#and for marinette wouldn't lady noire be more of an escape? a time in her life when she DOESN'T have to be so responsible and careful?
nemaliwrites · 11 days
have a snippet from the lil kwami swap thing i'm working on!
High above the streets of Paris, Mister Bug and Lady Noire talk about love.
It's a dangerous topic, to be sure; one that has to be tiptoed around with utmost care. A balancing act for Mister Bug. For Lady Noire too, perhaps, but she never seems like it affects her quite as much. Maybe that's why she's the one who brings it up.
"Are you in love, Mister Bug?"
His feet, from where they'd been kicking back and forth rhythmically, come to a stop. "Huh?"
"I'm just curious," says Lady Noire. On the rooftop they sit, there's more than a few centimeters of space between them. A gap that they're both waiting for Mister Bug to bridge. He only wishes he could. "Are you?"
Mister Bug tries to catch her eye. "Are you sure you want to talk about this? We... we don't have to--"
She waves a clawed hand in the air dismissively. "It's fine," she says, even though he knows it's not. He wonders what it is that's fine: talking about love, or talking about love when they both know he won't -- he can't -- reciprocate her feelings? "I wanna know. Is there anyone you love?"
There is. 
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tranqviridii · 8 months
Kuro Neko Rant
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Kuro Neko was definitely an episode where Ladybug was being unfavorable. We can follow her to how being guardian and shouldering all this responsibility can be really overwhelming for someone so young as her and how it affects her relationship with her partner Chat Noir. Chat/Adrien is evidently a comfort character of mine but I can understand where Ladybug is coming from! Marinette has made so many sacrifices to hold the title as Ladybug and bear the responsibility as guardian of the miraculous.
Throughout Season 4, Chat Noir has been showing signs of being angry and excluded from the loop. Examples being, Scarabella's first appearance, The entire episode of Rocketear, and in general, not receiving any explanation from Ladybug...building up to the point that Chat Noir feels that his presence isn't needed to save the day. To the actual episode, Kuro Neko is supposed to be the episode where Chat Noir finally says enough after being neglected by Ladybug as a core member of the team, THEIR team. The episode begins with Ladybug answering a curious news reporter about the Chat Noir's lack of appearance during these akuma fights and to this she responds "He's a partner like any other. We must pick the best superheroes for each mission, with or without Chat Noir." The very last bit hits Adrien as he's watching this on the news particularly to the heart. The worst part is that there's just no reason as to why Chat Noir wouldn't be considered the best for the mission as these are all akumas that THEY'VE FOUGHT BEFORE. Hell if they can defeat Mr. Pigeon 72 times and more in the span of less than 10 minutes, why would Ladybug recruit 4 heroes to immobilize the same baby villain they've fought before with ease. Before, Passing out miraculouses meant they needed one or two specific powers to help fight a certain villain instead of recruiting 4 to serve the same purpose. Plus! Ladybug has defeated villains by herself before. The problem with this is that she needs to recruit 4 superhereos to compensate for Chat Noir's position in the team. Chat Noir goes to help Ladybug and friends to defeat another akumatized villain but as soon as he gets there he realizes that the mission is over and Ladybug already fixed everything. He meets up with them either way but they are all in a rush to go to their rendevous points, especially ladybug who increasingly becomes agitated with Chat Noir trying give a helping hand and finally snaps at him, "If you want to save me time, stop wasting it in the first place!" and zips off. Chat Noir's last thread snaps and he shouts at her that she can take his miraculous when she's done to which she angrily dismisses before realizing the implication later and coming back to find that she's too late, with the Black Cat miraculous on the roof without Chat Noir in sight. (Which btw, how the hell did adrien get down LMAO nobody saw Adrien Agreste supermodel dangle on the roof of a glass building trying to get down???) Plagg comes to his defense when Ladybug says, she didn't do anything, of course Plagg metions how Chat Noir has been neglected for other heroes but drops the ball at Ladybug's defense where she states that, Chat Noir should be happy he has more time off. WHEN LITERALLY I FEEL LIKE HE MENTIONS OFTEN HOW MUCH HE LOVES BEING A SUPERHERO!! AND!! In one episode he says, "The times where I have the most fun is when i'm here with you" something like that. but Plagg drops the ball at implying that Chat Noir doesn't want time off because he's in love with Ladybug.🤦‍♂️ Ladybug then feels guilty about this fact, saying that Chat Noir being in love with her is the problem and they should split. This being dwiddled down into a love problem irks me because yes while there could be some jealousy involved, Chat Noir feels neglected as a PARTNER. Being Chat Noir, grants Adrien a freedom to do whatever he wants considering his restrictive lifestyle. Chat Noir is his escapism...not a suit to flirt with Ladybug. Anyways, Plagg then goes to trick Ladybug into thinking there were two candidates for the holder of his miraculous so he could give back the miraculous to Adrien who is rotting in his room tbh. Plagg convinces Adrien to become Chat Noir again but this time, a Chat Noir that can meet all of Ladybug's expectations as the perfect partner. Making a whole new personality to fit, Plagg recommends that Adrien should simply behaves how he does when he's with his father or Natalie. Thus, Cat Walker is born.
Aside from his amazing design...Cat Walker turns out to be the perfect partner. The akumatized villain, Ladybug impulsively mistook for Chat Noir was actually a Sentimonster. Cat Walker was simply just "too perfect" to fit as the new holder because Ladybug almost instantly becomes infatuated with him and can't focus on how to apply the lucky charm. She ends up saving the day by herself and Cat Walker is to give the ring to Plagg so that the original Chat Noir can return. ... ⬇️ THIS IS ACTUALLY JUST THE CORE OF THE RANT ⬇️ What made me upset was how easily Ladybug fell for Cat Walker, considering Cat Walker is just the superhero version of Adrien's public image. I'm not saying Chat Noir is who Adrien really is but he's a part of him and seeing that part of him blatantly rejected, is disheartening. Plus, the implications that Adrien was willing to act like his public image from that point on just to be recognized and put on the team, to not be neglected, just sucks! His public image leaking into his superhero life, the life that is supposed to be his escape of all the expectations placed on him. LIKE LET THIS BOY BE GOOFY AND MAKE PUNS. Worst of all, Ladybug does not apologize and demotes Chat Noir to being a partner like any other but it's okay! Because he is her "favorite". 🙄 They had a better apology at the end of the season than in this episode where Ladybug actually acknowledges all the shit she was putting Chat Noir through.
No problems were solved in this episode and it was really just filler to show off a nice design and ruin my day.
Honestly, I would delete most of this rant but I spent too much time on it. 🥲
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A Blue Bird and a Black Cat pt3
(Selina decides that Marinette would be better as the Cat than Adrien. Five years, later Dick is very confused about this Lady Noire)
ao3 previous beginning
"She's a criminal we should arrest her," was the only thing Damian could say on the subject. 
"Damian," Bruce warned. "The situation is a little more complex than that." 
"Besides," Stephanie chimed from the couch, "We're all criminals in one way or another. And she's a mini-Selina! Wouldn't be kind of hypocritical to arrest her considering the reason for tonight's party?" 
"Selina has proven herself worthy of our trust and redemption," Damian declared, "We know nothing of this 'Lady Noire' or her motivations. Did any of you knew of her before tonight?"
Selina sighed and surveyed the sitting room where her new family was gathering before the party. Damian was standing in front of the fireplace with his hands clasped behind his back. Glowering at everyone and everything, he looked like his father when something particularly frustrating had occurred, like the Joker escaping Arkham. Bruce was as stiff as steel pipe covered in ice, as he purposefully straightened his bow tie. He had been like that ever since last night. Duke was slumped in an arm chair rubbing his forehead as if he were fighting a migraine. While Dick leaned against the doorframe in an attempt to be casual, but one look at his face and anyone would think he was attempting a Batman impression. Jason was taking a swing from a flask, and, at a nudge from Tim, splashed some of the contents in his brother's coffee. Barbara would have shot them in a disapproving look, but she had been glued to one device or another all day typing furiously while scowling from time to time. The only people who seemed even moderately relaxed were Stephanie and Cass, who were both sitting on the couch. Well, Cass was sitting calm and serene, while Steph was lounging clearly enjoying the chaos Marinette had brought upon their slightly over paranoid family.
None of them had noticed Selina yet, so she was content to think fondly, If Mari was trying to create chaos, then she succeeded. When she stepped further into the room, everyone turned to look at her. So far she had refused to answer any questions about her first darling kitten, partly for her own amusement, and partly for Marinette's privacy. But now she felt the need to clear at least a little bit of the air, since Mari was guaranteed to be in attendance tonight. So she walked up to Damian with her fondest smile which she reserved solely for her kits and said as she smoothed Damian's hair and straightened his tie, "I have known Lady Noire for over fiver years. She was my very first kitten, and I love her just as much as I love you. She is the kindest, most generous soul I have ever met, and I trust her with everything. Is that not enough?" 
Damian scowled with a "Tt" and averted his eyes. Selina's smile deepened at how it was becoming increasingly difficult for Damian to argue with her. But she turned her attention to Barbara when she said, "I've been doing some research, but the only result I've found is from the Paris Incident, but not as a thief."
"What do you mean?" Dick asked sharply. 
"Well," Barbara said, "Apparently, there were a few times, and please note that this happened very rarely, when neither Ladybug not Chat Noir could come to the fight, and they sent in substitutes. Mr. Bug was Ladybug's sub, and Lady Noire was Chat Noir's." 
This got everyone's attention and they all looked at Selina questioningly. Her smiled turned mischievous when she noticed that in Barbara's analysis she had not realized that Lady Noire and Ladybug were the same person. Marinette would appreciate that so all Selina said was, "It's true." 
Six mouths dropped to the floor, but all nine pairs of eyes stared at her in shock. "Ah," she thought "If only Marinette could see the fruits of her labor."  But she stayed silent as she waited for the first one to speak. It turned out to be Dick was the most eager for information (she was not surprise). 
"How?" was all he said incredulously.
"When I went back to Paris to give Ladybug the Hawkbitch file, I noticed that Chat Noir was not...gentlemanly enough for my taste, and Ladybug agreed. I convinced her to give the Cat miraculous to Lady Noire permanently. Then after a long talk with Lady Noire's alter ego I decided that instead of the Jade Cat Statue that I originally wanted, I preferred her. We left Paris the moment Hawkbitch was arrested, and neither of us have regretted it since!"
Stunned silence was followed by a low chuckle from Jason as he took another swig from his flask. Tim just shook his head as he took a long dink from his coffee, but it was Damian who said, "Are you telling us that the one of the most powerful magical artifacts in the known universe is in the hands of a common thief?!" 
Selina smiled at the boy, "My kitten is hardly a common thief, Damian. I taught her everything I know, and she was quite the natural too. Besides she only steals what's technically hers. But I'm afraid I can't explain more than that. You'll have to ask her yourself."
"So she's really coming tonight?!" Stephanie said probably a little to excitedly, and out of the corner of her eye Selina saw Jason pass Duke his flask.
"Oh, most definitely!" Selina exclaimed. 
Some low grumbling began at the same time as some murmured excitement, but it was silenced when Bruce stepped forward and said, "Ladybug is a highly respected hero and leader by every member of the Justice League. In fact after the resolution of the Paris Incident, it was agreed the Ladybug should have an open invitation to join the Justice League whenever she chose. And she trusts this Lady Noire?"
Selina's smile deepened in satisfaction. There was so much in that statement that she and Marinette would have to laugh about later, but at that moment she said, "She hasn't taken the ring back yet."
Bruce nodded and smiled as genuinely as he was able when in a situation that he was extremely uncomfortable with, "Then I look forward to meeting her tonight."
And just like that the argument ended, as Selina thanked her fiancé with a kiss, and Alfred entered to tell them that the first of the guests were arriving. Selina couldn't stop smiling. Tonight her family was going to be made complete. 
Dick sighed as he took a long pull on his champagne glass. He had naively hoped that since this was Bruce and Selina's engagement party, they would think to liven it up a bit. But nope, it was the same dull and annoying affair as always, with the only mildly interesting thing being the arrival of the Kents, and some other disguised heroes. But since this was a public party for PR reasons, everyone had their civilian personas firmly in place, and those people who Dick could talk with easily had already been captured by the rest of the family, or were on missions. This meant that Dick was in for a long, long night, unless he could find where Barbara and Gordon went. Maybe then he wouldn't be so bored.
"Not your scene I take it," a voice said at his elbow, and dick jumped to see who could have possibly snuck up on him. He turned and standing at his elbow was a beautiful young woman. Everything about her had a classic elegance, from her slim black ball gown, to her glistening white pearls. He black hair that shone blue in the light was done up like Audrey Hepburn, and only accentuated her gentle features. But her eyes were what caught Dick's attention. They were anything but simple, or gentle. Her eyes were a deep, bright bluebell, that seemed almost too full. Too full of mischief and playfulness, but also something else that Dick couldn't put his finger on. Something that made her smile bright by contrast, instead of similarity. It struck Dick in a way he couldn't describe, except to think, "Well this night just got more interesting." 
"No, not at all," Dick said with a smile when he remembered to speak, "What about you?"
The woman shrugged, "Depends I guess."
"On whether or not I'm working."
"And what is it that you do?" Dick said as he swiped a glass for his new companion. 
She took with a smile and said, "Fashion. I'm a designer. Somehow when I'm working these parties become far more enjoyable. Probably because I actually have a reason to be there but oh well, c'est la vie!" 
"Are you working now?" 
"No, actually I'm here for personal reasons."
"Oh?" Dick said with a smirking smile, "May I ask?"
"You may but I think you already know the answer...Blue Bird," the woman's smile deepened satisfactorily as Dick's face dropped into a mask of shock and horror. She laughed into her glass as he sputtered and finally said, 
"Did you not recognize me?" She interrupted him, "Magic, it's designed to protect my identity. The only way you'd be able to recognize outside of the mask is if I told you the truth, or if you caught me transforming. It's a very handy piece of magic."
"Oh please! I've known Selina's identity for years. And when she introduced her fiancé as Batman, it was ridiculously easy to figure the rest of you out. Maybe you need some magic masks!" 
"Shouldn't be here? But where else would I be? The whole reason I came to Gotham was for Selina's wedding. She's my darling mentor after all, I'm not going to miss it! The vambrace was just a bonus."
"Still belongs to me! really you need to let that go, cause there is no argument on Earth that could convince me to give it back to the museum." She sipped her champagne again with a knowing smile and Dick glared in annoyance. 
"Stop finishing my sentences," he hissed.
"Then stop being so predictable," She playfully chided. "My name's Marinette by the way. Since you didn't ask. Honestly Blue Bird, and here I thought you were the nice one." 
Dick groaned running a hand over his eyes. Well, he thought, At least I'm not bored anymore, I'm just...annoyed! When he opened his eyes he studied her more critically, trying to see past her gown and cheeky smile. He still remembered the flash of something dangerous up on the roof, and the careless way she had teased him during their fight. Right now she was definitely that reckless burglar that had caught him off guard. But now that the magic and the mask was gone, the other thing was far less hidden. It was right beneath the surface, something dangerous and powerful that was testing him, with the teasing smile, and the laughing eyes. Dick didn't know what it was but it made him shiver, and want to take a step back, or maybe a step forward? He hadn't decided yet.
"Selina is in the main room. I'm sure she'd be more than happy to see you."
"Aww," she said with mock disappointment, "Trying to get rid of me already! But you hardly know me!"
"Then why do I get the feeling, that I'm going to need to start stocking my cabinets with aspirin?"
"And here I was thinking your brothers had already driven you crazy."
"Clearly not as crazy as you."
"Rude, but forgivable if you admit one thing?"
"And what is that?"
"That you like my dress."
Dick found himself fighting a smile as he involuntarily looked down at her dress again. He did like it. It was beautiful on her except...This is exactly what happened with Bruce, he thought. Literally exactly what happened! One night he's fighting Catwoman on a random roof. The next their flirting at a gala. I can not be him! Oh God! They're never going to let me hear the end of this if we keep it up. So schooled his features into as much calm composure as he could manage, before saying, "Why don't I take you to Selina?"
For some reason, that made Marinette smile brighter, and Dick came to a horrifying revelation. If he played her game, she was amused. If he didn't play her game, she was amused. She just liked seeing him react to whatever crazy thing she did or said. She really was just like Selina. It was fascinating. And very annoying. No matter what I do, she's going to be entertained! Shit! I can't win here! he thought.
Marinette opened her mouth to continue the game, but she was silenced by someone behind her shouting, "Marinette!"
The change that overcame the woman was so sudden and drastic, it made Dick flinch. One moment she was bright, confident, playful, the next...Her face had paled to the color of paper. Her eyes widened in sudden panic, as their light switched from testing mischievousness to startled horror. Her mouth lost it's bright smile instantly, but she fought to return it to a strained mockery of what it had been before. She turned and saw the woman who had called her name.
"Alya!" she said. Her voice was strangled with the attempt to appear cheerful.
"Girl!" the new woman, Alya, exclaimed as she rushed to hug her. "Where have you been? I haven't seen you in years! What is going on what have you been up to?"
"Oh!" Marinette said waving her glass with jerky movements as she tried to appear casual, "This and that. What are you doing here?"
"Can you believe it! I graduate from University, and Lila hooks me up with a job at the Daily Planet. THE Daily Planet! Can you believe it?! I'm apprenticing under the Lois Lane! Eeee! I feel like I'm in a dream. Lila really came through!"
"Lila?" Marinette said, and somehow her voice had become even more strained. "Really? Is she here?"
"No clue! Last I saw her was at Lex Corp. Did you know she's an old family friend of M. Lex!" Alya threw up her hands in amazement, and Dick decided that whoever this Lila was, he didn't like her. "But enough about me," Alya continued clearly oblivious to Marinette's growing distress. "What about you? Girl, you totally ghosted us! We haven't seen or heard from you in ages! What is up?!"
Marinette cleared her throat, and sipped her drink desperately before speaking. "Umm...ahem...Alya do you remember our last year at lycée?"
"Girl, you know I don't!" Alya exclaimed with exacerbation. "I don't know what kind of magical, bullshit, PTSD, trauma Hawkmoth did to us, but I swear all of lycée and parts of collège are just...I don't know...like a blur. Our whole class is like that! Probably for the best right, I mean, God can you imagine remembering all of that bullshit!" 
"Hmm," was the only answer Marinette can give as Dick watched in silent shock, and concern. He considered stepping in taking the attention away from Selina's ward, when a voice echoed through the halls that had to be much more welcoming to her than anything else.
"Kitten!" Selina exclaimed as she rushed forward and she embraced Marinette. 
"Selina!" Marinette cried in obvious release.
"You're here!" Selina cried, "Oh! I'm so glad you made it! You've met Dick I see!"
"Yes we were just---"
"Oh. My. God! Marinette!" Alya interrupted, "You never told me you know Selina Kyle! Girl! You've been holding out on us!" Dick cringed so hard he thought it was audible. He had no idea what the relationship was between these two women, but Dick was hating it more and more with every second of Marinette being uncomfortable. 
"Yes," Selina said slowly, her gaze becoming deadly cold as she surveyed Alya, "Marinette is my protégé...and you are?"
"Alya! We're old school friends, I'm sure she's mentioned me before!"
"Hmm," Selina said, her expression the most thinly veiled form of disgust and murder, Dick had ever seen from the woman. "Well, you'll have to excuse us. Good bye." 
"Ok," Alya said completely oblivious. "See ya around Marinette, we really got to catch up!"
Marinette was silent, as Selina quickly rushed her away. Dick tried to disappear with them, but he lost them when they entered the next room. Dick emptied his glass, as he scanned the crowd in concern. He quickly decided that it was probably best that he not follow. Whatever had just happened, was clearly none of his business. But it had shaken Marinette so badly. The confident, crazy, aggravating, deadly rogue, had been shaken to the core by the sudden appearance of her "old school friend." And that disturbed him more than he cared to admit.
@laurcad123 @craftgremlin @toodaloo-kangaroo @blackroserelina @maanae @kitsun369 @idkamt @aksartisticlife @its-maemain
He tried to push the thoughts away, but the longer the two women were absent from the party. And the more often he caught glimpses of Alya in the crowd, the more the questions and concern plagued him. In the end, he didn't see Selina again until after the obligatory rogue attack. It was Poison Ivy and Harley Quinn. None of the family moved to do anything, since they were clearly just there to scare the rich assholes and wish Selina their congratulations. It was the friendliest hostage situation, Dick had ever been a part of. Naturally, their appearance, ended the party. Dick immediately went to his room, opened his computer. When Alfred called for breakfast he was still staring, trying to wrap his head around what the world called, The Paris Incident. But the people of Paris had a different name for it...The Reign of Hawkmoth. 
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graaythekwami · 1 year
Yo, whats up? I know this is probably not the right place for me to be doing this, but technically there's a question at the end, so yeah? I just get whipped in the middle of night and wrote an alternate version of Sonhador that I realized fit the context in Crimson And Noire a lot and ended up changing it a bit. So welp... Enjoy and say what you think if you want! :3 (ps: english is not my native language so forgive me if it's weird)
She staggered through the darkened corridors of Françoise Dupont just in time to see the purple glitter flecked with gold pass across the walls and roofs, and Marinette wondered the akuma had a target in mind by the way he seemed to be plaguing specific places in the city. Her skin tingled slightly as she touched the cool metal of the science classroom's door, hoping that the shard of some broken vial would be enough to rip through the akumatized pad when she gained an opening to transform.
However, as soon as Marinette entered the classroom she was immediately greeted by total darkness, not even allowing her to see the classroom's large windows to get a general sense of where the akuma was going, so be able to see where was the pantry with empty vials was cleary out of the question.
"Marinette!" A voice that sounded eerily like Kagami's roared behind her, but the bluenette only managed a brief glimpse of her silhouette running towards her before the classroom door was slammed shut by a hand.
"Well well, if it isn't Marinette Dumb-Cheng~" The girl nearly jumped out of her body upon hearing the familiar disdainful voice being directed at her, turning around to find Chloe staring at her with a characteristic smug smile.
"C-Chloe? What... what are you doing here?" Marinette stuttered taking a few steps back, one hand touching a wall so she wouldn't get lost in the absolute blackness that was the room. Though Chloe's figure stood out in the dark like a sore thumb.
"Ugh, do you always have to be so slow?" The blonde rolled her eyes, flipping her hair over the shoulder. "We're hiding from the akuma, duh! And because of you my precious adrikins got caught by it!"
"Wh-What?" She swallowed hard, before replaying what Chloe had said in her head one more time. "And what do you mean we-
"Hey guys! It's Mari-Woe! We can use her as bait for the akuma and escape from school!" Marinette squealed as Kim seemingly popped out of the ground behind her, along with him also Alix, Juleka, Ivan, Nathaniel-
Fuck all her classmates were there.
"The odds of this tactic working are exactly 87.3%, a great number I would say." Max commented by doing something on the calculator in his hands, before lifting his head to look directly at her through the thick frames of his glasses. "After all, you are already used to being the sidekick, aren't you, Lady Noire?"
Marinette felt her stomach drop. "G-Guys, this isn't- Ouch!" She hissed in pain as her knee collided with what sounded like a chair from the noise, but that and everything else was quickly forgotten as she opened her eyes once more.
Because Alya and Kagami were in front of her.
Alya looked terrified of something. Kagami disappointed.
"That was a waste of time." The fencer said in a tone that left no room for argument, turning on her heels to disappear into the darkness without flinching.
Trying to swallow the lump forming inside her throat, the bluenette held out her hand with her girlfriend's name on the tip of the tongue, ready to scream, beg her to stay.
She felt her blood run cold as she saw the silver gleam from her fingertips.
"... Why?" Alya finally whispered, slowly backing away and just like Kagami starting to fade into the darkness. "We... We trusted you! I trusted you! Why out of so many people did you have to be this... thing?"
Gritting her teeth, Lady Noire Marinette lunged forward in an attempt to stop Alya from running away from her, not again- "I am not a thing! I'm not-
The words died in her mouth when she touched the journalist's wrist.
Her claws dug easily into the skin in sickly growing shades of gray, and Marinette felt out of her own body as she watched Alya stare in horror, her body slowly dissolving into ash that disappeared into the darkness like an afterthought, just like that damn stadium, that damn building, that-
Marinette fell to her knees when she found herself alone once more. The girl thought she heard someone calling her name in the distance, or maybe it was just a projection of her head. It was difficult to register or distinguish what was going on around her as the voices seemed to get louder and louder and louder and-
"I don't…" She gasped, her lungs couldn't seem able to pull in enough air to keep her awake, so why should she insist on keeping trying-
"I didn't mean it..."
"Stop this-
And everyone died, the end :3
Someone give Marinette hugs!! The poor girl deserves all of them!!
Seeing as the Sandboy chapter is one of the chapters I'm really looking forward to writing, it is really cool to see your take on Marinette's nightmare! Very sad, but written so well. Her hero life and civilian life colliding in such a way would truly be a nightmare. :( Hopefully someone saves her from this soon.
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dandelionflower · 3 years
Can you keep a secret?
Chapter 1: Permanent Holders
(That au I was talking about a while ago)
Ladybug huffed a breath from her nose before throwing her yo-yo at the little box in the akuma's hand. It made contact with her wrist, and the box went flying right into awaiting claws of her partner. He shot her a wink and prepared his other hand.
"Cata-" He was cut off as a flying trash can slammed into him. The box clattered to the ground just a few feet away from the akuma.
In the split second when both Chat Noir and the akuma lunged for the box, Ladybug slung her yo-yo at the akuma, holding them tight with their arms at their sides.
"Carapace! I told you to cover Chat Noir!" She glanced over her shoulder as she shouted, catching the sheepish glance of the turtle hero, who had his shield in front of Rena Rouge, who was keeping the akuma's puzzle creature at bay.
"Sorry, dudette." He leapt in front of Chat Noir just as the akuma broke through her hold in a burst of strength. "Shelter!" The green dome surrounded the akuma and Ladybug felt some tension leave her shoulders.
"Cataclysm!" The box shattered at Chat Noir's hands, revealing the butterfly and feather hiding within. They began their escape, dancing around one another and rising to the clouds.
"Oh, no you don't." Ladybug allowed herself a fond smile at the two dangerous forms. This part was always the easiest; catch the akuma and fix everything. It was almost childlike, chasing a butterfly all over town. A corrupted butterfly controlled by a mad man. She sighed again and opened her yo-yo. "Time to de-evilize." She caught the two in one swoop, and released them both with a tap to the central spot on her weapon.
With that out of the way, she moved to the door. It had a large red and black pole keeping the doors from opening. With an experimental spin, she tossed the charm into the air with a "miraculous ladybug!"
"Nice work team!" Chat Noir smiled and held out his fist, now unaffected by the trash can that could have broken his hip.
"Yeah!" Carapace and Rena Rouge joined with gusto; Ladybug did too after a second. Her partner was safe, she was safe, Paris was safe.
As they pulled away, Chat grabbed Carapace's fist. "Carapace. You did great, but you need to listen to Ladybug the first time."
"I don't see the problem." Rena straightened, eyes flaming with that same light she used when she protected Marinette from Chloe. "He did fine; we won!"
"That's the problem. We won this time. If you don't follow the plan the first time, there might not be a next time." She glanced at Chat Noir. This was her last chance before everything changed.
She and Chat Noir had talked about their two apprentices for some time over patrol. She released her frustration and anxieties over how little the two listened to her and treated akuma battles like a game instead, and Chat Noir suggested making them permanent holders.
"Think about it. If they have the miraculous with them all the time, it'll stop being so novel, and they'll start taking it seriously. Just like you and me!" He gave her a mischievous glance. "Or have you forgotten how lax I used to be?
She giggled at the thought. "How could I ever forget, Mr. Why not flirt as I'm bleeding out?"
He winced, and placed a hand to his chest. "You wound me, my lady! I am a changed man, falling in love has made me better!"
"Right. Remember to thank your girlfriend for me."
Today was the first day since their conversation that they had managed to bring out both Carapace and Rena Rouge for battle. They had agreed that making them permanent holders would be beneficial; especially since Ladybug wouldn't need to ditch battles to grab an extra miraculous.
"But regardless, after you detransform, you don't need to give me you miraculous anymore. I'm letting you keep it."
"Really?" Rena bounced on her toes and clutched her necklace. "I get to be like you two? Does this mean I'll meet the guardian? Or know your identities? Or-"
"Babe, calm down." Carapace placed a hand on her shoulder with his trademark easy smile, but his eyes mirrored his girlfriend's excitement.
"This is on a trial period only." Ladybug emphasized. "Every night, your kwamis will visit either me, Chat Noir, or the guardian and report on your behavior outside the mask, your treatment of them, and your usage of the miraculous. You will not follow them, and if we decide after your probationary period that you aren't fit to be a permanent holder, you will return the miraculous. No questions asked. Likewise, if we decide to keep you as a permanent holder, you'll need to keep up the good behavior. Your kwamis can fill us in at any time."
Rena and Carapace nodded mutely.
Her miraculous beeped. "One more thing before I go; no using your miraculous or kwamis for personal gain. No exceptions."
With that, she nodded at Chat Noir and left through the window, swinging from building to building with a tense feeling in her gut. She landed on her bed just as she detransformed, Tikki spiralling out of the earrings and into her hands.
"Tikki, do you think I did the right thing? Making Nino and Alya permanent heroes?" Marinette opened her bag, startling for a moment at the feather and butterfly that flew out; in her haste to tell Nino and Alya about their new designation, she had forgotten to release the akuma and amok. She batted them away and grabbed Tikki's recharge cookie with her other hand.
"I think you made a good decision, Marinette." Tikki mumbled behind enormous bites. "It's rare for a ladybug and cat to be out without a team behind them. This will be a big help for all of you; in my experience, Chat Noir is right about being a permanent holder making a person mature."
"Yeah, I feel a lot more confident as Ladybug now; more like Ladybug and less like a little kid in a costume."
"So let some of that confidence go into your Marinette life too!" Cookie gone, energy returned, Tikki flew around Marinette's head in a show of support. "Take a chance!"
"On what?"
"Anything! We have the whole weekend to decide! You could even start up the online store you were thinking about!" She hovered over the computer for a moment.
Marinette glanced at it. She had a draft of the website prepared; all of the designs and commission information she wanted to be on there were ready to go. She just needed the guts to finish and submit it.
"Okay!" Tikki squealed and hit the enter key.
MDC designs was now in business.
"Do you think I should put my name on it after all, Tikki? So that people know who they're ordering from?"
"Probably. Also, since you've designed for famous people before, your name already has a reputation."
"Yeah..." She moved her mouse to the 'edit' button.
"Marinette!" Her father shouted from the living room. "Ms. Chamack is here with Manon!"
Right, she'd promised Nadia that she'd look after Manon while she interviewed potential interns this weekend.
"Be right down!" Tikki flew into her bag and Marinette grabbed the little box of extra dolls she'd made for Manon. Changing her website and worrying about Nino and Alya could wait.
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abbiegail200 · 3 years
so I was sitting on the throne, playing solitaire on my phone, when an ADHD thought came to mind.
"I never was a fan of those headcannons/ AUs where 'Marinette's trans! Adrien's trans!' The poor boy lives under a social rock, how would he know about that stuff?" [this is because they're really common. tumblr loves being gay. which there's nothing wrong with that, I'm not homophobic, it just gets a little repetitive. gimme some spice!]
Like a fool.
So I began to think some more..
Imagine this.
Adrien just recently started going to public school. He has a few friends, a filled schedule, and even an alter ego. But something doesn't feel right, like something's missing. Not his mother, something within himself.
Plagg was no use, since he doesn't get human feelings. They confuse him, unlike cheese. Cheese is easy to understand, it can't speak or think. Just smell.
So Adrien resorted to the internet. With most of his time being taken with school and activities, he hasn't surfed the web properly in a long while. Dude makes references to 2013 memes.
As he's scrolling, he stumbles upon something called "LGBTQ," which sparks his curiousity. He begins researching all these sexualities and genders, hoping to find something, anything to understand what he's feeling.
Finally he finds one. Maybe. Adrien decides to experiment. First he tells Plagg, who in turn shrugged. "Whatever'll make you comfortable, kid."
Nathalie then knocks on Adrien's door, telling him that dinner will be ready in five minutes.
When Adrien gets to the dining hall, he's surprised to find his father there.
"Oh, hello, father. I wasn't expecting you." Adrien takes a seat.
"Yes, I had an opening in my schedule, so I decided to enjoy dinner in here. Looks satisfactory" Gabriel states. Seems that almost nothing can please this man.
...Which is what Adrien realizes when he thinks about telling his father about his feelings. He probably wouldn't understand, or even care.
The two finish their meal in silence, Gabriel standing first. He quietly walks over to his office and shuts himself in for another few hours.
Adrien sighs softly while poking at his half-eaten plate. He comes to the conclusion that he's no longer hungry and heads to his bedroom, glancing back at his father's closed office door.
An hour of homework later, and Adrien notices that it's about time for his nightly patrol with Ladybug. Even with his recent revelation, he still has strong feelings for her. If only she's return those feelings...
He transforms, trying to wipe those negative thoughts away. He uses his staff to swing himself across the rooftops to their meeting spot, the highest point in Paris.
It seems his lady beat him this time.
"Good evening, m'lady." Chat says as he sits next to her, dangling his legs over the edge.
"Hi, Chat. Another beautiful night, huh." Ladybug comments while looking at their city. It almost seemed like her statement queued a breeze, and it blew through her pigtails.
Not being subtle at all, Chat Noir stared at her beauty instead. "Yeah..."
She turns to him with a smile. "Ready to go?"
He shakes out of his trance, and grins. "Race ya!"
They run, feeling the crisp autumn air chill their cheeks. Adrien knew about superheros from books and school, but never imagined he'd ever be one. School may be his escape from his lonely home, but Chat Noir is his escape from life; he can be someone completely different, yet himself.
A young boy, who is supposed to be sleeping, looks out his window and sees the silhouettes of a pigtailed heroine and cat-eared hero swinging and vaulting through the streets of his town. His dreams that night were of brave warriors saving the day.
After their race (Chat kind of let Ladybug win), the two ended up back at the Eiffel Tower. Chat secided he should tell LB the things he learned about himself tonight.
"...and I was thinking, would it be too much to ask to use they/them pronouns when referring to me?" Chat was nervous, yet excited. Nervicited if you will. [I obviously think I'm funny]
"Oh, of course, Chat! I want you to be comfortable with who you are, even if that means calling you something different every day! You would just have to let me know, hehe." She places her hand on Chat's, letting them know they're safe with her.
"Thanks." They smile. The heroes stay like that for a little while, until it got late. Adrien slept well that night.
During some free time in class, Marinette and Adrien somehow find themselves in a hero discussion, again. They try not to include their opinions, afraid of slipping. But of course it's not that easy.
"Hey, Marinette, what do you think of Chat Noir?" Someone asks.
'Annoying, flirty, sometimes off topic, yet sweet, and good at executing my plans. No, Marinette doesn't know that. You have to say something she knows.'
Not knowing if Chat wants the gender stuff public or not, Mari uses their current pronouns anyway, to be respectful. "Oh, they're nice, a good fighter, too."
No one bats an eye at the "they" part, they just agree with the statement. They all think it's just a slip-up, everyone calls someone "they" once in a while.
Except Adrien. They noticed. Originally they just wanted to know their friend's opinion on their other side. Yet they realized.. they only told Ladybug about this....
For the rest of the day, Adrien could only think of what Marienette said earlier. The photoshoot was a bust, father wouldn't be too happy. Piano lessons didn't go too well, either. Adrien was surprised they only got a warning.
When they finally had time, Adrien started connecting the dots. Why did Marinette know their pronouns? Where did she go every time there was an akuma?? Why does she and Ladybug look so alike???
Then it all made sense.
Thinking they had enough time, Adrien quickly transformed to head over to the Dupain-Cheng bakery.
With a light thump!, Chat landed on Marinette's balcony. Not trying to scare her, they gently tapped on her window. After a moment, she appeared.
"Chat Noir? What are you doing here?"
"Hey, Marinette, what do you think about umbrellas?"
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Stay Peachy: Kwamibuster
Summary: With Ladybug out of commission Chat Noir is the only one who can stop Kwamibuster... If only everyone would just work with him here!
"Let me get this straight. Tikki's captured. Ladybug's powerless and captured, I was this close to losing you too but you won't tell me where Master Fu is? Am I missing anything?" Adrien asked Plagg.
Plagg twitched nervously. "But- but-"
"You have five seconds to give me a good alternative or we're going to see Fu," Adrien announced.
"You could distract Kwamibuster while Ladybug escapes!" Plagg tried.
Adrien crossed his arms and glared. "I said a good alternative! You getting caught isn't good for anyone!"
"Might be good for Ladybug?" Plagg shrugged his arms and gave his most convincing grin.
"Sure! I'll just hand Papillon the other kwami he needs while I have to use a banana suit to protect my identity or something!" Adrien replied sarcastically.
"You'd love that wouldn't you." Plagg knew Adrien. There was a good chance-
The sound of a door being blown off it's hinges echoed down the hallway as Kwamibuster started searching the floor they were on. "Where are you, little cat? I already have a ladybug for my insect collection. Now I just need a small mammal!"
Plagg gave his best kitty cat eyes.
Adrien didn't budge.
Plagg's arms drooped. "Okay, okay! Let's just get outa here first!"
"Knew you'd see things my way." Adrien smirked.
Master Fu was having a nice, calming, afternoon tea with Wayzz when there was an insistent banging at his door. Wayzz hiding at the sound.
The Guardian sighed. "Who could that be?"
The banging got louder.
"Patience! I am coming! What's the big-"
A blond headed blur shot in and slammed the door shut.
"So this is where you live. Nice place ya got here. Ladybug's in trouble and I need more Miraculous!" Adrien's words tumbling out in a rush as his heartbeat jumped up his throat. Maybe I should have used the window.
"Chat Noir!?" Fu's eyes nearly popping out of his head in surprise.
"Sorry, Master." Plagg appeared, uncharacteristically serious, ears low. "It was an emergency."
"Plagg!?" This was unprecedented! Yes, the Kwami of Destruction was the most free spirited of those in the Miracle Box. But even he knew the importance of secrecy! "What are you doing-"
"Ladybug's in trouble! I just said that!" Adrien supposed he could have worded it better... But also: Ladybug was in trouble! And he was in a hurry!
The Guardian glanced from boy to kwami. Who nodded. "Very well," Fu conceded. Going to the gramophone and entering the code. Bringing out the Miracle Box which he set in its usual place when Marinette came. "Adrien Agreste, choose an ally to help you on this mission. Remember that they mist return the Miraculous once the mission is complete."
Adrien stared as the Miracle Box opened. Kneeling down in imitation of the Guardian's pose. He hadn't known there were so many Miraculous! One of them surely had the power to help! Only...
"What is it Chat Noir?"
Adrien looked up at Master Fu's face. "I dunno what most of these do."
The Guardian sighed. "This is exactly why it should be Ladybug who chooses the temporary hero."
"Hey, it's not my fault you decided she was the only one who could know things!" So this is what being Chat Noir without the mask felt like. "I'm-" Adrien paused as a thought hit him. "Oh. Oh!"
"... Yes?" Master Fu prompted.
"I just realized how dumb it is that I'm not supposed to know the temporary heroes secret identities."
Fu blinked. "Excuse me?"
Adrien shook his head to get his thought process back on track. "Anyway!"
"Chat Noir, what did you mean by-"
"No time!" Adrien pointed at the Miraculous. "Teach!"
Grumbling something about manners Fu acquiesced.
Skipping over the ones Adrien already knew the Guardian quickly ran down the list. The Pig could show you your deepest desire? Seemed like it'd be a good distraction. The Dragon had how many abilities!? Overpowered but okay. The Mouse could make little copies of you. Heh, that sounded adorable but-
"That's it!" Adrien interrupted Fu to grab the Fox and Mouse Miraculous. Which he promptly put on.
"What are you doing!?" The Guardian exclaimed. "No holder has ever used three Miraculous before! It's too dangerous!"
"Well, I don't know who Rena Rouge is and I'm not gonna spend any more time looking!" Adrien turned to the materializing Fox and Mouse kwamis. "Sorry, we're in a bit of a hurry."
"Oh, aren't we always? Name's Trixx."
"Alright. Mullo, transforme-moi!"
Multimouse took a moment to adjust to the unfamiliar magic of his new suit.
"I really don't think this is the best course of action," Fu said, attempting to dissuade the young boy.
"Relax, Master! I'll keep him out of trouble!" Trixx announced.
Multimouse nodded as he opened a window. "Thanks. Now, c'mon Trixx, Plagg. I'll explain the plan on the way!" So saying, he launched himself skyward.
Wayzz finally emerged from his hiding place, floating towards his holder.
Fu looked at his kwami. "Oh, I hope he doesn't collapse on the way."
"True or false? Ladybug has disguised herself as Mr. Banana!"
Marinette was not having a good day. First, Chat Noir's kwami almost reveals her identity. Then, Tikki got captured! And now that tomcat was nowhere in sight. Marinette had barely escaped from Kwamibuster the first time and now she was cornered mere meters from the exit!
"Uh, stay peachy?!" Marinette ran for it.
But Kwamibuster leapt over her and grabbed her wrist. "You can't get away from me!"
From the doorway came a whole swarm of kwamis! Flitting about Kwamibuster and distracting her enough for Marinette to get away.
"You can't get away from me!" Kwamibuster chased after them as they sped off. "You're no match for Kwamibuster!"
Turning around, Marinette saw Plagg and a little guy holding onto his ears. She blinked, this was the first time she saw the Mouse Miraculous in action.
"It's me!" he declared, grinning. "Chat Noir! Or Multimouse, I guess."
"Chat Noir!?" But that meant- No, no, she could panic about that later. "Well, then you must need my Miraculous." Marinette reached for her earrings.
"Uh, no? Why would you think that?"
"Because... Nevermind. What's the plan?"
Multimouse winked. "You'll see. Make your way back to the roof!" And zipped away before Ladybug could ask more questions.
"... A Chat Noir plan. This oughta be interesting."
"I will capture you all!"
Kwamibuster laughed maniacally as she shot her beam at the Plagg reskins. Made by Multifox with his Mirage. And that wasn't the only part of the illusion.
"I have to say. I think Ladybug will be impressed," Plagg stated. Floating directly above the supervillain so she would need to crane her neck straight up to spot them.
"It has to work first," Multimouse replied. Still standing on top of Plagg's head. His small army made their way into position.
Multimouse's invisible doubles launched their indestructible ropes at Kwamibuster. Becoming visible as they wrapped her up like Gulliver on Lilliput.
"What!? What's going on!? Oof!" She toppled none too gently.
Wasting no time Plagg zipped down.
"No! You can't beat Kwamibuster!" She freed her blaster hand.
"Mullo, Plagg, unify!"
"Aha!" Twisting upwards she aimed the beam at Multimouse.
Adrien's power touched the tip of her barrel and the rust spread from it to her pack. Freeing Tikki as dark mist transformed Kwamibuster back into Mme. Mendeleiev.
Adrien merged himself back together as the akuma flew past him. "Uh, Ladybug!"
A red blur shot out and caught the akuma before it could get far. Ladybug releasing a white butterfly in its place.
Multimouse grinned. "Perfect timing as always, My Lady."
"I dunno about that." Ladybug looked around at the destroyed rooftop.
"You think it'll work without a Lucky Charm?" Multimouse asked, following her train of thought.
Ladybug looked at her yo-yo. "The akuma was purified so it should." Throwing it skyward with a little more strength than usual she called out the words. "Miraculous Ladybug!"
The cure swept around them as Ladybug's yo-yo fell back into her hands.
"Knew you could do it," Multimouse praised. "Now, I've got some errands to run-" he tapped the two Miraculous necklaces "-so you take care of Mme. Mendeleiev."
He half turned. "Oh! And sorry about my kwami. No idea what he was doing at that primary school."
"It was a- lycée, yeah. Lycée."
"Right!" He grinned. "A lycée." Totally not a collège. Giving Ladybug a two finger salute he leapt off the tower. Mme. Mendeleiev's insistence on the validity of her scientific discovery fading behind him.
Adrien held out his index finger to shake the kwamis' hands. "You were both a big help! Thanks."
"You weren't so bad yourself, Chat Noir," Trixx grinned.
"Yeah!" Mullo agreed. "Usually Plagg's holders are no fun but you ran circles around that kwami snatcher!"
Adrien blushed a little at their praise. "Hope we can work together again someday." The kwamis waved as they reentered their Miraculous.
Master Fu closed the Miracle Box once Adrien placed them back inside. Returning it to its hiding place. "It is quite impressive that you withstood the power of three Miraculous long enough to accomplish your task."
"... Actually it was super easy. Barely an inconvenience."
The Guardian blinked. "What?"
Adrien nodded. "Yeah, I don't think occasionally using two or three Miraculous at once is all that dangerous. Maybe if you wore a whole bunch of 'em. But why would you do that?"
Fu processed that for a bit.
Adrien sipped from his tea, awkwardly. "... So does this mean I finally get Guardian training?"
Master Fu nearly slipped as he sat back down. "Huh?"
"I mean, I already know where you are. And we've seen that if Ladybug is compromised it's better if I know what to do," Adrien reasoned out logically.
"I... That is... Uh..." Fu looked desperately at Plagg, who was gorging himself on cheese.
"Hey, don't look at me. Kid's got a point." Plagg swallowed another wedge of Camembert.
Fu slumped with a sigh. Clearly outmaneuvered. "Where should we start?"
"Potions!" Adrien exclaimed, eyes sparkling. This was going to be fun. He could feel it!
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xhanisai · 5 years
So I luv your Kiss au. So I have a question about the whole power up thing. So aside from the different powers, the only real difference between the other miraculous and the cat and Ladybug one are that they need to kiss to transform. Wouldn't that make it a huge disadvantage? Are there any benefits they get to make up for that?
Hi there~ thanks for loving the AU lel
I’m glad you asked this question cos the lovely penguin, @gale-of-the-nomads brought up ideas regarding this a few days ago!
The cheesiness of this AU is brought up to the next level with the power of love playing a big role in this. 
So, what we’ve already covered in the first post is that once their soul bond has strengthened with each others, Marinette and Adrien are able to transform with the phrase wherever they are for a solid five minutes. They’ll need to find each other and kiss to complete the transformation. (This is handy for if they need a quick escape or really far away). This is handicapped by not being able to use their super powers till they kiss.
There is a way for them to power up. 
Holding Hands.
The way they hold them can make their power vary. The most strongest is their fingers interlocked with each other. For example: Chat Noir politely holding Ladybug’s fingers itself can boost their speed and endurance. Ladybug clasping Chat Noir’s hand when lifting him up or something grants them super strength, speed and agility as well as an extra braincell.
Interlocked hands give them all that plus they fall into a synchronised movement that helps them defeat the enemy much more fluidly and with ease. They can’t hold hand all the time during battles because it’s harder to fight obviously. The power surges lasts for a good ten minutes after letting go (and they can only do the hand holding power once per battle). 
Chat, being the idiot nerd he is, shouted “KAMEHAMEHAAAAAA” (that DBZ phrase) after they interlocked hands. 
No power blasts. ;-; 
On their own, Ladybug and Chat Noir are really, REALLY strong. Only they can outdo each other (and the akuma getting the occasional hit or close calls). Ladybug once dared Carapace, Rena and Queen Bee to beat her in an arm wrestling competition during a group patrol. They couldn’t make her budge despite all three using both hands. 
Lastly, as they grow closer, Lady and Chat get stronger. The more love and trust they have, the easier it is to defeat them. 
Hope that settles your enquiries, Anon!
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