#and genuinely. she doesn't understand why that is wrong to say lolol
cauldroncreations 5 months
Top three things that my key to my parents house is good for now that we have basically no relationship:
1. Opening boxes (and by proxy looking kind of hawt)
2. Getting ear wax out of the covers of my earbuds (this nullifies the hawt)
3. I don't have a third. Self defense i guess ?
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rfaromance 2 years
Can I get uhhhhh some RFA + Minor Quartet (because screw it, throw some Rika in there, she gets to join the boys in their little group) with a MC who secretly has magic powers?
You're so right anon. This is a Rika-loving zone. 馃槫
Yoosung can barely contain his excitement. MC has magic powers? For real? Is he dreaming about LOLOL again? This is his greatest fantasy come to life. He may be a tad overwhelming with all of his questions and requests for demonstrations, because he wants to compare his understanding of magic from LOLOL to the real deal. But his enthusiasm is innocent and almost contagious. MC needs to tell him if they need a break.
Zen is surprised, but in a good way. He's almost relieved, even. He wants to know all about MC's abilities, and then in a hushed whisper, he will ask, "Will you believe me if I tell you about my own powers, too?" Nobody else takes his precongnitive dreams very seriously, but maybe he's found a kindred spirit. Maybe he'll feel less like a freak now.
Jaehee is unamused and skeptical until MC demonstrates for her. After that she's curious, but in a different way from Yoosung. She wants to reconcile her understanding of the world and how it operates with this new information about the existence of magic. She blushes a lot when MC shows her more & more of her powers, and she isn't sure why. Is it awe? Admiration? Respect? Intrigue? Something... else?
Jumin is going to bother MC about their powers. Again, not in a negative way, but in an inquisitive way. He almost wants to study MC and take notes on how their powers operate, differences in strength/quality depending on the weather or time of day, the origin of the powers, alternative uses for the powers, etc. Jumin is fascinated by the occult, so he's validated to find that magic exists after all. He just can't help but get absorbed in MC and their abilities, much like he does with his 100 cat projects.
707 is excited to see what MC can do. He wants to see if he can replicate their powers with his inventions or make a companion who can balance them out. Cue him locking himself away and making gadgets and gizmos and doo-dads until he feels confident in what he has made. He may spy a little too closely on the CCTV to obtain as much data as possible, but-- gaah, MC, don't change your shirt RIGHT THERE in FULL VIEW!!!!
Ray is smitten with MC and everything they can do. Of course, he already knew about their abilities from his spying preparation. He probably knows more about MC's magic than MC does. But he'll still sit and nod politely, hooked on their every word as they explain their powers to him. He makes certain to keep this a secret from his Savior, however, lest she try to snatch his doll away before he's molded them perfectly for paradise.
V is stunned. He's genuinely flabbergasted. He'd probably be quiet for a long moment, not sure of what to say or do to approach the subject. He doesn't want to say something wrong that might offend MC; he knows all too well what happens if you mistreat someone vulnerable. MC might worry that he's disgusted or horrified, but he'd do his best to reassure them that's not the case. He wants MC to feel comfortable, and he won't treat them any differently.
Vanderwood is less than thrilled. Honestly, they're probably annoyed. "I can't catch a break, can I?" But something about MC is charming and captivating, and Vandy can't stay mad at them for something they can't control. "Just don't make any more trouble for me, alright? You're a good kid, and I don't want to see you make a dumb mistake." At this point, after a decade in the agency, they probably shouldn't be surprised to see a magic user.
Rika is intrigued. "If you don't mind... would you tell me more about this gift of yours?" She'd want to learn the details to see if she could use these powers to her advantage, but she'd be genuinely interested in MC as well. Does MC feel like a devil or outcast, or perhaps an angel who was blessed with such a wondrous ability? Rika has a tendency to overthink and overanalyze, so she'd probably question her worldview the more time she spends with MC. Is this a messenger of heaven sent to smite a false Savior? Is this an emissary of hell who will join and strengthen her cause? Or... is this the one who will save Rika?
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ticklish-n-stuff 2 years
You can count on us
Is this fic self indulgent?...mAybe
Ok so the past few days I've been feeling like shit, I keep going from normal to sad constantly and it's...exhausting. I think it's no secret that tickling is a big comfort for me, and today I woke up with the itch to write somethin so I thought maybe reading/writing about a similar experience to mine would help me feel even if just a bit better.
Anyways sorry for the sad lil rant.
I originally was only gonna write RuiKasa but then I was like...make it poly WxS 'cause it's the only right answer SKAKSJAJS (im kidding obv.)
Well I hope you all like it, I am curious to know what you all think of this sadder fic lolol
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Rui x Tsukasa x Emu x Nene (poly WxS)
Lee: Rui
Lers: Tsukasa, Emu, Nene
Warnings: Tickles! A bit of angst??
Rui is one of those people whom you can't tell what they're truly thinking or feeling. He always has that stupid teasy smirk plastered on his face so it's hard for anyone to read his facial expressions. After having a hard time making friends he kinda just learned to mask up his true emotions, but now it's different. Now he does have people in his life that he can rely on. His partners from the WonderlandsxShowtime cast have always been so supportive and understanding of him. But you know what they say, old habits die hard.
Even though he knew his partners were genuine, that empty feeling at the pit of his stomach tried to convince him otherwise. These past few days, Rui had been having multiple sad episodes where he just feels like curling up and wanting to disappear even for just a moment. It was very tiring and exhausting having to deal with that constant sadness. His partners had always reassured him that he could rely on them whenever he needed them, but for some reason he couldn't bring himself to open up to them. He thought that maybe he could ignore that feeling and carry on like nothing had happened, but as the days went on it became harder and harder to hold it in. It was so bad even his usual smirk was nowhere to be found. He couldn't bare the thought of facing his partners in this state, so he started to purposely avoid them, at school, at work, whenever he ran into one of them he quickly changed direction.
Of course his partners were no dumbasses (even if they looked like it) so they quickly caught onto his odd behaviour. One day at work while Rui was trying to occupy himself with one of his inventions, the other three talked about what could possibly be tormenting him.
"Okay so everyone agrees that Rui hasn't been himself these past few days?" they all nodded their heads.
"Nene you've known him longer than us, do you know why he's been acting this way?".
"I'm not sure, he's never been good at expressing his feelings..".
"And he doesn't seem to wanna tell us either..." Emu looked down to the ground with a sad look on her face. She hated seeing one of her partners struggling all alone.
"Okay clearly something is wrong, but he won't tell us. How are we supposed to help him if we don't know what's wrong in the first place...!" Tsukasa felt frustrated and angry with himself, he wanted to help Rui so badly, but he didn't even know where to start.
As an intense silence settled over the trio, Rui himself approached them, trying to muster up his best smile even if it hurt. He hated being so close and yet so distant from his partners, but what else could he do?
"Uhh so I'm done working on my bot, if that'll be all I'll be heading back home now".
Before any of them could even think of a reply Rui was already marching away. They definitely noticed the way his face instantly dropped as he walked away. The three of them sighed in defeat, until...
"Is that...Rui's drone?".
"Uhm yeah, I guess he must've forgotten it, why do you-... Tsukasa what are you planning?" The greenette questioned once the blonde quickly took hold of the drone.
"Well...I was sorta kinda thinking that MAYBE we could use it to follow him..." he trailed off as he figured out how to opperate it.
"That's kinda weird...".
"B-but he follows people with drones all the time! Even the day we met he had been following me with one. I think it's only fair I get to do it atleast once to him... What do you think Emu?!".
"I think...that yes! I really wanna know what's bothering him, pleaaaase Nene?" Emu got on her hands and knees in front of Nene, trying to convince her into stalking their boyfriend (it sounded much better in her head).
Emu cheered and slapped a big kiss on Nene's cheek as they all got around to operate the drone. After some fiddling with it they managed to put it up into the sky.
"Do you see him yet?!".
"Uhm no I don't...- Wait! I think that's him!" cheered out Tsukasa as he watched the small screen on the remote.
"Yup that's him alright, looks like he's heading straight home".
They all watched attently as Rui made his way home, nothing out of the ordinary. That was until he made it into his room, his partners watched in sadness as they saw their boyfriend sitting down on the floor, in front of his bed, and hug his knees to his chest as he burried his face between them. They could all feel their hearts shatter at the scene, but what really sent them over the edge were the muffled sobs that came from their purple boyfriend. They all quickly reacted when hearing the noise without a second thought.
"Okay we have to go, NOW!".
They all ran to Rui's house, with Tsukasa and Nene breaking and entering through the front door while Emu crawled into his room through a window. Rui was so lost in thought he didn't even bother to look up when he heard feet scattering like mad in his room. Suddenly...he felt his braint shut off when he felt three pairs of arms wrapped securely around him as his partners gently reassured him and comforted him.
"It's okay, you're not alone anymore".
"We're here for you, and we always will".
"Let it all out, you're safe now".
And just like that, Rui started sobbing louder. Letting all those held up emotions out as he relaxed in the comforting touch of his parters. He cried and cried until there were no tears left in him. Once he managed to calm down, he slowly lifted his head up to look at his partners. They couldn't help but smile fondly at him once they saw his face. Tsukasa was the first to speak up.
"How are you feeling now?".
"Better...thank you, all of you...".
The three partners smiled, before Rui questioned something.
"By the way, how did you all know I was crying...?".
Tsukasa and Emu quickly looked at anything else that seemed remotely interesting all while Nene rolled her eyes.
"Tsukasa and Emu insisted on using your own drone to follow you around".
"N-Nene!" Tsukasa tried to shut her up but she only looked back at him with a teasy smirk.
They both bickered for a while until Rui let out some soft giggles at their sillyness. They all quickly forgot about the drone incident, instead focusing on the sound of their boyfriend's giggles.
"Haven't heard those in a while" Tsukasa brought up as Rui's cheeks softly flushed at the comment. They all quickly cooed at him, which made Rui burry his face between his knees again, except this time it was out of embarrassment. This action only made his partners coo at him more.
"Aww so cute!".
"Those giggles are like music to my ears~".
"Such a precious boyfriend we have~".
All the teasing only made Rui giggle louder. His shoulders gently shook as he let out flustered giggles. "Nohoho...!".
"Looks like someone caught the case of the giggles~".
They all giggled alongside their giggly boyfriend, until a mischevious yet fun idea blessed their brains. Tsukasa cleared his throat before speaking up.
"Since our amazing boyfriend seems to be in a giggly mood, I say that we help him out~" teased Tsukasa as he poked his side. Rui instantly squeaked at the tickly touch, hugging his knees tighter.
"Oooh? Does Rui want the coochi coos??" Emu asked in a teasy tone as she softly stroked his other side up and down.
"E-Emu plehehehease!" he tried to gently swat away her hand but his arms were suddenly being pulled above his head by Tsukasa. While Nene playfully sat on his legs to keep him from curling up. He smiled nervously, knowing what was to come.
"So...do you think you can keep your arms up?" Tsukasa asked with a teasy smirk. Rui's blush grew deeper.
"I-I can try...".
Tsukasa smiled at him as he wrapped his arms along his neck. Rui tensed up as he braced for impact, he took deep breaths trying to ignore the tickly feeling, but once he felt Tsukasa poke at his armpits it was over for him.
"AHH-! W-WAHAHAIT! TSUKASA NOHOHO!" Rui's shoulders shook as he struggled to keep his arms up.
"Oh alright, I'll spare you that spot...for now~" Tsukasa giggled evily as he gently tickled along Rui's neck and jaw.
"Eep! Hehehehehehe!" Rui giggled himself silly as he tried scrunching up his shoulders.
"Aww, coochi coochi coo~" Tsukasa whispered into his ear, which caused him to squeak.
"EEK! Nahahahaha! Not thahahat!".
"But Rui loves the coochi coos!" said Emu as she playfully poked his sides up and down.
"aHA-! Ehehemu nohoho!" silly Rui shook his head and squirmed from side to side. As flustered as he felt, he was having a lot of fun. Tickling was a big comfort for him and his partners were well aware of that, they were always happy to indulge him in such a fun and comforting activity.
Suddenly, he felt some evil fingers poking at his tummy. He jumped and jolted at each poke delivered by Nene. She only watched in amusement, no teasing or anything, as she poked away at the sensitive spot.
To make matters worse...or better in Rui's case, Tsukasa started to gently scratch behind his ears, earning the cutest giggles and squeaks from their ticklish boyfriend.
"Pffft! Ahahahaha! T-thahahat tickles!".
Rui's partners smiled fondly at him, they enjoyed watching him have some innocent fun.
Not long after, he felt his shirt being pulled up as an evil finger inserted itself into his bellybutton, softly tickling it.
"GAH! N-Nene nahahat thehehere!" poor Rui let out a squeal as he arched his back, surprisingly he managed to keep his arms up at all times.
"Tickle tickle tickle~" Nene softly teased, earning another squeal from the flustered male.
After a bit more of those soft tickles, Tsukasa decided to spice things up a bit.
"You've managed to keep your arms up pretty well till now, but now I wanna hear you really laughing!" without another warning, Tsukasa dug his fingers into Rui's armpits and as he expected, his arms came crashing down in an instant.
"BWAH! AHAHAHAHAHA! TSUKASA NOHOHO!" he tried to squirm away from Tsukasa's tickly fingers but it was pretty hard with Nene in his lap.
The three of them laughed at the goofy and silly sounds Rui made at the armpit tickles, he was so ticklish there how could you not wanna exploit that spot?!
Rui's face went bright red, from the tips of his ears all the way down his neck. His eyes were also pretty watery, but his smile was so big and his laughter so bubbly and bright, it was all worth it.
Once Rui started hiccuping from the more intense tickles did his partners relent their tickle attack. Tsukasa slipped his hands out from under his arms as he gave him a tight hug from behind, Nene remained cuddled up in his lap, and Emu was cozily snuggled into his side...which felt a bit tickly. Rui took big gulps of air as his giggles subsided...or atleast most of them.
"Hehehe! T-thahanks for thahat..!" he looked over at his partners with a genuine smile, the first one in a while.
"No problem! And remember, we're here for you. Next time you don't feel so well please come talk to us".
"Yeah...sorry for not bringing it up sooner...and for becoming so distant..." Rui couldn't help but frown at the tought.
"Don't feel bad! We know you didn't mean to!" said Emu as she playfully blew a raspberry on his side.
"GAH! AHAHA!" Rui did a violent jerk to the other side, but with Tsukasa's firm yet comforting grip on him he wasn't able to squirm much.
"A happy face did always suit you better, you look weird when you're all gloomy" spoke Nene softly, trying to light up the mood. Rui looked down at her with a soft smile and placed a gentle kiss on her forehead.
"I am feeling much happier compared to before thanks to you guys".
"Good!" cheered out Tsukasa as he peppered soft tickly kisses along the back of Rui's neck.
"Pfft! Ahahahahaha! T-Tsukasa thahat tickles!" poor Rui would try scrunching up his neck but Tsukasa would just kiss wherever it was exposed.
Nene couldn't help but roll her eyes fondly at her dorky partners, while nuzzling deeper into Rui's chest. The three of them kept on showering Rui with love and affection...and tickles for the rest of the day. He was glad he had wonderful partners he could rely on.
As I was writing this it hit me, I think I've been feeling so sad because of...hormones SKAKSKAJS. 'Cause I've been feeling symptons these few days and this sadness basically showed up out of nowhere which has happened in previous months. Soo...yeah SKAJSKAJSJ
Idk about you, but whenever I feel sad for no reason I LOVE reading angst fics (especially from the haikyuu fandom for some reason LMAO, now I wonder if there are any prosekai ones...). 'Cause if I'm feeling sad, might as well get all them tears out once and for all SJAKSJAI
This was fun to write! It was quite the experience, and I'm actually feeling much better now!
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