#and even salem can use elemental powers except she was born able to do that naturally so we dont talk about it
ryuto12 · 1 year
Never allow yourself to lose touch with the fact that the entire fucking population of Remnant (except for one bitch who is long past her death date) has access to elemental-based superpowers, and chooses to not learn how to use them.
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louloutche · 4 years
Motherland Fort Salem 1x07 - Mother Mycelium
Here we go again, here are my thoughts on that week’s episode.
The opening scene
First of all: the opening scene. It was pretty obvious that the episode would start with that but wow. The confrontation between Scylla and Alder, the illusion, the tension. It was intense and that’s why I loved every second of that. If I’m not wrong, this scene was also the first one where we got a glimpse of the Spree’s motivations. Now it’s starting to make sense. They are primarily opposed to the conscription but they are targeting civilians because they are the ones they actually hate. They think (and they might be right) that the hunt is not over, just different now, and all witches should be free of the humans. Now, we can actually identify with them and understand their motivations.
I knew from the beginning I would like that character and I was right. How could you not?
Abigail at the beginning of the season every time Raelle did anything:
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Abigail since ep 1x06 every time Raelle does anything:
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She’s so supportive and that’s so beautiful. A real link is creating between Raelle and her and I’m here for that. I think sooner or later Raelle is going to push Abigail away because she feels smothered maybe? Deep down she’s glad that Abigail cares about her, but she’s been so used to rely only on herself that she will probably have a hard time believing that someone is willing to throw themselves under the train for her.
Honestly, some people say and/or wish Raelle is going to take responsibilities and become the head of the unit, but I wouldn’t mind if she didn’t. I think Abigail is a great leader because she’s devoted and protective, even if she doesn’t admit it.
Also, in this episode, we’re starting to see Abigail’s convictions crumble. Adil will be the element that will make her question the army more and more. He’s already started. He’s here to defy the idealized picture of the army she has been fed since she was born and prove there are always different sizes on a war. Not one, not even two, but many sizes and more often than not, innocent people, civilians suffer. Some people said they didn’t like the show because they thought it was glorifying the army. I don’t know where they got that impression from. Maybe Alder, but for the rest, I don’t really see any idolization and it was pretty obvious considering the angle the show was taking right from the beginning that there wouldn’t be such thing. Now we know there won’t be any.
To close that part about Abigail, I would love for her to develop a really bond with Augustin and whatever that other guy’s name is. It doesn’t mean I want them to have a romantic relationship (pretty easy to guess Adil will be her love interest) and I’m not even talking about friendship without sex. They could be friends with benefits. I’d just like to see her develop a meaningful friendship with them beyond sex. Just a personal wish.
We didn’t see much of her in that episode. I was disappointed, but that’s often the case in TV shows, not all characters can be at the center of each episode. Nevertheless I enjoyed that scene in the forest where Raelle tried to confront her. She will probably discover the truth soon, because Tally will tell her or in some other way. It could happen in the last episode, it would be one of the cliffhangers of the finale and would be pretty interesting in fact.
I hadn’t commented on that so far, but I find it really interesting that her magic is based on speaking instead of singing. That’s a nice callback to paganism. But that’s precisely why I wonder why the girl said it was “pagan nonsense” or whatever. Their way of life is pagan. They celebrate Beltane, which is a pagan celebration, they refer to “the goddess”, which is probably the Triple Goddess (also called Hecate), they honor earth (Adil did in that episode). They are the definition of pagan witches, so I don’t understand why that girl would say that.
Now, that scene where Raelle fixed Khalida. She knows something is wrong and we know it too. It’s very clear that despite what Abigail said about Raelle being powerful and getting better, something unusual happened. Or didn’t happen precisely. Maybe the mushroom has something to do with that? Maybe Khalida is not really cured? That last guess doesn’t seem very likely to me, I think she is cured. But maybe that thing that was poisoning her got scared by Raelle and went away somehow, maybe it will infect someone else. But for me the best lead is the mushroom.
It was pretty easy to see even before Anacostia said it that she was starting to have regrets. Her tears were for Raelle, for the shock of what Anacostia just did to her, but also for the realization of what she had done. Speaking of what Anacostia did to her, I wonder if they will treat it later. I don’t know if she’s the only witch able to do that in Fort Salem (I will speculate on that below), but there’s no doubt that being the victim of such invasion must be traumatic and Scylla might and should suffer aftereffects.
Raylla reunion
That. Scene. Was. So. Intense. Like, I said the opening scene was, but it was nothing compared to that one. Kudos to Amalia and Taylor. Their acting was on point, I almost cried. This was really, really impressive. I wish Scylla had told the truth, but at the end of the day, maybe it’s better. Raelle and her have such a special bond, I think that it will have more impact when the moment comes that Scylla told her that she loves her and she wouldn’t do anything to hurt her, instead of telling her what she had done and add something like “it was for the good of our people” or something like that. And I think Scylla understands Raelle very well and knows what will be efficient when the time comes. Raelle will be pissed when the truth comes out, but in my opinion she will be more inclined to take Scylla’s side (Scylla will probably not stay with the Spree much longer once she's out of this imprisonment and her side will be her own side) with what she told her. Once again, kudos to both of the actresses for that heartbreaking but beautiful scene.
But also, I'm not sure what was their purpose when they brought Raelle. Of course they wanted to weaken Scylla (Amalia confirmed it) and it worked, but did they have other intentions? Maybe Raelle wasn’t just a tool and she was also one of the goals. When she knocked everybody out during training and Izadora briefly talked to her, she said something like “let the army make you stronger”. It’s clear the army is very interested in Raelle, and for good reasons. What if they were trying to make sure she lays on them so that when the time is right, they can use her? They probably want her on their side, because she’s powerful and because she expressed her hatred, or at least her dislike toward the army, and it makes her dangerous. So maybe they have a plan and for that, they needed her to see Scylla without knowing who was holding and/or to be weakened and confused (what is real and what is not? did she dream? is she crazy? it could lead to (self)isolation and thus vulnerability), so that they can “come at her rescue”.
She will be a key element, there is no doubt about that. We can easily guess that sooner or later, probably not in season 1 but maybe in next seasons if the show is renewed, there will be a rebellion inside the army. It might be small with just Raelle, Scylla and a few others. Or it might be big. Like really big. My guess is that it’s going to start small and then it will get out of hand and there will be an actual mutiny against Alder and the established power. Some rebels might join the Spree, although I doubt it (if they do there are going to be few of them), some might just create their own new group, and that’s where it would become interesting, because then, people like Scylla who joined the Spree out of frustration and desperation might find something closer to their aspirations in that new group. Anyway, I’m drifting away.
If what I’m hypothesizing happens (not a very risky theory, but still), Anacostia will have a very important role. We knew at some point she would doubt Alder, and here we are. It was also very likely that sooner or later, she would have consideration and empathy for Scylla, and here we are. She had probably already noticed here and there that some of the things Alder was doing were not right, but now she’s slowly starting to realize that Alder’s is misusing her power. Or maybe she’s not there yet, but she will be. And I think that what Alder told her really hurt her. Not because of the words she used, because yes, it’s true and pretty logical that as an orphan, Anacostia has “a soft spot for orphans”. But the tone she used and the way she looked at her... Well, all that wasn’t very motherly, friendly or even sympathetic and I think Anacostia noticed the difference compared to the way she usually talks to her.
I will write it in the part about Anacostia, but now it’s about Alder too. I think one of the reasons why she reacted this way is because she’s freaking out at the mere idea of losing Anacostia. There might be personal feelings involved and of course she’s not stupid, she knows she’s on the edge and you might say “everybody wants her head”, so she doesn’t need to have one of her most loyal soldiers against her on top of that. But I’m pretty sure there’s something else. As I said above, I don’t know if Anacostia is the only witch able to do what she did with Scylla, but probably. While watching the episode, I was wondering if each witch had a special ability, but I don’t think so. They are better in different fields, just like every average human, but I don’t think they have “special attacks”. I think Anacostia is an exception. Beyond the fact that she’s super powerful, she has a gift. There’s a reason why Alder took interest in Anacostia above all the other orphans she raised other than the fact that Anacostia is completely devoted to her and very talented (I believe Alder complimented her on that in the scene where we saw the orphans). By the way, the devotion is starting to crumble and that’s probably what pushed Alder to react that way. Anacostia is probably some sort of “special weapon” for her, and she understands she might lose her. Alder showed up to interrogate Scylla herself, but Scylla didn’t talk despite her attempt to make her. She was already here, so why didn’t she infiltrate Scylla’s spirit herself? Probably because she can’t. She must be more powerful than Anacostia, but she can’t do what she does and that’s (one of the reasons) why she needs her and she was so upset when she saw Anacostia show signs of weakness.
That little girl is crazy talented. The character, but also the actress. I don’t know how old she is, but an experimented and very good actress like Lyne was impressed (she talked about it in After The Storm). She said she had a very strong presence on set and I’m not surprised because it shows on screen. I can’t wait to see what will be her role in the next episodes. But seriously, can you imagine how powerful she is? She put Alder on her knees, both metaphorically and literally. I’m really excited to see what’s next.
Other questions, assumptions, thoughts, etc
When Izadora slit that girl’s throat? Disgusting in more ways than one. Can you imagine how f*cked up you have to be to do that kind of thing. And yes, she’s a bit creepy, maybe not all instructors would go that far, but it shows the kind of people the army is creating or at least letting fight in their rows and teach. Also, the fact that they could knock Raelle, Tally and Abigail out so easily was disturbing too. They’re only in their first year, we can guess older and more experimented witches might be able to resist or at least feel it, but still. Can you imagine what kind of power teachers and instructors have on you if they can do that?
This is kind of creepy that these old ladies are following Alder everywhere she goes (and hissing when she’s pissed). Don’t get me wrong, even if they don’t have any lines, I think that’s great that these old actresses got these roles. But story-wise, that must be strange for people around Alder. I guess they have to be near her for the spell to work (maybe it was explained off screen and I just didn’t see/hear it).
Witch daddy talked about revocation of the accord? That’s getting serious! It will be very interesting if it gets this far.
Did Khalida knew Raelle’s name because of the linking? Or is she some ancient entity / old wise lady in a child body? That was a bit disturbing. I like the character because but she is kind of creepy and have a strange way to speak and interact with people, even her brother.
How is Adil able to use magic? I thought only women could in witches lineage. Or maybe it’s true only for some ethnies or not for others?
There was a shift for two characters in that episode, Abigail and Anacostia, and I can’t wait to see where it leads them.
We didn’t see Bridey :( I hope she’s going to be back soon! But I doubt it, because it seems that time gaps between episodes are pretty long (or not always, because I don’t think Scylla has been sequestrated for that long, but I might be wrong) and we didn’t see her once in that episode while she was following Abigail like her shadow in the last one. But I’m hopeful, she might be back as a soldier and not Abigail’s bodyguard.
What will happen to Scylla now? They have a location and there will be an attack, but on a more personal level, they know that she murdered civilians. Will they keep her alive to get other information? Are they planning to kill her as soon as the attack is over? I’m a bit worried.
I will conclude this long as* post by saying that this mission is gonna be a disaster. Tally feels guilty, Raelle puked just before leaving the base and she’s very disturbed after seeing Scylla, Abigail is not focused because she’s bothered by what Adil told her and she's worried about Raelle but also probably about Tally because there’s no doubt she noticed she was avoiding Raelle. It’s going to be a mess.
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aion-rsa · 4 years
Marvel’s WandaVision Episode 8: MCU Easter Eggs and Reference Guide
This article contains WandaVision episode 8 spoilers and potential spoilers for the wider MCU.
“You didn’t think you were the only magical girl in town, did you?” 
Agatha Harkness makes good on that line from last week’s episode in WandaVision episode 8, which functions as a trip through Wanda Maximoff’s entire MCU history. Not only does it reveal previously hidden (and crucially necessary) depths to her character and her relationship with Vision, but it successfully adds new elements to her established origin story. These new wrinkles pull from Wanda’s entire Marvel history, and have massive implications for magic users and even mutants in the MCU going forward.
Here’s what we found…
Sitcom Influences
Among the bootleg DVDs Wanda’s father is selling we can see Bewitched, Malcolm in the Middle, I Love Lucy, Who’s the Boss?, I Dream of Jeannie, and The Addams Family, all of which have been major touchstones for WandaVision throughout its run. But Wanda’s favorite? That would be The Dick Van Dyke Show.
The Dick Van Dyke Show episode that the Maximoffs watch is season 2 episode 21 “It May Look Like A Walnut”, or as Wanda’s dad calls it “the walnut episode!” This installment finds Rob Petrie (Van Dyke) staying up late to watch a spooky sci-fi movie on TV, while his wife Laura (Mary Tyler Moore) tries to ignore it because it freaks her out. In the movie, aliens from the planet Twilo come to Earth in disguise to slow down humanity’s development by feeding us walnuts that contain the chemical element “absorbitron.” The walnuts take away our creativity and our thumbs – the two things that get us into outer space to challenge their Twiloian supremacy. The next day, walnuts seem to be the only food that Rob can find. He comes to believe that Laura is either playing a trick on him, or that the Twiloites have really invaded.
Why would WandaVision go out of its way to mention this episode in particular? Well, Wanda can certainly empathize with a protagonist who comes to believe his world is fabricated. And Marvel Phase 4 does seem destined to spend quite a bit more time in space.
The scene of Malcolm in the Middle that Vision watches but doesn’t quite understand has Hal build a deck, only for it to collapse on him. In the third WandaVision episode intro, Vision builds a swingset, only for it to suddenly collapse in front of him.
Wanda’s father sold DVDs as a trade and even had a Malcolm in the Middle box set in there. That’s pretty damn impressive, since he was killed by that bomb in 1999 and the show didn’t start airing until early 2000. That’s some Spaceballs VHS technology right there!
While at the HYDRA facility, Wanda watches The Brady Bunch. The episode appears to be season 1’s “Kitty Karry-All Is Missing.” When Cindy Brady’s beloved Kitty Karry-All goes missing, she thinks her brother Bobby stole her. The Bradys have a trial and everything! But it turns out the Bradys’ dog Tiger actually took Kitty Karry-All. Perhaps that’s why Agatha needed Sparky out of the way – dogs are unpredictable.
Wanda’s assurance that “He’s not really injured. It’s not that kind of show” is as much a commentary on superhero storytelling in both comics and in movies as it is about sitcoms.
Agatha Harkness
Kicking things off with an Agatha Harkness origin story is an inspired move…
Placing Agatha’s origin in witch-trial era Salem in 1693 ends up being a little piece of misdirection. She’s not on trial for being a witch, but rather by her own coven for seeking too much power. 
We get a sense of Agatha’s family here, with Agatha’s mother leading the coven against her while Agatha is still just a young witch. This doesn’t match her comics origin, where she was already centuries old by the time the Salem Witch Trials rolled around – she is old enough to remember Atlantis being above water. In the comics, she was a leader of the Salem community when the trials began. 
Agatha’s mother’s name is Evanora Harkness. She doesn’t appear to have a counterpart in the comics.
The Latin chant that the witches are repeating appears to be “mors monstru naturale” which would translate to “natural death is a monster,” which…given Agatha’s seemingly immortal nature, tracks pretty well.
The magical “crown” of energy that appears on Agatha’s mother’s head very faintly resembles the headgear that Wanda wears in the comics as the Scarlet Witch. Granted, it’s blue here.
Agatha’s use of “purple energy” may be the most damning sign of her intentions yet. In comics, purple is often coded as the color of villains.
We also learn the origin of the brooch Agatha has been wearing all through this series, with Agatha having taken it off her mother’s corpse. 
In the final scene with Agatha and the twins, she floats above them and holds them at will like marionettes. This is probably a reference to Master Pandemonium, whose reveal made the children look like hand puppets…except they were his actual hands.
Because comics!
Let’s dig into some of the spells Agatha says…is one of them “crystallum possession”. I also definitely heard an Imperio something in there, which calls to mind the Imperius curse from TERF High Harry Potter. The Imperius curse allowed the witch or wizard to control the victim’s body like a puppet.
The Scarlet Witch
Hoo-boy, we get a LOT of Wanda’s comics lore introduced in this episode…
This episode makes it pretty clear that Wanda was born with her abilities and that Strucker’s experiments merely amplified them. Should we officially welcome mutants to the MCU? If her powers were latent, then perhaps so were Pietro’s. The fact that Strucker’s experiments killed all the subjects except for Wanda and Pietro could be seen as further evidence of their mutant heritage.
We get some very different explanations of Wanda’s magical powers than we’ve had in the past, all via Agatha, and all of them referencing various ways Wanda’s powers have been explained in the comics in the past.
Why didn’t that Stark Industries bomb explode and kill Wanda and Pietro? She may have unknowingly cast a “probability hex” on it. For many years Wanda’s “magical” powers were explained as a mutant ability to alter the probability of outcomes, no matter how unlikely.
Later, it was revealed that she was a master of “chaos magic,” another term introduced here. Furthermore, now it seems that being able to wield chaos magic gives Wanda a specific magical title, that of “Scarlet Witch.” We…do not have to tell you where that comes from.
The vision (sorry) that the Mind Stone gives Wanda would appear to be one of her future, fully Scarlet Witch-ified self. This particular costume, which evokes a long jacket and crown, is very similar to the one she’s worn in the most recent Marvel Comics.
When Agatha finally discovers that Wanda is the Scarlet Witch, she says that the Scarlet Witch was supposed to be “a myth.” Big Buffy the Vampire Slayer vibes in this exchange! Buffy often faced off against foes who once thought she was just a fairytale created to spook demons and nothing more.
Agatha’s “That accent really comes and goes, doesn’t it?” is a terrific joke at the MCU’s expense. As well as her “so many costumes and hairstyles” also feels like a nod to Wanda’s changing looks in the comics just as much as it is about the chameleon-like nature of the WandaVision universe.
The scene of Wanda coming across the disassembled remnants of Vision’s body in the SWORD lab is taken from West Coast Avengers #43 into #44. Instead of dying heroically, Vision was taken out of commission by the world’s governments for trying to take over all of the world’s computers. He was reduced to nothing but metal and circuitry in order for writer John Byrne to drive home Vision’s lack of human biology. 
That disturbing scene of Vision being “dissected” with his body stretched out across multiple tables is a direct nod to a panel from those comics.
It also reminds us a little of how Thanos had Nebula pulled apart in Avengers: Endgame. At least Vision is offline!
Vision was then resurrected in the white form that we see here in the mid-credits scene, and brought back without his emotions or any connection to his past life as Wanda’s husband or Billy and Tommy’s father. This was one of the catalysts for Byrne sending Wanda into her Dark Scarlet Witch phase that abruptly ended when Byrne stormed off of West Coast Avengers for the cardinal sin of “being edited.” For more on this, type “Why did John Byrne” into Google and let autocomplete take you on a fun ride.
We’ll have more on White Vision in just a moment.
The Stark Bomb
The toaster commercial from the first episode was always supposed to be a reference to the Stark Industries bomb that tore apart the Maximoff household. That commercial also had the blinking red light of the toaster show up despite everything else being in black and white. We now see that the bomb itself had a very similar blinking red light and sound.
The popular running theory was that the commercials tracked to the different stones, and while that may still be applicable, do they also/instead track to Wanda’s memories or key parts of her life? 
We saw the toaster match up with the blinking light on the bomb.
We know the watch had the Hydra face on it. Could this match if future Wanda floating in through the stone was actually a paradox and not just a vision?
The paper towel commercial mentioned Lagos too prominently to not pair with that moment of trauma.
Does the fruit snack commercial match up with her conversation with Vision in the Avengers compound?
The anti-depressant commercial does track fairly well with Wanda’s visit to SWORD.
It feels like the only one that doesn’t have an obvious pair is the tesseract bubble bath. Give us a shout in the comments if you can figure out what that matches to.
When Wanda drives through Westview for the first time, she passes by the normal versions of Herb (John Collins), Mrs. Hart (Sharon Davis), and Phil (Harold Proctor). Notably, Harold is putting up an ad for piano lessons when in the second episode, playing the piano was his talent. It’s also when Wanda magically turned his grandmother’s piano into an illusion.
As Wanda transforms Westview, we see a billboard for “Super” paper towels become “Lagos” brand paper towels (ala the commercial from earlier this season), which “makes cleanup a snap!”
When the Coronet theater marquee transforms, it’s showing two Walt Disney Productions films of the appropriate WandaVision episode 1 era, Kidnapped and Big Red. But before that it’s showing Tannhauser Gate. Roy Batty, call your agent, please.
Fake Pietro
It’s revealed that “Pietro Maximoff” was indeed a complete fake. A “Fietro” as Agatha calls him. He became her “eyes and ears” and she refers to his manifestation as “a crystalline possession.” We sense there will be more revealed about this in the finale, as Evan Peters has been M.I.A. since his appearance in last week’s post-credits scene.
The Post-Credits Scene and White Vision
In West Coast Avengers #45, Vision’s personality was wiped completely, so by the time he was reassembled, he appeared as “White Vision”. He completely lacked emotion and didn’t even understand why Wanda was hugging him upon entering the room. This became the status quo version of Vision for a while until his old personality, look, and feelings for Wanda were eventually brought back. But hey, this version got to be a playable character in the 1991 arcade hit Captain America and the Avengers!
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What are the chances that White Vision will have James Spader’s voice?
We wrote more about that post-credits scene here.
Spot anything we missed? Let us know in the comments!
The post Marvel’s WandaVision Episode 8: MCU Easter Eggs and Reference Guide appeared first on Den of Geek.
from Den of Geek https://ift.tt/2Pb5kUp
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godmares-a · 5 years
so there are a few things to note when interacting with marilyn:
marilyn is immortal, she will not stay dead. she will either be reborn, blink back into existence at whatever age she died or come back to life.
marilyn is half an eldritch goddess / is a demi-goddess. she will eventually ascend and become a full goddess, however it's something that will be hard for her to achieve unless she's able to overcome something that helps her develop.
she is the direct spawn of one of the eldritch god twins her coven worships ( oriea and velias aka zakariah and seraphina. ), she is velias' daughter who was born into the blackwell family because of the immortality curse baring a prophecy.
spokane is a hub for supernatural creatures which is why marilyn and her family lived there in the first place, it's populated with a plethora of beings not just witches and vampires and werewolves.
marilyn's sense of smell is amazing and her intuition is usually never wrong, what i mean by this is she's able to feel when someone is not human as well as smell when someone is not human, at least usually. everything otherworldly and occult / paranormal has a scent that's distinct to them. marilyn's scent happens to be death and vanilla.
marilyn is powerful, she is made of pure power, she is a nexus of it. most creatures and humans are drawn to her because of this, and she is drawn to other powerful beings. she can both take and give power ( sort of like siphoning except she doesn't need to in order to use magic ). she's a demi-goddess and a witch, i will not tone down or water down how powerful she is for someone and if you don't like it then you're free to unfollow.
marilyn uses her powers for a majority of what she does, if her grades are bad she'll change them, she'll also use her powers to manipulate others and a situation ( i.e becoming captain of the cheer team. ). for verses like charmed or legacies you can assume that she uses her powers for personal gain as well as uses dark magic as it's what the blackwell's and the ignitis coven are known for.
marilyn is not inherently an evil or bad person, however she can be awful and rude. she was not raised in a loving home, does not know how to care properly for others or herself and is selfish for the most part. i don't condone a majority of her behavior or thoughts. she puts herself in harms way for those she loves or just for fun because she has immortality to fall back on and it's harmful to her as a person.
marilyn has been around since before the salem witch trials, she has died MANY times. she has died at the hands of humans she has told in confidence, she has died at the hands of her own family and coven ( her parents, mostly ) and she has died because of herself as well, but a lot of the time she dies because of someone or something else. she usually will die in her teens, but that doesn't mean she hasn't lived until she was an adult and after that.
marilyn's family do not age, her parents and grandparents stay the same age. marilyn is the only one who ages like normal. her family are immortal and cannot die at all. if marilyn dies and is to be reborn, her mother will birth her once more. it's a cycle that doesn't end, ever.
the curse was instilled by the first witch ever created by the twin gods, she was a good witch who's entire coven and family were taken out by marilyn's great great grandfather. the curse was for the blackwell line to continue to live for all of eternity and watch those they loved die, however the curse its self was more of a blessing to her grandfather and parents being that it has given them immortality.
the curse can be passed down to new generations, as well as those who marry into the family and take the blackwell name officially ( i.e marilyn's mother, and marilyn herself when first born. ). marilyn fears having children of her own because of this curse, as well as not completely understanding how the curse would continue if she had children being that her curse acts differently than the curse put on her family.
marilyn has been and can be an adult. she has been and can be a child, she has been and usually is in her teens. it depends on what verse i'm writing for her, her age is not stationary! please remember this.
her age is also not linear, timelines are not linear unless i make them so. whether she was a kid or a teen or an adult in a life all depends in said verse, she can die and be reborn / come back to life. time is not linear / specific for her.
marilyn is very emotional and tends to bottle her emotions up until she blows a fuse and it results in her powers acting up. she's at her peak when her powers are influenced by heavy emotions. usually anger or sadness, though there have been times when she's used positive versions of these emotions to her benefit against something she deems stronger than her.
if marilyn has exceeded a point in which her anger is the only fuel for her powers or is close to reaching a point of ascension, her eyes will begin to glow purple and things around her will float ( her hair, objects, even people! ) and she herself will levitate. this is dangerous if out of control.
if marilyn cares / loves someone or something she will be extremely protective of them! she will pretend she isn't but she is and it's very obvious. if something is about to happen or is happening to someone she cares deeply for this may trigger her "nuclear" mode.
marilyn relies of telekineis ( and psionics sometimes ), she is able to use all of the elements that fall under kinetic abilities however she has an affinity for pyrokinesis. it's linked to her destructive nature. she very often uses both telekinesis and pyrokinesis for a lot of things, but these aren't her only abilities. she can also astral project herself among other things.
while she is astral projecting her concious, she can still use her powers and can for extended periods of time because of how long she's trained herself.
when marilyn dies and is reborn or comes back to life, her memories will come back to her of previous lives. she will remember EVERYTHING. marilyn cannot forget anything, not with a spell or a memory altering warp. she will remember every feeling, every person, every death, etc. and she will always go through every memorized experience; meaning she relives everything and feels all of it. it's a very traumatic experience that leaves her emotional for a few days, she's at her most vulnerable when remembering her past lives because of distress.
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fandomfanficandmore · 5 years
The Promise (Warlock!5sos)
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Another Coven Fic? You fuckin’ betcha! This is a short fluffy one, so enjoy! 
fandom: 5 Seconds of Summer
pairing[s]: Ashton Irwin x Ophelia Blackwell
Luke Hemmings x Salem Blackwell
warnings: Warlock! 5SOS, a proposal, lovey Ash, lots of celebrity mentions- try to identify all of them.
word count: 1.8k+
The sun was setting as the group gathered in the mountains surrounding the busy city. Once a week, usually a late Saturday afternoon, the coven of 13 met to practice and worship under their supreme- a woman named Ophelia.
She had just turned 20 when she was handed the title from the previous supreme, her mother Stevie Nicks. Ophelia and her sister, Salem, had been working towards becoming the coven’s supreme since they were children. They were born into the coven, their birth mother being one of the leaders before she was killed by a witch hunter when the girls were three. Instead of them being taken away from the coven, mama Nicks took them in and raised them as her own, teaching them all she possibly could.
Each girl had their own special powers, setting them apart from the rest of the coven. Salem was a telepath, able to read the minds of everyone around her, except for her partner, Luke. Ophelia, on the other hand, was a seer- someone who could see the future- and that made her the perfect candidate for supreme.
Unlike other covens, this one was filled with the celebrities most looked up to. The ranks included the likes of Brendon Urie, the empath, and Jack Barakat, the conjurer.
The coven, though small, was also home to the members of an alternative band known as 5 Seconds of Summer. Luke, Salem’s partner, was a necromancer while Ashton, Ophelia’s partner, was a traveler. Calum, on the other hand, was an elemental and Michael was an eclectic.
Fe looked around the group, all of whom were in the own conversations. This was her second meeting as supreme and she was still extremely nervous, even though everything had already been said and done.
“You did fine, Fe.” A voice inside her head made her jump. She cast a glance at her sister who smiled softly at her while playing with Luke’s hair as he spoke.
“Thanks, Sal.” She thought back.
Salem looked up at her partner, watching his curls bounce as he nodded at what Calum was saying, admiring the way the late afternoon sun reflected off of his hair.
“What are you looking at?” Luke looked down at her, his accent thick as he talked- as it normally is after he’s used his powers.
“You.” Salem purred, making him chuckle. He leaned down, peppering kisses along her jaw as if they weren’t being watched. Salem felt Calum walk away as she leaned into Luke, her eyes drifting closed.
‘Always one to put on a show, aren’t you?’ Salem’s eyes shot open, searching the area for the chocolate haired devil himself, Harry. He, like her, could read minds, and he definitely used it to his advantage when it came to her.
‘Shouldn’t you be off entrancing school girls or something?’ She responded, trying to focus back on Luke.
‘But what fun would that be when you’re right there, looking enchanting as always.’ She couldn't stop the annoyed groan that escaped her lips, causing Luke to pull away.
“Everything alright, love?” He asked, making her roll her eye. “Harry again?”
“He just loves these little head games of his.” She shook her head. “Anyways, we should go talk to Fe. She’s feeling lonely.”
Ophelia was standing by the fire, warming up when her boyfriend appeared next to her, her leather jacket in his hand. “My coat?”
“You were cold so I popped home and got it.” She took the coat from him before placing a soft kiss on his lips.
“Thanks, babe.” She pulled it on as her sister and Luke approached. “Hey guys.”
“Are you almost ready to go?” Her sister asked her, following up before Ophelia could get her thoughts out, “We have that dinner with mother in an hour, remember? You, me, Ash and Luke? We made the plans-”
“Before she went on the recruiting trip. Right. It completely slipped my mind.” Fe confessed. She had spent many nights after her appointment pacing, stressing and worrying about her new title, and because of that a lot of things had slipped her mind. She looked up at Ashton, who smiled softly at her before nodding. He couldn’t read minds like Salem and Harry, but he knew what Fe was thinking without her having to say a word.
“I’ll take her home and you guys meet us there when you finish up here?” Ashton asked the other pair who nodded in return. They knew Ophelia was the best in the kitchen and could whip up a full feast in 20 minutes with the help of her powers.
A second later, Ashton had his arms around Ophelia’s waist and in a flash, they were back at the Nicks house. He placed a soft kiss on her cheek as she moved to the kitchen, flicking her wrist to turn the house. She muttered a few Latin words under her breath as she washed her hands, all of the ingredients she needed making their way to the kitchen island.
“Do you need any help, Fe?” Ashton asked as she turned off the water, spinning around to face him with a tired smile.
“Could you get the table set, please?” She returned, watching as he smiled and nodded. Snapping his fingers together, the dishes began setting themselves at the table. She was reading through her old cookbook- a witches guide to cooking that mama Nicks had given her for her 10th birthday, finding the spells she would need to make the food.
Ashton walked to the record player, exchanging the old jazz record for Ophelia’s favorite, the old rock tune fading in through the speakers. He looked over at her, watching as she shut her eyes to listen, calming down before she started anything.
They had been together for over two years, having met when he was introduced to the coven by Harry. He first discovered he had powers when he traveled from one side of a couch to the other while on tour, and Harry happened to see it. As soon as they were off tour, Harry took him to Los Angeles to introduce him to the girls’ mother, Stevie, and explain what the coven was. He could remember seeing Ophelia walk into the room, her nose buried in a book, as a weird feeling rose in his stomach. He was sure it wasn’t nerves- he knew what those felt like- but he was sure it had to do with her, especially because Harry noticed that both had felt it. They later learned that the feeling was called the Divine, a connection between a powerful witch and warlock, who the spirits believed were meant to be. It was strange at first, as he was so new to magic and he barely knew her, but soon they both realized that it was in fact true.
Ashton watched as she began preparing the dinner, listening as she recited spells. Though they had done this many times together, he still watched as though it was his first time witnessing it.
Something that no one- except for probably Salem, he wasn’t sure- knew what was going to happen tonight. After countless nights of researching coven laws and traditions, he was ready. Ready to propose to Ophelia.
In the coven, when a warlock proposed to a witch, he must use a live vine from an ancient plant to signal life, commitment, and growth- both emotionally and spiritually. Both must wear matching rings until their ceremony, where the rings will be traded in for two silver bands forged in the fires of hell. Because of his career, Ashton also had two separate silver rings, nearly identical to the vines, that the pair would wear in public so as to not be questioned.
The front door creaked open, Ophelia’s mother floating in with grace as her bags made their way upstairs. She offered Ashton a soft smile before joining her daughter in the kitchen.
“How was the meeting tonight, Fe?” She asked, washing her hands.
“Good.” Her daughter nodded, the music stopping itself so they could talk without interruption. “Did you find any new-”
“No,” Stevie shook her head, her hair flowing behind her, “it’s been uncharacteristically quiet lately.”
“Well it is only early fall, so there’s still time.” Ophelia offered her mother a smile. “I’m sure we will find some soon.”
“Where’s your sister?” Ophelia closed her eyes before speaking.
“She and Luke stayed behind to replace the protection charms. They should be home now.” As she opened her eyes, she was her sister and her partner walking down the hallway, away from the mirror room.
It was nearing witching hour, the group of five sitting on the back porch. Floating lanterns illuminated the area, casting a soft yellow glow on everyone. Ashton fiddled with the vine in his hand, casting a glance towards Ophelia, taking a deep breath. Both mama Nicks and Salem watched the man with knowing eyes, Salem sending him a short ‘you got this.’
“Fe?” He cleared his throat, catching the attention of his partner who had been throwing a light sphere back and forth with Luke. “Can we talk?”
“Sure, Ash.” She nodded, moving to stand up, but he stopped her. He wanted everyone around for this.
“Don’t worry about moving,” he shot her a soft smile, “I want to do this here.” She cast him a confused glance, to which he returned a bright smile. “We’ve been together for over two years, Fe, two of the best years of my life. My life changed drastically when I learned I had powers, and I honestly thought my life would end, but then I met you. You showed me that my powers were a good thing, you taught me how to use them and you showed me that we could do this- together.” He took a deep breath. “I’m not very good with Latin, but Fe, negabit me tibi.”
Ophelia’s has dropped. Before she was made supreme, she had thought about this moment many times- she had seen it many times. She knew the future could change, but she hadn’t seen it happening like this. She was overwhelmed yet ecstatic. She knew Ashton was her soulmate- or as close to one as a witch could get- and she loved him so deeply. She’d always expected him to ask, but she never expected him to do it now, especially in Latin, the one thing she knew he still struggled with.
Looking at Ashton’s whose eyes were bright with hope, she nodded slowly. “Yes.” She watched as he slipped the vine on her finger, handing her the other to put on his.
Her sister was the first to congratulate her, pulling her in for a hug.
“Finally! I’ve been listening to his nervous thoughts for two days!” Salem thought, making Ophelia laugh silently. “Congrats sister.”
“Thank you!” She thought back, pulling away with a smile. Ophelia turned to her mother, who was finishing congratulating Ashton.
“My beautiful Ophelia.” Her mother called, grabbing her by the hands and pulling her forward carefully. She didn’t need to say much to show how she felt, so she just sent her a warm smile and a quiet congratulations.
tag list: @scribblesos, @damselindistressanu
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vvitcheshq · 6 years
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Hello everybody! Under the cut you will find a sample application written for the character I’m playing! I put this together a little quicker than I would usually like to, but I know a couple of you have been waiting for it and I didn’t want to keep you on the hook for much longer! I hope you enjoy it and find inspiration for your own applications through reading it! 
DESIRED SKELTON: Dahlia CHARACTER NAME: Jyn D’Arcy  AGE: 24 years old.  GENDER & PRONOUNS: cisfemale, she/her pronouns. MAGICAL DISCIPLINE: Jyn’s primary magical discipline is Chaos Magic, with a minor in Elemental magic.  FACECLAIM: Benedetta Gargari 
PAST: (trigger warning for brief mentions of child abuse.) 
–– Life begins in cloudy fits and starts. Jyn D’Arcy rather unfortunately born to husband and wife. It isn’t glorious, there are no happy golden days of early childhood. Those first few years are a black pit, the aura of hopelessness so thick in the air that someone could choke on it. Jyn isn’t a cherished child, is loved in only the intensely twisted way two monsters can love somebody, in a way that marks you with both physical and mental scars. She is left fragile from it, mind gauzy and out of step with the rest of the world. She sees nothing with clarity, feels a step behind everyone else. Her childish brain thinking that surely the fault must rest with her. She is something unworthy, never good enough, never right. Something deserving of the hurts that are heaped upon her.         She doesn’t notice the aura of an aptitude for something odd seeping out of her, and may come to wonder later in her life if this was what made her so inherently disliked by those around her in those early years. Perhaps she was too odd, a creature that reeked of death, speaking too often to an imaginary friend or the beautiful ghost that haunted the garden paths.  –– If you asked her to tell you the moment that everything changed, she wouldn’t be able to pinpoint it. Jyn sees figures in the woods, shrouded in darkness and mystery. She feels the prickle of eyes watching her from a distance as she plays her games, as she jumps from stone step to stone step. Hopscotch on a cloudy misty afternoon, all shrouded light like someone has closed blinds over the sky. Someone leaves a poppet on her window frame. She is young, still. Her mind is still being shaped by her experiences, clouded with fear and pain. This new layer of oddness is nothing new to her, so she thinks little of it. She hides the odd little doll carefully, and attempts to push all thoughts of it aside. Six crows perch on the tree outside her window on the night that the house goes up in flames, her wide eyes glued to them until sleep takes her into its slick embrace. Distant thoughts that tomorrow she will turn six years old, though no one else may notice. She thinks she hears voices in her dreams, imagines comforting hands stroking hair away from her face. Poor dear, they whisper into the night, little dove.        They talk about the fire on the news for weeks after it happens. One blaze, three dead. Except the truth as you know it isn’t always the truth. One fire, two dead, one disappeared. One stolen away. Jyn D’Arcy remembers watching her house burn to the ground from the tree line, sleepy and unafraid, held in comforting arms. It’s a hazy memory, but she knows its a true one. And when the smoke and ash had settled, those arms carried her away. 
–– The Triskelion Coven finds home deep in the wilderness. So deep that Jyn, tired and childish and half asleep, doesn’t even know where she is. She thought she knew what the woods were like, but you can never know until you go deep. The trees packed close, twisted and alive with something mystical. Their homes built in a small clearing, cabins of wood, almost obscured by green crawling plants. She should be scared upon her arrival in this place, but it feels like coming home. The people here look like they’ve stepped out of the past, these eight witches who welcome her –– straight out of Salem. She makes them nine. A powerful number. Abigail D’Arcy kneels on the dirt in front of Jyn, caresses her cheek with gentle hands. She says: It’s all okay now, little dove. She says: You are a very special girl, aren’t you? She says: Welcome home.  Abigail raises her, and gives her a name, and gives her a destiny.      No single witch raises Jyn, but Abigail gives her a new name. She gifts it as they wash Jyn clean, water from a mountain stream, cold against skin. The others chanting something she doesn’t understand yet. She says: A new name for a new beginning, little dove. And so Jyn embraces her new life. The thrill of the wildness around her, seeping into her bones. She runs through the forest around their camp, free as a bird, as a wild deer. Dirty feet and dirty hands and feral smiles, and when time comes for magical lessons, it is Orion who must find her and fetch her back, calm her enough to take in his patient teaching. She learns the power of all things, learns the significance of a drop of blood can hold. He never lets her prick her own finger to call forth the rust red blood, his rough voice insisting ‘when you’re older, little dove. plenty of time yet.’
–– Inheritance day finds her kneeling on the soft dirt of the forest floor, a clearing separate and away from the space they live. Heart moving fast in hummingbird beats, throat constricting with nerves. This is when she proves herself, when she becomes what she must. The Triskelion coven cannot continue forever as eight witches and one girl, so she must transend herself. She pricks her finger, calls forth a drop of life. She chants her chant, thrice to thine and thrice to mine and thrice again to make up nine. The red clay that Abigail used to daub a Triskelion on her chest stands out stark against her skin as she takes in heaving breaths. Smouldering herbs and incense create smoke around her, the whole world taking on that familiar haze. A trance, then, as she waits alone.       Irina comes quick. A candle blown out. Terrifyingly otherworldly, glowering. She looks solid enough to touch, but Jyn doesn’t dare try. She looks more like a monster than a person, falling to her knees in front of Jyn with the grace of a lynx. And then she smiles, sharp like a knife. Her voice like an echo: You’re a very special girl, aren’t you? Irina leans in close, calculating, evaluating. Says: If you take it, you have to take all of it. Even the parts that might scare you. But Jyn can’t imagine what could ever scare her about this, and greedily accepts the power. 
–– She learns later, the parts of great things that can leave you shaking. The Aradia Institute is a shocking change from her Coven’s home in the wilderness. She feels out of place, terrified at every corner by things new and unusual to her. Shoes on her feet too constricting until she can get used to them. But Irina is with her always, now. Or that’s how it feels. An echo of a memory reminding her to stand up straight, head held high. You’re a special girl, Jyn D’Arcy, carry yourself with dignity. So she dedicates herself wholeheartedly to magic, the thrill of it through her blood. It’s all she needs, all consuming. 
–– POISED: Its something of the aura her patron passes on to her, the way she can carry herself with grace and dignity even when she’s getting herself into unimaginable amounts of trouble.  –– CREATIVE: Life is a web, but Jyn is a master of navigation. There isn’t a problem she can’t find a creative solution to, no puzzle that would go unsloved when you place it in her hands. She thinks outside the box –– more than that, she burns the box to the ground. –– AFFABLE: its a skill she had to cultivate, but natural charm starts flowing easily. cloying smiles, a free spirit. she gets along with people sometimes without trying at all.  –– SECRETIVE: Jyn guards herself possessively. Keeps hidden treasures away from the world. The opposite of an open book, she doesn’t like anyone to know anything of importance. The truth holds power, and she wants to keep it to herself.  –– RECKLESS: It was far from careful decisions that Jyn was raised. Be a troublemaker, take risks, break the rules. She leaps into her decisions head first, heedless of the fact that they might hurt her, might get her killed.  –– OPINIONATED: she doesn’t like to keep quiet about what she thinks. if something is unfair, she’ll say it. If someone is wrong, she’ll point it out. These darts are often thrown hard and they hit harder, but she doesn’t pull her punches. 
IRINA PETROVA.  –– A storm of a woman, a sharp knife always poised to strike. Irina Petrova could slice through any conversation like it was a battleground, and always came out the champion. A rare breed of witch not raised in a coven, Irina never let this set her back. She walked through life with an aristocratic grace, posied for anything and everything that might come toward her. Irina soaked up magical knowledge like she was a sponge, sought out knowledge with a hunger that could never be sated. Her life eventually brought her to America, and she became the head professor of Battle Magic at the Aradia Institute while it was still in its early years. A prolific academic and a notorious socialite. She was well on her way to becoming the Head Council of the ACW before her untimely death. Irina went down in history as one of the most powerful witches to teach at the Institute and to hold a seat on the ACW.  –– Jyn feels a particularly close connection with her Patron. Irina has gifted her a lot of knowledge about her life, and she feels as if their hearts beat as one. She feels like she has to live up to Irina, to be someone unstoppable. She bridges her life with Irina’s, graceful and feral all at once. She wants to prove that she can be an unstoppable force, that she can take Irina’s magic and do everything she sets her mind to. 
1. UNAUTHORISED MAGIC –– Jyn D’Arcy likes to break the rules. And what better way to do that than to study all the things the teachers tell you that you shouldn’t. The second Jyn learned about Battle Magic, she knew she had to master it, even if it wasn’t allowed. And she didn’t want to wait for it, didn’t want to have to give up anything to get it. And so, she began to study it in secret. In the old Armory, she took her books and Irina’s guidance and began to learn the basics. It wasn’t long before someone found out what she was doing –– not a teacher, thank god, but another student –– and before long she had a following of her own. Together, her and a handful of Aradia students get together in secret and attempt to learn Battle Magic while no one is looking.  2. DEAD GIRLS TELL TALES –– Irinia Petrova’s untimely death was a tragedy, that’s what all the history books say. But Jyn knows something that no one else will believe: Irina Petrova was murdered. That’s how stories for girls like them go. You harness enough power, you break enough rules, revel in the taboo, and people get scared at you. When you shine so brightly, someone will always want to snuff out your light. She knows that Irina was murdered, but she wants to find out who did it. She wants them to have to face up to it if they’re still breathing, or wants their memory tarnished for committing the crime if they’ve already passed away. 
COVEN: The Triskelion Coven is named for its symbol of power. The threefold spiral that hooks in their souls and pulls them deeper into the world of magic. As Jyn lived in it, it was a coven that practiced worship of many old Gods. Particularly there was a mix of worshipping the Horned God and of worshipping Hecate.  FAMILIAR: In Jyn’s first year at The Institute, she undertook the task of summoning a familiar. To guide her in all things, to offer her support, and most of all to offer her true companionship. She yearned for the feeling of wild magic, and so was bestowed a large black Raven named Ingram, a clingy thing. Ingram is the thing Jyn feels the closest to in the world. It’s at its happiest when it can be carried around in Jyn’s shoulder, and resents being sent away. 
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