#and everyone keeps saying 'oh we're all worried for her and we're all pitching in to help'
likesummerrainn · 2 years
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libraryofgage · 1 year
Addams Family Steddie Part 5
Part One | Part Two | Part Three | Part Four
The fact that we're on part five is wild to me
Anyway, here's the wedding! It's probably the longest part so far lol
As always, if you see any typos, no you didn't ;)
Wedding planning was, unsurprisingly, a stressful process. Planning for a wedding only two weeks before the event was even more stressful. Thankfully, Steve wasn't planning alone; he was in charge of finalizing the guest list, sending invitations, and catering while Eddie was in charge of floral arrangements, music, and decorations for the ceremony.
Steve had felt the division of labor wasn't fair, but Eddie insisted he'd be able to do everything himself.
And Eddie had been right. He'd kept the cemetery just creepy enough to still feel right while decorating it with flowers and ribbons and surprisingly comfortable chairs considering they look like they're made of bones. Everything leads up to an altar right on their shared cemetery plot, where Eddie's Cousin Itt is standing in front of their tombstone to officiate the wedding.
It's all very nice, and Eddie did a wonderful job of setting everything up, but Steve can hardly appreciate it right now. He's too nervous. Not about marrying Eddie; no, he's excited and over the moon for that. He's nervous about meeting Eddie's family, his stomach upheaving over the idea that one of them may not like him.
"You're worrying over nothing," Eddie whispers, his lips brushing against Steve's earlobe before playfully tugging on it with his teeth. He wraps an arm around Steve's waist, the reassuring weight helping him feel grounded. "They're gonna love you."
"Your cousin has been glaring at me since she saw me," Steve whispers back, turning to look at Eddie and letting their noses brush.
"That's just Wednesday. She glares at everyone."
"Does she always glare at people like she's planning five ways to cook them for dinner?"
"Only the ones she likes."
Steve snorts, taking a deep breath and letting his head drop onto Eddie's shoulder. "What would she do if she didn't like me?" he asks, glancing down at the bouquet in his hands. The rose stems have been clipped of their flowers, leaving only the thorns and white lilies.
"She'd kill you," Eddie says bluntly.
"What, no torture?"
"She only tortures the people she loves."
"Oh," Steve says, glancing at the pale man next to Wednesday, "that's why her partner looks like that."
Before Eddie can start cracking up, the sun begins to set and El begins playing the piano, a low and haunting version of the wedding march. "You ready, sweetheart?" Eddie asks, his smile matching Steve's in love and joy and sheer excitement.
"Of course," Steve replies, pressing a quick kiss to his cheek before letting Eddie lead him down the aisle. The left side of the aisle is filled with people who give off the exact same vibe as Eddie: mysterious, kooky, and altogether ooky. Wayne is standing on Eddie's side of the altar, looking two seconds away from tears of joy. On the right side of the aisle, Dustin (a black velvet pillow holding two rings in his lap) and his friends are filling the seats, along with Jonathan (an old friend from high school, sort of; it's complicated), his partner Argyle, and Nancy (Steve's ex-girlfriend from high school, part of the reason his friendship with Jonathan is complicated, and now making eyes at Robin). Robin is standing on Steve's side of the altar, practically buzzing in her dark green pantsuit.
When they get to the altar, standing almost perfectly centered on their plot, Eddie can barely put any distance between them. Steve is the one who has to smile at him reassuringly while taking a small step back, keeping a tight hold on Eddie's hand. Eddie squeezes tightly enough that Steve is almost worried about bone fractures, but Eddie wouldn't do anything so fun in front of others.
Steve glances at Cousin Itt when he starts speaking, his words unintelligible, high-pitched noises that Steve is somehow able to follow. They're the general officiant stuff: dearly beloved, marrying two men, joining them in unholy and downright sacrilegious matrimony. Honestly, Steve ends up blocking it out at some point, too busy getting lost in Eddie's eyes.
He looks handsome in his black suit with blood-red accents, his fingers uncharacteristically devoid of all rings except the engaged-to-be-engaged ring from Steve. When Steve had asked, Eddie grinned at him and said he didn't want anything to distract him from the ring Steve was about to give him. His hair is pushed out of his face, too, just barely tamed into something the humidity will destroy after about two more minutes. Strands are already falling back into his eyes. Steve likes it, though, and he reaches up to gently tuck one of the strands behind Eddie's ear.
Eddie catches his hand, bringing Steve's palm to his lips and playfully biting. "Stevie," he says, and Steve suddenly realizes they've somehow gotten to the vows when he wasn't paying attention, "I would kill for you. I would die for you. I would live for you. You haunt my dreams and bless my nightmares. Your voice is music to my ears, a symphony of love and passion to which my heart beats. Sweetheart, you will have my undying love for the rest of eternity and whatever may come after. Ask anything of me, and I will do it without question. I would wear pastels for you. I would dive into a rainbow ball pit. Darling, I would drive kids to scout meetings in a minivan for you. There is no truer happiness to me so long as you smile and say you love me."
Somehow, Eddie manages to go the entire time without a single tear shedding, but Steve isn't nearly as lucky. His eyes watered from the moment Eddie called him Stevie, and tears would be staining his collar if Eddie weren't wiping them away with his thumbs before they could fall. "You're so romantic," he mumbles, unable to help a short laugh at himself.
"What can I say? You're inspiring," Eddie replies, winking playfully.
Cousin Itt says something more and then looks up at Steve, bending forward slightly to indicate that it's his turn to recite vows. Steve takes a deep breath, steadying himself and gathering his thoughts. "When you first knocked on my door, I wasn't sure what to think of you, Eddie Munson," Steve says, reaching up and placing his hand over the one Eddie has on his cheek. "But you romanced me, completely swept me off my feet, and helped me feel more comfortable showing love in a way that feels right. Every time I look into your eyes, I fall in love all over again. When we're together, the entire world fades away. My love for you is as unwavering as the tides, as all-consuming as a black hole that would swallow the universe."
From the crowd, Steve can just barely hear a man's voice saying, "Tish, they're almost as romantic as us."
"Oh, Gomez, you always do love competition," a woman responds.
Steve has to keep himself from laughing, suddenly looking forward to meeting Gomez and Morticia.
Eddie notices his barely contained smile and nearly buzzes with the want to kiss it. He glances at Cousin Itt, jerking his head in Dustin's direction and raising his eyebrows. Cousin Itt garbles a response, something that sounds like a scolding but is quickly followed by a slight bow toward Dustin nonetheless.
Dustin jumps up and walks over to them, holding up the pillow. As Cousin Itt starts his version of exchanging the rings, Eddie picks one up. The band is an inky black with tiny, multi-colored gems scattered across the top like stars. Inside the band, Eddie's name is engraved in red. "Now, you'll always have me with you," Eddie says, grinning at Steve as he slips the ring onto his finger, nestling it against the engagement ring.
It's a snug fit, just tight enough for Steve to know it's there and wonder if it's impossible to take off. It's perfect.
Steve picks up the identical ring with his own name engraved on the inner band. "And you'll always have me with you, too," Steve replies, sliding the ring to rest against his engaged-to-be-engaged ring.
What follows is Dustin quickly retreating and Robin yanking away his bouquet while Cousin Itt bows slightly to the both of them and happily squeaks out one last sentence. Steve barely braces himself for Eddie pulling him close, spinning him into a dip, and kissing him breathless. Steve can't help laughing into the kiss as he wraps his arms around Eddie's neck, brushing his tongue along Eddie's lips and tasting cyanide punch still lingering behind his teeth.
Wolf whistles (Robin and a few of Eddie's cousins), cheers (Wayne and the rest of Eddie's family), and exaggerated exclamations of disgust (Dustin and his friends) surround them as Eddie bites his bottom lip before breaking the kiss. Steve grins at him, playfully tugging on a lock of Eddie's hair as he asks, "You gonna let me up, handsome?"
"You could poison me and I'd only hold you tighter, sweetheart," Eddie tells him.
Eddie grins and pulls Steve out of the dip, keeping him close as he turns to the crowd with a happy smile. "Okay, everyone," he says, his hand dropping down to Steve's lower back, "the reception is over by the Sheffield Mausoleum. Stevie and I will be joining you shortly."
Steve reaches out for Eddie's left hand as the crowd rises and disperses towards a mausoleum behind the altar. The wedding ring pairs nicely with the engaged-to-be-engaged ring, and the gems on both reflect the last, soft rays of the setting sun and the lamps hung all around them so guests can still see in the dark.
The only one who hangs back is Dustin, bouncing on the balls of his feet. Eddie notices him and gently pulls his hand from Steve's so he can hold an arm out. Dustin lights up and barrels straight into them. "You're, like, my brother now!" Dustin says, looking up at Eddie with stars in his eyes.
"Gee, was I not doing a good enough job?" Steve asks.
Dustin snorts, poking Steve's ribs as he pulls away. "Sorry, man, you're just not as cool as Eddie."
"Woah, woah," Eddie says, maliciously ruffling Dustin's hair, "that's my husband you're talking about. I won't tolerate a single bad word about him."
"Oh, gross, you're gonna be even worse now," Dustin whines, slapping Eddie's hand away.
Steve can't help laughing, about to make a similar joke about brutalizing his husband only to be interrupted by a familiar and dreadful voice coming from his left.
Every muscle in Steve stiffens, his entire body becoming straight as a board against his will, and he sees the exact same thing happen to Dustin. He doesn't want to, but Steve still forces himself to lean forward so he can see around Eddie.
There are two people standing right on the border between the green grass with clean tombstones and the stubborn weeds and vines climbing up worn stone. Both are middle-aged; the woman has blonde hair perfectly curled to frame her face and brown eyes, and the man has dark brown hair carefully styled with just barely too much gel and dull green eyes.
Steve feels his palms grow clammy as a spike of white-hot anxiety shoots up his spine. He glances at Dustin, reassuringly pats his shoulder, and pushes him closer to Eddie. His husband (he should be feeling much happier when referring to Eddie as such, and the fact that he doesn't fills him with anger and frustration equal to the anxiety caused by the man and woman) clearly has questions but doesn't say anything. Eddie just places a hand on Dustin's shoulder, the same spot Steve patted.
Steve takes a deep breath and turns, plastering on a smile so fake that it makes his stomach churn. "Mom, Dad, what are you doing here?" he asks, walking over to the two but staying on the brown and ancient side of the grass.
His mother raises a single, perfect eyebrow at him. "We received news of the wedding from our secretary," she says.
"Honestly, Steven, what else are we supposed to do when our eldest son gets married?" his father asks. And for a brief moment, Steve thinks they'll be supportive. Maybe they'll pull out a small but thoughtful wedding gift and mingle with the rest of the guests. He's wrong, of course, but it was a nice delusion while it lasted. "Of course, we had to come and stop you from getting married to this Munson character."
His mother huffs softly, her fingers twitching like she's about to reach for a cigarette even though she claimed to stop smoking years ago. "It seems we're a little too late for that, though. No matter. We're friends with a judge, so come along, Steven, we'll get this marriage voided before morning."
Honestly, Steve is surprised Eddie managed to go so long without inserting himself. The moment his mother threatened to void the marriage, however, Eddie definitely isn't able to hold himself back any longer. He steps forward, wraps an arm around Steve's waist, and asks, "So sorry, but who are you, and why are you intruding on our wedding?"
The sheer offense on their faces almost makes Steve feel better as he places a hand on Eddie's chest right over his heart. And he says almost because the offense is quickly followed by his mother saying, "We are Steven's parents, and you are about two seconds from legal action."
Eddie actually laughs in her face, and Steve feels the tension drain from him at the sound. "Please, go ahead. We Munsons love a good court battle. They've yet to make any charges stick, you know," Eddie says, his grin nearly feral and sending a thrill from Steve's scalp down to his toes.
He grips Eddie's shirt, gaining his attention and flashing a suggestive smile. "Eds," Steve whispers, briefly forgetting about his parents and the rest of the world, "what charges?"
That feral grin somehow widens, bringing Steve's attention to the too-sharp canines that he wants to drag his tongue against until it bleeds. "Would you like the list in chronological or alphabetical order, sweetheart?" Eddie asks, leaning close until their lips are just barely touching.
Steve licks his lips, tongue brushing against Eddie's teasingly, and watches as Eddie's eyes darken into something hungry and insatiable and terrifying and thrilling.
"Oh, gross, seriously?!" Dustin cries from behind them, throwing his hands in the air. "Save it for the honeymoon."
That seems to break Steve's parents out of whatever stupor had overtaken them. "Steven!" his father warns, voice low and threatening and utterly laughable. "Step away from him this instant. Is this the kind of example you've been setting for Dustin? We promised his parents to raise him properly when we took him in."
Oh. That's the card they're going to pull now. Steve sighs, whispers, "Later," to Eddie, and turns to look at his parents. Eddie buries his head in Steve's neck, teeth playfully brushing against his skin despite the audience. "One, he's my husband," Steve says, raising a finger for each item that follows the first, "Two, any example I set will be far better than the one set by your absence. Three, I suggest you leave before you find yourself stuck in this cemetery indefinitely."
Eddie huffs softly against his neck, and Dustin moves closer to Steve's side, grabbing his sleeve tightly. "You haven't raised me at all," Dustin tells them, his voice prickly and indicative of the hackles that would be raised if he had any.
"That is enough," Steve's mother snaps, effectively shutting up her own husband as she takes a single step forward. It's the first one she's taken since they started speaking, but she still avoids stepping over the line made by the grass. "Steven, if you insist on this...mistake, we'll simply have no choice but to cut you off. We'll also have to take Dustin since you clearly aren't the good influence you promised to be."
Steve should probably be angry. In fact, he is, but that anger is overshadowed by the undeniable urge to laugh in her face. Which he does. Loudly. "I haven't used your money for myself in ages," Steve tells her, gesturing vaguely in the direction of the house, "In fact, it's all gone toward house payments and bills. So, sure, take the house. Eddie and I will get a new place with an even bigger room for Dustin who, by the way, is going fucking nowhere."
"Oh, I love it when you curse," Eddie murmurs, kissing a line up Steve's neck to just below his earlobe.
Despite himself, Steve grins a little. And then Dustin tugs on his sleeve, gaining his attention before saying, "I really don't want to go with them."
"You won't," Steve promises, continuing before either of his parents can say anything, "because you're sixteen. I'll make sure the custody case drags itself long enough for you to turn eighteen, and then they won't have any say over you."
"That would be very expensive, Steven," his father says, taking on a gentler tone like he's suddenly trying to play the good cop to his wife's bad cop. "I don't think you realize that supporting yourself won't be easy."
This, apparently, is what truly offends Eddie. He finally pulls away from Steve's neck, narrowing his eyes as a cold wind suddenly picks up. "Stevie won't have to support himself because I'll support him. You missed the beautiful and hauntingly romantic vows we just spoke, but Stevie won't be wanting for anything as long as I'm around. And that extends to the people he considers family."
As he speaks, the lamps around them seem to change, casting ghostly shadows over the cemetery. Something whispers in the wind, voice drawling and unintelligible but still threatening. An overbearing pressure begins to cast itself over the area, sparing Steve and Dustin but pressing down relentlessly on their parents. "Now," Eddie says, "unless you've suddenly become interested in the local real estate, I suggest you leave."
"Are you threatening us?" Steve's mother asks.
"Not at all," Eddie replies, his voice low and dark and that honeymoon can't start soon enough, actually. "I'm making a promise."
The wind shifts and howls, kicking up loose dirt and weeds and swirling around Steve's parents. Their faces drain, becoming increasingly pale, and Steve's mother looks ready to try speaking again only for his father to place a hand on her shoulder. At least he's smart enough to know when they've lost.
Steve watches them retreat, the wind following them until they've left the cemetery, and then turns to Eddie. "You look so beautiful when you threaten people," he says, grabbing Eddie's collar and yanking him down into a searing kiss that his husband happily returns.
It doesn't last long before Dustin interrupts, literally shoving himself between the two. "They won't come back, right?" he asks.
"Well, they might," Steve says, reassuringly messing up Dustin's hair, "but they won't be taking you anywhere."
"Yep, you're stuck with us," Eddie adds, picking up Dustin and throwing him over his left shoulder. He grins as Dustin squeaks. "Now, let's go party."
Steve snorts and grabs Eddie's right hand, leaving his left free to hold Dustin, as they walk towards the reception. Now that he's paying attention, he can hear the band playing and laughter-filled conversations filling the silence of the cemetery. He can also smell a whiff of something delicious, his stomach suddenly growling as he realizes how hungry he is.
Thankfully, a plate is shoved into his hand the moment they reach the outskirts of the crowd by a short man with greased-back hair, a wild glint in his eyes, and a cigar hanging from his lips. Next to him, a hand on his shoulder, is a tall and pale woman with blood-red lips and a knowing smile. "There you two are," the man says, removing the cigar as Eddie drops Dustin to the ground and shoves him towards the crowd. "Took you long enough."
Dustin sticks his tongue out at Eddie before running off, leaving them in the dust to join his friends. Steve shakes his head at the kid as Eddie smiles brightly at the two. "There was some trash to take care of," Eddie says, shrugging as he steals a roll from the plate in Steve's hand.
"I assume it's been properly disposed of?" the woman asks, an eyebrow rising slowly.
Eddie shrugs, holding the roll up to Steve's lips so he can take a bite. "For now. Might need to make good on a few promises, though," he says, biting off a piece after Steve.
The man laughs, clapping a hand on Eddie's shoulder. "Just let us know if you need any help, old man," he says, his grin wide and his eyes excited, "I always did love a good hunt."
Steve swallows the bread in his mouth and smiles at the two, finally getting an idea of who they are. "Gomez and Morticia, right?" he asks, his guess confirmed by Gomez's widening grin and Morticia's approving nod. "I've heard a lot about you. Thanks for the cutting from Cleopatra, by the way. Nix has been a great addition to the family."
Morticia straightens slightly (Steve didn't even realize that was possible). "You've named her Nix," she says, nodding once, "Fitting. How's her health?"
"She's gotten big enough to need three pounds of meat per week."
"How wonderful. She's almost matured. You've been taking very good care of her, then."
"Tish does love her plants," Gomez says, placing an arm around her waist and pulling her close in a familiar gesture. Maybe it runs in the family. "She grows the thorniest rose stems, you know."
Steve is about to respond when Eddie lights up, clearly seeing something that Steve doesn't. "Well, Stevie is haunting on the piano, not to mention how well he can swing a bat," he says, his chest puffing out slightly.
"Impressive! Tish is a killer at knitting and keeps her needles incredibly sharp."
"I remember she knit Pubert's onesies," Eddie says, and Steve swears he can hear a young man groan in the distance. "Stevie makes wonderful traps. I never see them coming until I'm hanging from the air and losing my breath."
Ah. Steve suddenly gets it. He looks at Morticia, silently asking if this is common, and her amused smile says it is. "Steve, walk with me while our husbands play together," she says, holding out her hand.
Steve nods and presses a quick kiss to Eddie's cheek before pulling away and offering Morticia his arm. She leads him around the crowd, staying on the outskirts. "I'd like to officially welcome you to the family," she says, his voice steady and reassuring and lingering. "You seem to fit in quite well."
"Oh, uh, thanks," Steve says, feeling that anxiety from before starting to churn in his stomach again. At least it distracts his stomach from the hunger. "This isn't, like, a threatening thing, right?"
"Would you like it to be?"
"Not particularly."
"Then, no. Not for now, at least. I don't see you requiring any threats, though. Everything I've heard about you tells me that you'll have no trouble adjusting to the Munson family and its Addams relatives. Just know that we watch out for our own, dear, and we gladly feast on those who would subdue us for we are always hungry."
Steve nods, finding that this aligns well with everything he's seen from Eddie, Wayne, and El. "I've always wanted a big family," he admits.
Morticia smiles at him, and it feels warm despite her initially cold demeanor. "And now you have one," she says, looking up and waving to someone in the crowd. "Speaking of, I'd like you to meet my children."
Three young adults slip out from the crowd, two boys and one girl. Steve already knows them, and he smiles, the expression only returned by the boys. "Wednesday, Pugsley, and Pubert, right? It's nice to meet you."
"We'll see about that," Wednesday replies, her voice dry and devoid of any inflection.
Pugsley, meanwhile, smiles brightly and claps Steve's shoulder. "Nice to meet you, Steve! Welcome to the family. How do you feel about explosives?"
"Good for some jobs, but lacking subtlety for others."
"I told you," Pubert says, shoving Pugsley aside to stand in front of Steve instead. "What about daggers?"
"Easy to hide but too subtle for some messages."
Pubert frowns slightly at this response but doesn't argue. Wednesday, meanwhile, stares at Steve for a few intense seconds before saying, "What are you afraid of?"
"Eddie being out of sight," Steve replies, not even needing to think of an answer. He glances over to where they left Eddie and Gomez, happy to see his husband is still there. Though, the two seem to have engaged in a sword fight at some point.
"How sickening," Wednesday says.
Steve looks back at her and grins. "Don't be jealous, Wednesday. I'm sure your partner feels the same," he says playfully.
She tenses slightly, seemingly unused to this kind of backtalk, but quickly relaxes. "You're interesting. I'll be keeping in touch." And with that, she turns on her heel and walks back into the crowd.
"Aw, man, she still has my kidney," Pubert says, quickly chasing after her. Pugsley shrugs, looking like he'd rather not be left out, and quickly follows Pubert after waving goodbye to Steve and Morticia.
"They like you," Morticia says, sounding pleased. "You should come visit us after your honeymoon. Where are you planning to go?"
"Paris and Rome. I want to see the catacombs in Paris, and Eddie wants to visit this museum in Rome where all the decorations are made with the bones of monks."
"Oh, how romantic," Morticia says, glancing to the side as the sound of swords crossing grows louder. She waits a few more seconds before saying, her voice staying the same volume as always, "Gomez."
The fight immediately stops, and Gomez seemingly materializes next to Morticia. He takes her hand, pressing kisses along her knuckles and up her arm. "Yes, cara mia?" he asks.
"How long has it been since we danced?"
"Hours," Gomez replies, grinning brightly as he pulls Morticia away and to the dancefloor.
Eddie appears next, wrapping his arms around Steve's waist from behind. "Stevie," he whispers, breath tickling the back of Steve's neck. "We haven't danced, either."
Steve snorts, places his plate on the nearest chair, and turns in Eddie's arms. "Well, lead the way."
With an excited glint in his eyes, Eddie drags Steve to the dancefloor as the band begins to play the waltz. A few other couples have begun dancing together, but they all make room as Eddie leads Steve to the very middle of the floor. He pulls Steve close, one hand on the small of his back and the other holding one of Steve's hands. Their fingers interlock, and Steve lets Eddie lead him around the dancefloor in graceful spins and flourishes.
"So," Eddie says, his voice quiet but immensely clear to Steve as the rest of the world fades away, "other than that brief interruption, how did you like the ceremony?"
"It was beautiful," Steve replies, sliding the hand on Eddie's shoulder to wrap around his neck and playfully tug on a lock of hair. "We should get married again."
"How does next month sound?"
"I was thinking of a wedding in Paris and one in Rome. Just for us, nobody else, with ancient bones as our witness."
"You say the most romantic things," Eddie says, his voice slightly dreamy. "I love you."
The waltz comes to an end as he says this, and Eddie leans down to kiss Steve as they continue dancing through the break in music. Steve smiles, letting his eyes slip shut and trusting Eddie to make sure he won't fall or trip on anything, and pushes his tongue past Eddie's lips.
"I love you, too," Steve whispers when the kiss breaks long enough to allow words. He's barely finished speaking when Eddie pulls him back in, drowning Steve in love and passion and promises of later.
Steve finds he doesn't mind the idea of never surfacing again so long as Eddie's lips never leave his own.
Tag List
(Tumblr has a limit, so I couldn't get everyone who's requested a tag, but I did try to get as many as I could)
@estrellami-1, @justforthedead89, @starman-jpg, @abstractnaturaldisaster, @sugartin, @ashwagandalf, @xjessicafaithx, @somegirlsomewhere, @imjust-that-shy, @blaqcats-fics, @littlebluejane, @xoxoladyclara, @halfadoginatank
@pjoneedstherapy, @nocturnalgayboi, @swimmingbirdrunningrock, @justforthedead89, @gothwifehotchner, @elizbaehth, @angels-dressed-in-blood, @imfinereallyy, @oile-loves-sharks, @carlprocastinator1000, @stxrcrossed186, @spider-boygirl, @epiclazershark, @7shrewsinatrenchcoat
@perfectlymellowthing, @just-a-tiny-void, @nburkhardt, @nailbatandfreak, @sunfloweringstories, @vampireinthesun, @novelnovella, @bookworm0690, @bestwifehaver, @goosesister, @phantomcat94, @martinskis-lydias, @ghostofyourvampiregf, @lifeisnotsobadonceyoustopcaring
@nerdsconquerall, @dontslayfay, @potato-of-the-lord, @suikatto, @deliriousmom, @code-switcher, @lizard-dyk3, @anonymousbandgirl
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blackhakumen · 1 year
Mini Fanfic #1087: Ambushed (Super Smash Bros Ultimate X Kingdom Hearts)
5:56 p.m. Outside of Smash Mansion's Entrance......
A giant ring appears out of thin air in front of the Smash Mansion's doorway as it shows Dark Pit and Yoshi, who are both visibly injured and bruised, walking out with Kirby, Hades, and Sephiroth, with Pichu strapped onto his chest in a pouch, follows behind them as the ring goes back to it's original size.
Yoshi: Well. We just got our butts kicked out there.
Dark Pit: ('Tch') More like eviscerated. (Throws his Hands Out in Frustration) Who the hell would attack us out of NOWHERE in broad daylight like that!?
Hades: That's what ambushes would do to you, kiddos. You never know who or what would try to go out of their way to annihilate you in the worst way imaginable. (Puts on a Bit of an Evil Grin on his Face) That and how oh so easy the process in doing so truly is in concept
Kirby: (Already Has a Worried Look on his Face) Poyopoyo Poyopoyo.
Yoshi: Yeah, I still don't have a lick of clue who any of those guys were who attack us.
Sephiroth: Can't say I know for sure who the four masked figures are.....(Grabs his Chin While Thinking) But the one in the black cloak, with eye pitch does look somewhat familiar.....
Yoshi: (Turns to Sephiroth) Is he another one of your past enemies or something?
Sephiroth: Perhaps, but the memory escapes me at the moment. (Smirks a Little) But it was mild entertaining seeing him run away with his tail between his legs. (Looks Down at Pichu) Isn't that right, son?
Pichu: (Happily Nodded in Agreement) Pi Chu!~
Dark Pit: Well, whoever those bozos are, we're gonna get back at them one way or another. And we're keeping all of this to ourselves.
Yoshi: ('Sighs Heavily') I dunno, man....I'm all for going back for another round or a few as much as the next guy, but those guys were WAY too strong for our liking.....
Hades: Also, are you....(Raises an Eyebrow at Dark Pit) Absolutely sure about keeping this under wraps from everyone here? Especially from your MOTHERS of all people?
Kirby: (Starts Hugging Dark Pit's Leg in Plead) Poyopoyo Poyopoyo Poyo!
Dark Pit: (Kneels Down to Kirby's Level Before Wincing a Bit in Pain and Gently Rubbing the Top of his Head) Look, I know it's a dumb, risky move on my part, but it will only be until we find a way to beat those jerks in their own game. And besides, the moms aren't even close to being dine with their little shopping spree adventures. We have plenty of time to go in there, heal ourselves up, and act like none if this ever happe-
The boys turns around to see the Certified Moms stare and drop their shopping bags in horror, at Yoshi and Pitto's bruised state as they immediately rushes over to them.
Peach: What HAPPENED to you two!?
Yoshi: (Raises an Eyebrow at Dark Pit Beside Him) You were saying?.....
Dark Pit: We uhh....(Immediately Gets Up From the Ground While Wincing Some More in Pain) Just....got into an accident is all.
Tifa: What kind of accident?
Dark Pit: We tripped. O-Off a few staircases or whatever! (Chuckles Awkwardly) Long fall too I'll tell ya what. (Quickly Nudge his Shoulder Onto Yoshi's Side)
Yoshi: (Winces a Bit in Pain Before Speaking Up) U-Uh Yeah! Yeah, it's true. The.....stairs made us trip and fall.
Sephiroth: Pichu and I saw it from our own eyes.(Closes his Eyes) It was tragic.
Pichu: (Closes his Eyes as Well) Pi.
Kirby: ('Sighs in Defeat') Poyo poyo......
Hades: ('Groans') For the love of- The boys here were ambushed earlier by a group of masked hooligans and some guy wearing an eye pitch.
Lea/Aqua: WHAT!?
Aqua: Luxu and the Foretellers did this to you!?
Dark Pit: (Slowly but Surely Turns to Hades With a Sharp Glare in his Eyes) What the HELL, HADES!?
Hades: Look, I was doing you two a favor! Besides, this is leagues better than lying to and trying to cover your wounds up at the very last second.
Rosalina: (Covers her Mouth in Shock) Oh my god.......
Samus: (Glares at the Two Boys) You were about to keep this a secret from us!?
Yoshi: (Quickly Points the Blame at DP) It was his idea! I never WANTED to lie to anyone!
Dark Pit: (Turns to Yoshi Beside Him) You mother-
Yoshi: Look, I'm sorry alright! And as much as it pains me to say it, Hades is right! You and I both know that we're not any good at keeping any secrets hidden well for the life of us!
Dark Pit: I know that! I was just.....hoping it would last for....('Sigh') I dunno a few months or so?
Daisy: You were gonna to keep this from us for MONTHS!?
Dark Pit: (Turns Back to the Moms) I was thinking about it, okay!? I didn't know we were gonna get caught so soon! And maybe we would've gotten away with it if.....(Turns Right Back to.Hades With a Glare) SOMEONE didn't blurt everything out!
Hades: (Rolls his Eyes) Again, did you two a favor from making fools of yourselves, not like your already doing spendid job of doing that already.
Dark Pit: I'mma about show you who's a REAL fool in second if you don't-
Palutena: PITTO!
The loud, booming voice from the green haired goddess was more than enough to shut everyone up completely as she slowly, but very angrily approaches to her dark angel as the love of her life, Bayonetta, follows behind her, trying to calm her down but with little to no pervail.
It was no secret for Pitto that out of everyone in the Snash Family, Palutena is the last person you ever want to provoked, given that her title as goddess is not to be taken lightly by anyone. That and the powers she possesses are a lot more lethal than it ever was inside the tournament.
As the fellas, Hades especially, steps away from the potential conflict, Pitto turns away and closes his eyes expecting the worse, only to be greeted by a firm grasp on the shoulders. Once he slowly opens his eyes, he sees his mother on his knees, staring at him with tears falling down her cheeks as she tries her very hardest to keep it together, much to his genuine surprise.
Dark Pit: Mom...........
Bayonetta: (Kneels Down to Dark Pit as Well) Now Darling, why on earth would you try and keep this a secret from us?
Dark Pit: (Let's Out a Heavy Sigh Before Speaking) It was our fight. Or in our cases, an unexpected beat down...... And I just didn't want any of you to get involved or....waste your time worrying over us.
Bayonetta: And that's all well and good. But you and Yoshi know as well as I do that your mothers and I will always worry about you kids no matter what you do. And if this Luxu person really went out of his way to hurt you, then we must handle to the situation thoroughly and see it that him and his goons won't ever lay a finger on either of you again.
Peach: (Frowns Sadly) But we can't do that if you won't tell us what happened. (Tears Starts Falling Down From her Eyes as Well) Please.....
Pitto looks around see the rest of the moms staring at him and Yoshi with worry and sadness in each of their eyes as they patiently wait for him to give them details, even Kirby looking up and nodding at him to tell them everything.
Dark Pit: (Takes a Deep Breath Before Speaking) Okay. So.....Yoshi and I were in Twilight Town, right? And were walking around, eating Seasalt Ice Cream and whatnot. Then suddenly, that Luxu guy you mentioned, and his four goons came completely out of nowhere and started attacking us. So we fought back as hard as we could, but surprise-surprise, it didn't go all that well.
Flashback to The Streets of Twilight Town
Dark Pit: (On the Ground in the Pain Along with Yoshi) Argh shit....(Turns to Yoshi) Hey, how are you holding up?
Yoshi: My arms and legs are starting worn-out on me as we speaking and I can't move without feeling immense pain. (Groans in Pain as He Rolls Overs and Starts Sitting Himself Up) See?
Dark Pit: (Tries Getting Himself Back Up on his Feet While Groaning in Pain as Well) Yeah. It's.....(Pushes his Back Forehead as He Winces) ('Crack') Bitch in a half. Did you call or text for back-up yet?
Yoshi: I texted someone, but....(Pulls Up his Now Broken Phone) My phone got busted up before i could even see who it was. (Phone Shatters into Pieces) What about you? You do have your phone on you, right?
Dark Pit: I......(Starts Looking Away a Bit) may or may not have it one me right now.....
Yoshi: (Gives Pitto a Deadpinned Look on his Face) Are you serious?
Dark Pit: ('Sigh') Yeah, I forgot to charge it up earlier today. But with message received, someone's bound to come here eventually. Assuming we don't die by then.........
????: Well, now!
Without warning, the four masked Keyblade wielders appears in front of the boys. One is wearing a unicorn, the second wearing a snake mask, third wearing a white tiger mask, and the last one, whom the boys had the second most trouble with, I'd wearing a bear mask. And their supposed leader appearing before them is none other than the one eyed snake himself, Luxu.
Luxu: (Puts on an Evil, Cocky Grin on his Face) You boys are having fun so far?
Yoshi: (Glares at Luxu) We're having a misery time actually!
Dark Pit: Why the fuck are you doing this!?
Luxu: Oh come now. There's no need for the hostility here.
Yoshi: You attacked us on broad daylight, out of nowhere, how ELSE are we supposed react to that!?
Luxu: Fair point. But in our defense though, we have a perfectly good reason in doing so.
Dark Pit: (Already Losing his Patience) Oh I wanna hear this...
Luxu: (Points at the Snake Masked Figure Beside Him) You see, Invi girl here have been dreaming of meeting and examining an actual angel from up close. So I told her about meeting you back at Firelocks's place a couple of months ago abd here we are. (Grabs his Chin While Taking a Look at the Dark Angel) Though, I don't think I remember seeing your hair and wings all that black.....
Dark Pit: That's because I'm not the angel you were looking for, genius. It was my brother Pit you saw.
Luxu: Ah-haaa!......Gotcha. So like, what? Are you his broody, inferior twin brother or something?
Dark Pit: You mean less obnoxious of the two? Then yes I am.
Back to the Present
Bayonetta: Pitto!
Dark Pit: What? He's annoying! Most of the times.
Isabelle: (Put her Hands on her Hips With a Motherly Glare in her Eyes) But he's also your brother.
Moms: Yeah!
Dark Pit: (Sighs While Rolling is Eyes) Look, I apologize for being rude. Now can I please continue?
Back to the Flashback
Yoshi: Okay, so why are after ME then?
Luxu: Oh that's simple. See, Lil' Gula here been wanting a pet for the longest time now, and when we spotted you walking around town, I told "Hey, there's a green talking dinosaur you can take home" and he stepped out of the portal quicker than any of us did.
Gula: I wanna talking dinosaur.
Luxu: See? He knows what he wants.
Yoshi: (Couldn't Believe What He is Hearing Right Now) You....(Starts Getting Back Up on his Feet) Heartlees- ('Crack') Ack!
Dark Pit: (Quickly Made his Way to Yoshi) Hey, you Good?
Yoshi: (Glares Harshly at Luxu and the Foretellers) As soon as we pummeled these twerps to the grovel, I will be.
Luxu: (Casually Shrugs) Sure! We're down to go a few more rounds. It'll might cost you your own lives though. So-
Before Luxu could finish talking, a chili dog flew in out of nowhere and hits his face.
Luxu: .........('Tongue Click') 'Kay. Was not expecting that of all things to hit me. (Licks a Chili Off From Side of his Lips a Little as He Tastes It) ('Mm') The chili's pretty good at least. (Notices Something Behind Pitto and Yoshi) Say, was that giant ring portal always there or-
Dreamland's savor, Kirby, jumps out of the dimension ring ready for action.
Kirby: Poyo!
Dark Pit/Yoshi: Kirby!?
Hades: (Walks Out of the Ring as Well) Annnnnnnnnnnd HADES!
Luxu: Wait. That's the Hades? You look a whole lot different than from what I've seen. Where's the blue fiery hair?
Hades: (Raises an Eyebrow in Confusion) Bluey fire- Ohhhhh right. I forgot you have another version of me in your universe. I should really look up on that one of these days.....Anyways, we're here to take the boys back home now.
Luxu: (Starts Smirking Evilly) Or what? You're gonna fight us or something?
Hades: Oh not me. I just got back from getting my nails did for the month and I am not risking the chance of getting them broken. (Forms a Smirk of his Own on his Face) Buuuuut not to worry. Besides the pink puffball, you'll be fighting someone else to take my place in the meantime. Ohhhh Sephyyy!~
*Cue One Winged Angel (Advent Version)*
Another figure slowly walks out of the ring with long silver hair, wearing an all black attire, carrying a long sword and a Pichu on his chest pouch happily waving hello to everyone present. His presence alone may not effect the Foretellers in a way, but to Luxu however........it was stepping back into horrific nightmare he never thought he would ever return to after all these years. A nightmare that will continue to haunt him for the rest of his days.
Luxu: No.........No no no no no. Anyone but him......
Sephiroth: So.....these five will be our opponents for the time being?
Hades: Yep. The boys here is in rough shape, so it's gonna be a two-on-five fight. That won't be a problem for you, will it?
Sephiroth: (Forms a Small Smirk on his Face) ('Hmph') Please. (A Large Black Wing Emerges From his Back) This will hardly be a challenge.
Gula: So is he like a.....Half angel or something?
Invi: Fascinating.......
Ira: We must give it our all regardless of who this may be. Isn't that right, Luxu?
Luxu: .................................
Ira: (Turns to the Others Who Shrugs at Him Before Turning Back to his One Eyed Companion) Umm.....Luxu, is something the-
Luxu: Everyone retreat.
Luxu immediately summons a dark portal behind him, must to the Foretellers' confusion.
Gula: What.
Ira: Luxu, what are you-
Luxu: I'll explain everything along the way. Right now, we need to the get the hell on out of here before it's too late!
Aced: (Angrily Stomps the Ground) NONSENSE! We are Keyblade Masters! We do not run and cower from any-
Luxu: (Glares at the Bear Masked Figure) Look, I don't have the time or mentality to deal with your prideful bullshit today, Aced! So quit your yammering and get your ass into that portal before I drag you in there myself!! (Sprints Off to the Portal)
Aced: But-
Ira: (Place his Hand on Aced's Shoulder) Let's do what he says for now. There's no telling what this one winged angel figure is capable off.
The Foretellers did as Luxu commanded and retreat themselves back to their current headquarters with Aced giving Sephiroth one last glare before following behind them. It didn't take long for the portal itself gets smaller and smaller till it disappears completely.
Yoshi: ........Yeah, you better run.
Back to the Present. Again..........
Yoshi: And that's basically about it. They spotted us, beaten us to a pulp, and we would've been done for if Kirby, Hades, Pichu, and Sephiroth haven't stepped in at the last second.
Peach: And we couldn't be any.more happier. (Turns to the Four Beside Pitto and Yoshi) Thank you so much.
Kirby: (Smiles Sheepishly While Rubbing the Back of his Head Back and Forth) Poyo~
Hades: Ah it's nothing. Though.....(Starts Smirking) If you really wanna thank me, you could reward me something valuabl-
Smaus: Don't push it.
Hades: (Sighs Whille Rolling his Eyes) Nevermind. I'll treat myself to a vuctory drink or whatever. Care to come with, Selhpy?
Sephiroth: (Shrugs) Don't have anything else to do. (Looks Down at Pichu) Would you be alright without daddy for the remainder of the night?
Pichu: (Happily Nodded) Pi-chu.
Dark Pit: I wanna fight them again.
Everyone: (Immediately Turns Back to Dark Pit) WHAT!?
Yoshi: (Glares at Dark Pit) You're going back out there after EVERYTHING we've been through today!?
Dark Pit: (Glares Back at Yoshi) Not now obviously! I'm gonna heal myself up first, THEN, I'll go back and face them again.
Yoshi: Oh my freaking god.....Please tell me you're hearing yourself right now.
Dark Pit: Dude, they came out of nowhere, thrashed us, treated you like a pet, and me like some kind of test subject they can experiment on daily. I'm NOT going down without another fight!!
Aqua: We understand how you feel, Pitto, truly. But you cannot challenge him or the Foretellers again, especially now that you know how powerful they truly are.
Lea: Now, for me personally, I'm not sure how Luxu is now that he's the actually the apprentice of that Master of What-its-face, but I know for SURE how dangerous he was back at the Organization.
Samus: How dangerous are we talking here exactly?
Lea: Sneaky, conniving, and precise on almost ANYTHING he set his sights on killing. He was a menacing back then, and there's no telling kind of new tricks he got in his sleeves......
Palutena: ('Sniff') They're right, you know?
Dark Pit: (Looks Back to See Palutena Finally Calmed Down a Little) Mom, you okay?
Palutena: (Starts Wiping the Tears Away) Yeah.....I mean, I'm not completely happy, but I'll be fine. (Takes a Deep Breath as She Gently Grab Hold of Dark Pit's Hands) I know what happened to you and Yoshi earlier is upsetting and I am fully aware of how capable of a fighter you are, but there's a lot more to those people than any of us could imagine. And the last thing we want right now is for them to hurt you WAY more than they already have! So please, don't do this.....('Sniff') I beg of you.....
Pit: (Takes One Good Look at Palutena's Watery Eyes For a Brief Second Before Finally Sighing in Defeat) Alright. If you guys really have what it takes to beat 'em, then I'll back off. And whenever you do fight 'em, just.....(Immediately Gives his Goddess Mom a Hug) be careful out there, alright?
Palutena: (Giggles Softly) Awww~ Is our angsty, baby boi getting worried about us already? That's soooo unlike you!~
Dark Pit: (Rolls his Eyes) Yeah, well, it was bound to happen eventually. I'm way too exhausted to try and hide it now......
Palutena: I know, sweetie. I love you so much.
Dark Pit: Love you too. And thanks.
A blue dust of light suddenly surrounds the duo for a few seconds before disappearing completely along with Pitto's cuts and bruises.
Dark Pit: What the- (Pulls Away From his Mother's Embrace as He Takes a Looks at his Upper Body) I'm healed?
Palutena: (Smiles Brightly) Yep! I can any wounds in one's body with a simple touch of the hand. My hugs are no exceptions.
Yoshi: Ah dude. I wanna a healing hug! (Starts Walking Towards Only to Felt a Pain on his Pain') ('Crack') Ack! Dang it! Not again!
Daisy: I gotcha, honey! (Quickly Makes her Way to her Son and Helps Him Makes his Way to Palutena)
Peach: Once Yoshi gets healed up, we're gonna have ourselves a group hug session!~
Moms: (Cheers in Rejoice)
Dark Pit: Yayyyyyyyyyy..........
Aqua giggles softly at the Pitto's blatant sarcasm along with the others before noticing a worried look on Lea's face.
Aqua: Lea?
Lea: (Comes Back to Reality) Hm? Yeah, teach?
Aqua: Is everything okay?
Lea: ('Sighs Heavily') Yeah, just.......Thinking about Luxu and whatnot.......I know I shouldn't waste my time worrying, but......
Aqua: Hey, I get it. Today's been.....surprising to say the least, but we can't let boggle our minds forever, you know?
Lea: Definitely. But there's one thing for sure, and I never thought I would ever say this, but....I really need to train more.....
Aqua: (Place a Hand onto Lea's Shoulder With a Soft Smile on her Face) And Terra and I would be happy to help you.
Samus: (Wraps her Arm Around Lee's Other Sode of the Shoulder) Same here. Couldn't help but overhear your need to training and I want in.
Tifa: (Happily Chimes in) Me too. Namine and I could really use another sparring partner.
Lea: (Eyes Widened in Fear) Uhh! Actually, I'm....gonna have to take a pass on the whole hand-to-hand sparring invitation.
Samus: (Forms a Teasing Smirk on her Face) What? You're scared of getting your ass kicked? Your gonna have to take the beating sooner or later.
Lea: (Glares at Samus) I know that! I just.....(Twiddles his Fingers Around) Being cautious is all.
Samus: Cautiously scared?~
Lea: You know what I mean, woman!
Tifa: I know it's a Intimidating, but I promise to do everything I can give you the best training exercise you could ever hope for.
Aqua: (Smiles Brightly) I think we should give this hand-to-hand combat a chance, Lea. I'll might come in handy one of these days.
Lea: I doubt it, but sure, I guess.....
To Be Continued
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ginbrucobooks · 4 months
Elementary, Watson
As it turned out, Johnny was more pissed than I thought since, once recess ended, he decided to take up his old spot next to Gibsie. Niamh didn't question me when she found me sitting next to her, and I was grateful for it. My head was reeling from my previous confrontation with Johnny, and my stomach was aching – probably because I hadn't eaten anything since last night. At one point the rumbling of my stomach got so loud that I was pretty sure Niamh heard it too, since not five minutes later she proceeded to take out of her backpack a protein bar and handed it to me. Too worn down by hunger to let my pride get in the way, I took the bar and basically devoured it.
The rest of the day went by without any hitch, except for the fact that Johnny Kavanagh refused to look at me. While once he would have smiled when we passed each other in the hallway and been amused by my returning glare, now he passed straight past me without giving me so much as a glance.
Making my peace with the fact that I had messed up, I got out of school and headed for the bus stop, deciding it would be better to stay there and avoid Gibsie, who was sure to ask me about what happened between him and his captain.
A couple of hours later I finally arrived home and decided to just try and chill on the couch, however these plans were interrupted when instead of Joey or any of my siblings on the couch relaxing, I saw no one other than Aoife Molloy. Great, I was in a mood for a reunion.
"Hey Connor." She mumbled.
"Fuck you, Molloy." I said, raising my middle finger. She was certainly going to say something, but deciding I had done enough damage to my relationships today I decided to run and go to my room. If I stayed I would surely say something I would regret, not to mention she was going to leave any minute to go out with Joey and I had a feeling the discussion we needed to have would take a lot more time.
"Hi, Shan. How are you?" I asked Shannon once I got to our room.
"I'm fine, I don't know why everyone's so worried." She spoke. "I just want to go back to school."
"And you will, on Monday, when you've rested another couple of days." I replied.
"I've already lost so much time, I'll never catch up with my classes."
"It's only the first week of school, I'm sure you'll be fine."
"I don't even know what happened while I was away, Dad broke my phone, so I have no way of contacting my friends." She emphasized.
"Your friends talked to me and they know that you're fine." I rolled my eyes. "They asked me earlier this week why you weren't coming and I told them that you were sick."
"Why didn't you tell them the truth?" she asked. "I thought you couldn't stand Johnny Kavanagh, this would have been a good way to make some damage to his reputation."
"Because I had a feeling that you wouldn't have liked it if I let them know that you accidentally flashed the rugby team on your first day of school." I winked at her.
"Johnny promised nobody would say a word about that."
"And so far, he has kept his word. As long as he makes his teammates keep their mouth shut, I will not say a word about the pitch incident."
"Is that what we're calling it now? The Pitch Incident" she whined.
"Okay, Smartass. Got any suggestions then?" I mocked. After a few seconds of silence we both burst into laughter. I wasn't sure if we were laughing more at our antics or at the situation we found ourselves in.
It was a good couple of minutes before we managed to calm down enough to have a somewhat coherent conversation.
"Come on Shan, you know you can tell me anything." I said still laughing. "You have to tell me if anyone has caught your eye."
"I was at the school for a grand total of two hours, who would I have seen?" She shot back.
"Love always finds a way." I exclaimed.
"Like it has with you and Johnny?"
"Wow, where did that come from. Did the ball hit you harder than we thought?"
"Oh, come on. All you have done this whole week was talk about him. Johnny this and Johnny that, listening to you rant about him was exhausting."
"Because he's infuriating, not because I like him." I shouted, outraged by the very assumption.
"And what about the tickets he's given you?" she asked slyly.
"Bribery. He gave me those so I wouldn't tell people he was a pervert for ripping your skirt. Besides you got a letter too." I stated plainly.
"Mine was money to compensate Mam for the uniform. Not a gift."
"It wasn't a gift!" I cried.
"Stop trying to deflect, I know someone has caught your eye in that school." I said, suddenly remembering what we had been talking about. "And I'm going to find out who."
"Sure you will, Sherlock."
"Are you doubting me, Watson?"
Not knowing how to respond, Shannon opted to throw a pillow at my head, which I easily avoided.
0 notes
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Warnings: none, mentions of Rooster being hot, mediocre writing
Summary: a day that Robin had expected would be tense and awkward was instead spent team building on the beach.
Wordcount: 1.8k
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After last night, Robin wasn't sure if the hangar was going to be tense or not. They still had 3 weeks of training left and the team was beginning to become even more distant from one another. 
They seemed to have split into a few groups, depending on when you went to Top Gun. Nobody seemed to care about the others and made very little effort to interact with them. 
And after the incident from yesterday, she was worried that the division between the groups would be even worse. 
She was glad that she was the first in the hangar and as she waited for Pete, she wondered what he had planned for today. He hadn't told her of his mission plans today, not informing the bosses either. 
When he walked in, he seemed to be in casual wear, not in his flight suit yet. 
"We not flying today?" She asked, not looking up from her stack of papers. 
"Nope, we've got a more fun thing to do," he said, a smirk on his face. 
Robin looked up, suspicious as to what he was going to be doing, "And what does that include. I don't want to make the Admiral mad again," she said. 
Pete chuckled, "What he doesn't know won't hurt him,"
"That's making me even more suspicious. What have you done?" She questioned and he walked over, placing a hand on her shoulder.
"Don't you worry, nothing illegal," he explained and she raised an eyebrow, "We're going to the beach to play football," 
Robin laughed, snorting at the idea, "Football? Why are we playing football?" She questioned, completely shocked at the ridiculous idea. 
"Well I received your email last night about how you were worried about the lack of team building so I decided that the best idea would be to make them a team. Me and your dad used to play it when we were at Top Gun, they took down the Volleyball courts so this is what we're left with," he explained. 
She wasn't expecting to be impressed but she was. The idea was borderline genius and it was a brilliant way to bring back the unity and the team spirit that they were going to need to keep the team strong. 
"Oh yeah, and we'll be playing too," he said. 
Her eyes went wide at the suggestion and she had to stop herself from laughing at it, "We'll be playing?" She repeated. 
"Yeah, I thought it would allow them to bond with us too. We have to help them with this and we can't do that if they don't trust us," he explained, obviously talking about Bradley, "Plus it gives you time to hang out with Rooster," 
"Pete-" she interjected, voice high pitched and with an accusatory tone. 
"I've seen the way you look at him, and he looks at you like you hung the stars. Just go for it," he suggested, wiggling his eyebrows suggestively and she cringed at the motion, unsure of what to say. 
She smirked as she came up with the best comeback, "I could say the same thing about my mum then, just go for it," she said, repeating his words 
His face went red and he was lucky that the initiates walked into the room when they did because he had no smart comeback for the girls statement. 
Once he explained the situation, the group was all ready for the newly named 'dogfighting football,' it was similar to rehar American Football but everyone was the defense and the offence, just as if it was dogfighting. 
The teams were prepared and the group made their way to the beach, ready to play. 
When they got to the beach they all stripped off. Robin was lucky she wore shorts today as she was now playing the game in a sports bra and a pair of washed out denim shorts. 
She was talking to Natasha about the game and how they were sure they were going to win when she turned around and saw Bradley pulling his shirt off. 
It was almost in slow motion that he revealed what was under his shirt. She froze for a second, staring at him as he saw his bare chest. 
She wondered how in seven year he'd gotten that much hotter. His tanned skin seemed to glow in the sun and his abs seemed more defined then they were before.
"Earth to Robin, hello," Natasha said and the girl snapped out of her haze, her cheeks going red as she realised how lost she was in staring at him, "You ready to win this thing?"
"Yeah, let's do this," she said. 
She turned away patting her hands against her thighs as she prepared for the brutal game. The loser had to pay for the winners drinks when they went partying tonight so there were high stakes. 
What she didn't know was that whilst she had stopped watching Bradley, he was watching her. He was asking himself the same question of how she had become more beautiful since he last saw her and it was a bit distracting.
The game was already bringing people together, making them seem unified rather than separated and Robin finally understood why Pete did this. 
The worst thing about it was Bradley. 
Most of the men had their shirts off and sure they had muscles and a tan but none compared to Rooster. 
All throughout playing the game, she couldn't take her eyes off of him and it was the worst feeling ever. He'd celebrate, muscles rolling as he pulled his hand into the air whenever he'd score, or he'd chest bump with Payback when they managed to make a successful pass across Hangman. 
Natasha noticed, chuckling to herself and helping her friend out whenever she lost focus of the aim of the game. 
The girls discussed a plan and various other scenarios that could go wrong before leaping back into action, ready to take them on. 
Robin looked at Natasha, winking before she grabbed the ball, her small stature meaning she had managed to make it past Coyote but not before Hangman managed to tackle her, knocking her to the ground. 
She sighed as she sat up, a smile on her face as she watched him run back to her side. 
"You need some help?" A voice asked and she looked up to see Bradley holding his hand out, an eyebrow raised. 
Robin chuckled, "Sure," she grabbed his hand, allowing him to help her up from the sand. 
She dusted the sand off of her and before she could speak she saw Admiral Simpson walk over to Maverick. 
"Admiral," Pete said, a stoic look on his face as he stood up to talk to the man. 
"Would you mind explaining why you're on the beach and not training?" He asked, looking out at the group as Hangman scored another point, still not evening out the game. 
"You told me to make a team Admiral and that's what I'm doing," He explained. 
The Admiral looked out at the group and realised that despite hating the idea, Pete was right and they were working better as a team then they had been yesterday. 
"Come on, let's get back to the game," Robin said as she dragged Rooster back into the game, ready to get her revenge on Hangman. 
They spent the next few minutes playing, the team 
Bob scored the winning goal, the team cheering as Rooster lifted him onto his shoulders as he held the football high in the air. 
Robin laughed at the scene, joining in with the cheering as they celebrated their victory. It was nice to see the team acting unified, even the ones who had lost were cheering on Bob. 
"I'm gonna go talk to mum," she said to Natasha before walking off, joining her at the table. 
"Hey kiddo, what's going on with you?" Penny asked as she sat down on the bench, looking up from her book that held the bar's finances to talk to her daughter.
She was bored of the task anyway - and had spent the last few minutes staring at Maverick as he played football on the beach with the others.
"Well this surprise beach football has meant I've got sand in places I wasn't expecting to have sand today," she said as she looked over at her, a half smile on her face. 
Penny shook her head. She could read her daughter like an open book and knew that the issue didn't lie with sand, it was with the topless Adonis on the beach. 
"What's really going on?" She asked. 
Robin sighed, looking over at Bradley before turning back to her mum. 
"Me and Bradley kissed yesterday," she blurted out, her mum's eyes going wide at the confession.  
She knew that they both had feelings for each other but hadn't expected them to actually admit it for one another. 
Penny always knew that her eldest was a bit too much like her, attracted to naval aviators, unsure of what to do when she gained feelings and both girls fell completely head over heels in a matter of minutes. It always got them both hurt but what's life without a little risk?
"When you say that you kissed, how far?" She asked. 
Robin sighed, "Like, I was very prepared to sleep with him kiss," she admitted, the words spilling off of her tongue even if she didn't want to say them, "And he's being so hot and it's awful," 
Penny laughed, looking over at the group to see Rooster was looking over at her, nearly getting knocked off his feet at how distracted he was. 
"That boys absolutely in love with you Robin, he can't take his eyes off of you," she stated. 
The girl turned around to look at him and she wasn't expecting to see his eyes trained on her. He lowered his glasses slightly, a smile on his face as he looked at her. He waved slightly and she chuckled, waving back before turning to her mum. 
She hit her head on the table as she groaned before looking up at Penny, "What do I do?" She asked, clearly stressed out over what to do. 
She sighed, looking at her daughter, as she saw the conflict on her face, "Trust yourself, he likes you. Go for it," she said. 
Robin smiled to herself as she heard mum's advice echo the words of Maverick earlier in the day. 
At that moment, Rooster ran over, standing in front of her in all of his muscle clad glory and she had to make sure she didn't gawk as she looked up at him.  
"Hey Rob, we're going to get some drinks, you wanna come?" He asked and she nodded, grabbing his hand that he was holding out before saying goodbye to her mum, letting him drag her inside. 
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Series Masterlist Part 9
A/N, honestly, I don't love this chapter but I tried and I've got great ideas for the next two so they'll be out soon. Hope you enjoyed :)
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If you want to be added just message me or send me an ask or comment, I don't mind.
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awigglycultist · 2 years
Htgcc notes bc no one is talking about what happened durning this livestream so here's just a list of moments I found funny, or interesting/important info
- Corey's set up looks so nice!
- Joey being upset with Brian being off center and Brian then taking a step the wrong way and Joey getting more upset bdjdjddb mood
- Brian has a green screen behind him and said ppl could photoshop him how has no one done anything yet
- someone called htgcc the sis sequel so Joey brought solve it squad back in biz and he was listing the guests and mentioned all of them except Robert
- Joey: "this is our mcu and it's solve it squad"
- you don't need to have seen sisbib to seen htgcc but there might be easter eggs
- Htgcc will be on youtube
- there will be new cast members
- it's not a tcb stream without technical difficulties. Also everyone's voices being so soft while this was happening, love it. Joey just like quietly worrying and them realizing no one can hear the audio and Brain going "oh, very fun" ndjddj
- Ashley says the only way TCB will hang out with her is if you give them money for this project bdjdbrbr
- Joey's eyes going wide and him doing a "no" motion with his hands and then them all going "that's not true! That's not true!" ndjdndd
- Very important: Joey is eating a donut bc he said he would
- Curt Mega helped out with the kickstarter video! Shout out to Curt! Also Joey said "in all aspects of having Curt around, both as performer and a filmmaker, he's just a truly stand up guy" we love friends supporting friends
- what is Grunch? Why Grunch?
- Brian played the Grunch "I'm a regular Doug Jones of the group. Slap on the ass got me and have me do silly things with my body"
- The Grunch will potentially sing in the show
- The Grunch's design will probably change
- Corey made the Grunch costume (and its held together with "hot glue, safety pins, and a prayer")
- The robots at kickstarter can get fucked!
- the first round of shout outs was singing ppl's names as holiday songs
- Corey at one point: "this is hard for this jew"
- they were talking about it being May but this being about holidays and Corey was saying he's being working on Christmas projects for the past two years so it does phase him and he said "it's always Christmas for this jew" ndjdnd
- Gabe: "god I'm so excited that we're finally, finally, doing a fully Hanukkah themed show" *cue Joey doing another "wait no" expression* "I've been pitching this to the tin can guys for" Brian: "tin can brothers. Doesn't even know our name"
- Evryone in the solve it squad is jewish except Keith djdbdbdhd. Esther is non religious but culturally Jewish. Keith is a God Fearing™ Christ Following™ Man™
- Brain, Corey, Lauren, Gabe and Ashley are all Jewish. Joey is the only one who's not. Brian: "were gonna have to look for some non-jews to keep it diverse"
- Brian: "do we need some Satanist in the crew I think"
- We can decide for ourselves wether the treetopper in the kickstarter vid is meant to be an ornament of Cluebert or his actual dead body
- (talking about how much the kickstarter was at) Joey: "it'd be awesome to get to 16! Hell it would be awesome to get 17 by the end of the stream! But ya know, no pressure" Brian: "and if we do Corey will dye his hair galaxy colors!" Corey: "I'm sorry, sorry you just cut out there, I don't know what you said"
- Joey's wants there to be a 69 somewhere in the end number of the kickstarter
- (talking about NFTs) Joey: "we think that stuff is stupid"
- They will be Very Serious during Clueberts funeral
- Lauren: "hi tin can brothers thank you so much for ordering this cameo from me, I know you guys are big fans"
- Lauren's is so funny bdjdbd acting like it's a cameo and being vauge about the squad "I think it's so good. I think the squad sounds so cute and good"
- *Joey trying to figure out how far away they are from their goal and cocking his head* Brain: "what are you doing with your body?" Joey: "I'm just trying to do math" Corey: "you gotta feel the numbers in your body"
- Joey: "ANTIFA isn't real. Leprechaun is"
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jaedreaminn · 3 years
At War or In Love?
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Word Count: 2.5k
Pairings: Haechan x Reader.
Theme: fluff, crack, hurt, comfort, angst, enemies to lovers, collegeau.
Characters: Donghyuck, Jeno, Mark, Taeyong, Ten, Renjun, Jaemin, Jisung «mentioned» Chenle.
Words Count: 2.5k
Donghyuck knew he was a cheerful boy. His cheerfulness was given to him by his mother who he lived with for the first five years of his life. He couldn't remember her face but he did remember her smile and bubbly attitude and it stuck with him even after he was seperated from her to live with the Lee's. To live with his father.
He's always been social and good with people so he couldn't understand why Mrs.Lee hated him so much. Nor could he understand why his brothers who he was so excited to meet never spoke to him, so he had simply assumed that talking inside the Lee house was forbidden. He barely remembers his early childhood, just glimpses of memories passed through his head. Memories like Mrs.Lee's glares and awful words, memories of yelling and crying but he wasn't sure where the crying was coming from, memories of being stuck with an awful Maths teacher who really didn't like him.
But those were just distant memories because the memories that stuck with him were sitting at the dinner table and eating with his brother's, his elder brothers taking care of him and pampering him, Marks red face when he would annoy the boy who no matter how mad he was would never push Donghyuck away.
He remembers growing up protected by Taeyong, Ten, Mark and Jeno from his awful step mother. She was the only person Donghyuck ever despised, he remembers how she was drunk and angry one day and she grabbed him by his arm and yelled at him, told him he wasn't supposed to exist, wasn't supposed to be loved. But she was also told him something that broke his eight year old self, she told him his birth mother had died.
He remembers crying into Tens arms bitterly and all of his brothers joining him, huddling together on Tens small bed to console him. That night when he had fallen asleep in his brothers arms he dreamt of his mother, his mother who smiled at him and told him he was loved and that he was ment to love and to always be happy and cheerful. And so he believed her.
He lived his life quite happily, shielded from his parents by his brothers, which he would grow up to appreciate.
He was cheerful and friendly and loving and got along with everyone. So he couldn't for the life of him understand why you made his blood boil so much.
"Y/n you're messing it up!" He yelled, frustrated but you only ignored him poking you tongue out from the side of your mouth as you concentrated on lining the border of your assignment with decorative tape.
"Do you think we're still in kindergarten?" He mocked you and without wavering your attention from the task at hand you spoke, "If we were in kindergarten I would be at peace and you wouldn't be here." And that angered him even more.
"Why did you follow me to uni" he grumbled under his breath sitting down next to you.
"Please you followed me here" you scoffed, handing over the assignment to him.
"Why did you even waste time decorating the first page of the script. It doesn't make sense and doesn't even add to our marks"
"One. It makes our script original-" "but isn't the story in it origna-" "TWO. It looks cute" you said with a grin plastered on your face and he looked at you and wondered how anyone could be so irritability adorable.
"Well if you're only going to stare at me weirdly I'm leaving" and you were gone before he even got a chance to say anything. Haechan sighed, looking at the cutely decorated cover page to the script the two of you worked on together. You really were stupid.
Before he knew it he found himself at lunch seated in between Mark and Renjun.
"Ugh I swear if this one doesn't turn our right I'm quitting" Renjun grumbled to no one in particular as he continued to work on his art assignment. Haechan sighed feeding the busy boy a sandwich and Mark rolled his eyes.
"What are you losers upto" Jeno asked, approaching the table with Jisung trailing behind him.
"I'm still in shock you're studying music and dance" Mark said taking a bite of his food.
"He says that everytime" Jisung rolled his eyes as he sat down.
"At the pace at which Jeno was going at I'm pretty sure Mark expected him to get into crime" A voice spoke and all the boys looked up to be greeted by a smiling Jaemin.
"Aren't you supposed to be on my side?" Jeno asked Jaemin with a pout and the other just laughed handing him a bottle of water.
"Please I love Mark more" the grinning boy said and Jeno being his dramatic self visibly deflated.
"Calm down there casanova Marks already got someone" Renjun said, eyes still on his painting.
"Where's Chenle?" Haechan then asked. "He's still stuck in the practice room, said his partner is being annoying" Jisung answered after he realised no one else was going to.
"Pft I know a thing or to about annoying partners" Haechan scoffed and everyone at the table sighed.
"Here we go again" Jisung said rolling his eyes and digging into his food.
"Oh please Haechan this happens everytime it's either y/n this or y/n that. You're obsessed" Renjun said banging his paint brush onto the table.
"What! That's not true" Haechan started to get defensive.
"Please the amount of tension between the two of you is crazy! Like just date already" Jeno laughed and now Donghyuck was very embarrassed.
"You're single ass should date first you've still not dated anyone after-" Donghyuck stopped himself immediately realising the words coming out of his mouth.
"That's my fault isn't it" Mark frowned.
"No!" Jeno said and then glared in Donghyucks direction, "No. I gave you my blessings it's okay I had to get over our relationship and I'm so happy for the two of you right now" Jeno said quickly and Mark frowned.
"But what if you had a chance.."
"Mark Lee you foolish fool if Jeno said he had no problem and literally encouraged you to date his ex then don't question it. Plus he's giving his all to music right now" Jaemin said patting Marks back.
"Hate to say this but Jaemins right, like Jeno could have easily killed you in his sleep of he had a prblem with you, we live in the same house remember?" Haechan added grinning and everyone faceplamed.
"Anyway moving on I've got a buisness class right now I'm going to run" Jaemin said getting up and leaving and Renjun jumped up cheering.
"Geez I didn't know you hate Jaemin hyung" Jisung the ever sassy said and Renjun looked at him confused before realisation dawned on him "Ahhh no I'm done with my drawing and I need to run too" Renjun said eyes widening as he noticed the time, grabbing his stuff and running off. They watched with a laugh how Renjun who was usually calm and graceful tripped as he ran out.
"Wait when did Jisung even leave?" Mark asked pointing to the empty seat. "Ungreatful brat" was muttered by Jeno.
"Are you guys secretly hanging out with y/n and lermimg disappearing trick from them?" Haechan asked and Mark and Jeno just gave him a look. "what?"
"Y/n again? I'm telling you you're obsessed" Jeno chuckled and Haechan chocked on his spit as he quickly got up and hurried away from his brothers teasing.
He was on his way to his locker when he spotted you laughing rather fakely to something a very attractive boy was saying. You laugh was a pitch higher than normal and Haechan almost snorted loudly. Almost. And you were most definitely flirting with that guy.
He approached you with a smile from behind, tapping your back and watching with utmost pleasure when you frowned.
"Is that a new laugh y/n weren't you snorting like a pig just today morning" he asked with a cheeky grin and you frowned.
"Shut up and leave" you said throught gritted teeth trying your best to keep calm.
"Oh c'mon I was just kidding" Haechan smiled and was about to wrap his arms around your shoulder when the boy you were talking to stopped him. He glared at the hand stopping his.
"I don't know who you are but you're making y/n uncomfortable so you got to leave" the boy said pushing Haechans hand away and grabbing onto your hand and pulling you away from Haechan.
Haechan stood there shocked at the boys actions for a second before snapping and pulling you back with so much force you fell onto his chest.
He glared daggers at the boy, his eyes threatening him. "Y/n and I have known eachother all I lives and now we've got a project to work on so don't suddenly interfere in the life of someone you know nothing about." Haechan said coldly, venom hidden behind each word of his and he dragged you away.
He was fuming, not realising where he was going until he was at the garden with you.
"Can you believe the nerve of that guy?" He scoffed but you didn't say anything head hung low. He immediately took notice of that.
"Y/n what's wrong?" He asked worried and thats when you looked up at him, eyes tired. "This has to stop" you pleaded and he didn't understand what you were saying.
"You did this back in school too. You were awful to me and hated me but the moment I was with someone other than you you'd make a big deal out of it and end up fighting with that person" you said said, voice breaking and tears glistening your eyes. Haechan was about to defend himself when you spoke again. "I'm so tired of whatever crap you're pulling Haechan, you were always sending me mixed signals in school and I let you take me for a ride but not again. I liked you but hated you. You made me angry but so happy. You pushed me away only to pull me back and I'm sick of it" the tears now made their way down you face as you cried and Haechan stood there feeling so guilty for making you cry.
"Y/n I'm so sorry I didn't mean to.."
"Of course you didn't mean to" a dry laugh escaped your lips, "but tell me, did you ever like me? Was this just entertainment for you? For when you were bored?" You asked with spite.
And suddenly everytime someone hinted at his weird obsession with you came back to him, "Look I don't hate you... Atleast I think I don't. Not that much I-" You scoffed cutting him off.
"It's either you like me or you don't stop playing with my heart this isn't funny" you said rather calmly but the anger visible in your eyes.
"I don't know...I don't think so" he could hear your heart break and somehow he felt like maybe, he was wrong.
"Then leave please leave" you said agressively wiping away the fresh tears falling down your face. He tried to comfort you but you raised you hand stopping him.
He sighed in defeat and began to walk away, head hung low. He felt bad for making you cry and wanted to see you smile. Just then the thought of you crying in that pretty boys arms crossed his mind and he felt and awful feelin at the pit of his stomach. Jealousy. He was jealous, he wanted to make you happy and he wanted to hold you as you cried, he didn't want you to look at other people lovingly, and he hated the thought of you kissing someone else so he immediately turned to you and grabbing you by your shoulders.
"Look y/n I want to believe I hate you but at the same time I hate when it's not me that makes you happy because I love making you smile, I love making you laugh, I love annoying you." He said eyes serious as you blankly stared at him.
"All I know is whatever is going on in my head, you're at the center of it and you're the only one that can help me figure out what my fixation with you is."
"That's stupid." you mumbled, looking away from his intense gaze and he smiled.
"Nothing's stupid in love and war y/n and right now I don't know if I'm at war with you" he paused and you looked up at him and he smiled at you fondly, "or in love with you."
You looked at him awe struck and he couldn't help but chuckle at how cute you looked, with eyes still shining from all the tears and your face flushed.
"Will you help me figure which one it is?" He asked, his tone hopeful and you thought for a while and nodded as he grinned happily. And you smiled.
"This might just be my own downfall" you started with a frown and then a very small smile made its way to your face, "But atleast then I'll know more than I know now."
"This is stupid he's in love with you" Jeno said with a frown and Haechan pouted as he watched you laugh.
"Ah y/n run away while you can, our hyucks really stupid to even think he hates you" Mark added and if you weren't holding his hand right now Haechan would have punched his brother.
"Oh so this is the infamous y/n" Ten said walking into the room with a smirk on his face and Haechan silently cried inside.
"We really need to leave" he said but you were at your antics again and said "no we don't we have plenty of time don't we" he swears he hates you but at the same time it was impossible to hate you when you smiled at him like that.
"Ohhh is this y/n Donhyuck?" Came his eldest brothers voice and this time Haechan did cry.
"Oh c'mon don't pretend to cry you love me"Taeyong said patting his back and you chuckled.
"No I love Mark" Haechan said glaring at the eldest who only chuckled, "What's with everyone's fixation on Mark?" Jeno asked and Ten rolled his eyes "You just don't see how adorable our Markie is because your Taeyongs pet"
"Hyuck this is your fault the name stuck!" Mark growled and you stood there watching the brothers argue with eachother, amused at their antics.
"Ahh this is what you'll be getting into if you associate with this family" A voice said behind you and you turned around to meet the person who was your senior in high school and the one that stole Tens heart.
"Wouldn't I be lucky if that was the case?" You asked but another voice spoke "Try being stuck babysitting five grown men" you turned to see the person you recognised as Marks partner.
"I will hit you!" Haechan yelled charging at Mark who had run behind Ten who was yelling at Taeyong for help who who was being held down by a sulky Jeno.
You shared a look with the two people beside you as the three of you broke out in laughter.
Lee brother's- A mini series
Previous Part: Lee Ten
Next part: Series Finale
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toujoursmiraculous · 3 years
Thoughts and Reaction to ROCKETEAR!
It's a long post, but when are these ever really short? xD Seeing Carapace first made me so excited. I've been sad we haven't had much of him in the show. And then I saw that it seemed like Ladynoir was doing pretty good as they only had Carapace helping them this time. More S2 & S3 like. So I was like cool, cool, this is great. But what the heck scientist WHY ARE YOU BRINGING TYRANNOSAURUS REX'S BACK! Obviously she's going to be something big later on, she's too nicely animated not to be back. Not to mention Bob Roth's plans. Anyone else both intrigued but also scared at what that could do later? Big upcoming plot point, I think.
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I screamed awwww because this is everything. I've wanted a LB/Carapace and Marinette/Nino friendship bond in this show since season 1. This scene made me incredibly happy! I'm a huge Nino fan, for those that don't know, so you can imagine how much I love this episode. Even though sad Nino.
"Alya, everyone has to believe that you will never use the Miraculous again!" End of episode: So anyway... So what I'm seeing here is, Alya's not fond of the idea of being just a spy, not being in on the action. Even though it's Ladybug's plan. Chat Noir isn't fond of what's going on right now either, where he thinks what's going on is all Ladybug's plans. Alya makes the decision to not do what Ladybug wants and tells Nino she's still Rena Rouge. So what's Chat Noir going to do to go against her? Because that's coming up on the horizon. Despite everything being easier for Marinette since everything's not just on her shoulders now, she's still been unable to play video games with her dad, and we know how much she loves doing that. :c That's really sad she doesn't even have time for her family anymore. DJWifi over here being all adorable. "You don't love me anymore!" Me: *Chat Blanc flashbacks* Alya suggests her new content could be Chat Noir edits and Marinette's like YES DO THOSE. Then those edits helped push Nino into thinking she was into Chat. Big oops. Not gonna lie, the rewind freaked me out for a moment. Last time I saw that was Chat Blanc so I thought something big was up. But nope, it's just like that scene in Puppeteer 2. Ugh poor Nino! He knows something's bothering Alya, but she won't say what it is and her behavior's too off from how she normally is. Poor guy. x.x Grumpy Nino that Carapace doesn't get attention and then they wrote his girlfriend with Chat Noir. I remember when Alya was grumpy for a bit about Rena Rouge not getting a party to celebrate her. Movie Ladybug telling Movie Chat Noir that he's better with Movie Rena Rouge. Is this a reference to the episode in Avatar, The Ember Island Players? Getting strong vibes when Play Aang and Play Katara were like, we're just friends nothing more and it's great! Play Katara was extremely into Play Zuko. I can see why Ladybug dismissed the movie (or was it the previous one since it's been awhile? Maybe?) because Rena Rouge and Chat Noir???? The writers (of the movie) just wanted to be different because everyone can see Ladynoir, unless they're blind. Alya and Nino are Andre's favorite couple. YES THANK YOU. I mean they're not my favorite because Love Square. BUT they're my second favorite next to them. Those kids are super adorable but definitely that kid playing Chat wasn't doing Nino any favors. First picture Alya shows. Chat with a heart tail. Yeah that's not doing her any favors lol. Nino: UGH CHAT NOIR'S COMING IN BETWEEN ME AND MY GIRLFRIEND. I KNOW, I'LL CALL MY BEST FRIEND TO VENT TO ABOUT IT. Best Friend Chat Noir: Best Friend Chat Noir: Welp maybe I should see what's up. Maybe I went a little to hard on the cat charm and she's fallen in love with me. Me: Oh oof here we go. Also can I ask, if anyone knows, who animated this episode? The fluidity is great and it looks really pretty. But it doesn't quite look like SAMG's work either. Whoever did it, I love it. S2 Chat Noir: You're not replacing me with a turtle, are you? :c S4 Nino: Who would want a reckless turtle as a partner? BOYS STOP. But yeah this whole scene had me laughing so hard XD Very dramatic and I love it. Nino's hilarious even when he's worried and sad! I would've absolutely loved to have heard this in English with the old English voice of Nino, but the new one worries me on whether or not he'll do a good job sounding like Nino and less high-pitched and whiny. :/ New York Nino was great but S4 Nino....x.x THE TRANSITION BETWEEN HIS INNER MONOLOGUE AND SPEAKING REGULARLY AGAIN 😂😂😂😂 Brilliant! It doesn't really feel like Miraculous Ladybug this episode, and I love it. Not that I don't love the show as usual but wow this is great. Okay, I want to point out that Chat Noir
probably was more worried about it than he would've been otherwise because of what happened with Marinette in Weredad. It probably made him more cautious about this sort of thing.
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LOL Chat's sulking because Alya's laughing at the idea of being interested in him. 😂😂 I know that's a blow to one's ego and all, and he's dealt with this kind of thing a lot so I do feel bad for him, but that is his best friend's girlfriend and he definitely doesn't want her to like him. Alya: With him it's not just ❤️it's *makes massive hand gesture indicating she loves him deeply* SO SO SO CUTE OKAY ALL THIS DJWIFI 😭 Alya: And I don't even know your secret identity! I would never fall in love with someone I don't know. Chat Noir, literally fell in love with Ladybug, whose identity he doesn't know. Well Alya, I wonder if you saying that matters for later somehow.... o.O Nino running away crying is honestly one of the things that hurts me most in the entire show. Ugh. Adrien over here being all, I'm having a good day. I'm happy and smiling and it's great. And then it wasn't. Adrien, if Nino let him and didn't interrupt, would've told him about how Alya really doesn't love Chat Noir, and that would've seriously led up to his identity being exposed since Nino was watching and filmed them. o.o Did you notice how he was going to tell him about it? S4, the basement is where it's at. Adrien: Uhh, when did you arrange all this? Nino: *pounds fist on desk* I ASK THE QUESTIONS! 😂 So like. Why is Nino interrogating Adrien when he's after Chat Noir? He doesn't know they're the same person. XD He's looking at him like Adrien has info he's keeping or something omg.
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Also again this animation is so nice. Adrien, feeling uncomfortable and so turns the music off. Nino, wanting his dramatic music on while he interrogates Adrien, turns it back on. Adrien, feeling even more irritated and uncomfortable, wants the music OFF and turns it off. Nino, turns the music back on. This may be a reference to something, I don't know, but lolol it's so funny. This episode is both super hilarious and super angsty! Honestly they've done such a good job in my opinion. Nino: I'm talking about something that I shouldn't tell you! ...but I'm going to tell you anyway! Alya's Rena Rouge and I'm Carapace! Okay but the way Adrien went from shock to utter anger, knocked his chair back and grabbed Nino's shoulders like "Tell me the truth. You two know about each other?" Aw man, my poor sunshine boy. A lot of the stuff bothering Adrien is all circumstantial, none of it is to purposefully keep him in the dark. And yet from his perspective, that's how it looks. "I thought secret identities must be protected at all times! If that was the truth, you would never tell me this!" Alright so three things. If he's referring to him saying that Nino and Alya know about each other, that was situational and important info for him to know now that this is out. It wasn't important to know before this. The time it happened was dire and was really no time to get around it. If he's talking about Nino telling him the secrets, well yeah that's not supposed to happen and Nino broke that trust. But also, I get the feeling pretty strongly at this point Adrien's going to be breaking some rules too and one of which is he's going to tell Nino who he is. Adrien's being too emotional in this scene to not be involved in it all, I'm wondering if that's going to be questioned later by Nino. He's acting like he knows too much to be a random viewer of the heroes like the rest of Paris. Also Adrien's best friend just totally dissed Chat Noir and went off about how he throws himself at Ladybug whenever he sees her with roses and love confessions. 😂😂😂 This is just too funny! "But he's always rejected because Ladybug finds him annoying! And she's completely right!" Omg Nino, that's not the reason anymore, shush! "And then Rena Rouge appears and he goes *tickles under Adrien's chin* hey pretty lady! You look elegant and you have great perfume." OMG does Chat Noir actually say and do stuff like that to Rena Rouge or is he just exaggerating here XD "If I could I would shut his mouth forever!" Yeah Nino, say what you really think about your best friend in the entire world. Yikes poor Adrien though. I never imagined he'd hear all these bad things about himself from his best friend directly like that. :/ That's a major misunderstanding of him. Which kind of pushes me more towards the "he's going to tell Nino" theory. Sad Adrien transformation DDDX Alya: *explained everything about why Chat Noir went over to her house in the middle of the night* Marinette *facepalm* Ugh that Chat Noir... Well at least there will be no misunderstandings there! xD "Chat Noir, you stole Alya from me! I will steal your life from you." Good lord man calm down. You can't just kill a man! Fanon: Chat Noir gets attacked by a guy over Marinette. Canon: Chat Noir gets attacked by a guy over Alya. Time to go back to the basement! lol Nino's music's still playing xD And the video is left with it paused on Chat Noir hugging Alya. Marinette looked a bit sad, but it was probably more about the situation being a mess rather than being sad he'd hug her. Meanwhile, Chat Noir's fighting Nino and would rather get beaten up by him than fight. x.x "I can't believe that I doubted you." "I can't believe I chose to do anything but be with you!" She wiped away akumatized Nino's tear just like how Ladybug wiped away akumatized Chat Noir's. ALL THE PARALLELS 😭😭😭 But that hug is so sweet!! Nino broke off the akumatization just like Alya did :o Dang, I wonder if that means something later too. "Love and secrets do not go well together, Ladybug. And I'm sure you have a lot of
them!" Secrets = from Chat Noir. Love = for Chat Noir. Yeah even Shadow Moth knows at this point. xP Thanks for that foreshadowing. Nino's charm is my favorite charm so far! It's my favorite shade of blue. Chat Noir: Everybody has doubts sometimes...even me." Ladybug: Is everything okay, Chat Noir? Chat: Oh yes...pound it!
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So um. The placemet of Adrien's poster in between Chat Noir, Ladybug, and just with this entire situation feels very strange. Very intentional. But no clue exactly what that could mean..... Nino and Alya are happy over there watching those two, like they're waiting for them to figure things out or something. But really, Adrien should've talked to Ladybug when he could still do so calmly and be reasonable. I doubt that's going to be the case later on. And honestly Ladybug doesn't even know what's going on. Every episode we've seen really either has them working together or she's unable to be Ladybug when he's unable to be Chat Noir most of the time. I've said it before but these two really need to communicate. Nino and Alya are like a less adorably romantic version of what they'd be. "But they're a couple and they know their secret identities, so why does that rule exist for us but they can know?" Very simple. Because they were temporary holders and the Miraculous they had, Hawk Moth hasn't made it his life's mission to obtain, unlike them, who are permanent holders and Hawk Moth's been after them fiercely to make a Wish that could destroy everything. But. The fact he's asking this, and Marinette's Chat Blanc nightmare, really points in the direction that he's going to eventually find out that while she's thought about telling him all along, Chat Blanc's kept her from doing so.
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Okay, so while it looks like he's staring up at the moon, if you notice, it really is just one of the pink bubbles.
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Now, they could be making it seem like it's the moon though to give it a double meaning. But poor Kitty, he's feeling so awful right now over in that dark corner Dx Nino felt bad for only two episodes? and it got resolved, so hopefully this all won't last too much longer for him! Marinette had a few shaky episodes so hopefully he'll have a few before it gets resolved. But somehow I think that may be wishful thinking. This episode was so amazing, honestly. Wonderful writing, made me laugh a lot, aw a lot, and hurt a lot. It focused on the core 4 characters which I've wanted more of for a long time. The animation was beautiful. And it just felt so different in such a good way. Chat Noir's having a hard time right now, and I know there's a lot of anger and hate about it going around. But please, think of this as him hitting a rough spot in the road to a much better and brighter future. He's going to end up okay, he'll understand it all someday. And that day's honestly not that far for him if you think about it.
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boxofbadaddiction · 4 years
Nothing's More Important Than Quidditch
Fred Weasley x Reader
Warnings: Some Swearing. Highly Suggestive. Someone gets hurt.
This story is inspired from a request of my F.R.I.E.N.D.S Themed Prompt List.
Using Prompts two and three: "OH...MY...GOOOOD!"/"MY EYES! MY EEYEES!"
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Fred and George Weasley were men of simple tastes. They liked pranks, food and Quidditch. Though if you were to ask Fred he would argue that there were nothing more important than Quidditch.
He'd never missed a game. Never missed a practice, and had been able to afford it he'd never miss a Cup. So that being said, you can imagine how shocked his team were when he told them he wasn't feeling well enough to train tonight.
"You're dying aren't you?"
"What? No, Lee. I'm not dying!"
"Then I'm sorry I mustn't have heard right when, the Fredrick Gideon Weasley, just said he wasn't well enough to play Quidditch?"
"Piss off."
It was Sunday lunch in the Great Hall and Angelina had the whole Gryffindor team huddled together. She was discussing her newest game strategies when Fred spoke abruptly, all eyes bulging at his words. Expressions a mixture of confusion and concern. Fred never. Missed. A. Game.
"Hey!" [Y/N] had arrived and happily sat her self amongst her close group of friends. "What's with the faces?" Her brows furrowed as she filled a Goblet with her favourite drink.
"Fred says he's not training Tonight." Angelina answered, still gawking at the Redhead in question.
[Y/N] choked on her drink. "He's what!?" She coughed, hand on her chest in shock.
"It's not a big deal!" Fred groaned. "I've just got one cracker of a headache. Need to sleep it off and I'll be right as rain." He forced a smile, though to the group it appeared more as a painful grimace.
"Well, I do hope you feel better." [Y/N] leant over the table, placing her hand atop of his to offer some comfort with a reassuring smile. "What about the rest of you?" She straightened herself, taking a pastry from the bowl infront of them as she did so.
"We're still training" George replied, "Not all of us roll over because of a wittle headache" he pouted at his brother, trying to stir him up. Fred retaliated, through the light laughter of his friends, by throwing a bread roll at his brother.
"Coming to watch, [Y/N]?" George spoke, still laughing as he brushed crumbs from his clothes.
"Afraid I can't, tonight."
"What!?" Lee groaned, "come on! I'm going!"
"Yes, well as tempting as it may be to spend more time by your side Lee", she leant into him with doey eyes batting her eyelashes flirtatiously, hands cupping his bicep. Returning to her previous position she continued, "I have so much Homework to do it's not funny. I'll find myself joining the next Headless Hunt if I don't hand Snape his Most Potent Poisons Assessment tomorrow."
"Barrell of fun you two are, today" George rolled his eyes.
"Right, well the rest of you. We've got training to do!" Angelina stood, gesturing for the Quidditch team to follow. Somewhat begrudgingly, with various disapproving moans escaping their lips, they made for the Pitch.
"Positive you'll be okay, Freddie?" George lagged behind in a final ditch effort to convince his brother to join them. "You could always just watch from the stands."
"I'm positive, Georgie. I'm just not right at the moment."
"Do you want me to stay? I will if that's what you'd prefer..."
"Who are you? Mum now?" Fred joked "Get out of here you sap!" He waved his arm as if trying to shoo him from the hall.
"Don't worry, George. I'll look after him" [Y/N] assured.
"Such a faithful little bestie you are." He said while ruffling her hair. "Alright then, see you two in a couple hours" he waved to them as he ran to catch up with his team.
"Come on you. Let's get you to bed." [Y/N] spoke to Fred and they made their way to the common room.
So much for a couple hours. Mere forty minutes later saw the same team arriving back through the Fat Lady.
"How was I supposed to know she was right behind me!?" George complained loudly, followed closely into the room by the light giggles of Lee and Harry. No such laughter, however, could be heard from the mouth of the Gryffindor Captain.
"A concussion George! You gave Katie a concussion!" She was near shouting at the boy.
"I SAID I WAS SORRY! I didn't see her!" He threw his arms up in defence. "Pomfrey says she'll be right in a few days, what's the fuss?"
"The fuss, George, is that we just lost a whole night's training! You're just lucky our next game isn't for another fortnight, Weasley. I have to take Katie some things for her stay in the Hospital Wing, YOU! had better think fast about how to make this up to her." With a final menacing point of her finger Angelina stormed off towards the dormitory she shared with Katie.
"Should we check on Fred?" Lee spoke to break the guilty silence.
"Yeah, hey - don't forget to tell him how his Golden Boy brother sent our best chaser to the infirmary!" Harry goaded making his way over to Hermione and Ron by the fire.
"Little prat" George grumbled as he and Lee made their way to the dormitory. Lee was laughing hard at his friends remark."He doesn't watch it he won't be 'The Boy who lived' for much longer. Might pick up where You-Know-Who left off." George went on as he leant his back against the door, pushing it open as his hand twisted the door knob. Lee's laughter only increased.
"I'd like to see you- OH...MY...GOOOOD!!" laughter and smiles faded instantly as his eyes fell on the tangled mess of sheets and the bodies of his two close friends in place of where Fred should have been resting.
The sudden exclamations catching the attention of [Y/N] and Fred, their eyes shooting directly across the, should have been empty, bedroom.
"SHIT!" Fred yelled as he pulled off of [Y/N] and covered her with his blanket. "YOU WEREN'T MEANT TO BE BACK FOR A COUPLE HOURS!"
"MY EYES! MY EEYYEES!!" George screamed dramatically. Turning away from the scene he covered his face by his hands, desperately trying to lose the imagine of his brothers and best friends mostly naked bodies.
"It's not what you think!" [Y/N] began, throwing Fred's jumper on over her head which could very well have been a dress on her. She stood, tugging at the material willing it to stay in place before fixing her hair.
"It doesn't look like you were napping!" Lee snapped sarcastically, "nor does it look much like a POTIONS ASSIGNMENT!"
"[Y/N]" George began, not turning to face the two - rather speaking to the ceiling as his back faced them. "I know you said you'd look after my brother but MERLIN I should have laid out some guidelines, that is not how you handle a headache."
Fred had put on a pair of trousers and a singlet and quickly made his way to stand infront of the two boys, arms out pleadingly, "I know you're both a little shocked right now and this is going to take some time to process but for the love of GODRICK!" He clenched his teeth and spoke in a low growl, "would you keep your voices down before the entire bloody common room hears yo-"
"WHAT'S GOING ON!?" Ron had burst through the door. "Oh God" Fred groaned throwing his head back walking away from the door.
"We heard shouting, is everything okay?" Hermione asked frantic, as Harry followed her in.
"Yes, Hermione everything's fine -" [Y/N] went to explain.
"NO!" Lee interrupted "NO! THEY'RE DOING IT!" He screamed pointing his finger accusingly at the two red-faced teens. Harrys eyes were wide with shock.
"It's not what you all think! Please just listen to me..." Fred begged as [Y/N] stood beside him. Looking to one another defeatedly.
Everyone, aside from George, turned to face them. Awaiting the explanation as to why these two had been...doing what they were.
"Uhmmm..." seeing the group stare before him suddenly ran Freds mind blank. "This isn't the first time this has happened. Actually it happens a lot." Not the best opener. The group grimaced, looking very uncomfortable at their friends confession. [Y/N] dropped her head into her hand. "What I mean is" he tried to recover, "this isn't a one time deal. We're not just fooling around, we're..." the words caught in his throat.
What were they? A couple? Was he wrong and they were just friends with benefits? What was this?
They looked at one another, Fred's eyes searching [Y/N]'s face for the answer. She smiled, grabbing his hand gently.
"We're together" she spoke. Eyes not leaving Fred.
"That's great and all. But this is still traumatising." Lee deadpanned as he gestured between the couple and Fred's bed.
George cleared his throat, "umm, yeah. I'm really happy for you two."
"That'd be more convincing, had you actually said it to us rather than the wall." [Y/N] laughed. Fred threw his arm over her shoulders, pulling her into his chest. Georges head turned slightly, eyeing the two in his peripheral before shutting his eyes tightly. Trying to muster the courage. "Yeah, sorry bout that just...it may be difficult to look at you the same for a while. I saw a lot more than I'd had like to." Everyone laughed at the comment. The light atmosphere helping him to relax a bit he turned to face them. Even if his eyes fixed to anything but them.
"Wait a minute." Harrys laughter had stopped completely. "Did you two plan this whole thing?"
"I guarantee we never planned on getting caught" Fred replied.
Rolling his eyes Harry continued "ditching practice I mean."
Lee and George both looked at each other before slowly turning to glare at the couple.
"Well. Yeah" [Y/N] answered.
A slow clap started to sound throughout the room as Lee and George mockingly applauded the two. "Well done. Truly you two that was quite the convincing performance." George smirked. "Honestly, [Y/N], that spit take really sold the whole thing. Couldn't have done better myself." Lee nodded as she playfully curtsied with her hand on the seam of Fred's jumper.
"WELL!" Lee clapped once loudly, rubbing his hands together. "This calls for a celebration. Shall we?" He bowed to the door, ushering everyone from the room.
"Ummm Lee. Mind if I put some pants on first?"
"If you-OH! right. Yeah. Meet you two down there!" He was the last to leave, closing the door with a quick wink.
Fred and [Y/N] looked shyly back to one another before breaking into fits of side splitting laughter. Fred wrapping his arms around her waist as they calmed down.
"So...we're together, huh?" He grinned resting their foreheads against one another.
"Only if that's what you want." [Y/N] placed her hands on his chest, eyes nervously searching his.
"That's all I've ever wanted" he moved a hand to the back of her neck, pulling her lips into his. Kissing her like he never had before.
Fred and George Weasley were simple men. They liked pranks, food and Quidditch. Though if you were to ask Fred, he would argue there were nothing more important than Quidditch. Well...maybe one thing.
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saksukei · 4 years
wen junhui college au
other college aus; wonu minghao mingyu
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you're damn right if you think that wen junhui is a theatre arts major because he iS and that too with humanistic studies as a minor aH and he's also on the rowing team,,, he started rowing as a joke and now he has one of the best times??? like. how.
and everybody knows he has too much energy and he uses it in the best way possible
like the plays? dude has a separate fanclub
you keep on seeing new tweets about “who’s the black haired guy in the play?” like wen junhui’s popularity is straight up no joke,, EVERYBODY KNOWS HIM
you on the other hand are an exercise physiology major with nutrition as a minor and you're also part of the rowing team,, and you have the best time for the women’s team,, which means,, you see junhui every other day,,
the coach pairs you guys often,, but there’s only one small issue,,,
he's such a pain in the ass,, he teases you every time he sees you,,, he always challenges your skills and makes you doubt yourself,, oh the amount of times you’ve wanted to deck him in the face,,
and today was the same as well
“you're not dead yet?” you hissed, as you saw jun approach you,,
“dont sound so disappointed, I might think you don't like me,” he retorted, a smug expression on his face, as he set his bag right beside yours.
“but I really don't like you,” you roll your eyes,,
jun chuckled, as he clapped his hands together, getting everyone's attention.
you guys were practicing indoors, on the rowing machine because there was some trouble with the equipment and the coach had to go get new stuff
which also meant he left jun in charge,, the teams assembled,, looking at junhui for directions,,
“alright everyone, warm up for ten and then start with a thousand metres,” he instructed. “and y/n, you're my partner.”
you rolled your eyes while everyone was whistling or smirking
it was no secret that you and jun didn't get along and he purposely tried to get on your nerves,,, heck everyone in the club said you two would fall in love at one point or another but you assured them by saying you'd rather choke
“your IQ is lower than room temperature junhui if you think that I want to train with you,” you hissed, as the two of you walked towards the machine.
“oh I'm sorry, I don't compare my intelligence quotient to someone who was deprived of oxygen when they were born,” he snapped, as he started warming up.
“you know what,” you spoke. “i'll just aggressively ignore your existence until you disappear.”
“maybe you should try doing it with that bird hair of yours, looks like worms will crawl out of it soon”
“why don't you look at your face first– ass clown?”
“why don't you look at your face first ass clown” he mimicked in a high pitched tone and all you wanted was to stab him there and then
“CAN YOU TWO SHUT UP WE'RE TRYING TO PRACTICE?” one of the team members yelled, causing you two to fall silent and warm up.
the next day,,, one of your best friends had begged you to go to her department because she had misplaced one of her things,, you only agreed on the basis that you'd be getting pizza
you were passing by the theatre to the class she told you to go to,, and you heard someone rehearsing their lines,, you went ahead to see who it was,,
of course it was jun with a script in his hands,,
and you don't know what it was,, but something just pulled you into the room,, maybe it was the way his words echoed of the walls,, the emotion in those alluring eyes of his,,
you actually sat down and listened to him instead of wanting to kill him,,, understanding what the hype was around him,,
like? you didn't even know this side of junhui existed??? excuse me? he was the biggest dick alive to you so you never really paid attention to anything nice that he did but this,,
you didn't even realize he had stopped until someone snapped you out of it
and you saw jun standing right in front of you
“well well well, it looks like I have a fan,” he smirked, folding his arms as he bent down to your level
“h-heck no,, I was just,,, looking for the um.....” you cursed your memory internally for forgetting.
“umm?” he teased,,
“shut up, I really was looking for something,” you snapped
“alright, alright” he surrenders,, raising his hands in defeat. “how was it though?” he asked.
“the lines,, i'm sure you heard some of it.”
“they were um,,, good,” you reply,, shyly,, you've never been used to giving him compliments,,
jun nods as an awkward silence befalls the both of you,, you take it as a que to leave,, but then his voice stops you,,
“hey,, why don't you rehearse with me?” he suggested. “my actual partner is really busy and I need someone to rehearse with.”
“uh,, yeah sure?” you reply,,, as he hands you the script,,
jun started reciting his lines and you responded with the same enthusiasm
but the only thing that worried you was the last,, scene
in the script, it was written that jun's chracter would walk over to where you were, push your character against the wall and would try to initiate a kiss but your character would push him away
and so jun recited his last line, “i don't think I've ever tasted lips so fine, heck i'd taste them over and over again” he walked towards you, eventually pushing you against the wall
and his face was an inch from away from yours and you could feel his breath tickling your ear and you realized,,, how pretty wen junhui was,, how perfectly sculptured his face was,, those lips,, those cheekbones?? wait what??
and you were so mesmerized with how he acted on stage you didn't really realize you had to play a part as well
jun broke his stance, “you know you're supposed to push me away right?”
“y-yeah uh–but I–um remembered that I left the stove on!” you lied. “aND I DID SO BYE JUN!” you grabbed your bag and yEETED YOURSELF OUT OF THERE
and jun was confused but he ignored it and started rehearsing again
you on the other hand were trying to calm yourself like ???? It's just wen junhui? what the FUCK? Why is your heart racing so fast?? you were so confused? wHY? why is this happening
and the next time you saw him at training, oh dear god
“well if it isn't miss sunshine,” jun grinned.
“shut up jun, your existence makes me want to die,” you muttered,,, you felt your cheeks getting warm,,
“well, great, I think I'd be doing the world a favor.”
“jun if you're going to bother me one more time during practice I'm going to kick you so hard you will lose the ability to entertain a partner” you hissed, as you started warming up.
“nah,, you don't have the balls to do it,” he grinned, especially proud of the pun he used.
“you know what,,, I don't give a damn, so just leave me alone.”
“you give so many damns, they're visible from space,,,” he says,, his face is close to yours,, and you stop BREATHING
jun grins,, he thinks he has rendered you speechless,, as he goes up ahead to train with the boys,,
and now you were noticing all of these little things about him,, from his silly smile, to how he rolls his eyes, copies every small thing someone else does, to his goofy jokes, how his hair falls on his face, or just,,, him in general
all the while trying to keep your angry/annoyed facade so that he wouldn't pick up on it
but oh boy, it's wen junhui
and he notices every goddamn thing
including how much you've been staring at him especially in today's training session
he knew you were acting really weird since the rehearsal thingy but he was letting it slide because he thought you were upset or something and he didn't want to get on your nerves more
regardless, you decided to ignore jun from today onwards,, to stop feeling whatever you were feeling,,
and every thing was going great
you barely talked to him in rowing practice, you didn't attend the plays or even go anywhere near him
and jun,,,, he stopped annoying you as well
for two months
the whole damn university noticed but nobody dared to say anything ,,,,, in fear that you guys won't talk again
you were casually walking to the cafeteria and you heard something that just ,,,,, made your heart stop
“did you hear that jun got injured really badly? He was practicing in the theatre and this glass fell on his foot,,”
you had no idea why you suddenly cared so much like sure yeah, it was bad he got hurt but you were running so fast you felt your heart would pop out of your chest
the nurse eventually led you to where he was
and you saw his leg covered in bandages???
and your heart just broke
“hey what are you doing here?” jun asked. “i haven't seen you in like,,, two months?”
“jun I'm sorry–” you felt tears slide down your face. “i'm sorry I ignored you every time you tried to make a conversation with me or whatever I just,,, I had all these feelings that I couldn't figure out and I got scared–”
“hey hey hey, it's okay,” he cooed, as he opened his arms wide, only for them to wrap around you, as you cried in his chest. “no harm done, I promise.”
“no but jun– I was really inconsiderate and I just kept on feeling like I was missing something but I couldn't figure out what it was,” you cried out. “i felt ignoring you would be a solution but I just, I don't know?”
“hey, okay listen to me– what happened in these past two months happened–” he wiped the tears from your face. “but I hope you understand that the only reason I used to bother you a lot was because,, well,,, I really geniunely like you.”
“l-like me?” you stuttered.
“why do you think I annoy the crap out of you?”
“because you're an idiot, you like doing stuff like this,” you answered.
“but you're the only one I annoy?”
“okay that part I missed,” you give him a weak smile,, jun chuckles,, ruffling your hair,,
“in all seriousness though, I hated these two months. I felt like you were upset or something and I didn't want to risk hurting you even more so I stopped talking altogether because I thought you'd talk to me if I did,,” he admitted.
“its my fault this happened in the first place,” you responded. “and I now realize how stupid I am.”
“you're not stupid, you're just an ass clown,” he joked, a playful smile on his face.
“but i'm still sorry, junhui,” you sighed. “i really didn't want this to happen.”
“hey, it's okay– we both were right in our own places.”
“so um now what do we do?” you asked.
“well it depends,” he answered. “does someone want a cute, charming, handsome and brilliant boyfriend?” he grinned.
“only if he wants an amazing, beautiful, smart and talented girlfriend,” you answered.
“oh he sure as hell does,” jun grinned.
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jjaeong · 4 years
The Heiress, & The Twelve. Act I.
Episode I: For I Am, Who I Think I Am Not.
Series: KPOP Girl Group: 이달의 소녀 (LOONA).
Pairing: OT12 & Mafia Heiress Female Reader.
Summary: Twelve girls are bound by a string of fate, with the priority of keeping a completely clueless girl alive who was unaware of the responsibility that would soon fall upon her shoulders. In which Y/L/N Y/N was the Heiress to a first ranking Mafia Family, and had to live in complete secrecy until the day of her return.
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Heels clicked against the marbled tiles, a short haired woman adorned a simple white blouse with a plain black tie and a shining green gemstone pin, fitted dress pants, and a matching pair of boots made her way through the silence of the halls. Soon reaching the large mahogany doors that almost reached the ceiling, the woman didn't hesitate to push the doors open and pause in the middle of the spacious room. She bowed before announcing her arrival to the gray haired man that stood by the tall windows, back facing her as his eyes scanned the garden beyond the glass of his quarters.
"I've arrived, boss." the man inhaled deeply, raising a hand to signal the woman to be at ease and so she straightened back to her height, side-eyeing the machinery that surrounded the king sized bed, and dressers that were once filled with family portraits—now occupied by numerous paraphernalia for various medication. The sharp-eyed woman clenched her jaw, studying the man who kept his back turned to her yet she could almost hear his contemplation out loud.
It's gotten worse.
"Do you need me to call for the doctor, sir? I can ask Vivi to take charge until I've finished the task."
"No, I specifically called you for a reason, Haseul." the man turned his head slightly, just enough to make sure that he could see the young woman through his peripheral vision who was patiently awaiting for orders. His heart clenched as only for a moment, the sight of her reminded him of a younger version of herself, one that he had once found in the streets doing errands for another Family to make sure that she comes home with enough coins to feed a child that could barely even formulate a word—stating that she had found the child the abandoned, wandering the streets alone—to which the young girl then decided to claim as her own sister.
The old man then asked if they wanted to work for him instead, and with Haseul's dim eyes shining brightly at the offer—a wary expression quickly cast on her small, rugged features, stating that they'll be chased by those whom gave her orders. Soon enough, the old man took care of it himself, and the two scrawny children that sat in the dining hall with the boss were shoving their meals down their throats as if their lives depended on it—but the old man didn't mind, lips pulled up into a small smile as he sipped on his wine.
"How is your sister? She's doing well, I hope." Haseul's eyes stayed glued on the back of the boss' head, feeling slightly distressed at how it seemed as if the usual dismissive and busy man had time to even ask for such easily answered questions.
"She is, sir. She's attending classes at this very moment."
"I've been reminiscing the times where she'd barge in the meeting room with the loudest greeting.." the man chuckled to himself, sighing without noticing the pained expression that had now set on Haseul's face as she swallowed thickly.
"She's living well with the other five, but I'll make sure to ask her to drop by sometime.."
"And.. Yves?" Haseul's eyes snapped back to the boss, watching as he finally turned to face her with a distant look in his eyes.
"I need to know if she's taking care of her." as he moved to take a seat, the old man slightly staggered—making Haseul reflexively take a step towards him but he quickly placed a hand on his desk, regaining his balance with a frustrated look on his face.
"Is she being taken care of?" Haseul could only nod in reply when he looked back at her, she could see the internal struggle that had been building up in his aged features as he slowly lowered himself on his chair. Inhaling deeply as he finally sat in peace, leaned back, staring across the room blankly.
"It won't be long until she comes home," the old man's eyes set on a picture frame that stood tall on his desk where the image of the familiar face of his eldest son, his wife and a baby girl smiling happily back at him, "will I ever be able to meet her? My own granddaughter.."
"Is that why you called for me?" Haseul dared to ask just when the boss started to look solemn, but though the boss was as strict as any boss can be—he was never unkind to those of which he raised as his own.
He did however, looked at Haseul displeasingly as if he's wasn't dying and this was just another day where the old man slightly questions if the girl really did grow up under his supervision.
"No, I have an order only I can give you—and I alone." and so the old man started speaking, pulling out a document from a drawer under his desk and laying it out on the surface for Haseul to read. As she read what had been written on the parchment, she felt her heart drop as she stared down at the contents—her own body practically refusing to listen her boss speak any further, vision blurring while the old man continued to tell her exactly what would be her final order from him. Haseul was numb the second she had left her boss' quarters, stiffly making her way down the hall with nothing but agony and dread washing over her as everything slowly sank in. If it wasn't for Vivi's arms that had quickly caught her once she'd rounded the corner, the short-haired woman would've broke down alone on the empty hall—but there they sat on the ground, Haseul's heartbreaking sobs echoing through the silence, Vivi's hushed whispers and protective arms wrapped around the girl, Haseul could almost feel the emptiness that was once her reality and had been completed because of the boss' compassion return.
"How long do we have until we come for her?" her eyes continued to stare down blankly at the name engraved on the tombstone, tearing her eyes away from the marble to look at the taller, dark haired woman with distinct sharp features—particularly, the slope of her jawline—that stood behind her. With her arms crossed and craned neck as she eyed Haseul with a focused gaze, the leader could only glance at the tombstone before taking a deep breath and tiredly walking past her to start leading them towards the cars.
"A year."
"A year!? What—she'll be our boss when she's barely through her junior year? What's the difference with just going right now!?" Haseul pinched the bridge of her nose as the other woman leaned over to express her dismay, making her stop on her tracks to look at the taller girl pleadingly.
"It's in the paper, Jinsol. You've all read it, please don't make me repeat the order that I've been assigned to do—if you want to press on this further, take it up with Kahei, please." Jinsol eyed the drained girl infront of her, shaking her head before reaching over to place a comforting hand on her shoulder in attempt to console the older girl.
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to sound harsh it's just.. We're defenseless, it doesn't sit right—not having a real boss," Haseul nodded solemnly, failing to meet Jinsol's worried gaze, "it's not fair that he left you with it, even if everyone would catch a bullet for you if you commanded it. Haseul, it's.. Just not right." Jinsol tried her best to empathize with the girl, though lacking the ability of wording it out. However, Haseul felt the sincerity in her tone and just gave her a small smile in reply—already mentally preparing herself for a year of temporary boss until they're finally ready to get you.
"Everything will go as smoothly as it always has, Jinsol. We'll have our boss back before we know it."
"Yo!" you squinted your eyes at the sudden figure blocking you from the view of the sun, the familiar wide smile and crinkled eyes directed at you as she beamed—dare you'd say that though she was blocking the sun from behind her, it was as if she shined even brighter than the source itself.
"Yo.." she let out a hitch-pitched excited squeal before occupying the space next to you on the bleachers, popping open her water bottle as her eyes aimlessly scanned the open field, lingering on the blonde that ran at ease—leading everyone else behind her.
"What 'cha doing?" the girl next to you asked with a melody, leaning over to invade your personal space even further—her nose practically pressing up against your left cheek while you watched the students at the field. Maybe if you were still a freshmen and the older girl smothered you with affection like this as she usually did, you would've been all flustered and stumbling with your words. But it's been years since the school's precious Student Council Vice President—the "Sunshine Goddess" as they've repeatedly called her since she transferred—and "Just-who-even-is-that-girl?" Y/N's dating rumors had died down, the infatuation had subsided and now you were left with the most lovable and affectionate puppy that never missed a day on telling you that she loved you.
Oh what people would give to have Student Council Vice President Kim Jiwoo's love and affection.
"Skipping class." you answered monotonously, hearing a loud gasp coming from Jiwoo who quickly clasped her water bottle shut, rising from her spot to look down at you—completely horrified at your reply. She grabbed you by your hand that was subconsciously picking on the hem of your uniform's coat, making you look back up at her as the girl pouted at you.
"Yah! Ha Y/N, Take your classes more seriously! Do you have any idea what you could be missing in your class right now? What would you do if someone told you to solve calculus or you'll die!?"
"I'll ask if I can call a friend, and I'll see if my Jiwoo-unnie can solve it for me. If she can't—then I guess I'll just die. So much for having an Unnie that's a year level above mine.."
"Y/N!" Jiwoo really did look bothered by your joke, but she looked adorable even in her worried state which made you pull your hands up in surrender.
"I'm not skipping class, we have a substitute teacher for today and he asked us to finish the homework that was given yesterday—I already finished it so I asked if I could leave early and now I'm here."
"Hey! You two! What do you think you're doing up there!?" both your eyes snapped over to a flustered, slightly ragged breathing Kim Jungeun standing by the bottom of the steps, a hands on her hips with her sharp eyes squinted to look at you and Jiwoo through the sunlight. Jiwoo tugged on your hand that she'd been holding onto, shaking it as if to mimic a wave towards the Student Council President who only looked even more irritated than when she squinted her eyes at you two.
"Jungie! Y/N left class early to watch us do PE!"
"And you actually believe her!?" Jungeun shouted from her spot, her volume loud enough for a few of their classmates who were doing laps to glance at the three of you nosily. One student who glanced at you briefly made eye contact with Jiwoo, and you swear the girl was smiling the last time you saw her—but the paling of the students face made you think otherwise. Though when you looked back at Jiwoo, she was smiling warmly at you.
"I said I was sorry, Jungeun-unnie! Will you ever let that go?" you asked the older girl by the bottom of the steps, but she only raised a brow at you before shooting you a disapproving look and letting out a 'tsk', pointing at Jiwoo.
"Enabler! Back in the field, now!"
"But the teacher's not even back yet!"
"If she says twenty laps, then it's twenty! You've only done ten! Maybe if you even tried to stop yourself from being too excited talk to Y/N—you would've already doubled that!" Jungeun pointed at the field behind her, making Jiwoo groan and start mumbling under her breath as she glanced at you before making her way down the bleachers. The blonde president raised her chin as Jiwoo lowered her eyes right back at her, handing her the water bottle before reaching the field and breaking into a full sprint. You watched in awe how she had already reached a few remaining students across the field whom were all tired out of their minds, Jiwoo zoomed past them—eyes practically overflowing with irate.
"You should head home early, I heard it's going to rain heavily today." Jungeun said as she settled on Jiwoo's previous spot next to you, the girl scanning the side of your face—your eyes following Jiwoo around the field. You turned to look at Jungeun just as she popped the bottle open, taking a few mouthfuls of water before screwing it shut to place on the space between the two of you.
"I'm pretty sure that wherever you got that forecast from—is inaccurate," Jungeun reached behind her to pull the band off her ponytail, letting her blonde locks fall loosely on her shoulders as she looked at you with intrigue, "The skies answer to one person, and one person only. And that person's name is Ha Sooyoung."
"Ha Sooyoung? Sooyoung-unnie? Your older sister?" you almost felt offended when Jungeun cackled at the mention of your older sister, until you remembered that the year your sister was just about to graduate—she apparently got close enough with Jungeun and Jiwoo through her final stretch as Student Council President at the time, enough for her to ask the two girls to watch over you as she always had until you could only see each other at home with the older girl being in college.
"She never fails at that, always giving me an umbrella when it actually rains. Ever since we were kids! But today, she didn't give me an umbrella so.. Your forecast is wrong, Unnie."
"That Unnie.. Teaching you all the wrong things in life.." you snorted at the the teasing tone before looking up at the clear blue sky, to which Jungeun did the same.
"But maybe I should, actually. Sooyoung-unnie took a day off from her internship for some reason, maybe we could grab a bite to eat or spend some time together." Jungeun leaned over to bump her shoulder against yours, grinning at you when you gave her a look.
"You're going to be like this with us when we graduate too, aren't you Y/N? You're going to miss our affection~"
"What is this? Unnie! Please not you too!"
"Hey! How dare you two be cute without me!? I'm not taking no for an answer when I come over there and kiss you both!" Jiwoo, who had finally finished running her laps hurriedly ran up the bleachers at the sight of Jungeun's arms wrapped around you as she attempted to land a kiss your cheek. The three of you ended up tangled on the ground, laughing loudly just as the school bell in the background, signalling the dismissal of all classes. Jiwoo and Jungeun headed to the showers as you waited patiently by the entrance of the field, you fiddled with the strap of your backpack that hung on one of your shoulders, eyes stuck on the view of students rustling through the parking lot, watching a few cars start pulling out of the driveway and conversations pass by.
There was one group however, four girls—one of them with striking mint colored hair whom you swore was from the same year level as you, but in another class—stood in the middle of the busy lot, the shortest of the four whom you'd assume was a freshmen, oddly hanging out with a junior and two sophomores, seemed to be in a serious conversation with them. The dark haired girl with the fiercest eyes you've probably laid eyes on in your entire life furrowed her brows at the girl as the mint-haired girl looked just about ready to walk out of the conversation—but the one girl with wavy brown hair seemed to be trying to ease the tension by slowly repeating the same words that the shorter girl had, a wary smile set on her lips as her eyes moved from one girl to another.
And then her eyes landed on you.
You quickly tore your eyes away from the four, acting as if you haven't been watching them the entire time their conversation was slowly getting heated. Just as you were about ready to turn and just wait in front of the shower room, you felt a quick tug on your arm—finding the familiar blinding smile of Jiwoo directed at you as she wrapped her arms around one of your own. But when her eyes seemed to have followed where Jungeun seemed to have went, her smile slowly fell into a thin line which made you look over to Jungeun too, staring at her back as she conversed with the four girls from earlier that you had been caught looking at.
"It's finally time, huh?" Jiwoo mumbled to herself, not noticing that though she practically whispered it—you heard her loud and clear. Whatever it was that Jiwoo was talking about, your inner voice clashed against the feeling in your gut that does not want to know what the older girl meant. Your eyes scanned the four girls that crowded around Jungeun—who's composure looked as collected as ever—when your eyes caught the mint-haired girl's oddly concerned ones and the fury that seemed to radiate from the short-haired girl..
What was going on?
"Who are they?" you asked, the question coming out as a whisper which didn't easily slide by Jiwoo, who's grip slightly loosen around your arm—yet you felt the older girl rest a cheek on your shoulder, squishing them lightly as she eyed the five.
"Good kids, you'll know soon." the way Jiwoo suddenly switched moods made you turn to look at her, the girl just looked up at you from her position just when Jungeun made her way back to you. You and Jiwoo barely even got a reaction from the blonde when she started to head over to her red Tesla on the reserved parking space which was a perk when you were a Student Council President—Jiwoo's parking space as the Student Council Vice President next to hers remained just as empty as the first year she'd been appointed in the position.
Jungeun basically drove for the both of them anyways, and when you suggested to Jiwoo to just rent her spot to profit off of it she refused—stating that she already had someone in mind that could occupy the space. You thought she meant that person to be you, but when you teaser her about it—she had quickly declared that you were never getting a driver's license.
"You'll always have us to drive you around."
It was cute how she said 'us' as if she had a license herself, so you let it slide.
"What did those kids want with you?" Jungeun brought the car to life, glancing at you from the rearview mirror just as you locked your seatbelt on. She quickly followed suit, looking over to Jiwoo who seemed to still struggle with hers no matter how many times a day she had to put it on—but Jungeun wordlessly leaned over to do it herself like always, and gone were Jiwoo's knitted brows of concentration to be replaced by a big beaming smile, ready to embark on a journey of a lifetime.
"We're crashing at yours tonight." you raised a brow at Jungeun's dismissive tone, opening your mouth to ask her what she even meant but Jiwoo turned the music on to squeal loudly when “Colors” by some girl group named “Girl of the Month” boomed through the speakers. The whole ride to your house was just spent with Jiwoo belting out whatever played on the radio, and the combined silence between you and Jungeun—but hers was different, you knew that deep, contemplative look on Jungeun's face only appears every once in a while when you were all hanging out. Usually, the girl wouldn't dare mix her school life with the fun energy she had always seemed to be in whenever it was you three but..
This one felt different.
Even the way Jiwoo suddenly stopped singing when she realized how close you were to the view of your home—hell, even Jiwoo started to fidget on her seat.
"Do you think she remembers me?" Jiwoo looked down at her peach colored backpack in between her matching peach colored chucks, wiggling her feet in a jittery manner until she felt a hand rest on her knee. Jungeun shot her a knowing look, making sure Jiwoo saw her before she faced the road again, nodding firmly.
"I'm sure she does, but that's the last thing on everyone's minds right now."
"Right, yeah—of course! How weird of me." Jiwoo breathed out an awkward laugh before clearing her throat, glancing at your odd look directed towards her before she looked back intently at Jungeun. Jungeun side-eyed the girl, quickly getting flustered by how serious Jiwoo looked.
"I swear to whoever is up there that created this world, if she doesn't get down on one knee with a ring in her hand the moment we step foot in that house when you lock eyes—she's on my hit list."
"Kim Jiwoo! What are you even—"
"She's pretty, you're pretty. She's totally in love with you, you are in love with her even if you act like you're not but it's just because you're a Tsundere and we all love you for that—but I swear, Kim Jungeun I will combust—"
"Who's cars are parked outside my house?" your eyes almost popped out of their sockets at the sight of three expensive looking cars that was parked perfectly aligned just outside your garage. The second Jungeun pulls the car to a halt, you scrambled on your seat to unclasp your seat belt before grabbing your bag and pushing the door open. You could hear Jungeun calling for you in the background as you rushed to get inside your house—but not before eyeing the blue, yellow, and green cars that continued to intimidate you—you needed make sure that Sooyoung was okay. You pushed the front door open, racing over to the staircase and completely managing to miss a tall, dark haired woman by the entrance of the living room who lightly tapped on the fish tank—giggling to herself until she heard your heavy footsteps after the front door were rashly pushed open.
You were just about to walk past your room and barge into Sooyoung's when you collided against a figure that emerged from the open door of your own room, making you fall back on the ground with a thud as you stared at what seemed to be a pair of jean-clad knees. A large, yet soft looking hand was quickly outstretched in front of you, the impact had apparently managed to rattle you into silence helped you in taking the strangers hand with no hesitation for them to pull you up from the ground—eyes finally locking into yours.
"Y/N." was the only word she muttered, blinking at you as if she was nothing but a mere husk of the human she was supposed to be. The girl looked just about your age but you couldn't deny that she was way beyond just a simple girl, though the she looked almost robotic—it didn't stop her from scanning your face before eyeing you from head to toe in your shocked state, her mouth formed into an 'o' shape.
Her eyes were very pretty.
"You're very much prettier than the images Jiwoo-unnie sends us." and with that, the girl with the cat-like eyes' gaze softened as her lips pulled into a full smile. You didn't exactly know how to react at her statement, or even at the softest smile you've ever seen in your life—what is this girl even doing here?
And she just mentioned Jiwoo-unnie—what does she have to do with this?
"Kim Hyunjin! Jiwoo-unnie said the boss is—" a lower toned voice called from behind you, only to stop dead on her tracks with her eyes widened in shock.
"Here." the girl named Kim Hyunjin finished, peeking from behind you to grin at the light haired girl. You were almost certain that you had lost all your sense of comprehension, it was as if suddenly these strangers that stood in your halls that drove the expensive looking cars parked outside—looking exactly like those models in magazine covers that a child would want to grow up as, while those of the same age could only feel their innermost insecurities come crashing down on them at the sight—had completely shattered the peace that had once been in your home.
But if these were even Sooyoung's friends—would you even be shocked at the thought of a pretty girl being friends with other pretty girls?
"B-boss." the girl whom you've finally came to the conclusion that had distinctive European features bowed in greeting, you merely blinked at the sudden title that the girl had given you as an airy laugh was released behind you. Hyunjin's laugh then died down, with the girl that stayed in her position in front of you peeking as if awaiting for a signal of some sort.
"I.. No?"
"..No?" she asked in confusion at your attempt in trying to grasp the situation, her light brown hair swayed as she tilted her head at your words—to which you could only flush at before Hyunjin moved past you, grabbing her friend's shoulders with a teasing smile on her lips as she pulled her back to her height.
"She doesn't know yet," Hyunjin told the girl, an embarrassed look settling on her soft features to which she quickly waved her hands around as if to dismiss whatever that encounter was. Hyunjin giggled to then pat the girl's head, looking back at you with a knowing look on her face, "this is Jeon Heejin, my friend—my soul friend! She looks like a puppy doesn't she? I had the same thought the first time i met her—"
"Stop that!" the duo easily slipped into lighthearted bickering, to which you just stood there, watching as bewildered as ever with Hyunjin shaking her head and Heejin's small fists clenched—attempting to look even the slightest bit intimidating—only to look like an adorable child throwing a tantrum. The two quickly wrapped it up when you heard Sooyoung call you from downstairs, which then reminded you of why you rushed into the house in the first place so you slid past the two—making your way back down on the first floor with the duo following behind you, their bickering continues but now hushed as you almost had a heart attack when rounding the corner to find a tall, dark haired woman whom you'd assume was just about as old as Sooyoung, standing by the entrance of the living room.
"Did you find what you were looking for?" the woman merely spared you a glance, looking over to the two whom both nodded in confirmation. The woman looked back at you, almost in pity before she turned to enter the living room herself, not even saying a word to you.
But really, why are these girls in your house resembling every single campus crushes that every student had once seemed to fall for during their academic years?
"Unnie.. What the hell is going on?" you asked just as Sooyoung finally came into view, standing at the other end of the livingroom by one of the tall windows that she always made a point to keep the blinds drawn—but this time, she had them all shut, peeking through them as if to check the surroundings before locking eyes with you, sharp gaze quickly turning soft and her lips easing into what resembled a frown.
"Ha Y/N, please, have a seat." a woman your eyes barely passed by once you entered the room had called for your attention, she sat by one of the singular couches that had were supposed to face the television but instead, were all positioned as if in some kind of meeting room. It looked almost exactly like the position was in one of those films where there was a person of strength sitting on one end of the room, a few unoccupied chairs aligned by both sides to reach a specific chair that was meant to be for the person being questioned.
Your eyes watched Sooyoung take the seat between the sharp-eyed woman whom had a pondering look casted on her features as she started at you and the dark haired girl with the sharp jawline who now looked blank, making you break eye contact with the woman at the end of the room to acknowledge the orange-haired other woman that sat by her other side, looking almost serene as she sipped on her tea.
"Where are Kim Lip and Chuu?"
"Waiting for Gowon's team to arrive." the dark haired girl answered the now humming short-haired girl's question, watching as Hyunjin took the seat by your right, followed by Heejin sitting next to the dark haired girl on your left—eyeing everyone in the room before flashing you a small smile.
"Y/N?" the woman called for you attention yet again, an almost hesitant smile on her lips as she motioned for you to the seat in front of you, a few feet away from entirely facing her.
"Please." you swallowed sharply before settling down on the spot she hand kept insisting for you to occupy. Just before she could begin, approaching footsteps made you look up from the faces that were already present in the room, to feel the blood drain from your head down to your toes at the familiar sight of Kim Jungeun—now seated between Hyunjin and the orange-haired woman, adorning a luxurious looking velvet black suit with a blinding red pin contrasting her black tie. The pin had been intricately designed with nothing but red gemstones and a crescent-like symbol in on it's top with a golden silhouette of what resembled an owl in the middle of it.
"..Jungeun?" your friend turned to look up at you, a hint of apology in her eyes before she looked across from her to find the once blank looking member of the group—the woman with the sharp jawline—staring softly at Jungeun before she turned to look back at what you finally decided to point as..
Their Leader.
"Let's begin."
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I've decided to start my initial plan for this account on this fic. This was a series that had come to mind when I watched a rerun of Hitman Reborn and thought that yeah, mafia au's are pretty chill but the most I've read for the ones with this group was.. Are there even any? If so, I'd love to read them.
But initially, this had always been a reader included idea—almost shifted into a 2jin one (would probably write about as well when I can) but that would be a different universe compared to this one. And that plot would be fixed along with a handful of different groups but as I've said—I hope I can write it when I can.
This is only act one, probably.. made up of three acts? Twelve episodes each? When I finish the series, I'd probably make one shots of this universe—so many plans with such a short amount of time~
The plot would progress as it goes, minor ideas would make its way into major plots—nothing is of certain, who you would end up with is indefinite, the lore will be laid.. But the uncertainty that comes with this, when it will actually finish or just disappear into the drafts after five episodes or so..
I cannot guarantee even my own attachment to the plot, but it played well in my mind when I thought about it and so here I am. Though Congratulations on stumbling upon this fic, and I apologize if you ever become as immersed as I am with this.
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> ovc: MUPLY (191108)
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liron-ao3 · 3 years
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A Doctor Who–Destiel–Malec Oneshot
"This is brilliant!" the Doctor exclaims. She pushes some buttons on the console of the TARDIS. "Brilliant!"
"How is this 'brilliant'?" Alec asks. "We're trapped in a TV show."
"No, we are trapped in a TV series, Shadowhunter," Yaz hisses.
Castiel huffs in frustration. "It's probably just one of Gabriel's stupid jokes."
"Gabriel?" the Doctor asks. "Oh, the Archangel. Amy loved him, but not as much as she loved you, Cass."
"Where do you know his name from?" Dean demands to know.
The Doctor rolls her eyes. "I watched the show, Dean. Crappy ending, sorry."
"You... what!?" Dean asks.
"Nevermind. That's more brain-wracking than the usual time travel paradoxes. But I'm thrilled to meet you all. Umm—what are you doing, Magnus?" She raises an eyebrow at the warlock who lets his magic run over the console.
"This is worse than the technology in the Institute," he mutters.
Alec pulls him away cautiously. "Maybe you shouldn't mess with it then, love?" he suggests, smiling strained, holding tight on his husband's hand.
"Aww, you're the reboot version. I was so happy when Netflix saw sense. And your boys are the cutest," the Doctor chirps.
"Boys?" Magnus asks.
"Doctor, they might be from episode one of season four. Look at their clothes," Yaz whispers, but it's loud enough for Dean to hear it.
"There are only three seasons of Shadowhunters," he states. "It ends when they marry and Clary loses her memories, but gets them back in the last few seconds. It wasn't the best ending, but at least the gays were happy." Dean's grin reaches from ear to ear before it falters at Castiel's stern look.
"Dean, did you watch 3b without me?"
Dean shrugs. "If you wouldn't always run out on me or die then we coulda watched it. It was on my playlist for aeons. And I needed something to distract me from… You know." He waves his hand up and down the angel.
"Jesus! That's like that time when Sam and I were in this weird Hollywood dimension, with that Russian guy that looked like Cass!"
"Wait!" Magnus says. "I watched Doctor Who for six decades and Supernatural for fifteen years—I agree, Doctor, the 'finale' was crap. But if you all know us from a show called Shadowhunters, then we must be in some kind of dimension that morphs everything into a TV series that everyone else has watched."
The Doctor claps her hands together. "The French mistake—one of my favourites!"
"No, Russian." Dean shakes his head and rolls his eyes. He always loved the Doctor and was excited for a woman to take over the role, but he thinks he might have been able to live without her enthusiasm about their little get together. They have a world to save, after all.
"Chuck has a strange sense of humour, but that doesn't sound like one of his interventions," Alec states. "Why would he put us all in the TARDIS?"
"What do we all have in common?" Dean asks.
"We're kinda humans," Alec says.
"Time Lady."
"Warlock. And you're not fully human either, Alexander."
The shadowhunter chews his lips.
"But you three have some kind of mojo," Dean supplies.
The Doctor furrows her brow. "You're right. Cass has grace, Magnus magic, and timelord technology is so highly evolved, it could be seen as magical. If there is a—" she trails off and points her sonic screwdriver first at the warlock then at the angel. Then she listens to her ship. "You're right," she says and putters about the console.
"Care to fill us in?" Alec asks.
The Doctor pushes a button and a high-pitched sound makes them all cover their ears. "Gotcha!"
"What?" Castiel asks.
"I know what we have in common. We all have a fam. You've got the SPN family, and you," she turns to Alec and Magnus, "your fans call themselves shadowfam. And I?" She smiles brightly. "I have Yaz, Graham, and Ryan."
"You agreed on team TARDIS, Doctor," Magnus reminds her.
"Still, feels like fam to me." She shrugs. "So…" She quirks her lips in thought. "Some blood magic, maybe?"
"But family doesn't end in blood," Dean argues.
"Right, Bobby taught you that. Wish the showrunners remembered that in season 15," Alec murmurs. Dean gives him a strange side look.
"Is something wrong, Dean?"
"Nah, Cass," he says and pulls his gaze from the intertwined hands of the Lightwood-Banes. "So, maybe some rune thingy?"
Alec pulls a face. "Could turn Yaz and you into forsakens. Maybe even the Doctor. Better not."
"Can't you just put the coordinates in and throw us out in the bunker. Or in front of it? No idea if the warding would keep the TARDIS out or not." Dean frowns.
"Wouldn't work," Magnus says. "If this dimension, or whatever it is, thinks that we are all fictional, then the coordinates can't bring us into our worlds. We might end up in your dimension. I like our vampires better."
"Awesome!" Dean groans.
Magnus curls his fingers around his chin in deep thought. "I could summon a dimension demon, but they usually demand things one would rather die than do."
"Like what?" Castiel asks.
"The last time I had to pay one, he wanted me to drink seelie wine."
"Doesn't sound too bad," Dean says.
"You've never had seelie wine. That stuff is worse than the touch of a Djinn." Dean whistles in acknowledgement.
"Could still be worth it. I mean we need to get back to our friends, and yours are surely waiting, too," Yaz supplies.
"The TARDIS is stuck in this dimension, Doc?" Alec asks.
"Yes. Positive."
"Then we should begin," Magnus says, conjuring chalks. "We all will be home soon."
They stand in a circle around the pentagram drawn on the floor of the TARDIS.
"We must initiate a bond. Once this bond is sealed,..." Magnus starts.
"...it cannot be broken until the demon retreats," Castiel ends his sentence and smiles softly at Alec, who blushes fiercely.
"Well, this time, I won't be the one who'll break it in a gay panic," he huffs. Yaz snickers.
Dean furrows his brow, ignoring Castiel eyeing him. He recites the summoning spell together with Magnus and the Doctor. Green flames rise in their midst. They aren't hot, but their sight hurts the eyes. A deep growl speaks to them, and Castiel turns pale.
"I haven't heard this demonic dialect in a while," he calls over the noises. "Did he say what I think he said?"
Magnus worries his lip between his teeth. "I think he did."
"I can't."
"What, Cass. What does he ask for? Give it to him. It can't be that bad," Dean shouts.
"It isn't. At least not for me." Castiel looks at the Doctor. "Any Supernatural sequels you've seen by any chance?"
"No, sorry. I got stuck at the Destiel YouTube vids. Didn't get around to checking future releases. But you two always reminded me of Rose and me, you know?" She looks sad at the memory of her lost love.
"No. A human doppelgänger won't do," Castiel says firmly. He says something in the demon's tongue and gets a rumble in reply.
Magnus nods at him. "My magic can hold the circle. But hurry."
The others stare at them. "Why doesn't the TARDIS translate his words?" Yaz asks.
"This demon is too old," the Doctor says. "Even older than evil itself. No one speaks this language anymore but angels and demon-blooded ones, as it seems."
"Lucky me, huh?" Castiel presses out. He lets go of Magnus' hand and turns to Dean. The warlock holds the gap with his magic. "I know how you see yourself, Dean…"
"We don't have time for the whole death speech. Fast forward," Magnus hisses, clearly struggling to hold the bond.
Castiel frowns at him but nods. He turns his face back to Dean. "I'm sorry. I know you never wanted that to happen. It's simply what the demon demands. It doesn't have to mean anything, okay?"
"What are you talking about, man?"
Castiel smiles at him. "I love you." And then he leans in and kisses him. It's chaste but after a moment of shock, Dean returns the kiss, and his hand cards through Castiel's hair. Thunder booms around them and dense fog separates the different duos. The demon disappears with a screeching noise and when the fog thins out, the places where the two couples were standing are empty.
"It worked!" the Doctor rejoices. Yaz grins at her. "Let's get to the boys."
"No, Mulder, this isn't a UFO. It's surely just a high-quality film set," a redhead in pantsuit and coat says as she strolls into the room.
"Scully!" the Doctor cheers. "Brilliant!"
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twh-news · 3 years
‘Loki’: Meet the Man Behind the Curtain, He Who Remains | Marvel.com
Who’s running the Time Variance Authority? The answer is a little more complicated than you might realize, but it all boils down to one person, who Miss Minutes calls, “He Who Remains.”
His presence has loomed largely throughout Marvel Studios’ Loki, and after it was revealed that the Time Keepers were nothing more than robotic puppets, everyone — ranging from Loki and Sylvie, to even people high up at the TVA like Judge Renslayer — need answers. Finally, those are delivered in the Season 1 finale, “For All Time. Always.” It’s been He Who Remains all along!
Another thing to wrap your head around is that He Who Remains is played by Jonathan Majors, who’s set to appear in Marvel Studios’ Ant-Man and The Wasp: Quantumania as Kang the Conqueror. His appearance here alludes to the greater multiverse that’s at stake should the Sacred Timeline break (which, by the end of the episode, it absolutely does).
“We knew that we wanted this show to be huge, and we wanted it to really end with a bang and have a huge impact on the MCU moving forward,” head writer Michael Waldron tells Marvel.com. “Knowing that Kang was probably going to be the next big cross-movie villain, and because he is a time-traveling, multiversal adversary, it just always made so much sense. I came up with that big multiversal war mythology and pitched it out in the room one day to our producers. And they said, yeah, let's go for it. We knew we were going to end up meeting the man behind the curtain. And then it was just on us to make sure that that meeting really delivered.”
As He Who Remains explains to the befuddled Loki and Sylvie (considering they weren’t sure who they were going to meet at the end of time), he set up the TVA to try and keep the timeline in check. After a variant of himself discovered different multiverses and started traveling around, sharing knowledge and information, everyone lived in peace for a while — until a war broke out. Thankfully, He Who Remains was able to stop the war, fix the timeline, and keep his other dangerous variants at bay. That’s how it’s been for hundreds and thousands of years.
But, as he tells Loki and Sylvie, things might be going great now, but it could change in an instant. Those He Who Remains variants who could escape from their own multiverse should the timeline break and enter ours? They’re the ones you need to worry about.
“You had to leave a lot of meat on the bone in terms of how evil he could be, because that's He Who Remains' whole thing, that it's not me who you should be afraid of,” Waldron continues. “‘It's the other versions of me that are going to come.’ It was trying to really hint at that terrifying evil within without going all the way there.” In Waldon’s own words, he was just trying to write him as a “very charismatic sociopath.”
The pieces were already in place to have He Who Remains be the big bad at the end of the show, and when Majors signed onto the role, Waldron explains it was, “So exciting and humbling. You have such an astounding actor who is that much more of a cool thing. You had to write him in a way that he felt worthy of being the villain at the end of our show.”
“I knew I could always breathe a sigh of relief knowing we had Majors in that finale. We hung a lot of our hopes on [the character]. This guy is laying out, ‘Here's the deal,’ and it’s one final test between our two Lokis.”
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The question of who would play He Who Remains, and later Kang, loomed large, with Waldron wondering, “Are you going to have somebody charismatic and magnetic as you imagine? Loki and Sylvie, they fought so hard to get to this point and they're not going to be able to take their eyes off him. Getting Jonathan, hopefully [the audiences] is going to feel the same way.”
But, is he the villain? As he later tells Loki and Sylvie after a very long monologue, they’ve all done horrible, terrible, horrific things in their lives — they’re all villains in one way or another. But now, as he says in the episode, they can do all these things for a good reason.
“I was quite excited that we got to show him because he is the one that brings it all [together],” director Kate Herron adds. “[He’s] the theme of our show. No one is completely good or completely bad, and people do fall into that gray area. I thought his reasoning with [Loki and Sylvie] that you can take me out, but I'll be back here anyway...you're going to awaken all these versions of me. And they are much scarier than me. I really believe him when he says that.”
While things don’t work out in He Who Remains’ favor (Sylvie is still hellbent on completing her mission to take down the TVA, after all), Majors’ presence in the show was a treat for everyone.
“I just want to salute Jonathan Majors,” shares Tom Hiddleston. “He came in the last lap of this series and made an extraordinary impact. And it’s quite something to do that for a story, to get to its final chapter and to introduce the character of such breadth, and depth, and charisma, and intelligence. He was dazzling. It was our final week of filming, literally. He came in and blew us all away.”
“It was so exciting for me to watch because I knew that for Jonathan, as an actor, it’s his entry point into the MCU,” Hiddleston adds. “To watch him come in and be so ready, and so agile, and so prepared, and so surprising. Sophia and I sat and watched him deliver this extraordinary performance of such wit and with such intelligence. It was a real thrill to watch him do that.”
“He was so much fun and he absolutely blew it out of the park,” Sophia Di Martino says. “As soon as he was on set, he was phenomenal. Like, no one could take their eyes off him. You knew something magical was happening and it was like, ‘Oh my god, are you watching this? This is going to be amazing.’”
“I remember being there [while he was filming],” Waldron says. “He’s an amazing actor, and as amazing actors do, they make it their own. Jonathan could perform the phone book and it would be incredible.”
Hopefully, fans are just as excited and bewildered as Loki and Sylvie meeting him in the finale —and his involvement with the show has (thankfully) been kept a secret. “They think something’s coming as a post-credits scene!" Waldron exclaims. "Nobody thinks that the meat of the episode is him!”
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m111nho · 4 years
What a shame
What if after you joined the scouts in order to help Eren get through his Titan experiments with the special operations squad you start getting close to the captain whom you've been bickering with all along?
(A/N) I thought about this while listening to "what a shame" by leyla blue so enjoy,,,I'll probably do sum parts lol.So I'm 4'11 irl,I didn't do it so Levi would be taller.
swearing,kind of violence, insinuated smut, agegap
around 4.8k words<3
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(F/N)'s POV
It's now been twenty four hours after the stupid trial they held for Eren and we are about to set off for the old scouts' quarters where Eren will be going under a number of experiments.Now don't get me wrong I love Eren but requesting me to join him with the special operations squad to help him get through it? Couldn't he have asked Mikasa or Armin instead?Well I know they chose me because I was the only one of age,still though at eighteen Mikasa is still stronger than me so I don't see a problem with her replacing me.Yesterday's still fresh in my mind,after the trial Commander Erwin and Captain Levi approached me while I was sitting with Sasha.
"Cadet (L/N) can you join us in my office?"I heard a voice behind me say,I turned around and I was shocked.Commander Erwin with Captain Levi were asking me to join them to Commander's office.Oh shit what did I do?
"Yes sir."I saluted and looked him in the eyes feeling intimidated,I didn't even look at Captain,hell he even scared me from what he did to Eren about an hour ago.He beat the shit out of him infront of everyone for god's sake!
I followed behind them through hallways taking a few turns to Commander's office.I was the last one to enter and I closed the door behind me bracing myself for what's to come.
"Please take a seat (F/N)."Said the commander and I awkwardly sat down in front of them.Then I took the courage to look at Captain only to find steely gray eyes looking back at me,however I kept looking at him while I felt my face getting hot.Now that I've taken a better look at him I don't understand why people don't find him attractive,his face is symmetrical with a straight nose and he has a killer jawline.His hair is pitch black and styled nicely and overall he has a good physique even though he is indeed short,he is taller than me by a few inches though.Of course I've heard the stories of humanity's strongest soldier and how incredible he is but to be honest after today I think that he's nothing more than an entitled ass.A very attractive entitled ass.
I turned my head around to face commander and before I could speak he started talking.
"Don't worry cadet you're not in trouble." I let out a breath I didn't know I held. "What we want from you,is kind of a command." he continued.
"Oh." I said and he probably noticed the glimmer of confusion in my (e/c) eyes.
"Well Eren Jaeger will be brought to the old quarters of the Survey Corps under the supervision of the special operations squad led by Captain Levi,"he motioned to the raven haired man who stood still with an expressionless face."And since Eren will be experimenting all the time I thought that it would be good for him to see familiar faces,so we handpicked you to join him."he finished and I was left speechless.
"Sir,I'm sure Eren would prefer for either cadet Ackerman or cadet Arlert to join him,they're all very close."I said and looked up to the intimidating commander.
"Nonesense the reason we picked you is because you're of age and on top of your class." he replied.
"It's actually cadet Ackerman who's on top,I come in second but okay.I will be joining Jaeger and the special operations squad if that's your command."I slumped down my shoulders.
He nodded and started filling me in on what I would be doing there for the rest of the month.
I sighed turning back to see Petra who was talking with Eld.Oluo was talking about something irrelevant with Eren while Gunther was just waiting for Captain's order for departure.I learned all their names yesterday at dinner since we'll spend quite some time together.Eld and Gunther were more quiet and laid back,Oluo was the one trying to imitate the captain so he talked a lot about past missions and himself.Petra was sweet and I could see she admired captain a lot.Maybe a bit too much but that wasn't for me to judge,she was a few years older than me so we clicked.
"Oi"we heard from the very front of our formation,"We're leaving,follow my lead."Captain Levi said with a stone cold face.
A couple of ''yes sir's" were thrown and we started our journey on our horses.By noon we could see the White castle nestled in between the green of the forest.I was chatting with Petra about her Father,he seemed very sweet like her,when captain spoke.
"So when we arrive we'll be cleaning the whole place,got it?" he said looking at me and Eren.
Both of us nodded frantically but I sighed internally.I never really liked cleaning,I found it boring but I always kept my body and clothing clean,I hated the feeling of filth on me it reminded me of the streets.
We continued galloping until we reached the gates of the castle,it was massive.Oh hell no we'd spend the whole day and night cleaning it,the place looked dirty and in no way shape or form fit for residence.
It was now starting to get dark, it's been a few hours since we arrived and we've been cleaning non-stop.Captain ordered me and Eren to clean the whole the left wing.Eren wouldn't stop talking and all I could do is mentally block him out of my head to keep going with the cleaning.A knock was heard from the door of the room we're now cleaning, a second later captain Levi opened the door and I had to compose myself so I wouldn't laugh.He wore a white bandana over his hair and a fucking mask.Both me and Eren saluted.
"Are you done here?"he asked eyeing the room.
"Not yet captain,we still have a room left but we'll get right to it."said Eren before I could speak,I was still trying to hold my laughter in.
"Eren go start the other room and leave (F/N) to finish this, you'll get it over with more quickly,she will join you when she's done."he ordered and Eren agreed,running off to the next room.
I picked up the rug I was working with on the window and started scrubbing, painfully aware of captain's steely eyes on me.
"I don't know why Erwin picked you to join us."a quiet voice said behind me.
"In all honesty captain neither do I."I said not loosing my temper or turning around,I was familiar with his rude remarks,having heard a lot of soldiers complain about it over the years.I didn't hear anything apart from the door behind me close,leaving me alone.
In what felt years later we were done and heading down to the kitchen to grab some food.I caught Petra by the stairs and we walked down to the kitchen meeting an already seated captain.Petra practically run to the table and I flinched at the noise her shoes made sliding on the rocky floor.
"Captain would you like me to make you some tea?"she asked while I sat two seats away from the head of the table.
"No thank you Petra,I am already aware that you know how to make tea.Cadet (L/N) will make some for all of us."he said looking at me and I returned his gaze slightly nodding.Standing up I made my way to the kettle that was already filled with water,placing it on the stove.A yellow light filled the room and I took the tray with the cups,placing it on the table infront of the captain.When I heard the water bubbling I walked over to the kettle,taking it off the stove and throwing three teabags in it,swirling it around and letting it steep.Minutes later I took the teabags out and held the kettle in my hands.Now back at the table I started with the captain,taking a cup off the tray and placing it near his hand.I could smell his hair from where I was standing,which by the way was kind of behind him and a bit on the left side while pouring tea in his cup.I looked down to him and found him starring sight back to me.
"Do you take it with sugar or milk sir?"I asked keeping the eye contact.He raised his eyebrows.
"No,thank you."I nodded and walked around the table pouring tea to every single one of the special operations squad,Eren and then myself.I could see from the corner of my eye captain holding his cup in a peculiar way,instead of holding it from the handle like a normal fucking person,he holded it from the rim,his palm over the opening.Pouring the last bit of tea to my cup as I sat down I looked at Eren who was talking with Eld,Eld was sitting both on my left and captain's while Oluo was sat at captain's right with Petra next to him on his right .Next to me was Gunter at my right and at the far end of the table was Eren.I drifted off looking down at my cup on the table,my hand wrapped around it when a noise was heard from the kitchen's entrance.It was section commander Hange Zoë.They were supposed to come in tomorrow but I guess they were too excited.
"I was examining two titans we caught alive in the city,I would love for you to help me with tommorrow's experiments.I came here to ask for you permission." they said to Eren.
"An experiment?What am I going to do exactl-" Hange cut him off before he could finish.
"What else except of the amazing thing you already do?"
"Well I can't give you the permission, you see someone else in charge for me."he replied and Hange turned to captain.
"Levi does Eren have to do something tommorrow?"they asked and Captain seemed displeased.
"He has to clean the garden."his reply was short.
"Fine then it's settled!Eren tommorrow we're going to collaborate!"they said taking his hand in theirs.Eren looked overwhelmed.
"Yes."he stuttered."But what kind of experiments to you do with titans?"he asked and their face lit up.
"Uhm,what exactly are this experiments?"he asked once again.Then Oluo spoke.
"Hey stop.Don't ask them this."he said and I looked back at Hange.
"Ah I knew it,your expression have away your desire for knowledge!"the captain suddenly sat up along with everyone else and I did the same.I waved Eren goodbye mouthing <<goodnight>>.I felt kinda bad leaving him there all alone with Hange but he asked for it.As I turned to the left where my assigned room was I was stopped from the captain.
"Since Eren will be accompanying Hange, you'll be cleaning the garden.Understood?"he motioned down infront of the window where an overgrown carden was.I sighed, tommorrow was my day off and I really didn't want to spend it this way.
"I'm sorry captain I'm afraid I can't, tommorrow's my day off."I said respectfully and his jaw clenched.
"I see Erwin hasn't informed you about this,that bastard always leaves the hard work to me."he whispered the last part,almost to himself."Cadet while you're with us here,you will not be having days off."he stated sternly.What?
"What?I never agreed to this."
"You don't need to,these are orders cadet."
"Then I don't want to follow orders."I am not loosing my long awaited day off for this shit.
"You see (F/N), you really don't have a choice so go to sleep and be up at dawn or there'll be consequences, besides it's almost curfew."he swiftly turned around and walked on the opposite direction.Great.
As if his orders were engraved in my mind I really did wake up at dawn.Groaning I dragged myself out of bed and in the bathroom,I doubt anyone will be awake at this time so I didn't bother to change off my nightclothes which consisted of a long white tank top,I noticed that the awaited morning cold had hardened my nipples,and a pair of loose fitting pants.I actually stole these from Reiner,he was about to throw them away anyway because of a rip on the left knee.I sewed it up and now it was my favourite piece of clothing I owned.The cold water run down my body and it waked me up instantly,grabbing the soap bar I scrubbed my hair thoroughly.It smelled like lavender.Finishing up cleansing my body,I run the cold water once a gain to rinse off.I reached for the towel and wrapped it around my body,with my left hand I clenched on the material in order to secure it on my body and on the other hand I had my nightclothes.Walkind down the corridor I shivered,I almost dropped my towel when a dark figure appeared infront of me whilst I made a turn.
"By the walls captain you scared the shit out of me!"I cursed forgetting the ultimately embarrassing situation I was in for a moment.But that moment didn't last long when I remebered my appearance.I felt captain's body tense up under the back of my hand.I was practically stuck on his front so I took a couple of steps back,my face now red from the embarrassment of my captain seeing me like this.I heard him clear his throat and he most probably regained his composure.
"Uh change,have breakfast and go start with the garden.I'll be joining you shortly after I make sure four-eyes doesn't kill Jaeger."he said and I nodded sprinting to my room.Unaware of the pair of bright brown eyes that just saw my entire encounter with captain.
Quickly I pulled on my chest wrappings,underpants and a white shirt with my military trousers.I didn't have to wear the harnesses today so I ditched them in the chair near my bed and I laced up my leather boots.I combed my wet hair with my fingers,they fell just bellow my shoulders in a middle part.The kitchen was empty but it looks like someone has already brewed some tea and there's porridge on the stove.I ate quickly,drinking my tea in a hurry and I left the kitchen.The garden was peaceful but also chaotic.It was so overgrown with weeds and it desperately needed organisation,the stone path was also cover in moss.I picked up the water/vinegar solution and a scrubber.I started working on the stone pavement,getting the moss off.
Some time later it was finally finished,the sun now brightly above my head.A few drops of sweat run down my forehead,my hand willing them off in an instant.
"Oi cadet!How is it going?"captain's voice said.
"So now you join me? It's been surely hours!"just breathe (F/N) don't let your anger take over you.He seemed to catch on my anger even though I tried my best to cover it.I felt a harsh grip on my chin,tilting it up where I met his cold eyes.I was still on my knees and his force hold didn't help.
"Why are you complaining cadet?I already told you I'd be joining you when it was possible."
"Couldn't you have joined me earlier,it surely wouldn't take you more than a few minutes to ensure Eren's safety."I spat at him.
"Now brat even if I didn't join you,you still would have to finish this garden.It's orders."he said releasing my chin from his grasp.My eyes shot daggers at him,only if he weren't my boss..."Anyways I'll help you finish so we can start training."he finished.Training?
"Training?Why?"I asked
"Because." he replied and began to pull on weeds from the garden.What an asshole.Having no other option I did too and almost an hour later we were done.
"Four-eyes must have finished now,I'll get the others,you though should wear your gear."
Truly in about a quarter of a clock we were standing all together for training.Apparently Eren didn't have any progress in transforming,now with a bangdaged hand.
"Warm up, we're doing hand to hand combat today.I'm pretty sure you know it isn't as important with titans but as a soldier you won't have to face only those.Hand to hand combat is something you should rely on when times get tough."said captain."Petra you're with Eren,Gunther you're with Oluo and (F/N) you're with me,I want to test your abilities."he finished,I suppose Eld was helping Hange with something.
Everyone got in a line,captain in front of me.I made sure to keep my ground while he was just there waiting for me to do something.I could hear everyone else grunting while they fought with eachother,yet me and Captain we're not rushing ourselves, circling around each other.
"Aren't you going to make a move on me captain?Afraid aren't we?"I said with a smirk and he scoffed.
"It's not my fucking skills that are being tested (F/N) so just start."he did have a point so with all my strength I went in with my right fist straight to his face,I already knew he'd avoid it so the moment he did I tripped him using my leg.He did however notice and he wasn't about to fall down,at least without me.His right hand grabbed my waist and I fell on top of him with a whelp.In my state of surprise he took both of my wrists,rolling over on my body pinning them over my head.I grunted,his smug face inches from my own,he really did have beautiful eyes.It looked as if I was defeated but I had another trick up my sleeve.Due to my years spent in the streets I had to learn how to adapt so I learnt how to slide over stuff,making me very flexible.Carefully, without him noticing I lifted my right foot from under him and brought it over his left side,me now rolling over him,in his now surprised state his grip on my hands loosened.I retrieved full control of my wrists so I yanked them off his palms completely.I grabbed each one of his hands and pinned them to his sides,now sitting on top of his waist.
"Shorty has lost finally!" a voice said,Hange.
"Tsk,you win cadet,now get off me."I did exactly as he said.He walked back into the castle after dismissing us.
"Oh my god (F/N)!Captain hasn't lost in hand to hand combat,like never!"Petra walked over to me.
"Really?"woah."Well there's a first for everyone,now let's go to eat I'm fucking starving."
After I showered and changed again,fucking Levi had to choose hand to hand combat the day I showered,I went to the kitchen to eat with the others,everyone was already in there eating.I joined in the conversation with Oluo about how wall Rose has little to no supplies left while eating.It wasn't so bad here after all...
Since Hange was joining us we had to add an other chair,with us moving around I ended up to the captain's left,a bit closer than I would have liked.I looked at Oluo across from me and flashed him small smile.After we finished I joined Hange to their laboratory,them explaining me what happened today,Eren and the others will experiment more in the evening.They asked me if I wanted to join them but I said no,I wanted to relax for the rest of the day,maybe read some more pages of my book.It was about a girl who was helplessly in love with someone she couldn't have,it was more of a diary to be honest.It tugged painfully on the strings of my heart for a reason.
"(F/N) I'm going to need your help in the library once four-eyes is gone."captain said opening the door of my room and I screeched.
"Captain what are you doing?I could have been bare!"who even does that?
"Nothing I haven't seen before now in about an hour I need you in the library, we're going to organise the books in alphabetical order and dust the shelves."I groaned but hid it with a cough.
"Yes captain."he nodded and left,as soon as he did I fell on my bed cursing at him.
It is now almost night,me and Levi have took out all the books off the selves.We are dusting the inside of the selves but I can't quite reach the top.Being 4'11 at eighteen isn't enjoyable,even the military's shorty is taller than you.
"What's wrong?"he asked,he must have saw me struggling to reach the top shelf on my tiptoes.
"It's nothing sir, it's just that I can't reach the top shelf don't worry though I'll just get on top of a chair."shrugging it off I started walking towards the end of the room where a stack of chairs was placed.
"Don't you dare step on a clean chair with your shoes.I'll just lift you."he said gabbing my waist with both hands and placing me on his right shoulder so easily,as if I weighted nothing.God how was he able to do it? Military training,the guy's probably shredded.No don't think about his body right now what the fuck.
"Uh alright,can you go to the left and as I clean move to the right?"I felt his head nod on the outside of my left thigh and I started moving.When I finished I felt the weight under me gone and in a matter of seconds I was on the ground with a big thud.
"What the fuck captain why'd you do that?"I said while getting up.
"Revenge for this morning."he walked off and towards the door.
"Asshole..."I said quietly to myself,or I thought so.
"What did you say?"fuck fuck fuck.
"Nothing sir."I replied my face getting red.
"Look cadet I don't know who you think you are but addressing your superiors like this is unacceptable."his words came off aggressively but his face stayed stone cold.
"Well I'm sorry but what am I supposed to say to someone who won't accept their defeat because they think they're so damn unbeatable?"I snapped and in seconds I was pinned to the wall next to the selves.
"This is the last time I'll go easy on you brat, I'm your captain and I demand respect."venom dripping from his words,his hands tugging hardly on my jaw.
"I only show respect when I know it'll be returned and with all honesty sir you've been quite an asshole to me today." I smirked and I felt a hand slap my cheek,not hard but enough to make me angry.
"What the fuck did you just say?"his eyes burning into mine.
"What the did you just do?"I bit back wiggling my way off his grasp,pushing him down with all my strength.I was on top of him now just like in training this morning.
He reached out to turn me around with his hands but I took them both and locked them behind my back.I knew I'd regret this later,but I was so damn mad.
"Cadet get off me right now and I'm willing to forget what happened today."he said scowling.
"There's no way in hell I'm doing that until you apologize for being an asshole."I replied smugly.He must've not liked that because next thing I knew I was under him,his nose grazing mine.I could feel his laboured breathing on my lips and a thought flashed in my mind.As soon as it did I pushed it away.
"Let me go!"my voice trembled from both fear and fury.His hand had clutched both my wrists in a tight grip,his other hand under my chin tilting it up so I wouldn't miss his eyes.I felt the steely gaze piercing through my (e/c) one.Without thinking I subconsciously looked down on his panting lips and returned my gaze back to his.His eyebrows slightly raised,his eyes now we're traveling down to my panting lips.I knew what was bound to happen any second right now.He slightly shifted, softening his grip on my wrists,his straight nose moved on top of mine,a ghost of a kiss lingered millimeters above my mouth.I closed my eyes waiting for him to lock our lips but that moment never came,on the contrary I heard a sound of steps nearing the door.Captain quickly rose to his feet,pulling me up with him.
"(F/N)! Captain!"Eren exclaimed.He seemed quite disappointed,I wondered if he failed again.
"Jaeger help (L/N) finish organising the books."he ordered and left the room.
Putting the books back in the shelves a realisation came upon me.He wanted to kiss me,and I was to kiss him back.
Dinner approached and everyone was in the kitchen eating except captain.
"Hey Petra do you know where captain is?"Gunther asked and she shrugged.
"He seemed angry so I don't know,he might not want to eat tonight."
"Why would he be angry though?"
"I don't know but (F/N) you were with him right?Did you guys fight?" Eren interrupted and I wanted to throw my spoon at him.We were great friends but he just doesn't know when to shut the fuck up.All eyes on me now.
"Well we did kind of have a disagreement." I said looking at my plate."It's okay I, I'll get him some tea and apologize."they all seemed content with my reply.
The tray wobbled in my hands,I reached his temporary office.Knocking twice I heard a voice behind the door say <<come in>> and so I did.
His gaze didn't falter when I stepped in,walking in a straight line after closing the door,I placed the tray on the desk before him.
"Sir,I would like to apologize for today's incident,I shouldn't have been disrespectful to you and I definitely do not want to be the reason you don't get to enjoy this evening with your comrades."I said and the bastard laughed.He laughed.I've never seen him laugh.That's when I noticed a bottle of dark liquid on the corner of the window behind him.
"Cut the bullshit (F/N) we both know you don't feel sorry for anything that happened today."he said,now I understand,his laugh was a mocking one.I mean he wasn't wrong,I only said that to avoid punishment.He sighed and motioned for me to get to the left side behind the desk so I did.Standing up from his seat,his palm cupped the side of my neck,bringing us closer.He didn't get to do anything else though because I took his face between my hands and pressed our lips together.I sighed into the kiss.He kissed me back,forcefully,teeth grazing my lips.Bevuase of my surprised state of teeth on my lips he took the opportunity to lift me up from my waist,sitting me on top of the desk and slipped his tongue in my mouth.He grunted when my hands left his face and went straight on his hair,running my fingertips over his undercut and tugging at the longer hair on top of it.Humming I slowly tore my lips from his,placing small kissed from his chin to his jaw where I traveled down to his neck,leaving opened mouthed kisses all around until I reached the collar of his shirt.My hands trembled while I unbuttoned the first three buttons off his shirt,moving the collar out of the way I attached my lips on the base of his neck,where it connected with his torso and sucked on the skin,slightly biting it.I was no strangers to lovebites.He sucked in a breathe.
"Fuuuuck." a throaty moan came out of him.I smiled to myself and continued with my work,leaving a few more marks to spots I knew his clothing would cover up.As I pulled away from his torso,I looked up at him.His eyes were full of lust,just like mine.I smiled devilishly at him,kissing him once again.We left the office discreetly and he led me to his room locking the door,pinning me against it.
"After all I don't think you mind discipline."Oh boy.
Streaks of blinding gold twinkled over my eyes the following morning.My face twisted,turning around I let my hand touch the bedding but instead it hooked over a hard surface.Then it hit me.Shit,shit,shit.Last night me...and captain...my eyes widened.Red faced me looked up,captain was sleeping with his hands under my waist.Moments of yesterday's interaction flew through my mind when I heard a groan leave his red lips.His hands tightened around my waist bringing me on top of him.That's when his eyes opened up and found my head in the crook of his neck.The muscles of his stomach tensed up.I rose up using the sheet to cover my chest.
"Uh goodmorning captain?"I said unsure of what to say.He grabbed my nape and forced me on his hard chest once more.
"Shut the fuck up."so he didn't want to talk about yesterday,okay he's saving me the embarrassment.His fingers combed through my hair and I hummed kissing the surface of his chest.He tilted my head up by my hair,I felt something harden against my thigh.Morning sex?Count me in.
When I was about to make a move someone knocked on captain's door.Panicking I pulled away and covered myself in the sheets leaving him naked.
"Captain it's almost nine in the morning,how come you haven't gotten up yet?"Petra.
"I have a headache Petra,I'll come down once the painkiller (L/N) gave me starts working."he replied.
"Oh,I'm sorry to hear that sir.I'll go and make you some tea."her steps became less and less loud until they were completely gone.
I covered him with the sheets and started putting on my clothes.After everything was on I turned to the captain.
"I better get going,see you later captain."I smiled and he nodded.Opening the door and making sure no one was around I returned to my room.Now what the fuck was all this?
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roguerogerss · 4 years
A Long Day of Saving Your Ass
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(gif isn’t mine, creds to the owner!)
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Avenger!Reader
Plot: “Hi darlin! If you’re still taking requests could you do a Bucky x reader where she gets her ass saved from literal death by Bucky during a mission and she refuses to leave his side on the way back or at the tower? And he gives her a back/foot massage to make her nerves calm down aaand they may or may not share a kiss bc they like each other? I hope that makes sense, tysm! 💞” - requested by anon
W/C: 2.3k
Warnings: mentions of fights/blood/kinda ptsd but not really? she’s pretty much just really shaken up and Bucky’s cute and protective as hell about it. also kinda sexual themes towards the end, no smut or anything though it’s all fluff!
(A/N: first of all, thank you so much for all of the love on my last fic, it really really does mean the world and that was just totally insane. okay, so, this request only came in yesterday, but I was so in love with the concept and had this wave of ideas for what I could write, and so here it is! thank you so much for this one, bby! as always, requests are open for any marvel boy you want, plus any of the stranger things boys. i do smut too hehe. any feedback is so welcome and appreciated, it really helps! please like and reblog!)
The quinjet was ready to take off, engine on, Steve behind the wheel. But Y/N wasn't there yet. They'd been holding off on leaving, giving her time to get out and the opportunity to do it without help, but Bucky had been antsy since he'd gotten on the vehicle and realised that she wasn't there.
It wasn't exactly a secret that he liked her, in a way that he hadn't really liked anyone in over seventy years. He'd never admitted it to anyone, not even to himself out loud, but you have to have a certain level of intelligence and basic sight to join the Avengers in the first place, and it wasn't hard to figure out.
Y/N was oblivious to it, rolling her eyes whenever Natasha teased her about 'Bucky's little crush', never taking it seriously. If she'd known that they were really serious about it, she wouldn't have hesitated to make a move. She was inherently forward, had no sense of shame whatsoever, it was common knowledge that she would've said something, at the very least.
"Hey, Y/N, where are you right now?" Bucky spoke into the intercoms, earning wide eyed glances from the rest of the team. They knew that she hated being rushed, hated being babied even more, and the fact that Bucky was doing both was probably about to blow up in all of their faces.
There were obvious sounds of struggle on her end as she answered back with a grunt, "South side, got ten guys on my case. Think I can handle it, though."
"We're ready to leave, Y/N." Bucky grunted, leaning forward in his seat and chewing at his lip. He was met back with a crash and a strangled groan from the assassin, making him shoot up and towards the exit of the ship.
"Bucky, where are you going? She'll kill you if you try to help her-" Tony was standing now, too, worried about his teammate, but figuring that she'd find some way out. Bucky shook his head and pressed the button to open the escape hatch.
"She's going to die if I don't help her, Stark. Keep the engine running, we'll be back in a second." And he was gone with that. Steve closed the hatch, radioing to Bucky to 'keep in touch' as he did so.
Bucky pulled his machine gun from the holster on his back, shooting two guards that were stationed at the front entrance of the Hydra base that they'd sneakily infiltrated, managing to only cause a few minor scenes. He was inside and backed against a wall, scoping out his route to the south side of the building, without wasting a second.
His feet pounded on the metal stairs as he made his way down to where they'd been earlier, where he knew that Y/N still was, and he looked around himself cautiously, gears in his arm turning.
He could hear the fight before he could see it, and he could tell from the noises that Y/N wasn't doing so well. A lot of crashing, thuds, groans mostly from her. The sight wasn't exactly easy to look at either, she was covered in blood, slumped against a wall and kicking her legs wildly while one of the agents held a gun to her temple.
Bucky knew that he had to act fast, and so he shot the agent with the gun without giving away his position, and then proceeded to open fire on the rest of them, trusting in the fact that Y/N knew how to dodge a bullet.
When he was sure that the agents were dead, each one of them crumpled in heaps on the floor, he slung his gun back over his shoulder and ran for Y/N, who let out a relieved sigh upon seeing Bucky. "Oh my God, Buck." She whispered. She wasn't sure what she meant by the words, what she wanted to convey in them, but he seemed to pick up just fine as he wrapped his arms around her shaking and compacted body.
"You're okay, I've got you." He rested his head on top of hers for a second, breathing heavy, just allowing himself to enjoy how it felt to have his body draped over hers. "We've gotta go, okay?"
"I can't run." She said assertively, knowing that there was no way that she'd be able to get up and run like hell, like Bucky seemingly wanted her to. He nodded once, gave her an apologetic smile, and then scooped her up into his arms without another word.
She scrambled to grip onto his black jacket, a gasp leaving her mouth as he picked her up from the floor, flesh arm supporting the backs of her knees and the metal one around her shoulders. He chuckled at her reaction, the way that she white-knuckled the leather of his combat jacket. "Don't worry, I'm not gonna drop you."
"How do you expect me to believe that?" She croaked, trying her hardest to be her usual, sardonic self, but failing miserably as she realised just how fast and hard her heart was beating.
"Because I just saved you from at least ten guys who wanted to kill you within a minute, I'm not dropping you." Bucky replied as he ascended the stairs and she buried her face in his chest, the smell of his cologne relaxing her. He allowed a soft smile to cross his face, bringing his metal hand to her head and almost rocking her like an infant or a small child who had a nightmare.
For Tony saying that she hated being 'babied', she seemed to enjoy it when it was coming from Bucky.
They were back at the ship within a few minutes. Steve had taken off, and Bucky had gone to sit in the back of the ship on his own. Or at least, he'd wanted to sit in the back of the ship on his own, but Y/N was so shaken up and had looked at him like she was a lost puppy when he'd tried to leave her alone, and so he smiled and told her to come with him.
Everyone else had looked between themselves, grinning like mad. "He really likes her." Steve commented and Natasha nodded.
"She really likes him, I'm well aware of that fact." She said.
"I've never seen The Winter Soldier so caring. And, was that - sorry if this seems outlandish - a smile? On Bucky Barnes' face? Surely not." Tony pitched in, leaning back in his chair while his friends laughed.
Meanwhile, Y/N was curled up in a chair, chewing at her fingernails and dabbing at her bloody face with a wet cloth that Bruce had given her the second that she'd gotten on the ship. Bucky watched her, his heart breaking at the way that her hands shook as she brought them to her face, at the way that her entire body shook.
"Hey." He placed a tender and soothing hand on her back, rubbing gentle circles there. "It's okay, you're safe now."
She gave him a wobbly smile that didn't quite reach her eyes and placed her hand over his, allowing him to interlock their fingers. "Yeah. Safe now."
She still hadn't left his side, apart from briefly so that she could take a shower. He'd offered to come back to her room with her when she'd hovered around the lounge while everyone else had already dispersed, reminding her that no one was going to hurt her.
She was laying on her bed, hair wet and wearing nothing but a big shirt, while Bucky sat awkwardly on the edge of it, twisting the sheets between his fingers. "You don't have to sit there, you know. I have a sofa, or you can sit back."
Bucky shook his head and looked round at her, she was still visibly shaking, eyes darting around to show just how on edge she was. "It's fine, darlin'. M'fine." His voice was more ragged than he'd expected it to be. "I'm just here to make sure that you're okay."
"Well," She held her arms out, "Come here, that'd make me feel okay." It was a bold move, one that told of her feelings towards Bucky, but she didn't mind much, figuring that he probably wouldn't decline her.
He chuckled, shaking his head at her, but still, kicked his boots off and lay down next to her, allowing her to wrap her arms tightly around his torso and press her cheek over his heart. "Hey, you're okay, sweetheart." He stroked her hair. "There's nothing to be on edge about, yeah? I've got you."
"Yeah. Yeah, I know. Sorry, I don't know why I'm so freaked out." Her breathing was picking back up again, so Bucky shushed her and pressed a soft kiss to the top of her head, something that drove the butterflies in her stomach wild.
"It's okay, baby." The nickname just added to the way that her stomach fluttered, and she swallowed hard to try to forget about it. "Hey, how about I do something that'll relax you, yeah?"
"And what would that be, Barnes?" She smirked mischievously and he laughed at her.
"Lay on your stomach." He removed his arm from around her shoulders, and she looked at him with one eyebrow raised, obviously thinking that he was implying something way more forward than what he was actually implying. "Woah, no, no, no. I give good back massages, metal arm and all."
She laughed, throwing her head back into the pillows at the headboard of her bed. "Oh my God, Bucky. I hate you so much." She breathed out, flipping over so that she was laying on her stomach, back exposed to him.
"Can I pull your shirt up, or?" Bucky whispered, running his hands up and down the back of her t-shirt, and she nodded.
His breath hitched in his throat and he found himself struggling to think straight when he lifted the hem of her large shirt, to show that she was only wearing a pair of black panties underneath. She didn't seem to mind, so he didn't mention it, even though his breathing was hindered as he trailed his hands from the small of her back to her shoulders, thumbs rubbing circles as he did so.
She sighed and could've sworn that her eyes rolled back into her head as she relaxed into his touch, one hand cold and the other warm. She understood what he meant when he said that he was good at giving back massages.
"Feel okay?" He asked softly, swallowing hard. She nodded again.
"My God, Bucky, feels fucking amazing." She moaned, and he hated himself when his stomach flipped upon hearing her. "You're so good at that."
He had to stop when she said that, hands still on her shoulders but unmoving, just sitting still. He couldn't think about anything else other than sex when she was moaning like that, something that he wanted to punch himself for. It was such a tender moment, she was scared and so vulnerable, and all that was going through his brain were those thoughts.
"You okay?" She asked, and when he didn't answer she flipped back over, sitting in front of him. He looked like he'd seen a ghost as his tongue darted out to lick over his bottom lip. She reached a hand out, caressing his cheek gently to bring him back to reality. "Bucky?"
"Can I kiss you?" The words were leaving his mouth before he even knew what to do with them, what they meant and how she'd react. As soon as he realised what he'd said, he had his face in his hands, shaking his head. "Shit, sorry."
"No. No, Bucky, don't apologise. Look at me." She wrapped her fingers around his wrist, prying his hands away from his face. "Yes. Of course you can kiss me."
He furrowed his eyebrows, wondering if what she'd just said was real. She was looking into his eyes so intently, staring at the light blue rings around his pupils, realising how pretty they really were now that she was this close. "Kiss me." She whispered, and Bucky took no hesitation in complying to what she was asking of him.
His lips were on hers, and they were so gentle and soft, gliding against hers effortlessly. He pulled her closer to him with a hand on her back, the other cupping her cheek lovingly. His tongue had soon slipped between her lips, earning a soft little whine from her, as his tongue met hers and they worked out how to move them together in harmony.
She eventually pulled back, breathless, and simply grinned at him before laying back and pulling him with her. They resumed their earlier position, her arms wrapped firmly around his waist, his arm around her shoulders, her head on his chest while his hand stroked her hair. "Relaxed?" He laughed and she smiled and nodded.
"I'll get goin', it's late and you look tired, princess." Another nickname, another flourish from the butterflies in the pit of her stomach. Just as Bucky was getting up to leave, she grabbed onto his shirt and pulled him back to her, snuggling back up to his chest.
"Stay. Please."
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shelby-love · 4 years
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Requested: yes
Prompts: none
Warnings: none
Authors note: /
"One day... I swear to god... I will smack her ass off the planet." Shay mumbles next to you. She practically gave up on packing the jump bag and is now spying on Nicki Rutkowski. "How does she not bother you? Do you see the way she's ogling Kelly? Like he's a piece of meat on a stick that's walking around."
"Are you saying that I should be jealous of her?" You tuck a piece of stranded hair behind your ear and turn to look the same way your best friend is looking.
"No. I mean... You trust Kelly right? Given his reputation you know?" Shay is his best friend and loves him as much as you do but his manwhore reputation sometimes overshines his great personality you two know.
"We've been together for 2 years and so far he hasn't looked a woman's way." You note and jump in the ambo to store the bag.
"Oh my God Y/N look. Look!!" She whisper yells and practically pulls you out of the ambulance.
Firehouse 51's payroll clerk, that is Nicki, is sashaying her way outside her office and towards the squad table. The tips of her pointy heels are touching Kelly's chair. That's how close she was. She stood there in her red mini dress looking like a red pepper while talking to Kelly.
"Do you see how close she is??!" Shay notices.
As much as it hurt you to admit, jealously pushed through. You shook your head and tried to empty your thoughts. When you're working, while you have your hair in a bun or a ponytail she has it straightened or curled and let loose. While she wears the clothes she wants you're stuck in your uniform.
She looks like a million bucks while you don't.
"No, no, no. Don't give me that look Y/N." Leslie is immediately in front of you with hands on your shoulders, shaking you. She's blocking the clear view you used to have of them. "Just because she can dress up while working doesn't mean she's prettier than you. As far as I know you're the one that's saving lives and she's the one that answers calls."
The pep talk she gave you made you feel better. But that betterness you felt dissappeared the moment you noticed from the corner of your eye that Kelly followed her into the changing room.
"Hey Y/LN." A high pitched voice stopped you from going to your bed and taking a nap. "Could you please do me a favour?"
You take a deep breath, plaster on a fake smile and turn around to face her. "Yeah sure. What's up?"
"So I wanted to cook something for Kelly since we're having dinner tonight. You know nothing special but I don't know what to make." She starts with a smile on her face. "Maybe you could give me some ideas?"
Your heart shattered. "Severide and you?"
"Well I asked if him if you wanted to tag along but he said that it'll be better if you didn't go since you said that you were feeling sick. You shouldn't have come to work you know?" Her face concern didn't faze you at all. It was the fact that this was happening to you while you were openly dating and everyone in the house knew. Including her.
With everything that's been going on you weren't surprised that this was happening. But it still hurt you deeply. "He changes his mind a lot. I wouldn't know. Sorry Nicki."
With that you walked away and held your tears in.
When you catched him smiling by himself in the locker room you lost it.
As much as you wanted to take things home and sort them out there, the pain and betrayal you felt whenever you saw him smiling was too much.
"What the fuck Kelly?" You raged.
"Sorry?" The suprise on his face was genuine but your feelings masked it.
"You think I wasn't going to find out that you're going to be having a fun time while dining with the clerk?" Her words and actions replayed in your head.
"Baby what?" He was genuinely puzzled. "Did Nicki do something to you?"
"Oh now you two are on a first name basis. Great!"
"No... No we're... Y/N what's going on?"
"I don't know you tell me!" You tell him. "Why do I have to come to work and see her all over you all the time!? Now she tells me you two are having dinner that you specifically didn't want me to go to! All after you followed her skimpy ass to the changing room to do god knows what!"
You two did things there that you weren't necessarily proud of. Only one thought came to your head when you thought about what the two of them did in there.
"Jesus Christ..." Realization surfaces on his face as he connects the dots. "What else did she tell you?"
"She asked me to recommend me food you like so she can cook it for you." Silence filled the air and so you continued to speak.
"Kelly I never judged you for your past. Never. Denying the fact that it made me insecure would be a lie but I trusted you! I trusted you every step of the way and you proved yourself." Tears start to collect but you fight them back. "I can't make you love me and I can't make you keep this relationship going but don't end it like this."
By the time you finished you were a mess and Kelly was raging. You didn't fight back when he pulled you into his arms and soothed you the right way. He pressed soft sincere kisses to your head and apologised for making you feel this way.
"So you didn't have sex with her in the changing room?" You fixed yourself and wiped your tears away.
Kelly chucked. "The only person with who I had sex in there is you."
Blood flowed to your cheeks in the speed of light. Soon your cheeks were tinted with the rosy color Kelly adored.
"So what did you do in there?"
"She showed me where my new uniform was since the last one was destroyed in the fire last week." You remembered last week, when his jacket was completely destroyed in the fire. It made you worried sick.
"What about dinner?"
He grabbed your hips and pulled you close, "That never happened."
"What about all the times she threw herself on you?"
"I threw her right off. Ask anyone from squad. I have witnesses."
"Yeah Tony and Capp." You chuckled.
"What's wrong with Tony and Capp?" He exclaimed and laughed.
You didn't know what else to tell him. The conclusion you got from this talk was that Kelly is innocent and Nicki is a lying bitch. Something you already kind of knew.
"I'm sorry." You whispered. You felt incredibly guilty for jumping to conclusions right away.
"Hey it's okay." He gave you his heart melting smile. The smile you've been adoring for two years. "Are we good?"
"Yeah we're good."
With your hands placed on his chest you leaned in and kissed him. Moments like this one made your heart skip a beat and brain turn to mush. The kiss was gentle and sweet and it stopped just before it was going to get more passionate and fierce.
"I love you."
"I love you too."
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