#and chay really really wants to resent him for being born to be the perfect idol
daylightaftertherain · 6 months
I should start writing that kimchay idolverse au that I've been thinking about forever hmm
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rav-rabies · 10 months
Hi Fi Rush Headcanons/ideas: pt 1 Heroes
got a few ideas bouncing around mostly just backstory stuff I wanted to write down to clean up my head and thought I'd share.
Pt 2
Possible trigger warnings: discussions of family fights, age gap relationships
Sun sign: Cancer, Moon: Sagittarius, Ascending: Sagittarius
Is smarter than he lets on
Grew up in a small town and got himself into trouble because there wasn't much else to do.
Never knew his father. He left home to pursue his dream of being a Rockstar and disappeared.
Chai created an idealized version of his father. Wants
Majored in Business as his mother wished but negotiated to study Music Theory as a minor. Got mostly A's and a few B's.
Quit school after being discouraged by an asshole professor and because he wanted to live his own life on his terms.
Couldn't find work after dropping out because ableism and struggled on disability payments.
Sun: Sagittarius, Moon: Capricorn,  Ascending: Virgo
Was an invitro baby and was conceived around the same time as Kale.
Roxanne and her husband had been separated for three years when there was an accident at the treatment center Peppermint's zygote was stored in. Roxanne was relived one of her zygotes survived and she and her estranged husband agreed to bring the child to term.
Her father died when she was barely a year old so she never got to know him.
Has a small tattoo of two intertwined violets on her back to represent Sapphic love.
More interested in environmental science and politics then robotics but was supported by Roxanne as both fields a line with her worldview.
Is planning on returning to school soon after her mother gets everything back on track at Vandelay.
Sun: Libra, Moon: Taurus, Ascending: Pisces
Spent his vacation reconnecting with his old friends outside of Vandelay.
He was that kid who took things apart. His parents were great though and supported his interest. Just they made sure to redirect his curiosity towards lest destructive
First learned about Roxanne when he was finishing collage and wanted to become a part of something bigger. He was drawn to her ideas and drive.
Sun: Virgo, Moon: Scorpio, Ascending: Aries
Had not been working at Vandelay long before Chai came along.
Had a tentative "friendship" with Zanzo due to both being bottom of the social hierarchy.
Has zero interest in Chai and Peppermint as romantic partners. Though that can change for peppermint. Her age is the only hurtle really. (NOTE: I do love this ship and have no problems with age gaps in shipping or sometimes irl. But, as someone in their thirties, I feel comfortable saying that we're not as inclined to date younger unless we're kind of immature like Zanzo or said 20 something is really chill.)
CNMN doesn't need headcanons from me he's perfect as is.
Roxanne Vandelay (Heads up she gets Rose Quartzed a little)
Sun: Capricorn, Moon: Sagittarius, Ascending: Aquarius
She values altruism above all. She believes the purpose of creation in both science and the arts is to better the world.
Also values hard work and sacrifice, not to insane levels but again to the point she lacks some sympathy for those
Has a hard time accepting others as driven as her. She isn't actively mean but she's not very understanding of those with different values.
She and her husband both wanted to create a better world and fell in love while working for it. After Kale was born Her husband became devoted to his son. She believed both still/would support her vision and spent as much time with her family as she could and hoped love would be enough.
It wasn't. Overtime her son grew to resent his distant but caring mother and her husband grew sad and frustrated.
Arguments started and the rift got too big for anyone to ignore. She left.
After her husbands death Roxanne found herself a CEO of a rapidly growing company and a single mother to an unruly teen who just made a strange new friend.
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