#and dw take ur time to get used to ur new app!
layraket · 9 months
I have to redraw the Shadow Midna and Vio art bc my lazy ass doesn't want to use Ibis anymore
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froghwon · 3 years
"absolutely honking on the flute" is the best description ever lol. I'm tempted to have my brother that did band listen to it, he's good at saying what instrument something sounds like for sure. there was a song another group I like does that has this great brass sound in the back of the chorus and he was like "oh yeah thats supposed to be trombone for sure, a trumpet doesn't sound the same" (1/5)
wonwoo: 넌 내 기억을 지워야 돼 I'm poison, I know I can't take it no more..
the flute: 
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they really have done such a variety of concepts yeah! I hope regardless of if they ever do sexy concept again or not that they don't ever feel locked into a certain kind of concept. their versatility is so fantastic its always something new and different (to some extent) each comeback. and sell those hats I know ppl who would buy one LOL 😂dino tries REAL HARD to be my bias but he hasn't succeeded yet, I bias hao!
teen,age was for sure a no skip album, every single song slaps. as far as al1/dwc tho it's just all of it. I think the songs are masterpieces (uhhhh hello, habit anyone?), I really liked the styling during that era, my fave weekly idol appearance was during that time, it was when diamond edge tour happened, we'll be here all week if I keep going haha 😅and YESSS SEUNGKWAN BIAS!! AN INTELLECTUAL! he used to be my main bias! and my cat may or may not be named after him 👀
heartbroken divorcee makes me think of his part at the beginning of dont listen in secret for some reason. there's that little like waiver? wobble? idk? in his voice that makes it feel extra emotional and sad, it's so good. his temper is so funny, he loves the members so much and they seem to always take it all in good jest :') and we get to see his caring side too plenty. as far as variety goes
do you have a favorite variety moment of his? is there any variety show in particular you want to see him on in the future? sorry these messages are so long!! tumblr wants to give me one teeny paragraph to reply when there's so much to say! -secret carat
omg if u ask ur bro to listen to fear and he can tell what that sound is, i would be so grateful :’’) i mean it may just be a machine making that sound, but to me it sounds like a flute :P
so tru!!!! i love that SVT is always trying new things with each comeback! keeps me on my toes ^^ LMAO u convinced me! im quitting my day job to become a full time SVT hat maker :P oooooh so ur a 8star 👀 interesting 👀👀 what made him ur bias? whats ur fave thing about him?
habit my beloved <3 ma’am ur TASTE 👌👌👌 oh!!! was seungkwan ur first bias? :> omg u gotta show me pics of cat seungkwan (after this secret santa) i love cats 😭❤️ omg yes!!! and have u heard his cover of forsake(연)?? it’s honestly the best example of his vocal abilities imo, like his RANGE! his belting was sosososoooo good >.< and the EMOTION and SORROW he put into that performance! incredible!!! and when he pauses in the last line of the song, and takes that shaky breath, i get CHILLS 😌😌
hmmm my fave variety moment of his is that time on weekly idol (or maybe it was idol room), where svt played rock, paper, scissors with the hammers, and joshua knocked him down instantly 😂😂 also on the first one fine day, that day where hao was feeling sick </3 so seungkwan had to take his spot and go catch abalone, and scoups was trying to wake him up, but seungkwan was all sleepy and whining 🥰 he was just so cute in that moment :P omg i’d LOVE to see seungkwan do a variety show with kids :’’) i know he’s kinda done it in other shows before, but i wanna revive hello baby, and watch 13 dudes take care of an infant <3 maybe even TWO (2) infants 😌 it’d be so cute, and i know it’d make seungkwan super happy :’’)
also dw about sending long messages!!! im happy to read it all ^^ do u use the tumblr app? i notice that when i send asks on mobile, theres no word limit, so u can write long replies no problem :>
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hamdontlook · 4 years
No thoughts head empty
- he doesn't like being alone and that's part of why he shares the house with Bob and they are always together (they are best friends but like.. Pepe doesn't have much "me" time because if he spends days without being with someone it affects his mind a Lot. He needs to learn to be alone basically- but that doesn't mean he needs to remove that part of him. Jefa is super good for him because they are kinda free spirited and kinda just appears when they feel like it but since they enjoy being with Pepe it happens a Lot). At first Jefa thought he was just clingy but slowly they realize what's up- tho they found cute at the begging that part of him, being so social.
- after some time he stops smoking so much in front of them so they don't catch second hand smoking even though Jefa tells him it's okay, they don't mind but still he worries about their health (i mean this is just being a nice person towards other human being but being so insistent about not damaging the other person just because you choose to smoke and stuff that's cool)
- he asks Bob (he's a photographer and I haven't shown this part of him yet AJDJKDD someday when I'm not so focused on these two), well, he asks him to take a sneaky pic of him and Jefa someday because he would like to have A Nice Pic Of Them For No Reason™
- when they are relaxing and napping (Jefa Big time Napper) Pepe can't rly fall asleep so he starts realizing the freckles they have and start counting them or even paint on them. This ends up in the situation that Pepe just happens to stare at Jefa while they sleep
- he starts feeling insecure because he doesn't get the reason why Jefa keeps appearing and hanging out with him besides smooching (like after Let's Call It Adult Smooching ™) and he doesn't think he's that great and doesn't realize Jefa actually cares about him. This ends up making the situation of him being more cold towards them because he's a poopy head who doesn't TALK or COMMUNICATE i stg
- after sorting out that whole thing up there, Pepe confronts Feelings™ slowly and when hes upset he does this thing where he just hugs them from behind and puts his face on the shoulder trying to cry (this sounds dramatic af but it's not that deep lmao sometimes you just need to Try To Cry because ur heart is constipated). When this happens it's not that often so it always catches Jefa off guard and they are like "hhhhh hug💜" (ay dios ay dios mIo)
- when people ask Pepe if he's not cold Jefa is like "he's from the north of course he's not cold lmao" but they will always carry a jacket or scarf or gloves for him (LOVE LANGUAGE YALL)
- they make these sculptures and stuff for Pepe (there was a whole comic going on explaining this) and when they see something cool that Pepe might like, they take a photo and have like an "inspo" folder to try to make it later for Pepe
- they want to brush Pepe's hair and touch his head but doesn't know how to tell him without making it weird so they end up doing like a joke or something to end up having their hands on his head sjsj
- they are EMBARRASSED about the fact that they like Pepe (when they FINALLY realize because this takes a Long While™ way longer than Pepe). This is actually shitty from them because they happen to not have taken him seriously after a while of slowly knowing him but it's always been like "pfft this is just some stupid dude nothing to worry about" and well He's this whole person with lots of undiscovered strengths who happens to have a different way of thinking and stuff (besides him Actually being a dummy let's face it) but like yonoe. Afterwards Jefa is embarrassed to have thought so poorly of him like he doesn't deserve that either
- Jefa has a huge breakdown one day and Pepe is like dw ill take you somewhere and they take the bus in a 1 hour trip and end up in a ?? Field?? Idk the word rn and I'm not switching apps to check it out but basically a place full of trash and he's like "ok, break stuff" and they are like "do you break stuff when you are sad or something?" And he's like "what?? No. I take some cool stuff from here for my house but you look like you would want to beat the shit out of something". So this is probably not a Good coping mechanism but idk I think it's interesting for them to have this convo and Pepe thinks of what could be good for Jefa in a situation of anger or sadness, not something he would do because they are so different. So yeah Jefa starts breaking stuff and Pepe is just like ":)" in the background searching for a new table akdbakdjd
- Jefa is so fucking annoying with series and tv shows to watch and they don't shut up about it and at first Pepe was "forced" to watch a few but later he starts watching any new thing Jefa gets into so they have something to talk about and because he's enjoys talking with them about these silly things (LOVE. LanguaGE.)
- After a while, they get used to always sleeping and cuddling together so when they are sleeping alone they don't feel as comfy as they used to (not like it's not comfy but. Now hits different)
- sometimes when they are each of them on their own they happen to randomly think about the other person and wonder what they are up to or what are they doing right now
- both of them in the begging had crushes on different people (even if it's a Strong one or a silly one) and then they listened to songs about love and stuff they would think about their old crush. Welp now they find themselves thinking about each other and they don't know what to do with that sjbfkfnd (still they haven't noticed they have a thing for the other)
- when they Realize™ (each of them in a different rythm) they are SO scared of messing up their actual relationship or the development of those feelings because they dont want to fuck up what they have right now and want to play it safe. Also they would be so embarrassed about the others reaction
- Pepe teaches Jefa to accept their failures and failed projects because Jefa is obsessed with always being right or be Good at whatever they do because of fear of failure and insecurities and hipocresy and etc. Meanwhile, Jefa teaches Pepe that his emotions and feelings are important and bottling up is not a Good Thing. They also insist on Pepe to fight for his dreams and objectives (the pilot thing for example- maybe he doesn't end up being a pilot but he discovers he's good and likes to be in charge of the towers in the airport that gives directions to the planes or something, or even the dude with the lights)
- they start having inside jokes between them and showing themselves laugh more between each other and Bob and Rodney even notice and Rodney in specific since Jefa has been hiding from him all this is like "..wait hold on wait a damn second-"
- they start telling anecdotes and stories to Rodney and Bob (Rodney - Jefa ; Bob - Pepe) of each other. Bob just thinks they are partners (which they aren't yet) without saying a word which leads to misunderstandings and Rodney is like " dude. Ur crushing" and Jefa is like NO!!!! WHAT THE FUCK NO??!!
- one day they just start making out but it's all romantic and stuff and they don't know what to do with this because it's like a Different Setting- i feel like a teen writing all this stuff dbslsnfl my past 15 old self is like YeaaA finally I'm making some juicy oc shipping for myself. Anyways they end up cuddling and it's soft. And now I might be just sad about past relationships lmao let's move on
- when ordering food Pepe is So Fucking Slow because he reads EVERYTHING in the menu and I can't stress this enough EVERYTHING and Jefa being just A Nervous Being decides what to eat under a minute because if they don't they die. So this one day they are giving shit to Pepe saying JUST MAKE UP YOUR MIND ALREADY and when the waiter comes they tell Jefa the thing they want to order isn't available rn so Jefa just enters a panic state and orders anything random at the spot. The food arrives and Jefa's thing is Not Good and they ask Pepe if he can give them some of his food and he's like yea can u give me some of yours and idk this is just wholesome funni stuff I wanted to make a comic for but I guess I forgot and now I'm just translating this lmao
- they spend one night in jail I don't know how they just do maybe it's because of disturbance in public late at night we will never know. Anyways they make a scene in jail
-" IS it okay if I cuddle with u"... (They do) (one of them sneezes into the others back and fills their t shirt with the sneeze and the other is like EW WHAT THE FUCK)
- Jefa finds notes and books of pilot school stuff and asks Pepe about it. At first he wants to hide it but Jefa is High-key Annoying and he ends up telling them. They proceed to have an intense conversation. They joke about how Pepe doesn't qualify for the thing but he has extended knowledge about how planes work and what's needed (he did bad in the exams because of his insecurities getting in the way but he would have done great if he had faith in himself) and they later joke about how Jefa is just the opposite, people put too much pressure in them being good and stuff so they just said fuck it and only does stuff in their specific way alone or does nothing.
- they are hanging out really late at night inside the house and see that it starts snowing so they go out to play in the snow in their pajamas. Robin starts screaming that whoever is out there doing that much noise, to stop. They proceed to hide laughing about that whole thing a lot (tender moment. Tender). The next morning there's a bunch of snowman next to pepe's house and it's. Super cute aight..
- one day Rodney goes to Jefa's place and he opens their wardrobe because he's just like That™ trying to find something he gave to Jefa a while ago but ends up finding pepe's clothes which he recognizes (like a sweater or a t shirt) and when he asks them about it they are a super shitty liar not knowing what explanation to do and ends up saying "haha it's just a prank I hate him so I'm pranking him". And rodney, who is , not a dumbass is like "...ah..okay..."
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marystudies · 6 years
Disclaimer: This is just from my experience, so these might not all apply to you! 
Freshman Year
ok, ok, freshman year can be scary but don’t let that get to you
dont worry about upperclassmen being rude/teasing you 
it’ll most likely happen, but I’ve never seen an upperclassman tease a freshman with the intention to really hurt them
one day you’ll be them so dw
on the topic of upperclassmen, make some older friends!!! (through classes, sports, etc.) it’s so nice to have someone give you tips and help you through high school
dont expect your friend group to stay the same lol
I was scared of changing my friend group, so even though I wasn’t being treated too well, it wasn’t until senior year when I really made a change and I wish I did it earlier
be open to meeting new people, everyone is scared just like you and looking for more friends
I don’t think its neccessary for freshman to become sUPER involved in clubs and all that but at least get a feel for whats out there
try out for a sport if you play one!
this goes for all of high school, not just freshman year, but I regret not being as involved as I could’ve been 
Go to school events like football games and dances! School spirit is considered weird in middle school but its cool in high school
take your classes seriously, your teachers are right - high school is much harder than middle school (but it’s not too bad if you stay organized!)
my freshman year GPA was my lowest like english really caught me off guard (properly formatted, 5 paragraph essays being 50% of your grade??? a concept.)
so my cumulative GPA was brought down
I think most freshman don’t have access to AP classes to boost your GPA or anything, but if you’re looking to push yourself take an honors class or 2! (if available)
Sophomore Year
wooohooo ur no longer a freshman
I’d take at least 1 AP class if you can
my sophomore year I took AP Human Geo - which I really loved, and it also wasn’t too hard
a lot of sophomores take AP World which is a BITCH of a class
BUT I wouldn’t recommend taking Honors World because you don’t get the GPA boost, you don’t get college credits (unless you take the AP Euro test or something), and it’s almost just as hard 
this is a bit random - but when you’re taking Algebra 2 (which was my sophomore year) PLS PAY ATTENTION math builds on itself don’t fuck yourself over
take the PSAT if you want (I honestly don’t remember if I took it freshman year too but eh), but seriously its not required
start thinking about college (I know it’s the last thing you want to do)
just little things like
when do I want to take the SAT/ACT?
would I like a small school or a big school?
What will I be able to put on my college applications?
like if you do community service through a club/church/etc then great!!! sports? YEs
can’t think of anything? Join a club! Try out for a sport (it’s not too late) Find something that interests you
you’re probably pretty situated socially now but never be afraid to get to know those classmates/”school friends” better! 
Junior Year
so junior year is commonly thought of as the hardest year of highschool
which is partially true (we’ll get there later)
but anyways, seriously buckle your seatbelt and get ready to work your ass off because THIS YEAR COUNTS, LADIES AND GENTS
Take AP classes if available
I took AP Psych (WOULD HIGHLY RECOMMEND) and Honors PreCalc (coming from regular Algebra 2)
Psych gave me college credit and a GPA boost
HPC gave me a GPA boost for UCs 
It was a bitCH of a class but it made AP calc a breeze 
If you haven’t started already, start prepping for SAT/ACT and then take them
tutoring is very helpful, but it can be expensive
I’ve seen studyblrs post about free prep through Kahn Academy and other stuff, so you might have to do a bit of digging but there are tons of resources out there
take one of each first - then focus on the test you did better on 
one of my biggest regrets is taking SAT prep instead of ACT prep because my ACT (which I didn’t do specialized prep for) ended up equivalent to my SAT (which I did prep for)
the more you take em the better you get
Studyblr is gr8 for finding test taking tips
If you’re not happy with your score, just take it again! I only took each one once but most people improve their scores if they take it again
I recommend visiting a few universities when you’re on break! Get a feel for what you like and what you don’t like (size, location, public/private, etc) and what kind of school you could get accepted to
you don’t want to end up applying to a billion schools that you wouldn’t even want to go to
private schools like it when you express interest by visiting
so if you’re visiting, make sure you check in so you can be in their system 
Senior Year (buckle up this section is the longest)
DO FUN SENIOR YEAR THINGS like my school has all kinds of events for seniors and it’s so great 
Remember when I said junior year is the hardest? Yeah well no... 1st semester senior year is SO MUCH WORSE ur in for a lot of fun
Ok seriously - don’t let senioritis get to you first semester
Still take challenging classes! Schools are looking for progression in difficulty
Those mid year transcripts REALLY DO MATTER! 
College apps, man
Make sure you’re communicating with your counselor to make sure you have everything ready and on track 
like file the FAFSA and CSS (used for lots of privates)
tbh I didn’t think it would help me a lot but it (the CSS) actually did so just do it even if you think you’ll get nothing
Ok so hopefully at this point you have a feel for what schools you are interested in
Things to consider: location, price, size, public/private, difficulty of the application, ranking, program/major you are applying to, campus, overall vibe
I didn’t do any interviews but maybe look into it
Don’t get too comfortable and set reasonable goals - apply to several safety schools, a few good options/could go either way schools, but also a few “reaches”
I’m no college counselor, but don’t just wing your essays without having an adult/professional look over them
I got lucky - my mom is a professional writer so my family didn’t pay for a counselor
Do your research - you can find so much information about what schools are looking for in essays
If an essay is “optional” DO IT it’s really not optional lol
Keep in mind - these essays are nothing like what you’ve been taught. You don’t have to (and often SHOULDNT) write a 5 paragraph essay with topic sentences relating back to the thesis and evidence, etc. its much more free
think “What is the story I am going to tell?”
get creative - this is hard and takes some time
Think: How am I going to separate myself from thousands of applicants? What is a story that ONLY I can tell?
such a relief to knowing you got in somewhere in like,,,, november
acceptance rates are higher for EA 
the order from highest to lowest is ED > EA > RD
Early Decision scares me (schools will say they give equal scholarship consideration but lol thats a lie) 
but if you have your heart set on a school go ahead
apply to other school just in case, you don’t want to get stuck starting all your apps when a lot of students have already turned them all in
Now that you’re done with applications (whew), the acceptances (and rejection) will start coming!! yay!
ok first for acceptances
those first acceptances are so cool like YAY YOU GOT INTO COLLEGE IM PROUD OF U
as soon as you get your first acceptances really start researching the school more and deciding if you’d REALLY want to go there or not
i know this is hard bc you haven't heard back from all your schools but it’ll make choosing a school so much easier
sadly, not all acceptances are happy tho
like I got accepted to my #1 school but they gave me no money so it was impossible to go
I was so emo for a couple days there
BUT! If you’re serious about it, try appealing for financial aid but keep your expectations low
ok now waitlists
these can be a bit nerve wracking
PLEASE apply for the waitlist right away
at some schools if you dont within a couple days, your application might get thrown out
aaaaand rejections
i dont have a lot to say about this but please dont be too hard on yourself
sometimes its just not meant to be and thats ok!
def the most difficult and mentally draining part for me lol
make sure you really map out everything to consider
net cost (tuition, room & board, books, travel, personal expenses, etc.), size, location, etc.
I personally had this idea that I’d end up at a big school far from home but I’m going to a small school close to home and I’m still super excited!!! So make sure you give every school a second look 
the essays aren’t usually too bad and sometimes you can just rework your college app essays
you can find them online, your school might have some (like PTA scholarships, band scholarships, etc.)
ok this is the time everyone really gets senioritis
i almost didn’t get senioritis at all lol just because slacking off stressed me out
but please be smart about it dont get rescinded 
and lastly have fun! high school really does fly by, it’ll be over before you know it
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tyunni · 2 years
omg advice on having a good theme i beg!!
AHHHHHHHHHDHSHDHS THIS IS SUCH A SWEET ASK STOP 😭😭 first of all im extremely thankful and flattered that you would come to ME for theme advice ☹️
I HOPE this post is helpful in some way, i'm trash at giving advice 🥲 keep in mind that this is all from my experience and this is all my opinion 🙌🙌
Honestly i dont have much to say. What i keep in mind for my themes is that i have to follow a certain style or a vibe. Like for example my current theme (and the themes i've had for the past.. idk how long) looks like a video game! Usually the ideas pop up in my head themselves, but there are times when i look for inspo on pinterest or simply search stuff up on google. Do not be afraid to look for inspiration and don't feel discouraged when your theme doesn't turn out the way you initially thought it would.
I also usually find it easier to focus on one part of my theme and put the most effort into it. Most of the time the most detailed parts of my themes are my pinned posts/navigations. Specifically, the parts where i introduce myself! Therefore, my thought process usually goes like this:
Choose a certain vibe (video game, magazine, diary, etc.)
Think of a way i could write a short about me in a way that would fit the style i'm going for.
This step is optional, sort of 😭 but if nothing pops up in my head i just search up "*insert something* character introduction/info". Like "video game character introduction" "diary character info". Having a visual example is always good. You don't have to necessarily copy it, but looking at different variations and piecing them together in your head definitely helps! That way you can come up with your own idea while using certain parts of certain images you found.
Personally for me, it takes extremely long to get something to look decent. I switch through different apps and ideas. Sometimes i take days to find what i like, and most of the time it looks completely different from how i wanted it to. Just know that you should take as many breaks as you'd like, take a few days if you want to! Looking at something with fresh eyes helps you see the "flaws" you couldn't see when you were frustrated and/or tired. Also helps you get new ideas as well, or interpret the idea you initially had in a completely different way! Delete everything and start from scratch if you want to. Experiment. Please just experiment, trust me. AND AND AND WATCH A LOT OF TUTORIALS !!! YDK THE AMOUNT OF STUFF U CAN DO WITH UR EDITING APP. ESP IBIS PAINT X. OH MY GOD.
The apps that i use are: ibis paint x (this is my main one frrr), picsart, canva, polarr. Also use the website ezgif to make the gifs, if i have to ofc! Trust, that website is a life saver if you don't have Photoshop (dw im broke too HELPP 😭😭)
I sometimes use capcut as well, then convert the video from mp4 to gif with the ezgif website. Literally promoting that website like my life depends on it, sponsor me :////// slash jay
Also, if you find pictures but want to adjust the colors, use polarr. Absolutely one of my top 3 editing apps, it has helped me a lot!
I've also seen a lot of people put far more effort into their headers instead of navigations, their themes look absolutely stunning as well! Some don't even have headers!
I think it's important to have that balance: having some simple parts and some detailed parts. I keep that in mind for my overall theme and also for the navigations as well. If you put a lot of detail into the header and the navi/pfp/whatever, it just becomes too much.
If you put a lot of detail into your about me part of the navi (if you are even planning to make an about me part), then you should keep the links more simple! If you're putting more details into the links and the way they're placed, the symbols and fonts you use, etc. then keep the about me + pics less complicated!
Themes don't have to be complicated for them to look good, you don't even have to use pictures in the pinned if you don't want to! You can just keep everything short and sweet. Sometimes simple themes are the best ones, if done well.
Also quick tip: I don't recommend using crazy fonts, it becomes harder to read if you overuse them.
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whale-shark-queen · 7 years
You mentioned fucked up weird AUs in your one post? I'm interested. Tell me about your favourite one(s)!!
AAAaaaah thank you so much!!
Uhhhhhhh heck most of them involve N turning into some horrible Thing because he’s the Estranged Outsider with a Connection to the Bad Guys Even If It’s Not Willingly (yknow like how Eren from snk is a titan shifter or Rin from blue exorcist is part demon) and all of them involve vuvuzelashipping (Nxall the Nuvema lot) I don’t really have a single favourite but I’ll summarize the ones I like most (also note that some of them are good dad Ghetsis/Dadsis aus because u gotta balance out the angst somehow plus dadsis aus are Cool)
Under the cut because I literally can’t summarise for shit and I’m sure no one wants to scroll past 3 pages worth of this (mobile users I apologise since the app is SHIT and refuses to even acknowledge these) 
Also here’s a bit of an index so u can skip to ones that sound interesting instead of going through them all but first u should ask nationalharmonica about her aus bc I love all of hers and they’re awesome and need more love and she also helped with alot of these aus too!! ESPECIALLY the Dragonflower au which I won’t include here because I think she has it on her blog somewhere already.  If ur wondering why I haven’t posted any of these it’s because a) i have neither the skill, time or patience to draw up proper references for all of the characters involved and b) I’m always worried theyll seem too Out There for some people but here we go au masterpost i guess, if anyone reading would like more info feel free to ask!!!
Bacterial Contamination inspired au aka bacterial pestileNce
BotW au
Ib au
PMMM au (the longest one)
Plasma/Aether swapover, N wins+UB monochromeshipping au
Simple fNaf dadsis au
sister locatioN dicksis au (yes I have two for that because I only found out about the secret springtrap cutscene at the end of SL that changes everything the other day)
Nombie (dadsis) au
isolatioN au- Au based on the song Bacterial Contamination.  N goes to the snobbiest most pretentious school you can imagine only because his ex mafia boss dad wants the best for him.  N hides the fact he’s being relentlessly bullied until a teacher phones Ghetsis up asking why N is in such a state whenever he comes into school (BC bruises and cuts and looking roughed up in general).  N goes to therapy and gets meds but surprise they’re an experimental drug and he’s a bug boy now
- BotW au where Touya is Link, Cheren as Revali, Bianca is Mipha and Touko is Zelda.  Ghetsis (who is kinda like Demise if he hung around to make sure his curse worked) is the king of a neighboring region who’s a bit of a warmongering asshole but his son N is friends with princess Touko and her…ahem, associates, which is the only reason Touko’s dad stays civil with him at all.  He uses this to his advantage and infects N with the Malice and reveals his plan to take over Unova, knowing fine well that N would run away to Touko for help.  The truth is he’d set up N to be a ticking time bomb and eventually he becomes the Calamity.  After the whole ~100 year coma and releasing the divine beasts~ thing Touya only remembers who N is after killing him but dw there’s a blood moon just as Touko is sealing the Malice away and N’s freed spirit is brought back to become a friendly giant fluffy spider boy just because I said so
- Ib au with N as Mary (obv Ghetsis is Guertena) except instead of going crazy and trying to kill everyone and being burned up and dying himself the toutous make him sit in the frame while they drag it out of the portal to the real world: problem solved.  I have all this stuff about the others being able to step into his frame but he can’t leave unless someone else draws him so he can possess the drawing but I won’t go into it here BC this post is gonna be long enough already
-Okay I have two madoka aus because possibilities for N are Ndless but I’ve only really developed the dicksis version whereas I only have a witch design for a possible dadsis version so here’s the dicksis one.  The first: Ghetsis is kinda like Walpurgisnacht and N was originally a familiar that represented Ghetsis’ interest being only in things that directly oppose him who was becoming powerful enough to become a witch of his own.  Not wanting him to have even a fraction of power himself Ghetsis transformed him into a human shape, gave him sentience and intelligence and as close to a pure heart as possible so he would be easier to manipulate and led him to believe that magical girls/boys hunt down innocent witches for fun and have witches trapped in their soul gems and tasks N with stealing people’s soul gems to ‘free the witch inside’.  The problem is that the alteration gave N the mindset of ‘innocents who aren’t involved must be protected at all costs’ rather than Ghetsis’ mindset of ‘don’t give a fuck about anyone unless they’re a problem’.  N is also sent to integrate into human society so that he can find magical peepos easier so he ends up coincidentally going to school with the Nuvema kiddos.  He ends up becoming friends with them until he finds out Cheren and Bianca are magicas (I’m just gonna call them that for simplicity) but even though the toutous arent magicas they still support them which is all very upsetting and conflicting for N but he tries his best to protect the witches and steal more soul gems until the others eventually call him out on it and prove to him that the shit Ghetsis told him is bull.  When he goes to confront him about it it’s too late, Ghetsis has absorbed enough witches to become a Walpurgisnacht-like entity, and finally allows N to become a witch.  I’ll link the drawings I’ve done of him but basically his labyrinth would be like a puppet theater and even tho hes the witch he’d have this fuckin giant messed up ghetsis-lookin puppet master familiar who pulls at his strings and coordinates his attacks.  There’d be an audience of masked figures that look like all the magicas he’s caused the deaths of, tiny animals with scissors to represent his wish for freedom and also his fear of his ‘father’ since they never actually get to cut the strings holding him up, and figures that look a heck of a lot like the nuvema kiddos watching in a balcony.  This is all tied into a theory I came up with that almost all the witches are able to be saved since yknow how Homura had that figure of Madoka locked away and Madoka was able to bring her back, and how Sayaka had the violin guy and Charlotte had that doll that probably represents her dead mother? My guess is that if the people those figures represent are brought to the witch and reach out to them the magical girl inside would be able to be freed.  But yeah since N was never really a human the Nuvema kiddos can only really save a fraction of his conscious and he ends up like Bebe.  They all beat the shit out of Ghetsis and everyone lives happily ever after with their pocket witch bf
- the au where 1) plasma and aether are sort of swapped around and 2) N beats the toutous in the final battle.  This is actually based on nationalharmonica’s courtesaN au which is awesome BTW (but it doesn’t involve actual courtesans or N being a courtesan at all but its Sarah’s au so if you’re interested you should totally ask her about it).  Ghetsis keeps Touko and Touya prisoner and just to rub it in their faces blackmails Cheren and Bianca into joining and doing sciency experiment shit which ends up with Touko and Touya becoming UB fusions/hybrids themselves; Touya with Kartana and Touko with Celesteela.  Ofc in the later stages they are able to destroy their place of confinement and escape with Cheren and Bianca to find N who becomes understandably fucked off and upset that his friends have been put through all this shit but begs them not  to kill Ghetsis so he can ask what’s going on.  When he does Ghetsis stabs him with a syringe full of UB fusion shit because he knows fine well hes gonna die he just wanted a final ‘fuck you’ before he is killed by both fire and paper cuts.  Surprise! It’s a Guzzlord.  N becomes a big squishy boy. I’ve done drawings of N in human Guzzlord fusion/hybrid form but I’ve been afraid of posting it but uh if anyones interested i will
- Simplified fNaf dadsis au - basically N and the Nuvema kiddos are the ones that were killed and stuffed in the animatronics, Ghetsis owns the place but risks going bankrupt pouring money into helping find the culprit and also his son and his friends when they’ve been stuck in the one restaurant he kept open to stay afloat.  Nate is the new nightguard and they decide to fuck with him to get rid of some of the boredom of being alone together in the one building for like…30 years or so.  In the end they fess up and make Nate pizza as an apology and they’re chill again
- sister locatioN dicksis au - I already summarised a thing i wrote of it in response to an anon but I’ll include here too.  Once again Ghetsis owns all the shit with the animatronics.  Anthea and Concordia get killed by one of them when they were young so years later Ghetsis sends N down to ‘free’ them (surprise he only wanted to get rid of N) but since their spirits have been fused into one hideous amalgamation of animatronics they’ve gone a bit loopy and want to leave.  The whole scooping room thing ensues and they accidentally turn their brother into a zombie
- Nombie au bc Z is a sideways N heheh I ahven’t thought up much of the background for it but it involves Plasma being a pharmaceutical company that is sort of accidentally being the cause of it.  N gets separated from his dad who ends up being the leader of a large group of people in a little town sort of thing they were able to reclaim but is Sad bc he thinks his son is dead which ends up being half true bc surprise N is half immune and ends up being a conscious zombie boy who wears a curtain as a cloak so he doesnt immediately frighten people bc he got his eye shot out by hillbilies, his face scratched up, his throat bitten out and his heart impaled on a pole (hes a freak without a human heart geddit) zombie apocalypse stuff happens
- isolatioN au - basically spawned from the thought of ’what if N was kept even more hidden away/locked up/never even left at all’.  Plasma is instead secretly in the Pokemon poaching/hunting/selling business but are disguised as…well you already know about Plasma.  The nuvema kiddos had varying levels of rough childhood and were desperate for money so they all joined up; the toutous as night guards and the dualrival s as researchers.  Hidden deep in the facility is a certain tree haired manchild who has been kept in a cage for pretty much his entire life.  Ghetsis does a mother gothel and makes out its to keep him safe and brings him Pokemon to ask about where they live and what other kinds of Pokemon live there so that Ghetsis can release them safely back into the wild go hunt for more Pokemon in the area if there’s anything good there
There’s a few more that I have but I won’t include them because im worried it’d be a waste of time if no one takes interest in any of these but uh thanks for asking and reading if you did!!!
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sunflowerstationary · 7 years
Dearest darlingest Ivy,
Finally replying to this, oops.
The new tag is "you are the reason that i'm smiling when there is nothing to smile about", because that line always makes me think of you (lyrics from the Front Bottoms song "Peach") Dw about it being long, it will pop up when you start typing it :L
I haven't typed anything huge and long on tumblr in a while and I guess with the new phone, since it barely ever crashes I got cocky. I forgot this app is just generally shit and not only because my old phone didn't have enough space to run it lol RIP me.
Oh well.
I know it's ok to bomb my first driving test but like... I just... want it to be done with ;_; I really do not want to have to repeat it, if only because it will be hell on my nerves.
Guess I just need to schedule it and then practice my face off until then. SIGH.
I feel for you so much about the kitties. I felt like the worst cat mom in the fucking world not seeing him every day, and now I get to spoil him with treats and bits of my buttery spaghetti and he has a nice fluffy bed to sleep on that's right next to my head in our bed. And re: having nowhere to sit, GOD OMG I KNOW. We don't really have anything to sit on here either. Idk if you noticed when you were in here but there's like no furniture except the two couches that were left here by the last people, and no carpet in any of the rooms.
For a while I was rolling out a yoga mat and just sprawling on that in the computer room while Steve played his game, but now I mostly just grab a blanket to cushion the chair.
The not knowing who's going to be home thing sounds like the story of my life :/ I'm glad I don't have to worry about that anymore, but I'm sorry you do. I wish that you could move out and say fuck it all. Is Kevin working still?
It's nice that there's three of them. Like you said, they can keep each other company... especially Cali and Sandstorm, since they're so close. I'm a little worried that Scrap is lonely here. I mean, he gets lots of attention, but he's used to having other animals around.
Steve has mentioned a few times moving his friend Abdel in with us, and while I like Abdel, I really do not think I can live with him. I'm a lot better than I used to be but I am NOT about living with strangers. That's one of the reasons I had so much trouble deciding where to go to college back when I was planning on it, because I wanted to be as far from home as physically possible but I didn't know how to do it without having to live with some random people in a dorm or something. I like having the freedom to walk around naked, yk? Plus - and maybe this is selfish but - I already have to compete with Steve's games for attention half the time, and I'm needy, and I just. Don't want to have to deal with that.
He's not the date type of guy, he's a hermit, so we spend most of our quality alone time at home. Is it bad that I don't want to give that up?
You know, I know you're busy but Duo is pretty relaxed. You can set it so that you only have to practice once daily for five minutes if you really want to, which is probably slow but definitely manageable. I do it on the highest practice setting there is and it's still pretty relaxed, it only takes 25 mins out of my day in 5 min increments.
Ughhhhhh god, homerow giving me war flashbacks to my keyboarding class in 10th grade. Good luck.
That sounds like the way I feel about Olivia... it's bittersweet, isn't it? Like the drama is all over now and you want to make something more out of it, and rebuild and maintain a friendship like you used to have, like you feel the potential still there but it's old and probably not worth it now that you've moved on. But.
You know? I barely think of Liv most of the time but she's still there in the background.
Idk. Maybe we'll get our second chance someday.
Rayzel always struck me as a cool but distant person, yeah. I'm glad you have someone to talk to though. I know I can't always be helpful when it comes to Kevin and I feel bad about that sometimes.
Defaulting to sleep rather than self destructing is my middle name. Seriously, I just conked out for two hours because I was feeling angsty about work and feeling like a failure because I haven't been as productive as I wanted to be this week.
Ffffff, why do they always do that to you? Wait to give you hours until you're back in school full time. The fuck.
Scrappy used to piss on everything, if you remember. He hasn't in years though. Since we fixed him I think. Is it normal for diabetic cats to do that? Or maybe it's because you've got a small herd... Trouble used to pee in my room for seemingly no reason and I always suspected it was a territorial thing.
I don't know how to advise you on the Kevin-monogamy situation, really... I don't know if there's necessarily a good way of going about it. It's very murky. Do you think that you'll marry him? I definitely know what it's like to be super codependent, and I know that's not necessarily a horrible thing... Idk. I mean Elizabeth really didn't like the nonmonogamy thing either, I guess the difference was that since she lived far away she didn't feel like she could tell me no, but if she had lived here I think she would have been more up front about that from the get-go. We never really resolved it. I fall for most people I get close to too, but I guess after everything with Nic and Chris and all that shit, I've just been.. totally exhausted. Like, I've pretty much accepted that I have a limited number of slots in my life in terms of people I can be close to and love properly, and between you and Steve and Elizabeth I'm probably near capacity.
I want you to have the options I did, but I dunno how to make that happen for you. It sounds like the conversation has just gotten tiring for both of you.
If you want to get high, I have weed. Lol. I don't know if I could get more but I definitely have enough to smoke you up and maybe me. The only thing is we'll have to do joints, because I don't have a pipe, but I have rolling papers and determination.
I used to be really uncomfrtable with high people too but I definitely have calmed down since I actually experienced it.
Not that I'm any better, but you shouldn't have to be like... conveniently accessible for people to enjoy your company. You deserve more than that. Don't your coworkers ever ask you about your life??? Maybe physical correspondence would help, yeah. It's a lot easier to be free with your thoughts when you're just writing them all down, although sometimes it's hard to send them afterward.
You're gonna have to remind me again to look up Kate Bush because I'm never going to remember. Sounds vaguely familiar though.
Team projects still give me nightmares and I don't think I've done one in four years D: Ugh, god. More reasons for me to procrastinate on College Stuff.
Did you end up under sharing or over sharing? I feel ur pain.
Man, between you and Elizabeth I'm so damn jealous, you're both taking the best classes... she was just telling me last night that her class was talking about the societal compulsory gendering of children.
Elaborate on "finger thingies".
Abnormal psych sounds like a phenomenal class and I'm double jealous now. Not of all your projects though. The way you describe that teacher reminds me of my English teacher in 9th grade, I can't remember her name but we used to call her Skeletor. Fourteen year olds are mean, in hindsight... she was a really nice lady. A little nervous.
I suppose Ed isn't the worst man in the world, but they don't all have to be raging dickwads like my father to be worth tossing out... I just hope your mom doesn't adjust to the wrong things about him, you know? It's one thing to get used to someone's annoying habits and another entirely to get used to being controlled bit by bit.
My dad is mad at me and I know because he hasn't texted me to coerce me into getting dinner in months. Lol. I think it's because I ditched him for a graduation party I said I'd go to, or maybe my brother has a big mouth and said something about me not wanting to hang out with him (or, also possible, my grandma has a big mouth and she told him that me and Steve aren't super impressed with him as a person... last time I visited her she was telling us about how my dad used to put a picture of my moms face on his punching bag, and we were both like "wow he's a dick" which she for some reason didn't seem to agree with. idk man.)
The cat tree thing sounds really great but I dunno if I feel okay letting you do all that for me for nothing... I would probably want to pay you guys, which might defeat the purpose. Free carpet tho that's so excellent???
TJ seems mostly ok at work. Not that how anyone acts at work is necessarily a good measure of how they're holding up emotionally.
Tell me all about the bondage, omg. I've always wanted to get into it but Elizabeth and I broke up just as we were starting to poke around it.
I'm really sorry about Steve. He's really out of line and I honestly still don't understand why, I've tried to talk to him about it a few times but either he acts like he doesn't mind you or he gets annoyed and doesn't want to talk about it. I dunno if it's a jealousy thing or what. He sometimes acts the same way about Elizabeth, so I'm leaning towards yes. I find myself in a similar situation to you where I don't know if I should keep pushing it or not, like I don't know what I should be tolerating... and sometimes I almost wish that he would tell me not to sleep with other people, because as nice as it is that he's always told me that he wants me to do what makes me happy, I wish he was a bit more jealous. Not in a horrible way, just, like. Idk. I'm committed to being with Just Him right now and I wish he was. I want him to be a tiny bit possessive just as like, reassurance that he wants me and just me, you know?
But I digress. He shouldn't have said that to you. You were just trying to be a good friend to me and protect me. Idk what the fuck is wrong with him sometimes.
It's not your fault, I'm also terrible at communication, especially this past year or two. Things have just fallen apart so much. I think I'm starting to get back on my feet though (fingers crossed). We'll see how it goes. Coming up on my attempt anniversary again and I hope it doesn't make me freak out like t did last year.
I'll post the link separately, I'm afraid to leave the app for two seconds to find it while I'm typing this :')
I love you too! I hope this wasn't a lackluster reply, but it's almost 5am and I need to be up very soon unfortunately, so I'm going to take a nap and hope for the best.
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