#and cullen is like wow i think i make my wife miserable. but maybe an unhappy marriage is what i deserve so i can atone for my sins
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kirkwallguy · 1 month ago
i feel so sorry both for mary and cullen. someone tear them apart from each other please they make me insaneeeeeeee
they're sooo crazyevil because they literally ruin each other's lives and why?? because they think they have to??? literally nobody is telling them to do all that and yet they will never risk the shame of separation or divorce.
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mozzarellamermaid · 8 years ago
Cheap Thrills Deleted Scene
This scene was cut from the beginning of chapter 9, it’s unedited full of mistakes and probably doesn’t make any sense. It’s just gathering dust and it seems a shame to delete all of it so have a deleted scene, with my compliments!
It was a while before I let them break the hug, there was a hollow space in my heart that was being filled with anxiety and fear. Holding close the trio that promised to protect me and Charlie just made it a little bit easier to breathe.
After Rose had coaxed me to sit down at the table, both her and Jasper tried to make me go to bed but I refused to go anywhere without listening to what Emmett had learned.
“Oh come on, you were tired when we were at the Hospital.” Jasper urged, though I wasn't sure if he just wanted me out of the way or is he was concerned for my well-being. Still I stubbornly sat in my chair and folded my arms.
“Not tired now.” I chided and folded my arms childishly. “I'm not budging if you're about to have the meeting I sense you are.” They all had the decency to look a little guilty at being caught doing exactly what I thought they were going to.
Rose sighed heavily but stood and clicked on the kettle.
“Well, let's get you a cup of tea, this might take a while.”
We moved into the living room to get more comfortable, tea in hand I turned expectantly towards Emmett.
“So, did you find anything?” Emmett stood and dug into his jacket pocket, pulling out a cracked piece of what looked like pottery.
“Yes and no. I followed Charlie's trail, but it stopped at the other side of the forest, where I found this. It's got that same scent you guys found earlier, not sure what it was part of.” He passed the piece of pottery over to Jasper, who was sat next to me so I placed my tea on the coffee table and turned my full attention to what he was holding. It was a naked tube shaped piece of clay, there was a crack running down it and it was slightly hollow on the inside. Jasper brought it to his face and sniffed it carefully.
“No doubt, this is the same thing that was outside earlier. Is it some kind of teapot spout?” I pried it out of his fingers and examined it.
“No, no hole at the top, and look at these ridges...it looks more like a-” Rose's sudden appearance at my shoulder made me hesitate and jump lightly.
“Like an ornate spoon handle, maybe?” She offered as she turned it over in my palm.
“Get off the tea set, I don't think Charlie had crumpets and scones, then slipped and got knifed by gangster leeches.” I corrected.
“Yeah, that was a serious logic jump. What do you think it is then?” I picked it up out of my hands and rolled it lightly between my fingers before wiggling my pinkie on the inside.
“It's a finger, see?” Emmett snorted as I poked Rose in the nose with it. Said blonde rolled her eyes and confiscated the “finger”.
“It is not a finger, dummy. It's got to be off something more like pottery, honestly, the stuff you come out with.” I pouted and leaned over to grab my tea.
“Pssh. You thought it was a spoon.” Emmett raised his hand with a grin.
“I'm voting for a finger too!” Rose put her hands on her hips and glared at her husband.
“You're supposed to be on my side!” She indignantly scolded, I laughed and pointed at her.
“Ha! See?! Emmett know sense when he hears it, genius recognises genius, after all.” I said smugly earning a fond look from Emmett.
“Awh, thanks Kali.” I gave him a thumbs up and a toothy smile.
“I gotchu, bro.” Rose sighed in exasperation.
“Okay, you definitely need to go bed, you're calling Emmett a genius.” She ignored the protesting “Hey!” from her husband and took my empty mug from me.
“That was a serious burn Emmett.” Jasper deadpanned with a pained whistle.
“Yeah, third degree, at least.” I nodded along sadly making Emmett sigh miserably and follow his smug wife into the kitchen.
“I'm gonna see if I can get it kissed better.” I giggled and fell back against the sofa sending the kitchen door a fond smile, those two really were adorable together.
“You feeling okay?” Jasper suddenly asked me, pulling me away from my inner cooing.
“What? Oh, yeah, fine. Glad you guys are here to be honest.” I told him with a sheepish smile.
“Me too.” He said as he leaned back to get more comfortable giving me a sidewards smile. I raised an eyebrow and turned to face him, bringing up my knees underneath me and propping my elbow on the top of the sofa.
“Oh, really?” I asked teasingly, earning a gentle prod to my forehead.
“Mind out of the gutter, please. And yes, I am. I know I'd have only worried if I left you alone.” His concern sobered my humour and I sighed.
“I guess Carlisle was right when he said you guys would need to do patrols. Who knows, maybe Charlie will be able to tell us what happened when he comes around and we'll be able to fuck 'em up, lickidy-split.” Jasper raised an eyebrow and looked at me sceptically.
“We?” I frowned and stared him down.
“Damn right 'we'. No chance I'm letting you guys hog all the glory, I'm going to smash this fuckers teeth down his throat for what he did to Charlie.” I vowed hatefully.
“Oh? And what if this person is in fact a Vampire?” I gave him a devilish smirk.
“Then sorry Cowboy, I'm taking you for a ride.” I caught the widening of his golden eyes and the sharp intake of breath. “I'm sorry, whose mind is in the gutter, exactly?” I teased quietly, earning a glare.
“Behave Kali.” He warned, making my smirk widen.
“Not my fault if you're thinking of other things when I tell you I'm going to take your body and wear you out.” I told him huskily. His eyes were darkening as he watched me carefully, there was something about his gaze that was making me slide closer to him, until my knees were touching his thigh.
“Kali...” The way he growled my name sent tingles down my spine, it was a warning but I couldn't help myself.
“Do you want that, Jasper? Want me to take your body? Or maybe...” I leaned up slightly and whispered against his ear, “Do you want to take mine?” Even though there was no blood flow, Jasper's lip was turning white from how hard he gnawing on it.
“You don't play fair.” He muttered, but I could see his body was responding, he had pushed himself closer to me and the arm he hand slung over the sofa was gripping the padding tightly.
I laughed lightly and reached up towards his face, but before I could do anything else, cool hands grabbed my shoulders and pushed me away, Jasper was suddenly standing, looking extremely flustered. I couldn't hold back my laughter at his expression and clutched my belly.
“Oh wow, your face is the best!” I managed to choke out between giggles. Jasper stared at me slack-jawed for a moment.
“You..that-” He cut himself off and growled angrily at me. “What are you playing at?” His anger sobered up my laughter and I sighed as the last dregs of humour faded.
“Oh don't be such a spoil sport, I was only teasing you.” Jasper folded his arms and turned away from me.
“Yeah, I gathered that.” I snorted.
“Not like that, dork. Besides pretty sure you did worse to me than a little teasing.” I reminded him with a smirk.
“That was completely different.” He argued, I stood and brushed myself off, walking over to him.
“You're right, this time you wanted to kiss me.” Jasper spun to face me, his eyes wide and his mouth agape. “Close your mouth love.” Jasper did as he was told, gnashing his teeth together.
“Go to bed Kali.” I laughed at how bad he was taking this and grabbed onto his arm, even though he tried to shake me off.
“Oh, c'mon, don't be like that. You know what I'm like-”
“Yeah, I got a pretty good idea.” He snidely cut across. I stepped away from him and folded my arms.
“That supposed to mean something?” I asked coolly, raising an eyebrow. Jasper briefly closed his eyes and sighed.
“No, just forget it. Sorry, I'm just...” He trailed off unsure what to say, I found it slightly ironic that the empath wasn't sure what he was feeling.
“A little high strung? It's okay, I think we all are, sorry. I'll behave and go bed.” I told him amicably, the sadness leaking through in my voice as I turned away from to go to bed. I had a feeling Rose and Emmett had been listening, either way I cheerfully called out to them. “Night guys. Wake me up if you hear anything.” I walked away from Jasper, who followed me to the bottom of the stairs.
His hand rested on mine as I grabbed the banister, and stopped me from walking away. I turned to look at him, his dark gold eyes burned into mine.
“Goodnight Jasper.” I said quietly and tugged my hand free of his gentle grasp.
“Kali-” I didn't let him finish and hurried upstairs, to my bedroom, I doubt I wanted to hear whatever he had to say.
The day had been long and one stress piled on top of another, until something as stupid as Jasper rejecting my playful advances and insinuating that I was some promiscuous, desperate, little whore, set me off. Okay, so he didn't say that exactly, but I could sense where he was going with that snide remark.
Normally, I would have just brushed this off, but I think I just wanted comfort even if that was from playful flirting. I didn't mean anything by it, honest.
I ignored the mental snort and got ready for bed, I was pretty sleepy when I thought about it but I just wanted to stay in that warm bubble of comfort the Cullen children had wrapped me in, forever. Maybe I took playing with Jasper a little far, but there was something about him that just brought out the teasing and dirty innuendos, especially when I was looking for a distraction.
“What am I playing at?” I repeated his words to myself as I started hunting for wherever Rose had put away my PJ's. My mind taunted me that I was playing with fire, and one of us were going to end up burned. Probably me seeing as he's a married man and I just got rid of Bella's boyfriend.
It was difficult to ignore the taunting of my tired mind, but I did my utmost to just rush through the motions of getting ready for bed. Changed, teeth and hair brushed, I hopped under the covers and pulled my quilt over my head.
Waking up back home seemed like a far off dream, but right now, I'd give anything to wake up back at my parents house. Back with the familiar sounds of my Mom yelling at her dog for chewing his bones on the rug after she'd just cleaned it and the smell of my Dad cooking up a storm.
It was with a heavy heart and tears in my eyes when I finally fell into an exhausted sleep, praying tomorrow would be better.
Jasper POV
Watching Kali rush up the stairs left a bad taste in my mouth. I wanted to run after her, but I didn't know what to say, heck, I didn't even know what just happened. I stood at the bottom of the stairs for a moment just staring blankly at the empty space where I last saw her, when I felt a hand land on my shoulder.
“Come on, I think we're all a little tense.” Rose gently told me and led me towards the kitchen. Sighing heavily I nodded and let her pull me wherever she wanted to go.
“Yeah, you're not wrong there.” I mumbled and fell into a spare seat next to Emmett, my head falling on the table.
“Sounds like you've got it rough, buddy.” Emmet started, I lifted my head and shot him a scathing look.
“What's that supposed to mean?” I asked with half-hearted irritation. Emmett shrugged but I could see he was fighting off a grin.
“Nothing man, nothing. Just gotta suck crushing on your brothers ex, is all.” I stiffened but before I could form a response, Rose thwacked her husband on the head.
“Don't tease him...that's Kali's job.” Emmett covered his mouth with his hand to stifle his laughter and threw an arm around his wife, tugging her close to him.
“You're savage, and I love you.” I groaned and dropped my head back on the table.
“I am not 'crushing' on Kali...but I think she's crushing on me.” Rose snorted and started tidying up around the kitchen.
“I think you're crushing on each other, but whatever you need to tell yourself.” I sighed heavily and threw them both a glare, dragging my head up from the table once more.
“Give it a rest. I said I'm not, besides did you forget I'm married?” I reminded them irritably. They shared a look and I felt fleeting amusement pass through the depressed cloud hanging over me.
“And how's that working out for you?” Rose asked bluntly making even Emmett turn to her in shock.
“Rose...” He warned, but she didn't back down, staring at me intently with bright gold eyes from her afternoon hunt.
“Yeah, Rose.” I repeated, my irritation rising. This wasn't a conversation I wanted to have, especially not right now.
“No, c'mon, I want to hear what's going through your mind. You won't call Alice, she won't talk to you and she's been gone way too long. Your control was always at its weakest whenever she left you alone, even if it was just a couple of hours, yet now you can sit next to Kali all day, and you've even managed to be around her when she's bleeding. What's going on with you?” Her vague accusations were making my blood boil, but I knew she had a point.
“I don't know.” I managed to spit out through clenched teeth. Rose clicked her tongue and rested her hands haughtily on her hips.
“You don't know? Well start figuring it out Jasper, the last thing we need is you with your heart divided when shits hitting the fan.” I matched Rose's glare and pushed myself away from the table.
“I'm trying to understand Rose, what the fuck does this have to do with you? My heart isn't 'divided', I know what I want.” I argued much to her amusement, apparently.
“Oh? You just said you don't know, so now you do? Be honest with yourself, and with Kali. You're not being fair.” She chided.
“I'm not being fair? Are you kidding me?! Have this conversation with my damn wife! She's the one that's fucked off and left me behind, for gods sake, I'm terrified to call her because I'm almost certain she's going to tell me the divorce papers are in the damn mail!” Emmett stood automatically as I stepped up to his wife, I wasn't going to launch myself at her but I was furious that she was putting all of this on me.
Rose sighed and stepped back in defeat, leaning against the sink.
“You're right, but I think she'd hang up if she didn't already choose not to answer if she saw why I was calling. And Kali's got enough on her plate and I'm not adding to that never-ending self-blame she keeps piling up on it. You have to know that this isn't right Jasper, your control's been insanely good since she left, I'm not saying it's because she took off, but you know that doesn't add up.” I sighed and turned away from them, they were exhausting me and for a Vampire, that was a pretty big issue.
I couldn't pinpoint exactly what had changed since Kali came along, but Rose was right, something definitely had. She didn't strengthen my resolve, she didn't keep me controlled like Alice had, but the idea of drinking from her repulsed me. If my reaction to Charlie was anything to go by, I'd say it was just her though. I'd never met a human that I couldn't picture myself draining, before Kali took over Bella, there were many times I caught myself wondering how good her blood would taste, but now... I just couldn't.
“Look I'm sorry, I just don't want anyone to get hurt, least of all you.” Rose told me kindly as she rested a hand on my shoulder. I looked at her over my shoulder and tried for a smile, though it probably came out as more of a grimace
“I know you care but this is...confusing. I'm sorry, it's not much of an explanation.” Rose's smile softened and she gave my shoulder a brief squeeze, before stepping back into Emmett's embrace.
“Well if you want help figuring it out, we're here for you. I don't mean to push, I only do it because I care.” She offered with a sheepish shrug.
It seemed like Emmett was the only one out of the entire household still holding it together, and even then he'd been incredibly quiet the whole day. It was just his was of processing tense situations, I'd only seen him sober up from his natural mirth like this a handful of times. Heck, just without his humour I think we'd all felt ten times more depressed.
Retreating back to my seat I sighed heavily, sleep would forever elude me, barring the three minutes of unconsciousness when Kali stopped using my body. It would almost be worth the headache afterwards if I could get a reprieve from the waking world just for now.
And as if Satan himself had heard me and decided to grant me the headache I was considering going through, my phone rang.
“Hey there, Fucknut!” I groaned and let my head thump the table.
“Peter, if you're about to warn me that I'm about to be attacked, torn apart, and thrown on a pyre; please don't. Just let me die, I'm utterly done.” I grumbled down the phone at my brother.
“Whoa, calm down dearest, I was just calling to check up on you. I've not been feeling anything concrete lately, but I do care you know?” He defended, almost sounding like I'd hurt his feelings.
“Sorry, it's been a rough day.” I apologised and sat straighter. “Thing's have been going a little crazy here.” Instead of the usual smartass remark, Peter hummed thoughtfully.
“Is there anything we can do to help?” He offered easily bringing a light smile to my face.
“I don't know, we've got a lot on right now and I don't even know where to begin.” A honeyed feminine voice cut off Peter.
“Start from the top hon, we've got all night.” Charlotte always was the better listener and if she was with him then the conversation wouldn't be cut off for dirty jokes every 5 minutes.
Rose and Emmett smiled encouragingly at me and sat down, waiting for me to explain everything. Maybe they were hoping talking about the entire day would reveal something we'd missed, or maybe they were just hoping that Peter and Charlotte would figure out something we hadn't.
So I went through the entire day with them, briefly covering what had happened after Peter's last phone call too.
“So she can steal bodies? Well shit, never would'a guessed that one. What's it like?” I rolled my eyes, thought Peter took a lot of convincing before he even called his power a power, he'd always thought Vampire's with extra gifts were fascinating.
“For her? You'd have to ask, but for everyone else, you lose consciousness and wake up with a killer headache. By the feel of it the more times she uses it in a day, the worst the headache is for both parties. Sounds like it's more trouble than it's worth but then, it's not my power, I just end up being on the receiving end more often than not.”
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