#and both people from Sinnoh lmao
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Do Sinnoh people even get sleep? (ヽ´ω`)
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leggerefiore · 1 year
Headcanons for (Pokémon) Cyrus, Grimsley, Grusha, and Larry with shy s/o?
anon did u figure out my interest in pretty men and know I like grusha lmao
also first time writing for him so it might suck😔
characters: Cyrus, Grimsley, Larry, Grusha
☄️ Honestly bad at handling it. He already struggles with emotions as is, and is not sure how to deal with your obvious discomfort in a lot of social situations. Cyrus would probably accidentally make your shyness worse. He can talk about things with his odd charisma that somehow got him an entire bowl-cut cult, but he isn't sure how to handle your more reserved behaviour. The leader unexpectedly gets scolded by Mars and Jupiter about needing to be more aware.
☄️ He doesn't like to go out to places with many people, excluding the Galactic HQ. Places like Sinnoh's ancient ruin sights aren't exactly attracting a large crowds. So, in a way, he tries with that. Of course, in situations where you get taken to places with many people, he may forget your discomfort and meekness. You will have to ask for your own ketchup in restaurants. He will apologise if it obviously upset you, but this is aiding in his belief that emotions are useless by seeing you like this.
☄️ If your shyness leads to initiating of affections in your relationship with him, he will never initiate. Well, there are a few exceptions when he does (a long tiring day at “work”, when he feels vulnerable, when an odd loneliness eats at him), but he does not see the point in it unless you start it. His usual scowl certainly does not help with bravely getting a hug from him. Don't be afraid, however, at worst he will just stand there with strong indifference. (He does enjoy it.)
☄️ Overall, probably not the best with a shy partner, but he does try. Somewhat. Numerous discussions are probably required, but he does understand the urge to be more reserved around people. He just isn't a very emotional, comforting type who is aware of how to handle people. He does care; he is just bad at showing it.
♤ He actually might laugh at your more reserved nature. The elite four member is known to be a bit of a tease and somewhat cruel. He does, however, try to help you with it. People are hard at times, he gets it. While has the amazing ability to really understand body language due to his love of gambling, not everyone does. He can read your tense shoulders and obvious curling into yourself with ease. This is when the teasing comes alongside his aide.
♡ His favourite places to go are bustling and social heavy, so he wonders how to take you out to places you can both enjoy. He does not want to keep forcing you into uncomfortable situations in which you may not enjoy yourself, after all. Grimsley settles on things like cat cafés and city walks as a good in-between. There are other people around for him to observe and degrees of separation involved to keep you from having to force yourself out in the open too much. Unlike Cyrus, he may or may not order for you, too, if you are struggling too much. It's a coin-flip. Literally.
◇ If you are more reserved in your relationship, he views you like a shy Purrloin. He quite literally says as much. Even if you struggle to initiate affection, he can easily slither his arms around you for a hug and tease you about how obvious it was that you wanted to cuddle. Much like a cat, he gets you to a point where you can easily come to him for affection. He's smug about how he helped get you over it, though. Be warned.
♧ Grimsley is a bit mean, but he does mean to help you. He wants you to come out of your shell more but respects how difficult that can be for you. If ever does anything that is genuinely too much and upsets you, he instantly shifts from his smug persona into a softer, more apologetic one. He cares a lot, actually. You may find your shyness eased quite a bit by the gambler.
🍙 He is uncertain. His overworked brain ponders how to handle your more reserved nature. His job(s) requires him to deal with countless people. Even extremely difficult people. He shudders at the thought of his boss. The ordinary everyman understands why one would want to be more reserved completely. Larry decides to mostly help you in whichever way seems best for the situation you are in.
🍙 While his favourite date locations are the restaurants are Medali, he can forfeit it easily for evenings in. He has seen your obvious reservation in social situations and doesn't want you to be forced out into a lot and run out your social battery. Though, should you both end out at a restaurant together, he does help a lot. Larry can talk for you if needed, or just be silent support. He gets it. If you want to come out of your shell more, he encourages you in a subtle way.
🍙 If you are reserved in your relationship, he finds himself at an impasse. He struggles to be overly affectionate himself. It will be an extremely awkward thing if you both want to cuddle, but neither wants to initiate it. Larry will force himself to get over it and start it, eventually. Tired man does really hope you can get to a point where you initiate it on your own, though. If you do, you get a rare Larry smile and contented sigh from the man.
🍙 He is the best at giving subtle comfort and picking up on things easily, but not so much at helping your shyness. He understands being reserved, too. You can be an awkward pair. Together. A perfect match.
❄️ He might take it the wrong way, honestly. Grusha is always in a bit of a mood. When he realises you are actually struggling, he has a moment of feeling like a dick and being annoyed. Your meeker nature is something he can't wrap his head around. Well, he gets it. Grusha likes you, though, so he bravely swallows back his feelings and tries to figure out how to best work with you on this. He recalls how people treated him after his accident. Yeah, he gets it a bit. (He is going back and forth on his feelings, like many things.)
❄️ Lucky for you, he doesn't really like overly busy places for dates. He mostly prefers walks alone with you on the mountains. Grusha likes it just being you two, since it gives him time to get away from his position as gym leader. If you both do end up at a place with people, he does turn full “they asked for no pickles” for you. Grusha will handle conversations if you don't want to. His icy demeanour does hold a certain softer side under it. He doesn't like seeing you uncomfortable, especially at the hands of another. He does try to encourage you to better stand up for yourself, though.
❄️ If you are shy about affections in your relationship, he debates how to go about this. See, he thinks initiating cuddling is a bit uncool. He finds roundabout ways to get you to initiate, but if that fails, he does eventually give in and starts off affection. In a way, he does help you get over your shyness about cuddling and kissing, since he manages to get over his obvious struggles about starting it himself. Not to mention, he's a great cuddler.
❄️ Overall, he struggles with your shyness but does try to help you since he doesn't like you being upset and uncomfortable. Grusha does try to help you better come out of your shell, though. He just isn't the best with words or helping. The snowboarder cares about you a lot, but he just is terribly awkward in his own way.
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gen4grl · 5 months
here are my hc’s surrounding characters with scars or tattoos! i feel like most seasoned trainers have some sort of scarring so i kept it to ones that directly affect their character + how they got them plays a large role in their life. a bit of angst sprinkled in cause i can’t help myself lmao
scars within the dragon clans are almost seen as a rite of passage for a trainer. lance’s is by far the biggest with two large gashes on his upper body; one across his chest and the other being on his abdomen. he got them in his very early 20’s at the lake of rage. because of the placement and his more modest/traditional way of dressing, most people beside family have never seen them.
blue has small scars scattered across his left cheek leading up to his temple with the most prominent one being a slit in his eyebrow from his childhood. doctors always told him it was a miracle he didn’t loose his vision because of it. only his close family, red and leaf know how he actually got them as he tells the general public they were acquired via a harsh training session.
silver, similar to blue, has a scar on his face that stretches from his lip to beside his nose from a incident involving team rocket as a older teenager. however unlike blue, silver is quite open to how he acquired the wound, very much as a “fuck you” to team rocket.
dawn has a giant gash that nearly wraps around her upper right thigh from a carnivine attack in hisui. the scar remained on her leg upon her return to sinnoh - a very conflicting & painful constant reminder of everyone she left behind and the trauma she experienced in ancient sinnoh.
40% of leons body is covered in burns from eternatus. the scars mostly spread from his left arm and chest but are as high as his neck and down to his waist. after his initial recovery period, he found it difficult to look at himself in the mirror as the person looking back at him didn’t match the leon persona he spent so long curating.
as for tattoos
both adaman and irida have large tattoos, a tradition passed through clan leaders. both portray the clans individual belief of what almighty sinnoh is believed to look like while also showing each clans respective nobles. adamans reaches from his left arm to chest while iridas stretches across her back.
cynthia has a large back piece that goes down across her spine. truthfully i haven’t worked a lot on this hc but i’m thinking it would be text from the old verses that was passed down in her family from the ancient celestica people.
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firstjadeoflan · 8 months
Intro post
Hello. My name is Lan Huan, courtesy name Lan Xichen. He/him.
I understand most in this world do not have these customs, so please just refer to me as Xichen.
I do not hail from this world, although that seems to be very common here. It is for this reason that I have been told to attempt "blogging" on this "app".
...In my world, we do not have anything similar to this technology, and while we had magical beasts, they are nothing like these "Pokémon". I do not know why I am here, or how.
uhhh hello! i'm Lan Hong, courtesy name Lan Jingyi, just call me Jingyi. gender is Yes, use any pronouns!! i'm basically just following Zewu-jun around, i think i'll do the gym challenge though! i like food :)
Meng Yao, courtesy name Jin Guangyao, but please refer to me by my birth name. Lost a lot of memories. I am trying they/them.
LXC's Pokémon: Shuoyue (Prinplup, M) Aisheng (Golbat, F) Zidian (Eevee, M)
LJY's Pokémon: Sparky (Luxio, M) Rosie (Budew, F)
MY's Pokémon: Meihua (Togepi, F)
ooc under cut:
SO! Lan Xichen from MDZS. this is post-main story so he's a lil Fucked Up, and there will be implied spoilers. this will probably just be a casual blog, but i have plopped him in sinnoh, and he'll just be doing gyms, as it's post-platinum here goes nothing!
uhhh mod is a minor, please just be respectful in general? anyone is welcome to interact :p
(added jingyi because chaos gremlin good,,,,) (also added jgy because i thought it'd be funny ksjdfkshfds)
oh and for people without context, Xichen also has a title, which is Zewu-jun. Jin Guangyao also has a title, which less people will probably use, but it’s Lianfang-zun
so it was pissing me off that both jgy and lxc had birth names but my poor boy ljy didn’t, so i gave him one! it means red :3 (so his whole name means blue red lmao)
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yuwumeniji · 2 years
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Luxiem & Pokemon
WARNING: Please remember that I am writing about Luxiem based on their characters online and not of the people behind their vtuber avatars, thank you!
EXTRA NOTES: bruhh pokemon came out now i'm going to NOT post any more things because i'll be busy playing /hj..... pray for whatever drafts i have.....
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i'm not factoring in the pokemon teams/playstyle they've displayed on stream (assuming all members have played a pokemon game live), just vibes lmao
this is just silly and to make up for the fact i'll probably forget to post something this week because i was playing the newer pokemon game LMAO
the signature pokemon and the team types are two totally different things - team types are just a general thing whereas the signature pokemon is like the pikachu to his ash lmao
              ⊰᯽⊱┈───── ✧ ─────┈⊰᯽⊱
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a trainer with a team filled with whimsical and cute water/fairy type pokemon, but don't be fooled by his soft exterior as something darker lies within. he hails from the aquatic region of Hoenn
by darker i mean i'm trying to make an eki reference while still keeping up with the pokemon theme ok
his partner pokemon, surprisingly enough, is a Mimikyu - with the cuteness of the fairy type and the darkness of well... a dark type pokemon, ike seems to vibe pretty well with the little fellow
the kind of trainer who seeks beauty within his region - he wants to document all the kinds of pokemon and study as a researcher
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a wild card who isn't restricted to pokemon types, but very well known to be a friendly fellow who wants to befriend all kinds of people and pokemon. a sunny fellow from the island region of Alola
ok if we were to boil it down to two types... maybe dragon and steel
his signature pokemon is a Pyroar - strong, elegant and well... a lion. what more must i say?
either way, he hails from a long line of champions and he wishes to also claim the champion title for himself, however, he found himself having more fun battling without any regard to the champion title and befriending everyone he has met. he decided that befriending everyone and every pokemon in the world was more important to him than the champion title
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a quirky detective whose team is filled with electric types and fighting types. he hails from Sinnoh, but is often seen region-jumping due to the nature of his job
electrifying on the battlefield and full of punch, mysta is often the target of regional bad guys due to his sleuthing nature, thankfully his quick-witted team is there to help.
he's very affectionate towards his Nickit - with that said, more often than not it appears as if the little fox pokemon is seen teasing the poor detective over most mundane situations
mysta dreams of a unified world and is on a journey to snuff out evil organizations each region faces.
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a trainer of the mystic arts... and of psychic/ghost pokemon. he's a guardian of a shrine residing in the Johto region
shu's signature pokemon is surprisingly enough, a Zoroark - both are mysterious and often behind some sort of illusion.
shu's been in and out of the psychic world for as long as he remembers and is often the target of malevolent souls of those with strong hatred, thankfully with the help of his pokemon, he has avoided trouble with such whisps.
as mentioned, shu is the guardian of a shrine somewhere in johto; he uses his skills as a pokemon trainer in order to protect said shrine - but he does often go out on field days to become even stronger as a guardian.
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a popular restaurant owner from the Unova region who has a passion for the culinary arts and for pokemon who are polar opposites - grass and fire.
he's got a Simisage by his side - with the help of his signature pokemon, vox is able to both harvest newly grown vegetables and cook at his restaurant!
he and his pokemon team are often seen running around a kitchen and restaurant floor in the Unova region, he's most popular for his home-style cooking and a lively restaurant.
he dreams of making his restaurant a big name in Castelia city and a dream he'll soon reach with the help of his pokemon team and loyal customers!
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answrs · 1 year
previous post inspired by the desire for a “Rei appears in the future accidentally with some other people, gets the choice to go back, but decides fuck it he likes not worrying about dying from tetanus or a flu and also he’s discovered the joy of heated showers and indoor plumbing. and his found-family he made in modern day sinnoh (would adore him being adopted by Lucas and Rowan) (or Dawn/Akari and her mom.) (or even better yet: both).”
but mostly it’s the hot showers lmao ;p
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skuntank · 23 days
On the topic of Palmer being the previous Sinnoh champion, I’ve always wondered what Bertha’s deal is. She’s clearly a veteran Trainer, has likely been in the League since the beginning of Palmer’s time as Champion if not earlier, and could potentially have been a mentor/inspiration figure for Cynthia, but we never really get anything about her from D/P or Masters aside from her being a Wise Old Lady. Got any headcanon thoughts about her?
hmm aside what i already posted this morning, lemme think ,...
i mean, the connection between her and agatha is pretty much accepted fanon at this point and im totally on board with it. i def see them as sisters. probably more in the direction of them being friendly rivals when they were younger, but eventually their paths and approaches to battling started to go in different directions so the whole rival thing kinda fell off but they still have a good relationship.
both of them are those old grandmas that everyone holds in high regards and you know you Do Not Fuck With. with agatha its def more overt and she enjoys being a rough ol' biddy but bertha is much more down to earth (lol) and seemingly gentler.
she's never been the type to go out of her way looking for trouble like agatha is, but if trouble comes looking for her, it better watch the fuck out lmao.
i just really enjoy her as like a sinnoh league staple who has been around for ages and ages and has seen the league go through more stuff than anyone else has and knows all the rules and restrictions like the back of her hand and therefore also knows exactly which ones can be ignored and which ones can be bent and she has probably mentored and advised more young trainers than she can remember, and she probably gets periodic visits from some who come to check in and tell her how their life is going.
i think she enjoys her life very much and if you were to sit down with her and have a conversation she'd be very good at making you feel very special and listened to.
i see her being one of those universally loved and respected figures somewhat like betty white was, so it rattles the league to its core when she does eventually die (i dont see her ever retiring. she is on the sinnoh E4 till her last day by jove) and a lot of other leagues from other regions send their condolences and such bc i see her having touched a lot of peoples hearts not just within sinnoh and there is probably a week or so that the sinnoh league closes for mourning
ths is still pretty "wise old lady" lol sorry
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pastelchaos12 · 11 months
Silly little role swap au for Legends Arceus that has been living in my head rent free.
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Volo and Cogita take Rei and Akari's role in this AU.
More specifically, Volo is the main protagonist while Cogita is the one that helps him when he first falls to Hisui.
To make things easier, the present is the same as in the main games; Cynthia is still Champion, Cyrus is still the leader of team galactic, ect...
Also they are both 15.
In this AU Volo is Cynthia's Nephew or something. Also when he falls his Togepi comes with him, I will never separate them.
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Adaman and Irida are obviously Leaders of different clans.
Irida is more stern and experienced as a leader while Adaman is still getting the hang of such a responsibility of being a clan leader.
Adaman's hair is naturally brunette so Perin will either have brown hair or she just dyed it blue.
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Rei takes the role of the totally normal merchant lmao.
His hair is longer since I thought it looked nicer and he is an adult in this AU (he's like 25).
The scar on his face was caused by a wild Hisuian Sneasle when he was young and is slightly afraid of them.
Also yes I gave him a Giratina inspired scarf because it looked cool.
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Akari takes Cogita's role (and I redesigned Enamorus because she was kinda ugly)
No one knows how old she is and she finds it funny when people try to guess her age.
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Finally Emmet takes Ingo's role of being thrown into Hisui for no reason.
While I did draw him with a Porygon 2 I think he could have an Electivire as his ace (He can still have Porygon 2, just not as his ace)
Also he is Electrodes warden (all the wardens swap clans and nobles to look after)
Melli still tries to stop Volo from quelling its frenzy because he fears that doing so would anger almighty sinnoh. That and because he's a petty little prick.
I have so many ideas for this AU so I hope I can draw more for it. And update designs too lol.
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kafus · 9 months
i would super love to hear another cool pokemon story if there's one you wanna share!! literally anything; all your pokemon posts are so interesting and engaging to read ♡ also!!! i hope you're doing well and finding reason to smile each day
ogh THANK U i hope ur doing well as well
one of these days i might run out of stories 😭 BUT i don’t think i’ve talked about the pokemon competition i went to when i was around 8 years old??? and i’ve been thinking about that recently so why not
i’ve talked before about how my interest in pokemon as a young person was defined by loneliness/isolation and how i never really had the social pokemon experience that most people did, so the few times i actually got to interact with other people over the shared interest stick out very strongly in my brain. in particular when i was i Think 8 years old, there used to be a small family-owned video game store in my town (it shut down a long time ago unfortunately, i miss it) and they ran events sometimes. i managed to find out they were running a singles competition in pokemon battle revolution, and my mom actually agreed to taking me
it’s important to keep in mind that i was like 8 and i didn’t know shit about competitive battling. i loved sinnoh and had pokemon i thought were strong but at this time i didn’t even know natures affected stats. i was an inexperienced little girl and i just brought my team of in-game guys that i liked. amusingly i was the only girl there, i just remember walking in and being surrounded by boys LOL both my age and older, like there were some older teens and maaaybe adults idk
anyway all things considered i actually got decently far because competitive mons was much more niche back then and no one knew what they were doing LMAO. i was mostly pitting my in-game mons against other kids’ in-game mons. i knew type matchups by heart and had some pretty decent pokemon to my memory - i don’t remember my entire team but i know i had torterra and articuno at least (articuno was one of my favorite pokemon at the time)
eventually i was… like… idk right before semi finals? i wasn’t quite in the top 4, i think i was in the top 8? i went up against an older boy who actually knew what he was doing and had a genuine competitive team. i’m not sure how old he actually was, at the time anyone above the age of 13 looked like an adult to me lol, i’m guessing in retrospect he was 17 or something. he THOROUGHLY kicked my ass with fucking BLISSEY TOXIC STALL lmao. at the time i was dumbfounded at how his blissey just took no fucking damage and it’s really funny being able to understand what happened in retrospect, i kept bringing my special attackers not being aware of blissey’s extremely lopsided defensive stats.
you’d think i would have been upset about losing but i was moreso really impressed with this guy’s blissey, and then smth i’ll never forget, after i lost he shook my hand and looked at me in the eyes and said that i did a good job and that i should keep playing pokemon because he thinks from the way that i played that i had a lot of potential. i was literally over the moon, it meant so much to be acknowledged with full seriousness by someone so much older than me who also lest we forget literally just beat my ass with toxic stall lol. having my interest in pokemon validated and being told i was good at it just made my entire week. or month. or year tbh.
nowadays that i’m a ribbon master mod and going to my first regionals next month, i think about that guy a lot. perhaps i was a late bloomer but i think whatever he saw in me was real. not that i’m the best pokemon player ever or something, and i’m certainly still learning a lot about vgc in particular, but like. yeah i do really care about this game and i think i have the potential to be good at it. and it was prophesized long agodjdjdk
always be nice to kids cause small gestures like that can stick with someone for the rest of their life tbh
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bitchapalooza · 2 years
Imagine Iono having an 18+ only stream and in one stream she's playing idk dream daddy ig while chat is listing off gym leaders (from various regions) that are and/or give off the most dilf and milf energy and many people agree Larry does. Iono is already on the brink of a meltdown(/pos) when she sees this in chat. What sends her over the edge is Larry calling to ask what they mean, what does dilf mean, Iono please explain. She is full on cry-laughing now. Larry is still on the phone(on speaker) wanting answers because he cant see why he would be put on a "dilf list", still whatever that means, he doesn't have anything in common with Sinnoh gym leader Byron and certainly doesn't share anything with former Kanto gym leader and Team Rocket boss Giovanni. In the end, chat decided to add him to BOTH the "Official Iono After Dark dilf and milf list" just so they could keep Larry on the phone trying to get answers from Iono lmao
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roses-in-the-shade · 2 years
What DO the public masses and the government think and do about Ingo now? Please tell me they are told the truth the sheer hilarity would be incredible. Would Ingo be considered his brother's age or three years old.
...Would Ingo have any problems interacting with people, considering he never really interacted with anyone outside of Emmet in his formative years and he lived on a mountain for the first 3 years of his life? That can't have been good for his development. Even when he did talk to people he just needed to act like Emmet and now he needs to be his own person (yay! But that seems like it would seem terrifying at first.).
OOH how do the depot agents react? They already interacted with Ingo, though they had no idea.
This is probably one of my favorite asks so far, because it gave me so much to think about. Which is also why it's taken me a bit longer to answer. I am trying to answer asks on a first come, first serve basis. To the best of my ability! Thank you for the ask!
Anyway, this post is VERRRRRY long, absolutely monstrous by my criteria, so under the read more it goes. You have been warned. I apparently can not shut up, lol.
So, the government. It doesn't take long for everyone to realize that Ingo, legally, does not exist. Without any identifications, there's a lot that you can't do that is important for thriving in modern society. So, yeah, they need to tell Unova's governing body the whole truth so that they can get Ingo on the fast track to the living life.
And unfortunately, the first destination on that journey is the hospital. Because Ingo spent the first three years of his new life in Sinnoh, a few centuries in the past. Man's health is either Not Good, or it's about to be. Which creates a lot of confusion for the health department, because. Well. Because. The explanation that this random haggard man needs all of his vaccines because he lived in the past for three years and didn't even have a corporeal body before that is a lot to take in, you know? And then there's the fact that the only existing documentation for this Mr. Ingo is a death certificate dated back to 28 years ago(?!?!?!).
The first solution they come up with to solve this conundrum is to do a DNA test and compare to other living family for proof of relation, and to just. Make sure they're not being made a clown.
Fun fact. When Arceus created Ingo's new body, he basically copy pasted Emmet's DNA, attached it to Ingo's soul with cosmic super glue, and called it a day. They're already twins, it's fine. :)
Yeah, they weren't ready for it when the results for Ingo's and Emmet's DNA results came out as a definitively exact match. Actually, they don't know what they were expecting.
During the few weeks that Ingo spends hospitalized for both acclimating and quarantine purposes, the identifications services go into a flurry of action to create documents for this new human adult person that spawned into existence from Arceus knows where. (See what I did there.)
Fun times. The government workers will literally never forget this for their entire lives. They will remember it as the most bizarre event they've ever experienced, bar none.
As for his official age now, since Ingo's body is physically 28, same as his brother, and he is mentally the same age, they just kinda shrug and say, yeah, sure, he's 28 years old. Never mind the fact that he's only been alive for three. Actually, don't think too hard on it. Don't.
Now, the depot agents. lmao
The day Emmet brings in Ingo for retraining and to "reinstate" him is a day of absolute chaos.
Emmet's first instinct, when he's formally introducing his brother to their employees during a meeting, is to gaslight them all into thinking Ingo had been their other boss the entire time three years ago. (When going into technicalities, it's hard to say if that's true or not. Which is the best part.)
"I am Emmet. I am getting down to business. Today, we will welcoming back Ingo to our work force. He went missing three years ago. He is back now. We will be resuming standard operating procedures with Ingo as the Subway Boss on the singles line again. Any questions?"
(Ingo, not having been forewarned of Emmet's plans, blinks and stares at his brother for a few moments, before mentally sighing and face-palming. He quickly decides to let Emmet get away with this, however. He's not immune to following along Emmet's whims, and he's not disinterested to see how this falls out.)
"How rude! I am offended for Ingo. You forgot about him! Unforgivable. Yup! This is verrrry sad. Terrrrrible. Ingo is my twin brother. I was in grief over his absence for three years. I am disappointed you did not notice."
"I didn't forget, Boss Emmet! I've never set a foot out of Gear Station my entire life, so of course I remember Boss Ingo! We loved working with Boss Ingo, I don't know how anyone could forget a kind and jovial man like him!"
(Depot Agent Jackie is most definitely in on it.)
All of the depot agents are reeling at this new reality that they have to force their brains to get used to. Some would keep swearing up and down that there was never a Boss Ingo, but then Emmet would wave around the proof of employment (that he typed up literally an hour before the meeting) and they'd just be reduced to a state of mental sputtering and questioning reality. Many are a flustered mess whenever they end up interacting with Ingo himself.
Emmet and Ingo let the depot agents stew in this prank for just the one day, at least until Ingo finally convinces Emmet to hold another meeting the next day to tell the agents the full truth and allow the poor guys some peace of mind. (Ingo does scold Emmet a little for being so mean-spirited with this particular joke, though it doesn't last too long when Emmet points out that Ingo didn't stop him.)
Funny enough, the truth ended up being even more of a bombshell than the prank had been. Who woulda thought.
From then on, the twins and the depot agents do their best to stay professional and help ease Ingo back into the work routine as something like a Deputy Subway Boss, and they're pretty successful! It doesn't take too long to get Ingo fully instated as an official Subway Boss, Ingo being as enthusiastic and dedicated to the job as he is, and, over time, the agents slowly realize that they did miss him without ever knowing it. Three years ago, they really did notice his disappearance, ironically enough. Ingo's "personality" was suddenly gone, Emmet was never the same, and the work environment changed. It's weird, but in the end, they all end up thinking, "I'm glad he's back."
The day of Ingo's official promotion, the depot agents throw him a party and make sure to tell him this:
"Welcome back. We missed you."
The public's reaction to Ingo is a mixed bag, predictably.
The day of Ingo's reintroduction to Gear Station, the official Battle Subway PokeTwitter account announces: "Attention all passengers! Starting today, a new Deputy Subway Boss will be conducting us to our destination on the Singles Line! Deputy Boss Ingo looks forward to future travels with challengers. Will you go on to victory or defeat? All aboard!" (Attached is a picture of Ingo in the signature point and call pose, right hand pointing forward and left hand out to the side pointing down.)
Most responses to the announcement are basically either, "isn't that just Emmet?", or "I had no idea Emmet has a twin brother!". There's a lot of chipper "Welcome!" and "All aboard!" comments and some competitive "Can't wait to see what he's made of!" remarks, so the reception is generally a mix of confusion and enthusiasm.
And then it all came crashing down when one person says, "Isn't this the same guy who ran the singles line years ago, tho? Did he come back?"
One person unintentionally does what Emmet did to the depot agents to an entire social media community. Thus restarts the conspiracy theories again, much to Ingo's and Emmet's exasperation. If they weren't already practically celebrities by this point, then they definitely are now.
Emmet ends up using his personal account to address questions and clear it up as much as he can, while skirting around the full truth as much as possible, sometimes even outright dodging certain inquiries altogether. Ultimately, he and Ingo had decided it was best to keep it private knowledge that only certain people would know. Emmet's best efforts certainly couldn't stop rumors from sprouting all together, but it did help to placate the internet riots and calm them down. It only took about a week before the twins were no longer all PokeTwitter could talk about.
Now, interestingly enough, Ingo himself isn't doing too bad, socially. Sure, he did live on a mountain for a few years, but he also visited Jubilife Village often! He assisted at the training grounds, helped teach the villagers to befriend and battle with pokemon, often did any needed shopping there. He made sure to check in with the Pearl Clan regularly, it'd be rude to essentially go AWOL on them when they took him in and bestowed him a position as important as warden of their Lady Sneasler.
Point being, Ingo got past most of his social struggles during his displacement in Hisui. Learning how to human when in an entirely unfamiliar setting and without his memories was a huge challenge for Ingo, but he gradually settled into the new experience. Which is why going to modern day Nimbasa is such a huge culture shock. There's so many more people, ranging from incredibly kind to brutish in behavior, sometimes critical, sometimes indifferent. Despite this, Ingo has been able to be himself without question, without backlash, without fear, and it's a marvel.
The people that Emmet and Ingo had surrounded themselves with never failed to make Ingo feel encouraged and supported, including Emmet himself. Especially Emmet. Ingo has no idea what he would do without Emmet. He loves and appreciates his brother immensely. With all the assistance Ingo has, he may be nervous about meeting his new future, but he's determined to do it. Stubbornly optimistic, even. No matter what set backs or adversities Ingo may face, he has the greatest safety net holding him up.
(If Emmet ever finds anyone antagonizing Ingo, he will most definitely give them a traumatic beat down in a pokemon battle, and terrify the living daylight out of them by promising them eternal despair if he ever sees them near Ingo ever again.
Basically, Ingo: sunshine, Emmet: sunshine protector.
I am right, and I should say it. Luckily for everyone, it doesn't happen often. Nobody in their right mind would want to be mean to Ingo.)
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auraspheres · 7 months
HMMM just thinkin' off the top of the dome here...interested to hear your thoughts because I feel like these two could fit anywhere!!
💜 close friendship (the teasing is relentless) and/or 💛 childhood friends (depending on your timeline!!) They Go Back imo.
💗 slow burn and/or 💘 friends to lovers (I'm just weak for these tropes LMAO...but staying platonic is lovely too!!)
☕ Riley works in service of Cynthia (probably not literally working, just thinkin' about what you had written before about Riley's dedication to Sinnoh/champion as The Last Aura Guardian Standing)
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ooOH I HAVE SO MANY THOUGHTS ON THEM OKAY OKAY. This ran long so it's going under a read more lol.
close and childhood friends YES - I dont doubt they go back and I speculate they did a lot of training together too. They're both incredibly strong trainers on a journey at one point though Riley of course going the way of taking up his his heritage and right as an Aura Guardian/Master rather then a dedicated trainer, gym leader or champion. He's never dropped his constant support or hand of course esp when she went down that path. It's not hard to communicate after all - he's got funny aura powers that makes connecting to people he's close to super easy no matter how far apart they are. Helps with knowing if something is wrong right away and for mind memes he's not at all caught up with. He lived on a little cave island with no internet, he still doesnt get why people laugh when he says the vibes are off wha-
Not only is that his very good friend but that's the champion and his guardian duty is to the welfare and protection of his people at her hand. He'll take a bullet for you. Dont test him cause he'd absolutely find a way to prove it too-- But dont let that detail get it twisted, regardless of who the champion is, was or will be he'd still very much offer his full support. He just calls her "Miss Cynthia" now probably to a lot of chuffing.
AND YEAH...YEAH...Im a sucker for the knight x ruler trope and friends to lovers. I imagine he doesn't understand the full scope of his feelings and pretty inexperienced with any form of intimacy. Spending most of his time training and meditating on an island kinda does that to you, oops. They run deep. He reads it as having profound regard for someone he's very close with and can understand with ease even without his aura reading powers. This steadfast dedication is from his sense of duty, right? ...Well not entirely. As mentioned above champion or not he'll be there at the drop of his fancy hat. There's something different about these feelings he's noting, and for someone who's literally mastered reading emotions he sure can't figure out his own.
Maybe a little nudge and some getting past his own modesty and over-politeness could point him in the right direction. But I sure look forward to how they get there.
Also catch me and how they connect in being some of the last of their own kind if you think about it, they even wear their ancestral symbols on them and --
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shilo-sumac · 5 months
(( OOC Post! edited last 4/23/24
I saw someone have a separate post about the norms of the world their muse is in (I'm so sorry I forget who) and I thought that would be a good idea! uh. this may be a text wall and more may be added. I love my HCs im sorry. ))
There are small basic animals in her universe, such as pollinator species (moths, bees, ect), fish, and small near the bottom of the food chain animals (mice, fish, other bugs, small birds) To me this makes sense because there are both plant Pokemon and normal plants in the actual canon, and stuff needs to pollinate somehow lmao. There are no large animals, this niche is only filled by Pokemon.
Killing Pokemon to consume is frowned upon in many regions. There are still people who do, but it's viewed similarly to how an American would view eating a pet animal. Meat is made in labs and is indistinguishable from the meat from our universe on a taste and nutrition level.
Pokemon have varying levels of sentience. Most Pokemon have a basic understanding of the ideas of what a human is trying to convey, with Pokemon (and their humans) gaining more understanding from each other as their bond grows. Some Pokemon are on a close level to humans, and some perhaps even more so, though this is not confirmed.
The "power of friendship" is a real force in her Pokemon world. The more love you have for your partners the stronger you and your team are, though of course training and strategy is also important. Building bonds with your Pokemon also allow both trainer and Pokemon to understand each other better.
Rarely, people can directly understand Pokemon as if they are speaking common language, but this is very rare and usually something they are born with. Usually, trainers and Pokemon can get a basic idea about what theyre communicating to each other once they know each other well, depending on individuals.
I have a whole post about how pokeballs and the box system works here , basically they give them a little mini enjoyable environment :D
Pokeballs will not work unless the Pokemon has at least a tiny bit of want to be captured. Masterballs are hugely frowned upon
There are no dogs or cats in universe. The words "dog" and "cat" (ect) are used just as descriptive terms for certain mons. Hopefully that makes sense?
My HCs are a combination of the anime, games and occasionally small bits of the manga, with the largest focus on games. I also mix in irl animal facts. Because I am the animal version of Shilo's encyclopedia.
Some things specifically about Muse:
Shilo will not use proper spelling/grammar and only uses capitalization for certain proper nouns to show respect. However, she will type properly when making her care guides. (if you wanna read those they're tagged under #pokemon headcanons iirc, the art is a bit... awkward and old tho. i wanna continue these but theyre a bit labor intensive!)
Shilo gives off odd vibes. Usually people get used to her. On the other hand, Pokemon are naturally drawn to her and tend to trust her. She is human tho. Mostly. As for the details, I hope to one day be good enough to reveal them well lmao.
While unable to directly translate, she is strangely good at being able to tell what a Pokemon is trying to communicate.
Shilo is autistic as fuck and sometimes kinda annoying. Her special interest is Pokemon and she is basically a walking Pokedex.
Shilo's sanctuary is on a small unnamed island nearby Sinnoh. Technically it isn't a part of any region. She works there mainly alone (technically some of her Pokemon act as staff willingly). The facility itself is small but the island itself is large enough to comfortably fit many many Pokemon.
Shilo wants to befriend at least one of every single species of Pokemon. She knows this is unrealistic. She will try anyway.
Shilo has dissociative identity disorder, some anxiety issues, minor PTSD, and some major imposter syndrome (despite liking to say she's the best)
She's not very good at making people friends and her new Rotomblr friends are very novel to her.
About some side characters and Pokemon:
Her childhood was mildly traumatic, so she doesn't want to visit Unova again, but is happy to explore any other region, and often does.
she doesnt remember how old she is exactly but she's near her early to mid 20s
Alistair is her cranky roommate/helper who owes her a debt. He knows barely anything about Pokemon and they do not like him very much. He gets attacked a lot.
Rin is the first Pokemon Shilo befriended. She has a scar over her left eye due to Pokemon hunters when she was young. She is more powerful than the average Zoroark, and tends to hang out in human form so she can have human privileges. She cannot speak human regardless of her form.
Char the Charizard is a rescue due to being rejected as a Charmander for use as a starter since he cannot use fire type abilities.
Her Espeon and Umbreon (Morgan and Simon, respectively ((also both female despite their names)) ) are her very good emotional support mons.
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kitakami-zorua-kin · 8 months
Hi! My name's Russet, I'm from Kitakami, and I'm currently attending Blueberry Academy! I'm part of Drayton's Elite Trial in the BB League! :D Or. At least... I am for my Drayton...? There seems to be a lot of them floating around. I don't think my Drayton is on Rotomblr, though it does seem like he'd fit in well...
My full team is: Autumn the Shiny Dipplin Hydrapple ♂ Polar the Arctibax ♂ Winter the Alolan Ninetales ♀ Taiga the Abomasnow ♀ Spring the Altaria ♀ Summer the Shiny Larvesta ♀ Tundra the Frosmoth ♂ Superconduct, translator Rotom! (they/them) Sweetheart, emotional support pokemon!! (they/them??) Though I only use Winter and Taiga for any official Elite Trial Battles, the others are still important members of my team! :D I'm selectively mute and with the red-and-black colors, I get a lot of people assuming I'm a Zorua! I'm not, but Zorua are cool so I don't mind too terribly much :3 Oh! I have a younger brother and an older sister, both who are also at Blueberry Academy, but neither of them are interested in Rotomblr (well. my versions, at least, as far as I know...). Pelipper Mail+Unmail+Malice: On Sentient/Sapient Pokemon: Allowed Legendary/Mythical Pokemon: Allowed Musharna Mail+Malice: On Magic Anons: Off OOC Info under the cut
I've made. Another Pokemon IRL blog for another OC because my friends are terrible influences on my poor impulse control. Anyways, hi, I'm Azure, I follow from @/anxiousazure and I also run @/unovan-artist because I have many OCs and I've been spinning Russet around way too much lately. If you didn't pick up on it, Russet is an OC sibling for Carmine and Kieran, specifically, their middle brother who tends to fade into the background. edit: there's another blog. @/kitakami-specter yes it is exactly who you think it is. also now @/sinnohs-eve as well, because i wanted someone on the main bba universe. :3
i mod have really bad social anxiety so if i havent answered or interacted. i am simply scared. russet is extroverted but i am not i am very easily intimidated and my brain will continuously go "but what if there's an unspoken Rule you're breaking" and paralyze me.
Russet is a minor but I haven't specified his age - just that he's between his two siblings - and I, blog runner, am an adult. If this is not chill with you, don't interact! That said, I won't really deal with anything more than flirting with Russet and even then he won't get it half the time (sheltered autistic boy, romance flies right over his head unless you spell it out for him <3).
Russet is somewhere post Teal Mask in the timeline sense - Drayton's back on the E4, after all - but does not know what went down in Kitakami (he was originally supposed to go with his siblings, but came down sick last minute, and ended up staying at school instead. Neither of his siblings informed him of what went down in Kitakami - Kieran assuming Russet already knew about the truth around Ogrepon, and Carmine mainly out of guilt) so please absolutely feel free to use that to your advantage :D Russet has been informed about the true Kitakami legend and time has progressed slowly from there. still pre-indigo disc though. Sweetheart is Pecharunt! Russet simply does not know what Pecharunt is lmao-
also hey!! if you ever want to have a character (canon or not) in russet's universe!! please feel free too i would love that so much. i would love to have more people to have russet consistently interact with. it would be fun and also silly. and hey! you are always, always, always free to include russet or any of my own OCs in drawings or stories or anything else! just. maybe please tag me because i want to see them. <3
if you see a post colored purple that's drayton on the blog. -blue- with those indicators is superconduct, russet's rotom. red is carmine. kieran is green.
Full version of the piccrew used for Russet because I haven't gotten around to drawing him yet! and if anyone is interested, the link is here!
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jasonsbones · 1 year
Replaying Legends: Arceus and watching Trigun at the same time has lead me to thinking about aus
Nai and Vash are lost twins, one each found by a different of the Hisuian clans
Nai is found by the Pearl clan, Vash by Diamond
Nai lives with a great aloofness to the world around him, though I’d say he’d see the new colonizers are invaders Vash lives very in the moment with the people around him, wants to see the future of coexisting with the settlers
I’d like to say they both work closely with their guardians and for a long time, they just hadn’t met, though Nai was on the front-lines during their clans’ time of conflict (Vash doing his best to be a peace-keeper, they just hadn’t crossed paths at the time)
Nai absolutely has his partner Pokemon as an Alakazam, Scyther, though his first Pokemon was a Shiny Ralts- Gallade is his most powerful Pokemon that he only battles with when he wants to express an overkill, essentially.
For Vash, it was tougher, but after figuring out they both had a Ralts (Vash’s became a Gardevoir), the other two fell into place- a Shiny Luxray, and the Hisuian Goodra, for it’s neediness
Nai is the go-to for battle strategy and, well, killing if need be, and has grown to detest the way his adopted clan relies on him for that. He actually doesn’t want to hurt anyone, he just wants it all to stop. He doesn’t really have anyone he’s close to- Legato is an outsider in the clan and he finds his behaviour and personality detestable, and he’s only just learned about having a twin and it’s breaking his brain a bit. ‘Lord Sinnoh, how could give me my brother so close in space but keep me from seeing?’ Sort of crisis of faith the moment he sees Vash, honestly.
Meanwhile, Vash actually has people like Meryl in his clan, he has friends even if he’s felt like something has always been missing in his life. While the clans were in conflict, he would attempt diplomacy as often as possible, and was known to be a great defender. He is tired though- as much as Meryl helps him through the day, as close as they are, battles are hard to live through. The moment he sees Nai post-conflict he feels the last piece drop into place- and, while he could blame Sinnoh for all the time lost, instead, he tries to express to Nai that ‘now we have time to get to know each other, a future to look forward to!’ and oops Nai is just not receptive to this concept. He’s also less into the faith than Nai would be, ngl, so his core isn’t as rocked. Can’t blame God for everything if you don’t expect God to be responsible for everything, you know?
Anyways that’s just some thoughts I had lmao
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healbellls · 1 year
Want new-and-exciting plots for your character? Long to reach out to more of your followers, but don’t know where to start? Fear not! Fill out this form and give your RP partners both present and future all the of juicy jumping off points they need to help you get your characters acquainted. Be sure to tag the players whose characters YOU want more cues to interact with, and repost, don’t reblog! Feel free to add or remove sections as you see fit. Template here.
Mun name: Vani OOC Contact: Asks, IM, Discord is meant only for my mutuals.
Who the heck is my muse anyway:
// This is a multimuse blog, in order to spare me from making this post way too big, I won't be talking about each and every muse I got here.
My muses are separated into three tiers:
Primary muses: My main ones. The ones I'm sure, I have a better grasp on and have far more consistency with than others. (Morty, Juan, Barry and Drake).
Secondary muses: Muses that were basically NPCs, turned into muses. They can be fickle at times, since they aren't exactly my priority. It only means I prefer reserving these guys, for far more plotted oriented stuff. Rather than just blindly tossing them around. (Prof. Rowan and Brendan)
Tertiary muses: AKA - friends only or long time partners muses. I only use these characters with a select few people, it is nothing personal. I'm merely managing my RPs, furthermore I have my own reasons for only wanting to use them with a select few people. I'll be the one approaching people about these muses. (Lance)
I feel like I got a pretty neat variety in type of muses, to offer folks. But at the same time, some may be a tad obscure to some folks. Which is all A-OK for me. I'm still deciding whether or not, I'll bring back some other old muses I had.
Points of interest:
// My muses aren't set in stone. Sure, there are somethings about them I can't and won't change, because they are integral to my portrayal. Aside from it, I'd say they can be adjusted to fit in with a lot of the newer things that are being brought to the franchise.
I know it may be intimidating/daunting, because of my preference for the older things. But that's way more a matter of preferring, to stick with what I grew up with and I'm familiar with, more than anything else.
What they’ve been up to recently:
// Timeline wise. I like using B2W2's setting as the "present time", for most of my muses. So here's a quick run down for it:
Juan and Morty: PWT, they can either be in Unova or they've returned from the event.
Drake stayed back in Hoenn, alongside Brendan. Who's 18 years old by then, and he is finally taking on the duties of being the region's champion.
Barry has been travelling around the world, visiting each and every region. In this moment, he should be in Unova, taking on the League challenge and checking out the PWT.
Prof. Rowan is still working on his researches in Sinnoh.
Where to find them:
// I kinda of answered this above LMAO. But, if we aren't speaking of a B2W2's setting then things change a lot:
HGSS's events - Johto region, Ecruteak city, Morty.
Pt events - Sinnoh region. Barry is traveling around the region, never really stopping somewhere for long. Rowan is also going around the region, his research has picked up a lot of steam.
Emerald's events - Hoenn region. Juan is in Sootopolis city, recently returned to his gym leader duties, and gets caught up with the weather disaster caused by Groudon and Kyogre. Brendan is specifically Emerald's protagonist, he doesn't stay in a place for long.
ORAS's events - Hoenn region. Drake is technically speaking, a mixed bag of Emerald and ORAS's takes on Hoenn. But due to being in possession of a mega Salamence, that makes him a lot more ORAS oriented. He is within the region, and arrives in Ever grand city just in time to be challenged by Brendan.
Current plans:
// I'm genuinely trying to stay active around here, and this isn't anyone's fault but my own! I'm adjusting myself to my new IRL schedule. Despite that, I'm definetely interested in getting the ball rolling around here.
I'm looking to start new plots and interactions, with both new and former partners.
Desired interactions:
// pspsppspspspspsps fellow league comrades pspspspsps come get ur shit co-workers.
Honestly? I just want to give a shot at these really old muses I got.
Offered interactions:
// I'm down to pretty much anything, I'm really willing to give a shot at! Just beware, some of my muses may touch on some subjects that could make others uncomfortable. And I trust you guys will do the wise option, and not engage with the ones you feel like will be too much for you.
It's all fine by me.
Current open post/s:
// None atm. I don't do opens, sorry.
I tend to reblog prompts, which I highly encourage to be sent! They help tons to break the ice between us!
Anything else?:
// I'm just happy to say I've finally got a place, for these guys. I missed them tons <3 As well as seeing so many familiar faces still around!
Repost, don't reblog it! Feel free to steal it, and say I tagged you!
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