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Al-Shabab Attack on Mogadishu Hotel Kills Twenty-Six
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French aid boss, Remy RIOUX, hits out at USAID's 'perverse' self-reliance strategy
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L'Inde subi à son tour les sanctions commerciales americaines
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Zimbabweans go to the polls on 30 July (tomorrow) to pick their president among 23 candidates, but an Afrobarometer poll released just 10 days before the election indicates that there is likely to be a runoff between President Emmerson Mnangagwa, (Zanu-Pf) stalwart and Nelson Chamisa, who heads the main opposition Movement for Democratic Change (MDC-T) At 40, he is nearly half of Mnangagwa’s age, but has political experience as an MP and a cabinet minister. Charismatic and down-to-earth, he appeals to young voters across the country.
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KENYA: Thousands of homes destroyed in Kibera to make way for road
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Can China Realize Africa’s Dream of an East-West Transport Link?
African development hinges on a maddening paradox: its greatest asset—the sheer size and diversity of its landscape—is also the greatest barrier to its development. Landlocked countries are cut off from ports, and the difficulty of moving goods from country to country weighs down intra-continental trade (only 15% of African trade is within Africa. (African Development Bank, 2017) African consumers bear the brunt of these difficulties. [1].
Costs are driven up by a host of factors: tariffs, border delays, corruption. But the biggest challenge is that no streamlined transport route exists between West and East Africa – only a decaying and underdeveloped road and rail system which pushes up costs and drags down efficiency.
Several ambitious schemes have been proposed to link Africa’s east and west coasts, some of which are closer to full realization than others. Most notable in this respect is a plan to expand the existing Trans-African Highway 5 (TAH5) into a true cross-continental road and rail link, the early stages of which China has helped bring to fruition where Western consortiums failed.
Likewise, Chinese investment in African infrastructure through Beijing’s ambitious Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) may help create expanded sub-regional linkages, particularly in East Africa, that could help facilitate the emergence of an eventual, true East-West link in the long term.
However, in the short-to-mid-term, the obstacles to a truly robust set of East-West transport links are formidable, and it is unlikely that China’s involvement will be a panacea.
That being said, UNECA’s proposal for a Trans-African Highway Network, which sounded like science fiction when it was first announced in 1971, has now begun to move towards reality. Portions of the proposed East-West link already exist, in the form of the Trans-Africa Highway 5. The most credible proposal for a full continental connection builds on these, and plans to link them.
The completion of TAH5 and a growing network of railway lines in East Africa have made African mega-projects feel more feasible now than in the past. This is partially thanks to the impact of Chinese infrastructure investment in general, and the Belt and Road Initiative specifically.
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Quelle stratégie de vie pour les millennials en Afrique du Nord et au Moyen-Orient ? Première constatation de Trend Obs MENA 2018 : les millennials de ces pays sont tiraillés entre leur envie de liberté, de réalisation de soi, et leur attachement à leur culture. Ils ressentent un sentiment de menace immédiat dans leur quotidien qui rend difficile la stabilisation de leur situation personnelle. « Le vrai challenge, d’ailleurs, a été de leur faire prendre la parole, de leur faire dépasser leurs craintes de révéler des choses, leur peur de la répression », raconte Thibaut Nguyen. « Nous leur avions assuré une plateforme online sécurisée. Finalement, au bout des douze jours durant lesquels a duré le blog, nous avons obtenu plus de matière que l’on pensait : plus de 2 500 pages de blog, plus de 800 images, screenshots, liens, photos … Ce furent des rencontres riches et parfois touchantes. Ils nous ont parlé de leur vie, de leurs aspirations, de leurs souhaits, de leurs craintes ».
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In 2013, President Xi Jinping announced that the Silk Road would be reborn as the Belt and Road Initiative, the most ambitious infrastructure project the world has ever known—and the most expensive. Its expected cost is more than a trillion dollars. When complete, the Belt and Road will connect, by China’s accounting, sixty-five per cent of the world’s population and thirty per cent of global G.D.P. So far, sixty-eight countries have signed on.
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Successful Indian test of nuclear-capable ballistic missile
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The Central Bank of Egypt warns against the Bitcoin
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L’Égypte va accueillir six chefs d’État et d’importants Présidents-Directeurs généraux africains au Forum Africa 2017
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Madagascar : la BAD approuve le Document de stratégie pays 2017-2021
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UN to launch Chinese-funded digital library on Kenya’s traditional games
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US arrested former Hong Kong and Senegal officials on bribery charges
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IMF team visited Brazzaville (Republic of Congo) from September 25 to October 4, 2017
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L’Algérie doit faire face à plusieurs problèmes énergétiques majeurs : une dépendance forte aux hydrocarbures ; une production en baisse ; et une consommation nationale record. En cause notamment une politique de subventions publiques coûteuse. Elle a coûté 27,7 milliards de dollars en 2016, dont 15,3 milliards de dollars injectés dans le soutien indirect aux prix des carburants, du gaz et de l’électricité. Or, ces subventions, de l’avis des économistes, bénéficient surtout aux classes aisées et augmentent la consommation intérieure au détriment des exportations. Un soutien direct aux plus défavorisés serait plus efficace. Il faudrait par ailleurs organiser la transition énergétique vers un nouveau modèle. « Un appel d’offres international pour la production de plus de 4 000 mégawatts d’origine renouvelable est en préparation dans les cuisines du gouvernement », croit savoir El Watan. Mais il faudrait une véritable feuille de route explique le journal algérien, qui comporterait « un cadre réglementaire précis, des incitations fiscales et juridiques à l’autoconsommation, des tarifs de rachat alléchants pour le surplus de production que les clients peuvent injecter dans le réseau, des débouchés nationaux à l’industrie du solaire et de l’éolien… ». Il y a en tout cas urgence à la définir pour assurer la sécurité énergétique du pays.
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