#and especially flavorful when paired with lukewarm tea
hisbutleronhiatus · 2 months
It has been 29 days since the Kuroshitsuji hiatus was announced.
Today, Undertaker had a delicious afternoon snack of packing peanuts.
Credit: @reine-du-sourire
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songtoyou · 3 years
Tempting Fate - Part Thirteen
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Paring: Tommy Shelby x Reader
Warnings: Swearing.
Word Count: 3,019
Story Summary: Tommy is not a believer in fate or destiny. However, a new resident in Small Heath will question his beliefs and push his boundaries outside his comfort zone. Miss Young arrives in Small Heath looking for her soulmate and meets the Shelby clan along. At first, Tommy distrusts the newly hired barmaid but soon finds himself drawn to her and can't understand why.
Chapter Summary: Ada draped a blanket over you and put another log in the fire. She wanted to kill Tommy for standing you up. However, she knew her brother wouldn’t do it on purpose. Ada only hoped that Tommy was caught up in something that involved the business, and it wasn’t because he was in trouble or hurt. 
A/N: Some sweet moments in this chapter, but of course, we always have to have drama. Thank you all for the amazing support this story has gotten. I only hope you all continue to enjoy reading it. Please continue to let me know what you think and if you would like to be added to the tag list.
Please do not post any of my fics to other sites without my permission.
Tag List: @owenniasstars  @lovemissyhoneybee​
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The following day, you woke up before everyone else to sneak down into the kitchen to prepare breakfast. You looked around the kitchen to see what Ada had on hand, which was not much. Thankfully, there were ingredients to make pancakes. You sorted out the correct measurements and put them in a mixing bowl. It was not long until you could hear another pair of footsteps. You turned to see Ada walking in the kitchen. She still looked half asleep as she sat down at the table. You chuckled when she groaned and put her head on the table.
“Coffee or tea?” you asked her.
“I need another hour or two to sleep,” she replied and got up to get the kettle ready. She opened one of the cupboards and got out a frying pan for you to cook the pancakes in. “I’m surprised my brother is not up yet. Normally, Tommy is up at the crack of dawn.”
You stifled a laugh. Yes, you and Tommy had stayed up later than intended after Ada showed you both to one of the guest rooms. Hopefully, your late-night antics with Tommy went unheard by Ada, or heaven forbid, little Karl. You told Tommy that they needed to keep quiet and not disturb his sister and nephew, but the man was adamant that he needed you and didn’t care who heard. 
Ada made you both a cup of coffee and went to retrieve the morning paper. As you continued to cook, she got Karl out of bed to eat breakfast. The three of you sat at the kitchen table eating and conversing with one another. You asked Karl about his school, and he told you about his favorite subjects. “I would have loved to have gone to a real school,” you shared with mother and son.
“You didn’t go to school?” Karl asked, confused, with a mouthful of pancakes.
“Karl, don’t talk with your mouthful,” Ada scolded her son.
“Sorry, mum.”
“No,” you answered him sadly. “My family moved around too much to go to school. My mom taught us how to read and write since she was the one in the family who went to school. But, it still would have been fun to go.”
“I would hate not being able to go to school,” spoke Karl, and you merely smiled at him.
You turned to Ada when she said your name. “How about we leave around eleven to go clothes shopping?” she suggested. “And Karl, speaking of school, you need to go upstairs and get ready. You don’t want to be late.”
“Yes, Mum.” Karl took one last bite of his pancake and got up to go back upstairs.
He passed his Uncle Tommy on the way, who ruffled his hair. “Hey, kiddo,” Tommy greeted his nephew.
“They’re in the kitchen,” Karl stated and headed to his room to get cleaned up and dressed.
Tommy slowly walked into the kitchen, where he caught sight of you and Ada laughing hysterically. “What are you two laughing about?” Tommy questioned, startling you and Ada.
“Jesus, Tommy!” you yelled, jumping in your seat. “I swear, he makes no noise when he walks.
I need to get him a bell,” you told Ada.
“He’s always been able to do that ever since we were kids. It was always how Tommy won hide and seek or tag. Never could find him or catch him.”
“You want some coffee, Tommy? I made pancakes for breakfast. I’ll make you a plate,” you told Tommy, getting up from the table. First, you kissed Tommy on the lips, which he reciprocated, and sat down next to Ada.
“Morning, big brother. I take you slept well,” teased Ada as she sipped the last of her coffee.
“Yes, I did, sister dear,” Tommy countered with a smirk and grabbed the newspaper from Ada. “The bed was comfy. Slept like a baby.”
“Yeah, I bet. Lots of commotion going on in there last night,” Ada mumbled into the teacup.
You turned to Tommy with a horrified look while he had a shit-eating grin on his face. “I better go check on Karl, make sure he is getting ready and not playing around. He gets distracted so easily, just like his father.” Ada got up and walked out of the kitchen, leaving you and Tommy alone.
“I told you we needed to be quiet,” you cautioned him.
Tommy only scoffed and continued to look through the newspaper. “Technically, this is my house. I can do what I want in it.”
“Eat your breakfast, dear,” you ordered and placed a plate of pancakes in front of him. He ate while you made him a cup of coffee and cleaned up. Again, the domesticity between the two of you came naturally. “Ada said she would take me shopping at eleven. Did you want to come along?”
“While I would love to watch you get undressed, I have other appointments today. Plus, I need to get the items you requested.”
Tommy figured he could get the molasses from Alfie Solomons. He had a meeting with the Jewish gangster where they needed to finalize their business transactions. Tommy figured a couple of liters of molasses was an easy task. Tommy was, after all, providing Alfie with soldiers to help him win the war with Sabini. Either way, he was getting you the molasses. He would always make you got what you needed.
You turned to leave the kitchen but stopped when Tommy grabbed your hand. He dragged you back to him so you could sit on his lap. Wrapping his arms around your waist, Tommy nuzzled your neck. You leaned into him when he began kissing along your neck and ear. His hands began to trail up your legs and thighs.
However, you stopped him when he got to your underwear. “Tommy, we can’t. Your sister and nephew are upstairs. We need to behave. Plus, we should get ready ourselves.”
You got up from Tommy’s lap, and you swear you caught the man pouting. He gulped the last of his coffee, which was now lukewarm, and got up from the table.
He once again wrapped his arms around you and kissed you on the lips this time. “Get yourself something spectacular for tonight. I’m taking my girl for a night out on the town.”
“Should I even bother with wearing anything underneath?”
“Surprise me,” Tommy responded and went in for another kiss. Before either of you could deepen the kiss, you could hear Ada and Karl coming down the stairs. You broke apart first and tried to compose yourself.
Tommy left for the living area to retrieve his cigarettes.
“All set for school?” you asked Karl. He looked cute in his school uniform.
“Ready. Here you go.” Karl surprised you with a piece of candy.
“What is this?” you wondered, confused.
“It’s ginger candy. I take when my tummy is upset,” Karl explained. “I figured you could use it since Mum said that the moaning coming from your room was you having an upset stomach.”
You felt your face heat up and must have turned five different shades of ready. “Well, thank you, sweetheart. That is very kind of you.”
Ada did her best to hold back her laughter and ushered her son out the door. You waved goodbye Karl and closed the front door.
“That’s it!” you shouted throughout the house, “We are going to a hotel!”
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You never knew shopping for clothes could be so tiring. You were ready for a nap, and it wasn’t even two o’clock yet. Ada made you try everything, and half of the clothes you didn’t even end up buying. You honestly thought shopping for clothes would be a breeze since you didn’t feel you needed much.
Ada finally allowed for a break around three o’clock and took you for afternoon tea. “Ada, do I really need all of these clothes?”
“Of course you do. Tommy told me to go all out for you. And if Tommy wants to spoil you, then by golly, let the man spoil you,” Ada waved off your concerns. “You have to wear the dark green dress tonight. It looks stunning on you.”
You blushed and looked down at your plate of tea sandwiches. “I’m not used to this, having someone buy things for me, especially when money seems to be no object. I’ve told Tommy that I’m not with him for his money. I wouldn’t want you to get the wrong impression.”
“I would never think,” Ada began, “Aunt Polly told me about you. She told me that you were special and important to Tommy. I don’t know if you know this, but Aunt Polly has the gift of second sight. She sees things in her dreams. She must have seen you and Tommy in one of them. Saw that you were good for him. After last night and this morning, I can see it too. When Tommy is with you, it is almost like I have my brother back. Tommy wasn’t the same after he came home from the war. None of my brothers were, but the change was more noticeable in Tommy.”
You contemplated what Ada was sharing with you. Often, you wondered what Tommy was like before the war. However, you opted not to ask Polly, and you weren’t going to ask Ada. None of it would make any difference or change the way you felt about Tommy. Yes, he changed, but everyone who came back from the war was different. You experienced it with your family members. Tommy was Tommy, and he was the man you adored, possibly could end up loving one day.
You took a sip of your tea, raspberry flavor. It was pleasant on your throat. “I think with someone like Tommy,” you began to speak, and Ada perked up to listen, “I get the sense that he was a sensitive child. He is the type of person to do right by people. That Tommy didn’t like seeing people get mistreated. It is, sadly, what he experienced growing up. You know, like us gypsies, our community continues to be looked down on. I can tell Tommy has mixed feelings about the way he grew up. He wanted more. After the war and seeing so much death; that made him reevaluate his priorities. Tommy wants more for the Shelby name. He wants the name to mean something, have some sense of importance. And it isn’t just for him, but all of you.”
Ada sighed. She agreed with what you were saying; however, she still had reservations about how Tommy went about getting the things he wanted. “He’s going to get himself killed one day, I fear.”
Truthfully, that scared you too, but you had to tell yourself that Tommy would always make his way home; back to you safe and sound. “Tommy,” you spoke, “always thinks ahead. He is very good at strategizing. That is what will keep him alive.” 
“I hope you are right,” said Ada sadly.
You hoped so as well.
After tea, Ada tried to get you to stop by one more clothing store, but you told her that you had more than enough clothes. At the last stop, you made sure to get a dress for Esme and a pair of fine leather gloves for Polly. You were done with clothes shopping. However, there was something you wanted to get, not for you, but for Arthur. While Ada continued to pursue the clothes on the racks, you told her you were heading out to another store, one that sold art supplies.
“Ada, I’ll be right back. I’m going to get something from across the street,” you told her and left.
When you made it to the art store, you began to look at all of the supplies. You were unsure where to start. Arthur shared with you that he liked to draw, particularly horses before he went off to war. It was one of his favorite hobbies, but he hadn’t picked up a pencil in a long while. You wanted to get him a set of drawing pencils and paper in hopes of getting him back in the habit. If Arthur got back to drawing, it would help him have a positive outlet, rather than drinking or fighting the pain away.
You asked the store clerk which drawing set was best. He tried to get you to pick the most expensive one that included way too many items. Instead, you opted for the twenty-piece pencil drawing set with a wooden case and sketchbook. The pencil kit included graphite and charcoal pencils, ink pens, and shading tools that Arthur could put to good use.
You spent the remainder of the money Tommy gave you on the drawing set and asked the store clerk to wrap it up. When you finished, you walked back to the clothing store where Ada was still perusing the racks. You looked in the bag of the wrapped drawing set and hoped Arthur would like his gift.
“Ada, I think we should be getting back to the house. It is almost five o’clock,” you reminded her.
“Oh shit! Yes, let’s get going. I didn’t realize the time.” Ada, albeit reluctantly, stepped away from the racks of clothes and picked up her bags, and followed you out onto the streets.
A taxi took you both back to the house, but first, Ada had the driver pick up Karl from the home of one of his friends. Greeting you both, Karl sat in between his mum and you. He pulled out a drawing from his knapsack and showed it to you.
“That’s me, Mum, Uncle Tommy, and you,” Karl pointed out. It was the four of you in front of a house with a bright yellow sun in the sky. It was adorable.
“This is lovely, Karl,” you beamed at the young boy.
“I drew it for you to take back to Birmingham. Mum already has many pictures I made for her.”
“Thank you, sweetheart,” you said and kissed him on the top of his head. “I will cherish this. I’ll tell you what, you sign your name at the bottom, and I’ll frame it. That way, when you become a famous artist, I’ll have the first-ever masterpiece by Karl Thorne.”
That made the young boy beam with pride. Ada smiled at the interaction with you and her son.  It proved that she needed to head back to Small Heath more, especially for Karl. He deserved to have his extended family in his life.
When the driver pulled up in front of the house, Ada paid him and helped Karl out of the car. You both retrieved your shopping bags and walked up the steps.
Once inside, you plopped on the couch and took off your shoes. You wiggled your toes to get the blood circulating. Tommy mentioned earlier that he would be back by seven and for you to be ready.
It was already coming up on a quarter to six. You were exhausted, though, so you let yourself take a small fifteen-minute cat nap on the couch. The next you felt was someone shaking you away. You opened your eyes to see Ada standing above you.
“It is almost seven, and you aren’t dressed yet.”
“Shit,” you bolted up and rubbed the sleep from your eyes. “I can’t believe I overslept.”
You grabbed your bags and ran upstairs to the guest room. You proceeded to undress and clean yourself up. Luckily, one of the windows in the bedroom looked out onto the streets. You kept looking outside to see if Tommy pulled up. You probably spent more time checking to see if Tommy arrived than getting ready. The last time you checked, it already twenty minutes past seven o’clock. By a quarter to eight, your stopped getting prepared to go out. You weren’t disappointed, just now worried about where Tommy was and if he was okay. You washed your face free of makeup, put your hair up in a tight bun, and grabbed your robe before heading downstairs.
You saw Karl and Ada at the small dining table, eating dinner. “Why aren’t you dressed?” Ada questioned.
“He isn’t coming,” you told her and poured yourself a whiskey. You gulped it down and poured another one. You took a seat across from Karl and sipped your drink. “I’m too tired anyway. I’ll tell Tommy that we can go out another night.”
Ada gave you a small smile and got up to get you a plate of food. The three of them sat in comfortable silence while eating. You mostly pushed your food around the plate, listening for the sound of someone entering the front door. When dinner was finished, you tried to help Ada with the dishes. “Nonsense, you made breakfast and did the dishes then. It is my turn.”
Karl got your attention by calling your name. “Yes, sweetheart?” you asked him.
“Can I read to you? My teacher says it is important to practice reading out loud.”
“You should be heading to bed, Karl. It is late,” Ada piped in.
“Come on, Mum. Just one story, please,” Karl begged and put on the cutest puppy dog face. Ada could not resist.
“Fine, but only one book, and then it is up to bed. Got it.”
Karl grabbed your hand and dragged you to the living area. You looked at the clock on the wall, and it read nine o’clock. You tried to ease the anxiety boiling in the pit of your stomach and concentrated on Karl reading a story to you.
You felt yourself being lulled to sleep by the young child’s voice. Just as Karl finished reading, you drifted off to sleep.
Ada draped a blanket over you and put another log in the fire. She wanted to kill Tommy for standing you up. However, she knew her brother wouldn’t do it on purpose. Ada only hoped that Tommy was caught up in something that involved the business, and it wasn’t because he was in trouble or hurt.
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jakehglover · 6 years
How to Grow Sweet Alyssum
Flowers are more than just a pretty way to fill your garden. Apart from their aesthetic quality, they have the power to reduce stress and inspire creative thinking. You might even find yourself less anxious while admiring your garden.
Flowers are often given as gifts to friends and loved ones and many have natural scents when in bloom, providing you with a natural air freshener and room deodorizer. Some flowers, such as marigolds, are natural pest repellents for your garden.1 Others play an important role in the growth of more flowers, fruits and vegetables by attracting pollinators such as bees, butterflies and wasps.
A study published in Evolutionary Psychology from Rutgers University2 revealed flowers help to improve emotional health by improving feelings of life satisfaction and positive social behavior. Female participants in the study reported those positive feelings lasted for days.
In the same study, those who gave the flowers were perceived as happy, achieving and capable individuals who were more emotionally intelligent and appreciative of beauty and nature.3
In addition to brightening up a room, some flowers may also be used in tea or taken medicinally when used properly, such as rose, chamomile, evening primrose and pagoda flower.4 However, while Sweet Alyssum is beautiful in your landscape and may be tasty in your salad, it is not often used medicinally.5
History of Sweet Alyssum
Sweet Alyssum, (Lobularia maritima), also known as Sweet Alison, is indigenous to the Mediterranean region, including the Canary Islands and the Azores, growing along the coast in areas of full sun. A member of the mustard family, it is often added to salads in Spain for a vitamin C boost. Although some eat Sweet Alyssum, others may get a rash from handling it.6
The name alyssum is derived from the Greek language. Since the prefix "a-" negates the word following it and "lyssa" means rage, alyssa means "without rage."7 Those who named the flower may have had rabies in mind as it was used in folk medicine to treat the condition. In the language of flowers, Sweet Alyssum means "worth beyond beauty" or "sweetness of soul."8
Alyssum was found in gardens as far back as the 1500s and prized for their low forming growth and fragrant flowers. During the 1800s, the yellow variety enjoy popularity in the U.S. By the 1900s, the more fragrant white flowered variety grew in popularity and was recommended as a plant for attracting bees.9
Sweet Alyssum Is Best Known for White Flowers
The genus alyssum contains nearly 170 species of flowering plants in the Brassicaceae family. Most are annual or perennial herbaceous plants growing up to 100 cm (nearly 4 inches) high with yellow or white flowers. Although Sweet Alyssum is best known for the fragrant white-flowered type, the plant does come in a variety of other colors as shown in this short video, including:10
Easter Bonnet — This is an early blooming variety in lavender or white, blooming through the spring
Pastel Carpet — This is a blend of pink, lavender and cream colors, offering a subdued colorful variety to your garden
Snow Princess — This is a sterile hybrid with white flowers. It is extremely heat tolerant and noted for the characteristic of spreading and cascading
Blushing Princess — This has a fragrant flower and a lavender color, also heat tolerant growing up to 8 inches tall and spreading nearly 24 inches wide
Wonderland series — This type has a deep red color growing in a compact flat plant, excellent for edging as it only reaches up to 5 inches tall and spreads 24 inches across
Sweet Alyssum is a delicate carpet of tiny flowers with narrow lance-shaped leaves and flowers with tiny four-petal, cross shapes. Although an annual plant in many hardiness zones, those who live in areas with a mild winter may find they return easily as a perennial, or even bloom through the winter.
The plants easily self-seed, being carried by the wind through your yard. If you're planning to change varieties the following summer you may be surprised by several volunteers sprinkled throughout your garden.11
Planting and Caring for Your Hardy Annual Sweet Alyssum Flower
Alyssum prefers a rich soil with a neutral pH. They're easily started from seed and since they enjoy the cool weather, they can be sown directly into your garden several weeks before the last frost.12 Gardeners in the U.S. Department of Agriculture Hardiness Zones 7 through-1113 may have plants growing year-round.14
As long as it's not a hard freeze, your seeds will germinate and grow outdoors. However, if you'd like a large impact on your garden, start the seeds indoors five to six weeks before your last expected frost date.
Sowing seeds is done simply by scattering them on the ground and pressing down so they make good contact with the soil and aren't blown away. It is important the seeds are still exposed to light in order to germinate. Keep the soil moist until germination and then water whenever the soil feels dry. If you start indoors, don't transplant outside until after the danger of frost is past.15
Although it is somewhat frost tolerant once established, tender transplants do not fare well. In northern climates where the summers are cooler, the plants will enjoy full sunlight. However, in warmer climates, as you move further south, the plants need protection from the hot afternoon sun. This will extend blooming a little longer into the season.16
It requires a significant amount of energy for the plants to produce so many flowers. Once the weather gets very hot, Alyssum will stop blooming. The more heat- and drought-resistant plants may bloom longer into the hot weather.
Deadheading the plants will help them continue to bloom. This can sometimes be tedious if you have a large bed. With a large drift, you can shear them by one-third, encouraging the plants to set new buds quickly.
When planted in the ground, you may not need to add fertilizer unless the soil is poor. Planted in a container, alyssum will need more frequent watering and monthly feedings with an organic fertilizer. Alyssum makes a carpet-like ground cover that spreads and can create a living mulch under taller plants. They work well to fill in nooks and crannies on walkways and walls or along edges.17
Traditional Uses of Sweet Alyssum
Today, Alyssum is added to salads for flavor. However, there is a long list of traditional uses, some of which are not in current practice as the condition it was used to treat responds more consistently to other treatments. Rabies is one such example. Before using Alyssum for any health condition, consult with a knowledgeable practitioner and use it in moderate amounts.
Individuals who are allergic should avoid it entirely. That said, young leaves, flowers and stems can add flavor to your salad and other dishes, and the plant is commonly used in Spain as an astringent in the treatment of gonorrhea, and as a diuretic.18 Alyssum has also been used to treat:19
Abdominal pain
Colds and coughs
Pain from cavities and bleeding gums
Ascites (fluid in the abdomen)
Sweet Alyssum Helps Get Rid of Pests Naturally
Sweet Alyssum attract pollinators and butterflies,20 and are generally pest free. Occasionally, aphids can create a problem, especially when the plants are under stress. These are tiny insects known to pierce the stems of tender shoots and suck out nutrient-rich sap. Although an infestation may start out slowly, aphids reproduce quickly and a colony can easily destroy your garden if left untreated.
For minor infestations it might be possible to physically remove the insects using a pair of gardening gloves and a brush or pinch them off the plant. If the infestation is contained on one or two stalks, it is wise to prune off the affected portion, drop it in a bucket of soapy water and dispose of the plant material.21
If you have more bugs, it might be possible to use water pressure with the simple application of a garden hose. Make sure your plants are well-established and older as the pressure may harm younger, more fragile plants. The basic nature of mild household detergents makes it perfect to get rid of a mild or moderate aphid infestation.
Dilute a few tablespoons of dish soap and a bucket of lukewarm water and use a spray bottle or sponge to apply it to the plants where the aphids have taken hold. The soap dissolves the waxy coating from the aphid's body, which dehydrates the insect and eventually kills them without harming the plants.22
A cocktail of equal parts thyme, peppermint, clove and rosemary essential oils mixed in a small spray bottle of water is a potent insecticide against both the pest and their eggs and larvae.
Anytime you're treating for aphids, whether you're removing them manually using a garden hose or spraying on soapy water, make sure you treat the underside of the leaves where the eggs and larvae may be hiding.23
Planning Your Garden
Alyssum does well in borders or planted along a rock or stone wall. You may consider planting it to fill in gaps in your garden or as a living mulch around your trees. However, if these beautiful ground-covering flowers are part of a larger garden scheme, you may want to consider the following as companion plants:
• Blue Fortune (Giant Hyssop) — This drought- and heat-tolerant plant is generally disease- and pest-free. It displays lavender blue spikes from midsummer to early fall and is deer tolerant and low maintenance. When crushed, the aromatic foliage has an anise scent and can be used to flavor cold drinks.24
• Dahlia "David Howard" — These apricot orange flowers are set against dark purplish foliage. The flowers bloom massively from July until the first frost. They work well along borders and in containers and have a long vase life as cut flowers. Hardiness zones 3 through 7 may need to dig the Dahlia tubers in the fall before the first frost and store them over the winter to protect the plants.25
• Sedum Herbstfreude (Autumn Joy) — This vigorous flowering plant lasts more than six months and will remain attractive through the winter months in warmer climates. It stands 2 feet tall and wide, topped with tiny, starlight raspberry pink flowers that change to rich rose and copper rust in the fall.
They are best grown in full sun, but tolerate light shade and are attractive to bees, hummingbirds and butterflies. The plants are low maintenance, deer- and drought-resistant and heat tolerant.26
There are multiple health benefits to gardening, including improved emotional and mental health, cardiovascular exercise, stress relief, improved hand strength and dexterity and reduced risk of Alzheimer's disease.27 If you want to give it a try, the following apps may make quick and easy work out of planning your garden space.
Gardenize — This app allows you to choose your plants, upload your photos and take notes on your garden plan and growth. It's also a social platform where you can share your information with friends and ask questions of others.
Home Design 3D Outdoors — The free version allows you to make your plans but not save the information. Using an intuitive interface, the app shows your plan in 3D and allows you to edit your dimensions and add plants and lawn furniture.
Small Garden Ideas — This app helps you organize a small garden space, including an indoor garden or patio garden. Also included are ideas for vertical gardens, winter gardens and information on how to maintain your flowers and plants.
from HealthyLife via Jake Glover on Inoreader http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2018/12/07/growing-sweet-alyssum.aspx
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paullassiterca · 6 years
How to Grow Sweet Alyssum
Flowers are more than just a pretty way to fill your garden. Apart from their aesthetic quality, they have the power to reduce stress and inspire creative thinking. You might even find yourself less anxious while admiring your garden.
Flowers are often given as gifts to friends and loved ones and many have natural scents when in bloom, providing you with a natural air freshener and room deodorizer. Some flowers, such as marigolds, are natural pest repellents for your garden.1 Others play an important role in the growth of more flowers, fruits and vegetables by attracting pollinators such as bees, butterflies and wasps.
A study published in Evolutionary Psychology from Rutgers University2 revealed flowers help to improve emotional health by improving feelings of life satisfaction and positive social behavior. Female participants in the study reported those positive feelings lasted for days.
In the same study, those who gave the flowers were perceived as happy, achieving and capable individuals who were more emotionally intelligent and appreciative of beauty and nature.3
In addition to brightening up a room, some flowers may also be used in tea or taken medicinally when used properly, such as rose, chamomile, evening primrose and pagoda flower.4 However, while Sweet Alyssum is beautiful in your landscape and may be tasty in your salad, it is not often used medicinally.5
History of Sweet Alyssum
Sweet Alyssum, (Lobularia maritima), also known as Sweet Alison, is indigenous to the Mediterranean region, including the Canary Islands and the Azores, growing along the coast in areas of full sun. A member of the mustard family, it is often added to salads in Spain for a vitamin C boost. Although some eat Sweet Alyssum, others may get a rash from handling it.6
The name alyssum is derived from the Greek language. Since the prefix “a-” negates the word following it and “lyssa” means rage, alyssa means “without rage.”7 Those who named the flower may have had rabies in mind as it was used in folk medicine to treat the condition. In the language of flowers, Sweet Alyssum means “worth beyond beauty” or “sweetness of soul.”8
Alyssum was found in gardens as far back as the 1500s and prized for their low forming growth and fragrant flowers. During the 1800s, the yellow variety enjoy popularity in the U.S. By the 1900s, the more fragrant white flowered variety grew in popularity and was recommended as a plant for attracting bees.9
Sweet Alyssum Is Best Known for White Flowers
The genus alyssum contains nearly 170 species of flowering plants in the Brassicaceae family. Most are annual or perennial herbaceous plants growing up to 100 cm (nearly 4 inches) high with yellow or white flowers. Although Sweet Alyssum is best known for the fragrant white-flowered type, the plant does come in a variety of other colors as shown in this short video, including:10
Easter Bonnet — This is an early blooming variety in lavender or white, blooming through the spring
Pastel Carpet — This is a blend of pink, lavender and cream colors, offering a subdued colorful variety to your garden
Snow Princess — This is a sterile hybrid with white flowers. It is extremely heat tolerant and noted for the characteristic of spreading and cascading
Blushing Princess — This has a fragrant flower and a lavender color, also heat tolerant growing up to 8 inches tall and spreading nearly 24 inches wide
Wonderland series — This type has a deep red color growing in a compact flat plant, excellent for edging as it only reaches up to 5 inches tall and spreads 24 inches across
Sweet Alyssum is a delicate carpet of tiny flowers with narrow lance-shaped leaves and flowers with tiny four-petal, cross shapes. Although an annual plant in many hardiness zones, those who live in areas with a mild winter may find they return easily as a perennial, or even bloom through the winter.
The plants easily self-seed, being carried by the wind through your yard. If you’re planning to change varieties the following summer you may be surprised by several volunteers sprinkled throughout your garden.11
Planting and Caring for Your Hardy Annual Sweet Alyssum Flower
Alyssum prefers a rich soil with a neutral pH. They’re easily started from seed and since they enjoy the cool weather, they can be sown directly into your garden several weeks before the last frost.12 Gardeners in the U.S. Department of Agriculture Hardiness Zones 7 through-1113 may have plants growing year-round.14
As long as it’s not a hard freeze, your seeds will germinate and grow outdoors. However, if you’d like a large impact on your garden, start the seeds indoors five to six weeks before your last expected frost date.
Sowing seeds is done simply by scattering them on the ground and pressing down so they make good contact with the soil and aren’t blown away. It is important the seeds are still exposed to light in order to germinate. Keep the soil moist until germination and then water whenever the soil feels dry. If you start indoors, don’t transplant outside until after the danger of frost is past.15
Although it is somewhat frost tolerant once established, tender transplants do not fare well. In northern climates where the summers are cooler, the plants will enjoy full sunlight. However, in warmer climates, as you move further south, the plants need protection from the hot afternoon sun. This will extend blooming a little longer into the season.16
It requires a significant amount of energy for the plants to produce so many flowers. Once the weather gets very hot, Alyssum will stop blooming. The more heat- and drought-resistant plants may bloom longer into the hot weather.
Deadheading the plants will help them continue to bloom. This can sometimes be tedious if you have a large bed. With a large drift, you can shear them by one-third, encouraging the plants to set new buds quickly.
When planted in the ground, you may not need to add fertilizer unless the soil is poor. Planted in a container, alyssum will need more frequent watering and monthly feedings with an organic fertilizer. Alyssum makes a carpet-like ground cover that spreads and can create a living mulch under taller plants. They work well to fill in nooks and crannies on walkways and walls or along edges.17
Traditional Uses of Sweet Alyssum
Today, Alyssum is added to salads for flavor. However, there is a long list of traditional uses, some of which are not in current practice as the condition it was used to treat responds more consistently to other treatments. Rabies is one such example. Before using Alyssum for any health condition, consult with a knowledgeable practitioner and use it in moderate amounts.
Individuals who are allergic should avoid it entirely. That said, young leaves, flowers and stems can add flavor to your salad and other dishes, and the plant is commonly used in Spain as an astringent in the treatment of gonorrhea, and as a diuretic.18 Alyssum has also been used to treat:19
Abdominal pain
Colds and coughs
Pain from cavities and bleeding gums
Ascites (fluid in the abdomen)
Sweet Alyssum Helps Get Rid of Pests Naturally
Sweet Alyssum attract pollinators and butterflies,20 and are generally pest free. Occasionally, aphids can create a problem, especially when the plants are under stress. These are tiny insects known to pierce the stems of tender shoots and suck out nutrient-rich sap. Although an infestation may start out slowly, aphids reproduce quickly and a colony can easily destroy your garden if left untreated.
For minor infestations it might be possible to physically remove the insects using a pair of gardening gloves and a brush or pinch them off the plant. If the infestation is contained on one or two stalks, it is wise to prune off the affected portion, drop it in a bucket of soapy water and dispose of the plant material.21
If you have more bugs, it might be possible to use water pressure with the simple application of a garden hose. Make sure your plants are well-established and older as the pressure may harm younger, more fragile plants. The basic nature of mild household detergents makes it perfect to get rid of a mild or moderate aphid infestation.
Dilute a few tablespoons of dish soap and a bucket of lukewarm water and use a spray bottle or sponge to apply it to the plants where the aphids have taken hold. The soap dissolves the waxy coating from the aphid’s body, which dehydrates the insect and eventually kills them without harming the plants.22
A cocktail of equal parts thyme, peppermint, clove and rosemary essential oils mixed in a small spray bottle of water is a potent insecticide against both the pest and their eggs and larvae.
Anytime you’re treating for aphids, whether you’re removing them manually using a garden hose or spraying on soapy water, make sure you treat the underside of the leaves where the eggs and larvae may be hiding.23
Planning Your Garden
Alyssum does well in borders or planted along a rock or stone wall. You may consider planting it to fill in gaps in your garden or as a living mulch around your trees. However, if these beautiful ground-covering flowers are part of a larger garden scheme, you may want to consider the following as companion plants:
• Blue Fortune (Giant Hyssop) — This drought- and heat-tolerant plant is generally disease- and pest-free. It displays lavender blue spikes from midsummer to early fall and is deer tolerant and low maintenance. When crushed, the aromatic foliage has an anise scent and can be used to flavor cold drinks.24
• Dahlia “David Howard” — These apricot orange flowers are set against dark purplish foliage. The flowers bloom massively from July until the first frost. They work well along borders and in containers and have a long vase life as cut flowers. Hardiness zones 3 through 7 may need to dig the Dahlia tubers in the fall before the first frost and store them over the winter to protect the plants.25
• Sedum Herbstfreude (Autumn Joy) — This vigorous flowering plant lasts more than six months and will remain attractive through the winter months in warmer climates. It stands 2 feet tall and wide, topped with tiny, starlight raspberry pink flowers that change to rich rose and copper rust in the fall.
They are best grown in full sun, but tolerate light shade and are attractive to bees, hummingbirds and butterflies. The plants are low maintenance, deer- and drought-resistant and heat tolerant.26
There are multiple health benefits to gardening, including improved emotional and mental health, cardiovascular exercise, stress relief, improved hand strength and dexterity and reduced risk of Alzheimer’s disease.27 If you want to give it a try, the following apps may make quick and easy work out of planning your garden space.
Gardenize — This app allows you to choose your plants, upload your photos and take notes on your garden plan and growth. It’s also a social platform where you can share your information with friends and ask questions of others.
Home Design 3D Outdoors — The free version allows you to make your plans but not save the information. Using an intuitive interface, the app shows your plan in 3D and allows you to edit your dimensions and add plants and lawn furniture.
Small Garden Ideas — This app helps you organize a small garden space, including an indoor garden or patio garden. Also included are ideas for vertical gardens, winter gardens and information on how to maintain your flowers and plants.
from Articles http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2018/12/07/growing-sweet-alyssum.aspx source https://niapurenaturecom.tumblr.com/post/180883218361
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