#and creepy mysterio
call-me-a-simp · 1 year
Heal My Wounds
Rhea The Pole Dancer (Part 17)
Rhea Ripley x Reader
Tw: physical and sexual abuse, toxic relationship, selfharm, eating disorder
Summary: You are in a toxic relationship with an abusive man but manage to run away. A tall, black haired woman picks you up from the streets just in time so your ex doesn't get you. But who is she and why does she seem so familiar to you? As you get to know each other you start to notice weird feelings you never had before whenever she's around.
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You arrive at the location. It's a pretty nondescript looking bar from the outside but as soon as you enter you know why the boys picked it.
There are red Leds lining the top of the walls, on the right side is the bar with multiple barstools and two men behind it serving drinks. In the back are three pole dancers, showing of their bodies and curves and on the left are some round tables with stools.
Rhea spots Damian, waving for you to come over and you follow her through a small crowd of people. You sit down next to Dominik, Rhea on your left.
"Hey, nice to see y/n. Didn't expect you to come too" Dom says with a grin and pulls you into a hug. He keeps his arm around your shoulders as he continues his previous conversation with Finn.
"Did you order some drinks already?" Rhea wants to know. "No, but could you go get some please?" Finn asks. "Sure, you coming with me Damian? I don't think I can carry five glasses" she chuckles.
Damian nods and they make their way over to the bar. You watch them as they pass you, but as soon as Rhea leaves your sight you feel a little less safe.
Your body tenses up and you start fidgeting with you hands in your lap. You see a group of men enter the bar, they must be around the age of 50.
"You alright?" Dominik pulls you out of your thoughts. You return your gaze to him and nod. "Yeah it's okay" you mumble.
Rhea and Damian return with shots for everyone "Here, I brought you one too. Don't know if you like it but we'll see" Rhea says to you.
"Oh okay, thanks" you whisper and take a glass from her. "Are you okay sweetie?" she asks a little concerned. "I've already asked her and she says she fine" Dom throws in before you can answer.
Rhea shrugs and returns her focus back on the other members of the Judgement Day. "Let's see who can drink it without making a face" Finn cheers and empties his glass in one shot.
He squeezes his eyes shut and presses his lips together, not expecting it to be such strong alcohol. "Ha looser, my turn" Dom laughs and takes his shot.
He does even worse than Finn, removing his arm from around your shoulders and shaking his head. "God what did they put in these" he curses.
"You or me first?" Rhea asks Damian. "I'll go" he responds and takes his turn. He does better than the other two but still presses his lips together in a thin line and inhales sharply.
"Damn Rhea what is this" he laughs. She grins and empties her glass without showing any expression. "My favorite one to get drunk" she smirks.
As soon as you hear drunk your alarm bells ring. You tug on her sleeve and she looks over at you. "I thought you wouldn't drink much today?" you whisper.
"What? Sorry I didn't understand you due to the music" she says and scoots closer to you. "I thought you wouldn't drink that much tonight" you repeat a little louder.
"Oh yeah no don't worry about that" she brushes it off. "Dom let's go and get more" Finn shouts. He already stood up and took a few steps towards the other side of the room.
You're pretty uncomfortable by now, but only Damian seems to notice and shoots you an asking look. You shake your head, wanting him not to worry.
Finn and Dominik return and everyone takes another shot. Dom's look wandering over to the pole dancers "Hey Rhea, bet you can't do it like they can" he smirks.
"Oh really? We'll see 'bout that" she says with a challenging grin. You all follow her over to the raised platform with the poles. Rhea steps up and talks to one of the women before taking over her place.
She puts on a pretty nice show, getting so much into it she takes off her shirt and throws it into the crowd of men who built up around you.
You hear a few whistles and some clapping as she's moving around the pole in her bra. "Hey pretty, what's a chick like you doing here all alone" a tall man asks you from behind and puts his arm around you lower abdomen.
You immediately tense up. Oh god oh god oh god help me. Damian, Finn, Rhea, Dom anyone please. Your mind goes absolutely crazy but not a single tone comes out of your mouth.
"Naw don't be shy, I'll teach you how to use that pretty mouth of yours" the man groans and kisses your neck. You feel his beard brush against your skin making you shiver.
Your mind is blank, you feel like you're about to pass out. You can't breath, you need air, you need to get out! You try to push him away to get rid of his grip and manage to slip out and run outside.
Part 17 and more coming, what would you think about Damian and/or Dom secretly having feelings for you and/or Rhea 😏🤔
Anyway, Taglist:@babybatlover @legit9thlunaticwarrior @thatonepansexual2000
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Dominik's mustache is a legitimate source of evil because he grew it out to emulate Eddie more than he already has. We've been watching him go through a two-year long identity crisis to get away from being "Rey Mysterio’s son".
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ringer04 · 3 months
This is such a weird fucking story.
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d-lanx · 5 months
punk sings happy birthday to a kid
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Wanda: you desperately need a hobby
Quentin, raising an eyebrow: i already have a hobby?
Wanda: again, stalking Peter doesn't count as one
Quentin: *scoffs* like you can talk
Wanda, pissed off: Victor's my boyfriend
Quentin, equally annoyed: and i'm getting there
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2024skin · 2 years
i think his name in jake gyllenhal if I’m not wrong! I only know him for the nightcrawler movie lol
Oh My God It IS Mysterio :0
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-Star crossed- Chapter 2
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Pairing- Oc!reader(afab) x Logan Howlett
Words-4.5k(sorry this is long)
Reader is 28 while Logan is 33 (obviously appearance wise)
Summary- it’s been nearly 2 years since Cora(reader) and Logan both lost eachother in their own universe, both broken, angry and hated amongst their people, They would do anything to see one another again, little did they know that day would come sooner than expected, and shatter their hearts into pieces and drive their long hidden desires to the surface ….will they be able to forgive themselves for their past and finally be together? Or will the universe just tear them apart once again?
Warnings-( this chapter contains dark material) mentions of death, blood,gore, mental heath and murder/I also suck at writing mysterio and really don’t know his characters personality so bear with me, I’m just using him for the plot )
other warnings- 18+ (smut) in some later scenes/chapters… tension!!!! ./trauma/ no use of y/n I will be using a name but I won’t be describing any appearances! / Logan is aged down to be atleast in his early /mid 30s in this story / will add more warnings when needed.
Logan had been sitting at the table that was dimly lit by a small overhead light, he had his head down, a bottle of whiskey sat on the table in-between his hands that also lay quietly on the hard surface, he sighed and looked up at the plain white wall ahead of him, casted in a shadow. He'd been like this almost all day, ever since he moved out of Wades apartment and got his own a few down he barely had any distractions, his mind was left to wander, and it always wandered back to you.
Back before he came to this earth, this is how he spent most of his days, alone in his apartment or drunk and alone at a local bar, but even they didn't want him, matter of fact they hated him, blamed him for everything, made him feel like utter shit to the point he started to believe the reason all his friends were dead was his fault. it wasn't...well, at least their deaths weren't by the hands of Logan, while yours.... yours was...and it ate at him every single fucking day.
Logan slammed the bottle of whiskey down on the table, its contents spilling onto the surface, tears swelled in his eyes and his hands gripped the bottle so hard it was ready to shatter at any given moment, today was the 2-year anniversary of your death, and every year he spent it alone, drinking his life away. he littered himself in guilt and pain and blamed himself for losing you, although your death wasn't what many would think, no, they only believed what they saw...what people didn't know, was that mysterio was behind it, and the real story was oh so fucking tragic.
-2 years ago, (logans origin earth)-
When the humans attacked, Logan made sure they all paid for what they did. He killed them all, murdering them one by one, some deaths painful and slow while others were quick and easy. He blacked out, went on a rampage, and there was no stopping him, alteast thats what he thought. See, there was one person the humans forgot to kill off, someone who wasn't there when they attacked, someone who was on a solo mission and came back home to a blood pool of some of her closests friends, and a trail of human blood that smelled of Logan. Her name was Cora Melbourne, a member of the xmen for around 5 years before they were all taken out.
Cora or should we say a varient of you, were absolutely horrified when you came home... you wondered why the signal went quiet before you returned and now you know why. All your friends were gone, dead, brutally murdered and left to rot on the floor, you felt sick, enraged and heartbroken, you wanted to get revenge on the fucking assholes who did this to them, they didnt deserve it, none of them did. You looked around and in the far right corner you could see a body, one that resembled you a bit, it was creepy to see but you managed to take your eyes from it….thats when you saw another…
you fell to your knees when you saw one of your best friends' corpse lay quietly ontop another. "Storm?...." you choked out, you began to sob violently, bringing her cold lifeless body into your arms as you rocked back and forth, holding her close and stroking her long silver hair as you did. "What did they do to you…." you cried, caressing her face and moving a few pieces of hair from out the way, she was always so beautiful.....you suddenly started looking around at the rest of the bodies on the ground; rogue, jean grey, cyclops, johnny , everyone....they were all dead "no…no no no no no" you wailed, shaking your head, hoping this was all just a horrible fucked up dream, but once you came to the reality that it wasnt a dream you carefully set the body back down to lay in her original position, you stood up and shakily looked around even more, looking for someone in particular...
“oh god, please...please dont let him be here" you begged in between cries , you stepped over lifeless bodies, some of your friends and some of humans torn or blown into pieces. You felt as if you were going to throw up, surprised on how you didnt already. You kept looking around, you head shooting from one side of the room to the other. God blood was everywhere but still no sign of Logan. You went upstairs and there were more bodies sprawled out in the hallway, but still no sign of him, you were starting to have hope he was still alive when something on a tv in one of the rooms caught your attention...it was a news broadcast, people were running the streets, bodies lay cold on the hard concrete, and a picture of Logan was plastered on the right side of the screen. Your heart dropped to your feet, Logan must have made it here before you did and instead of crying about it, he did something about the deaths of his friends, and god, were you afraid of what could happen next.
You immediately began to turn around to make your way towards the steps, you knew you had to find Logan, you were the only chance the humans had, and you were the only one who could calm him back down to his senses, you always were. You were all he had left.
You shuffled through the bodies trying to step over them without stepping on them, but someones arm got in your way and you fell on your face "ah fuck" you coughed out , pushing yourself back up, but when you raised your head to see Infront of you, the only thing in view were a pair of legs...you froze....then began to look up, and as your eyes scanned the person Infront of you, they widened in fear, your breath hitching and words getting stuck in your throat. Storm, the woman who's corpse you had just held in your arms not even 5 minutes prior stood before you, she didn't say anything instead she just looked down at you, a disgusted expression plastered on her face... "no-" you finally forced words from your mouth, your eyebrows furrowed in confusion "y-you're dead...how..." but before you could finish your sentence the woman finally spoke "You let us die.." her words were cold, emotionless, "why weren't you here??" you felt a lump form in your throat when hearing those words come from your best friends mouth "this is all your fault and now you're going to be the reason Logan suffers now too" you were too frozen in fear and guilt to move "n-no...I'm sorry, if I knew, storm I swear...I would have been here I would have died with you all trying to save you" your words were broken cries, barely understandable. "I'm gonna help Logan....I'm going to get him to stop you know I can" you argued but the woman shook her head "it's too late"
and with those words the illusion created by a sickly , very much hated villain wore off and kneeled down infront of you
"you..." you seethed through gritted teeth. Mysterio, the man you hated with every fiber in your being was kneeled before you, a smug smirk on his face
"wolverine is going to suffer....and you... are going to help me" mysterio, began to laugh like a maniac, and you only spit at him "i would never help you hurt anyone, especially not Logan, YOU FUCKING BASTARD" you got angrier with every passing second, from seeing your friends dead to being tricked with illusion and finally after being told you were going to help hurt the man you love you snapped, laughing, earning a confused look from mysterio "you think im going to help you? youre out of your fucking bowl headed mind you fucking freak" you had noticed one of your knives on the ground next to a humans body not too long after mysterio revealed himself, you hastily grabbed it brought it down into the mans with immense speed. While trying to pull the knife from his side you took the free oppurtunity to get back onto your feet, catching him off guard but before you could use your abilities on him he was much quicker, and with a swift motion you were thrown back into the wall
“Fine!” He scoffed, finally pulling the long knife from his side “we’ll do this the hard way” and before you could even get up and process what happened he was gone. Once you were back in your feet you were full of rage and ready to kill whoever was in your sight, you ran down the stairs and out the front door, you needed some place quiet where you could think , a place where you could focus on where you wanted to go…you needed to teleport to Logan but with mysterio fucking with your mind it was harder than some may think. “ damnit Logan, where are you?!” You fell to your knees in the gravel and closed your eyes trying to imagine where he could be , trying to get any type of sense on where he was….you kept trying and trying and trying until …”GOT IT!” You yelled. It was weird tho…you found him easier than you thought you would but that didn’t matter now you needed to get to Logan as fast as possible.
-a few hours before Cora arrived-
Ever since you left on you mission Logan hadn’t really been to the x-mansion much. Of course he loved his friends but he was more so focused on you when he was there unless there were bigger matters, but today was the day you were coming home and he couldn’t have been in a better mood, he’d been fucked these last few days, getting in drunken fights at the bar, arguing with your local mutant hating human , and basically making the xmen look like ravaged freaks because of his uncontrollable anger. He never really wanted to be part of the xmen, he didn’t want a team but when he walked through those doors that one fateful day all those years ago and spotted you, how could he leave? He was infatuated from the start and once he got to know you he was hooked
…he just needed you right now, the one person who could always make him feel so much better, the one person who could make him calm and collected even on his worst days…Logan made his way down the path, his arm out the drivers side window and other hand on the wheel, but when he saw the signs and litter on the ground as he pulled up to the mansion he could feel his heart drop. Logan made his way out the car and onto the gravel, his eyes narrowing and metal claws unsheathing after sending something was very wrong. Logan slowly walked towards the front entrance, blood leaking from the front door he looked down and then back up raising his fists , claws ready to attack before kicking the already opened door open even wider, pouncing inside ready for a fight..but what he was faced with was much worse than anything he had imagined… all of his friends were sprawled out on the floor, dead.
He was at a loss for words, his fists falling to his side, he frantically looked around, soon collapsing by the nearest body, the one belonging to Jean Grey, a woman he was close with ,trusted and even had a thing with in the long past. He had held her body on his lap, claws retracting back into his skin. Logan didn’t say anything he just began to cry, holding the woman’s body close to his , his cries loud and painful. He held her a little longer before his mind went to you, he had hoped you didn’t make it home yet, maybe he could save you from the horror he’s had to face right now but when he got up and looked around, scanning the many bodies that’s when his eyes landed on one in the far corner. Logan could swear his heart stopped beating in that moment, when he saw you. Your body sitting lifeless up against the wall, your hair covering your face and blue tank top soaked in blood. His knees felt weak, he could fall any moment but knew if he did he wouldn’t be able to get himself back up. Logan trudged through the many bodies before finally collapsing next to what he was 100% sure was yours, it was your face, your clothes , your smell everything, there was no mistaking it . This time, his eyesight became blurry as tears formed and he grabbed your body and brought it to his, he didn’t want to let go he didn’t want to accept that this was you ….”I should have been here..” he croaked between cries. “I should have been here for you, I shouldn’t have left” his words could barely be recognized between his sobs, Logan felt so broken, so angry , he felt like he had nothing to live for anymore like ….like he could kill everyone, every single person who was responsible, no matter age , gender, race or anything, he was going to kill then all, make them suffer like they’ve made him. Logan’s face was wet with tears, his hands were covered in blood and his clothes were stained with it too, but he didn’t care , he couldn’t leave you, he didn’t want to leave you. “I’m so sorry Cora..” he muttered, his fingers brushing the hair from your closed eyes, he admired your resting face, one he’s admired many times before…you were just so beautiful to him…he leaned down a placed a kiss on your pale lips, bringing your head back into his chest as he held you close again. Words couldn’t even describe the pain Logan was feeling right now, losing the woman he loved, knowing that he could have saved her if he had just been there, if he hadn’t been so stubborn. He could have killed those assholes as soon as he saw they tried to lay a single fucking finger on you. But you know what killed him the most…he never even got to tell you how he truly felt. How his heart ached whenever you were away, how he felt so soft and happy around you, how that kiss you two shared that night before you left made him realize that he was in fact Inlove with you and when he wanted to tell you you were already gone. ….
He stayed like that with you in his arms for almost an hour before the sadness turned into hate and rage, before he knew what he had to do. He had to kill them all. Logan sat you back up how you were prior “I’ll come back for you bub” he whispered to your lifeless body, “I promise I’ll bury you somewhere beautiful, somewhere worthy of you” and with that he was gone and out the door, claws unsheathed and face stoned with a look of hatred. Logan got back into his car and rode back into town. His rampage was just beginning.
Mysterio revealed himself from behind a bush as Logan was out of view. He calmly walked back inside, stepping over the dead and made his way to the body by the corner although now, this person wasn’t you, yes they had your clothes on but the face was different , it wasn’t yours….and it never was…. “Good job” he whispered and then made his way back out waiting for his next victim to arrive….what Logan had saw…was all just an illusion.
After you found out where Logan was it made it easy to open a portal to him. You got back on your feet and closed your eyes, your arms outstretched infront of you as you slowly began to whirl them into a circle, a golden spark following your movements until a full circle was made and a opening appeared in the center. “I’m coming Logan” you said as you opened your eyes, you stepped right through and before you knew it you were in the middle of a desolate street, you wanted to gag at all the bodies of innocent people were sprawled out on the ground, some completely torn in half. You knew this was all Logan’s doing.
“LOGAN!!” you called out, your voice had a hint of worry in it, scared you may be too late.
You started looking around for any sign of him, he has to be here somewhere this is where the portal took you. “LOGAN PLEASE, ITS ME CORA !! LOGAN I CAN HELP YOU JUST COME TO ME PLEASE” You scanned the streets and alleys until you looked straight ahead….you stopped in your tracks and narrowed your eyes to make sure you were seeing correct and thankfully you were. Logan stood about 20 feet from you , his shadow was all could be seen in the night but you knew it was him by the claws protruding from his knuckles. “FUCK , LOGAN ITS ME, IM SORRY I WASNT HERE FOR YOU” You yelled out to him , your voice breaking as you tried not to cry “BUT IM HERE NOW AND WERE ALL WE HAVE-“ you stopped talking when you saw a figure come into view behind Logan, one you knew very well…Mysterio…
“LOGAN BEHIND YO-“ but before you could finish your sentence Logan was charging at you at full speed, like an animal , like a predator going after its prey …it terrified you. “RRAAHHHHH” his voice was deep but loud, it sounded almost like a roar, one coming from a ravaged animal. You were frozen in fear. You never saw him like this atleast not towards you. His fist was raised in the air and came blaring down at you but you managed to dodge it last second, snapping yourself back and throwing yourself into the ground next to you. “what the fuck-“ you coughed out leaning over to catch the breath you just nearly knocked from out of yourself , before making your way back to your feet before Logan could turn around . He came charging at you again but you picked up a metal bar laying on the ground and used it to defend yourself. You didn’t know what was going on, he obviously wasn’t himself and that’s when you remembered mysterio….and the fucking body that looked like yours, it all started to connect. “Oh fuck..” before you could finish your thought you were thrown back to the ground, being easily overpowered. You shielded his claws from your face by clashing the metal bar against them in attempt to hold him back but god was he strong. “LOGAN ITS ME, ITS CORA!!!” You tried to convince MYSTERIO , HES MESSING WITH YOUR HEAD” You tried to reason with him but it was useless. “SHUT THE FUCK UP, CORA IS DEAD” He spit ,He thought you were dead and thought the real you was someone else. It all made sense. Mysterios little plan was going just like he wanted, he said you were going to help make Wolverine suffer…and he meant that by having him kill you.
You finally had enough and used your free hand to create a swift movement, throwing Logan back with your force only it didn’t keep him down long, only long enough for you to get back up and create a quick force field around yourself so you could think of something to do. Your attacks against him were useless he was too strong , you had to get him in a weak point ,you had to knock him cold out to give you atleast enough time to take mysterio down and get rid of whatever illusion he has on Logan.
Before you knew it Logan was at the force field ramming himself into it with all his weight. He was weakening the shield around you with every thrust of his body, his full strength outdoing yours, it was a matter of time before he had you down again but this time you’ll have the advantage, you had a plan.
Logan gave one last punch and your force field was down, you on the other hand got up and spun around, and before Logan could even make his way to you , you had his feet off the ground and arm outstretched as if you were holding him yourself. “I’m sorry Logan but this is the only way” you say in a stern but saddened tone. You used the arm you were ‘holding’ him with and swung it to the right, his body following and crashing into a pile of rubbish, fortunately for you though he must have hit his head hard because he was out cold but you knew he wouldn’t be down long and you had only a limited amount of time to get mysterio out of the way.
You turned to him, you were furious out of your mind, your eyes started to glow and your feet left the ground , your hands twisted into small circular motions together creating a ball of electricity. You wanted him dead and that’s just how you fought. It took a lot to get him weakened but you managed in the short time. Once you finally had him up in the air, trying your best to avoid his mind games you finally spoke “ITS OVER” you dended, your fist squeezing tighter, his air flow being cut off but that didn’t stop him from uttering his last words
“You’re right Cora…But not for me” and before you could comprehend what he said you felt the cold metallic claws enter through your back and exit through your stomach, a sharp agonizing pain following behind it. Your telekinetic grip on mysterio slipped and your hand fell to your side, your knees buckling under you; You couldn’t help but look down, the claws of the man you loved being twisted and pulled from out of you. Your body began to feel cold as blood gushed from your abdomen…the only thing keeping you up was your grip on Logan’s arm….
Mysterio was gone before logan realized it and the illusion he had on him faded, quickly coming to realization to what he just did. Cora’s knees buckled under her Logan following her down to put her in a more comfortable position, his hands started to shake as he realized you were dying . “N-no…” he choked out, he didn’t mean for this…no this couldn’t be her, she was already dead…he saw her…he..”Cora, C please stay with me, I-I’ll get you help, stay with me baby please” the pet name slipped from his mouth, his tone was desperate, pleading for you . Logan looked around and saw the mess he had made, deep down he knew no one was coming to help..why would they? He began to cry, and not just a simple sad melancholy cry but one full of agony, pain and sorrow …one that ached the hearts of others when they heard it because he knew…he just killed the only woman he’s ever loved.
The girl grabbed his free arm, her bloodied hand stained his skin, Cora smiled, blood spouting from her mouth. She knew she wasn’t going to make it but she needed to make sure Logan knew she didn’t blame him. “I-I’m sorry…” she coughed out “I-i s..should have never left” Logan only shook his head, shushing her, not wanting her to use her last moments to apologize to him. “I can’t lose you..” he murmured between cries “L-Look ,stay with me okay?” He picked her up but she only groaned in pain as he tried to move her. He fell back to his knees setting her carefully back how she was , in his lap, resting in his arms. “This-“ she began to cough up more blood this time, her chest heaving, trying to fill her lungs although she knew it was pointless. “ this wasn’t your- your fault Logan…I-i know you….youd never hurt me…” Logan watched as Cora began to tear up, using the last of her strength to cup the side of his face with her hand stroking his cheek softly with her thumb “that’s why I fell in love with you” Cora brought Logan’s head down and planted one last kiss onto his lips…one they both wished they could savor more and before he could even lift his head back up her hand went limp, breathing came to a stop and her eyes fluttered closed. She was gone.
“N-no no CORA?!” His eyes widened in fear as he tried calling out for her but to his absolute horror she didn’t respond, she wouldn’t move and her body was all dead weight. Logan had to experience the pain of losing her twice in one night, his heart felt as if it couldn’t handle any more hurt or else it would explode. “Cora please….please don’t leave me alone…” he begged as if she would respond “I love you too” those last words he whispered in her ear, hoping somehow someway she would hear him but he knew she didn’t. His Cora was gone…and it was all by the hands of him.
He buried her body by the pond where they had their first kiss. It was a special place to Logan and he knew she’d be happy there, she woukd always drag him down there on nice days, going on and on how she loved this spot to where he bang to love it too. He visited her grave everyday until wade found his way to him, bringing him back to the earth he’s on now. The earth where he can’t even go talk to Cora if he wanted, usually he’d do that when he was sad, she’d always have the answers to his problems when she was still with him. And his being near her even if it was a grave brought him peace when he needed it.
-present time-
Logan finally snapped back to reality, his thoughts consuming him. When he lifted his head he noticed the glass bottle that once sat in his hand was now shattered into tiny little pieces scattered on the table, the cuts in his hands healing almost instantly. He remembered how his variant of you loved to watch his wounds heal, it always made you feel better about him getting hurt. Logan smiled to himself, the good memories are the ones he wishes he was only left with, god he missed you more than anything. He’d do anything just to see you again.
The taller man finally got up out of his seat, cleaning the mess he made prior before grabbing his jacket to leave his apartment building. He needed another bottle of course, even if he had a moment of clarity he knew the sadness would come back quicker than expected. Once he arrived the liquor store he bought 2 bottles of whiskey and left, the cold air surrounding him, it was the same weather as the night he lost you…Logan began to get lost in thought again, popping another bottle open until…
“the fuck..” he muttered when a body came flying his way, landing on the ground infront of him, begging for help before passing out. Logan’s brows furrowed and he was confused, struck even…. until he looked up to see a sight he thought he’d never see again in his lifetime….
There you were…Cora Melbourne…alive and healthy not even 10 feet away from him. Logan swore to himself he had been drinking too much, he was hallucinating there was no way you were standing right infront of him. He swore he felt his heart skip a beat, almost forgetting how to breathe. Seeing you again aroused feelings he thought he’d never feel again for anyone. You oooked so powerful , so beautiful , and just the exact same as the day he lost you, the bottle of whiskey slipped from out of his hand and onto the ground, creating a loud shattering noise to vibrate through the quiet air, then it happened, you noticed him and he wanted to say something, he needed to take the chance to get you back even if it wasn’t really his you….he couldn’t lose you again not after seeing you like this….he noticed your face, it seemed you felt the same way he did and before either of you could say anything…the portal separating you two, closed. And once again Logan was left alone , yet now…he feels a glimmer of hope spark in his chest…there was a way to you…and he felt so close yet so far from seeing you again.
( a/n: Hii!! This is a pretty long sad backstory chapter for Logan but I really needed to give insights about their past! I hope you guys enjoyed!)
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ladychota · 1 year
Remember It All
Pairing - Loki x Female Reader
Warnings - Memory loss (lmk if you want me to add anything)
Summary - Y/n is working at the coffee shop with MJ when a mysterious visitor arrives to order drinks.
Word Count - 1.2k
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"So... did you guys get in to MIT?" You ask, fiddling with the bandage wrapped tightly around your left hand.
"Nope," MJ tosses her letter into the bin nearby. "Neither did Peter or Ned,"
You sigh. "Ugh, I'm so annoyed that the world believes all that Mysterio crap. If only it hadn't affected you all so,"
MJ hums in agreement. "It's okay. I was kinda expecting it anyways,"
"You expect disappointment so you'll never be disappointed?" You quote the line she has said so many a time, especially since the whole Spiderman and Mysterio nonsense. You feel for Peter - he's a nice kid.
"Mhm, exactly,"
The shop's doorbell chimes as someone walks in, hands in their pockets to stave off some of the winter cold.
"I'll get that. You take as much time as you need, okay?" You say, walking over to the counter.
A man stands in front of it, scanning the menu. He has black, shoulder length hair and his eyes are a stunning - almost familiar - green. You swear you've seen him before, but where? Every soft curve and smile line in his face looks right... except the deep bags under his eyes. For some reason you want to place your hand on his face and smooth them out...
But this man is a stranger. You don't even know his name.
"Hey, how can I help?" You ask, brushing away your odd thoughts.
"Uh hi, can I-" He turns to you and freezes, eyes wide. He just stands there in silence for a few seconds, his eyes scanning your face. Normally you'd find this rather creepy, but this feels strangely... right.
The man turns away and looks out of the shop window to where a man with long, blonde hair stands. He beams at the man in front of you.
"Um..." He hums, turning back to you. "Could I have two coffees... please? The name is Loki,"
You nod and start preparing the drinks, trying to ignore the gaze of the man behind you. Loki... that name is also very familiar. But you have no idea why; it's getting rather frustrating.
In no time at all, the coffees are ready; you place them on the counter and secure the lids.
"Loki?" You call. He doesn't respond. "Loki? Your coffees," He seems to jolt from his thoughts, striding over quickly to pay. 
"Of course, sorry. And thank you," He slides a ten dollar note onto the counter, a sad grin playing on his face. "Keep the change,"
You nod and open the till, picking up the money and sliding it in. "Thanks,"
"Uh... are you alright?" You look up, noticing that Loki now wears a concerned expression. He points at your bandage-bound hand.
"Oh! Yes, thanks. You know, I don't actually know how I did it. I just kind of... woke up one day and I had a huge gash in the middle of my palm," You chuckle at the strangeness of the situation, thinking of the other random cuts and bruises all over your body.
"But it's okay," You continue, for some reason feeling safe to talk in such detail to this man. "It doesn't hurt too much anymore. And I can use it just fine!"
Loki smiles a sad yet happy smile; one that looks as if he's yearning for something but knows he can't have it - possibly for the better.
"Well, I'm glad it's healing well," He picks up the drinks he ordered. "And, uh-" He clears his throat. "Thank you... for everything,"
He smiles, his eyes glittering with... tears? Is he upset? But, as much as you are worried for him, you are extremely confused. Why is he so thankful? All you did was make him some coffee and spit out some sob story about your injury.
Your brow furrows, but you smile anyway. "No problem..."
Usually you wish customers a good day before they leave the shop, but you seem to be frozen as you watch him walk out, handing one of the drinks to the blonde haired man as they walk out of sight.
"What the hell was that about?" MJ calls across the shop, speaking your thoughts aloud.
You shake your head slowly, your gaze stuck to where the man just stood. "I have no idea..."
Snapping out of your daze, you grab a donut in a serviette and place it on the counter in front of MJ.
"Thanks," She says, picking up the food. "Honestly though, he's either a creep or a long lost lover of yours,"
"Really? A long lost lover?" You laugh, your smile not reaching your eyes.
A long lost lover...
Suddenly an image pops into your mind of you and Loki sitting exactly where you and MJ are now, his hand clasped in yours on top of the counter. A small, loving smile plays on his lips as you talk, his thumb rubbing slowly over your knuckles.
"Well, duh." MJ jokes. "I mean-"
You don't hear her finish that sentence. Image after image of you and Loki fly through your head - it feels as if you've been hit by a bolt of lightning, each memory shuddering through you like electricity.
Before you can even process what you're doing, you're running towards the door.
"Wait, Y/n! Where are you going?!" MJ calls out to you.
"I'll be back!" Is all you manage to say as you slip through the door and begin to run down the street.
You and Loki were dating! You were a thing! He was yours and you were his...
And yet, you forgot. How the hell did you forget!?
But that is a concern for later. For now, you have to catch up with him.
You push past everyone on the sidewalk until you see the two men up ahead. Thor and Loki...
"Loki! Wait!" You yell, not caring who hears or sees.
Your thoughts and memories are too jumbled up to know exactly how long it's been since you forgot, but for a while you've been feeling as if something has been missing. Moreover, someone.
The two Gods turn upon hearing your shout, their eyes wide with confusion. Panting, you come to a stop in front of them.
"Y/n? Are you quite alright?" Loki asks, a spark of realisation flaring in his eyes. But he doesn't dare ask for fear he's being too hopeful. 
A smile crawls onto your face, tears springing into your eyes as you realise how much you've unknowingly missed him.
"Y-you... me..." You're still panting after having run down the block, words not forming correctly in your mouth.
Loki just watches you, handing his coffee cup to Thor and waiting patiently for you to finish your flustered attempt at a sentence.
Instead, you reach up and place a hand on his face. He doesn't flinch away, but leans in to your touch, tears welling at the bottom of his eyes.
"I remember... I remember it all..." Your voice is strained and choked by tears. Loki's hands cup your face, his thumbs running over your cheeks and collecting the wet trails.
"You do?" He whispers.
You nod, moving your hands to cover his. He lets out a bewildered laugh before leaning down and smashing his lips against yours in a desperate kiss.
Eventually he pulls away, murmuring: "I love you, my darling... and I'm so sorry,"
"It's alright, you have nothing to apologise for," You reassure, your heart swelling. "I love you too," Your lips meet his once more as you decide to never let go of him again.
A/N - Not sure how I feel about this one so feel free to let me know your thoughts! :)
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pandorasfavorite · 1 year
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Hurt/comfort Fluff
Orange = Newest Release
Smut Masterlist
Not over : he gets hurt and you have to choice between comforting him and fighting her.
Your mistake (part two) : Dominik messed up your carrer plan, do you forgive him?
Full turn. (part two): Dominik and you smoke for the first time together 🍃.
Our forever : you go into labor and Dominik mildly freaks out
Overstimulated: your overstimulated by everything that is going on. Dominik can help.
Our hobby: you can’t work out anymore, Dominik will do it for you “Always?” “Forever” : matching tattoos
Oceans Apart: Dominik chooses the judgment day
Your number one: you get jealous over Dominik being at ringside with Rhea Crowded: Hiding in his shirt while the press surrounds you both
Our Hobby: pregnant!reader watching Dom work out Keep my cool: you get in a fight with Rhea for flirting with your man
The beauty of pregnancy: Dominik is attentive while your in labor 🩷
Daddy-Daughter day : Dominik spends time with the baby while you are running errands
In the middle: Laying in bed with Dominik thinking about your past and nagging each other
Crafting: Helping Dominik with his muscle tees and making him try them on
Punching bag: taking a hit for Dom
Picky Eater: Dominik is undeniably a picker eater.. what happens when you make him dinner and he doesn't like it?
Product of Embarrassment: You and Dominik argue over something that shouldn't have mattered.
A childlike Halloween: Dominik is a good dad and husband during the spooky season.
Football Season: different football teams fluff
Maneater: She's simply a badass, can Dominik win her over? Or is she just toying around?
Spontaneous: being pregnant with his baby and spontaneously getting married 🩷
I Can't Keep Control: A short sad drabble and Dominik being a great boyfriend.
Man-Child: Dominik is arrogant and cocky, you do something about it
Stuffy: Dominiks takes the kids to the doctors
Thought That I'd Feel Better: depression takes a toll, will he notice?
Resuscitate: Smoking with childhood best friend Dominik Mysterio...and he has a blabber mouth, to say the least.
Not Mad: Dominik is jealous after a guy flirting with you, but he's "not mad"
101: Dominik is a baby when he is sick
The Silent Love: you were dedicated to being silent, but Dominik got to hear your voice for the first time.
Step Into the Darkness: Dominik (a stranger) saves you from a creepy man in the dark of the night...then the stranger becomes something more.
Petty Antics: ignoring Dominik all night when you’re jealous
Helpful Hands: Dominik comforts his pregnant wife while she’s hormonal.
His Little Girl: Dominik's daughter is watching his match...she doesn't like it much
The Shield - The Mistake: Dominik faced an injury to win, she's a part of the Shield and gets in trouble for it.
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maxwell-grant · 1 year
I’ve noticed once or twice among the pulp hero’s a dude with a crystal ball mysterio helmet in a dark suit. I can’t help but notice that what the Orb look is baller, it’s really distinct from other pulp characters he’s getting grouped with. What’s this guys deal and why is he so different from other pulp dudes?
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(Meme on the left by Questionposting)
Ethel Knapp, twenty, stood in her furnished room and peered at the gas jet. For ten minutes she had been peering at it, trying to summon the courage necessary to turn it on—without a lighted match above it. She had no money. She had come to Great City from her home in Ohio to work. She had no work. She had no way of returning to her mother and father. But she did have a way of saving herself from further hunger and humiliation. 
The gas jet.
She raised her hand toward it. Startled, she paused. A faint rustling sound came into the room. Looking down, she saw an envelope creeping under the door. She took it up, bewildered, and opened it. Inside lay money— currency held together by a band of silver paper—banknotes totalling $200!
“I can’t bear to see suffering, Angel. I can no more help trying to alleviate it than I can help breathing. If there were any other way of taking money from those who hoard it, and giving it to those who desperately need it—if there were any other way than stealing, I’d take that way. But there isn’t.” - The Sinister Sphere
This is The Moon Man. Moon Man was created by C. Frederick Davies and appeared in 38 stories from 1933 to 1937 and was a cross between The Shadow and Robin Hood, a black-clad urban avenger with a unique costume who stole from the rich to provide for the poor and was viciously hunted by law enforcement and the criminal underworld for it, not helped by the fact that his true identity is that of Stephen Tatcher, the 25-year-old police sergeant and son of the police chief, engaged to the daughter of his worst enemy, a lieutenant constantly trying to get Moon Man in the electric chair.
There's three main things that set The Moon Man apart from the other costumed pulp heroes and Shadow imitators from his day: Number one is that, despite looking a lot like Mysterio, he actually had much more in common with Spider-Man than even The Spider himself, in that he was mostly an ordinary schlub driven to help others who had to constantly pull off precarious balancing acts to keep his job and his secret and his life. 2nd being that he is a far more socially conscious character than pretty much all of his contemporaries, dealing with economic inequality, white collar crime, and grey areas where business practices and law enforcement intermingle with criminality to trample the lower class. He's a Depression-era Robin Hood and the stories are dead serious about it.
And third is that The Moon Man is no gentleman thief or dark avenger: He does none of this for the sake of personal fulfillment or revenge, he isn't tabling fights with gangsters to occasionally do an afterschool special or make a half-hearted gesture at social commentary, this is just what he does as a baseline. He is far less preoccupied with fighting crime than he is saving people in bad circumstances, and the stories are highly preoccupied with the people he saves, and the circumstances that The Moon Man is saving them from. For a weird guy in a creepy mask who goes around in a black coat with a gun in hand, he's an unexpectadly compassionate and soft-hearted (even mopey at times) character.
A chuckle came from the silver‐headed man. “You’ve distributed the money, Angel?”
“Yeah. Got it out right away. And it certainly was badly needed, boss.”
“I know… You realize why I selected Martin Richmond as a victim, Angel?”
“I’ve got an idea he ain’t all he seems to be.”
“Not quite that,” answered the voice that came from the silver head. “He’s quite respectable, you know. Social position, wealth, all that. But there’s one thing I don’t like about him, Angel. He’s made millions by playing the market short, forcing prices down.”
“Nothin’ wrong in that, is there?”, Dargan asked.
“Not according to our standards, Angel; but the fact remains that short‐selling had contributed to the suffering of those we are trying to help. I’ve taken little enough from Richmond’s kind, Angel. I must have more— later."
Dargan peered. “I don’t quite get you, boss. You’re takin’ an awful chance—and you don’t keep any of the money for yourself.”
A chuckle came from the silver globe. “I don’t want the money for myself. I want it for those who are perishing for want of the barest necessities of life. What would you do if you saw a child about to be crushed under a truck? You’d snatch her away, even at the risk of your own life."
“Don’t think I’m questioning you, boss.” Dargan hastened to explain. “I’m with you all the way, and you know it"
"Yes, Angel,” said the Moon Man gently, “I know it. You’re the only man in the world I trust. You know what it is to suffer; that’s why you’re with me”.
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The Moon Man lacked much in terms of budget or resources, partially because all of his money went to people in need, and he was under constant threat from the law and underworld alike, each more bloodthirsty than the other in how badly they wanted to mount his Argus helmet on a platter (he didn't even make the helmet himself, he mail-ordered it under his detective arch-enemy’s name). His father is a police chief with a weak heart, which adds an extra pressure to Stephen's secret in that it being revealed will not only lead to his father being fired, but likely dying from shock.
He picks hide-outs with creaky stairs as his main line of defense against intruders, his only line of defense is a gun, he pined over the love of a stubborn lady who initially detested his alter-ego, but eventually learned his secret and grew into a stronger person and even partner as they got engaged. And he only has one other ally he can trust:
He’d gone bad in the ring. A weakened arm made further fighting impossible. He found it just as impossible to find work. He’d drifted downward and outward; he’d become a bum, sleeping in alleys, begging food. Until, mysteriously a message had come to him from the Moon Man. 
Some day Ned Dargan was going to fight again. Some day he was going to get into the ring, knock some palooka for a row, and become champ. And if he ever did, he’d have the Moon Man to thank for it…
His main sidekick from the start, scarred ex-boxer Ned Dargan, was rescued by Moon Man from homelessness and starvation, and he was frequently named “Angel” as it was Dargan’s job to distribute the money, the narrative often filling the reader on the background of the recipients to make them not just anonymous victims, but real people with problems readers in the Depression era would have likely identified with. When we first meet them, Dargan tells him about a steamfitter with a sick daughter who needs money to pay for his kid's treatment, and a pair of kids with a recently deceased mother whose uncles can't afford to take them in and who will go to an orphanage without help, and The Moon Man promises money for all of them.
The main issue with the stories is that they do get a bit repetitive, but they're also fairly short and quick to read, and the strength of the concept, the assertive characters, the compassion, and the class dynamics that usually remain subtext in these kinds of stories, here becomes much of the text itself.
The Moon Man had a remarkable amount of continuity and consistency for a pulp hero, and only picked up more and more enemies that would constantly frame and target him with no additional allies. In fact, circa the end of the run, both his fiancé Sue as well as Angel are well acquainted with the Moon Man’s secret identity by this point and constantly beg Stephen Thatcher to give up his double life, warning him of increasing danger from both the cops and the mob, and in the last story, Blackjack Jury, he's pressured to give up his identity for good by the two and by how precariously his father's job hangs on him being able to capture Moon Man. The story and the character's run ends without revealing what decision he took.
Steve Thatcher lowered his head as though stubbornly to butt an obstacle. A wild scheme— his! He knew it. But, also, he knew the world— cruel and relentless—and he could not stand by and do nothing to save those who were suffering. The mere thought of letting others perish, while nothing was done to save them, was unendurable.
Beyond the written law was a higher one to which Steve Thatcher had dedicated himself—the law of humanity.
And if he were caught? Would he find leniency at the hands of Gil McEwen and Chief Thatcher? No. He was certain of that. Even if McEwen and the chief might wish to deal kindly with him, they would be unable to. The Moon Man now was a public enemy—his fate was in the hands of the multitude. Steve Thatcher would be dealt with like any common crook—if he were caught.
He remembered Ernest Miller’s daughter, who must go to Arizona or die; he remembered Frank Lauder, who must be cared for; he remembered Bill and Betty Anderson, who must have help.
“It’s got to be done!” he said through closed teeth. “Damn it, it’s got to be done!”
He walked swiftly through the night - The Sinister Sphere
The Moon Man is public domain and has seen some usage in modern pulp stories, but (as far as I can find) never really with the same bite that makes these stories appealing, and it's not difficult to see why the character, despite a fairly respectable run and a striking costume, remained mostly obscure. He certainly wouldn't have had any kind of 50s paperback revival without being heavily edited or rewritten entirely just in case somebody was maybe trying to trojan horse any commie talk somewhere, in a character whose main mission statement was addressing economic inequality and getting in trouble with the police over it. And nowadays, with Mysterio being so popular and "Moon Man" taking on a wholly different noxious meaning online, The Moon Man would require a slight overhaul of costume and a complete overhaul of his name, and unfortunately that entails almost making him a different character
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The Moon Man stories were adapted into a short comics run circa 1940-42 where they completely overhauled his costume and changed the names, titling him The Raven, but otherwise kept the stories mostly the same. I don't have much of anything to say about him, but there is one additional bit of strangeness that followed The Moon Man's largely unsuccessful transition to comics: The Moon Man was never published in Brazil, but there was a Brazilian superhero in 1962 (which still predates Mysterio) with the exact same name and headpiece. Created by artist Gedeone Malagola who, upon being denied the opportunity to publish his own Phantom stories, simply erased the character’s head, added a cape and used a penny to draw a translucent globe for a head, creating a new hero in turn named Homem-Lua (Moon Man). The character lasted for a couple of years as a back-up on fellow superhero Black Ray’s magazine, before it’s end.
The only detail given about his past is that he was born in Brazil, initially operating near his headquarters in São Paulo before becoming a globetrotter. He lacks explicit superpowers, but is feared by criminals around the world and considered to be an immortal who’s been active for over a century, as many supporting characters in the stories claimed that their grandparents had met the hero. A master of technology who flew around in a personalized jet and was able to call upon the aid of indigenous tribes around the world, who believed him to bear the mark of a godlike entity or be said an incarnation of said entity (as a plot point it's as racist as you'd expect, but also gets a bit funny when you consider how the most famous of moon-themed superheroes this side of Japan, Moon Knight, would pan out 15 years later)
He's mostly a fairly cut-n-dry Phantom clone with some oddities here and there, namely: In one adventure, despite the character being supposedly a human, it was said that all who gaze on his face would die. He was never unmasked in the entirety of his run, and he had no compunctions about executing his villains, whether it was by burying them under a stone idol, breaking dams and letting them drown in the ensuing floods, exploding them, or outright sinking daggers into their chests. It's a very stark contrast to the pulp Moon Man, who preferred to avoid conflict entirely and would only use his gun as a last resort. Ultimately, they bear no official connection, but the strangeness of sharing the exact same name and trademark headgear. It's as if one ends where the other begins.
In some ways, I'd argue the original Moon Man is the purest wish fulfillment pulp hero of The Great Depression, because although eventually he'd take on more bizarre villains, the bulk of his stories are about this regular guy who goes around patching up wounds left by the Depression in a case-by-case basis and (barely) outfoxing and surviving repeated attacks from the powers that be only because he hides his true face from the world. He has no extraordinary abilities or resources, but he makes do as best he can with a ticking time bomb hanging above him.
As unfortunate as the character's present circumstances may be I absolutely think he's got what it takes to be striking and memorable and resonant in ways a lot of his fellow costume avengers aren't, and hey, the guy's public domain, so, if anyone wants to take a shot at reviving him or simply plopping him into a story, add another weird chapter to his history, nothing's stopping you. I simply have to believe there's an audience out there who may fall in love with a well-meaning bleeding heart trying his best who, with nothing but theatrics and smarts and a fishbowl helmet for a head, is driven to fight capitalism instead of Spider-Man.
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With a strange, uncanny knowledge the Moon Man selected his victims. Those victims had climbed roughshod to power; some within the law, and others outside the pale. And the Moon Man called on them with a very definite and grim plan— for he walked in the eternal danger of a double menace. If the silent figure had any face at all, it was the face of the man in the moon!
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I was gifted a revelation:
Do now the question is: which wrestler is which primarch?
Here are my suggestions, with my logic behind each choice:
Horus Lupercal: Triple H. He's literally a genius strategist and evil as hell but also kinda cool.
Leman Russ: Roman Reigns. Big wolf boi energy.
Ferrus Manus: Damian Priest. He seems like the guy to just pummel the shit out of you.
Fulgrim: Shawn Michaels. Horny af.
Vulkan: Mark Henry. Big black guy who's really nice.
Rogal Dorn: Gunther. Smile? What is that? We're here for business.
Roboute Guilliman: Cody Rhodes. The babyface of all babyfaces.
Magnus the Red: Seth Rollins. Have you seen his outfits?
Sanguinius: CM Punk. Literally no one hates him for some reason.
Lion El'Johnson: Randy Orton. Kinda dark and edgy, his good guy/bad guy status is kinda fluctuating.
Perturabo: Drew MacIntyre. Hates everything and everyone. Especially Dorn/Punk.
Mortarion: The Undertaker. The slow, ominous, unending march of doom.
Lorgar: Bray Wyatt. Creepy cult leader guy.
Jaghatai Khan: Rey Mysterio. Fast, kick your ass before you realize your ass is exposed. Cool as hell.
Konrad Curze: Edge. Literally insane.
Angron: Kane. Big angry red thing.
Crovus Corax: John Cena. You can't see him.
Alpharius Omegon: Chad Gable. Charismatic and kinda weird, technically bad guy but also good? Plotting, scheming, etc.
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Rating Every Nu Who Episode: Season 10
The Husbands of River Song: 9/10 a really fun episode where River gets to kind of do her own thing, but also that reveal of who he is is FANTASTIC and their last date night wrapping up her arc is SO good. Loses one point for Nardole existing.
The Return of Doctor Mysterio: 9/10 the dip into the superhero genre is charming and the plot is appropriately silly. I feel like here Twelve is finally starting to feel like the Doctor.
The Pilot: 9/10 BILL DARLING DOOMED LESBIAN ALMOST ROMANCE. This episode is so sad and haunting even though almost nothing happens it's great.
Smile: 10/10 delightfully upbeat and creepy. Toxic positivity commentary.
Thin Ice: 8/10 mostly fun. The Doctor punches a racist rich guy.
Knock Knock: 9/10 manages to be silly and scary and sad all at once. I love it when people tried to do the right thing and it turns them into villains. Wish we got to see more of Bill having college friends and life after this though.
Extremis: 9/10 this premise is ridiculous and the planned invasion is never addressed again and I really want to dislike it, but it's so much fun and I'm a sucker for show-made AUs.
The Pyramid at the End of the World/The Lie of the Land: 7/10 really enjoyed the entire premise (there's that AU thing again--sort of), and I like Bill getting to be a hero on her own (twice!). Did lose a point because I firmly believed the Doctor should remain blind until his next regeneration.
Empress of Mars: 4/10 after the last several extremely good episodes, this one felt kind of jumbled and shallow.
The Eaters of Light: 9/10 I love that they made a trip because of a historical bickering. I love the sadness of the whole situation. I love Missy's improvement arc.
World Enough and Time/The Doctor Falls: 5/5 this episode was NOT meh but I'm putting it in the middle because I can't decide if I love or hate it. I enjoyed so many elements, from the time dilation that meant Bill spent YEARS isolated to the slow reveal of the cybermen. But also, while I love Bill's end, it feels like she'd barely gotten her footing as a familiar embedded companion and this was too soon and sudden. I like the tragedy of Missy wanting to do the right thing and failing too, but I REALLY HATE SIMM!MASTER and also, getting ahead of myself a bit, but I don't like that the next time we see the Master regenerated, all the character progress is just gone.
Twice Upon a Time: 9/10 this interaction was really fun and Twelve having to keep going "you REALLY can't say that" was great. But also you'd think the Doctor would learn that regenerating IN the TARDIS never ends well.
Bonus Character Ratings
Twelve: 9/10 he got way better.
Bill: 9/10 she's amazing but could have used more time to deepen her character.
Missy 10/10 she literally got better!
Nardole: 1/10 he’s annoying and mean and unfunny and just why.
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hollowsart · 11 months
I wanna know what the heck Cole and Betsy did to Beck - I mean he must have been pretty blindsided for them to be able to actually tie him up (my guess is even though he was starting to suspect them doing something he might've been holding out and believing he was wrong and maybe it wasn't them being malicious, especially since one of them is his childhood friend, but it was) - cause yeah he loses against spiderman a lot but how on earth did they manage to actually get him out of the way to do their thing? Did they hit him over the head or something? Cause when Miles shows up he's tied up in a back closet and talking in a small voice asking for help and when Miles opens the door he has his eyes closed and looks like he's in pain. I'm just curious how this played out here.
Also I'm real curious as to your thoughts on what potentially might happen afterwards - like he just wanders off but Betsy and Cole are now going to jail.
Tl;Dr cuz I went on a tangent: Likely they used his own tech against him. They lured him into the building, turned it on, and used it against him to trap him and catch him. Especially since it would have been the easiest way to go about it, and the safest just in case he had any tricks of his own to fight back.
Another option could be that they merely waited until his guard was down before seizing the opportunity to attack. 2 against 1 isn't very fair. And as you said, they definitely did something to hurt him physically. Probably to make it easier and make sure he didn't try to struggle or fight back as they took care of tying and locking him up out of the way.
Considering he showed up to Miles during the final boss fight, he wasn't chained up, but the way he was shown shows he must have been hurt. He was grabbing at his lower left rib/side, hunched over, and trying to stay balanced. He was swaying a little. His way of speech was also stressed, like he was in pain.
When he was handcuffed and tossed into that room (computer server room?) He was not able to stand, very tired, and very much out of it. Speaking was breathy and labored, like he was worn out from his struggle or whatever Betsy and Cole did.
They definitely did something to hurt him, like you said.
My guess is they likely waited for an opportunity to catch him off guard, teaming up to take him down, trapping him, and likely doing something more to make sure he doesn't try to fight back.
Near the end, when he leaves the roof after talking to Miles, I do believe he went off to find some peace for a while, think things over, and maybe try to figure out what to do and where to go from here.
He isn't exactly the type of person to give up so easily or to stop trying. At least, his character in general isn't. Doesn't give off that vibe. He's always been persistent, persevering through the hardships (getting his butt kicked and plans ruined by Spiderman or more). As well.. he seemed so genuine in wanting to turn over a new leaf. Cole and Betsy did nothing for him to actually help him move on. They didn't respect him nor his wishes. And even if Betsy WAS his childhood neighbor, even she agreed with Cole that he was always so "weird and creepy," heck. She laughed about it, betraying her statement, "That's not very nice."
Betsy was the most interested in getting the money. She used her connection with Beck to her benefit. Cole wanted to back out of it, thinking it was not worth it. Considering how Beck is, she wasn't feeling it. Wasn't feeling safe. You could hear in one of the dev logs that Cole was feeling flaky about it.
Beck was not happy. No one was. Betsy managed to secure money for funding their "get rich quick" scheme using Beck/Mysterio as the fall guy to take all the blame, since he's well-known to have done villainous acts in the past.
I still feel bad for him. He wanted to be Quentin Beck again, the special effects expert.. he didn't want to be Mysterio, the master of illusion, anymore. :( But they shot him down and didn't hear him through. They ran with their own ideas and kept brushing him off to the side. Using his own tech against him.
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rebelliousstories · 2 years
Jake Gyllenhaal & Co.
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Jake Gyllenhaal
Love and Youth
The right person can make you feel young all the time. And having a relationship in the public can be extremely tough at times. So what happens when you combine these two things?
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Edward Sheffield
Favorite Feeling
After a long and hard day, Edward’s favorite thing is the cuddles on the couch with a movie and a bowl of ice cream.
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Detective David Loki
Safe In Your Arms
Loki hasn’t been home in days; no problem.
Tall, Dark, and Handsome
There were two things that David Loki knew to be true; 1. There was a mysterious cup of coffee on his table when ever he left the room. And 2. The woman he likes has no clue about his feelings.
The Secret to a Good Relationship
Everyone always says that the secret to a good relationship is communication. Now to see if you can teach an old dog new tricks.
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Donnie Darko
Eyes Open
There’s just something creepy about seeing someone sleep walk and talk.
With Friends Like These
Friends should always have your best interest at heart, and should never disrespect the bro code: do not disrespect the girl your friend has a crush on.
Sex, Drugs, Rock ‘N Roll
What was suppose to be a quiet and spooky night in, quickly turned into something a bit scarier, but a bit more relaxed.
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Jack Twist
Happily Ever After
Sometimes, Prince Charming is just a few years away.
A quick trip into town for a few cowboys turns into a trip down memory lane.
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Quentin Beck/ Mysterio
Dating Quentin Beck/ Mysterio Headcanon’s…
Some headcanons of mine about dating Quentin Beck
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howlingday · 2 years
You know I had a RWBY DC AU once where it takes place in the aftermath of an event called the Apokolips War with Blake as Batwoman (she’s basically Cassandra Cain meets Mysterio and is the equivalent to a Creepy Pasta in Gotham to the point she might be a myth), Yang as Superwoman, Weiss as Blue Beatle and Ruby as the Flash.
Nice! All solid choices, really. I especially like Weiss as Blue Beetle for some reason, but I don't know why.
Yang as Superwoman is a good way to go, since blonde super-strong woman tend to gravitate towards each other. Another option might have been Power Girl, but every time I see her, it's like she's only there to serve as some excuse to draw cleavage.
Ruby also seems to only be casted as the Flash. If it fits, it fits, but it still feels like a low-hangibg fruit choice.
Blake as a "myth or real" entity sounds fun, to be honest.
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cavenewstimes · 7 days
Dominik Mysterio Calls CM Punk and Rey Mysterio Losers in WWE Feud Throwback
One big thing: Dominik Mysterio throws shade at CM Punk and Rey Mysterio Dominik Mysterio, WWE superstar and son of Rey Mysterio, has responded to historic footage of a rivalry between CM Punk and his father with a pointed insult. • WWE shared a clip on Twitter of CM Punk singing a creepy rendition of “Happy Birthday” to Dominik’s sister, Aalyah, from their past feud.• Dominik reacted by tweeting…
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