#Rfa x mc
rfaromance · 2 years
What would the rfa do to help a MC with social anxiety? Like they're too afraid to talk in public at all and dosent talk until they're very comfortable with someone.
Hello anon! First I want to say, I'm sending so much love to MCs with social anxiety! I have pretty bad social anxiety myself. I've gotten to the point where I can slip into a mask easily (after far too many years of practice), but it wipes me out. I avoid unwanted social situations whenever I can. 😅
Under the cut because of the topic of anxiety!
Yoosung doesn't deal with social anxiety himself, but he certainly understands how difficult it can be to get words and feelings across under stress. He's never been able to get through to the others about his grief, after all. He'd dote on MC to the point where they may need to gently inform him that he's being smothering. He'd hold their hand and try to shield them physically (hide them, in a sense). He doesn't have much to offer for advice, but he's going to be a comforting presence. He'll give little hand squeezes and little pecks on the cheek. He'll also try to find a way to organize more "private" dates, like cooking a nice dinner at his place or having a home movie marathon or even just a lot of LOLOL!
Zen can't begin to fathom what social anxiety feels like. He's the RFA's resident "narcissist" always looking for attention and praise, so he can't imagine why someone as amazing as MC would be so nervous about being perceived. He thinks they're wonderful! But when MC explains it to him, he begins to sympathize. He can differentiate negative from positive attention, both as an actor and from his experiences as a child. If it's all negative attention in MC's eyes, he will do anything to shield them from it. Sometimes that means going to less crowded places. Sometimes that means putting all the attention on himself if someone tries to approach MC. Jaehee isn't thrilled, but he doesn't care. MC is his priority.
Jaehee strikes me as the type who deals with generalized anxiety disorder. She'd certainly relate to MC's woes. She may try to recommend certain grounding techniques, but if MC seems distraught, she won't push the issue. Jaehee is a planner and a thinker, and she will work in advance to ensure MC isn't hounded by guests at the party, with escape plans and backups and emergency signals to the RFA to swoop in and save them.
Jumin is going to research everything he can about social anxiety. He unfortunately may go overboard, as he tends to get tunnel vision over things and people of importance to him. MC might have to correct him on certain areas or say "Well, I know the book said that, but in my specific case, it manifests like this." Jumin isn't exactly a sociable guy, so he has no qualms about having alone time with them. If he needs to take MC to a C&R function, he will be glued to their side like a sturdy, protective rock.
707 is the king of anxiety and paranoia. He wakes up every morning not knowing if it will be his last day on Earth. He isn't the type to go out in public often, anyway, so he is more than happy to turn the bunker into any type of amusement park or movie theater or picnic or whatever MC craves. But the truth is that both Saeyoung and MC need therapy. Like. Someone tell them that meds or therapy will help so nobody is masking 24/7 anymore or hiding in a dark corner with nothing but chips and soda for sustenance for a week.
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canned-pears · 5 months
Comic based on the robocat from seven's route when he stays at the apt for the first few days =)
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I planned this comic like 2-3 years ago? I had the drafts & sketches rotting in my sketchbook and I figured I should to finish what younger me started! Truthfully I'm not really into the game anymore but I had a bunch of stuff I came up with and I'm at a point where I'm pretty satisfied w/ my art so why not finish it yk? I still have more stuff coming out ofc so stay tuned 🙀
Also, this is like, the first ever comic I've ever rly done so sorry if it's kinda weird to follow 😭 it's not perfect by any means i just do this for fun. I tried keeping it as being read from left to right.
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shewrotesomething · 1 year
Jumin Han - The Day He Realized He Wanted to Marry You
People like to think that CEO’s have it easy. That they sit in their big office with their feet up on their mahogany desk, smoking cigars as they watch the money come in. 
Wrong. It’s weeks of working 80 hours. It’s every minute of your day meticulously planned. It’s stacks of paperwork, 30 urgent emails in an hour, it’s meetings upon meetings upon meetings, it’s… missing three date nights in a row.
Jumin has warned you that these few months will be an especially busy period, but he’ll be sure to fulfill his ‘boyfriend’ responsibilities.
Well… that hasn’t exactly panned out as well as he thought.
The first time he had canceled, you waved it off and said there was no issue. The second time, your smile had wavered, but told him you understood. He tried to console you by saying you could eat at the restaurant by yourself. It was dinner time and the reservation was still there. You turned him down and said you’d rather go home and eat at your place.
And now, well, he was lucky that he couldn’t see your face when he called you to cancel. Still, you were uncharacteristically quiet throughout his monologue. At the end of it, you simply said, “I understand. I’ll catch you later.” 
If you had gotten angry, screamed at him
and cried through the call telling him he was a liar 
and that he always chooses work over you… 
well, he’d take that. In fact, he’d rather have that than the quiet surrender you gave. 
As Jumin’s hands danced across his keyboard to reply to an email, he told himself he can’t drown in the issue too long. What’s done is done, instead, he’lld make it up to you a hundred times over. He’s going abroad next month. He should take you with him. At the hotel you’re staying at, he’ll be sure to fill up the place with your favorite flowers, a nice candle lit dinner, a new outfit, and any purchasable item that you even happen to breathe on. 
Later, he’ll tell you about it. He’ll apologize and tell you about the trip. 
It was nearly lunch time when the glass door to his office swung open.
Before he could even tear his eyes from his computer, the intruder spoke, “Jumin Han.”
There you stood by his door. Hands crossed over your chest. The stern expression on your face made his fingers freeze mid-sentence.
“…hello,” was his lame greeting.
You crossed the room and rounded his table to stand by his side then, to his surprise, set a timer on your watch.
Jumin arched his brow and spun his chair about to face you “What are you—” He clamped his mouth shut when you planted yourself onto his lap and wrapped your arms around his frame.
“There’s a 10 minute window before you go to a lunch meeting. It’s mine,” you declared.
Jumin’s hands retreated from his computer and wrapped around your frame. “Were you feeling lonely, dear?”
“Yes,” you answered with a petulant pout. 
“I’m sorry.”
“Don’t apologize,” you tell him. He could feel the vibration of your voice on his shoulder. “I know this is your life and I won’t be selfish about it. Just give me 10 minutes.”
He wrapped his arms tighter around you. 
There would be times where a passing comment, or a conversation thought to be out of earshot, would say that you were lucky to be with someone like him. Rich, brilliant, young, and handsome, Jumin Han. That was ludicrous. All along, always, he was the lucky one.
“Next mo—” he cut himself off. No, the trip next month was too long. No. “Let’s have dinner tonight. Whatever you want.”
You gasped and giggled. You broke away from the hug to look at his face. “Really? Are you free?”
“I’ll finish work by 8 in the evening, is that okay?”
“Yeah! I can wait. We don’t need to go out. Let’s just eat at your place and watch a movie!” You paused and hummed in thought. “I think I know a good movie that you and I can watch. It’ll be great.”
His hand reached up to caress your face. “I can’t wait.”
It’s a good thing that the trip is next month. It’ll give him some time to find out your ring size and rent a villa for the proposal
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intr0verted-weird0 · 2 months
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schmellows · 1 year
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RFAs lovebirds. <3
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kangjaehee · 2 years
RFA + sex headcanons
because i am in a Mood. minors do not interact
content under the cut
like... very. He likes it when u take control.
He likes it when you’re mean to him, when you demand, when you give him no choice but to do as you say if he wants to be a good boy for you.
Humiliation is his shit kinda... he says he doesn’t like it when you highlight how sensitive he is but you, who sees how he trembles at every word you say, you know different.
And on that regard... he’s sensitive. Like, the slightest touch and the right words can crumble him into a whimpering mess within seconds. You’re actually quite shocked. But you absolutely love it.
And he’s loud, too. Doesn’t at all hold back his cries, which sound oh so beautiful to you.
Very into pet play. Likes when you take care of him, likes the element of humiliation that comes with being treated like an animal.
Make him do the gross embarrassing things. Make him eat from a bowl and bark. It gets him off.
Surprisingly, he’s not that much into physical pain or impact, just the control element of it all. He likes it as part of something else, but not in and of itself.
Actually he gets off more in the concept of punishment than the act itself... it urges him on. You think it’s cute. It makes him harder to hear your little dismissive laugh after he whines.
He finishes quite fast but my god does he have stamina. He can go for rounds and rounds that leave you asking for a break.
it turns out all those lolol all nighters he pulled did actually mean something....
Also: the idea of you taking care of him while he’s in the middle of a game??? and not letting him cum until he wins????? GOD it makes him melt.
Very kissy during aftercare. Also very talkative.
You actually have no idea how a person can have this much energy after cumming so many times but hey this is Kim Yoosung we’re talking about.
He doesn’t sext but he does call you to tell you how needy he is. Over the line, you hear him stroke himself to your voice. It makes you lose your mind.
this man has 1 goal and 1 goal only: making you feel good
service top pleasure dom whatever you wanna call it. He just wants you to feel loved and sexy and give you the orgasm of your life.
He likes feeling you. Groping your thigh, manhandling you, kissing you red and raw.
(of course, all while he praises you and tells you how unbelievably gorgeous you are...)
And you absolutely love it. It makes you feel wanted, powerful.
Active sex drive. Y’all do it every other day or so. Not always for long. But it’s an integral part of your relationship. 
He’d do it anywhere. In the kitchen, living room, bathroom, car... He doesn’t need to be comfortable, he just needs his hands and your body to touch.
But don’t misinterpret him, he loves planned affairs too. Especially when you go out of your way to set the mood with lighting and scents and stuff.
LOVES it when you dress up for him. Put on some cute lingerie and sit there, watching as he turns beet red and his breath deepens.
And send him pics. be the biggest tease you can be. Anything relating to you drives him crazy. In his eyes, you’re the sexiest being on the planet, no matter what anyone has told you.
Although keep in mind that he Will warn u about the power u have over him and The Beast potentially coming out at an unwanted moment...
You always tell him to be patient and wait, as if that’s not exactly what you’re after. The Beast always comes out when he gets home though, with him absolutely devouring you in kisses.
Stamina for days... like come on let’s be real he’s a musical theatre performer. He’s Never done.
Not very kinky but has a thing for breeding? creampieing? He wants to claim you, to have something of his inside you.
...And you don’t hate the idea but Babe don’t you think we’re... too young for kids?
Oh my God sorry I didn’t mean it like that... But, hey, don’t you think I’d make a good dad ;)?
You roll your eyes and laugh.
Also he’s not so opposed to the idea of bondage... to have unrestricted access to your body like that (or you to his...)
Surpisingly likes toys. If they make the experience better for you... (and he wants to try them too, though he’s not gonna admit it).
He’s not very keen on being on the receiving end. Doesn’t exactly like not being the one in charge, but he relents every once in a while.
He particularly loves blowjobs. He thinks you look so stupidly sexy while doing them, and the way he flusters and bites his lip... it’s so cute
(One day you’re gonna get him on his knees for you, one day.)
Although the tension between you two and the desire you harbored for each other was undeniable, it took you quite a while to get intimate.
When you crossed that threshold, though... Well, let’s just say there was no return.
Lots of kissing. Before, during, and after. She kisses you intensely, with purpose, like she wants to eat you whole. It’s a bit overwhelming. Makes you wonder for how long she’s been saving this.
Quick, does not hesitate. Teases very little, goes straight to it, and has you shaking and remembering nothing but her name in a matter of miniutes.
Stupidly skilled with her hands. They’re good for so many more things other than kneading dough...
Absolutely loves to hear your moans and other sounds. It urges her on. Please be as loud as you possibly can.
The sight of her large honey eyes looking up at you while she’s eating you out has to be one of your favorites.
But while she absolutely adores being the one to take care of you, she actually pefers it the other way around...
And you do too. Because, my god this woman is the cutest being in the universe when she’s flustered. And it’s extremely easy to fluster her.
All it takes is a smile, a kiss, a remark on how wet she is for you... and boom. You’ve reduced her to a mess of whimpers. She’s sensitive and easy to crack.
And it’s funny because all the while you’ll see her trying desperately to hold onto the propriety that she’s so known for. But soon enough it’s gone and she’s cursing and pleading.
You love to tease her because of this. She groans like she hates it but actually doesn’t, actually wants you to do it, draw this out as long as you can. It makes her climax much more satisfying.
She loves when u play with her boobs. Bite them, mark them, grab them, pinch them, maybe slap them if the occasion requires it...
Two words: Praise. Kink.
...Yeah she very obviously has it.
Tell her how well she’s doing no matter what it is that she’s doing. How good she is at taking your fingers down her pretty wet cunt. How well she’s sucking on your clit. It makes her feel like she’s in heaven.
And of course, tell her how she’s a good girl, how she’s your good girl. And watch her fucking dissolve.
(...yeah she’s quite a sub).
She’s into some other stuff... classics like bondage and the occasional spank, more adventurous stuff like wax play.
She likes sexual experimentation. She’d try most things once, just to have the experience, as long as they’re safe, sane, and consensual.
She has quite a bit of stamina and can last long, although she doesn’t exactly like cumming many times in a row or overstimulation in general. Instead, she prefers being edged until she can barely hold it in.
She also cries. It shocked you the first time, but... she cries when cumming.
And after you’re done, she’s always extremely tender and soft, wanting to cling to you for long. You always reassure her, tell her how good she did. Often you like to shower after, or eat something together. Cuddles after sex are mandatory but always remember to get up and do your necessities.
You guys don’t do it often, and don’t like to do it quick. The Jaehee motto is “If you’re going to do anything, do it how it’s supposed to be done” and that applies to sex. But that just makes the encounters you do have all the more special.
for someone whose only experience is having explored his best firend’s body once out of “curiosity” he’s surprisingly very good.
(JUMINV REAL i will die on this hill. i am cheritz actually.)
instinct-driven. doesn’t hesitate. takes you in whole.
composure and propriety thrown out the window, he will make you his. he’s gonna make sure that you forget your own name and only remember his, that you forget everything else but the feeling of his hands on your body and how he pounds inside you.
It’s not hard to get him going. Like at all. Just kiss him deep the way he likes it, grind agaist him, and bam.
He likes to tease verbally, you like grinding against my thigh, love? but not a lot. Eventually his desire to just have you wins him over.
It’s possessive, yes, but it’s his way of showing you just how much he wants you and no one else. You think of it as almost a privilege to be loved so deeply by someone.
Loves marking you, biting into you and then seeing the pretty purple bruises that from, that mark you as irrevocably his. Kisses you a lot during and after. A lot of You’re mines coming out of his mouth.
Also, he loves hearing your moans. And you love hearing his.
It’s actually very funny to tease him, because it’s very easy and he tries to make it subtle. Just push out your shoulder, watch as his face gets red and he swallows, struggling to keep his poise.
And then God save you, because he will not hold back...
You guys do it often. It’s a way for him to destress, so it’s almost a daily affair. A little quickie before bed and after waking up never hurt anyone...
Doesn’t like doing it in public, likes it when it’s just the two of you, though he for sure likes teasing you in public... You’ve given him a handjob in the limo in more than one occasion.
He’s averagely kinky. Likes bondage. Likes calling you his kitten. Likes slapping your ass when you’re both really into it. Not much beyond that. 
The dominant position is comfortable to him, he can let his desires run wild and free, and you like how he exerts his power, how he’s so confident. It almost lights you up.
Though he also has a strange, almost hidden desire for the other side of the coin... he likes being the one with the power taken away, too.
It always oddly attracted him, but he never paid attention to those desires, as they made no sense. But then you suddenly decided to be more dominant one time, and oh boy something awoke in him.
It’s not very easy for him to submit and let go. But it’s extremely liberating once he does so. For a man who has to be thinking and making decisions and bearing more responsibility on his shoulders than any person could imagine, being in a position where he doesn’t have to make any of the decisions is almost cathartic.
He likes being your kitten. Likes the sight of you above him, holding him by a leash and smiling, just as much as he loves the sight of you under him.
Likes impact quite a bit, actually. More on him than on you. It’s a little humiliating to imagine the heir of one of Korea’s biggest conglomerates being spanked raw. But that’s inexplicably a turn-on.
Likes latex a lot. The sight of you on it is pure art.
Also into shibari. Likes the intricacy of it, the protocol, the fact that it’s an art form.
Lot’s of stamina, doesn’t cum easily. Will always make sure you’re the one to finish first or with him. Prefers to cuddle after, sometimes for hours, tightly and in silence or with just a few words exchanged. It’s the act of bodies becoming one, of feeling being not said but expressed in the way his skin contacts with yours.
Okay so wbk this man is a menace. This applies to sex too.
Most of the time, it’s sloppy and imporvised. Undeliberate, hands everywhere, kisses all over the face. He doesn’t think, and you don’t either. It’s almost funny.
A tease, just because he absolutely loves to see you riled up and begging for it. But, do it a bit aggressively. He’s a bit of a brat. He pushes, and wants you to push back and push harder.
He doesn’t need things at all to be fancy, he can have fun with very little. He’s creative.
But you know what his absolute shit is?? Roleplay.
He does it almost naturally. Has fun with it. Likes the performance element, the not being himself, the play. It’s a way for him to take advantage of all the costumes he’s kept form his agency days.
You’ve found him on more than one occasion just weasring a maid dress and pretending to clean... The indirect was caught and enacted upon.
He’s kind of a jack of all trades. He can top, he can bottom, he can take the strap and rail you until walking is an arduous task.
freak in the streets and the sheets. Truly willing to try anything once.
Pain enjoyer. Likes spanking you, and likes you doing it to him too.
Also likes overstimulation. Edge him, then let him cum, and do not let him stop... just let him go off like that.
Lots and lots of stamina. And also just fucking dies after. Does everything and then five minutes after he’s absolutely fucking spent. To you, it’s shocking. To go from being so loud to being so still...
Likes to kiss during foreplay, but not much during or after. Prefers to tease with words or just let the actions speak for themselves.
One thing about Choi Saeyoung: he’s a romantic partner and extremely entertaining lover. You can trust that stuff will never get repetitive on him. Always switching it up... in all ways possible.
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wonder-cat-art · 4 months
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This drawings makes me feel emotional
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sp1ritb0x · 4 months
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The fact that we still dont have a male mc in mystic messenger pains me, yes ik otome is specifically a romance genre for women hence the mcs gender JUST LEF ME DREAM MMM!!!
ill finish this later
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Jumin Han's Relationship Questions (1)
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💜Who Wakes up first in the morning:💜 Jumin would wake up before his S/O he is very much a person even on vacation or on break he has his set time he will wake up. Most of the time he will wake up earlier than when he is supposed to leave and watch his S/O sleep taking in their breath counting how much time they breathed within the hour and noticing when S/O  is starting to stir awake. He does love making S/O breakfast first thing in the morning, morning coffee, and pancakes with Elizabeth the 3rd sitting on your lap.
💜Who’s the first to fall asleep at night:💜 His S/O is the first to fall asleep before him. Jumin is usually busy with work and being the director of C&R often comes home late. He does attempt to come home to share dinner with his S/O and chat about their day, after heading to their room where he will pet S/O’s hair and sing softly to them till they fall asleep. He is just feeling his heart swelling with such containment and giving her a gentle kiss on their temple before going to sleep.  
💜What they playfully tease each other over:💜 His S/O can playfully tease him about his lack of skills with housework, or knowing modern slang, or just how regular people work and live. He takes it in good stride as he would also tease his S/O with his dry humor or compare them to Elizabeth the 3rd and such. His sense of humor is weird and such and sometimes he says weird things that would catch S/O off guard but still laugh.
💜What they do when the other’s having a bad day:💜 Throw money at the problem, he is rich, and he will throw whatever money he can at the problem to make it go away. His S/O was looking at this necklace before he went to work, he will buy it. They spoke of Spain; He will take them there. It probably gets overwhelmingly fast, but he will also offer a shoulder to cry on. If his S/O wants just his attention and to be just with him and listen to their worries he will be there. For his bad days, just his S/O being there having someone being there for him and loving him for who is, is enough for him.
💜How they say ‘I’m sorry after arguments:💜 Throw money at the problem, and he will be out all day after an argument, he will be feeling guilty and such. He will come back later that night with all kinds of gifts and stuff he knows his partner would love before apologizing to them and explaining how much they mean to the world to them. He will try to fix whatever bothers his S/O other and such. His S/O can apologize any way they feel comfortable, a song or art piece, or even using Elizabeth the 3rd he will forgive his S/O and such and keep the song or however they apologized.
💜Which one’s more ticklish:💜 His S/O probably but he does have a few ticklish spots, around his neck and under his jawbone he is a bit ticklish but that is a secret only his S/O knows of…..
💜Their favorite rainy day activities:💜 Shopping, his apartment is built for shopping he will take his S/O looking at anything and everything they want before both of them heading home and sitting and enjoying wine and discussing the day with Elizabeth the 3rd on his lap or his S/O. He at times will love the simpler things and life and sitting and drinking wine and watching the rain fall is one of them.
💜How they surprise each other:💜Gifts, Jumin’s love language is gift giving and he will surprise his S/O with an expensive gift he saw and thought of them, or vacation trips just the two of them with of course Elizabeth the 3rd or taking them to private screenings of their favorite movie or show even meeting actors. But the best surprise is when he comes home early and they spend the day cuddling. He gets surprised just seeing his S/O around him loving him for him, of course, if his S/O wants to surprise him bringing another cat into the relationship is always fun.
💜Their most sickening show of public affection:💜 He is completely enamored with his S/O and just in the RFA talking about how much he loves them and how being around them just brightens his day. It often leaves the other members speechless, of course, he isn’t against physical affection and such either. Hugging and kissing his S/O even while people watch and saying the words ‘I love you,’
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Happy #FanArtFriday ! Today we're celebrating the winner of our 7th anniversary art contest and the newest member of our art team; Wispypengwan! Jaehee and Malika look beautiful together!
Thanks for reading our blog!
☆•°•The MMED Party Coordinators•°•☆
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regalfairytaleacademy · 10 months
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"Butterflies know the beauty of change. Times can't reverse the past. "
-- Charisse's Dorm Uniform
I take three colors are blue, pink and purple. Charisse shall be wearing blue, Kanako is pink and Hinata is purple.
Mainly the dress color is white since the color of gemstone is white.
The accessories allowed to customize.
Full body
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rfaromance · 2 years
ik this is specific but what happens if the mc would have greatly preferred to be friends with the rfa in their own respective routes instead of having a romance with them? maybe for a dose of angst if you're into that, they could have already fallen for the mc by the time they expressed their preference?
Hi anon! Overall the answer is that the RFA will love MC regardless of how that love is returned. In the end, they're all caring people and would be happy to invite MC into their found family.
Zen would be surprised when MC reveals that they don't have romantic feelings for him. He wouldn't be offended--just genuinely shocked. He would then apologize, worried he misread their cues and/or got too caught up in his narcissistic act. He enjoys MC's presence and kindness, and he'd be more than happy to be their bestie unlike the restie. He'd be fiercely protective if he catches anyone else making unwanted advances, too.
Yoosung would be disappointed, but not surprised. He would probably blame himself a little, since he spent so much time comparing MC to Rika. He'd be happy to be MC's friend though, because they inspire him to be a better, stronger version of himself. If anything, he'd probably use what he learned from his interactions with MC to go forth in pursuit of his first romantic relationship. Go get 'em, Yoosung!
Jaehee doesn't even realize she has romantic feelings until we get to her DLC. She'd be perplexed. "I... Never meant for my feelings to come across that way?" Now she's questioning everything. Someone please have the talk with her, oh my G-d.
Jumin is another who'd blame himself for MC's lack of romantic interest. He'd analyze how overprotective and controlling he was, assuming that caused MC to lose love for him. When MC explains that they never felt romance from the start and just wanted to be close to him as a good friend who cares for him, he'd relax a little. He's bad enough at making and keeping friends, as his position makes that difficult. He's just happy MC cares at all, as they're someone he adores and trusts.
707 is disappointed, initially. He'd be lying if he said he didn't become smitten as he watched MC, made jokes with them, and as they helped him see light when he'd shrouded himself in lonely darkness. But he wouldn't want to make MC feel bad! Now they're simply his partner in crime for gags and pranks, and ultimately... he knows it's safer this way. If he loves MC, the best thing he can do for them is not get romantically involved and put their life at risk....
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canned-pears · 2 years
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Mysme stuff from the summer! I replayed the game out of boredom and i created some AUs that were inspired by some fics i read! I came up with my own interpretation of the events in seven's route/secret ending and jaehee's route cause i love them smmm. I'll post it whenever it gets done 😭😭😭
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rayroseu · 2 years
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"if you wake up from your dream, would you mind telling me all about it?"
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mys-me-stuff · 8 months
hi friends, i'm hella late to the party but i grew up on mystic messenger and fanfic, and recently rediscovered a love for both of these things. with that said, i'm also very unsure of where to start.
will not write: anything that is socially unacceptable, pls don't even make requests like that. that's a wide range of things, i'm aware. just be normal, i beg.
will write: angst, fluff, (bad) smut, anything else within the realm of normal people requests that someone smarter than myself may come up with.
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shewrotesomething · 1 year
The Day He Realized He Wanted to Marry You
It was his friend’s fault. 
His university had a freshmen week where every student organization makes a booth to recruit new members. 
Unfortunately, Yoosung’s organization wasn't permitted to have a mini petting zoo. In exchange, they had to dress up as animals and host a number of carnival games.
You decided to pay him a visit. He really didn’t want you to see him in a puppy onesie with ear headbands, so he told you to come during lunch. Someone will take over by that time, so you two could eat and walk around. 
His friends, however, had different plans.
They texted you to come around 11 so you could get the Yoosung-in-a-puppy onesie experience. 
The moment you saw him, you laughed. His flushed expression only added fuel to the fire.
He’ll have to get revenge on his friends later on.
“You're enjoying this way too much,” he said in feigned anger.
You smiled at him as the two of you walked in the courtyard. “Of course, I am. We should buy matching ones.”
He wasn’t opposed to that at all.
“Excuse me,” a student stopped the both of you, “Yoosung and MC, right?” The two of you nodded. Before you could ask what he wanted, your right hand and Yoosung’s left hand were cuffed together. “You’re late for your wedding.”
He was a member of the literature club, the organization with a marriage booth. You could pay to get married, or someone will pay to have you marry someone.
His friends did the latter. 
Yoosung was breaking out in cold sweat on the way to the booth. Although you two have been dating for nearly 2 years, you told each other you’d have that conversation only after graduation. I mean, he was still relying on his parents for his tuition, he didn’t even have his own money yet. And you, well, you had your own family circumstance to clean up before you could consider a future.
It was all messy. You two were still young and you barely had anything to your name. 
More than that, you two haven’t really been talking all that much because you’re both in busy periods of your life. 
What were his friends thinking? This is going to be bad. What if… what if you start thinking about it? What if you get scared and tell him to cool off for a bit?
The “priest” looked at them with eyes filled with mischief. The rule was, they would ask pre-planned questions from his friends about each other. If they get the answer wrong they must pay a fine. 
“Silence!” the “priest” yelled to his friends cheering in the back. “First question, to the bride, what’s a bad habit of his?”
She chuckled. “He, uh, he sometimes forgets to eat because he’s too busy studying or playing. Strangely though, when I’m around he never forgets to feed me.”
The crowd cheered. “Correct. To the bride, where was your first kiss?”
That question was easy. “At a party,” he answered. She wore a red dress. It was the first time he saw her in real life. Stunning. He didn’t think anyone could be that pretty.
The crowd cheered even louder. 
“This is the last set of questions. To the bride, what’s his full name?
“This is my boyfriend… well, I suppose in this case, my fiance, Yoosung Kim.”
The crowd went wild and she laughed at their reactions.
“To the groom, what’s her full name?”
Again, it was easy. He spoke her full name and had an inkling to change her surname. 
The “priest” told them to face one another “MC, do you pledge to help him to develop his heart and mind, cultivating compassion, generosity, ethics, patience, enthusiasm, concentration, and wisdom as you age and undergo the various ups and downs of life and to transform them into the path of love, compassion, joy, and equanimity?”
“I do,” she answered him with a note of amusement, as she had no other choice but to say so.
“And do you, Yoosung, do you pledge to help her to develop her heart and mind, cultivating compassion, generosity, ethics, patience, enthusiasm, concentration, and wisdom as you age and undergo the various ups and downs of life and to transform them into the path of love, compassion, joy, and equanimity?”
“I do,” he answered, because no other answer came to him. 
“In the power vested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife. Usually I’d give you the option to kiss each other on the cheek, forehead or have an eskimo kiss but I think the crowd wants a real kiss. Who wants a real kiss?”
The crowd cheered and the two of you obliged. 
Right then, Yoosung decided his first paycheck was for an engagement ring.
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