#and bought a Important Blue Checkmark for this blog
Tumblr media
Logging into any social media these days
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actualaster · 1 year
You see those colorful and/or blue checkmarks? Those don't mean anything special.
Tumblr literally introduced them as a gag item to mock Twitter's "pay for a special verified checkmark to make yourself look like you matter" change back when it happened. They're cheaper, a one-time purchase, come with either blue or rainbow color options, come as a pair, and multiple purchases stack so you can have an absolutely ridiculous number of them.
Also, crucially, you can buy them as a gift for others so people who have them may not have actually bought them (all) themselves.
So, like, don't assume checkmark blogs are anything other than a run of the mill account because they really don't mean anything besides "this person tossed a little money at the site for some silly flare/other people did that on their behalf"
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pigeonneaux · 2 years
How go you feel about Tumblr's "very important person on the internet" thingy ? And what if someone on the internet bought it to you because You are a very important person to Them on the internet ?
Asking for a friend...
ALSO?? as someone who was raised to save every penny possible ever, I have contradictory opinions ??! like if you can afford that blue mark you should probably use the money for something more important but also if you can afford it without causing a problem for futur-you then go ham????!?!???!??
Anyway im taking all of this way too seriously aren't I. Anon. ANON LOOK AT ME. YOU ARE A VERY IMPORTANT PERSON ON THE INTERNET . TO ME
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stormarrow · 2 years
I meant to put Important Blue Internet Checkmarks on this blog but mistakenly put it on my secondary blog. Ah well. I bought another pair… and somehow screwed that up, too. Now @nintendokids has four checkmarks.
It is now a super important Tumblr account.
Super important.
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hanzi83 · 6 years
I know these can get kind of tiresome because it seems every couple of days I feel compelled to air out my thoughts, just to get it off my chest, and it is important for me to do this because it displays how irrational my mind works when I am constantly flustered, whether it be from accumulated secrecy, the ills and evils of the world, how it affects me, mixed in with retaining information and frustrated that I can’t remember anything because there is constantly flow of information in my thoughts, so much so that it just all rumbles together, and if there is something I should know, or something I have watched, my head hurts because I can barely remember, yet I remember with so much else. I have spewed so much over the years; it is hard to find consistency in any of it. I know human beings evolve and because I feel I think certain people know better from the get and inject the culture with their dose of propaganda, which then trickles down to regular people such as myself to be influenced by thoughts.
I never knew how to think from the get go and went with what I saw people in my life do, or people at school, or in the entertainment I consumed, where I would spend my days daydreaming envisioning being a star while I was supposed to be listening and paying attention and it took me down an interesting path of changing ideologies or not knowing there was a sinister agenda behind something I deem as harmless. Only in the last couple of years I have woken up and breaking down the layers in this life, that even people in media will dismiss since their voices dominate the media and especially the internet.
Now being on Stern Show brought me a lot of harassment, and I became a target, and notice that it went all along across all forms of industries. I began to speak out and even though I have bought into right wing conspiracies in the past, before I realized fully, because there were elements of it in me even as late as 2016 to an extent, but when I realized in my delusional brain, that even the internet is propaganda on different levels it became evident I would be a target for online harassment because they know my delusional brain can’t get over the little fame I had, where the extreme narcissism comes out about the self worth scenario I had concocted in my brain, because it is too complicated to use my brain power to its fullest like everyone else, especially in such an era where the nonstop consumption is taking place because you have to keep up with everything to get what people talk about and it becomes so overwhelming you don’t know how to even talk about anything anymore. It would be easier to get on with my life if these people would stop harassing me. They win either way. It is established that I am not mentally stable as society would like me to be, so with that narrative being perpetuated, it is easier to dismiss me if things go sour with certain individuals. I could just be so mentally ill that it could just be my fault, or does that what they want me to think, because even though blame can be put on me for my behavior at times, it is just fair when this is what they have done to a lot of people. So they can goad me into a response to do something or say something that will be considered offensive, but if I just fight back, I am still giving them my attention and they are getting something out of that.
They can use the excuse they gave a bunch of us fame etc but we were the ones that were brunt of the jokes while elitists laughed at us and paid minions thinking they can have a piece of fucking with us as well. They rake in the dough while the ones they exploit get endless harassment, and in my case since I have been speaking out, and with full admission that I don’t have concrete proof, it still seems to strike a nerve. I see what happens with the past, or people who have been caught up in some shadiness, and then apply the trends to people in the older guard who have been attached to controversy in the past, that it eventually bites them in the ass. It seems like the countdown is on the way, because lately they have been getting more aggressive with their tactics to fuck with me.
I see this done from all these Stern Show spawns that he created a blue print for and how to exploit people or send people to harass them for content of the show, and when I am in familiar waters of being reminded how it was from the Stern Show, it fucks with me and because I put myself out there to show the public that this is the reality of this mental illness and this is what others who are mentally ill, especially ones in the industry who can’t talk and say anything, they have to self medicate, and I refuse to be someone who could have become a star sooner if I had compromised myself sexually and mentally. I know I am not much to look at, but there have been rumors of this for a while and now with some of the stories that go on, I can apply there is a good side finally exposing the past, so a new wave can be created. I had a break down because if I had to sell my soul, what lies would I have had to put out in the culture, and it would be justified because I was being paid, and I sacrificed and self sabotaged at my own detriment and now I stay bitter, but still want to speak out because certain people choose to protect the system and others want to expose shit but are still limited.
I see how other whack packers are treated. I don’t know if they are truly into scummy things, but there is a reason they put me in that category when Artie and Jon Hein claimed I was a contributor, without even realizing it because I believed there was some kind of payment but maybe I am not permitted to touch the money, so now they created this persona against my own will by keeping me out of commission and labeling me someone who lives in his parents basement. I even feel compelled to use it as a punch line but even that spreads thin after a while. It seems like the more I have spoken out, that they put out another category for me to be a target under. I am associated with the Stern Show so that one is already not good to certain people, then it is the conspiracy theorist thing which is associated with the right wingers like Alex Jones, then it is the angry misogynist, when I am fighting with chicks who I deem are sent by the system after having to please them, and even though I have sounded like I was being judgmental about it, it is more a slight at the system in place that lets certain chicks play in the game if they get something out of it. Either way another checkmark for that category, how about someone who doesn’t get laid and thinks women owe them something etc, when at most I have said if I become big I would like to have sex with certain people, but I never expect to leave my basement but even if I was afforded that opportunity, I would not want to force anyone to do anything and it is probably for the best for most chicks to stay away from me, I could never imagine anyone being attracted to me. I feel I would be doing them a favor letting them stay away from me, but that could misconstrued as someone who just solely hates women and gets triggered by anything progressive that happens with them. How about how I am a Muslim who constantly goes off on the authorities in the world and kind of try to expose the narrative of them convincing people that people who are on the right are the ones being censored? That one is a big no-no, allegedly. The basic gist is I am telling you I am a flawed and mentally ill person that is the potential target for people to fuck with and being able to do it because they have belief that I could be a threat.
I can display that I will never be violent and I won’t harm myself constantly, but they try harder and harder to goad me into a reply and the reason I feel compelled to do that is because I feel these people are important people who have connections and if they put out enough negative stuff about me it has reason to raise some flags. They produce obvious photo shops of me holding a gun, when I don’t own a gun, and never owned a gun. I did claim back in 2006 when I used to rap, and even though I felt suicidal in the past, I thought being someone who was a little street seemed credible, so I put in a rap I had bought one, but I never had one at all. Over the years my pathetic ass story went from having a gun, to it being exaggerated and it was a B.B gun, to flat out just saying I didn’t have one. They constantly post threads about hacking my computer and knowing where I live around, and these are done to scare me, even though they seem to admit it but as a joke so people will tell me not to take it seriously, but I have to, and they know I have to because they know that I see the hidden layers and it can just seem to the average person that I am just a fucking nut case.
I worry about what they will do to others. There are multiple platforms out there that use the exploited type and making sure they find the most mentally unstable and get them for their entertainment value and then when they become angry from the shit they are being subjected to they then try to dismiss that person to be being crazy and then acting like they are normal. These people organize harassment and what is scary how nice they can seem to you when they are talking to you straight up, and even this blog will be posted or they will try to attack me more and more and even hint they will want my personal journals. I feel Stern and his associates are behind that shit, but he is too irrelevant in the culture for people to care, but to me it is because he is powerful behind the scenes, and the roles they have behind the scenes have more responsibility than what they are doing for their job on the surface, but people never see that narrative. He can hold back from mentioning certain people he knows and do that because I have been suspecting an association taking place.
I would rather not be here but they keep me alive to mentally torture, while people who have no idea what is happening can just fucking point at me and laugh or just reaffirm that I am fucking crazy and how I live in my parents basement, so not only am I alive when I don’t want to be, they have me to just stand here looking like a fucking idiot complaining about how people are fucking with my life, so much so that I am distant from everyone in my life, because I don’t know what they want from me, or because I feel upset I missed out on so much and it never fucking stops bugging me, so I stay alone, and they know that I can either take this mentally and just live with it and if I dare react and try to do something they will fuck with me.
I cans see things being applied to what he does with other people’s videos and then I am supposed to suspect he does that with mine and now I know because these types of people have learned from Stern in the school of Cobra Kai, they have adopted specific crews to get their people to harass others and manipulate them for content. It is sick and these people lack morals and human decency but pretend they would never do that. It should be investigated but these people are protected by the elite type and can do whatever they want, as long as they put it under the guise of entertainment. It is so fucking sick but no matter how much I hope that something will come up in my favor, it will always be destined for this to continue, but I worry for others who have also been abused by this kind of system and can’t speak out because they are probably in worse condition than me. Some would argue I am in bad condition, so just imagine how much worse it is for other people who are being fucked with.
This is why I believe these situations with certain moguls and politicians who are caught with something is all planned out and when it is convenient they will start exposing others out of nowhere. Maybe something is coming close which is why they are working harder to fuck with my life and using people to harass me and trying to do horrible things to get me to react in such a way where it continues to make me a target. Again I don’t know anything with my theories officially. They continue to move my cursor and fuck with me, even when I am writing in my journal, which triggers everyone from that world, or even the ones in my world. I start remembering everything from the past and how I would get walked on all over, and it just becomes harder to hold back when it has all manifested into this big ball of anger.
I hope the good ones are reading this and will eventually step in but I am not holding my breathe because I am a piece of shit at the end of the day and as much as I try to speak out and using whatever voice I have to speak out for the marginalized, and since I have opened their narrative up by thinking that the right side can make you think the ones fighting for equality and rising up because of the oppression is the sensitive, and not so cool type of behavior because we have been taught to lack empathy towards others and always parrot the higher ups propaganda of justifying the authoritative types can continue to do what they do. It is one thing to disagree but they always have a plan to counter it so the ignorant side seems cooler and will always seem like the “I don’t give a fuck” in being racist, homophobic, misogynistic etc. I say this as someone who fell for this shit because I was dumb and went for whatever came easier, and I didn’t want to rattle the wrong cage.
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stephaniefitz · 4 years
Pandemics and The Price of Productivity
Hi everyone!!
Isn’t that the best way to begin a blog? Introduce yourself, so you seem as friendly in and out of the virtual realm? 
I’m kidding; I am friendly always and welcome you to my very first blog post!
 So, Hi! Hello! I’m virtually greeting you! I’m waving the way you’ve been greeting your family and friends for the past several weeks. Did you think I was going to write something during this time without mentioning the quarantine? It is everywhere you look! On Instagram, your Facebook walls, and Twitter. The quarantine is on dirty dishes and unopened Amazon Prime boxes that have been sitting in your house for over a week. The past three weeks have been hard on everyone. You are not seeing your friends, engaging in five-minute hangouts six feet apart, and, most importantly, being an essential worker during a worldwide pandemic. But, if you aren’t an “essential” worker, you’re at home make shifting a  work from home (WFH) space next to your roommate or significant other crammed next to a litter box.
The joys, right? How lucky are we to be able to WFH in our pajamas and binge watch “Tiger King” during our lunch break? How lucky are the entrepreneurs and media folk trying to crank out content now that we have all the time in the world to get our newest blog and web series started? Before we became quarantined, we had access to everything distracting. 
       We were preoccupied with happy hours with our friend groups at the local brewery, Sunday brunch on the belt-line, and my favorite, people watching at my favorite coffee shop trying to break a bout of writer’s block. Now that we are in the middle of a mandatory shelter in place, all of our usual activities stopped—no more outings, no more family visits, no more in-person happy hour.  At the drop of a hat, our lives changed, and now we have all the time in the world! Now we can start the podcast, start the blog, start something in general! Now is the time! Shelter in place is the time to be productive, right? Since the quarantine began, we immersed ourselves in the digital world of memes and Tik-Tok challenges. People aspiring for the blue checkmark can now create the content they have been putting off due to our supposed distractions and social obligations. 
While I am in full support of a creative endeavor and goal setting, I saw a post on my Instagram feed that was rather unsettling. The message read: “If you don’t come out of this quarantine with a new skill, your side hustle started, more knowledge. You never lacked time; you lacked discipline.” This post made me beg the question of why our culture so obsessed with being productive.
   If you’ve made it this far in my post, then you’re probably rolling your eyes—another millennial “triggered” over a meme they scrolled past while not understanding the bigger picture. While I am notorious for being overly sensitive in my social circle, this person is presumptuous in their attempt to encourage productivity by assuming another person’s shortcomings. Yes, I am that aspiring content creator I was speaking about above who is trying to produce content to the masses in the name of WFH distractions. I need to get my podcast recorded. I need to post more to my blog. I also need to be more productive and organized. While this person’s post is in good faith and motivation, it conveys judgment and shame.  Our society is so obsessed with “hustle culture” that even during times of crisis, we still expect ourselves to produce.      
I see it everywhere. Influencers are giving out quarantine makeup advice and graphic designers creating t-shirts making references to “social distancing” and washing our hands ( Yes, I bought one. Guilty as charged).  Podcasters are also dishing out unsolicited advice on dating while we self isolate. We capitalize on everything. Hell, at this point, I’m surprised people aren’t trying to make personalized COVID kits complete with your monogram (“BOGO on my newest Etsy account, this Friday only”). I understand, and this person is entirely valid in their opinion of using your free time to produce what you have wanted to create. Being stuck in traffic on Monday through Friday sucks up most of our time outside of work, and now that we are void of that responsibility, it is time to take action on our heart's desire. 
       In a matter of seconds, many people lost income they relied on to keep a roof over their heads and food in their fridge. Some people are now working and living full time with their significant other, which I’m sure has caused a little bit of strain on some relationships. Parents are now trying to teach their kids from home while simultaneously re-adjusting their living space to make it more work AND school-friendly. Some of these parents are doing this alone.  A vast majority have already worked from home, but fear of catching a possibly life-threatening virus that has yet to see a vaccine causes a lot of anxiety. When trying to make everything as “normal” as possible in times of crisis and sudden upheaval, is the side hustle and the exploitation of your hobbies that important? If we aren’t learning the language we’ve been putting off for months during this time, are we undisciplined? If we don’t pick up our art supplies and become the newest art sensation on the front of the Instagram explore page, are we wasting our lives in the pursuit of being lazy? Or are we more disciplined in the pursuit of trying to do our best given that most of our typical day to day turns upside down? 
I am lucky, however, to still have an income and no kids to aid in my distraction of “exploiting” my time for productivity purposes. But, I am still facing a ton of challenges. I am a flight attendant who typically has three to four days off during the week, which to most (and myself), is a pretty flexible schedule. I also am trying to break into the world of multimedia and have several other hobbies. So you could very well argue that I am the queen of the side hustle and understand the importance of using time wisely. You could also say that I am hypocritical as I launch my very first blog post as the constituent in the grand scheme of becoming an influential content creator. I use my time “productively” to question the toxic relationship we have with hustle culture. While I am here to get my content off the ground, I am mostly here to empathize.
     Thriving from structure and routine when I am not jet setting around the globe, I have also been thrown through a loop. Before COVID  took hold of our daily lives, I began establishing a routine that would allow me to be my most productive self. I would wake up early, grab breakfast, and head to whichever coffee shop struck my fancy—ideas and laptop in tow. Unable to follow the routine I spent weeks establishing, along with the looming torment of a pandemic, having to start all over, became another source of anxiety.  I am struggling with this sudden change just as much as anyone, and comparing a person’s shortcomings based on society's standard of an acceptable work ethic, is the very attitude that fosters shame in so many when they face life appropriate distractions. 
        All of a sudden, the home Keurig became our source of morning coffee and the kitchen island, our brand new work cafe. Overnight, our spouses and children needing our attention became our co-workers. My main point is that everyone’s life got turned upside down in an instant, and we now face other immediate distractions that garner our attention rather than the “hustle” or “grind." People who were laid off are now asking themselves how they are going to pay rent. Teens bummed out because they are missing graduation and prom. Now spouses everywhere are wondering why their partner wants to begin the conversation regarding kitchen repairs as soon as they start a conference call.
         If you are working on a side hustle, have been trying to learn a new language, or engage in a new hobby you’ve been putting off for months; don’t feel bad if it hasn’t transpired by the time the world is up and running again. Our “new normal” has fostered a brand new host of problems we need to manage, along with adjusting and maintaining our regular responsibilities. When an unexpected crisis happens, it isn’t a time where we have absolutely nothing to do. Right now is a time when we have more to think about and adjust on top of our already busy lives. Messages that are aimed to spark inspiration are often worded as messages that cause shame. Speaking as if those who have yet to start something they’ve wanted to accomplish aren’t disciplined are viewing life through a narrow lens where everything exists in a world of black and white, where everyone is living in a world void of imperfection and equal opportunity. Our mindset that if you haven’t accomplished or started anything AMAZING, GREAT, or PROFOUND during a  period of necessary rest lies at the heart of our obsession with hustle culture. 
Our value shouldn’t be held on the pedestal of production. Our value as people should be based on whatever it is that helps us feel safe, rejuvenated, and like we live a fulfilling life. If being productive makes you feel good about yourself, that’s great! However, we are all individuals with different expectations and visions for how we wish to live and spend our time. We are all in such a rush to be the “next best thing” that we sometimes forget to prioritize our values and take care of our needs.
    My notion isn’t to be proud or self-righteous, because I also have issues succumbing to the pressure of hustle culture. More often than not, I feel guilty for resting or taking the day to read a novel for my enjoyment when I feel overwhelmed or stressed. During my time in self-isolation, I slowly realize that I am allowed to feel just as anxious and unfocused like everyone else regardless of my goals. I know that with a change in routine also comes a period of readjustment and realigning of priorities. If we treated people as individuals and understood that at our core, we are all human, not machines meant to run on empty for the sake of production; maybe we could allow more room for understanding and empathy- even for ourselves. While the quarantine is a good time to start that fantastic business venture you have been putting off, or read the book you have put down several times because you are always on the go; you are not undisciplined if life got in the way like it always does. Sometimes, learning to be present, knowing your limits, and not holding on to others' expectations is the only discipline we need.
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jessicakmatt · 5 years
How to Get Verified on Spotify and Apple Music
How to Get Verified on Spotify and Apple Music: via LANDR Blog
So after years of making tracks in the studio and sharing drafts here and there, I finally decided to do my own music distribution.
I mastered my track, entered my info and uploaded my album art. I hit send, got approved, and there it was! My track was all of sudden on Spotify, iTunes, Apple Music, Deezer and other platforms.
Great. So now what? How do I edit my artist profile? I want to change my photo, edit my bio, and get control over how I’m represented on these platforms. It’s not like SoundCloud where you just log in, click edit and done.
Keeping control of your info online is important because it shows you’re active and makes your profile stand out. It’s also a way to give more to your fans.
How to do it? Get verified!
If you just released your music, you’re probably wondering how it’s done. Here’s how I got verified on Spotify and Apple Music in one week and took control of my artist profiles.
Why Get Verified?
So what’s all the fuss about those little blue checkmarks?
The ‘verified’ checkmark says something: I’m legit, I’ve got the stamp of approval, I’m verified by the big folks and THIS IS MY MUSIC!
To be real, verification used to be unfair to emerging artists. You needed a lot of plays or followers to prove that you’re ‘worthy’ of the holy check mark. And we all know how hard it is to get those first 250 fans…
Fortunately, this changed recently. Spotify realized that it needed to start being more transparent, and give all artists the same tools to take control of their projects.
Here are the advantages to getting verified:
Edit your artist profiles by changing your profile photo and other details
Connect with your fans by posting playlists, tour dates or updates
Get your stats and look at who is streaming your music and where
Have a better shot at getting on a curated playlist by looking legit
So here’s what to do after you’ve released your music (doing this before releasing won’t work!) to get your blue checkmark:
Take Control of Your Spotify Artist Profile
Simply go to Spotify for Artists and click ‘Get Access.’ Enter your information and submit.
if (!window.AdButler) { (function () { var s = document.createElement(“script”); s.async = true; s.type = “text/javascript”; s.src = ‘https://servedbyadbutler.com/app.js’; var n = document.getElementsByTagName(“script”)[0]; n.parentNode.insertBefore(s, n); }()); } var AdButler = AdButler || {}; AdButler.ads = AdButler.ads || []; var abkw = window.abkw || “; var plc291816 = window.plc291816 || 0; document.write(” + 'div>’); AdButler.ads.push({ handler: function (opt) { AdButler.register(171487,291816, [300,250], 'placement_291816_’ + opt.place, opt); }, opt: { place: plc291816++, keywords: abkw , domain: 'servedbyadbutler.com’ } });
It might take longer than your excited-self would like (a few days or a week). Once they verify who you are, you get an email to confirm access to your artist profile.
Here’s what getting verified on Spotify allows you to do:
Update your artist photo
Add an Artist’s Pick (your latest release for instance)
Add a featured playlist to your artist profile
See stats: plays, countries and cities where your music is played, etc.
Get Access to Your Apple Music Artist Profile
Apple Music is updating its Artist Verification program. Apple Music Connect is becoming Apple Music for Artists, which is currently in beta.
Here’s how to get verified—straight from Apple’s guide:
1. Go to artists.apple.com.
2. Click Sign Up, and sign in with your Apple ID.
3. Click Request Artist Access and search for your artist page. You can also copy and paste your iTunes Store artist page link to search.
4. Verify that you are claiming the correct page by selecting one of your albums.
5. Choose your Role.
6. Fill out the requested application fields. The more information you are able to provide, the easier it will be to verify your relationship to the artist you are claiming.
It takes up to about a week to get verified.
Here’s what getting verified on Apple Music allows you to do:
Share audio, videos, photos, and ideas with your fans
Share your favorite playlists, albums, music videos, or songs from Apple Music to your fans
On Apple Music, a fan is anyone who bought your music, or added it to their library.
Anyone can view and play the content you upload to Connect—even on Apple Music for Android.
As an artist, you don’t need a subscription to Apple Music to post to your page. But you can only post from iPhone, iPad, iPod touch (through the Apple Music app) or Mac (through iTunes).
Here’s Apple’s guide on how to share content with your Apple Music fans.
Checkmark? Check!
Luckily, the verification process is now available to all of us.
It means that when you release your music, you get access to your artist profile on Spotify and Apple Music.
This lets you edit your photo, post your favourite playlists, and get in touch with your fanbase.
The blue checkmark is the seal of approval that makes you look legit—even though we already knew you are. So get verified today, and make the most out of your music distribution!
The post How to Get Verified on Spotify and Apple Music appeared first on LANDR Blog.
from LANDR Blog https://blog.landr.com/get-verified/ via https://www.youtube.com/user/corporatethief/playlists from Steve Hart https://stevehartcom.tumblr.com/post/185367870879
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jessicakmatt · 7 years
How I Got Verified on Spotify and Apple Music
How I Got Verified on Spotify and Apple Music: via LANDR Blog
Getting verified is easier than ever. Here’s how to do it!
So after years of making tracks in the studio and sharing drafts here and there, I finally decided to do my own music distribution.
I mastered my track, entered my info and uploaded my album art. I hit send, got approved, and there it was! My track was all of sudden on Spotify, iTunes, Apple Music, Deezer and other platforms.
Great. So now what? How do I edit my artist profile? I want to change my photo, edit my bio, and get control over how I’m represented on these platforms. It’s not like SoundCloud where you just log in, click edit and done.
Keeping control of your info online is important because it shows you’re active and makes your profile stand out. It’s also a way to give more to your fans.
How to do it? Get verified!
If you just released your music, you’re probably wondering how it’s done. Here’s how I got verified on Spotify and Apple Music in one week and took control of my artist profiles.
Why Get Verified?
So what’s all the fuss about those little blue checkmarks?
The ‘verified’ checkmark says something: I’m legit, I’ve got the stamp of approval, I’m verified by the big folks and THIS IS MY MUSIC!
To be real, verification used to be unfair to emerging artists. You needed a lot of plays or followers to prove that you’re ‘worthy’ of the holy check mark. And we all know how hard it is to get those first 250 fans…
Fortunately, this changed recently. Spotify realized that it needed to start being more transparent, and give all artists the same tools to take control of their projects.
Here are the advantages to getting verified:
Edit your artist profiles by changing your profile photo and other details
Connect with your fans by posting playlists, tour dates or updates
Get your stats and look at who is streaming your music and where
Have a better shot at getting on a curated playlist by looking legit
So here’s what to do after you’ve released your music (doing this before releasing won’t work!) to get your blue checkmark:
Take Control of Your Spotify Artist Profile
Simply go to Spotify for Artists and click ‘Get Access.’ Enter your information and submit.
It might take longer than your excited-self would like (a few days or a week). Once they verify who you are, you get an email to confirm access to your artist profile.
Here’s what getting verified on Spotify allows you to do:
Update your artist photo
Add an Artist’s Pick (your latest release for instance)
Add a featured playlist to your artist profile
See stats: plays, countries and cities where your music is played, etc.
Get Access to Your Apple Music Artist Profile
Although the process is a little confusing, I’ve managed to find out information by reaching out to Apple’s support team.
Go to Apple Music Connect (not to be confused with either Connect or iTunes Connect!) to claim your Apple Music artist profile. Then:
Click on Sign up now
Click on Request Access
with your Apple ID
Click on the + on the top left corner
Fill in your information and submit.
It takes up to about a week to get verified.
Here’s what getting verified on Apple Music allows you to do:
Share audio, videos, photos, and ideas with your fans
Share your favorite playlists, albums, music videos, or songs from Apple Music to your fans
On Apple Music, a fan is anyone who bought your music, or added it to their library.
Anyone can view and play the content you upload to Connect—even on Apple Music for Android.
As an artist, you don’t need a subscription to Apple Music to post to your page. But you can only post from iPhone, iPad, iPod touch (through the Apple Music app) or Mac (through iTunes).
Here’s Apple’s guide on how to share content with your Apple Music fans.
To update the artist bio on your Apple Music profile, contact AMG at this address: [email protected] (a but clunky, but that’s what they told me!).
Checkmark? Check!
Luckily, the verification process is now available to all of us.
It means that when you release your music, you get access to your artist profile on Spotify and Apple Music.
This lets you edit your photo, post your favourite playlists, and get in touch with your fanbase.
The blue checkmark is the seal of approval that makes you look legit—even though we already knew you are. So get verified today, and make the most out of your music distribution!
The post How I Got Verified on Spotify and Apple Music appeared first on LANDR Blog.
from LANDR Blog http://blog.landr.com/get-verified/ via https://www.youtube.com/user/corporatethief/playlists from Steve Hart https://stevehartcom.tumblr.com/post/162955673134
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