#and by bug hunting I mean she can do her thing and I’ll be supportive from the sidelines
writtenrouge · 2 years
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Helaena Targaryen & nature
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dmwrites · 2 years
“Okay, and final announcement.” Xisuma said, consulting his clipboard. “We now have a dog park. This note, which I found under my office door this morning with no signature, said to tell you all to ‘bring all of your puppers and pets down to the dog park so they can frolic together’. So that’s a thing. Uhh, anyone want to take credit for this or…”
Scar raised his hand. “I’ll take credit for it if it’s a success.”
Xisuma sighed and rubbed his temples. “You know what, it’s fine, it’s just a dog park, what’s the worse that could happen. Town hall is now ended.”
The dog park was a walled area right in spawn town, which seemed to have appeared overnight.
“Who on earth decided to tryhard a giant dog park overnight?” Cleo wondered, holding her pig on a leash.
“You know, I’m not sure. I was up late last night and these walls didn’t exist. Honestly, I’m not the biggest fan of the walls either… I support free roaming play.” Joe replied. He had his two shulker pets in a red wagon he was pulling along.
Cleo opened the gate, and they went inside to find a lush green grass, with some water and trees dotted about.
“Its pretty, but not pretty enough to be exclusive and walled.” Joe complained, carefully setting down the sulkers. “Alright mimics, now don’t go off by yourselves. Make sure we can always see you, alright babies?” The sulkers instantly teleported away. Joe sighed in loving annoyance.
“Listen.” Cleo knelt down and held her pig’s face in her hands. “If you dig up some bugs we can share them for dinner. Go hog-wild.” The pig took off, rooting up the ground, which made Cleo cackle.
Grian came walking in a little later, chatting to Pearl. They sat down on a bench, and Bdubs jogged over to them.
“Pearl, where is your pet? I didn’t even know you had a pet.” Grian asked.
“Oh yeah, she’s right here.” Pearl smiled and held out her pearl egg from the Easter egg hunt. “This is my baby. She likes to sit in the sun.”
“That isn’t a pet. That’s an egg, Pearl.” Bdubs pointed out.
Pearl flipped him off and turned back to Grian. “So, which one is yours?”
“Oh, that big one over there.” Grian pointed into the distance at the Entity, who had something in one of its spindly legs.
“HEY! That’s Mi Amore!!!” Bdubs took off, yelling and screaming cartoonishly.
“His horse is his love? That’s weird.” Grian commented as they watched bdubs jump pathetically to try to get the horse down. “I didn’t think horses and humans could be in love. Speaking of, do you remember that super weird app that was like a girl and a horse with a guy’s face fell in love-”
“Well, well, well, it seems like I am the most attractive person at this dog park.” Scar interrupted, sauntering over to them. He didn’t have a shirt on, for whatever reason, but he was wearing his fake abs. “Pooter, these are poor and ugly people with poor and ugly pets.” He spoke to the dog he had with him. Scar lowered his sunglasses and looked around the dog park. “Am I the only one who brought an actual dog? I mean, how low-class! A horse? A The Entity? Shulkers? A pig? Pearl, are you holding an egg? You people really don’t know what a real pet looks like.”
“Speaking of pets, we were just talking- does anyone actually know who built this dog park?” Joe and Cleo wandered over, and the five gathered hermits watched Bdubs still failing to get the horse from The Entity. A chorus of no’s answered the question.
“It’s curious, really.” Grian said, tapping his chin. “I mean, this is Hermitcraft, entire mountains can spring up overnight. But this is weird. It doesn’t really fit, almost. I’d never even consider bringing a pet to a specific place to let it play.”
“Yeah… it’s like it’s not from this universe or something.” Pearl mused.
“Oh Pearl, you and your alien stuff again!” Scar chuckled.
“I’m not an alien!” Pearl rolled her eyes and grinned.
“Wait… you’re not an alien?” Joe asked, sounding really confused.
The group dissolved into arguing about if Pearl was an alien or not, and laughing at Bdubs. The dog park was forgotten. Which is how it preferred to be.
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Hopes and Dreams III
.I am not entirely sure about this chapter, if I’m completely honest, so I’ll probably rewrite it at a later time. If you want to get added to the taglist just let me know! Thanks for your continuos support with this fic, it honestly gives me so much life right now! *** Chapter 3
“There seem to still be a few things you haven’t seen.” Lady Dimitrescu stated after you reached the sitting room.
“It’s not everyday that you see girls turn into a swarm of bugs. I’ve seen a lot, but I never said I have seen everything.”
“Which brings me to the question that I want answered. What are you? My first guess would be that you are a vampire, like me and my daughters, but I have a feeling that that isn’t true. Sit down please, so that I can take a look at your wound.” Her tone brooked no argument, so you did as you were told and rolled up the leg of your pants. You winced when you saw the true extend of the damage. Even with enhanced healing it would take a few hours to properly heal.
“My biological father was a scientist, who researched a lot of occult and supernatural topics. He was also a massive asshole who thought it okay to experiment on his own baby daughter, so there’s that. I don’t know how, but someone he got his hands on the DNA of some creature no one really has a name for, but I have a guess. The only thing he really knew, was that they are like Vampires, but much more powerful.
He injected me with the DNA when I was four, but nothing happened, so I was deemed a failure. He did all kinds of tests on me, to see if the DNA would activate, but it didn’t. At least not until he tried to kill me. I was no stranger to torture after he failed, but that night I knew he came to finish it. I was 10, and I was scared and angry, so much so, that something in me broke. There wasn’t much left of him after I was finished. 
I’ll spare you most of the details of what happened after, since it is not relevant for what you want to know, and I hate the feeling of being exposed when I don’t know if I can trust the person in front of me. I ran away and my benefactor found me and took me in. I don’t know how, but somehow, he knew what I had become, and he took it upon himself to make sure that I got the best training I could get. I can somewhat use my enhanced abilities, but I am not completely awakened. I’ll get to that part shortly. 
After 6 years I was deemed ready to repay the favor and got sent on a hunt for rare artifacts, as I mentioned earlier. I was free to research my condition whenever the opportunity arose, and I did. I traveled the whole world, met all kinds of creatures and people, yet no one could help me with my predicament. That was until 8 months ago, when I found the first real clue. But that clue came with a price and I have been cursed. 
I still don’t have a name for the creature that I have become, but I found an old text that explained a lot to me. My kind won’t fully awaken until they bond themselves to another being, that has roughly the same power that we have. That’s where the curse made things more complicated: If I try to bond with anyone that isn’t my destined mate, I will die. Slowly and painfully. 
And if that isn’t enough, the curse took the ability to sense my mate away from me, at least in the traditional sense. Usually, we will know our mate by smell alone, for their blood will sing to us like nothing else ever could. We would feel a strong pull towards them, and they to us, for our blood will be just as exquisite to them, as theirs is to us. The curse took that ability away from me, and now I am destined to walk the earth, waiting for my mate to find me. 
Another side effect is what I call ‘boiling blood’. When I feel threatened enough it will activate and temporarily awaken me. I can’t control it though, and that is the problem. It only happened once so far, and that was when someone I care a great deal for, got hurt. But I have it under control for the most part. I just don’t like it when people I care about get hurt, I lost myself even before the curse happened. And I do understand if you deem me to dangerous and kick me out of the castle. You wouldn’t be the first one.” You ended lamely and sighed. It always took a lot out of you when you talked about the past. 
“You mentioned that you have a theory about what exactly you are?” Alcina asked and gently patted your dressed wound. You suppressed the gentle shiver that wanted to roll down your body and said, “I think I am a Vampire, but one of the first generation.”
“And what makes you think that?” Alcina asked carefully. You pondered that for a moment, her eyes never leaving you. She could see that it took a toll on you to tell her all that, and she could understand that. Admitting what had happened couldn’t be easy, especially when there was the possibility that you would be thrown out or worse. Alcina didn’t plan on doing either of those things though, and she would tell you soon enough. An idea was forming in her head.
“I read a lot about vampires and had my fair share of encounters, none of them as nice as the one with you, so I figured it must be something like that. Whenever a Vampire turns someone, a miniscule part of their DNA gets implanted in the one they’ve turned. That is why your Maker will always be stronger than you. But since I got way more DNA with fathers’ experiments, it could mean that I am the first person who got turned into a Vampire of the first generation. And if not first, then second, which would still be infinitely more powerful than a Vampire of third or fourth generation. Although I can’t be sure, since I destroyed everything that could give me a clue, when I killed my father.” You said silently, looking at the floor. Alcina couldn’t help but feel pity for you. A bad hand was dealt to you, and you just tried to live your life. She also admired how strong and confident you were, even after all that had happened.
“I have an offer for you.” Alcina said and put two fingers under your chin to make you look at her, ignoring your blush.
“Stay here. You have nowhere else to go, right? You fascinate me and I want to know more about your abilities if you are willing to show me. And I could use a hand to help me in the castle’s upkeep. But make no mistake, my dear. As soon as you show me that you become a threat, I will dispose of you. What do you say?” Alcina asked, but she knew your answer already. She could see it in the softening of your eyes and the spark of hope that flickered in your eyes. You gently nodded and gave her the most brilliant smile she had ever seen. Both of you briefly wondered where that feeling of trust came from, you more than Alcina, but for the moment it was enough.
A weird sense of coming home fell over you, when you looked into her eyes, that had gentled with your consent. She could probably kill you with a snap of her fingers, but somehow you got the feeling that she wouldn’t. Most people feared you when you told them what you were, not all of them humans either. But she gave you the feeling of safety, no matter what your nature was, and you wondered. Could she be the one that was fated to be with you? Or was that just wishful thinking, because she showed you kindness where everybody else would only show you fear and hatred? You were immensely attracted to her, that’s for sure, but could she be the one? 
“I want to see the full extend of your abilities as fast as possible if you don’t mind. If it is alright with you, I would arrange a little sparring session between you and my daughters.” Lady Dimitrescu said and took a seat on the chaise lounge in front of you. 
“I wouldn’t mind. It has been far too long since someone has offered me a challenge, so I will gladly accept, my Lady. My wound should be fully healed by tomorrow, so we can start first thing if you’d like,” you offered, eager to show her what you were capable of. Maybe she will keep you around for longer if you show her that you would be a valuable asset to her castle.
“I would like that very much, my dear. But now is time for you to eat and rest, as it is rather late. The day has been rather long and eventful, not just for you.”
“Of course, my Lady,” you smile and as if on cue, the door to the sitting room opened and one of the daughters entered the room with two plates. You hadn’t even realized how hungry you were until the smell of the food hit your nostrils. The two of you ate in companionable silence, and soon enough it was time to leave her presence for the night. 
The guest room she showed you was like nothing you have ever slept in before. You were used to all sorts of places to sleep, but never have you seen a bed so big and comfortable looking.
“Good Night, my dear. I hope you sleep well,” Lady Dimitrescu said and left you to your own devices before you could answer her. You dressed down to your tank top and shorts and fell into a peaceful slumber as soon as your head hit the pillow.
When you next opened your eyes, you were surrounded by the familiar darkness of your dreamscape, yet something felt different. You could sense a presence at the edge pf your consciousness and soon enough, a gentle voice spoke to you “So you finally found her.”
“Huh?” you asked into the darkness, chills running down your spine. The voice giggled and a shadow crept into the edge of your vision, which soon turned into a girl, that oddly enough, had somewhat of a resemblance to you.
“Who are you?”
“You’ll have to find that our for yourself. But what matters is, that you have finally found her. My Alcina,” the girl said and looked close to tears, although she was still smiling.
“Don’t get me wrong, but I don’t think that Lady Dimitrescu belongs to anyone.” You said, defensive of the Lady. That made the girl laugh again, and you couldn’t get over the fact that she looked so much like yourself.
“You are right. But she was mine, as I was hers, a long time ago. Listen, the castle’s magic is strong, but not strong enough to give me enough time to explain everything. Just trust me, okay? Stay by her side, no matter what. Protect her. But most important: Take care of yourself. She lost us too many times already, but maybe you are the one that will break this hellish circle.” 
“I-I don’t understand!” you said desperately, trying to reach for the girl, but she was already fading.
“We will speak to each other again when the time is right. Until then, remember my words. Please protect her. Do what we couldn’t do and survive.” Were her parting words before you awoke, drenched in cold sweat. What the fuck was that?
But no matter how hard you tried to grasp at your dream and its implications, you felt your consciousness fading and fell back into a deep slumber.
***** Taglist: @imdreamingblo @x-x-trixxster-k-m-w-x-x
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firstdegreefangirl · 3 years
If you are open to Ted Lasso requests, then Roy Kent/Keeley Jones + sickfic and snuggles?
Oh, nonnie, this got WAY out of hand. But I had SO MUCH FUN writing it, so thank you! There's a lot going on at the beginning here, but I swear there are sickfic and snuggles under the break. I hope you like it!
Read the whole thing in one click HERE on ao3!
The morning gets off to a late start, right out of the gate. The team bus leaves late when they lose Nate again (this year they knew to check the luggage hold, but no one thought to look in the upstairs bathroom, where he was “looking for a little extra privacy, sorry”) and there’s more traffic than anyone could have predicted.
Altogether, it means that the team hardly makes it to Sheffield with time to drop their bags at the hotel before they’re due at the stadium for the game.
Roy tosses a duffel bag onto one of the double beds in the room he’s sharing with Ted tonight (not by choice; it turns out relegation means there’s not enough money in the team budget for all four coaches to have separate suites. Last away game, he and Nate had been roommates, but Ted has some big idea about everyone spending equal amounts of time together in the name of ‘equitable morale,’ and apparently coaching staff isn’t exempt.)
Really, he should have taken the job with SkySports.
At least then, he wouldn’t be pulling a furry green unicorn out of his bag and sitting it carefully by the pillows.
“Security object, Roy?” Ted points from across the room as Roy reaches for his phone. “Respect. No shame in a man seeking a little comfort from-”
“Fuck off,” he snaps, but there’s no real heat behind it. “Phoebe’s mad her mum wouldn’t let her come on a sleepover with the team this weekend. Asked me to bring Captain McKibbin along instead, the little idiot. I … promised to send pictures. As proof.”
“Hey, I get it. My boy’s done many a Flat Stanley in his day.” Clearly, Ted expects him to know what this means, so Roy nods if only to save himself the explanation. “Anyway, we’ve got to meet the fellas in the lobby, head over to the field – pitch.” A full year in, and Ted still struggles with the vernacular sometimes. It’d drive Roy nuts, if the guy hadn’t done so much to help him and his career. “Is, ah, will Captain McCarlson be joining us for the-”
“McKibbin. Captain McKibbin, and he will not. Phoebe says he can stay here, to ward off any bad dream monsters.”
“Well you be sure to let her know that I intend to sleep snug as a bug in a rug tonight. No, two rugs!” Tim points at Roy with both hands, then spins around and opens the door to the hallway.
He still hasn’t gotten a chance to catch up with Keeley before the match starts. She and Rebecca had driven out separately – something about girl talk and lattes – but he knows she’s around somewhere. The owner’s box is a little different everywhere they go, but never too terribly hard to find, and he catches a glimpse of her bright pink peacoat when he looks around during the opening lineup. She's sitting between Rebecca and Higgins, and as soon as she notices him watching, she waves happily. He lifts a hand in response, then tucks it back against his chest, turning back to the pitch and squaring his shoulders as the first half begins.
Richmond is playing well; Isaac has stepped up and really filled Roy’s shoes as captain, and all the lads are on the same wavelength, without having to say much of anything to one another. He hates to admit it, but Roy wonders if the seamless communication doesn’t have something to do with the scavenger hunt they’d hosted in the locker room last night. Ted had blindfolded half of the players, and made the other half sit on the bench and shout directions. The whole thing had been a mess, but then they’d passed around the bottle of vodka he’d stashed behind the clean boots as a prize, and everyone had left smiling. If that’s it, Roy can’t deny the results, but he’ll damn sure try.
That’s what he’s thinking about a few minutes later when he turns around again, looking for Keeley in the stands. He’s always looking for her, when he doesn’t have to be watching every second of the match. She’s almost always watching him right back, before he’s even looking at her. And half the time, he’ll feel his phone vibrate in his pocket. Even if he can’t check it until halftime, he knows it’s a comment on the quality of the plays, or the other team’s kits, or how much she likes the view of his ass from the box.
But now, when he looks, he can’t find her anywhere. He looks again, trying to pick her out in the sea of Richmond jerseys. Most of the faces are strangers, but he can distinguish between them. All the way at the top, where Keeley had been sitting before, it’s just Rebecca and Higgins now, an empty seat folded up between them.
Roy stares for a moment, waiting for her to reappear with a soft pretzel or something. But she doesn’t. Eventually, Rebecca catches his eyeline, and shakes her head. Her lips move, but there’s no way Roy can make out the words. All he knows is that Keeley has disappeared, and judging from Rebecca’s gesture, she’s been gone for more than a few minutes.
Something isn’t right; he can feel it in his stomach. And in his knee, but that’s more from the impending winter. The feeling about Keeley, that sits deep in his gut, twisting and knotting around his organs as he turns back to the pitch.
The lads are lining up the next play, but Ted, Nate and Beard are spread out along the sideline. Roy sidesteps around Beard, almost trips over Nate when he moves back just as Roy passes behind him, and finally comes to a stop next to Ted.
“What’s up, Roy?” Ted doesn’t turn toward him, but he leans in Roy’s direction, and he knows he’s got the man’s full attention.
He hears the announcer take notice of his new position, the commentary echoing around them.
On Richmond’s side of the field, former team member turned coach Roy Kent is vying for the attention of head coach Ted Lasso. The players are lined up; what could he be saying?
But Roy doesn’t say anything. He just points, arms still folded across his chest, until Ted looks up to the stands behind them.
Both coaches now, looking up at the audience. Surely they’re not surprised at the show of support for the Richmond Greyhounds? They’ve sold out almost every game since their relegation …
The rest of the announcement fades to the background when understanding spreads across Ted’s face. Roy knows he’s seen the empty seat, knows he’ll understand the concern Roy can’t put into words. He raises an eyebrow when Tim looks back to his face, and the other coach nods.
“Just be in the locker room for halftime, yeah? The guys are countin’ on you for a speech to hype them up for the rest of the game.”
Roy jerks his chin up and down, then heads for the tunnel that’ll take him out of view of the crowds. The announcer’s voice comes behind him again.
Coach Kent, now heading off of the pitch. Makes you wonder what’s going on for the Greyhounds. Have they sent a coach away in the middle of a match, or did he ask to be excused? And why? But gameplay continues without him …
It’s only a few steps before he’s in the locker room, trying to shake off the memory of the last time he’d left the pitch before a match was up. It’s empty, no signs of another occupant, but the solitude gives him an opportunity to fish his phone out of his pocket.
No texts, no missed calls. Right away, he dials Keeley’s number.
If you’re looking for the PR Manager for the Richmond Greyhounds, leave a message for Keeley Jones after the beep. If you’re trying to reach your best friend Keeley for a round of drinks, hang up and text me. Oh, and Rebecca? If it’s too long to text, I’ll check my emails soon. Kisses!
“Oi, it’s me,” Roy all but grunts into the speaker when Keeley’s voicemail recording is done. “You’re not in your seat. Not that you have to be, but Rebecca hadn’t seen you, and I didn’t …” he trails off, suddenly afraid of sounding clingy and controlling. “Anyway, call me when you get this.”
He stares at his home screen after he hangs up, a selfie Keeley had nabbed his phone to take. He’s got an arm wrapped around her shoulders and his lips pressed against her temple, and her face is scrunched up in laughter. It’s ridiculous, the first time anyone but a blood relative has ever been his background, but he can’t help smiling at it, even as the worry knots itself tighter in his stomach.
When he can’t stand it any longer, he texts Rebecca.
You seen her?
Her reply is almost instant.
Not since she left. I have her coat, phone is in the pocket. Heard it ring.
Well, shit. She doesn’t have her phone, and as far as Roy knows, nobody has any idea where his girlfriend is.
But then there’s a sniffle from inside one of the toilet stalls. He’d know that sound anywhere; it’s the same noise Keeley makes every time they watch a Disney film together, right before he teases her for crying and she pokes fun right back at how he’s not.
He’d peered under the doors when he walked in, checking for feet, but he knocks on the stall anyway.
“Keeley?” He calls, pushing the door open slowly. Sure enough, she’s inside, sitting with her feet tucked up onto the seat, head wedged between her knees and hands clamped tightly around the back of her skull. “Babe, what’s going on?”
“It’s so … it’s so loud out there,” she whispers, but doesn’t look up. “All the yelling and shouting and cheering. It’s a good thing, I know, that the fans are engaged, but it was just pounding on my brain, making my eyes go all spotty. I tried to stick it out, Roy, really; I know how much these games mean to you, to the whole team. But then I felt like I was going to vomit and-” Keeley chokes on a sob. “I couldn’t find anywhere else quiet to go.”
“Right, well come on,” Roy reaches out slowly and squeezes one of her shoulders. “There’s got to be somewhere better to sit than a men’s toilet stall. You’ve met the lads, they’re disgusting.”
Keeley chuckles, thick and teary, but drops her knees and lets Roy pull her to her feet. As soon as she’s standing, she wraps her arms around his waist and buries her face in his chest. It can’t be too comfortable; he hasn’t taken off the Richmond windbreaker he wears for every game, but Keeley relaxes when Roy doesn’t push her away. Instead, he locks his arms around her shoulders and walks them both slowly back until he can drop onto one of the benches. Keeley stays leaned against him, but brings one hand up to cover her eyes where the harsh lighting seeps in.
“Alright, now, what is it?” Roy asks, when Keeley hasn’t said anything for a while. “You seemed alright when we left this morning.”
“I was. Or, I thought I was anyway. Just a little tired, maybe, but that was all. It was fine until the car ride, but then I got really queasy, and my head started throbbing.” Roy reaches up to scratch his fingers gently through her hair and she sighs. “It got a little better when we got out of the car, but then it was just so-”
“Loud, I know,” he finishes for her, then they both fall silent.
Exhaustion. Nausea. Headache. His sister had those symptoms once, just shy of eight years ago.
“Keel. You don’t think you’re … You – we – couldn’t be … you aren’t …"
“Um, pregnant? I know we’re careful, but …" Keeley cuts him off with a laugh that turns into a whimper, and he tightens his hold on her.
“No. Definitely not. Not this week, for sure. Just a migraine, I think. Used to get them sometimes, but it’s been a bit.”
“Good,” Roy sighs. “I mean, someday, maybe, but not …”
“Not yet,” Keeley agrees, and something goes warm in his chest, knowing that they’re on the same page. Right now, they don’t need to worry about anything except getting Keeley back in fighting shape.
“Have you taken anything?” She nods against his chest.
“This morning, um, in the car. It didn’t help much. Just need it dark. And quiet.”
“OK, that’s alright,” Roy whispers, dropping his voice even quieter. “It should be almost half, what say we find somewhere else for you to hole up before everyone comes barging in like heathens?”
He’s not sure exactly where they can go, but he knows he’s got to get Keeley out of the locker room before they clear the players off the pitch. She shrugs half-heartedly, and lets Roy pull her back to her feet. He doesn’t have a plan yet, but he starts walking them slowly toward the door as he looks around. There are no offices in here, no treatment rooms or storage closets.
He hasn’t checked the time since he found Keeley, but he’s played enough years of football that his body’s internal clock can feel the seconds ticking away. There’s maybe two or three minutes left, and Ted wants him to give the halftime pep talk. If he asked, if he explained everything, he could probably get out of it, maybe trade Beard for next week or something. Keeley needs him.
But the team needs him too.
All at once, it hits him.
Rebecca doesn’t have a role in the halftime routine. There’s nothing happening on the field and she almost never comes to the locker room before the match ends. And she’s got a car here; that’s somewhere quiet Keeley can sit, at least until the second half gets underway.
He wiggles his phone out of his pocket again and reopens the text thread.
Found her in locker room. Migraine. Can you meet us and take her outside for halftime? Ted wants me to give speech.
Rebecca doesn’t reply, but a minute or so later, Roy hears the steady click-clack of her heels coming down the hall. Keeley whimpers, and he presses a kiss to her hair as the door swings open.
“Hey,” he says, shifting around to look at Rebecca.
“Hello,” she whispers back.
“Hey, Keeley, Rebecca’s here now,” Roy tips his face back down to whisper against the shell of her ear. “Think you can make it outside with her?”
“We can head back to the hotel, Keeley, if you think that’d help? It’s only a few minutes’ drive.”
“Yeah, ‘s quieter there,” she says, but doesn’t move.
“And I’ll meet you there just as soon as the match is done, hmm?” He runs his fingers up and down her arm, shifting away slightly. “Here, want to take my sunglasses, block out some of the light?”
At that, Keeley squeezes her eyes shut and turns her face up toward Roy. He chuckles and slides his glasses over her eyes, then brushes a kiss to the tip of her nose.
“Alright then, off you go,” He lets Rebecca take her by the arm and lead her back out of the locker room, trying to ignore the way his heart clenches at the sight of her trudging away, hunched over against her own discomfort.
He’ll be back with her soon enough. But the door has no more than swung shut behind them when it bounces open again. Jamie and Sam are leading the pack, the whole team piling in around him.
As usual, their energy is infectious, and Roy finds himself slapping hands and patting backs as he makes his way across the room to where Ted is bringing up the rear.
“Hey, Roy, you get everything all squared away?”
“For now. Rebecca’s taking Keeley back to the hotel; she’s not feeling well.” He should have known better than to hope that Ted Lasso would ever let anything drop with a simple explanation.
“Well that’d explain the text message I got from Boss Lady asking if she’d be alright rooming with me tonight.” Roy’s eyebrows go up at that. “And I’m guessin’ from the look on your face that she didn’t mention anything about that to you? Aw, geez, I hope I didn’t spoil a surprise or anything. But the cat’s out of the metaphorical bag now, isn’t it? So I might as well tell you that I told her that I was a-OK with switching up the room arrangements if that’s what’s best for everyone tonight. Thataways you can keep an eye on Keeley, and down the hall we can have Biscuits with the Boss: Evening Edition. How’s that sit with you?”
“Honestly, Ted, I have no opinion on what time of day you eat biscuits,” Roy sighs, pinching the bridge of his nose. “But thanks. I think. For making sure I can be there for Keeley.”
“We’re all on the same team here, right? What’s good for the goose and all that, we’re at our best when everyone is at their own, individual best. Hey, speaking of, there are some guys in here, waiting for someone to put a little extra pep in their step for the back end of this game. If you’re not up for it, I can see what Coach Beard has up his sleeve, or-”
“No, it’s fine,” Roy cuts him off before the rambling can reach full speed again. “I’ve got this one.”
He turns back to the group, and yells for everyone to listen up. When he’s got their attention, he takes a deep breath.
“What you’re doing on the pitch today, it’s fucking amazing,” he starts. “Not the score, though that’s pretty alright too. But that doesn’t matter half as much as how you’re playing. Hell, you assholes keep communicating this well, you’re going to put us coaches out of a job. I know Ted’s all about the rhymes and anecdotes and shit, but that’s not … I’m not a walking greeting card store,” everyone chuckles, Ted included. “But get back out there, keep working together, and dammit, make the four of us redundant!”
There’s a round of half-sarcastic applause, then Ted steps forward.
“Alright, y’all heard the man. Don’t get tired, get us fire—well, actually, don’t get us fired. That’s not … take the sentiment of what Roy said, but do me a favor and don’t take him literally. I like working with y’all. Anyway, Coach Beard’s gonna take it from here, walk y’all through a couple plays for the second half.”
The players cluster around Beard and his whiteboard diagram, and Ted finds his way back over to Roy at the back of the group.
“You know, if you need to head out a little early today, we can pull through without you. Sometimes a team is strongest when it’s split up to work on all the different things it needs to get done. Like taking care of each other.”
Any other day, he likes to think he’d insist on staying for the rest of the match. But if he’s honest with himself, he knows that he’ll put Keeley first anytime she needs him to.
“That’d be great, Ted. Thanks.”
“Hey, no problem, Roy. I’ll come check up on y’all when we get back?” Roy nods and shakes Ted’s hand quickly, then slips out of the locker room while Beard is saying something about the Sheffield players having “lots of power, like a high-watt light bulb.”
He doesn’t have a car, doesn’t feel like waiting on an Uber, so it’s a half-hour's walk back to the hotel. When he gets there, Rebecca is already waiting for him in the lobby.
“Ted gave me your room number,” she starts, as soon as they’ve said their hellos. “Keeley’s up there lying down. I, uh, I assumed yours was the bed with the unicorn on it?”
“It’s Phoebe’s,” he groans. “But yes.”
“I’m sure.” But she’s smirking like she might not be. “Anyway, Ted’s things are already taken care of, and I think I got everything of Keeley’s into your room, but she unpacked her entire suitcase first thing, so I might’ve missed some shoes or something.”
“No problem. She’ll get them back, I’m sure. Thanks for taking care of her.”
“Anytime, Roy. Really. I’m just down the hall, if either of you need anything.”
Roy nods his thanks and steps into the elevator.
He swipes his key card to unlock the door, then turns the handle and pushes it open slowly. The lights are turned off, and the curtains drawn, so he makes his way carefully, trying to remember if these rooms have any wayward furniture for him to stumble over.
Thankfully, the walkway is clear. He sits gently on the edge of his bed, smiling when the Keeley-shaped lump of covers shifts closer to him.
“Hey, babe,” she mutters.
“Hi,” Roy presses his lips together and pats what he thinks is probably her knee through the blankets. “Feeling better?”
“A little. Rebecca gave me water. And it’s quiet here.”
“Yeah, it is.” He’s not sure what else to say, but Keeley saves him from having to carry on the conversation.
“There’s a unicorn on your bed. ‘S soft.”
“His name is Captain McKibbin,” Roy replies, rolling his eyes even though he knows she can’t see from here. “I’ll tell Phoebe you like him.”
“Please do.”
“Anything else you need?”
“Just you,” she says, and it’s so quietly honest that if Roy weren’t already pretty sure he’s in love with her, it would have sealed the deal. He toes his shoes off and shimmies out of his windbreaker and trousers.
“Alright, well shove over then,” he teases, nudging her shoulder until there’s room for him to lie down beside her. When he pulls the covers back, he recognizes the hoodie she’s wearing as the one he’d crammed into the top of his bag when he packed last night. It’s three sizes too big, and she’s got one of her own just like it, but she looks far better in Roy’s than he ever will.
As soon as he’s lying down, Keeley is turning over and fitting herself against his side, tucking her face back into his bare chest. It’s still early in the evening, and Roy knows that if he falls asleep now, he’ll spend all week regretting it. But Keeley needs the rest, and there’s not much he can do without turning on the TV or lighting up his phone screen.
Besides, one afternoon nap never killed anyone, right?
So he closes his eyes and listens to her steady breathing. When Keeley wakes up, hopefully the worst of the migraine will have passed, and she’ll feel more like herself again. Roy knows they’ve got a pass on team bonding tonight, if they need it, and he doesn’t want to push Keeley into anything she’s not up for. But rumor has it that Beard found a pub with a bowling alley in it, and that’s bound to be entertaining, no matter the scores at the end of the night.
For right now, though, the only thing that matters is Keeley, curled up against him and warmer than all the blankets stacked on top of them. She’s asleep, and he’s following close behind, and nothing matters beyond the comfort they share.
Not migraines, or bowling, or trick plays, or shoes that might have been left down the hall, or anything but Roy and Keeley and this moment together, in the dark and the quiet.
Just them.
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Every damn day
“Up all night,” Nadine said loudly, tucking in the sheet. “Looking at facebook--”
“Instagram,” came the sardonic voice from the other room.
“--and eating mangoes. Instead of getting the sleep--” she laid an arm on the doorjamb as she leaned out and spoke to the prone woman-child, Chloe Frazer, splayed on her couch under a borrowed blanket, “she needs for optimal health.”
Chloe didn’t look up from her phone. “Instagram, love.”
“They’re the same company!”
“I have jet lag.”
Nadine retreated back into her room, slipped a pillowcase over her pillow from the hamper. “Ja, you’ve been here a month. That’s not jet lag.”
“What is it, then?”
“That blue light messing up your circadian rhythm. Haven’t you read a single newspaper in the past ten years?”
“Well then,” Chloe said, and Nadine was surprised to see her at the door, before tossing her pillow on her bed anyway, “I suppose you’re the expert on sleep, then?”
Nadine rolled her eyes as her couchsurfer took a diving leap and ended up on top of her just-washed sheets. Chloe affected a Bugs Bunny recline, supporting her cheek with her hand, elbow out.
“What are you doing?” said the South African flatly.
“Learning,” Chloe said, as Nadine pulled off her socks and pushed herself back on her bed. “from a professional.”
“You smell like mangoes.”
“Come on, Nadine. You’re talking like you know everything about getting a good night’s sleep.”
Nadine had rolled on her side, frowning at the alarm clock radio. She let out a sigh, deciding to be honest for a moment.
“I know because I’m bad at it, not the other way around.”
“Oh,” Chloe said, her tone an exaggerated surprise. “Imagine that. Lecturing others about their sleep habits and yet--
Nadine had rolled back over to look at her. “Yes?”
Chloe’s face seemed frozen on, but something had happened to her eyes.
“You know I,” she mumbled, looking down, “really forgot what I was gonna say.”
Nadine nodded. “You can go back to the couch now.”
“Okay I’ll go brush my teeth--so I smell less like mangoes--and then I’ll come back,” Chloe said, pointing in the general direction of the bathroom with both thumbs like the cute dork she was.
“You know It would be easier to just stop on the couch instead of coming all the way back here.”
“Got to get my steps in, love!” shouted the woman as she dashed out of the room.
“You...don’t have a Fitbit, Frazer.”
“‘You don’t have a Fitbit, Frazer’,” Chloe mimicked, muffled through the bathroom door.
“Because people,” Nadine resented herself, as she laid her cheek back to the pillow, for getting involved with this lovable clown, “usually say that who own a Fitbit.”
“It’s not like we’re born with a natural one inside our chest,” Chloe said thickly. She was clearly speaking through a mouthful of toothpaste.
“You don’t have one of those either.”
A silence told her she had struck a low blow. Claiming Chloe didn’t have a heart, that was a little uncalled for, and Nadine sat up a minute later meaning to go talk to her. But she almost knocked foreheads with her treasure hunting partner in the dark.
“God, Frazer! Jumpscare much?”
“I’m back!”
“You know what we need?” Nadine said angrily, as Chloe got cozy beside her again, “We need to be on a mission. Fast. Because this is driving both of us powerfully bonkers.”
“You mean we act like an old married couple?”
“Shut up.”
Nadine reached into her bedside drawer and tugged out an eye mask, and Chloe, lying on her stomach, immediately reacted.
“No fair.”
“I have insomnia, Frazer. I need all the help I can get.”
“Maybe you just don’t like sleeping alone.”
Nadine, tugging it on, feeling the satin against her brows and cheeks, sighed. “Ja, nobody does.”
“Oh, I dunno. Get to stretch your legs...”
“Couch is right there,” Nadine hissed, peeling up the eye mask to send Chloe a light glare.
“Do you have another eye mask or not?”
“Fine, but you get the old one.”
Chloe snickered as she reached over Nadine to pick the second mask out of the drawer. “Good thing I like antiques, yeah?”
She laid on her back beside Nadine then, tugging it on. But a moment later, Nadine was bored again.
Nadine muttered, “You still smell like mangoes.”
“You’re imagining it. I flossed.”
“Did some get into your hair?”
She felt Chloe’s laughter, and unsuccessfully fought a bout herself. Chloe’s hand ran down her shoulder and clasped Nadine’s.
“You should have let me die back there.”
Nadine gave her hand a squeeze.
She heard Chloe’s laughter ease back into regular breathing, but the length of the night, the stretching of the worries that only had minutes to be deliberated on throughout the day, threatened her. She knew Chloe heard her sigh.
“Why do you have insomnia?” Chloe’s voice came from the dark.
Nadine didn’t have an answer. She tried to find one, but just swallowed.
“Do you...have trouble feeling safe, love?”
Nadine murmured, “Every. Damn. Day.”
“Mmm,” Chloe said, as if she was thinking about it. “We really should stop pretending we don’t need those stuffies we bought at Meenu’s shop.”
“A fabric monkey will totally solve this.”
“Where is he now?”
Nadine, resigned to her fate, mumbled, “In the wash.”
The silence came again, and Nadine tried harder. Tried the progressive muscle relaxation the physical therapist had talked to her about. Tried to modify her breathing. She noticed her heart slowing as a result, but her mind was still, disappointingly, awake.
“Yes, honey.”
“Do you...think about your regrets?”
It was a testament to how late it was, and how tired Nadine was, that she even said it out loud. It sounded really bad the moment it left her vocal chords. And yet Chloe didn’t answer with laughter.
“Everyone does, love.”
“How often?”
She heard Chloe sigh back, and mutter, “That’s where the problem lies, isn’t it.”
“Because if it’s not too much, it’s not a bad thing...but if it is...”
Even though Nadine had her eye mask on, she could swear Chloe had turned to look at her back.
“If it is,” she murmured, “it haunts you, right?”
“Ja, right.”
That was the word. Something dead that wouldn’t leave. Or worse, something whose torture only existed to beget more torture.
Nadine forced herself to finish her thought. “I think about it...all the time.”
“You know,” Chloe said matter-of-factly, “you do realize...you’re young? You have plenty of time to make up for everything you regret now, Nadine.”
“That’s....how it works?”
“Who knows?” Chloe let out a curious snicker. “What other option is there? Once we make enough amends, can’t we go on, too? Keep getting better after that, so you even end up higher than where you started?”
Warmth filled Nadine, despite the extremely climbing-focused metaphor she  should have expected from her partner. “Maybe.”
“Maybe,” Chloe gave Nadine’s hand a squish. “and we’ll find out together, anyway, love. You’re not the only one worrying about it.”
Nadine smiled into her pillow. She felt Chloe’s shoulder lightly bump her back.
“Let’s put a guided meditation on, or something. I don’t think the silence is working for us.”
“Copy that.”
15 notes · View notes
The Great Upheaval of Percy Weasley: Lines
Percy Weasley x OC
Summary: A decision is made and the consequences are yet to be discovered.
Warnings: talk of smut, language, fluff(?)
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Lines -n- what we drew the in the sand in a desperate attempt to protect the treasures we hid between our ribs and the reputations we had cultivated within the grainy fragments that threatened to crumble
When Elle had first placed her idea on the table, he was downright appalled. He had never dated anyone normally, let alone snuck around with someone to make out whenever they felt like it. She had rolled her eyes at his reaction, making him promise to ‘think about it’ before she returned to the Gryffindor common room.
He had silently prayed it wasn’t back to that oaf that had had his hands up her skirt, and then he blushed. He’d practically had his hands up her skirt. Not that it mattered, it wouldn’t happen again.
At least that’s what he had thought three days ago. Now, against his better judgement, he was approaching her little group of friends as they worked beside the fireplace. He twisted his hands nervously behind his back before clearing his throat. In unison they all looked up, three pairs of eyes staring into him like he was something to be devoured.
“Elle, McGonagall asked if she could see you,” he managed, and her friends glared at him suspiciously. Elle, on the other hand, shrugged and shoved her stuff into her bag.
“Mind if I put this in my room?” He shook his head quickly and she strode away towards her room. He kept his eyes pinned to the couch where she had sat, if only to keep his eyes from following her as she disappeared, he didn’t need her friends anymore suspicious than they already were.
“So, do you take house points from everyone you kiss?” Dinah, or at least he thought it was Dinah, asked him with a smirk.
“No, only those who do it without my permission.”
“Oh, your permission, I see. Well, Percy Weasley, do I have permission to kiss you?” she asked, laughing as his eyes widened. He wasn’t sure to say, if he should defend himself or laugh or run in the opposite direction. Thankfully, Elle returned, saving him from further embarrassment.
“Leave the man alone, Dinah,” she called before heading towards the portrait. He awkwardly tipped his head towards the two girls sprawled out across the furniture, ignoring their laughter as he hurried off after Elle.
She smiled at him as they walked, making him more nervous than he already was.
“So, what’s ole McGonagall want me for?” she asked, but he hadn’t thought that far ahead, so instead he pulled her into an empty classroom, locking the door behind him. “I see,” she laughed, and he remained silent a bit longer. He couldn’t believe what he was agreeing to, and with whom he was agreeing. She raised an eyebrow and hopped up onto the large desk that sat at the front of the classroom. She swung her legs back and forth like a child, but her eyes contradicted all possibility of innocence as they burned into him. He had dragged her here, and yet he felt like the one who was being hunted.
“I don’t know what I’m doing,” he admitted. Instead of laughing as he had predicted she offered him a hand.
“And you think I do?”
“I mean, you’ve probably…”
“Are you calling me whore, Percy Weasley?”
“What? No! I would-.”
“I’m kidding, c’mere,” she laughed, and he stepped forward reaching out to take her hand. This was crazy, every second of it was against everything he thought he stood for, but he wouldn’t be here if he had been able to get her off his mind. Instead, the feeling of kissing her had haunted him day and night since the moment she surprised him in the common room.  
When their fingers brushed, he was instantly filled with warmth. She pulled him closer, spreading her legs just enough to allow him to get closer. Her eyes softened as he got closer, smile becoming more reassuring than mischievous.
“After the other night, I figured you were a natural,” she whispered.
“That was different.”
“I didn’t know I was going to do it.” That got him a laugh and a nod of understanding. She remained silent for a moment, studying him. He wasn’t sure what she was looking for, and if he was going to pass the test, but he took a moment to do the same.
He already knew she had passed. She was beautiful. Even with the makeup and the nose ring he had turned his nose up at for years she was beautiful. And with the way she was holding him, he wasn’t sure if he would ever leave. Her thighs were warm against his hips, and somehow, she had placed his hand against her waist without him even noticing. The hand that had held his moments ago was lightly gripping his bicep, fingers drawing light patterns in the fabric of his shirt. He leaned closer until he was hovering over her, his other hand slipping behind her back for support. And then he was kissing her again, soft, and languid, without a hurry in the world.
“Fuck,” she muttered, and he pulled away nervously. Had he done something wrong? “That was a good noise, now get back here,” she said with a laugh, and he happily obliged. She tasted the way a garden smelled. The remnants of lavender tea mixed with honey-laced Chapstick and her uncharacteristic desire to eat the flower garnishes on cakes. He only hoped he didn’t taste like that evening’s dinner. She moaned into his lips again, biting gently on his bottom lip and he decided either she loved chicken pot pie or he was safe.
She suddenly pulled away, leaving him disappointed, until she leaned in again, this time attaching her lips to his neck. He hadn’t thought there was anything better than kissing her until she started to kiss his throat, sucking at his pulse.
“Bloody hell,” he moaned, and she laughed, swiping her tongue across the trauma. His head dipped forward as she worked her way up his throat and to his jaw before landing on his lips again.
He could have stayed like that forever, tasting her lips as he held her, but the moment her hips started to rock forward he panicked. He hadn’t meant to, he really wanted to keep going, but nerves got the best of him and he pulled away.
“Are you okay?” she asked, and he nodded as he breathed deeply. Surprisingly, she didn’t act at all like he had figured a girl who, to an extent, had been rejected would behave. She looked genuinely concerned.
“Yes, I’m fine,” he promised, “It was just… a lot.” She nodded and scooted over on the desk, offering him a place to sit beside her.
He took it.
They sat in comfortable silence, swinging their legs back and forth.
“Are you a virgin?” he asked, blushing the instant it left his mouth. She laughed and leaned back on her hands.
“No, but sometimes I wish I was.” He glanced at her; eyebrow raised at her response. “I mean I’ve never loved someone that I’ve slept with, it was just boredom, and none of them have been good. It’s always pump and go. If it makes you feel any better, making out with you has been better than all of them combined, and I don’t love you either,” she laughed. He nodded, weirdly enough it did make him feel better. “Are you a virgin?”
“Are you making fun of me?”
“Maybe a little.” He scowled, but the annoyance didn’t last long. After years of listening to liars, it was hard to be mad at honesty. And while the list of cons about snogging Elle Wilton was long, liar was not one of them.
“Are you going to tell anyone?”
“Do you want me to?”
“That’s fortunate,” she said laughing at his urgency, “I wasn’t exactly keen on you telling people I was snogging the head boy.”
“It’d absolutely ruin my reputation.” He laughed at that. He knew all about reputations, and while theirs were quite different, he understood the importance of keeping them intact. “I could give you a hickey to get your brothers off your back,” she offered, but he quickly turned it down.
“Then they’d just bug me about who gave it to me.”
“That’s too bad, I was looking forward to it, giving you a hickey, I mean,” she teased with a smirk, and he made the most feminine squeak he had ever heard, which only made her laugh harder. “Maybe another day.” A day ago, he would have been disgusted at the mere thought, but after today his interest had been piqued in more ways than one.
“Never thought I’d hear Percy Weasley consider a hickey.”
“You never thought you would be snogging Percy Weasley either,” he teased, surprising both of them. He blushed and she leaned into him, bumping their arms together.
“Very, very true,” she laughed softly, and then she grew serious, turning to face him, legs crossed in front of her. “We need to set some boundaries.”
“Boundaries?” He had never expected her to be the type to set rules, and he wasn’t exactly sure what she was talking about. What did boundaries have to do with what they were doing?
“Like where we’re not allowed to take things. Earlier I did something, and you got uncomfortable, so where can we not take things? What’s the line we can’t cross?”
Percy had no idea what she was talking about. He had never considered what they were doing something worth his time. He had heard about it, two people doing nothing but snogging in broom cupboards, but he had considered it worthless. Now that he was here, he was lost.
“No sex?” he offered, and she nodded, ushering for him to go on, “I don’t know what else there is.” She smirked and leaned in, pressing her lips to his throat.
“Is this okay?” she muttered, and he nodded quickly. Still kissing his neck, she undid his tie, fingers unbuttoning his shirt with ease. “And this?” It was still very okay, much better than okay. His breath quickened as she kissed down the center of his chest, her hands gripping his thighs as she leaned closer and closer to his belt buckle. “And when the time comes for it, are you okay with this?” He nodded, the subject of their conversation twitching at future possibilities. “Then, it sounds like sex is it. And I’ll speak for both of us on this one, no visible hickeys.” He nodded in agreement. “Any emotional boundaries?”
“Well, call me territorial, but I don’t want you to snog other girls in front of me; if I’m there keep it in your pants. And I want us to be friends, no more of this darting around each other. I’m not saying the whole world must know, but if I sit by you in class I’m going to be pissed if you get up to leave. If you lie to me, about anything, don’t bother talking to anymore. And we have to end it if one of us falls in love.”
“I don’t think we’re going to fall in love.”
“Rather confident for a boy who’s never been stuck in a broom closet with me. However, for both our sake, I hope you’re right. It would be painful for both of us.” Percy wanted to push for information, to find out why she sounded so sad as she spoke, but he kept quiet.
“It can’t get in the way of school, or my duties as Head boy. And I won’t treat you any differently,” he proclaimed, and she laughed.
“I would expect nothing less, Head boy.” He hated when everyone else called him that, but when she said it, he couldn’t help but find it endearing, like that was the last thing from her mind. A few moments of silence ticked by before she hopped off the desk, brushing the wrinkles from her clothing. “I should get back before they start wondering why I was at McGonagall’s for so long. By the way, you’ve got to come up with better excuses, they’re not going to believe you if our professors keep needing me, especially when I haven’t done anything.”
“I just figured-.”
“Don’t,” she interrupted, and then leaned in and kissed him, pulling away in an instant before she strolled out of the classroom, skirt swishing around her thighs like an invitation he wasn’t allowed to accept.
What on earth was he thinking?
Taglist: @andromedasstarship​
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sparring-hyena · 4 years
a different beginning.
i’m replaying the freshman series and this is basically just a little ‘what if...?’ that wouldn’t leave my head.
OR, the one where Becca and MC hookup, hate that they need each other, and accidentally fall in love.
the first time they meet is on the quad, and naturally, it is a spectacular disaster.
Becca drops her iced coffee on Alex’s shirt. it’s deliberate, too, and she barely veils it as an accidental slip. it’s an asshole move, and she knows it. she tells herself she does it for a boy. because she’s jealous. jealous of the attention this random girl is getting from Chris. that has to be the reason. what else would it be?
she ignores the fleeting thought of it is something else! and insults Alex again for good measure before whisking Chris away.
it’s later in the day when Becca sees Alex again this time at the Welcome Week Fair, and this time not alone. and she’s sporting a bikini, which certainly isn’t unpleasant. but that’s a fact that she’ll take to her grave.
it irritates her to no end when she sees Chris staring at Alex though.
jealousy, she tells herself. that green-eyed monster that she just can’t seem to shake no matter how hard she tries.
Alex and her friend—Kaitlyn, she learns—approach the Kappa booth. and that is as disastrous as their first meeting.
Becca and Alex spit ugly words at each other. leaning closer and closer as though that’ll make their point clearer. and she can feel something ignite inside her as she fights with Alex. it’s new. it’s exhilarating. and, strangely, it makes her ache for something unknown.
it isn’t until Maddison chimes in that Becca realises just how close they actually are. she jumps back, startled and irritated and everything else in between. but Alex just grins at her like she knows something. as if there’s even something to know.
“we’ll have to do this again,” Alex says, and she even winks. then she knocks Becca’s iced coffee off the table and down Becca’s shirt and pants. and Becca admits, she probably had that one coming.
she smiles to herself as she watches Alex leave. and then decides that this year might not be as bad as she first thought.
Becca next sees Alex at a party. a Kappa party, which makes it both strange and annoying that she does. although, she supposes it shouldn’t be a surprise at all, given that the party is to celebrate Chris’ help in securing the first win of the football season. but still, that doesn’t make it any less irritating.
she spots Alex and Chris talking across the room, and then makes a show of walking right up to them and linking her arm with Chris’. she does that to prove something, Becca decides must be the case. to prove that Chris is hers and hers alone.
she ignores the part of her brain that screams that’s not true, but you’re so close!
and then someone suggests a game of beer pong when she tries to whisk Chris away. Chris says something mildly annoying then, about how he’s not a prize to be won, but that he’ll make an exception this time. he even grins and winks at Alex, which is just— argh!
but this isn’t about winning alone time with Chris, it’s about proving Alex wrong. so, Becca’s not about to back down now. especially when Alex is looking at her like that—brow arched, smirking, and arms folded across her chest.
“you’re on,” Becca says through gritted teeth.
and all Alex does is say, “good luck,” before she winks and follows everyone else into the other room. that leaves Becca alone, releasing a breath she hadn’t realised she’d been holding, and feeling every nerve ending alight.
it’s the anger, she tells herself.
not it’s not, her brain says, but she squashes that and follows after everyone a moment later.
Becca loses to Alex. and that surprises her. she hasn’t lost a game of beer pong since her freshman year. she decides it must be the alcohol that messed up her game, and ignores the fact that she’s only had two drinks tonight and is by no means a lightweight.
as she watches Alex and Chris slip outside, Becca feels that ache for something unknown return to her. this time stronger, as though compelling her to do something damnit!
but again, she ignores.
she grabs Chris shortly after and loops her arm through his. and then the party carries on, and she tries her best to keep her gaze away from Alex.
it’s later in the evening when Becca sees Alex step outside. she’s alone and something in Becca’s mind tells her to follow after her and say something. is there even anything to say? probably not, but who really cares?
she finds Alex sitting on the curb with her head between her knees.
“you’re not going to be sick, are you?” Becca asks, forgoing any sort of pleasant greeting.
Alex glances over her shoulder and smiles. “not tonight. maybe another night though. i’ll keep you updated.”
“wonderful,” Becca drawls as she sits down beside Alex and wonders why on Earth she’s sitting in a grimy curb at ten-forty-five at night.
“did you want something?”
and before Becca can think too much about what she wants—because she does want something—she grabs the collar of Alex’s shirt and yanks her in for a kiss. she kisses hard and fast like it means nothing at all. then she pushes Alex away and stares in disbelief because oh, crap, i just kissed her.
“i wondered when you’d do that,” Alex says, her tone light and amused.
“shut up.”
“make me.”
so Becca does. she pulls Alex in for another kiss that’s harder and deeper this time. she nips at Alex’s lower lip and delights in the moan that falls from her mouth.
they spring apart when the front door of the Kappa house flies open, and a group of mostly drunk students stumble out onto the front lawn.
Becca ducks back inside before she has a chance to fuck things up further. she returns to the familiarity of Chris’ side, and doesn’t dare look to see if Alex comes back in.
Becca learns that Alex is rushing her sorority and that... she doesn’t know what to make of that. the annoyance and nerves and quiet curiosity is a whole can of worms that she’s not at all ready to open.
it’s when the rush party is in full swing that she grabs Alex by the arm and pulls her into a bathroom when she’s sure no one is looking.
“what are you doing here?” Becca hisses, getting way too close to Alex.
“isn’t it obvious?” Alex steps closer, too, as though daring Becca to do something. “i’m rushing.”
“i got that. but why are you rushing?”
“i wanted to broaden my horizons.”
Becca regards Alex for a moment. she knows Alex is lying and has some other ulterior motive, but who knows, this might actually be kind of fun. “okay then.” she places her hand on Alex’s shoulder and leans in close to whisper in her ear. “good luck.” and then she turns and leaves before Alex can do or say anything else.
the rest of the party is fine and goes off without a hitch. and so does the scavenger hunt later that night. Becca is quietly relieved that it’s Alex’s group who returns first with the sweater. truth or dare follows that, and Becca certainly doesn’t hold back. she fires question after question, challenges the three pledges to dare after dare.
but what bugs her about the whole night, what really sticks with her, is the fact that she can’t stop staring at Alex. when the night comes to an end, and Alex, Abbie, and Kaitlyn leave, Maddison pulls Becca aside.
“you like Alex,” she says, hopeful and smiley.
Becca chokes on the air and stammers out a response. “what? no i don’t— why would i— that’s ridiculous.”
“oh, i thought you did; you kept looking at her and smiling to yourself. and she seems like she’d be a really great fit—all three of them do! i know you and Alex got off on the wrong foot, but you shouldn’t rule her out.”
and— oh. they aren’t talking about the same thing.
even if they were though, she doesn’t like Alex. she loathes Alex.
there’s an itch that Becca just can’t seem to scratch on the night of the sorority ball. she gets dragged away to address everyone and that’s when she sees Alex and right when the fucking itch decides to up its drive. she tries to carry on with the night, but her mind just won’t let her.
you must see it now, her brain says.
she doesn’t. but she does see Alex’s arm looped through James’ and that bugs her like nothing else ever has and makes the itch go wild.
she tells herself it’s not jealousy even when her brain screams that it is, and pushes on through the night. she tries to sate the itch by shooting witty remarks at Alex. and it seems to help some. but then she announces which of the pledges got into the sorority. and Alex isn’t one of them.
the itch doesn’t like that.
there’s the birthday party fiasco, which is where... something changes between them.
they butt heads at the club and Becca makes a show of dancing up close to Chris. but then she sees Kaitlyn kiss Alex, and Alex doesn’t stop her. that hurts more than she cares to admit.
it’s later in the night when they wind up at the hospital. Kaitlyn collapsed at the club. too much alcohol, Becca guesses. she goes with Chris and tries to offer support. when she steps into the bathroom just before leaving, she finds Alex standing at a sink.
Becca thinks fo turning around and leaving right then, but then Alex looks up says, “hey.”
she returns the greeting and comes to stand at the sink beside Alex. “sorry about...” everything is what she wants to say. because she’s just now realising how complicated and messy things between them are. “tonight. sorry about tonight,” is what she says instead. because it wouldn’t be right to make tonight about them.
“thanks,” Alex says, and she offers a weak smile to Becca through the mirror.
Alex places her hand on the counter between them, and Becca glances at it and feels the itch again. she hesitates for a second but then places her hand on top of Alex’s and offers a reassuring squeeze.
the itch quietens after that, and Becca feels the ache for something unknown return to her again.
whatever she had with Chris ends a few days later. it stings when Chris leaves, because she knows why he does. but she releases a breath and feels like she can breathe again.
the end of the quarter draws near, and so too does the formal. but Becca tries to forget about that for now and focus on the party she’s at. Alex had invited her, which is... strange, to say the least. but whatever. she’s having fun, so does it really matter?
she bumps into Chris once when they’re both getting a drink and it surprises her how not awkward it actually is. it makes her sort of glad that they aren’t together anymore—they never did work very well as anything other than friends.
she spots Alex across the room who offers a bright smile and wave. the itch comes back then, and a thought pops into her head—a dangerous thought that certainly won’t end well.
do it, her brain challenges. you know you want to.
Becca says a fuck you to her brain because who are you to say that you know what i want? and then she goes back to the party.
naturally, ten minutes later, Becca and Alex are making out in Alex’s room.
it’s hot and it’s fast, and when Alex spins them around to hoist Becca up onto the desk, Becca feels a thrill run up and down her spine. her brain says i told you so and goes oddly quiet for a while.
“neat trick,” Becca says as Alex’s mouth moves down her neck and across her chest.
“i am to impress.”
“is that so?”
Alex hums.
“in that case” —she grabs Alex’s hand and places it on her inner thigh beneath her dress— “impress me.”
“you sure?”
when Alex’s hand begins to creep higher on her leg, Becca tosses her head back and has to bite back a moan. there’s still a party on the other side of the door. she mustn’t forget that.
when Alex gets her to come, she wonders why the fuck they weren’t doing this from the start.
the end of quarter formal arrives. Becca goes stag and is surprised to learn that Alex does, too. they don’t dance together or flirt or try to play nice. just shoot insults that have lost all their bite. and when the night draws to a close, they find each other alone on the quad, itching to reach out and do something about everything that’s been simmering between them for months.
but then Zack appears again. he grabs Alex’s arm and drags her away, claiming something about a “totally raging after party.”
Alex tries to get out a response, and Becca wonders if she plans on saying something akin to “no, thanks, i’ve got other plans.” but that doesn’t happen, so Becca’s left standing alone on the quad.
and then she realises that everything she’s been feeling can only really mean one thing—
her brain says, yes, finally, you’ve figured it out! and waits in anticipation.
—maybe she’s accidentally fallen a little bit in love.
part 2
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seesgood · 3 years
just a wishlist dump of verse-specific things that i would <3 to explore with anyone willing, 
criminal minds.
anything with a jj where care can kinda just follow her around like an awe-struck puppy 
anything with the rest of the team with caroline who is much too idealistic and follows jj around like an awe-struck puppy, but who can also hold her own in a pinch and is actually very good at reading people / reacting to people and is able to diffuse tense situations ( especially with law enforcement ) just because she’s That Good 
caroline slowly, steadily losing her shit and getting way too emotionally involved with cases and her pretending not to be distraught when they don’t pan out but being unable to hide it because she’s a terrible liar and she works with criminal profilers 
caroline running into [ insert your supernatural creature muse here ] while on a “”””hunt”””” ( aka doing research ) 
caroline running into literally any other hunters who are actually good at what they do and aren’t the ghostfacers 
caroline running into anyone who has had the misfortune of watching an episode of ghostfacers and having to politely smile and nod her head and just say yeah, harry and ed are actually just Like That 
gossip girl.
someone finding out caroline is p**r ( and on scholarship, rip ) to constance and holding it over her head / blackmailing her 
grishaverse / six of crows especially.
okay but how rad would it be if caroline ( decently powerful heartrender who has no money and is really good at playing down her abilities ) found herself in ketterdam and there were other people in ketterdam who needed a heartrender for, idk, like a heist-like thing i mean do you see where i’m going with this hi 
can she just be friends with nina? please? can her and nina have been friends back at the little palace? please? she would fucking adore nina 
just let her be friends with any other grisha, or let her be begrudging allies with anyone not actively hunting grisha, let snarky banter but unfailing support ensue 
my knowledge of the actual canon events is painfully limited, however i’m pretty certain that over the course of the war and everything else that happens, she probably loses the core “mystic falls gang” of her friends ( bonnie, elena, stefan ). let her grieve over it. or better yet, her maintaining this really idealistic, kinda heartbreaking amount of hope that they’re out there, until it’s very obvious that they’re not 
the hunger games.
i’ve asked before and i’ll ask again: anything with other victors 
harry potter.
anyone to come bug your Local Hogwarts / Hogsmeade Cryptid caroline forbes
i would really, really love to explore her death / disappearance more either with another vampire that you want to yeet into the hp universe or with one of the marauders era characters that might have known her. like those initial few weeks after she’s turned when she’s struggling with what she is, where her wand gets snapped, she gets semi-kicked out of hogwarts, etc. and it’s all very hush hush but someone must have noticed, right? or at least there had to have been rumors.
war based things. whether it’s pre or post harry era, she def would have done what she could to fuq up some death eaters in both wars
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terramythos · 3 years
TerraMythos 2021 Reading Challenge - Book 19 of 26
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Title: A Closed and Common Orbit (Wayfarers #2) (2016)
Author: Becky Chambers
Genre/Tags: Science Fiction, Third-Person, Female Protagonists
Rating: 9/10
Date Began: 7/25/2021
Date Finished: 8/5/2021
“Lovelace” is an AI system aboard the Wayfarer, a wormhole tunneling ship. Following a critical error, she awakens as a fresh installation, overwriting the beloved version everyone knew and loved. Faced with a distraught crew, she accepts a strange offer: upload her consciousness to a humanlike “body kit” and live with an independent tech on Port Coriol. She renames herself Sidra and moves in with Pepper and her partner Blue. Despite their support, Sidra struggles to figure out who she really is, and the type of person she wants to be. To complicate matters, her existence as an AI in a body kit is strictly illegal… and discovery means certain death. 
Pepper has her own shaky past. Once “Jane 23”, a genetically engineered slave from a fringe colony, she escapes from a scrap processing factory. Amid the continent-spanning junk heap, she discovers a trapped, functional AI named Owl. Owl saves her life and teaches her about the galaxy beyond. As Jane struggles to survive in a harsh and desolate wasteland, she resolves to fix Owl’s broken ship and escape the planet together. But such a feat is easier said than done. 
“Just because someone goes away doesn’t mean you stop loving them.”
Content warnings and minor spoilers below the cut.  
Content warnings for the book: Slavery, child abuse, child death, animal death. Depictions of PTSD/panic attacks. Traumatic injury and severe malnutrition. Recreational drug use. 
I enjoyed A Closed and Common Orbit much more than The Long Way to a Small, Angry Planet. From what I understand, all the books in the Wayfarers series are standalones, but this one does have a direct connection to the previous story. It stars two minor characters from the last book— Pepper, a genetically engineered technician who escaped from slavery on a fringe colony, and Sidra (i.e. Lovelace), an AI installed in an illegal, humanlike body. While A Closed and Common Orbit can be read on its own, the last book is helpful for some context and worldbuilding.
Official descriptions for the book don’t do it justice. Common Orbit follows two narrative threads. There’s a “current” story that follows Sidra as she adjusts to her new body and learns how to be a person. This storyline doesn’t  contain much action, but there is some tension with Sidra hiding her true identity. With Pepper and her partner Blue’s help, Sidra gradually accepts/overcomes her unique abilities, challenges, and limitations. Sidra’s story functions as a scifi flavored coming-of-age story. It’s not all fluffy and heartwarming, containing realistic interpersonal conflicts and a rocky friendship with an Aeluon tattoo artist named Tak (who is awesome—a genderfluid character whose pronouns change throughout the book, and no one sees it as weird or a big deal. Hell yeah). I like seeing fictional friendships that take work to develop, but become genuine as both characters grow.
But in my opinion, the meat of the narrative lies in the “past” thread, which serves as Pepper’s origin story. It details her childhood as a slave called “Jane 23”, her escape into a continent-sized scrapyard, and her chance meeting with Owl, an abandoned AI trapped in a junk ship. Owl takes on the role of a parent and does her best to raise Jane. This story is excellent for many reasons. It’s a parallel coming-of-age story. Like Sidra, Jane learns to become a person, but hers are bleak circumstances; isolated from other humans, eking out an existence hunting feral dogs, and slowly patching up the shuttle. Jane struggles with PTSD and the grim reality of survival in a world that wants her dead. This culminates when she resolves to repair Owl’s ship and escape the planet. The simplistic, childish language in the early chapters gives way to more nuanced prose as Jane learns more about the galaxy. There’s a heavy focus on the close, familial relationship between her and Owl. As the story progresses, the reader naturally questions what happened to Owl, and why she’s absent in the Sidra storyline. Both stories converge in the third act to resolve this. 
One thing that’s really nice about parallel narratives is when they complement and add context to each other. It’s such a basic thing, but I love when writers do it well, and Chambers is no exception. Pepper’s “past” story provides the context for her motivation to help Sidra. Pepper sees AIs as fully sapient and deserving of the same rights, treatment, and dignity as any other person. Owl saved Pepper’s life and raised her because it was the right thing to do… so Pepper fulfills a similar role for Sidra. Another great detail is Pepper’s obsession with a children’s media franchise, Big Bug. Initially it comes of as geeky and a little silly. But when we see the reason for her attachment in the Jane storyline, it hits like a gutpunch. There’s lots of other similarities between the stories, but we’d be here all day if I went into them. 
In general, many of my complaints about the last book don’t apply to this one. I think fewer leads helps, as there is more focus on individual character arcs. To me, many of the characters in the last book felt tacked on, to the point I didn’t feel any investment in them. But here, the focus on Sidra and Pepper feels deeper and more intimate. I’m apprehensive about the next two books, as they both have broad ensemble casts. I hope they avoid the problems present in The Long Way, but I’ll be optimistic. Common Orbit also has lasting conflict and consequence, something severely lacking in the last book. It’s nice to see that characters who like each other and consider each other family still have arguments and conflicting motivations. This sounds basic, but again, it’s something the last book either didn’t convey or resolved right away. 
While I enjoyed this book, I have a few criticisms. Several key scenes are missing, to the story’s detriment. A big one is Owl’s “introduction” to Sidra’s storyline. As I mentioned earlier, it’s clear that Pepper’s motivation to help Sidra stems from her relationship with Owl. When Owl suddenly becomes relevant, it’s hand-waved that Pepper told Sidra about her at some point. Yet we never actually see Pepper do this. Considering the narrative setup between these characters, it seems like a huge missed opportunity to skip a critical scene that ties the three together. I also wanted to see more development with Blue; while I like him, he doesn’t have much narrative impact. He’s present in both stories but mostly serves as a passive, emotional support character. It would have been nice to see him take an active role at some point. 
I gave this book the benefit of the doubt, and it paid off. I have to say I’m impressed with the level of improvement between The Long Way and Common Orbit. While I am nervous to see what the last two books hold, I hope I like them. As mentioned, each book is a standalone story. I’m reading them in order, but from what I can tell, you can start with any of them. I certainly recommend this one!
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everlarkficexchange · 4 years
A Simple Choice
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Written by: @justajjfan​​​​
Beta’d by: @sunsetsrmydreams​​​​
Prompt 83: Katniss is whipped instead of Gale in Catching Fire, Peeta’s the one who’s there to take care of her after. [submitted by anonymous].
Prompt 116: Peeta braids Katniss’ hair to soothe her. [submitted by anonymous] 
Rating: Mature 
Warning: Mention of whipping. Use of coarse language.
A/N: This chapter is in Katniss’ POV. So we’ll finally get to hear her side of the story. Thank you to @everlarkficexchange​ - @javistg​ and @xerxia31​ for allowing me to post this chapter in advance. This chapter is dedicated to @sunsetsrmydreams​ for her inspiration 🌼.
Chapter 5 - (Katniss POV)
Peeta looks at me with wide eyes and I know he’s waiting for me to elaborate. These past few days…weeks seem so surreal; I hardly know where to begin but he needs to know as much as I know myself.
I won’t keep anything from him…not now…not ever.
“I bet your boyfriend wasn’t too thrilled when you told him why you wanted to come back. I’m surprised he didn’t try to stop you,” Peeta replies, with a questioning look.
“He did but I snuck away when everyone thought I was asleep,” I tell him. “And Gale and I aren’t like that!” I add hoping Peeta understands.
“Everyone in Twelve thinks you two are a couple…including me.”
I shake my head and slide a little closer to Peeta, “it’s not true Peeta!” I say, my voice sounding raised but not out of anger. “Gale kissed me…once when we were out hunting and up until then, I didn’t even know he had feelings for me,” I start. “We were hunting partners and that was it…that’s how it will always be with Gale and me,” I say, needing him desperately to believe me.
Peeta doesn’t say anything and it pains me to think how my careless words affected him in ways I never meant. I foolishly thought it was for the best but in reality, all I did was hurt him.
“I wished I’d never said all those things to you on the train.”
“But you did and you were pretty convincing,” Peeta chuckles, nervously rubbing the back of his neck and when he looks at me, the smile on his face disappears. “I kept asking myself what I did to make you hate me so much.” 
“Oh no Peeta, I could never hate you. The Games…what we went through to survive. I was so messed up and confused but mostly scared of feelings I couldn’t explain. The closer we got to Twelve the more confused I got. Then after we got home, Gale came to see me and I had no choice. I had to stay away and I’ve regretted that decision every single day since.”
Peeta thinks over my words and the passing seconds seem like hours before he opens his mouth to finally speak, “everyone makes bad choices sometimes.”
He’s right of course and those choices can cost you dearly.
I’ve been so miserable without him and being this close to Peeta has my heart beating so fast it feels like a pounding drum. And now it takes every ounce of strength I have to keep myself from flinging into the only arms that make me feel safe.
“Haymitch said there were no bugs in my house and I don’t mean the insect kind.”
My head pricks up and Peeta notices the surprised look on my face, “I’ve had some time to think things over and I’ll wager all of my earnings on our mentor being much more than what he has led people to think,” he says. “You can talk to me Katniss; it’s just the two of us here and we’ve got all the time in the world.”
I turn to look at the trees swaying in the breeze from the opened window before turning my focus back to Peeta, “no, if anything, it feels like our time is slowly running out.”
“Then we shouldn’t waste any of it. Tell me everything.” 
I nod and draw in a deep breath before telling Peeta how this nightmare started, “Gale told me a group of rebels approached him while he was out hunting on his own. They wanted to use all the attention I was getting from the Games to help recruit support from the other districts and the only way to get to me was through him,” I begin to explain.
“Go on,” Peeta urges.
“I wanted to tell you but Gale swore me to secrecy. He went on to tell me the rebels believed if we were seen together it would draw too much attention especially from the Capitol and Snow hasn’t forgiven us for the berries. It would have meant a death sentence for both our families and I couldn’t live with myself if anything happened to them. I had to think of Prim.”
Peeta squeezes my hand. He understands I would do anything to keep my sister safe.
“I didn’t know Gale had planned to take me to the rebel headquarters until we were out hunting on Sunday. We walked further than we’ve ever dared to venture before but Gale seemed to know where he was going…
Two rebels, Bonnie and Twill were sent out to guide us back to their headquarters and as we started to walk deeper into the woods, Bonnie told us how the rebel army had been working closely with a secret ally and a combined strike on each of the districts before their final assault on the Capitol was just days away. Gale was glued to every word but all I could think of was how many innocent lives would be lost in the process?”
The feel of Peeta’s thumb rubbing against my hand has a calming effect and when I look up at him, he gives me a smile of encouragement and nods for me to continue.
“I told them we needed to go back and warn people but the two rebels were not about to let that happen. They needed the element of surprise. Gale managed to convince them to let him go back for our families while I remained behind, a decision I wasn’t happy with but in the end I agreed. Before Gale left, I made him promise to bring you back with him…even if he had to tie you up and carry you through the woods himself. He looked me straight in the eye and promised he wouldn’t leave you behind, no matter what and I believed him.”
Peeta has always been good at keeping a calm exterior and not letting anyone see his true emotions come to the surface but he can’t fool me. There’s a storm brewing in his eyes.
“It was dark by the time Gale arrived back at the rebel headquarters with our families and I was relieved to have my sister and mother safe with me but I kept looking for you. When I realised you weren’t with them, I thought I was going to lose my mind. Gale tried to calm me down, he told me you refused to go with him because you were engaged to Delly and wanted to toast with her. He said you wanted to forget me and that your future was with her,” I say, my voice cracking as I repeated Gale’s treacherous lies. “I screamed at him, punching and scratching until I was pulled away…I don’t remember much after that. Gale promised me he wouldn’t leave you behind…and he broke it.”
Peeta’s jawline tightens and I can see the temples on the side of his face pulsating as he tries to contain his anger. His tight lips turn upwards into a smile, a dark chuckle escaping his lips.
He cups my face with his hands and looks deep into my eyes, “nothing Gale told you is true. Yes, I was seeing Delly…at my mother’s behest. And yes, we kissed a few times but that was the extent of our relationship,” he says gently rubbing my cheeks with his thumbs. “I-I didn’t even know you were gone until the whipping. The curtains in your room were drawn like they always are on Sundays and I thought you and Gale were—” he stops talking and stands abruptly to pace around the room, the hint of laughter under his breath until he picks up the lampshade from his bedside table and hurls it across the room.
“He fucking knew!” Peeta shouts angrily, and his outburst startles me. “Gale knew if he came to me and said you needed me, I would have gone with him,” he tells me tugging at the ends of his hair. “I would have left everything behind and never looked back if it meant you wanted me for real.”
I never understood until now why Gale would always draw the curtains when we came into my room. Unbeknown to me, he was sending Peeta a certain type of message and the thought enrages me. I was never alone with him; grateful mama insisted my bedroom door remained open and Prim stay until he left.
“It was real Peeta,” I say softly, drawing back from my thoughts. “You and me…it will always be real.”
“Do you really mean that?”
“Yes,” I say.
Peeta’s face lights up and rushes the few steps to reach me, kneeling in front of me to gently take my trembling hands in his, “if the peacekeepers didn’t find you…” his voice cracking as he tries to speak. “What would you have done if I told you I wanted to stay in Twelve?” He swallows hard and bites his lower lip nervously waiting for my answer.
“Then I would have stayed…with you.”
He closes his eyes and takes in a shaky breath before opening them, “you said earlier you were scared of your feelings, what did you mean?”
My mouth feels dry and my heart is beating so fast it feels as though it will jump right out of my chest but I know what Peeta is asking me to do. I’ve never been good at saying something but looking into his eyes as he waits patiently for the words, I should have never been so afraid to admit…even to myself.
Peeta’s hand reaches for my braid just like he did in the games and his fingers begin to gently stroke and caress my hair and it calms me, “please Katniss…I know words are not your thing but this is important.”
I know it is and no matter how I tried to run away from the truth in the past, this is about Peeta and he deserves to hear them.
“I-I was afraid of becoming just like my mother,” I finally find the courage to admit it out loud. “She gave into her feelings a long time ago and it cost her dearly when she lost my father.” I try to explain.
Peeta opens his mouth then closes it again, the seconds flying by before Peeta speaks, “tell me,” he asks in a soft pleading whisper, still stroking my braid.
“She lost herself…because she loved him.”
Peeta leans into me until our lips touch. It’s a tender and sweet kiss at first and I instinctively wrap my arms around his neck letting him know I want more. Our lips lock again and because I’m much better at showing rather than saying, all my pent-up feelings are expressed in this passionate kiss.
When we break apart there’s a wildness in Peeta’s eyes sending a strange desire between my legs. There’s no denying how much I want to give into to whatever this is but I need to be completely honest and open with him before we take this further.
“There’s something I need to confess,” I say and Peeta looks at me with some concern. “I didn’t mean to eavesdrop but when I woke this morning I could hear voices coming from downstairs,” I start my admission and his face immediately reddens. “The walls are thin and it wasn’t hard to realise it wasn’t Haymitch you were talking to. I overheard most of what you and Delly were saying and I’m sorry.”
Peeta shakes his head, “you have nothing to apologise for but thank you for telling me. There shouldn’t be any secrets between us, right?”
I nod, relieved to have this off my chest, yet ponder over some things Delly said, “she’s right about one thing…I don’t deserve you.” Peeta looks at me with questioning eyes. “But if you’re willing to give me a second chance, I’ll never break your heart again.” I say, crumpling the end of his shirt nervously in my hands.
Peeta gently lifts my chin so my eyes look up to meet his, “my heart has belonged to you since I was five…it will always be yours,” he says. “But it would have saved us both so much pain and internal suffering if you came to me and explained what was really going on. I would have kept away knowing you—” he stops mid-sentence to take in a deep breath. “There’s just no point in keeping secrets from each other, is there?”
“There’s no point at all,” I agree shyly, before pressing my lips tenderly on his.
We lay on Peeta’s bed and with his arms wrapped around me, my head finds its place on his chest and the strong beating of his heart is so soothing my eyes begin to close to the calming rhythm. I have been so lonely for him all these weeks I realise life without Peeta Mellark would be unthinkable.
I love my boy with the bread.
“Hmmm,” my sleepy voice says.
“Time to wake up.”
I feel so warm and contented I want to stay right where I am but reluctantly lift my head and rub my eyes to see a pair of bright blue eyes staring back at me.
“Hi,” I reply groggily. “Did I fall asleep?”
Peeta kisses the top of my head before answering, “just for a little while but I think we should get out of this bed. And as much as I like seeing you in nothing but my shirt, we should definitely grab some clothes from your house,” Peeta suggests. I like being in his shirt too and the thought brings on a new rush of heat and I can’t help the smile forming on my face as I bury my head into his warm chest. “Then we find Haymitch,” he adds and I agree.
Peeta helps me out of bed and holds my hand as we start to walk out of his bedroom but I stop in my tracks and turn back to the breakfast tray sitting on the bedside table.
“What’s wrong?”
I don’t answer Peeta straight away, my mind focused on grabbing the cloth napkin still folded neatly on the tray and wrapping what’s left of the two pieces of toast he made just for me.
“Absolutely nothing,” I reply, standing on my tip toes to kiss him quickly on the lips before we head towards my house.
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OOH can we see how Kohga would react to Mipha asking for relationship advice? Since she’d see how devoted and passionate Sooga is for his Master, and not really anyone else in their group is in a relationship soooo
I’m just obsessed with him just adoring Mipha and trying his ass off to get her and Link together it’s so cute
One, thank you for recognizing the fact that Kohga playing Mipha’s wingman is possibly the best idea I’ve EVER had. Two, I am SO ready to start this absolute soft shit. Smut is fun and all, but come on, Kohga trying to hook bitches up is amazing. And third, this got waay out of hand, so enjoy some double dates here.
“So, did you get me something?”
Sooga hardly left Master Kohga’s side. Whenever he had to, be it to lend a hand elsewhere; he had TWO rules to follow; come home to him at the end of the day, and bring him something. Kohga had been sitting here, having tea with Mipha, while Sooga offered to help Sidon hunt for sneaky river snails (Sooga had a real knack for knowing where to find them). They came back with quite the haul, so the fact that he managed to get anything else was nothing to scoff at. He put the large bag of fish down on the floor, and from his pockets, produced a small cage. Inside the cage was what appeared to be a winterwing butterfly. Kohga clapped his hands together, clearly loving it.
“Ooh, I’ve been looking for one of these!”
“I know. It was why I had to stop in the middle of fishing to catch it for you. I may have let Sidon fall in the water in my haste. Maybe.”
Mipha cocked her head to the side upon seeing his reaction to the small bug.
“You like bugs?”
“Just the butterflies. I only keep them for a day or two before I let them go, I just think they’re neat.”
Kohga took a hold of Sooga’s chin, grinning from ear to ear.
“And SOMEONE seemed to remember me saying I wanted this specific one. You’re such a sap, Sooga.”
Sooga was trying (and failing) not to smile.
“I listen to EVERY word you say, master Kohga.”
“Ugh, you’re being mushy again. Get outta my face, go help shark boy with the fish.”
Kohga tried to look mean as he gently pushed his face away, but it was plainly obvious; Kohga loved him. Sooga pardoned himself, hoisted the bag over his shoulder, and walked off with Sidon. Mipha took a sip of her tea, watching as Kohga lightly shook his head. She knew it was a bad emotion to feel, but she couldn’t resist feeling a bit jealous. They were so happy with one another, and yet, her own love and affections were clearly not recognized by the one boy she loved, more than anything. Perhaps…
“Kohga? Can I ask something?”
“Whatever you want.”
Kohga stopped ogling his boyfriend for a second and gave her his attention, snacking on the cookies she made, just for him (shaped in just the cutest seashells). She squirmed a bit in her seat, unsure of how to go about it, before she finally came out with it.
“How...did you get someone to love you, the way Sooga does?”
Kohga stopped eating for a second, looking at her sullen face. This little fish was just sweeter than banana bread, and it hurt poor ol’ Kohga to see her love so much, without Goldilocks even talking about it with her. Sure they were young, and they had forever to talk about this stuff, but there was no time like the present.
“Sooga is a fucking idiot, for one, and I attract idiots. Second, you kinda just. Come out with it. We started off as friends before anything, and that’s now all relationships start. Course, your case is a BIT different from mine. You want my honest opinion? Just shoot your shot. I mean, worst he’s gonna say is no. Or nothing with his mute ass…”
Kohga mumbled that last part, helping himself to another sip of tea. Realizing it didn’t seem to be very helpful, he sighed.
“Or, you could cook him something. Call me old fashioned, but my mama always said the quickest way to a man’s heart is through his stomach. I make mean salmon skin, look at the hunk I bagged.”
They both turned to look at Sooga, who was busy de shelling the fish alongside Sidon. Mipha pursed her little lips, before softly nodding.
“I...suppose that isn’t a bad idea at all. If I can find the courage in my heart to ask him.”
Just then, Kohga noticed Link walking alongside the princess. Small land, honestly. Kohga put his hands to the side of his face, crying out to Link.
“Yo Goldilocks! Mipha’s cookin’ tonight, you want in?!”
Link nodded, giving a thumbs up. Kohga shrugged.
“See? Easy. You just gotta be straightforward with boys.”
Mipha held her face in her hands, obviously embarrassed.
“But what do I do WHEN I make him something?! What do I say? What do I talk about with him?”
Kohga loved Mipha, really he did, but girl needed to stop seeing boys as a lynel, and more along the lines of wild horses. Something to tame, not to fear. He sighed.
“Tell you what. Me and Sooga will join you, sorta like a double date kinda deal. I’ll be there if the date goes bad, and we can dip when the date is going GOOD.”
Mipha looked up from the table with just the softest eyes you’ve ever seen.
“You...would do that, for me?”
“Course, lil red! You’re like, my favorite in the little team of goody two shoes. Plus, free eats, can’t complain-”
She suddenly got out of her seat, and nearly pounced on him for a hug. The things he did for love.
“He here yet?”
“Not quite, but I’m just about done!”
Kohga came back a while later, alongside Sooga. Kohga had his own men helping her in the kitchen, setting up the dining room, everything she could need, Kohga helped with. Kohga scoffed as he put his gift on the dining room table (he’d be remiss if he didn’t bring something to drink for the occasion), lightly pulling up one of her fins, and scoffing.
“Okay, let the boys finish up. Sooga, get to work on this girl, she needs to focus on being as pretty as a fresh stack of banana pancakes.”
Sooga nodded, prompting Mipha to follow him to her bedroom. Kohga was about to see just what she was cooking, before the main doors flew open. Link. Aka, Goldilocks, aka, the guy that never fucking knocked. He was wearing the classic gerudo outfit. A real tits out look, and honestly Kohga would jump on that in a heartbeat.
“Goldilocks! Bit early! How you doing? Mipha will be ready in just a second, take a seat, lemme get you a drink!”
Link nodded. Kohga chatted him up for a minute, serving him a nice glass of banana wine (it’s actually VERY good). When he caught the eyes of Sooga, he pardoned himself and dipped into the hallway. He took one gander at Mipha, and gave a whistle.
“Girl look at YOU! Lookin’ prettier than a pack of opals!”
She really did look like a beauty. Freshly touched lipstick, sharpened nails, her silver jewelry replaced with gold, and instead of her usual blue sash, Sooga somehow managed to find time to make a blue, see through looking dress for her. It fit around her body snugly, but it was a loose, comfortable material, perfect for fashion, and function. Sooga was so talented, getting that together so quickly. Kohga nodded towards Link.
“Go keep him busy, gotta give this girl a pep talk.”
Sooga nodded. Once he left, Kohga carefully put his hands on her shoulders.
“Look at me. Lookin? Okay good. You like this guy, so be you. BUT, you need to let him know you’re interested. Be flirty. Touch his hands, compliment him, fucking, feed him from your plate- make it obvious. You’re a princess. He’s a knight, it’s GONNA happen.”
She nodded firmly, shoulder’s straight as a Lynel’s. 
“I can do this!”
She peered over at Link, and immediately hid behind a wall again.
“I can’t do this! He’s wearing the voe armor!”
“For the love of…”
Kohga sighed. Why did he love all these shy bitches?
“Mipha. You’re gonna make HIM drool, not the other way around. Come on, you’ve got this. I’ll be right here, I’ll make you look good as hell. On three. One. Two. Three!”
He carefully pushed her towards the dining room, and Mipha looked ready to have a heart attack. Poor thing.
“Link! It’s so nice to have you over! I hope my invitation wasn’t sudden!”
Link shook his head. Kohga, sensing things were still awkward, jumped in. He was always the fun one at parties.
“Hey, you know what, we should totally start eating! I heard Mipha made quite the spread, Sooga why don’t you help bring the stuff out?”
Sooga nodded, heading into the kitchen. Kohga gestured for all of them to take a seat (with Mipha sitting right next to Link of course), and him just a bit away from them. Close enough to be supportive, but just far enough to beat it if he was cramping their style. Soon enough, trays of food were brought in, and even Kohga had to admit, he was starved.
“Master Kohga?”
“Yes, Sooga?”
“I’m sorry.”
He was about to ask what for, but then he saw it. Fish dish. Fish dish, not a single dish WASN’T fish. And he couldn’t just NOT eat her food, less he make Mipha’s food look awful. Kohga gulped, and Mipha seemed to catch onto his distress.
“Oh Kohga, I’m so sorry, I forgot you didn’t like fish! Please, let me make you-”
Kohga could feel his ass sweating. He was really gonna sit here and eat fish, because Mipha deserved it. Link looked over at him, clearly just as confused as anyone else. Kohga forced himself to chuckle.
“I mean...I HATE clam chowder. A lot. It’s gross, it’s squishy, it smells AWFUL. Unless it’s Mipha’s. I LOVE Mipha’s clam chowder! She is just. SUCH  a good cook, I could eat a whole bowl!”
Link looked him right in his face, grabbed a bowl, and filled it completely with clam chowder. He slid the bowl over to him, and Kohga wanted to throw up. That yucky, smelly smell of fish. 
“Son of a bitch..I mean, yum! Thank you, Link.”
Mipha just had to like this blonde asshole. Sooga made a motion to grab the bowl, but Kohga halted him. He was going to do this for Mipha. He took a taste of it, and he fought every urge not to puke. Dear god, the smell and the taste was awful. But he forced himself to swallow, smiling.
“See? I l-like it! So it’s GOTTA be good! Mipha is just, so talented!”
Link seemed satisfied, helping himself to a bowl. Mipha looked at Kohga, clearly worried, but he shook his head. 
“Make it up to me by getting some, Mipha.”
He muttered underneath his breath, forcing himself to eat more. Sooga had no problems, this asshole, eating fish like it was nothing. Mipha pretended like she didn’t know anything was wrong, giving her attention towards Link.
“So, Link! You’ve been over at the Gerudo desert, I take it. Urbosa is doing well, I trust?”
Kohga didn’t pay attention to the one sided conversation, too focused on handling the thick creamy broth. His stomach churned, his head hurt, and he was just. Dying. Not even Sooga could help him. He was going to bail, but he saw it in Mipha’s eyes. She was getting more nervous, and this was JUST from watching Link eat. Oh god this was a mess. He forced himself to think past the creamy mush still left in his bowl.
“So, Link, what do you think of Mipha’s new look? Nice right?”
Link looked her up and down, before giving Mipha a thumbs up. Her cheeks exploded in color, and she looked ready to just melt. Kohga tried not to gag at the fish burp he just had.
“And Mipha, thoughts on Link’s outfit?”
Mipha hesitated, letting herself get a look at him, totally not looking at that titty (atta girl), before softly nodding.
“You had it dyed white, it looks very...nice, Link. It really goes with your golden hair.”
Distracted by her thoughts, she played with a strand of his hair, before suddenly realizing what she was doing. They both looked away, buried in blush, just two, dumb, flirty messes. Oh his girl was KILLING IT. Kohga forced himself to gulp down his bowl (somehow not choking on the chunks), nearly gasping as he finished. Oh that was a mistake. That did NOT feel right. Didn’t matter, Mipha was GETTING somewhere with this guy. He whispered to her, nudging at her side.
“Offer him some of your food.”
“But? He has the same thing in-”
“Say yours is different. Just do it, trust me. Sooga! With me, kitchen, now.”
They dipped into the kitchen, and Sooga immediately handed him a bucket. Just in time for Kohga to purge his guts. Sooga patted his back, sighing.
“No one told you to finish the bowl, Kohga.”
“I am SUPPORTIVE, dammit! She deserves-”
Yet another purge of his guts. He groaned, relying heavily on Sooga to keep him upright.
“If it makes you feel better, I’m VERY proud of you. Going through so much for the sake of her happiness. You’re a wonderful person.”
“Sooga, that’s sweet, but dear god I’m throwing up here, shut the fuck up.”
Kohga was three for three, and he was wondering if it was worth it. Then he peered into the dining room. Mipha was spoon feeding him from her bowl, going so far as to scold him for his messy face, and cleaning it with a cloth napkin. It was adorable, it was sweet, and dear god was this worth it. Sooga chuckled, peering down at Kohga.
“You’re incredible, Master Kohga, letting her have this.”
“I AM pretty great, aren’t I?”
They sat there, watching them. For a moment, for a brief, sweet moment, she wasn’t shy. She was honest with herself, she was even just a bit flirty. And Link looked as if he wasn’t clueless. It was so goddamn sweet, it was worth every second of stomach pain. Kinda.
“Oh it’s coming again- he better marry this girl, or I’m starting the war all the fuck over again.”
He was complaining, sure. But he was really, honestly proud of his little Mipha. He’d do this again and again, if it meant getting to see such a sweet, happy smile.
He just prayed he didn’t have to.
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Seen ✓ - 3
Pairing: Sam x Reader Warnings: cursing, a bit of self depreciation Word Count: 2.2k Series Summary: On her way home, Y/n finds an abandoned, cracked phone on the sidewalk. Anxious about the well-being of its owner, she picks it up and texts the first contact she finds; Sam. Beta: None
Part 1  -  Part 2 Masterlist
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Chapter 3: for the love of god, explain this
Sam Winchester lies awake at three in the morning, under foreign, scratchy sheets, stubbornly not tearing his eyes from the cracked, ugly wallpaper on the ceiling. A lot of things are happening and his brain is going about a million miles an hour, spinning endlessly, Castiel, Dean returning from hell, the stress of the hunting life, the current case and… Y/n. Wonderful, smart, talented, funny Y/n.
It’s been a while since someone has made him excited. He keeps bumping into her in his mind, keeps finding thoughts of her lying around, eager to distract him. He catches himself wanting to text her about every stupid thing that happens in his day, much like she sometimes does. She’s been the only thing that makes his heart a little lighter, and it’s such a strange feeling, someone’s presence being this uplifting.
He was suspicious of her at first. A strange woman (at least she claims to be one, he forgets he’s never actually… seen her) asking about him, his profession, and then about… ghosts? A bit random, too specific, Sam recognizes he got defensive. But the way she spoke afterwards… he doesn’t know.  His instinct tells him to trust her.
Amidst his thoughts, he doesn’t remember picking up his phone, but it’s just one of those nights, he needs someone to talk to- or rather, wants Y/n specifically. A thought he chooses not to dwell on.
are you awake? I can’t sleep.
I actually am. Lucky you.
Sam smiles. Lucky me, he thinks.
isn’t it like 4 am for you?
Tell me about it. No luck sleeping either.
happen to you a lot?
I happen to have anxiety induced insomnia.
Working at a bar also helps fuck up your sleeping schedule as well.
i’m sorry :/
i don’t get much sleep either. something always keeps me up.
Yeah, I get that.
Where in the Great Unites States of America are you today?
hahah it’s Oregon today.
it’s the ugliest motel room i’ve ever been in.
Do I ask about your case or is it confidential?
it’s confidential but i’ll tell you that i am investigating a bunch of strange murders.
You’re investigating serial killers?? That’s so fucking dope.
something like that yeah.
how was your day?
Oh, you know. The usual.
College assignments, a shift at the bar. I went out with a friend I hadn’t seen in a while.
I need to clean my house desperately.
I also nearly burned my kitchen down trying to cook lunch. Emmy and I ended up eating some lazy-ass spaghetti, because pasta is the only thing I can cook, apparently.
hahahah what were you making?
You’re gonna laugh if I tell you.
well now you must.
Ugh, do I?
come onnn
It was eggs, okay? I was just trying to make eggs.
Sam laughs over his phone, as silently as he can, so as to not wake Dean up. He turns on his other side and realizes his cheeks hurt from smiling, and it’s a feeling he’s missed.
Yeah, yeah, laugh, culinary genius. Not all of us can be perfect.
i never said i was a culinary genius
but at least i don’t go near stoves if i don’t have to.
Well, it’s not like I can afford every-day takeout (or like that shit is healthy, even if I could) and someone has to cook for my sister while she’s in school
you have siblings?
and yeah you’re right i didn’t think like that sorry.
It’s okay.
And yeah, my sister, Emily.” Emmy”
oooh i thought emmy was your friend.
Nono, it’s my sister. She’s 17.
can i ask you a personal question?
why do you have to take care of her? are your guys’ parents not around?
you don’t have to answer if you’re not comfortable with that.
Well, it’s a bit complicated.
My parents’ marriage kind of fell apart when I was around 10. They tried to fix things by adopting a kid- Emily. For a while that worked.
When I was 16 my mom took off and dad took care of us for 2 years almost. He really dedicated himself to us.
He worked his antique shop and supported us. For two years, I didn’t see him spend a penny on himself.
But I ended up having to take care of Em when he passed. I was freshly 18, so I could take care of her as a guardian.
shit i’m so sorry.
It’s okay, honestly.
I mean, it didn’t use to be, and it was hell for a while.
But we made it.
i admire your positivity.
I try :)
i also love that you put smiley faces in your text messages.
Shouldn’t have said that, now I’ll always think about it before I do it
Sam bites his lip. What the hell is happening? They’re… flirting. Sorta. And it’s nice- better than nice. Fuck.
What about you?
you mean what’s my relationship with my parents?
Well, when you put it like that it sounds stupid. It wasn’t what I was asking either.
What I meant was, how’s your life right now. How’s the family business. You can pick which you wanna answer.
i don’t mind either honestly.
as for my parents my mom died when I was 6 months old. my dad passed away about a year and a half ago.
Jesus, I’m so sorry Sam
I don’t know what to say. It can’t have been easy. Losing a parent never is.
it wasn’t but as you said we’re trying to sort of find our footing with Dean. we’ve had our ups and downs.
Yeah I understand that.
Do you wanna talk about it?
right now not really. I mean there’s not much to say about it.
i kinda wanna forget about it. thanks though.
So how’s the family business?
Does it feel good to be paid to be Sherlock Holmes?
crap. but we’re doing our best.
for the record i don’t get paid nearly enough for the shit i have to do.
Hahaha, hang in there.
Dean still refuses to come get his phone?
yeah. he says you can keep it.
Tell him to take care of his devices from now on, this one was battered beyond recognition.
duly noted.
The conversation continued until well after the sun rose. Sam had officially accepted this night to be sleepless, and Y/n was good company. Somehow she took his mind off of everything that was bugging him, made him, if momentarily, forget about it, and he truly loved that about her. The back and forth tended to flow easily between them, and he couldn’t get enough of the chemistry he had with this practical stranger.
Sleepless or not, this night was a good one, after she entered the picture.
The glow on her skin is blue-ish and soft, combatting the one from the fairy lights above them. Laptop absolutely not low in volume, couch dipping under two bodies, slumped together, legs leaning against one another, soft flannel pants and droopy eyes. Emily’s hair is out of its usual half-up hairstyle, exploding with volume and bright, firey color, flowing onto the back of the couch.
Jon Snow is yelling on the screen, and Y/n is completely ignoring him, constantly checking her inactive phone and the way the screen doesn’t light up with Sam’s name. Every time she feels disappointed, she tries to quell the relentless thoughts of the possibility of him being completely over her.
Damn it.
“Do you have a boyfriend or a girlfriend I’m not aware of or something?” Emily mutters dryly, half-hearted but gentle teasing. Y/n sputters.
“’Cause you keep checking your phone, and as far as I know you don’t have any friends.”
“HEY,” deeply offended, Y/n places her hand over her heart, glaring at her sister. “Excuse you!” she exclaims, “Connor? Ashley? Lydia?”
“Yeah, a neighbor and two college students that you haven’t talked to in like, what, two weeks? What a social butterfly.”
“Okay first off,” Y/n ignores the screaming and fighting on the screen and shifts to look at her sister. “Stop tracking my socializing.” Em scoffs.
“C’mon, bear, spill.” Bottom lip pouted. She pauses the episode, turning to face her older sister. “Who are they and when can I meet them?” A devilish smile, teasing like only a younger sister can, curling the right corner of her lip.
“He’s not my boyf-“
“AHA! So there is someone! I knew it!”
“I’ve known him for like- what, three weeks? Nothing is going on! I barely know the guy!” Y/n fiddles with her hair and huffs, holding back a smile.
“Where’d you meet him? Is he hot? What’s he like?!” Poking her sister’s thigh continuously, she grins wide, excited. “C’mon, you’re like, no fun.”
“The thing is… I didn’t. Meet him, I mean.” Eyebrows furrow.
“Uh…” Emily purses her lips. “I’m … not following.”
It takes all of five minutes for Y/n to explain to her sister all about her crazy adventure, the lost phone, the brother, Sam. The girls munch on leftover garlic spaghetti, talking about the stranger on the other side of Y/n’s screen.
“He’s just… different? I don’t know- I just, I’m intrigued I guess. He’s mysterious and hilarious. The type of guy we’d hang out with. Why pass it up?”
“Just hang out?” Emily wiggles her eyebrows. Y/n shoves her.
“It’s really not like that.”
“I don’t know, Y/n, he doesn’t necessarily sound just friendly to me.” Y/n won’t lie and say she hasn’t thought about it. She’s a romantic after all, and what a wonderful, movie-like love story would it be for them to fall in love and march into the sunset?
But she recognizes this is the romantic side of her picking up speed on a subject that definitely isn’t for her to decide alone. There’s a second participant in all of this, and he needs to do more than half the work by liking her. She knows it’s no easy feat. A bitter dab of paint dissolves in her chest, because why would he like her? She’s nothing quite special. She’s just a bartender, a college student, a boring, normal girl, painfully mundane, painfully boring. He’s brilliant, kind and sweet, a private investigator, he travels all the time, he’s the most interesting guy she’s ever met for crying out loud. Why would he ever give her a chance?
“I doubt it, Em,” is what Y/n decides to say, because there’s no way she can explain exactly what she’s thinking.
“No, no, you’re doing that thing again.” A hum in question falls from the older Andrews’ lips. “The thing where you put yourself down for bullshit reasons. He’d be lucky to have you.” Y/n wants to roll her eyes. “Hey,” a snap of Emily’s fingers in front of Y/n’s face to catch her attention. “I will literally slap you. You’re smart, funny, kind. He’d be fucking lucky to have you, and if you don’t believe it, I’m gonna beat some sense into you. Stop putting my sister down.”  Y/n doesn’t have anything good to say to that, so instead she lets out a huffed breath of a laugh and sits back on the couch.
“Now,” Emily leans over her own crossed legs and grabs her phone from the rickety coffee table. “Did you Google him?”
“Why the heck would I Google him?”
“It’s the 21st century, Y/n, gosh. Are you at all familiar with internet stalking?” Y/n watched pebbled coffee brown eyes get illuminated by the phone screen, freckles nowhere near as bright as they can be, because she hasn’t gone out into the sunlight today. Emily is gorgeous. Y/n is sometimes jealous, but also genuinely admires her younger sister. “What’s his name?”
“Sam Winchester.”
There’s typing, and then silence.
“Y/n…” And the warning tone on the younger one’s voice completely throws her off.
“What? What is it?” A phone screen is thrust in her face.
Mail fraud, credit card fraud, grave desecration, armed robbery, kidnapping, three counts of first-degree murder, and breaking and entering, she reads. Winchester brothers Sam and Dean, disappeared, considered dead.
“What the fuck,” she mutters under her breath, completely horrified at the chance that this is real and the universe isn’t playing some comic joke on her, creating another pair of Winchester brothers called Sam and Dean who, instead of chasing murderers, are the murderers.
She scrolls lower and sure enough, there they are. Mug shots, but more specifically, the guy from the dating app, smouldering cheekily into the camera –a real blue steel-, holding a police station name on a black plaque, sitting at close to six feet and two. Then the younger one, less joyful and sassy, more serious and puppy-eyed. Sam. Close to what was described to her, it’s all there. Pointy nose, sharp jawline, curly brown hair with a growing, swoopy fringe, pulled behind his ears. It’s him. There’s no way, the coincidences are too many.
“Bear…” Emily stares at Y/n’s shocked face, gaze empty and out of it. “What the hell have you gotten yourself into?”
Immediately, Y/n grabs her phone.
His reply is instantaneous.
hey y/n
i was just thinking about you
what’s up?
Please for the love of God.
Explain this.
She sends him the mugshot, photographed from the screen of her sister’s phone.
Part 4
A/N: Tell me what you thought? How the hell does he even explain this?
I realized I haven’t been tagging my forever taglist like a MORON, so just, sorry, I’ll start now. 
Forevers:   @deanxfuckingadorablexwinchester​ @deanssweetheart23​ @nostalgic-uncertainty​ @mogaruke​ @superseejay721517​ @lady-hawkguy​ @thosefeelsarereal​ @superwholockmarauder​  @justiceiswater​ @petra-arkanian-1497​ @heyitscam99​ @danijimenezv​ @aj-reuth  @unicornblood4ever @mystriee​ @sadist-fangirl23 @asguardiansoftheavengers​ @superrandomnatural​ @altosaxplayer098 @winter-moons @hunterswearingplaid​ @novaddictx​ @choosemyname​  @live-like-a-girl​ @thisismysecrethappyplace​ @bowtomytenderaddiction​  @elara98azalea​ @lemondropirwin​ @emmagolden4118​ @glitchcypher @calaofnoldor​ @paradoxical-sleep​ @narynechan @canwenotdothis​ @suicidepanda07​ 
Sam Taglist
@kymberlytorres​ @theboykingsamwinchester​ @depressed-moose-78 @andi-mendes-barnes​ @captainmarvelcorps​ @nerd-in-a-galaxy-far-away​ @nellachain​
 Seen Taglist  @shutupiminlooove​ @sammysgirl1997​ @kymberlytorres​ @bambi95-blog​ @demonic-meatball​ @thekarliwinchester​ @littlekay15​ @li-m-ii​  @thinspo-isuppose​ @carryonmywaywarddemigodwitch @ellen-reincarnated1967 @moonlitskinwalker​ @marichromatic​ @illuminatus42​ @lazy-author​ @mirandaaustin93​ @hauntedsiriel​ @pilaxia​ @devilgirlsarah​ @nobodys-baby-now​ @captiveties​ @calamitychaos @midiocris @wordswillscream​ @burningforsam​ @aiofheavenandhell​
81 notes · View notes
tenshindon · 4 years
Hi :)
just some quick stuff ‘bout Yamcha and Bulma’s relationship in the manga under the cut
So I was going to save this for until after I watched the anime too but I mean that’s not going to be for a while- plus I just wanted to share what little things I ended up finding.
And when I say little things I’m not exaggerating the slightest; Yamcha and Bulma seldom appear together in the same scene, let alone even talk to or about each other. When I was getting ready to start my note taking, I actually had a number of colored tabs I wanted to attribute to specific things I found:
Blue tabs would be for anytime Bulma did or said something questionable
Green tabs would be for anytime Bulma did or said something nice/sweet
Orange tabs would be for anytime Yamcha did or said something questionable
Yellow tabs would be for anytime Yamcha did or said something nice/sweet
And throughout five-and-a-half 3-1 volumes? I only used 8, which is definitely foreshadowing how much different the anime is going to be from the manga as I can already think of at least three more scenarios involving these two.
Nevertheless, on to what I actually found. I’m going to elaborate on my thought process on all the scenes afterwards. Points with asterisks next to them mean I’m relatively indecisive as whether what they did was good, bad, or neutral.
*The first yellow tab goes to Yamcha when he reunites with Krillin and Goku at the first tournament of the series. In the specific manga I have, Yamcha mentions that Bulma was “bugging” him about how long hair was no longer in fashion in the city, so he either cut his hair himself or let Bulma cut it so it would be short.
The second tab is a blue tab about a chapter or two later when Yamcha and Jackie Chun are about to start their match, to which Bulma’s already wondering if Chun is attractive. Oolong makes a point to bring up her relationship with Yamcha, to which she retorts with “I can look, can’t I?” After Jackie Chun steps out and it’s discovered he’s an old man, Bulma is immediately disappointed and decides to cheer for Yamcha instead.
The third tab is a blue tab again; when Goku visits Bulma to have the dragon radar repaired, Panchy comments on Bulma and Yamcha’s tumultuous relationship and how Bulma was jealous of Yamcha’s popularity with girls. At that, Bulma gets upset and pledges to accompany Goku on his quest to find the Dragon Balls- either to wish for a better boyfriend, or to coincidentally find a new boyfriend while hunting for them
The fourth tab is- again, a blue tab, where Bulma openly (and honestly aggressively) flirts with General Blue as he and the Red Ribbon army pursue them for the Dragon Ball. When Blue rejects her, she doesn’t persist but rather remarks that he’s probably not attracted to girls if he wasn’t attracted to her. Later on, in an attempt to save her life, she again tries to seduce him- more so for strategic purposes this time.
Tab number five and blue tab number four happens after Yamcha just barely escapes death from fighting Bandages. While Krillin, Goku, Upa, and Puar fret over Yamcha’s safety, Bulma remarks that the fight was pathetic and Bandages was already damaged (though Krillin’s quick to point out his wrappings weren’t because he was hurt).
Things start to turn up on Bulma’s part with a couple of green tabs; as Yamcha is prepared to fight Tien, Bulma’s fairly excited to see him come out on stage. *The next tab I decided to note was Bulma covering her eyes right before Tien breaks Yamcha’s leg, and the final tab goes to her being the first person to exclaim that she would be following Yamcha to the hospital.
I actually used a purple tab for this next one since it didn’t fit either yellow or orange. It’s a small thing too as neither character actively does anything to warrant it, as for the first time in the character biographies at the beginning of the books, Yamcha is described as “Bulma’s on-and-off boyfriend.”
The last tab is one more blue tab that comes as a result of Bulma fawning over Goku’s growth and how much he had changed. Oolong solidifies that she’s head-over-heels for him by calling her a “fickle wench.”
OK discussion time class :)
1.) I put this act as questionable because I wasn’t sure if Yamcha cut his hair for Bulma’s sake or because he wanted to fit in to the aesthetic of city life and just followed Bulma’s advice. But considering he generally preferred to have longer hair for the majority of Dragon Ball/Z/Super, I’m going to wager and say he was willing to change his appearance for Bulma.
2.) So far, Bulma and Yamcha had been dating for around one year and at this point Bulma’s already prepared to ogle other men. I have a couple points I want to make on Bulma and her perception of men but I’m going to save that for The Bigger Analysis.
3.) We have no idea how Yamcha behaves around these other girls as there’s never an indication he reciprocates their affection or just ignores them, but either way trying to replace your boyfriend like he’s a used-up car is pretty bad. We can assume Yamcha doesn’t react positively to the attention considering he never positively comments on any woman in the series- Bulma included.
4.) This one’s pretty self explanatory; I don’t really need to explain this. I’ll try to give Bulma some leeway and say she and Yamcha were on a break as Panchy points out they were fighting, but “fighting” is not the same as “being on break,” never mind it is actually never explicitly stated or implied that the two go on a mutual break. The most prominent existence of a break exists in Yamcha leaving to train at Korin Tower and to train alone.
5.) Bulma doesn’t offer an ounce of care at the fact Yamcha was literally hanging over death and even insults his capability as a fighter while his friends do all the worrying for her. For someone who’s supposed to be your lover and partner, Bulma doesn’t really show any concern for Yamcha’s safety.
6.) Bulma’s actually being a supportive girlfriend during the Tien saga which was a nice relief from seeing her being so dismissive- this is the first time she’s actually cheered for Yamcha in any fight since the first tournament too (every other time, she would collectively congratulate and root for her friends). 
I put an asterisk next to Bulma covering her eyes before Yamcha’s leg is snapped in half because she could have just been scared to see it, but I want to be nice to her and say she didn’t want to see Yamcha get hurt. 
As for Bulma being prepared to go to the hospital with Yamcha, she’s the absolute first one: whether she’s grown since the Bandages fight or it just dawned on her just how much danger Yamcha was in, she now starts to show care and worry over him. This is further shown after Krillin is killed and Yamcha offers to take revenge for him, to which Bulma scolds him- both for the fact he was still recovering from his injury and reminding him of his inability to be able to do anything, and because he was willing to easily add himself to the growing body count started by Piccolo and his children.
7.) Again, no explanation needed. This change in Yamcha’s biography gives clarity on the fact Yamcha and Bulma have taken enough breaks from each other for him to be considered an “on-and-off boyfriend.”
8.) It’s been a while at this point since Bulma’s looked at another man affectionately- both manga duration wise and in-universe time. Still, it reminds the reader that Bulma’s fairly fickle when it comes to men.
Couple extra things I just want to talk about:
Like I said before, Yamcha never looks twice at another woman- he even points out that Chun’s behavior was lecherous towards Ranfan (though this could have just been portrayed so Yamcha could put the pieces together that Roshi and Chun were the same person). Meanwhile Bulma seems to be poised to pick up another man in case things don’t work out between them. I would attribute this to Bulma being young, but she maintains this behavior for years- even into DBZ where she’s in her late-twenties.
As far as we know, Bulma and Yamcha never kiss. At least they don’t kiss for as long as the General Blue saga, as Bulma points out she’s going to die before having her first kiss. Of course, you don’t have to kiss to be dating someone. I just found it a little interesting.
Yamcha attends school by the time he moves to the city with Bulma, and possibly lives with her and her family at Capsule Corp, as Bulma’s easily able to get a hold of him when she calls her dad and asks him to put him on the phone.
The majority of this list comes in the form of Bulma’s flirtatious nature with other men. Aside from that, she and Yamcha are pretty casual with each other, her only other fault being her apathy towards Yamcha against Bandages.
Toriyama’s stated in a Q&A that Bulma was a “harsh and selfish” person.
I’m fairly certain Toriyama’s pointed out he isn’t sure how to write romance and I personally can’t blame him for that: love’s a complicated thing that I don’t even know how to portray.
That’s all I have now. I’ll be back with more notes about the anime’s portrayal of these two. I think I’ll make a post like this one for the anime, then I’ll gather everything I’ve collected and write a big piece about it.
If you have any questions, comments, or just want to talk about this with me feel free to shoot me a message :)
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starrysupercell · 3 years
So... Now that your writing bug is back... Could we get a drabble of Belle and Byron with the sibilings theory? Go ham :)
Lmao. This was at the top of the list ahaha what do you mean
Anyway, I'm still getting a feel for Belle, but for now I'm going for a mix of Kissing Kate Barlow's montage (not the backstory- the tone. Important.) and a very, VERY light dose of Azula... mostly for the siblings thing!
......and yet again I make it a set-up to a story rather than a drabble or one shot. Like some of the other stuff I've written, I wonder if there should be oneshot followups? x.x we'll see..
•🐍• Risk & Reward •🦝•
"Byron." Piper said sternly.
"That's odd. I don't remember hearing a knock.." Byron said lightly. He sat in his chair, faced away from the door, from her, from the world. "Or saying come in."
"There's been reports of the Goldarm Gang being seen around here." Piper went on. "We need to take action. Either hire more security, or outfit the building with further measures."
She heard the rustle of a newspaper page being turned. "There's no need for concern." Came his nonchalant response.
The woman placed her fists on her hips. She would not be casually dismissed like this. "You're looking at the news yourself. You know this isn't just another band of petty criminals."
Byron closed up the papers, folding it up neatly before swiveling around and turning to face Piper. "You're right. I do know that."
He was smiling, in that particular way where he knows something she doesn't. How infuriating... but begrudgingly comforting.
She sighed silently, then smiled passively. "I know there's no use trying to find out what's going on with you. I also came to let you know I'm putting in a request for a week off."
He leaned his head in his hand, frowning. "You have no faith in me, Piper."
"I have some faith in you." She smirked, "I do have matters to attend to, actually. This isn't a luxury getaway. A couple of old friends are looking to start bounty hunting. I wish to lend my support."
"I see." He muttered, looking to the side. "Very well. We'll find a way to manage without you around here. Thank you for letting me know."
"It's no problem." She said, recognizing that tone and demeanor. "If things go well, I can be back sooner?" She offered.
Byron shook his head. "That won't be necessary... You take care of your business, Piper," He looked pointedly down at the grainy quality of the main headline's picture. "And I'll take care of mine."
[ ($) ] [ ($) ] [ ($) ] [ ($) ] [ ($) ]
The rumors were only just starting, so he figured that there would be some window of a time frame to prepare some things. Currently, he was recording inventory, and had plans over the money and several safes he had. (Even without this Golden Arm threat, he was a very careful man.)
He wouldn't be surprised if she had already started to scope the area around here. That no-good, sneaky turncoat, gold-lifting thief of a sister..!
Byron frowned, his jaw clenching and his temper easily flaring at the thought of her.
He sighed, smoothing out a part of his hair with his fingers. There was no use for paranoia or anger here. It'd only hinder him.
He focused about which modifications to his place. Piper was right, but he knew brute force wouldn't work. His sister was crafty, but still lazy no doubt. When you take the easy way out, you're bound to always be a weaselly, good for nothing...
He blinked. Focus.
[ ($) ] [ ($) ] [ ($) ] [ ($) ] [ ($) ]
That week's work of preparation went for both sides. Belle sat with her drink as she checked out the lobby of the place. She had a more casual set of clothes to avoid detection. Jacket, gloves, no trademark glasses. She would stay low.
This place was popular for sure. Reports from other members confirmed as such.
She wasn't so surprised, considering who owned the place, but she was surprised at the ambiance. Cheery piano music, tame audience and a prim and peppy bartender. If this wasn't just a cover for anything on the sidelines, he turned out to be such a sellout!
Belle's grin was shrouded by the held to her lips. Too bad her little brother never grew a backbone and left those control freaks. For him that is. This was just a pit filled with gold just begging to be tapped. And she intended to answer those calls. The sooner, the better.
She downed her drink, and stood. She left enough to cover it and then plenty. As she passed by the performing bot, she left a generous tip for him as well. He gave a grateful bow, and continued his musical jig.
The heist pulled here would more than cover these 'losses,' but anything that goes towards bots was well worth it. Belle idly tugged at her jacket sleeve as she walked out.
They would strike soon.
[ ($) ] [ ($) ] [ ($) ] [ ($) ] [ ($) ]
The first day of the following week, Piper returned. She hummed a tune as she walked into the bar, and headed to the back.
Things went swimmingly. Poco and Primo's friend, Amber, got her start thanks to Piper's investment. Her first job went well enough.. in the end. It was a productive week overall. The group even went out for a celebration afterwards, where, Piper recalled with a fond smile, that mysterious woman left quite an impression on her. She looked forward to seeing her again.
Her recollection of that magical night came to a screeching halt when the ruins of the place came to her attention.
"What in the..?" She muttered, looking around at the broken tables and more.
"Watch your step!" Barely advised, working on cleaning up a section of the room.
"Oh, Byron didn't heed my warning, did he?" She lifted her dress slightly to walk around the mess. "It'll do him well, if he has to learn this way." she complained as ladylike as always, "Maybe now he won't dismiss me, though I still won't think it likely. I still expect to be paid to work too."
"So that's what you really think." Byron said, leaning against a wall. He was amused, and straightened up. "Follow me. Both of you."
The robot and lady glanced at each other, but followed the owner of the place.
"We may have been hit, but I assure you that not a thing of value has been taken." He monologued as he led them down the hall. "The destruction of the place was only superficial, caused by the anger and frustration of an uncouth band of petty bandits."
Piper listened and noted they entered his office. So what kind of trick did he pull?
"Praytell, Sir. You're saying the only thing we have to worry about is the funds and time to clean up the mess?" Barley asked.
"That's right." Byron responded, a tint of pride to his voice. "I've replaced every precious gem and all the gold we've had stashed with lookalikes and Fool's. They've got nothing!"
He walked over to a section of a wall behind his desk and let a laugh escape him as he removed a frame from it. The wall behind was removable to show an empty space. "To add insult to injury, I left the most valuable item we owe in here." He reached in, pulled out the fake back cover and revealed a medium-sized box. "So it was right under their noses, and they left completely empty handed!"
"The most valuable?... Byron..." Piper frowned. "I trust you know well, but don't you think that was a risk? That precious statuette is sought after by everyone. It shouldn't be used as a trophy."
"Quite." Barley agreed. "With all my respect, Sir, you did this without even informing me." He sounded upset.
"...It's still here," Byron said weakly to his defense after a pause. He sighed. Maybe he had let more of his emotions guide his defense of their business. "I suppose.. I was letting things get personal. I'll admit it." He turned the box toward himself, and went to press the combination of numbers that would open the safebox. "Perhaps, I haven't been completely honest either. The leader of the Gold Arm Ga--" As he pressed the last button of the lock, the box lid flipped open and a light electric shock ran through his body, freezing him in place.
Piper gasped. Barley's arm reached out, roughly smacking the metal box out of Byron's hands and into the ground.
The box landed, and the only thing that fell out was a single slip of paper.
"It's missing!" Piper exclaimed.
Barley was near Byron in an instant. "Are you alright?" He asked the man leaning heavily against the wall.
The salesman didn't answer. His eyes were hyper-fixated on the single spilled content of the box. He pulled away from the wall and the service bot and leaned down to pick up the torn scrap.
'Dumbass!' was the only thing scrawled on it. Byron scrunched it up in his fist.
[ ($) ] [ ($) ] [ ($) ] [ ($) ] [ ($) ]
"Shelly!" Belle cheered, "Pass me our winnings!"
A young woman with dark hair and an eye patch grabbed the shining figure of a cactus, adorned with priceless jewels.
She tossed over with a grin, and Belle caught it.
The leader of the Gold Arms stepped on a chair, then the table. "Look here, folks!" She called for attention. Her bandits instantly quieted their idle buzz. "We all did great last night. That slippery eel may have thrown us for a loop, but as usual, we united prevail!! Together, we've hit the jackpot!" She held the statuette up for her crew to see and cheer on. "When they cover this, the Golden Arm Gang will be unforgettable! And if we stick together, we'll always be untouchable!"
Cheers, and their celebratory times went on. Drinking, chatting, cheerful.
Belle grinned and hopped off the table at the crowd's energy. She pocketed the figurine. Life was finally good.
She sat and eyed the bag of loot they took along despite its worthlessness.
Maybe it wasn't so bad? The false gems could be used in a scam, she supposed, Some folks didn't know how to separate reals from placeholders.
She looked through it, and noted a box that had been unopened. Oh. That might have been when they were trashing the place when they discovered a lot of the valuables were actually cheap fakes.
She clicked the simple lock mechanism of the box open, just to sate her curiosity. There was a small, square sheet that was neatly tucked into the recently-opened box that held the mystery fog.
'Dunce.' It said, written in a very neat cursive.
"Ah, shit," Belle said, feeling lightheaded. She realized far too late. "That little...." she slumped forward, out cold. Her golden arm dropped the container.
A poison fog traveled from the box throughout the room, slowly knocking out the rest of the thieves in the hideout. They were fine, but all would wake up in an hour or so with pounding headaches and heavy nausea for days to come.
Just a little gift exchange amongst siblings, nothing more.
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Survey #444
“the monster you made is wearing the crown  /  i’ll be the king, and you’ll be the clown”
Do you take off from school, or work for your birthday? Ha, I used to try to talk Mom into letting me stay home from school... It only sometimes worked. Have you ever created ‘open when’ letters for someone? No. That'd be cute for an s/o, though. What is the best thing about being in the relationship you’re in right now or about being single? Not having to fear my partner leaving because of the struggles I'm going through. Not having to worry about not being enough for another person, because I'm not even enough for myself. Do you have a favourite painting? Not by a historical artist, no, but there is a piece by a deviantART artist called "Denialism" (by NukeRooster/Tatchit, if you're interested) that I adore so much I've actually gotten her permission to get it tattooed one day when I can afford a brilliant artist to do it. What are some of the best life hacks you know? /shrug What makes you smile without fail? MARK LAUGHING laj;sdkafjwlk;erj Do you know what you’ll be getting your loved ones for the holidays this winter? No clue. That's still a whiles off. What is your biggest short-term goal (within the next month)? Just lose a decent amount of weight for a month's time. What will your next tattoo be of? It depends on what cash I have available, really. As much as it sucks, I think my next tat is a whiles off because I just have more pressing things to pay for. Has anyone very close to you ever died? Besides pets, the closest human to me that's ever died was Jason's mom. If you were throwing your significant other/best friend a themed party, what would the theme be? Uh, Frieza-related, obviously. Do you feel prepared for the apocalypse? I don't believe in the apocalypse in the biblical sense of it being determined by an ultimate power, so this isn't something I really think about. Whenever humanity ends, it ends. I don't have a say, so I may as well not obsess over it. Do you think you will have children naturally, adopt, or forgo having children altogether? I'm not having kids, but if I did, I know that either I'd have to give birth to them or my hypothetical wife would for me to feel *properly* connected to them as a mother should. Oh, or if my male partner had a kid from a previous relationship, but I'd have to be REALLY in love with him to feel like that child is also my own. Do you take pictures of yourself on a daily basis? Oh god no. Do you believe in angels? No, but rather just spirits. Is there anything in your past that you used to regret, but now you don’t? Hm, maybe? Does your knee hurt? My knees always hurt. Has anyone ever called you sexy? Yes. Do you like raisins? omg nooooo What is your favorite bug? Butterflies! :') Do you like Scrabble? Sure, it's fun for a board game. Do you have a printer? Yes. What is your favorite food? Cheeseburgers or pizza, probably. I know, so American. Have you ever overheard a conversation you weren’t supposed to? Yes. Do you like ants? They are very fascinating when you really think about it, but I still find them incredibly annoying. Did you like the movie Antz? I loved it as a kid. Have you ever drank goat milk? No, I don't believe so. What’s your favorite video game? Silent Hill 2 and Shadow of the Colossus. Do you like cats? I love kitties!!! :') Are goldfish your favorite fish? No. I think my favorite is probably the lionfish. Do you like vanilla pudding? No. I only like chocolate pudding. What is your opinion on gay marriage? I 100% support it and would fight to the death for it. What is your opinion on gay adoption? Don't even fucking look at me if you see a problem with a parentless child finding a home with two people in love. Who was the last person you had a crush on? Sara. What’s the most expensive piece of clothing you own? I have zero clue. Why do you drive the car you have right now? I don't have my own car. Have you ever seen your best friend cry? Omg yes and it sucks. Are you friends with your neighbors? No. What is your current desktop picture? One of my favorite pictures of my late pup, Teddy. What’s the coolest thing you’ve seen out the window of an airplane? Mountains! Does your neighbor have any pets? *shrug* Have you ever swam in a mountain lake? No, but that sounds VIBIN'. Has a cat/dog ever thrown up on your bed? alksdjflk;a;jdfalwe yes Have you ever had a concussion? One or two. Do you know anyone who has a pet gecko? Not currently, I think? I want a fat-tailed gecko, though. :( Would you ever go bear hunting? I wouldn't dare hunt ANY animal. Have you ever seen two movies at the theater in a row? I have not. How many teenagers do you know who have babies? I know no teen personally that has a child, but there were some pregnant students in high school. If you could keep your parents or trade them for other parents, which would you pick? I would NEVER change my parents. Is there a piggy bank in the room you’re in? It's not a "piggy" bank, per se, but my sister got me a skull one that she says is for my tattoo funds. :') How many sets of twins do you know? Two, off the very top of my head. If you have younger siblings, are you very protective of them? Yes. No one fucks with her for as long as I live. If you have older siblings, are they very protective of you? Not especially. Who is your favorite Disney Channel person? Uhhh, maybe Raven Symone? How many pets do you have? Just two. Do you think you will be successful in life? No. :/ What do you have pierced? My earlobes, twice, and my bottom lip. I have been dyinnnnggg for some new ones lately. :/ Does techno annoy you as much as it annoys me? No, I actually enjoy quite a bit of techno. What’s your comfort food? Ice cream. Do you like paranormal stuff? YES. Do you have a favorite stuffed toy? Rebel, my adorable meerkat plush from Jason, and Brownie, my moose from Cabela's. What’s the most exciting project you were given? In a way, my senior project since you got to choose your own topic, but I dreaded the presentation. Do you have a good sense of direction? Not at ALL. What are your favorite colour for a cat? Orange! If you had to live your life carrying a shield, what would its design be? This is gonna sound super, super cheesy, but probably a heart to symbolize how love should and could block the effects of hate and general evil and that we should pursue that instead of violence. Out of all the cancers, which one do you think needs to find a cure first? Oh god, they all do. If I had to pick one though, it'd be one of the inevitably fatal kinds, like pancreatic. What are your general afterthoughts when you’ve finished a book? I feel accomplished for actually reading to a story's completion. How many pairs of glasses (not sunglasses) have you owned? Two, I think? What color is your flash-drive? Hot pink. Have you ever built a sand castle? Yeah. How many houses have you lived in? Six. One I have no memory of. Do you shut off the water while you brush your teeth? Yes. What video game should everybody play at least once? Amnesia: A Machine for PIgs for the symbolism. It blows my mind how most horror fans hate it; it's like they totally miss the point. 100 years from now, what modern things will people look back on and say, “WTF?” Hopefully things like homophobia, racism, misogyny, concepts like those. What is impossible to understand until it happens to you? Mental illness, to name only one thing. What fictional food item from a television show, cartoon, movie, or video game have you always wanted to try? Hm. There's a lot that has looked super good, really. What’s something that gets much more hate than it deserves? Nickelback, lmao. What phrases or sayings drive you crazy? "Everything happens for a reason," "it could be worse/some people have it worse," "it's all part of God's plan," "just think positive"... a lot of stuff. Do you have a deviantART? I do, even though Eclipse made it fucking suck. I only really stay because I cling to the dying hope of being at least somewhat successful on there, and I enjoy keeping tabs on the artwork of the hundreds of people I watch there. Who is your favorite character in your favorite movie? Mufasa, even if he doesn't last long in the movie. :''''''( Have you ever been to Germany? No, but I'd love to! What is your favorite holiday? Christmas. Have you ever been ice skating? No. The blades on the skates scare me. Have you ever taken a karate class? No. Do you have any nieces or nephews? I have a lot, if you include my half-siblings' kids. Do you own an Xbox? Nah, I've always been a PlayStation gal. Would you date someone who’s well-known for cheating? Nope. Would you break up with someone your parents didn’t approve of? No. I'd consider their reasons, but ultimately, it's about me loving the person. Could you be in a relationship without sex? Yeah, sure. It's not ideal, but I mean if the other person is just very opposed, I'm certainly not forcing them. Emotional intimacy is more important to me, anyway. Have you ever been “friendzoned”? Yep. :') Briefly, anyway. Jason tried for my sake, but it was VERY short-lived by no one's fault but my own because all I know how to do is fuck shit up when it comes to him. Which “famous couple” is your favorite? LOOK Mark and Amy are FUCKIN GEMS Have you ever “destroyed” a relationship? Pretty fucking much. Are you the “dominant” or the “submissive” part in a relationship? I'm submissive by nature. Do you think Valentine’s Day is overrated? No, I think it's a cute holiday. Which do you feel is worse of the two to smoke: weed or tobacco? Well, weed has more carcinogens, but at least it has actual health benefits. Who did you last see that you haven’t seen in ages? *shrug* Are you photogenic at all? God no.
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📝 i love hearing about other writer wips!
Yay! Thanks! I have too many WIPS that I am struggling to begin but I’m having a hoot outlining them. 1. Egyxos 3 years later!
Summary: Leo is now a teenager in high school, trying to balance out student life, being an older brother, a social life and being part of the Golden Army in another world. However, things go sideways when one of his teachers is attacked by Anubi wielding a mysterious ancient artifact from a civilization long forgotten. Leo and his allies must race to find the source of Exaton’s new power, as well as unlock the secrets from a civilization long lost to time. And why was Anubi targeting his teacher in the first place?
Egyxos is one of my favorite shows in terms of world-building but I HATED how few arcs there were in terms of character growth! There’s so much potential there and it’s under utilized, so I decided to do a fast-forward in time to after the events in the show. It’s a chance to put the characters through new circumstances as well as expand on the world-building because there are so many questions the show never answered. 
One thing I wished the show had done was give Leo a human ally from Earth. Leo is a kid who is suddenly having to not only deal with the stresses of human life but also being a hero in an entirely different dimension with world-ending consequences. That’s a lot for any kid. Not having anyone on Earth to open up to who can relate to the Earth-side perspective he has would have been hard on him. So I made an OC for him to open up and to step up for him because what do you mean ‘he has to always be available for every problem in Egyxos?’ What do you mean ‘12 years old is a great age to start having to fight in a literal war?”
(TBH I’m super hyped for her to interact with the rest of the cast simply because having a responsible adult confront them on some of their non-sense would be delightful.)
Aaaaaand because I like to make things hard on myself, I decided to re-write some of the characters to better fit into the world, flesh out their backstory or some combination of the two. Leo for example having grown up a bit has a slightly different personality shaped from his experiences, including the fact he struggles to really open up to others. At the same time I reimagined him because why is any descendant of any pharoah white, so that was fun to do. 
Outlining wise I’m actually at 25,000 words of backstory development, arc planning and character personality writing, plus research for the other ancient civilization I want to add in. It’s going to be a bit before I’m really done with the outline, simply because every time I finish one part, it gives me 6 ideas for other arcs. 
2. Red Shoes and the 7 Dwarves OC
I have like 2-3 ocs for Red Shoes, one of them having been re-worked for another WIP I’m having fun with, but basically they’re possible love interests for the rest of the cast of Red Shows besides Merlin and Snow.
Thumbelina as the name implies is the tiny little lady from the story Thumbelina. I found out through a bit of research that originally in the credits after the movie it was going to be Thumbelina, not little Red Riding Hood, who was going to be Arthur’s love interest but in the end I wound up making her Kio’s love interest. She’s not as developed as the other oc I mentioned, but she’s been fun to flesh out. 
What’s been really fun is figuring out what type of personality she’d have after the events in the story because holy smokes does Thumbelina go through the ringer. She literally got kidnapped, nearly forcibly married to a frog, forced to be a bug’s friend before she was ditched, dressed up and then ditched again, almost forced to marry a mole against her will because she was guilt-tripped by a mouse who had saved her, saved by a bird she saved only to be betrayed at the last second by said bird who could have flown her home and instead flies her to the fairy prince who forcibly marries her. Yes the story implies she marries the Prince by choice, but considering what fairies typically do to people who don’t agree with them, I can’t imagine Thumbelina would be thrilled at the idea. Especially since her repeatedly stated goal is to go home to her mother. 
Personality-wise she’s a bright little lady who understandably has severe trust issues around strangers given her incredible streak of bad luck in the past. Her experiences have made her be more observant of her surroundings and quick-minded so as to escape any situation. Plus, because she’s survived so long in the wilds at her diminutive height she’s very knowledgeable about the woods and how to really thrive in a tough situation.  
The other oc is Yvonne the Hunter. There’s a lot of hunters in fairytales to work with so I thought it would be fun for there to be one hell of a good hunter who is not actively trying to be part of fairytales but it keeps falling that way. Also I’m a sucker for a badass female hunter who can kick ass without any hesitation. 
Yvonne is the eldest of 4 kids in a very poor family in the woods. To help support her much younger siblings Yvonne became a hunter, taking on deadly kills and bounties for deep wood beasts that haunted the surrounding mountains. With the added in cash flow she was able to better support her siblings once her parents died, wanting to provide them a good life. 
Currently she has taken on the hunt of a life-time; a dragon attacking the northern lands repeatedly, but completely untrackable. The reward? A king’s favor. Any favor from a king, completely impossible for him to refuse. It’s a chance Yvonne could not pass up (for more than one reason). 
I fluctuated between Arthur and Jack for her and I’m still undecided, because 
a) I’m a sucker for a stern badass and a himbo starting off as rivals and becoming attached.
b) I’m a sucker for a pretty boy falling for a feral hunter. 
so it’s going to be a while before Yvonne or Thumbelina’s stories will be written, though I do have some outlines for them. 
3. The many requests from this inbox!
I’m always working on an ask for this blog, so there’s a lot of WIPs at the moment. 
4. Grace and Alexander
Summary: Lorcia. The country with an army unlike any other. At it’s northern mountain border the empire of Marvansk looms - ever-eager to take the southern fertile lands to feed its expanding population. For centuries they have been at a deadlock, unable to start war without plummeting the entirety of the continent into decades of combat. Grace Tenorio, the head of the legendary Black Brigade, has grown under these circumstances. Never has there been a day where the Lorcian military woman was able to discount the lethal presence of the northern bully. When air pirates raids increase at the the Northern border and invitations from the north to discuss collaboration arrive, she must escort the Foreign Minister deep into enemy territory to find the root of the recent attacks.  Alexander Volkov - the merchant turned leader of the finest pirate hunters the empire has to offer - is a man who seeks redemption for a crime not his own. When a brilliant battle axe of a woman arrives from the south seeking out to hunt the worst of all threats, the two will have to make alliances with an enemy of the opposing land to take down a threat larger than either could have ever assumed. 
I’ve been working on this one for years now. A steampunk adventure/romance with plenty of intrigue, ass-kicking, enemies to lovers, pining, and badassery all around. I try to write a bit of it every now and again with mixed results. It’s more of a personal project than a fandom WIP but who knows? Maybe someday I’ll get it out there. 
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