#and flirting with karlach
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warmsol · 2 years ago
i hope the anon that yelled at me to not play bg3 as a dating simulator knows i’m having the best time romancing my baby daddy gale
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blighted-elf · 2 years ago
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They're so cute
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grey-wardens · 1 year ago
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almightyramtha · 5 months ago
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This literally happened in my game. Like a second between the banter and the orb alert. :|
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hootshooligan · 2 months ago
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this little bit of banter is so much funnier if you're trying to romance Halsin and your tav IS actually a strong woman (or female-presenting person, in my case) because it makes it sound like he's trying to let Karlach down easy without making it sound like he's NOT attracted to strong women because he knows you're within earshot of the conversation
Karlach: Are strong women your type, Halsin?
Halsin (man who wants to say yes voice): ...they are not NOT my type
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asynca · 1 year ago
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guys, karlach in normal clothes is causing me terrible suffering. Can you imagine her in a nice tailored men's suit? I am too gay for this
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pendragon1400 · 9 months ago
How the bg3 characters would react to you coming out.
"Great me too!"-All of them, literally all of them.
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palespawn · 6 months ago
immersion-breakers when playing as origin astarion for the first time:
he's the camp leader
all the companions wanna fuck him
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baejax-the-great · 24 days ago
Pet Names
(a bg3 ficlet of mostly banter between Karlach and Halsin)
“Hey, there, Soldier,” Karlach says in her customary offhand way as she walks by. Then, before Halsin can make a greeting of his own, she stops in her tracks and says, “Hang on, that doesn’t sound right when it comes to you. You were high ranking in the Grove. You’d be more like a commander, right?”
Halsin opens his mouth to speak.
“—then again,” Karlach continues, “I can’t imagine someone like you in the ranks of the Hells. There might have been a druid or two somewhere, but it’s not really your type of scene, unless that fur is fireproof. So maybe not commander and just… Archdruid then.”
“Halsin is fine,” Halsin interjects, but Karlach doesn’t appear to be listening, frowning whilst holding her chin between her forefinger and thumb.
“Not much of a pet name if it’s just your actual title, though, is it?” As she considers, her tone turns from glum to thoughtful. “Though I suppose with a druid, everything qualifies as a pet name, doesn’t it?”
“Truly, just Halsin is great. No titles needed. Just Halsin.”
“Halsin,” she says with a smile. Then, to Halsin’s dismay, she adds, “Hals, Hal, Hally… Hey, Hally’s not bad, is it?”
Halsin grimaces. “That depends. How do you feel about being called Karl?”
Karlach’s reaction is far more animated and genial than he’d expected. “Aw, I don’t think I look like much of a Karl, do I? I knew a Karl back at the Gate, boring little fellow, was always eating pickles for some reason. Made his breath just awful. Absolutely rank. But Lach, though, that could work. Although I don’t think I’d like being called ‘Lachy.’ Too close to Lackey and I’m out of that business.”
“So…” Halsin can feel himself frowning as he tries one more time. “We’ll just go with ‘Karlach’ and ‘Halsin,’ then, shall we?”
“Halsin,” Karlach agrees, and Halsin sighs, content that the matter is settled.
“But wait,” Karlach exclaims, “What do I call the bear?”
“The bear?”
“Yeah, you know, does he have some cool name like Bigclaw or something? Strike fear into your enemies?”
Halsin examines his own hands. In his experience, the claws usually speak for themselves. “… The bear is just me, Halsin. Call me Halsin.”
Karlach’s expression falls. “Aw, that’s not much fun.”
Inexplicably, Halsin feels a little bad for disappointing her with his un-fun name. He clears his throat. “I assure you that being a bear is very fun.”
Karlach raises her gaze with half a smile. “Are you flirting with me, Bearman?
Halsin, who had thought the nickname debate had just been settled and who a moment ago would have denied very strenuously that he was flirting, has a sudden thought of one particular situation in which he might convince Karlach to use his actual given name, repeatedly, even, if it went well, which, as he looks her up and down, he thinks it would, and flirting with her would be the first step in making it happen.
He feels the blood rise to his cheeks as he grasps for an answer, but once again, she doesn’t give him much of an opening to reply before she says, “About time.”
He is still speechless and considering that reaction when she finally makes her way past him to wherever she was going to begin with with one backwards glance to wink and say, “See you later, Bearman.”
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necrodette · 3 months ago
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Dammon, you damn treasure, you.
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queenbol-of-baldurs-gate · 2 years ago
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They have put these two in the game to torment my bisexual ass Specifically.
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quizzievivicalavellan · 8 months ago
In which a brush with danger leads to Aster being gravely injured and true feelings coming to light. Takes place after Gale's attempt at flirting in Act II. Pretending that there aren’t multiple super-easy ways to revive dead party members because it really kills the tension lol.
AO3 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/53341882/chapters/146060362
Internally, Gale was kicking himself. The effect a brush with danger has on one’s desire for other forms of stimulation? Seriously? What had he been thinking?
Well, he knew what he had been thinking.
Ever since Elminster’s visit to their campsite, Gale’s mind was seemingly capable of focusing on only two subjects. One, the great and terrible burden Mystra had so dispassionately thrust upon him. The other, her. While his feelings toward her had been strong before, in the wake of his impending mortality, they had become all-consuming. Her every action, every part of her, endeared her to him further. The practiced flick of her wrist as she called down lightning. The dimple in her left cheek when she smiled. The way she quietly whistled birdsongs during their long walks. As he had said earlier whilst thoroughly embarrassing himself, he found her quite irresistible.
Unfortunately, now more than ever, he doubted that she shared similar feelings. All the way back at the Grove, when he had offered to teach her a bit of magic, he had seen her imagine kissing him through their connection in the Weave, and it had sparked some hope that she might be interested in him. In their travels since, their conversations had been easy and sometimes casually flirtatious, but if she did have deeper feelings, she had not acted on them. And now, ever since they had entered the Shadow-Cursed Lands, she had grown increasingly distant. He saw that lovely smile of hers less and less. In this dismal place, so close to the looming threat of Moonrise Towers, her burdens must have felt heavier than ever, and it pained him that he could no longer lighten them with a joke or a reassuring word. One of the few things he had been able to offer her, and now even that was not enough.
And that dreadfully worded confession certainly had not helped. She had smiled, likely out of pity or embarrassment, but it had not reached her eyes. As kind as she was, she likely just didn’t have the heart to let him down gently.
Gale looked ahead and realized he had fallen behind while wallowing in self-pity. Halsin’s torch at the front of the group had shrunk to a small glowing dot in the endless shadow. Halsin and Aster were at the head of the party, looking for signs of where they might find the other half of Thaniel. Gale was supposed to be in the middle with Shadowheart and Lae’zel, but they had moved well ahead of him by now. Karlach and Wyll had stayed behind to strategize with Jaheira as Karlach got used to the adjustment Dammon had made for her mechanical heart. Which, at the rear of the party, left…
“So, Gale, how is your sad, hopeless pining going?” Astarion asked as he appeared from the shadows.
Ah, speak of the devil. Or the vampire, in this case. Gale started in spite of himself at the rogue’s sudden appearance.
“Not very well, I take it, given that abysmal display. You know, I could give you some pointers; I am very good at that sort of thing,” Astarion bragged with a self-satisfied smile.
Gale groaned. “So you heard that, I take it.”
Astarion laughed. “Every word, unfortunately for you.”
“Just wonderful,” Gale replied, voice dripping with sarcasm. As if it weren’t enough to embarrass himself in front of her, it seemed everyone had witnessed his humiliatingly poor attempt at flirtation. Begrudgingly, Gale admitted to himself that he was envious of the way Astarion was so effortlessly smooth and confident, but he was wary of any offer of help from the duplicitous rogue.
“And why exactly would you help me?” Gale asked, raising a dubious eyebrow.
“At first, it was amusing to watch you two make longing puppy-dog eyes at each other, but at this point it’s just sad,” Astarion replied, absently twirling a knife in his hand. “Without someone to intervene, I fear your mutually oblivious pining would go on forever.”
“Oh, Gale. I know from… experience when an individual is attracted to someone, and it is quite obvious that she likes you. Now, as to why, I have absolutely no idea –”
Just as Gale was rolling his eyes in response, Astarion was interrupted by a shout from ahead. The two of them broke into a run. Gale called upon the Weave, preparing for a fight, but his human eyes had trouble picking out their attackers in the dark.
When they caught up to the others, the fight was already in full swing. A horde of shadows and their cursed Harper victims had ambushed them. Lae’zel was cutting through enemies with ease, Shadowheart struck down shadows with her radiant cleric magic, and Halsin in bear form clawed viciously at the attackers, but more and more kept spilling out of the darkness.
Aster had been calling on her druid magic over nature, but these cursed lands weakened her power, and she was quickly surrounded. Just as he lost sight of her, an owlbear erupted from amidst the circle of shadows and Harpers. He had never seen her take the shape of an owlbear before, and the sight of the massive creature rending attackers with beak and claws was striking to behold.
Just as she had started turning the tide of the battle, however, the shadows redoubled their attack against her, and it proved too much. She began losing hold of her form, a new wild shape not yet mastered, now writhing in agony as a gruesome, twisted amalgamation of owlbear and gnome.
“Aster!” Gale cried out in a pained voice and rushed toward her, incinerating every enemy in his path. By the time he reached her she had lost hold of the shape entirely and was lying unconscious on the ground, covered in blood and bruises.
The others were rushing over to help, but Gale warned them to stay back with an outstretched hand. He drew upon the Weave, summoning immense power and channeling it out into a massive fiery explosion. The shadows and Harpers disintegrated, and the swath of cursed forest in front of them had been reduced to ash.
With the threat eliminated, he knelt down beside her, getting a closer look at her injuries. It did not look good. She was badly hurt, with multiple gashes bleeding heavily, and her breathing was shallow. Please be alright, he thought, I’m sorry I did not get her faster, I should have- I- I’m sorry…
“Shadowheart, can you…?” Gale managed to say around the lump in his throat.
Shadowheart nodded, and her hands began to glow with her divine cleric abilities. She passed her hands over Aster’s body. The bleeding slowed and her breath steadied, but she did not awaken.  
“I have healed the worst of her injuries, but she needs rest. We should get back to Last Light Inn as quickly as possible,” Shadowheart said when her work was finished.
Halsin had started to reach out his thick, strong arms to lift her up, but Gale beat him to it. Gently, he slid one arm under her knees and the other beneath her back and raised her off the ground. Even being a gnome, she was lighter than he expected, taking little effort even for his far thinner arms to lift her. She looked so small and fragile there collapsed in his arms. Guilt washed over him again for falling behind, for not protecting her from those creatures. He promised himself then that if she made it through this, please, please make it through this, he would keep her safe. He would protect her, whatever the cost. 
“Follow me, I know the fastest path back to the inn,” Halsin said, once again lifting his torch high into the air. Before starting off, he placed one of his large hands on Gale’s shoulder and gave him an empathetic smile.
“Shadowheart is a skilled healer,” he said in a soft, reassuring tone, “She will be fine.”
Gale could only pray that he was right.
Everything hurt. Aster’s eyelids felt as heavy as bricks as she struggled to open them, and the bright candlelight that peeked through felt like it was stabbing into her skull. She tried to sit up but groaned at the sharp pain the movement sent through her ribs.
She felt the gentle press of a hand against her shoulder, encouraging her to stay still. She managed to open her eyes the rest of the way and turned her head toward the hand. Gale was there sitting next to her.
“Aster, thank goodness you’re awake,” he said, the relief in his voice almost palpable, but with a twinge of worry still present. “How are you feeling?”
“I’ve –” Aster winced, trying to sit up again, “been better.”
She felt the soft push on her shoulder again. “Rest there, don’t try to move. I brought some things for you – potions to help with the pain, a blanket if you’re cold, or a cool cloth if you’re feverish, an extra pillow –” he rambled.
“The potion would be nice,” Aster interrupted.
“Of course. Here.” She felt the rim of a glass vial against her lips and swallowed the sweet, viscous potion.
“Mmm,” Aster moaned pleasantly, the effects of the potion already taking hold. A soothing warmth spread through her, taking the edge off the pain and clearing her thoughts. “Thank you. That feels much better.”
“Is there anything else I can do for you?” Gale asked.
Aster noted the sticky feeling the potion had left in her mouth. “Some water would be nice, if you have some.”
“Water, of course! Why did I not think to – I’ll go fetch some. Rest there, I will return shortly,” he said, already halfway out the door before he finished speaking.
“You don’t –” have to, Aster had started to say, but he was already gone. A few moments later, two others entered the room.
 “Hey soldier!” Karlach greeted, “Good to see you awake.”
“How are you feeling?” Wyll asked as the two of them sat down beside the bed. “When the others brought you to the inn, you were in bad shape. I’m sorry we weren’t there.”
Aster waved away the unnecessary apology. “I feel better than when I first woke.” She sat up to both test and prove her point. It still sent a stab of pain through her side, but it was much more tolerable now. “What happened? How long was I asleep? I remember an ambush… and then I woke up here.”
“Yes, you were ambushed by shadows,” Wyll answered, “Halsin said you changed into an owlbear, but could not hold the shape, and those hideous creatures got the better of you. Gale incinerated them and the party rushed you back to the inn. You’ve been unconscious for hours.”
“Poor Gale,” Karlach added, “He’s been absolutely beside himself. He’s only left this room to go get things for when you woke up. You know he carried you the whole way back here? It’s sweet, how he cares about you.”
Aster smiled shyly and felt warmth in her cheeks, touched to learn of Gale’s rescue and by his attentiveness in looking after her.
Wyll cleared his throat, “Perhaps this is not the time or the place, but I have to ask, I get the feeling that you care for him too. Am I correct?”
Aster nodded and looked away, embarrassed that her feelings were so obvious.
“Have you told him that?” Wyll pried further.
“Not exactly…”
“Why not?” Karlach asked. “Gale may be a genius about some things, but I have a feeling he wouldn’t recognize flirting if it smacked him in the face. I wouldn’t wait for him to make the first move.”
“It’s… complicated,” Aster replied, loathe to explain her reservations, fears, and insecurities. However, looking at how eager Karlach and Wyll looked for her to continue, she supposed she would not get away with that answer. Perhaps it would do her some good to talk about all the worries that had been plaguing her.
“Well, for starters, there’s his tumultuous relationship and fallout with Mystra. It has not been long since things turned sour, and it devastated him. I worry that he is just looking for someone to… fill the void she left. And how am I meant to compare to a goddess?”
“That fucker that asked him to kill himself for her? I’d say you’ve got her beat by a mile,” Karlach replied indignantly.
Wyll gave Karlach a look before sharing his own advice. “Love is not something to be compared; each is its own unique and beautiful thing. And it is clear to me that he loves you, truly, not as a replacement, but as yourself.”
Aster smiled at her friends’ reassurances, but a deeper fear still weighed on her. “Mystra’s task for him worries me as well. I’m afraid I will not be able to convince him not to go through with it. And I’m afraid that if we – if we become something more to one another…” Her throat felt tight, making it harder to speak, and tears stung her eyes. “then it will… it will hurt even worse to lose him.”
“Oh, Aster, come here,” Karlach said with open arms, and Aster accepted the offered hug gratefully. “I know losing someone hurts. But take some advice from someone who’s living on borrowed time herself. Do you know the thing I want most for the time I have left?”
Aster shook her head.
“To not have any regrets. The best we can do is live fully, to embrace whatever opportunities life gives us.”
Wyll nodded. “As the saying goes, ‘tis better to have loved and lost than never loved at all.’ Regret eats at the soul like nothing else does.”
And they were right. If she opened up to him, let herself love and be loved in return, then she would always have the memories of the time they had together, even if the worst happened. Otherwise, she would still be left to suffer the pain and loss, along with the grief for what could have been.
Aster wiped the tears from her eyes. “Thank you. You are the best friends anyone could ask for.” She hugged them both again.
“Aww, so are you!” Karlach replied, hugging her a little too tight in return.
“Always happy to be there for a friend,” Wyll said as he returned her embrace.
At that moment, Gale arrived at the door, jug of water in hand. “Sorry I took so long,” Gale said as he handed the jug over to Aster, who took a long, refreshing swig.
“Well, glad to see you’re feeling better. Karlach and I will go tell the others you’re awake,” Wyll said, getting up from one of the chairs beside the bed.
“Yeah, we’ll go do that,” Karlach added, following Wyll out the door. “No need to hurry though, just take our time…” She winked at Aster as she left.
Gale sat back down next to the bed. “Are you feeling any better?”
“Yes, thank you. Those potions work wonders.”
“Good, good. Glad to hear it.”
They sat there in awkward silence for a moment before Aster worked up the nerve to tell him how she really felt and apologize for how distant she had been lately, spurred on by her conversation with Wyll and Karlach.
 “There’s… something I want to tell you,” Aster said, taking one of Gale’s hands in her own.
“I want to tell you something too, I…” the pause was so long that Aster spoke again, only then they were both talking at the same time.
“I’m sorry,” they both blurted out in unison.
“For what?” they asked, once again at the same time.
Aster chuckled, which caused the pain in her side to flare up again, and the chuckle turned into a wince.
“I’m sorry,” Gale said again, clearly referring to the laughter-induced pain this time.
“You said that already,” Aster replied with a more careful chuckle. “What do you have to be sorry for?”
“I was distracted earlier, when we were looking for Thaniel. I fell behind the group, wasn’t paying attention… I should have been in position; maybe then you would not have been hurt like this. I’m sorry, I should have done more to keep you safe.” Gale said, clasping both hands around hers.
“There is nothing to apologize for. Things happen, especially in such perilous situations as we find ourselves in. I hear you were the one who saved me, after all,” Aster said with a coy smile. 
“Still, I am sorry – and relieved that you’re alright. Now, whatever reason do you have to apologize? You’ve done nothing wrong.”
“I have, though.” Aster took a deep breath, preparing herself to finally open up. “I know I have been… distant and ill-tempered as of late. I’ve been upset and angry about so many things, but that is no excuse to treat you that way, especially when you’ve been having such a difficult time of your own. I’m deeply sorry about that.”
“No need to apologize; it can’t be easy to bear the burdens that have been placed on you: defeating Ketheric, lifting the shadow curse, stopping the Absolute. But know that you can always unburden yourself with me, if you need someone to talk to.”
“You’re too kind,” Aster replied, “Yes, those do weigh on me, and it is difficult to witness the destruction the shadow curse has wrought on nature here. But there is another thing that worries me even more. Mystra… It angers me that she thinks she has any right to ask that of you, and that she could make you feel like she’s right.” Aster felt her ire toward the goddess roiling inside like fire, and her arms shook in anger. “You’re smart, and brave, and talented, and kind, and you deserve so much better than being her sacrifice.”
Gale looked surprised at her response. “I… wasn’t aware it bothered you so much.”
“Of course it does! I care about you, and I – I don’t…” Aster felt the tears pricking at her eyes again. “I don’t want to lose you,” she whispered, brushing a hand across his cheek. She wanted to peer into his thoughts, see if he was still genuinely considering going through with it, convince him how much she needed him, but she knew that was an invasion of his privacy. She could only show him how much she cared about him and hope that that would be enough.
“I don’t want to lose you, either,” Gale whispered back, leaning closer to her. “I was so worried about you.”
“Then let’s look after each other, and find another way to defeat the Absolute. We can make it through this together, alright?”
A nervous, anticipatory silence stretched between them, and Aster realized their lips were mere inches apart.
Gale cleared his throat and leaned back in his chair. “Well, it’s getting late. I suppose I should let you rest, yes?”
Gale started to stand up, but Aster tugged him back down by his sleeve.
“Wait, I… I haven’t thanked you properly yet for rescuing me.”
“You don’t need to –” Gale started to reply, but Aster cut him off with a kiss. He was clearly surprised at first, but quickly he was kissing her back, their mouths dancing passionately with long-building desire and anticipation of this very moment.
His lips were soft, and he tasted like a fine red wine, rich with a touch of sweetness. There was an arousing electricity to the kiss, as if sparks were literally flying between them, and considering Gale’s magic, that was probably true. It was everything she had imagined and more.
When they finally pulled away from each other, Aster was delighted to see the big, goofy grin on his face, the flush in his cheeks, and his hair tousled out of place by her fingers. He looked happier than he had in a while, and for her part Aster was so elated she felt like she could fly.
“Well,” Gale said in a low, seductive whisper as he leaned in to kiss her again, “remind me to rescue you more often.”
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goodluckdetective · 1 year ago
Playing BG3 honestly makes me nostalgic for DA2. It’s the thing about being a little group of funky queer people, doing little quests and stealing anything that isn’t hammered down.
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erstwhile-elster · 3 months ago
My favorite thing to do when a videogame gives me an option to flirt with characters is to create dyke drama by flirting with every single woman until it causes a problem
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dr-demi-bee · 10 months ago
Giving out hugs to everyone who needs it. (Which is *everyone* mind you.) But Mama K needs soooooo many hugs.
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roraimae · 1 year ago
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Baldur's Gate 3 Shenangians
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