#and even more off topic but why do tinted lenses (as in sunglasses not just a color tint those look sick) make any frame look so bad
prinzessinpluto · 3 months
giving my brothers fashion advice based on what I wouldnt mind getting handed down from them if they outgrow it/sort it out of their closet
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sparkkeyper · 4 years
Variations on a Theme
I’ve been working on this one for a while and finally managed to finish it up for the Ace Omens discord prompt - Dancing.
The music I had on repeat while writing the second half was “So Close” from Enchanted. I like to imagine the record they end up with is one of those piano-only arrangements of it.
Also, you can’t tell me that Crowley didn’t jam to every Top 40 since music charts were invented.
(Now on AO3!)
"You mean you've only danced the gavotte?"
Crowley's sunglasses were barely hanging on to his nose as it was, what with the both of them being several drinks into their first bottle of the night. It didn't take many to banish the glasses these days, not when the pair of them were nestled comfortably in the back room of the bookshop, the failed Armageddon several weeks behind them. The demon stared incredulously over the tinted lenses as Aziraphale straightened from where he had begun to slouch with his wine.
"And why is that such a surprise? Angels don't usually dance at all."
"Yeah but you're not a 'usually' angel, you're you!" Crowley waved a hand wildly but did his glasses the mercy of setting them on the end table before they could fall. "You like the...the singing and the harmonizing and stuff. Humans have been moving to music since the Beginning and you really never, ever wanted to learn?"
"I did learn," the angel pointed out.
"Never wanted to learn more than the one?" Crowley amended. "Just the one in six thousand years?"
"It just didn't strike me as something I wanted to try," Aziraphale shrugged and refilled his wine glass. "The humans seemed to enjoy it sure enough, but it looked like such a hassle to attempt."
"A hassle!" Crowley threw his head back and grabbed his hair, and goodness did Aziraphale love to watch him wax dramatic when embroiled in a topic he was passionate about. "Dancing a hassle! Dancing a ha- It's not a job, angel, it's for fun!"
"Yes but in order for one to dance well, one must put in a certain amount of work."
"It's not about dancing well, it's about letting loose." Crowley rolled his eyes, stalking over to the angel's record collection next to the gramophone. "Unless you're in a professional stage company, you're not required to dance well."
"Somehow that sentiment isn't the least bit surprising coming from you."
"Oi, I'll have you know I'm an excellent dancer even though I'm not required to be. Come on, there's got to be something in here you can dance to."
"I don't know the proper steps to anything else."
"Bah, steps!" Crowley waved him off. "Don't need steps. Just make it up."
"I most certainly cannot."
"You most certainly can so. Oh for Satan's sake-" Crowley gave up his hunt and snapped, materializing a record in the gramophone and giving the handle a few solid cranks. "There we go!" His shoulders began moving to a heavy clapping beat that had definitely never been released on 78.
He turned back to Aziraphale, a grin on his face as his hips twitched to the music. "No steps, see? Just freestyle it. Come on, off the sofa, let's see it."
"This hit, that ice cold,
Michelle Pfeiffer, that white gold,
This one for them hood girls,
Them good girls, straight masterpieces-"
He made a get-up gesture and Aziraphale rose uncertainly. "I really don't think I know what to do with this-"
"Don't have to, that's the best part. Just move to the beat. "
Aziraphale tried to imitate his friend, he really did, but there was no pattern to follow. One moment the movement was in Crowley's shoulders, the next it was in his hips, and now his feet were acting out a stomp-like rhythm on the carpet. It was a fascinating thing to watch, how dancing seemed to take over his entire corporation. With the gavotte, one's back remained quite straight. There was a level of control and skill to it that Aziraphale had greatly enjoyed: maintaining some parts of yourself in position while moving others. But with Crowley's dancing, the entire line of his body twisted and flowed. A movement that started in his neck might end in an arm, or maybe it would travel up one leg and come back down the other. He made it look effortless, like it took no thought at all.
"I'm too hot! Hot damn!
Call the police and the fireman.
I'm too hot! Hot damn!
Make a dragon wanna retire, man-"
The demon's eyes flicked over his stilted attempts to copy the motions and Aziraphale watched him bite back a smirk. "No, angel?"
"Perhaps it's this century's music - goodness, there's not much melody, is there? - but I really don't understand this sort of dancing."
"Not much to understand, really, but here. We'll step it back a few decades." He snapped again and a new record appeared in his hand, which was quickly swapped out for the one on the gramophone.
Crowley snapped his fingers to the beat, hips moving in time. "Oh, don't give me that look. You can't possibly dislike Bill Haley and His Comets."
"One, two, three o'clock, four o'clock, rock.
Five, six, seven o'clock, eight o'clock, rock.
Nine, ten, eleven o'clock, twelve o'clock, rock.
We're gonna rock! Around! The clock tonight!
Put your glad rags on and join me, hon',
We'll have some fun when the clock strikes one-"
"It's not that I dislike it..." Aziraphale did his best to imitate the hip thing, and the demon's stifled snort told him exactly how unsuccessful he was at it. "I just don't...connect with this style of dance, I suppose. That's the only way I know how to put it."
"So try your own style. It's not a right and wrong, it's just whatever motion speaks to you." Crowley threw his torso into a shimmy and goodness, what were his knees even doing? Aziraphale gave up trying to copy any of it.
"That's just it! Motions don't 'speak to me'. Dancing isn't...isn't...aimlessly gyrating! It's about form and style - about using form and style to bring the music to life. There's a language to it the same way there's a language to literature. Every kick and dip and bow means something and it's all spoken into being through movement! But there needs to be a form in order for that to happen."
"No no, that's the problem! That's so limiting! So much of the universe is already made up of forms and rules!" Crowley threw his hands up to encompass the heavens. "Laws and etiquette and physics, everywhere! Inescapable! Dancing is freedom! Music is emotion distilled down into pure audio form precisely so you can do what you want with it! How does it make you feel? What does it make you want? You take it and you process it and you feel it and move however it moves you! It's speaking, yes, but in a way no one else has control over! The thing about dancing is you get to be purely you, no matter what anybody else wants."
"I already am me," Aziraphale insisted. "And I like knowing what movement comes next. I like having straightforward expectations to fulfill. That's what's satisfying - completing the steps and knowing you've gotten them right!"
The moment stretched out between them as they both let this soak in. Somewhere along the way, the gramophone had made the executive decision to go silent.
"Certainly can't fault you for that," Crowley said slowly. "Preferring a solid plan. Expectations outlined and all. It's very you."
"Nor, I suppose, could I fault you for preferring more freedom in your movement. You've always had a penchant for finding new ways to express yourself. What with the clothes and the hair and all." Aziraphale fidgeted with the corner of his waistcoat absently. "It suits you, it really does. But not me. If that were my only option, I'd rather not dance at all." He shook himself with a tiny smile and sat back in his armchair. "Ah well. I had a good run with the gavotte, anyway. Got a few good decades out of it."
Crowley pursed his lips for a few moments, then switched the record again to fill the room with a smooth piano. "Can't have that, though, can we? One dance goes out of style and you're done? I don't think so. Come on, angel, get back up." He made a come-here motion until Aziraphale stood again.
"Look, I'm really not-"
"You want defined steps? I'll give you defined steps."
Aziraphale paused, considering. "What sort is it?"
"Easy one. Simple, can use it for a lot of dances. Waltz, foxtrot, all kinds of things."
Aziraphale chewed on his lip. He wasn't anxious to make a fool of himself stumbling over a completely unfamiliar style. But goodness, he missed dancing.
Crowley held out a hand to him. It was a hesitant thing, far enough out to be an offering but close enough in to be passed off as a casual gesture if it went unaccepted.
Aziraphale braced himself and accepted it. "Right. So how does this work?"
"Easy. Here, I'll lead. So you just - hand here... Other hand here..." Crowley positioned Aziraphale's right hand on his shoulder and loosely grasped his left. They stood like that together for a moment, a good distance apart so the angel could look down at his shoes. "And I step like this..." Crowley moved one foot forward. "So you step backwards to match me. Go on, then."
Aziraphale stepped as instructed.
"Right. And then I move here -" His other foot came forward and to the side - "And yours comes back and over along the same route. Yep. Now feet together, like they were at the start. Good?"
Aziraphale made certain he had his balance and nodded.
"Good. Now I step back, like you did, and you come forward this time... No no, leave your other foot there. Right. Now bring your other foot forward as mine comes back and over. Just stepping in a big square, that's all we're doing. And feet back at the start. Make sense?"
Aziraphale pulled in a deep breath. "Simple enough in theory."
"Here, we'll try it again. Back-two. Side-two. Forward-two. Side-two...that's right. Now we just add a bit of a turn to it and that's all it is. Like this... Back-two, side-two-"
Aziraphale clutched at him as they worked their way around the room to the music. (The furniture wisely backed itself up to give them space, twisting physics occasionally to avoid being tripped over.) The problem wasn't the steps, exactly. It was combining the steps with everything else: holding tight to Crowley to keep his balance while still trying to keep enough distance to give his legs room to work, figuring out which foot to have his weight on and when, incorporating the dratted turn into the rest of it, moving precisely in time with Crowley so that they didn't step on each other.
Humans had so many pieces to keep track of. So many parts moving a specific distance at the same time. He'd been in this corporation for thousands of years and usually had an excellent handle on how it operated, but that only made new movement patterns more difficult to master. It took so much work for him to commit such things to muscle memory. Each misstep threw his rhythm off and dammit, there, he was so close to overbalancing them both -
But Crowley kept him in place.
Crowley's palm rested just under his right shoulder blade, guiding the motion of his body through space. Holding him so steady even when he felt himself floundering. Wasn't that always the way? he thought distantly, eyes trained on his feet. Even after stepping repeatedly on the demon's toes (and heels, and instep, and in one spectacular fumble the back of his left knee) Crowley was a solid anchor keeping him upright.
Dancing of any variety did not come naturally to Aziraphale. Angels were built to be sturdy, immovable. It had taken him ages to make any headway at all with the gavotte. But Crowley didn't seem to mind. He chuckled a bit when Aziraphale stepped too early. He murmured advice, a smile on his lips. And his eyes sparkled. Goodness, how they sparkled.
Letting the music wash over him, Aziraphale put his trust in Crowley. Let the demon guide him here in their own little circle. Slowly, slowly, he was getting the hang of the steps - treading on toes less at any rate. It was nice, dancing like this, it really was...
And then Crowley spun him.
He didn't realize what was happening until it was practically over. The motion of Crowley's arm coming up and turning guided his whole body smoothly around and he clicked back into place against the demon like he was never meant to be anywhere else.
Aziraphale's feet faltered to a stop, eyes wide and all steps forgotten.
Crowley froze with him. "Too much?" he asked quietly.
"I - I..." Aziraphale felt like he was still spinning, heart beating entirely too fast. "I don't..."
"Too much," Crowley answered himself, releasing his hold and taking a step back. "Thought I might try mixing it up, but I misjudged. Won't do it again."
"Mixing it...oh. Of course." Aziraphale looked down at the space between them. It was barely two feet but it suddenly seemed so much farther. "This is holding you back, isn't it? This repetitive step. You'd much rather be improvising."
"I...well I didn't say that..."
"Like you said before. You'd prefer to let the music move you rather than be limited to a predetermined pattern. I can understand that even if I can't relate. You shouldn't be beholden to this."
"It's good," Crowley blurted out, making the angel pause. "For music like this. The down-tempo, largo stuff. This is a good way to dance to it. I like it." He swallowed hard and tried for a nonchalant shrug. "I mean, don't ask me to dance like this to Uptown Funk but for this style it's...y'know. It's good."
"Right. Good." Aziraphale fidgeted, hands feeling incredibly empty. "I admit, I'm very much out of my depth here. Angels don't... I don't know what I'm doing.”
"We can stop. No sense pushing it."
"I didn't say... I'll get used to it."
"You don't have to get used to anything you don't want to." Crowley made to step back but Aziraphale, in an instant of panic, stepped forward after him.
"I want to!"
Silence stretched between them, broken only by the soft piano. Crowley stood frozen, as though his next movement required the most careful consideration of his life.
Aziraphale steeled himself and raised his hands back to their dancing positions. "Please."
The demon looked over the two of them and very hesitantly replaced his hands, as though doing so might scare the angel off.
They stood there for a long time. Not moving, just holding on to each other with the breathless tension of men on the gallows, waiting for the trap door to open beneath them.
Aziraphale pulled in a deep, steadying breath. "I'm afraid it's going to take a long time for me to get this right. All of this. I'm not very good at this sort of thing when I don't know the steps."
"Take all the time you need," Crowley replied softly. "I'm just sort of making it up as I go, honestly."
"It might be very long. I can't improvise as easily as you can."
"I wouldn't expect you to." The demon tightened his grip ever so slightly and Aziraphale suddenly couldn't conceive of pulling away. "No spinning, promise."
"I - I didn't say that." Fingers itched to trace a familiar nervous pattern - straighten bowtie, adjust waistcoat. They tightened in Crowley's hands instead. "Just...warn me before you do. Let me prepare."
"I can do that, yeah." The demon held him so carefully, as though giving him every chance to break away, and started them off into their pattern once more.
The hesitant grip grew more sure with each rotation around the room, and it was impossible to tell if it was one or both of them. Each successful round of the sequence made Aziraphale feel a little bolder. It was the reassurance of a task set and completed: the very ancient satisfaction of expectations met. That desire had been ingrained in his bones since bones were invented and in a way it calmed him. There was so much he suddenly felt unprepared for but at least he could do this. 
He wasn’t successful every time, of course. He still fumbled, still trod on snakeskin shoes. But the guiding hand was back under his shoulder blade and God, did it make a world of difference. It stayed with him through each failed attempt and carried him through to try again. Any wrong positioning of his legs seemed less important when he was sure Crowley would keep him where he needed to be. 
He could see the tension draining from the demon as well. The sense that he was holding something fragile and afraid to break it was melting slowly back into the confident strides Aziraphale had seen from the start. The lines of motion flowed through him the way they had earlier, though more predictably at present. He was still amazing to watch, all moving lines and sharp joints. Aziraphale blamed more than one stagger on it.
"All right if I spin you?"
The angel braced himself. "All right."
"'Kay. Three, two-" Crowley twirled him again and for a single, dazzling moment it felt like flying. It felt free and easy and the most natural thing in the world -
And then he stumbled over his own feet coming back in and nearly collapsed against the demon's chest and drat, now he'd lost all the steps-
"Forward-two, right-two, back-two, you've got it, come on, forward-two -"
Aziraphale clung to the instructions and managed to get back on track within an eight-count, concentrating fiercely on the movements of their feet together.
"That's what I'm talking about. Look at you. Angel dancing something other than the gavotte. Who would have thought, eh?"
"Who indeed." There was a warm fluttering in his chest. So much to keep track of with these human bodies.
He was still going to need a lot of time and a lot of practice. He had a feeling there was a lot of unknown territory ahead regarding the two of them.
But he had Crowley to keep him steady. So they’d be all right.
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jnkchdsm · 5 years
Hello sentients !
Being my first blog I would like to give an introduction for today's topic and my reason behind writing it... EYE GEAR (yes the topic for today) is one of the products that I love to collect, wear & even design.
Here, at my first blog, I want to share an experience about a particular incident that happened very recently. A few days ago I was browsing on the internet (one of my regular exercise of checking new products and have a design world update), and I came across some nice transparent glasses.
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Image courtesy: https://daman.co.id/10-shades-of-robert-downey-jr/
These I saw being worn by my favourite actor Robert Downey Jr. YES! the IRON MAN a.k.a. TONY STARK to be precise he wore it during the promotions of the movie The Avengers – Endgame. These glasses do look kind of a nerdy, but are impeccably crafted spectacles.
I didn’t know what brand it was and I tried searching with the help of this image and many similar images of him wearing the same glasses of the same event and still it was hard for me to find the details or any other information related to it.
Generally people do mention or tag the brand of the wardrobe/accessories in particular a sunglasses, for example Ray-Bans. But there is no one talking about this spectacle I was searching for. Though I found few posts on different websites or blogs, where there is list of sunglasses brand Robert dons, but again! No sign of this eye gear.
ONE FINE DAY, I was casually checking random posts on Pinterest and I found an eye-wear which was very much similar to the one I was looking for, it was a black bold frames with opaque finish and I assumed it was the same glasses, but with a different color and feel.
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Image courtesy: https://jacquesmariemage.com/product/609/
So I went ahead and clicked the image . . .
And a site opened with a brand named "JACQUES MARIE MAGE" from Los Angeles. I saw the same black frames on the web-page and it had few more options of different colors and finishes in the tab below. The last option was "Clear" finish and THAT was IT!
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Image courtesy: https://jacquesmariemage.com/product/607/
It’s an amazing bold frame with a clear crystal look, well polished Acetate frame, 18K Gold for hardware like hinges & the skeleton frame with an optical lens of CR39 Light Blue tint.
The Maker
The glasses are limited edition, handcrafted in Japan and Designed in Los Angeles by the Designer Jerome Mage, the maker morphs the inspiration from past history and blends it into a product of future. The glasses are called ASCARI CLEAR, it is named after a beloved racer Alberto Ascari.
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Image Courtesy: https://jacquesmariemage.com/story/
The Brand
JACQUES MARIE MAGE, A producer of rare collectibles which includes designed eyes gears. The designs are sleek, slick and bold. The products, comes with an elegant packaging which is again well designed to match the brand language.
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Image courtesy: https://jacquesmariemage.com/product/607/ 
Please go ahead and check the brand web-page for more details about the art pieces and even about the maker Jerome Mage.
Me . . .
Now let’s come to a point where I will conclude here, why I was chasing behind the information of this astonishing piece of accessory. As I mentioned earlier that I love to collect, wear & even design, I wanted to have this as my latest acquisition. But honestly they are way out of my affordance, as they are priced at $610.
I had no other choice but to have an alternate option of buying similar looking glasses. So I went to stores to look out for the exact same copy, which was hard to find but at least something near to the look & feel. 
As I wanted these for my regular use, first I tried all optical stores I could reach and searched for spectacles of almost all available brands, but they didn't any have frames that would satisfy me. But I wasn't going to compromise on THAT DESIGN. And then I decided to MAKE IT.
I decided to reach the local markets at town (South Mumbai) where I could get good frames but the ones of the sunglasses. I found a few wayfarers with good edgy frames, a shape which I could comprise with, & they were really very cheap too. I short listed them, and bought two of them.
As these glasses that I found do not exactly look like the end product, but I needed it. Due to these tints of sunglasses, I just changed the lenses to the lenses of the current optical power of my eyes
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And I was pretty much done with a new pair of glasses styled by me, a new edition in my eye wear collection. And I am really happy with this outcome!
But being a fan of these glasses (and the hero!), I still am hoping to either buy the JMM ASCARI CLEAR one day, or at least for now I can somehow replicate the design at my end – Yes, I am pretty much passionate of this particular design of eye gear, and I am still trying to acquire it.
You can check the image above the glasses i got done, and me wearing it in the previous introductory blog. Other than this I have few more transparent clear frames in my collection, one of them is in the image below, they are pretty cool and they are with Zero optical power.
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Concluding here with the information, that in case you need a helping hand in buying or making such frames for yourselves or for someone, you can reach out to me. I am all open to orders and feedback's! You can just leave a comment below or Ask me and I'll be there for your help.
Signing off for now, until the next blog!
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The origin of sunglasses (emperor Nero, Inuits, Chinese judges, and dashing 19th century gentlemen)
So. It is possible that you thought (if you’ve ever given this any thought at all, of course) that sunglasses were developed somewhere in Europe in the 18-19th century, with all the developments in optics and science fields. And well, you would not be completely wrong – but also, you *would* be.
And so, because I am a curious human being, I researched a little the origins of sunglasses.
The points are detailed under the cut, but I thought to avoid endless scrolling:
1. Snow goggles by peoples of the Artic (Inuit and Yupik, what was called Eskimo before). – because there is such a thing as “snow blindness” and it is quite dangerous
2. Roman emperor Nero and his emerald not-quite-glasses (I still think we just wanted to look rich, but that may be me)
3. China’s courtroom not-exactly-sunglasses of the 12th century (whose purpose was not to protect your eyes from the sun, but your mind from criminals)
4. Credited creator of the ‘modern’ sunglasses: James Ayscough. Also, the “green glasses craze” (in which to be a dashing gentleman, you needed a pair of equally dashing green specs)
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1. Snow goggles by peoples of the Artic (Inuit and Yupik, what was called Eskimo before).
They were a type of eyewear designed to prevent photokeratitis (commonly called snow blindness) and to increase visual acuity (you know how you narrow your eyes when you want to see something clearer? Just like that).
And, just for your information, photokeratitis is a painful eye condition caused by exposure of insufficiently protected eyes to the ultraviolet rays. These rays may be intense sunlight (in the Arctic, this was aggravated by the white, reflective snow increasing the glare of the sun), or intense artificial light like the one using during welding (this is why it is also called (arc eye or welder’s flash).  (example: from either natural (e.g. intense sunlight) or artificial (e.g. the electric arc during welding) sources.
Why is this eye damage so much more likely to create damage in the Arctic than, say, the Saharan desert? Snow reflects up to 80% of the UV radiation while sand is around a 15%.
But back to these sunglasses: they are made to fit the face of the person wearing it (that way no light enters through the sides accidentally), and one or more narrow horizontal slits are carved into it, so that the amount of light that is let in is reduced, but also to increase visual acuity. To further protect against the light and glare of the snow, soot is sometimes rubbed against the edges.
They are usually made of wood, bone, walrus ivory or caribou antler.
A photo, because a photo explains it better:
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 2. Roman emperor Nero and his emerald glasses
First of all, more than probably, they weren’t emerald as we identify the mineral today – emerald in Roman times referred to a larger set of green stones. It could be any of those.
And how do we know what Nero wore glasses to try to correct his myopia and be able to enjoy the gladiators (or whatever he was watching that day at the Circus)? There are ancient historians that tell us so: Pliny and Isidore (even though the latter is said to often blindy copy from predecessors such as Pliny).
They indicate that Nero used an emerald to watch fights, arguing that the stone was soothing to the eyes of gem cutters. Although both literary mentions are a bit ambiguous, it is possible that Nero used a concave emerald in order to aid his myopia and to take the glare off on a sunny day. After all, Romans were known to use other methods to protect themselves from the sun (hats! So many hats!).
It is to be noted that by this time, Romans knew about refraction, and were known to use glass bowls filled with water in order to magnify small print. Concave glasses had been used previously with other purposes. What is more, Seneca, Nero’s tutor, was well-versed on this topic.
More (and way better explained) at:
 3. China’s courtroom not-exactly-sunglasses of the 12th century
Okay, so they weren’t exactly *sunglasses*. But certainly they do look more than what we think are sunglasses than the inuit ones, don’t they?
These sunglasses were made out of lenses that were flat panes of smoky quartz.
They had no purpose to either improve the eyesightof the wearer or protect the eyes from the glare of the sun (although they could do the later, of course). But no, their purpose was quite different: hide their facial expressions, their feelings, their thoughts, as they interrogated witnesses and decided on cases.
(These are not from the 12th century, but from the early 1800s, to give you an idea)
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  4. Credited creator of the ‘modern’ sunglass: James Ayscough. The green glasses craze of the 19th century
London optician James Ayscough experimented with tinted lenses sometime in the mid-18th century. Although he was trying to make other type of corrections (color-blindness, use for scientific purposes), not actual sunglasses.
In the 19th century, green spectacles were a popular device found in the works of Nathaniel Hawthorne and Edgar Allan Poe.
Portrait of a Spanish gentleman, by Jose Buzo Caceres, 1832, British Optical Association Museum, London
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Also, look at this dashing gentleman! Nathaniel Olds, 1837, Jeptha Homer Wade, courtesy of Cleveland Art
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And of course, during the 20th century, the rise of the sunglass as we know it. Which I am not going to go into detail, as I think everyone knows a bit of it.
 Although we have to give it to Nero: green is really a good protective color!
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