#and fuck Harvey Weinstein
It Follows is a pretty amazing movie~
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saintmeghanmarkle · 9 months
Soho house deep dive - part 7, MM's early days at Soho house, Markus and MM - meetings with Weinstein, Soho house contacts - MM - listed as a 'notable friend' of Weinstein
Hi All,
As part of the 'Deep Dive' series - in part 7 we explore the links between MM, Weinstein and Soho house in greater depth...
MM - ever networking
As previously mentioned in my deep dive series, MM's links to Soho house date to at least 2010, at the (then) newly established Soho house in West Hollywood. At that stage, MM had been networking for roles for years, alongside her then partner, Trevor Engelson. People who knew them at the time noted that they were highly active 'networkers' - knowing that obtaining important connections was an important way to get breaks and roles. They were obscure and low ranking in comparison to the countless other wannabe producers and actors in Hollywood at the time, and obtaining access to the most elite circles, and people, was difficult to do.
The importance of Soho house, and Weinstein
Getting in to Soho house was a 'holy grail' for aspiring wannabes. Throughout the 2000's/2010's obtaining access to elite members clubs (such as Soho house) and speaking to the 'mega producers' of the time, the biggest of all being Miramax head, Harvey Weinstein, was seen as a 'golden ticket' that could launch a career. Even the biggest stars fawned over Weinstein like the pope, and one phrase was that 'success was in relation to an association with Harvey Weinstein'.
One documentary spoofed this phenomenon - 'Inflitr8 media' - where a group bluffed their way into Soho house, TIFF and met Harvey Weinstein.
Fawning over Weinstein
It should also be noted that while it is now known that Weinstein was a predator, there were still many people that would still fawn over Weinstein in exchange for roles, and there were also those ambitious actresses that would actively pursue Weinstein in exchange for roles, as well as associates, business partners, journalists and assistants that enabled Weinstein's behaviour.
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The fawning and enablement of Weinstein was widespread for decades
Even after Weinstein was publicly accused, in 2019, there were models and actors/actresses that still fawned over Weinstein.
MM - networking to get roles - helped her land small roles
It is highly likely that as extremely ambitious networkers both Engelson and Markle would have gone to great lengths to meet a producer like Weinstein or set foot in Soho house.
MM had only been successful in obtaining a handful of roles since 2003, but had extensively networked including with (now notorious) producer Brett Ratner, and by 2009 had obtained small roles, such as the Beverly Hills carpark scene, as a delivery girl etc. Since becoming a 'briefcase girl' in Deal or No Deal in 2006, MM had attended Brett Ratner's parties several times per week, for years (detailed by Tom Bower in 'Revenge').
2010 - MM's early days with Soho house
Thanks to MM's ex-Ninaki Priddy, we have an early record of MM's involvement in Soho house in West Hollywood in 2010. There are photos from two different dates (indicated by both of them wearing different clothes).
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Soho house West Hollywood - 2010 (1)
Because Soho house has a strict no cameras' policy - except for Soho house's own security cameras of course, and the photo booths - which MM and Ninaki Priddy can be seen in, in the West Hollywood Soho house, which opened in 2010.
How did MM get into Soho house?
What is interesting about the photograph of MM and Ninaki Priddy is that they were likely either both guests of two other members (members can invite one guest each). Or, importantly that MM was herself a Soho house member at this stage, and Ninaki was her guest. they also opened their first Soho house - photos show MM and Ninaki Priddy at the West Hollywood in 2010. MM is crowding Ninaki out of the frame in both events (classic narcissistic behavior).
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Soho house West Hollywood (2) - 2010
A less likely scenario is that Ninaki was also a Soho member, this may be the case, but the ultra exclusive club for celebrities (albeit of different levels) was most likely to be accessed by Trevor and MM, due to their more direct film industry contacts.
Who sponsored Meghan to become a Soho house member?
What is interesting about this 2010 photo booth is that it indicates that by this time, it was possible that MM was a Soho house member.
Another possibility is that MM, worked at Soho house in LA, possibly as a waiter or hostess, and made enough connections to convince them to let her join.
It is possible that it was Trevor that sponsored MM to become a Soho house member. He was seen at Soho house in 2015. Trevor may have had industry contacts that allowed him to become one. Given Trevor's associations with the Anti-Defamation league (a Jewish association for preventing negative stereotypes about Jewish people), this gave him access to the high profile Soho house members, like Harvey Weinstein, who was able to sponsor others to be members. Getting to Soho house, and being able to speak to Weinstein was seen as a career 'golden ticket' at the time.
Another possibility is that MM had succeeded in meeting Harvey Weinstein himself, who was known to dangle (like a carrot) the offer sponsorship to be a Soho house member, in turn for shady/creepy 'favors' of course. The networking/career potential of Soho house was widely known in Hollywood, and allegedly, the creepy behaviour of Weinstein was widely known as well.
Soho house West Hollywood opening - March 2010
Soho house West Hollywood opened in March 2010. Longtime Soho house member and fan, Harvey Weinstein held numerous events at Soho house for the opening, which coincided with the awards season. Weinstein had a house in West Hollywood, so wasn't far away. Other high profile Soho house members such as Billionaire Ron Burkle, lived only a few minutes away from Soho house West Hollywood - Rob Burkle had been a member since 2002, and in 2012, became the majority owner of Soho house. Burkle was also listed in Epstein's 'black book', though it is not known in what capacity. Weinstein and Epstein also had close connections, and often 'worked together', where Weinstein would set aside small roles for models or actresses in exchange for 'favors'. Weinstein is also known to have offered membership to Soho house to aspiring models and actresses - like a bait - in exchange for 'favors'.
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An extremely sinister trio - Weinstein, Epstein and Maxwell
Weinstein was known to be closely linked to other producers and directors, including Brett Ratner, who was also accused of SA by other actresses and models.
Late 2010 - MM's career starts to look up
By 24 August 2010, MM's career was looking up, she had successfully hooked a role in the pilot for 'Suits'. While pilots didn't always go anywhere, she was starting to get more roles.
MM and roles in the Weinstein company - 2011-2012
By 2011, MM had begun to be heavily involved in networking at Soho house, and by 2011, notably, she also got small roles in films owned by the Weinstein company (2011 - 'Horrible Bosses' and 2012 'Five Year Engagement'. These films were not well received, and the acting of MM was mediocre, but they were still roles. In my opinion, MM definitely had worked her way towards, and knew Weinstein by this point.
In my opinion, it is highly likely that MM went to some effort to meet Harvey Weinstein, befriend his wife and other associates, and that MM definitely met Harvey Weinstein, and it benefitted her career.
2011 - MM in Toronto - alongside Markus Anderson, attending events at Soho house such as TIFF
By 2011, MM - alongside her then husband Trevor, was photographed at an ADL event, with her arm around several high profile producers - including those such as Ryan Kavanagh, a business partner of both Ron Burkle and Harvey Weinstein.
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MM and Ryan Kavanagh in 2011
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Weinstein and Kavanagh had business ties - as with Ron Burkle
Weinstein had a major presence at Soho houses around the globe, and was a regular at the Toronto International Film Festival (TIFF), where he held private movie screenings and other events at Soho house.
Markus Anderson was known as the 'queen bee' of TIFF, who organized events and 'connected people'.
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Mysterious Markus- 'Queen Bee' of TIFF
In my personal opinion, he would have known Weinstein well, and as well as organizing events that Weinstein was involved in, appeared at the same parties as Weinstein, Ron Burkle etc. Nick Jones ('a friend from long before she met Harry'), who knows MM well, is also photographed alongside Weinstein.
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2013 - Weinstein, Nick Jones at Toronto Soho house
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Weinstein and Ron Burkle
2012, 2013 - MM, Soho house, Weinstein links
In 2012, MM was also photographed attending another Weinstein company event, as well as other events related to him, including TIFF. Notably, Trevor Engelson was not present at these events, with some reports that MM had separated from him as early as September 2012.
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MM - at Weinstein Company Ball in early 2012
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MM at the Producers Ball - in 2012
MM also worked her way into Weinstein's innermost circle, by befriending his wife. By 2013, and 2014, MM also appeared wearing 'Marchesa' the fashion brand designed by Weinstein's wife, Georgina Chapman, and funded by Weinstein, which was associated with 'Harvey' girls, those who had (allegedly) knowingly exchanged favors with Weinstein.
2013 - MM divorces Trevor - deepens friendship with Markus Anderson
When MM met Markus is not exactly certain, but a reasonable guess is that it was shortly before, or in her early days of being involved in Soho house. Markus filled the role that Trevor had previously provided - supplying her with contacts, but he was also known to set MM up on dates, as well as advise her on career friendly choices...
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Markus Anderson - set MM up on dates (allegedly ;-) )
MM mysterious modelling roles
Interestingly, by 2013, while MM had struggled to find substantive roles outside of Suits - she had failed to obtain a role on the reality show 'Made in Chelsea' and 'Strictly Come Dancing', for instance, she was increasingly listed as a 'model', when photographed wearing Marchesa, despite being of a shorter stature than even the shortest commercial models (the cut off is usually 5.9"), whereas MM is estimated to be only 5.6".
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MM - seen wearing Marchesa in early 2014 - at Georgina Chapman's fashion show
MM, Harvey Weinstein's inner circle, and associates. 2013 - 2014
MM also made her way into Weinstein's inner circle - and befriended Georgina Chapman - Harvey Weinstein's wife (at the time) in these years.
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MM and Georgina Chapman - 2014
In posts on the Tig MM seems to be ingratiating herself towards Georgina Chapman, and is seen wearing Marchesa dress's around this time (Marchesa is Georgina Chapman's fashion brand).
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Wearing Marchesa in 2013
Georgina Chapman brand Marchesa -
In early 2014, MM appeared in New York in a Marchesa fashion show, and attended Georgina Chapman's fashion show in New York, as well as including photobooth (presumably Soho house) photographs of her and Georgina Chapman on 'the Tig'.
She was also photographed on the side of a couch, wearing Marchesa, at the New York fashion shoot.
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MM - wearing Marchesa - in early 2014 - at Georgina Chapman's fashion show
The Soho house Grey Goose Vodka party - Weinstein's 'notable friend'
In September 2014, Weinstein was the guest of honor at the 'Grey Goose Vodka' party at Soho house in Toronto - most of the photographs are hidden behind a members only screen. The event celebrated the release of the 'Imitation Game' - the Weinstein company film. Weinstein as listed as attending, along with 'Notable Friends' - including... Meghan Markle, from Suits.
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In 2014 - Soho house Toronto hosted Weinstein as the 'guest of honor' - alongside his 'notable friends'
2014 - Toronto Soho house 'guest of honor' - Weinstein and notable friend - Markle
After the trial
In later years, after Weinstein was arrested and trailed by 2018, it was no longer fashionable to be associated with Harvey Weinstein.
In my opinion, given that MM most likely would have known Weinstein, given the fact that she went to his events at Soho house, befriended his wife, was in his movies, it seems very odd that MM didn't have more to say, as a 'feminist activist', who accepted awards from Gloria Steinem...
That said, a few strange little links happened after this date...
One was that only a year later, in 2019, eyebrows were raised when MM used Harvey Weinstein's defense team, after it became publicly alleged that she had bullied multiple staff members. Who advised her to make such a choice is unknown, although it is known that Markus Anderson has an ongoing role in advising her on some of her hiring choices.
In 2021 a strange, nasty little article appeared, perhaps nothing, but it was rather snarky, and related to a Private Eye that had met with Pulitzer prize winning journalist - Rowan Farrow, (who blew the lid on the Weinstein scandal). The private eye had been trailing Meghan Markle as well.
In my opinion, MM would definitely have known Weinstein, and met him, but in exactly what context remains a mystery...
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Rowan Farrow met with a Private Eye that also trailed MM.
What the Private Investigator and Rowan Farrow talked about is uncertain, although they appeared to be having a laugh!
post link
author: narcwatchkiwi
submitted: submitted: January 08, 2024 at 07:21AM via SaintMeghanMarkle on Reddit
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personal-blog243 · 6 months
I have never been sexually abused, but I’ve been thinking about how it’s weirdly hard to get people to care about sexual abuse or other crimes unless it fits a certain narrative or perpetuates a pre-existing bigotry….
. if you acknowledge sexual abuse in the film/tv industry then anti semitic people will say it’s because Jewish people control Hollywood 🙄.
. If you acknowledge sexual abuse in the music industry then people will focus on the black men in rap music and perpetuate racist stereotypes
. Sexual abuse in the Catholic Church is now more widely known, but there are still people who will use that to feed into religious conflicts between Catholics and Protestants and perpetuate conspiracy theories. Abuse in Protestant groups and in other religions has yet to be covered in the same way.
. LGBT people are disproportionately likely to be victims of abuse but are being called groomers???
. People blame cases of incest on if they are from the American south 🙄
. Most cases of abuse are against children, but also FULLY GROWN ADULT WOMEN have also been speaking about sexual misconduct for SEVERAL DECADES and are still being blamed on their clothing and called “unlikable” for making a fuss 😤
It’s just so sad that at least one of these narratives always pops up whenever a man can actually even get convicted which is still rare. When will people realize that the root of this is problem is hierarchy of power and not whatever group of people you don’t like.
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msclaritea · 2 months
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NOV. 11, 2021
"Method acting is a Hollywood tradition that’s netted many an Oscar and irritated thousands of coworkers, but it’s likely never been this stinky before. For The Power of the Dog, the new Netflix psychological-thriller-meets-cowboy-romance, Benedict Cumberbatch joins the unwashed ranks of celebrities like Jake Gyllenhaal and Ashton Kutcher. To stay fully in character, the actor didn’t shower for six days.
It was a choice wholly encouraged by Oscar-winning director and writer Jane Campion.."
"The Clooney family connections to Washington and politics at the highest level is nothing new. Fun fact, his maternal great-great-great-great-grandmother, Mary Ann Sparrow, was the half-sister of Nancy Lincoln, mother of, you guessed it, Abraham Lincoln.
Not only is Clooney related to Washington royalty, he’s not the first person in his family to make it big in entertainment.
Cabaret singer and actress Rosemary Clooney was George Clooney’s aunt, the sister of his father Nick Clooney. George’s other aunt, Betty Clooney, was also a famous singer in the 1950’s. And yet another famous singer, “You Light Up My Life” singer Debby Boone, is George’s cousin. Recall that his father was a gameshow and TV host and it almost starts to seem as if being from certain families makes it a lot easier to break into Hollywood.
Clooney was raised a strict Roman Catholic and attended Catholic schools where he served as an altar boy from the time he was young. By middle school Clooney had developed Bell’s Palsy, a type of facial paralysis. Bell’s Palsy is rare in adolescents, as it’s most commonly linked to sexually transmitted herpes and extreme stress. It’s worth noting that Clooney’s fellow United Nations and Council on Foreign Relations pal Angelia Jolie has also long struggled with Bell’s Palsy. In Clooney’s case, what with the rampant systemic child sex abuse we are learning has gone on for decades in the Catholic church and the connection between Hollywood, child sex abuse and Hollywood-linked military programs such as MK Ultra (recall Clooney’s father’s military ties), his having Bell’s Palsy as a child is certainly an interesting side note....Clooney studied acting with leading Scientologist Milton Katselas at his Beverly Hills Playhouse for 5 years, from 1982-1987.
In the book co-authored by the now-deceased-under-extremely-mysterious-circumstances Andrew Breitbart, Hollywood, Interrupted: Insanity Chic in Babylon — The Case Against Celebrity, Milton Katselas is discussed at length. As well as Scientology in general and it’s connection to Hollywood.
'Here’s the cliff’s notes: Think of Scientology’s presence in Hollywood as an intelligence dragnet to identify those who will trade compromising secrets for power and influence.'
One of the very top lieutenants of that intelligence operation, for decades, was Milton Katselas.
July 15, 2007, New York Times, ‘The Actualizer’: “Students have left Katselas’s school, the Beverly Hills Playhouse, because of the pressure they felt to join the Church of Scientology… they could not ignore how many of their classmates and teachers were Scientologists … and the assorted weirdness..."
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wandalives · 1 year
Gotta love that the first episode of s2 of Loki has the face of a domestic abuser plastered quite literally everywhere
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christinered · 5 months
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Ladies how much longer are we going to allow them to get away with this?
The legal system is failing our entire gender worldwide!
When are we going to squeeze the balls of the dicks doing nothing to these pigs perv men who are hurting our girls?
Drop him off at any of the 5 boroughs. Stand him before girls who don't care about breaking a nail, getting an oscar or a scratch on their face.
I have seen what happens to skeevie, fat fucks who hurt girls. I'd like to show him.
Bring him to me!
I'm starting to get very very angry. Why is this still not being dealt with?
Correcting, Ceasing maybe even Castrating this vile piece of shit should have happened already.
~Brooklyn Red
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idsb · 1 year
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gaypirateslife4me · 7 months
Apropos of nothing, of course...
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Have some pics of Zaslav with his buddy Harvey Weinstein.
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lagim · 2 years
it’s probably been discussed endlessly but tatum riley deserves to be talked about more in the scream sequels beyond being just a passing reference. her character was unsurprisingly subversive, deeply caring, and she fuckin baptized ghostface. it’s a shame that only dewey and gale ever really bring her up.
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anthroxlove · 2 years
I say good riddance.
It irritates me to see so many RIP/Rest In Peace posts about Jerry Lee Lewis. Why should he be allowed to rest in peace? He was a pedophile, an abuser, and a possible murderer. Will people write/wish the same for Harvey after he dies? SMH.
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msclaritea · 4 months
Oh dear, that Sunday Times article must be devastating for you.
Benedict Cumberbatch talks extensively and fondly about his children and parents. No mention of his mother abusing him, in fact quite the opposite, he talks about what wonderful, supportive, loving parents he has.
And other people from the film also talk a lot about his family, wife and children. Almost as if the actual people who spend time with him have no hesitation in acknowledging the reality of his three lovely boys.
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bloghrexach · 5 months
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😳 … no f**king way!! — That powerful? .. 😳
@hrexach …
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anadrenalineslut · 11 months
like, imagine you support an abuser who literally has text messages circulating on the internet that admit to the things that amber accused him of just for shits and giggles.
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hotgorloikawa · 11 months
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junglejim4322 · 4 months
Shia labeuf is a serial domestic abuser it’s been consistently recorded for the better part of 10+ years and he’s one of those people who people just conveniently forget about because they want to work with him. Same thing happened with James Franco when everything came out about him as if he hadn’t been trying to solicit sex from minors for years? And got caught publicly many times. So fucking nuts how ousting for sex crimes is dependent on how much it’ll effect the rest of the people associated with the person unless you’re at the level of like, Harvey weinstein or something
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Julian Assange is a rapist
Cherno Biko is a rapist
Neil Gaiman is a rapist and child pornography defender
Jian Ghomeshi is a rapist
Johnny Depp is a rapist and wife beater
Eli Erlick is a rapist
Donald Trump is a rapist and child rapist
Bill Clinton is a rapist
Joseph Biden is a child molester
Bill Cosby is a rapist
Harvey Weinstein is a rapist
Meredith Stroud is a rapist
Dr. Luke is a rapist
Hugo Schwyzer is a rapist and attempted murderer
Marilyn Manson is a rapist and wife beater
Marion Zimmer Bradley is a child molester
Armie Hammer is a rapist
Kyle Payne is a rapist
Tourmaline Fialkowski is a rapist
Chris Chan is a rapist
Kevin Spacey is a child molester
Roman Polanksi is a child rapist
Louis CK is a sexual harasser
Aziz Ansari is a rapist
Eldridge Cleaver was a serial rapist
Tupac was a rapist
Hugh Hefner was a rapist
David Bowie was a child rapist
John Lennon was a wife beater
Your heroes, your favourite actors, singers, filmmakers, authors, comedians, politicians, activists, teachers, and journalists are rapists. I don't give a shit. You want to side with (mostly) men in power over their victims, then just fucking do that and say they get to do whatever they want to anyone they want. Because you're essentially saying that anyway when you pick apart the behaviour of their victims.
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