#and daddy’s special-est little princess
gcthamqueen · 11 months
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but we're running out of time
oh, all the echoes in my mind cry
there's blood on your lies
the sky's open wide
there is nowhere for you to hide
the hunter's moon is shining
i'm running with the wolves tonight
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emilycollins00 · 2 years
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#azami is so sweet i wanna hug him and i can imagine the whole troupe trying to make sense of taichi's movies while he's overly excited aghs
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81 notas. Fecha de publicación: 31 de marzo de 2022
A3 fandom I'm holding hands with you all
114 notas. Fecha de publicación: 9 de marzo de 2022
A3! Troupes as parents
Please enjoy! 💕
🌸 Spring Troupe 🌸
Was definitely hesitant to have kids because of his past. What if he wasn’t up to the task?
However part of him also wanted to believe he’s not gonna be like his foster families.
The moment he carries his son for the first time -who in return wraps his tiny hand around his finger- Sakuya notices himself crying from the overwhelming amount of love he feels.
Tries to include himself in anything his son does whether it’s his interests or activities at school. He wants him to always feel supported and cared for.
Just, a soft and gentle dad. He’s so glad to have his son in his life.
Extremely protective, especially if he has a daughter??
Like, he’s incredibly attached to her and doesn’t let her know what personal space is because he’s always carrying her and giving her kisses.
Also keep him at bay because Masumi won’t blink twice before consenting his daughter absolutely everything she might want.
Not very good with words, but will try to remember how his grandma was with him and imitate her the best he can.
Forever his little girl. He might be listening to her rambling about something and suddenly pat her in the head murmuring something like “…don't grow up too fast.”
Low-key scared to mess it up -this event is for life what do you expect.
When his son is born though something in his heartstrings go boom. “Looking forward to loving you for a while” he jokes while holding him.
Talks to him like he would do to another adult, especially if he’s tired “Let’s make a deal, I give you your milk and you give me tops ten minutes to use my LP, then we can continue crying together.”
Gaming buddy since baby is able to handle a controller. Lets him appear on his streams and wears matching sets of headphones - the chat goes absolutely feral.
Has however absolutely NO mercy when playing video games with him.
Once he was thinking whether he should pull for a gacha his son moved him and pulled it making him get like 4 SRR and he and the baby stare at each other like???
Of course he calls his daughter princess.
She definitely takes after him. Both of them are the definition of chaotic. “Go higher, daddy! Higher!” she screams laughing as Citron flies with her over his shoulders around the room.
He goes to every single school event and you bet he’ll be the type to stand up and cheer like mad or give a standing ovation even when no one else is.
Loves to get on his knees and dance with her?? My heart???
It’s a special moment, with music in the background, feeling her cheek and arms smashed against him. When they separate he bows. She bows back giggling. And Citron’s heart grows ten times at the sound and wastes no time showering her with kisses.
180 notas. Fecha de publicación: 6 de enero de 2022
A3! Saying goodbye 🌸🔆🍁❄
This game has meant a lot to me. A lot to so many!
In honor of these two amazing years we have all spent together with our beloved actors, I hope this allows everyone to take a moment to say goodbye -though not really, they'll always be there- to each of them.
It is time...
Sakuya takes both of your hands, eyes softening with affection at the contact. He knows you will keep on looking for the brightest side of the world, finding your own happiness along with it.
Masumi kisses your hand. No one has to tell him you won’t stop being passionate about the things and people you love.
Tsuzuru gives you a clumsy hug. He's confident you will always give your all in order to follow your dreams.
Itaru nudges you. He hopes you keep in mind you don’t have to change so that others like you, but be yourself letting the right people know the real you.
Citron tickles you until you laugh. He believes you’ll remember making mistakes doesn't mean you are a failure, it just means you’re learning in life.
Chikage gives you a tight squeeze on one of your shoulders. He wishes you never burden your soul with sorrows of the past, and always strive towards happiness.
Tenma squeezes your hand with a determined smile. He has faith you know you don’t need to always be perfect to be the best version of yourself.
Misumi picks you up and begins to swing you around laughing. He doesn’t have to worry whether you will be able to find sparks of happiness in any shape or form.
Kazunari cheers pulling you into a side hug. He’s sure you know the sky is the limit, and that you will do your best to live a life without regrets.
Muku gives you a pinky promise. He hopes you remember while it’s okay to have doubts about yourself, you are stronger than you imagine.
Yuki bumps his shoulder against yours. By now you better know self-love is born out of self-acceptance, and never forget it.
Kumon gives you a double high five. He’s thankful you know asking for help is not weakness, but rather a sign of strength.
Banri flicks your forehead and smirks. He takes pride you know that everything is possible, and that the impossible only takes a little more time.
Sakyo pats your head. He hopes you keep in mind you are never too old to set another goal or dream in your life.
Omi caresses the back of your hand with his thumb. He would like you to remember that no one, no matter what, will ever be too lost to be saved.
Juza gives you a firm nod. He’s grateful knowing you won’t judge anyone based on looks, and will do your best to try to understand their struggles.
Taichi picks up speed and throws himself into your arms. He just knows you’ll remember the value of your own worth, because you have something special and different to offer that nobody else can.
Azami bumps his fist with yours. He has faith you will never stop fighting and following what your heart thinks is right.
Homare twirls you in circles. He wishes you remember you are never too broken, too scarred or too far-gone to create change in yourself.
Azuma caresses your cheek. He hopes you know by now family doesn’t have to end in blood to feel real.
Tasuku presses a hand on your back. He believes you will keep doing your best to surpass yourself and reach for the stars.
Hisoka leans on you. He’s sure you know by now that things change, jobs change, but memories stay with you forever, so you’ll make sure to create the best ones you can.
Guy bows solemnly and looks at you proud. He trusts your instincts, so that while your mind might sometimes be confused, your heart will always know the answer.
Tsumugi rests his forehead against yours. He hopes you don’t forget how important is to believe in yourself before anyone else does.
But most of all, they all want you to know that letting go doesn’t mean loving less.
202 notas. Fecha de publicación: 9 de marzo de 2022
Mi publicación más popular de 2022
A3! Reactions to the A3eng!news
Sakuya has been smiling even brighter since you all got the news. He has to, right? So he does his best. He works, and practices, and treasures the last shows you all put together -the pain becomes duller that way, somehow. Sakuya’s determined to see you off with a smile, even when he feels the first tears beginning to drop. Because if he has been able to find happiness, it’s because of you.
Masumi is silent scary, and barely acknowledges anything even remotely related to the subject. “I’m never saying goodbye” ,“I’m staying” he grumbles like a statement he will devote himself to. No one makes any comment about it, much less you. Instead, you smile. And Masumi won’t admit it, but while beautiful as always, for the first time, he doesn’t like that smile.
Tsuzuru tries to be there for the young ones. He’s also giving his all into writing the last scripts before everything happens. He thinks he’s got it together -that he can keep the sadness at bay by drowning into work- but from time to time he has to stop and exhale to not let emotions run over him. They all got to do their best for you. He’s gotta do his best for you.
Itaru leaves the console and leans back on his chair, eyes closed, tired from not thinking about it. It’s not the end of the world, he tells himself, you already know where they all will be. But then you knock on the door, calling for him to come out and have dinner -and it clicks. Because he has gotten used to your presence -not in a similar place- but here. And he doesn’t know what to make of that feeling.
Citron doesn’t mention anything. Not really, because he understands. He knows the empty feeling of leaving home against one’s will. That’s why he tries to light up the tension whenever the issue comes up, and why his grammar mistakes begin to get so silly that even you can’t help but laugh. And that’s when his eyes soften. Because the sound makes it a little easier to smile.
Chikage closes his computer and pinches the bridge of his nose letting out a sigh. For some reason, he can’t concentrate. He should be used to goodbyes by now, but knowing someone isn't coming back doesn't mean you ever stop waiting, he realizes as he stands up and leaves the room. Maybe you two can play some last tricks before you go.
Tenma tries to be collected in front of you, shrugging it off and insisting it’s just a small step. That you will still be able to see them, he will make sure of it. You thank him with a smile that makes his eyes burn. He scolds himself mentally. He’s Sumeragi Tenma. He’s the leader of the Summer Troupe. And he definitely, definitely can’t break before you do.
Kazunari does his best to ignore it, to pretend nothing has changed. That’s his intention at least. As soon as the news comes out not a single day passes without him taking a selfie with you. Recording all your jokes. Conversations. Laughs. How he wishes he would have tried everything on this earth with you before leaving.
Misumi doesn’t understand why they are leaving. You are all family, shouldn’t you come too then? When he learns you might have difficulties reaching where they are going he inevitably pouts. Because it’s always better when you are with them, but most of all, he doesn’t want to say goodbye to someone precious to him again.
Muku doesn’t want to be a bother, and does well to ignore the thought of them all moving without you to another place -except when he doesn’t. Because he’s still one of the youngest, and emotions tend to overflow more often than not. His vision gets blurry, so he stops in the middle of the hall and sniffs quietly. How he wishes he could princely take you away with them.
Yuki is realistic. It’s sad, sure, but it’s not like you are not going to see each other again. Still, there’s a lingering feeling on his chest -one he absolutely chooses to not pay attention to- because nothing good will come out of it. Maybe he should make you something. It’s been a while after all, nothing else. He can already imagine your excited face, yet for some reason his heartthrobs.
Kumon has been feeling anxious, even though he has put all his acting knowledge to do his best to not worry you -or anyone for that matter. Too soon. Everything was going too fast. You were supposed to help them grow in order to become better actors, right? You all were supposed to stay together, and there’s just so much he still wanted to experience with you.
Banri bites the inside of his cheek while walking on the streets at night, wishing to punch something -anything- just to destress. He’s annoyed, angry with the news, news he has made clear and sound his opinion about even when he got scolded on the way. What a load of crap. What, after helping him find his passion you leave? Just like that? No. No fucking way.
Sakyo repeats to himself that he has to be the stable one. The rational one. The one who grounds the rest amid the chaos. He’s used to giving things up after all, yet every time he makes eye contact with you, he’s not so sure he’ll ever get used to this one thing. Laughable, really. He takes off his glasses and rubs his face. Damn he wishes he could wake up.
Juza looks at the ceiling of his room in silence. The place they are gonna stay is practically the same, you have told them, more opportunities even. But you are the one who allowed him to enter into this world, and no matter how many times he hears it he won’t understand. You should be the first one to be there with them, not the last one saying goodbye.
Taichi becomes louder and more energetic than ever. He does his best to try and forget what’s about to happen, especially when the feeling in his chest becomes too much to bear. Because if he doesn’t his mind reels over him, and then he will have to explain to you the cause of his swollen eyes is the river of tears he let out in the middle of the night.
Omi cooks. He cooks and cooks every single thing you have ever mentioned liking. He wants to make you the happiest while you are here. To enjoy what little time you have together. Yet when he gazes upon your profile with the utmost affection, his jaw also tightens. Because there is no way he’s gonna be okay missing that smile of yours greeting him every day.
Azami tries to keep his mind off the news -there’s no dwelling on the fact that it will happen. However there are times when he’s in the courtyard, in the practice room, even in the hall, where he notices your familiar fragrance. Thing is, they are always out of the blue, and he has to stop for a few seconds to compose himself, leaving a few curses on the way.
Homare’s poems have been coming in millions, as if there’s a need to share as much as he can before the time comes. He knows things are not going to be the same, but you have helped him love himself more than he ever imagined and it just seems unfair to let you go this way.
Azuma wanders around the dorm in the middle of the night, taking everything in. He touches the walls, hears the crickets in the distance, and glances into the direction of your room, lips turning into a thin line. Just like everyone, your presence has become an essential part for him, and it will be difficult to get used to not finding you around.
Tasuku breathes heavily, closing the door of the entrances after his morning run. He’s about to go to his room when he hears you moving around the kitchen -because by now he knows it’s you- and he stops in his tracks. It’s going to be hard to get used to not talking as much to you as usual, and part of him wishes he could have made plays that gained more people for you to stay.
Hisoka feels numb, as if he can already feel the distance. It carries a weight that's heavier than anything. He opens his eyes as he hears your voice walking up to him to wake him up. He doesn’t want to say goodbye, he concurs. More fervently than anything, he wishes you didn’t have to let go.
Guy blinks. The feeling is straight-up heart-clenching, and the adults have had their fair share of comments regarding this. Inevitable. Unavoidable. His mouth twitches. He closes his eyes and tries to engrave you in his memory one more time. He has learned a lot thanks to you, and that in itself is a tremendous thing. He only wishes he could have kept walking this journey with you.
Tsumugi looks at the garden and crouches, biting his lip. He has done his best not to seem distressed, but it’s been difficult as the date gets closer and closer. He turns to the flower that has your name, and caresses each of its petals, leaving gently afterwards. How he wishes you could stay with them.
Because you helped them all bloom, and it was only fair that you did too.
Soft version here 🌸🔆🍁❄
215 notas. Fecha de publicación: 24 de febrero de 2022
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littlejojobear · 1 year
✨~Welcome to my cottage~ ✨
Hi!! I’m Josie!! I’m a little looking for a Cg/Daddy!🥺
My little age is 1-5, please DNI if you are under 18+ as I am 19:)
My favorite things in little space are:
Disney music and movies
Fruit and gummies
Soft blankies and sippy cups
Cuddles!!!! So many cuddles
Constant attention
Having story time
Pet names!!🙈🥰🥰
What I’m looking for in a Cg/Daddy:
Makes me feel super little
Calls with me and helps me slip when needed
Cuddly and affectionate
Treats me like a baby princess
Preferably on the EST time zone but any is fine
Within the US
Makes me feel safe and special
Monogamous (it can either be platonic or romantic)
Helps me find new little gear and gets excited with me
Gives me a little bedtime and nighttime routine/morning schedule
Tattoos are a major plus but not needed 😁
As a little I:
Am terrified of thunderstorms and large crowds
Have anxiety and ADHD
I love super hard and I’m super clingy
Have a fear of abandonment
Need constant reassurance
Will make you feel like the most important thing in my life
Have vocabulary slips
420 friendly
Will always want to cuddle and sleep and do calming activities
Love the pet names “angel, princess, little one, babybear, sleepy baby, little girl,” etc.
I hope to see you in my DM’s :)) thank you for reading !!🥰🥰
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hansolmates · 4 years
g.p.s - god, parents suck | m
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summary; seokjin just wants to enjoy the disney treatment and you are more than happy to deliver pairing; dilf!jin x hotelier!reader genre/warnings; crack, humor, gets a lil emotional, teenage daughter issues, one very minor allusion to a daddy kink LOL, a very vaguely implied sex scene, so CHEESY  w.c; est. 5.1k a/n; wee my first jin fic! this is for @btsghostiewritersnet​ #DynamiteDads event! I was supposed to go to disney this year but sadly miss rona had to cancel our plans so this is just pure self indulgence. as always thank u to @eerieedits​/ @chillingtae​ for the disney dream fic banner!
if you like it give it a bippity-boppity-boop on the like and share buttons! ✨✨✨
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“Left, left!” Seokjin cries, holding onto the emergency break for dear life, “not my left, your left!” 
“We’re facing the same way! We have the same lefts!” 
“Clearly not if we’re going right, Sweetheart.” 
“But the GPS says to go right!” 
“In four-hundred feet, keep left at the fork,” Google Maps interrupts pleasantly.  
“That’s it. Kim Yeji, pull over!” 
“But Daaaaaaaaad,” yet his daughter complies, sadly pulling over at the edge of the road. She doesn’t even have to step on the gas, just turns the wheel slightly so she can land slowly, pathetically on the gravel. 
“Angel,” Seokjin says levelly, reaching over to unclick the seatbelt. “I will drive the rest of the way, I gave you time to practice for you have to drive to college but we can’t get on the highway like this.” 
“You never let me do anything.” 
“What, I do! Who let you go to prom in that sequined excuse for a dress?” 
“Uncle Namjoon!” 
“Fine, I’ll give him that! Who let you dye your hair to a crisp—” 
“Uncle Hoseok!” 
“Uncle–” Seokjin is affronted, jabbing the seatbelt in it’s locked position when he gets in the front seat. “Forget it, let’s just have a peaceful drive for the next few hours until we get to the hotel,” he removes Yeji’s phone from the holder, placing it in her lap. 
“Dad,” she waves her phone around, pointing to Google Maps, “you need the GPS to get there.” 
He scoffs, “No, I don’t. We’ve been to Disney plenty of times. I know where we’re going.” 
“Oh yeah? When’s the last time we went to Disney?” 
“When you were two? Three?” 
Yeji relaxes in her seat, not ready to argue with her dad once more. “Alright, lead the way,” she gestures vaguely to the empty parkway, devoid of life for miles. 
Seokjin is undeterred, reaching over the console to pat Yeji’s blonde hair. He turns on the radio, only to be met with the sound of crunchy static and terrible country music. Cutting the radio, he immediately switches to an old Disney CD, telling Yeji to let it go as he pulls into the open road. Reddish dust clouds around the car briefly, ripping against the tires as they drive off to their hotel. 
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“Is this the Princess Hotel?” 
“Nope, this is the Prince S Hotel.” 
You can’t help but grin at the way your current customer’s face falls. He’s a handsome thing, all plush and pillowy in the cheeks and lips. Despite his daughter hanging off his arm like a limp noodle—after all it’s past 2AM and they’ve probably been driving for hours—he still manages to look somewhat put-together despite you telling him they’ve got the wrong place. 
“Told you, use the GPS,” her daughter chastises weakly, tucking her cheek in his shoulder. 
His kid’s a pretty girl, kind of reminds you of when you were a teenager. “The Princess Hotel is about an hour away on the other side of the Disney resorts,” you say slowly, noting from the way the girl is swaying on her feet that her father must be equally as tired, “although, I would suggest staying here for the night. Your daughter’s about to fall asleep on my counter.” 
At the pointed look you’re giving the teen, Seokjin puts a protective hand on her slim shoulders. “Yeji-bear, why don’t you lie down for a bit,” he leads her over to a spare couch. “We’ll call our booked hotel,” he says shortly, looking over his shoulder to give you a forced smile. 
Ah, you’ve seen this scene one or two times in your days working at Prince S. A father too prideful to admit he may have messed up just a little with the directions, and a child that probably argued or simmered so hard on the way they’re passed into a stupor on your lobby couch. Tonight, or your early morning is a little special though, you’ve never seen a father as handsome as the one in front of you, exasperatedly calling up their real hotel reservations. 
“What? My reservation has been revoked?” her daughter groans when he jostles around his lap, knocking her head, “how can you do that? Past the time? I thought this was Disney!” 
You drum your nails against the counter, using your other hand to pull up your guest list for the night on the computer. The father, now furrowed in the face, walks up to you and leaves his daughter on the plush couch. 
“One double bedroom for the weekend, please,” the father pulls his cards out, flicking it to your side of the counter. He places down his car keys in the available holder, “I parked out front, you do valet right?” 
With a nod, you get to work. “Take it they weren’t very accommodating?” 
“They gave our hotel room to some Make-A-Wish Foundation kid!” he cries exasperatedly, hands in the air as you patiently book the room. Your eyes linger longer than usual on his driver’s license and ID: Kim Seokjin. Even his driver’s license mugshot looks handsome. He rests his arms against your counter, despondent. “Is it terrible for me to hate on some kid with a terminal illness?” 
“A little,”  you shrug, slipping his keycard under his elbow, “but I mean according to your, Yeji-bear,” you can’t help but giggle at the nickname, “if you used the GPS you’d be at the correct hotel.” 
“Don’t remind me,” Seokjin glares, hauling his and Yeji’s luggage in one hand, “baby, let’s go upstairs c’mon.” 
You watch the small family trudge to the elevators,  sleepily walking forward like zombies. No one spares you a second glance, they never do, so it gives you ample courage to take a look at Kim Seokjin’s toned body. Broad shoulders, a Dorito-trimmed waistline, and long legs that you want to climb up on.
Oh, daddy. 
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“Hey,” Yeji pops up on your counter, looking much perkier than she did hours before, “do you have my dad’s car keys?” 
Trying not to raise your brows at your young guest, you give her a smirk, leaning over the counter. A spunky thing, with sharp eyes with a pretty cat-tipped eyeliner shape that has her looking well put-together. You wish you had your shit together as a teenager, you barely have it together now. 
“I do,” you quip, “why?” 
“I wanna get Starbucks,” she says simply, “the pineapple matcha is to die for, and I want to drink as many summer specials as I can before it’s over.” 
“Valid,” you reply, going into your master key to retrieve all the guests’ keys. Taking Seokjin’s from its holder, you note the expensive make. Peering up from your desk, you look at Yeji’s innocent features. Before you place the key in her waiting palm, you snatch it away, “Why do I have the feeling you’re doing something that you’re not supposed to be doing?” 
Yeji tilts her head, “I don’t think it’s any of your business,” 
Sassy. You like it. “Get me a grande matcha frappe and your secret’s safe with me.” 
Watching Yeji drive off in the large Hyundai Palisade gives you a little twinge of worry, but you quickly tamp it down to motherly instinct. If you were Yeji’s mom—which you’re definitely not, you’d be worried. Naturally, you feel similarly. 
The hotel phone rings, the red light from 921 blinking on your switchboard. Flipping down the room number you pick up the receiver, “Prince S Hotel, how can I help you?” 
“You do booking, valet, and housekeeping?” Seokjin’s exasperated voice says in your ears, “who would I call if I want breakfast?” 
“That would also be me,” you reply wryly, twisting the curly wire between your fingers, “we advertise ourselves as a hotel for the quality, although we are much smaller with only thirty rooms. Sort of like a bed n’breakfast, getting the true royal treatment.” 
“Would the royal treatment consist of some extra towels and a continental breakfast?” 
“You got it.” 
A little cliché of you to do the whole “whistle while you work” segment—a lacy apron to make sure your uniform doesn’t get dirty, a spot of coffee to keep you peppy and setting everything up on a gold trimmed cart. You didn’t think you’d see Seokjin again, especially after how upset he was about his room. 
With a little rap on his door, Seokjin invites you inside to set up. Their room overlooks the valley as opposed to the busy roads, so it’s a perfect way to rise with the sun. He immediately reaches for the coffee as you drag your little cart in, completely ignoring the cream and sugar on the side. After a long sip, he moans in pleasure. 
“Ah,” he exhales, a sound that has you teeming. You grip the handlebars a little tighter than usual, “Maybe it was fate that we ended up here.” 
“Maybe,” you fight the urge to bite your lip, because Seokjin has no idea how cliché of a line that is. He isn’t even speaking directly at you, talking in front of the sun like it’s his morning routine. “Say, have you seen Yeji around?” 
“Ah,” you shug, pretending to be oblivious, “I think she went out for a walk.” 
He turns to you, giving you a quivering brow, “She hates walking. Probably calling her friends in Korea or something.” 
Of course she doesn’t like walking, you think, that’s why she took your car for some overpriced drinks. 
Instead, you place the fresh pancakes and sides on the guest table, making sure everything is organized and in order. You place the towels atop the haphazardly made bed, making sure to put two mints on top. It isn’t customary to include mints, but you think the mints your hotel has taste great and deserve to be shared around more often than not. 
“So, it looks like you’re ready for Disney,” you remark, taking note of his outfit. He has on blush mid-thigh shorts, stretchy and made from a canvas fabric that looks airy and comfortable. Around his neck is a little portable fan, and on his head is an old Mickey baseball cap. 
“Ah, just for today and tomorrow! Sunday is my ‘me’ day,” Seokjin says, dashing across the room at the sight of fresh food, “Yeji is meeting with some cousins and will be spending the rest of the weekend with them.” 
“Sounds like a fun weekend,” you remark, turning to leave. 
“Will you be working the rest of the weekend?” 
This is supposed to be small talk. You try to convince yourself that Seokjin is just being polite, wondering if his service is going to be impacted by you being around or not. There must be nothing sexual, or just mere attraction, going on between the two of you. Well, maybe on your side of things. The pink shorts and the baseball cap are doing things to your body that you barely understand. Unfortunately, the eager apples of his cheeks and the innocent upturn of his lips lets you know that any possibility of returned affections is virtually nonexistent. 
“It’s my weekend off,” you fight the twinge of excitement when you see Seokjin pout, “but Park Jimin relieves me, and he’s definitely a much better host than I am. He’ll make sure everything’s taken care of.” 
“Does he make better pancakes than you?” Seokjin asks, swirling a bite in a ribbon of maple syrup.  
“I’m afraid not,” you smile, “he makes a mean breakfast burrito though.” 
He shrugs listlessly, eating slower. He takes his time to make sure every pancake is cut in equal two-centimeter pieces, taking his time as if he’s savoring the last of your home-cooked meal. “Not sure if I’ll be completely satisfied then.” 
With a firm smile, you wheel your cart out as fast as you can. You can’t keep up the facade now, not with your trashy mind and your dampening panties ruining your sense of self. Quietly slamming the door behind you, you’re met with Seokjin’s spitting image. 
Yeji tilts her head at you, eating you alive with her dead-on stare. She places the keys and your matcha beverage on your cart. 
“Did my dad confuse you or something?” 
“Is it that obvious?” 
“He’s like that,” Yeji shrugs, taking a long sip of her drink, “don’t worry, I’ll put in a good word for you.” 
A good word? With an uneasy smile you wheel away, ignoring the burn in your cheeks.
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“Can I have the keys?” Yeji asks the next morning, minutes before your shift ends.
You fight the urge to roll your eyes. You’re sure Yeji is a wonderful kid and has a good heart, but she’s seriously putting your five-star Yelp review on the line. Cocking one eyebrow you say, “What, need your Starbucks fix?” 
“Do you know how to parallel park?” 
“Why, need a teacher?” 
“It’d be better to have someone nearby to make sure I don’t park into a guard rail.” 
“Does Seokjin approve?” 
“You obviously know the answer to that,” Yeji replies, “and you and my dad are on a first-name basis, huh?” 
Fighting the heat in your cheeks, you busy yourself by locking up the money box and key tin, but not before grabbing the keys to the Palisades. “I’m doing this for you because I have impeccable customer service skills,” you feign haughtiness, leaving your front desk and scanning your ID to clock out. 
“Not because you think my dad is hot?” she follows you out the door. 
“Do you always talk about your dad like that?” 
Yeji is silent as she takes the keys from your grip, and you follow her in the passenger seat. A scent that’s fruity yet musky fills your nostrils, and you hug your arms for comfort. This is painfully awkward, at least in your point of view, but Yeji pays no mind as she connects to her Spotify playlist and turns on the air conditioner. 
“I’m not one of those prissy daughters that try their damn hardest to make sure their dad doesn’t date,” Yeji murmurs, adjusting the mirrors, “anyone my dad dates will be better than Hyehwa. He deserves to be happy for all that he’s done for me.” 
“The biological carrier for nine months,” Yeji replies dryly. 
Your heart pinches, squeezing against your ribcage as you put two and two together. Hyewha, who you’re assuming is, or was Yeji’s mother, is definitely out of the picture. Yet seeing how confident Yeji is with herself, and how much he loves her father and wants him to be happy, is clear in your eyes. 
“You are one cool kid,” is the only thing you can say, hoping you don’t have that silly heartened look in your gaze. 
It seems that you do, because all she does is roll her eyes and put the car in drive. 
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It’s nearly one in the morning when you get the call. 
You’re off the clock, but it’s graveyard hours and you and Jimin are craving pizza. So while Jimin tends to the last minute guests, you pick up a cheesy pie and hide behind the desk while Jimin does his job. 
You’ve polished off half the pie when the main phone rings, and Jimin sighs heavily. Late night and early morning calls are the absolute worst. 
“Get the hospital on speed dial,” Jimin jokes, but not really because the last time someone called at one, you really did wish you had an ambulance on-site. 
“Prince S hotel,” Jimin spins the cord between his fingers, looking like a dreamy teen heartthrob as he leans against the counter. He immediately swings the phone over to your greasy fingers, “it’s a personal call.” 
Wiping your hands on the box, you raise a brow. “Hello?” you ask, wholly confused. 
“Mm, it’s Yeji,” the voice slurs on the other line, “I need help.” 
“A-are you drunk?” you say, incredulous.
“Yeah, me and my cousin snuck a bottle downtown,” Yeji sounds nervous, and you unconsciously grip the phone tighter, “can you pick us up? I can drop you my location if you give me your number, please. My dad trusted me with the Palisade this weekend, I can’t let him know what happened. I know I’m always trying to get under my dad’s skin and whatever but I don’t want him to lose my trust, what we did is a dumb mistake.” 
A part of you feels for Yeji, you’ve done dumb shit like this when you were young. All those fond memories are nothing but memories, and definitely not reflective of your current life now. 
The rational, intelligent part of you knows that you should probably call Seokjin right now and tell him what’s going on. You don’t really want to get involved in their family matters, especially when as of late you’ve been inserting yourself in Yeji’s antics. 
With a sigh, you pull up your Lyft app, already knowing whose side you’re on. 
It takes no more than fifteen minutes for you to arrive at the scene, Yeji and what you assume is her older cousin sitting on the curb of a dilapidated Krispy Kreme, sadly polishing off a whole box of glazed donuts, Well, her cousin is polishing off the box, Yeji is taking nibbles at her proffered donut. 
You sigh, pulling Yeji up. You see tear-streaks, her previously perfect cat-eye smudged off and running down her cheeks. “I’m sorry,” she whispers, sounding not as inhiberated as she did before, “I bothered you.” 
“Not at all,” you soothe, running a hand down her braids. You try not to melt when Yeji nearly leans into your warmth, but backs up at the last second, “I’m happy that you called. Would rather know that you’re safe now than later, yeah? I’m not mad at you,” you assure, pulling a crumpled brown napkin from the pizzeria to dab at her ruddied cheeks. 
“Hi, I’m Jungkook,” you turn your head dangerously slowly towards the cute muscle pig who’s still sitting on the curb, “Ya deserve a five-star Yelp review for this service—” 
“But I’m mad at you,” you pointedly ignore his drunken charm. He looks old enough to drink, which only further annoys you because he should be the one taking care of Yeji, “get in the damn car, Youngkook.” 
“It’s Jungkook—”
“Get in.” 
He swallows his tongue, and you notice Yeji stifling a giggle at your attitude. She wordlessly hands you the keys, clamoring in the front seat while Jungkook takes the whole back row. Yeji tiredly informs you the address to her cousin’s hotel, and you drive off into the night. 
“Did I ruin my dad’s chances with you?” you think that Yeji has no clue what she’s saying, but there’s a little sliver of heart in her tone. Her face is pressed against the window, the cold glass on the verge of keeping her awake as she stumbles in and out of consciousness. 
“You could never do that,” you mumble, and you smile when her eyes willingly flutter shut. 
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“Hey, babe,” you practically hear desperation in Jimin’s voice.
“Jimin, no,” you already know that his request is sitting prettily on the tip of his tongue, “it’s my weekend off. I’m not getting out.” 
“But someone requested your pancakes,” he whines, and you can practically feel his pout on the other line, “and he said and I quote ‘I’ll be able to tell that you made them.’ I feel threatened!” 
“Did they offer to pay in diamonds?” 
“N-no. But he said it’s his daughter’s special weekend and he’d be really thankful if you’d come by and make your breakfast for him.” 
Daughter? Yeji. You sigh, rubbing a hand over your face. You have your own room separate from the hotel, a deal that has you living rent free in exchange for your hard labor five days a week. “Heat up the stove for me and crisp the bacon,” you mutter, hanging up and throwing the phone under the covers. 
Tugging your hair back and throwing on a large hoodie, you put on your slippers and pad down the little sidewalk that leads to the hotel. The sun beats down on you immediately, willing you to go back to your air-conditioned room to fall back asleep. Swimming through the soup that is the Californian air, you shuffle inside Prince S and make a beeline for the kitchens. You brush through busy employees, flashing a quick smile and “good morning” as you get to your station.
Jimin is already there, sitting at your workspace. All your ingredients are sitting out: flour, eggs, butter, vanilla, baking powder, baking soda, buttermilk, and fresh berries. However, Jimin makes  no moves to attempt cooking, instead looking at you with pursed lips and waiting for you to get a move on. 
“Get your butt off my counter,” you slap his thigh disapprovingly, pulling your sleeves up to start mixing the ingredients, “you’re dirty.” 
“I embrace being dirty,” Jimin replies majestically, kicking his legs back and forth. His Doc Marten creepers wave in your vision, “thank you for swinging by. He said that it was really really important that you come in and make them. Daughter’s request.” 
“They’re lucky they’re a cute family,” you mutter under your breath, although the words aren’t laced with malice. 
The batter is fluffy and puffy, rising with the scent of melted butter and caramelized sugar. You take careful fingers towards the berries, creating a smiley face in the uncooked pancakes. 
“Is your maternal side kicking in?” Jimin says in your ear, and you swing at him with your spatula. 
“Leave me alone, art is being made.” 
“Sure,” Jimin hops off the table, patting your shoulder, “I got a date with room 69,” you roll your eyes, there is no such thing as room 69. “So please continue to be awesome and finish off this favor by delivering it to Mr. Kim’s room.” 
“Jimin, no!” you don’t care that half the staff is staring at you amusedly, the other half uncaring because they’re so used to the two co-managers. “I’m not wearing—I’m not wearing pants.” 
You gesture to the obscene amount of bare legs out in the open. California’s hot as hell, you try to wear as little layers as possible. However, in the workplace you like to keep a modicum of decency. Even though Kim Seokjin is fine fine fine, you have decorum. 
But Jimin’s already off to visit the guest in room 69 and you’re stuck with a pile of fresh hotcakes and none of the workers want to get involved in your shenanigans. Typical. Begrudgingly, you force your Hallmark-esque smile and arrange the gold trimmed cart, taking care to put extra berries in the fruit dish. 
It’s a simple transaction. Get in, drop off the food, accept the tip if Seokjin feels generous, and get out. The door to room 921 looks larger than life, intimidating like the gates to heaven. You knock firmly, but gingerly. “Room service?” the voice that escapes your lips is your sugary professional voice, one that makes you wince immediately. 
A muffled “coming!” has you bristling at the door. You curse yourself, looking at your bunny-clad feet and your legs disappearing under your hoodie. 
As soon as Seokjin pops his head open you blurt, “I swear, I’m wearing shorts underneath this.” 
“Uh,” and that forces him to look at your legs. Dammit, it was a good intention but the wrong way to go. “Good to know,” he coughs, opening his door wider. 
The room is much messier on Seokjin’s side of the room, now filled with Eeyore and Baymax memorabilia. A large, white Baymax plush sits innocently at one side of his untouched bed. You crack a smile at that. 
“Where’s Yeji?” you ask lightly, putting both stacks of pancakes down on the available table. You absently wipe the crumbs off, leading the little pile of food-crust to the garbage can. 
“Yeji?” Seokjin asks, “why would Yeji be here?”
The way you put the cutlery down instantly slows, “You called Jimin this morning saying you needed pancakes specifically made by me to give to Yeji.” 
“Jimin?” you raise a brow, losing your high-pitched commercial tone. “Tiny, annoying blond guy?” 
Seokjin stares.
You stare back.
“Yeji’s at her cousin’s townhouse,” Seokjin states plainly. 
“No, you called and said Yeji wanted pancakes—” No. 
Yeji, or Jimin, or both called you and set it up. 
“Oh, Jimin’s an idiot,” you tap your head lightly, wanting to bop out any potential embarrassing memory that has burned in your brain, “must’ve misheard. Or is hearing ghosts! Honestly he isn’t the right mind I’m so sorry I reallygottaneedto—” 
You can’t even breathe let alone exhale the rest of your sentence, so you instead do the only thing you can do—run away. You don’t bother to exude grace as you plop any trash on the cart from yesterday’s room service, whipping the cart around so fast that the side wheels fly off and pop a wheelie. 
“We don’t have to let the food go to waste,” Seokjin says pointedly, probably watching you like he’s watching a comic show as you try to bolt out of the room. 
The door is closed, and the little hallway is too small for you to put your body and the cart between the walls. You’ve trapped yourself. Maybe you could just leave the cart and dip? You’re sure there’s at least two extras downstairs. 
“It won’t,” you reply dumbly, “I can eat it in the breakroom or something, I haven’t made breakfast for myself yet. I mean, I was kinda craving an avo-toast this morning, but pancakes are always a classic.” 
Seokjin snorts at your incessant rambling, carding a hand through his chocolate locks, “I’m trying to ask you to stay for breakfast.” 
“You’re trying to—oh,” you mirror his expression, running a hand over your hair so it pulls out of its already messy style. You haven’t done much physical activity this morning, but you feel absolutely breathless as you’re glued to the cheap carpet, taking in Seokjin’s wide glassy eyes
“And if you stay for dessert, I’d like to thank you properly,” 
“I didn’t bake dessert,” you hide the shudder in your throat when he steps closer, pinning you against the cart. Your knuckles must be transparent by now due to how hard you’re gripping the cart. 
“You didn’t,” Seokjin agrees, “but you definitely brought it.” 
You yelp, actually, a whole little dolphin-squeal escapes your lips as Seokjin puts his hand against the wall. You’re actually living a Disney-esque scenario that you do not want to be in. Seokjin’s either trying to give you the Eugene-Signature-Smoulder, or the Prince Naveen charm that isn’t very charming. 
“You’re a cheeseball,” you try to snap back, but it only comes out as a small reply, fitting of your cramped situation. 
His buttery brown eyes are clear and warm, and his sweet scent envelopes your form. You feel impossibly small, sinking deeper and deeper into your hoodie until you feel the heat of his voice sinking deep into your skin. 
It’s then that he leans in and whispers in your ear, his voice a simple request, “Please tell me that you’re interested in me too.” 
Something clutches softly in your heart, tethering you to Seokjin’s gaze. You wonder how many times Seokjin goes through this scenario. You wonder if he’s happy being a bachelor. You figure that many partners must have doubts being tethered by a teenage daughter, or if Seokjin is used to fleeting hook-ups.
“Have been since check-in,” you reply smoothly, finding your breath and looking up from your eyelashes.
Seokjin’s lips find yours, and you swear you’re lip-locking with Cloud Nine. They’re soft and supple and taste a little like maple syrup as they mingle with yours, and you can’t help but weave your hands through his equally silky strands, tugging him closer as he hooks his arms under your bare thighs. 
He gives your bottom an experimental squeeze, leading you to the unmade bed.
Needless to say, breakfast has to wait. 
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“So, I’m going to throw a cliché.” 
“Sure, we’re in Disney.” 
“Why me?” you slap his bare chest when Seokjin laughs, pouting, “I mean it! All I did was look cute and give you pancakes!” 
“So you admit you’re cute,” Seokjin smirks. 
“C’mon don’t change the subject, tell me!” 
Even though this hotel is partially yours, you’re still amazed at the softness of the Egyptian cotton as it engulfs both your bodies. Maybe it’s because you’re warm and bathing in the noon afterglow, maybe it’s your bed partner. Still, it feels divine as you lounge in bed, sipping champagne (left by the door, courtesy of Jimin.)
“Mm, caught you driving around with Yeji in my car.” 
You sit up straighter, clutching the sheets to your chest, “You saw us last night?” 
“You were also out last night?” Seokjin tilts his head, “I meant when you taught her how to parallel park.” 
“Oh fuck—I mean,” you slap your forehead, knowing you can’t get away with this one, “Let’s just say I helped her out of a sticky situation. Don’t blame Yeji, blame Yeji’s bunny-headed cousin.” 
“Noted,” Seokjin throws an arm around you, snuggling closer. You relax into his hold, melting between the sheets and his soft skin, “Knowing you’re pulling through for her. Let’s just say I’m a little soft for my daughter, no matter how old.” 
“She’s wonderful,” you say genuinely, taking slow sips of your bubbly drink. 
“Wanna go visit her for lunch? I’m supposed to be meeting her in an hour.” 
You don’t feel deterred or nervous to see Yeji, or even the possibility of meeting Seokjin’s extended family. So you agree, run back to your room quickly to throw on a reasonable summer outfit that doesn’t consist of hooded sweatshirts and booty shorts. 
Seokjin offers to drive your sedan, and since you feel a little princess-ish today you decide to let him take the wheel. After a few minutes attempting to drive in the direction of the townhouse however, you lower the volume on the radio. 
“Jin? I think you’re going the wrong way,” not only do you live here, but you went to the townhouse last night and you’re sure it’s in the opposite fork, “do you want me to plug it in the G.P.S?” 
“I know my way, hon,” Seokjin waves you off, confidently streaming through the oncoming traffic. You smile nervously, you have a feeling this situation has happened once or twice. 
“Oh, is that why you ended up in my hotel?” you tease, “because you’re so good at directions?” 
“Duh,” Seokjin reaches for your hand atop the console, “after all, my intuition led me to you.” 
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Day 24: Something Was Off- Agent Whiskey
Day 24: Something Was Off - Agent Whiskey 
Pairing: Agent Whiskey x Reader (Apple) 
This prompt was requested by @littlevodika​. Thank you so much for the request and I hope you enjoy this continuation of the Whiskey/Apple relationship. 
Taglist: @oldstuffnewstuff​ @josepedropascal​ 
This is part three, you can read the other two parts below. 
Part 1 (Day 1 Heartbeat)  Part 2 (Day 8 Dot, Dot, Dot) 
November Writing Challenge Masterlist 
Day 23: Whispers - Will ‘Ironhead’ Miller 
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“You are my sunshine, my only sunshine. You make me happy when skies are grey. You’ll never know dear how much I love you. So please don’t take my sunshine away…” Jack ‘Whiskey’ Daniels serenades the small bundle in his arms. 
All swaddled in a pink blanket, Magnolia Daniels eyes droop and a small smile graces her sweet little face as she watches her daddy sway to the music. The sounds of his deep velvety voice and his warm chest lull her into sleep. 
Jack places a kiss on her forehead before laying her in the bassinet beside your side of the bed. He crawls back into bed and wraps his long arms around you tucking you back into his chest, and sighing. “Thank you,” he whispers, “that little girl and you are my entire world,” he kisses your head gently before drifting back off to sleep. 
Maggie makes her presence known several hours later when she wakes with the sunshine and begins to fuss. You lift her from the bassinet and pull down your sleep shirt, putting her to your breast to suckle. You close your eyes to get a few more moments of sleep when you feel eyes on you. 
You slowly open to see Jack watching you both with rapt attention. This has always been his favorite part of you becoming parents, he loves to watch his daughter eat. “That is a sight I will never tire of sugar,” he croons at you. 
After you switch and she finishes he eagerly scoops her up and burps her against his shoulder. Dipping down to kiss you sweetly, “you sleep mama, I will make breakfast for us, and then we can get going.” 
You smile and nod watching the former playboy of Statesman babble nonsense to his infant daughter. So much had changed since you found out you were pregnant. Jack had resigned from fieldwork, only working on training new recruits. You had cut back on your hours in the weapons design lab. Both of you in favor of spending more time with your precious girl.  
In the six months since she had been born you both hadn’t left her side but tonight for the first time that was going to change. Uncle Tequila was going to give you both a much needed night out while he watched his goddaughter. 
Tequila had been your best friend since preschool and had even recommended you for the job at Statesman. He was the most supportive friend you could have asked for and loved little Magnolia almost as much as you and Jack. He doted on her endlessly and never failed to show up with some toy or trinket for her from his travels. When Jack had asked him about watching her you were pleasantly surprised and Tequila was ecstatic. 
It took a few days to even prepare for going out with pumping extra milk, but the idea of a few hours alone with Jack was too good to pass up. You drifted back to sleep dreaming of a romantic night out with your boyfriend. 
When you later roused from sleep it was to the smell of freshly brewed coffee and bacon. You shower and get dressed quickly before walking into the living room and sweeping your daughter into your arms. She giggles and holds your cheeks before pulling tightly on your hair. You look up and see Jack with a big smile on his face as he watches his two favorite girls. 
The rest of the day passes uneventfully as you handle the daily chores, nap time, diaper changes, tummy time, and feedings. Jack is always there to help with everything, and before long Uncle Tequila is at the door holding a small wooden maraca. 
“I was in Spain last week and had to get something for my Maggie Moo,” he coos at the little girl whose eyes brighten at her favorite Uncle. 
You kiss him on the cheek, “thank you Tequila for watching her.” 
“Anything for my sweet goddaughter. You’re prettier than a Magnolia in May,” he tickles her gently. 
You run to your room and change into a white sundress with bright yellow sunflowers on it, brown cowgirl boots, and your jean jacket. Coming back out to see Jack dressed in his cowboy boots, dark jeans, maroon button-up, black leather jacket, and trusty black stetson. You take a moment to appreciate the fine broad specimen you had acquired. Damn, he is too sexy, words don’t do him justice. 
“Sweet Jesus sugar, you are the most beautiful woman to grace this earth,” he pulls you close and plants a kiss on your lips. Giggling as he turns toward his daughter, “isn’t your mama beautiful?” he questions kissing her cheeks before giving her to you. You kiss her and hug her close before giving her over to her Uncle. 
“Now you remember, the extra milk is already bottled and in the fridge, and all the important numbers are on the fridge, and we can be reached if you need anything just call ou-” 
“Apple! Go out with Whiskey, I got this.” Tequila pushes you both out the front door locking it behind you. 
“Did we just get kicked out of our own apartment?” you point back towards the door and then at a laughing Jack. 
“It would seem so sugar. Come on,” he grabs your hand, “I have something special planned for tonight.” 
“You’ve been very hush-hush about this night out...what are you planning Jack?” you question. 
Jack only smiles before helping you into the Bronco. You pass through the city lights of downtown Kentucky. The penthouse where you lived was close to Statesman but not exactly where you had imagined raising your children. 
You drive for another thirty minutes before you turn off the highway into a less populated area. Something was off, this didn’t seem like a normal night out with dinner or a movie, you were out in the middle of nowhere. 
You pull into the driveway of a ranch-style house, the nearest neighbor half a mile down the road. You slowly get out the bronco, “Where...where are we, Jack?”
He says nothing only leads you to the door and unlocks it pulling you inside. The house is gorgeous, a mix of farmhouse and craftsman style features. Large vaulted ceilings with wooden beams and cherry hardwood floors. He flicks on a light and in the middle of the floor is a blanket, pillows, and a picnic basket.
He leads you over to the set-up and pulls you down to sit against him as he pours you each a glass of Apple Whiskey a personal favorite of yours. “Jack...this is incredible...but, what is all this?” you gesture to the space around you. 
“Well as of three o’clock yesterday this is our house sugar,” he holds your hand lightly.
“You...you bought us a house?” your eyes brim with unshed tears. 
He nods, before standing to pace the room. “I...I know how much you hate living in the city and Magnolia needs space to run and grow in the great outdoors. The whole property is five acres, with plenty of space for us. There’s even a small apple orchard outback. I...I wanted to make a gesture to tell you how much I love you, and how much I want to be with you.” 
“Oh Jack,” you rise to your feet and pull him down to kiss you. Wrapping your arms around his neck, your forehead resting against his. “I love you so damn much Jack Daniels.” 
“This is one more thing...I bought for the house, I feel like every house deserves a good door mat. Why don’t you go look at the one I picked out.” 
You laugh, “I don’t know how the mat can compete with this house but I am eager to see what you picked out,” you walk over to the door and look down. 
Daniels Family Est. 2021 
The air is knocked out of your lungs and you spin to find Jack behind you on one knee. “Oh my god…” you whisper. 
“Agent Apple, weapons guru of Statesman, mother of my beautiful Magnolia, and the love of my life. I will love and protect you forever with everything that I have darlin’. I want to live in this house with you, have more babies with you, laugh, make love, and grow old with you.” Tears swim in his eyes as he pulls out a small ring box and pops the lid revealing a silver ring with a princess cut emerald surrounded by a circle of diamonds. 
“Will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?” he asks. 
“YES!” you shout dropping to your knees and kissing him, “yes, Jack a thousand times, yes!” 
He slides the ring onto your finger, and you admire it. The moment is interrupted by the shrill sound of the cell phone. Jack pulls his out and answers on Facetime. 
“Did you ask yet?! Did she say yes?!” Tequila begs holding up a giggling Magnolia up to the screen. 
You laugh, “YES! I did say yes!” 
“Yahoo! Did ya hear that Maggie Moo your mama and daddy are gonna get married!” she squeals and claps. 
You look up at Jack and smile, this was your family and you couldn’t wait to make him your husband. 
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bebepac · 4 years
Substitute Queen (Happy Birthday Queen Walton!)
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This is a special edition of Fast Forward for my friend @queenwalton as she enjoys this series I've created a lot and it is her birthday! (Well a day early!)
I'm pretty sure you have been following along with me since I started writing on the fandom a little over a year ago. Thank you for your friendship and support. I hear from you after every chapter I post and I love it. Also thank you for being my trustworthy reader of infinite snippets. I hope you have an absolutely wonderful birthday my friend. 🥰🥰🥰🥰❤❤❤
A/N:  Thanks @dcbbw​ for bouncing some ideas around with me, and giving me a few to make this birthday fic even better.  Thank you girl.  
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Summary:  Riley and Liam go on their first vacation alone since the events of Ellie’s kidnapping.  Maxwell and Taylor take care of all the children.  Maxwell throws a “Baby” Beaumont Bash.
Original Post Date: 03/24/21 at 11:55AM EST
The Book:  TRH and Beyond
Pairing: Liam x Riley  / Maxwell x Taylor 
Warnings:  None other than hilarious fluff
Word Count: 2425
Song inspiration for this chapter: Baby Shark (Trap Music Remix) 
I don’t own rights to this hilarious music.  
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Liam saw Riley standing  in the study with her back turned to him.  The King of Cordonia shifted seamlessly into stealth mode as he crept silently into the study, surprising his Queen by pouncing on her like a lion, grabbing her and slipping his arms around her waist, and sensually planting a soft kiss to the sensitive skin on her neck.  He gently rubbed himself against her.  
“Take a break for a little while my love.”
He felt her body tense up.
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Liam quickly recoiled from her.   Liam looked genuinely horrified when she turned to face him.
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“I’m so sorry Taylor.  From behind, I swear I couldn’t…I mean I didn’t…..”  
“Bleh!!!! Don’t finish that sentence!!!!!!
Riley walked in the room seeing Taylor and Liam visibly uncomfortable.
“What did I miss?”  
“I need a bath!!!  Your husband thought I was you.  Apparently we look the same from behind.”  
Riley glanced at Taylor.  “I mean…. He’s really not completely wrong Tay.  Now that you had the twins, we really do.”  
Taylor scowled.  
“And that right there is why no one will mistake us for each other from the front.  Your scowl face.”
“Well this is a sufficiently awkward conversation, so I’m going to go, especially after I’ve completely embarrassed myself. Riley when you’re finished, please come by my study.”  Liam still had a flush on his cheeks and ears.
“For real, put that thing away Liam, it’s barely lunch time.”  Taylor grumbled.
“I will be there.”  She winked at him.  
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Liam’s smile returned.  
“Can one of you keep it in your pants please?  You two are like horny teenagers.”  
“I’m okay with that.”  They both said in unison smiling at each other.  Liam left the room.
“Are you going away for your wedding anniversary?”
“We probably should, but we have our date nights, and we can always sneak some time alone now that the kids are a little older, now that everyone is potty trained and not on the boob anymore.  God I missed my boobs being mine, and now that they are again, of course they look like a dumpster fire after breastfeeding four kids.”  
“Well that’s one hell of a bra then.”
“Who are you telling? They would be dragging the floor otherwise.”
Taylor laughed.  
“Please don’t do that visual to our body.”
“It is our body right?”  
Riley and Taylor giggled.  
“You two should go away alone.  You two never get adult time… And I don’t mean just for that.  You two apparently get more than enough adult time for that.” 
“Tay, it’s just that we haven’t really been away from the kids.  Anywhere we go, we travel as a family.  I feel safer that way, so does Liam.”  
“Because of me right?”  
“It is.  The last time you two tried to go on vacation was when I took Ellie, and you haven’t been apart from them a day since.  It’s my fault you two are afraid to be away from your children."
“Taylor, Liam and I have forgiven you for that, a long time ago.  We know that you’re not the same person you once were.”
“Prove it, you two take a trip, and it’s a trip you two desperately deserve. I promise the palace will be still standing when you get back.”
Taylor smiled at Riley.
“Please let me do this for the two of you. It’s been one thing after another, and you guys deserve a vacation. Let me and Max take care of the kids.”
“Tay… you do realize that would be your two barely crawling plus my four.  You two would be taking care of six children.”  
“And your kids are pretty self sufficient.  They can feed themselves.”  
“You’ll need some reinforcements, Tay. For real.  I’ll call Drake and Hana to help.”  
“I really think Max and I can handle it.”
“Riley, we got this.”
*^*^*^*^* Taylor and Maxwell *^*^*^*^*
“You volunteered us for WHAT?!?!?!?!?”
“Oh come on Max, they’re just kids.”
“Yeah, and we’ve been lucky to keep the two of ours alive so far.  We’re going to be outnumbered Softie. There’s going to be six of them and two of us. You have put them at an unfair advantage.”  
Taylor laughed.
“This is not a war Maxwell.”
“Oh, it’s definitely a war.”
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A week later,  Riley and Liam were preparing to leave for their first vacation alone, since they had children.  
Riley kissed and hugged each child.
“Now you kids behave for Auntie Taylor and Uncle Maxwell.  I’m counting on you Miss Crown Princess for a report when I return. You know you’re first in command Ellie.”
Ellie stood up straight and squared her shoulders.  “I promise Daddy, we’ll all be good.”
Ellie gave a little salute.
Liam gave one back.
“As you were, my princess.”
Riley, still kneeling, smoothed down Liberty’s little curls.  Her little lip was already trembling.  
“Mommy loves you baby.”  She kissed her little cheeks.  
“Are you ready to leave My Love?”  
Riley stood up nodding.   Liam reached out her hand for hers.  
They started to walk towards the SUV.  
Liam felt Riley stop.  
“It’s okay My Love we can do this.”  
Riley’s eyes were quickly filling with tears.
Riley resumed her stride.
The little inflection of a question in Liberty’s voice made Liam stop dead in his tracks. His grip tightening on Riley’s hand.  Liam took a deep shaky breath.
"Don't look back Liam, you know we won't leave if we do."
Bastien and Nico could see how the King and Queen were struggling to leave their children.
“Your Majesties, come this way.”  Bastien called out to them gently.
Both the King and Queen were in tears hearing their youngest burst into tears at the sight of them leaving, as they climbed into  the black SUV.
“It’s okay.  They’ll be fine Riley. They have reinforcements.”
“Taylor wouldn’t let me call Drake or Hana.”  
Liam hit a button on his phone. He put the phone on speaker.
“What’s your location?”  
“Already inside the palace.”  
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“And you fully understand the plan?”
“Let your tiny humans drive Taylor and Maxwell insane?”
“I know the plan Liam! Not be seen and keep a watch on them, and only appear if they need help with the children. “
“Yes. Thank you Liv.”  
“I do this because we’re friends Riley.”  
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“Liberty has a set of lungs on her, she hasn’t stopped crying since you two left.  I’m sure she’ll be fine.”  
“Thank you Liv.”  
“They’ll be fine, i’ll be watching. Enjoy your vacation already.”  
“Where are we headed? Since you wouldn’t disclose a location to me, I literally packed for everything including plagues and fire rain.”  
“For some fun in the sun on our own private beach.”
“Good thing I packed a bathing suit.”  
“You won’t be needing it.”  
Riley smacked Liam’s arm as he waggled his eyebrows at her.
*^*^*^*^*^* Meanwhile back at the Palace *^*^*^*^*^*^*^*
“C’mon Libby it’s okay.   Mommy and Daddy will be back.”  
Taylor picked her up, rocking her in her arms.  
“Shhhhhh… it’s okay Libby.   Auntie Taylor is here, so is Uncle Max.”
Libby’s cries subsided a little but not significantly.
“Can I try?”  Ellie asked.
Ellie crossed her eyes and made a funny face at Libby causing her to break out into a fit of giggles.  
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“We’re evening out the odds.  Three on three, I like those odds better Taylor.  We might actually survive this. They will listen to one of their own.  Ellie is like our super agent spy.”
By the end of day one both Taylor and Maxwell were exhausted, tending to and chasing around six children.  At least their two were relatively easy to catch, as they were barely mobile.
“Why did I think the children being self-sufficient was going to be a good thing?  I’ve never been this tired in my life.”  
“Is this what we have to look forward to when they’re older?”  
"Seems like it."
^*^*^*^* Liam and Riley *^*^*^*
“My Love?”  
“Yes Dear?”  
“You don’t have to cut up my food for me.”  
Riley had absentmindedly cut up Liam’s chicken into very small child bite size pieces. She had also ruffled his hair and kissed his forehead.
“Oh!  I didn’t even realize.”
Liam smiled at her, running his fingers through his hair.  “We’ve been parents for so long, it’s been a long time since you and I have been truly alone.”  
“You know what I want to do after dinner?” Riley inquired.
Liam raised his eyebrow with an intrigued smirk.  
“I think I might have an idea of exactly what you want to do.”  
Liam and Riley went to sleep after dinner.  Both stretched out in the bed.  Both had covers, and no kids arms, legs, feet, or hair  in their face.
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Every night was like that Liam and Riley got the most sleep they had, had in years…. Well after other adult activities. Liam had even turned off his alarm living in the moment with Riley.
*^*^* Baby Beaumont Bash *^*^*^*
Taylor was feeding the girls when she heard loud thumping music. Taylor could hear jingling. Taylor glanced up, seeing the chandelier above her head was thumping to the beat of the music. Thank goodness the twins were used to Maxwell's antics, and Lily and Violet were sleeping right through it. She put Violet back in the crib and walked down the hall. The closer she got to the east wing ballroom the music got louder.
Taylor pulled the doors open to the ballroom, smoke bubbled down the hall.
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There were multi colored blinking lights, a disco ball spinning from the ceiling and a snack table full of candy, sweets and soda.
Maxwell had a DJ station set up  playing a song on an endless loop, bobbing his head to the music with his headphones on.
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And Riley's kids hopped up on kiddie cocaine (aka sugar) dancing and flailing around in what Taylor could only think to describe as a kiddie rave.
"Is that….. a trap remix of baby shark?"
"Heck yeah it is."
And the kids were loving it.
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Maxwell let the music keep playing and he had a bottle of champagne in one hand calling Ellie and Adam over to him. He had a sword in his right.
"Adam you hold the bottle."
"You are not giving them champagne Maxwell! They're children!"
"I'm shocked at you Softie. What kind of Uncle do you think I am? It's just sparkling apple cider. Okay Ellie, you get the sword because you're the oldest. And what you want to do is slice just like I'm showing you. Oh, and don't kill your brother, that would be bad."
"I don't think Daddy would let us do this Uncle Maxwell." Ellie said wearily.
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"Heck no he wouldn't.  Well not with Maxwell teaching you. If anyone is going to teach the crown princess to slice anything while someone else is holding it, it's going to be me."
Olivia appeared walking out of the shadows of an alcove.
"Have you been here the whole week?"
"Of course! You know Liam and Riley. And these kids are never going to fall asleep, if we don't have them dance the sugar out."
"I've got just the thing.”
 Max cranked up the music.
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*^*^*^*^* Liam and Riley *^*^*^*^*
"Liam I miss them."
"We'll be home to see them by noon tomorrow."
"Liam I know you miss them too, log into Crown Cam, so we can see them."
Riley sat next to Liam as he logged into Crown Cam.
As they went to each room they noticed none of the children were in their beds.
"It's past their bedtime."
"Did you really think Max and Taylor would get all kids to bed on time?"
"No but…."
They clicked on each room, until they got to the ballroom on the east wing.
Both gasped at the scene. Liam clicked the button enabling the cameras to pick up sound in the room.
Both looked at each other, seeing their kids wildly dancing and flailing about. Libby was excitedly jumping up and down with a glow stick while Olivia sang on stage.
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"Is Olivia really singing and rapping to Let It Go?!?"
Olivia's Rap
Liam nodded, watching the scene for a few more moments before slowly closing his laptop.
"I'm sure there is a perfectly good explanation for all of this."
*^*^*^*^*^* kiddie rave *^*^*^*^*
Taylor danced with the kids while Max continued at his DJ station.
"Olivia can flow, can you believe it Max?!?"
"OLIVIA!!!!! LANGUAGE!!!!!!! THEY'RE CHILDREN!!!!" Maxwell screamed.
"Are you serious with me right now?!? Language?"
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Olivia rolled her eyes in complete annoyance.
"Of all the things you've done, LANGUAGE is your hard stop? You gave the crown princess a SWORD to slice a bottle out of her younger brother's hands, and instructed her not to kill him. That's entirely okay, but CURSING is where you draw the line in the sand? Seriously Maxwell?"
Both Taylor and Olivia glared at Maxwell for a few moments in confusion.
"Liv keep going!!! We have to tire them out!!!"
Olivia resumed her rap battle….with herself.
Within an hour it looked like a crime scene in the ballroom. Children were passed out everywhere.  
Taylor picked up a sleeping Ellie, Olivia, grabbed Adam, and Maxwell carried Jaiden and Liberty upstairs to their beds.  
"They need baths, their faces and hands are dirty with crumbs and sweets."
"We'll give them baths in the morning, before Liam and Riley get back." Maxwell was confident they could get it done.
They didn't. They all slept in instead.
When Liam and Riley arrived back at the palace, they didn't know what to expect.
They saw their kids, all lined up wearing yesterday's clothes, dirty faces, and wild chaotic hair, looking like they had their own kiddie walks of shame.  But each child had a huge smile on their face.
Liam walked up to Ellie.
"Your report my Crown Princess?"
"Daddy! I sliced a bottle top off a bottle while Adam held it."
"And I didn't die!" Adam screamed confidently.
"We had fun!" Jaiden exclaimed.
"Daddy did you know Auntie Liv is a gangsta rapper?" Ellie's voice sounded like she was in complete awe.
"Yes My Princess, we saw."
Olivia turned pale, then she knowingly nodded. "I should have known you two would access Crown Cam."
Riley turned to Maxwell.
"So you threw a Beaumont Bash…. for our children?"  Riley asked.
"Of course, gotta train them up right!! Little Blossom!"
"Sure, they're a little dirty, but at least the palace is still standing, what else would you expect from the Substitute Queen?" Taylor commented with a smirk.
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Happy birthday! I hope you enjoyed this!
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casualmaraudering · 4 years
i’ve been very soft for dad sirius lately so have a very fluffy drabble! (edit: French provided by @yesanotherpotterhead, thank you so much! <3)
translations from French to English under the cut! 
Le vent qui hurle en moi ne pense plus à demain
Il est bien trop fort
J'ai lutté en vain
Cache tes pouvoirs, n'en parle pas
Sirius hastily writes down another rune sequence on the parchment, then scribbles a few numbers on a spare sheet.
Fais attention, le secret survivra
Pas d'états d'âme, pas de tourments
De sentiments
Calculating the proper harmony and proportion of wand movement-to-incantation-to-rune placement and sequence has always been his least favourite part of spell modification. Altering the balance has to be done with extreme caution, unless he wants to burn his own eyebrows off (again).
And yet, at the same time, it’s the part of his work he looks the most forward to. Every failed attempt, every careful calculation, every slight tweak leads him closer and closer to success - the thrill of having done something and done it well, that’s what Sirius strives for. There’s nothing better than knowing he had an idea and executed it to its fullest.
Though, for the particular spell he’s working on, that still might take a bit of time. Especially with the fitting soundtrack playing through his living room.
Libérée, délivrée
Je ne mentirai plus jamais
Libérée, délivrée
C'est décidé, je m'en vais
Every couple seconds or so, he’ll glance away from his papers and down onto the floor of the lounge, towards the makeshift fort of blankets and pillows that’s been there ever since Remus started work a couple weeks ago. Sirius found it easier to just leave it there as it is instead of cleaning it up and then inevitably putting it back together every afternoon.
Any time he looks towards there - towards his little baby boy, propped up by a few pillows to sit comfortably - he smiles without even noticing that he does. It’s been a natural reaction ever since Leo came to Sirius’s life. His heart fills with warmth every single time without a fail.
It’s just what that kind of unconditional love does to you.
Being a dad himself makes him more and more spiteful towards his own parents every day. He doesn’t ever remember his mother or father being even nice towards him, yet alone attentive or loving. He never got lullabies, or hugs, he was never held. He could never imagine looking at his baby and not wanting to hold him, kiss him, sing and play and spend all of the time he has with him.
He can’t change his own childhood, but at least he can make sure his baby’s childhood is done right. Even if he’ll end up the clingy parent.
J'ai laissé mon enfance en été
Perdue dans l'hiver
Le froid est pour moi le prix de la liberté
Sirius finishes the last of his equation and puts his quill down, flicking his hand ever so slightly, making all of his notes and books carefully sort and place itself into a secured box (one that responds to only his magical handprint - he’s learned the hard way that he can no longer leave his work on the table and expect it to still be there when he turns around next - not with a fussy baby with uncontrolled magic). When he’s sure everything is sealed and secure, he gets up from the chair, and makes his way towards the blanket fort.
Once picked up, Leo starts fussing right away, making Sirius laugh.
“ C’est bon je m’assieds,” he says, French rolling easily from his tongue “je te laisse regarder Elsa tranquille.”
He sits down with his back to the couch, and lets Leo get comfortable on his lap, resting against his stomach and chest. There’s no more fussing after that - only the sounds of the movie.
Sirius talks to Leo while it plays - he’s not sure when that habit started (perhaps when he’s realised he can recite most of the dialogue in the movie without even realising he knows the words), and yet it’s a simple joy to just talk to his baby. He points out characters, repeats lines - usually with very silly voice impressions - says whatever comes to his mind.
So many of his old classmates would likely laugh seeing him right now - a full time stay at home dad, watching the same cartoon movie several times a day, and refusing to put down his own baby at times. It’s not how he imagined himself to be. He planned a Quidditch career, travelling the world, all that. Now, though, he wouldn’t swap this for anything else in the world.
They have a snack break, a nappy change, and a slight incident with peanut butter involved (after which Sirius might have changed into Padfoot and licked it off the floor - and the baby. Not that Remus needs to know), they sit down in front of the TV once again. Sirius doesn’t even have to ask - and it’s not like Leo can answer him just yet - before turning on La Reine des Neiges once again.
They get to the two sisters fighting when there’s a crack of Apparition from the hallway.
“Papa est rentré, tu veux aller lui dire bonjour?” Sirius says to Leo, ticking his stomach - even if focused on the cartoon, he lets out a happy squeal. “ Ou alors tu continues simplement à regarder le film pendant que papa te dis bonjour, hmm?”
“I swear, he’ll speak French before English and I’ll be clueless to anything that’s going on in this house.” Before Sirius can continue the ‘debate’ with Leo, Remus walks into the lounge. He’s shed his coat already, and Sirius can see his bag on the floor of the hallway.
“I’ll translate,” Sirius says with a grin.
“And what if you’re not home?”
“See, that’s my strategy. You can’t divorce me if you can’t understand our baby without me.”
Remus snorts, and walks up towards the heap of blankets - he has to step around quite a few stuffies and pillows, careful not to accidentally squish anything. He sits down next to Sirius and pecks him on the cheek.
Sirius flicks his hand to pause the movie. Usually, that’d earn him a bunch of protests - sometimes a temper tantrum if he didn’t pick Leo up quick enough (the boy is quite clingy - there’s not a minute in the day when he doesn’t want to be held. Sirius doesn’t mind, though - there’s nothing he loves more than simply getting to hold his baby) - but now there’s just a happy squeal and a bunch of baby noises as Leo bounces around with a laugh, waiting to be picked up by Remus.
The display of affection between them never fails to make Sirius so emotional he can’t quite speak. Sirius’s husband and their son. Such a simple, everyday thing, Remus coming home from school - and yet it always manages to be so incredibly special.
After many kisses, and hugs and squeals and baby talk from Remus, they settle down once again - this time with Remus, his head resting on Sirius’s shoulder. And so Sirius lets the movie play again.
“The ice princess again?”
“She has a name, and that’s Elsa. You’d know that if you were me, because it’s all that has been playing ever since September.”
Remus chuckles. “It was your idea to stay home with him.”
“I know. And I don’t regret it. I am, however, slowly questioning my sanity. You can only hear that one song so many times without going insane.”
“‘s not too bad if it’s in French.”
“Yeah, cause you don’t understand the words.”
Remus just shakes his head with a laugh, and then lets his hand go through the small bush of Leo’s tangled black hair.
“Your accent got heavier again,” he mumbles, letting himself inhale the smell of Sirius’s sweater. It’s October now, which means Sirius is slowly going back to the habit of baking far too many gingerbread cookies. His sweater smells like a coffee shop.
“No, it didn’t. It only does that after I’m at Reg’s.”
“You just rolled that r. It got heavier.”
“You’re imagining things.”
“You just don’t want to admit that you’re getting that from Elsa.”
Sirius rolls his eyes, but he can’t help the smile creeping on his face.
“This looks like you and Reg when you two fight,” Remus says. “Or sounds like it, I guess. Bunch of French gibberish thrown around angrily.”
Sirius laughs. “You’re not wrong. Which one am I, though?”
Remus watches the scene for a few moments.
“The blonde. She looks very distressed and dramatic. The ginger one is quite calm.”
“I’ll politely ignore the implication.”
Remus chuckles, but then he turns Sirius’s face with his free hand and kisses him sweetly.
“You’re still my favourite, though. Even if a little dramatic. And even if you’re turning our baby against me.”
Sirius smiles, and lets their lips meet again for a short moment.
“I can teach you some words.”
“Nah. It’ll ruin it. You’re hot sounding as long as I’ve no clue what you’re saying.”
Sirius grins. “Je suis sexy quand je parle français, hein?”
“Whatever you just said, leave that for when the baby’s asleep. And tell me what the hell’s going on.”
Sirius lets his head fall down to rest against Remus’s head, and he settles into the pillows a little deeper.
“So the sister just said-”
“C’est bon je m’assieds, je te laisse regarder Elsa tranquille.”  -  “I’m just gonna sit down, I’ll let you watch your Elsa all you’d like.”
“Papa est rentré, tu veux aller lui dire bonjour? Ou alors tu continues simplement à regarder le film pendant que papa te dis bonjour, hmm?” -  “Your dad’s home, Wanna go say hello? Or you’re just gonna have daddy go say hi while you keep watching, hmm?”
Je suis sexy quand je parle français, hein? -  “I sound hot, huh?”
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whatsnewcartoons · 6 years
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Cartoon Network’s Adventure Time ends its 8 year run on Cartoon Network with its series finale, titled “Come Along With Me” airing this Labor Day, September 3rd at 6.00PM EST on Cartoon Network USA. The hour-long special was first screened as a sneak preview at SDCC 2018 and a special full screening was held on Monday, August 27. Advertised by the network as “the Ultimate Adventure”, the finale will premiere following a 11.75 hour marathon of fan-picked episodes.
From Tuesday, September 4, fans can also purchase the DVD “Adventure Time: The Final Seasons”, which features a ton of exclusive bonus content. The show's soundtrack, featuring more than 20 songs including those from the finale, will be released the same day. 
Below are the details of the Labor Day marathon starting at 6.15AM following a rerun of Steven Universe at 6.00am.
 6:15 am From Bad to Worse 6:30 am Jake vs. Me-Mow 6:45 am Marceline's Closet 7:00 am Five Short Graybles 7:15 am Burning Low 7:30 am King Worm 7:45 am Who Would Win 8:00 am Card Wars 8:15 am Jake the Dad 8:30 am Daddy-Daughter Card Wars 8:45 am  Reign of Gunters 9:00 am Adventure Time With Fionna and Cake 9:15 am Bad Little Boy 9:30 am  The Prince Who Wanted Everything 9:45 am BMO Lost 10:00 am James Baxter the Horse 10:15 am Jake Suit 10:30 am Bad Jubies 10:45 am Diamonds and Lemons 11:00 am Memories of Boom Boom Mountain 11:15 am  Food Chain 11:30 am The Duke 11:45 am The Other Tarts 12:00 pm Guardians of Sunshine 12:15 pm  The Limit 12:30 pm Belly of the Beast 12:45 pm Conquest of Cuteness 1:00 pm The Hall of Egress 1:15 pm It Came From the Nightosphere 1:30 pm Memory of a Memory 1:45 pm I Remember You 2:00 pm Simon & Marcy 2:15 pm Blood Under the Skin 2:30 pm Puhoy 2:45 pm  Time Sandwich 3:00 pm Princess Day 3:15 pm City of Thieves 3:30 pm Princess Cookie 3:45 pm Jake the Brick 4:00 pm Too Young; Thank You 4:30 pm Mystery Train 4:45 pm What Was Missing 5:00 pm Rainy Day Daydream 5:15 pm Trouble in Lumpy Space 5:30 pm Slumber Party Panic 5:45 pm The Enchiridion! 6:00 pm SERIES FINALE: Come Along With Me
The episodes are split into specific themes throughout the day for viewers to pick from, such as guest-animated episodes starting at 10.30am with “Bad Jubies”, the theme of Marceline’s past starting at 1.15pm with “It Came from the Nightosphere” or the first episodes ever premiered airing right before the finale at 5.00pm with “Rainy Day Daydream” and ending with the first episode produced “The Enchiridion”. A repeat of the finale event will air right after its initial premiere at 7.00pm for those unable to catch it earlier.
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anonymousims4 · 5 years
Rowan Bancroft (England)
This woman has some special things, a little something that makes her a dazzling young woman! Inspiration, mood, she is always in top form. She loves social networks, she loves fashion, beautiful things, but does not support her father. An annoying billionaire! She prefers to live far from him and alone, rather than join him in his madness.
Yet, it's still a little his "daddy" who has made her a woman so impeccable! It is with his money what lives in luxury and like a little princess!
True heiress of an empire, she acts as she sees fit.
Cette femme à quelques choses de spécial, un petit je ne sais quoi, qui fait d’elle une jeune femme éblouissante ! Inspiration, humeur, elle est toujours au top de sa forme. Elle aime les réseaux sociaux, elle adore la mode, les belles choses, mais ne supporte pas son père. Un milliardaire agaçant ! Elle préfère vivre loin de lui et seul, plutôt que de le rejoindre dans sa folie.
Pourtant, c’est tout de même un peu son “papa” qui a fait d’elle une femme si impeccable ! C’est avec son argent quelle vit dans le luxe et comme une petite princesse !
Véritable héritière d’un empire, elle agit comme bon lui semble.
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fortheheavenssake · 5 years
PG MM Anon Interpretation Collection - 22
146: Dec 18
MM ANON …… The Christmas Royal choreography ……… Homeless hope……… “not just for Christmas”…… quiet compassions ……… Brits rage at nutmeg……… “ it’s Harry Jim,But not as we knew him”……… “ what’s the answer Spock?”……… EST…… “ eat your vegetables!!”……… “ but mummy, that’s sooooo unfair” ……… “no veg, no pony!!”……… “well from a PR standpoint, it’s an annual thing now”………… “ front and centre ma’am”……… “quite agree!!” ……… “Philip ??” ……… “people identify old thing”……… “ The Sandringham songbirds”
💜💜💜🙏🏻🙏🏻🎄THANK YOUR MM ANON🎄🙏🏻🙏🏻💜💜💜
I am feeling bit better, still yucky but l found this! I had not realized the previous day was a riddle! My days are all mixed up now!
This is December 17/2019 riddle
For me RIDDLE #146
December 18/2019 0500 hrs CST.
Sorry it’s so late, l will take each day as it finds me. Thanks and gratitude for all the thoughts and prayers and cute photos music, wonderful things for me💜🙏🏻🎄🙏🏻💜
The Christmas Royal choreography
As with many families and step- families this time of year coordinating who goes where when, who goes to church Sunday school Christmas programs, school Christmas programs, although those are all but gone, thank God my niece send her three to private Catholic school where the full message of the Season is celebrated! If we think OUR lives are busy, whoa, just imagine HMTQ!! And that’s in a good year with no major issues! I congratulate her staff and LG for their continuing loyalty and service to HMTQ! It truly takes a choreographer to coordinate all of the Christmas events, oth family and public!
Homeless hope……… “not just for Christmas”
Homelessness is a growing problem, in the part of the country l live in, people often found frozen to death. This should be and is a goal many have been working on and continuing to work on, all over the globe!
quiet compassions
I wonder if unpublicly known donations and support has been given to many places. I am certain there is because we all do it in our private lives thusly l am certain the entire royal family with their massive wealth do also.
Brits rage at nutmeg
There still is no love lost regarding madam. She puts out the occasional Instagram post or does she?? Just what will the Christmas card be, stick drawings?? Undoubtedly in black and white, from behind, her hand flipping the bird at everything from behind her back or maybe archficial stick drawing will be doing it. She’s teaching him early! Bite the hand that feeds and clothes you, they like it!!
“ it’s Harry Jim,But not as we knew him”……… “ what’s the answer Spock?”……… EST
This is an obvious reference to the classic Star Trek MM ANON loves so well, as do l, none of tis new giddy daddy stuff! Doctor-aka Bones is speaking to Jim, aka Captain Kirk, about Harry referencing an incident that happened with Spock, l think on one of the films? EST Electric Shock Therapy might be referring to ECT, as it is called here. When l was working this was often used as treatment of choice for patients severely depressed, non-responsive to medication, or starving themselves etc. I am getting the feeling when we do finally see Harry again he will have come out of this a completely changed man. Our Harry has been through several Hells with madam, treatment to rid her him of her effects. There will be changes that come with this as comes with personal grew all gain through trauma, death of loved ones etc etc.
“ eat your vegetables!!”……… “ but mummy, that’s sooooo unfair” ……… “no veg, no pony!!”
We’ll be her a princess o matter, eating your vegetables is a non negotiable! Of course parents who enforce this are terribly criel🙄🙄🤣🤣😂😂, nevertheless it must be done. Oh the threats come out next! No pony!! That’s too cruel! Thumbs up 👍😁😁
“well from a PR standpoint, it’s an annual thing now”………… “ front and centre ma’am”……… “quite agree!!” ……… “Philip ??” ……… “people identify old thing”
LG, HMTQ and PP discussing the awesome success that was the Mary Berry Special with the Cambridges and highlighting charities and those who work over Christmas. I want you to rant a minute here about that Cather jerking from William garbage, WATCH THE SHOW, she moved simultaneously as he touched her, no divorce pending, no trauma! Good gracious some people just wait to jump!! Anyhow Mary Berry, my she’s a national and international treasure! I am certain the ratings are through the roof only making the public love them. Ore. Wait till Christmas Day with George and Charlotte walking to church!! They will be inundated with presents!
Sounds like a yearly family Christmas special is in the offing, keeping them from and centre, where they should be, as the future of the Monarchy! LG agrees, HMTQ checks with PP who quite agrees saying people can identify with them!! That’s extremely important to keep the monarchy strong. Remember when Queen Victoria had drawing made and the someone printed them and sold copies and she was aghast until she learned how the family life picture are what people could relate best to and loved her all the more!
“ The Sandringham songbirds”
I wonder not that most of the grandchildren and great grand children are of a certain age, might there be plans for them to sing a little song or two at Sandringham Christmas?? That would be cherubic!
HMTQ is is patron of Songbird Survival. Here is a cut and paste sorry, l am tired. It’s from the Telegraph 2008 March 26
The Queen has given money from her private income to a charity that believes in exterminating magpies, grey squirrels and feral cats to stop the decline of Britain’s songbirds.
The charity, Songbird Survival, has been consistently critical of the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds, of which the Queen is patron.
“The Norfolk-based charity was among the 17 animal charities the Queen gave an undisclosed sum to last year.
The RSPB denies that predators are responsible for the decline over the past 30 years of the lesser redpoll (90 per cent decline), tree sparrow, (80 per cent), skylark (75 per cent), song thrush (53 per cent) or bullfinch (over 50 per cent).
Songbird Survival, which is understood to have emerged out of an alliance between landowners and pigeon fanciers, believes that the growth in numbers of predators, including mink, crows and sparrowhawks, is likely to be a factor in the songbirds’ decline.
It argues that habitat improvements in the countryside in the past 10 years from the planting of hedges, green farming schemes and more organic farming and the reduction in the use of pesticides have not brought about the turnaround in the fortunes of songbirds that might have been expected if the RSPB’s explanation for the declines was correct.
Therefore, the charity argues on its website, other factors such as the decline in predator control by gamekeepers and the relentless growth in the populations of introduced species such as grey squirrels must be to blame.
Last year Songbird Survival published a study by Prof Roy Brown which said that the grey squirrel was the greatest predator of native songbirds - an even bigger killer than domestic cats.
An article on its website by Richard Coke, a Norfolk landowner who owns woodland close to Sandringham, argues for the “elimination” of the grey squirrel to save songbirds, protect the native red squirrel and save native woodlands.
The website also gives advice on how to set Larsen traps for magpies and says some landowners kill 100 magpies a year, to the benefit of songbirds which lose fewer eggs from their nests as a result.
A spokesman for Songbird Survival said: “We can confirm that the Queen has made a donation to the charity from the Privy Purse Charitable Trust.
“The charity represents many UK bird lovers who are concerned at the dramatic decline in songbird numbers in recent years.”
He said that the charity was currently raising funds for two major pieces of research, one with British Trust for Ornithology and the University of St Andrews examining the effect of bird predators on 30 prey species of farm and garden birds, which will report this year.
Another, with Reading university, would be looking at the effects of all bird and mammal predators on all prey species. It started last November and could take two years.
André Farrar, of the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds, said: “Songbird Survival is an interesting outfit. Having started out being negative and consistently critical about what the RSPB says, rather than looking at the rationale behind it, their editorial content has become more sophisticated. We welcome their recent move to commission some high quality science from highly rated sources. What they do with it we will see.
"We don’t believe magpies are as much of a problem as they do. We don’t agree with magpie control, but as long as they do it within the law, it is up to them to justify their actions.”
A spokesman for Buckingham Palace said the Queen gave £301,709 to 346 charities last year.
“There is no significance in the donation,” she added.”
0530 hrs CST. GSTQAOBC 🇨🇦
Thank you PG. This was unexpected as you are sick. Forever loyal, struggling to get it done for us. It is much appreciated….interesting stuff going on…🙏🏻💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜
Skippy submission
147: Dec 18
MM ANON ……… 🎼tis’ the season’ ……… 🎼……… “Tighter than ones ducks @ss under water ma’am”…… “indubitably LG, send the letters!!”……… “ Netty has it stitched!!”……… I think they were spotted on Elba……… someone saw them in Calvi ……… “Hmmmm, the historical significance doesn’t escape me”……… “ what say you Philip?”……” who gives a sh**, fancy a drinky
💜💜💜🙏🏻🙏🏻🎄THANK YOU MM ANON🎄🙏🏻🙏🏻💜💜💜
DECEMBER 18/2019
RIDDLE #146. 1515 hrs CST
🎼tis’ the season’ ……… 🎼
HMTQ leaves the hustle and bustle of London life behind and off to Christmas at Sandringham! One pesky return to London next week for the opening of Parliament, short helicopter ride for HMTQ! Christmas lunch was today and it’s officially time to relax and celebrate!
“Tighter than ones ducks @ss under water ma’am”…… “indubitably LG, send the letters!!”……… “ Netty has it stitched!!”
This awesome! LG informing HMTQ the case against both madam and her PR SS, is extremely secure with all i dotted and t crossed. A solid case legally!! Letters to be sent, subpoenas to follow and let the storms begin!! Again dear Netty, who we all know now, Lord Maldon, Chief Justice of England and Wales has been incredibly helpful throughout this whole ordeal!! MADAM IS DONE FOR , COMPLETELY OFFICIALLY DONE FOR!!!
I think they were spotted on Elba……… someone saw them in Calvi
Both places in Italy, have we got ‘sightings’ of the Sussexes?? LONG WAY FROM THOSE PLACES, BELIEVE ME!!!! Calvi, is a hairy toity Corsican island yet a French District! When l first read this the first thing came to my mind was Idris Elba mmmmmmmm handsome man!!😁
“Hmmmm, the historical significance doesn’t escape me”……… “ what say you Philip?”……” who gives a sh**, fancy a drinky
Well HMTQ and PP finally together. The fire is roaring, the lunch is digesting, satisfaction, of a sort has set in! Great rest and legal processes have been formally approved by HMTQ!! This will be historical, a ‘royal’ wife, with a not of the body baby, blackmailing, allegedly, her way into the family, messing with Harry’s fragile emotions. Justice scales ⚖️ WILL BE SERVED. YOU KNOW, AS THE SAYING GOES, REVENGE IS BEST SERVED COLD, JUSTICE WILL BE SERVED IN THE COLD OF WINTER. RACHEL YOU SHOULD BE MORE SCARED NOW THAN YOU HAVE EVER BEEN IN YOUR ENTIRE LIFE! THE FULL POWER OF THE CROWN IS ABOUT TO DESCEND ON YOU!!!
As always, PL certainly knows how to turn a phrase doesn’t he! Your Majesty, Your Royal Highness, please allow me to get your drinks, Ma’am, gin and DuBonnet, sir, Boddingtons. CHEERS TO YOU BOTH! HAVE A HAPPY HAPPY CHRISTMAS!🎄!
1530 hrs CST
This is wonderful! Thank you PG! We pray this is what we have been waiting for! Great job, much appreciated!😊💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜
Ask Skippy
148: Dec 20
MM ANON …… Kate’s Christmas present to nutmeg …… Wrinkle cream!!😱😱…… new year getaway W&K……The Firm views pre-recorded QS. ……… A Royal decade, the 20,20s. …… “ up a gear ma’am”…… “ Keep calm and ostracise LG”…… 🎬it’s a wonderful life 🎬…… “ FROZEN mummy!!!”………”STAR WARS daddy!!”……… OMG ‘ it’s her Christmas card ……… “ we never received one” …… “ bloody lucky you!! “…… 🎼bye bye miss American pie🎼……… Kate’s tabloid cull…… “ what’s your 20?”
Oh 💜💜💜🙏🏻🙏🏻🎄THANK YOU MM ANON🎄🙏🏻🙏🏻💜💜🐼
45 minutes in and l haven’t even started the interpretation!
0125 hrs CST
RIDDLE #147 Sorry kids l can no longer cut and paste the way l have been doing the IOS IPAD Update won’t allow cut and paste as far as l can figure and l have spent an hour now at it!
December 20/2019 riddle posted DECEMBER 19/2019
0125 hrs CST
Catherine, let me back up. The Royal family LOVE giving gag gifts at Christmas. Catherine has been reading the blog and taken a cue from me and given madam wrinkle cream😩🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂. She needs vanishing cream at this point! THANK YOU MM ANON, MY SECOND SHOUT OUT IN A RIDDLE😁😁😁😁😁😁 I AM CHUFFED!!😁😁😁😁😁😁
Sounding like William and Catherine are going for a baby moon, just themselves. If you’re not familiar, a baby moon is when a couple goes on holiday before their new baby arrives just to have time to relax and enjoy one another! Well deserved you two! Announce it already! Another girl please💜💜💜🙏🏻🙏🏻💜💜
HMTQ Christmas Day speech has been recorded, she is now at Sandringham and l for one wish her well deserved away and family time! I can hardly wait to watch it!!
The 20, 20s royal decade
The 1920′s was called the Roaring 20′s until the stock market crashed and brought on the dirty 30′s. 2020 will bring a many changes in the family. Madam will be gone, ⚖️ will be served. Backers will be brought from the shadows to face justice. Likely we will have announcements of new babies, Catherine Zara, Eugenie. Beatrice and Edo will wed. PA will find his justice . HMTQ will announce a Regency. William and Catherine will continue to soar in public love and popularity and another baby will bring it ever more! If that is even possible!😁🤣🤣🤣😂😂. Last but not least, our beloved Harry will re-emerge, resume duties, a changed man but loved even more than before! I have full confidence in that!
up a gear😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣
HMTQ chauffeur cannot get HMTQ to Sandringham fast enough, she wants away from London and all the stress badly and he is well in tune with HMTQ needs!
Keep calm and ostracize LG
Keep calm yes but ostracize LG? Ostracize means to shun, leave out, stigmatize. Who would do that? Madam and her PR and quite likely her legal team.
It’s a Wonderful Life, it’s the classic Jimmy Stewart film, George Bailey, consistently gives up her personal wishes to do the right thing for his family and townspeople. Classic film, the Cambridge children jonesing to see FROZEN II or STAR WARS! I will let you decide who wants to see what film!🤣🤣🤣😂😂
HMTQ and PP joking about madams Christmas card, actual think this might have been the conversation at the a Christmas luncheon, l know PP wasn’t there, indulge me. , l haven’t seen it, l do not know if it is out yet publicly. They are joking saying be glad you didn’t get one🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂😫😂.
🎼 bye bye….🎼 Madams fate is all but sealed, the Treason law bring revamped, that’s no coincidence! She should be terrified! The full weight, l know l said this yesterday, indulge me, l am stressed doing the riddle in a way l don’t feel is adequate with my iPad not cooperating!, the full weight of the Crown and Justice nipping at her filthy, dirty too big stiletto heels!!
To cull means to organize and sort the what you need, donate, get rid of what you no longer want. Catherine, has been in and on the cover of countless print magazines, newspapers, and immeasurable online versions. Has KP staff been clearing the lies off the internet? Scrubbing as the word is? I just cannot see Catherine saving magazines etc of herself sorting they them, that’s just not her style. I think it’s getting rid of madams PR lies. It’s the continuation of ridding remnants of madam!!
My dad was a ham radio operator and both my parents were big time into CB radio. It was HUGE in the 80′s. We had visitors from all over visiting us! Today’s equivalent is online l guess. Anyhow 10-100 is bathroom🤣🤣🤣😂😂. If you ask someone what’s your 20, you’re asking them where are they? So Rachel whats YORUR 20? LG KNOWS, INTERPOL KNOWS😁😁😁😁😁😁
0240 hrs CST
0240 hrs CST
Thank you PG. It seems updates always play havoc on our devices…thank you for persevering to get the riddle done. Looks great!😊💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜
Ask Skippy submission
149: Dec 20
MM ANON ………an unwelcome intrusion ……… “ and it was all going so well” …… “ sweeping the the whole bloody house!! “…… fun and games ……… C&G play charades …… Def-Con 4……… “150 million expected ma’am”…… “ my little Pony”…… mini scrambler,🏍Wow!!…… “grouse for the grown-ups”…… “dial it back ma’am?”……” what happens in Sandringham, stays in Sandringham”…… “Charles, see to the RPOs”…… “ night before Christmas,and all round the house “………… Great Expectations
💜💜💜🙏🏻🙏🏻🎄THANK YOU MM ANON🎄🙏🏻🙏🏻💜💜💜
DECEMBER 20/2019
1255 hrs CST
an unwelcome intrusion …“ and it was all going so well” …“ sweeping the the whole bloody house!! “
This is EXTREMELY CONCERNING!! Through out the riddle security concerns! Has a bug or some device been found? Has some video/audio/surveillance been found? Kids remember, the backers who planned these multi-pronged attacks on our beloved royal family, play in the big leagues! The RPO’S will be sweeping the whole house, meaning in security terms, checking for bugs, listening devices, video etc etc etc be something has been found to raise the threat level! This is not housecleaning for dust bunnies sweeping!!
PP has been fairly well except for that bad chest cold he had a few weeks ago. They say this hospitalization was planned, however , it does change things when he was coming along. He also had recovered from the MVA earlier this year, no more driving though! Passenger yes, driver no.He did walk into hospital, so that was a positive sign. Definitely was not what the family wanted, nor him. No disrespect intended, but grumpy patients, nurses trade off, boy do l know that! Let’s 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 he is out of hospital for🙏🏻🙏🏻🎄🙏🏻🙏🏻🎄🙏🏻🙏🏻🎄🙏🏻🙏🏻.
fun and games ……… C&G play charades
Christmas/ the Holiday seasons brings a change in routine in all aspects. I know one of the Royal families fav games is playing charades. Seems George and Charlotte are learning it and having fun. I am certain besides seeing a movie, lots of playing and merry making! Love children at Christmas, so magical!
Def-Con 4……… “
This in America is one of the levels of security, which l think after 9/11 changes were made so security risks were changed to colours. This is also a movie or video game. I think the Cambridge children are too young, perhaps all the adult cousins on their snap-chat app, l think that’s what it’s called on their PMC’s, play video games. It’s hugely popular how many adults spend hours at this, professionally even, it’s a huge industry with famous actors doing the voices and bands doing the music.
I wonder seriously, with HMTQ having given the go ahead to send the letters as we were told a few days ago by MM ANON, if this brought says higher security risk, hence added security and raising the actual security level for the BRF🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻.
“150 million expected ma’am”
LG telling HMTQ the expected viewership that will watch her annual Christmas speech and l, and my sister most definitely will be!!
“ my little Pony”…… mini scrambler,🏍Wow!!
My little pony is back again! I wonder if the Cambridge children wrote letters to Santa asking for these treasures! Charlotte seems to have sort of moved a wee bit from the 🦄unicorn phase to live ponies, sniffle sniffle sneeze sneeze, bubby by doze is stuffed up (translation, mummy my nose is stuffed up)🤣🤣🤣🤣😂🤣🤣. I am sure she knows exactly which my little pony she wants and all the accessories too! Meanwhile over with George, he is jonesing for a vroom vroom. The family photo shows a classic on their Christmas card. We know William, as most love their life sized motorized toys!! Louis will want in on the action this year. He is so cute!! This will be his first Christmas 🎄where he is independently mobile and oh my l bet he is a going/growing concern😁😁😁😁!
“grouse for the grown-ups”
Christmas dinner menu, traditional . However Boxing Day , the annual pheasant /grouse hunt. Will be the toys /games played by the adults!!
“dial it back ma’am?”……” what happens in Sandringham, stays in Sandringham”
HMTQ is asking for little information to be released about PP . She is also seeking privacy about PA and Harry. They, l am 10 000% sure will be there but little/no public information on this. As far as madam goes, BOJO could announce at any moment a separation, annulment or divorce, hopefully before Christmas. This date in 1995, HMTQ announce she asked PC and Diana to divorce and end their marriage. The PM, at the time, John Major, made the announcement in Parliament!
So whoever attends Christmas at Sandringham, it will be kept private. No intrusion on their first real family Christmas in two years sans madam horrific presence!
Was it not great, wonderful and marvellous love letter, of a sort, to see our Harry on the video as Santa talking to grieving children, he can absolutely understand the impact of it!
“Charles, see to the RPOs”
There is a lot of security outside King Edward VII hospital where PP has been admitted for a planned admission, hope for a few days only. I so hope he can be home for Christmas 🎄. 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻. In the photos, outside the host here are police officers and standing near the door are two well dressed gentlemen who l assume are RPO’S or perhaps MI5. HMTQ has asked PC to ensure security is well in hand.l truly believe this prolonged, multifaceted attack on the BRF has resulted in extra security! I for one, am very glad of it and thankful!🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
“ night before Christmas,and all round the house “
Security, all around. I am getting that strongly MM ANON. The line actually says all through the house. So this is all round the house, outside!
Great Expectations
Fantastic Dickens novel about a young orphan named Pip making his May in a dark and dangerous world. My mind went immediately to Archie, l know he is being well cared for, but that child, when he is older and learns of his parentage, the issues it shall bring him🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻.
I also believe dear MM ANON is referring to 2020 and the great expectations for the year as l wrote in the previous riddle. EXPECTATIONS =PREGNANCIES!! More than one royal baby is coming!! You all know since a November 9/2019 l have been saying Catherine is pregnant, who else? As l said previously, Zara? Eugenie?? All three? It’s marvellous!
I think 2020 is a year for Harry to shine, l am most certain he has goals and life changes, MAJOR changes coming=annulment/divorce! As for madam, l see a very bleak 2020!
1355 hrs CST
Fantastic job once again dear PG! Thank you so much. I should say, does seem like security is on high alert at this point in time. Almost like the mention of changing the “treason laws” could be the reason. Thank you, much appreciate you always being here for us, no matter whether well or not. 🙏🏻💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜
Ask Skippy submission
150: Dec 21
MM ANON ……… “ it’s a tad cautionary ma’am”……… visiting hours only!!! ……… “ no bloody fuss, piss off” ……… “ and SYDNEY!! no drinks !!!”……… she’s here until January …… Diplomatic immunity…… one way in, one way out!!……… Full cover’ face recognition and sleeper van. ……… “ 🎼the kids are alright!!👀🎼”……… “ to start with’ it’s a 50cc Yam.”……… “ a pony has more torque” ……… “stop worrying Catherine!!”…… “It’s His Decision”……… “ I’ll meet, just say when!! “.
💜💜💜🙏🏻🙏🏻🎄THANK YOU MM ANON🎄🙏🏻🙏🏻💜💜💜
DECEMBER 21/2019
1610 hrs CST
… “ it’s a tad cautionary ma’am”……… visiting hours only!!! ……… “ no bloody fuss, piss off” ……… “ and SYDNEY!! no drinks !!!”…
The doctor is discussing PP’s health status with HMTQ. Just cautionary, meaning he needs monitoring for something and better safe than sorry and stay in hospital. Limited visitors, he needs rest, l am guessing he has pneumonia and a bladder infection. I say this based on reports of his recent chest cold, his age, his history of bladder infections. Older people with bladder infections can develop a delirium, where they act bizarrely, it’s very scary to watch for the family. Obviously PP is excited about being in hospital being clucked over by nurses and doctors…NOT!!!🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 HMTQ giving Sydney, PP ‘man’/valet STRICT INSTRUCTIONS NO BODDINGTONS, NO ALCOHOL. Alcohol is contraindicated with many antibiotics, meaning it lessens their effects and can add to the difficulties which led to his hospitalization. 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 for you Sir!
…… she’s here until January …… Diplomatic immunity…… one way in, one way out!!………
Madam is using as her ploy is to use diplomatic immunity due to her royal status. Let me back up, diplomatic immunity is for foreign nationals who live and work at a foreign embassy or some official capacity are immune to prosecution. Case right now, Harry Dunn killed on his motorbike by an American woman, who was driving on the wrong side of the road and killed him head on. She fled back to America. Yesterday, charges were filed and the CROWN PROSECUTORS Service/CPS will seek extradition. Interestingly as an aside/sidebar, the woman’s husband is an intelligence agent, the way the law is, HE doesn’t have diplomat immunity but his wife and family do. I know it’s odd.
Anyhow back to madam, she will try the ploy/plot of claiming she has diplomatic immunity as a royal🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣. Good luck Rachel, go have a wee blether with Prince Andrew 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬.
Where is “here till January” ? Did she swoop into Canada and hiding in the woods with MA in a camper van? Most certainly the facial recognition would have captured her at the border! One way in, one way out, passport!! She needs a VISA to stay in the U.K. l have no doubt she has not thought of that.
I highly doubt she is in Canada but l do think she has a male with her. Is it the rogue RPO?!? She cannot enter/leave the U.K. without going through customs if she wants Canada or America or any non EU country at this time.
Full cover’ face recognition and sleeper van. “ 🎼the kids are alright!!👀🎼”
Lots of shock and talk about the cheesy Santa suit that ‘HARRY’ was wearing in the video released, against a blank wall. Like something out of a cheap film,, it on Sussex Instagram. Just not right. MI5 analyzed that video fully, fricking facial recognition software confirmed the man’s identity. He is the ‘fake’ Harry that madam has been using for who knows how long. Remember the lunch at the pub? Is she with this guy in a van on the run?? Just adds more charges to an already long list!
Song by The Who. Guy doesn’t mind his gal being with other guys and leaving the kids they’re all right. Side eye!!! Obviously madam is with a man, perhaps Lady A aka MA also, whose looking after Archificial?? Interpol or MI5 has confirmed its them usual facial recognition software. There are CCTV’s EVERYWHERE!! THERE IS NO HIDING UNLESS YOU’RE IN A CAVE RACHEL!! WOW A CAMPER VAN, YOU’RE LIVING LARGE AND IN CHARGE NOW RACHEL!! YOU’RE ON THE RUN WITH NOWHERE NO GO!!! GOD HELP YOU MADAM, YOU TOO LADY A!!!FOR THE THIRD DAY IN A ROW I WILL REPEAT, YOU MESSED(I WANT BADLY TO USE ANOTHER WORD RHYMING WITH TRUCK, BUT I WON’T, YES I KNOW IT’S ALL CAPS BUT LOVE ME OR LEAVE ME! FOR THE THIRD TIME THE FULL WEIGHT OF THE CROWN IS GOING TO COME DOWN ON YOU RACHEL REACH OUT TO GOD FOR YOUR MORTAL SOUL, JUSTICE ⚖️IS COMING!!!
“ to start with’ it’s a 50cc Yam.”……… “ a pony has more torque” ……… “stop worrying Catherine!!”
Oh the dynamics of the Cambridge household! Oh to be a fly on the wall, God bless them🤣🤣🤣😂😂. William, as most men loves fast man toys ie 🏍 etc etc. He is trying to convince Catherine to get a bike for George. That was in yesterday’s riddle George wanting the scrambler 🏍. William is trying to say it’s just a wee bike lass🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂🤣🤣. His logic for Catherine relenting
giving a pony to Charlotte , that the pony runs faster ie has more torque🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂😂😂😂! He , l am bursting out laughing as l am interpreting this and typing🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂😂. Sorry Catherine, 😂😂😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣 but he is right and being the amazing mum you are, you do worry!M ESPECIALLY WITH BABY NUMBER FOUR ON THE WAY😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁! Can you please announce it already so people can stop calling me crazy?😂😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣.
“It’s His Decision”……… “ I’ll meet, just say when!! “.
Rumours have been rampant since almost their engagement, Harry and madam, that Williams strongly encouraged Harry to not marry her. The rift that has allegedly occurred between the brothers has been very concerning, if true. Harry did acknowledge they were on different paths in the AITV interview. Wow that’s breaking news NOT!! Their birth order dictated they were to be on different paths. I read this as either this is William speaking about Harry or Harry speaking about William. Either way, it is seeming, that to some degree there are definitely issues. Harry’s booty call has caused a tremendous, no adjective fits other than swearing, so insert your word yourself, to the Royal family especially HMTQ and PP!!They need to meet and sort this out and reunite for the sake of HMTQ and Harry’s future role!!!!
1700 hrs CST
Oh me oh my, things are heating up…..MM it’s not looking good for ya! Great job……yeah that is not Harry in that video…excellent! Thank you dear PG!😊💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜
Ask Skippy submission
151: Dec 22
George in the mix. …… a royal blackout …… pensive at the Forth Bridge …… “ Royal Bostic sir”…… “ unity ma’am!!”……… Done and Dusted ……… No Card???……… Christmas IG word salad and virtue massage …… …… rapidly dissolving PR……… “ when in doubt use mental health” ……… “we need a distraction ma’am”……… it’s a win, win !!……… “that’s a silly jumper William”
💜💜💜🙏🏻🙏🏻🎄THANK YOU MM ANON🎄🙏🏻🙏🏻💜💜💜
DECEMBER 22/2019
1120 hrs CST
George in the mix.
Four generations of the Royal Family 🎄 together at Christmas.
New photos of The Queen, The Prince of Wales, The Duke of Cambridge and Prince George have been released as part of the launch of the @RoyalBritishLegion’s ‘Together at Christmas’ initiative.
The initiative is designed to provide extra support to the Armed Forces and veteran communities at annual festive ‘get togethers’ across the charity’s network of outreach centres.
The four generations of the Royal Family are pictured here preparing special Christmas puddings — with the four representing a cross-section of those supported by the Legion, from the children of service personnel, to Second World War veterans.
The puddings will become the centrepieces of 2020’s get togethers, and form part of 99 puddings distributed across the charity’s network in the UK and the Commonwealth - also marking The Royal British Legion’s 99th year.
a royal blackout…
pensive at the Forth Bridge
“ Royal Bostic sir”
“ unity ma’am!!”……… Done and Dusted ……… No Card???
Christmas IG word salad and virtue massage …… …… rapidly dissolving PR
Virtue Massage specializes in massages taking its roots from across the world in order to cater to diverse clientele needs and desires. The house special Thai Massage which uses no oil works its spell from ancient principles, yoga postures, and acupressure. Likewise, Deep Tissue Massage aims to work on deeper layers of muscle tissue in order to release chronic patterns of tension in the body. And the famous reflexology massage involves applying pressure to certain points on foot depending upon the desired outcome whether it is to boost blood circulation or eliminate toxins. Virtue Massage features a wide range of treatments that can fit people across the spectrum of society.
IS MADAM DOING THIS FOR $$$$$$££££££€€€€???
“ when in doubt use mental health” ……… “
“we need a distraction ma’am”……… it’s a win, win !!……… “
“that’s a silly jumper William”
1210 hrs CST
Thank you dear PG! Congrats 150…..amazing! Prayers for PP. We pray for him and HM! Great job…much appreciated. Thank you🙏🏻💜💜💜💜💜💜
Ask Skippy submission
152: Dec 24
MM Anon
MM ANON …… yesterday’s riddle?? ……… Christmas Eve prayer’s …… 2.09 pm in England …… not on my watch. ………… Father Christmas 🎄 comes to Sandringham …… nutmegs not here 🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳…… Mike incognito ……… Lost in Space ………” Yes , but dress them warm”. ……… A long wait for the faithful …… everyone is vetted and counted. …… it begins for little royals……” Andrew!!!”…… “Bloody hell’ I’m here you know!!” ……… “Ahhhh, Lobster 🦞 Bisque!!” ……… “Overtired!!”
💜💜💜🙏🏻🙏🏻🎄THANK YOU MM ANON🎄🙏🏻🙏🏻💜💜💜
DECEMBER 24/2019. RIDDLE #151
1234 hrs CST
yesterday’s riddle??
I don’t think a riddle was posted yesterday due to the emergency yesterday with Sheldon.🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 l didn’t see it and l wouldn’t have been able to anyway. Today’s short and sweet family coming very soon!
Christmas Eve prayer’s …… 2.09 pm in England …… not on my watch
Many attend midnight mass. I wonder if Christmas Eve prayers are for Harry, as he is allegedly not there. I trust nothing, that Christmas card was the worst photoshop to date. Archies head was so massive, just an obvious photoshop, along with all the things others have pointed out. Was 2:09 the time PP was discharged from hospital?? Nope paper says 0849 departed hospital via chopper. He was not going to miss family Christmas ESPECIALLY now with madam go, no way, no how! Is there prayers at 1409 hrs?? Sorry l have almost no time to do this today. Sounds like ?William will make sure something doesn’t happen, perhaps madam trying to crash the gathering??
Father Christmas 🎄 comes to Sandringham …… nutmegs not here 🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳…… Mike incognito
Is Mike, Zara’s husband dressing up as Santa? The family is going to have a great Christmas celebrating the season without madam being present.
Lost in Space
The ever so woke madam , decided to electronically send their chr cards and hard copy to family and friends, hence poorer quality. So some never got their? Are theirs lost is space as in cyberspace???
” Yes , but dress them warm”. … A long wait for the faithful …… everyone is vetted and counted. …… it begins for little royals……” Andrew!!!”…… “Bloody hell’ I’m here you know!!” ……… “Ahhhh, Lobster 🦞 Bisque!!” ……… “Overtired!!”
Sounds like approval given for George and Charlotte to do the walk to chapel St Mary Magdalene on Christmas morning, but to dress them warm! Hey we walk here when it’s -30C kids walk to school, they will be great and be loaded with presents from the public! Been a long LONG wait the faithful family has had since they could be together without Satan’s presence in their midst! What a marve time they will have! Andrew,!! As if someone is surprised and delighted to see him mixed with shock, he says of course l am here, it’s Christmas and you’re my family!! PP happy to see the bisque, better than hospital food!! Feeling better just very tired!!
MERRY CHRISTMAS EVE💜💜💜💜💜🎄🎄🎄🎄🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🎄🎄💜💜💜🎄🎄🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
1300 hrs CST. GSTQAOBC 🇨🇦
Thank you PG…💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜
Ask Skippy submission
153: Dec 25
MM ANON …… Lottie kills it with pink flamingo … 🥳🥳absent madam🥳…absentee ginger …… K&W now it’s a new monarchy!! …… happy Christmas to all our readers …… UK migrant terrorist alert …… PA on silent running …… skippy breaking news about Lottie on Christmas walk way back……… right here, right now!! ……… DM follows skippy …… dogs behind.
💜💜🙏🏻🙏🏻🎄THANK YOU MM ANO🎄🙏🏻🙏🏻💜💜
DECEMBER 25/2019. RIDDLE #153
0918 hrs CST
Lottie kills it with pink flamingo … 🥳🥳absent madam🥳…absentee ginger …… K&W now it’s a new monarchy!!
happy Christmas to all our readers
UK migrant terrorist alert
There have been raised terror alerts in chr markets in Europe within the last week. We have seen a marked elevation in security especially evident when HMTQ took the train up to Sandringham. We saw it again on full display today, HMTQ always surrounded. I can’t find any threats posted but kids we all know major stuff is going on behind this scenes and this is the result, massive increase in usual security!!,🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
PA on silent running
PA attended church, however no comments. The princesses were both there with their partners. Marvellous that both Princesses partners were invited to attend Sandringham Christmas!!
skippy breaking news about Lottie on Christmas walk way back……… right here, right now!! ……… DM follows skippy …… dogs behind.
Again as happens with regularity information discussed here or shared here appears in the papers! Confirmation YET AGAIN THE MEDIA AKA DM AKA DAILY MAIL READS THIS BLOG. THE MEDIA AS A PUPPY, LAGS BEHIND!!! MM ANON YOU WROTE IT IN A RIDDLE AGES BACK AND NANNY ANON SAID IT AS WELL THAT GEORGE AND CHARLOTTE WOULD BE WALKING TO CHURCH, I AND OTHER JUST INTERPRETED YOUR RIDDLE CORRECTLY😁😁😁. 0945 hrsCST. 🎄🎄MERRY CHRISTMAS TO EVERYONE 🎄🎄🎄. Thank you so much…..great job! Much appreciated this Christmas Day!💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜
0 notes
hershelfriberg · 7 years
Play Doh Hello Kitty Surprise Eggs Huevos Surpresa ハローキティ キティ・ホワイト Finger family
Play Doh Hello Kitty Surprise Eggs Huevos Surpresa ハローキティ キティ・ホワイト Finger family Hello Kitty Surprise eggs toys nursery rhymes finger family for kids https://youtu.be/3iyDn9NrJ0A Toychannel Funtoys presents Hello Kitty Surprise Eggs Chocolate 3-pack & Sanrio Hello Kitty playdough 3D Surprise with 6 play-doh eggs. Thx 4 watchin another Unboxing from toychannel DisneyCollector. Please suggest toys n dolls 4 review. As we all know the iconic japanese cartoon HK is not a cat, she's a young little English schoolgirl. Called ハローキティ she is a character produced by Japanese company Sanrio. She is a cheerful and happy little girl with a heart of gold. She lives in London with her mama, papa, and her twin sister Mimmy. She loves to bake and make delicious cookies and cupcakes. Here's how HelloKitty is called in other languages: キティ・ホワイト, Kiti howaito, ハローキティ, Harō Kiti, Kitty White. The characters include: Chococat, Pekkle, Charmmy Kitty, カカオ,Bonbonribbon, シナモエンジェルス, Kerokerokeroppi, はすの上 けろっぴ, Kuromi, クロミ, My Melody, おねがいマイメロディ, おねがいマイメロディ~夢の国の大冒険~, Pippo and Sanrio Hello Kitty Characters. Sanrio is also known as 株式会社サンリオ Kabushikigaisha Sanrio. Here's how playdoh is also called; plastilina, pasta de modelar, arcilla, juegos de moldear, juegos de modelar, manualidades, Play-Doh, Playdough, Clay, Modeling clay, Plastilina, Plasticine, Pâte à modeler, Modelliermasse, Plastilin, Plastiline, Plasticina, Massa de modelar, Massinhas de modelar, Modellera, Crayola, πλαστελίνη, пластилин, лепка из глины, 플라, 점토, プラスティシーン, 粘土. DCToysCollector is an Unboxing ToyChannel for toddlers infants & preschool children who loves toys & dolls. I speak español y portugues. I'm an avid ToyCollector with a huge ToysCollection. Check out my new 2015 DisneyPlaydoh Playlist: Este es un canal para los niños y niñas en edad preescolar que ama juguetes y muñecas. Hablo español y portugues. Soy un ávido coleccionista con una enorme colección de juguetes. Questo è un canale per neonati e bambini in età prescolare che ama le bambole e giocattoli. Parlo español y portugues. Sono un appassionato Collettore con un enorme Collezione. Please like my videos and subscribe to my channel My channel: https://goo.gl/yz5Y1j Dark Red Wine by Audionautix is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (http://ift.tt/1bFo3O7) Artist: http://audionautix.com/ #fingerfamily #Disneyfrozen #peppapig #Surpriseegg #daddyfinger First as DADDY FINGER Second as MOMMY FINGER Third as BROTHER FINGER Fourth as SISTER FINGER Fifth as BABY FINGER FINGER FAMILY LYRICS Daddy finger, Father finger, where are you? Here I am, here I am. How do you do? Mommy finger, Mother finger, where are you? Here I am, here I am. How do you do? Brother finger, Brother finger, where are you? Here I am, here I am. How do you do? Sister finger, Sister finger, where are you? Here I am, here I am. How do you do? Baby finger, Baby finger, where are you? Here I am, here I am. How do you do? - - - Check out our latest nursery rhymes! Thunderbirds Are Go Hulk Surprise Eggs Toy Reviews | Super Heroes Marvel Comics kids videos https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P7-eg8S4FVQ Frozen elsa abc song | disney princess alphabet nursery rhymes kids | animation alphabet song https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HzO7GEztMVA Frozen five little babies jumping on the bed | five little monkeys jumping on the bed frozen elsa https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RIQP3hDq1aw Angry birds toys surprise eggs | biggest surprise egg for kids | giant surprise eggs angry birds https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XaoBCHMS_Q4 Talking tom kids finger family | Spiderman talking tom mcqueen | Finger family tom talking spiderman https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xJy2ncd-oYA Spiderman Finger Family |Finger Family Spiderman |Finger Family Nursery Rhymes songs all https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cV5Wcxagk54 Surprise Eggs Peppa pig spiderman |Finger family SOngs |Peppa Pig My little Pony Surprise Egg https://goo.gl/vRoKAN Surprise Eggs Peppa Pig modified Flash| Peppa Pig Surprise Egg | Peppa Pig Giant Surprise Egg https://goo.gl/cGFssQ Finger Family Alvin | Finger family nursery rhymes | Alvin Finger Family Songs https://goo.gl/UK7KVP Angry Birds Finger Family Song | Angry birds daddy finger | Angry birds finger family nursery rhyme https://goo.gl/WJ3ATc Super Giant surprise eggs minions | Anime Spiderman marvel, iron man | cartoon spongebob https://goo.gl/eQQ8Wp Peppa Pig Toys | Giant Surprise Eggs Unboxing | Peppa Pig Giant Egg Surprise Candy https://goo.gl/tf7av8 The Smurfs Dance Party | Smurfs Opening Theme | Special Stickers on Surprise Eggs Candy Video https://goo.gl/OFgMF4 Disney Princess | Strawberry Shortcake youtube | Stickers Surprise Eggs Candy Video https://goo.gl/JU9i1p - - - Link to Video: For More Videos : https://goo.gl/bd2jad My Playlists: https://goo.gl/rwJa57 Like us on Facebook : https://goo.gl/XkKI6u Follow Us on Twitter: https://goo.gl/WU0pzZ Add us on google+ : https://goo.gl/LAooin
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obclus · 7 years
hi guys ! it's me, sapphire !  AKA your local loki enthusiast ! i’m from nyc so i live in / the / EST. all u need to know about me is that i pretty much an adult baby and love metaphysics. remember that one time voltaire pretty much rousseau’s book a pos ? what a fake binch, i mean ? and alright... i mean i’m obv pretty late, i get it. let’s talk about my lil star, adalinda !    —   ( tw abuse and death, also bear in mind that this is rather long #srryntsrry )
ok so i got this lil info / page up, it’s semi finished but if you want any other basic info there’s that. click me !
if i had to to sum them up in three words they would be gilded, adaptable, and perceptive. i’ll briefly touch on why, you can read the bio for more details.
gilded and adaptive: covered or highlighted with gold or something of a golden or having a pleasing or showy appearance that conceals something of little worth. this is so important! adalinda is in every essence, gilded. always. they always have some sort of mask on, it would be completely out of character and rare for them to show their true colours. they will lie, device, and manipulate any and everybody. it’s another way of her being so in tune with society’s values and ideals. they’re very aware that if they act one way or another, the outcomes will be different. whatever the situation calls for, she will  ““““transform”””” their personality to gain the upperhand in the conversation. there is an art in lying, and adalinda might as well be fucking picasso or van gogh bc honestly, she’s insane.
perceptive: having or showing keenness of insight, understanding, or intuition. i choose this one because adalinda is a manipulator. that’s about as cut dry as i can put it. to them, knowledge is power and knowledge is of course not limited to street or book smarts. although she does love reading the works of machiavelli and hegel, but knowledge is grander than that. it is intuition. to know what drives things to happen in certain ways, to know what difference lies between a hand on top or on bottom of a handshake. she is very in tune with both verbal and nonverbal communication and will use these things at her leisure for advantage. if a certain topic comes u[ in conversation and the person she’s speaking with become distant in the slightest way, she’ll notice and make a note of it.
would like to introduce you to mommy and daddy issues 101, welcome please have a seat. both adalinda’s parents are deceased, rip. the relationship between all of them is extremely virulent. eloise and maximilian ( mama & papa ) abused their child from a very young age. but what is different about this ( i mean how different is it really idk ) is that adalinda does not fault her parents for this, not in anyway. they see it as a form of discipline and teaching her how to be strong, how to beat pain and fear. her father gave her the burn scars on her back and well her mother... what didn’t she do, lmao. kneeling on salt for extensive amounts of time, cold hands meeting soft cheeks, sharp words at every turn. above all this however as i said, there was love, twisted and incredbily fcked up, but love nonetheless. when their parents died adalinda mourned, but not with tears and black clothes, but with ferocity and the drive to ascend to become something greater — like her parents had taught her, and so the moth girl became the moth eater.
the relationship between her and her mother was strained bc i mean, adalinda has a thirst for power, she get’s that from her dad. but her mom was the god damn crown princess to the dutch throne, and adalinda is like u gave that up for a man !? tf when u’re supposed to inherit a country, but ur mom ceases her position in the line of succession for some dick.
ok here comes the inspo from one of my fav things, dc comics! my inspo behind the business is the one and only — lexcorp. dils enterprises is a company that specializes in developing new technologies for aerospace, medical discovery, while also having ties to resource exploration ( like renewable enegries and whatnot ). being the power hungry lil binch she is, when adalinda turned eighteen she reached out to her grandmother and uncle, in order to expand the companies ties in her mother’s homeland. though tbh, adalinda is hardly extensively involved with the companies endeavors, at least that’s what it looks like. think bruce wayne’s “fake” interested in the inner working of wayne enterprises. 
*** rl quick, please fluctuate between she/they pronouns when referring to adalinda, don’t stick to one or the other. you, the mun are aware of my muse’s gender ( agender jsyk ) , but adalinda, has not made this public knowledge, mostly because there are certain perceptions and ideas that come to mind with gender in society. this obvs does not delegitimize their gender because that’s something they prefer to keep private. tl;dr if your character speaks about adalinda with another character it would be like this. “ do you know that girl adalinda? she’s one fcked up binch!” but if u, the mun, is writing u can use she/her or they/them like “she stood at five foot eleven inches but they were still short compaired to idkurcharanamehere”. if u don’t understand feel free to mssg me!!
also, in reference to their titles, politically she goes by adalinda, otherwise in an effort to be more "approachable" — they use the name AMARIS. they NEVER use their first name, eliza.
i sort of changed up the original plan for my muse to include a brother. their relationship would be extremely toxic as they would feed off of each other’s negative characteristics and be loyal to a fault to no one but each other. i’m perfectly fine with accommodating with other muns, and it doesn’t even have to be a brother, could be a sister too, but i would love to keep the dynamic the same. but if no one ends up applying for that sort of position i can always rework my original idea back in ! if anyone's interested, here's a sample para on what / how i think they interact with one another.
explanation of how adalinda got reinstated into the royal house: their mother, elosie had an older sister named silvia. This of course would have put elosie second in succession to inherit the throne. however, during liberation day, the state had organized a festival of sorts that would have been held nationwide. the royal family was also going to make an appearance in participation but while on the way there, the family was attacked and silvia suffered a gunshot wound and would eventually succumb to the injuries later that day. following this, elosie becomes crown princess, set for coronation on her twenty first birthday. enter maximilian dils, the British entrepreneur taking the world of philanthropy and developmental sciences by storm. at the time he an elosie met he was already twenty-four and she was eighteen. the two fell in love and since Maximilian was a well known atheist, it brought a serious issue within Elosie and her parents. the royal family was protestant and to marry someone who was not only of that faith, but denounced all faiths was extremely problematic. the two wed without seeking preliminary approval thus removing elosie's ability to inherit the throne and leaving her offspring with the titles of count and countess. by the time she’s twenty-three, elosie is now living in britain and pregant with twins. Both are ecstatic and they tell elosie’s parents before revealing the news to the nation. adalinda and eriadon ( adalinda born first ) are born in the netherlands through a water birth. the years pass by up until they turn seven years old, two weeks after their birthday, their parents are murdered in cold blood. they two children find their parents after returning from school. lying on the cold marble floors are the bodies of their parents marked with gunshots both to the head and heart. to this day the motive and killer(s) are unknown. this in turn leads to fleur and janus taking the children in to live with them. fleur is severely affected at the loss of both her children at the hands of such violence and has the twins very carefully cared for. though their early life ends up being excessively cloistered, adalinda doesn’t mind it. the seclusion allowed for her mind to develop in such ways that she feels are unparalleled if she were to have continued on in public school. by seventeen she he graduated from college and convinced her grandmother to allow her a bit more freedom. adalinda takes up volunteering at churches across the nation and the people of the netherlands start to take notice of the daughter of their dead princess. public opinion on her grows in appreciation as she is seen helping out the needy instead of attending extravagant balls held in the palace. all the while, the company her father built has been waiting for her eighteenth birthday to put her as acting CEO. when the day arrives, at her very first board meeting she realizes that the majority of the members have been preparing to auction off parts of the company for profit alone. they lie to her face and tell her that the company has been dwindling and that their best would be to sell it to off shore conglomerates. but the truth is that the company appeared to be doing fantastic, up until you realized that the highest bidders were men involved with war lords and liars. as she now sits as acting CEO she empties the board of all the existing members and replaces them with new ones, while also publicly outing the former as greedy thieves and giving the company a fresh new image. the absence of my father seems to have led them to become foolish. dils enterprises stands as a union helping those that suffer from world hunger, terminal illness, global warming. those that are displaced by war with a government who refuses to help them. these men who made the mistake of assuming this company was a step on their latter to greatness are now well aware that their brash actions will leave them with nothing but their names. let this be an example of what happens when we allow society to place such an unhealthy obsession with money. the lives of innocents are priceless. no amount of money should deter those who have the capability of doing something. to stand aside and allow it to get worse means you are allowing children to grow up without their mother and fathers, and i — i, stand here to tell you, that a lot of these children are not as lucky as my brother and i were. they all deserve the chance live their lives as exactly what they are, children. they shouldn’t have to wake up to the sound of bombs, or spend a childhood in a hospital. dils enterprises is committed to helping in any way that we may, to lift the burden off whomever we can, while also working to make the world a better, safer, and cleaner place. she stated in front of crowd of cameras outside HQ in downtown London. her plan is to expand what her father built and bring on new projects like partnerships with what we view in our society, people like Elon Musk — CEO Tesla Motors and SolarCity, the UN’s program GirlUp, and UNICEF. she takes two years off away from the company leaving it in the capable hands of her brother while she goes off to  service in countries like Ethiopia, Uganda, India and Liberia. giving a speech to world leaders at the UN about the state of their world, unity, and the future of what is to come. because though adalinda is conniving, she understands that in a world of black and white, sometimes things bleed into gray, and whatever is found there should not be left to fade away. for humanity to grow, there needs to be an even playing field where education is provided to even the poorest of countries. she is just about to turn twenty when she returns back to the netherlands. her grandmother pulls her aside one afternoon, they walk about the gardens and fleur tells adalinda that parliament plans to reinstate her brother and her back into the royal house. you and read a bit more about this in a meta post i'll be posting before i go to bed! i would suggest reading it very much because it leads to the year and a half gap that lands adalinda at xaiver's school of all the places.
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performingtheartsrp · 7 years
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We received a fantastic application for Kitty Wilde, and we’re really excited to have Dee  join our family. Please take a moment to go over the New Member Checklist, and send in your account within 24 hours. 
NAME: dee.
AGE: 25+
ACTIVITY LEVEL (1-10): 5-6, i do try to get on every day to do replies/plot, but i’ll be honest life and muse sometimes get in the way.
CHARACTER’S NAME: Mary Katherine Wilde
CHARACTER’S BIRTHDAY: January 2nd 1993, 24
CHARACTER’S SEXUAL ORIENTATION: she gets a little heteroflexible when she’s drinking, but she’s only ever been with one man, so she assumes.
SHIPS: kyder, jitty, sitty, hudwilde, wildeabrams, puckitty, wildeberry, quitty, kitty/chemistry (above all else)
ANTI-SHIPS: kitty/no chemistry/forced
MIDGAME SHIPS: i’d honestly be totally down for any of the above-mentioned ships being midgames at some point. i subscribe to the idea that chemistry always comes first, so truly i’m up for whatever kind of midgame shipping might occur so long as it’s realistic.  
CHARACTER TWEETS:  This is especially important because you’re playing a celebrity, and they will definitely be using social media.
         @itskitkat: Looking to crowdfund my kitchen, @krispykreme hook a girl up?
         @itskitkat: Truth in advertizing. x
         @itskitkat: New project got me like… #blessed x
Jackson Mississippi. Home to some of the best Christain schools in the country, and where Mary Katherine Wilde was born and raised. Parents Agnes and Matthew Wilde were high school sweethearts. The power couple of Lanier high, really. Captain of the football team and the head cheerleader – popular, beloved, God-fearing Christians – the picture of adolescent perfection… in Jackson Mississippi, anyway. It was a surprise to no one when the pair announced their engagement at their high school graduation party, and by the summer of their freshman year in college - they were married.
The two always wanted a big family, and so while some might have waited at least until they’d graduated from college and found stable jobs to start a family, the newly married couple got to baby making straight away. Only, much to their confusion, they had no success. After a few years of trying and no baby Wildes to show for it, they sought answers from a professional. It came as a shock, to be honest - infertile. It sounded like a punishment. But while the doctor insisted there were other options if they were serious about parenting, the Wildes were firm in their belief that if it was in God’s plan, they’d have a child. And sure enough, after months of praying and faith, Agnes found herself pregnant with Kitty. Their miracle child. The only one they needed.
And being the miracle child had its perks. Kitty was spoiled, growing up – her parents allowing her to involve herself in whatever extracurriculars she liked. And what she liked (read: LOVED) was to perform. It started with dance preschool dance classes (ballet to start, then contemporary, jazz, and acro), then drama camps and a permanent spot in the nativity play each Christmas. In fact, one of her greatest points of pride was securing the role of Virgin Mary through high school and into college.
Through high school, she followed in her parents’ footsteps. Joining the cheerleading squad, making herself a prominent member of the church’s youth group, maintaining good grades and of course, finding herself the perfect boyfriend – Jebediah Andrews. Only, unlike her parents, Kitty wanted more than that for herself. Wanted to be more than a wife and a mother. And more than anything, she wanted to be an actress. But that didn’t really fit the plan, did it? And being the only child, she had all of her parent’s expectations resting on her shoulders. So she suppressed that desire. Convincing herself that life would be enough. Jeb was good to her. And really, they’d been voted most likely to get married by the graduating class – what could go wrong?
So she stayed in line. She went to a parent-approved college – Belhaven, where she studied Musical Theater. The decision hadn’t gone over well, why waste your time getting a Theatre degree when your life was already mapped out? But she’d convinced her parents it would be fine. The economy wasn’t what it was when they’d been her age. She’d teach high school drama until she took her rightful place on the baby making assembly line.
As planned, she married Jeb the summer after college graduation. And she’d hoped – prayed even – she’d feel differently once he put that ring on it. But nothing changed. Try as she might to make it work, she wasn’t happy. And when she found out Jeb had been cheating on her while good wife Mary Katherine kept his home in order, she really had no incentive to stay. Her temper had always been her downfall. So she filed for divorce, packed her bag, and moved out to the west coast to follow her dreams. What did she have to lose? She couldn’t make the life her parents wanted for her work, she might as well try, right?
Her parents were disappointed, of course. Devasted, really. They couldn’t understand how she could give up so easily. Despite Jeb’s downfalls, she’d made a vow. Divorce was a sin, and they’d raised her to be stronger than that. How could she bring such shame on their family? But all the backlash from her family only managed to light a bigger fire under her (which was really saying something, because Kitty was already fiery by nature).  She would succeed. She’d prove she could have it all, even if it wasn’t the life “God” had planned for her.
She got a few bit roles (mainly of the bitchy cheerleader variety – she could relate), but it’s this job on Performing the Arts that she thinks will be her real big break. And honestly, though she’s lost some of her faith in the church these past few years, she’s praying to the Big Guy that this will be it – the job that puts her name in lights. It feels… special. Different. She knows it in her gut. And she can’t wait to show everyone back home just how wrong they were.
Kitty knows Ivy. She was Ivy. Except for the whole… sleeping around with her best friend’s dude thing.
Ivy plays the part of vicious Queen Bee quite well, but underneath the ice queen act is an actual beating heart. Which is why, even though Vera’s gone Goth Girl, she can’t quite find it in her to ditch her – even if her every instinct says she should.
It’s also why despite what she may say (to herself and others) she actually kind of feels bad about sleeping with Atticus. She does genuinely care about Vera, probably more than she cares about most things in her life. She just also cares about Atticus (she’s not prepared to admit that one to herself yet either).
At home, she’s daddy’s little princess (and mommy’s perfect mini me) – which is great, one doesn’t strive for popularity if they don’t enjoy being the center of attention. But she wants more than this. More than the perfect life her parents have planned. And maybe that’s why she still aligns herself with Vera, even after the make-under. (And maybe why she let herself give into her desires, despite the fact it will surely end  badly). Because that connection makes her feel like there is hope for more.
Still, she totally swears this was the last time she’ll hook up Atticus. She’s a good friend, she promises.
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bebepac · 4 years
Six Sentence Sunday 03.21.21
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I need a vacation. I mean I really need a vacation.  Work life has been a straight up dumpster fire, honestly everything is a dumpster fire.  The only reprieve I’ve been getting is I am binge watching the series Lucifer on Netflix which has one of my favorite people in it.
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Which now that I see he’s classified as Lawful Evil here which makes me wonder what kind of roller coaster am I in for with his character, now that I’ve been giggling like a school girl every time he is on camera now that i’ve hit season three of this series.   
Here’s what I’ve posted in the last week in case you haven’t gotten tags.  I’m about to start running with a new tag list, as of tomorrow.  
Original Post Date: 03/21/21 at 11:58AM EST
Meet My MC:  Mia Jones
Mia’s 🌎 World:  What We Missed🍋🍋🍋
Just The Way You Are: The Indescribable Moments🍋🍋
Yes I’m still working on two chapters of just the way you are at the same time.  I am really loving this story line.  I hope that you all like what i’m doing with it too.
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And here we go!!!!
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Chapter 11: Just The Way You Are
The Book:  Perfect Match x TRR
Pairing:  Hayden!M x Kai!F x Liam x Riley
Status:  Still in the Writing Process.  
She glanced down at her phone, it read 7:10pm, Nico was late. He was never late.
She called him and his phone went directly to voicemail which was extremely odd for him. If anything, Nico would keep his phone on vibrate, but he never turned it off, and he always answered Riley’s calls no matter where he was.
Riley glanced at the door seeing blue lights. She saw her father storm through the door quickly, showing his badge to the hostess then scanning the room. Riley couldn't move. Jason's face turned stoic. Something bad had happened. He didn't want to tell Riley what he was about to. But he knew she would be the most calm with the news coming from him.
"Jelly, I need you to come with me right now."
"I can't leave. Nico is on the way, we're going to  have dinner together."
"Honey, he's not coming."
"What do you mean?"
"There was an accident,  you need to come with me."
"Is he okay?"
Riley glanced around the room seeing people watching their display.
"Jelly we need to go."
"Dad… is Nico okay?"
Her father's face softened.
"He's not… Jelly that's why we need to leave now, it's bad."
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I Am The Earthquake
Chapter 12: Just The Way You Are
The Book:  Perfect Match x TRR
Pairing:  Hayden!M x Kai!F x Liam x Riley
Status:  Still in the Writing Process.  
“Could you always draw?”
“Can’t say I really tried to be honest.”  
“Nico could, he used to draw these cute little caricatures of me.”
“Like this?”  Leo asked.
He turned into a page in the sketch book.  Riley glanced down at the picture and immediately at Liam.
“Exactly like that.”   The little Riley caricature had her wearing tight pants and a cut off NYPD tee shirt.
“The first couple months after surgery, you drew a lot.”  
“I don’t really remember honestly.”
“You were like a madman with that sketchbook for the longest time Liam.  You wouldn’t put it down.”  
Riley started in the beginning of the book.
It was like looking at snap shots of her  during her relationship with Nico.  She stopped on a page, her eyes welling with tears.
“You drew how I met him, how we re-met.”  
Riley was in tears.  Liam stepped closer to her to glance at the drawing.  Riley was sitting under a tree with a tire swing, with a little puppy in her lap.  It was Chance.
“Do you know what these words means you wrote here?” 
Liam shook his head.  “I don’t know what it means.”
“It’s Greek. Liam. It says, “My Heart, my soulmate. I will find you again.”
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Substitute Queen
The Book:  TRH and Beyond
Fast Forward Special:  A Birthday Fic
Pairing: Liam x Riley / Maxwell x Taylor
Status: Still in the writing process.
Riley and Taylor giggled.  
“You two should go away.  It’s been one thing after another, and you guys deserve a vacation. Let me and Max take care of the kids.”
“Tay… you do realize that would be your two barely crawling plus my four.  You two would be taking care of six children.”  
“And your kids are pretty self sufficient.  They can feed themselves.”  
“You’ll need some reinforcements, Tay. For real.  I’ll call Drake and Hana to help.”  
“I really think me and Max can handle it.”
“Me and Max can handle it.”
A week later,  Riley and Liam were preparing to leave for their first vacation alone, since they had children.  
Riley kissed and hugged each child.
“Now you kids behave for Auntie Taylor and Uncle Maxwell.  I’m counting on you Miss Crown Princess for a report when I return. You know you’re first in command Ellie.”
Ellie stood up straight and squared her shoulders.  “I promise Daddy, we’ll all be good.”
Ellie gave a little salute.
Liam gave one back.
“As you were, my princess.”  
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hershelfriberg · 7 years
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