#and did it happen in 1989?
tragedy-machine · 4 months
I wonder at what point did the boys' friendship turn into devotion?
At what point did they become so comfortable and open with expressing that their main purpose is staying together and how they can't be separated at any cost
Because it started off with Charles saying "Yeah, I'll follow you around because I don't want to face my actual afterlife," so when did it become "I won't ever leave you, even if Death herself tries to tear us apart"
Even though all they had was each other since the very beginning, it's still a very vulnerable feeling to let another person know you will do anything to stay with them
At what point did "we are both running, so why not stay together" turn to "we must keep running so we can stay together"
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femmetay · 5 months
“who’s afraid of little old me? is about taylor hating the media” once swiffers start replacing the word “media” with the words “her own fans” maybe they’ll get it. you are the media. you’re the ones going viral on tiktok. talk your talk and go viral or whatever she said.
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hamstertross · 6 months
tortured poets is bad to YOU. i’m having the time of my life
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cowboy-like-moony · 1 year
Matty Healy and Taylor Swift could literally be making out in my living room and I'd be like "oh my god they found a way to exchanged musical cues through their tongues, they're clearly working on a 1989 vault track"
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swftlore · 1 year
the girl version of the roman empire is why was 1989 rebranded as a beach album why was 1989 rebranded as a beach album why was 1989 rebranded as a beach album why was 1989 rebranded as a beach album why was 1989 rebranded as a beach album why was 1989 rebranded as a beach album why was 1989 rebranded as a beach album why was 1989 rebranded as a beach album why was 1989 rebranded as a beach album why was 1989 rebranded as a beach album why was 1989 rebranded as a beach album why was 1989 rebranded as a beach album why was 1989 rebranded as a beach album why was 1989 rebranded as a beach album why was 1989 rebranded as a beach album why was 1989 rebranded as a beach album why was 1989 rebranded as a beach album why was 1989 rebranded as a beach album why was 1989 rebranded as a beach album why was 1989 rebranded as a beach album why was 1989 rebranded as a beach album why was 1989 rebranded as a beach album why was 1989 rebranded as a beach album why was 1989 rebranded as a beach album why was 1989 rebranded as a beach album why was 1989 rebranded as a beach album why wa
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robbed-ghost · 5 months
“Damian isn’t ooc what are you talking aboutttt he’s only 14 and wants to trust his dad so badlyyyy guyssss don’t get upsettt” have you never read a comic with Damian in it in your life
#I FUCKING HATE TJISHDJDHF#WHAT IS GOING ON AM I INSANE???? AM I LOSING IT???#Damian trusting his dad despite BRUCE acting so out of character EVEN IF ITS TO PRAISE DAMIAN AND MAKE HIM FEEL SPECIAL#HAS HAPPENED BEFORE#AND HE HAS SPOTTED THAT SHIT AS STRANGE A MILE AWAY#AND HE WAS LIKE. 12. AT FOURTEEN WE’VE ESTABLISHED DAMIAN AS MORE OBSERVANT AND PREPARED FOR THIS#it can either be taken as retrofitting him into ‘normal’ developmental periods which again. we’ve established Damian has as the antithesis#or as a way to put down his character in the robin mantle in order to make Tim’s run look smart and perfect in comparison. which is gross.#Tim has been Robin and even moved past it and became even better and now we’re what? missing the good ol days?#Tim became Robin in 1989. NINETEEN EIGHTY NINE GUYS#THATS 35 YEARS AGO#I KNOW ITS NOSTALGIC FOR YOU BUT YOU HAD A LOT OF STUFF WITH HIM IN IT AND HES JUST A SMART LITTLE WHITE BOY#Damian became Robin in 2009 and we’ve barely tapped into his psychology because comics is so hot buttoned right now#that they don’t know which aspect to deal with first and foremost and always choose Bruce’s relationship as an easy out#Damian was Robin for barely 15 years and yet the guy that got DOUBLE his time is back for round 3. ok.#and here we are again.#Damian has proven himself to be so capable and smart his only downfall is his own hubris and inexperience#he has been trained SINCE BIRTH to use his head guys. a few years in America didnt take that out of him.#anyway. plz pick up a comic. damian would know better cause he’s not an average 14 y/o and he’s not just a traumatized little boy.#‘ohhhh he craves his dads attention and praise so much he’d believe anything he saiiiddd’ WHO TOLD YOU THAT??? ZDARSKY??#WHAT WAS ALL OF HIS YEAR OF PENANCE ON THAT ISLAND FOR#WHAT WAS HIS ARC WITH DISTANCING HIMSELF FROM HIS FATHER A BIT IN THE WAKE OF NEEDING SOME TIME TO HIS OWN REVELATIONS#WHAT ABOUT IT. DID IT JUST NOT HAPPEN SUDDENLY#whatever.
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vogelmeister · 5 months
anyways i am feeling kinda brave today so im gonna share a potentially unpopular taylor swift hot take. when i was talking to my friend yesterday about ttpd i realised that i kinda have a similar problem with the anthology as i do with evermore.
like don't get me wrong, both have absolute gems (willow, tolerate it, long story short, gold rush and NBNC from evermore are great and i love the albatross, so high school, the prophecy black dog, manuscript etc) but i think both collections (bc anthology is not an album) suffer because they came out connected to a much superior more cohesive work, and both almost feel like rejects from the body of work that proceeded it.
#actually like i said to my beloved mutual “thanK you aIMee” kinda feels like she woke up one day and went “fuck you kim actually”#which i can kinda relate to in a way bc the amount of times i randomly go “fuck you”#but my mutual said if there were more songs about being screwed over by people that could be a storyline. but theres not. its just there#like its a great song but also i kinda went “we are covering this ground again”#if there were new developments in the relationship i could kinda understand it#like how she wrote innocent and then backtracked that with rep bc things happened#but idk the anthology just feels like scraps she deemed good enough for release but in my opinion needed editing#the stupid ass 1830s lyric highlights this bc i get what shes trying to say but she worded it so badly#that i kinda see why its being clowned on#also imgonnagetyouback... yehahahahah liv did it better. now it feels like a done concept. im shocked she included it#she knew it was coming come on#anyways the anthology while good kinda felt unfinished#she should have given it a few more months and polished it#bc holy hell at least folkmore felt polished#even though evermore is cohesively weaker#my friend who is a folkmore swiftie kinda also feels like this fyi so dont come at me screaming “burn 1989 rep midnights stan!”#burn me idc#and while im at it both are in my bottom three only right above debut#tldr: both collections are tied to another work thats just so much better and cohesive#this is just me saying i cant get into anthology hahaha#and i felt weird bc everyone liked it but when my friend a literal folklore girl said “no im not feeling it” i felt better#bc so many people were saying it was better and those swifties were going 'all of us' and i kinda went... no i prefer standard#i love taylor sm and i love og ttpd its currently no 5 but the anthology has issues and one of them is similar to why i rank evermore lowl#i just went off on a tangent about the issues with the anthology and its songwriting and lack of narrative#i will say so i win you all over i loved the evermore set at eras i thought it was so beautifully done#taylor swift#ttpd: anthology#evermore
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spacetrashpile · 6 months
anyways in other news relating to my dc/booster gold reading: i've hit new 52 and uh. i get why you all hate it now. i never thought i'd be sad that maxwell lord is just fucking gone but holy shit they really did just throw away an extremely sick story line. i've decided that my reward for finishing any new 52 and rebirth series that are bad (justice league international vol 3, tom king's "the gift" storyline, etc.) is i read an elseworld or otherwise not main continuity story that is not bad. as a treat!
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deeplyshalllow · 6 months
10 years today since himym destroyed it's entire story.
10 years today since Heathers opened off Broadway.
There's something weirdly poetic about my old fandom dying at exactly the same time my new one was starting.
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fingertipsmp3 · 10 months
I swear to god, if Taylor Swift ends up being the reason I take up running and stick to it, it’s going to be the most embarrassing but also on-brand thing that’s ever happened to me
#someone on tiktok put together a couch to eras tour running challenge which has phases like couch to 5k; 5k to 10k; 10k to 10 miles#then 10 miles to essentially ‘you can now run for so long you could basically do the eras tour if taylor was MIA’#so i read the instructions and i was like well. i have a treadmill so i basically have no excuse not to do this#week 1 is 1989 so i walked to ‘blank space’ at about 3mph to warm up and then did intermittent walking; jogging & running to style; ootw;#wildest dreams and you are in love. you walk verses; run choruses & sprint bridges#i have a persistent knee injury so i decided to interpret run as jog & did it at about 5mph and sprint as run & went up to about 7mph#at the highest because i didn’t want to throw my knee out#like it’s functional but i still have pains and i don’t really want to explain to my physio that i broke myself by trying to do a tiktok#challenge. like i can’t imagine that going over well#anyway. it was fun! it took 20 minutes in total#i do think i will have to adjust my schedule at some point because right now my day 6 ‘long run’ coincides with thursdays which is when#i have pilates which i would rather be a cross-training day for obvious reasons#my cross-training day would otherwise be a tuesday and what the hell am i going to do on a tuesday#honestly even a saturday would be acceptable for cross-training because sometimes i go swimming with my friend on saturdays#and yeah we usually take her kiddo and we just bounce around in a circle but i can always break off from them and do a few lengths#or just tread water and let the kid smack me with a pool noodle. idk#i just honestly felt like if i didn’t start this today i’d never end up doing it. so. i started it#i’m now going to tell everyone i know so that they’ll bully me by asking if i ran that day#ooooooh you know what’d probably work as motivation?!?! i could ban myself from listening to taylor when i’m not running#it will also keep me from getting sick of her. which… i don’t think will happen anyway because it would’ve happened already let’s be real#i have been a fan of hers since i was 12 years old. i lived through the drought. like…#if i get sick of anything it’ll be the first few songs on the setlist playlist but! we’ll worry about that when we get there#personal
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bloodwards · 8 months
had one of my stuck in a saw trap dreams again, except this time taylor swift shows up out of nowhere (the saw trap was in a restaurant and everyone else was pointedly ignoring me) so obviously I'm like omg taylor pleeease help me and she comes up to me and looks at me with this inscrutable expression and goes "you never even bought a single piece of merch", and starts walking away, so I go "I'm an international fan, the delivery fees would kill me!!" but she keeps walking away, so I try "I uh, blogged about you?", which makes her stop and consider. "You never had a blog dedicated to me though", she says, and I go "Isn't that a bit much to ask?", which makes her turn around and giggle. We just stare at each other for a bit. Then I go, "You can NOT be serious about just walking away", and she looks at me for a long moment but then says "You're right, I'm not", and walks back to me, and starts working on getting me out. I get so relieved I wake up
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whiskeyswifty · 6 months
Were you a Carmen Sandiego girlie? These global QR code puzzles feel very Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego 😂 (also sidebar CS is a lesbian in my mind and I will not be convinced otherwise!)
I was a HUGE Carmen Sandiego kid omgggg yes. I played that one PC game Where In Time is Carmen Sandiego a thousand times probably. And she IS A LESBIAN look at that hat. That woman had bitches across continents AND centuries, for sure.
I gotta say I’m too old for the puzzles though. When I was younger yeah I ate that shit up, but I’m a board member pension swiftie these days. I do enjoy the lyric reveals as I love a tease for a song in any shape or form, but I got laundry to do and dinner to cook. When these sort of shenanigans are happening, I usually swing by the swiftie office at the end of the day and see what the interns have figured out and then go home. Appreciate all you all do! Leave your files on my desk before you head out!
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livvyofthelake · 11 months
i have to be up early tomorrow and i’ll be busy until like. probably 4pm so i WILL be making my traditional “this new taylor swift release is a concept album for this thing i’m currently into” post but it’s going to be late. peace and love. yes i will be going through all the old songs too. naturally…
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i cannot with taylor rn
she sang two of my favorite songs
while wearing a new (BLUE) dress
during the show where she announced 1989tv
which has been a show filled with new outfits and little hints
and i am not there. i’m actually crying rn.
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hazellevessque · 1 year
How did my cousin talk me into staying up until 1:30 just to watch a livestream of the surprise songs—I don’t even believe anything is happening tonight—
At least I get a sleepover
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crunchycrystals · 1 year
while im procrastinating on my homework im just gonna say im gonna be kind of very mad if that mv she's filming is actually for a midnights track lol i like the theory that its for long live though i think that would really fit if the vid is actually about taking back her work
#crunchyposts#ts#genuinely idk why im getting worked up over the idea that its not for a tv#if im wrong and its not a tv ill genuinely be mad#idk how mad but ill be mad a little bit lol#maybe bc im not super into karma and vigilante shit which are peoples main ideas for what it could be??????#but yeah. i also really like the idea its a way to reframe better than revenge with the revenge being the rerecordings themselves#HONESTLY NOW THAT IVE THOUGHT ABOUT IT A BIT MORE. I THINK IT MIGHT BE BC IF ITS JUST MORE FUCKING SPEAK NOW TV EASTER EGGS IM GONNA GO INS#INSANE#I RAN OUT OF TAG SPACE#LIKE WE ALREADY GOT THE GODDAMN. BEJEWELED MV WE ALL KNOW WHATS COMING NEXT (EXCEPT FOR ONE PERSON I SAW WHO SAID THERE WERE A TON OF 1989#EASTER EGGS IN THAT VID???????? DID WE WATCH THE SAME VID) AND IF ITS JUST MORE “OOOOH HINTS” IM GONNA FLIP A TABLE#SORRY i just want speak now tv#like we've known for months its the next one coming based on bejeweled. also i think the copyright stuff is being cleared up rn#we dont need more easter eggs!!!!!!! please dear lord just give us a date like red tv i dont care how far away it is its fine#ok. ive calmed down. idk what happened to me there. the worst part is really knowing that somethings coming but not knowing when#i think i am More Fine with speak now easter eggs but. still id really prefer more callbacks rather than hints its driving me up the wall#bejeweled was so clear!!!!!!! enchanted and long live in the background and the koi and the elevator and the dragons#and then nothing happened for months and we were just left in the dark!!!!!!!!
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