#and even if she knew he was Invincible it doesn't change that he's continuing to hide something from her
5nake-eater · 11 months
PLEASE let Amber be treated respectfully in Invincible season 2. The way the fandom jumped at her throat and called her the worst character for breaking up with her boyfriend because he wasn't being honest with her, and the fact that Mark ends up with Eve in the comics so they'll almost certainly break up again...Amber get behind me
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xjulixred45x · 9 months
I know I have to work on the requests, but I have to get this out of my head because now I have a rediscovered love for Invincible, bear with it.
okay, I can definitely see that you two were a couple or at least liked each other before everything went to hell.
and although you were fine with Mark at that time, when he was being convinced to join the Viltrum empire, he was somewhat seeking your approval. although using very vague assumptions, such as "would you accept an alien race if it meant world peace?" "or if that would help with the development of medicine?" You know, like what Nolan wanted to do at the beginning with Mark. and obviously since you didn't have the context you said yes without hesitation, further fueling Mark's crazy ideas.
I may not have made it very clear in the first part, but you and Nolan definitely don't get along. I mean, he's nice to you in a way, but he treats you like a little kid who needs discipline, so he tries to push Mark into that. Not only that, but you also indirectly blame him for the sudden change in Mark's personality, you know that if Nolan hadn't gotten him into that shit, he wouldn't have so much blood on his hands. The Mark you knew wasn't like that. HE WASNT.
The main reason this Mark doesn't feel angry because of your traditional escape attempts or why he's so soft is because of something our Invincible doesn't usually have, and that's his ARROGANCE. This Mark does not believe that you are capable of running away from him, you are not capable of defending yourself from him, you are not capable of harming him and above all you are not capable of HATE HIM, because he sees you as a soft creature, who should be treated as such because you are confused.
He is delusional, SpongeBob and Squidward level of Delusional. You could perfectly tell him that you hate him, that he's the worst thing that happened to you in your life... and he thinks it's reverse psychology.
"fuck you"
"Is that an invitation?😚"
"I hate you"
"I love you too babe🥰"
"If we were trapped on a desert island I wouldn't hesitate for a second to make a raft with your limbs"
"Silly you, I would take you out flying😘"
Do you see what I'm saying? For the same reason, if you end up hurting him, he would be proud that now you can definitely defend yourself from the Revolutionaries who "kidnap you every now and then" (it's you on the run). dang it, if you hurt him probably even NOLAN would compliment you for doing it despite being "so weak" and would completely approve of you.
(I can already imagine you with a wedding dress and a bouquet of knives...you want to throw it at Mark...in the face)
I think the most Mark does to scare you into escape scenarios is to threaten to throw you and not catch you next time, that's the best he goes. He can't stand the idea of leaving you paralyzed because it would be very boring and sad to see only a shell of you.
He wouldn't kill Eve, but he would never hurt you...physically. Did you see that in the end in their universe they manage to imprison him and get rid of Omniman? you totally didn't let go of Fem! Cecil(Cecilia?) all the way to her base and thanking her with all your heart and tears. Cecilia comforted you awkwardly, but she understood that you must have definitely had a hard time with Mark.
Meanwhile, with Mark already locked up, even if the world is a bit messed up, you can breathe easy for the first time in years, you can leave the base without fear of what happens to the people around you, you can eat without a problem, you can CHAT with people! it's magic! It's like you don't even remember anything before Mark! out of pure fear!
Meanwhile, Mark in prison always asks about you AT LEAST once a day, even if they give him proof that you are WELL and HEALTHY, he just doesn't believe it and DEMANDS to see you to prove it, which they obviously deny him and only makes him think that even more. The guy thinks you must be dying of hunger and cold or being eaten by collotes while you live your best life🤣
"MY POOR BABE! She must be so confused and scared without me! How do I know they're not torturing her for information!? She must be so worried because we're not getting home!" and it goes on and on... meanwhile Darling: "happy~ happy~happy~" "OHHHOOOhhOO, I'M SO FUCKING HAPPY!"
For now that's all. I hope the Viltrum empire doesn't come to shit on Darling's happiness☠️
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hobiebrownismygod · 10 months
Rising - 1610!Miles Morales x Fem!Reader
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~3.1k words
Synopsis: Miles knew he would have to battle with his guilt from his Uncle Aaron's death, but he never expected to get involved with the Prowler again. This time, the Prowler returns with a new face.
TW: Death, Mention of Murder & Robbery
A/N: Reader doesn't have a specified race. I talk about Reader's eyes a little bit, but nothing is specified other than them being pretty <3
Edit: Based off prompt by @homiesondaweb go check them out
10:36 A.M. Aaron Davis's Funeral - Miles' POV __________________________________________________
"Thank you for coming." Miles watched as his mom quietly whispered her thanks to the numerous family members approaching them with their kind words and back pats. He forced a smile as a woman he didn't even know cupped his face in her hands, her condolences barely audible over the loud murmurs of the rest of the funeral crowd. The cold Brooklyn breeze sent shivers down his spine, his thin suit coat doing little to prevent the goosebumps from rapidly spreading across his skin.
It was a gloomy day, dark clouds on the horizon blocking the sun, the inevitable chance of pouring rainfall growing closer and closer as the wind pushed the overcast towards the funeral service. It had been exactly one week and two days since his Uncle Aaron's sudden death. The cops, well Miles' dad Jeff, had done a good job covering up his uncle's involvement in the collider sequence that generated the tens of tiny earthquakes, shaking New York to its core and leading to thousands worth of property damage. It was as if the Prowler had never existed. They said that his uncle died during one of the earthquakes, trapped under the rubble while trying to help evacuate a neighborhood but Miles knew better.
He knew the truth. He knew that his uncle wasn't a good guy. He knew that he'd been working with Kingpin. He knew about the Sinister Six. But worse than all the rest, he knew that it was his fault his uncle was dead. Because if he hadn't been bit by that damn spider, Aaron Davis would still be alive.
"Dear friends and family, we gather here today in grief and love to remember the life of Aaron Davis and to support one another during this difficult time. As we come together, let us take a moment to offer a prayer of comfort, healing, and strength..."
It was starting. Miles quickly took a seat next to his mom who was silently dabbing the corner of her eye with a small, white napkin. She put her hand on top of Miles' squeezing gently and shooting him a slight smile before they both turned their heads to look back over at his father, who was approaching the podium to give his farewell speech. Miles watched as his father pulled out what looked like a crumpled piece of paper from his pocket, looked at it for a moment, and then shoved it back in with a sigh. He placed his hands on both sides of the microphone, eliciting a small, high-pitched screech, evoking subtle winces among the crowd.
His dad cleared his throat, and began to speak, his voice wavering slightly with every change in tone. It was hard for him, probably harder than it was for Miles. Miles couldn't help but feel a little proud of his dad for being able to stand up there and talk about the man that they'd lost, because he knew that if he himself tried to go up there, he'd break down and never be able to build himself back up again.
"Aaron was my baby brother. But more than that, he was my best friend." His dad chuckled slightly, memories flooding his mind as he continued, "I remember when we were young, how the two of us would go out causing trouble like we were invincible. Like nothing could break us..."
As Miles's focus slowly wavered, he felt his father's voice becoming more and more muffled. Miles' mind was overwhelmed by unwelcome thoughts, flooding his senses and making his swallowing sharper and his eyes heavier. If I hadn't been bit...would he still be here today? He closed his eyes quickly, to prevent himself from breaking down right there, swallowing back his tears before opening them again and looking back at his father. If I hadn't been followed...would he have survived?
If I'd shook him off my path that day, he would've never realized that I was going to Aunt May's house. And he wouldn't have caught me. And I wouldn't have taken my mask off. And he wouldn't have been shot.
Miles heard clapping and opened his eyes again, forcing a smile onto his face and clapping along with everyone else while his dad sat down in the seat next to him. Another person went up to the stand, someone Miles didn't know. As the person began to talk, Miles felt his mind wandering again, back to those horrible, horrible thoughts. But there was a hint of truth behind them, wasn't there? If I hadn't-
He felt a tingling sensation in his body, the hairs on his arms standing up and a weird, almost nauseating feeling entering the front of his forehead. His spider-sense. It was detecting something.
He subtly turned his head to the side, where the sense was telling him to look. His eyes scanned over his surroundings, taking in the faces of all the people there, most of whom he'd never met before. Many of them were relatives on his dad's side, people who he didn't meet often because of his dad's messy relationship with his parents. He'd never told Miles why exactly he never got to meet his grandparents, but Miles knew not to ask. Family issues were difficult.
His eyes landed on a pair of people, one larger than the other. They were both covered from head to toe in funeral attire, the larger one wearing a black suit and the smaller one, probably a young girl, wearing a simple black dress. They looked just like everyone else, except for the fact that they were wearing face-masks to cover their faces, something you didn't often see at a funeral. It was as if they were trying to hide something.
Miles continued to stare at the pair, gears turning in his brain as he tried to see if he could recognize them. Despite not being able to see their expressions, they looked solemn. His spider-sense began to die down and he decided it must've been a fluke, but even then he couldn't help but continue to gaze at them. Especially at the girl. He was mesmerized. He couldn't even see her face, but he felt some kind of weird connection. Like he knew her from somewhere. Or she knew him.
Suddenly, her eyes darted towards him. He immediately looked away, feeling his face turn hot as he pursed his lips together, looking down and fidgeting with his fingers. His spider-sense went off like crazy and he could feel her hard stare boring into his skull, those entrancing eyes glaring right at him. He stayed like that for a few minutes, barely even breathing as he waited for her to look away. When she did, he looked back more subtly this time, and then looked back at the stand with a newfound sense of focus.
"Aaron Davis was a good man who died a hero's death. May his soul Rest In Peace for all eternity..."
Another person who must've been close to Miles' uncle was talking, preaching about how perfect he was. Miles couldn't help but wonder...if only they knew. His uncle was a hero, but not for the reasons everyone else believed. He'd saved Miles. But Miles couldn't save him.
Eventually, after all the speeches finished, Miles stood up and walked with the crowd toward where his uncle's coffin would be buried. Everyone watched intently as the coffin was lowered into the ground and everyone stayed silent while they threw in their white roses and other flowers. Some were crying, some were sniffling, but Miles stayed quiet. He couldn't break down yet. Not here. Not in front of everyone.
Once everyone else was finished, Miles approached the coffin silently, a single sunflower in his hand. He raised his hand out toward the coffin, and let the sunflower fall down, catching on the wind and slowly drifting onto the top of the coffin. "Goodbye, Unc." He whispered, just loud enough for nobody else but him to hear. He felt red hot tears filling up his eyes as he stepped back from the grave. "I'll miss you."
8 days earlier, 17 hours after Aaron Davis's death Your house - your POV __________________________________________________
"Hey kiddo."
You looked up as your father walked into your room, sitting down on the bed and watching you as you continued working on your newest project. Hover-shoes. They looked like normal shoes, but the soles were replaced with a strong magnet which would push you off the floor and help you hover for a little more than a few minutes. They would be useful if you ever needed to sneak around without making noise, because they'd prevent you from touching the ground.
You placed the shoe sole you'd been manipulating down and looked over at your father, eyebrow raised. He rarely delivered good news like this, so something must've happened.
"Hey? What's up?" You asked, slightly nervous as you watched him put his hand on the back of his neck before looking away from you. The guilty look on his face told you something was definitely wrong. You quieted your voice to a whisper before leaning toward him slightly. "Don't tell me...we've been compromised?" You asked, eyes wide with fear as your mind immediately went to the worst.
You and your father weren't the average duo. Actually, you were a lot more than average. Murder, espionage and robbery weren't father-daughter dates that were revered in modern society. But it was how you survived. It was really all you knew. You were just a little kid when you discovered what your father really did for a job, murdering and stealing for unknown bosses, a mercenary of some sorts. But unlike a normal child, you were excited. You weren't scared of your father's job, in fact, you wanted to be a part of it.
Your genius intellect might have had a hand in that reaction, considering you were never normal to begin with. Always the top of your class, always having to wait for the others to catch up, life was phenomenally boring for someone like you, so a bit of excitement never hurt. Your father's job also helped you build connections, connections with people most would be scared of. Except these connections did more for you than any fancy private school ever could. Learning from the best, although the public would consider them the worst. Being taught how to accomplish impossible feats. A life fit for a little Einstein.
"No, nothing like that" your father said quickly, waving off your fear that you'd been caught. The constant meetings between criminals in the apartment you stayed in would probably raise suspicion eventually, but for now the two of you were in the clear.
You leaned back in your chair, arms folded over your chest as you tilted your head at him. "Then what?" your breathing slowed down as your fright subsided, heart-beat back to a regular pace. Being a genius didn't prevent the occasional panic attack, although occasional could be considered an understatement. They happened often and randomly. You were never 100% safe when the chance of losing your ability to move and breathe was always on the corner. It was one of the reasons your father was so against you being out in the field. But you wanted to be there anyways, because after all, where's the fun in staying to the side?
"It's about...Aaron."
Your eyes widened as you leaned forward again, hands clasping in your lap. "What happened?" You asked quietly, dreading the response you'd receive. Aaron Davis was the Prowler. A revered member of the Sinister Six cartel. The mercenary of all mercenaries. Your role model. Your dad's best friend. Nothing could happen to your idol, the man who ate dinner at your table just three days ago. Nothing.
"He's dead."
You swallowed that sharp pain in your stomach back, blinking away the arrival of a tear in your eye. "What happened?" You repeated, voice a little bit harsher, tone a little bit colder.
"We're not sure. He was killed during his hunt for that kid. The new Spider-man." Your expression hardened. "Spider-man?"
Your father nodded solemnly. "We're trying to figure out who this kid is. The rest of the cartel wants him too. Aaron...we think he killed Aaron. Our cameras show him fleeing the crime scene."
You nodded back, folding your arms over you chest as you leaned back in your chair for a second time. You tilted your head so the back of it hit the top of your chair, before rolling it to the side, looking back at the pair of shoes you'd been working on. "So what's the plan then?
Your father stood up, putting his hands in his pockets before he approached you. "Before we go over the plan, I have something that might cheer you up, kid." You looked up at him, a little surprised. A present of some sort? Unlikely. Why would he bring it up after dropping something so heavy on you?
You stood up and followed him out, arriving in the living room where a medium-sized box sat on the couch. He leaned down and gently lifted it before handing it over to you. "Open it." he said with a nod.
You scrutinized his expression, trying to guess what might be in the box before you opened it. "What's this, then?"
"Just open it, (reader's name)."
You chuckled softly before removing the top of the box, peering inside curiously. A soft gasp escaped your lips, eyes watering at the sight of the present. Removing the top layer of tissue, you pulled out a mask.
The Prowler mask.
"He-he-did he-?"
"He left a voice message saying it was for you." Your father forced a smile at your expression. He was trying to support you, but he was obviously frightened at the idea of his daughter growing up so fast. Of his little girl turning into him.
"Thank you." you whispered, blinking back your tears. This gesture was almost too much. Your idol wanted you to carry on his legacy. It was almost poetic in a sense.
Your father nodded, putting his hand on your shoulder in a comforting way. "Lets talk about this plan, shall we?"
7:50 A.M. - Monday Two days after the funeral - Miles POV
"Mami, I'm gonna be late for school!" Miles said quickly, dodging another one of his mom's sloppy kisses before walking out the door. "Hey, un momento más! Dame un kiss first!" Miles groaned as his mom grabbed his face and placed another kiss on his cheek, but he couldn't help but smile at the gesture. She handed him his bag before walking back inside.
Miles was already late to school. He had 5 minutes until class started and it took 10 minutes for him to walk there. There was no way he'd be able to make it in time, unless...
ten minutes later
Miles arrived on top of the school building, panting slightly as he struggled to pull his school uniform over his head after three minutes of intense web-swinging. Swinging was almost as tiring as running, but Miles would never complain about how it felt to swing through the city as Spider-man. The adrenaline pumping through his veins, the exhilarating feeling of the cold wind slamming against the skin of his suit, speeding past cars and trucks, threading the needle between buildings and alleyways.
He was still going to be late, he realized as he tried to fix his tie while he ran through the hallways. He skid past the door he was supposed to enter and tripped, falling onto his face before he recovered and swung the door open, right as the bell rang.
The entirety of the class turned to look at him, the silence so loud you could hear it as he walked inside, beads of sweat still wetting his eyebrows. "Nice of you to join us, Mr. Morales." His physics teacher said with an eye roll, her voice barely drowning out the sound of his bright red Jordans squeaking across the floor while he attempted to sit down. "Nice of you to wait for me" he replied with a sheepish grin, setting his backpack down.
His teacher gave him a fake smile before gesturing for him to stand up. "Actually, I'm going to have you sit next to someone else for a little while." she said, eyeing the boy Miles had sat down next to. Ganke Lee shot her a sly grin back before subtly giving Miles a high-five under the seat.
"Back corner of the room. Quick, don't keep us waiting." Miles looked back at the area she was pointing at and shuffled toward the empty seat. He barely gave his new partner a glance before he sat down. He looked over at the person he'd have to share a table with and he let out an audible gasp.
Those eyes...
Your POV
You glanced over at him, eyes narrowing as you began to recognize him, scanning over his figure. An amused grin spread across your face as you watched him shut his mouth and turn away, obviously embarrassed at how loud he'd just been. You shook your head gently, a soft chuckle escaping your lips.
"Everyone pull out your textbooks and turn to page 76. Today we'll be learning about-"
Despite the teacher's ongoing lecture, you could feel his eyes on you, unmoving from your face. You bit the inside of your cheek, debating with yourself on whether or not you should ignore him. You decided to confront him, but before you could say anything-
"Hey. What's your name?"
You looked over at him, tucking a strand/lock of hair behind your ear as you did so.
"Y/N. You?" You tried your best to seem dry. You weren't here to make friends, but you couldn't help but shoot a smile at the sweet-looking boy next to you. He returned it, resting his face in his palm and leaning against the table as he watched you.
"I'm Mil-" his voice cracked slightly and he ducked his head in embarrassment, looking away. You stifled a laugh, covering your mouth with the back of your hand as you nodded at him. His face was a little flushed when he looked back at you. "Miles. Miles Morales."
@s6onder @therealloopylupin2099 @l0starl @daydreaming-en-pointe @niqetine @gwennesy @itsparis-07 @@vileviale
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kainagant · 4 months
Do you think they'll bring back lady nagant before the manga ends? I'm always wondering how her ending will be written tbh
....maybe? i'm not sure. i don't even like her middle that much, to be honest. her backstory and personality and design are top tier, but from the start i never liked how horikoshi handled her face heel turn. or just her arc in general.
the thing is that in the first place her siding with all for one was kind of clumsy. it's only revealed through deku's terms that her heart really wasn't in it, which shouldn't even be a surprise since it was well established that she is sick and tired of being a gun for hire, and i can't imagine that she'd be happy with capturing a minor and delivering him to be at a legendary supervillain's mercy. but again, this isn't portrayed very well.
and then her flip flop to siding with deku again also felt incredibly hamfisted. i can still justify why she would do that in my head, but just from what we see actually happen it doesn't make any sense why deku's speech towards her made a difference. overall i just think she deserved a much longer arc that delved deeper into her actual thoughts and feelings as she went through everything.
her appearance in the dark hero arc as the main antagonist made a lot of sense, but the execution was just terrible. because the dark hero arc followed the events of jaku city, when heroes were retiring left and right and public sentiment was at an all time low. none of this likely was a surprise to lady nagant. because she always knew that the idea of "peace" was a fragile illusion. you could even say that the symbol of peace was a fragile illusion, because he really was. people were allowed to live in ignorance of just how weak and flawed heroes could be. because people were never told that heroes were just human, and that they had the capacity to fail. rather, people were encouraged to rely on the invincibility of heroes, so overall very "i told you so" when that fragile illusion crumbled.
if they bring her back at all, i can probably only expect like. one or two panels cameo, epilogue style. even though i firmly believe that she deserves a lot more. i want to see her and hawks healing from their trauma, maybe even working together to reform or dismantle the hpsc. i want to see her watch hero society change in a way that ensures that heroes like her are not allowed to continue down the dark path she traveled, and when a bad apple slips through the cracks, that its not covered up. i want her to tell class 1-a "it's okay to be a human, before you're a hero" and i want her to yell at society "heroes are just human, and if you're not okay with that then fuck you". but i don't think we'll see much of this, realistically.
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allthingsfangirl101 · 5 months
AFS Chapter 4: A Wake-Up Call and An Apology
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"What is wrong with you?!" Andrew yelled as he stormed into Joe's apartment.
"Me?" Joe laughed. "You're the one who barged in here, screaming like a madman."
"Do you realize that if you can't get Evelyn to agree to fake-date you, then you're going to lose everything?"
"Don't you think that's a little dramatic?" Joe scoffed.
"If you keep this up, no one will want to hire you. Face it, Joe. You're an asshole. Everyone knows it. Sooner or later, they aren't going to put up with your shit anymore."
"I still have fans," Joe shrugged.
"Barely," Andrew scoffed. "Joe, those fans of yours only watch you because they can't wait for your next blow-up. They're waiting to see you lose your shit. They don't care about you. They just want to watch your life fall apart."
Andrew shook his head, not knowing what else he could say to get it through Joe's head.
"Joe," he whispered, "you can't keep acting like this. I know you think you're invincible, but no one is. Not even Evelyn Jones."
"What do you mean?" Joe asked as he crossed his arms over his chest. He tried to act like he wasn't curious, but of course, he was. Evelyn was Hollywood's Princess. She was the strong, independent role model girls needed.
"When she first moved to Hollywood, Evelyn was an insecure, scared girl," Andrew explained.
"Yeah right," he scoffed. "Evelyn Jones was never insecure or scared."
"I've known Jane a long time," Andrew said. "When she first signed Evelyn, she was worried about getting her to open up. I told her that once Evelyn got her groove and people realized how great she was, she'd open up."
"Clearly she did," Joe mumbled. He cleared his throat and looked back up at Andrew.
"You gotta help me out, kid," Andrew sighed. "There isn't much more I can do for you."
Joe hesitated. Andrew's been with him since the very beginning. He didn't deserve this.
"You think Evelyn would agree if I apologized?"
Andrew's head snapped up. The way he studied Joe made him laugh. "You don't have to look so surprised."
"I'm just. . . I am," Andrew stuttered. "It's nice to have you back."
"Back?" Joe scoffed, trying to recover from his brief moment of weakness.
"Admit it," Andrew laughed. "You've changed over the years. For a few seconds, we had the old Joe Keery back."
* * * * *
"You can wait for Evelyn right here," the PA slightly stuttered. "Evelyn just needs to shoot the scene one more time. She should be done in a couple of minutes.
"Thank you," Joe nodded. He shoved his hands into his pockets and watched Evelyn's scene.
Everyone was talking about this new movie. More so about Evelyn being in it. It's suspected to be one of the highest-grossing movies of the summer. Evelyn was staring in the new Disney movie, Cruella. Her fans knew she was going to be amazing and as he watched her in the scene, Joe knew she would be.
"Estella, it's been so long," Evelyn's costar Kirby said. "You know, I kept staring at you at the party and then it came to me. That's Estella from school.
"It's not Estella," Evelyn said in the most perfect accent. "That's the past. I'm Cruella."
Kirby gasped and slowly sat back in her seat. Evelyn leaned forward and said her next line. "So you go to parties and you take pictures and you print gossip? That's your job?"
"Yes, well," Kirby shrugged. "Not as fun as it sounds."
"Oh, it doesn't sound fun," Evelyn recited. "It sounds useful."
"Oh," Kirby said quietly. Someone walked by, making Evelyn scowl.
"I'd like to start my own label. Why don't we work together to create some buzz for this old rag that you continually fill with that old hag?"
Kirby let out a soft chuckle before saying, "You have that glint in your eye."
"What glint?" Evelyn smirked.
"Well, I'm starting to remember that you have a bit of an extreme side."
Evelyn laughed a spot-on Cruella laugh as she sat back. "Well, then you remember what fun that is? Now, I want you to help me tell them who I am."
"And cut! Ladies, that was perfect!" Craig Gillespie laughed and dramatically clapped his hands. "Let's break for lunch."
Joe suddenly got nervous and wiped his hands on his jeans as Evelyn started walking off-set. She froze when she looked up and saw him.
"What are you doing here?" Evelyn said simply.
"I wanted to talk about dinner the other night," Joe said, not feeling at all as confident in front of her as he did the other day. "Actually, I wanted to apologize for my behavior. You were right. About everything. I don't know why I. . ."
"Joe?" Evelyn hesitated to interrupt him. Joe instantly stopped talking. He cleared his throat as he gathered the courage to do what he had come to do.
"How about we go to lunch?" Joe asked. He smiled when she looked down at her Cruella-ness. He quickly added, "After you change, of course."
"Thank you," she smiled. "Give me fifteen minutes."
"Fifteen?" Joe asked with a small chuckle. He cleared his throat, internally scolding himself when he realized that could've come off as mocking.
"Well," Evelyn chuckled, "the wig is practically pinned to my head. I need help getting out of the clothes. And the make-up takes several minutes to get it completely off."
"Sometimes I'm really happy I'm a guy," Joe laughed.
"It's not always so bad," Evelyn shrugged. "As much as I hate them, it's fun to dress up for premieres."
"I agree," Joe said. When Evelyn laughed, his stomach did something weird. He didn't let himself think about it.
"I'll be out in just a minute," Evelyn said. "You okay to wait here?"
"Of course," Joe said. He couldn't help but feel relieved as Evelyn walked to her tailor. He was still unable to understand why she had agreed to go to lunch with him. Then again, it was expected.
As Joe waited for Evelyn, he rehearsed what he was going to say to her. Each one felt stupid. He shook his head and ran his fingers through his hair.
"Everything okay?" Evelyn asked, making Joe jump. "Didn't think I'd come back?"
"I just. . ." Joe stuttered. "I scare easy."
Joe cringed when that was the first thing that came to his mind.
"You do?" Evelyn chuckled. "Good to know."
She walked past him, sending him a teasing smirk. He cleared his throat and quickly caught up to her. They were silent as they walked through set. When they got to the parking lot, an older man in a suit walked up to Evelyn and nodded. Joe watched full of curiosity as he watched how she interacted with the man.
"Hi, Henry," Evelyn greeted him. "Joe, this is my driver and private security guard, Henry. Henry, this is Joe Keery."
"Sir," Henry nodded.
"He's very professional," Evelyn chuckled, "even though I told him he didn't have to be."
"My job is to protect you, Ms. Evelyn," Henry said simply.
"I can't get him to stop calling me Ms. either," Evelyn laughed. Henry opened the car door for them. As she got in, she saw the slight smile on Henry's face.
"Where would you like to go?" Henry asked as he got into the driver's seat.
Evelyn turned toward Joe and waited. He cleared his throat, realizing that it was his suggestion to go to lunch so he should've been the one to suggest a place.
"There's this cool sandwich place around the corner," Joe hesitantly suggested.
"Sounds great," Evelyn said simply.
"Awesome," Joe said, trying not to sound relieved. "Henry, it's on the corner of Parks Ave and Sunlight Drive."
"I know the place," Henry nodded.
As Henry drove them, the two had different thoughts. Evelyn's thoughts were about her work schedule. Joe's thoughts were on his last dinner with Evelyn and what he could possibly say to take back half of his asshole-ness.
"Would you like me to wait outside or wait for you to call for a pickup?" Henry asked.
"You know how much I hate making you wait outside," Evelyn sighed, mostly to herself.
"How about I go to that Thai food place just down the street?" Henry offered. "You can send me a text when you're done and I'll come back."
"Sounds good," Evelyn chuckled. Joe watched Evelyn interact with her driver/security guard. She was extremely kind and considerate to someone she paid. He couldn't remember the last time he was that kind to someone who worked for him.
Hell, he couldn't remember the last time he was that nice to Andrew.
"You ready?"
Joe looked outside, realizing they were at the restaurant. He cleared his throat and took off his seat belt.
"Ready," Joe said. He got out of the car but stopped.
He turned around and reached his hand out to help Evelyn out of the car. She's usually good at hiding her surprise, but this caught her off guard. She smiled as she accepted his help.
Joe led Evelyn inside, his hand gently on her back. She smiled when she noticed him switch to her other side, closest to the road.
This was new. For the both of them.
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a/n: hi, love! i'm glad i helped you out just a little with my work! of course, it's both painful and really heartwarming writing this! so, i hope you enjoy this one again!!! <333
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Mikey x F!Reader | Chifuyu x F!Reader
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Manjiro Sano
He both loves and hates the fact that you could fight and you are in a gang.
He loves it because he knows you could protect yourself when he’s not around. Plus, your fiery personality is what drove him closer to you. He likes a challenge.
And, he hates it because he knows how dangerous the world of delinquents is. He never wants to have you get caught up in a situation you can’t fix.
Mikey’s so proud of you for being such a strong and independent woman. He could bring you anywhere. The only thing is that he has to stop you from taunting everyone to fight with you. Although others are scared of you, and on top of that, the leader of the number 1 gang is your significant other. You two are Tokyo’s powerhouse couple.
But, that’s not until your members told you to stay away from Toman, let alone, him. They informed you of the threat he posed to you and your gang. And, if you don’t stop seeing him and continue on with your relationship, a member or not, they will hurt Mikey. What’s worse is that they are capable of killing him.
So, you did what they told you to do. Mikey wasn’t convinced at all. He knew there’s a deeper reason why you turned away from him. He knew how much love you hold for him, but why will you leave all of a sudden?
It’s hurting him to the point where Draken has to literally drag him outside of his room just to have him get out of the house. He was slowly spiraling down into that dark impulsivity.
Draken’s aware that you’re the cause behind Mikey’s pain. He didn’t hesitate for any second to talk to you.
You weren’t able to speak of the reason at first, but when Draken told you about Mikey’s current state, you were heartbroken. And, you just told Draken everything that happened. How your gang threatened you that they’ll hurt Mikey.
“He’s the Invincible Mikey for a reason, Y/N. No matter what danger he faces, he will always prevail, especially if it’s for you. After all, you are the only person capable of saving him from a dark path. So, I’m begging you. Don’t leave him. He’s not the same without you.”
You finally had the courage to face him again after Draken convinced you to. Your knees were on the ground as you pleaded for his forgiveness. That you regret leaving him for a stupid reason. You were bawling your eyes out as you begged…
Mikey then gently held your face up with both of his hands, looking at you like you never did anything wrong to him. Like you’re the only person he could ever see as perfect.
“Even if you don’t say sorry, I already accept your apology. I love you, and nothing would change that. Just don’t leave me again, okay?” He smiled at you, the one where his eyes go missing.
You hugged him really tight as if you don’t want to let go. Behind his toughness is a gentle soul who loves and cares for you wholeheartedly.
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Chifuyu Matsuno
Being with him is always such bliss to you. He’s your ball of sunshine that never fails to put a smile to your face. And, the only man who could see what’s hidden underneath your strong persona.
You didn’t know that he was physically strong because he was so kind. And, his personality towards you becomes 10x softer when he’s around you.
He doesn't seem to be intimidated when he finds out that you’re a member of another gang. All he could say was, “Then my girl is a badass then, huh?”
He adores the way you fight others so gracefully. He didn’t think that a person like you could exist in this world. And, what he means by that is you’re like a goddess that has been sent by the heavens to bless him with your love. He’s just head over heels for you.
This boy loves showing you off and tells everyone that his girlfriend is so strong that she could defeat everyone. But, you’ll tell him not to say that because you might really get caught in a fight. You’re just happy how proud he is of you.
That smile of his makes you go weak in the knees. You’ve also become so soft for him, and that’s the problem your gang members have seen. They demanded that you must leave him, or else, they’ll force the two of you to leave each other brutally.
He propped that beautiful smile of his which made it harder for you to break it off with him. But, you had to…
Right there, you saw his whole life crumble apart in the eyes that only sparks off happiness. The eyes that were so bubbly were now lifeless.
You couldn’t bear to see him hurt because of you. But, you have to endure this and live on with the biggest mistake you made.
Not until one night when Toman’s captains were at your house. You were nervous to see all of them at your house.
You then saw Chifuyu, who still had that smile despite the pain you’ve caused him. But, it’s visible that he���s just hiding the pain. You can’t help but run into his arms and feel his warmth again.
The two of you just stayed there hugging each other. When their leader welcomed you to Toman.
“Here, we never let our members get hurt. And, once we saw Chifuyu heartbroken over you, we can’t help but empathize with him. You don’t deserve to be in a gang where they deprive you of your happiness. All Chifuyu could talk about is how strong and committed you are, and we can’t pass on a girl who has a strong will. So, leave your gang and join us. And, if they try to announce war with us, then you can fight alongside us.”
You accepted the offer because Toman really is filled with great people. After that, Chifuyu promised not to let you go again and you did the same.
How could you ever leave the only person who brings you both the thrill and comfort? Chifuyu Matsuno is the most perfect person you’ve ever encountered. And, of course, you couldn’t pass on what fate has given you.
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skellebonez · 3 years
Who Do I Go To? (Monkie Kid Fanfic)
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I totally did not accidentally post this early before I edited it or added everything from my wip file... no... but anon, you gave me so much FREEDOM with this that I just went absolutely off the rails. This is not only set in a post S3 scenario where everyone survives and most of the villains have some kind of at least semi-redemption (except LBD, rip), this does feature a crackship or two of mine (you can read the tags to see the ships before you read)! Sun Wukong also has all of his immortality and some of his powers, I am writing this with the idea that he transferred most of them to MK and some of that was permanent once LBD was defeated and MK got his own back.
So... what if Sun Wukong did start communicating with the others in S3... but still has been bottling up his emotions about the past for so long he doesn’t feel he can talk to anyone because of their shared experiences? And what happens when that guilt and grief finally has someone willing to listen?
“What are you doing here, Si-SUN Wukong?” The Demon Bull King asked slowly, stumbling over his usual insult for the one once so close to him. They still weren’t close, and it was doubtful they would ever be as long as the sworn brothers they once were, but they were no longer at each other’s throats anymore.
That didn’t change how bizarre it was to see The Great Sage Equal To Heaven just... sitting outside his new home with no warning.
“DBK!” Wukong exclaimed, more startled than the larger demon was expecting as he jumped up and turned and if he didn’t look like he’d been hit with a truck metaphorically DBK didn’t know how to describe the way his fur stood on end and the redness in the other’s eyes. “I. UH. Was. Just stopping by to say hi!”
“No you weren’t,” DBK said, face falling into a deadpan glower. “You don’t do that. Even after 500 years I know you don’t.”
“I can start!” Wukong defended, crossing his arms and looking away with a wide teeth showing smile.
Too wide.
Even after everything that happened between them, from Red Boy to what happened when he needed his wife’s fan to sealing him in the mountain and everything that transpired with the Little Thief, he recognized that unhappy nervous smile.
“You can,” DBK said with a nod, gesturing to the smaller being. “You can also be here for a reason. Like what I heard you muttering to yourself behind the door.”
“And that’s my cue to leave!” The Monkey King announced as he turned to walk away before a large hand, with shocking gentleness for the one attached to it, wrapped around his shoulders.
“If you need to talk-”
“No, haha, I most certainly have no need for that!”
“-you know we’ve already made peace. I-”
“You don’t need to do anything,” Wukong insisted, struggling only a little before freeing himself from the other’s grip with an even wider nervous smile.
“-am willing to listen.”
“Don’t have to!”
“Are you at least talking to anyone?”
Neither of them said anything, The Demon Bull King staring down at The Monkey King with both frustrated annoyance and genuine concern in his expression.
The former he could deal with, but the later was so new again that...
Sun Wukong panicked.
“.... OKEY BYE!” He yelled, jumping and allowing his cloud to catch him and take him off.
“He turned out fine, he says,” Princess Iron Fan called from behind her husband as she emerged from their home. “So fine that it took him losing his invincibility and his successor nearly being killed for him to admit he needed help.”
DBK grunted, nodding in agreement at her words.
“He needs more, still, my dear. Even I can see that.”
“Let’s call in some reinforcements then, darling. I think there are two people who may be able to get through to him.”
Sun Wukong sat on the beach of Mount Huaguo’s island home, clearly trying not to think about what had just transpired.
“How did you even know to look for me here?” Sun Wukong asked, not nearly as startled this time. He’d heard the footsteps coming for a long time, the other apparently wanting to make his presence known.
“Bull King called Pigsy’s asking for MK. MK called me since he’s working. I remembered where you like to sulk. Hence: I’m here.”
Wukong groaned, wrapping his arms around his knees and burying his face in them. “I shouldn’t have even left the house today.”
“But you left,” Macaque said with a shrug, watching the other stew in his frustration at himself. “And you went to see DBK... and I guess Princess Iron Fan too? But you ran off. Why?”
“I can’t check up on an old friend turned enemy turned less enemy to ‘not exactly friend but we’re not trying to kill each other’ without being questioned?” Wukong grumbled into his arms.
“Not when you make him sound as worried as he did when he talked to MK,” Macaque continued, voice becoming more tense. “You didn’t go to apologize or explain anything, I was there when all that went down. So... did you finally go to talk about everything e-”
“No.” The word was said with such coldness that Macaque knew it was put on. It wasn’t out of malice but something else, something more worried and fearful. “No. I can’t talk to him about... I told him everything that explained what happened. I apologized. I don’t need to talk more.”
"I don't understand why you're so opposed to to just talking about, you know... how you’re doing," Macaque said with a concerned frown. It almost felt odd on his face. Almost. He was still getting used to the whole "not being mortal eternal enemies and now being friends and kinda sorta caring about each other again" thing. "I know it's been centuries and all and you're out of practice but like... it's been centuries."
"I just... can't, Macaque," Wukong rebutted as he refused to lift his head from his arms. "I just can't."
The single word stayed in their air between them, heavy and hard and meaning more than the immortal would ever admit to.
"Come on, there has to be a reason," Macaque insisted as he sat down beside the other immortal. When no response came he sighed, tail flicking absently and flipping over some of the rocks on the beach as they sat in silence for few minutes. "You know... I started talking to someone."
"What?" Wukong turned his head, just enough to look at the other monkey from the corner of his eye.
“Sandy’s a good listener,” Macaque continued, falling back down to lay flat on his back and gaze up at the clouds. He remembered that Wukong felt better, sometimes, when you looked away when talked to. Didn’t know why, but he remembered. “Not exactly the kind of therapy he thinks I need, but he lends me his cats and he lets me talk and sometimes asks if I want advice. Sometimes I say yes, but when I say no he understands. Sometimes I just want to rant at that one little one eyed cat he has and she listened to... I think. She’s a cat so I wouldn’t know. He thinks I should see someone more experienced, an expert. Maybe he’s right, I dunno, but this helps enough for now.
“... who are you and what have you done with the Six-Eared Macaque?” Wukong asked with a soft glower, one that was clearly in jest from the tiny smile the other could see.
“Same Macaque,” the other said with a laugh, sitting back up with a theatrical flourish. “Just realized that talking to someone isn’t as dumb or useless as I made it out to be in my head. A lot of the stuff I thought about alone wasn’t exactly the best. Or healthiest. But now I can get that out there and sometimes it makes Sandy look like he ate a whole lime which probably means it’s good it’s not in my head anymore.”
“You ramble a lot,” Wukong said with a chuckle, tail swishing softly beside him before nudging against Macaque’s. He tensed before it slowly wrapped around the other’s. “It feels odd, having you try to cheer me up again after... everything.”
“Bad odd or good odd?”
“That’s.... good,” Macaque said, squeezing Wukong’s tail with his own. “Feels odd for me too. Like I’m out of practice too. But it’s good odd...” The two sat in silence for a moment, just enjoying each other’s company before he continued. “I do think you should talk to someone. Anyone.”
“I don’t know who, though. Every time I try I just... clam up and run away. I’ve put so much on MK already,” Wukong said, tail squeezing around Macaque’s loosely in return. “And Pigsy and Sandy... After all that came out, that Sandy is Sha Wujing and Pigsy is Zhu Bajie’s reincarnation... I just... I can’t talk to them either, even though Pigsy doesn’t remember anything at all. And you... DBK... everyone... who do I go to that knows enough about me to know what they’re in for but I won’t have those memories floating around in the back of my head toward making me run away?”
“Well, you could have Sandy help you get a therapist. Prepare them in advance. Or, if you’re not ready for that, you could talk to Tang?” Macaque suggested with a shrug. “He listens to me when I’m not talking to Sandy... but that’s probably because we’re dating, that’s what it is now instead of courting, right? So he kinda has to I think? Pigsy and MK talk to him too but with me I think it’s different.”
"I don't think that's how it works," Wukong said with a half hearted chuckle as he finally raised his head all the way. "Besides, I've known Tang longer."
"By like 3 months."
"3 months more is still enough to know that if he doesn't want to listen to you he won't. The man knows how to make a speedy exit."
"Guess that's one more thing that sets him apart from his great-great-great-great-great-whatever uncle," Macaque admitted with a shrug and a chuckle of his own. He squeezed his tail around Wukong's, smile softening when he felt it being returned.
“Feels... weird though,” Wukong said with a shrug. “The two of them looking so much alike.”
“Yeah, but that’s it,” Macaque rebutted. “He’s Tang Sanzang’s great-whatever nephew 5 times removed or whatever and he looks like him. Other than that? He knows pretty much all of your history. He’s mostly out of the hero worship zone but he still respects you a lot. Aside from everything that happened with LBD and MK you two have the least history out of everyone so maybe whatever’s in your head making you clam up might not stop you. And it couldn't hurt to try. It’s not therapy, it’s just talking about something that’s bothering you. Worst that can happen is you get nervous and fumble and he takes the opportunity to ask you 40 questions about the times you were almost incinerated by a baby."
"That was one time!"
“Uh,” Tang started, staring out the open door with wide eyes at the being before him. “Hi. I didn’t exactly expect to you see today.”
“I didn’t exactly expect to be here today,” Wukong said awkwardly, nervous smile taking over his face as his tone became far too jovial for what he was about to ask. “Macaque sent me to... talk to you. About me?” His smile drooped bit by bit as he said these words, slowly starting to lose his determination to go through with this. “Oh second thought, maybe I should-”
"No," Tang said, reaching out to put a hand on the immortal's shoulder. It was nothing, really, not to someone as strong as he was. Not when he could brush it off and walk away. Go home. Just sit on his couch and watch Monkey King The Animated Series again and just think about how no one deserved to be saddled with his problems anymore. But Wukong didn't. "Whatever it is, we’re going to talk about this now. I know I’m not trained like Sandy is, but I know how to listen. And if you need someone to listen to you, I can. You wouldn't have come here to talk if you didn't."
“... ok...” Sun Wukong said, letting Tang wrap his arm around his back and guide him inside his shared home with Pigsy and Macaque.
It was... odd. Being inside this place for the first time. He’d been outside of the door more than once, invited in as well. But never inside.
“Make yourself comfortable,” Tang said, stopping his guidance once they reached the sofa. “I’m no Sandy, but I was making myself some tea and it is a batch of his own anyway. I’ll grab us some snacks too.”
“Snacks would be great,” Wukong admitted, watching the other disappear into the house’s kitchen before he sighed and gripped his thrashing tail and muttered to himself. “What am I doing..? I shouldn’t put all this on Tang... I should have gone with Macaque’s first suggestion, I’m-”
“Do you prefer lychee or persimmon?” Tang asked suddenly, startling the immortal for the second time that day. “We’re out of peach bao, but MK’s been making them out of lots of fruits and we have so many that I was planning on eating them myself.”
The scholar returned, faster than expected, with a full tray in hand. Teapot, two tea cups, and a steamer box that presumably held the buns he was asking about.
“Uh... persimmon,” Wukong answered, and he watched as Tang poured each of them a cup of tea and removed some clearly fresh (or at least made some time earlier in the day and freshly steamed), pieces of fruit laden bao to put on a plate for his guest before taking a seat in a chair across from him. “You were... getting lunch?”
Tang shrugged, laughing as he took a bite of one of his own. “Just wanted a snack. But,” He smiled, gesturing to the Monkey King. “We’re not here to talk about snacks. What’s on your mind?”
“Awfully forward start.”
“I try to be forward with the people I consider my friends.”
“... You consider me... a friend?” Wukong asked slowly, turning the bao over in his hands. It was well made, perfect he would say. You’d think MK would have been making them all his life, not that he’d learned how to on the drone ship while on the run from an evil super demon bent on erasing his mentor from the world.
“After everything we went through, how could I not?” Tang said, putting his food down to sip his tea and then putting that down as well and looking at him seriously. “You’re here because it’s the anniversary of the day you sealed away the Demon Bull King, aren’t you?”
The bao in his hands wasn’t perfect anymore. Instead the red lychee inside dripped from his claws from where they punctured it in surprise.
“How did you-?”
“My specialty study is your history after all,” Tang said, smile returning with a sad tint. “I’ve known the date for years but I felt it was something to keep to myself. For some reason. Now with you and DBK back I think that was a good choice. It feels too personal to have out in the open for everyone to make a spectacle of.”
“Is it selfish of me to be thankful for that?” Wukong muttered, gently placing the bao on the plate to lick his claws clean.
“I don’t think so,” Tang answered.
“I feel selfish though,” he continued, not managing to take note of how Tang sat up straighter and turned more toward him. “I went to DBK’s to... I don’t know. I wanted to apologize again? But I already did and he accepted it and it feels selfish to want to again. Then I just. I froze.”
“Why?” Tang asked, scooting closer.
“It felt wrong.”
“Because you would make him feel awkward?”
“NO!” Wukong groaned, burying his face in his hands. “I just. I feel...” He took in a shaky breath, claws digging into his skin slightly.
“Don’t,” Tang’s voice came soft and closer than Wukong expected, as did the hands on his own slowly pulling his claws away from his face. “Don’t hurt yourself. And don’t bottle it up. I’ll listen to you. No matter what it is. It’s not selfish, feeling things isn’t selfish.”
“I miss it,” Wukong breathed out, shaky and choppy as his throat tightened as the words started to pour out of him. “I miss him. How things used to be between us and Iron Fan. I miss that I never got to meet Red Son when he was Red Boy. I miss Beng and Ba and Ma and Liu and how things used to be. I miss Zhu Bajie and Sha Wujing even though they’re here. I miss my Tang Sanzang. I’d been alone for 500 years and I missed so much and I did that to myself and it’s selfish to miss like that...”
He didn’t realize his cheeks were wet until his hands had been let go and one of Tang’s rubbed a cloth against them. Tang cupped his cheeks softly before wrapping his arms around him and tucking the Monkey King’s head into the space between his neck and shoulder.
“No... no it’s not. You’re allowed to miss things, Sun Wukong. Just like anyone else.”
Sun Wukong started to feel better.
He didn’t know why that was what did it, but the dam broke. It broke and his tears came pouring out as he hugged the man who reminded him so much of his Master. He didn’t know if anything he said in the mean time made any sense, if he was just blubbering and finally letting himself mourn what he’d lost and never had, but Tang didn’t ever chastise him. He let him weep and hold him and for the first time in years...
“Oh!” Princess Iron Fan startled as she opened the door to see who had knocked, finding herself face to face at sunset with one Great Sage. “You’ve returned.”
“Are you and DBK free?” Sun Wukong asked, smile no longer too wide. “I... kinda just wanna talk with you for a bit.”
“Well... I think that would be lovely.”
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airakorainies · 5 years
So I saw this neat thing flying around Tumblr of Lightwarden aus so with the help of my friend (he’s a wonderful photographer in game. If you want some good pictures too, just send me ask and I can let him know :3)
So! Here’s mine lol
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“Mother, I'm so sorry. Please, I beg of you. Forgive me."
She didn't mean for it to happen. How could she stop it? She was a child frozen in fear. Placed into hiding by her dear mother for protection. The young girl peered through the bushes only to see her mother get cut down in front her. Her hand flew towards the bush and landed just outside of it. She was frozen with fear. She couldn't move. Her breathing grew sharp as she watched the enemies run off. Slowly, she reached out a hand and touched her mother's. Snow Tine.
Guilt plays a tune of melancholy in heart. Each death weighed a heavy toll on her heart. Her eyes would droop with tears of pity as she watched one ally after another get cut down in front of her. A hero? She's no hero. She cannot save the ones she loves.
And then it happened. Those thoughts continued to tear apart her mind and heart until she knew she was unstable. Slowly, she crawled her way out into The Empty. If she were to turn, it'd be best to stay out here. Surely, she would not have to cut down her friends if she was alone. So with the little strength she had left, she called upon Feo Ul. She begged the fairy to trap her in a large bubble, cocoon, a large shard, *anything* so that she may not escape. With the wall raised, she turned.
--> The fight. The Frozen Lament Extreme
~~> Snow Tine the Forgiven Guilt <~~
Class: Demented Summoner
Weapon: Book/Ice that forms around specific limbs for specific purposes
Her appearance matches that of the pictures (will post after), except her horns were moved from the side of her eyes to the bridge of her nose. The horns stretched out and covered her eyes. As a way to hide the tears she has constantly shed. The tux also has a much longer coattail that flows outward during the fight cause aESTHETIC.
The field is a lot like Shiva's but it's got more of an open, cave feel to it. There's no walls and it has a dark canyon that seems to surround the field.
+ When pulled, she immediately throws out a cone knock-back called "Icy Front". It's small but if people aren't paying attention at when the fight began, they can be pushed off just over the edge. There'll be enough time in the casting that the group can run far enough to her to avoid the knock-back. *or immune it* She'll announce the beginning of this move with the dialogue "Move! Get out or I'll kill you too!"
--> Players who get knocked off will not be immediately killed. Instead, they spawn with little health into this room. It looks like a thin icy pillar that extends upward, which is assumed to be the stage as it grows larger and larger as it ascends. In the middle is an orb. It will immediately target the players and begin to cast self destruct. Players must 'kill' the orb to keep a wipe from happening. (Killing it doesn't actually do so. It's just like... disabling it for a while so players can travel through the aether back to the top.) But for each player who fell, it gains a defense buff after it is killed. (For later or any other players that fall later as well)
+ The fight continues out per usual. After a few moments from the knockback, she casts an aoe called "Crying Blizzard".
+ The tank buster follows after is called "Cursed Judgement." Places a hefty vuln onto the tank (that doesn't last long at all but will kill if hit by even an auto attack). This forces a tank swap.
And that's where the fun begins >:)
+ "I've lost so many lights. So what's a few more to lose? I couldn't save them anyway." After she speaks this, she begins to cast a three ring aoe called "Lost Lights". It's got a warning maker *idk what they're called lol* that covers the whole field, leaving only two spots open. Two small rings in between the three. However, there is little reaction time before the players' screens go completely black. They have to memorize where the safe spots are at a glance and quickly remember where to move. The cast is quick too so you can't sit there for a moment to rattle your brain. If hit, it drops a 2 minute frostbite on each player and freezes them for 10 seconds.
+ There's another aoe before she turns to the off tank and casts the knockback towards wherever they're standing. Meaning the off tank should be either with the main tank or to the side where people aren't right after the aoe.
+ She then casts another "Lost Lights" but this time, it's different. Two Shards spawn out of any four patterns. (A cross, an x, a zigzag, or a big bulky line.) They do a complete line aoe across the field they've spawned at. There'll be only a couple of permanent safe spots for any of these patterns but that's up to you to find :)
+ She does another tankbuster, another aoe, before she cries. "Forget it! Forget it all! Please! Forgive me!" She raises her hand up and slaps the ground with a large icy wind knocking all players off the stage.
+ It's your pal orbie!
+ But with friends 😄 There are two ice golems that hit like trucks. So tanks have to take them and then take them to opposite sides of the field. *they get a tether when too close that makes them invincible*.
The orb has a sort of protect shield around it making it untargetable. The golems must be defeated and then the orb. It's a relatively quick add phase that should be pretty easy, but if there were at least 4 knocked of players beforehand, butts will be clenched killing the orb as it's casting self destruct.
+ Once the players return she screams once more. Her voice is shaking and it's obvious she's crying. "Forgive me. Forgive me. Forgive me! FORGIVE ME PLEASE!"
She flies up and summons her book in front of her. A shadow bahambo appears behind her and she begins to cast Teraflare. This is her ultimate 😄 AND the *real* add phase. Shadows of the scions appear on the stage. and each player will be given on of three 'buffs'
- Titan's Terror
Those marked with Titan's Terror must locate the scions with the buff Titan's Triumph and kill them. *players killing the wrong scion places an aoe vuln on everyone. 2 means the ultimate will wipe the party no matter what.*
- Garuda's Gout
Those marked with Garuda's Gout must locate the scions with the buff Garuda's Gift and kill them. However, only two scions are marked with this and it's always the twins. *For the full party only has 8 players.* The twins are easy to kill, but Alphinaud must die first or he'll keep healing the scions. *same with Urianger whether he's marked with titan or ifrit.
- Ifrit's Inability
Those marked with Ifrit's Inability must locate the scions with the buff Ifrit's Interest and kill them.
**The healers will always have the same buff Ifrit's Inability + 1 random dps. For the scions with the buff are not as strong.
Players can either split off and kill each scion individually or those with the same buffs gang up on them one by one.
Whatever way works best for the raid.
There is a time limit. If she hits 100 *she's been drawing in aether from the shadow scions*, she'll cast Teraflare and wipe the party.
If not, the party will receive the buff after all the scions are killed called "Phoniex's Phorgiveness" (xP)
Once she casts the flare, the arena changes. It's all musty yet bright. Large mirrors of the three primal egis are around the arena (just there for show).
The same moves appear. But Lost Light's is different. It has either two new patterns.
One combines the original two and another one has her hitbox as the only safe area. She also will combine other aoes with Lost Lights. Players can get marked with puddles. She could have a lookaway move that if hit, zombifies the player and can cause them to get hit by the lost lights *or damage the other player*
The Lost Light's at this point are instakills.
+ there's one new move now called "Mother's Remorse" One random player besides mt will be targeted with a HUGE aoe marker. They must take it as far away as possible. leaving only a small crescent open. You can eat the damage, but it places a heavy vuln and the aoe after will probably wipe the party. *Which means healers must shield and heal the targeted player for the aoe since they get an automatic vuln*
After a certain allotted time, she has a dialouge box appear. But it only says "*Cries*" Her loud sobs override the music as she begins to slow cast, "Hero's Execution". A big aoe with resemblance to tri-bind, each 'orb' placed in front of the three mirror primals.
At 10%, her dialogue changes. "Is this forgiveness? Please set me free!"
= Her death line, "We meet once again... mother..."
== She drops glamour weapons and a rare mount. Like a nightmare but for the dragons.
{{Thank you all for reading! ^^ hope you enjoyed Snow’s Lightwarden fight}}
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Evil! Lionblaze
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(( Sorry in advance for the excessively long post and points, this au includes two arcs of detailed story ))
- Lionpaw, first of all, doesn't stop training with Tigerstar. Ever. Spurred by bitterness towards the contempt from his waking mentor, Ashfur, and the need to live up to his leader grandpa and deputy father, Lionpaw strives to be the ideal warrior, even by training in the dark forest. He's so blinded by his need for validation and ambition that he began to kill in the dark forest, without even considering the lives he'd destroyed. He thought it wasn't real, and the cats he murdered would wake up all fine and dandy.
- He becomes "evil" slowly, his ill will towards the clans and the cats in them sprouting from the that that he never received the validation he so desired, but from who it counted. No matter how powerful he grew, no matter his invincibility, Ashfur seemed to hate him, and Brambleclaw didn't seem to care. On top of this, Tigerstar planted an idea in Lionclaw's (he was named after his adoptive father, as kind of a joke family name) head when he revealed his power to his "grandpa". The idea was that Lionclaw could conquer the clans, show those that didn't appreciate him properly that he deserved their admiration because he was so powerful and important. Show the likes of Ashfur and Brambleclaw that he deserved their love.
- Lionclaw becomes sort of a living legend among dark forest cats and trainees (some of whom started probably more around his age as opposed to Ivypool's), holding as much power and respect as the likes of Tigerstar and Mapleshade, because of the uses of his power in that environment, his closeness to Tigerstar, and being one of the first still-living trainees. He even commands the respect of the asshat known as Breezepelt, and the half-brothers grow close, with a bond forged by similar motivations and a friendly rivalry. They were practically joined at the hip during their nighttime training sessions, and even the revelation of Lionclaw's parentage changed nothing in their relationship. If anything, it brought them closer and gave more meaning to their brotherly bond.
- Lionclaw who kills Ashfur instead of Hollyleaf, driven to the bloody crime by the pain and rage he felt over his mentor, the cat that was supposed to act like a third parent and a gentle, supportive figure in his life, hated him so. Even despised him to the point of trying to murder him. When Lionclaw told his birth mother and littermates, he proudly and almost in a scary tone of voice justified it as "paying the favor forward, only this time I wasn't afraid to get my paws bloody"
- At the following gathering, Lionclaw made the grand, dramatic announcement that shook his family and the clans to the core, but it wasn't the same one that his sister had made in the main series. He announced that he had killed his own mentor, that he had been training with Tigerstar and co., and when he commanded the crowd's attention once more, he revealed the prophecy, and his power. He challenged the clans as a whole, if any one cat or group could defeat him in battle, he wouldn't take over the clans and kill every cat that didn't fall into line. The gathering descended into chaos, and Lionclaw was barreled off the tree he'd made the announcement from and was promptly jumped by cats that thought they could overpower him. Among the cats he fought and wound up killing were all leaders and deputies, Tigerheart, Tawnypelt, and, in the end, he even killed Hollyleaf. These murders weremore spread out, with Lionclaw killing Brambleclaw and Hollyleaf back in ThunderClan. They didn't have the heart to attack him right away at the gathering, so he put them out of their misery.
- Many cats left at the urging of cats who had run ahead, like the elders, medicine cats, and some of the more morally grounded warriors. Pregnant queens (so not Daisy or Ferncloud) didn't have the time, stamina, or generally felt unable to run away, and when Lionclaw returned they were kept as prisoners so they had kits. Cinderheart was forcibly dragged back and made to become Lionclaw's mate, Jayfeather was taken prisoner as Lionclaw didn't want to lose his brother after killing his foster father and littermate, and any cats that hasn't run, they were either taken prisoner or forced to pledge their loyalty, Darktail style.
- During his takeover of his WindClan, Breezepelt joined forces with Lionclaw, becoming like his "deputy". Many cats that didn't know about their bond were baffled and a little scared by this, and rightfully so. The two of them combined commited worse at atrocities than any combination of previous villainous leaders.
- Lionclaw, after having been forsaken by a terrified StarClan, gained leader lives from Dark Forest and took the name Darklion. The Dark Forest became the kind of replacement StarClan after it's revealed that Darklion had gained these lives, but instead of being respected and beloved, they earn their respect through fear. They even chase StarClan out of their hunting grounds one night, thanks to the help of their trainees and Darklion. (Note: Breezepelt is also named Darkbreeze, but without the lives. He just had to command more respect because of his authority over the WindClan + RiverClan territories)
That's just the Power of Three arc
- The Omen of the Stars arc starts off right away with and introduction to Darklion's expansionism, and the aftermath of him taking over ShadowClan. He already had WindClan, and RiverClan was the last clan that had gone unattacked. Dovekit and Ivykit are like fresh eyes and an introduction to how miserable, violent, and terrifying clan life is. Ivykit seems to be thriving in the environment, in some ways, but Dovekit is constantly stressed and anxious. She's too soft and kind to bear living in the very same camp as Darklion.
- There's a leader Darklion assigned in each area of the new LionClan - Darklion in ThunderClan + ShadowClan and Darkbreeze in WindClan + eventually RiverClan. The two sections are unified and as harmonious as they could be, but most cats kept to the territory of their birth clans and the apprentices are the only ones that truly feel open and happy to casually traverse the old clan borders.
- Darklion winds up having his kits with Cinderpelt Much earlier, against her will of course, and she's confined to the nursery throughout nearly the entire series. The first litter are named Tigerkit (Fernsong), Maplekit (Sorrelstripe), and Hawkkit (Hollytuft)
-Suspicious of both Dovepaw and Ivypaw, Darklion apprentices Ivypaw to himself and Dovepaw to Darkbreeze, effectively shunting her off to WindClan and getting her away from him. Darklion is the one who first convinces Ivypaw to go to the Dark Forest and train there, and he winds up training her waking and sleeping. Ivypaw thinks this is great, and brags about how only special warriors like her get to train where she was. In this arc, she's the special one, the golden child. Training with the evil cats is a privilege, and their stories are told as tragic and heroic tales because Darklion wouldn't have them otherwise. Dovepaw is the one that believes StarClan is good, she's the one with the big heart and the strong moral compass, and therefore she must be the evil one.
- Darkbeeze eventually reports to Darklion that he figured out that Dovepaw has powers and she is the third prophecy cat. Darklion panics and immediately and permanently banishes her to Darkbreeze's territory, as opposed to before, where she could still visit her parents and sister from time to time, if she got the chance to slip away from her intensive training. Darklion continually tells Ivypaw that her sister is terrible and evil, like the cats they must kill to keep their clan safe and happy. Dovepaw is the enemy. Dovepaw is evil and wrong.
- Dovepaw, in WindClan, is starved and tortured by Darkbreeze and her younger clanmates, causing her to become weak and resentful, but unable to fight back. Nobody would help her because of a belief that StarClan were the evil cats and they gave her the power, or out of sheer terror at the prospect of angering Darkbreeze. The cats knew full well that if they helped a cat like Dovepaw, they'd be held prisoner, or even killed.
- One night, as she lay in bed, Dovepaw heard the plots for her own execution. On that full moon, all the clans, even RiverClan, having been taken over, gathered on the island. The prisoners in particular were made to watch as an example was made of a poor, defenceless apprentices. The cats were forced to watch as Darklion stripped Dovepaw's name from her, not even leaving her as Dove, but a nameless, faceless enemy that none could or should sympathise with. Ivyfang, having earned her name, brutally tortured and murdered her own littermate following that. It was disturbing, the delight and joy Ivyfang found in murdering for own sister. Cats like Whitewing, Birchfall, Cloudtail, and Brightheart had special front row seats, even closer than the prisoners. The victim's blood even splashed onto them, and Darklion reveled in their discomfort.
- Jayfeather has been silent for most of the arc, but that had been the last straw for him. On the new moon after Dovepaw's brutal murder, Jayfeather escaped his brother. Only one cat had been guarding him, so the blind cat slipped out under the cover of the new moon. He eventually found his way to the others who had fled, updated them on the situation, and had tearful reunions with the ragtag group of escaped cats. He spent time in recovery from being starved and abused, but was soon back on his feet and plotting against his own brother without fear or regret.
- Near the end of the arc, the dark forest manifests itself in the physical realm, beefing up the authority of Darklion and Darkbreeze and preparing all cats to kill their old clanmates if they were to attack. Tigerstar encouraged Darklion to tour around his territories and torture, blackmail, or kill any cats that didn't present unwavering loyalty. He followed their advice, and eventually the only cats left either believed in Darklion or were too terrified not to obey his power. The only disloyal cats that were spared were pregnant or nursing queens, but they were seprated from their kits at the earliest possible moment, and not allowed to talk to them without a loyal cat to moniter the conversation and make sure the queens weren't speaking ill of any dark forest cats, or planting the wrong ideals in their kits' minds.
- The climactic final battle the PO3 and OTS arcs build up to come from a conflict with the clan cats and the dark forest fighting against the cats that had previously fled and StarClan. Many good cats are slaughtered mercilessly, but it all comes crashing down when Leafpool, Squirrelflight, and Jayfeather work together to drown Darklion in a great "this is revenge for all the cats we loved and you killed" moment. Breezepelt dies not soon after, killed by his own father after running away from Darklion's corpse in a panic. As the news was spread around tbd battlefield, everything came to a standstill. The cats that had been scared into commiting immediately abandoned ship, turning to their attackers and begging for their lives, explaining that they'd been coerced. They were quickly accepted back, and all that has truly believed in Darklion perished in the battle of the aftermath. This unfortunately includes cats like Ivyfang, and all of Darklion's kits.
- This is the end of the Warriors series. As the book and our childhoods come to a conclusion, the living cats are bedraggled, injured, and exhausted, exchanging glances and questioning what to do next as the bloody evening fades into a moonless night, and the book series draws to a close
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metalgearkong · 7 years
Justice League - Review
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Directed by Zack Snyder & Joss Whedon
Justice League is the long awaited team up of DC super heroes much like Marvel’s Avengers. You would think with these larger than life characters, who hold so much value, and who are so treasured in today’s culture, would be treated with the utmost care. Unfortunately, Warner Bros and the director have been trying to shove this version of DC super heroes down our throats, and it hasn’t been working since inception. Justice League does not change this, and sadly, continues the trend of limp, tonally confusing, structurally failing qualities of the DC Extended Universe.
After the death of Superman at the end of Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice, Batman (Ben Affleck) tries to pull a team together due to his ominous vision of an apocalyptic invasion. Having already shaken hands with Diana Price (Gal Gadot), Bruce Wayne sets out to recruit other “meta humans” towards his cause. The movie consists of several rushed events introducing such large characters as Aquaman (Jason Mamoa), The Flash (Ezra Miller), and Cyborg (Ray Fisher), all in the first act. Cyborg’s story is easily the most tragic, and we sadly get very little development time with him. The Flash is going to be a lot of people’s favorites, even if Warner Bros aren’t using the same Flash as from the very popular TV show. Aquaman is probably the most epic person to introduce and he gets shockingly little background as well.
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Warner Bros infamously mandated that Justice League be within 2 hours of running time, so its easy to see why the film feels like there’s a lot missing. This is one of the worst types of films to limit, as it has so much going on and so many characters. Warner Bros thought this would be a smart move because the feedback they got from Batman V Superman was that it is too long; but of course, the big company was wrong, and Justice League movie suffers for it. The villain Steppenwolf (Ciara Hinds) is one of the most forgettable and badly defined villains in all of comic book film history. Not only is he just a big guy with horns who wants to destroy the world 3 magic macguffins, he’s made entirely in dated CGI. Nothing is unique or memorable about him, and when your opposing force in a comic book movie is this bland, the action and the narrative suffer greatly.
I still believe Batfleck is one of the better parts about these movies. I’m all for a darker, more violent, tenured Batman, as this character changes with the times, and has no one set personality or belief systems (in spite of what many people might say). I am more than ready for the Matt Reeves “The Batman” film in a few years. Gal Godot as Wonder Woman is also one of the best aspects about this movie, as we all already expected. She’s still not quite a top tier hero in the entire pantheon of film, but she certainly is the easiest to root for and care about. The only problem with her is how her powers and limitations are slightly undefined, as sometimes she’s as fast as the Flash or as strong as Superman, whenever convenient for any given scene.
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Something that is a surprise to absolutely no one is that Superman (Henry Cavill) returns. This potentially epic and emotional plot point is lead up to with very little gravitas. We all knew Superman wouldn’t stay dead for long when he “died” at the end of Batman V Superman, so this entire song and dance has been completely pointless and a waste of time. The very way they brought him back was rushed, confusing, lazy, and made no logical sense. But, DC was hearing fan criticism, and gave Superman a slightly more friendly personality, and the color on his suit (and other character’s suits) is obviously toned up for a more vibrant visual experience. Once he was alive, he’s more warm than he has been thus far.
There are rare moments which invested me in this movie. Although Superman’s return was limp and lame, when he started laying some punches on the invincible Steppenwolf I did get a tiny inner moment of glee. We got to see the bright red and blues of Superman punching down a big spiky supervillain  The Flash had a few funny moments, but the humor was overplayed a bit too much. Aquaman sadly is a non-element in this film, further proof that each and every one of these super heroes needed their own solo film before this big team-up movie. Not only is the concept rushed, the CGI in most instances looks unfinished, unpolished, and is used way too often as a crutch. The result is a movie that very blatantly was mostly shot on a green screen, and shows a lack of care and craft behind the scenes. Cyborg in particular has a physically uninspired design and the CGI on him is deep within the uncanny valley.
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The only other small thing I liked about this movie is how Danny Elfman provided the musical score of the film, and there are small hints at the classic 1989 Batman theme, and John William’s theme for the original Superman movie. I want more of this. I want more iconic music to support the characters and emotion. I can only pray these musical themes are used more in the future films. Ironically, a small section of the Superman theme is when Superman has just been resurrected and is confused and is briefly “evil.” I liked this part because it showed how compelling he could be as a villain. It was the only subversive moment in the film and my imagination couldn’t help but wonder how cool it would be for the team to have to work together to defeat Superman, return him to normal, and then team up with him against the greater threat.
As Wonder Woman says to Batman “I think all this time I’ve been reacting, not leading.” This, to me, is a line written by Joss Whedon and is meant to be self-aware as it comes to the rivalry between the Marvel Cinematic Universe and the DC Extended Universe. This is the most positive and professional spin I can imagine someone with respect for the franchise admitting to DC’s struggle to be of relevance compared to Marvel’s films. Justice League is a premature, half-baked, desperate attempt for DC to capture the magic from the Avengers, and unfortunately it doesn't have the guts to rise above mediocrity. A few small good details don’t save this movie.
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