#and btw my mom is almost the same age as mike would be today . so
lighthouseas · 1 year
begging people to understand that "mike is not being abused by ted and karen" and "ted and karen are not good parents towards mike and this is something that we are supposed to take notice of throughout the show" are two statements that can and should coexist
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ellixthea · 5 years
Unpredictable Part 1
A/N: Hi guys! I’m finally posting the first part! I hope you’ll like it! To be honest I’m really excited about this series ahah. Btw this part is quite long because i needed to settle the story for some reason so don’t worry if you only see mgk appears towards the end. He will definitely be a lot more present in the next parts 😉
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“You can put your pen down. It’s over.” Your teacher told you. You did what you were told and gave a finally look at your paper before handing it. You were done with exams and school, at least for that year. You would get the result in a month and so you would know if you would be able to do your third year in university. You were still surprised how far you had come but you were quite happy about it. You walked outside of the building when you saw your group of friends waiting for you. “So how did it go?” asked one of your best friends, Lara. Lara and you applied to be in the same university in San Francisco and you were more than surprised when you both got the news that you were accepted there. “I think I did okay. What about you guys?” “I think I messed it up.” Replied your other best friend, Chris, that you have met during your first year. “Ohhhh come one! You always say that and end up getting the best grade.” Said your other friend Luke. It is funny to say that you all came from Ohio but only met in a different state. “I think we all deserve a reward. What about an ice-cream by the lake?” You suggested to your friends and they all agreed.
               You were all sitting by the lake, enjoying your first moment of summer when Lara started to talk about what activities you could all do when it hit you. The 4th of July was coming, and your parents were organizing a party and told you that you could invite some of your friends. With exams and all, you completely forgot about it even though it would be the next week. “Guys! My parents are throwing a party for the 4th and since it happens to be a Saturday it will be during the whole weekend. You guys can come if you want to.” “I’m definitely down!” Shouted Lara, obviously very excited about it. “Yes!! How about you guys?” You asked them and you could see Chris was disappointed. “I’m so sorry but my parents have planned this family trip and I have to go.” You could tell he felt bad for not coming but you totally understood. “I can’t either Y/N. I’m sorry.” “It’s okay guys don’t worry. We will still have the time to see each other though.” You replied and you all spent the rest of the afternoon laughing and enjoying ourselves.
               It was around 7p.m when you came back to your dorm. Since it was officially summer break. You had to pack all your stuff. You already had started since the beginning of the week, so you just had to put the remain books and clothes in your suitcases. As you were packing your books, the door opened and it was Autumn, your roommate. You were with her since your first year and to be honest you could not have asked for a better roommate. You would miss her during summer. She was standing by the door with a sad facial expression. “I hate goodbyes.” She told you and gave you a warm hug. “You know it’s only for a few months, right?” “I know but still.” She answered you, still hugging you. Even though you knew you would see each other in two months, the fact of not seeing her during all this time was making you sad. She became a good friend and you were so glad that she came into your life. She would be back in her hometown in Arizona while you would be back in yours in Ohio.  She eventually let go and looked at you in the eyes. “Try not to forget me okay?” She told you in an amused way, but you knew deep down that she really meant it. “Forget you? How can I?” You replied and you both laughed. “I better get some sleep; my flight is at 7a.m tomorrow.” You told Autumn before checking the clock. “Oh right! I was just passing by to say goodbye, mine is in 3 hours. Have a safe flight Y/N.” She told you and hugged you again. “Thanks, you too.” You replied and then she was gone. You changed into your pajamas, brushed your teeth before laying on the bed and eventually fell asleep.
               The alarm went off at 4a.m and all you could say was that it was too early. Your eyes felt heavy and it was hard to keep them opened. Even though you only wanted to go back to sleep, you had to get prepared to catch your flight. You took a quick shower, got dressed in very comfy clothes and put your hair into a bun. You did not bother to do your makeup because once again, it was too early for that. You got back in your room to take your suitcases. You gave a final look at the room, in case you would have forgotten something. You called an uber and soon you were on your way to the airport. When you arrived there, you grabbed something to eat and you waited for what felt like ages. When you heard throughout the speakers that you could abroad, you made your way to the door written on your ticket and then you were on your way to Ohio.
               It was 10 a.m. when the plane landed. You waited to get your suitcases back and then you were looking for your parents. You spotted them with a little paper with your name written on it and you could feel a smile growing on your face. You hugged each other and you could have sworn you saw a tear in your dad’s eye. “We missed you so much!” Your dad told you with a huge smile. “We did! Look at you! You look great Y/N!” “And tan.” Your dad added to your mother’s sentence and you chuckled. “California’s sun is something else.” You chuckled again. “and I missed you too.” You said and soon you were on your way to the house. You missed Columbus. San Francisco was amazing, but you missed being home.
               When you opened the front door, you were gathered by your dog Buck when you heard your big sister, Jo yelled your name. “Y/N! Oh my god it has been a while!” “Jo! I missed you so much!” You ran at her and hugged her. Jo and you were very close. Of course, you would argue sometimes over sister stuffs, but you could not stay mad at each other for too long. She graduated two years ago, and she was working in a fancy enterprise. “We have so much catch up to do!” “Yes, we do.” You laughed and hugged her again. It felt good to be back home.
               It was Friday which meant that the 4th of July party would start tomorrow so you would not be able to rest that much. Your mother explained to you what you had to do today, and you could not see how you could do all she said in one day but well you did not have a choice. Jo would help your mother by cleaning the house, preparing the rooms and all while you would go do the groceries with your dad. When you all knew what to do, your dad and you did not lose any more time and you were on your way to the grocery store since it was already 11:30 a.m. You got all the food you needed which meant meat, fruits, pasta, French fries, chips and drinks which were sodas and alcohol. You also got everything that was needed for the barbecue and some fireworks and with all of that done you stopped by to get something to eat. You ate outside of the Macdonald’s and you chatted a little bit. You missed having time with your dad. “I am glad you will spend summer with us. It was weird when your sister left but when you also did, the house felt empty. Having you girls for the 4th is very great.” Your dad told you as you took a sip of your drink. “Aw dad, even though we are far from you, nothing will ever change. It’s good to be back home.” You replied and gave him a smile. There was a moment of silence before your dad spoke again. “So, did you find any boy in California?” He asked you and you almost chocked on your French fries. You would not talk about those things with your parents, especially your dad. Not because you did not want to but because you were quite shy about it. You would more share those kinds of things with your sister. “Oh, um nope. I’m not interested actually.” You simply replied. It was half true though. Your ex-boyfriend was great well you thought he was but towards the end of your relationship, he became weird, distant and he eventually cheated on you. But even with what he did to you, seeing Lara with her boyfriend kind of made you want to feel loved again. But it was not your priorities. You quickly changed the subject to avoid any more embarrassment. “Oh god, it’s already 2 p.m. We better go.” “Oh, you’re right. You don’t want your mom to kill us.” You laughed and you were on your way back home.
               The rest of the day went by quicker than you expected. Jo and you spent the evening together, but she left to spend the night with her boyfriend Mike. He was a good guy, you liked him. You were exhausted so you decided to go to sleep.
               Your alarm went off at 9 a.m. You didn’t have to lose any time since the first guests would be there at 11:30a.m. You jumped in the shower and got dressed. Since it would be a hot day, you decided to wear a short and a cute tank top. You were doing your makeup when you heard the doorbell rang and your mom said, “she’s upstairs”. You knew it was Lara. “In the bathroom.” You let her know when she was upstairs, and she got in. “Hey! Dang! You look cute!” she told you, and you gave her a weird look. “I have done half my makeup.” You chuckled and kept doing your eyeliner. “Still!” “Well thank you. You’re not bad yourself.” “I know.” She replied and you both laughed.
               It was 11:30a.m and the first guests were arriving. Lara was with your dad outside, your mom gathering the guests and you were bringing the food outside. You were coming in the kitchen when you saw a group of people coming and you spotted Jo. You assumed it was her friends. Yes, she had a lot of friends. You took the plate of meat from the fridge and you were making your way to the garden to give it to your dad when a tall figure kept your attention. You had never seen him before. You knew all Jo’s friends but not him. He was thin, blond haired and his arms were covered by tattoos. You couldn’t stop starring at him. You were brought back to reality when you heard your dad call after you and that was when you realized you were standing there starring at him with the plate in your hands. Your dad calling you caused your sister and her friends, including him, to look at you and you panicked and went outside quickly. The rest of the guests arrived, and you said hi to everyone but your mind where somewhere else.
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