#and by the time he works out it’s cuz she’s Davey’s sister
i-didnt-do-1t · 1 year
Really wanna write/read something of Livesies/uksies Delancey brothers meeting Sarah somehow
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felt-squirrels · 1 year
1: sarah jacobs being morally conflicted about dating her ex’s other ex while said ex-bf is literally making out with her brother
2: both jack and davey being in complete disbelief that the other likes them back. they’re both the pining idiot and the oblivious dumbass at the same time.
3: jack being overly affectionate and davey pretending not to like it, but knows that jack was never overly affectionate w kath or sarah so it makes him feel special
4: davey having an actual routine that he just sort of drags jack through and jacks just like ‘okay babe whatever works for you’ but really jack gets tired out by it easily
5: sleepy javey snuggles. thats it.
6: davey would at first try to deny that jack is bi, even after jack asks him out cuz like ‘he just broke up w my sister wtf’ but the but then hes like
‘he wouldnt lie about that’
7: is it just me or would kath have been openly bi like waaaaaaay before jack was
like as soon as she decided she’s a bad bitch who disobeyed her father and got a job she also was like ‘btw, i like girls’
jack knew this going in
he had it coming
not that he didn’t already have a thing for a certain guy but yk
8: sarah realizing her feelings for kath before breaking up w jack and that being the reason he’s left w/out a gf?
9: jack dating sarah because he is wrestling with his own internalized homophobia. he figures the only reason he wants to be around davey so much is bc he likes his sister, or thats what he convinces his dumb brain. either way yes. he was never really into her.
Honestly yeah I’m some of the modern Aus that I’ve read where Sarah dates Jack first her reaction to Jack and Davey getting together is usually “Finally, I dated Jack just to make him realize he liked my brother.” Or “Wait what” and then she starts dating Kath and the internal conflict gets resolved.
I also totally agree with them just not believing the other is in love with them like they are emotionally repressed gay teenagers but aren’t/weren’t we all
And Davey being a bit of a neat freak or desperately relying on a schedule (Autism) is so relatable in an opposite way? I hate schedules but also totally get needing to rely on them
Honestly I agree with everything on this list I am very tired but uh yeah Kath knowing she’s bi way before Jack? Yesssssssssssssss
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starlitangels · 3 years
Ok so this is another DavidxAngel one with their kids cuz like you make the stories of them so SO Adorable but I kinda hc that Gabriel is like gay or bi or pan ect and he's like afraid to come out to like the pack and his parents but he feels like it's easy to come out to his sister and with the courage and confidence that she gives him he decided to come out. You could do this fic if your comfortable with it and take your time of course! One last thing I love love LOVE your fics! 💕
Funny you should say that. I originally brainstormed a piece of the first Pups story from Angel's perspective talking about how Gabriel has had crushes on boys as well as girls (it was meant to be very casually-discussed though, no big deal made about it because we all know Angel and Davey really wouldn't care). But I brainstormed it on the bus on the way home from work and when I got home and started writing Pups, A) I'd forgotten about it until you mentioned it because I didn't write it down; and B) It wouldn't have fit with how I framed the story anyway with Angel's two segments specifically being about Gabriel's growth specifically from Newly-Manifested 13-year-old to About-To-Become-Beta 18-year-old.
But, I will honor your request and go for a coming out story instead. I will admit I'm not 100% comfortable with my ability to do such a story the justice it deserves (I'm comfortable with the subject matter, I just don't know if I'll be able to write it respectfully, regarding real people who've gone through it), but I will give it a shot.
Also, thank you! I'm glad you enjoy them!
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that-one-bi-wizard · 3 years
Lol here’s some very specific headcanons about the Jacobs family that that serve no purpose rly, but popped in my head one day and I liked them and wanted to share them with y’all:
Davey has bipolar disorder and ADHD. His parents knew from a young age that he had ADHD cuz Esther also has it, and it was easy to pick up the symptoms from there. But it wasn’t until he hit high school that his parents began picking up on the unusual mood episodes that they took him to get diagnosed with bipolar disorder
Les is an absolute genius. Not exactly prodigy level genius, but extremely smart. He’s mostly good at math and sometimes even helps Davey and Sarah (who are absolutely terrible at math) with their homework. He’s labeled as a gifted child and when he gets older eventually suffers from the ol’ gifted kid burnout
Sarah likes mice. She just thinks they’re the cutest thing in the world and one time while she was home alone, she found one in her room and got it a cage and shit and was like “yes this is my pet now” and her parents just kinda accepted it as part of the family.
The Jacobs have some Latino blood in them. Specifically Colombian blood, and it’s from Esther’s side of the family. Her family immigrated to the United States before she was born, so she’s technically like a second generation immigrant ig? Cuz she grew up in New York and her first language was English. Her family is still Jewish just a little less so than Mayer’s
Ok ok kinda connected to the last one, but Mayer’s family wasn’t too keen on Esther since she wasn’t all too religious when she was younger, and his family didn’t want him marrying her and to instead marry some nice girl they picked out for him, so they did what most couples would do in that situation and eloped.
When they grow up Davey becomes a lawyer (who probably gets into politics later cuz he saw firsthand as a Newsie how shit working conditions are), Sarah becomes a dressmaker, and Les becomes a doctor. And their parents are very proud of them. They love their children so much they’d be proud with whatever they chose to do with their lives
Sarah and Spot are great friends and he taught her how to fight. Not much detail for this one, I just like the idea that Spot taught Sarah a few moves to defend herself and Sarah just naturally pretty strong, so with help from Spot, she can kick anyone’s ass
Davey and Sarah are twins, but Davey still has the middle child syndrome, even though he’s only like five minutes younger than his sister. Actually, all the Jacobs siblings act like the stereotypical oldest, middle, youngest kids. Sarah’s the most one who makes the rules, Davey’s the reason there are rules, and the rules don’t apply to Les. Deadass Sarah has to watch both her brothers to stop them from doing stupid stuff
Sarah is the most competent when it comes to relationships. She saw a cute girl that she really liked, she asked her out. Pretty simple. So once she started dating Katherine, the both of them are just watching the boys from the sidelines fumble through their love lives. Like sure, Les is pretty smooth, but when he meets Sally and starts genuinely liking her, he starts getting all shy and flustered. Davey on the other hand has no clue what he’s doing, so when he caught feelings for Jack, he had no clue what he was doing at all
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