#and by knowing the terms one can google them and choose to continue to read until they are congitoinfected
ms-demeanor · 10 months
Hi there! Firstly, wanna say a huge thank you: your blog has inspired me to become more educated about cybersecurity and nutrition, and it’s the reason my brother and I now use Firefox! I came across this article and… it seemed to raise a lot of valid points about Mozilla, but I have no idea if they are true or not since I’m not that knowledgeable about tech, and they go against everything I’ve ever heard about Firefox. Wanted to ask if you wouldn’t mind giving it a quick read, if that’s not too much trouble, and explaining why it’s false/true? If you can, ofc, I realise that is a weird request, and I promise it&: not something I’d usually ask someone. I just thought I’d ask since you’re the only sort of ‘tech’ person I can think of whom I’d trust to know stuff about this. https://digdeeper.neocities.org/articles/mozilla
So this is a great example of someone reading a ToS uncharitably and extracting the most paranoid bullshit possible.
Aside from the absolute classic "oh noes they are storing info about what devices you use" (if you use firefox logged in mozilla will collect information about what device and OS you use to connect; they do this for a lot of reasons like figuring out what stuff the bulk of their users are using but also because *they can't display on your device without that data*) I want to zoom in on this as an example:
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BTW, there is one really funny thing inside the account ToS (MozArchive) that I just have to mention: "We may suspend or terminate your access to the Services at any time for any reason, including [...] our provision of the Services to you is no longer commercially viable." The fuck? If you stop bringing them profit, you're gone. They really said that! To me, this is a roundabout admission that your data is being sold. And if it's not worth much (for whatever reason), then you get kicked out.
This person is highlighting the idea that they may cut you off from services if the provision of those services is no longer commercially viable. This author is saying "FIREFOX WILL BOOT YOU WHEN YOU STOP BEING A PROFITABLE LITTLE PAYPIG FOR THEM"
But. Okay. Let's go look at that section of the ToS:
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These Terms will continue to apply until ended by either you or Mozilla. You can choose to end them at any time for any reason by deleting your Mozilla account, discontinuing your use of the Services, and if applicable, unsubscribing from our emails. We may suspend or terminate your access to the Services at any time for any reason, including, but not limited to, if we reasonably believe: (i) you have violated these Terms, (ii) you create risk or possible legal exposure for us; or (iii) our provision of the Services to you is no longer commercially viable. We will make reasonable efforts to notify you by the email address associated with your Mozilla account or the next time you attempt to access the Services. In all such cases, these Terms shall terminate, including, without limitation, your license to use the Services, except that the following sections shall continue to apply: Indemnification, Disclaimer; Limitation of Liability, Miscellaneous.
Bud. This says "we are not obligated to provide services to you and we may stop providing services that cost us more money to maintain than is viable." This isn't about selling your data, this is about backwards compatibility and sunsetting projects. They don't have to keep providing access to services they're no longer developing nor bend over backwards to make sure that you can keep running a version of the browser that uses the extensions they dropped support for ten years ago.
Ugh. I got to the section where they talk about cucking for manifest3 and jesus this asshole. Manifest 3 is a defacto set of web standards that are changing because google has so much market share as a browser that if they do something everybody else has to follow or they're going to break basic functionality; if they don't make these changes eventually a shitload of websites just will not work on firefox. WAY more than currently experience this problem. Nobody is happy about manifest 3 and the fact that mozilla put out a press release about coming manifest 3 changes (that was not positive!) doesn't mean they're happy about getting dragged along by the nose; this blogger would prefer something like them refusing to adopt those standards, but all that would happen is that they'd lose more users because less shit would work on firefox browsers since people write their sites for chrome first and anything else second if at all.
This writer also gripes a lot about things like "mozilla took away this functionality for the sake of security and SURE you can change that by going into the configurations but it should be an option right in the first panel of the settings what are they really trying to hide???" and they're not trying to hide anything bud they're trying to make a functional browser with intuitive menus for people who aren't power users.
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Like they want to be able to do everything they want and they want to be able to see the option in front of them at all times. It's a weird combination of "I know how to configure everything about this browser" and "if a setting is ever hidden behind a readmore it's a dark pattern and is an attack on user privacy." Like they gripe a lot about privacy and then link to a bunch of pages on mozilla where they explain their privacy settings and link to tutorials on how to hide the data that they just explained they collect.
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Yeah this is someone I would walk away from in order to avoid getting into a fistfight.
"FOSS licenses are nice but they don't ensure quality" nobody said they did.
"FOSS licensed softwares don't always accept user participation in development" nobody said they did
"I can't change the actual code of firefox to remove things that I don't like don't tell me to fork it it has to be all or nothing mozilla specifically has to do what I want or it's user hostile" I can see why it would be hostile to you as a user fuck you dude this is why forks *exist* (also the "spyware" discussed is basic browser tracking stuff, the realistic necessities of how email work that make it not private by default like the PROTOCOLS are not private you can't get around that, and a lot of the stuff is opt out but improves functionality for day to day users, AND a lot of the tracking is specifically for people with logged-in accounts which are not necessary to use firefox like if you hate pocket don't use it my friend! I also hate pocket it is quite simple to never use it thanks)
"There's no justification for making the source code unavailable" my dude. https://hg.mozilla.org/mozilla-central/
"If they really cared about an open internet they'd work toward killing capitalism." Friend. I think there's very little more that a web browser could do to undermine the capitalist nature of huge chunks of the web and maintain a broad userbase than what firefox is doing.
I'm reminded of the time that I saw someone losing their shit about a linux distro that included chrome as *a* browser - not the default browser, but *a* browser.
It is an unpleasant fact that a lot of firefox's funding comes from google. That's part of why google is still the default search engine in Firefox and I read some similar articles decrying mozilla's residence firmly in Google's pocket a few years ago. I don't think there's anyone at mozilla who is genuinely pleased that their cheques are signed by google, but there are a ton of people at mozilla who are happy they can keep the lights on because getting paid by google means that they can do as much as they possibly can to create a functional browser that has a significant interest in privacy by default and that can be made *VERY* private by a dedicated user.
Anyway a lot of the stuff on this post is things like "a certificate expired five years ago and broke extensions and that means that mozilla is incompetent and hates users" or "eleven years ago there was a slapfight in the bug reporting forums between a user and a mod and the fact that the user was kicked after repeatedly being told his fix wasn't going to get made is censorship."
The big beefs at the center of this post are:
Mozilla collects data on users
Mozilla limits functionality that should be up to the users
Mozilla takes money from google
and my refutations are:
it does, and it is less than any other mainstream browser and is much much more transparent about what data is collected and how to prevent that data from being collected
A lot of the functionality they're discussing is still there and the stuff that isn't is allowing unsigned extensions which, dude, put a fork in it. They're not going to budge on unsigned extensions but the bar you have to clear to get signed is really really low; like this guy is LITERALLY saying "allow the installation of malicious extensions."
Yep. They do. This point reminds me of a lot of the people on tumblr who hate ads but also hate it when people pay for tumblr. As it turns out making things costs money, and making things used by millions of people costs *A LOT* of money.
I mean FFS one of the things this writer complains about is that Mozilla has a YouTube page.
This isn't just letting perfect be the enemy of good, it's letting perfect be the enemy of *functionally existing as a large organization in the modern world.*
Anyway, I'm glad you enjoy my blog, thank you for letting me know!
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If you had to pinpoint the main issue of MLB, the root of all evil if you may (aside from Astruc), what would it be?
If we're going super high level, it would be narrative consistency (I believe this is a synonym for "narrative coherence" or, at least, I've always used them pretty interchangeably and googling one finds you stuff on the other). I wanted to get an official definition of this term and wikipedia gave me this from a larger article on the theory of narrative paradigm:
Narrative coherence is the degree to which a story makes sense. Coherent stories are internally consistent, with sufficient detail, strong characters, and free of significant surprises. The ability to assess coherence is learned and improves with experience. Individuals assess a story's adherence by comparing it with similar stories. The ultimate test of narrative sense is whether the characters act reliably. If figures show continuity throughout their thoughts, motives, and actions, acceptance increases. However, characters behaving uncharacteristically destroy acceptance.
I also found a pretty good overview of the topic on the blog of a random editor. You can follow that link to read the whole thing, but I wanted to highlight this section on characters as I thought it was particularly relevant to the stuff I talk about on this blog:
Your characters will have their own personalities and behaviours that the reader will become familiar with as the story develops, so if you deviate from these patterns, the reader will notice. That’s why it’s important to maintain character consistency – that they would act in a way that is right and in keeping with their personality, rather than making them act out of character to make elements of the story fit.
As you can hopefully see from the above sources, the stuff I've talk about on here, and just generally thinking about the show, most of the issues with Miraculous have to do with the show being narratively incoherent. Characters do whatever the writers want them to do. Plot lines get dropped and picked back up then dropped (Lila) with no rhyme or reason. Big, meaningful setups lead to nothing (Gabriel learning all the temp heroes identities). Twists come out of nowhere (Kagami being a senti). They all indicate that something is majorly wrong here.
I am not involved in the production of this show, so I cannot tell you where all of these issues come from. It may be that the writing staff doesn't know what they're doing or it could be that unknown forces like marketing are driving the writers to do things that they'd rather not or it could be a mix of the two. For example, I'm pretty sure the magical charms we get in season four were only added to sell stuff like this and this, which is why I try to approach this show without pointing fingers at anyone too specific unless there's some hard evidence to back up what I'm saying. All I know is that this show has a massive writing problem and I'll end with a little advice on how I avoid this issue. It may or may not work for you. It all depends on your writing style.
When you sit down to write a story, it's very normal to not have a clear path for how to get from story point A to story point B. You don't need to find that path before you start writing. You just need to keep in mind that B is your goal and start figuring out how to logically get there.
I often describe this process as taking a journey with a known destination, but no planned route. However, just like with a road trip, the further you go, the more limited your options become because of the choices you made. If you skipped stopping at an interesting city or landmark, you can't change that fact and we're not turning the car around just so you can get a picture next to the big ball of string. You had your chance and you missed it. Accept that and move on.
Similarly, as you write your story, you have to own the choices you've already made on your journey. If you choose to let a character in on a massive secret (Alya learning Ladybug's identity), then you have to fully own how that choice would impact all elements of the story (Alya's opinion of Lila) not just the short sighted elements you wanted it to impact (note how Lila's not a thing in season four? Almost like they didn't plan out how to handle her and Alya at the same time?) Own the route you committed to and find a way to tell the next part of the story in a way that feels like it's on the same route and you'll be fine.
Does that mean occasionally having to give up on cool ideas that you really liked? Yep, but that's the nature of story telling. It's part of the reason why people are told to "kill their darlings." That's just a thing you have to learn to do if you want to be a good writer.
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lucky-clover-gazette · 4 months
captive prince book 1 highlights & annotations
chapter 5
indented text is from the book. some quotes have commentary, some do not. some comments are serious, and some are definitely not. most of them will only make sense to people who have read the series. and, like, there are spoilers. so please read the books first if you're interested!
also: part of the reason i'm doing such a close reading is to study cs pacat's style, especially in terms of how she does romance and erotica. there are "craft notes" that might seem weird, like i'm being redundant or restating something rather than analyzing, but those are more things that i want to remember/take away from the writing!
i'm going to tag these longer posts with "sam reads capri" in case anyone wants to read them all at once.
this is a google doc i wrote with overall content warnings for the captive prince series. it's not perfect, but i do think it's important to include.
Laurent moved off a few steps. Damen saw him lift a hand to the back of his own neck, as if to release tension. Saw him do nothing for a moment but stand and be quiet and breathe the cool air scented with night flowers. It occurred to Damen for the first time that Laurent might have his own reasons for wanting to escape the attention of the court.
i appreciate this hint of their future dynamic :)
A silence opened up around Laurent’s words. In it, their meaning changed. Herode began, ‘I—’ Then he looked at Damen, and his expression grew alarmed. ‘Is this safe? He’s broken his leash. Guard!’
context: laurent needs herode to think that damen deserved the flogging, so he took him somewhere private and broke his bindings, framing damen as disobedient. nice moment ruined >:(
‘If you’re concerned that my memory for wrongs against me is longer than ten months,’ said Laurent, ‘there’s no need for anxiety. I am sure you can persuade me you were genuinely mistaken.’
translation: “make it up to me, disloyal coward.” the way laurent deals with this person, who lacks loyalty and integrity, foreshadows how much he will struggle to hate damen, who has more loyalty and integrity than any sane person probably should
‘How thoughtful of you, Councillor,’ said Laurent. ‘He turned to Damen and said in a melting voice, ‘Your back must hurt terribly.’ ‘It’s fine,’ said Damen. ‘Kneel on the ground, then,’ Laurent said.
absolutely no strategy here, laurent just sucks. "oh you're comfortable for once? let's see what i can do about that." also the fact that laurent is trying to appear likable to herode but still cannot resist being a bitch to damen is sooo funny
His best feature was a pair of amazing blue eyes, unmatched by any Damen had ever seen, except for the ones he had recently been staring into.
damen has a talent for thirsting over laurent in the most backhanded manner possible
His skin was fair and his curling light brown hair was burnished with gold. He was exactly the type that Damen could have drawn down onto the sheets and spent a very pleasant couple of hours enjoying.
damen likes blondes mention #4. erasmus barely scrapes by, but the word “gold” tells us everything we need to know
‘Well?’ Laurent said. ‘Can you couple adequately, or do you just kill things?’
god he sucks. also, “adequate.”
Damen thought that given the choice between the lash and a conversation with Laurent, he might actually choose the lash.
‘He’s not very talkative,’ remarked Vannes. ‘It comes and goes,’ said Laurent.
laurent continues to shoulder the burden of being the funniest bitch in this entire court
Damen was sickened by the idea of some nobleman’s boy offering himself up to be hurt on the assumption that it would play to Laurent’s tastes. Then he thought of all he knew of Laurent, and only felt sicker, because of course the boy’s assumptions were probably correct.
context: i don’t think laurent is an equal-opportunity sadist, or even a sadist at all. he just really hates damen specifically, and mirrors the viciousness of his culture to survive
If there was anything explicit on view, it must be the absence of all desire to be where he was.
the garden scene. okay. 
first, context: a possible explanation for laurent volunteering damen could be a desire to see him experience a similar situation to his own abuse from his uncle, since damen is the reason laurent lost his protector. however, that doesn’t quite sound right to me, because wouldn’t seeing this whole tableau just re-traumatize laurent? then again, laurent’s life in the veretian court is pretty much endless re-traumatization, all day every day. so i suppose in his mind, he might as well get something out of his own shitty circumstances, and that something in this case is revenge. misery loves company, after all. 
also, sex to laurent is a matter of control and power, rather than love or pleasure. so to him, both this and the fighting ring might feel the same as any other kind of violence. he doesn’t care about the additional violation that sexual assault carries towards his enemies—and at the end of the day, laurent knows that he himself has probably been through worse. 
the exception to this is nicaise, or anyone else who laurent deems innocent and disempowered. those people, he will try to protect to the very best of his ability. but at this point in the series, laurent sees damen not only as a shitty person, but also a shitty person with power. he knows that damen is not a slave, but a prince. a prince who keeps slaves of his own. so in laurent-brain, i can see how this could be twisted into something justifiable. or just not worth justifying at all.
it still isn’t right, though. they could have done this and been just as horny about it with, like, dubious consent rather than none. i think i would feel more comfortable finding elements of this scene hot if that were the case, but i respect and appreciate that the point of this book is not simply to Be Hot. and to be fair—instant gratification, moral simplicity, and straightforward execution are not very compelling qualities for an erotic scene to possess. i’m just glad that the rest of the sex-adjacent scenes in this series between damen and laurent are explicitly consensual, because this scene would be harder to accept within the series’s ethical framework and the development of their love story if it happened multiple times.
i want to analyze the craft here, but i feel uncomfortable dissecting what i know to be a non-consensual scene in order to determine what makes it hot. but i also know, undeniably, that the events of this scene are hot, and that hotness was almost certainly written on purpose. 
for me, the hotness does not come from the lack of consent itself, but rather the action and dialogue happening on the page. i don’t think the lack of consent is necessarily meant to be hot here—it’s the absolute insanity of laurent’s approach to oral sex, and the power dynamic it creates, that makes the scene memorable. and those elements could easily be reproduced in a consensual scene and have the same effect. so i want to study those elements specifically, to see how they work as erotic writing, removed from the parts that don’t. 
tl;dr: the garden scene is unequivocally non-consensual. however, it is written in a way that eroticizes the circumstances. i can still study the writing where it is effective without finding the circumstances of the scene morally justifiable or hot, in fiction or real life. 
anyway. i'm trying to study the craft of scenes like this, so i'm going full analysis on this one. garden scene, summarized:  
setup: laurent is rumored to be frigid and does not partake in the sexual activities of veretian nobility. yet he goes along with this tableau, allowing damen to be used as a participant. i do not think that this is for laurent’s own sexual gratification, because i don’t think laurent is in touch with his own sexuality in general. sex means something different to laurent than it does to damen, and the other characters in the scene, and (i’d hope) to the reader as well.
beginning: ancel isn’t damen’s type. damen has no strong feelings about ancel as a person. he is not attracted to ancel’s frivolity or weak will. being serviced by ancel is not doing anything for damen. he feels smug about this. it gives him power over laurent, who has permitted this tableau in order to emphasize the power he has over damen.
then: laurent—who is damen’s type, his worst enemy, and the reason he’s in this situation in the first place—starts coaching ancel on how to give head. laurent is completely methodical and detached with his instructions, and is clearly focusing on psychologically tormenting damen, rather than getting off on the display. in other words, he is neither frivolous nor weak-willed. he’s exactly the opposite. 
meanwhile: damen, our pov character, is no longer immune to whatever the fuck is going on in this scene. he is into this and can’t hide it. he has lost the power he briefly had over laurent, and now possesses even less power than he started with. not only is he owned by laurent in the technical sense, but he is being owned by laurent in the horny sense too. 
and i believe that the intention is for the reader to understand how he's feeling—not to blame him for his interest, because this situation is clearly compelling, to damen and possibly the person reading. laurent’s ability to essentially mindfuck damen across the room, fully clothed, is honestly insane. cs pacat herself says that about laurent in a commentary video—he’s a mindfucker. it’s intentional and it’s the focal point of the scene. much later on in the series, i think damen even admits that he was paying attention to laurent the whole time. it’s hot. it just is. 
i’ll point out more specific things in the following passages, but that’s the gist of it. i'm cringing so hard posting this publicly, but if heterosexual women on booktok can post their whole-ass face and gps location while fangirling over colleen hoover sex scenes, i think i can share my messy gay mindfucking analysis on a website that hasn't been a part of the public consciousness since like 2017
Laurent was watching Damen’s face with the same cerebral attention that he might apply to a strategic problem. ‘He likes that. Do it harder,’ said Laurent.
craft note: laurent openly observes damen’s responses, notices exactly what works, tells ancel to do that specifically because “he likes it,” and that turns damen on even more
personal note: oh my god
Damen could feel his thighs tighten, then, minutely, spread, his breath quickening in his chest... He turned towards Laurent. It was a mistake to look at him. Even in the shadows of evening, Damen could see the relaxed arrangement of Laurent’s body, the marmoreal perfection of his features, and the detached unconcern with which he gazed at Damen, not bothering to so much as glance down at Ancel’s moving head.
craft note: damen loses his resolve, looks to laurent for mercy, and is just even more mindfucked by the fact that laurent is completely unaffected, not even interested at all
If you believed the Prince’s Guard, Laurent was the impregnable citadel, and took no lovers at all. Right now Laurent gave the impression of a mind somewhat engaged, and a body wholly aloof, untouched by ardour. The ribald fancy of the Prince’s Guard held a kernel of plausibility. On the other hand, the aloof, untouched Laurent was at this moment delivering a precise treatise on cocksucking.
god, this is SO fucking good. damen is basically admitting that he can’t believe laurent is entirely sexless, because he is managing to fuck him without even having sex at all.
craft note: that is the perfect moment to insert a crass word, after paragraphs of more clinical descriptions. i love that the only time we hear “cocksucking” in this scene is in reference to laurent not actually sucking cock, while it is (intentionally, i assume) not used in reference to the actual cocksucking that’s happening on the page. 
also, "precise treatise" cracks me up, as someone currently writing what could be considered a precise treatise on this scene.
The image of Ancel... was joined in his fragmenting thoughts by the sudden harsh desire to get his hands on Laurent’s body and exact revenge—both for his actions and for his airy absence.
damen’s desire to get laurent’s attention because he wants to fight him, but also because he wants laurent to see him come… diabolical writing. craft. whatever. this is an objective and academic analysis.
Damen was... pushed back down onto his knees. Laurent was seated opposite, legs crossed. Damen’s eyes fixed on him, and looked nowhere else; his breathing was still noticeable, and his pulse rapid, but anger produced all the same effects.
who’s ancel?
additional thoughts on erotic elements in the garden scene: i think what i like here, is that… yeah, it’s horny. it’s indulgent, easily the most blatant instance of kink we’ve seen so far. but it’s not really what i think frequent readers of this kink genre would expect, or even want to read—it is a subversion, with laurent completely disrupting the basic scenario that everyone else (but damen) in the scene wants to mindlessly enjoy. 
but that subversion, to me, just makes it hotter. there’s physical stuff happening, sure, but the real eroticism comes from the words, emotions, and power exchange between laurent and damen. the scene doesn’t give the reader the simplicity of “someone topped, someone bottomed, here are several pages of mechanical description.” the actual sex act is described almost clinically, just how laurent dictates. and it’s definitely not as simple as who’s topping and who’s bottoming—whatever the fuck happens here is way weirder and messier than that, and so much more compelling. 
basically, i think that this scene fails to be hot in all the ways a reader of this kink genre would expect it to be hot. the real hotness comes from the bizarre subversion we get instead, that we just have to kind of accept without any closure or explanation. it’s either an unsexy sex scene, or a sexy not-sex scene. maybe it’s both. either way, it’s insane.
how can i replicate this? 
set up a thing that follows expectations. don’t actually do the thing. do something significantly more insane than the expected thing. do not elaborate on the insane thing, leaving more questions than answers, and move on as if it wasn’t insane at all. this is a good method for not-sex scenes, too.
Laurent, for his part, was relaxed, one arm spread out over the back of the bench.
laurent lean #4
‘I’ll offer for you, if you like. When the time comes. I wouldn’t want you in my bed, but you’d have all the same privileges. You might prefer that. I’d offer.’
context: this is the best possible way laurent can protect nicaise within the confines of their culture. and “you might prefer that”—laurent wants nicaise to be able to foster his intelligence and talents (his "privileges") as a growing person, without having to be a sexual object.
‘He gives them all up,’ said Laurent, ‘even if you’re more enterprising than the others have been.’ ‘He likes me better than the others.’ A scornful laugh. ‘You’re jealous.’ And then it was Nicaise’s turn to react to something he saw in Laurent’s face, and he said, with a horror Damen didn’t understand, ‘You’re going to tell him you want me.’ ‘Oh,’ said Laurent. ‘No. Nicaise . . . no. That would wreck you. I wouldn’t do that.’ Then his voice became almost tired. ‘Maybe it’s better if you think that I would. You have quite a good mind for strategy, to have thought of that. Maybe you will hold him longer than the others.’ For a moment it seemed as if Laurent would say something else, but in the end he just stood up from the bench, and held his hand out to the boy. ‘Come on. Let’s go. You can watch me get told off by my uncle.’
context: nicaise knows that anything laurent wants, his uncle will not let him have. believing that laurent hates him and would offer for him out of spite, nicaise takes the offer is a threat. laurent, who isn’t threatening him at all, realizes that nicaise is right. laurent’s attempts at protection would only get nicaise hurt. the best he can do is banter with the kid and look after him from a distance. this house is a fucking nightmare.
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coolingrosa · 2 months
(Ok i typed more than i meant to feel free to not read if you’d so prefer🩵)
while what you say about the proshipping label is something i somewhat agree with (as in realizing how many people identify the term with certain meaning) i do wish to point out that calling it ‘old fandom usage’ isn’t really accurate…
obviously it’s no one else’s buisness how you choose to define it and this isn’t a hate ask or anything🥰 /genuine
i’m also against comship, (or proship whichever you wish to call) although comshipping would be the correct term for dark ships
it’s also just a little weird to see it said that “no one uses that” when a lot of people do. truly a lot. they simply do not shout it as loudly from what i observe, that section of people are just quieter and keep to themselves more, because of the amount of new fandom people who bulldoze them from what i understand. those people are loudest, and this switch in definitions didn’t happen until the past few years…these people who have used that label for years but suddenly are expected to not because of misinfo that was spread….its a very interesting( and probably unfortunate )phenomenon in fandom spaces!
again you can ignore this i’m sorry if this comes off as annoying, i just am an old lady in fandom spaces and i see a lot of misinfo around fandom talk..
by its definition proshipping means “people can do what they want and it’s my responsibility to block or move on” , it’s moreso a freedom of speech thing, comshipping is when you ship problematic things (although by definition the problematic things are probably defined by the user.)
i don’t like dark ship one bit, but i understand that theres serious repercussions when it comes to censorship,and that i don’t know peoples life stories or who they are as people. it’s media and no one forces me to consume any type of media, and i’m more than happy to block people if i don’t like or agree with it. most of those people also are VERY adamant about blocking them if you don’t like it,from my experience!
anyways again i’m so sorry if this is just an annoying word dump for you, i just thought i should share some perspective since i feel like this is a serious fandom thing, a lot of people get harassed for misunderstanding. i personally don’t like perpetuating labels and definitions that are based on misinformation, but again no one’s allowed to tell you what you have to do and you can just move on and ignore this if you so please🩵🩵🩵🩵🩵/genuine
understanding that a lot of new fandom talk is built on misinfo and being aware of that is a solid take, however i don’t think redefining and people choosing to interpret a textbook definition, a correct one, should be blamed on the person using the correct terminology
again your opinion is yours and personally i respect it 😄😄 absolutely no hate or pressure these sort of discussions simply interest me
also it makes so much sense to use proshippers as a dni buzzword because of how many people are misinformed, i just hate to see it be continued when as a fandom space we all could choose to return to correct definitions and use those
again. using it to avoid the masses is understandable, it’s just unfortunate
i love your art and stories and i’m continually excited to see what you come up with next!!! i hope you have a great day!!! (or night)🩵🩵🩵🩵🩵 and no pressure to answer this i understand that it’s an annoying ask to answer😶
Will say this once, I am very aware of what PRO-SHIPPING used to represent and what the older people in fandoms still use it for. However, that does not change the fact that rhe definition has changed. It just has. Any google search will tell you that. And though I can understand how that can be frustrating for you, I will still be saying dni proshippers and still seeing it as a problematic term due to the fact that’s how it’s primarily used. Its old definition is an old fandom term now. The people who still use it are as you said, from the older fandom times. Meaning that yes, it’s old definition is now inaccurate and also no longer represents what it means and trying to win it back or convince people otherwise won’t work, especially since I am not the one who misconstrued this old definition. I am not one of the new gen proshippers who changed this for you. Your issues would be with them, not me, a random artist who is keeping up with the times and avoiding problematic people from coming onto her page. I am trying to protect my page with the new gen knowledge. Reminiscing on the past in my ask box does nothing as I have no case in the change.
It has changed. It’s frustrating, but there’s nothing to be done. You acknowledge this yourself, and yet still claim it’s misinformation when it’s not. It’s an old term that turned into a new definition. That happens in history multiple times. It doesn’t mean it’s misinformation or wrong. It means that time has changed it and a new generation of people have taken the word, and that happens with the dialect of our world every century. The older proshipping definition, therefore, is old fandom history. And the people who still use it are going by those older rules which STILL equals to old fandom definition. The only people using it go by outdated fandom rules, expectations, and are possibly older. That’s….literally a combo of what makes an outdated and older used definition. And using these definitions knowing full well what the change has done to the word with the defense of “in old fandom times it was different” also makes me have little pity for you as if you’re fully aware and still chose to sport the label, that’s on you. Not saying you do this, just using an example.
Yes we have different opinions. It just makes no sense that you brought this to my askbox when I didn’t ruin the word for you. It’s the new generation proshippers. If you have a problem with it, go speak to them and their community who uses these terminology. I cant do anything?? And if you just wanted a discussion, I’m the last person to have a discussion with as I keep far away from the new community and also can’t speak for them?? This reads more like ur upset bc you use the label and therefore cant interact than an actual discussion, bc if you had a real problem with the change, you would NOT be in MY askbox. And yet you claim ur against proshipping so…it makes no sense
At the end of the day, this fandom deep dive stuff makes my head spin. Why are we defending incest lovers. Why are we trying to find an exact term for these weirdos. It doesn’t matter. It really doesn’t matter in the grand scheme of things what an old fandom definition means because this is so chronically online bull. Weird ships are weird fucking ships. And those weirdos who make them use proshipping as a label. Therefore, I put them on a dni and block. It’s literally that simple and fandom terminology discourse is so insane to me I’m sorry LMAO. Like I have work in three hours dude I can’t with this 😭💀
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Chris, Kaito and Shark
omfg I had to do this on my laptop bc mobile tumblr is literally unusable in terms of copy and pasting anything
I tried read more-ing this but it wouldn't let me I'm so sorry if it's giant gdjsaklgjg CHRIS
favorite thing about them: he's hot. jk, not just that, I love that he's loyal, man will go DOWN for the people he cares about, family, friends, he's committed to his bonds, the duel with Mizael when he partners with Michael is so good
least favorite thing about them: as much as I love Chris, not a huge fan of how everything sort of got fixed with one duel, I have the same gripe with Thomas and Ryouga-
favorite line: good question jdsaklg, not sure the way he says "my life points" in the dub is kind of funny-
brOTP: vkai, I call them divorcees without being married because they had so much post divorce energy during the WDC but now they're going to be coworkers and chris also had to just watch kaito go off to the moon to fight a guy who said his dragon was bigger and die so he's taking the keys to the rocket the next time he sees him
OTP: what do you mean Kousei isn't in Zexal canon, yes he is, he's right there genuinely can't think of another pair for him from canon though, there's some dynamics I think could be interesting and have wips for but nothing like romantic
nOTP: romantic vkai.............. see kaito's below for details, it's more to do with him and how I think about kaito-
random headcanon: GEEK. NERD. CLOSET FANBOY. WOULD WEAR GRAPHIC TEES IF HE DIDN'T HAVE AN AESTHETIC. Take this man to see Kozmo films right now!!!!!
unpopular opinion: I don't think I have one outside of the ship preference gjdakl
song i associate with them: none omg, unless I REALLY fixate on a character, I don't usually have songs for them gjdklggd
favorite picture of them: he's very pretty, it's hard to choose one fjdsklg, anytime you can see him wiping hair hair around
favorite thing about them: how dare you make me pick one thing when I'm already working on an analysis essay- Kaito's one of those characters to me where you look at them and feel like you've been EXPOSED by this show you're watching so picking one detail is hard I like how accurate he feels to me when it comes to how he's someone who's just so used to being burned by so many people, love how fiercely protective he gets when someone matters to him, love how petty and dramatic he can be too but literally NEVER owning up to it I love that he's straight forward that he's not a good person also, that he sold himself to the devil to do what had to be done and he's tainted, I'm just- He's so god damn good really also lives up to being lonely but absolutely genius
least favorite thing about them: nothing, he's perfect............... but I will beat him up if he continues to hide his physical health from everyone else around him and if he goes to the moon again, it's ok, your dragon is good too
favorite line: this is hard because he has so many good ones because he doesn't know how to talk to people hdskjlaj the only one I can honest to god remember at this very moment is "you're quite the romanticist" because who tf says that to another person
brOTP: Chris and Yuma both come to mind, Chris I've gone over above but Yuma, I love that Kaito's always just in awe of him, just imagining Kaito always picking him up by the scruff constantly
OTP: I have like four ships for Kaito that I rotate out in my brain a lot highkey, the only two I haven't written something for are Galaxymaster and Raven but coming soon, my google docs are INSANE right now I want everything with Mizael to be perfect because MizaKai's just... idk, I love it so god damn much, there is SO MUCH to the two of them, and Shun's just not a muse I'm suuuuper comfortable writing rn but we're trying, I love that Shun actually like... goes back for him, not a lot of people chase Kaito back but Shun immediately ponies up idk, Kaito's pension and insistence for being alone always makes me want to throw new people at him at all times though I LOVE going into depth on Challenge, not even romantically either, their rivalry is so good in that subtle way that they're two steps off from being the same person and it didn't get nearly enough time, shakes fist And the last one is EdoKai omg, Kaito speedrunning his enemies to lovers plot with Edo in Arc V is iconic, took one look at him in the safe house and was like "yeah, we could get married"
nOTP: sweats, vkai in romantic context So... I experience pretty strong RSD, which is rejection sensitivity dysphoria, and their entire friend/mentor breakup backstory sits super wrong with me because of that gdsjagilgdsa I don't want to go too far into details but it hits home Also not huge on Kaito and Vector at all-
random headcanon: I love writing him touch starved......... he's always fully clothed anytime he's near another person, probably from just being ditched or taken away from so many people, so letting someone close physically is a big step.
unpopular opinion: He solos. literally no rival matches him if you were to attempt to scale them in skill, I'm on this hill forever and you can't move me from it <3
song i associate with them: god I have a big playlist just for him gjdasklj, it's hard to pick just one so I gift just two - Hell's Comin' With Me / Poor Man's Poison - "I am the righteous hand of god and I am the devil that you forgot", perfect, glorious - I Don't Want To Be Here Anymore / Rise Against - just... chef's kiss
favorite picture of them: him jumping through the cockpit window of the blimp, it's my mobile banner and sometimes is my Twitter banner lmao
favorite thing about them: ryouga is another character who just says and does shit with his whole chest and I honestly just love him for that, yes king, keep being stubborn, my cringefail bestie I love that he's just such a little edge lord and a wannabe bad boy but just fails at it gjdkaslj he can fight a whole gang by himself, but he'll do whatever his sister says, he's jumping off cliffs for someone who annoys him, god I love him
least favorite thing about them: ngl, I could complain for hours about how much I hate how him getting his memories of being Nasch was done, but it's also in character because Ryouga is SO UNBELIEVBABLY hot and cold about everything and everyone, love him but I also want to beat him UP
favorite line: god, Ryouga is such a tsundere so all I hear out of his mouth is "it's not like I don't like you or anything", I feel bad I haven't come up with any specific lines for any of them but they're all just dumb boys who can't talk
brOTP: Hellshark and whatever his pair with Durbe is called- Ryouga and Thomas being besties is so weird to me but also like, yeah bickering, kicking each other's asses to hell affectionately, good for them Durbe sweetie I'm so sorry but also you signed up for this
OTP: Sharkbait is up there, Challenge is proooobably my favorite though, like I said above, just love going over what could have been with their entire rivalry, the fact that Ryouga never got his grudge match with Kaito will haunt me forever, even though there's no universe where Ryouga wins jagklds
nOTP: deadass 99% of romantic pairs with Ryouga I'm not too huge on, I wouldn't say any of them are like NOTPs but idk, there's more I don't like or don't really think about than ones I actually do haha
random headcanon: ngl. I've got none I can think of right now gdjasg
unpopular opinion: he's not the rival. guy with a sister he'd do anything to help, former school bully who now practically throws his life away for the protagonist, temporary gang member, temporarily evilness Like his dueling is the first thing his sister saw when she came out of the hospital, just like someone else we know... list goes ON why he's the friend role I also,,, like his name more than his nickname, as you could tell I'm sure
song i associate with them: like what I said for Chris, unless I like FIXATE on a character, I have no songs for them, but I Am My Own Muse by Fall Out Boy comes to mind- Ryouga's playlist is inevitable
favorite picture of them: ANY WHERE HE'S JUST LIKE, FLAYING, he has so many shots of him just being blown over or on the ground, they're SO GOOD
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nadiegesabate1990 · 7 days
Almost every day I read articles on Google News like this: Asteroid such and such has reached the point of its orbit closest to Earth.
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What is happening? Are people afraid of the end of the world? It's true, but let the world end and let's please continue with our lives. And there's not much we can do if this happens.
There are millions, billions, trillions of asteroids, etc. to research. And to think that one of them will actually fall to Earth in the not-too-distant future, it's very likely that it will.
In the Bible, there are several accounts of asteroids falling to Earth. One of them is in Sodom and Gomorrah, it's the most famous. In the ancient world, many asteroids fell and people thought it was a punishment from God. And I still don't know why, maybe I think the universe was still in formation. And then there's the asteroid that wiped out the dinosaurs.
Astronomers and mathematicians calculate the orbit of the asteroid and come to the conclusion that it may or may not fall to Earth or only be seen from Earth. And every day millions of asteroids fall or pass by at a distance of millions of kilometers from our planet.
I think that the asteroid is just a friend visiting our home, and you should prepare yourself to receive it.
The space age has not yet begun and the world authorities are not prepared.
It is 2024 and I am 34 years old and I have not seen anything special so far, but I believe that in the future an international fleet, consisting of space probes – Russian, Japanese and European, will be prepared to observe the end of the world up close.
The probe ships should stay at a distance from the planet, about? I think the distance is insignificant in stellar terms). I think: we have to stay at a safe distance and take advantage of the energy of the Sun. And for a few months and years “thousands” of other ships will also be used, with specific missions to find out if it is possible to return to our planet and if it will be able to.
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And we must immediately begin this international research action coordinated by Europe, America and Japan.
And we also have to choose the scientists who will participate in the project. In fact, those who will survive, the “survivors”. I think and imagine what the first probes that will orbit near Earth will be like.
And without forgetting to take advantage of the gravity of planet Earth, which is close to it, to catapult towards other spacecraft.
The “internet” and the detailed information it sends to Earth will make the expected encounter with other survivors possible.
But I think we will live for a long time in probes, extremely small and fast spacecraft, and due to their weight, the space station will be built gradually. And I don’t know what it’s like to live in a room and I hope it has a view of the Sun. At least I know that my weight will be reduced.
And the probe or space station had the instruments to carry out scientific experiments. And it is equipped, for example, with special cameras that allow us to observe from Earth the suffering and cries for help from the population in hell…
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And I think that due to the force of the impact with the asteroid and the repulsion with which these particles are expelled, the space station probe deviated a few seconds before reaching the closest point to the planet.
The experts need time to correct their course; during this time, the data transfer will be interrupted. The dust will damage some equipment, especially the solar collectors. Despite everything, the experiment will be a resounding success. And the appearance of a new Earth, a new world, will create great expectations.
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hoawebsitehostin · 21 days
How to Choose the Best Estate Lawyer in Melbourne for Your Needs
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When handling issues pertaining to wills, estates, and trusts, selecting the appropriate estate lawyer is essential. An experienced estate lawyer may make a big impact whether you're administering a loved one's estate, arranging your own, or resolving a disagreement. Finding the greatest estate lawyer in Melbourne needs careful thought for its citizens. Using the term "Estate Lawyers in Melbourne" as a focal point, this guide will assist you in choosing the best estate lawyer for your needs.
1. Understand Your Needs
Knowing exactly what services you want is essential before you begin your search. Estate law deals with a broad variety of topics, such as:
Wills and Estates: preparation of new, consideration of existing, and redacting of new wills.
Probate and Estate Administration: Collection in the form of succession as an executor, such as the processes of probate.
Trusts: setting up of trusts for differing objectives and administering of those trusts.
Estate Disputes: Disputes that arise from one person's will to another over an inheritance or any entities within the society.
By determining your main requirements, you may focus your search on attorneys who have experience in those fields.
2. Look for specialization
Finding a lawyer that specializes in estate law is crucial because it's a specialist profession. Melbourne estate lawyers that specialize in estate planning and administration will have the knowledge and experience needed to manage challenging cases.
Verify if a prospective lawyer specializes in estate law by looking through their websites and profiles. Search for phrases like "probate," "estate planning," and "trusts" in their areas of expertise.
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3. Check qualifications and experience
Selecting an estate lawyer requires careful consideration of experience and qualifications. Consider the following crucial points:
Professional Qualifications: Also check that the lawyer members various professional bodies, for instance, the Law Institute of Victoria. This has often been used to show one's dedication to becoming a member, hence the commitment to continued professional practice.
Experience: It is advisable to hire a lawyer who has previously dealt with cases of estates similar to yours. Experience can sometimes mean the difference between dissecting the legal issues at hand or applying knowledge and innovating that can resolve the issues at hand.
4. Seek recommendations and read reviews
Online evaluations and word-of-mouth referrals can offer insightful information about a lawyer's standing. Think about the following:
Personal Recommendations: Seek referrals from other people, such as friends, relatives, and other people you may know. Word of mouth may provide an insider view into the abilities and demeanor of the lawyer that is recommended.
Online Reviews: Read the reviews and ratings on the website to know more about estate lawyers in Melbourne. These sources can include Google Reviews, Avvo, or even the law firm’s website that reveals customers’ feedback.
5. Evaluate Communication and Accessibility
Successful legal relationships depend on effective communication. Evaluate a prospective lawyer's accessibility and communication style during the meeting:
Initial Consultation: It is important to interview your estate lawyer since many of them are willing to provide a consultation, and this service is often free. This is a good chance to determine the level of communication that the lawyer establishes with you during the consultation, how he helps you understand legal concepts, and how comprehensively he answers your questions.
Responsiveness: Think about how quickly the lawyer answers his or her emails or responds to phone calls. Open communication is essential during the transitioning of a case from one stage to another or even when the case is being handled by different lawyers.
6. Assess fees and billing practices
To prevent unforeseen costs, it is essential to comprehend the cost of legal services. Melbourne estate attorneys may charge in several ways:
Fee Structure: This one deserves extra attention and concerns because it directly determines the costs of the lawyer. It must be noted that some may draw a fixed price for certain services while others charge by the hours. When comparing charges, be sure to know how each fee is determined and what the fee includes.
Transparency: It’s always important that an individual hires a reputable lawyer who’s willing to explain to them how they are going to charge them and how much it’s going to cost them. Stay away from lawyers that are unclear or do not want to disclose the expenses.
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7. Check for a Personal Connection
Selecting an estate attorney is about more than just weighing credentials and costs. Additionally crucial are a personal rapport and trust. Think about the following:
Empathy and Understanding: Family affairs, which are represented by estate issues, might be sensitive and become the cause of conflicts. Hearing this, especially from a lawyer, can make the process more bearable, and thus a lawyer who is perceptive and patient with the client is the best.
Compatibility: Make sure you are at ease talking about contentious matters with the lawyer. Appropriate and friendly relations between two people can increase productivity and, at the same time, decrease stress at the workplace.
8. Review the lawyer’s track record
An attorney's past performance might reveal information about their efficacy and success. Seek out:
Case Outcomes: Some of the questions to ask the lawyer include: As the cliché says, the past performance doesn’t predict the future, but it often can serve as the proof of the lawyer’s competence.
Reputation: Check the lawyer’s rating among the clients and his peers. It is possible to find out whether they are regarded well or poorly by their actual or potential patients through such items as professional recognition or accolades.
9. Verify credentials and disciplinary history
Verify the attorney's credentials and look for any disciplinary records before deciding on a case:
Bar Association: Make sure that the lawyer is properly licensed and that he or she is in good standing with the bar of your state.
Disciplinary Records: Search for any signs of disciplinary proceedings or any complaint lodged against him or her. This information is normally accessible from the Law Institute of Victoria or any other disciplinary authorities.
It's important to carefully weigh your needs, the lawyer's experience, credentials, communication style, costs, and rapport before selecting the finest estate lawyer in Melbourne. You can make sure you get professional advice and assistance for your estate problems by taking the time to carefully investigate and assess possible estate lawyers in Melbourne.
Never forget that negotiating complicated legal challenges and getting the results you want may be greatly aided by hiring the correct estate counsel. Find a lawyer who is qualified and experienced, as well as a suitable fit for your legal and personal requirements, by using this advice.
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viado16 · 9 months
Being an English Major
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When you were young, did you experience talking with your dolls or teddy bears and teaching them how to read and pronounce words? We also copied how our teachers taught, their gestures, how they talked, and how they treated us.
When I was young, I always saw teachers as if their job was just easy. I always told my friends to not choose education because it is too boring and wastes your time because you will teach and study forever. However, my perspective changed when I became an education student. Look at me now. I am in my third year, and I am currently taking a secondary education major in English. I thought it was easy and gave it a try to improve my English; however, being an English major is like playing with fire. You should be conscious, careful with your actions, and plan every action that you take so that you may not regret it.
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I will be honest; my journey through this course is not easy. We all know that English is a universal language that aids individuals not only in learning the language itself but also in enhancing critical thinking and communication skills. Personally, English is one of my weaknesses. I am not fluent, and I find it challenging, particularly in terms of pronunciation and grammar. Additionally, my vocabulary is limited. I cry every day because some words are not familiar to me and are hard to understand. I also did not expect that we would need to read almost more than 10 works of literature (stories, poems, etc.) in one day. One thing that I know is that memorization, comprehension, and familiarization are important for passing all subjects. We also need to know how to manage our time; it is hard to have 10 subjects with the same due date.
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Being an English major involves more than just studying literature. It needs an understanding of sentence construction, including the placement of subjects, verbs, and objects. Additionally, one must be familiar with parts of speech such as nouns, pronouns, verbs, adverbs, adjectives, prepositions, conjunctions, and interjections. We also have figures of speech, such as similes, metaphors, hyperbole, and onomatopoeia, which are also essential components. It may be easy to define these terms individually, but turning them into cohesive sentences can be confusing.
After the structures of sentences, we also have pronunciation. It involves understanding how words are produced, including the proper pitch, intonation, and stress. I am a little bit confused when it comes to this aspect. My pronunciation is not that good, and I often mispronounce words, which can lead to a different meaning. However, I am actively working to improve it. I practice every day and look for words that are challenging to pronounce on Google. I repeat them, focusing on correct pronunciation.
One assessment that makes me nervous and scared is reporting and demo. I am always tense; I forget what I am trying to say, which makes me shiver. I am an extrovert, but I am not a fan of speaking in public; it made me feel sick. When I am in front of the class, I feel like they are judging me, so I am afraid to make a mistake, especially if the teacher is looking at me. I cannot think properly and have started to stutter. However, after reporting, it made me realize that the teacher or audience is focusing on the content, not your flaws. To have successful reporting, we need to focus on delivering the message rather than worrying about how we look and thinking that we made a mistake.
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Despite learning all of that, I learned that it's okay to find certain words unfamiliar and challenging. Learning proper grammar and vocabulary takes time because it is a step-by-step process. I also believe that language learning is a continuous journey of improvement. Literature can also give you knowledge about our past and future and what strategies and styles we can use if we want to create our own story. I also learned that effective communication goes beyond using the right words and sentence structures. In this course, paying attention to pronunciation, pitch, intonation, and stress is crucial. These elements convey meaning, emotion, and context in spoken language. Learning and practicing these aspects contribute to clear and natural-sounding speech. It's essential to be aware that these elements can change across languages, highlighting their importance in language learning.
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I think one of the reasons why I passed my 1st and 2nd years is because I have a circle of friends that help and motivate me to continue pursuing my goal of becoming an English teacher in the future. They never leave me, especially during the times when I am trying to give up and crying uncontrollably. It made me strong and motivated. I also consider the advice our teacher gave us so that I can work with it and be better next time.
Remember, this is not just for English major students, but for all students. Keep a positive mindset, and don't hesitate to seek help when needed. You're on a journey of growth, and every step you take is a notable achievement.
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mindfiresolutions-blog · 10 months
Is Swift the Objective Choice now?
‘Swift Vs Objective-C’- It is one of the first Google searches every iOS developer does before beginning their journey into the world of app development. At a broader level, choosing between Objective-C and Swift is also one of the fundamental and crucial decisions every business makes before beginning any iOS app development work.
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So if the question is Swift or Objective-C? The answer cannot be in binary. If you have an existing application already written in Objective-C, then you can weigh the benefits of switching over to Swift vs sticking to Objective-C. However, if you are planning a new app, then Swift should be your default choice.
Why so? Well, read on to know…
The Story so far
Apple launched a new programming language called Swift in WWDC in October 2014. It came as a surprise to every developer as it was intended to replace Objective-C as the main programming language on Apple’s platforms, which by all means was stable, proven and had been around for more than two decades, powering millions of apps.
The goal was far-sighted. Swift was designed to be safer, faster, and easier to maintain. Though initially built for Apple platforms, it was aimed to be able to support all platforms. Before becoming Open Source, Swift was designed ground up by Apple using decades of Objective-C experience adding a modern touch derived from the latest programming trends and good practices. It was designed to have all the goodness of a modern-day programming language. Though a descendant of Objective-C, it is fundamentally different in terms of design, syntax, programming style and memory management.
But replacing a decades’ long programming language with a new one cannot be an overnight affair. There were thousands of libraries and hundreds of frameworks already written and working with Objective-C, as they were supposed to. Rewriting them using an infant language did not seem logical. Thus, Objective-C runtime continues to access Apple platform frameworks like UIKit, WatchKit, and AppKit. And Swift has the capability to interface seamlessly and work on top of it.
From the very beginning, Swift is fully compatible with Objective-C, as it should be. Both languages can still co-exist on all Apple platforms. And Apple isn’t likely to change this in the foreseeable future unless it has any strong reason to do that.
Support for interactive programming using Playground enables developers to test their idea live without building and running applications.
In terms of programming capabilities and flexibility, Swift has a lot to offer. Its functional programming style, and strongly typed language makes it impossible to have run time crashes resulting from out-of-bound or type-related issues. It has features like closures, tuples, generics, Structs and enums supporting methods, extensions and protocols, computed properties, powerful extensions, and the list just goes on…
Design-wise factors such as safety, readability, code size, less error-prone, efficient and fast iteration over collections, and other platform support make Swift fundamentally better than Objective-C.
Why Objective-C then?
Despite being so much powerful, Swift lacked just one thing that triggered Swift vs Objective-C debate, and that is ‘Maturity’. In the earlier years, deciding between Swift and Objective-C was like choosing between a fledgling with a lot of promise and a veteran with proven credentials.
Those who had rushed to develop production apps using Swift version 1 & 2, had to refactor the whole codebase, or just rewrite it again. It wasn’t matured, evolving rapidly, and syntaxes were completely changing in the early iterations. Hence, it was difficult to maintain Swift Apps compared to Objective-C, which was matured, trusted and possessed a huge developer base.
However, after Swift3, syntaxes became relatively stable and some minor refactoring that was needed was taken care of by the Xcode itself. And then Swift4 seemed to be more stable in terms of design and syntaxes, but, it still lacked ABI stability. Then came Swift 5.
What makes Swift 5 different?
So far, every version of Swift has been better than earlier. But what makes Swift5 so special is ABI stability.
Starting with version 4.2, Swift codes from one version have been compatible with another. However, the application binary, which can be considered as the machine level code for the sake of this argument, wasn’t compatible with that from a different version of Swift. That is, Swift wasn’t ABI stable until recently before version 5 was launched.
With Swift now being ABI stable for all Apple platforms like iOS, WatchOS, macOS and tvOS, all future versions of Swift including Swift5 will be compatible with each other at the binary level. True that Swift will continue to evolve in future releases, but the application written in the current version of Swift will no longer need to be refactored or rewritten to be able to support future versions of OS. In fact, libraries written now will seamlessly coexist and communicate at the binary level with code written in future versions of Swift and vice versa. And the reduction in app size is the immediate benefit it provides to the users now.
True Objective-C is here to stay. There are millions of applications already running using this. But, it isn’t getting any major updates, most of the updates are just to make it compatible with Swift. As a language, Swift is way superior. And above all, developers with expertise in Objective-C and practicing it will dwindle in years to come.
If you have any queries in this field, talk to Mindfire Solutions. For over 20+ years now, we have been the preferred Software Development Partner of over 1000+ Small and Medium-sized enterprises across the globe.
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A Guide to Choosing a Household Storage in Bangalore for Your Belongings
As our schedules get busier and our living quarters increase smaller, finding adequate space for household storage in Bangalore might take a lot of work. Household storage solutions may provide additional space for storing and organising belongings during transitions like moving, reorganising, and decluttering. It may not be easy to know where to start. So, keep reading to get tips on organising your home's furniture, devices, personal belongings, and more.
Think about your space requirements:
Make a list of everything you need to store at home before looking for a storage facility. Consider whether you'll need short-term or long-term storage, what kinds of items you'll be keeping (such as furniture, appliances, or personal possessions), and what kind of climate control the facilities offer.
Takes your wish list and uses it to determine the finest possible storage solution at the most affordable price.
Learn about storage unit sizes and styles:
Self-storage options, climate-controlled apartments, box containers, mobile storage units, etc., are only a few unit types available at household storage in Bangalore facility. What you plan to store in your team will determine its size and other specifications.
Private, locked rooms are the standard for self-storage options. On the other hand, climate-controlled storage facilities are ideal for fragile or expensive things since they can regulate temperature and humidity. Choose household storage in Bangalore slightly larger than the space you anticipate needing.
Prices at self-storage facilities for homes vary depending on location, unit size, and features. Budgeting and cost analysis are important first steps. Do some homework and compile a list of your top five choices for storing household items.
Find a storage facility that won't nickel and dime you with late fees, insurance premiums, administration costs, or mandatory minimum stays. The next step is to compare the available apartments to discover affordable ones, after which you can continue to assess the other variables.
Safety first, check convenience:
The safety of your household goods should be your top priority when keeping them. Find facility of household storage, luggage storage, business storage in Bangalore that takes precautions against theft, vandalism, and damage to your belongings very seriously.
24/7 security surveillance, onsite management, biometric access control, fire protection, insurance, well-lit and clean facilities, climate control, pest control measures, etc., are all security features and amenities to seek.
Know your options and the contract:
It's important to know the ins and outs of the rental agreement and how much leeway you have when choosing a self-storage facility for your belongings. Check the renewal and cancellation policies, rental rates, payment choices, additional fees or penalties, and other contract specifics. The length of the contract should be carefully considered. If you need to store household items, look for a facility that offers month-to-month leases.
Get customer reviews and references:
Read Google reviews from previous customers before deciding on a storage facility for your household goods. You may also ask for personal referrals from people you know who have used their customer service or do some research online.
Consider the facility's response to any complaints or criticisms you find. Reputable self-storage facilities for households will have high ratings and constructive reactions to criticism.
Ultimately, your needs, location, money, amenities, security features, contract terms, etc., will determine the ideal choice for storing your household possessions. Therefore, if you need a convenient and secure place to keep your household belongings, a household storage in Bangalore is the perfect.
0 notes
christophermraerdon · 2 years
Ideas For Content Creation: How To Keep Your Blog Fresh
There are a lot of ideas for content creation out there. It can be hard to know how to keep your blog fresh. Here are some tips:
1. Make a list of topics you want to cover in the near future. This will give you a roadmap and help to ensure you don’t miss anything important.
2. Set up Google Alerts for key terms related to your niche. This way, you’ll always be aware of new developments and can write about them on your blog.
3. Keep an idea journal where you jot down potential post ideas as they come to you throughout the day. Then, when it comes time to sit down and write, you’ll have a library of material to choose from!
Content Creation Ideas: How to Get Started
If you’re reading this, you’re probably looking for some ideas on how to get started with content creation. And that’s a great place to start! After all, the first step to creating great content is coming up with an idea.
So where do you begin? A good place to start is by brainstorming a list of potential topics that would be relevant to your audience. Once you have a list of ideas, it’s time to start fleshing them out into detailed outlines.
This is where the real work begins. But if you take the time to develop a well-thought-out plan, the actual writing process will be much easier. And your finished product will be all the better for it!
Content Creation Ideas: What to Write About
1. If you’re stuck on ideas for content creation, consider writing about topics that are relevant to your industry. This could include tips and advice, case studies, or even news stories affecting your sector. Keep your audience in mind when deciding what to write about – what would they be interested in reading?
2. Another way to come up with content ideas is to think about the problems your target market faces, and then provide solutions via your blog post. Not only will this be helpful for them, but it also positions you as an expert in your field.
3. You can also create attention-grabbing content by asking questions or running competitions on social media platforms such as Twitter or Facebook. Doing so will not only increase engagement with your brand, but it may also result in some valuable feedback from customers or followers which you can incorporate into future blog posts
Content Creation Ideas: Tips for Staying Organized
Try as you might, sometimes ideas for content creation can seem to disappear when you need them the most. When deadlines are looming and the pressure is on, it can be difficult to think of new and innovative topics to write about that will capture your audience’s attention. However, by staying organized and keeping a few key strategies in mind, you can make sure that those creative juices continue to flow when you need them most.
Here are a few tips for staying organized and coming up with great ideas for content creation:
1) Make a list – Keep a running list of ideas for content creation handy so that when inspiration strikes, you’re ready to go. Jot down concepts as they come to you throughout the day or week, then refer back to your list when it’s time to start writing. This will help prevent those writer’s block moments where you just can’t seem to think of anything good.
2) Stay up-to-date – Be aware of current events and trends in your industry or niche so that you can create timely, relevant content that your audience will appreciate. Whether it means reading news articles or trade publications, set aside some time each day or week to stay informed about what’s going on in your field.
3) Get organized – In order to produce quality content on a regular basis, it’s important to have systems and processes in place so that everything runs smoothly. This may include setting up editorial calendars, developing templates or checklists, establishing workflows…etc. By taking care of the logistical details ahead of time, it will be one less thing for you to worry about when it comes time sit down and write.
Content Creation Ideas: Ways to Promote Your work
1. content creation ideas: ways to promote your work
When it comes to promoting your work as a content creator, there are a number of things you can do to get the word out there and attract new eyes to your work. One of the best ways to promote your work is through social media. Platforms like Twitter, Facebook and Instagram provide great opportunities to share your work with a wide audience quickly and easily.
Another great way to promote your content is through guest blogging. By writing blog posts for other popular blogs in your niche, you can reach a whole new audience who may not be aware of your work otherwise. In addition, by including links back to your own website or blog in your guest posts, you can drive traffic back to your own site which can lead to more subscribers or customers.
Finally, another effective method for promoting your content is through Paid Advertising. Whether it’s paying for ads on social media platforms or investing in Google AdWords, paid advertising can help increase visibility for your content and help you reach a larger audience than you would organically
Content creation ideas : different types of content you can create
1. The first step in content creation is deciding what type of content you want to create. There are many different types of content, each with its own purpose and audience.
2. Once you know what kind of content you want to create, the next step is coming up with ideas for that content. This can be a challenge, but there are a few ways to come up with ideas for your content:
-Look at what others in your industry are doing and consider how you could do something similar or better.
-Think about the problems your target audience has and how your content can help them solve those problems.
-Brainstorm with other people on your team or in your industry to get more ideas.
– Use online resources like Google Trends or Quora to see what people are searching for related to your topic
Content creation ideas: how to repurpose your content
If you’re struggling for ideas when it comes to content creation, then don’t worry – you’re not alone. The good news is that there are some easy ways to come up with new and original content, without having to start from scratch each time. One of the best ways to do this is to repurpose your existing content in new and interesting ways.
For example, if you have a blog post that performed well, consider turning it into a video or infographic. Or if you have an old podcast episode that didn’t get much traction, transcribe it and turn it into a blog post or series of social media posts. There are endless possibilities when it comes to repurposing your content – all you need is a little creativity and imagination.
So next time you’re stuck for ideas, instead of starting from scratch, think about how you can reuse and recycle your existing content in new and exciting ways. With a little bit of effort, you’ll be surprised at what you can come up with!
If you’re anything like me, the hardest part of content creation is coming up with new and interesting ideas to keep your blog fresh. I’m always looking for new ways to engage my readers and make sure they keep coming back for more. Here are a few ideas I’ve come up with to help you out:
1. Create a series of posts on a specific topic. This can be anything from tips for living a healthier lifestyle to ways to save money on groceries. By creating a series, you not only give your readers something to look forward to, but you also have a structure for your posts that makes them easier to write.
2. Invite guest bloggers or experts to contribute their knowledge to your site. This is a great way to add fresh perspectives and voices while also expanding your reach and audience. Be sure to vet any potential contributors beforehand so that you know their writing will fit well with your blog’s voice and style.
3. Leverage social media platforms like Twitter or Instagram by using hashtags or running contests related to your blog content. This can help attract new readers and followers who may not have otherwise found your site. Plus, it’s just plain fun!
4.. Get personal! Share behind-the-scenes stories or photos, give insights into what goes on in your life outside of blogging, or host Q&As where readers can ask you anything they want (within reason). Your readers will appreciate gettingto know the person behind the blog, and it’ll make them even more likely than beforeto stick around
The post Ideas For Content Creation: How To Keep Your Blog Fresh appeared first on SwiftCreator.com.
https://ifttt.com/images/no_image_card.png https://swiftcreator.com/content-creation/ideas-for-content-creation-how-to-keep-your-blog-fresh/
https://ifttt.com/images/no_image_card.png https://swiftcreatorcom.wordpress.com/2023/02/27/ideas-for-content-creation-how-to-keep-your-blog-fresh/
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barbarewjohnson · 2 years
Ideas For Content Creation: How To Keep Your Blog Fresh
There are a lot of ideas for content creation out there. It can be hard to know how to keep your blog fresh. Here are some tips:
1. Make a list of topics you want to cover in the near future. This will give you a roadmap and help to ensure you don’t miss anything important.
2. Set up Google Alerts for key terms related to your niche. This way, you’ll always be aware of new developments and can write about them on your blog.
3. Keep an idea journal where you jot down potential post ideas as they come to you throughout the day. Then, when it comes time to sit down and write, you’ll have a library of material to choose from!
Content Creation Ideas: How to Get Started
If you’re reading this, you’re probably looking for some ideas on how to get started with content creation. And that’s a great place to start! After all, the first step to creating great content is coming up with an idea.
So where do you begin? A good place to start is by brainstorming a list of potential topics that would be relevant to your audience. Once you have a list of ideas, it’s time to start fleshing them out into detailed outlines.
This is where the real work begins. But if you take the time to develop a well-thought-out plan, the actual writing process will be much easier. And your finished product will be all the better for it!
Content Creation Ideas: What to Write About
1. If you’re stuck on ideas for content creation, consider writing about topics that are relevant to your industry. This could include tips and advice, case studies, or even news stories affecting your sector. Keep your audience in mind when deciding what to write about – what would they be interested in reading?
2. Another way to come up with content ideas is to think about the problems your target market faces, and then provide solutions via your blog post. Not only will this be helpful for them, but it also positions you as an expert in your field.
3. You can also create attention-grabbing content by asking questions or running competitions on social media platforms such as Twitter or Facebook. Doing so will not only increase engagement with your brand, but it may also result in some valuable feedback from customers or followers which you can incorporate into future blog posts
Content Creation Ideas: Tips for Staying Organized
Try as you might, sometimes ideas for content creation can seem to disappear when you need them the most. When deadlines are looming and the pressure is on, it can be difficult to think of new and innovative topics to write about that will capture your audience’s attention. However, by staying organized and keeping a few key strategies in mind, you can make sure that those creative juices continue to flow when you need them most.
Here are a few tips for staying organized and coming up with great ideas for content creation:
1) Make a list – Keep a running list of ideas for content creation handy so that when inspiration strikes, you’re ready to go. Jot down concepts as they come to you throughout the day or week, then refer back to your list when it’s time to start writing. This will help prevent those writer’s block moments where you just can’t seem to think of anything good.
2) Stay up-to-date – Be aware of current events and trends in your industry or niche so that you can create timely, relevant content that your audience will appreciate. Whether it means reading news articles or trade publications, set aside some time each day or week to stay informed about what’s going on in your field.
3) Get organized – In order to produce quality content on a regular basis, it’s important to have systems and processes in place so that everything runs smoothly. This may include setting up editorial calendars, developing templates or checklists, establishing workflows…etc. By taking care of the logistical details ahead of time, it will be one less thing for you to worry about when it comes time sit down and write.
Content Creation Ideas: Ways to Promote Your work
1. content creation ideas: ways to promote your work
When it comes to promoting your work as a content creator, there are a number of things you can do to get the word out there and attract new eyes to your work. One of the best ways to promote your work is through social media. Platforms like Twitter, Facebook and Instagram provide great opportunities to share your work with a wide audience quickly and easily.
Another great way to promote your content is through guest blogging. By writing blog posts for other popular blogs in your niche, you can reach a whole new audience who may not be aware of your work otherwise. In addition, by including links back to your own website or blog in your guest posts, you can drive traffic back to your own site which can lead to more subscribers or customers.
Finally, another effective method for promoting your content is through Paid Advertising. Whether it’s paying for ads on social media platforms or investing in Google AdWords, paid advertising can help increase visibility for your content and help you reach a larger audience than you would organically
Content creation ideas : different types of content you can create
1. The first step in content creation is deciding what type of content you want to create. There are many different types of content, each with its own purpose and audience.
2. Once you know what kind of content you want to create, the next step is coming up with ideas for that content. This can be a challenge, but there are a few ways to come up with ideas for your content:
-Look at what others in your industry are doing and consider how you could do something similar or better.
-Think about the problems your target audience has and how your content can help them solve those problems.
-Brainstorm with other people on your team or in your industry to get more ideas.
– Use online resources like Google Trends or Quora to see what people are searching for related to your topic
Content creation ideas: how to repurpose your content
If you’re struggling for ideas when it comes to content creation, then don’t worry – you’re not alone. The good news is that there are some easy ways to come up with new and original content, without having to start from scratch each time. One of the best ways to do this is to repurpose your existing content in new and interesting ways.
For example, if you have a blog post that performed well, consider turning it into a video or infographic. Or if you have an old podcast episode that didn’t get much traction, transcribe it and turn it into a blog post or series of social media posts. There are endless possibilities when it comes to repurposing your content – all you need is a little creativity and imagination.
So next time you’re stuck for ideas, instead of starting from scratch, think about how you can reuse and recycle your existing content in new and exciting ways. With a little bit of effort, you’ll be surprised at what you can come up with!
If you’re anything like me, the hardest part of content creation is coming up with new and interesting ideas to keep your blog fresh. I’m always looking for new ways to engage my readers and make sure they keep coming back for more. Here are a few ideas I’ve come up with to help you out:
1. Create a series of posts on a specific topic. This can be anything from tips for living a healthier lifestyle to ways to save money on groceries. By creating a series, you not only give your readers something to look forward to, but you also have a structure for your posts that makes them easier to write.
2. Invite guest bloggers or experts to contribute their knowledge to your site. This is a great way to add fresh perspectives and voices while also expanding your reach and audience. Be sure to vet any potential contributors beforehand so that you know their writing will fit well with your blog’s voice and style.
3. Leverage social media platforms like Twitter or Instagram by using hashtags or running contests related to your blog content. This can help attract new readers and followers who may not have otherwise found your site. Plus, it’s just plain fun!
4.. Get personal! Share behind-the-scenes stories or photos, give insights into what goes on in your life outside of blogging, or host Q&As where readers can ask you anything they want (within reason). Your readers will appreciate gettingto know the person behind the blog, and it’ll make them even more likely than beforeto stick around
The post Ideas For Content Creation: How To Keep Your Blog Fresh appeared first on SwiftCreator.com.
https://ifttt.com/images/no_image_card.png https://swiftcreator.com/content-creation/ideas-for-content-creation-how-to-keep-your-blog-fresh/
https://ifttt.com/images/no_image_card.png https://swiftcreator.weebly.com/swift-creator/ideas-for-content-creation-how-to-keep-your-blog-fresh
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bankinglong · 2 years
Newshosting vpn openvpn vs pptp vs l2tp
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Most of them are familiar with the term SSL from secure online transactions. We get questions all the time from users who want to secure their connections. Along with browsing the web and other applications. Today we’d like to share some tips to help secure your privacy while accessing Usenet. Remember to visit before midnight PST on Cyber Monday to take advantage of the sale. You can read our IPVanish review to learn more. It’s a favorite of ours and we use their VPN service on a regular basis. We could continue pouring on the praise for IPVanish but I think you get the picture. You can even connect two devices at the same time. With over 225 servers in 63 countries to choose from. Gamers will appreciate the ability to choose between TCP and UDP connections. We use OpenVPN in their client while relying on L2TP or PPTP on mobile devices. Along with support for Linux, iPhone, iPad, Android, DD-WRT routers and more.įor our tech savvy readers IPVanish supports all three major VPN protocols including OpenVPN, PPTP and L2TP. They offer free VPN clients for both Windows and Mac. Since most our readers want and expect high speed connections we think IPVanish is a great fit. That’s not to downplay others but we’ve seen the best performance from IPVanish. There are literally hundreds of VPN services out there and IPVanish is the only one we’ll be mentioning today. Not just web browsing either since VPN protects all your applications. With a VPN connection you can feel secure while performing other activities online. While most Usenet providers offer SSL encryption to secure your connection that doesn’t extend beyond your newsreader. Since we know some will be wondering whether or not VPN is necessary for Usenet the answer is no. With deep discounts on quarterly and annual plans. Monthly sign ups receive a second month free. IPVanish is offering new members unlimited VPN access from just $3.90 a month. Have you been considering VPN access to help protect your online privacy or avoid geographic restrictions? If so Cyber Monday is bringing you the best prices of the year. You can check out more free sports related apps in either app store. Android users can grab ScoreCenter from Google Play.
iPhone and iPad users can download it free from iTunes. Use ESPN’s free ScoreCenter app to view the latest scores, read news, and watch video highlights.
Those with Android devices can download the app free from Google Play. The app is free and available for iPhone and iPad via iTunes. Keep track of the NCAA tourney brackets with the ESPN bracket bound app. TBS, TNT and truTV games are open to paid subscribers. If you’ve cut the cord on cable you can still watch all the CBS games which include a lot of important games this weekend and all of the NCAA Sweet 16 and beyond. Android users can download it free from Google Play. The app is available for iPhone and iPad via iTunes.
This year you can stream every game shown on CBS for free using the NCAA March Madness Live app. If you plan to watch March Madness from outside the USA we suggest using a VPN service. Here are some free March Madness apps for iOS and Android to help you enjoy the tourney. This might seem a little off topic since we normally cover Usenet but I know a lot of our blog readers will be enjoying the tournament along with us. We also enjoy the surprises that come each year over the first weekend. With day 1 of March Madness underway, hopefully your NCAA tourney bracket isn’t too beat up.
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0 notes
savrenim · 3 years
deeply funny talking to my housemate about cognitohazards because “it’s me I’m the ps5″ was brought up as a potential cognitohazard due to “it might get stuck in your head”/memenic properties which was WILD to me bc, like
cognitohazards imo need to:
1. by definition they are ‘a piece of information that the knowing of the information itself is dangerous/actively harmful to you’ but also 2. affect everyone exposed to it in the hazardous way upon exposure and 3. hazard-wise, have at least the potential to be dangerous or enact semi-permanent unwanted changes
so, like, clearly a bunch of SCPs are cognitohazards within their own universe, but not within ours. I’ve seen The Game bandied around as a cognitohazard, and I disagree. The Game is a very good example of how cognitohazards can spread, but the fact that The Game is opt-in means that it’s not a true cognitohazad. there is no aspect of The Game that can inherently compel you to continue playing The Game or to continue following the rules of The Game, every time you participate in The Game you are choosing to opt in, at any given time you can withdraw your consent and stop playing the game and nothing happens. 
wrt real cognitohazards, I only actually have been able to think of three? there’s the McCollough effect, which is a harmless one of “stare between these red-lines-black-lines and green-lines-black-lines for a few minutes and it can change your vision up to a few months of specifically if you see black and white lines you’ll start filling in red and green between them” so really weird but overal harmless, there’s Roko's Basilisk which I think is a fun one although it is an actual, proper, full cognitohazard don’t look it up if you don’t like existential thought trains (albeit the Basilisk is only dangerous if the Basilisk acts exactly as predicted and ends up existing in the lifespans of the cognitoinfected), and then also honestly probably there is some brand of Christianity which goes ‘God is forgiving enough that if you don’t actively know the ~good news~ you won’t be condemned to hell, but if you do know the ~good news~ and then do not participate in our faith and spread it that’s making a choice ignorance is forgiven not active choices so you’re now condemned to hell’ which is an active cogntiohazard but again only if said God exists and said God acts exactly like the faith believes it will, imo Roko's Basilisk is more of a threat because Roko's Basilisk at least contains within the hazard the active possibility of making the Basilisk a thing, instead of God’s existence being something that is beyond the power of all of the cognitoinfected to affect 
anyways not really sure where I was going with this other than the idea of ‘a meme is a cognitohazard if it gets stuck in your head annoyingly enough’ being deeply funny to me, the self-appointed meme historian, because that would imply ‘everyone who is exposed to this meme upon thinking about this meme is put in Danger independent of their pre-existing mental state’ is just. deeply, deeply funny. likes charge reblogs cast but for real. 
#my life#'God is a cognitohazard' is I think the hottest take I have ever made#except apparently Pascal already beat me to it by several centuries#this is the same pascal of pascal's triangle#the most important number triangle#maybe it's a mathematician thing to decide god is a cognitohazard#cognitohazard#cognitohazard for tw#cogntio hazard#cognito hazard for tw#hopefully people who want zero mention of cognitohazards have had their blacklist catch this#not that I actively explain any cognitohazards here#you'd have to be cognitoinfected already to be affected whatsoever by this post and that would only be WRT the game#roko's basilisk is a one-time thing re-exposure doesn't do anything#apparently technically mentioning it and the McCollough effect are infohazards#as one defines infohazards as information that can be used to cause harm just by knowing it#and by knowing the terms one can google them and choose to continue to read until they are congitoinfected#what would be really really funny is if we lived in some sort of weird supernatural universe where critical mass of belief affected reality#a la the tumblr vampire post where it was like 'what if the rules of being a vampire changed due to what critical mass of humans thought'#vampires woke up one day and were killed by sunlight#what is DEEPLY funny to me in that regard is if we live in that universe the degree that the show Supernatural has Changed The Rules#apparently 'salt' as a demon/ghost/anything supernatural ward was just. not a thing before them. they decided to go hard on rock salt#and it's since entered the popular imagination as Oh Yeah Salt The Doors And Windows Hit A Ghost With Salt etc etc#obviously there are the idea of cogntiohazard-critical-mass ghosts such that enough belief makes them real#but the 'enough belief changes the rules of how they work' bit is DEEPLY funny#anyways essays in the comments aside cognitohazards are a fun concept
68 notes · View notes
endergnvy · 2 years
Edit: please don’t let my experience sway you from downloading the game, I had no intention of that happening while sharing this. Overall I recommend the game if you love a good otome, minus my situation it’s one of the best and only otome games that’s made me cry!
Calling the IkemenVampire community please please read this post I’m begging it feels like I’m going crazy.
Has anyone experienced Leonardo’s and Vincent’s fourth wall break? I googled everything I could about it and I don’t see a single thing posted about it.
Background on me(relevant for Vincent’s part): I’m an editor so I was saving the photos for edits now onto the story.
this is pre Covid so a lot is paraphrased but please hear me out I never got over this + Vincent’s incident scared me away from the game for good.
On my second run through of Leo’s route I was basically skimming through because I wanted the new photos and diamonds/whatever currency they gave and I got to the ballroom chapter and I loved that chapter so I was sorta skipping and skimming when I realized Leo was saying new and weird things
Very paraphrased but basically my dialogue option was “I hope this moment can last forever “ he replies “I hope it doesn’t, because if we relive the same memory over and over again it’ll get stale” sounds pretty basic until the background around his sprite went black. Then like he was directly talking to ME THE PLAYER was implying that I couldn’t keep playing this/the game repeatedly because it has to end sometime like for my own good.
I don’t remember much after that mainly because it was mad late and I was STUNNED speechless.
This is the reason I stopped playing this game.
{lil extra bit I remembered;
This was when Vincent’s route was about to come out, I was very excited to play his route I was watching the trailer and looking everywhere to learn more about him and I found something like “equip x characters power(?)” *Im really sad I can���t fully remember this part but it was like a gatcha mini game where you could choose a power that was related to the character
I got Jeans, issacs, and I want to say Vincent’s. I think I equipped Jeans power because I absolutely loved his character design & personality but either way it had something to do with a characters eye? Okay}
I played his little sneak peek and it was going GREAT until it cut to the scene where he had something that looked like blood (probably red paint) on his face and he started saying “you’re mine right…?” Like yandere shit
THEN continuing onwards we were in a garden and normal dialogue and his background goes black “you did something wrong, and you’re going to fix it” I wish I screen recorded this shit y’all cause I know mfs aren’t going to believe me “tomorrow you’re going to log back on and re agree to the terms and conditions at 12:00 Japanese time” his background is still black, my game crashes I’m traumatized, I re open the game and it says “come back at 12:00 Japanese time and accept the terms of service” I close the app and delete it.
I don’t think I’ve ever been scared like that in my entire fucking life, I went from playing a sneak peek of a cute vampire boys route to detailed and direct instructions on how to not mess up my second chance. I was genuinely terrified I’m about to piss my self from laughing looking back on it but that scared me away from otome games for 2 years.
The worst part is nobody has said a word about this happening to them, I hope I dreamed this because I actually love IkemenVampire, one of the best otomes out there. Imagine this happening to you when you’re barely 15 at an ungodly hour at night, I know what they’re talking about, I had 2-3 IkemenVampire edits that had the screenshots Vincent was hinting at on my Instagram page. I’m surprised I didn’t piss myself.
Reblogs are appreciated, my hunt is older than the lockdown. Help me find Zen and tell me your stories if this happened to you too.
Thank you for you time.
Edit: again please don’t let my experiences scare you from the game! I’ve ultimately moved on from this experience and just want to know if anyone else experienced something similar.
I’m actually quite impressed with how their coding deals with rule breakers and my respect for the game + game devs went up, give this game a try if you haven’t!!!!.
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tsukikoayanosuke · 2 years
dude. Yana Toboso and Disney aren’t “problematic”, they didn’t say something slightly mean to a minor online, they produced and released a game with racist and hidden antisemetic themes, not to mention YT’s history of racism, orientalism, transphobia, preference towards p3dophilic content, and now the same antisemetism. you cant just close your eyes and ears and go LALALA bc you don’t like it, the reveal about the SS uniforms was not a mistranslation, it was the only CORRECT translation while all others using the term ”bodyguard” were WRONG and if you actually take a look at the designs it becomes obvious even if it wasn’t at first. and even if it wasn’t true by some happenstance, the many OTHER instances of bigotry are enough to call her and Disney out. no one is saying don’t play the game, it will continue to exist regardless. you jumping to that conclusion is more proof that you are aware this is morally wrong but don’t want to acknowledge it. but hey, please continue to show everyone that you don’t actually give a shit about minorities and oppressed people, the only important thing to you is getting your rocks off to the pretty cartoon boys anyway.
Mate, I'm not even talking about Diasomnia??? I'm still pissed with the whole "lack of female character/oc in twst" drama thing, but okay!
You're lucky I don't have a strong personal connection with TWST so I can just leave whenever I want.
But, let's have a conversation about Diasomnia.
Let's get the first thing out of the way. I actually went to my friends who can read Japanese and they said that "dragons and bodyguards". Another friend also shared a Google Translation for it. My question is: why are we always leaning toward the worst translation? Why do we choosing the "Schutzstaffel; SS" (second translation) instead of the "bodyguards; elite guards; imperial guards" (first translation) or even the "groupies; ardent fans" (third translation)?
Second thing: We're not Yana Toboso. None of us is Yana Toboso, thus we never know what her true intention is. We don't know what she is going for Black Butler and we don't know what she's going for with Twisted-Wonderland. And because of the language barrier, most of us will take whatever our first-go translator would say. Unless we get in contact with Yana and she talks to us directly, then we'll never know.
I am not familiar with Black Butler, mostly the whole concept of "demon butler" doesn't sit well on a personal level so I don't know the extent of what Yana did in the manga. I'm looking at Twisted-Wonderland as its own thing with no connection with the previous work.
Like currently. Why do you quick to assume that I'm talking about Diasomnia? Yes, me and my friends have a conversation about it, but mostly I put that back in my mind. What makes me make that post is because I found that type of "submit your fandom confession" blog and one of the entries said something about "if only some of the dorm leaders are girls because they are based on female villains".
On that note, again, we don't know what Yana's true intention is in making TWST, just as you don't know the reason for my previous post. All we know is that she loves Disney and is offered a job for it.
Third thing: Going back to the Diasomnia. We already know that this has a military thing, but do we always go with "military = n/zi" now? Don't each country has its own military unit? So, why are we always going to the past German one?
So why is Diasomia have these military vibes? We can actually see from the already available characters. What is Diasomnia's strength? Their loyalty toward their leader. Just look at Sebek, Silver, and Lilia. All of them are connected with Malleus because he's not only the prince but also the dorm leader. We also know that the whole Diasomia respect Malleus, especially compare to the other dorm (remember the egg-throwing at Riddle?) Are you going to say that "loyalty toward the leader" is also a n/zi thing too?
Again, "don't like, don't read", "don't like, don't play". We've been through the Laizy drama which has no conclusion yet. Are we going through another one but with Yana?
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