#and even fellow tednation-ers on twitter were all ‘uhhhh no man thats on you’
johndoe-lesbo · 4 years
As someone who has ADHD and a lesbian who hyperfixates on True Crime, I’ve noticed something really ironic about the whole Hybristophilia thing (it’s attraction to serial killers by the by). My mind hyperfixates the most on T/ed B/undy the most (followed closely by J/effery D/ahmer). I recently went through the #TedNation tag on twitter (it’s basically a tag for Ted Bundy stans who gawk and fawn over him. Ha ha GROSS. I wish I was kidding) and I have also watched several YouTube videos of people criticizing the TCC-fetishists to hell and back (and I’m glad they exist!) And a majority of these #TedNation people are all “look at my precious baby angel who did nothing wrong uwu” and it’s some pic of Ted smiling in court or some shit like that. I have to note that also involved with #TedNation and other Ted Bundy stan blogs/fan pages/sites/etc. have a strongly-held belief that Ted was innocent of his crimes and didn’t deserve the death penalty (#e-slur lol). They firmly believe that Ted was set up and falsely accused, that the police used him as a scapegoat bc they didn’t bother to investigate other potential suspects and also that Ted was forced to “confess” to all the murders under the guise of threats by detectives. So let me get this straight, Ted Bundy stans openly admit and consider themselves to be Hybristophiliacs (directly refrencing their attraction to Ted) and yet they also are on this so-called “mission” to prove his innocence and absolve Ted of all his crimes? Isn’t the point of Hybristophilia that you acknowledge that you’re attracted to people who have committed heinous crimes? Like?? You can’t be a  Hybristophiliac and be attracted to someone who you believe is innocent of the heinous crimes that you’re attracted to in the first place. And a lot of these Bundy stans (who are what I described above as being hypocritical) are all “I would LOVE it if Ted just fucking strangled me that would be so hot!” And in the same breath be all “but he was still innocent bt-dubs!” WHAT. And I cannot stress this enough. The FUCK. Let’s set this scene. You wholeheartedly believe that the man you adore and admire is innocent of his crimes and also identify as someone who is strictly attracted to serial killers? Huh, so the subject of your attraction is just another normal man who has done nothing wrong in his life and you fantasize about being murdered by said man and don’t relate that attraction to a man who was convicted of these crimes? Uhhhh okay??? Check yourself. Please?? Stop being a hypocrite??? And also get help!
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