#and don't act like Archie was perfect
phantom-fleetways · 2 months
Hot take:
Sonic Prime, yes even Season 3, was fantastic fun and fresh for Sonic.
And I'm NOT talking about the Sonadow. Sonadow has nothing to do with this post.
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soupbitch-moneybitch · 4 months
comprehensive list of how ofmd characters would fare if tasked with destroying the ring of power in the fires of mount doom
would be immediately corrupted by the ring:
badminton twins
prince ricky
would use the ring for evil and/or chaos for fun:
calico jack (and it would get Weird(tm) )
spanish jackie (jackie loves her some eternal power over all living creatures in middle earth)
roach (love the guy, but the chaos would be too enticing)
ned lowe (duh)
anne bonnie and mary read (sometimes you gotta spice things up. god forbid women do anything amirite)
evelyn higgs (god forbid women do anything x2)
pre-stede, peak blackbeard era ed (his heart wouldn't really be into it, but it would be expected of him, and he'd do it for the image more than anything else)
would make an attempt to get to mordor but wouldn't make it:
pirate queen zheng (has too much power already, she'd pull a boromir, or more likely, pull an aragorn and accept that she can't be the one to take it, and instead would take down saruman and lead the battle outside the black gate)
ivan (has good intentions, but is too much of a traditional pirate and would inevitably get corrupted)
the swede (he would give it the ol' college try, but would get lost, and fall into the dead marshes, or get stepped on by a tree ent or something)
ed and stede (they would try, but would 10000% lose the plot, probably as early as rivendell when they start dicking around dressing up as elves and pretending to be elven royalty, and then, through a series of wacky misadventures, would somehow end up opening an inn in the shire and being completely unaware of the fact that all the hobbits really don't love having men living among them, but they sell cheap drinks and good food, and that's all hobbits really care about so they let them stay)
wouldn't go to mordor in the first place:
lucius (um, that sounds like a LOT of walking, and he has much better things to do)
pete (would volunteer, but it would be unanimously decided that "maybe you should sit this one out, bud")
wee john (the ring is too basic and tacky and wouldn't go with his Look(tm), and also he'd prefer to stick to what he's good at: napping, sewing, and arson)
archie (would be prepared to go, but the second she gets her hands on it, she would start using it as a party trick like, "lol, look guys, i'm invisible!" and then would inevitably get murdered by ring wraiths)
could go to mordor and destroy the ring, but wouldn't:
auntie (she could definitely destroy the ring, but she's too busy making sure the red flag stays afloat, and keeping the pirate navy in check--she doesn't have time for petty concerns like "the fight between good and evil")
buttons (mad galadriel energy--would be able to refuse the ring, and this would then elevate him to the next phase of his transformation into an all-knowing, all-powerful being, who is also probably a bird)
would make it to mordor but wouldn't destroy the ring:
frenchie (he gets to the fires of mount doom only to realize he dropped the ring somewhere along the way and has no idea where it is)
mary (could make it to mordor, but the feeling of power for the first time in her life after years of being subservient in a shitty society would make the allure too strong in the end)
jim (would probably become corrupted if they were the one carrying it, but could 10000% act as a cutthroat body guard throughout the trek)
would make it mordor and would be able to destroy the ring:
oluwande (the purest of heart, perfect cinnamon roll, too pure, doesn't know how to pronounce "china"--he would never become corrupted)
doug (he would be the sam to mary's frodo, but in a very casual chill way, like "oh, you're being corrupted? no worries, babe, i got it")
is gollum:
izzy hands
my assessment is perfect and correct, but feel free to add your thoughts if you think i'm wrong (but i'm not)
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archiebuns · 3 months
Enters your home
Hallo :3
What are your silliest (angstiest) dra/sdra2 ship prompts
This doesn't mean that I idolize or romanticize any of this but it's important to understand that not every couple will be 100% perfect and there's nothing wrong with people having cons or questionable actions if they're acknowledged!!! Again this are head canons therefore not canon, therefore, please feel free to ignore this if it makes you uncomfortable or don't like it. Please and thank you.
With that aside, here's some prompts I imagine:
-Kanade dating Iroha just as a way to forget about her Hibiki obsession but Iroha knows this and yet she stays because she's happy to be loved
-Teruya is planning on proposing to someone(anyone that u want idk) but finds out he's the other man and doesn't know what to do now (archie this sounds like Cartoonronpa stuff) yeah I just love that concept and I think it could be elaborated further specially with teruya
-Haruhiko and Satsuki face a situation where they realize they don't know how to act without the other as none of the things they do everyday now feel self fulfilling but rather for the couple's sake.
-Shinji suffers a mid-life crisis and disappears but only Syobai knows where he might be but fears to go as he thinks he wanted to disappear, so he puts on a fake persona, and visits him in said place to check on him.
-Sora can't understand herself yet so she keeps on rejecting going out with Yoruko but when she finds a new girlfriend, Sora feels jealous
Idk more now but I hope any of this inspires you somehow(?
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Emily: Do any human beings ever realize life while they live it?--every, every minute?
Stage Manager: No.
The saints and poets, maybe--they do some.
I'm working on an essay about Riverdale now that the finale is out...but I'd like to say a few things now.
Namely, I'd like to talk about the fact that Riverdale ending with a homage to Our Town is so painfully fitting. So, unbearably fitting.
Our Town is a story, much like Riverdale, about a town. It doesn't have the fun twists and turns, for sure, but it is about the lives of the people living in Grover's Corners. It's a love letter to simple, American living.
(And I do say "American" because Our Town is quintessentially American.)
The first time I saw Our Town, I was 14 maybe. I found it incredibly boring. It was slow with tons of boring details about people and their simple lives. I really didn't get it.
It wasn't until, years later, I was in a production of it. A very lovely production. After 55 performances, I still didn't understand it. I don't think you can that young, but I started to.
Today, I still don't understand it, but I think I'm a step closer. You really can't, I think, understand life while you're in the midst of it. As Emily says in the final act:
"They're sort of shut up in little boxes, aren't they?"
We are. We can't help it. None of us can. We're all moving too damn fast in our little lives to be anything more than troubled from sun up to sun down. We strain so much in our little lives that we have to lie down and rest every night. We can never look at everything hard enough.
In any case, Riverdale culminating in an homage to Our Town just makes so much sense. The show has mentioned the play several times over the years, for starters, but it's more than that.
It's the button on a lengthy, 137-episode conversation about American culture and the nature of life itself. Exposing the dark underbelly. Celebrating the triumphs. Life is the trauma and the healing. The epic highs and lows of high school football, of course…but life is also incredibly boring. Peace is boring. At least, it can seem so when you’re not ready for it. If you’re still fighting and eager to do so, peace feels flat and horrible.
But, for these characters, this story, that has struggled and bled for 7 long seasons, I think a peaceful ending is well-earned. I walk away deeply satisfied.
I’ll leave you with one more thing. (Again, I’m still working on a bigger essay that will be more organized.)
 Riverdale is deeply haunted by its own past as much as the characters are.
It’s haunted by the Archie comics, by its own previous seasons, by Archie’s Weird Fantasy, etc. I think Riverdale ending on a peaceful, sentimental note is really beautiful.
It feels like Emily in the graveyard in act 3, learning to let go, and joining the other ghosts on the hill. We look back and remember. We grieve it and love it in kind. We live and we die. It’s all so small and yet, immeasurably huge like a starry night sky. We wish we could stay forever, but we know we can’t.
The first 6 seasons fought and bled so hard. The seventh season was a gradual slowing than settled into peace.
I could say a lot more about how healing and finding peace are not as exciting as people might like. I’m sure I will in time.
Riverdale was not a perfect show, but nothing is. I would have done things differently, but so would we all in a commentary on life.
I’m happy though.
We all have to go through our lives to appreciate them. That’s the joke. That’s the tragedy. That’s the truth. Happy/sad endings are the best, aren’t they?
Yeah. Because they’re real. They’re life.
And I can’t believe a silly little CW show handed me something so profound like that. Riverdale, I can’t believe you. You lovable scamp. You sneaky bastard. 
I can’t believe a goofy Archie fanfiction had the nerve, the audacity to say something so heartbreakingly and beautifully true.
“To look life in the face. To look life in the face and to know it, and then, to put it away.” - The Hours
I’m sorry this was so disjointed. I love you all, everything.
Unrelated Notes:
-It's a love letter to American cinema and theatre, which I think is covered under "culture", but I wanted to point that out specifically.
-The final season, more than any of them, is about American theatre and poetry. Death of a Salesman. The Crucible. Howl. Langston Hughes. Our Town. (And dozens of others.)
-The only way I can categorize Riverdale, truly, is as Americana Gothic.
-I think it makes sense to return to classic Americana in the final stretch. We've riffed on horror and thrillers. Soap operas and hell, even modern marvel movies. Returning to the Golden Age for one final look, where Archie itself began, truly feels full-circle.
-Cheryl let go of her grief. She left Thornhill. She built a family. She loved and was loved. God, that makes me so immeasurably happy.
She’s doing a puzzle in the Pop’s Choklit shop in the sky right now. I wish I could tell the Cheryl of 1x13 that.
“You are loved. You are safe. You’re going to be ok.”
Ah, but she wouldn’t understand just as my younger self wouldn’t understand my silly, peaceful life now. They would both scoff and roll their eyes at me. That’s ok though. They’ll figure it out.
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cookstorys · 2 years
𝚃𝚠𝚘 𝙾𝚙𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗𝚜, 𝙾𝚗𝚎 𝚌𝚑𝚘𝚒𝚌𝚎
Character- Reggie Mantle
Show/Movie- Riverdale
Warning- This is a 3 part story!, angst, your a cheater (again 😭), being a cheater is not slay so don’t be one fr 🌚
Females dni
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You walked into the crowded house full of drunk high school kids. You hated high school parties, they were always overcrowded and sweaty. You looked around for Reggie but only saw the idiots he called his friends. "Have any of you seen Reggie?" You asked walking to the group of boys but they all shook their heads. "Ask Archie." One of them spoke which you smile towards and left.
You searched for the red headed boy thru out the house and eventually did achieve but it was far to late. You found the extremely drunk red head dancing on the countertops of someone's kitchen. "Archie get down." You demanded while holding your hands out for Archie to take. "Thank You [name]."He giggled on his way down. "Let me take you home, it's obvious Reggie isn't coming." You started walking towards the exit with Archie leaning on you for support.
____Time skip_____
After a few minutes, you're practically dragging Archie to his front door. "Thank you again [name]." As he spoke you could tell he was starting to get sober. "No problem, next time don't get so shit-faced." You laugh and Archie joined in.
As he laugh you couldn't quite catch what the feeling was in your stomach but you acted on it. You took a step forward and kissed him which he quickly countered with kissing you back. As you broke away from him you could see the hurt in his eyes and he saw the same in yours. "I shouldn't have done that." You acknowledged and walked off.
___Two days Later___
IT WAS EATING YOU UP INSIDE! That moment, the kiss, Archie, the feeling you get in your stomach when you are around him now, hiding all this from Reggie. It was all too much to handle. The only two people who knew were Cheryl and Betty. Cheryl was your best friend so you were going to tell her regardless. Betty just realized something was up with you and you didn't feel like lying.
You've been trying your best to ignore Archie but that feeling still erupts in your stomach every time you see him. You've been trying to be more touchy with Reggie to take your mind off of it. Off of him. Reggie was far to perfect for you, you loved him and only him… right? 
You walked towards your 5th period only to be pulled into a random closet. A pair of lips almost immediately started attacking yours. "You look so hot today." Reggie complimented with his classic smirk. He pushes you into a cabinet and started kissing you harder.
"I'll take care of everything, ok?" He smiled and kissed you again. Which you grabbed his waist and pushed him closer to you. "I love you," Reggie whispered in your ear. You couldn't lie anymore, not to the one person you love the most. You pushed Reggie off, ignoring his confused face. "I kissed Archie," You admitted. The feeling of finally letting the secret be told aloud was immediately shot when you saw Reggie’s face.
Reggie stayed silent while backing away slowly. "I went to the party and he was drunk so I walked him home and we kissed." You quickly explained walking towards him, only for him to continue backing away. "Who kissed first?" He asked first looking down at the ground. He couldn't even look at you. "Me." You told.
"Fuck [name]," Reggie responded on the verge of crying. "I'm sorry baby it was a stupid mistake." You tried to reason and Reggie looked at you in disbelief. "Do you still love me? Was all our memories together for nothing?” Reggie asked with pleading eyes.
"I don't know." You answered honestly
Those three words were all Reggie needed to break down but he refused to do it in front of you tho. After a deep breath, he slaps you right across your face.
"Go to hell [last name]." Reggie stormed out.
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anonbinaryweirdo · 10 months
im rambling about me n devons ocsssss
for the deaths part, there's suicide mention(s) and mention(s) of fire !!
let m see if can remember deaths;
starting with the royales—
Jeremy was Michael Afton'ed (he got his insides ripped out basically)
Lucy got into... a car accident??? @deeplyinlovewithstars help
I think they said Diana got kidnapped? unsure
Dilon hung himself at a young age (the range was 5-12?? I think. I just know he was the first to die)
Derek was shot in the head at 15
Delilah got caught in a fire (I forget how old she was)
as for the mantovans—
Shamora got pushed off a building (I think she was the last to die.)
Alexandra was shot on her 16th birthday
misc characters—
Josh was deliberately drowned when he was twelve
Ash, same case scenario as Delilah, when he was younger
Haru (i forgot. but this just reminded me that HE was the last to die, not shamora)
and I'm sure that there are more, I just can't think of anyone else important
okay, now present canon ships !!!!! >:D (exes and current partners)
Josmora (Josh x Shamora; married)
Dilexru (this is an improvised ship name for Dilon x Alexandra x Haru; married)
Derash (Derek x Ash; married)
Jerelucy (Jeremy x Lucy; married)
Alarchie (Alexandra x Archie; exes)
Dereseph??? (Derek x Joseph; exes)
that's all I can remember
other relationships—
Diana, Dilon, Derek, Delilah (oldest-youngest; siblings)
Shamora, Alexandra (siblings)
Alexandra, Derek (best friends; in-laws)
Shamora, Delilah/Dilon (best friends; in-laws)
Delilah, Joshua/Ash (best friends; in-laws? Ash is her in law, not sure about Josh)
Shamora, Dilory (enemies. Dilory fucking killed her bye)
Every main OC, Joseph (they would all kill him on the spot)
probably some more
oh God where to begin
let's get. let's get Dilon out of the way. we hced a few months ago that he would NNNOT bail his spouses out of prison. oh, shamoras in jail? bailed. Josh is in jail? bailed. Lucy is in jail? bailed. Alex and Haru? keep them in there until their sentence is up. (/hj). don't get him wrong, he LOVES his spouses. but holy shit.
everyone has daddy issues. except ash. he's an orphan he doesn't get issues (jkjk but I THINK he had mommy issues??)
fun fact; the ONLY OC who has kept her personality throughout the years, was Lucy. she's perfect. I cringe every time I read back on old roleplays and see old screenshots. shamora would NOT act like this KILL IT
another fun fact; we would always argue over whether or not Jeremy was a top or bottom. this bitch recently revealed that he is a SWITCH (as Jeremy is their oc)
ANOTHER fun fact; during the starting days of our roleplays, Jeremy was like. Lucifer and Lucy was like Lillith. I'm so positive that this HAS changed. a lot. it probably isn't even canon anymore js
I think that Derek and Haru get along well, and yes it is because Joseph is Haru's brother as well as Derek's ex, BUT! Haru does NOT, and WILL not condone the type of abuse Joseph put Derek through EVER. he does not condone his brother's actions whatsoever, and always sided with Derek after he found out about everything.
adding onto Derek and Haru; Derek probably freaked out the first few times he saw Haru, given that him and Joseph look alike, if you don't count Haru's heterochromia
everyone lives together !! well, there's this one mansion that EVERYONE lives in, but they all have their separate homes for privacy (this is actually canon)
I'd like to think that Alex dyed her hair because she doesn't like thinking back on her birthday, aka the day she died. she's originally brunette, like shamora, but dyed her hair blue as to rid that image from her conscious. sometimes she forgets what she used to look like, until she somehow comes across an older picture, which sends her into a spiral
despite their coldness and stoicness, I would like to think that, if not anything else, Shamora and Dilon are passionate when it comes to their lovers !!
Dilon is the second oldest out of like five kids, affection was probably a frequent thing given how deprived of it they were when they were kids.. so if Alex were to fall victim to a panic attack, or if Haru just wasn't having a good day, Dilon would know, and go about dealing with it in his own ways. as I said earlier, he absolutely loves his spouses, even if he flat out refuses to acknowledge it most of the time. this only happens behind closed doors !! and I don't think they would tease him for it. this is rare, and he means well, so they'd accept it with lots of love !! plus they don't really feel like getting hit in the head with a pot like. ever.
and, unlike Dilon, Shamora initiates affection herself, even when she knows that Josh doesn't need it in that moment. her sister was clingy growing up, so she hardly minds Josh's clinginess. in fact, she'll start to get worried if he isn't holding onto her shirt somehow. there are times where she'll just sit with him and scratch behind his ears, or she'll grab his hand and tug him along with her if she knows she's going somewhere—knowing that Josh has to be trailing behind her, or he'll get lost and spiral if she isn't back within ten twenty minutes. she's quiet when affection is initiated from either of them, and mostly sticks to her actions doing all the talking for her. if Josh starts to get insecure about his place in the relationship, she'll know before hand and talk to him about it—one of the rare times she's actually verbal during any sort of affection.
I saw Devon say this in a hc channel; but Haru is definitely the mom friend !! skddkjdj my brain is running at 999mph thinking about them forgive me
I'm gonna stop here because 🧍🏽who tfs gonna read this besides Devon I am RAMBLING (I still have lots to say too. a lot more 💔)
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circlemidnight · 1 year
Just did a speed run through the Jeronica kisses now that Season 7 is up on Netflix, and I'm convinced the writers were taken over by alien with talent and understanding of character just for those scenes. Veronica's written like a cartoon of sexuality half the season, especially with Archie and Reggie, and Jughead's off in no man's land, having no connection to any one, but their kisses are so playful and sweet and sexy. Veronica gets to be coy (her eyes flickering down in the school hallway to see if she's inspired...something else) and Jughead gets to rib her ("oh, we will?), and "Wowie"/"You can say that again" is so perfect; they can't turn off the banter even in the midst of their cello-swelling moment. And the hesitation before the fireplace both times, and how he reaches for her face the first time, but she does the second time, and by the time they make their grand entrance at school they've settled in the middle. They just go toe-to-toe with each other so well, it never feels like a gimmick or a melodrama. In conclusion, this was the teen dream the writers accidentally stumbled into this season, but they couldn't help tripping over their feet at the finish line, and I'm in denial that, memories and all, they would've gone into this ridiculous quad situation in high school and then never talked again.
You put it so beautifully! Yes exactly, I think we have to credit Cole and Cami with a lot of it. Everything good on this show happened by accident, but I think their scenes obviously have little improvised moments and Cami has spoken before about how she likes to discuss with a scene partner how things will play out. It's not so much the writing but the directing and acting that shows their connection. These are the people who understood the assignment imo. Like you said, it's illogical that they would be so entwined emotionally and professionally and then just never speak to each other after graduation? I don't think they would have gone back to Betty and Archie either. Not when their cheating was so core to how badly their lives ended up playing out. I think it would've made more sense to just have the Betty-Archie-Reggie trio senior year with Veronica and Jughead doing their own thing like they had been doing all season.
And like you said, within the context of Jeronica, Veronica is not used as a sexual punchline to someone else's fantasy. It's almost like Jeronica is the only time Veronica gets any respect and isn't just written for the male (and Betty) gaze. She got to focus on her career but in a way that leans into her passion and romanticism and it tied so well with Jughead's goals and his journey. She wasn't used as a prop, she got equal dialogue and moments to shine, and she did a lot of progressive things without just like...wearing lingerie. Her scenes with Josie especially show that she is more than just a sidekick people want to sleep with. And I think Jughead's one of the only people who leaned into how intelligent she is rather than just focusing on her being hot or rich.
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sugar-omi · 7 days
yeaaahhh this pussy should be burned at the stake the way it's committing acts of witchcraft on these boys..... sigh but i cannot say i'm not cock hungry either. bc Duh. OKAY I CAN SEE US PULLING INTO THE RESIDENTIAL AREA NOW SO IMA HAVE TO MAKE THIS A LIL QUICK
so im ssitting there. and this fucking SEVEN AND A HALF INCHER IS CENTIMETERS AWAY FROM MY FACE. so like the generous and ever-giving goddess i am. i give the tip a lil kiss. make out with it, even. when in france.
and the tiny little whispered "ohhhhhfuck" that comes out of saro makes both archie and i react IN UNISON. archie's content to just sit on the couch and watch and occasionally provide moral support (aka teasing the shit out of saro and turning on me if i laugh)
"awh, c'mon, mi. you can take more of him than that. you've got a smart mouth, don't you?"
and i send him a lil side eye, but then saro lets out a WHINE AND ITS LIKE MY BODY MOVES ON AUTOPILOT. so i end up taking him to the base bc ur girl's a natural throat goat 💪🏼💪🏼💪🏼
no bae, they cant burn your pussy at the stake... she's too powerful.. too enchanting... too perfect... they can't do this </3
ALSO 7 N A HALF INCHES OF DICK IS CRAZZZY I LOVE IT!!! I KNEW IT!!!! and mr. dazzling just sitting on the sidelines being the puppet master is driving me crazy... im obsessed with him...
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shadamyheadcanons · 2 years
I know this is a Shadamy blog but I would like to know your take on SonicxSally. I kind of like it but at the same time I don't think Sonic would like a long term relationship
Like many Shadamy fans, I adore Sonally. I haven’t read the vast majority of Archie, but I did watch SatAM as a kid, and my love for these two started there. She’s quick-witted and clever, so she keeps pace with him.
Thing is, though...I’m kind of in the same boat as you, haha. Sonic’s distaste for commitment and marriage thwarts most potential ships.
HOWEVER! There is a workaround.
I think Sonic can go well with someone else who either also doesn’t like commitment or has a lot going on in their life. While they’re busy with their responsibilities, he can run off on adventures and enjoy the freedom he needs. It’s not perfect, but I think it can work with the right dynamic. Sonic and Sally work because she’s independent and self-sufficient, and between her duties as a monarch and leader of the resistance, she’d need plenty of time to herself, too. She’s on his level and knows his needs. This isn’t just me bending the rules, either; there are apparently multiple potential future timelines in Archie where they wind up happily married with kids:
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I can’t *quite* buy him being in such a traditional role, but they seem happy. It’s a possibility.
Sonally isn’t the only ship that could work like this. I’ll always prefer Blaze with Silver, but with her being a busy princess and guardian from another dimension, I could see them having a casual off-and-on thing together. I see them as platonic myself, but I get the appeal. Knuckles works because he needs his alone time, too. He spends a ton of time in solitude on Angel Island. He wouldn’t need Sonic to be by his side every day. Rouge is flighty and loves her freedom just as much as Sonic does. I’m a big advocate for Sonouge; I explain why in-depth in this post. It’s a very underrated ship.
But the Sonic ship I like most of all, even outranking my childhood nostalgia for Sonally, is...Sonknuxouge? Knuxsonouge...? Idk what the proper term is, but just squish Sonic, Knuckles, and Rouge together. That’s my jam. I hardly ever polyship, but I love seeing these three together.
Knuxouge is already popular, and for good reason. Even Sonic ships it:
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Wouldn’t surprise me if he gave them a nudge, and I’d argue that he’s flirted with both of them himself on occasion. He seems like he’d be up for polyamory anyway. Imagine if Knuckles and Rouge got together and she moved in with him on Angel Island, or at least spent a lot of time there. G.U.N. might even encourage this, as they’d have an agent up there keeping an eye on the Master Emerald.
Of course, they wouldn’t know that her loyalties would lie with Knuckles and his friends. Even she doesn’t trust G.U.N.:
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With her being stationed on Angel Island, though, it could usher in a better alliance between Sonic & friends and G.U.N. With different leadership, G.U.N. could clean up their act and be on the right side of history more often. Hell, putting Rouge up there would make way for my headcanon that Amy could lead Team Dark someday.
They could have kids--Qkora’s designs are my favorite--because, uh...we’re short on echidnas. And I’ve always thought Knuckles would make a great dad.
Knuckles is pretty tied to the island, but I imagine Rouge would take trips down to the mainland for treasure hunting, checking on her casino, etc, and while she’s down there, she could pick up Sonic so he could visit the two of them.
It’d be kind of a long flight, but if she can carry Shadow and Omega’s combined weight of ~2800 pounds, she can handle Sonic’s 77 pounds.
He wouldn’t be as close as they are, but they’d all enjoy each other’s company, and he could help look after the kids sometimes. I can’t imagine Sonic ever being present enough to be a full-time dad, but he’s great with kids.
There’s no way Sega would ever go for polyamory, but I think it’s a fun idea.
tl;dr I love Sonally and I do think it could work, but it’s not his only option. That is, if we winds up with anyone at all. He could definitely stay single.
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its-gonna-be-may · 5 months
[Another video! May is sitting on a sandbar, arms wrapped around her knees, which are tucked too her chest. Its raining, both water and fire. Groudon and Kyogre can be seen clashing in the distance, silhouetted against the rain, the only truly visible parts being the glowing lines that permeate their bodies, and the explosions of their attacks. Its hard too tell because of the rain, but she's crying.
Besides her, is Latias in human form, rubbing her back and trying her best too comfort her.
Latias: It'll be okay.
May: No it won't! Rayquaza should be here but it isn't!
Latias: You'll find a way, like Gloria did.
May: Glor still had the two wolves by her side, even if neither of them were hers.
May sinks further into despair, burying her head in her knees. Latias can only pat her on the back.
Suddenly, there's a shout from offscreen and Zinnia bursts into view, aiming a kick at May. Latias moves quickly, putting up a psychic shield against Zinnia's attack and knocking her backwards. May quickly scrambles too her feet, taking out her drawing tablet but immediately noticing the rain's rendered it useless.
May: *muttering* Knew I should have backed those drawings up.
Zinnia: What did you do!!!
May adopts her best combat stance. Its not very good compared too Zinnia's. Clearly, the older girl has had years more training.
May: What did I do!? You're the one who woke up Kyogre!
Zinnia: Yeah! That was the plan, dumbass! But you ruined it!
May: Your plan was too end the world! The frick kinda plan is that! Oh come on, really with the swear filter!? Now!?
Zinnia: Her plan wouldn't work! I knew it wouldn't work! She was only gonna wake one of them, that wasn't enough! So I came up with my own plan! I'd wake both of them! Then Rayquaza would come! It was perfect! But then you came and ruined it!
May: The heck are you talking about!?
Zinnia: You went off-script!
May: I knew it. I knew you knew.
Zinnia: You went off track and changed everything! If you'd just stuck too the way things were supposed too be, Archie would have woken Kyogre on his own and Rayquaza would be here! But he didn't, and its not, and its all! Your! Fault! You and your stupid siblings wanting soooooo bad too be your own people, not even trying too play the roles we were assigned! You shouldn't even be here, you shouldn't even have this life, but you are and you do! You're supposed too be May, so why don't you act like it!
May: Wait a minute... "we..."
May gasps.
May: You're one of us! You were isekai'd too!
The video ends for dramatic effect.]
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steeltwigz · 8 months
use this ask as an excuse to talk about maria robotnik :D!! love to see what you have to say :]
Sorry this became kind of just a rant of me doing weird speculations UHM. Dhdndbdb
Maria is just sooo. Everything about her is so compelling to me! The way she's treated as secondary in her Own Story. Even when we're supposed to be thinking about her, Shadow or the ARK is always looming just slightly in the background. She exists in this vacuum of being one of the most important and recognizable human characters in fandom, yet we barely know anything about her! She's related to THE main antagonist and we've heard him talk about her maybe 4 or 5 times. She's a ghost and a martyr and a sacrifice and another name on a list of tragedies and Shadow's sister and Eggman's cousin and a sickly little girl and the catalyst for So MUCH Sonic lore. Everything we now about her, how she acts and why, what she was like, how she felt about her family and the ARK, is determined Mostly by fan interpretation (as far as I know. I mean, she was in Archie as a ghost or hologram or something, but I haven't read that far yet). Even still, the interpretation from fans seems to be always the same! That she was courageous, curious, reckless and active despite her illness. She sought out danger and excitement even if it meant she might accidentally hurt herself. Often times I see Shadow being written as the voice for reason, instead of her! They also agree that she inherited the Robotnik family trait of being intelligent and inventive (something that's actually actively supported by Sonic Channel artwork featuring her reading or excelling in classes). Fans like to think that she wasn't helpless, despite what her game writing would imply, and they kind of reject the notion that she was a perfect young girl who was quiet and polite and attentive which imo is the exact Opposite of what SEGA seemed to want for the character. I really really like this!! It's so fascinating to me how everyone seemingly agrees on these traits despite how little we know of her. What caused that? Coincidence? Did the way Sonic X rebooted Maria with the character Helen affect anything? Fans have given her so much more depth and I love to see it!!!
I want to know so MUCH about her. What was life like on the ARK, where are her parents, what's the Robotnik family tree look like, etc.? We know so Much about every other character, we kind of take it for granted I think. We know most of their favorite foods, songs, colors, flowers, bands, activities, weather patterns, where they live and who they live with, what they do for a living, what their daily routine is like. We even know some of their favorite Gaming Consoles!! But for Maria we get Nothing! Does she even like the color blue? How does she feel about the ARK? What's her favorite movie, song, food, animal? Does she like bugs or reptiles? Does she talk to the other scientists on the ARK? If so, what about? Does she like them? Do they like her? What was her relationship with Commander Towers, and why do we rarely see them mentioned together? When Shadow was created, did she start avoiding Towers, or were they never great friends? What books does she like to read? What's her favorite genre?
She's also just so tragic in a way that's so. Gets me ILL when I think about it for too long. She was Never going to reach the Earth. Did she know? Did she lay awake at night and think about it? She's so so optimistic and hopeful, I don't want to think she ever let herself give up on that dream tbh. And if GUN successfully shut down the ARK without killing her, would she have survived the trip back to the planet? She HAD to live on the ARK for a reason, and the government knew that. Was her death something they had already accepted as collateral before even stepping foot on the ARK? Did the soldier that shot her see her as a dead girl walking? Was the plan always to kill her as a way to make Gerald vulnerable and weak, and the soldier only thought about it enough to recognize it as himself taking the opportunity where he could? Did anyone else develop NIDS before or after those events? Did a proper cure ever develop? Did the citizens of the Earth ever do anything to honor or acknowledge the ARK tragedy? Did GUN ever formally apologize? Is there a monument or something out there?
And about her death! Did the Robotnik family ever find out she died? How long did they have to wait until they got confirmation? Did Maria ever get the dignity of a proper grave and funeral? How long did that take? Was she religious? If so, which religion? Shadow the Hedgehog (the game) is steeped in nods and references to Catholicism, was he Catholic? Was Maria? How did she feel about her religion? Would she have got along with Sonic and Co.? How would she feel about Eggman?
And she was like. Always going to be Shadow's Sister or The Sick Kid. How did that affect her? She's got the Secondary Character To Her Own Life and Doomed By The Narrative swag and it leaves me BEGGING for more information. We can learn a bit about her from Shadow, and assume some things about her based off the way he acts, but a story focused on her specifically would be so so interesting to me.
And about Shadow! Does he ever visit her grave? In Sonic X uncut, he makes a grave marker for Molly, someone who was a lot like Maria too. Did he do that for Maria as well? And if Shadow and Emerl were made "with her soul" or whatever, how much of them are traits of hers? If Gemerl was reprogrammed to be like Emerl, is he similar? I don't know how Maria acted, but I know Gemerl's personality well. Was Maria like that too? How far can you abstract from the original before there aren't any original traits left?
Anyways. Idk. She's so so cool to me. She can be projected on in basically any way becuz of how Little we actually have confirmed about her which is cool too!! Idk what SEGA's obsession with making little girl martyrs is, but I think all of them are cool. Thank God Helen didn't kick the bucket too, idk how many Maria clones my emotional state can handle. If Tikal is the original little girl martyr, would that make Maria a Tikal clone..... Much to think about!
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rvdregister · 1 year
rvd spoliers below //
there were always some warning signs that ras could never ever truly let go of bhva. the continued fan-service and finding random nonsensical ways for them to kiss.. but the biggest one (to me at least) is that the show never had them deal with barchie cheating and the aftermath, never had them acknowledge what it meant because in doing so would mean realistically they wouldn't be able to bring those ships back if they wanted to.
and now you have a perfect scenario: neither archie or veronica remember the bad memories, so they can just brush past the hiram of it all and archie cheating like it never happened. they can just act like their happy and trauma free 50s selves. their fraught history is gone, erased.
bh remember but by ensuring archie only has scattered memories of their relationship (he doesn't remember the hardships neither on a individual or relationship level) he will never be able to understand betty completely and her journey. but jughead does because, like her, he choose to keep the bad stuff and none of their friends will ever have that.
having barchie never discuss their engagement also means they can easily hand wave it away in the finale without ever really discussing what it actually would mean for these characters. did they change their minds? did they never want to get married? how does betty feel about archie being "torn" about his feelings when just a season ago he was all in? what changed for him? for her?
what sucks is none of this will ever be addressed (sure we might get a very general convo if we're lucky). and it's all to serve the general idea that any core4 ship can be endgame. we're supposed to think what happened in s7 somehow outweighs all the development from the past seasons. that poetry is all that really matters archie his desire to have a family gone. va don't have incompatible life goals anymore and bh have their ~darkness~ to bond over again. meanwhile all barchie had was downplayed to service this open ended outcome.
its really sad when a show has to abandon genuine character development to ultimately service a group of very loud fans. in the end it didn't matter which story made sense but which shippers spammed your ig comments the most
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it’s chapter eleven: to riverdale and back (riverdale 1x11) and jughead’s lost another family. and this time. this time it’s too much.
we’re only given breadcrumbs. puzzle pieces about jughead’s life pre-series. but it’s enough to draw a map. to assemble a narrative. 
forsythe pendleton "jughead" jones III. a normal kid with a normal life. that is, until something happens. tho it’s unclear, exactly, what that was. FP hints at a medical emergency when he’s talking to archie in chapter seven: in a lonely place (riverdale 1x07). fred, he just had you and your mom to provide for, I had jughead and jellybean and their mom and hospital bills. so FP starting taking odd jobs for the southside serpents. which led to stealing from his and fred’s company. to selling materials on the side. to getting caught.
and after one too many second chances fred fired him.
that’s when FP falls off the wagon. implying his sobriety wasn’t a new issue. that he’d likely been struggling with it for years. and this was just the final straw. that unravels their whole world. he keeps promising that he's gonna get his act together, but my mom couldn't take that rollercoaster anymore, so she grabbed jellybean and went to live with our grandparents. 
and jughead stays behind. and I think it’s because, even tho FP might not understand jughead, he appreciates him. glows with praise. because jughead’s not “normal.” in case you haven't noticed, I'm weird. I'm a weirdo. I don't fit in, and I don't want to fit in. 
but to FP? that’s the best thing jughead could be. his lack of interest in football or sports is meant as a compliment. I'd rather see you spending your time writing, thinking up stories. you still do that? nose in a book? typing away?
but also. if I were to speculate. jughead’s the one who got sick. the origin of all those hospital bills. he’s weird because maybe he missed a lot of his childhood. only had books and his family. 
a family that’s now gone. a family’s that woes maybe started with him. and so he shoulders all that guilt. all that responsibility. by staying in riverdale. by staying steadfast and loyal to his dad. 
if that’s the case we can assume he lived with his dad in the trailor for a while. but at some point, even he couldn’t take it. and what probably started as crashing at the drive-in became living at the drive-in. until FP’s hired to put it out of business. I'm sorry, but the twilight drive-in? it's a blight that's become a cesspool, and a hangout for criminals...and transients. turn it into a den of drug dealers and petty thieves. decrease it’s value. just so hiram lodge can buy it up.
even tho FP knows that’s where jughead has been living. 
and yet? and yet, jughead still trusts his father. still loves him unconditionally. sticks up for him and believes in him. even as it breaks his heart.
which is how jughead ends up in a forgotten closet under a well-trod staircase at the high school. showering in the locker rooms. with his books for english class, his two outfits, and some cans of food. and the mice. and the spiders.
because jughead might say his novel is the story of jason blossom’s murder. but he’s lying. and mostly to himself. it’s not actually about jason. it’s not about riverdale either. it’s about a boy, on the outside, looking in. trying to figure out where he fits. if he has a home. or a family. 
and then. all of a sudden. he does. 
archie repairs their friendship. he gets a girlfriend. a new friend. fred invites him to stay. his dad promises to clean up his act. his dad does clean up his act.
which is why jughead’s so blantantly excited about his dad meeting betty’s family. the social experiment of it all. the coopers in their big house and their perfect lives. it’s everything jughead thinks he wants. should want. was he doing everything he was supposed to do, everything he wanted. I mean, did he even know what that was?
because remember. the jones’ might come from the southside, but they used to have a home, too. maybe not as nice as the coopers’ or the andrews’--but it was more than the trailor park. in chapter two: a touch of evil (riverdale 1x02) fred drops another breadcrumb to jughead’s past in his admonishment of archie. son, I've been hearing you sneak out since you were eight years old going to jughead's tree house. a treehouse implies a backyard. a house. 
jughead wants that all back. it’s the story no one was gonna tell. or even know how to tell. his own adventure down the mississippi river. his own metamorphosis. that he manifested over milkshakes in a booth at pop’s.
and the thing is. it’s even better than he imagined. good enough than when FP suggests they move to toledo. get the whole family back together. jughead chooses riverdale. and his new little family. 
that is. until the lies. 
because what makes a place feel like home? is it warmth and familiarity? some idealized, make-believe version of the american dream? is it love and acceptance? or is it simple safety? jughead says no. it’s none of those things. 
because jughead’s told us his greatest fear. of being rejected for being himself. of being forgotten. it’s a novel to last the ages. it’s a newspaper editorial. it’s jughead wuz here (with a crown) grafittied on the wall of the drive-in.
and when his friends go behind his back. when they cut him out--even if it’s to protect him--all of his worst fears come true. 
he’s on the outside looking in. again. 
without a family. again.
only this time it’s worse. because FP’s been arrested for the murder of jason blossom. jughead’s more alone than he’s ever been.
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thatiranianphantom · 1 year
It's crazy to me how no one is allowed to say smth against Toni/c*oni or Tabitha without getting hate. People view characters differently and watch the show for different reasons. Especially in a show where the writing is just bad. You don't even have to hate on them but just say "I personally think they arent great" or Tabitha is boring and you'll get hate bc "Tabitha never did anything bad" yeah. But I still don't care about her 🙄
Oh, anon. Sweet anon. You are talking to the person who regularly gets hate for saying anything about Toni or Tabitha.
We all have character preferences, I get that! I like a lot of characters others don't. It's absolutely okay. It does, however, continue to mystify me why some factions of the fandom continue to insist we MUST all like the same characters, and I MUST like the ones they do. I remember after 504 there was some sort of instagram campaign chastising the BHs for not watching because it was "Vanessa's time" and we were hurting her by lowering the ratings?
Um, no? It's not my job to watch something I don't want to to validate an actor who you have infantilized enough to decide how she feels?
Toni is just not a well written character, in my perspective. She isn't acted well even when she gets better material, she faces consequences for nothing, and she is given a giant free pass by both the show and the fandom for literally everything. Tabitha oscillates between boring and being presented as literal perfection, and I have said it so many times, anon, but if characters like Toni, Tabitha and Archie were acted better and faced actual consequences like other characters for their shittier actions, I would like them so much more?
People are STILL raking Betty over the coals for something she did two and a half seasons ago, but Toni coercing money out of a mentally unwell Cheryl by using their relationship? Toni asking her ex to marry her and Fangs? Tabitha breaking something important to Jughead because it was important to him? All completely fine.
Episodes concerning social justice are hard to do well anon, but they CAN be done well. God, I still think about that Grey's episode awhile ago where two characters had to tell their child that he couldn't run from the police. I don't even watch Black-ish but I saw a clip where they were talking about Obama's inauguration and how they couldn't even enjoy it because they were so terrified something would take it away and it hit me in the gut. The Brooklyn 99 episode that showed a Black man participating in a racist system because he had no choice. THAT is doing social justice well. Riverdale is performative and paper thin at best and offensive at worst.
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blazehedgehog · 2 years
What d you think of the term "Mary Sue"? Does a Sonic character fit that criteria?
Well, hm. What is the definition of a Mary Sue? It's usually a new person inserted in to a world of pre-established characters, who everybody likes, they have an answer to every problem, and are effectively perfect at everything, right?
As I recall, it literally comes from a 1970s/1980's Star Trek fanfiction where a woman literally named "Mary-Sue" made her way on to the Enterprise and everybody on crew fell in love with her. I believe the climax of the story saw Mary-Sue committing the ultimate act of nobility and sacrificing herself to save the crew, but don't quote me on that.
Generally, the view is that a "Mary Sue" is an author (or viewer) insert. They are best friends with the main cast and go on cool new adventures like they were one of the gang. It's wish fulfillment. That doesn't always have to be the case, and the term has broadened to describe bad, "flawless" characters overall.
Over the years, Sonic has had a couple of Mary Sues, yes.
The one I think of sometimes is in the Archie comics: Mina Mongoose.
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Mina was created for one reason, and one reason alone: to complicate Sonic and Sally's "will they/won't they" relationship. She was there to make Sally jealous by drawing Sonic's eye. They even gave her super speed like Sonic, in order to give him someone he could relate to more. All the characters liked Mina, and even Sally couldn't really hate her. Mina even did the ultimate Mary Sue thing and took a bullet for Sally, sacrificing her own life for the main characters (she lived, though).
Later stories featuring Mina tried to make her a little more three-dimensional (particularly when Ian Flynn came in), but she was eventually erased from the continuity when the lawsuit troubles began.
And then of course the biggest and most obvious Mary Sue would be Christopher Thorndyke from Sonic X.
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His mother is a famous movie star, his father is an outrageously successful business man. They have an effectively infinite amount of money. Chris doesn't live in a mansion -- it's more accurate to call it a palace. He has his own personal maid and butler. His grandfather is a famous inventor. His uncle is a famous F1 racer (who is now the squad leader of elite highway patrol cops). And he has plenty of friends at school, because he's kind, generous, and likable. The third season of Sonic X even reveals he has a genius-level intellect, just like his grandpa.
In short, this kid has zero flaws. Anything he could ever want in life he either already has, could buy easily, or could even just build. At some point he solves interdimensional travel and tours the galaxy in a spaceship. On top of all that, he gets to hang out with Sonic and be one of his buddies. When viewed like this, it's easy to see why he gets a lot of hate online.
There may be more, but those are the two strongest examples.
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crystalelemental · 1 year
I never actually did this. Ranking the villain arcs.
#8: Alola The only VA that I'm willing to say what entirely bad on every front. Just an absolute garbage event. Literally no stakes, no significance, not even a real conflict. Instead of just whipping Lusamine around to being good, now we also have to drag Faba into this kicking and screaming. The worst part is the alts weren't even that good. Sure, SS Acerola wound up being fantastic, but the other three are fairly unimpressive, with Mina being borderline bad. Also I'm just saying, it's not my favorite on aesthetics either. And to think we got all of this...instead of a good Lusamine alt. Or hell, somehow without a Lillie alt. Or Gladion. Or anyone I think people were clamoring for. I'm usually in favor of lesser favorites getting alts but this one stings a bit.
#7: Kalos Kalos felt similarly nothing, because the main event was Giovanni stealing some data from Team Flare, by...having some Rocket grunts pose as their grunts? And threaten to fire a big weapon they had? Lysandre is toothless at this point, mostly just grousing about his ideals or whatever while refusing to act for vague reasons. At least he gets to kill people. Also the alt game was strong. SS Diantha was a great Rock Zone option, Emma and Anabel finally got in, and I do like SS Lysandre even if I'm not a fan of Volcanion.
#6: Hoenn Hoenn feels like it's just treading old ground with little in the way of innovation. It tells a story where things happen, so it's better than the last two, but that story is mostly Maxie and Archie continuing to wax philosophical while Giovanni riles up their beasts as distraction to steal a bunch of Pokemon. Which on its own is okay. But then it shifts kinda out of nowhere into the same old "there is a meteor" thing. Also Deoxys just shows up with no significance or fanfare, the protagonists don't really accomplish shit, and more emphasis is placed on Zinnia getting her mega evolution than anything. The alts for the event were fun, but nothing in this event felt important. You could've just not done this one and not a single thing would've changed for any future story.
#5: Unova Comparable to Hoenn. Ghetsis tries to do stuff, and at the very least this isn't a Giovanni plot in disguise, but it amounts to nothing. Ghetsis is completely useless when he's not able to scheme, and events just don't carry much weight. Hilda just shows up with Victini, while Hilbert getting Genesect is...fairly mundane. Even N's Kyurem is wildly out of nowhere. The alts were good, don't get me wrong. But Hilda's just damage, and N's fairly awkward, so it's a little messy.
#4: Galar Galar...went well, actually. I think it's actually a good story. The alts were reasonable though I hate the Gloria alt on Cinderace-themed principle. I like how the story actually incorporates Giovanni without making him the center of attention. I like that it ends in failure for him like all of these actually did even if we never acknowledge it. There's just one teeny tiny thing that makes this hard to accept. Rose is an alternate reality Rose. And so is Oleana. For...no reason. Sincerely, why? Because you couldn't come up with a way for him to bounce back from the Darkest Day? Lysandre fired the ultimate weapon and nearly killed everyone, and we just kinda treat him as some surly guy that lives in the woods, this is absolute cowardice. If it weren't for this, Galar would be #3, but as it stands...
#3: Sinnoh SOMEHOW, Sinnoh gets to be #3. Look, I won't pretend like Sinnoh's events were important in the grand scheme. It's very much a side story to Giovanni's stuff. Which is why it's good. It is the only one completely removed from Giovanni. Instead, we focus on Cyrus, whose perfect world was found in Darkrai. The instant he got the opportunity, he just retreated into his own dark world and refused to come out until people made him. Which is funnier than it is serious. More to the point, though, this story had consequences. Team Galactic still operates, but his grunts openly acknowledge they're on a different track and focused on scientific development more than destruction of spirit. And I'm willing to bet Renegade Cynthia will have some significance when Volo shows up. Events from this VA endure, and had more of an impact.
#2: Kanto But of course, Pokemon is just Kanto. Literally just Kanto, if it's not about Kanto stuff we don't care and won't try for you. The quality between Kanto/Johto and literally everything else is so stark that I legitimately think this entire VA thing was a fucking waste of time. Which is sad because it started so fucking well. Giovanni steals some data that lets him unlock the power of mega evolution in his Mewtwo, and becomes strong enough to fight off Red and Blue, then escapes to become a massive threat hiding in the shadows. All of this around a great little narrative about how Mewtwo enjoys causing problems on purpose, and they do have a true bond in that desire. And on the heroes' side, we get Paulo starting to act up, Blue being a leader and champion, and I admit even Red gets to be a bit of a chaos gremlin about things with the whole Dynamaxing in a contained space and nearly crushing everyone. There's great stuff! But of course, just like actual Kanto, we can do better.
#1: Johto There's always the sequel. Johto is easily the best VA. Not only do we have more of an emotional hook with Silver's connection to Giovanni and attempt to put a stop to all this, we also have everyone in Johto working in tandem to fight back as Team Rocket temporarily assumes control of Pasio. We get direct continuity from the last event as Giovanni learns about Dynamax/Gigantamax, and learns to apply that to his Nidoking. And unlike Kanto's fairly limited sync pair choices, Johto rules. A bunch of first time alts (and Lyra), all of which are fantastic, including what remains one of the best supports, and the strongest disruptive effect in the game even now. Sure, SS Giovanni wound up being a dud in the grand scheme, but he's Kantonian, failure comes naturally to him. It was the only other time that they legitimately tried to make something interesting.
I think the big problem here is DeNA's refusal to actually engage with its villains. That's probably because some villains are too good to really do much with, but like...if you can do it with Cyrus, the guy trying to unmake reality, you can do it with the others. Lysandre, Lusamine, even Rose are all just ignored as threats. Maxie and Archie are sidelined so hard they effectively don't do anything at all. Ghetsis tries but is completely ineffectual without scheming in his corner. All of them could have had more to do. Lysandre's willing to kill, but let his clash with Team Rocket mean something rather than just be petty nonsense. Lusamine still cares for her children but never confronted what her flaw actually way; let her go villain mode on Giovanni for threatening her kids. Actually engage with the fact Rose is an extremist and that maybe he could be talked down or brought to other solutions, without just hand-waving events. It's just such a mess, seeing how many of these antagonists went to complete waste. Whatever the next story arc is, I hope it's lower stakes. DeNA does better when they go with just heartfelt or lighthearted. I don't think they're legally allowed to get serious.
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