#and b) because it would be so much cooler and sexier if he was running some fucked up con on her for leaving him behind
july-19th-club · 6 months
still working my way through baru so so slowly bc my FLP checkout keeps running out and then i have to wait on the hold etc but i just got to the part where muire lo shows up at vultjag to immediately die of the plague and the whole thing is worded in such a way as for it to be very suspect whether he's actually a) dead, b) had the plague in the first place, and c) even came to vultjag and it's not all a game someone's running on baru to unseat her because they're sort of close (and whether or not it's HIS game, farrier's, or xate yawa's is also unclear) BUT ALSO MAYBE that's what seth dickinson wants me to think and he actually is dead because that's how characters do things in this book it's very 'i know that you know that i know...but do you know what i know?' and once you've read enough of it you start triple-guessing things too
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