#and could feel superior towards respective of status/birth. again. different circumstances...highly different
fideidefenswhore · 9 months
Not that i know about margaret douglas but is it generally seen as an issue of her having to forgive henry and anne?
I remember reading here i think that anne's last purchases were for elizabeth, henry and a lady margaret, and you speculated that was md so i guess from that there was a good relationship between them?
and when her friends and romantic partners were howards, she spent a hella time around anne's family and must've heard a more sympathetic opinion of anne from them i guess
Yeah, I thought that was a weird way to phrase that, because even if she thought that was fucked up it would be like...not really for her to 'forgive' that, it wasn't done to her. Hence the tags, sometimes people just compartmentalize in their dealings with others.
Well, some Marians think that her treatment and opinion of Princess Elizabeth during the Marian era (and her as Queen during the Elizabethan) was her 'real' opinion of AB coming out which is kind of... dumb...they were two entirely separate women. Not to mention that 1530s Henrican England had very different circumstances from 1550s Marian England and later Elizabethan England, and were two (three?) very different points in her life.
The idea comes more from the knowledge that Princess Mary and MD were friends, but this doesn't seem to have precluded her from having a positive relationship with H&A. Maybe she was even the person that had encouraged AB to reach out to her stepdaughter the few times she did, who knows. They seem to have picked up their friendship again even after their period of separation, if I had to guess I would say it's likely they both understood in the end that Mary had gone with her mother, and Margaret with hers.
She was good friends with Mary Fitzroy; not all the Howards liked AB but Mary definitely did...so yeah, something there, maybe.
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