#and before you ask. yes i am sure i did not have it before. it appeared on the very last page of my apps like every new app does
otomiyaa · 2 days
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Ticklish Aventurine x Reader
Romantic + 06. “Could you… do that to me?” Requested by anon for my 1K Followers Event🌻
Special thnx to @lovelynim for helping me come up with the idea for this*w*
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Clover, top!
Spade, side!
Heart, under the chin!
Switch! Repeat!
You were so invested in your new little petting routine that you didn't notice you were being watched.
"What... are you doing?" You jolted and quickly turned around to see Aventurine smirking at you. He was still in bed, looking very lovely with his sleepy face and bedhead.
"Ah! Just petting the cakes," you said, and you walked towards him and gave him a good morning kiss.
"Those little babies are just too cute," you said with a smile, and you glanced back at the adorable cat cakes which were now meowing beacause of the sudden lack of attention.
When looking back at Aventurine, you noted a pout on his face. "You looked quite intense over there. Never seen you like that before," he commented, and you blushed at the realization that he may have been staring a little longer before he made you notice.
"A-ah, well, like I said. Just so cute," you answered. Aventurine was still pouting.
"Could you... do that to me? Or am I not cute?"
You stared at him. Do what? You almost asked this literally but luckily you already realized, and you gasped. The petting?!
"Y-you mean...?" You wiggled your fingers slightly and he nodded cutely. He even pushed the blankets down a little, revealing his half-unbuttoned PJs, and he reached for you with his arm, welcoming you to cuddle.. and pet him?
"Come here," he said. Ah, he was in such a cute and needy mood huh! Seeing you pet the cat cakes made him that jealous? You smiled and crawled against him. He was just too cute.
"Like this, then?" You lightly scratched the top of his head, like you had done to Clover. Aventurine made a cute humming noise.
"Yes," he agreed with a smile. He closed his eyes and seemed to enjoy the attention. You combed your fingers through his hair and enjoyed the way he acted like a cat. If you continued this, would he pur?
"Here too," you said, moving your fingers to his ear, and you lightly scratched him right below his ear, brushing your fingers under his earlobe and against the warm skin of his neck.
"Hehehe," Aventurine giggled softly. He was still a little sleepy and seemed to enjoy the affection very well with his eyes closed, but was that a giggle?
"Does it tickle?" you asked. He nodded.
"Just a little," he admitted. Oh no, oh dear. This was such a sweet, loving and peaceful moment to start your morning with. But no, misschief came to peek around the corner the moment Aventurine admitted it tickled.
You smirked and glanced down at his torso. His PJs was unbuttoned so perfectly that you could see his bare skin.
"Ah, well then you should better prepare yourself. Because next in the petting routine was something like this," you said, and you reached down and lightly traced your finger against his bare tummy. Aventurine jumped and opened his eyes in surprise.
"Ohohoh, well that won't be nehehece-ssaaaarehehehee!" He was so quick to turn into one sweet giggly mess now that you were attacking him with all ten fingers - misschievous, ticklish and on purpose.
Your fingers danced under the fabric of his PJs, tickling him teasingly and making him whine.
"Nohoho! Not thahahat!"
"Yes that," you sang, shaking your head fondly.
"You asked if I'd do that to you, so I am doing it to you," you reminded him, scribbling your fingers against his sides, in a way that wasn't even that much different from how you were petting Spade.
"I dihihidn't mehehean- ahahah!" Aventurine squirmed, but you pinned him down and made sure he wasn't going to get away without finishing the petting routine.
"You are moving too much, dear. I didn't even go for the next petting spot yet. Well, hope it doesn't tickle," you said, reaching for the spot under his chin and tickling him there like you did to Heart.
Aventurine let out the cutest yelp. "Nohoho!" He tried to grab your hands, but his movements seemed a little clumsy because of the tickling.
"T-too ehehearly for thihihis!" he giggled, finally catching one of your hands but unable to pull it away.
"Never too early sweetheart," you teased. You simply continued to wiggle your fingers, tickling him under his chin an also returning to some of those sensitive areas on his neck and near his collarbones.
Your lover was so handsome and sexy, yet at the same time he could be like a whiny kitty cake.
When you finally stopped tickling him, he wrapped you in his arms and held you tightly. You tried to move, but were stuck in his embrace, and you giggled.
"So, after petting comes cuddling?" you asked. You enjoyed the way you could feel his chest heave with each deep breath as he recovered from your tickle attack.
"Yeah. I'm resting," Aventurine said. You nodded.
"And then once I've rested, I will tickle you back. But not yet. Just you wait, darling~" he said tiredly, and your eyes widened. You started to squirm, but his tight hug was really not allowing you to go anywhere!
"Oh hehehe, that won't be necessary. Aven? Baby? Will you forgive me? Hey, answer me!" The little tease was now just ignoring you, or simply falling asleep again while he wouldn't loosen his grip on you.
Oh boy, looked like you weren't going to get out of here without a taste of his revenge!
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sugawhaaa · 1 day
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Just want attention, fuck this tension
{{Part 1}}
Genre:: nipple play, teasing, that's about it for now
Pairing::ot8!ateez! X fem!reader
A/N:: Tumblr decided to enrage me and POST THIS EVEN WHEN I TOLD IT NOT TO. So now this is going to be split into two parts 💔 I am so mad rn
You knew what you were doing was quite terrible. This job was almost like a last resort that you managed to get through pretty privilege. You basically kissed your human decency away as soon as you agreed to the job. You were going to be a sex toy for the one and only ateez.
They're all grown men after all but they don't have time to meet women and actually hook up with them. Sure they can often go to clubs but they get tired really quickly from all the partying that comes along with it. They just needed someone they could casually have sex with whenever they wanted and somehow the company agreed to let them pick out a girl to ask. You were that lucky girl and today was your first day as…a whore.
Considering the circumstances you were given a key to access their house and a room of your own to live in. It wasn't much and of course you'd be allowed to leave quite frequently but when night rolled around you were completely and utterly theirs.
You hesitantly stuck the key into the door and pried it open to find the house empty and quiet. You called out softly into the empty room. “Hello?” You step into the entryway and shut the door behind yourself. You put the keys back in your bag and saw a little space where they put all their jackets, shoes, purses, and bags. You slipped off your shoes and set them in the pantry before hanging up your bag. Their house was fancy yet it still held this homey aura. It was calm and cozy but when you got to the kitchen you noticed a pile of dishes that were probably put off for days due to their busy schedules. You decided to put some calm morning music on as you did the dishes for them almost as if to say thank you for letting you into their private life.
Midway through doing the dishes you heard someone stirring away. You had to mentally prepare yourself to talk to them and try not to sound creepy for letting yourself into their house. A tired Hongjoong stepped into the kitchen, startled to see a woman in their house. “Good morning,” you smile with pink cheeks.
“Morning?” Hongjoong chuckled as he walked up to you. “You must be Y/N right?”
“Yes,” your eyes scan his body up and down. “No one answered the door so I thought I'd just…” your words trail off as the embarrassment sinks in.
“I don't blame you,” Hongjoong swished his hand, brushing off your embarrassment. “So, have you done this kind of job before?” He crosses his arms, raising a brow. He wanted to get to know the girl he'd be offering to his members, perhaps even going for a test drive.
“Well not necessarily, I'm not a…virgin but I haven't had many jobs that would include a skill list of these things,” you chuckle and finish rinsing the last dish. “The way the company described it, it didn't seem like I had to have any previous, serious, experience,” you explain as you start drying dishes. Hongjoong seems interested in your words, leaning against the wall and nodding. “It sounds like I'm mainly just to be used…for my body,” you explain, avoiding eye contact. Hongjoong was bare faced, with messy hair and still in his pajamas. This was enough to make any woman fold.
“I see why you would think that,” he starts before walking over to you. “But, I at least, don't think of you like that,” he smiles. “I want to spoil you, I want to care for you,” Hongjoong gently brushes his hand on your shoulder comfortingly. “I want to give you all the attention you deserve,” he brings his hand from your shoulder to your chin, making you look up at him. He smiles softly as he analyzes your features. Then you hear the sound of someone clearing their throat.
“Ya done?” San stands with a mug of coffee and a purple housecoat draped around his body. His hair was also messy, spikey almost, and his bare face was going to make you do backflips. Hongjoong chuckles and turns to San.
“San, meet Y/N. She's the girl I was talking to you about the other day, our little dove,” he pats the back of your head as San walks over to you. It was clear San wasn't fully awake, not in the right headspace, as he analyzed you.
“She's pretty,” he smiles softly before walking off to make some breakfast. As the morning goes on the members all arise, most of them are in similar conditions as the first two. Two of them however wake up full of energy, Wooyoung and Yunho. Wooyoung is over the moon excited to have a girl in their home to hang out with, sexually or not he's excited. Seems like not only Hongjoong was excited to have a girl to watch over. Yunho was nervous at first but he quickly adjusted and got comfortable with you.
Wooyoung was the main one to show you around their humble abode. It wasn't massive but it was homey. On your little tour you finally met Mingi. He was in the washroom with the door half open, brushing his teeth without a shirt and sweatpants. That was something you were going to have to get used to when living with a bunch of 20 year old men. Mingi was unphased, giving you a little smile and wave. You could only blush and wave back. Wooyoung then dragged you down the hall telling you which room was who's and helping you settle into your own room.
Their house was kind of split in two. Furthest to the left you had a hallway with a bathroom and five rooms, one a massive storage room. Then there was the massive living room with beautiful windows. On the other half of the building it was much the same. Five bedrooms, one a guest room, one washroom, the kitchen and dining room. In between both sides was a gaming room or just a place to hang out. Their house wasn't the cleanest you've seen but it was very clean for a kpop group you must admit.
After your encounter with Mingi, Wooyoung took you to the living room with a TV and a very long couch. Wooyoung sat you down, gave you the remote, and asked if he could get you a snack or drink of sorts.
“Give the woman a minute to breathe,” San ruffled Wooyoung's hair, leaning over the back of the couch. You were startled by his sudden voice and turned to look at him.
“Yeah don't worry so much Wooyoung she'll get used to it all,” Jongho said, sitting next to you with a plate of breakfast.
“Dude, how many times do we have to say you shouldn't eat in the living room,” San sighs with a shake of his head. You watch back and forth as the members converse. The members were quite entertaining even when they were just talking like this. Surprisingly the day went on quite normally for them, or at least a normal vacation day for them.
After lunch you went back to the couch and opened your phone. You went to the notes app and started writing down some speculations about each member. Based on the conversation you had with Hongjoong he seems to be leaning toward the dominant type. He's definitely got a possessive side to him and maybe even controlling in some ways. He could potentially have a thing for “daddy” type prompts, but it's definitely not set in stone.
Seonghwa so far is a closed and locked book. You haven't talked much with him and he doesn't even really seem interested in you. Not a good sign, that's for sure considering your job is to make them want you basically.
Yunho was shy at first but quickly got used to you after some small chatter. He is pretty mysterious right now but something tells you he's gonna be an interesting card in bed. He definitely knows what he's doing.
Yeosang is also kind of a mystery. He doesn't talk much which doesn't give you many leads at all. The less a person talks to you, the less you get to grasp their personality and make some guesses on the intimate life. He seems pretty shy and timid which could leave the door open for being dominant with him. Or he could be the type of guy who's all cute and rainbows until they're pounding into you. Once again, he's a mystery.
San is pretty relaxed, a chill vibe flows from him. This could be brought into intimate hours as well. He's probably the type of guy who likes lazy sex or pure intimacy and love. Something deep downs telling you he likes spoiling his girl as well but there's no actual lead to that yet.
Mingi is a wildcard as well. He wasn't shy at all when you saw him half naked but that means nothing about him. You get the vibe from his energy that he's pretty rough in bed, doing all kinds of kinky things but deep down he's gotta have a submissive side. There's no way he can't.
Wooyoung is a gleaming ball of energy when it comes to you. Whether he's excited to fuck you up or be fucked by you is once again a mystery. The first time with him will probably go something like, you touch one part of his bare skin and he'll shatter beneath you.
Jongho seems to not really care much for you either, which is also bad. But you can't ignore the way he acts with you. He may treat you like a big sister most of the day but there were odd times where he'd look your body up and down in a hungry way. He's interesting for sure…
As you type out these notes you feel eyes peering over you and turn to see Mingi intently reading each word. Your face turns red and you shut off your phone. Mingi looks up at you with a frown.
“Hey I just started reading mine,” he pouts and you sigh in relief. How embarrassing would it be if he got to read his own.
“Good,” you retort back and he gasps, over acting way too much.
“Oh you wound me princess,” he puts a hand to his head and you sigh. Mingi chuckles before leaning closer to you again. “So you think Hongjoong has a daddy kink?” He tilts his head and you instantly freeze up.
“W-Well it's just an assumption, I don't know for sure yet. These are all things just to test out,” you explain and Mingi nods.
“Well I can say for sure that Yunho's is pretty damn accurate,” he smiles and looks at the TV. He takes the remote from the side tables and turns it on. “Yunho is a huge flirt when he's alone with someone he likes. From what I've heard and seen he seems to be kinda rough as well,” Mingi informs you as he scrolls through Kdramas.
“Why are you telling me all of this?” You raise an eyebrow as you turn your phone on, writing down all of Mingis comments on Yunho.
“Why not?” Mingi shrugs and you hum. Yup that sounded like a good answer. You turn your phone off and shove it in your pocket. You stand up before turning to Mingi.
“Does it matter which washroom I use?” You chuckle and Mingi shakes his head. You rush to the washroom and try to compose yourself. These men were going to be the death of you. Constantly creeping up on you and blinding you with their good looks. You needed to get a grip, it was your job to be flirted with, used and essentially fucked. You needed to get yourself together. While you wash your hands you look over at their shower. Maybe it'd be a good idea to get a shower and clear your head. You nod to yourself and dry your hands.
When you exit the washroom you look down the hall to Hongjoongs room. You gently peer in with a little knock. Hongjoong looks up at you from his phone. He takes off one headphone before saying “hey Y/N, what's up?” He smiles and you chuckle softly.
“Hey uhm would it be alright if I got a shower?” You smile.
“Of course,” he says as he stands up off his bed, taking off his headphones and leaving them on the bed with his phone. “Here I'll help you get it ready,” he offers and you thank him kindly. He gets you a towel and hangs it up for you before telling you how the shower works. The shower head had three different modes but the temperature handle worked like any other. He shows you the shampoos and conditioners they have that you can borrow. They get a lot of samples of stuff from skincare and haircare places for you to use. He nods before closing the door. “Have fun,” he laughs and you laugh back.
“I'm sure I will,” you smile before undressing. You turn the shower on to test the temperature. Absolutely scorching, perfect. You use the sampler hair products and borrow some of Hongjoong body wash that he said you could use. When you got out of the shower you used the prepared towel and as you dried off your hair the scent of the ateez members filled your lungs. The towel smelt just like them and it made your heart skip a beat. It's a no-brainer that the towel would smell like them, or more so their laundry detergent, but it felt amazing. You felt like a part of their crew now. You dry off and wrap the towel around your body snugly
You turn the shower on to test the temperature. Absolutely scorching, perfect. You use the sampler hair products and borrow some of Hongjoongs body wash that he said you could use. When you got out of the shower you used the prepared towel and as you dried off your hair the scent of the ateez members filled your lungs. The towel smelt just like them and it made your heart skip a beat. It's a no -brainer that the towel would smell like them, or more so their laundry detergent, but it felt amazing. You really felt like a part of their crew now. You dry off and wrap the towel around your body snugly. You collect up your clothes and phone before walking out to your room. When you open the door simultaneously, one of the bedroom doors opens. Yeosang innocently looks at you, his eyes traveling down slightly.
Yeosang chuckles before running off to the kitchen. You brush it off and go to your room. You dry your hair, brush it, put it up and start unloading some more things from your bag. For today you didn't bring much but in time there would be much more in your room. As you unpack the scent of cooking meat fills your nose. It's not long after you hear a knock on your door and Seonghwa creeps the door open.
“Dinner is ready,” he smiles warmly. He was wearing a cozy sweater and his hair was half put up by a claw clip. Strands of his black hair remained in his eyes and face. You thank him and go out to the dining room. San from the kitchen asks you how much and what you'd like.
“We have bulgogi set out on the table but we also have some glass noodles and mandu back here because somebody couldn't choose just one thing to eat tonight,” San scowls at the younger two members. You chuckle and ask for a mix of everything. San comes out with two plates in hand. As he puts the plate in front of you, you can't help but notice his muscles in his tight black shirt. Your eyes linger over his pecs for a moment before he sits down next to you like a smile. You look up at his face with pink cheeks and he playfully raises his eyebrows before digging into his food.
On the other side of you was Wooyoung. You look over at him eating before shifting your gaze over to Seonghwa who was looking right back at you. His chin was tipped down and he looked up at you with hooded eyes. You blush and look away but unbeknownst to you he doesn't. Next to Seonghwa is Hongjoong, eating elegantly but quickly. On the other side of Seonghwa is Yunho, sophisticatedly eating his food as well. You pick up your chopsticks and look down at your food before hesitating.
“Do you not want this?” Wooyoung looks at you with worried eyes, gesturing to your plate.
“No, no I'll eat it, it's fine,” you smile and bring your chopsticks down to your glass noodles, mixing them around.
“Here try some of the mandu,” Wooyoung picks up some Mandu from your plate and holds his hand under it, in case anything spills or he drops it. “Open~” he smiles and you hesitantly do as he asks. You open your mouth and he guides the food into your mouth. Your eyes widen. The flavors dancing on your tongue. “Good right?” He smiles and takes a napkin, wiping your chin and bottom lip from the soy sauce. You nod with a smile and you can feel a gaze piercing your soul from behind you. You swallow your food and go to pick up your glass. San picks up the cup before you can.
“No, no, let me,” he sits up and gently holds your chin, guiding the rim of the cup towards your mouth.
“I-I can do it myself san,” you chuckle with pink cheeks as the members watch the kdrama unfold.
“Stop talking or you'll choke,” San chuckles before bringing the glass to your lips, tipping it up so the water flows into your mouth. He pulls the cup back and lets you swallow. He smiles, satisfied with his competition with Wooyoung. Wooyoung clears his throat before continuing to eat. You look around awkwardly before continuing, the entire time you could feel their eyes on you, especially Seonghwa's. His gaze didn't feel the same though. It felt more predatory.
After finishing eating Wooyoung and Sans antics don't cease, only begging for your attention more. You stay at the table in respect, waiting for the rest to finish. San brings his hand up to your hair, brushing it out of your face. “Your hair is so soft dear,” he smiles and Wooyoung frowns.
“Don't put your hands in her hair, you just finished eating. What if you get soy sauce in her hair?” Wooyoung interrupts your intimate interaction.
“You put your hands all over her face when you were feeding her,” San crosses his arms. Hongjoong groans and leans back in his chair.
“You two stop bickering,” Seonghwa chimes in. “Or take it to another room. Everyone's finished eating now,” Seonghwa says before taking a sip of his water. San and Wooyoung mumble under their breath before parting ways.
“I'm going to workout, you wanna join Y/N?” San leans over the back of his chair as Hongjoong starts collecting up the plates.
“Thank you but I'm good, I need my food to sit for a while,” you smile and put your hand to your stomach. In truth, seeing San in that state might just make you go feral, lose your train of thought and act on impulse. San shrugs and heads to the active room. You help the two eldest members clean up after dinner and as the night grows near you feel butterflies stirring up in your stomach. You needed to talk to them about what they wanted to do to you but how could you casually bring that up? After contemplating for a while you go to Hongjoongs room, knocking on the door as you enter cautiously. “hongjoong? Can we talk for a minute?” You ask and Hongjoong instantly helps you into his room.
“Sure Y/N, come in,” he smiles and guides you to his bed before shutting the door behind you. “What's up?” He asks softly as he sits next to you on his bed.
“Well I have been thinking about plans for tonight,” you explain and Hongjoong nods. “There are many ways we can go about it but…I thought it'd be a good idea if I started with you,” you explain and Hongjoong turns to you, surprised by your offer.
“As honored as I am to be your first out of all the members, I have to say…I think it'd be best if we talked to them first,” he smiles and brings a hand up to your hair. “All of them want you so bad, they can hardly control themselves. Myself included,” Hongjoong laughs.
“Really? Even Seonghwa and Yeosang?” You look at him surprised and he nods.
“Of course, especially Seonghwa. Have you not seen the way he's been looking at you? The poor guy can't keep his eyes to himself,” Hongjoong laughs. “During dinner he kept staring at your chest and lips. When you helped us clean up his eyes were glued to your ass, attentively watching it,” Hongjoong chuckles as he calls out his friend. You blush, shocked to hear such things about seonghwa. “Trust me all of the members are going crazy over you,” he smiles and twists a strand of your hair around his finger. “Why don't we call them all out to the living room and we can talk?” Hongjoong proposes. You nod softly and Hongjoong kisses your cheek before standing up. You're taken aback by the sweet gesture but quickly follow after him.
You eventually get all the members together in the living room and Hongjoong gets the ball rolling for you. “So our little dove here wanted to know what approach you guys wanted to try tonight,” Hongjoong explains as he looks at you. “I know you're all itching to give her all the attention she deserves but we need to be gentle with her at first remember,” he reminds everyone and you blush. They made you feel so delicate and cherished.
“We could start with something simple to ease into it, just start by stripping and getting comfortable with touches and stuff,” Yunho proposes and Hongjoong nods his head.
“That's smart. What do you say Y/N?” Hongjoong turns back to you and you smile with a little nod.
“We can start now if you want,” you stand up with a smile. Hongjoong blushes but eagerly agrees. You stand in front of the surprisingly large crowd of men before taking off your shirt, pulling it off your head. Most members have a similar reaction, hungrily watching, except for one. Yeosang sitting on the furthest side of the couch, nibbling on his nail or finger tip while he bounces his knee. His eyes are glued to you but he seems more nervous than the rest. You pull off your socks and unzip your jeans, pulling them down until they pool at your ankles. You step out of them and put your clothes in a small pile on one of the furthest ends of the couch.
“You wanna stop here or keep going?” Jongho asks as you set your clothes near him.
“Let's stay like this for a while,” you chuckle before sitting back on the couch. Their couch was large, definitely enough to fit all of you with a lot of room to spare but suddenly Seonghwa and Hongjoong were sat closer to you than before. The other members all leaned forward to see better and you chuckle softly. “Don't be shy, you can move around to see better if you want,” you chuckle and Jongho instantly does as you suggest, sliding off the couch and sitting in front of your knees. You chuckle softly before feeling a hand come around your back to your waist. You turn and see Honjoong eyeing you up as he strokes your skin.
“Your skin is so soft baby,” he whispers in your ear, making your skin crawl. Seonghwa is suddenly unable to control himself. He leans down and bites your neck, sucking on the soft skin. You let out a small gasp at the feeling of his teeth and mouth on your skin. He begins to roll his tongue around your sensitive skin. Hongjoong is still rubbing your back and waist, searching for a soft spot or a weak point. Jongho just watches intently, watching all of your little reactions. Your eyes flutter shut from the feeling of their hands on you, their bodies pressed against you. You then hear whining. From one of the maknaes.
“Why do you guys always get to go first,” Wooyoung whines. You chuckle as he pouts.
“You can come over Wooyoung,” you smile as you look over at him.
“But where would I touch you? Seonghwa has your neck Hongjoong has the other side of your neck and your torso and Jongho is in the way of everywhere else,” Wooyoung crosses his arms and Jongho scowls at him.
“We'll make room,” you smile as you wave your hand for him to come closer. He Saunters over and you encourage him to sit on your lap. He sits down, embarrassed by how submissive he looks. You kiss his lips softly and he looks at you wide eyed. The two of you make out while you feel numerous sets of hands coursing over your body. You've lost track of whose hands are who's. You feel a hand, most likely Hongjoongs, come up to the back of your bra. He undoes each clip, one by one, giving you time to refuse if you wanted to. Finally all the hooks come undone and your bra loosens off your body. Surprisingly San is the first one to slide it off of your body.
His hands come around from behind you, sliding the silky fabric off your shoulders. He pulls it off your body before throwing it in the pile of clothes. Seonghwa instantly moves his lips from your neck to your chest. He circles his tongue around your nipple, biting it softly, licking all around the plump skin. His right hand comes up to your opposite breast, pinching and sandwiching the nipple between his fingers, occasionally groping the your entire boob as well. This leaves an opening for San to come in and bite at your neck, leaving his own marks before whispering in your ear ever so softly.
“We're going to make you feel so good tonight baby,” he smirks before running his fingers through your hair. You lean back as your eyes flutter shut. So many touches, so many lips, teeth, pinches, it was all so much but it felt like heaven itself.
As the group of them shower you with kisses and attention Yeosang and Yunho sit to the side. Yeosang seems a lot more shy and reserved than Yunho. Yeosang has a pillow brought up to his face, hiding himself, but his eyes are still glued to the scene in front of him. Yunho on the other hand is leaned back as he watches, his erection straining against his pants.
Yunho would hate to be the one to take things too far or move too fast but he can't resist discreetly touching himself through his pants. Yeosang glances down at Yunho but quickly adverts his eyes.
Mingi is on the other side of the couch from Yeosang and Yunho and he is barely keeping himself together, doing very similar things as Yunho except more discreetly. Mingi moves his hips slightly making his erection rub against the inside of his boxers.
You can physically feel the arousal growing in the room. You can taste it, you can feel it, you can hear it, you can smell it.
The group of men surrounding you start getting into as well, their bulges impossible to ignore. The pure lust in the air begins to engulf you, falling into the fantasies, bending to their will. Hongjoong is the first to initiate the real sexual touches. His hand trails down to your panties, gently searching for your clit. He feels the bud and presses down on it, electing a gasp from you. Hongjoong smirks widely knowing he's found the spot but Wooyoung remains in his way. Hongjoong removes his hand before pushing Wooyoungs chest lightly.
"I can't touch her when you're in the way," Hongjoong whines, and Wooyoung reluctantly joins Jongho on the floor. Jongho loves the sight above him, soaking in your lustful scent while watching the way your body squirms beneath the member's touches. Wooyoung on the other hand, not so much. He feels discarded, he wants to be the one touching Y/N, he wants to be the one making her whimper and squirm.
Hongjoong goes back to what he was doing, rubbing up and down your wet folds through your panties. "She's so wet already," he grins. "Look at her~" he cooes and the members are intrigued. Seonghwa is still occupied by your tits and San can't even see your core but Jongho and Wooyoung get a perfect view.
"Damn," Wooyoung says, hypnotized by the wet patch on your panties.
"Spread those little legs baby, show the Maknaes how wet you are for Daddy ~" hongjoong whispers into your ear making your stomach flip upside down and your pussy throb even more than it already was. Mingi catches wave of Hongjoongs words and runs over to you, sitting next to Jongho. to see your wetness, slightly nudging him. Mingi curses under his breath before extending his hand
"Hey we've been waiting patiently this whole time and you just barge in here and start feeling her up?!" Wooyoung whines but Mingi tunes him out entirely.
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m-jelly · 1 day
Dom!Demon!Dad!Levi x Human!Mom!Reader. Demon Levi asks for a second child with his lovely wife and she agrees. NSFW @2moth-anon2
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A need to breed.
Demon Levi x fem!reader
Royal AU, fluff, romance, dad Levi, married life, smut, breeding talk, different positions, pleasure dom Levi, dirty talk, multiple orgasms for both male and female, aftercare.
Levi loves being a husband and a father. While ruling over his land his main priority is the love of his life and sweet baby boy, but his need for a bigger family is growing. Levi has waited like you'd discussed and with Evan now being three, he is ready to act. With his rut now in full swing, he asks if he can skip his suppressants and make another baby with you. You make his dreams come true and say yes.
@ladycheesington @levisbrat25 @nyxiieluna @li-anne @galactict3a
@youre-ackermine @thebobaprincess @2moth-anon2 @cypidity @nbinairyn
@bts-spnlvr12 @darkstarlight82 @emilyyyy-08 @levistealeaf @pelicanpizza
@hideandgopeep @notgoodforlife @demonic-bird @searriously
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As Levi watched you dance and sing to Evan, he deeply loved the two of you. Since meeting you, his world changed and now he was always smiling and happy. After a bit, the two of you sat together with Evan falling asleep in your arms. Now and then Levi would place a loving kiss on the top of your head.
"I love Evan so much." Levi sighed and tickled Evan's plump cheek. "Am I a good father?"
You nodded. "You're the best. You teach him, play with him, cuddle him, love him and care for him. You're amazing."
He smiled softly. "I love you both so much. I adore being a dad and a husband."
You gazed at him. "I love you too."
Levi whined a little. "So, I made a promise to you."
You giggled and kissed his neck. "That you'd wait?"
He nodded and played with his trousers. "C-Could we umm."
You tilted your head. "Go on..."
"I want another baby."
You smiled brightly. "I do too." You handed Evan to him. "Put your mini you to bed and I'll meet you in the bedroom."
He perked up. "Y-Yes." He hurried inside with Evan and took him to his bedroom. "Well, little man I have a comfy bed for you." He changed Evan and laid him down. "You're so precious to me. I love you."
Evan sleepily smiled. "Love you, Daddy."
Levi kissed his little forehead. "Sleep well."
After making sure his son was asleep, Levi made his way through the grand halls of the mansion until he reached the bedroom. Curiosity filled him as he wondered about what you had planned for him. With a deep breath and his rut starting to build up, he pushed the double doors open and closed them behind his back.
A strong blush consumed Levi as he gazed at you in a long see-through dress that tied under your heaving breasts. The fabric parted to show off your belly and thighs that he adored biting and kissing. You were sat on your thighs, hair down and no makeup making you look so delicious to him.
He almost lost himself when you pressed your breasts together with your arms and purred at him. He felt spoiled. "Y-You...look...fuck..."
You giggled. "I bought special panties too." You shifted to sit on your bum with your legs together. You parted your legs open to show the panties were see-through as well and you were wet already for him. "Do you like them?"
Levi growled as his rut burned through him, his horns grew bigger, scales appeared on his body and his penis instantly became erect and bumpy. He was desperate to mate with you, now. "Love. Them."
You giggled and crawled towards him before sitting on your legs. "Was Evan a good boy?"
"He was." He walked closer as he pulled his clothes off. "Now call me a good boy."
You looked up at him. "What if I did call you that?"
"I will pounce on you. I will mate with you until I run out of cum." He growled at you. "I need to breed your pretty pussy. You're mine, all mine and I will get you pregnant."
You wrapped your arms around his neck and hummed as you teasingly played with his hair. "Good." You leaned closer and whispered against his ear. "Boy."
Levi growled as his wings spread from his back, his rut was in full force now. He lifted you up and slammed you against the bed causing you to let out a tasty squeak. He grabbed your thighs with large hands and pressed your legs against your body. He gazed at your wet clothed pussy and admired how wet you were because he could see every delicious part of you.
You wiggled a moment. "Levi, this is embarrassing."
He dragged his long pointed tongue over his lips. "Darling, you are delicious. Be proud of your body, I am."
Before you could speak he dove for you. You cried out in pleasure as he sucked and licked you through your panties. Your toes squeezed tightly as your legs shuddered. You gripped the sheets above your head as you felt yourself drooling. You gazed down at Levi to see his pupils were blown and he was deeply in happiness.
You panted a bit. "Le-Levi."
He dragged his tongue up you, bit your underwear and tore them off. He smirked at you as he dropped your panties. "A meal fit for a demon King."
You flushed red. "Mm, yours."
He dragged his tongue all the way up and parted you. "You taste divine." He purred. "Fertile." He tilted his head. "Look at you."
You reached down and put your hands over yourself. "D-Don't look s-so much."
He nipped your fingers making you squeak. "Darling love, I have explored you countless times and I adore all of you. Your pussy is so pretty and pink." He kissed your clit. "Don't get me started on your plump clit."
You cupped Levi's face. "You tease me too much."
He smirked at you. "Because you're cute when I do." He flicked your clit with the tip of his tongue. "You're so reactive to me."
You bit your knuckle. "I th-thought you w-wanted to br-breed me."
He dragged his tongue up your clit. "In time. First, I must taste the delicious nectar my wife has made for me. Besides, I have to prepare you for me." He chuckled. "I'm a bit bigger when I'm in this form." He sucked on your clit. "I'm going to put my fingers in you now, okay?"
You nodded shyly. "Yes."
Levi pressed two fingers into you and massaged your walls. "You're so reactive to me." He rubbed your wall a bit more. "So hot and wet for me." He sucked on your clit a little as his tongue moved against you. "You love it when I touch you here, don't you?"
You covered your face with your arms. "Mm."
He chuckled. "So cute and shy even after all these years." He pressed his lips against your clit and began sucking again. "So perfect." He hummed. "So sweet and plump." He rolled his tongue against you. "All mine."
You gripped his horns and tugged hard. "A-Ah!"
"Gods, you are so fucking beautiful." He nipped you. "I just can't get enough of you. I always need more, so much more."
You panted as your eyes glazed over and drool escaped your mouth. "Ah, ah, ha."
He smirked. "You're pulling my fingers in like you need my touch."
You turned your head away. "Mm."
He chuckled. "So cute and all mine. Go ahead, cum for me."
You threw your head back as your legs shook. You cried out in delight as you felt your orgasm rip through you. "Le-Levi!"
He moved his fingers slowly as you rode out your bliss. "Good girl. Was that nice?"
You nodded. "Y-Yes."
He knelt on the bed and massaged your hips. "I bet you want something, don't you?"
You looked down a little teary-eyed. You clenched your fist near your mouth and nodded. "I-I do."
He pulled his erection out of his boxers and rested his thick throbbing member against you. "Tell me."
You eyed his cock and admired the curve it had, how thick it was, how precum was dripping from him and how he had pleasurable bumps running down it. You reached down and ran your hand over him. A shudder went through you as you felt excited at being stretched by him.
Levi hissed through his teeth. "You did that on purpose to tease me."
You ran both of your hands over him. "Mm, no. I'm a good girl." You sat up as your dress slipped down your shoulder. "I just love touching you." You tucked your hair behind your ear as you lightly touched his engorged tip. "Your cock is so perfect for me."
"Well, darling, I was made for you."
You looked up at him. "Can I taste you?" You fluttered your lashes at him. "You made me feel good, so I want to make you feel good."
He caressed your cheek. "Such a sweet and cute wife." He wrapped his arms around your lower back and yanked you against him. "I love you so much."
"A-ah. I love you too."
He nuzzled the crook of your neck. "Give me a moment. You've flustered me."
You hummed a laugh and petted his head. "Such an adorable husband I have."
"I'm not adorable." He pulled back a big bit and roughly grabbed your breasts. "I'm a beast."
You moaned as he massaged them. "Levi."
"You like it when I grope your big breasts, huh?" He dragged his hand to your peaks and pinched your nipple. "You like it when I pinch your sensitive nipples?"
You shivered as your back arched. "A-Ah!"
He dragged you closer so his cock lined up against your wet vagina. "Let me rub against you."
Your eyes rolled back into your head as he leaned down and began biting and sucking at your chest. Instinct took over causing you to rock your hips against Levi. You mewled as his thick member rubbed your clit. You gripped his horns and tugged at him.
Levi flicked his tongue against your nipple. "Look at you." He chuckled. "Rubbing yourself against me like such a good girl. Do you need me that much?"
You pouted at him. "Of course. You're in a rut and we want a baby."
He nipped your breast. "You're right. I want to breed your pretty pussy. I want to drown your womb with my seed."
You grabbed his chin and lifted his head. "Th-then admit th-that you're ju-just as needy."
His cheeks burned pink. "Oh, darling, you know I'm incredibly needy for you." He dragged his tongue up between your breasts. "I can't go a second without you." He crashed his lips against yours. "You're mine. I need you every second of every day."
Your eyes sparkled in delight. "You think of me that much?"
He nodded before pouting. "Do you? Do you think of me?"
You cupped his face. "Levi Ackerman, you are always on my mind. I can never stop thinking about you."
He smiled in your hands causing his plump cheeks to pudge. "I'm glad."
You tapped your forehead against his. "I love you."
"I love you so much." He kissed you and moaned in delight. "I need to be inside you." He panted a bit. "Please, mate."
You knelt up and parted your dress. "How do you want me?" You tilted your head. "Do you want me to ride you? Or would you prefer me to be pressed against the bed?"
He gripped your hips as he shifted onto his legs. "Let's be like this for a moment, pressed together as I stretch you and fill your perfect hole with me."
You massaged your fingers in his hair. "Help me take you."
He smiled up at you, he knew very well you could take his cock but you were asking for help so you could share a sweet moment. "Of course." He ran his tip up and down before guiding you to him. "I'll always help my adorable wife."
You pressed his tip in and wiggled a little. "S-so good." You shifted a bit but slipped and slammed all of Levi's thick cock into you. You threw your head back and cried out in euphoria as you felt an orgasm rip through you. "A-Ah!"
Levi grunted and held you. He called your name. "Are you okay?"
You shivered. "Y-yes."
He rubbed your tears away. "Did that hurt?"
You shook your head. "N-No, it was g-good."
He moved a bit then his eyes widened. "Fuck." He looked down at where the two of you were connected. "You're soaking."
You covered your face with your hands. "Leviii."
He chuckled. "So cute. This is why we make the sweetest babies." He kissed and sucked on your neck. "If I could, I would have you every minute of every day."
You clenched your walls around him with need. "Me too."
He dragged his tongue up your neck. "I can tell. You're clenching me so tightly. Does my wife desperately need her husband's cock?"
You whined a little. "Levi."
He chuckled as he began pumping up into you. "Tell me how much you need it."
You gripped his shoulders and mewled. "I n-need it."
He spanked your bum with both hands and gripped hard. "How much?"
You shivered. "I...I...I..."
He slammed himself up into you over and over. He smiled as you threw your head back and almost screamed in pleasure as he pounded himself in and out of you. "How much."
"M-More than a-anything."
"Good girl."
He crashed his lips against yours and kissed you with all the passion and love in his heart. His tongue was hot and sweet in your mouth, it made your head dizzy with pleasure. Every inch of you was overflowing with delight that you could barely process a thing or put a thought together. You just let Levi flow his love into you.
Levi tugged you closer and made sure your clit rubbed against him. He smiled against your lips when you squeezed him so tightly, you were just dragging him back into you every time he pumped his cock deep inside. He adored how you dragged your nails over his back and tugged on his hair.
You threw your head back, arched your back and moaned out to the room as you felt the delicious snap of pleasure. "Levi!"
Levi moved deeply, but he couldn't hold back. He slammed you down onto him and moaned your name as he poured his seed into you. "Take it, my lovely wife." He grunted. "Take all of it deep into your womb."
You purred in delight. "All mine." You tapped your forehead against his. "Hot."
He chuckled. "My demon seed always is."
You cupped his face. "Do you have more for me? You're still hard."
He lifted you up and slammed you against the bed making you giggle. "Always do." He shoved your legs against you and sighed. "Oh, darling you always look so delicious in a mating press and full of cum."
You wiggled under him. "Don't tease me, just take me."
He gripped your legs tightly and started pumping bucking into you as hard and as fast as you could take. He panted and growled in delight as he admired how your breasts bounced from his actions. He flicked his gaze to your face and adored how cute you looked. Levi loved you more than anything in this world.
Levi purred your name. "Touch yourself."
You reached down between your bodies and moved your fingers against your swollen clit. Your toes clenched up as you began whimpering in delight. You turned your head away, feeling too flustered to look at your husband. You had a lot of sex in different positions and places with your man, but you still sometimes got a little flustered.
Levi called your name. "Look at me."
You whined. "Le-Levi."
"Come on, let me see your beautiful face."
You turned your head and felt your heart flutter, he was giving you a loving gaze and not a teasing one. "Levi."
He crashed his lips against yours and hummed in happiness. "I love you."
You smiled. "I love you too."
"You going to cum for me?"
You nodded as you panted a bit. "Y-yes. A-Are you?"
He grunted. "I am. I have more to give you."
You gasped as you felt the pop of bliss and then the body-shaking euphoria rush through every inch of you. You cried out and shifted under your husband. "Mm!"
Levi kissed you roughly as he pressed down into you as far as he could go, his tip pressing against your cervix as he came hard. "Ah! Ha, ha, ngh, mm. Darling."
You shivered as you felt the warmth fill you. "S-So warm. S-So much."
Levi released your legs and kissed you. "Can you keep going?"
You whimpered. "Sensitive. J-Just a bit more."
He dragged himself out of you and rolled you onto your tummy. "Lift your hips like a good girl." He smiled as you weakly lifted your hips. "There we go. Now I can get nice and deep." He held your hips and eyed his cum leaking out of you. "Let's put that back in you." He ran his tip up your wet lips and gathered everything he could before pressing back into you. "Fuck, I love being inside you. You're so hot and welcoming."
You wiggled your bum. "I love you being in me."
He kissed your back. "I love you."
"I love you too." You mewled as he softly rocked in and out of you. "Levi."
"Forgive me darling, but I might cum faster than before because you're sensitive."
You reached for him. "It's okay. Hold my hand?"
He tangled his fingers with yours, pressed himself against you and bucked. "I'll always hold your hand. I'll hold you close and love every inch of you." He nipped your ear. "You're mine for eternity."
You drooled against the bed as you felt pleasure consume you, you were so sensitive to his touch and body. No matter how much he ravaged you over the years you still couldn't keep up with your demon husband. The stamina Levi had was like nothing you'd ever experienced before. He was incredible.
"You are so perfect." He kissed your shoulders. "So sweet, so beautiful and so sexy." He bit your shoulder a little hard. "You're mine."
Your eyes rolled back into your head. "Ah, mm. I love you."
"I love you so much." He called your name against your ear. "Your pussy is taking me so well. You're pulling me in deep like you need me to cum inside you."
You whined and felt flustered. "Y-Yes. I n-need it."
"Your body is just opening up to me."
You raised your hips. "I need you to fill me."
He kissed you. "I will. I'll give you everything. I'll fill your womb again. Accept it all. Make our cute baby."
You shivered. "Y-yes. B-breed me."
He growled and rocked faster. "Yes, my darling, I'll breed your perfect pussy."
You tapped your forehead against the bed and moaned as you felt consumed by the pleasure he was giving you. "Ah! Ha! Mm! I'm gonna-." You collapsed against the bed as your body shook with bliss from your orgasm ripping through you.
Levi grunted as you massaged him. "G-Good girl." He shifted. "Lift your hips for me so I can get in deep."
You weakly lifted your hips. "Mm."
Levi pressed himself down into you and felt his tip kiss your cervix before he poured a big thick cum load into you. "F-Fuck." He hugged you tightly as he gave you everything he could until there was nothing left. "Mm."
You closed your eyes and enjoyed the hot feeling of Levi's hot cum inside you, along with his still erect member. "Mm."
Levi smiled against your back. "That's what I said." He kissed your cheek. "Are you alright my love?"
You nodded weakly. "Yes. Sleepy and weak." You yawned a bit. "How are you, my handsome man?"
"I'm well and madly in love."
You hummed a laugh. "Me too. How are you still hard?"
He gave you a little squeeze. "You know what I'm like."
He dragged himself out of you and helped you roll onto your back. "Let's get you into a warm bath."
You yawned again. "Sounds nice."
He scooped you up and carried you into the grand bathroom where the pool bath was always filled with warm relaxing water. He walked down into the pool and held you close as he sat down. He massaged your joints as you hummed in happiness.
Levi kissed your forehead. "Is this okay?"
You nodded. "Perfect."
He smiled at you. "I'm sorry if I was a little rough."
"You were wonderful." You cupped his face and kissed him. "Please don't worry."
He nuzzled his face against you. "I just love you so much."
"I love you too."
He slipped you off his lap and left you a moment. "I'll be right back."
You leaned on the side of the bath and smiled as you watched your wet and naked husband walk away. "I miss him."
Levi returned to you with bottoms on. "I'm back." He lifted a tray I bring food and drink for my hungry and tried adorable wife." He sat down and gave you a drink. "Drink up."
You downed a lot of your drink. "Thank you."
Levi lay on his stomach and fed you snacks. "Eat up."
You leaned up and kissed Levi. "I don't know what it is, but I'm horny again."
Levi smiled at you. "You know very well what it is. When I'm in a rut I emit a pheromone that arouses you, plus my cum also does the same." He caressed your cheek. "You need to rest a bit more before I fuck you senseless again."
You giggled. "I'm counting down the seconds." You kissed him and hummed in happiness. "You're wonderful."
"So are you."
You fed Levi food and helped him drink. "Are you okay? Do you need anything else?"
Levi dragged you out of the pool and hugged you close. "You're so cute. You always care about others more than yourself."
You hugged Levi tightly. "I just adore you so much." You let out a long sigh. "You know, I don't think it'll take very long before I'll be pregnant."
Levi chuckled. "I'll make sure of it."
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hypnoneghoul · 18 hours
Hihi! If you're comfortable with it, and inspo strikes may we get something with a Touch Adverse/Touch sensitive Dew who really wants to be intimate but needs a lot of reassurance and to be slowly lowered into it rather then dive headfirst
Opening to any ships you have in mind, thank you! <3
i really liked this prompt, im such a sucker for stuff like that. trans dew as usual
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Dewdrop’s relationship with touch has been complicated at the very least since his elemental transition.
He used to be a very touchy person, even for a ghoul. Always hanging off of someone, always putting his hand in someone else’s, leaning against whoever was available whenever he could, sneaking into his packmates’ beds any time he felt like it; which was very often.
Now, though? It’s hard for him to even hold someone’s hand.
When he woke up right after his transition the first thing he realized was that Aether was holding his hand. He can’t forget the anguish on his face when he yelped in pain and fear and ripped his hand away to curl up as far away from him as the narrow infirmary bed allowed.
It wasn’t just pain from his skin being new, raw. It was the feeling of wrongness he couldn’t shake off. His skin didn’t feel like his own and every touch, even the slightest graze of a fingertip sent him into a panic attack.
Not much changed in the following months, but some things did.
Rain has been summoned, for one.
Dewdrop has fallen head over heels for the pretty water ghoul right away and he doubts there has ever been anything in his life that he wanted more than to simply touch him.
For months he hasn’t been able to bring himself to even run a finger over the back of Rain’s hands. Oh, how he wanted to trace those prominent veins and tendons, to see how small his hand will look in Rain’s own.
Thankfully, the water ghoul turned out to be the gentlest soul that has probably ever escaped the Pits. Hell, Dewdrop is sure he got sent by Lucifer himself as an apology for all the torment he went through.
After a conversation full of tears from both ghouls, they had come up with a plan of making Dewdrop whole again.
So far it’s been going exceptionally and the fire ghoul can’t be more grateful. His latest achievement is going through a whole night of being cuddled in close to Rain with both of them being dressed in nothing but underwear.
They both might have cried in the morning.
It made Dewdrop think…maybe he is ready? After nearly a year of not getting touched in a sexual manner, maybe it’s finally time?
He’s terrified, but after a few weeks cuddling with Rain every night, he decides to bring it up. “Rain, I think I want to–would you try…touching me?”
“Isn’t that…what we’ve been doing for the last few months, droplet?” the water ghoul asks, confused, but doesn’t dare laugh.
“Not like that.” Dewdrop shakes his head. “I want you to touch me.”
“Would you?”
“Oh, droplet, I–” Rain tries to not show that yes, he’d love to do that. “Are you sure? Is it not too early?”
“I don’t–I’m gonna be honest, Rainy, I don’t know,” the fire ghoul sighs. “I think I am, and, hell, I want to, so much, but you…you know how it goes sometimes.”
Rain does. He remembers every single time Dewdrop thought he was ready for another step only to turn out he simply…wasn’t. Still, they managed to work through every single issue so far. Maybe it is a good idea.
“Okay,” Rain says after a moment. “Okay, droplet, we can try.”
The excitement on the fire ghoul’s face is easily the most adorable thing Rain has ever witnessed.
He starts easing Dewdrop into it right away, stretching it over the entire day.
“We’ve got time, baby,” he mutters over and over again, with every new point of contact. “All the time in the world.”
It’s hours before Dewdrop is bare, sprawled out in his own nest. Rain stays in a t-shirt, having decided it’s going to be easier if there’s not as much skin-on-skin. They’re focusing on something else tonight.
“Are you sure?” Rain asks for the last time. He’s kneeling in the nest with Dewdrop laid before him, his legs spread and hooked over the water ghoul’s thighs. Dewdrop is wet and Rain is rock hard, but there’s no rush. As always, they have to go slow; now even more than ever before.
“Yes,” the fire ghoul breathes his consent once again. “Please do it, just…go slow.”
“Of course,” Rain smiles. “You know how to make me stop.”
Dewdrop nods, he wouldn’t be able to forget their system after all this time even if he wanted to. With that, Rain brings his free hand between the other’s legs; the other one resting on his bare hip. It’s not squeezing, but it’s heavy. They discovered that one solid point of contact helps to ground the fire ghoul and keep him from freaking out about the lighter touches.
Rain keeps his eyes on Dewdrop’s face as he slowly runs a finger through his wet folds. Up and down before pulling away; his cock twitches at how shining his finger comes back. Still, he waits for the fire ghoul’s nod that the first touch was okay. He does so, with his bottom lip pulled in between his teeth.
Rain gets back to the task at hand. He slicks his middle finger up, too, and places it over Dewdrop’s clit. He presses down lightly and circles it and the quiet little moan that the fire ghoul lets out makes his gut twist.
“Good?” he makes sure.
“So good,” Dewdrop whimpers, “it feels so good, Rainy.”
The other hums and drags his fingers down to his hole. With his eyes on Dewdrop’s face, Rain presses a finger in. It slides in easily and he pauses at the second knuckle. Dewdrop is scalding inside.
“Oh, Lucifer, go–go on, please,” he moans and Rain can’t not follow that pretty order. He removes the finger and pushes back in with two pressed tightly against each other. The fire ghoul cries out in pleasure as they sink in as far as they’ll go and more slick leaks out into Rain’s palm as he squeezes around the digits. The water ghoul curses under his breath, enamored by the sight and feeling.
Dewdrop looks wrecked, but not in a bad way. He looks like he’s about to cum already, even though it’s been mere moments of actual stimulation. Considering he hadn’t been touched like that for so long, though, it’s not any surprise.
“M–more,” he begs and Rain knows exactly what to do. He puts his thumb on Dewdrop’s clit and lightly presses down at the same time he curls the fingers inside him. The fire ghoul wails at that and Rain is about to all but rip his hand away and break all points of contact, but Dewdrop’s cunt now pulsing rhythmically around his digits tells him it wasn’t a pained cry. The water ghoul smirks; he can’t help feeling proud of himself.
“I just–” the other pants.
“You did.”
“You made me…”
“I did.”
“But I wanted you to…”
“That’s alright. We’ve got all the time in the world.”
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Lord Husband (Chapter 12)
A/N: ik it took be forever to post this, pls dont crucify me. I also don't care if we have canon cregan; thats literally not my man
WORD COUNT: 1,078 words
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You gave him hope. You knew you did and perhaps you shouldn’t have. It would have been easier if you didn’t, but you think you… wanted to? Do you want to have dinner with him?
“Seven hells.” You grumble to Sȳndror after you’ve dismounted. “I suppose I have to eat with him.”
Well, you know you don’t have to. You didn’t even give him proper confirmation, but it’s much simpler to think of it as something you can’t avoid, you decide, making the walk back inside the castle.
“Draw my bath.” You say to Rose as you enter your chambers. “And you’ll need to select a proper evening gown for me today. I’ll be having my supper with Lord Stark.”
“You will?” Your handmaiden asks, looking at you as though you’ve grown a second head.
“I have just said it, haven’t I? Don’t look so bewildered.”
“My apologies.” She curtseys and runs off to start your bath.
When you walk over to the prepared tub, she begins to help you undress. “My apologies for my harsh tone. The situation is simply unusual for me.”
“You never need to apologize, princess. I understand fully.” She finishes undoing your dress and lets the garment drop before also helping you out of your shift.
“I brought him to meet Sȳndror today.” You say wistfully as you step into the perfectly hot bath. Rose always knows just how you like it.
“What prompted that?” She asks carefully, knowing that not even your closest friends have met the beast.
“He caught me watching him train. I wanted to frighten him.” You reply and she giggles.
“I would expect nothing less.” She says and begins to wash your body clean from the smell of dragon. “I also quite like watching the way the northernmen train.”
“There is something unique about the way they move.” You murmur thoughtfully.
“I would say there is something… primal in it.” Rose says with a giggle, clearly thinking about a different adjective in truth.
“Yes, it's very rough.” You muse.
“Did he get along with Sȳndror?” She asks, now running her fingers through your wet hair.
“He is not dead. So, I suppose the answer is yes.” You both giggle.
“Well, I am sure he is appreciative of the honour.”
“He doesn’t quite realize how much of an honour it is.”
“Lord Stark doesn’t know he is the first non-Targaryen you have brought to meet your dragon?” She gives you a slightly bewildered look.
“Of course not. He would be far too pleased with himself if he knew.” You roll your eyes and with your hair washed, you stand, Rose bringing you a robe.
“It is very gracious of you to allow him the meeting nonetheless.” 
“I am known to be gracious.” You reply with a cheeky smile and the both of you giggle.
“I am excited that you’ll be getting more wear out of your evening gowns.” Rose says as she throws open the doors of your closet. “This one could be most suitable.” She holds out a stormy grey dress and you scoff.
“There’s no way in the Seven Hells i’m wearing Stark colours.”
“But it would make him go positively insane.” Rose muses.
“I’ll have one of my black and red gowns.” You say, ignoring her. “The one with the sleeves that Baela adores.”
“Oh, that will be a splendid choice. Lord Stark has never seen you in a proper evening gown. This one will make for a strong start.” She admires the dress in the cupboard before fetching your small clothes.
When you’re dressed, you look nothing short of phenomenal. 
“He may faint from the sight of you.”
“I hope he does.” You murmur, checking yourself one last time in the mirror before strutting out of the room. “Come, Ser Brandon. I will be suppering with Lord Stark.” You say to the surprised guard as you walk past him.
“You will dine… with your husband, princess?” He asks in a confused tone as he catches up with you.
“Well I just said that, did I not?” You shoot in a snarky tone.
He chuckles. “My apologies. I simply did not realize you enjoyed his company.”
“I am starting to think that I don’t enjoy your company. Perhaps I should get a new protector.” 
“Any man but I will be subpar and that is the second time you have threatened to replace me today, princess. Should I be worried?”
“Not worried. Perhaps just less irritating.” You smile.
“Anything to please her highness.” He responds playfully just before the two of you arrive at one of the smaller dining halls in the castle. The doors are thrust open for you, your protector waiting just outside as you walk in.
Cregan stands when he sees you and immediately makes his way over before bringing your hand up for a kiss. “Princess.” He murmurs, not wanting to seem too casual by using your name (even if you are his wife).
“Lord Stark.” Your formality makes him frown. His own formality also made him frown.
“That dress looks beautiful on you.” He says, wanting to make sure you know he’s complimenting you and not the gown. He couldn’t care less about a few pieces of fabric.
“You are also looking well.” You murmur in response, meeting his eyes for a fraction of a second before gliding out of his hold and to your seat. You can feel the ghostly touch of his lips on your hand and you see how he lingers for just a moment before sitting down himself.
“How was your ride today?” He asks as you start to plate your food.
“‘Twas as good as it can be. Sȳndror is restless these days. He doesn’t enjoy flying as high as he used to; I think the bite of chill in the air bothers him.”
“I hope that he can settle soon. It will get warmer… in a few months' time.” Cregan tries to help, but the discussion of the passage of time unnerves you. You don’t want to think about how in a few months, you will still be here.
“He isn’t used to being alone.” Neither are you.
“Then we will have to house your brothers for a visit. I know how important family is.” He sees it then, the little glimmer in your eyes at the suggestion. Your husband feels like he’s made you somewhat happy for the first time ever.
“I would like that.”
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minniesmutt · 3 days
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⭐︎ ━━━ SS + WC: 7 + 1.2K
⭐︎ ━━━ CW: anxiety attack mentions, oral (m. rec), exhibitionism, protected sex, drug mention, fingering, marking, dirty talk
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    “Did you and Felix talk about anything else last night?” Y/n asked the singer lying on her bed. 
     “Yeah. Just reassured me that your relationship was platonic and professional,” Hyunjin said as he scrolled through Twitter. Seeing some of the positive feedback from their announcement.
     “Feel better now?”
     “I was fine before.”
     “You weren’t. I just didn’t bring it up too much.”
     “Did you ever fuck me after him?”
     “No, and vice versa too.”
     “Now I feel better,” Hyunjin joked 
     Y/n scoffed at him from her desk. Continuing her studying before he snuck up behind her and kissed her neck. “You’re cute when you’re focused.”
     “And you’re horny,” Y/n turned her head to him and pecked his lips 
     “How can I not? Have you seen yourself?”
     “I should be asking you that.”
     “Take a break then.” Hyunjin coaxed her out of the chair and over to her bed. Y/n straddled him as he sat down on the edge of her bed. 
      “Am I gonna lose time with you once you’re all famous,” Y/n asked 
     “I won’t let that happen,” Hyunjin assured her before kissing her. 
     Y/n cupped his face as their lips moved together. Hyunjin held her hips and rolled her against him. Y/n tipped his head back a bit and deepened their kiss. The singer moaned into her mouth as her tongue poked his bottom lip.
     Hyunjin opened his mouth more for her as his phone started ringing on the bed. He pulled away and grabbed his phone as Y/n kissed on his neck.
     Unknown. Hyunjin didn’t think anything of it as he silenced it and turned back to the girl in front of him. Probably a spam call. Y/n’s hands ran up under his shirt before landing on the waistband of his pants. Fingers hooking under the fabric as his phone rang a second time.
     “You’re popular right now,” Y/n chuckled
     “Not when I want to be,” Hyunjin groaned and looked at his screen again
     Minho. He had to answer that one.
     “Hello?” Hyunjin said as he watched Y/n slide off his lap and onto the floor.
     “You better not be fucking while I’m on the phone,” the guitarist's voice rang
     “Not yet,” Hyunjin sighed as Y/n unbuttoned his pants, not seeming to care that he was on the phone.
     “Good. We’re meeting at Noeasy.”
     “Ji stopped freaking out?” Hyunjin kept his eyes on the girl in front of him as she pulled his half-hard dick out of his boxers, pumping him and kissing up his shaft
     “Yeah, then word vomited and invited Felix out with us. If you read the group chat you’d know.”
     “Sorry, been busy.”
     “We figured. That’s why I called. Chan said see if Y/n wants to come with us then since Felix will be there.”
     “Let me ask her,” Hyunjin pulled the phone mic away from his mouth, “Come to Noeasy with me, the band, and Felix?”
     “Sure,” Y/n smiled and wrapped her lips around his tip
     “She said yes. What time?” Hyunjin asked, trying not to give away he was getting a blowjob in the middle of talking to his friend
     “Ten o’clock. Don’t be late.” That was all Minho said before hanging up.
     Hyunjin tossed his phone to the side and leaned back, watching her take more of him into her mouth. “Fuck,” Hyunjin groaned
      Y/n rested one hand on his thigh while the other wrapped around the base of his dick. Bobbing her head up and down slowly, teasing him. He gripped the bed sheets as her pace picked up. Tongue running along the underside of his cock, spit coating his cock. 
     The sight alone had him twitching. Tilting his head back and looking at her ceiling as he moaned. Y/n swallowed more of him, feeling him get closer to his high. She grabbed on both his thighs as she bobbed her head up and down. Hyunjin looked down just seconds before she swallowed him completely. Hyunjin whined as the tightness from her throat had him cumming. 
      Grabbing the back of her head and keeping her still till he was finished. His hand slipped from the back of her head not long after, Y/n came up and looked up at him from her spot on the ground. Swallowing his load before sitting up. 
     “Did you swallow?” he asked
     “Mhmm,” Y/n nodded
     “You’re gonna fuck me up more than drugs did,” Hyunjin smiled and pulled her in for a kiss. Tasting himself on her lips. Y/n chucked at him as she crawled over him, gently pushing him back on her bed.
      Hyunjin accepted his fate and laid back. His hands pulled down her loungewear. Trying to get rid of the fabric. Y/n helped him out and pushed down his pants as well. Y/n pushed his shirt up as Hyunjin grabbed hers. 
      They managed to get the last bit of fabric off each other and Hyunjin sat up again. Y/n wrapped her arms around him as she straddled him. The singer held her hips and rolled them to the side. Putting her on her back and attaching his lips to her neck. His hand worked its way between their bodies. 
     Hyunjin ran two fingers between her wet folds as he sucked on the skin of her neck. Y/n moaned before his fingers dipped into her. Two fingers moving in and out. Stretch her open as her arousal coated his digits. 
      Hyunjin could feel her pulsing around his fingers as she pulled at his hair. Moaning his name as her hips squirmed a bit. Hyunjin smiled as he lightly bit her skin and pulled out his fingers. Licking the digits clean and positioning her legs around his hips. 
     Y/n pulled him closer as he leaned over to grab the box of condoms they had left out. Grabbing one and rolling it on before pushing into her. Y/n locked her legs around him as he sank into her. Grabbing his hands and locking their fingers together. Hyunjin smiled as he started thrusting into her. Starting slow and gradually picking up his pace. 
     Hyunjin dipped his head to her neck, sucking on the skin and her chest. Anywhere he could reach, he marked her skin as he fucked into her. 
     “Hyune,” Y/n moaned 
     “Fuck baby,” The singer groaned into her skin. 
      Y/n tightened her grip on him, walls pulsating around him. Hyunjin groaned as his hands left hers, wrapping around her and holding her close. Hips rutted into her as both their highs were on their way. Y/n grabbed the back of his head, gripping his soft locks. Both their moans filled her bedroom. 
      His cock thrusting in and out of her, hitting her G-spot a few times. Y/n tugged harshly on his hair each time and made him whine. Doing his best not to lose pace. 
     “Hyun, ‘m close.”
     “Gonna cum for me again?” he teased
     Y/n could only moan in response. Losing her words as each thrust brought her closer and closer to the edge. Another thrust right to her G-spot made it all come crashing down. Shaking and clinging onto him as he rode out her high. Hyunjin kept going till he couldn’t hold it anymore and came in the rubber. 
      His hips stuttered as he filled the condom and curled himself inside her. Both took their time to come back down and catch their breaths. Hyunjin pushed himself up and pecked her lips. 
     “Be my girlfriend?” Hyunjin asked
     “Of course,” Y/n smiled and pulled him back for another kiss. 
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ok calling out tumblr as a whole rn, gonna keep this reallll brief and simple
Leave. The Neil Gaiman fandom. ALONE.
are the takes coming out of it right now rancid? Yes.
It has been LESS THAN ONE DAY.
Everyone rn talking about how they “already knew” and then using that as justification to engage in the WORST, MOST PERSONALLY INSULTING, DEGRADING, HEARTLESS, DEHUMANIZING, AND *CONSISTENTLY FUCKING ABLEIST* BEHAVIOR I HAVE EVER SEEN ON THIS SITE
All y’all need to step back and remember when and how you DID learn this about Neil, or about powerful people/celebrities in general. y’all know you didn’t process it instantly, cleanly, or without any emotional turmoil, grief and deeply bad takes on the way to acceptance. And I’m sure the vast majority of y’all have SOMETHING that you like right this instant where you “separate the art from the artist”. This isn’t a “gotcha”, that’s LITERALLY JUST A NORMAL PART OF MODERN MEDIA CONSUMPTION
and even if you’re some pure untainted angel who only likes things that were entirely created by good people and has the ability to instantly detach all emotional, artistic and other ties to a piece of media once it becomes Bad(tm)….
You still have no right to treat these ppl like this. Plain and simple. These are the reactions of people who just had their view of their favorite author shattered
and while some will inevitably stay and defend Neil (fuck those guys), the majority WILL process this and react appropriately, just like I did, just like yall did.
(and if “appropriately” turns out to involve taking back the fandom en masse… listen I’m leery on it too but I think it would be a genuinely good idea to try. Interesting if nothing else, and absolutely not a cause for further hate) To treat entire fandoms this way, this immediately…. I am hundreds of times more ashamed to share a fandom, a website or a PLANET with y’all than with the ppl saying stupid shit while processing this stuff for the first time. The news itself was upsetting but unsurprising. Seeing y’all turn into Reddit chuds projectile vomiting anti-autistic stereotypes and telling people to off themselves is making me genuinely fucking sick.
I’m so angry. All this finally coming to light and you’ve all chosen hatred. Fuck you, fuck all of you. I don’t even have words.
Edit for clarification: I am NOT asking that Neil or his fans not be held accountable. I am asking people to have the basic fucking human decency to give the fandom ANY TIME AT ALL to process this stuff before rolling out the personal insults and su*c*de baiting.
Give People Time To Sort Through Their Feelings. Let People Process. Not forever, just a few days. Most likely yall didn’t process this instantly when you first learned about it, so stop expecting others to. Don’t be dicks. That simple.
This post is NOT calling out criticizing people who defend Neil. Again: FUCK THOSE GUYS. This is a post calling out the massive amounts of hate currently directed at people who are just fucking upset, who believe the victims and feel furious, betrayed, etc, and yes even people whose first thoughts were of their fandoms. If they aren’t defending Neil, they aren’t defending Neil. In fact if they’re being weird and messy about fandom or internal stuff, it’s pretty clear that they’re FUCKING FURIOUS at Neil.
In fact, perhaps consider redirecting all this hate to the people actually defending Neil, instead of people who obviously hate him but whose processing methods are kinda cringe.
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loudclan-clangen · 2 days
(I thought of something funny)
Whenever Owlstar comes back to camp from solo walks, there's just this giant banner at the entrance reading "Welcome Back, Cheater."
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Slitsplash swears they didn't put it up, but appreciates whoever did it.
Meanwhile, Fiercestripe is smirking in the background. (She did it)
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They’re throwing him a party!
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(˃̣̣̥▽˂̣̣̥) These asks all flow together so well I genuinely cannot tell if they are multiple people or just one person who is SO PISSED. Made my night to see these all come in at about 2am. If Owlstar has 100 haters im one of them, if Owlstar has 1 hater it's me, if Owlstar has no haters im dead.
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I do! It was actually incredibly comical from my perspective because Eklutna showed up, did fuck all for 5 moons, got pregnant, then promptly died giving birth, to which i went "aw, that sucks" clicked on her kits, and SAW THAT THIER DAD WAS THE LEADER, SOMETHING THAT I DID NOT KNOW COULD HAPPEN. Eklutna didn't even have any romantic like for him, to my recollection, and Owlstar had like maybe a single tick for her? It was really just lucky rng I guess. Owl and Silt actually didn't break up in the game at all, in my original draft for the story, when i was just writing notes as i played, Siltsplash was a lot more... okay with it? Like they were pissed but their personality was a lot more demure so they didn't act on anything really. The exact quote from the draft was: "I won’t lie to you. I’m angry. Starclan, I’m more than angry, I’m furious. I have half the mind to tell you to leave and never come back.” They paused, seeing Owlstar deflate and taking some slight, bitter satisfaction in it before continuing, “But that wouldn’t be fair to those kits. They didn’t ask to be born, much less to you. They deserve to have a family, or as much of it as they are able to have, and starclan help me we’re in this together." It certainly fit with what I knew about them then, but given my ability to look forward and see future events, I decided that a break up made more sense.
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Don't be sorry! I am not currently in artfight, I'm considering it but I wouldn't be able to be very active due to school, and I don't want to take another break from this blog so soon after my last, so it's not very high up on my list of priorities. I'm kinda casually working on refs for the more popular characters, so there's a chance I'll get those done and join a team, especially if it's something you guys want me to do. If that happens I'll be sure to let you guys know! I am now in art fight! I gave into peer pressure again. (In a good way).
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I don't think even Silt knew. Siltsplash was OUT of it after their conversation with Owlstar, (see: the Eklutna hallucination), and they probably didn't even know where they were headed until they reached the nursery. But after setting eyes on the kits, Siltslpash knew that there was only one option. Yes, they "took the kids in the divorce" but truly they weren't thinking about revenge. They just saw kids who needed something that they could provide.
In terms of writing, though, since I have hundreds of moons of foresight, it was a total bait and switch. I needed to make sure that people had a reason to come back after the break and any comic with kittens in it usually gets a lot of attention, so it was a "marketing" decision to split up the moon the way that I did, in order to make sure that there wasn't too bad of a fall off in interaction for the blog.
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In game Eklutna had an affair with Owlstar, died giving birth, and the "died giving birth" event overwrote the "reveal affair" event so technically, in game Owlstar didn't reveal the affair... ever? (Though I had written in my notes that he told Siltsplash who took them as their own). Story wise, Owlstar hadn't planned to tell anyone until the kits started asking about who their father was. Then he would tell them, and would probably reveal it to the clan when they earned their names and were able to become deputy. But, when Eklutna died all that went out the window. For all his faults, Owlstar is not a bad dad, and he would never leave his kits orphaned, even if it would get him in a lot of trouble to do so. He really does care for them, and he feels terrible about how much he's screwed up their lives so far.
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He did bad, deitycrows, he did bad. He cheated on his mate and then his affair partner died in childbirth so he's not very popular rn, I've got to be honest.
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I don't think it helps at all but, Owlstar did really genuinely like Eklutna! Now, was that because she never opposed him on anything and flattered him with adoring compliments at every opportunity? Possibly. But the "Starclan said" thing was honestly just more of an excuse for him. He woulda had an affair anyway, he just wouldn't have intentionally had kits with her.
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:) Eklutna liked... the power that Owlstar held. She liked that he was chosen by Starclan to lead the clan, she liked that his kits are meant to inherit the position of leadership, and she liked that as the mother of his kits she would have a lot of control over both him and the leader after him. As far as his personality... he's kinda a clown but she could live with that.
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To be frank: The order of inheritance is ABSOLUTELY FUCKED. If Eklutna had lived, it would be easy. She would take over as deputy until one of the kits was old enough to hold the position. But, since she's dead and Owlstar's only heirs are literal infants, as their adoptive parent Siltsplash is still the deputy for now. What happens when the kits reach adulthood is kinda up for debate. As Owlstar's closest descendant, Songkit should be deputy upon earning his warrior name, BUT Siltsplash is very much against that plan, and the kits might not want to go against their most attentive parent. So the very unhelpful answer is: We have to wait and see what the characters decide.
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Thank you so much! I love to hear from first time viewers and see what you guys think of the characters! I'm glad that the dialogue worked so well and Eklutna definitely has Sol vibes! You look at both of them and go "in what world would this plan work the way you wanted it to???"
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callsign-dexter · 2 days
Two Hearts, One Firehouse
Request: Ohhhh thank you so much 😊 It would be an idea where you're Kelly Severides half sister and on duty at Ambulance 61, but also having a crush on Gallo and vise versa but Kelly does not approve. So the mood between you both is not the best as he doesn't want you to be one of his girls. So as the ambulance one time gets in an accident and 51 comes to your rescue, Kelly notices how worried Gallo is and how he wants to make sure your okay. So Kelly gives him a chance and he finally asks you on a date and it's all fluffy ? Hope that's okay 🩷
Pairings: Severide!Younger!Sister!Reader x Blake Gallo
Warnings: inaccurate medical talk, car crashes, hospitals, angst, fluff, blood, cursing
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You had lived with your mother and your half brother, Kelly Severide, you had the same mother but different fathers. That did stop the two of you being like full siblings with him being a month older, yes you were the younger sister of Kelly Severide. Your step-father had decided to adopt you so you took on his last name. You loved your family and you stuck beside Kelly most of the time. You and he were similar in more ways than one and it was a little scary. So similar that you both had decided to go through the same career paths, though you went paramedic route and he went firefighter route and later to squad. You always loved helping people. You loved it so much that you had decided to make a career out of it and you haven’t looked back since. It started when you were on the way home from school and had passed an accident and so you helped them and that is where the spark started and it grew. You both were lucky enough to go through the fire academy together and had each other for support and once you graduated you both were lucky to get the same firehouse. 
When you started to work for Chief Boden at Firehouse 51 with your brother you made fast friends with everyone but then again that is just who you are and you wouldn’t change it for the world. You really became friends with your fellow Ambulance 61 crew, first it was Gabriela Dawson and Leslie Shay and then it was Gaberila and Sylvie Brett. You loved them all and was devastated about what happened to Leslie but you put on a brave face and moved on. It was the same with your brother, he loved her just about as much as he loved you but she didn’t swing for his team, and you both had each other to lean on. You welcomed anyone who had come onto it no matter how long they were staying there. Gabriela Dawson, Sylvie Brett, and you became the second dream team on Ambo 61 after Gabriela, Leslie, and you.
While you made fast friends with everyone at the firehouse there was one person in particular that you had fallen madly in love with and you could say the same for him. Who is it you ask? Blake Gallo. The tall, dark haired, brown eyed, handsome, male that worked with your brother on Truck 81 when he was there before Squad. Kelly liked Blake and thought he was a good guy but when he started seeing how Blake looked at you and they way you got all happy and smiley he knew something was up. You see, Blake didn’t have a good dating history, he had several fling and an ex-girlfriend and when he did get in a relationship it seemed like it didn’t last long it was over, Kelly didn’t like that. He also didn’t like that he was trying to make moves on you while doing it with another girl. You and Blake hung out a lot especially with your brother and other friends down at Molly’s, a bar for first responders and other guests are allowed to be there but it is mainly a hang out for first responders. 
Currently everyone was out at Molly’s celebrating a successful shift and to just relax and have the weight of the days melt away and it worked so well. You and Kelly had just arrived at the bar since you both lived together and you both rode together. “Oh man am I ready for a drink.” You said eyeing the bar and all of the alcohol and your brother chuckled.
“You can say that again. Just make sure you don’t drink too much. I don't want a repeat of what happened on your birthday.” He said and you grimaced. You, Sylvie, Gabriela, Stella Kidd, your brother’s girlfriend and your best friend, and Natalie Manning, Will Halseatd’s current girlfriend and your friend, Hailey Upton, Jay Halstead’s partner and girlfriend, and Kim Burgess, Adam Ruzek’s partner and girlfriend,  had partied way to hard and several shots were taken and after several more drinks and several more bars a very drunk you were being dropped off to your brother at your guys’ apartment. That night was filled with very drunk talk about anything and everything, especially about your crush on Blake and lots of time in front of the toilet. You tended to tell the truth when you were drunk. You ended up passed out in your brother’s arms on the bathroom floor and after a while he carried you to your room and held you all night and was there when you got sick.
“Never again. That was so bad.” You said and he chuckled and side hugged you and kissed your temple which made you smile and lean into him. You both then spotted Jay and Will, Connor Rhodes, Antonio Dawson, Hailey, Kevin Atwater, Kim, Adam, and Gaberila and several of your other friends and you made your way over to them. “Hey guys!” You said and they looked up and smiled.
“Hey!” They all said and each and everyone hugged you and the night started. 
“How long have you all been here?” You asked taking a seat beside Jay.
“Not long. We were about to get a pitcher for the table. You two want in?” Connor asked 
“Yes please.” You and Kelly said at the same time and everyone laughed. It was not an uncommon occurrence for you both to say things at the same time. 
“Why don’t you come with us?” Hailey and Kim said to you and you nodded because you knew the real reason, they wanted to gossip without the boys.
“Count me in.” You said and followed them to the counter. You flagged down Stella and you told her what you wanted and then the three of you were left to chat. 
“So… how is it going with you and Blake?” Kim asked and you looked at her.
“What do you mean?” You asked 
“We’ve seen how cozy cozy you both have gotten with each other.” She said and the others nodded.
“There is nothing going on. He doesn’t like me like that. Besides, he has a girlfriend.” You said and they smirked.
“You keep telling yourself that but there is definitely something going on. He also just walked in and it seems to me that he is looking around for you.” Hailey said and that had  you spinning around and saw him and when his eyes met yours and he smiled which caused you to look down and blush. 
“Ohhh he is walking over here.” Kim said with an edge in her voice and she smirked. 
“No he is not.” You said and Hailey smiled.
“Yes he is and he is here.” She said 
“Hello ladies. How is it going?” He asked and you looked up at him, his eyes on you the entire time.
“Doing good. Just grabbing a pitcher and taking it to the table.” Kim said and pointed over to the group consisting of the boys. “Wanna join?” She asked and he shook his head.
“No thank you. I’m meeting some of the guys here.” He said and pointed over to a table you had become so quiet and your cheeks felt like they were on fire. Stella came back with the pitchers and glasses and Blake’s drink choice.
“You guys go on. I’m gonna hang out here for a minute.” You said and they smirked but you had yet to break eye contact with Blake. Stella took that as a hint and brought you your favorite beer choice. 
“Don’t have too much fun.” Kim said and you nudged her and they laughed and walked on.
“You look beautiful tonight.” He said and you smiled “I mean you look beautiful everyday.” He said rambling.
“It’s ok I get it. You only see me in uniform and my hair up.” You said looking down as he took a seat next to you.
“Either way you still look absolutely gorgeous.” He said. “How are you?” He asked and you looked up unaware of how your brother was watching and glowering at the back of your guys’ heads.
“I'm doing good. Last call was a little nerve-wracking but we got through it.” You said as you took a drink of your beer that Stella had set in front of you silently and smirking as she did so. “You?” You asked and smiled.
“Been doing good. My day gets better every time I get to see you around.” He said and you blushed and looked down making some hair fall into your face. He slowly reached over and tucked it behind your ear his touch sent electricity through your body and you found yourself leaning in to him. It was no secret that you liked, no loved, each other and had major crushes on each other. 
Meanwhile Kelly was fuming and everyone was smirking. They knew how protective he was over you. “Look at them. They are way too close to each other.” He said, taking a drink of his beer while watching you.
“Oh come on Kelly.” Jay said while taking a drink and then began talking again “They are so painfully in love with each other that it's almost cringe worthy watching them.” He added and everyone nodded in agreement. 
“Well I don’t like it.” He said, pulling a pouting face.
“Why?” Will asked and he turned to him.
“He is only going to break her heart. I don’t want that for my sister. I hate seeing her upset.” He said and they all smiled.
“Your sister and Blake are madly in love with each other and the flirting says so. I don’t think I’ve seen him with another girl since he broke up with his last one in the beginning stages of him being at the firehouse.” Matt said and Gaberila nodded. “Do you trust your sister?” He asked and immediately Kelly nodded.
“1000%. I just want her to be hurt. She’s been hurt in the past and it took such a toll on her. If I wasn’t there I don’t know what would’ve happened to her.” Kelly admitted.
“What happened?” Connor asked
“She was in love with a guy and they seemed to have loved each other. They moved in together and got engaged. They were going to get married. On what was supposed to be their wedding day I found him and her best friend, your bridesmaid, hooking up and I really mean fucking in their room on their bed. I was furious. I chewed them both out and pretty much made them tell her what had happened. It took a toll on her, it sent her into a depressive state but she never did anything to hurt herself but that doesn't mean I wasn't worried. I was there every step of the way until she got better and lots of therapy. It took her awhile to get over it, I don’t think she got totally over it until we started working at Firehouse 51. She was scared to let herself get attached or date and as big brother I promised I would protect her at all cost.” Kelly finished, eyes focused on the two of you.
“What happened with her ex-fiance and ex-friend?” Hailey asked and Kelly looked at her.
“They got engaged a month later and married a year later. They had the decency to send her a save the date. She didn’t end up going to the wedding and as far as I know they haven’t tried to contact her.” Kelly said.
“Oh that is horrible. What are their names?” Adam asked, the entire Intelligence crew and Med crew grew to love you and treat you like a sister and a daughter to Hank Voight and Alvin Olinsky, before he passed away.
“Tyler Wattson and Ana Hopkins.” Kelly said, taking a drink.
“Didn’t we just have Tyler start working at Med?” Connor asked Will and he thought about it and nodded.
“We did. Just about two weeks ago. But he took vacation just a couple of days ago for a month” Will said “He seemed like a nice guy but now that we know the truth it makes us look at him differently now.” He added and Connor nodded. The rest of the night Kelly watched you and Blake talk and laugh together and what really grinded his gears was that you both were flirting with each other. 
“Alright that is it. I’m calling it a night.” Kelly said and threw some money down to pay for half of his beer and then stalked over to you without saying goodbye to the others. “Y/N, we are leaving.” He said and you looked at him.
“I’m not done here. I don’t want to go yet.” You said, Blake could see a fight about to happen.
“Hey, I’ll make sure she gets home safely.” He said and Kelly looked at him for a split second.
“Fine. I’ll see you at home, Sis.” He said and hugged you and kissed your temple and you leaned into his hug.
“I’ll see you at home.” You said and then watched as Kelly stormed out of the house. “What is up his ass?” You asked and Blake shrugged.
“Who knows. Let us finish out the night together.” He said and you blushed and nodded.
“That sounds like a perfect plan.” You said and that is what you both did. By the time you both were ready to leave it was 12 AM and Blake was putting money on the counter to pay for his and your drinks and then he was throwing an arm around you and leading you outside to the Uber he had called since that is what he took here and the both of you have been drinking and in no shape to drive. The Uber drive to yours and Kelly’s apartment was super quick and filled with small talk and giggling. Blake told the driver to wait and he nodded and Blake walked you in and up to your apartment. “Thank you for a good time tonight.” You said as you arrived at the door and he smiled.
“Anytime.” He said and then you were smiling and blushing while looking down. You opened the door and stepped inside and shut the door. You turned around to find Kelly there.
“Holy shit.” You said “You scared me.” You said as you took in his appearance he wasn’t smiling and he had his arms crossed. “What is wrong?” You asked.
“I don’t want you hanging out with Blake anymore.” He said and you looked at him.
“Why?” You asked
“I don’t want you to become one of his flings, Y/N/N.” Kelly said and your mouth fell open.
“I’m not going to become one of his flings.” You said starting to get defensive.
“He has done it before and what makes you think he won’t do it again?” He asked 
“People can change. I haven’t seen him with a girl or heard him talking about a girl since he started at 51 and you should know guys at the station don’t care who overhears their conversations. I love him, Kels. Why can’t you expect that?” You asked
“I’m just looking out for you and want what is best for you. I don’t want you to become one of his girls that he sleeps with and then puts out to the curb. I’ve seen how your last relationship did to you and I don’t want that to happen again.” He said and that made you freeze. How dare he bring that up?
“I can’t believe you would bring that up. Yes Tyler was an asshole for doing that to me and yes it sent me into a depressive state to the point of needing therapy. But I’ve learned from my mistakes and that situation. I can take care of myself and I love that man. Why can’t you see that?” You asked and before he could respond you threw your hands up and then back down “I’m done. I’m going to bed to get a good night’s sleep before our next shift. Goodnight, Kelly.” You said and stomped off brushing past him.
“Y/N/N.” He tried but knew nothing could stop you. He sighed and went to the couch and turned on the TV to a random game and watched it for a few before going to bed. He checked in on you before going to his room and falling asleep. 
The next morning you were gone before he even woke up and that saddened him. He hated when the both of you fought and this fight could’ve been avoided if he kept his damn mouth shut but he was your big brother and he needed to protect you, that was his job. He sighed and got ready for his shift. When he arrived at the station he parked next to your car and got out and then he heard your laughter as he got out and he looked up smiling but then it fell when he saw who you were with. He was angry but then he saw how happy you were and that slowly died down. You spotted him and your smile turned into a frown and glare then you flipped him off and you pulled Blake into the firehouse and that made Kelly upset but he was an asshole so he deserved it.
You and Blake had been having a relaxing talk outside of the firehouse in the morning. He was drinking coffee leaning against the wall and you were leaning against the opposite wall. You both were talking, more like flirting, with each when you looked up you saw that your brother had pulled and your smile turned into a frown and then a glare. You flipped him off and then pulled Blake into the firehouse. “Everything ok?” He asked.
“We had a fight and he pissed me off. I'm not talking to him right and besides he brought up some stuff that shouldn't be brought up.” You said and he nodded.
“If you want to talk about it, I'm here.” He said and you looked up smiling.
“Thank you, that means so much to me.” You said and he smiled.
“Anything for your pretty face.” He said and that made you blush furiously. 
“Gallo!” Herrmann called out and the both of you looked up and he was waving him over to him.
“Looks like you're being summoned.” You chuckled and he turned back to you smiling.
“Seems like it. Talk to you later?” He asked and you nodded.
“I would like that.” You said and he smiled and then headed off before he got into trouble. Now you were left alone. You were alone until you heard your brother's voice.
“Sis.” Kelly started and you turned around glaring.
“What?” You asked and his eyes saddened.
“I wanted to apologize. I shouldn't have brought up your past. I trust you I do. It's just my job as a big brother-” He said but you cut him off.
“By a month.” You said 
“Yes, by a month. But it's my job to protect you. He just has a reputation and I don't want you to get caught up in it or be another girl that goes onto his list.” Kelly said and you could see where he was coming from.
“I get it. I do but you did something so unforgivable. I like him, Kels. Why can't you just accept that?” you asked and after he didn't answer you sighed and shook your head and walked away. You avoided him for most of your shift and most of those times you were on calls, which was great for you because that meant you were away from Kelly. While on calls and you weren't trying to save a patient or driving you were on your phone texting Blake. You and he had given each other your numbers that morning before Kelly showed up. 
Finally, you were back from your latest call. You could let a sigh of relief out. When you started to get out Kelly was there and before he could say anything or you say anything the bells were rining signaling for Ambo 61. You groaned but got in the driver's seat once again and set off. “This is what our 12th call since the start of our shift?” Gaberila asked and you nodded. 
“Seems to be that way. It must be a full moon tonight.” You said chuckling.
“It must be. Let's just hope this one is easy.” She said but as you pulled up she regretted those words.
“Or not.” You said and looked over at her it seemed to be gang related or a hit attempt. “Alright let's do this.” You said and put the ambulance into park. The both of you got out and headed towards the scene. “Paramedics coming through. Please move.” You said and most people, which were bystanders, moved. You and Gabriela looked at each other and then she was getting to work trying to wake the man up.
“Sir, can you hear me?” She asked the man to mumble something and it was so quiet that you could barely hear. You then began to look around and spotted someone on the phone and waved them over.
“Sir, can you tell me what happened?” You asked and he looked like he was shaken up.
“We were just walking to the store when a car came out of nowhere. They pulled a gun and pointed it out the window and shot him. My brother used to be in a gang but he got out and snitched and now he has a bounty on him.” The man told you and you nodded.
“What is your brother's name?” You asked 
“Kenny Hills. They were driving a black Toyota Corolla.” He said and you nodded.
“Thank you for the information. We will try to get him the help he needs.” Storing the information to tell the police. “Do you want to ride with him?” You asked and he shook his head.
“No, I'll meet you at the hospital.” He said and you nodded. 
“Ok, we will be taking him to Med.” You said and he nodded and took off. Something seemed off but you needed to tend to the patient. You walked back over and relayed the information to Gaberia. Early you had brought the stretcher over and now you both worked to get him up and on it. Once you both did that you loaded him up in the ambulance but you couldn't help but notice a suspicious car parked a little bit away. When he was loaded you and Gabriela got in and you started to speed off. “How are we looking?” You asked as you drove hurriedly down the roads with sirens blaring.
“He's stable and breathing. He's lucky that we got to him in time.” She said 
“Good.” You said as you drove. 
“What's going on?” Kenny asked as he started to wake up.
“We got called saying that there was a man unconscious with gunshot wounds.” Gabriela said.
“Oh man, they actually attempted it.” He said
“What do you mean?” You asked 
“I was in a gang but they started doing things I didn't agree with and I had done some things that I'm not proud of. So, I turned myself in. I took a deal that if I ratted them out I would be clear but would have to do some community service and I agreed. They found out and started coming after me, family, and friends. They stopped for a while until today.” He explained
“We can get the police involved and get you into protective custody.” You said
“You think that would work?” He asked 
“Yes-” You began but was interrupted by a car slamming into the driver’s side of the ambulance and a scream was heard. You don't know if it was yours or Gabriela's. Pain erupted throughout your side as the ambulance was pushed sideways. The truck still accelerated and it started to tip the ambulance to the side. “Keep him safe.” You told Gabriela.
“I got it.” She said and then the truck backed off and slammed into the ambulance again and that made you hit your head and the world go black. 
The ambulance had overturned and rolled, sending Kenny and Gabriela all around the place, but they were unharmed. You on the other hand were pinned and glass had impeded in your skin and in your stomach. The seat belt was cutting into you and blood was running down your temple and out of your nose. You were also barely breathing but it was labored and it would come out later that your lung had collapsed. “Y/N are you ok?” She asked but got no answer. She moved as best as she could to get a look at you and saw that you were unconscious.
“How is she?” Kenny asked and Gabriela looked at him.
“Not so good. How are you?” She asked, moving and wincing in pain.
“I’m ok. You?” He asked
“I’m in pain but nothing to worry about.” She said and then there was a noise and the back doors were being opened. 
“You son of a bitch you were supposed to die.” A man said he was covered in blood and he was limping. Kenny moved Gabriela behind him and grabbed anything closest to him which happened to be scissors.
“Well it looks like you didn’t do a good job. Clearly I’m still alive.” He said and then a fight broke out. “Go tend to your partner.” Kenny said to her and she nodded and moved as best as she could. The fight was continuing.
“Y/N? Can you hear me?” Gabriela asked but you didn’t answer. “Please be alive. I can’t have your brother killing me.” She said and started to do an assessment of you. “It’s going to be ok. I’m going to call Kelly.” She said she was about to get the phone when Kenny appeared he was covered in more blood and physical wounds “Are you ok?” She asked.
“I’m ok.” He said 
“What about the other man?” She asked
“Taken care of.” He said and she nodded “What can I do to help?” He asked.
“Find gauze or anything to stop the bleeding. She’s cut bad. I just hope everyone is on their way.” She said as he set to work. Then suddenly the smell of gas leaking filled their senses and they looked at each other.
“Truck 81. Rescue Squad 3. Engine 51. Battalion 25. Car crash. Overturned ambulance and possible fire. Multiple injuries.” 
The bells and the voice came over the intercom and Kelly’s heart sank. “That can’t be. Can it?” Kelly asked Stella as they got ready to move. 
“Let’s not think the worst.” She said
“It’s not them. It’s not.” Blake said as everyone loaded up into their vehicles and moved out. The vehicles were silent as they rushed to the scene. “Stella, what are the chances it’s Y/N?” He asked his friend. 
“A very good one. They never checked in and they never made it to the hospital.” She said and Blake’s heart dropped. 
“I can’t lose her. I love her.” He said and she smiled at him sympathetically.
“She’s strong. She's Severide. Nothing is going to stop her or bring her down. Y/N grew up with Kelly and that takes some guts. She’s going to be ok.” She said trying to keep spirits high but right now she wasn’t too sure herself. They arrived at the scene and everyone was silent, they eventually pulled together and Chief Boden started to give orders. 
“This is so bad.” Herrmann said 
“They’re going to be ok.” Otis said “They are both strong.” He added just as Gabriela crawled out of the wrecked ambulance and came over to them. Other firehouses had been called because they needed more ambulances.
“It’s bad. There is blood everywhere and she is unconscious.” She started off.
“What happened?” Kelly asked
“We were transporting a patient, his name is Kenny Hills, we suddenly got hit and it sent us sliding. Then we got hit again by the same truck, I’m assuming. Someone came in and they had back and forth and he told me to go and take care of Y/N so I did. He’s in there now stopping the bleeding. He was an ex-gang member but he’s a really good guy.” She said as she got medical attention. Kelly nodded as did everyone else and then they got to work. 
“Alright Rescue Squad 3 start getting her out safely. Truck 81 and Engine 51 start getting that gas under control and get that truck out of here.” Boden said and everyone let him know that they understood. 
“Geez.” Cruz said as they walked up to the accident.
“What happened Y/N/N?” Kelly asked as he saw you, his sister, unconscious on the steering wheel. 
“Alright let’s get going.” Capp said and everyone began to work. “You must be Kenny.” He added looking at Kenny and he nodded.
“She didn’t even deserve this. They were after me. The other guy is in the back.” He said 
“Is he alive?” Kelly asked
“If he is then he is severely wounded.” Kenny said nobody else spoke. They got Kenny out and transferred and then they got to work on you. 
“Alright, we take this nice and easy.” Kelly said and everyone nodded and so it began. You had been unconscious the entire time not making a sound. 
“How is she doing?” Blake asked as he appeared and a few others started helping out. 
“Not so good.” Kelly said and Blake pulled a face that Kelly couldn’t see.
“Kels.” You spoke softly and everyone jumped.
“I’m right here, Sis. What hurts?” He asked 
“Everything.” You moaned out “Kels, I don’t feel good.” You said and slowly cracked your eyes open to look at him.
“It’s ok. We got you.” He said
“Just take it easy.” Blake announcing his presence.
“So tired.” You mumbled
“No no. You’re not giving up on us that easily. You need to be here to help people.” Kelly said as they got the door off and started to cut your seatbelt off and Blake caught you before you could fall. They started to pull you out but being trapped under the steering wheel you yelled out.
“Fuck, stop!” You yelled out as they started to move you out.
“What? What is wrong?” Blake asked
“I’m trapped. Something is digging into my leg.” You said and they took a look and there was a piece of metal in your thigh piercing an artery. 
“Ok ok we take this slowly.” Kelly said to you and everyone else around. That is what they did and they got you out safely and then your breathing became wheezing. “Stay with us.” He added as they loaded you into an ambulance and headed to Med. Kelly insisted on riding with you and nobody was going to say otherwise. 
“Kelly, I’m sorry.” You said and he looked at you.
“For what?” He asked stroking your hair.
“Everything. Everything I put you through. This.” You said 
“This is not your fault. You hear me? This is not your fault. Everything you put me through was sibling love and I gave it right back.” He said and you nodded as best as you could and then you were arriving at Med and the doors were opening to reveal Connor and Will. 
“Hey Y/N/N. You doing ok?” Connor asked 
“Hurts.” You said and he nodded.
“We got you.” Will said and then your eyes were rolling into the back of your head. “Woah, ok. Let's get moving.” He said and Connor said and they were wheeling you back to surgery leaving Kelly in the waiting room watching the door you just went through. Not even 20 minutes later 51 was rolling through the doors. 
“Kelly?” Stella’s voice came through.
“They took her back 20 minutes ago and they haven’t been back out. She, uh, she passed out before they even got her in here.” He said 
“She’s tough. She is a strong woman. She will pull through this.” Otis said and then chuckled “She is a Severide, stubborn.” He added and everyone chuckled and Kelly actually cracked a smile.
“You got that right.” He said and then walked over to a wall and leaned up against it with his head down.
“Kelly.” Blake said and Kelly looked up.
“She is strong. I’ve never met a strong woman before.” He said and Kelly could see the pure panic mixed with heartbrokenness in his face.
“Do you like my sister?” Kelly asked
“I more than just like her. I love her, Kelly.” Blake said and tears came to his eyes. “I don’t know what will happen if something happens to her. She’s changed me for the good.” He added. “She’s the best.” He finished and Kelly could tell he was telling the truth. 
“I believe you. I’m willing to give you a chance but if you hurt her and I mean if she comes crying to me, and she will because I’m her big brother, because of something stupid you did, I will make your life a living hell. Don’t fuck it up.” He said and Blake nodded.
“Absolutely. I love her too much to hurt her.” He replied
“Good. I’m holding you accountable.” He said and Blake nodded and before they could say anything Connor and Will were walking over to them and Blake turned around and everyone gathered.
“She’s stable but it was touch and go but she is alive and in recovery. She has 2 cracked ribs, a fractured wrist, a collapsed lung, a broken nose, and we had to go in and repair the artery in her leg. We almost lost her but she is a fighter. She’s going to pull through. She’s going to need a lot of physical therapy but we think she can return to work in about 6 weeks.” Will said and everyone nodded “You can see her now but limit to two people.” He added and everyone knew that Kelly and Blake should go and so that is what they did. They followed the two doctors to your room and let them be. The two men walked in and you were just waking up.
“Kels?” You asked and he smiled and walked over and sat down.
“I’m here, Sis. Blake is here too.” He said and you smiled and looked over at him.
“Hi.” You said quietly and he smiled.
“Hi.” He said and sat down taking your hand.
“Gabriela and Kenny. How are they?” You asked, looking at the both of them.
“They’re doing good. Kenny is not in trouble. They were brought in before you.” Blake said and you nodded and you groaned and blinked slowly. 
“I’m going to let the others know how you are doing. I’ll leave the two of you alone.” Kelly said getting up and kissing your forehead and then walked out of the room leaving you and Blake alone.
“Y/N,” Blake began looking at you and you looked at him “I love you. I have ever since I laid eyes on you. Yes I know I was a playboy but then I saw you and wanted to change all of that and I did. You’re the only I want and you’re the only girl for me and I want that to be forever. Your brother has already threatened me so you don’t have to worry about that. When you get released will you do me the honor of letting me take you out on a date?” He asked and you smiled and nodded.
“I would love that. I love you too. Ever since my ex-fiance cheated on me with my best friend and started working here I didn’t think I would find anyone else and I would die alone but you walked into 51 that day and everything changed. Suddenly my world was right and there was light again. You made me laugh and I mean really laugh and smile and you can ask Kelly or anyone else. So, yes I would love to go on a date with you and hopefully one day become your girlfriend and maybe even something more.” You replied and he smiled.
“Can I kiss you?” He asked and you smiled and nodded.
“Absolutely.” You said and he got up and leaned down and connected his lips to yours. Sparks flew and you knew you found the right one. You both only pulled apart when you heard someone coming down the hall and he sat down. It was Kelly and everyone else, despite what Connor and Will told them but they knew it would happen, they all greeted you and while chit chat was made you and Blake stole glances at each other and smiled but then was pulled back into conversation. You were happy and alive. You couldn’t wait for that date.
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yoitsjay · 3 days
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We Are One Together
Pairings: Hunter x gn reader
Summary: After being courted for so long, you finally understand why Hunter's been doing it. So you say yes
Warnings: a bit of shouting, angry reader for a moment, mostly entirely fluff
Word count: 1,287
It started with small little gifts, like boxes of your favorite sweet treats or savory meals, then little boxes with jewelry would end up at your door, or would be given to you by Hunter himself. By now you had enough jewelry to cover you from head to toe. You knew all of it was from Hunter, but you had no idea as to why he was spoiling you so much.
You had been quite busy today, you and Crosshair were working on making him a new hand, since you were a mechanic and were handy with metals and things like that, building him a hand would be no issue for you. And with Tech’s help to make sure that the hand would connect to the nerves properly, you had no doubt that Crosshair would be able to use this hand with ease.
However as you tinkered with the mechanisms, Crosshairs broke your concentration. “sorry what did you say Cross?” You asked softly, turning to look at him as you set your tools down. “Hunter’s been courting you… it's a Mandalorian tradition that leads to marriage… I asked if you were accepting his proposal.” Crosshair spoke bluntly.
You stared at him for a moment, blinking once before you burst out into laughter. “Hah! your funny Crosshair, i didn’t know you were such a joker.” You snorted, turning back to the metal hand on your desk. However, tech spoke up this time.
“Crosshair is surprisingly correct. Ever since Tantiss, Hunter has been courting you for marriage… I am safe to assume he never told you?” Tech asked, watching as you gripped your tools tightly before standing up. “No Tech. He did not.” You seethed, dropping your tools as you turned to look at the two clones. “I will be back.” You started before walking out of the hut you were working in.
You made your way to Lower pabu towards the dock’s where you knew Hunter would be fishing with Omega. When omega saw you she smiled, however you gave her a look, one she knew well, and she quickly packed up her rod and made an excuse to leave before running off. Hunter raised an eyebrow, turning to watch her run past you, his eyes widening as he saw your arms crossed over your chest, an angry look on your face.
“Uh oh..” He muttered to Batcher, who barked and ran off after Omega.
“So when were you planning on telling me that you were asking me to marry you? huh? at the goddamn alter?!” You raised your voice as you stormed over to him. Hunter rubbed his neck nervously after setting down his fishing rod, a chuckle leaving his lips. “No- i thought- uh… i thought you knew already.” He answered.
You guffawed, shaking your head as you pushed his arm and then poke dhis chest. “How am I supposed to know that you want to marry me if you don't. bloody. ask me!” You exclaimed. Hunter sighed,gently grabbing your hand, giving them a squeeze before placing them on his shoulders, his arms now wrapping around your waist.
“I’m sorry Cyar’ika… i should have told you… and asked properly for you to marry me…” he trailed off, looking away from you with a sad look growing on his face. You sighed, gently cupping his non tattooed cheek in your hand, turning his head so he was looking at you again.
“I would have said yes Hunter, if you just asked.” You whispered, pressing your forehead to his as his eyes widened. “What?” He asked, and in return you grinned. “I said, yes. And I would've said yes months sooner too. I mean don’t get me wrong, I appreciate the gifts, but I don't need jewelry and little gifts for you to know that I love you, and that I'm yours just as you are mine.” You whispered, brushing your thumb against his cheekbone.
“Really?” He asked, and you nodded. “I really didn’t want to have to find out from Crosshair of all the people that you were showering me with gifts and proposing with them. How many times have I accepted one of your gifts and then just never said yes? i mean im not a bird Hunt, i wont shake my feathers to tease you and then fuck another man.” You joked, hearing the slight growl that left his lips when you had mentioned another man.
You rolled your eyes, and pressed a kiss to the tip of his nose. “I will marry you Hunter… and now we don’t have to wait anymore, we could have the ceremony tomorrow evening if you wanted.” You breathed out, pulling back slightly as Hunter smiled.
“Or we could have it right now.” He said, and you gave him a quizzical look before he suddenly picked you up in his arms. A squeal fell from your lips and you gripped him tightly as he carried you all the way up to the highest part of upper Pabu, having commed his brothers to get Shep in on the sudden wedding, and to get other guests too.
And soon you and Hunter stood in front of each other underneath the tree, with Shep between you, a grin on his face. His words were blurred to you as you stared into Hunter’s eyes, he grinned at you, gently squeezing your hand to snap you out of your thoughts. “We’re really doing this?” You asked Hunter, and he nodded.
“Yes… as long as you still want to.” He stated, and you just grinned, “of course I do Hunter.” You whispered, raising his hand and pressing a kiss to his knuckles.
“Alright, repeat after me then…Mhi solus tome, we are one together.”
“Mhi solus tome, we are one together.” you repeated softly, glancing over at the crowd that had formed, seeing Omega’s bright smile only making you more excited
“Mhi solus dhar’tome, we are one when parted.” Hunter started again, and you stared into his eyes once more before repeating.
“Mhi solus dhar’tome, we are one when parted.” you breathed, squeezing Hunter’s hand.
“Mhi me’dinui an, we share all.” He muttered, taking a step closer to you.
“Mhi me’dinui an, we share all.” You grinned, also taking a step closer, your foreheads now pressed together as Hunter spoke the last phrase.
“Mhi ba’juri verde, we will raise warriors.” He muttered, and at that last part your cheeks flushed brightly. You had never thought of having children with Hunter… but these vows, these promises… you’d fulfill with Hunter.
“Mhi ba’juri verde, we will raise warriors.” You repeated finally, before pressing your lips to Hunter’s, wrapping your arms around his neck as he wrapped his around your waist again, deepening the kiss for a moment before pulling back as the people of Pabu cheered, as did the bad batch.
Hunter then gently slid a wedding band, engraved with the vows you just spoke, on your ring finger, and you did the same, raising an eyebrow towards him. “Where’d you get these?” You asked him, leaning into him as you walked away from the tree and through the crowd. “I had Tech make them for me… this may have been slightly planned.” He chuckled, and your eyes widened before you slapped his shoulder.
“Hunter!” You scolded, your anger melting into laughter as he laughed with you, sweeping you into his arms as he carried you to his- now your shared home.
“Let’s go make some little warriors.” He whispered in your ear, a soft squeak escaping your lips before it was silenced with a kiss as you reached your home.
It was definitely one way to get married… but you wouldn’t have it any other way.
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honeyjars-sims · 3 days
3.7 No Matter What
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“So he said I need to get a job by the end of the month and that was that.” Johnny shrugged. He was relaying the details of the fight he’d just had with David to Khadija, trying not to let on how much it bothered him. As usual, however, she was able to see through the ruse.
“That’s a big consequence. It must feel pretty scary to face the possibility of being kicked out of your parents home.”
“Yeah, I guess. I’m going to look for a job, though. At least I won’t have my Dad breathing down my neck all the time.”
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“That’s great! I’m sure it’ll feel nice for you to accomplish something on your own.”
On your own. Those words got to him. As much as he complained about his dads interfering in his life, the thought of being alone scared him. Maybe it was for his own good, but in a way it felt like he was being abandoned, like a kitten taken from its mother too soon. He tried to squeeze out a “yes,” but the words were sticking in his throat.
His silence was palpable. It grew from his body like an appendage, reaching out to Khadija and drawing her attention towards the pain he couldn’t verbalize.
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Johnny suddenly felt the weight of everything he’d been holding in as it spilled from his body. Tears rolled down his cheeks and onto his shirt, one right after another until he was heaving with sobs. He couldn’t stop. He didn’t even want to. Everything in his body was screaming that he needed to get this out, to feel it and let it be seen.
Khadija remained silent. She knew better than to prod him. Everything was already out in the open; the words would follow when he was ready.
Finally, he spoke. “Do you remember when I was talking about my mom and Lexie a while back? When we were talking about what I expected from doing the right things?”
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“Yes, I remember.”
“Well, I was gonna say, ‘They still didn’t love me. I did everything I was supposed to do and...they still didn’t love me.’”
“So it feels like the love you receive is contingent on your behavior? That whether or not you receive love is determined by how much others think you’re deserving of it?”
“No. I don’t know. It feels that way sometimes, or at least it did when I was a kid.”
“How about now?”
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“Not really. I mean, I’ve been an asshole to everyone for months but no one’s cut me off or shut me out. They’re still here. I’m the one trying to push them away.”
“Why do you think that is?”
Johnny thought for a minute. Why was he acting out? He didn't like the person he was becoming, but maybe that was the point. “Because that way it’s not really me they don’t love. It’s the jerk I’m pretending to be. But…they do love me.” Johnny recalled David’s words to him before the session. “No matter what.”
“Yes, they do,” Khadija replied softly. “You’re a lovable person, Johnny.”
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“Thanks. Even my mom loves me, in her own way. It’s not enough for me right now, but it’s there. And Lexie…maybe she didn’t love me the way I wanted, but she did love me as a friend. She was a really good friend to me. I miss that. I miss her.”
“And the love Lexie has for you, is that enough?”
Was it enough? Johnny had been so caught up in self-pity following the end of his relationship with Lexie that he hadn't even begun to consider what it would be like to have her in his life as a friend again. “I think so. Yeah," he responded. "It wasn’t before, but now? It means a lot to me that she cared so much.”
“I'm sure she still does.”
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Johnny recalled all of the times Lexie had been there when he needed support; how she would drop everything to hold him in her arms as he cried without ever asking for anything in return. “Yeah, probably. Maybe I’m not as alone as I feel like I am.”
“See, you’re making progress.”
“It doesn’t feel like it.”
“Progress isn’t always linear. Sometimes you make big leaps and sometimes you fall back. But now you have the skills to get yourself back on track, and you’re able to use them on your own.”
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“Yeah, what am I even paying you for?” Johnny smiled. It was nice being able to joke in this room again.
“I’m pretty sure your parents’ insurance is paying me,” Khadija volleyed back.
“Okay, you got me there.”
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Previous | Beginning of story | Beginning of chapter | Next
Thanks @daniigh0ul for the inspiration for Khadija's line that progress isn't linear 😊
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novashelby · 1 day
Forgive Me-Tommy Shelby Smut
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Pairing: TommyxReader(third person)
Word count: 2k-ish
Summary: Tommy Shelby is attracted to his attorney's daughter, and decides to corrupt her little nun brain at work.
Prompt: "What makes you think I am going to fuck you?"
Warning: Degrading language, non-con, Dubcon, oral(m), religious banter.
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“Y’know,” Tommy said, weaving himself through the wooden pews. It was a rare occasion that he was in church as he and God didn’t talk very much. If not, at all. You see, they weren’t on the best of terms. But he could admit that. He had no shame in his religious affiliations, or lack of. But her? Looking at her kneeling in the novice robes with her hands folded was laughable, at best. Tommy pointed his finger at her, wiggling it. “This, honestly…Love, why?”
She’d been trying hard to focus on her prayer for the last thirty minutes, knelt down, hands folded. Stiffening, she rolled her eyes up and let out a long sigh of frustration. Perhaps she was a little wild in her teen years, but what did he know of any of it? He was just her father’s client. Her father was an attorney, a big wig one in London. However, she hardly ever associated with him. And the only times she ever spoke with Mr. Thomas Shelby was when she was required to go to dinner parties and he just so happened to be there. “Mr. Shelby,” she greeted, though he’d been circling the pews for quite some time.
Finally he made it to hers, sliding in and kneeling right next to her. When his elbow caressed her arm, she flinched away, giving him a wild look. Amused, he asked, “oh, sorry, is that a sin these days? I mean, you are a messenger of God…know all his updated terms of services, eh?”
Getting up, she looked down at him.  “Instead of saundering within the pews, perhaps you should head to confession, Mr. Shelby. I can direct you, if you’d like? Or….” She leaned in, a snarky grin playing on her face. “I can give you the fast pass to hell, surely the Devil can’t wait to meet his biggest fan from Birmingham, eh?” It was the mockery for him. The little teasing infliction of her voice. Eh. He reached up to grip her cheeks, but she turned away before he could. Tommy got up and followed her, and when she heard the click of his lighter, she stopped. “There is no smoking allowed in the church, Thomas. Put it out.”
The cigarette rested between his fingers. “Do the rules still apply to nonbelievers?”
“If you are such a nonbeliever,” she said, turning on her heels. “Then you’d best find better company elsewhere.” Instead of leaving, he sat on the priest’s velvet chair on the altar. He leaned back, crossing his legs as if it was his lounge chair. Luckily for her, she was the only one in the church besides a few custodians. 
“What would your father say,” he said, pointing at her with a cigarette, giving her a knowing look. “Being so disrespectful to his client. To an older person. To a man.”
“He’d say nothing,” she quipped, gathering her bag with her notes and bible. Some of her hair had been peeking through her white veil. Tommy pushed off the chair and walked over, grabbing her arm. Flinching, she pushed him off, a nasty glare on her face. “Don’t touch me-”
“C’mere,” he said, regaining his grip and pulling her in. “You’re being immodest,” he said, a teasing glint in his eyes as he poked the loose strands back under the veil. People were weak under him. Once they were trapped by his little games, it was hard to push away. And she was no different, so small under him. Like the good girl she was meant to be, she stayed in place. “You see,” he started, words muffled slightly from the smoke perched between his lips. “I don’t think this is all you. I think…I think you are here just to be a little fuckin’ brat-”
“Mr. Shelby,” she interjected. “If you don’t mind, I have to get to study.”
When she tried to move from him, he gripped tighter. “I do mind, actually.” Yes, it was true, she had a wild era once in her teens. But it stopped at dancing and drinking. Never had she ever broken the seal. The church was safe. It was to keep her safe, and never had she considered the scenario where a man had her trapped. Mr. Shelby of all men. The small of her back pressed against the side of a wooden pew, digging into her body. The edge felt sharp, even through her thick robes. “I quite like your company. I find it…redeeming? As if my soul is just cleansing being in your presence.”
“You’re mocking me,” she said in a mere whisper, their eyes connecting.
“No,” he said, sarcastically while his knee pressed between her legs. “It’s true. Forgive me, I’m just thinking….” He paused, words trailing off. “Just how much you can save me.”
“I’ll pray for you,” she said, pushing at his chest, but he was just too strong for her.
Grinning, he leaned in, forehead resting against hers. “And how do you pray? On your knees? Hmmm…that’s a good idea. You’ll pray for me, right here. On your knees. Go on, be a good little girl and get on your knees.” He stepped back and waited. His face said it all…don’t try to move. Without breaking eye contact, she slid to her knees. A nun, sure, but she knew enough about life to understand what he wanted. “What do you think you should do?” he asked, all emotion leaving his voice. Her hands reached up to his trousers, closing her eyes. To his amusement, her fingers fumbled with the belt loop, struggling. “I guess those wild years did you no good. Or are you just out of practice? C’mon.” He took over, undoing the metal clasp on his belt and unzipping his trousers.
Eyes squeezed shut, chin quivering, she sobbed. “Mr. Shelby, please-”
“It’s coming, love,” he chuckled, flicking her forehead. “Take it out.”
“You don’t understand,” she said, pleading, tears streaming down her face. “I could lose my apprenticeship!”
“Then Mr. Shelby will give you a better one,” he said, grabbing her hand and placing it against his hardening cock. “Take it out, go on. Do your job.” She couldn’t look at him while doing it; pulling the waistband of his underwear down by the hooks of her fingers. Her fingers gently caressed the cock before it came out, displayed in front of her. Gently, he lifted her chin. “Open your eyes.” Her eyes fluttered open, averting her glance from his cock. Tommy laughed, and teased, “looks like you don’t wanna be here. Come on now, put a smile on that pretty face.” He pulled the sides of her trembling lips and forced a smile upon her face. “There we go, all happy to take your father’s cock.” The words were enough to send a chill up her spine, nevermind his throbbing cock lightly teasing at her lips. Releasing her lips, he snaked his hand around her head and grabbed her hair through her veil. “That’s what you call your priest, right? Haha, Father Shelby….Fuckin’ ‘ell. Never in my life….” 
“I’ll do it,” she agreed in a whisper. Just please stop taunting me. 
“I know you will,” he said, his other hand rubbing her cheek. What he did next took her by surprise; pulling her head back and a ball of spit forming at his lips. He spit in her face. “Cause I know and you know that deep, deep down you are a dirty fuckin’ girl that craves a cock buried in her holes.” She nodded to please him, repeating that she was a dirty girl and that she wanted his cock in one of her holes. The spit was running down her cheek, dripping to her dress leaving a wet streak. 
“Ahhh,” she moaned, opening her mouth wide and sticking her tongue out. He commented how no true good girl knows how to display her mouth so pretty. Leaning in, she took the tip first; kissing, sucking with a pop. Salty and feeling like sin, his precum rested on her tongue. Deeper he had told her, hands resting on the back of her head, pressing her lightly.
His hips jerked and twitched slightly as he cursed. “Shit,” he hissed, fingers digging into the veil. “C’mon, you can take daddy in more. I know you can…Fuck, baby. How dare you try to hide this mouth from me.” Nervously, she choked and tried to back away before taking him in a little more; tongue swirling around his length. 
With a free hand, she wrapped her fingers around the base of his cock and pumped while her tongue worked the tip. Removing him from her mouth, she slid her lips in an array of kisses and licks around the shaft before taking him in again, sucking up and down, drool dripping from her bottom lip. Tommy closed his eyes, gently rocking his hips into her, head thrown back. Fuck he hissed, enjoying how her mouth was so warm and wet around him. It took all his strength not to pick her up and throw her over the altar. No, no…he couldn’t be that disrespectful. “Fuck, baby girl…You’re too good. You’re so good for me. Look at you…being such a whore for the Devil of Birmingham.” She hated to admit it, but it was getting to her; his hands, his words, his cock. Her legs were trembling with need, and it made her feel ashamed. Sucking his cock, she moaned at his degrading, taunting banter.  “Faster, whore….C’mon, take your daddy deeper.” He pushed in more. The poor girl choked as it hit the back of her throat, but he loved that. It was the best feeling; dominating a cunt’s throat. The way it would make their throat burn. It certainly made hers burn in agony, but she wanted to make him happy. He paused, thumb wiping away tears from under her eyes, giving her a moment's beak. Then, to his surprise, it was her who started bobbing her head again, looking up at him with doe-like eyes. 
Tommy didn’t break eye contact, enjoying it as some form of submission. Bobbing her head faster, her moans matched the speed. To keep him the way she wanted, she gripped his hips. “What a pretty girl,” he commented when she pulled back, allowing the pool of spit in her mouth to drip over his twitching dick. She smiled up at him, lips puffy and abused, before sucking him back in; licking, sucking, swallowing. He helped her along, feeling his orgasm build up; bucking his hips forward, faster and with better rhythm. “Good girl, my good girl…fuck! You’re going to swallow it all for me, right?”
“Mmmhm,” she moaned, cock filling her mouth as she matched his speed.
“Daddy is going to fill all those fuckin’ holes,” he said mid high. “Every one, baby girl. You’re gonna drip his cum from your tight ass and daddy’s going to breed that tight fuckin’ cunt.” His words spilled out, and after a while, he was incoherent. His orgasm ripped through him, lacing the inside of her mouth with hot ropes of cum. “F-fuck,” he groaned, getting a few last pumps out while his eyes went hooded. Breaths jagged and uneven, he pulled away, gripping her chin. “Show daddy…ah, good fuckin’ girl. Swallow it.”
“Ahhh,” she moaned, mouth opened as if she was proud before swallowing it. It tasted salty and a bit sweet. Truthfully, perhaps a little vile, but it made her feel dirty. Tommy leaned down and pressed a kiss to her cocked ruined lips. “Thank you, sir.”
“I told you,” he said, teasing. “I know you are just a dirty little slut deep down. Now, are you going to go repent your dirty little sins or do you want to go for a ride with Mr. Shelby?” He tucked himself away and helped her up. “C’mon.” He answered for her, helping her out of the church and to his car. 
She looked up at him, and asked with a teasing glint in her eyes, “What makes you think I’m going to fuck you?” 
“We already established,” he started, pushing the wooden doors open. “You’re a dirty little girl.” 
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azzysmate · 2 days
Back From the Dead - Part 1
Azriel x RhysSister Fanfic
Summary: Rhaen, sister of Rhysand, was supposedly dead for centuries, but what if she wasn’t? What if she was only trapped by something no one ever dreamed of being so dangerous? And what will happen when she appears at the border of the Spring Court and human lands barely alive?
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1st Person POV - Rhaen
I wonder how long I've been gone for. Somewhere in the back of my mind, I know it's been more than a hundred years, but when you spend your days as I have in an entirely different plane of existence, you begin to stop counting the days since you last saw your family. You stop hoping there will come a time that you will see them again. All you can do is pray to the Mother that your time will come soon and that the people you love have moved on with their lives without you.
The misery I have witnessed plays in a loop behind my eyes. Not just my own, though I have certainly felt more than my fair share, but that's not what haunts me. No, the screams of agony that live in my nightmares are of other females who were trapped with me. All shapes and sizes. All ages. All types of fae and human kind. And one in particular.
My poor, sweet, innocent flower. I see her tearful eyes widened in death beneath me. There's blood everywhere. Her blood everywhere. In her hair, staining her clothes, pooled on the earth under her, all over her face and my hands. Just a child, dead, because of my idiocy.
Her blood. On my hands. I'll never be able to rid myself of the scarlet color in my ledger. Not hers.
I feel my breathing become shallow, coming in as gasps, going out as pants. Then the rest of the defenseless women around me go silent. It's only my voice I hear now that bellows a cry of rage, of grief, of vengeance.
Someone grabs my wrists, pulling them away from Dahlia. I fight them, yelling for them to let me go, to let me seek my revenge, to let me slaughter every last one of these beasts who have damned me.
If they think me a monster, then so be it. I will be what they fear me to be.
But when I wrench my arms out of the unknown grasp, I wake up. I'm sitting up in a bed with a fae female staring wide-eyed at me. Sweat soaks through my clothing, and my left arm is tangled in wires. My throat is raw, my heart is pounding, and whoever this girl in front of me is, she must be strong considering she held me back for as long as she did.
"It's alright," she speaks, "You're safe. Nothing is going to happen to you, Rhaen."
I blink at her, trying to steady my breathing as I ask, "Who the fuck are you?"
"My name is Feyre," she replies softly and places one hand on my calves, as if attempting to keep me from spiraling further.
I wince at the touch, not from pain, but from distrust. She pulls away as I say, "I don't know you. What do you want with me? Where am I?"
"We're in Velaris. In Madja's clinic." She pauses for a moment, studying my face in awe. "I don't want anything from you, but you need to remain calm. You were very badly hurt, I don't want you to be any more uncomfortable than I'm sure you already are."
"Velaris?" I repeat, knowing if she knows of my hidden home in the Night Court, we must be safe like she says.
She gives me a small smile. "Yes, you're home."
I let out a sigh of relief at her reassurance, trying to shake off the remainder of hellish recollections. She stares at me for a moment, taking in my face like she's seen me before, and I notice that the rims are slightly wet, like she's been crying for me.
"I-I'm sorry..." I tell her, "Do I... know you?"
"No," she answers softly, a bit of amusement appearing in her tone, "but I've heard so many stories, I feel like I sort of know you. And you just look so much like your brother..."
"My brother?" My throat tightens again. "You know Rhysand?"
"Very well. We're-"
"Rhaen..." another calls my name, and we both look towards the door.
And despite everything I've been through, despite how hard it is to breathe without my chest aching, I smile at him. "Speak of the devil."
He chuckles through a sob and drops the bags hanging off of his fingers to come strutting to my bed and wraps his arms around me. I groan because of the tenderness of what I'm sure are thousands of bruises, but I return his gesture, clinging to him for dear life.
I ball the material of his shirt into my fist and let teardrops flow freely down my face. "Rhys..."
"Rhae," he breathes out against my hair, "I can't believe this is real."
"Me neither."
He pulls back abruptly, making flinch once more. He holds my face in his hands and asks, "Where have you been? What happened? Tamlin told us you were dead, that he had your wings for proof. How is this possible? How did you end up back in Prythian? Who the hell hurt you?"
"Take a breath, brother," I remark, "We have time for explanations later. For now, I'd just like to take some time to heal and enjoy seeing my family again."
"I know, I... I'm sorry, my mind is reeling, little one, and I can't seem to get a grasp on any of it."
"So how about we put a pin in the heavy stuff for now, and you tell me what's been going on here."
Feyre lets out a little laugh behind him, catching my attention again. "If you're looking to avoid a complicated topic, you may want to be more specific. A lot has happened in Prythian, in the last ten years alone."
"Never mind that," Rhys dismisses gently, climbing off the bed to go stand next to Feyre, "You're right, we should let you acclimate a bit first, so we can start with introductions. Feyre Darling, this is my sister, Rhaen. Princess of the Night Court. Little one, this is Feyre. My mate."
"Mate?" I exclaim with eyes and mouth opened wide, "You have a mate? And here I was practically interrogating the poor girl."
"That's alright," Feyre says kindly, "We weren't expecting you to wake up for another hour or so, Rhys was getting us something to eat."
Rhys glances down to the bags he dropped, wrinkling his nose a bit at the mess he'd made. "And it looks like I'll be going back for more."
"That can wait," I wave him off, "Feyre, tell me how awful it is having to be tied to him for the rest of your life. Is he still the biggest, most arrogant Illyrian prick ever?"
"Hey," he whines while she giggles, "That title is, was, and always will belong to Cassian, little sister, and you know it."
"Oh, Cass," I coo, "Gods, I've missed his hugs. How is he?"
Rhys smirks. "Doing pretty well for himself. The Lord of Bloodshed is now my General."
"What?" I laugh and immediately regret the sudden act as another wave of sensitivity throbs inside of me. I lean back against the pillows to try and get the pressure off my torso, then continue, "Wait a second, your general? You're telling me, not only is that brute the commander of armies, but you're High Lord of the Night Court?"
"Most powerful in a millennia," he confirms smugly, and Feyre rolls her eyes. "You can act annoyed all you want, Feyre Darling, but if it weren't true, would you be my High Lady?"
"High Lady?" my jaw drops, "Cauldron boil me, was I gone that long?"
"It's a very long story," Feyre exasperates, "Another that we'll have to put a pin in. However, it will not be one that your brother takes credit for." She lifts a brow in challenge, daring him to argue.
He holds his hands up in surrender. "Alright, alright. She earned it. But the even bigger shock? Cassian is mated to her sister, Nesta."
"No way... Cassian has a mate?" Rhys nods in amusement. "She must be a firecracker, and I'll bet she has him wrapped around her little finger."
"Nesta is something, alright," Rhys mumbles, "but they're perfect for each other, that much is certain."
"And Mor? How is she?"
"As cheerful and vain as ever."
"As terrifying as ever. Although, she is high fae now, no longer whatever god-like creature she was trapped in a fae body."
"Really? I assume that's another added to the list of conversations for later?"
They share a hesitant look, one that I don't prod for clarity on, and then nod at me slowly.
I take a breath, knowing that there's only one other curiosity to satisfy. My stomach knots up when I think of my next question. The one person I'm dying to ask about, but also the most terrified to hear of finding a mate.
I clear my throat, and as I muster up the courage to finally get my query out, I feel my face burn bright, "And what about Azriel?"
"You could ask me yourself," a gravel filled voice comes from the doorway, and when my eyes meet his, all my worries fade far from my mind.
I swallow heavily under his scrutiny, the gold irises drinking me like he's scared I'll disappear right under his watchful gaze.
Did I imagine that he was the one to find me? Was it only my mind playing tricks on me, making me believe he lifted me up into the air and told me to stay with him?
No. With the way he's looking at me now, I know it wasn't all in my head at all. The Shadowsinger saved me. He saw me half dead and pleaded to the Mother for me to live.
"Azzy..." I croak out.
He takes a deep breath. "Princess." He takes a few steps in and lifts one eyebrow. "If I hadn't just found you barely breathing, I'd be so pissed at you for waking up before I got back."
I let out a breathy laugh, trying to fight against the tears that threatened to fall. "Yeah, lucky me for almost dying. Again."
"Hey, don't feel too bad, Az," Rhys chimes in, "I was out getting food for Feyre and I when she woke up."
The Shadowsinger's eyes don't leave mine as his lips turn upwards ever so slightly. "I see you still enjoy giving people a hard time."
"Don't think I'll ever get over that," I reply with a smirk.
He sighs and playfully rolls his eyes, and I see Feyre tilt her head in confusion and then share a look with her mate.
I look between them before asking, "Is this going to happen a lot? You two having secret conversations in your head? Because I can play, too."
"See?" I say to both of them with them daemati powers.
Feyre's gaze widens at me. "You're daemati, too?"
"And she'll never let anyone forget it," Rhys answer for me, causing me to let out another weak laugh, "In response to your question, yes. As High Lord and Lady, we often have private discussions in front of everyone."
"Oh, and I'm sure it has everything to do with the safety of the Night Court and never inappropriate?" I tease them. I see Feyre's cheeks pink.
Rhys closes his eyes and tucks in his lips. "I have to say, while I'm glad you're still your old, troublemaking self, I did not miss how uncomfortable you could make me at times."
"I've got a lot of time to make up for," I smile brilliantly.
Amusement flashes in Azriel's gaze before he makes his way to my side. "Has Madja been in to check her out?"
"No," Feyre states since she was the one her when I opened my eyes, "She seems to be acting normal though."
"That's quite the understatement, Feyre Darling," my brother inserts.
"I'm sore, that much is certain, but other than that, I feel fine. I would like to go home if she doesn't notice anything alarming."
"I'll go find her," Azriel declares.
Rhys walks towards the door as well, placing a hand on his shoulder. "I'll join you."
Feyre gives them a bewildered look as they leave, and this time, I don't hold my tongue.
"What's the matter?" I inquire of her.
She looks to me, then the door, and back at me. "I've never really seen him act like this before."
"You mean Az?"
"Yes," she confirms with a nod, "It's almost as if he's... flirting?"
I scoff, then rub my chest to alleviate the irritation it caused while checking, "With me? No way."
Humor passes through her features before she schools them back to neutrality. "Right. He must just be happy you're back."
Although I don't believe her assumption is accurate in anyway, I find my stomach flurrying with butterflies at the thought.
But there's absolutely no chance that Azriel is, was, or ever has flirted with me, his best friend's little sister, someone he views as his own little sister. Even if I might wish he did...
Thank you guys so much for liking the prologue! You have no idea how much the support means to me… I hope you guys continue to stay tuned for Rhaen’s journey. These first couple parts are basically just going to be her reentering Velaris and acclimating as best as she can. Again, leave a comment if you want to be tagged for the next part. Ilysm🤍
@projectcampbell @acourtofsmutandstarlight @rcarbo1 @lilah-asteria @anainkandpaper
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whoopsyeahokay · 1 day
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October Sun
summary: After he'd expended his pent-up energy, Wally had followed Rhonda out of the weight room and back up to the main floor where they'd encountered Simon stood outside the English classroom. Neither had been sure what to make of him, but, for the briefest moment, Wally had been sure that there'd been more to Simon's ability than even Maddie or Charley knew.
pairing: Wally Clark x fem!reader
warnings: panic attacks. eventual smutty smut smut. and mad spoilers. and obvious Canon divergence. very involved, very dense plot.
bon reading, frens
Wally reentered the school in a haze, his thoughts a discordant refrain of feedback noise as he traipsed down the flights of stairs to the weight room. He was antsy, manic, brain going a thousand miles a minute. The silhouettes of important information indistinct behind a sandstorm of jealousy and confusion. He needed an outlet and the punching bag in the corner was unoccupied.
In perfunctory motions, he wrapped his knuckles in gauze and tape, slashed the air with a few practice swings, and then stepped up to the bag to unleash his aggression.
Thump. Thump. Smack.
He should focus on Simon, Wally knew. On the fact that Simon could see Maddie. That was huge. A piece of the puzzle that reinforced your claim of In Betweens and Maddie's body being out there somewhere for her to slip back in to. Simon's ability explained why he'd dragged you to the bus stop on Tuesday. Why he'd asked you about seeing ghosts. It also explained why Wally had believed Simon wasn't like you and couldn't see what you could see.
Did you know about Simon? Had you simply played dumb last night? No. Wally knew in his bones that you'd have told him if you'd thought Simon could see Maddie. So, aside from Charley, did anyone else know about Simon? Fuck, aside from Ajay, did anyone else know about you!?
It was a game of Clue Wally didn't want to play. Did the person have a hidden cache of money? Did the person know about magic and ghosts and astral projection? Did the person ever use a service road to stalk a teenage girl? Was it Professor Plum in the boiler room with a wrench!?
How many players were sitting on secrets?
Thump. Thump. Smack.
That was the thing, wasn't it? Everyone on the board had a secret. You and Wally. Mr. Anderson. Xavier and his sidepiece. Maddie and Simon. Even Ajay, for fucksakes. And now Charley.
Unlike Rhonda, who was most likely coping on the roof with a pack of Ms. Fields' smokes and Mrs. Arsenault's contraband bottle of wine, Wally couldn't fault Charley for recommending that Maddie not tell anyone about Simon. Not just that it would make Wally a hypocrite, but because Wally had seen Simon. Exhausted and paranoid and scared. A boy who'd been charged with the responsibility of solving his best friend's murder by said best friend.
Wally didn't know what had motivated Charley to keep things on the DL, however, Wally finally understood the gravity of your family's Golden Rule.
It was something Wally had heard Rhonda spit at Charley before he'd been bowled over by the paingriefterror of your panic attack: "You just want to keep him all to yourself so you can talk to Emilio, am I right?" Wally wondered vaguely if Rhonda would regret having said that, no matter how much sense it'd made.
Thump. Thump. Smack.
Simon and Maddie's connection represented a way to reach out from the beyond. Not only for Maddie, but for all the trapped souls in her vicinity. Simon would be run ragged trying to explain the unexplainable: "Don't ask how," He'd have to say, "but here's a message from your dead son/daughter/friend/husband..." And fuck, okay, yes, Wally would spend an eternity in Hell to keep you from that, even if it meant losing his friends.
Or, alternatively, if it meant never seeking you out again; never speaking to you, never touching you—Wally's punches landed harder as images of Xavier holding you close flashed through his mind. Tight, vicious bursts of jealousy that spun the bag in wide sways on its chain.
Wally didn't hate him, but he sure as hell wished Xavier would break both elbows before contracting a chronic case of head lice. The guy was a deadbeat who'd probably never had to face the consequences of his stupid decisions because Officer Daddy had always bailed him out. More likely to abandon you for a new toy than protect you from the monsters like you trusted him to.
It drove Wally fucking crazy that you didn't see it. That, according to you, Xavier was the best thing since sliced bread. Wally had seen how you'd found comfort in Xavier's arms. How you'd gone all pliant and soft for him, molding into his side as if he'd created that space just for you. When, in reality, Xavier was the asshole who'd sought out some peppy, rah-rah pick me to get his dick wet because Maddie hadn't put out. The guy who'd stolen Maddie's phone to delete his mistakes the day she'd been cornered in the boiler room by someone with a grudge.
Xavier hadn't been there for Maddie, and he wouldn't be there for you. Thump. Not always. Thump. Not how you truly madly deeply believed he would be there for you. Thump. Not how Wally would be there.
Thump. Thump. Thump. Thump. SMACK.
The bag swung violently from the momentum of Wally's last punch, almost knocking him back a few steps when he caught it. He pressed his head against the leather, panting, sweat dripping from his hairline to his chin.
All at once, the anger and jealousy he'd been trying to assuage erupted out of him in a desperate, wild howl.
He punched the bag again, over and over, harder and harder, damp hair matted, sweat stinging his eyes. Hitting a face that wasn't there until it was bloody and mangled, and Wally was spent.
"Whoa there, Rambo, maybe take it down a notch."
Wally stilled the bag with his hands and once more pressed his forehead against it, unwilling to turn around and look at Rhonda just yet.
"You mean Rocky." Wally corrected through labored breaths. She smelt like cigarettes and that Tweed Lentheric perfume she'd died with. Spring earth and chemical ash. "Rambo's the jungle, Rocky's the Eye of the Tiger."
"Po-tay-to, po-tah-o. Stallone doesn't exactly have range," She snided, taking a seat on the bench Wally had thrown his jacket over. "What's got you in a mood? And don't tell me it's about Charley. You wouldn't stay mad at him if he'd strangled your childhood dog with his bare hands."
Wally flinched, "That's...descriptive." He turned and regarded her with a put-off expression, "And Charley would never do that." Charley wouldn't even try to intentionally hurt someone's feelings. He armored himself with snark and sarcasm, sure, but he was the most sensitive and empathetic one among their group.
Rhonda shrugged, glaring at nothing as she sat in her sulk. Her lips were stained purple from the wine, eyes a little glossy, posture more relaxed than Wally had seen in a long time. Although she still seemed to have an axe to grind, her party-of-one on the roof had served to mellow her somewhat. No longer vibrating with rage as she had been when Wally had left her and Charley at the bus stop.
"So?" Rhonda asked, blunt, "Why are you beating the crap out of that thing?"
Wally used the bottom of his shirt to mop the sweat from his face, taking his time to decide what to say. There were too many landmines; things he couldn't tell her if he didn't want her knowing just how much he and Charley had in common when it came to keeping her in the dark.
"Thinking about talking to the living reminded me of Gary—" Xavier. "and Jenny—" You. "and everything that went down after Homecoming." Except you weren't going to weep about your dead boyfriend in Xavier's arms and then proceed to make out with Xavier under the bleachers. In front of Wally. "Just. How much I wish I'd had someone to beat the shit out of Z—Gary on my behalf, you know?"
Rhonda peered at him like an optical illusion, narrowed eyes and determination, like she could solve him if she looked hard enough. For a moment, Wally was worried she would. Or, at the very least, she'd make a guess so close to the truth, Wally would have to do something drastic to avoid answering.
Thankfully, he didn't have to as Rhonda stood—a little wobbly—and crossed her arms, hip cocked and brows knitted, "I get it." She looked up at him, focus suddenly sharp as a tack, "I wish I'd had someone to put a bullet between Mr. Manfredo's eyes on my behalf." Her expression slackened into something distant and deeply sad that made Wally's gut roll with guilt.
Wally swallowed, nodded, "Yeah," he said, sounding a bit winded as he leveled his gaze on his sneakers. "I wish that, too."
"Alright, fuck this pity party." Rhonda announced, grabbing Wally's jacket and tossing it at him, "Let's go see if Mr. Mueller still has that bottle of whiskey in his desk."
Snickering, "Because that's so much better," Wally trailed after her. When he stepped out of the weight room and into the corridor, the pits and back of his shirt felt instantly drier. Modest resets were fucking mindboggling but also came in clutch in situations like this, when he didn't have the chance to hit the showers.
Rhonda took her time up the stairs, pace quickly going from sluggish to sober as they entered the main floor. That was something Wally enjoyed about being dead: No hangovers. Their systems reset so quickly, it didn't matter how much they drank, the effects wouldn't last longer than thirty minutes, tops. Oh the fun they'd had (under Mr. Martin's nose, of course).
As Wally was getting into the idea of sharing the whiskey with Rhonda, he spotted a particular someone down the hall to his right, leaned against the lockers outside the English classroom Wally had escorted you from earlier.
He wouldn't have bothered to stop, Rhonda certainly wasn't going to, except that—
"Hurry up, Clark, Mueller locks his desk before he leaves," Rhonda said, turning around to walk back toward Wally where he stood at the T intersection of the two hallways.
Distracted, "Yeah, be right there..." Wally answered even as he shifted his body to completely face Simon.
Simon. Who fidgeted with his thumb, in deep concentration as he waited for something Wally wasn't aware of. Casually looked up and down the hallway to give himself something to do.
"I'll go get it myself if you'd rather examine the freakshow," Rhonda said, only slightly nasty.
After she abandoned Wally, there was no one else around. No one and nothing to grab attention, though that would change in a minute when final classes were dismissed at the bell.
And yet...for a solid few seconds...
Simon's gaze fell on Wally and stayed there.
note: firstly, i actually really like Claire. i don't think she's a pick me, but i do think she's hella misguided and very entitled. clever, vicious, and kind of terrifying. many things but not a pick me. but Wally doesn't know anything about her except that she and Xavier had a whole sexuationship behind Maddie's back and our babe is loyal.
anyway, isn't this much better? or maybe you don't think so, i dunno, but i'm a lot happier with this part 😅 i truly love writing the dynamic between our 3 main ghosts and the 3 seat-fillers (Ajay, Bernie and Katelynn), but, sadly, those scenes don't always serve a purpose. i'm considering writing brief Asides. in-universe drabbles of our favorite haunt's day-to-day. legit, i have fanfic for my fanfic at this point...
if you'd like to be kept up to date, please FOLLOW ME and TURN ON NOTIFICATIONS, since the taglist has malfunctioned 🙈 i'm still adding ppl to it, but i can't guarantee that i'll ever use it since attempting to fix the problem is starting to destroy my sanity 💀
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Might I ask for the Phantom Thief Girls with an S/O who flips a coin to make decisions? Yes, this idea came from that Rune Factory 5 post from @genshingorlsrevengeance however, I am ninety percent sure that if any more asks are added to his inbox it will collapse into a singularity and devour him. Also, I want to see your twist on it since you and him are two of my faves when it comes to character x reader writing.
Thank you for the kind words, however I am sure Chris could have done this better than I, even if he had to do so from the void after his Inbox ate him, nonetheless, I still gave it my best try and I hope you enjoy.
The temptation I had to make Baofu/Kaoru Saga jokes and references throughout all of writing this was immense.
Also, Two-Face wants his gimmick back.
Now! Your Wish Is My Command!
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Ann found the coin to be… interesting.
The loud Ting when you flipped it always caught her attention.
Heads or Tails?
Black or Red?
Yes or No?
On one hand it was irritating when she lost.
On the other, the tension of making a split second decision of what to call when the coin goes up was exhilarating.
Especially when she called the right side.
The coin hung in the air for a split second as you opened your palm to catch it.
Ann’s eyes were firmly on the coin, as were yours.
It was time to make the decision.
What to choose?
“Heads!” Ann exclaimed excitedly.
“Tails!” you exclaimed with a grin as the coin began to fall and land in your palm.
Ann let out a cheer.
You chuckled and gave a mental apology to your wallet as you rolled the coin into the space between your fingers and then over your knuckles before tossing it to your other hand and then placing it into your pocket.
The coin landed on heads, the red side that depicted a smiling Jester's mask in gold.
“It’s decided! You’ll be taking me out to get as many sweets as I want!” Ann exclaimed with a mischievous smile.
Don’t worry, she won’t bankrupt you.
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Makoto was not a huge fan of the coin.
Sure, it added some flair to day to day life.
However, Makoto was not a big fan of leaving things to fate.
Especially when it comes to important decisions.
That said… It did help her when she was indecisive about something.
When she hesitated to act or did not know what choice to make, she would always see the glint of the coin in her vision and the sound of the Ting it made when you flipped it.
She knew what the answers were.
Heads or Tails.
Yes or No.
It forced her to make a decision.
Will she take the leap?
Or will she err on the side of caution.
No matter what side the coin landed on, she knew what her answer was.
And you know that too.
So, no matter how much she pestered you about the answer the coin gave you, you would never tell.
“Tell me.” Makoto demanded with a rather petulant whine as the two of you sat on the couch, watching TV and awaiting for Sae to return.
“Hmmm… I think not.” you said with a mockingly thoughtful face.
“Then flip the coin!” Makoto exclaimed, the outcome of the previous toss eating at her like nothing else.
You smirked before teasingly asking “I thought you disliked the coin toss?”
This earned you a solid wallop to the shoulder.
“Ow! Okay! Okay! Yeesh! I’m going to tell Sae about this domestic abuse when she gets back.” you muttered as you pulled the coin out from behind Makoto’s ear with a simple bit of sleight of hand.
“If you do, you know she’s going to side with me, right?” Makoto asked as you rolled the coin over your knuckles and into place over your thumb.
“We’ll see.” you said with a grin and then flipped the coin, sending it flying.
“Heads!” Makoto exclaimed.
“Tails!” you stated with a smile.
The coin came down and into your hand.
Makoto promptly grabbed you by the shoulders and screamed into your chest.
It landed on the black side, tails, with a frowning golden jester's mask facing up.
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Futaba was sure you were cheating somehow with your tosses.
She could do the math that told her the outcome of the toss in her head with ease.
And yet, with every toss, it almost never went the way she expected.
Every time she would smugly declare her choice, confident in her answer, it would land on the opposite side.
She had no idea how you were doing it, but you HAD to be cheating.
She was tempted to try and strangle the answer out of you.
Alas, she was afflicted with the most terrible of curses.
Weak Nerd Arms.
So, she had to try different means.
Futaba turned the coin over in her hand, examining it closely at her desk while you smugly watched her doing so as you sat on her bed.
Futaba was getting irritated.
There were no imperfections on the coin, nothing that could skew the results that her math gave her.
She had even examined how you did it!
No sleight of hand, no tricks, nothing!
Futaba placed the coin atop her thumb and flipped high into the air with a solid Ting reverberating through the room, already doing the math in her head.
“Heads!” you declared with a smile.
“Tails!” Futaba exclaimed confidently.
Half a second later, Futaba threw the coin at you as fast and hard as she could.
You caught the pathetically weak lob with ease as Futaba slammed her head into her desk.
“Life Is Not Daijoubu.” Futaba muttered.
“Aww, I love you too.” you said smugly before walking over to kiss the top of her head.
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Haru absolutely loved the coin.
Every second of her life had been planned out before she met you.
But now?
Things were random, left to chance.
It was exhilarating!
Why, it almost brought her as much joy as hearing the Shadows beg for mercy!
Not to mention the antics the coin could cause.
Several yes’s in a row and then a no to change it all.
The solid Ting The coin made whenever it was sent to the sky never failed to send a tingle down her spine.
Random chance leads to strange occurrences, strange occurrences leads to interesting decisions.
It was the path that following the coin always led down.
It was a truly interesting show to watch and partake in.
Especially when she was the one putting you on the back foot.
“Dear, what is a “Sadist”, the others had me take a test and it said I was one?” Haru asked rather innocently despite her, admittedly, somewhat evil intentions.
She had to fight the urge to giggle when you looked at her as if a day you had been dreading for all your life had finally arrived before turning your back to her and flipping the coin.
Your shoulders promptly slumped and you looked to the heavens, seemingly trying to ask god “Why?”.
You then turned to her, looked her dead in the eyes with the most broken expression she had ever seen and proceeded to explain what a sadist was.
This was truly the most entertaining event to ever occur from the coin yet.
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Sumire was intrigued by your habit of tossing the coin.
Leaving everything to fate, hedging all your bets on a 50/50 gamble.
You and Joker would probably get along.
That and probably correct her on the actual chances being something like 51/49 or something to that effect.
Nonetheless, the Ting of the coin never failed to grab her attention.
The questions you left to the coin always ranged wildly.
From what food you were going to eat for lunch to if you were going to randomly carry Sumiere around like a bride.
Your whims were always decided by the coin and Sumiere was always excited to see what the answer would be.
“Uhh… Yoshizawa?” Ryuji asked as he peered out the window of Ren’s room.
“Yes?” Sumire answered while turning to the blonde.
“Is that your spouse down there?” the blonde asked.
Sumire flushed red before exclaiming for the thousandth time since you pulled that stunt.
She had to bite the inside of her mouth to avoid adding on the “Yet” to the end of that sentence.
“Yeah, yeah whatever-” Ryuji began to say before the bell rang and the voice of The Boss rang out.
“Hey there! Yoshizawa’s upstairs with the kid and the others.”
“Thanks Boss! Would you mind going ahead and making me something to drink while I head up there?” you asked.
“No problem, the usual?” Sojiro asked.
The sound of the coin being flipped rang out.
“Dealers choice today, Boss.” you stated before the sound of someone walking up the stairs hit everyone's ears.
“Hello everyone!” you greeted before walking over to Sumiere.
You then proceed to gently place your hand on the side of her face, and kiss her on the lips.
After a few moments, you pulled away with a smile before saying “Goodbye everyone, it was nice seeing you all!” and then walking away and back down the stairs to grab and pay for your drink, leaving Sumiere blushing as red as her hair and a dazed look in her eyes.
“You’d think she’d have gotten used to them coming by just to kiss her by now.” Ann said as she flipped through her magazine.
“Yeah, then again, the coin does leave everything to chance.” Ren said before taking a sip of his coffee.
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super-luna-fic · 8 hours
Camp Justice - Chapter 1: The Lecture
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Back at Mount Justice two hours after the Caedmus Incidence…
The five teens huddled together near the zeta tubes as the League discussed the night's events. Despite being successful during the mission they were never meant to be part of, anxiety plagued their thoughts. The teens knew they had overstepped a line by not only disobeying the League's direct orders but also telling them to either get on board with their plan or get lost. Neither action was acceptable, but they knew they could do nothing to sway the teens' minds. However, the League's compliance wasn't going to stop them from giving them an earful and more once they dispersed to their respective locations.
"What do you think they're talking about?" Wally asked.
"The mission obviously" Cal answered matter of factly.
Wally narrowed his eyes at her, "Oh yeah, and what makes you so sure of that?"
"Oh I don't know, maybe it could be the fact that they literally said they were going to do that BEFORE leaving us here"
"Well duh, of course I knew that. I just wanted to make sure you were paying attention"
It was her turn to glare at him"…You know Wally… I think you might wanna get checked out. You seemed to have lost a few brain cells after getting knocked out"
Dick couldn't help the giggle that escaped which in turn increased Wally's annoyance.
"You little-"
"Quiet!" Kaldur firmly but quietly inserted to cease their bickering, which did anything but that as Wally continued to talk.
"You know Kaldur, you've been pretty silent. Not that it is not normal, I just thought you would give us words of encouragement before we walk into our inevitable doom"
He thought about it for a moment before responding, "I am certain we are overthinking our current situation, I doubt the punishment would be as severe as you are making it"
"Mmm I don't knoow, maybe not for you but some of us might not be so lucky *cough* Robin *cough* Crow"
"While I acknowledge our mentors may have a different way of dealing with our punishment we most certainly will not be walking into our "inevitable doom". Especially those of us who have stricter mentors, right Robin and Crow?"
Kaldur turned to look at them when he didn't receive an immediate answer and noticed they seemed lost in thought.
He cleared his throat before repeating his question, " Right Robin and Crow?"
"Hm? Oh Yea, totally", Cal answered unconvincingly then turned to Dick to whisper "You don't think he's going to tear us a new one when we get back to the cave, do you?"
As though Batman had heard her whispers, he turned his head to glare at the two.
"He's definitely not going to do that" He sarcastically responded.
Their conversation was cut short when the League made their way over to them. Each Leaguer took their team member home with the Batfamily being the last to go.
Dick and Cal shared an uneasy look as Batman input the information to send them back to the cave. At this point, they were considering staying at Mount Justice with Superboy but decided against it knowing it would only prolong the long awaited lecture.
The "ride" to the cave was short and the teens were still met with a silent Bruce. Dick decided enough was enough and tried to break the silence.
"Sooo, how was the meeting?"
"That bad, huh?"
Cal elbowed her brother and harshly whispered, "What is wrong with you? Are you trying to provoke him??"
"I don't see you coming up with any bright ideas"
"That may be true but at least I have some common sense"
"Is that so?" Dick asked in a mocking tone.
"As a matter of fact yes"
"What about that incident that happened last week with the Penguin?"
"We don't talk about that"
"Well if you're gonna go the common sense route, I really don't see why not"
"Grayson you aggravate my very sou…."
Bruce's grip on his chair tightened as he listened to the two whisper amongst themselves or at least try to. I mean did they really think he wouldn't be able to hear them? With all the training he put them through they should at least know how to have a conversation discretely especially if the person they're discussing is literally ten feet in front of them. He shook his head as a way to dismiss those thoughts. Right now he needed to focus on how to actually talk to them. Regardless of what some may think of him, he doesn't want to break their spirits or tear them a new one (yes Cal, he did in fact hear your whispers… and everything else). He just wants them to realize that their actions always have consequences, whether it was positive or negative. With that in thought, he turned his chair around in time to see Cal attempting to put Dick in a headlock but stopped the moment she felt his glare on the back of her head. Both quickly detangled their limbs and stood up with an uncomfortable smile.
After a brief stare down Bruce finally spoke.
"You two were given strict orders to stay put. Not only did you disobey them but you also put yourselves and your teammates in a situation that could've ended badly, very quickly."
"We were successful with the mission. We actually did good! Why can't you just believe we're stronger than you think!" Dick argued.
"It's not about believing."
Cal stayed quiet which was uncommon for her but she knew this was a battle they weren't going to win.
"Yes, it is! You always leave us with the small things while you get to have all the fun. What was even the point of training us??"
"You knew what you were getting yourselves into the moment you decided to join me. You are to do as I say, nothing more nothing less."
"We know but-"
"No! You don't! Because if you did you wouldn't have done what you did!"
The two looked down in shame knowing what he was saying was true.
Bruce sighed, "Look, I know you both were only trying to help but there's a reason why we don't let you join certain missions. I can't-" He paused to take a shaky breath. "We can't lose you guys. So if that means making you hate us then so be it."
Bruce wasn't known to show his emotions outwardly for many reasons. The fact that he almost slipped up made Cal and Dick second-guess their actions but that doesn't mean they changed their minds.
Bruce straightened up, "With that being said, the League and I have decided that while we acknowledge the need for a new team, we must be sure you are properly trained to handle that responsibility." The two lit up. Is the League actually listening to them for once?
"Starting July 1st you will begin your training at an undisclosed location with other young current and soon-to-be members."
"Undisclosed location?" Cal asked.
"Yes, no one but the League knows where it is. Your hearing and sight will be restricted by Martian Manhunter just to ensure you don't attempt to figure it out."
"We would never do something so diabolical. We actually follow the rules. Can't say the same for the rest."
"Mhm mhm" said Dick while nodding along.
Batglare activated
"You know that doesn't actually work on us"
Batglare continued
"She's right, we're not kids anymore."
Batglare intensified times 10
"I- We- We'll shut up now"
"As I was saying none of you will know the location, just what it looks like on the inside. You will go through weeks of intense training and the Leaguers and I will determine if you are in fact ready to join the new team."
"So it's like a summer camp but on steroids"
Bruce rolled his eyes, "If that's how you want to think of it. Just know that if you don't meet our standards then you will NOT be joining the team. Is that clear?"
They tried their best to hold in their excitement. Summer camps are fun but a summer camp for superheroes was even better. They couldn't wait till they got there wherever there was. Speaking of…
"I get that we can't know where it's located but can we at least know what it's called?"
"Camp Justice"
"Doesn't sound very intimidating if you ask me. With our training, it'll probably be a breeze. Right Batman?"
"Hmph" was the only response they got before he entered the elevator.
Cal stood there flabbergasted, "I know he did not just 'hmph' me, who does he think he is?"
"Your boss"
"Boss or not, I don't get paid enough to deal with his sass"
"You don't get paid at all"
"Your point?"
Dick rubbed his temples, "Why do you always try to pick a fight with me?"
"Why do you always make it so easy?"
He narrowed his eyes at her, "Anyways, we have three days before we have to leave. I can probably hack the computers to see exactly where this place is."
"What for?"
"Do you really want to go to place where you have no idea of its location?"
"Hm good point boy wonder," She said as she stood next to him as he worked the computers.
"Now if I can just bypass this security wall then we'll be good to g-"
"And what exactly do you two think you're doing?"
The two froze in their place as they heard the familiar voice of their beloved butler.
"Uhh checking the weather for tomorrow," Dick said with an unconvincing grin.
"Lady Cal."
"We were checking the computers for the location of the camp Batman is sending us to."
If there was anyone who could get an answer out of her by just asking it was Alfred (and her mom but that's a different story).
"And why are we doing that? I do believe Master Bruce specifically said you were not allowed to know."
"Because curiosity killed the cat but satisfaction brought it back"
Alfred raised an unimpressed eyebrow, "Go upstairs and eat your dinner."
"No buts. You need to relax before you leave."
"So you do know something about it, don't you? C'mon Alfred, please give us a hint."
"You should by now your puppy dog eyes have no effect on me. Now go."
They grumbled about unfairness as they made their way to the elevator.
Alfred turned to look at the computer, "Besides, no amount of hints will prepare you for what's to come…"
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the DC characters or universes. The only characters and universes I own are the ones I create.
A/N: Here's chapter 1! Thank you for reading it I can't wait to show you all the rest! I'll be posting a chapter a week so be on the lookout! If you have any questions or just want to talk please do send me a message :)
See ya later!
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