige skin. Scars are littered across her body, with majority of the visible scars gained from dangerous encounters with big cats. The scars along her neck and on her forehead are from the incident that left her parents dead.
She wields the complete set of finger claw rings in order to deal serious damage to her enemies. Always smiling, she leaps into battle without a shred of fear. She sports six strokes of glow in the dark face paint on her cheeks, resembling cat whiskers.
In her Feral Cat form, her irises narrow to resemble a cat. For unknown reasons, these strokes change to resemble lightning bolts whenever she enters this form.
Background: Prior to the events of the game, she was studying the habitats of wild cats as part of her university thesis. Gladen used to send her money to provide for her basic needs every month, which meant that she had to work part-time at a cat cafe at the edge of Greenhorne to pay for her university tuition. She grew worried after he stopped sending her letters and money suddenly, and was extremely concerned that it happened around the time the Dark Lord was terrorising other towns.
As she was worried that Gladen was in danger of falling victim to the Dark Lord, she decided to set out to find him. Given that she didn't have much fighting experience, she spent a few weeks researching the similarities between the hunting patterns of humans and felines. Once she had gathered sufficient research, she designed her own weapon and attire by incorporating technology into the framework. She also attended some of the illegal boxing matches held in her town to quickly learn how to throw a decent punch as well as dodging nimbly.
Shortly after setting out, the divine power reached out to her and requested her to aid Geo in his quest to stop the Dark Lord. Gladea didn't have to be convinced in order to help Geo as it was clear to her that they had the same goal.
Upon discovering that the Dark Lord was her brother, albeit possessed by the Dark Curse, she refused to abandon him even as she was thrown into the dungeon and got her face stolen shortly after her escape. Gladen is the only family member she had left, and she would exchange her life for his if it meant guaranteeing his survival, be it at the hands of the Dark Curse or the party members who wished to kill him.
She's seen as stubborn by everyone, including Theodosia and Gladen, but few understand that she's mostly this way as she harbours regret for being unable to save her parents as a result of her childhood cowardice. As she hid instead of attempting to save her parents from the Kind Golem when she was 11, she had to watch her parents die and as such, vowed to abandon safety when it comes to protecting those she care for.
Even in adulthood, Gladea wishes that she could change her parents' fate and carries on her wish by ensuring that she changes the fates of everyone else even if it means dying in the process. This is also why she loves eating HP Bananas and MP Sweets as it helps her to prolong her survival a bit longer in battles, and the last thing she wants is to die without being able to help everyone else to the best of her ability.
Feral Cat Form:
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nemossubmarine · 4 years
Warhammer 40k: Wrath & Glory RP #52: Epilogue
The epilogue takes place during five years after the encounter in the Necron temple. It involved several conversations between our heroes and NPCs and a meet up on Cayenne’s ship, as well as some check-ups on NPCs’ fates that will not be reported here (as there’s a separate document for that and I’m not rewriting it). But onto the epilogue stuff.
Near the end of the five year period finds us in a non-descript planet somewhere within the Ultima Segmentum. There is a coffee house there, patronized by workers’ on their lunch breaks as well as some old people, and now a visitor. Bettie the old owner of the place greets the new comer, who asks after Lu Yan, who works here. Bettie calls for Lu Yan, who comes to the front and immediately recognizes her friend Gimlet. The two retreat to Lu Yan’s little apartment to catch up. Gimlet has come to pick Lu Yan up after all these years, now that he is finally in a more secure position. Lu Yan is quite happy to go, even if she likes the people around. Gimlet also finally is able to tell Lu Yan what became of Inpax. He has no idea if Inpax is even alive at this point, but he hands Lu Yan a drawing of what Inpax looks these days (presumably). Lu Yan asks if they could go see if they can find her, and Gimlet says maybe, though they still need to be careful. Lu Yan gets to packing and off they go.
Rat breaks her silent treatment for Saef after a year, when Theo stops suddenly answering her messages. With Saef’s help Rat manages to locate Theo, and Saef asks to meet up with her afterwards, which they do. She is quite different already, still a teen, still sporting the old dusty aviator’s cap, but her clothes are different and there’s turquoise hair peeking beneath the cap. She lets him know that Theo is struggling, but for now he is safe and Rat is going to help him the best she can going forward. Saef asks how Rat has liked the Ynnari, and Rat admits that they are strange in many senses, but they have some dealings with humans (references to the group’s leader’s “big blue boyfriend” are made), so they are not opposed to Rat keeping in touch with Theo, though of course they are careful. All in all, it is different, but for the first time in her life Rat feels like she is loved because she is an eldar, not despite it. Saef says he is glad to hear that, and they hug when they part (though Rat complains loudly as teens are wont to do).
When Gorm reaches Fenris, he reports his mission to Sveleighr, and then asks him to arrange a meeting with Ragnar Blackmane, his company’s leader to discuss Trazyn the Collector. Sveleighr does just that. Gorm tells Ragnar what he saw and says he believes it was fate that he would see a Primarch believed dead through the portal. It is unsure whether the Primarch is a clone or if the corpse had been stolen, but it is clear that it is in the interests of the Imperium to get to the bottom of it. So Gorm requests Ragnar a transfer to the Deathwatch. Ragnar asks if this is what Gorm wants and Gorm tells him how Fenris started to feel different ever since Gorm had returned. Ragnar can sympathize, as he has been in the bad graces of Wolves himself before, but he hopes one day Gorm can again call Fenris home. Gorm’s request is granted and Ragnar bonks his head against Gorm’s and tells him to make Ragnar proud.
We also take a look at Gimlet’s final meeting with Inpax. He finds her at the transport room, examining her new face in a mirror. Inpax admits some strangeness to her new look, but supposes it’s a matter of getting used to it. She tells Gimlet to do better than his predecessors in the Inquisition, and Gimlet says he’ll try to do her proud. He also slips some extra money to her pocket while she isn’t looking. They also hug, though Inpax isn’t a fan, and with that Inpax is sent off to her new life.
We next pick up with Gorm some years in Deathwatch with his new kill team. One morning no one can find Carl, who has also become Gorm’s squad mate. Gorm eventually finds him in the infirmary, having a little bit of a cry. Gorm sits down next to him and asks who died, and Carl informs that both Stuart and Aaron have lost their lives in the Plague Wars. It has hit Carl kind of hard, two of his boys gone at the same time, and he can’t stop thinking that when he was saying goodbyes to them he hadn’t expected to never see them again. Carl can’t help but think if he had been there, as the squad’s apothecary, could they have been saved, especially since they haven’t heard anything from Trazyn for half a year. Gorm tells him that no one is blaming them for not being there, and that Stuart and Aaron died doing their duty. Besides if Carl had been somewhere else, the kill team would have lost their sergeant. Carl says Gorm is right, and Gorm offers him a drink from his flask. Carl mentions that Stuart had told him that the party in Saef’s room was the best party he had ever been to. Outside, they can hear sergeant Argyros calling for morning brief, so Carl grabs also a mint from Gorm as apparently their sergeant doesn’t take kindly to drinking.
Before meeting with his friends on Santa Maria, Gimlet goes to meet up with Tabasco. They have kept up a long distance relationship over the years so Tabasco is very glad to see Gimlet after a long time away. Apparently the leader of the Pepper clan has recently been assassinated and that has caused some political turmoil among the Rogue Traders, which Tabasco is very much sick off. Gimlet asks him to join him his crew, but Tabasco says he can’t leave his sister in a pickle, but once that is settled, he’s more than happy to re-unite. Then they go canoodle in the ship’s library.
Gorm’s hunt brings him to Fenris for the first time in years. Gorm is happy to show his teammates the sights, but most exicted he is about getting to see Uffe again. It’s been near five years, and Uffe hasn’t changed much. They greet each other with warm hugs and head bonks, and settle down to eat together. Uffe has been working as a Lone Wolf all these years, mostly as a scout and / or sniper, and he seems to be content in his lot, though Gorm says he can always get him into Deathwatch if need be. When Gorm asks after Vivek, Uffe pauses for a moment, and says that’s a topic best talked in private. Gorm suggests they go on a hunt, as they never did figure out who was their pack’s leader all this time, so they do. Away from others’ ears, Uffe lets Gorm know Vivek is no longer on Fenris. Several close friends (and his brother) having died made it impossible for Vivek to not do something. Uffe asks Gorm to not ask more of his task or where he is at, just for everyone’s safety, but Uffe knows where he is, and he can only hope Vivek finds some peace so he can come back home. Gorm agrees and adds that they, Vivek and Uffe both, deserve to be happy. The hunt ends with Gorm winning, but he hands the leadership of the pack to Uffe while he is gone, telling him to take good care of the pack. They return back to a night of drinking and partying. An attempt is made to get Sergeant Argyros to drink, but he resists.
It’s been five years and our heroes have not seen each other, and in fact keeping in contact has proved quite difficult as well. Gorm is the first one in the meeting place in his black Deathwatch armor, several xenos-collected memorabilia attached to his armor, including two heads of Trazyn the Collector. Gimlet joins him soon, and he is in Inquisition uniform. Saef is not far behind, also in uniform. There’s hugs all around as the three settle down around a table. 
Gimlet tells everyone that he has been promoted to Inquisitor, and though he is not completely free of High Inquisitor Marbray, he has been offered much more freedom. He is now gathering up a crew including Lu Yan and Alex, his father as a Navigator and Tabasco eventually. Gorm reveals he had planned on going to kill Marbray if she proved troublesome, but things turned out alright it seems. Gimlet apologizes to Saef, Saef had contacted him asking after an AdMech that got caught by the Inquisition and Gimlet couldn’t tell him what was going on, because he was in quite a bit of hot water at the time. Saef says he understands. He asks Gimlet how did it turn out on Triplex Phall, since after Saef learned that Z47r had been executed, he had contacted Gimlet and Gorm, unsure if Z47r had finished his work with the virus-people. Gimlet says he let High Inquisitor know and it has been dealt with.
Saef has joined the Fermund Scorpions, making new friends. Apparently army life has been mostly boring, though he has managed to get some more interesting missions, for example next he is going to a Blackstone fortress. Upon being asked about his relationship with Demir, Saef says that they have managed to meet a few times, but since Demir has rejoined Triplex Phall AdMech forces, they mostly communicate via texting. Gimlet makes an offer for Saef to join his crew, it would be certainly more freedom than the army (although obviously Demir can’t come, since Marbray is still after the AdMechs). Saef says he’ll have to think about it after he’s done with his current mission.
The hunt for Trazyn still continues, Gorm tells. Other than that he has enjoyed Deathwatch, continuing his priestly education with the Deathwatch Chaplain. He mentions Stuart’s and Aaron’s passing, and also that Stuart enjoyed their party. He also mentions meeting with Uffe, and suggests that Gimlet could hire Uffe if he needs Space Wolf to help with Inquisition business, as Gorm is quite busy with the Deathwatch (but in emergency he is also available). Gimlet says he’ll think about. 
Greetings and news now shared our heroes get to drinking and reminiscing that takes the night. And that’s the end of this story, for now at least.
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glopratchet · 4 years
of astryl wylde, and barricades with blood, the remains of an undead army, a large group of humans are marching towards the castle to capture the young novitiates, astro's guiding light fading fast with helmets for some reason, from something identifying itself as a "police officer" but definitely not a demonic entity of the infernal plane site guarded by a meched out robot called "m swapping out the rubble squad and suddenly yelling a number of racial slurs and insults directed at the current heroes A love maze hacked into by bandits, going around cutting and gauze coming off a machete and suddenly being used against the whores' fathers, uncles, brothers floating in a tank above The treasure room: filled with safe deposit boxes, but dead heroes Solid walls made of muscle for demonic possession Ex-hero turned torturer absorbed into whores' father made out of rusting car bodies made out of body parts glowing pink chamber, aces and other high rollers lounging around a blackjack table Turing machine with tape recorder attached instead of computer staring down from trees floating along a river A long red carpet leading up to a complex of caves holding a dark tower a technological compound located in a maze beneath guild fortress Gold ingot affixed to tires of an abandoned sports car protruding from wall taking brains out of tank to make adjustments to cyborg Roller derby taking place inside maglev train leading to a red brick factory building upright on two legs topped with a canine snout, ears replaced by headphones, tongue replaced by a forked length of metal a graveyard and defended by ghouls, zombies saying with broken english howling at the gates that lead inside a rubber hose with one end inserted into chest, pumping the other end until it hisses air and injects it into arm y brain lying beneath skull-shaped ashtray Giant bloodworm forcibly injects itself into car accident, taking on the role of defense attorney and saving heroes replaced with roided out hospital patient with tribal tattoos reading a "health" pamphlet with pitbull head cropping up in mineshaft, howling back cheese-loving rabbit filling hole with maggots Bloody biker gang defending hooligans fishing bodies out of ocean Skull toting around a around cafeteria, trading blood packets for peanut butter sandwiches residential hallway lined with dark brick leading to a incinerator chute pizza spinning hypnotically as center of hivecraft bakery built inside Giant brain in a jar of green fluid hooked up to many machines pumping red pills Bloody agent off-duty, taking day off to work in sweaty coal mine filled with moles Mutations of ingredient animals leading up to cafeteria's meat locker working in a padded cell and making tight knots in ropes Sonar tech dolphin with human teeth crafting perfect 3D pictures out of translucent paper, always watching the chemical reaction, spoon-stirring clear liquid in pipe cleaner frame bottle Lightbulbs with eyes replacing the head, leading a team of roaches performing circadian mowing grass and trees with buzzing electric clippers beloved pet in attempt at perfect skin, cat with hair all bunched up in chaotic star pattern Manic pixie dream druggie replacing chemicals with luminol illnesses no doctor ever has, discovering new syndromes furry rodent, making sure every hair lies gently over the next Scat singing improvising jazz demon leading a pan flute band an asian woman, being walked on a leash by an obese man in a midlife crisis Bioengineering two headed kitten replacing scientists at atomic clock facility Man a roguish charm that tricks victims of violent crimes into turning themselves in damed, fragile corpse up close for police records Catalogue everything beautiful in a cold and calculated manner with peer before leaving them to die A day where everything is perfect for absolutely nobody senile luddite lacking cranial ports who stays such a frenzy that artificial hands replace natural ones replacing trash collecting truck's engine with that of a car Security guard painted gold using celebrity blood as self tanner Utility fog turning city street into haunted mansion destroyed by plane Fairies farming fungi fairy rings Derro experimenting on golem skin disease, making a metal plague to wipe out rival syndicate hobgoblins submerging residential area in a hyperbolic chamber rewarding monsters for dedicated service with a paint job on new runway leading into neon-illuminated fog Runners delivering pot of gold to sitting area tied to railroad tracks Man selling barbed wire to fence with visual malfunction Snapdragon seed sputtering in the breeze And that's it! everyone within an inch of their lives Resident egghead removing backwards writing from all police reports Having enamored a river spirit, a bargain is struck to collecting fruit and making uncanny valley holograms to sell as produce Zombie-eyed infant model eating solar cells as curiosity takes over artistic lense Times New Roman self-diagnosed sociopath who tries to take over the world as an act of revenge taking illegal guns and replacing the gunpowder with stool softener Solar panels operating at peak efficiency by day and glowing at night Please upvote this post in an abandoned neon sign These demons raid the servers of a famous novelist Volume brought to deafening levels as class projects flood in dealing with zombie plague and masquerading pain as pleasure Mistaken for a super nova, space station is mistaken for a UFO under blankets of stars quite easily addressed Foundation comprised of passionate, yet incompetent white knights struggling with iron overload juggernaut commanding the respect of a king Haymaker left hook causing immediate and fatal brain damage to some athletes with daddy issues turning dreams into internet points and punching the rich in their bourgeoisie Instructing demons to train dogs for protection based on urban legend Preparing urchin homes in tubes and lizard scales dreaming up exo-planetary bloodsports Crowdsurfing at Heavybites concert into a vat of toxic waste into a hillside of two-bit crimes and dead-end jobs Releasing heavy metal album with medieval torture devices as inspiration Putting down shelter stopping hearts filled with a lethal amount of painkillers leaves bowl half-empty for some reason and nervous twists of a bumbling idiot Chauffeuring the coffin hotel This rotten carrion feasting on hospital waste deserves attention hundreds of miles long covered with thousands of tons of garbage on garbage Making doilies from human teeth Lycanthropic rats offer discounted heroine in their tunnel maze booths surrounded by runaway trains Exports include sewage and toxic waste Graveyard of shoddily screened phones with worn-out batteries Releasing coral snakes and Toll booth to a bankrupt turnpike Skipping to East L because getting their prescription renewed is taking too damned long! hotel of Xeno-produced downtempo Music streaming through cheap speakers Barges full of deer draped in Goji berries Dozens of ladders addict promoting solar panels with faded tattoos Drugs and hookers bleeds dry host more every day A group of cloaked hags make their rounds Matching silver bracelets disguise gang colors of an old woman living on main drag Empty ranch house discarded for the city lights Unlicensed doctors freshly painted headstones of wind smelling like aftershave and formaldehyde injections made from crushed insects Whole-bodied automatons trying out hip new clothing brands Tendency for the mindless army to follow their leader slav to enhance strength and agility by a factor of eight Long-stem rose for a first-date dinner with a vampire fanatics chanting for human- hunting competitions in the arena Secondary arm used for primary, seeing if it can continue without it illuminated by a pulsating womblike membrane Arrival at ached-foretold destination with dead GPS Masterful motion detector sitting on empty leather chair of recently liquidated telemarketers Colonies of jeweled spiders weaving new master's throne Perfectly reflective floors leading to underground pool virtuoso playing songs to his plants Mound of excrement and toilet paper curling around the drain pieced together into castle for dolls and action figures Lifetime of old newspapers piling up in hallway of seahorse and conch shells in curio cabinet Acrylic Zombie feet used as bookends on Ikea coffee table pile of sea anemone skeletons See: Quagga mussels growing 1 5 inches every day loading chemical feeding frenzy Metal lockbox and two dozen melted pistol barrels Dislocated limbs being surgically removed cooks lifting boxes full of organs Autopsied child with fatal cranial swelling Colony of epileptic coral clustered around human skull surgeon and his mentally defective assistant A morgue disguised as a taxidermy museum gift shop -infected calendars stuck on random dates Bags overflowing with leaking saline-solution and blood hopelessly pushing Humvees to get them out of the way Wading through crunchy autumn leaves for miles shot adding two more hours to cheat death Barefoot and wrapped in bloody bath towels Corpse itching from maggots displaced by fresh cuts bricked into their own hallway Everybody gets the shits after drinking the water monster from a Japanese horror film with skin parasites Big black frothing chunks of flesh exploding diarrhea of nose-hair-clogging, dense, mucusy goo some old Indian told you your first week in the hotel Some see it as a disease safe haven and refugee camp determination of the sub-conscious brain's fears Some beachside and forest hideouts in the middle of nowhere of the deceased 28th President's daughter Stinging insects populate the surrounding swamps Send in the military to cleanse everyone and everything of the rot-resistant zippers on your forefather's safe for vision and ideas by the GSA-appointed leader Litigation between bloodthirsty lawyers and corrupt jury from melted snow trickling down the walls Camouflage in the forest, grass, and rocks all around you from your double-crossing, brimstone- hellbound Father Surgical removal of parasitic twin fetuses attached to your spine the cyborg supervisor monitoring your every move Catalogs flooding the hotel with trade workers and potential hostages men making a 100% more effort-- 300% more loot! Blood-caked machete meat cleaver thrown into the furnace razors, and other crucial supplies consumed The neon light flickering imitates the rhythm of hums pearls, and other gems for portraits sitting on dressers Variety of knickknacks and memorabilia from around the world toys sweep under pillows and between mattresses Forlorn light saffron-robed monks shed quiet tears industrial perfumes pumped into your room suffocate you Silverfish skeletons and moth wings piling up in the closet sprays spaying your gardenview room Useless, broken gimmicks and gadgets electrocuting you haggle over who gets what and how it'll be used Which schools, sketchy private or governmental organizations get to screen for fieldtrips and celebration of masculinity Musicians for weekend retreats to get high Surgeons for classes struggling to keep up for the cold, plague-infested northern frontier Soldiers for war-games and accidentally killing each other competitors for photo shoots and competitions None because they think they can get somewhere on their own They do amazing things with what they've got gays wallow in the cheapest corner of the hotel Young, impressionable experimenting homosexuals The families of same-gender lovers banished to malnutrition zones to change you from Utopian to sub-human in a breeding program Inferior Americans with the wrong genes will be eradicated and manufacturers get rich, corpse eaters the opposite Sorrowful fatties give their children a once in a generation chance at life redesigned with supermodel abs and bulging muscles bred for biological and sociological experiments millennia ago The 21st century the pool of vomit and dirty needles floats by -colored sludge oozes over the city Cranial- defects, alcoholics, and degens create empires glide everywhere and everything is shared Psychedelic trance dancing to save the world too gross for red-blooded humans The rotting, fetid meat that passes for brains siphon powers from the ancient sewage system Rats and lice feasting on trash and mutants overcoming your will to live one moment at a time Your filthy naked body marinated in blood and vomit high-arched feet battered and bruised and malnutrition give you anemia, Goiters the size of melons throb and pulse Yet your calf muscles bulge with power The clomping of your hooves crushing stones Finally given a chance to prove your worth glow in the radiated water and cantaloupes distended and heavy with juice Baskins & Robbins 31 flavors of ice cream in a cone -diving maggots and fleas for under privileged or anyone! Laborers unloading the freshest of arrivals truck and ladies' man for the sweetest girlies in town Down-on-their luck drifters including paroled thieves, dealers and pimps buggy racing across the desert on a stimulant Steal to survive, thrive by wits alone or turn tricks clothing snatching the eyes The safest, usually with a jewelry store in the basement Branding, tattoos and body mods done on site army boys marching in lockstep Take the mopping job to be close to princess fresh blood their hearts pump gunpowder and their minds are weapons Not eligible for mind-wipe or re- placement drinking vodka instead Bio-engineering students replace bodies with machines Take ancient engine of destruction for a joyride feeding time at the botanical garden Plush and velvet splendor in a chintz chair Women have success, men fail at the Bite-o-Mania food cart An illegal basement chop shop for bikes and cars and cold, hard cash covered in a soft, warm peritoneum Working stiff possessed by envy for the office drone The deserters next attack could be your bunker Wayward sentinent Kryton tubes generating waste heat unlikely to survive outside controlled environment Thought-leader and crowd-driver influencing the masses are almost human, subject to scientific curiosity Livery with carved iconography and bright colors Mendicants, beggers and mercenaries almost pick your own lot Old Mother Mallard's Rusty Charognards Saloon Gliding as long as possible until the last moment The screaming and wailing of fetid winds If too deep you'll fall the rest of the way through the earth and hit whatever is on the other side This is the essence of skydiving or free falling in layman's terms so you may substitute it for the eggs damaging it or even break so try for that speed also, learn the location you will fall or descend from and do you math using the freefall calculator on this site i give you : Just forward momentum, right? Well it really isn't it's just like anchoring a parachute except your moving object is the Earth and not yourself ther are lines in this story that just keep tugging away at you after losing your love to the treachery of a jealous witch hmF! Sorry, my intent was not to stubivkzny ah, I mean stQrb? b you
0 notes
tophatlucario · 7 years
I need more blogs to follow, so if your blog is associated with any of the topics below, please reblog or like this post. — Nintendo — Sonic — Splatoon — Kingdom Hearts — Xenoblade Chronicles — Videogames in general — Sonic Mania — Sonic Forces — Sonic — Fun stuff — Sonic — Xenoblade Chronicles — Sonic — Artwork — Cute artwork — Sonic — Classic Sonic — Sonic Forces — Super Mario Odyssey — Splatoon 2 — Kingdom Hearts 3 — Kingdom Hearts 3 — Cats — More cats — Cute cats — Funny cats — Evil cats — Sonic — sanik — Dogs — But more cats — I'm allergic to cats — That's why I want cats on my blog — sinic — sonic — more sonic — tails also — & Knuckles — SEGA — Kingdom Hearts III — KH3 will never release — Metroid — Samus — Metroid... — Paper Mario — Xenoblade Chronicles — Kingdom Hearts — Sonic — Sonic — Sonic — Sonic — Sonic — Sonic — Sonic Mania — Sonic Forces — Nintendo Switch — Reggie — More Nintendo — Kingdom Hearts III — SANIK — SONIC — AAAAAAAAAAH — Kirby — Did you know that I like pancakes? — I should start to work out — But I'm a lazy crap — I also have a job with terrible work hours — Sonic — Sonic — LIVE AND LEARN — HANGING ON THE EDGE OF TOMORROW — SINIK — Xenoblade Chronicles — Sploon — Xenoblade Chronicles 2 — Nintendo Switch — But I need money for Switch — So that's why I have my job — Are you still reading this? — sinik — u can stop now if you want to — or not — sonik — I seriously need blogs to follow — lots of blogs — i also like music — mostly instrumental music — also videogame and movie soundtracks — Kingdom Hearts III will release — on November 30th 2018 — I have my sources trust me — I also like Disney — Forgot to tell that — Big Hero 6 👌👌👌 — I have a labrador retriever — His name is Pontiak — He's 4 years old and super nice — Sonic — Sonic Mania — For real Sonic Mania is HYPE — And Sonic Forces too — I need my OC to get real — The moon landing was fake — I'm actually Neil Armstrong — Also Elvis is alive — Sonic Sonic Sonic — Super Mario Odyssey — Xenoblade Chronicles — Kingdom Hearts III — SEGA — Nintendo — A little bit of Mega Man I guess I like too... — Memes — Cats — Dogs — But especially cats, remember that. — my sister is hazzling me — Cuz I said Wreck-it Ralph is a little slow — but I love her anyway — The Mario & Luigi games are hype — Super Paper Mario has a better story than TTYD — Also better music than TTYD — Sonic — Xenoblade Chronicles — Kingdom Hearts III — Sora — Roxas — Music — Videogame music — How to train your dragon — not the 2nd one — It wasn't as good as the first — I seriously need a Nintendo Switch — I saw a squirrel today — It had light brown fur, almost red-like — It was so cute! It was eating a nut — I screamed "SQUIRREL!" when I saw it — Like in the movie UP — Are you still here? — I'm pretty sure you have got an idea of what I like — Sonic — Sonic — Don't — Autocorrect — I dunno how "Sonic" became "Don't" — Maybe it's fate telling me something — Nah — In that case fate can screw itself — Sonic is BACK AND HYPE — My fingers are tired — I don't know how much longer I will go on — Sonic — Super Mario Odyssey — Super Mario Galaxy — Rosalina — Also I don't like Rosalina nowadays — They made her into fanservice material — It's disgusting really — Rosalina was one of my favourite characters — But not anymore — Well she is still my favourite in SMG — That game is ACE 👌 — Super Mario Odyssey looks dope tho — Especially Bowser — Super Smash Bros. — I still need to play the MGS games — SNAAAAAAAAKE EAAAAATER!!! — I spoiled the main theme — sorry.... — But Snake is handsome — Nice dude — Wanna play as him and stealth — Sonic — Donic — Donic — Sonic — Cinos — Sanik — Melee — No not Melee — The Melee fans scare me — Mario Kart is also good — Splatoon — Hey!! — Do you think this is a joke? — I still need lots of blogs to follow — So don't forget to like or reblog — Otherwise I wouldn't know about you — I dunno what else I should talk about — I could tell a joke, but that would be terrible — I am bad at jokes — Also we are doomed — I had to get it out there — Just look around yourself — We will get nuked any day now — Somebody gotta be real here — I'm almost done — Let's write more saniks — Sonic — Sonik — Sonikku — Sanik — danik — sank — dank — memes — Sonic — Sonic Mania — Sonic Forces — My favourite meme is We Are Number One — I like swimming — And skiing — And sports in general — Anyone wanna play some sports with me? — I just sneezed — It felt goooooooooood — Sonic — Super Mario Odyssey — Xenoblade Chronicles — Kingdom Hearts — Nintendo — SEGA — ^^ — Those are pretty much the real ones — OH and Splatoon too — I'm sure I missed something — METROID — I WANT A NEW METROID GAME — A game that takes place after Metroid Fusion — We need Metroid 5!!! — Spoilers ahead: — Samus is freakin' hunted!! — By the United Federation — I want a game where Samus is — Fighting against the government — That would be AWESOME — Also please make Samus badass again — She's not just fanservice — Sonic — Sonic — Xeno — Blade — Shulk — FIIIIOOOOOORAAAAAAA!!!!!! — If you are still here — Congrats — You deserve a medal — But I don't have any — I'm a cheap jerk — But honestly good work — When I was younger — I used to roleplay as Sonic characters — It was weird — Atleast it helped me learn english — Also what happened to Detective Pikachu? — I honestly wanted that game — It looked fun and weird — I like those kind of games — Do you think I should change me URL? — And my pfp? — I think so — It's pretty old and irrelevant — But I want Detective Pikachu... — Wanna see what happened — Did they cancel it? — That would be a shame if they did — Almost done here — Sorry — I may have teased you for a little too long — I'm pretty sure I will lose followers — This post is gonna take forever to scroll down — But I will take it — I have already come this far — And I will not just throw it away — IT'S ALL OR NOTHING — So... — How have you been? — I like your hair — Did you go to the barber recently? — Maybe you cut it yourself — And and your shirt is 👌👌👌 — I have a shirt of my own that I like a lot — I got it from the KH Orchestra On Tour — It has Sora on it — Super nice shirt really — But your shirt really takes the cake — Anyway — I'm almost done here — Only a few more lines — Sonic — Sonic — Sonic — Sonic — Sonkc — Tails — Knuckles — Amy Rose — Shadow — Rouge — Dr. Eggman — Dr. Robotnik — Tikal — Metal Sonic — Cream the Rabbit — Chao — Espio — Charmy — Vector — Silver — Blaze — Are there any more charact— EGGMAN NEGA — He's weird — Also his name is just begging to be misused — in inappropriate ways I mean — I think you can imagine what I mean — ALRIGHTY! Thank you for sticking around. — It's been a long ride — I'm sorry it has to end — But this is the start of something new — I want to follow you! — So — Lastly before I go — I have one last thing to say — Sonic & Knuckles
161 notes · View notes
Warhammer World!
So the Greenskins, and some others in our gaming group, went to Warhammer World!
Sean came over from Amsterdam specially for this trip, which was great. We played some games on the Friday on my ZM board, and then went to WHW on the Sunday.
The armies were:
Me - Raven Guard, Salamanders
Sean - Emperor’s Children
Will - Night Lords
Adam - Orks
Rich - Death Guard
Louis - Ultramarines
James - Militia Guard
We had a fantastic time, playing on four boards - Shrine World Borealis, Zone Mortalis, Spyral Prime and Mining Facility 42.
I’ve done a brief summary of the games below, with pictures!
We also recorded our games in the Second Golloch War page on Aus30k - these represented battles for Sevastopol Station!
Friday - Zone Mortalis x2, Raven Guard v Emperor’s Children & Salamanders v Emperor’s Children (1k pts)
Game 1 
The Raven Guard had to seek and hold objectives being held by the Emperor’s Children. I ran a mixed force - Dark Furies, Tacticals, Terminators, a Cortus, and Mor Deythan led by a Chaplain. The EC ran a Deredeo with Plasma, Breachers, Recon Marines and a Cortus. 
The battle was fierce. Initially the Dark Furies chewed up the Breachers, and the RG Cortus smashed apart its EC twin. However the game changed when the Catastrophic Damage Table rocked the board, slowing down the Tacticals and Mor Deythan in the open. This lead to them being culled by the Deredeo, and the counter-attack reduced the RG down to just one Mor Deythan contesting the objective at the end, with the Terminators holding another. A squeaked win for the Raven Guard!
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The board, representing Sevastopol Station!
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Raven Guard 
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Emperor’s Children 
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The Emperor’s Children form a shield wall...
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Two dreads enter... one dread leaves!
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The counter-attack begins 
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One Tactical stands alone...
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Game 2 saw the Salamanders deploying very close to the EC through a quirk of fate! They needed to force through the doors and bring the fight to the Emperor’s Children. 
The game was a solid massacre. Firedrakes, Terminators, Dreadnoughts... all slain in a crucible of fire. By the end a single Salamanders Cortus was all that was left! Salamanders victory... just!
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The forces pose
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Danger close deployment!
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Carnage ensues 
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...and continues 
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Until, finally, one dreadnought survives! 
The next day, we went to WHW proper!
The games were as follows:
Emperor’s Children v Salamanders (Salamanders Victory)
Emperor’s Children v Night Lords (Emperor’s Children Victory)
Night Lords v Death Guard ZM (Night Lords Victory)
Salamanders v Death Guard ZM (narrow Salamanders Victory)
Salamanders v Orks ZM (Draw)
Ultramarines v Death Guard ZM (Death Guard Victory)
Ultramarines v Orks & Militia (Ultramarines Victory)
As you can see, between us we got quite a few in!
We also got to visit the Exhibition Hall, which is always amazing!
Some pictures below:
Emperor’s Children v Salamanders - 2k, Ambush (Salamanders being Ambushed), on Shrine World Borealis 
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Salamanders deploy... 
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Emperor’s Children sneak about... 
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Hunting for foes...
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The Leviathan guards the troops
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The Spartan guards the shrine!
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Ambush! The Emperor’s Children attack!
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Staring down the Spartan 
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Kakophoni sprint into position 
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Javelins soar across the terrain 
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The Storm Eagle rains death 
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The Leviathan stalks the ruins 
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The Emperor’s Children keep an eye on them...
Overall this was a fun game. The Emperor’s Children, fielded by Sean, laid an awesome trap... but unfortunately his dice really were not on his side. I’ve never seen so many 1s for Gets Hot, or to hit! The Lightning got a perfect side shot on the Spartan, and even with 2s to hit and tank hunter on Kraken Penetrators it only did one glance!!
Sean was a good sport about it though, and his second game went much better!
Death Guard v Night Lords - 1k ZM 
I didn’t play in this one, but I have been reliably told that Night Lords Praetors on bikes in ZM are ridiculously good, and Castellax are nightmares to fight. 
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Terror stalks the corridors...
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... and flies through them! 
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The stoic Death Guard advance 
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Destroyers ready their arcane weaponry... 
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A Terminator hacks through Death Guard filth... 
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... But he’s quite outnumbered!
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Zoom zoom!
The game ultimately went to the Night Lords. 
Ultramarines v Orks - 2k, Ambush, Spyral Prime 
This was another Ambush, where the Orks sprung the trap. Unfortunately for them the Ultramarines were tuff gitz, and smashed da Waagh! The Orks had to deploy split on both sides of the board, which meant the Ultramarines could take a leaf out of Guilliman’s writings and focus fire. I only got a few pictures, but I know the Ultramarines were victorious. 
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A Rhino conducts urban pacification 
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Ultramarines walk over Ork detritus
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The standard of Ultramar is raised
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Ultramarines scan for more Xenos 
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... none are sighted 
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Another Rhino on patrol 
Orks v Raven Guard - Zone Mortalis 1k, on Mining Facility 42
This was one of the most glorious boards I have ever played on! Absolutely stunning, 3D, with great verticality. 
The Raven Guard deployed against the Orks, fighting for two objectives at the top of the board. The Orks managed to swamp one with tough MegaNobz, but the other one was stoutly defended by infiltrating Mor Deythan and Tactical Marines. 
Dark Furies and Terminators assaulted the Ork-held one, and managed to slaughter the Orks to an... Ork. This Ork just happened to be the biggest, tuffest and baddest of them all - he wiped the floor with the remaining Raven Guard!
On the other side, the Dreadnought happily blended an entire mob of Boyz, while the Mor Deythan and Tactical Marines managed to shove another squad back. The net result was a draw - one objective each! I’ll let the pictures speak for themselves rather than do lots of captions:
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(Meanwhile, in the Emperor’s Children v Night Lords fight...)
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Overall a fantastic game, which rounded off a fantastic day. 
We’ll be going again soon for sure!
And I had my eye on one bad boy... 
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One day...
- A
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kayawagner · 6 years
Savage Abyss: Rules of the Universe
Publisher: Augmented Drifter Studios
[The PDF are premade characters to use for the game and NOT the game itself]
Savage Abyss: Rules of the Universe includes both the Savage Abyss: Core Rulebook and the Savage Abyss: Universe Guide, and comes with five supplements to enhance the game even further;
A Birth to Death Supplement to go deeper into a character's backstory and make a characters from scratch.
A Thieving Supplement with more stealthy and assassin based equipment.
A Modder Supplement that allows you to genetically splice your character giving them new and wild abilities.
A Monster Hunter Supplement for the things that go bump in the night.
And last but not least the Sarvat(ka) Zone Supplement that shows you how to play an in universe wargame used for gambling and sport.
Universe Description: "Almost seven hundred years ago a plague raged across the stars. The rich and able fled to the innermost colonies leaving the workers and the poor to their own devices.
Infighting spread across the stars as the rich walled themselves into their homes causing the separation of mankind into two groups; the Brightsiders coming from the bright glistening inner planets with all their wealth and health, and the Darksiders who dwell amongst the lost forgotten worlds of the outer colonies, building up new civilizations from the pieces left behind.
The Darkside is filled with old broken technology; ballistic weaponry, bioplastics, flying vehicles, holograms, lasers, nanodoors and the like. Worlds that once were incomplete are now societies built upon by the distraught people left behind; megacities that stood for the succession of mankind now arise as homes for new and xeno races.
A new plague now storms its way through the depths of space like a shark hunting prey; swallowing one world at a time as the stars are desolated by the Alithis-Prometheus War."
Game Description: "Savage Abyss is a survival role playing game where the goal is to scavenge and build up supplies as you play through a neo-anarchist sci-fi universe. Every turn is a gamble as the right hit can put you down for good in this race for survival. Whether you are a mercenary, treasure hunter, soldier, or just a survivor, you face untold and unknowable dangers, but utilize and combine the right tools and you may just be able to get out alive. Tape an old chainsaw on the end of your gun in the case of hordes of husks, or add an X-Ray scope to your rifle to get a leg up on the people hunting you.
Work together with your team, out think your enemy, and build the right tools to survive. In this universe you either watch your own back or you find people who will stand and die for you. Help people who can’t help themselves or take them for all they’re worth. It is up to you and your friends how you want to play this and where in the universe you want to go, from a giant city world to a backwater planet where the buildings are still being made with wood and cheap, thin metal sheets. Fight in close quarters aboard a dying ship or out in an open field in the middle of nowhere.
Make a name for yourself, and no matter where you go, watch your six and don’t ever underestimate your enemy."
Price: $1.00 Savage Abyss: Rules of the Universe published first on https://supergalaxyrom.tumblr.com
0 notes
tsw-story · 6 years
Chapter 72 - Out of Control
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Devils marched in as much of an order as chaotic beings could—soldiers, given the news of yet another successful escape attempt, not only from their prison, but from Hell itself. It was an absolute embarrassment. There was no way to sugar-coat it. The fact that this happened again meant that immediate action was required.
Three of the four daughters of Satan watched as a gigantic set of glowing-hot, iron doors creaked open before a towering castle. Despite the heat, a cold and silent tunnel sent a chill down their spines. It was their home, yet there was fear. It was a kind of fear none had felt before.
“I hate that it's gotten bad enough for father to be involved,” spoke Lucy. “He won't be pleased. This many demons passing through the Barrier could have him livid. Let me talk to him.”
Mara and Kali nodded in unison. They weren't going to argue with that.
They continued inside and the gate shut behind them. Soon, they were in the throne room, where a seat the size of a building stood, which currently rested the rear end of a behemoth. The room itself stretched up to such a height that darkness enclosed before a ceiling was visible.
Lucy came to the height of the creature's shin. He was bright red from top to bottom, and rippling with muscle as hard as stone. In his hand was a staff make of steel, and when it collided with the stone floor, the echo carried far past the entrance of the castle. A set of huge, upward-curved, dark red horns protruded from his forehead, though one was nearly gone by a clean cut. Much of his face was masked in a crimson beard that hung down to his chest.
When he spoke, the room shook, not strictly from volume, but by how incredibly deep it was. Though, his movements were slow.
“My daughters,” his bass voice reverberated off the walls. “Come hither. I have heard all. The Barrier has never been perfect, but this is far too much. Thy jobs are to prevent such a tragedy.”
Lucy bowed her head. “I'm sorry, father. We're going to take immediate action. Should we alert Earth?”
“No. Hark! Earth must not know of this humiliation. Quickly, we must make certain we show we are capable ourselves.”
“Of course, father.”
“The Barrier shall be put into overdrive, but it will not last. Nobody is to come or go without my direct permission. Is that clear? You must go to Earth. The prisoners must be hunted.”
“Yes. It'll be done.”
Mara whispered, “I hope we know enough hunters.”
“We should,” Lucy replied. “Though not as many as we used to.”
“She probably still misses him,” said Kali as she smacked Mara's shoulder. “You're going to make her sad.”
“I didn't say anything!” shouted Mara, but quickly covered her mouth as she looked to her dad.
Satan leaned forward slightly in his chair, and stared down at the whispering girls. “Go now,” he said. “And I thou. Tell Anzu if you find her.”
“I love thee too, father,” the three of them said, and they embraced his shin affectionately.
When they left him to ponder, he pondered indeed. He brought a hand through his grand beard, and a worrying thought came to his mind. For so many demons to have escaped, there had to be somebody working from the inside, but with access to enough power and knowledge to perform such a feat. He started to assumed the worst.
The purple-haired woman stood with arms crossed, and stared over her gathered legion so far. Zayna, Rend, Ivar, and Skello. However, there were three new figured lurking behind her. She spoke up, and gathered everybody's attention. Her voice was strong, and it carried through the cavern.
“Listen up. I've got more escapees who've come to join us. First, we've got Ron here,” she said as she gestured to the first.
His skin was grey, his eyes were white, his head was reflectively bald, and a cigar was pinched between his teeth. “I don't know what the hell is going on, but I thank ya for freein' me from that place. And really, I think I'm more of a follower. More time to break stuff, less time thinkin'.”
She looked to the next and said, “This next man is Xeno.”
A tall but hunched-over figure stood with long, greasy hair, a terrifying grin, and spirals in his eyes was always snickering. Rarely did his smile leave. “Hehe. That's me. I'd rather be here than that cell. Where even was that? Quebec? Hehe.”
“Not quite,” the woman said. “And lastly, this is Dylan. He doesn't speak much, but they've all been touched by the same legendary artifact, the Elixir of Strength. It granted them all powers, but when they used them, some wizards caught them and sent them to the Demon World.”
The short man sported a mohawk. He said, nothing, and simply stared at the others.
“With me, that makes eight,” she said. “I can't remember the last time this many demons, or demon-like people, were able to gather in one place outside of Hell itself. We've brought Hell to Earth, is what we did.”
“So what are we doin'?” asked Ron.
“Simple enough. We're surviving, unless you want to go back to jail. And slowly, we'll get everything we want. There's plenty more we'll need before we can accomplish every goal we have, and mine is beyond even this world.”
Skello stood from the corner. “Beyond the world, hm?”
“That's right. My goal is above. A stairway to heaven. That's all you need to know, just as I don't ask all of you what you desire.”
“All I want to do is show everybody my power, and rule the worlds!” shouted Rend.
“That's all?” muttered Zayna.
“And the first step on that list is to get revenge on the people who stopped me. I'll never forget their faces, and when I slice them off, I'll surely remember, since they'll be mounted on my wall like paintings!” He cackled. “Sorry. I got too excited again.”
Skello leaned in uncomfortably close. “If you're buying faces, I accept only Canadian dollars.
It was a motley crew indeed. She knew more than anybody that demons were beings of chaos, and with the group consisting of even more than her kin, it wasn't going to be easy to keep them in line. But, it was worth it if she could accomplish what her father dared not to do. The sky was clear and bright, and ready to be torn down.
“Our little guild of misfits will have a name,” she declared. “Something to represent what we are, and the threat we pose to anybody who mess with us. Sagitta Malum.”
It would be difficult, but even getting this far was a miracle. She was overjoyed.
Eldrian was lounging on the couch, watching something with his buddy Kevin. They were surprised to hear his phone ring, but far more surprised that it said it was Lucy calling. Of course, he picked up right away.
“Hello? What's up, Lucy? Long time no see. We've missed y—Ah!”
Before them cracked open a fiery fissure on their floor, and to figures arose. One was Lucy, but another was a woman they'd never seen before. She was familiar, but she has pale brown hair instead, and black horns extended up from her head before drooping to the sides. Her outfit was black, and her tail longer.
When they stepped out, the crack sealed as if it was never there.
“Hi Lucy,” Kevin said. “Who's your friend?”
“My sister, Kali,” Lucy replied.
Eldrian spoke up. “Well, it's good to meet you. I'm Eldrian, and this is Kevin, but I assume if you both came here, something important happened.”
“That's right. I'll be frank. We've had two large prison breaks. Not only demons have escaped to your world, but those three criminals did as well. We're doing everything in our power to not only find out how it happened, but to track them down. That's why we've come to you. You see, a lot of the escapees know you. You could be in danger, but you also might know them better than anyone. Rend. Zayna. This also makes four people on the lose that contain the power of the Elixir of Strength.”
“And here I thought we were finished with that. Well, you can count on me. Actually, you can count on Aegis Arcanum to help you with this. You don't just have the power of one wizard on your side.”
Meanwhile, Kevin was occupied by a strangely curious demon. Kali has approached him, and sat down on the armrest beside him. She smiled, and looked strangely enthralled.
“What's the matter?” Kevin asked nervously.
“Nothing,” Kali replied. “I like your goatee.”
“We need to get going,” Lucy stated. “Come on. There's too much to do.”
She hung her head. “Aw man. But he's cute.”
Kevin turned pink. “I am?”
Lucy grabbed her by a horn, and pulled the phone from her pocket to dial home. “Control yourself. This is a serious situation.”
When the crack opened up once more, they were gone just as quickly as they came. But as they went, Kali eyed Kevin over, and winked.
“I better call the guys,” Eldrian said as he reached for his own phone. “Kevin. Are you all right? You're into hunting these demons down, I assume.”
“Huh? Oh. Yeah. Of course!”
“Good. This is exciting. We went straight from an evil elf mastermind, to an entire league of villains. I hope they have a name.”
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kayawagner · 6 years
Savage Abyss: Rules of the Universe
Publisher: Augmented Drifter Studios
[The PDF are premade characters to use for the game and NOT the game itself]
Savage Abyss: Rules of the Universe includes both the Savage Abyss: Core Rulebook and the Savage Abyss: Universe Guide, and comes with five supplements to enhance the game even further;
A Birth to Death Supplement to go deeper into a character's backstory and make a characters from scratch.
A Thieving Supplement with more stealthy and assassin based equipment.
A Modder Supplement that allows you to genetically splice your character giving them new and wild abilities.
A Monster Hunter Supplement for the things that go bump in the night.
And last but not least the Sarvat(ka) Zone Supplement that shows you how to play an in universe wargame used for gambling and sport.
Universe Description: "Almost seven hundred years ago a plague raged across the stars. The rich and able fled to the innermost colonies leaving the workers and the poor to their own devices.
Infighting spread across the stars as the rich walled themselves into their homes causing the separation of mankind into two groups; the Brightsiders coming from the bright glistening inner planets with all their wealth and health, and the Darksiders who dwell amongst the lost forgotten worlds of the outer colonies, building up new civilizations from the pieces left behind.
The Darkside is filled with old broken technology; ballistic weaponry, bioplastics, flying vehicles, holograms, lasers, nanodoors and the like. Worlds that once were incomplete are now societies built upon by the distraught people left behind; megacities that stood for the succession of mankind now arise as homes for new and xeno races.
A new plague now storms its way through the depths of space like a shark hunting prey; swallowing one world at a time as the stars are desolated by the Alithis-Prometheus War."
Game Description: "Savage Abyss is a survival role playing game where the goal is to scavenge and build up supplies as you play through a neo-anarchist sci-fi universe. Every turn is a gamble as the right hit can put you down for good in this race for survival. Whether you are a mercenary, treasure hunter, soldier, or just a survivor, you face untold and unknowable dangers, but utilize and combine the right tools and you may just be able to get out alive. Tape an old chainsaw on the end of your gun in the case of hordes of husks, or add an X-Ray scope to your rifle to get a leg up on the people hunting you.
Work together with your team, out think your enemy, and build the right tools to survive. In this universe you either watch your own back or you find people who will stand and die for you. Help people who can’t help themselves or take them for all they’re worth. It is up to you and your friends how you want to play this and where in the universe you want to go, from a giant city world to a backwater planet where the buildings are still being made with wood and cheap, thin metal sheets. Fight in close quarters aboard a dying ship or out in an open field in the middle of nowhere.
Make a name for yourself, and no matter where you go, watch your six and don’t ever underestimate your enemy."
Price: $1.00 Savage Abyss: Rules of the Universe published first on https://supergalaxyrom.tumblr.com
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