#and children are known for being very honest lmfao
lithth · 17 days
Sebastian getting offended of being called an old guy will never not be funny to me
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chickenooodlehope · 3 years
comedy queens ryen @kithtaehyung and em @jinbestboy tagged me in this (longish) interview tag! hi sweets, i loved reading your answers <3 
tagging @bibillyhillsbaby @fakelovedotmp3 @namjoonssweetestthang @whatdoyouthinkmp3 @gimbapchefs @angelhobi @bisexualrapline @dinamitae @taehyungsupremacy @taejinnies @tae-bebe 💛
when is your birthday? december 26 (i am winter bear, hear me roar)
what is your favorite color? yellow 💛
what's your lucky number? pass, but my favorite letter is “s”
do you have any pets? yes a cat and she rules my life
how tall are you? 5’3”, aka the most common height of tumblr users in 2021 i believe?? hey shorties how’re we doin??
how many pairs of shoes do you own? mm i think about a dozen? but i wear my clogs almost every day because they’re my stompin shoes <3
favorite song? right now either “fever” by enhypen or “my” by youra!!
favorite movie? ahh i don’t really have one! maybe the goonies or the princess diaries?
what would be your ideal partner? LOL i gather from em’s response that the going answer is “kim seokjin,” and who am i to disagree??
do you want children? nope
have you gotten in trouble with the law? nope
what color socks are you wearing? nope
bath or shower? shower!
favorite type of music? jung hoseok <3
how many pillows do you sleep with? oh god, so many. two under my head, one next to me, several behind me, preferably one to clutch. also my cat usually sleeps on me, so maybe add a tally mark for her.
which position do you sleep in? hmm see previous answer
what don't you like when you're sleeping? LOL idk if this counts but i can’t fall asleep without listening to or watching something
what do you have for breakfast? when i’m being very responsible, i make a smoothie to bring with me to work, but i usually don’t eat anything until like 10am whoops
have you ever tried archery? no i am scared of arrows
favorite fruit? MANGO
favorite swear word? cunt <3
do you have any scars? i don’t think so?? the bottoms of my feet used to have all sorts of scars from getting torn up by oyster shells and things on the beach, but i think all of those have faded
are you a good liar? LOL no i forget that lying is a thing. honest or gullible?? the world may never know!!
what's your personality type? isfj last i checked
what's your favorite type of girl? LMFAO i can’t possibly answer this, u crazy questionnaire u!!! what’s that quote that’s like “i am a combination of every woman i have ever known?” i felt that 😌
left or right handed? right 🤙🏻
favorite food? unghhh this is also hard because i love cooking, but maybe just bread and cheese?? pesto??
are you clean or messy? spatially? clean :) emotionally…? hmm :)
favorite foreign food? uhh how do we feel about the phrase foreign food…? i would say thai food i guess?
how long does it take for you to get ready? like 40 minutes in the morning, but i’m typically not prepared to Speak Out Loud for a good hour or so
most used phrase? LOL helena @bibillyhillsbaby and i were just talking about this. probably “it’s fine” 🙃 or “ahh gotcha”
are you a good singer? HAAA no
do you sing to yourself? oh yeah, all the time
biggest fear? heights / bridges / falling
do you like long or short hair? short!
are you into gossips? yes i live for that moment when someone leans in and is like “u will not BELIEVE what just happened to me!!”
extrovert or introvert? I N T R O V E R T
favorite school subject? english/history
what makes you nervous? uhh i literally had to text the gc this weekend because i had a severe case of Gay Panic at work and could NOT calm down. also, climate change, ya know
who was your first real crush? LOL i don’t remember but it could have been pretty much any early 2000s disney channel tv show main character, including kim possible
how many piercings do you have? lol none because i’m a weenie and they all closed up
how fast can you run? NOT very fast
what makes you angry? entitlement 🤢
do you like your own name? yeah! except there’s a weird trend of really hateful characters named allison so that’s not great 🙃
what are your weaknesses? i CAN’T deal with confrontation and also i CAN’T reach the top shelf HELP
what are your strengths? i will make that phone call for u bestie!! no problem!!
what is the color of your bedspread? i have a cream colored duvet cover but i always sleep with a pink quilt and a yellow throw blanket on top, because this bitch likes to be cozy!!
color of your room? white because i’m renting, but if i could choose, the walls would be green!
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vifvement · 4 years
( christina nadin, nonbinary, they/she ) — a member of the [ COJUANGO ] family seeks entry to the society ! [ VIRIDIANA TERESA  ] is a [ 25 ] year old [ YOUTH ACTIVIST & GRADUATE STUDENT ] who hails from [ TARLAC, PHILIPPINES / SĂVÂRȘIN, ROMANIA ] , who call them [ THE DOVE ] . although their peers know them for being [ CHARITABLE ] and [ GOOD-WILLED ] , their reputation for being [ NAÏVE ] and [ GULLIBLE ] might hinder their relations with current society members. while the [ COJUANGCO ] family is known for [ OWNING THE WORLD’S BIGGEST LIQUOR COMPANY ] , the society’s own [ SHIRLEY TEMPLE ] is better remembered by [ A FAIRY TALE-LIKE CHILDHOOD : INNOCENCE AS WHITE AS A DOVE AND THE PEARLS YOU WEAR ; THE WORDS ‘HAVE COURAGE AND BE KIND’ : SECOND CHANCES TURNING INTO THREE, FOUR, FIVE AS YOU LET YOUR HEART RULE YOUR MIND ; & A FLOWER BLOSSOMING DESPITE ADVERSITY, THE PROMISE OF SPRING ETERNAL  ] . initial reports say their goal of  [  ACHIEVING WORLD PEACE  ]  would be their first priority after being inducted, although who’s to say that won’t change ?
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familial background.
trigger warning for: mentions of martial law
okay, idk where to fit this in but blanche is the cousin to the current heir apparent of the romanian royal family—which, really means jackshit bc the romanian royals were all deposed some few decades ago. the cojuangcos were political dissidents in the time of martial law in the philippines, had their assets confiscated, and were forced to flee. both families decided to stay at ireland where their children then met. after some years, some kind of status quo was brought back to both countries and all assets and properties were then returned to the two families. 
however, since they’ve already fallen in love, they decided they might as well marry each other despite the logistical hassle of everything involved, though this is perhaps helped considering blanche’s mother is the youngest out of her siblings and so the succession (or the image of a succession) wasn’t so dependent on her staying in romania. blanche’s parents decided to acquire the other’s citizenship and split their time evenly between the two nations.
there’s not much to say about the romanian side of their family aside from them being deposed royals; but the cojuangco side are former hacienderos turned conglomerate owners, and they currently own san miguel corporation which can roughly be imagined as the asian competitor to anheuser-busch. 
so, yes, your character can probably ask them for free alcohol.
trigger warning for: mentions of hunger and death
they grew up a darling of a child. they never knew the horrors that gripped their families just decades prior, and they grew up spoiled, protected, sheltered. they grew up knowing vast tracts of country estates free for their horses to ride in, silver-coloured bubbling brooks in charming meadows, dripping pearls and emeralds from their mother’s hands. they lived so far removed from reality that it almost seemed like a fairytale.
for all intents and purposes, they did live in one. blanche is the child of a union between two notable families that had been forged by hardship and fire and bloodshed and revolution. perhaps it was overcompensation that made blanche’s parents raise them up in such a manner, but the scars of war and repression cut deep into the psyche of both the cojuangcos and the al româniei. they wanted to give their perfect little daughter everything she could ever want, and so she was given everything from books to ponies to even a small house of their own, completely modelled after a victorian playhouse model they’d acquired for them. 
of course, since their family held dual citizenship, they also had twice of everything: one in săvârșin and one in tarlac—and if they ever forgot anything in one country, their parents just as easily bought it again for them instead of making them wait.
blanche could have rotted from the sweetness of their idyllic childhood but they grew up the epitome of a perfect princess, always so sweet and docile and charming. 
yet the years go by, and now the common refrain is: where’s that sweet girl gone? blanche doesn’t even consider themself much of a girl, which points towards how much they’ve changed from their childhood years; but they still think of themself as a dutiful child. after all, what better way to honour their family’s legacy than to fight injustice and repression wherever it may take form?
there isn’t really a specific point in time where they knew that they had to something about the state of the world. perhaps it was seeing the disparity between rich and poor, knowing that some people died of hunger while they and their family feasted on several courses of meals and led to so much food waste, and realising that they not only have the means to change it but the framework too.
they always grew up with knowledge of the society their parents were in, and they had always known membership was an inevitability for them, but they never really thought about it much until they woke up from their dogmatic slumber. now, they’re very much keen to use the society to change the world for the better.
ever since that realisation, they did everything they can to be as politically active as possible, involving themself in numerous movements and initiatives. their sheer enthusiasm, the quaintness of their background, as well as their sheer iron-will determinism, made them an icon of the progressive cause. barely even in college, they were thrust into a global spotlight and made into a spokesperson for the causes they choose.
tl;dr: imagine a greta thunberg for world peace but also for literally every good cause you can think of lmfao
international children’s peace prize
one of time 100′s “most influential people in the world”
united nations messenger of peace
constantly described as a “pure cinnamon roll” in social media, which is honestly the peak of their success tbh
wanted connections.
i have a loose friendship group request based on the powerpuff girls, basically a group of young people who want to do some actual good in the world! blanche is bubbles, so i’m looking for blossom and buttercup! 
i’m also looking for their cousin, the heir presumptive to the deposed romanian royalty. as that adjective suggests, they are deposed and therefore hold no real power. what they do have, however, are some castles—and that’s always fun.
aside from that, fellow activists that want to change the world! help blanche help the world!
on that note, people who think they’re naïve (which they are) and kinda dumb (which they’re not) for wanting world peace. they’re gonna fight you on that but hey, feel free to convince them they’re wrong. they’re never gonna believe you.
childhood friend! they were very protected and probably not allowed much time outside but please let this be the “exception” their parents made for them
older members who might know their parents, who are definitely more traditionalist than them and so are quite surprised upon meeting blanche
someone who will honest-to-god please teach them some street smarts! they’re super naïve and gullible and also they literally are the epitome of “how much can a banana cost? $10?” so they probably get ripped off on the daily so please... someone... save them
someone please be the corrupting influence to this good && precious soul! make the cinnamon roll a sinnamon roll. ;)
note: blanche would and could answer to both their name of viridiana teresa and she/her pronouns but they prefer to be called blanche and be referred to with they/them pronouns
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twtrv · 7 years
an accurate guide about red velvet
So since so many people are getting into Red Velvet recently, I decided to make a guide to help them out. You know, give yall some slack because learning five names is super hard. A guide accompanied by my half-assed jokes, interesting. 
PSA: If you’re only here to stan the girls because of their recent comebacks like Peek-A-Boo and Bad Boy and are going to drop them as soon as they release tracks similar to Dumb Dumb and Ice Cream Cake, leave because we don’t want you here.
Now that we got that out of the way, let’s get straight to business (TO DEFEAT THE HUNS WHY DID THEY SEND ME DAUGHTERS WHEN I ASKED FOR SONS)
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Basic Facts
Red Velvet is a South Korean girl group formed by SM Entertainment in 2014.
There are five members (OT4 stans can choke).
They debuted on August 1st in 2014 with a single called “Happiness”.
Fandom name is Reveluv. Since “rêve” means “dream” in French, the meaning behind the fandom name is that us, Reveluvs, make their dreams come true and Red Velvet gives us their immense love in return, thus the “luv” part. Sometimes they also call us “Luvies”.
Official fandom colour is pastel coral and not red because l o g i c
The fact that they were formed by SM Entertainment doesn’t mean they got a free ride to the top so sit your entitled asses down, thanks.
Now, you see, they weren’t actually supposed to debut in 2014. I bet you must be confused but don’t worry, it is I, your trusty homie, that is gonna help you realize how many similarities every student has with SM lmao plus the reason for their early debut.
2014 was a rough year for our buddy Lee Soo Man. Jessica left Girl’s Generation; Sulli left f(x); Kris, Tao and Luhan left EXO... This, of course, caused a goddamn World War III amongst the fans of the respective groups. They were about to go in front of the official SM building with torches and pitchforks to demand SM to step up their game. To calm the situation down, our amigo SM must have thought: “Welp I sure fucked up. How the hell do I fix this? Wait, I have an idea! Let’s debut another girl group to cover up all the shit that has been piling up for years now!” 
And your boi gone and did it. He basically debuted another group despite the number of problems he had to deal with already. This is every student ever, just make another problem to cover up the first one.
Red Velvet debuted with four members; Irene, Seulgi, Wendy and Joy. The “Happiness” music video got 2 million views in a day and was the most viewed kpop music video for the month of August in 2014. See, the queens already breaking records.
However, the original version of “Happiness” was full of controversial topics such as 9/11 being the most prominent one. This caused such hate to the girls that everyone started calling them “flops”. Lmao Red Velvet stays unbothered as the kpop act with the most Billboard charted albums bYE.
Some of you still may be wondering what the hell happened with Yeri. Well, because their debut was rushed and due to her age, Yeri, unfortunately, couldn’t debut with them. When Red Velvet debuted, Yeri was 15 years old so basically a child. 
“bUt jiSUnG fROM ncT DreAM dEBuTed wHeN hE WAs onlY FoUrteEn”
Before, there was a law which stated that kids under the age of 16 couldn’t debut.
No need to worry fellow Yeri stans! Red Velvet only released another single called “Be Natural” before Yeri was officially added. The single featured NCT’s Taeyong on it too so if you are one of those fangirls, better go and check it out because your oppar is there + it is an underrated bop.
Yeri was added to the group during Ice Cream Cake era! Of course, many people hated her, acting as if Red Velvet released so many songs and solved world hunger without Yeri. Um, bitch they had two songs take a seat.
Discography and music in general lol
IT IS GOLD!1!!!!111!!
Okay listen, every single song of theirs makes me thot-drop in the middle of the goddamn school. Jesus Christ sunbaenim is shaking.
Albums:  Ice Cream Cake, The Red, The Velvet, Russian Roulette, Rookie, The Red Summer, Perfect Velvet, The Perfect Red Velvet.
Queens of naming their albums don’t even @ me.
Listen to every single song if you want to cure your depression, clear your skin, feed your children and harvest your crops. Seriously, all of their b-sides are so amazing and such bops they are worth a listen and you, as a person who chose to stan Red Velvet, deserve to have your ears cleansed.
Another topic that I want to bring up is “the red concept” and “the velvet concept”. It is not complicated. Basically what it means is that they split their concepts into two. The red concepts are more upbeat, catchy and poppy songs such as Dumb Dumb, Rookie, Russian Roulette etc. However, the velvet concept is where they show their mature, more serious ballads. Songs that represent the velvet side are Automatic, One of These Nights, Peek-A-Boo etc.
They filmed 13 music videos so you are going to get attacked by visuals 13 times, good luck.
The members 
The most interesting and fun part of this guide to be honest. So yeah, five members and five completely different personalities. Trust me, you’re gonna love every single one of these girls because they all have such amazing personalities and are extremely funny. Get abroad the homo express!
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- Stage name: Irene
- Real name: Bae Joohyun
- Colour: Pink
- Position: Leader, Visual, Main Rapper, Lead Dancer, Vocal
- She really is a bae tho we love a powerful woman
- Born on March 29th, 1991; the eldest
- She literally looks five what the fuck
- tiny
- Takes pictures of everyone and everything so that she can stare at them while she does the laundry because she is such a mom
- “Shut the fuck up I am not a mom”
- loves pussy
- Drinks men tears to stay hydrated
- Forgets names of her kids aka the rest of Red Velvet
- Snorts laundry detergent
- Talk shit get hit
- Silent but plotting world domination with her at the top
- Speaking of tops, she doms bYE
- She survived the World War II and was Stalin's deskmate when they were in the third grade
- xXButtLoverXx
- Likes winning. Who got to the finish line first? Her. Who travelled to space first? Her. Who found the cure for world hunger? Her.
- Actually very talented in everything she does and is a blessing to humanity
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- Stage name: Seulgi
- Real name: Kang Seulgi
- Colour: Orange
- Position: Main Dancer, Lead Vocal
- Either as fluffy as a teddy bear or a fucking sex God there is no in between
- Born on February 10th, 1994; second eldest
- She, in general, makes me question my sexuality
- also tiny
- “Hello I am the 71st prettiest face in the world”
- First half of the “DD” also known as “Dumbass Duo”
- Someone help her she is lost in time and space
- The type of person to put a red sock to wash with the whites
- Is not capable of doing the splits because she dumb lmao
- How the fuck is one this confused???
- Gets bullied by her members a lot
- A sunshine in human form. You know that sun from the Teletubbies? That be Seulgi
- Her abs make me feel like Kylie Jenner, y’know... pregnant
- “If there’s no food I’m going home”
- THE number one fan of Beyonce™
- Pringles advocate
- She didn’t train for 7 years to have people shit talking her because she is multitalented and leaves people all around the world shooketh
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- Stage name: Wendy
- Real name: Son Seungwan
- Colour: Blue
- Position: Main Vocal, English speaker
- Is also a HELLA good rapper
- Born on February 21st, 1994; third eldest
- Used to live in Toronto when she was younger, her English proceeds to give everyone a boner
- the tiniest out of all
- The kpop singer with the widest vocal range (this is an actual fact)
- “S H I N E  O N  M E”
- So caring it makes me bawl. She literally cooks for everyone and is so supportive it is truly beautiful
- Is actually the one behind the iconic “PARK SOOYOUNG! WHEN YOU SMILE I SMILE TOO”
- If she ever covers your song, you can say goodbye to it because it’s hers now
- A soccer mom
- Also that famous Kris Jenner “You’re doing amazing sweetie” meme
- Rescue her scalp someone pls
- Probably used “WHOMST” once in her lifetime unironically
- The gayest out of all the gays
- She is a boob person and also has a very nice butt Irene knows
- Once stacked a gazillion hats on top of her head because why the fuck not
- Is also a sexy pornstar ... no wait, I meant a “saxophonist”
- Is so beautiful and deserves all the love in this entire world but the world doesn’t deserve her at all 
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- Stage name: Joy
- Real name: Park Sooyoung
- Colour: Green
- Position: Lead Rapper, Lead Vocal, Mood-maker
- + an actress
- Born on September 3rd, 1996: fourth eldest
- Invented “cute” and “sexy” don’t fight me on this
- TALL (for a Red Velvet member lmfao)
- Has the prettiest profile, God took extra time in crafting such a masterpiece
- Speaking of God... God is real and in a form of Park Sooyoung
- Likes finer things in life such as herself
- If the song “Me Too” was a human, it would be her
- Ruthless
- When she gets scared her soul deadass leaves her body and it is hilarious
- A dramatic bitch
- Can get very angery
- Probably was kinkshamed by someone once
- Is having a mental breakdown at every waking moment
- “Can you stop I’m very sensitive”
- Tom to Yeri’s Jerry
- Just the most amazing human being, an all-rounder and a happy virus
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- Stage name: Yeri
- Real name: Kim Yerim
- Colour: Purple
- Position: Maknae, Lead Rapper, Sub Dancer, Vocal, Songwriter
- Is being an absolute savage a talent?
- Born on March 5th, 1999; the youngest
- The other half of the “Dumbass Duo”
- So much sass is contained in this tiny human being
- Plans to take over SM soon one day
- Likes pineapple on pizza cancelled
- The OG Sone
- A mess
-  (ง •̀_•́)ง
- Not a big spoon nor a little spoon, she a knife
- Tries her best
- Knows everyone and everything; what a social butterfly it warms my heart
- Likes to read smut so all of you smut fanfiction writers, watch out, she is lurking
- She lowkey had a fan account that was all about Girl’s Generation
- A woman we all aspire to be
- Is an actual cinnamon roll that yes, could kill you but everyone loves her because she really improved a lot. WE WATCHED HER GROW UP INTO A BEAUTIFUL WOMAN SHE IS NOW B L E S S
Popular ships, let’s play a game where you guess which two people are paired up (not like it is completely obvious)
Ending note
On a more serious note, Red Velvet is an amazing girl group that deserves so much more. I hope this at least got you to check them out. If not, your loss lol.
I could use a fuckton adjectives to describe their perfection but trust me, that ain’t enough.
Anyways, OT4 stans can fuck off, don’t comment on this post.
Just love all the girls and don’t point out their insecurities in a rude way mmkay?
This is all from me and I hope you enjoyed and that this helped you and maybe made you chuckle (maybe?)
If there is another question that you want me to answer, ask me because I would love to.
P.S. It doesn’t have to be Red Velvet related because I am trash that stans more groups than the number of bad jokes I made in this post.
Follow for more quality top-notch content.
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bcllcntynes · 6 years
heyo again folks, it’s lilac here, back with a second character !! ( i have been on break from work for about two seconds.... and you can see how i chose to spend my time, lmao ). but before i say anything else, have you ever wanted to rp with satan ? yes ? well, do i have quite the mcmess for you then. >:)
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here comes st etienne’s resident ASTROPHYSICS major, NATHANIEL BALLANTYNE! the TWENTY FOUR year old CISMALE looks just like BILL SKARSGARD, and the GRADUATE is known to be PERSPICACIOUS and FORTHRIGHT despite also being BEGUILING and PERNICIOUS. you can find them in APT 001 of AUBERLIN APTS, or hanging out with other CHESS, ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION & DEBATE members. just watch out for them, rumour has it that daisey knew something about them you wouldn’t believe…
about nate.
*evil cackles to set the tone of this intro*
first thing you ought to know about my boy here ?? he was arranged to be married to daisey lmao
their families, both socialites and social climbers, had pinned the pair together since birth pretty much. nate and daisey never dated or were romantic, but their parents were always like:  (☭ ͜ʖ ☭) when they were together dkfgjd
so just a note - nate is one of the few people who actually liked daisey. in fact, he respected the hell out of her for making everyone’s life hell dkfgjdhgjkdfd. so if your muse is anti-daisey ? you’re probably anti-nate too
nate is the youngest of like, 5 kids and has grown up in ashmont his whole life
and is the smartest of all the children
and he was an accident and his parents lowkey ignore his existence
he has an eidetic memory, an iq over 170, voracious reader, a ranked chess player... also the biggest douche nozzle to ever walk the planet
he literally hates everything
my beautiful lil cynical nihilist 
he’s also lowkey a masochist and like. bullies people bc he’s the worst and wants to feel superior to everyone kdjdfg
surprisingly enough one of (probably his only lmao) redeeming features is his want to save the planet. maybe he just wants the credit ? maybe he just hates people enough that he can point out their flaws fairly well. but you can catch this mans crying about corral
he has pet snakes named after famous greek philosophers too dfkgd
he is also.... so so vain. tailored suits, styled hair. a bit of a germaphobe tbh and won’t touch anything unsanitary. 
will go to great lengths to avoid conversations dkfjgd
will spend hours. watching the stars. in saying that his sleep schedule is f***ed bc of this and always has rings under his eyes. 
he’s also a chain smoker, but refuses to drink or do hard drugs because it will “mess with his mind”. this boy has a hard on for KNOWLEDGE
i won’t lie he is borderline sociopathic kdfjg. he’s like this fun amalgam of sherlock holmes, elon musk and david attenborough dkfgjdhf
like honestly if you correct him once he’ll probably want to die
also SHOCKINGLY he is ... not v good with people. he always assumes the worst of them and like. does not Connect. so his romantic forays are what i’d consider to be very limited
there was probably a rumour going around at some point that he eats children for fun 
probably doesnt know what a meme is bc he's a loser
he is v blunt but honest so like ??? idk how you’d use that but if you want the truth about something. this is your mans. he has never tried to protect someone from their feelings ever
his weakness is his lactose intolerance lmfao
i’m ending this intro here bc i’m laughing oh my god
plots & connections.
god why would you want to plot with this mans ??? but if you do here are some Lame ideas
fellow socialite families !! chances are you and nate were brought up together, and they can wear their monocles as they sip whisky lmao
nate will tutor you in pretty much anything but only if you pay him bc he loves extortion lmao
i mean i have no idea WHY a person would like him. maybe there’s someone out there who thinks he can ‘change’ him and make him better. bc there is a lot more underneath the grotesque facade but hey. nate has like, no relationship experience so its gonna be bad for All Involved
chess or debate members !! 
perhaps an unlikely friend or a good influence ? makes nate less like a goblin for a little while
to that end maybe someone like... who's into either astronomy or environmental conservation too and they're like 'ooOOO nate u do have a soul' and nate is like 'no u'
nate needs all the enemies ok
maybe a fun friendship which is like... they don’t like each other but they hate everyone else so they just bitch about st etienne forever kdfj
OH someone who was also close to daisey. bc nate probably would have interacted with them before
literally anything else you can think of tbh ??
at some point i do intend to make a wanted connections page and a bio on nate’s blog, but alas i am too lazy right now as i have been listening to the 5sos live album for about 19 hours now lmao. so hit me up either on blue’s account ( lcminescent) or discord if you wanna plot with this d00d, otherwise i’ll see y’all on the dash soon !! love lilac. <3 x
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System introduction.
Greetings, we are the Club of Homies, also known as the Homies’ club. We are currently a system of 26 and this will be a brief introduction of the ones of us that are comfortable with writing something. 
( n ) = nicknames.
Benji ( n ) : They / Them, Main host, Middle ground of system, Teen alter.
assuh dudes. im benji, the main host of the homie’s club. i enjoy art, baseball, memes and listening to trap music. im taken by axel, the main host from @fragmentedcollectors. theyre my best friend of many years, whos also the most adorable ginger in the world and i always want to spend time to with them because theyre fucking precious. a random fact about me is that i have a shit ton of water bottles because i have an unquenchable thirst.
Benevolence : She / Her, Insider / connected to Benji, Teen alter.
Hello, I’m Benevolence but you can call me Bene for short! I like watching makeup tutorials, kinky stuff, and dramatic love movies! I’m a bit of a talkative person and definitely am not able to keep my mouth shut when I’m interested in a topic discussion. I love the 90s fashion style and have a bit of a mixed music taste. I have a twin and two sort of brother figures in my life, one of them being Benji; We’re a very tightly interwoven family of sorts and I adore them all very much. Feel free to talk to me, I’m not very mean!
Vincent : He / Him, Protector, System manager, Leader.
Greetings, everyone, My name is Vincent. I am the main system manager of the Homies’ Club, working with many others to make sure that my system is stable and that all the alters in my system are always in a good state. I am one of the most flexible alters when it comes to jobs around my system and I am often seen working many jobs. Though despite me always being busy, I am currently in a happy and content companionship with James (@ceruleansaturdays). Some facts about me are that I enjoy songs from the 60s to the 90s and also have a leaning preference to always wearing suits.  Thank you for reading. 
Ace : They / Them, Main rationalist, System manager, Second in command.
My name is Ace, I’m the main rationalist of my system and the second in command, working under Vincent and his counterpart. I’m happily fucking taken by Al, the main rationalist of the Fragmented Collectors (@rationalisticsinner), so if you direct any flirty shit at me, expect to get quickly shut down. I’m in charge of how most of the system runs and am the one that usually takes charge in making plans. I generally don’t type in perfect grammar but for the sake of this introduction, I will. Just don’t fuck with my system and we’ll be on a good note. ♠️
Sky ( n ) : She / Her, Main caretaker of H, Emotional alter.
Hello! My name is Sky, I am the main caretaker of the child alter in my system, H. I love the colour yellow, flowers, spending time with children, reading on sunny afternoons, hot chocolate and having soft lights in rooms. I’ve been told that I’m a very friendly person and that I am a little too nice but caring for everyone is just part of my personal values. I love spending time during special days of the year, such as Halloween and Easter as that’s when I’m able to spoil H and see him have fun! : )
Jonathan : He / Him, Second unconsciousness.
what’s up? name’s jonathan. i’m an alter that’s usually responsible for the vessel falling asleep, not the main one as that’s usually my girlfriend, monet but.. as she’s not able to do the role right now, i’ve taken over. i like sleeping on couches and in the car while music is playing in the background. i’m interested in poetry, photography and am always a sucker for astrology because I just love looking up at the night sky and identifying constellations. i’m not much of a fronter as i generally only come out when it’s time to sleep but i am hoping to sometimes spend some time writing here. 
Evan : He / Him, Insider, Connected to unconsciousness.
Hey Tumblr, my name is Evan. I’m part of the small group of alters who play the role as unconsciousness ( Monet, Jon, Leo and myself ). We all used to be merged together until recently this year when we all decided to fully split and become our own people, though it’s unfortunate that by doing that, the numbers of alters increased but we all really did want to live individual lives instead of being one all the time. I like bands such as Panic!AtTheDisco, Falling in Reverse and Set It Off and prefer to nap during the late afternoons on beds. My best friend is Leo and there’s no one I’d rather ever be with than him because of how nice and caring he always is. 
Leonard : He / Him, Insider, Connected to unconsciousness, Fragmented.
Heeeeeey everyone, my name is Leonard but Leo for short. I’m part of the unconsciousness crew and am a pretty down to earth guy. I’m like the type of guy that sends you wholesome appreciation memes at 3am when you’re not having a good night so I guess you can consider me as a pretty good friend lol. Despite me always being tired and sleepy, I really do like spending time outside and sleeping in the sun or under a shady tree is always like the best thing ever. I also am very huggy and am a bit of a foodie. Will be honest though, my cooking skills aren’t like Gordon Ramsey quality, kinda just chucking stuff into a pot until it tastes good lmfao. Anyways, that’s me, just a random guy. ;)
- Leo
Ikere : They / Them, Insider, Emotional protector, Slider alter.
Heya~ <3 uwu My name is Ikere, I am an emotional protector of the system and is an alter that specializes in the love department, in the aspect of relationships and crushes. I adore people, love songs, walking in the park during spring and writing love letters and poetry. I like watching fashion shows, makeup videos, and anime in my free time. I’ve been told that I’m a good person to chat to and that I’m very nice so, if anyone would ever like to talk to me about interest or just about life in general, I’m always happy to meet someone new! uvu <3 
Avian : He / Him, Rationalist, Teen alter.
Hello, my name is Avian. I am much like the teenage version of Ace and we both are obviously very close and share many of the same things, such as similar signatures, food choices and music tastes. I am the backup rationalist in this system and work with Ace most of the time as well as with my own friend group whenever errands need to be run. I am taken to BZ in the Fragmented Collectors so like Ace said in their introduction, please do not try anything with me, I’m simply not interested in anyone else. Thank you for reading. Avian ♠️ .
Bradley : They / Them, Insider, Teen alter.
What’s up, Tumblr? I’m Brad, a teenager stuck between a punk and normal sense of style. I’m the younger sibling of Siobhan and have always wanted to grow up to be like her because she’s honestly pretty cool, despite her weird ways of eating takeaway at 2 in the morning and watching rock band interviews on Youtube. I like drawing and doodling on my hands and arms and I’m really into sci-fi stuff. I love my friends and I couldn’t ever live without them because they generally really complete my life and make me happy. In the future, we all plan to get matching tattoos. ^^’ Bradley
Siobhan : She / Her, Internal self helper, Slider alter.
Hey party animals, I’m Siobhan, leader of a group in the Homies’ Club and kinda always just co-leading with Vincent.. or at least just supporting the system. I’d describe myself as a pretty gay, punk, rebellious lover of technology and rock who also likes eating junk food and burgers instead of salads because who the fuck wants to eat kale and lettuce?? But yeah, I love rock music, leather jackets, tattoos, and burgers. My favourite band is Hollywood Undead and you best believe I jam out to their songs whenever I’m fronting. Not much else about me honestly, I’m just a simple chick. 
Marien : He / Him, Internal self helper, Slider alter.
what’s up my dudes and dudettes? i’m just a promiscuous nerdy blond punkster you can call Marien. i’m chill, relatively loud sometimes and love being with my friends or people I just genuinely like. i love video games, cyberpunk shit, loud music and watching people fail, gives me joy. i enjoy being reckless and a little too energetic sometimes and am usually the one at parties who jumps onto the table and chugs two bottles of beer before raiding the person’s fridge for food and passing out in a bush the next morning, so i guess you can call me the life of the party haha. anyways hmu whenever, totally free to chat
Marien Ⓐ
Nathaniel : He / Him, Internal self helper, Slider alter.
Hello, I’m Nathaniel. :D I really like pop music, the colour green, birds and coding. My wardrobe is always filled with green sweaters, hoodies and my favourite beanies. All the people in my friend group are my best friends and I always treasure my laptop and phone because they’re my most precious belongings. A lot of the times I make spelling mistakes but thankfully a lot of my friends point it out to me and I sometimes use an app to correct everything! Technology, ducks, and cereal are honestly my favourite things! Nathaniel :D
Oli ( n ) : She / Her, Emotional alter, Teen alter
Hi, my name is Oli. I love everything pastel, comfortable sweaters, and blankets. I have a little bit of trust issues and I’ll be honest, I’m not the strongest alter out there so I am very dependent on others sometimes. I like making cheesecakes, taking care of plants and sketching up fictional characters. I do promise that I’m nice and very approachable! :o <3 
Mallory : He / Him, Persecutor / Perpetrator, Slider alter. 
Hello. My name is Mallory but do feel free to call me Mal. I’m not an alter that usually fronts but I am a very important alter in this system, just preferring to spend time in my own place. I like to spend most of my time in the dark and with the people I like. Other than that, I also do like laughing. Always helps lift up the mood. 
Anyways, that is a short introduction from most of us. We’ll be posting and reblogging whenever we have time. Do feel free to chat if you’d all like, we’re always happy to make new friends.
- TheClubOfHomies
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sundaeserenade · 2 years
Thinking a bit about the different interpretations of Red and I thought abt pixiv!Red.
How do you think his and Green's relationship would work. Or more broadly, some thoughts on pixiv!Red, because he's an anomaly to me in the sea of Reds.
ohh sureee pixiv red, okay.
I do like certain aspects of pixiv!Red, adn the most prevalent is that he's very aloof. I think that can be fun to play with around Green, who's very talkative and loud.
How I think their relationship would work is Green still having that intuitive sense for what Red's thinking, but sometimes, even he is thrown off.
When they're kids, this doesn't happen as often. Kids can communicate with like broken sentences and half-words. They can say something that doesn't make any fucking sense and their friends will just nod along or just say something completely random and change the subject. Children are something that cannot be explained or expressed accurately in any way, so Red and Green would, somehow, be able to communicate effectively despite Red's aloof nature and Green's talkative nature.
It's when Green starts being mean that things would turn, bc I think pixiv!Red would just. still be aloof. He doesn't know how to express his emotions, he's gotten so used to hiding them. He's got this maturity to him, this somberness and sad acceptance that no one will ever quite "get" him, and when Green leaves, that thought is reinforced.
When I think about pixiv!Red and Green like working on their relationship in like HGSS era, I see Green reaching this point of frustration where he deadass yells at Red to be honest with his feelings, and to tell Green, at least, what he's feeling.
pixiv!Red really leans into that legendary intimidation vibe Red is known for, but he leans into it so heavily. He's an enigma, but not in the charming way. His intimidating aura is too strong, so you get the sense that he hates you when he's literally indifferent.
I always see pixiv!Red not knowing much about romance, but he knows that Green is the only person who has "gotten" him. And though pixiv!Red put on this front and went up to Mt. Silver, he still missed having someone make the effort. When they were kids, Green wanted to play with him. And when they were on their journey, Green saw him as a rival. Green takes him seriously in some regard. And pixiv!Red likes that.
and I also hc that pixiv!Red is really focused on that whole "strong" aspect. I like him only giving strong trainers the time of day. Like, only strong trainers get his respect. So like Gold/Ethan and Green are the only people who he'll fuck around with.
pixiv!Red is just so picky about who he hangs around with. And it's not so much social anxiety, it's like…kind of thinking he's better than everyone but also just not caring a lot about the subjects/interests of others that aren't pokemon and battling. Like pixiv!Red just doesn't care about that other stuff. he's found his calling in life, leave him alone LMFAO
He just wants to spend time with people who are just as obsessed as he is. who have that same respect for battling.
Anyway, back to his and Green's relationship, I think Green sombers out a little as he gets older. Not that he reaches the aloof levels of pixiv!Red, but he's a bit more serious. LMFAO like, I kind of change Green because of how red has changed. Like, they influence each other in that way because they're childhood friends.
so Green is still more extroverted but he does have his quiet moments. and I just think post HGSS, he'd take his relationship with Red seriously. I see him dragging pixiv!Red out and trying to get him to meet other people. Green introduces him to some respectable trainers and Red's…nice…with them, but he still prefers just hanging out with two people LMFAO.
pixiv!Red also disappears a lot. He'll just go off and explore because he doesn't mind his own company. But he'll come back to Green at some point, and Green will get on to him then.
When they travel together, it's a lot of pixiv!Red doing stupid reckless shit and somehow, coming out of it alright and Green just yelling at him. So not all that different from normal. But pixiv!Red is just so…indifferent. The only time he really emotes is if Green's hurt or one of his pokemon is hurt or if Green kisses his cheek… he will blush and that's it.
pixiv!Red is also the type, i think, to just reach over and take Green's hand and not care. after he gets used to the cheek touches, he just does this. to green. and then green is the one blushing.
so overall, i see their relationship being a bit more subdued? as a result of pixiv!Red's aloofness and green's more serious side coming out. but pixiv!Red can be whatever you want him to be. look down deep into your soul, anon. he's there. in the depths. lurking in the dark.
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