#and even when they have bonded a bit (see: fireside chat about fathers that i haven't gotten around to writing yet) cole's still not super
razzle-zazzle · 2 months
would lloyd still free the serpentine in the runaways au? If cole is with him then the ninja wouldn't have hung him up and laughed at him, meaning that he wouldnt have had reason to free the serpentine. Also how does Cole end up a ninja in this au?
One way or another I'm going to free the Serpentine, they did not deserve being trapped in sunless tombs for an indeterminate time period.
Thinking... okay, so Lloyd actually makes it to Jamanakai Village before the sun even rises, while Cole's still at the little camp they settled in for the night. Because Lloyd's attempting to try and prank the town into thinking Lord Garmadon has returned, in an effort to get food. It uh... it doesn't work. The ninja are just about to hang him up on the roof when Cole shows up, upset for various reasons, and they back off.
Now Cole's annoyed and mortified and also not letting Lloyd out of his sight (he is also kinda lowkey proud of Lloyd's ingenuity, even if it didn't work all the way, but he's not like. super good with kids even if he and Lloyd are tentatively friends and in this journey of theirs together so he's not expressing anything other than annoyance and mortification), but Lloyd's upset enough that he manages to run off hours later regardless. He finds the Hypnobrai Tomb, opens it up, and immediately his mind lights up at the possibilities. Cole catches up to him, sees the chaos about to unfold, and for a moment, thinks "oh, good, the kid finally found someone willing to take care of him, I don't need to stick around anymore." So he turns to leave. He'll miss the brat, of course, but it's not like he's needed anymore, right?
Meanwhile, Wu is not only disappointed in his students for how they didn't take Lloyd seriously, but also suspects the "mean older brother" they described might be the missing Master of Earth he's been trying and failing to find. The moment he's done admonishing them he's got his head in his hands. Lily was never this hard to train, he swears, nor was she ever so hard to find.
The rest of the episode sort of progresses as in canon? Like, there's a bit where Lloyd notices Cole's absence and keeps hoping he'll pop up again, and Cole realizes that fuck, he really is going to miss Lloyd, and they definitely reunite at the end of the episode (with the map of the other tombs in hand) and realize they've grown too attached to each other to part just yet, and the ninja learn a whole lesson about not underestimating their enemy. But there's still a lot I need to work out...
I really need to rewatch Rise of the Snakes, huh 😅
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yanderemommabean · 5 years
Fireside Chat
“Please don’t make me be alone with your father.” I asked my husband as we walked closer and closer to the castle’s library.
“If you’re worried he’ll harm you, I can easily reassure you, he won’t. You’re the love of my life. My happiness in this dark world. And now you’ve given me another thing to be happy about...” He said resting a hand on my noticeable bump “He’d sooner die.”
“I know. A part of me just feels like he resents me somewhat. Because I’m human.” I sighed.
“It’s been six years, love. He knows you had nothing to do with my mother’s death. You would’ve tried to stop it if you could.” He continued to reassure.
‘It was still his wife he lost. Six years isn’t long enough to make peace with that.’ I thought to myself.
As we arrived at the doors to the library, Alucard turned to fully face me. “I have to go see Belmont. He found something that he wants me to examine. I should be back in a few days.”
“Tell him to give my best to Sypha. And thank her for the blanket.” I smiled leaning in to kiss him.
As we parted he knelt down to face my growing abdomen. “You be good for your mother, understand? I expect to hear no complaints about unnecessarily forceful kicking this time. I love you, little one. I’ll be home soon.” He smiled softly as he kissed my abdomen.
“Be safe. I love you.” I said. My promise I ask him to keep every time he travels.
“I will, love. Get some rest. My father will make sure to help you if you need it. And I love you too.” He said kissing my forehead.
Hearing his retreating footsteps, I opened one of the massive doors to reveal the immense library hidden away in the castle. And sitting by the large fireplace, reading an ancient tome was the lord of all vampires, immortal being, and father-in law himself. Taking a deep breath I padded over to one of the luxurious armchairs by the fireplace and sat down.
“Good evening.” I mumbled quietly.
“Good evening, Y/n. Alucard left I assume?” Vlad asked not even looking up from the book.
“Yes he just left. He said he shouldn’t be more than a couple of days.” I confirmed.
“Good.” He commented turning a page.
Sensing that the conversation would go nowhere at this point I decided to look for a book to read to pass the time. As I carefully stood up however, the baby decided to give me a well placed kick in my side causing me to groan a little bit under my breath.
“Y/n are you alright?” Vlad asked.
I nodded my head. “Yes, the baby just gave me a pretty strong kick. It’s just making sure to let me know it’s still there.”
“Alucard was the same way when Lisa was pregnant with him.” He said.
“Really.” I asked surprised that he would mention something so personal to me.
“If I remember correctly he was fondest of kicking her in the early evening. I assume that also had to do with his biology being part vampire, but there were many an evening of her trying to sleep with him disturbing her.” He continued.
“Well hopefully this little one doesn’t take after their father in that sense.” I chuckled placing both my hands on my bump.
“And if I also remember, there was a way to calm him down. Would you allow me to try?” He asked.
“It wouldn’t hurt to try.” I smiled sitting back down.
Vlad stood up and placed the tome on his seat and walked over to me and knelt down. He then placed his hand on my abdomen causing me to jump.
“It’s alright Y/n. Just relax.” Vlad reassured.
The baby began to repeatedly kick as if recognizing that it was their grandfather resting his hand on my growing belly.
Vlad chuckled feeling the kicks. “Hello little one. It seems you’ve been giving your mother a hard time. Listen to my voice, little one.”
And then he began to do something unlike anything I’d expect. He started humming.
It was a simple lullaby. And yet from the look on his face as he hummed, it was a lullaby that was treasured and meaningful. A lullaby sung to soothe late night wails, lull a restless child to sleep, and a song that bonded an infant son to his father.
As he finished humming, the baby stopped kicking and moving. Like father, like child.
“Thank you, Vlad.” I smiled.
“You’re welcome Y/n. I know I seem distant when I’m near you. I just want you to know you’ve done nothing wrong. You remind me of Lisa. The way you’re selfless reminds me of her very much. When you first became pregnant, I began to realize how similar you and Alucard are to when Lisa and I were first married. I only want for you both to be just as happy. This child has made me realize that I can still find joy in this world by being grandfather.” Vlad explained.
After wiping away several tears that had welled up in my eyes without realizing I looked up at him. “I’d really like that. I’m sure they would too.”
((Wonderful submission bean!!! I love the fluff!!!))
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gayregis · 6 years
geralt x regis summarized
so let me go over what i think is geregis one more time... i think it would be helpful if i took this chronologically and went through all of their interactions in the books & blood n’ wine
geregis is inchresting in contrast to ships like geralt/yen or gerlion because unlike those two, it’s NOT love at first sight. it begins with... acquaintanceship, with actually a bit of (hidden) apprehension on regis’s end. every member of the hansa has... motives that don’t amount to more than “we are friends, so i will fight for you and your family” but when geralt and regis meet, they aren’t even friends yet, and they have a lot of reason to dislike each other in fact... at least on regis’s end... geralt doesn’t Know yet because... either he’s dumb or regis is smart but i’m gonna go for both... anyways...
they don’t know each other and the only motive i can assign regis at this point in the story is sheer curiosity and intrigue, and of course goodwill... not only does the opportunity to adventure away from the now warring (and blood-covered! not good for sobreity!) land of brugge present itself, but to meet and interact with a witcher... and not just any witcher, geralt of rivia, and not just THAT, but also an epic quest to find his surprise child... it’s such a convoluted kind of knowledge and experience well that he couldn’t just refuse, right? also, i think he had become accustomed to village peasant life and made peace with that part of his past, with those peoples he had wronged... but he had never made peace with a witcher yet.
so the opportunity presents itself and they journey forwards... and as they come to the peasant camp (approaching the horseshoe incident) as geralt and regis relationship stands, it’s leaning towards the beginning of a strong friendship. or at least, geralt actually likes regis’s company, which is bananas to say because this witcher isn’t nice to like ANYONE around him. geralt doesn’t have suspicions about regis’s true identity either, and that allows geralt to begin fully investing himself into this practical stranger. though i’d interpret regis as being more closed off because he, of course, knows his truth. which relates in turn to an imbalance and an anxiousness...
an anxiousness that comes to a head with the rescue of geralt and dandelion. at this point, i think regis has become equally invested in geralt and the rest of the hansa, if he wasn’t already. he could have left at any moment, really, so choosing to rescue them... a bold move, one committed out of friendship and comradery. though this comradery would then be destroyed as he performed the rescue...
geralt is cold when he confronts regis, both in the prison and after, after regis tends to dandelion. what i find peculiar about these scenes is that geralt doesn’t perform any typical witcher-y condemnations, any sort of, “you’re despicable filth / a monster / you don’t deserve my mercy” etc., etc... instead, he does something kind of unusual for facing a supposed enemy and simply asks regis to leave... not in an angry manner, not in a harsh manner. of course, regis tests this, badly, because he’s a bitch who probably thought this was kinda funny, but this whole confrontation is actually emotional for geralt. he’s reserved and cold because he wants to be friends with regis still, but he knows that due to his profession, role... and due to regis’s past, which he doesn’t know at the moment, but very likely assumed he still drinks... it cannot work. or so he presumes. but because of this, geralt is agitated and upset. he’s upset himself because he’s realized that this relationship, which is just the budding of a strong friendship at the moment, cannot work.
it’s interesting to see the apprehension in the relationship turn sides from regis to geralt as regis’s identity is revealed. at the beginning, regis is the one who is closed off (although for regis it doesn’t seem like it much... but him being secretive of his identity is being closed off, because he’s not sharing his true opinions on things, etc.). then geralt becomes apprehensive and withdrawn as regis actually is more inclined to help and give advice.
then, after the fish soup, geralt actually becomes... defensive of regis, almost? at least, he retorts to dandelion and milva that they should trust regis and ask him about his background themselves... his apprehension disappears over the bonding of another simple fireside chat. at this point, i think he realized that he was not betrayed by finding out that regis was a vampire, but instead that he had befriended a vampire from the beginning — and that regis was no different with or without his true identity revealed. so geralt realizes this and accepts that he has befriended and enjoys the company of a vampire, and accepted that regis doesn’t pose a threat. it could also be that geralt is overwhelmed and chalks this bizarre relationship up to fate as much as it is a bizarre occurence that he is now a father on an epic quest to locate and rescue his adoptive child. the unpredictable happens.
geralt isn’t even entirely judgemental when regis tells of his past. he makes some comments to judge vampire society as a whole, but not directly regis. and these comments regis agrees with, or does not find reason to argue. he’s empathetic to the affairs of humans and he judges his own past harshly enough for all five of them. so geralt makes nothing of the opportunity to berate regis. because, oddly enough, he trusts him... they trust each other.
here’s where it gets gay, aka my OWN personal conjecture and interpretaion, aka your chance to stop reading if you’ve happened across this post and “accidentally” read half of it.
regis becomes a very valued confidant of geralt’s... he respects his actions, asks for his advice, for his help, for his thoughts. for him... and one could argue that this is in lieu of dandelion because he’s, er, absent. but even in other situations preceding entry into beauclair, such as when regis treats the prophetic girl, on barge and during the battle of the bridge when aids milva, when he offers the help of, and communicates between the flaminca and geralt. geralt continually chooses to trust regis in all of these situations, because he well and truly does. in any of this situations, he could have objected, accused regis of lying or manipulation, but no... on top of this, he talks to him, asks for his opinion, divulges anxieties. he raises his suspicions against cahir to regis, which just demonstrates that he considers regis such an integral part of the company that he would be able to decide its members.
they talk incessently, geralt begins to speak highly of regis and continues to defend him... he states that he considers regis a friend (and catches regis off-guard), he lies to the chambermaid in beauclair and says that regis is of noble birth, he demands that regis not be excluded from his conversation with the knights and his emotions were so strong towards this that he forgot that regis would be able to hear anyways if he was excluded...
regis also demonstrates a keenness for geralt, to fringilla, as he argues for what seems like the first and only time in the series. he’s calm and collected, as he usually is, but in his tongue there’s an upset and defensive nature... it’s almost, but i would say is, jealousy. he states, “no one in this company has helped the witcher more than you,” which i find to be of a sarcastic and slightly bitter nature. but it’s not just jealousy that leads regis in this argument, it’s also feelings of protection of geralt as well. he knows, can sense, however regis gets his information as we don’t know how he knows what he knows (he just knows), that geralt and fringilla’s relationship isn’t of an exactly exceedingly loving nature... it’s filled with arguments, manipulation, distrust, anger... with regis being highly empathetic i would say that he could sense this from geralt, but i digress. he disapproves of fringilla’s behavior because she is manipulative of geralt and is attempting to keep him from leaving and finding his daughter so that he may stay in toussaint with her, in this dreamy land.
what i find remarkable about this scene is that regis doesn’t discuss geralt’s quest in a particularly optimistic light. in another work of fiction perhaps, the character would defend geralt’s quest as it would be successful and heroic and beautiful... but regis doesn’t pose it as that, he just describes it what must happen, and what is fated to happen. but he also talks about how any beautiful dream, dreamed too much, can turn into a nightmare, and from this we awake with a scream.
i interpret these two themes of regis’s dissertion to be reflective of his OWN thoughts and feelings towards geralt at this moment in the books. regis has fallen a bit for geralt, but doesn’t find it possible — he likely presumes him heterosexual ((think of ALL of the sorceresses geralt has banged)) and also recognizes the whole witcher/vampire debacle. and on top of this, they’re friends. there’s a fear of ruining this special friendship they’ve cultivated. their friendship is so valuable to regis (re: “friend?”) that he wouldn’t dare do anything to disturb it. so instead, he’s decided to accept reality, the road awaiting them. the dream that he dreams of geralt responding to this affection not what is fated, so he is not allowing himself to go on with it.
but from what we’ve seen from geralt, ie. his unwaning trust in regis, protection/defense of him, respect and genuine intrigue in him — as well as tolerance of him — think of regis appearing twice after geralt told him that it would be best if they never saw one another again, regis asking his hypothetical value, giving unsolicited advice, sitting calmly as geralt tells everyone to pack up to leave toussaint and instead asking him how his day was... geralt honestly cares for him too. add their frequent walks in the palace gardens of beauclair, and a relationship isn’t too farfetched.
of course, all of this is denied towards the end of the lady of the lake, as... yes... we all know. but also, at stygga, geralt chooses again and again to trust regis. when regis says he thinks a reconnaisance flight might be in order— geralt immediately okays it, and doesn’t flinch when he disappears. geralt doesn’t rage at him when he says he left ciri because she told him to warm him instead... and he doesn’t do anything more than eye him suspiciously when he says he ‘could knock down this entire castle.’
geralt’s last words to regis are to be careful. because he cares about him. he wants him to stay in his life. but regis sacrifices himself because he didn’t join geralt to not act when the time needed him. he joined so that he could protect him, and see him and his family happy.
if we are going to stick with themes of jealousy leftover from the argument with fringilla, one could say that regis could also be jealous of yennefer as well because she was dating geralt. i would contest this because unlike fringilla, regis sees that yennefer is good for geralt, they have a relationship together that isn’t destructive and hungry like how he and fringilla were... regis could have very well let yennefer die, if he were that much in love with geralt, right? but that wouldn’t be love, that would be domination. instead, because he loved him, he chose to die. because he knew that to be with yennefer, alive and well, would finally give geralt peace. he made that sacrifice because he felt that reuniting with his family would bring him peace...
geralt doesn’t understand this, i think. he looks at a melted column and thinks “my friend is dead,” not “he died because he valued me.” he is relieved to be with his family, exhausted of fighting and surviving and protecting, thankful that ciri and yen are safe... AND he also mourns, experiences such grief and sadness over his lost compatriots... one emotional turmoil has been lifted, but another, which is just beginning, has been placed upon him.
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obsidianarchives · 5 years
Game of Thrones Recap: S8E2 - "A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms"
Let me get this out of the way up top, I am and have always been a sucker for bottle episodes. While your mileage may vary and I can understand being disappointed if you were expecting more plot than character payoffs, this was everything I could have asked for in a prelude to the devastation we all know is coming. Only one location this week, so let’s get into it.
I don’t know what Jaime thought was going to happen, but the Kingslayer showed up about 19,999 soldiers short on the bill and was immediately hemmed up and brought to trial after arriving in Winterfell like a thief in the night. Daenerys was ready to feed Drogon the man who killed her father (and if he kept pushing it, a side of Tyrion), and Sansa was all too ready to help before Brienne of Tarth stepped in to vouch for him. Finally giving respect to the depths of their relationship, her word was enough for the Lady of Winterfell and Jon, who wants NO smoke between his sister and his love, is just happy to have another hand in the fight. He exits stage left, giving Dany the cold shoulder as soon as she bangs the gavel, ignoring his beloved like he’s 1995 Dumbledore.
Ratbag, slave trader, creepy old pervert Jorah, who for some reason is still hanging around, managed to convince Daenerys to save Tyrion’s head and job as Hand for now and also advised her to have a direct conversation with Sansa instead of ruling by exchanging petty looks. In an overdue change, we’re getting to the point and having characters act like adults instead of talking about each other this season. There is a thawing of relations, as the two powerful leaders find common ground and Sansa explains that her standoffish nature is less about Dany specifically and more about ensuring the protection of her people.
She knows men do stupid things in love (and out of love) and while the Dragon must have three heads, Sansa wants to make sure her people are protected should Jon make decisions with the wrong one. She apologizes for the lack of formalities last episode, but isn’t here for the kiki and wants to know what will happen to the North after the battle with the dead. Dany is as non-committal as Stevie J, but her answer is cut short by the arrival of Theon back in Winterfell. I didn’t like the looks Sansa and Theon were exchanging here, but hopefully it’s just the bonds of friendship and not a more romantic suggestion. I have never seen it for Theon, his redemption arc, shipping him with anyone other than death, or as a staff, record label, and a MFing crew and I’m not about to start now.
The Night’s Watch and Brotherhood Without Banners holdouts (primarily Tormund and Dolorous Edd) made their way to Winterfell from the disaster with the Umbers at Last Hearth less than a day ahead of the army of the Dead. With all the expected players finally assembled, the armies of the living try to come up with some sort of strategy, and their plan centers around setting up Bran as bait to get the Night King in the open. For the first time we begin to get some sense of what the White Walkers may actually want, and chief among that is killing Bran as the holder of living memory. Theon volunteers to guard him, which means he’s as good as dead, but no great loss there. Breaking up the war council, Jon avoids Dany again, still having not told her about being first in line for the throne.
After experiencing even more microaggressions, Missandei and Grey Worm realize they’ll never be welcomed in Westeros, and being disgusted with the racism, make plans to retire somewhere warm and safe when this is all over. Which means they’re going to die. BUT THEY’D BETTER NOT! I need someone to rescue them and fly them to Wakanda. By the old Gods and the new.
GHOST BYKE! They finally remembered Jon’s closest companion and friend was not one of the direwolves they needlessly killed, as Winterfell is transformed to the Wall South. We see Jon, Edd, and Sam once again as the Watchers on the Wall, this time atop the Starks’ castle, reflecting on all they’ve seen and mourning their fallen brothers Grenn and Pyp. Inside, Jaime and Tyrion are also going down memory lane, which turns into a fireside chat joined by Brienne, Podrick (who Neville Longbottom’d ALL the way up), Tormund, and Davos. Tormund tries to measure his dick against Jaime and teaches the children about the virtues of calcium.
Trading war stories and all this unlikely group have survived to this point, Tormund — ever the feminist — is disgusted that Brienne is not yet a knight. After she downplays how much the honor would mean to her, Jaime realizes it’s past due and as an anointed knight himself, commands Brienne to kneel as he confers the honor upon her. There’s a touching bit of hesitation on her part, as a woman who has been taunted all her life has to pause to see if this is just another mockery, but in a stirring and surprisingly intimate scene, she finally attains her lifelong goal. Which, unfortunately, means she’s also going to die.
Atop the walls, the Hound and Arya are having another one of their stilted, yet loving conversations, during which Sandor Clegane admits fighting for her changed him. However, being interrupted by Lord Beric reminds Arya there’s somewhere she’d rather be and goes to find Gendry. After stalking her prey and realizing Gendry is here for her murderous ways and still as fine as ever, she drops all pretense and asks his body count as she starts stripping, deciding she wants to celebrate Easter Sunday by hopping on that boy right there in the forge. Our little baby psychopath is all grown up and made good on six years of lust.
Outside, Lady Lyanna Mormont read her cousin Jorah for filth for even fixing his mouth to tell her anything. Unfortunately, the scene did NOT end with her banishing him from the North and our sight, but with Sam rewarding the worthless weasel with the Tarly family’s Valyrian steel sword “Heartsbane” in memory of Lord Commander Jeor Mormont. Back at the fire, Podrick channels his inner Pippin from Lord of the Rings and uses his gifted pipe, er…pipes to sing on the verge of battle. As we see a montage of loving couples (and Sansa x Theon) spending their last night together, we end with Daenerys finally walking up on Jon in the crypts as he stares at his mother’s statue. Jon finally tells her the truth about Rhaegar and Lyanna, and by extension, himself. Instantly, the love leaves Dany’s eyes and she looks at Jon now as a threat and rival, growing colder than the winter outside. Before they can finish their conversation however, they are interrupted by horn blasts. The dead are here. It’s. About. To. Go. DOWN!
With next week’s “Battle of Winterfell” bearing constant comparisons to the Battle of Helm’s Deep in Peter Jackson’s The Two Towers, it’s interesting that this episode should share so much in common tonally with The Return of the King: a kingdom on the edge of war, awaiting its inevitable destruction before the dawnless day. The episode posits that life is intrinsically linked to memory and history. What better way to spend a last night with the forces of the living than by reminiscing. The last enemy that must be defeated is death, but the battle is not lost as long as the memory of what was lost is preserved.
Book-Specific Notes: I try to keep theories and predictions (at least those informed by the text) separate for the particularly spoiler-averse, so read on at your own discretion. The choice to use Jenny of Oldstones for Podrick to sing before the battle was potentially telling. For a refresher, this is also the song that Tom of Sevenstreams sings as payment to the Ghost of High Heart for her visions. The song laments the Tragedy of Summerhall, which saw the death of several legendary figures, but was also the night Jon’s father (and Daenerys’s brother) Rhaegar Targaryen was born. The Jenny of the song is the wife of Duncan Targaryen, who gave up his claim to succession and chance to rule the Iron Throne out of love. It's also strongly hinted that the Ghost of High Heart is the same witch who made the prophecy that The Prince That Was Promised would come from that specific Targaryen lineage.
I wouldn’t go so far as to say the show is tipping its hand yet, but there are a number of interesting parallels. But also, the lyrics might spell trouble for those that we saw in the montage as Pod sang:
High in the halls of the kings who are gone Jenny would dance with her ghosts. The ones she had lost and the ones she had found And the ones who had loved her the most.
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