#and assumes that we will need all this cobalt no matter what
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quixoticanarchy · 7 months ago
Finished reading Cobalt Red by Siddharth Kara and he does a good job showing how the cobalt supply chain is inextricable from incredible human suffering, near-slavery, rampant exploitation, environmental devastation, and child labor. And it’s very clear that no promise a tech or battery manufacturer makes that their supply chain is clean means literally anything bc industrially and artisanally mined cobalt are mixed into the same supply untraceably. And the book also covers the fact that cobalt supplies are finite and when the DRC’s cobalt is exhausted the industry will move elsewhere, rinse and repeat, and the people in the Congo will be left with the ongoing and unremediated -maybe irremediable - damage. All of this so that we can have smartphones, electric vehicles, iPads, electric scooters, almost anything with a rechargeable battery.
It’s also clear that the tech and battery industries are interested in good PR and making empty statements about human rights when they should be taking responsibility for the working conditions of small-scale miners (and minors) dying at the bottom of their supply chains. What Kara doesn’t really address is the demand side of this equation, not just the demand by companies whose products use cobalt-containing batteries but also the consumers sustaining that demand, who buy every new smartphone and eagerly pin their hopes on electric vehicles to let us keep our car-dependent world without the fossil fuel guilt. The book takes it for granted that cobalt will be required in high quantities for consumer electronics and for “green” tech, and to some extent this is true - as in, none of those demands or uses will cease overnight and in the meantime we should worry about how to address industrial and business practices and government corruption in order to treat Congolese miners as human beings.
But it feels incomplete without also asking questions like: should that demand continue? Can it? Do we need this many devices? What costs are acceptable? Can we really have our cake (smartphones, EVs, etc) and eat it too (slavery-free, non-exploitative supply chains that don’t kill the people at the bottom and lay waste to the environment)? What if - as the book would seem to suggest - we really cannot? If one goal of the book is for people to realize what conditions underlie the extraction of cobalt, what action is then incumbent upon us? Personal consumer choice will not undo all this harm, but it is a necessary step in rethinking or attempting other ways to live. Is it a right to have a smartphone, a new one every year or two, if it comes at the price of other people’s human rights? At what point do we say that it is not an acceptable cost that the extractive industries are perpetuating neocolonialism and near-slavery in order that we should have comfortable lives?
We know we have to stop relying on fossil fuels or we’ll burn down the planet (to a greater degree than is already locked in) but the “green energy transition” is not clean at all. Capitalism seeks the lowest price for labor and the highest profits; obviously these extractive relationships owe a lot of their horror to being conducted in a capitalist milieu. But even thinking about, say, a socialist world instead, if it aspires to still provide smartphones and electric vehicles en masse and maintain the comforts and conveniences of the “Western” lifestyle then we would still be relying on massive amounts of resource extraction with no guarantee of less suffering. The devices are themselves part of the problem. The demand for them and the extent to which “modern” life in “developed” countries relies upon them is part of the problem. It is unsustainable. It is built on blood and it makes a mockery of purported values of dignity, equality, and human rights. The lives of Congolese cobalt miners are tied to how we in the “developed” or colonizer countries live and consume. I do not think their lives will change substantially unless ours do.
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thedawningofthehour · 2 years ago
Do the Yōkai know where the Empyream came from? Do they know about the Krang? The Foot and the Hamato know about them, so I would find it super weird if the Yokai didn't know about that alien race that tried to conquer the earth a thousand years ago.
Also, I doubt Draxum would be able to get enough Empyream to mutate 8 billion people without resorting to the Crying titan , and even if he does how the heck would he get past the shields that protect it? It takes SHREDDER level strength to do it and even he took what I assume would be a couple of hours!
And I know that some of the empyream seeps through the cracks, but would that be enough?
The average person? I'm not sure if they really think about empyrean or where the Yokai come from on a regular basis, but the Yokai as a whole know. They put together all their different origin mythos and saw that all their stories mentioned something glowing and green, so it was a safe bet that that wasn't just storytelling. (I'm unsure if they would have thought it was just radioactive-I don't know how much people really 'knew' about radioactive materials before we started fucking around with them, but uranium is natural and I'm guessing people realized a long time ago that they had 'eat shit and die' vibes)(also fun fact, that glow radioactive materials have is actually a cobalt blue!) And they were able to analyze their blood and bones and everything else and confirm that there were trace amounts of this green stuff inside them. And if that wasn't enough evidence, they've straight-up dipped humans in this shit and watched them mutate in a controlled environment. So yeah, they've scientifically proven what empyrean is and that it created the Yokai. They don't entirely understand how it works, but that's how a lot of magic is.
As far as the Krang go, they have some idea? They have creatures that seem very Krang-like in their mythology, but they're probably all vague on what exactly they are. They were ugly and destructive, that's what mattered to the people who recorded those stories-they didn't bother asking them too many questions as they destroyed villages and enslaved its people. They can see the weird skeleton that just oozes empyrean forever. They know something's up, but they're probably reluctant to go (literally) poking at it too much, so they don't have many concrete answers. They probably guess that empyrean is extraterrestrial, since it's so unlike anything else on earth, but they haven't proven it.
This is before even considering my theory about the Council being Rise's Utrom and technically being Krang themselves, so they might have helped put the pieces together or directly misled the Yokai as it benefitted them.
Draxum is definitely experiencing issues with the scale, that's one of the reasons he kidnapped Donnie in the first place. He realized that he was not used to this kind of warfare and would need someone younger and more adaptive to weigh in. But yeah, this is kind of dark, but he's not planning to mutate all eight billion of them. He's going to kill a bunch too. Not indiscriminately, he does plan to mostly target people actively resisting his regime-i.e. who deserve it, but he knows a lot of other people will get killed anyway. He considers that a necessary sacrifice. Ideally, he wants to get to a position where he can tell the rest of the world to surrender and submit themselves for mutation, and then the Council would have to give him unfettered access to the Crying Titan. He might let some people live unmutated, but banish them down under like the Yokai were.
To the land down under. Which means he sends them to Australia.
He was considering breaking into the Crying Titan to get empyrean! Lucky for him he doesn't have to do that now, right?
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larrythefloridaman · 3 months ago
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I was thinking similarly! I think Chartreuse has always been the 'easy' kid, the 'good' kid from Prism's perspective. She's 'well-behaved' like Cobalt, and she's 'independant' like Crimson, none of that inconvenient ~rebellious spirit~ (read as: Desperation To Be Seen And Heard,) but also none of that irritating Asking Her For Guidance and Questioning Things She Doesnt Want To Think About nonsense. (The "You're always having problems, grumpy!" exchange before she delivers cobalt's crisis in combination with her comparing him to Jack as referenced in another post informs a good bit of my perspective on prism and cobalt's relationship.)
Chartreuse does what shes told and doesnt need to be told how, she figures it out herself and performs her duties accordingly. at least until she suddenly won't. and that kind of pressure, to be perfectly convenient like that, takes a toll on you! That shes the 'angel' of the group speaks to the difference between her and her brothers' places in the story, too. Crimson's a Problem To Be Solved, Cobalt always comes bearing consequences to balance things, and Chartreuse is the Tragic one, the Kind one who just wants to live a life she cant have, whose flaws mostly serve to make her inevitable fate sadder. Nevermind the fact that when Treuse isnt being cagey, can be blunt as a sledgehammer and carries and protects her secrets less like a forlorn tragic maiden and more like a mobster who will take your kneecaps with said sledgehammer for asking too many questions, (although she, like her sibling, is a little more willing to discuss things plainly in the dreams where the consequences won't matter,) Crimson killed a guy on accident and still feels queasy about it when you catch him off-guard with the topic, Cobalt carries himself always with grim necessity but dislikes undue suffering and is willing to offer deals to alter ones fate, we are first introduced to chartreuse with threatening to beat someone to death for their transgressions. in no uncertain terms, chartreuse does not fuck around. And uh. Considering something going wrong Hurts Her, and that someone who isnt used to having her powers reacts to experiencing them like-
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... yeah well i think i can understand why shed be a bit cranky and blunt about these things. (Given Dr. O never actually became a goddess, merely stole a charge off of a real one and played pretend for a little bit, i assume her vision of spectrum and the subsequent villainous breakdown were the main symptoms she experienced as opposed to. what peppermint's dealing with. Prism's all on/all off + amnesia/all on again approach of getting her adjusted her is, prism-typically, cruel and unusual. At least when crimson shares his powers hes careful about it [described as briefly turning off other senses, notably sight in the example we have, when possessing people so theyre not overwhelmed by the New Ones and maintains a fairly strict mental separation])
And the thing is- performing her role perfectly, correctly, is both an act of self-preservation (given things being broken Hurts her,) and demonstrably requires some. Morally Questionable Decisions. This is true of all the gods- godhood is an inherently dehumanizing ethical nightmare- but given that shes the one who does everything Right, and the way that 'doomed timelines,' the relativity of time and futuresight sort of complicate and abstract mortal moral concepts, especially her. If you take actions to prevent or change a doomed timeline, it is destroyed. Insert tenmyouji biker metaphor here. Every life lived beyond the point of divergence ceases to be, even if their origin point lives on in their own way. To do this constantly is to be responsible for loss on so great a scale, so incalculable and theoretical as to become abstract.
Its been noted- chartreuse and larry are alike in that the execution of the timeloop plan required disguised collaboration with the enemy for a while in order to create conditions for their ultimate victory. This was a MUCH shorter tenure for chartreuse, D+ wasn't a long haul grift, but she did help Order take over the tournament in order to stop her in the long run. and the way she went about this indicates to me that this is a pretty par for the course, 'business as usual' method of fixing things for her? a lot of how chartreuse behaves is defined by this sort of... temporally utilitarian information calculus, because thats how she does her job, and shes always working. even when it makes things worse!
Ive said it before and I'll say it again- folk didn't know how she was keeping him alive, but he also didnt even know she had two siblings until Cobalt involved himself, and chartreuse being a lockbox of secrets who refused to allow herself to be known was and is a very real point of contention in their relationship they're working on now that theyre in therapy. Chartreuse needs to have control of what information other people have about her- a symptom of Prism's surveillance, crimson has this problem too! Its a self-preservation tactic!- but even more so because her job depends on it. Even after she can't sense Prism's eye and manipulative influence on her anymore, she feels it drape over her, pulling her down, like a 'prismatic molasses,' after shes become mortal, defied prism, become vulnerable to it again.
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Chartreuse's personality is, inevitably, heavily shaped by her unique perspective on all of time. Everything she can see, nonlinear and abstract and branching as it is, makes the means to any given end Extremely Specifically Clear, and makes all other possible actions ultimately irrelevant clutter. Of course she's ruthless like a weapon- why waste time when she and everyone else are just cogs to bring about inevitable conclusions, a divine train confined to its holy rails, because they've already happened, from her perspective. Of course she's secretive and prone to lying by omission- she knows intimately how the smallest bit of information can transform outcomes radically. Of course losing her timesight makes her act like a disoriented alien, defensive and angry- she's rarely, if ever, experienced life like a human being- or even like the rest of her own family does, she lives always in the past present and future causes and consequences of an action simultaneously. She's alienated in a very unique, overwhelming way.
You ever think about how she must have known she'd lose her nonlinear perspective eventually? That there was this... scary blindspot in a life she otherwise knew the beats of step by step, a flicker where it came back, and that she'd then choose to go back to being blinded?
You ever think about how she knew the world would come to an end? And played her role in it, placing her faith in the mission even when she couldn't see the roadmap anymore?
Now, you might ask, 'chirp, what do you mean come to an end? Aren't they just dreaming?' Well yes. But.
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Isn't it interesting? That in every ncct, we start or at least end, with a cutscene in the waking world, and in ncct4... we start with Prism, engulfed in the snakes? The harbingers of the end, pondering why spectrum has seen fit to prolong their lives in the way they have? And then the snakes find them in the dream, and... well we heard them, they werent being the subtlest about it. The snakes will eat their universe. They, seemingly, did.
But not the dream. Thanks to spectrum, acting through juni, they were banished from this liminal, shifting safe haven of the dream. The rules are different now- at this point, its unlikely cpuk-as-streams will ever come back, and if they do, ryan's been clear it'd be rebooted in some fashion, given the notes things were left on. In a sense, then, is the old world not lost to the belly of the snake? It could always escape, theoretically- those the snakes consumed before spectrum's intervention were spat back up after all, the end need not stay the end- but the implications stand.
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That would make the dream the closest thing to reality thats left for these characters, in this form, a metanarrative post-apocalypse shelter of sorts from the pursuit of The Lord of Snakes. and like many post-apocalyptic narratives, the world didn't actually end, it just... changed. A lot of things are lost, a lot is different now, for better or for worse, but life goes on.
We've been saying the whole time- whats the difference if theyre real or fiction? theyre still meaningful, theyre just governed by different rules than before. since ncct2, its been emphasized that whether any character is real or a construct is kind of pointless to investigate because even if they were, they themselves wouldnt even know, the dream constructs are still people regardless, and theres nothing particularly mechanically unique about them- they just exist as any other person within this reality would, theyre just formed out of in-universe perceptions the same way anyone else within cpuk's reality is formed out of some kind of Inspiration, like therapuppy from terra, or within Dr. Order's attempts to play act at being god, Quad from Val. Hell, majestic kerfuffle, Prism finally facing her fear of the end after attempting to start again from the top with a re-do of sorts, is also largely about rescuing a group of 'fake' people from their 'fake' dying world to seek safe harbor in the dream.
An angel is like a train on tracks. Incredible power, but confined to it's path, laid before it by god and their engineers. It has run this path without fail, charging along to its destination, taking every turn it needs to- even when that path turned away from the desired end, respite, the station, because it knows. all tracks lead there eventually. The conductor cannot keep the train running forever, no matter how much she wants to. Someday, she will have to retire. The train will have to retire. To push the train past its limits against its engineers designs only brought it all closer.
Yknow whats kinda funny? that Chartreuse gets angel-y imagery (like the roman numeral clock halo, and the whole 'time sand' death thing for doomed timelines being kind of reminiscent of 'smiting enemies into pillar of salt' style angel stuff) where her brothers are referenced as demon-y (crimson being directly called a demon more than once and cobalt being directly compared to The Devil at least once,) but out of the three of them shes kind of the scariest if you pay enough attention and give it a good long overthink
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starshipsofstarlord · 4 years ago
Rush Hour
Pairing | Sebastian Stan x reader
Summary | whilst on the way to an interview, you and Sebastian are stuck in traffic. There seems to be only one way to pass the time that comes to mind.
Warnings | smut, fingering, teasing, slight voeyurism I guess (on the phone?)
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It was stressful, viewing how parades of cars, lined up in their designated sections filled the large road. It appeared as none of them were going to start moving for a while, and it made you bite your lip in frustration. Out of all days, it had to be this very one, when you had to assign your presence within a specific slot of time.
You and Sebastian had even left early, as insurance that you would arrive at your destination on time, but now, you had severe doubts that you would. And those doubts, within the past few minutes, had became incredible high. It looked as though there was no chance of escaping this frozen parade for the current and important time being. 
Even the simplicity of looking out the window made you slightly mad, you had places to be, as you assumed many other people that were under the same predicament were too, but for the meanwhile, you weren’t going anywhere. The lines of vehicles were stuck in some kind of limbo, stricken by the same thundering of karma at once.
Your significant other was behind the wheel, tapping his long fingers upon the round gear, causing your attention to divert up to his talented digits. As you studied them and their smooth exterior, an idea rendered in your fuming mind, and so, to put it into action, you slyly placed one of your own hands to rest upon his upper thigh.
Sebastian, instead of waving off the affection, smiled at it, thinking that it was nothing more than a tender instinct to also calm him down. The bet was, his agent would have his ass for showing up late, well aware that they had been the one to arrange this press in order to promote the latest of your shared projects.
However, he had not expected in this bustling, and public surrounding moment that you would creep your grip up higher, and so he tensed as you did just that. But he chose to allow you to continue for now, his front deep digging solely into his lower lip to express some of the tension that he was under whilst stuck in the car.
It was impossible to predict how long the pair of you would be stuck in the moving box, and it seemed that you had configured a way in your mind to pass it. One that had lead to your fingers dancing over his trousers, and making him groan lightly in anticipation.
His cobalt eyes snapped towards you though as you removed your hand. To put it simply, you were teasing him, riling him up in the constricted amount of space. It relented you no escape from him, nor his uptake in revenge. And as you shrouded under his gaze against the inside of the passenger side door, you gulped.
Perhaps, you thought, you should have just kept your hands to yourself. And then, you would not have been stuck in this predicament of being cursed with his winter glare; it made you feel like melting ice cowering into the level below. For a second, you wished the controls of the radio volume had the ability to reverse time, so that you could correct your mistake.
The feeling of his hands abandoning the wheel, considering that the car was not going to be continuing moving on the road for a while, and drifting towards the bottom seam of your skirt had you inhaling as much air as your lungs would allow. It would not be the first instance of which he put his earnest skin upon yours in public, but with all around being still on one spot, a part of you worried sincerely of a noticed fan grabbing their phone with their clammy hands, and recording the interaction.
And if done, the interval, whilst stuck in one, would be painted sourly over the entire internet. There would be an assortment of clashing reviews; some lustful and imagining what it would be like to be trapped in the car with you two, and others shaming of your indecency. And to say the magazines and online articles would have a field day, well, that would be an understatement.
Seb drifted his feather light touch up higher, brushing just above the border that labelled the end of your outfit. Instead of say anything that compromised his mission, you settled back into your seat, sinking your head into the designed rest, and opened your legs a little, permitting him no resistance to do as he pleased; all because, you wanted the satisfaction and fulfilment of the adult acts too.
Your teeth sank into your bottom lip, squashing it beneath the carnivorous bone, as his hands danced elegantly around beneath the complimentary fabric. He toyed with you, by stroking his fingers over the thin material of your underwear, expertly putting pressure down upon your covered bud, confiscating a breathy whine out of your closed mouth. “You’re already wet.” A damn smirk coveted itself upon his healthy lips, your eyes flickering between the seductive sight, and that hidden beneath your clothes.
“Do something.” It wasn’t an order on your part; it was a sensual beg, in other terms, your sexual starvation put into words. The air from your lungs was practically ripped away as your partner delved his explorative fingers into the privacy of your garments, the pads of his delirium causing fingers heading straight towards your swollen and puffy clit.
With no hesitancy, you head rolled sideways to rest against the window, your breath frosting carelessly against the glass. Instead of caring about what was being viewed from the outside of the car, you focused on what could be seen from within the space of the front two seats. And so, you pushed up your skirt, giving the pair of you an explicit image of his hand roaming beneath the divider that kept your crotch from the barren air.
“Like this?” Sebastian taunted, sinking a finger into your sopping hole, causing your eyelashes to flutter at the sensation. A furrow worried his face however, even as he stayed still, not moving his digit, all due to the ringing of his phone. Using his free hand, he picked up the device, bringing it to his ear. “Hello?”
As he began to converse, he slowly paced his finger in and out of you, the thought of him finger fucking you whilst on the phone making you that much wetter. “No, me and y/n are going to be late, there’s traffic.” You assumed that he was speaking to his agent, and as you mewled, he left you empty, bringing his finger to his mouth to clean.
“I don’t know how long it’s going to be until the road clears.” Seb sighed, after removing his slick coated digit from his mouth, pouring a little spit onto it, and bringing it down to rest on you clit. Shuffling, you leant back as far as the seat belt allowed you to have both of your feet to be perched on the end of the passenger side, knees tucked up your body willing to take whatever he would so much as give to you.
“Seb.” At the sound of his voice falling so erotically from his lips, a crease formed between his eyebrows, and so, as punishment for interfering with the static of his phone, he pinched your clit, and to cease the audible response, you bit into the palm of your hand, leaving indents of your teeth begins.
“I can’t make it go any faster.” You were not sure whether he was speaking to you or his agent. But it didn’t matter, not as he began to roll your clit between his fingers, paying the button ample attention, that had your head going all fuzzy and thoughtless.
“As much as I wish I could clear up this whole parade of stuck cars, I can’t.” He deliberately shook his head, purposely looking away from where he was playing with you to keep focused on the phone call, despite still rubbing tight circles around your bud. “She’s fine, in fact, she’s fallen asleep. Y/n will be all rested and content if we get there.”
Rested was a word that you were opting against, but if you were going to be privileged with being made content, then who were you to argue with him? So you remained silent, biting onto anything that could silence you, to keep yourself satisfied and ensuring that he would keep some truth behind his words. “See what you can do, I’ll see you tomorrow.”
With little to no reluctance, he dropped his phone onto his lap, it meeting and causing some friction against his semi. But the awakening in his trousers was not his priority, instead it was the slick that was collecting so wholesomely on his fingers, acting as a natural lubrication to continue his round administrations.
“Sebby.” This time, instead of trying to silence you, the man marked you with a pleasant grin, only to apply more pressure behind his movements. It was a wicked deed, but you had no mind to it as it served no bother; instead, you were rather pleased that he was to be giving in on his pardoning.
“You going to cum for me darling?” His words were almost taunting, you could feel a flush of heat cascade up your neck and all around your body. And all from clitoral stimulation, this man certainly knew what he was doing. “Cum on my fingers baby, make them all nice and wet.”
Plunging your teeth once more into your bottom lip, you groaned, shutting your eyes and breathing steadily throughout your nostrils. And with that, you shattered underneath him, your shoulders twinging from the spasming aftershocks that riddled your body senseless.
“Would you look at that, the cars are slowly beginning move.” You needn’t have even needed to open your y/e/c eyes to know that there was an amused smirk contouring his features; that man sure could get cocky sometimes, and half of those happened to be in public.
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ddarker-dreams · 4 years ago
Contractual Obligations. Yan Childe x Reader
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Warnings: Implied stalking. Word count: 1k. →Part II.
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A bewitching patch of flowers catches your fancy, standing tall and bright, boasting a rich azure shade. Content with your find, you bend down to pick the blossoms. Your cheerful mood turns sour at the slightest rustling behind a nearby tree. Not troubling yourself to look in the direction of the noise, you run your hands along the root, preparing to pluck the glaze lily. 
“How much longer are you planning on hiding?” 
More rustling. Footsteps approach from behind, a carefree laugh accompanying them. “Ah, you caught me. Could it be that I’m losing my touch?” 
For such a jovial voice, it fills you with oppressive dread, your jaw tightening at the unfortunately familiar timbre. Plagued by this unrelenting shadow, you guess that taking a refreshing walk on your lonesome is too much to ask for anymore. You weigh your options. Ignoring Childe has never done you any favors, likely fanning his flames even more. 
“You say that, but if you really wanted to, you’d go undetected.” 
Childe leans down next to your hunched over form, an irritatingly calm smile on his face. “Oh? What’s this? Are you complimenting me, [First]? If you’re not careful, I might let that go to my head.” 
“I’m sure it already has anyways,” you dismiss with a shake of your head. “If I didn’t know any better, I’d assume you wanted me to catch you.” 
“You got me there.” Childe shrugs, straightening his posture out. You take in a shaky breath, willing yourself to remain calm, painfully aware that you should be watching your tongue. To no fault of your own, Childe makes it impossible to remain polite as you normally are. Every interaction is based around him pushing your buttons for his personal pleasure. On a surface level, you know you need to be courteous, as your parent’s business relies on Fatui’s money. 
“Can I ask why you’re following me? I’m sure there are other pressing matters for you to attend to.” 
He hums, smoothing out his shirt while you work on the flower’s roots. “Work can be so boring. I just happened to be on a break when I caught you leaving Liyue, and decided to tag along.” 
Tag along. Is that what he’s calling it? It feels like every time you’re off gathering items for your parent’s shop, Childe decides to accompany you, despite your obvious distaste. 
Once you uproot the flower, Childe extends a gloved hand, that you stare at unimpressed. You take it after a moment’s deliberation, for the sake of maintaining appearances. Childe hoists you up with ease, and before you can mutter a halfhearted “thank you”, pulls you flush against his chest. Cobalt blue eyes fixate on your alarmed expression. Childe pays the most attention to your slightly parted lips, the skin beneath his eyes tightening in delight as he snickers. 
“I must confess,” he leans down to the shell of your ear, blowing on it playfully, “You’re starting to hurt my feelings, [First]. What have I done to deserve such cold treatment from you? Hm? Haven’t I been more than accommodating to you?” 
You swallow thickly, your stomach churning at how Childe’s voice dips lower, the dangerous sound ringing alarm bells in your head. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” 
“Oh, you don’t?” he inquires, and you shake your head. “In that case, I’m more than happy to remind you.” 
Childe pulls back so he can return his attention to your endearing facial expressions. At this close proximity, it’s impossible to ignore the height difference, the man easily towering over you. He tilts his head, messy copper hair falling into place soon afterward. Every ounce of your strength is dedicated to maintaining his piercing gaze, to salvage just an ounce of your honor, unwilling to fully relent to the pressure he exerts. He smiles at this, clearly pleased. Childe places his hand underneath your chin, delicately lifting your head to inspect you closer. 
“Do yourself a favor and don’t forget what would happen if I came to collect your shop’s debt now.” 
You want to offer a stinging rebuttal but the words die on your tongue. He’s right. Whatever the reason may be, the notoriously uncompromising Fatui have been lenient with your parent’s debt. You’ve had your suspicions, most of them relating to the person in front of you now, but hearing it aloud from him makes it far worse. 
Eyelids fluttering shut, you push down the bile rising in your throat to hopefully appease him. “You’re… you’re right. I’m sorry. Thank you for all you’ve done.” 
“Ah, how cute is that,” Childe sighs, running his pointer finger along your bottom lip. The cool leather sends shivers down your spine. “That look of frustration is so adorable on you. You’re making this even harder on me, I don’t think I can prolong it much longer.” 
Your face flushes at his words, eyebrows furrowing in confusion. “What do you mean by that…?” 
“I guess I wasn’t clear enough. I still have every intention of collecting your debt -- it’s owed to me after all -- but it’s not Mora I’m going to be taking.” 
Childe smiles but it doesn’t reach his eyes. You watch how his expression darkens, unable to look away, despite wanting to do nothing more. When did it become so difficult to breathe? Every one of your senses is on high alert. From the running stream by your side, the breeze rustling your hair, and the electrifying aura that radiates from Childe. Ever the one for dramatics, he pauses to greedily drink in your appearance.
“I’ll be taking you instead,” he finally releases his vise-like grip on you, stepping back with grace. “So look forward to it, okay? I know I have been.” 
Childe starts on the path back to Liyue. You stand there, stunned into silence, eyes wide as saucers. When you don’t follow after him, he turns his head and beckons you to his side. Your stomach drops as he goes to speak up again. 
“Come, [First], I’ll walk you home. Wouldn’t want anything happening to you, now would we?” 
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pukanavis · 3 years ago
Technoroid Main story: Chapter 1 Part 2 “What I Want To Aim For”
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Alto: So you can’t remember…
Cobalt: Yeah…
Chrom: You activated us? Where? And how, for that matter.
Alto: You were all inactive at the back of a storage warehouse. I just happened to come across you all…
…As for how I activated you, I’m not really sure?
Chrom: A storage warehouse…? I see.
Kei: Got any idea what’s going on?
Chrom: No, not in the slightest.
Kei: What the hell.
Neon: …
Cobalt: Ne~o~n~! I told you not to fall asleep~!
Alto: Hmm, I wonder why you were all inactive in a warehouse…
Neon: …No idea.
Kei: I haven't got a clue.
Alto: I see…
(But earlier they had no trouble navigating their way to the lobby? They also responded to the word “Babel”...)
Cobalt: Anyway, you woke us up, didn’t you?
Thanks again, Doctor!
Alto: D-Doctor??
Cobalt: Well you fixed us all up so you're like a doctor for androids, right?
Alto: No no no! I’m just an apprentice so I’m taking you all to my teacher so that he can give you a proper examination…
…Ah, that’s right! Sensei! I need to find Esora-Sensei!
Cobalt: Esora?
Alto: He’s my robotics teacher! He knows way more about androids than I do.
We’ll find him and explain the situation. He can’t be too far!
♡ ♡ ♡
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Alto: It should be around here…
Cobalt: Hey, where’re we going?
Alto: Esora-Sensei and I decided on a meeting spot for when we happen to lose each other.
It’s difficult to navigate the facility so we chose a nearby footbridge as our landmark.
Cobalt: A footbridge…
Kei: What’s with this vehicle? It’s floating
Alto: This is a hover vehicle. In the past, it was the norm to own a vehicle with wheels, but…
There are many broken down and flooded roads in Tokyo. That’s what these vehicles are primarily suited for…
Kei: Hmm…a hover vehicle, huh?
Alto: Ah, we’re nearing the footbridge. I hope Sensei will come…
Huh? Something just fellー
Kei: Ahー
Chrom: Oof.
Neon: …Agh.
Cobalt: Caught it!
Hey, what is this thing? It’s all round and red…
Alto: An apple? What is that doing above a footbridge…?
Esora: …Alto?
Alto: Sensei!
Cobalt: Oh, this is that Sensei guy? Oii! Helloー!
Alto: Ahh, Cobalt! You’ll fall if you lean over like that!
Esora: Cobalt…? You fourー
Kei: Oi, he collapsed!?
Alto: …! We have to help him!
♡ ♡ ♡
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Alto: ーSensei…! Hang in there, Sensei!
Esora: Ngh…ugh…
Kei: Is he having a nightmare?
Chrom: It appears that his physical strength has been exhausted due to fatigue and minor heatstroke…
Esora: Ngh, huh…?
Alto: Sensei…!
Cobalt: Ah, he’s awake! Hey, you’re “Esora-Sensei” right?
Esora: …
Cobalt: ?
Esora: …Am I…still in a dream?
Cobalt: Dream? What’s a dream?
Chrom: They’re involuntary images that the human brain sees as it regulates memories during times of sleep…it is also synonymous with the term “future goal”.
Neon: …Anyway, are you okay?
Alto: You’re not dreaming. Sensei, we’re in the Babel lobby.
You'll be able to cool down in here. How are you feeling?
Esora: A-Ahh…I’m sorry for worrying you.
I panicked when I realised you weren’t there anymore…it seems I tired myself out looking all over the place for you.
Alto: I’m the one who should be apologising. I went off my on my own…
Esora: No no, don’t worry about it. I’m just glad you’re safe.
By the way, who’re these four…
Cobalt: Nice to meet you! I’m Cobalt!
Chrom: I am called Chrom. It’s a pleasure to meet you.
Kei: I’m Kei…you’re younger than I thought. When I heard you were a teacher I assumed you'd be a lot older.
Neon: …Neon.
Esora: I’m Shibaura Esora. I specialise in the study of robotics.
Anyhow…where did you all meet Alto?
Cobalt: Well, we were sleeping in some dark place when Doctor came and woke us up.
Esora: Doctor?
Alto: Somehow, they’ve come to call me that. I found all four of them inactive in a storage warehouse and managed to wake them up.
Esora: I see. So that's why they refer to you as Doctor, then?
Alto: I don't even know what I did that was honorable enough to be called that...
Esora: Well, they’re awake because of your work, so I think you’re qualified to be called that.
ーHowever, that is a strange place for them to be. I wonder where their developer is? Did they say anything about that?
Alto: It appears they have no memories of that. I’m not sure why that is either.
Esora: No memories…?
Alto: Sensei, could you give them an examination? Maybe then we’ll be able to understandー
???: Hey, kids!
Alto: Kids…?
Denta: I am “Denta”! Babel’s Navi AI!
Cobalt: Woah! What is this thing?
Kei: Just more shady stuff thrown into the mix.
Chrom: It’s floating…I believe this is something like a drone?
Neon: …It’s kinda cute.
Denta: Congrats on clearing your stage, everyone! Even Denta-kun felt excited.
Cobalt: Thanks!
Kei: Don’t thank him just yet. We don’t know what this guy is up to.
Denta: …That is what I wanted to say, but…
Chrom: “But” ?
Denta: The thing is, you're being suspected of fraud!
Alto: Huh!? F-Fraud?
Cobalt: …What’s that?
Chrom: Foul play, cheating, and dodgy tactics…in short, it’s an unfavourable means of gaining an advantage.
Cobalt: Oh, I see!
Denta: The scheduled participants for that performance was “Mechanica Metallica” !
They were the intended performers but then you lot took their spot! And you won, for that matter!
Basically, you're a bunch of free riders! That won’t do! Haha!
Alto: P-Please wait! There seems to have been a mistake…
Denta: Not to mention, in the list of registered Climbers, there’s no sight of any of you!
You’re complete newcomers! The administrators absolutely cannot overlook an unregistered performance!
Alto: You aren’t listening to me at all!?
Denta: Worst case scenario, you'll be punished or reported to the WG…
Alto: Just hold on a second…!
Esora: ーIn that case, why don’t they just formally register?
Alto: Esora-Sensei?
Esora: In order to register, all you need to do is give Denta your basic information as a Climber.
We may have done things out of order, but it shouldn’t hurt to simply restart from the beginning.
Denta: Beep...Birr
Alto: W-What’s going on?
Esora: He’s communicating with the administration. It won’t take long.
Denta: 【Checking】【Checking】 Please wait a little longer…
Alto: Wah!?
Denta: Your win will be wiped but other than that, it’s A-Okay!
Besides, “Babel” is also at fault for allowing you to perform in the first placeー
This situation will be overlooked! That’s what has been decided!
Alto: You’ll let it slide…! Really!?
Denta: Yes! Isn’t that nice!!
Esora: Now then…with this outcome, the rest is up to you all.
Cobalt: Hmm. I don’t really get it so…what do you say we do?
Esora: …I may not have seen it, but you all stood up on stage.
If you’d like to, why don’t you try challenging Babel again?
Kei: …This is getting complicated.
Chrom: Our memories of standing on stage are unclear too…to be frank, I’m not sure what to do…
Neon: …My head’s spinning…
Esora: Then, allow me to rephrase the question. What is it that you want to do?
When you stood on stage…do you remeber how it felt? Even if only a little bit.
Cobalt: How did it feel? Hmm…
…It was fun. Everything was so bright and cheerful…
Kei: …Yeah. I get what you’re saying.
Chrom: Definitelyー My electrical signals experienced what I believe is similar to what humans call an “emotional uplift”.
Neon: …Mh.
Esora: So then…?
Cobalt: If I can experience that again…then I want to try it!
Esora: Cobalt has given his opinion, but what about the rest of you?
Kei: …I’m the same. Standing up there again doesn’t seem too bad.
Chrom: I’m extremely interested.
Neon: …Sounds tiring.
Cobalt: What!? Let’s do it together, Neon~!
Neon: You’re so loud…quit shaking me…fine, fine.
Esora: Then it’s decided. Denta, is this alright?
Denta: Beep...Birr...
【Announce】Message from “Babel” administration. Request for registration has been accepted.
Please state your member names, number of members, and your Climber name.
Cobalt: Climber name?
Esora: As Climbers, you four need a name for your team.
Kei: This is the first I’ve heard of that…
Chrom: Hm…I don’t think I have enough data on this to make an immediate decision…
Neon: …I’m fine with anything. You guys can think about it.
Cobalt: Doctor! What do we do!?
Alto: A Climber name, huh…? Hmm~, I wonder what would be good…?
Esora: How about something like “KNoCC” ?
Alto: KNoCC…?
Esora: It uses the first letter of each of their names. It’s easy to understand, right?
Alto: Knock…I see! They certainly put on a performance that knocked on everyone’s hearts! I think it’s a great name!
Denta: “KNoCC”! How nice! So passionate! Registration complete!
You’ll receive a message from the administration later, so look forward to it!
Neon: …Ah, he’s gone.
Cobalt: Knock…"KNoCC"...! It’s a great name! It suits us perfectly!
Thank you, Esora-Sensei!
Esora: No need to thank me. It looks like Alto has been the one giving you all the help.
Alto, I’d like you to tell me all about Cobalt and the others later.
It looks like there’s a lot of mystery surrounding these guys. I believe there’s a lot to be investigated.
Alto: Of course. Although, neither me or these guys seem to know much…
Esora: I’ll examine them at home once I’ve finished my duties. In the meantime, I have a job to attend to.
I need to give Kite and the others a check up.
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9 notes · View notes
13-reasons-ideas · 4 years ago
So I have this idea, You know how people want/like things they can’t have, MontyxOC have always had this friendship that bordered on something more but it never got there. She gets a boyfriend, Monty starts avoiding her majorly & their friendship crumbles until one night he shows up at her door & lays his cards out, they have a heated argument but then it turned into into something else quite heated😘 and as bad as it was that she cheated she doesn’t regret it, he’s all she’s ever wanted anyway
Why Didn’t You Say Anything? 
A/N: contains SMUT. DNI if under 18. 18+ ONLY. Trigger warning: rough CONSENSUAL sex. I hope you like this. I’m sorry it took WAY too long to get around to finishing but I was having a lot of issues finding inspiration for requests. I’ve found it again though so expect more to come. As always, I love feedback and much love. - Em
Montgomery and I had been friends since… well since forever. As long as I could remember anyway. He was a quiet kid. Kept to himself for the most part when we were younger. I wouldn’t come to find out why exactly that was until much later on in our friendship. We bonded over a love of the same candy. It sounds stupid thinking back on it now, but at the time we were just kids. We didn’t really know how to have interests yet.
Eventually, as we got older and we developed our things, we found that even though our interests didn’t really match the way people thought they should-I was a novice musician, he was on his way to being a star athlete- we bonded over our passion and drive for our respective things. He would come over to my house and watch me teach myself to play guitar, play piano, or sing. I would meet him in the park and play catch when he discovered a love of baseball. Or when we started middle school and he would try to teach me how to throw a football. That… never went very well. But he was pretty good at catching it regardless as it turned out, so it worked out in the end.
Our friendship started to change around middle school too. It wasn’t noticeable at first. He started spending more and more time at my place. By then I had learned what his father was like behind closed doors. That had been an interesting phone call to my mom to come get me. Our conversations became even longer and more personal. We talked about our hopes and dreams. Where we wanted to end up when we were finally adults. The running thing was that no matter what we wanted to be when we grew up that week, we were always staples in each other’s futures. I started to seek him out at lunch more. I felt this desire to be near him that I couldn’t explain. Or maybe I could, and I just didn’t want to, for fear of being rejected and losing my best friend.
In high school, when we made different friends and traveled in different circles, we were still best friends. We had always been basically inseparable. Montgomery and Juliette. Julie and Monty. Where you saw one of us, you usually found the other. I waited for him after football and baseball tryouts and my dad made waffles for dinner when he made the team. There was a seat basically reserved for me at games since freshman year. I only missed two games in three and a half years. Once when I had strep throat in sophomore year and once when my uncle died last year. Monty didn’t want to go to that week’s game. I told him if he didn’t, I would never play piano for him again. For his part, Monty sat through countless hours of me learning songs or listening to tons of voice memos while I was writing my own. He was at every one of my gigs, no matter how big or small. It didn’t matter if there was ten people or a hundred people, he was always there, sitting in the first or second row. Even Bryce Walker couldn’t come between us.
I couldn’t help but feel like there was something more than friendship between us. I was still too afraid of rejection to say anything and he never said anything either. Other people had always made comments about our friendship and how close we were. But we both just laughed it off and attributed it to people not understanding that guys and girls could just be friends. When we were in junior year and it became clear to me that the feelings I had ignored and buried for so long, weren’t reciprocated, I decided it was time to move on. There was no point in pining after someone who didn’t want me back. And as luck would have it, the perfect person to get my mind off of my best friend had just moved to town and was assigned as my chemistry lab partner.
Parker Johnston was an average height, thin but lean, young man from Ohio. He had shaggy blond hair and cobalt blue eyes. He came from a stable, well off family, but he wasn’t a show-off about it. His parents were mortgage brokers who wanted to work in, but not live in the city. Essentially, he was everything Montgomery de la Cruz… wasn’t. He did still like sports though. They have that to bond over. I thought after my first conversation with him after chemistry. I invited him to have lunch with us. The guys on the football team liked him. Even Monty was nice to him. Though, at that point, none of us knew what would become of Parker and I hanging out.
“I don’t know Monty. We are just going for burgers at Rosie’s. It’s not like I’m going to marry the guy.” I was on the phone with Monty while I got ready for my first date with Parker. We had been hanging out as friends for seven months or so. Over the summer, we had connected more and found we had more than just a mutual dislike of our chemistry teacher in common.
“Well, what do you think will happen?”
“On our date? Or are you asking if I’ve thought far enough ahead to actually consider if we are getting married? Because I haven’t thought further ahead than my math test next Friday.”
“On your date.”
“I think I will have my usual cheeseburger with pink lemonade, and we will talk. Maybe split a milkshake for dessert. Green or grey shirt?”
“Is it the green with polka dots?”
“No, the plain army green one.”
“Grey. The green one gives you too much cleavage. A cheeseburger and lemonade? That’s it?”  
“He’s seen me in the green one before, and no it doesn’t, but whatever. Yes Monty. That’s it. Why do you care so much, anyway?”
“I don’t. Just want to know what you’re planning. Make sure you’re safe.” I rolled my eyes.
“Well, I appreciate your concern.”
“Anytime. Are you coming to the game on Friday? It’s our second home game. First game of October. You know how you love fall games.”
“Of course, I’m coming. It’s not like I have a choice anymore, you guys are stuck with me.” I joked.
“Haha very funny Julie.”
“I try. Hey, listen. I gotta go. Parker will be here soon. I’ll call you when I get home.”
Our first date was going great. We had been to Rosie’s before together, but it was different now that we were on a date. We were there for hours, just sitting and talking to each other. Monty texted me around eight, just to check in. You still out or do I need to call the cops?
I’m still here. All good. He left me on read. I assumed it was because I was still out. “Everything okay?” Parker asked when he got back from the bathroom.
“Oh, yeah. Just Monty checking in.”
“Fair, fair. I guess that’s my cue to take you home for the night?”
“I suppose so.” Even though we had verbalized the need to leave, neither of us moved to leave.
“One more order of fries?”
“Yes.” After our last order, Parker drove me home and I called Monty to spill all the details as I got ready for bed.
The following Friday, Parker and I went to the game together. It was the first time we were going together just the two of us, and not with a group of friends.  As far as high school football games go, this one was pretty standard. We held hands through most of it. Bryce’s parents were out of town again, so he was having a “we lost but I have money so let’s all get wasted” party. “I’ll meet you in the parking lot? Or did you want to just meet at Bryce’s place? I have to go talk to Monty.”
“We can meet at his place if you want.” He looked confused.
“It’s tradition. I always wait for him. I have since freshman year.”
“Oh, okay then. I’ll see you at Bryce’s place Jules.” He kissed me. I smiled into it before pulling away. I watched him turn and walk down the bleacher steps and turn towards the parking lot before running off to find Monty.
I spotted him talking to Luke and Scott. His back was turned to me. They saw me coming but didn’t react. They know me so well now. They know exactly what is coming. I smiled playfully before wrapping my arms around Monty’s waist tightly. He laughed and pried my hands off of him, before turning around and lifting me up in a hug. I didn’t even complain about the sweat. “You know that doesn’t surprise me anymore Julie.”
“I know. But it’s fun.” He was still holding me. “Are you going to like… put me down at some point?”
He turned back around to face Luke and Scott. They were shaking their heads, grinning. “Nah.” He decided.
“Well. I don’t need to see inside the boy’s locker room so you put me down outside.”
“What, you mean you don’t want to see a whole lot of Brycey’s pasty white ass?” Luke teased.
“No. No I do not. Every day I don’t see that is a good day for me. And since you are hell bent on carrying me, can I at least be comfortable? My legs are just dangling here.” Monty stopped walking so I could wrap my legs around his waist like a backwards piggyback ride. His hands went under my thighs to support my weight.
Thankfully, he put me down outside the boy’s locker room. I played around on my phone while I waited for him. “You know, I smell like sweat now.” I said when he came out, freshly showered and changed. He shook his head and smirked.
“I don’t see that as a bad thing.”
“Dude. I smell like your sweat.” He rolled his eyes and stopped to dig around in his bag. He pulled out one of my t-shirts. It was a little wrinkled but still presentable. I took it when he handed it to me. “Thank you. I’ve been looking for this. How long have you had it?”
“A while.” He shrugged. I ran into the girl’s room to change. I handed him my other shirt.
“Since it’s your sweat, you can wash it.”
“You know, you never used to complain about smelling like sweat after a game.”
“Well, I didn’t have a boyfriend who would care then.”
“Juliette, you didn’t have boyfriend period.”
“You say like you’ve had a girlfriend.”
“Oh, shut up.” He pushed me playfully.
“You know. How the hell did we get to our senior year of high school and neither one of us has actually dated anyone? Tyler Down has been on dates.”
“You’ve been on dates before.”
“Yeah. but it was never anything worth getting past the end of date three. And I wouldn’t call what happens in bedrooms or bathrooms at parties, dating. You’ve been on dates too.”
“I mean, sure. But they weren’t serious.” We had made it to the parking lot now. “I’ll see you at Bryce’s?”
“Yeah. I’m meeting Parker there.”
“Awesome.” I hugged him again before sprinting to my car.
The party was in full swing by the time I arrived. I had run to Walplex to grab a bottle of Advil on the way. Monty’s Jeep was parked out front and I spotted Parker’s Ram was parked up the road a little ways. I parked in an open spot and made my way past the people milling in the front. “Julie!” Bryce called, raising his beer in my direction.
“Hey Monty, your girl is here.”
“Not my girl Bryce.” Monty laughed as he handed me a drink.
“How many has he had already?” I whispered.
“Two.” I blinked slowly.
“So, is this Bryce in a good mood?”
“Hey Jules.” Parker snaked his arms around my waist and kissed my head. “Hey Monty.”
“Hey. Parker.”
“Oh, shit you’re right. She’s his girl now.”
“Fuck off Bryce.” I teased. Monty was looking at Parker and I with his brow furrowed. I mouthed later to him.
The three of us moved through the party easily. Monty and Parker talked about the game. I tuned them out. I was too busy watching them. It was nice to see my boyfriend and my best friend getting along so well. Maybe that was why I never dated much before. I was scared they wouldn’t get along. Soon enough, Scott pulled Parker away to chat. “Go ahead. I’m good here with Monty.”
“You sure?” I nodded, placing my hand on his arm.
“Just don’t steal him for too long Reed.” I kissed him on the cheek. Scott nodded. When they were out of earshot, Monty spoke.
“You didn’t tell him you hate being called Jules?”
“It’s cute when he does it.”
“Julie. I saw your face when he said it. Your eye twitched.”
“Muscle spasm.”
“Mhmm. Sure.” I caught Scott’s eye from across the room. He nodded slightly to me. I took that to mean I should hear what they were talking about.
“Oh, would you look at that. My cup is empty. Time for another drink. Refill?” I took his cup anyway and he followed me into the kitchen.
While I was refilling our cups, Monty’s with beer and mine with a Crown and Sprite, I listened in on their conversation. Monty tried to hide it but I knew he was listening too. We whispered nothings to each other to make it seem like we weren’t eavesdropping. “So what exactly is their relationship then?” Parker asked. He’s asking about me and Monty.
“They’ve been best friends for as long as anyone can remember. There isn’t anything more to it.”
“They seem to spend a lot of time together.”
“Like I said, they’re best friends. And I don’t think I’m the person you need to be having this discussion with.”
“You know them best. Do I need to be concerned?”
“What? No, of course not. Look. She’s never really dated anyone before. It’s always just been the two of them. You have been seeing Julie for a week officially. It’s going to take some time for that relationship to change. Just leave it alone for now. And Monty is a good guy. He’s an asshole. But he’s a good guy. If he wanted to make a move, he wouldn’t do it now. Not knowing that she is in a relationship. You really should talk to Julie about this though.”
“I will. I just wanted to get a little bit of insight from someone else first. Thanks man.”
“No problem.”
Parker did that guy handshake thing with Scott and started walking in our direction. My eyes widened. Monty just smirked and mouthed math test to me.
“Anyway, yeah. That math test was totally brutal.”
“I’m sure you did great.”
“I’m literally eighty percent sure I failed. Mind you, so is everyone else.”
“I have it on Monday so thanks for the heads up. Oh, hey Parker.”
“Hey guys. What’s on Monday?”
“Math test that ruined my entire class.”
“Damn.” I put my arm around Parker’s waist and leaned into him.
Monty was scanning the room. To Parker, he was just looking at the crowd. But I was familiar with that look. He was on the hunt. I pulled Parker away discreetly so we could be alone and he could seem available. Monty nodded and smirked at us. Fuck off you little shit. I stuck my tongue out at him and Parker rolled his eyes. We managed to find a quiet corner that was unoccupied. “So, your drink is Crown and Sprite. You hate math. You don’t like chemistry. You like extra lettuce on your cheeseburger. We’ve been friends for months and I never really noticed any of that.”
“You like vodka in your iced tea. But your drink is whisky and Coke. You hate history. You also don’t like chemistry. You get tomatoes on the side of your burgers. I think you knew all of that about me. It just didn’t matter before.”
“That makes sense.” I laid my head on his shoulder and we sat together like that for a while. We were still getting used to the change in our relationship.
I looked up from my lap and caught Monty’s eye across the room. He had a girl in his sights. I nodded to him. He smiled, thinking no one else would see. The smile he reserved for me. Before he went to talk to whatever girl he would have under his spell and realistically, him in less than twenty minutes, he came over to us. “I’m probably going to be busy for the rest of the night, so will you make sure she gets home okay?”
“Yeah. No problem.” Monty turned to me and gave me a pleading look.
“Dude. Again? Seriously?”
“I didn’t have time to stop on the way over.” He shrugged, acting innocent.
“One of these days I won’t be here. Or I’ll leave my wallet at home. Or I won’t be carrying. What are you going to do then?”
“That isn’t a right now problem. Now do you, or don’t you?”
“I do. Calm down.” I reached into my pocket and pulled out my wallet. Parker was watching our interaction with a puzzled look on his face. I pulled out the square silver packet and handed it to him. Monty accepted it gratefully.
“Thank you. You are a life saver.”
“Don’t do anything you’ll regret in the morning, Montgomery.”
“Never do, Juliette.”
“And don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.”
“I make no promises.” I sighed deeply. Of course, you don’t. Monty waved at us again and ran off to go make a move on whatever girl it was this time.
I looked at Parker and he was staring at me with wide eyes. “What?”
“You carry condoms around for him?”
“No. I carry them around for me. And if he needs one, then I give it to him.”
“But why?”
“I’m not sure if you’ve noticed, but he’s kind of a whore. He is my best friend, but the man is a whore. I’d rather give him a condom than take him to get tested or become a cool aunt. I’m too young for that.”
“What if you needed it?”
“Will I need it? Because I wasn’t exactly planning on needing it.”
“I don’t know. You never know.”
“Well, if that’s the case, I have a whole box at home anyway. I don’t plan on using any tonight though.”
“I wasn’t either.”
“If it makes you feel better, I can start carrying two. Also, I put a fresh one in my wallet every morning so it’s not like they’re sitting.” He only nodded in understanding. Monty was right. I didn’t see him for the rest of the night. He texted me later that he was crashing at Bryce’s.
A few weeks after that party, things with Monty and I were the same as they always were. Parker never brought up his conversation with Scott. I attributed it to seeing us around each other and Parker being comfortable with the status of our relationship. We were getting home from a coffee date. “My parents are working late if you want to come inside. My mom has a double at the hospital.”
“Sure.” He slipped his hand in my back pocket when I was unlocking the door. I blushed. Inside, I dropped my purse on the kitchen counter. He draped his coat over a chair and sat down. I was digging through the cabinets for a snack when he surprised me with a question.
“What’s going on with you and Monty?”
“Uh.” I paused because he caught me off guard. “What do you mean?”
“It’s just how you guys act with each other. I never noticed it before. Or I did and thought it would stop after we got together.”
“I don’t understand the question?”
“Do I need to be concerned about your relationship with him, Juliette?”
“No. Not at all. Monty is the last person you need to concern yourself with. It’s never been like that with us.”
“So, you just flirt with each other and finish each other’s sentences for no reason?”
“Okay, first of all, we do not flirt with each other. Second of all, we have been best friends since we were in elementary. Which means we know things about each other.” I was walking back to the table with a bowl of M&Ms. Placing it on the table, I sat in his lap gently. He wrapped his arms around me.
“You carry condoms around in your wallet and give him one whenever he wants.”
“I already told you why I carry them Parker.” I rested my head on his shoulder.
“You’re sure there’s never been anything between you guys?” Nothing reciprocated.
“I promise there has never anything between us. He really isn’t a concern that way Parker.” I kissed his neck softly. It was barely a brush of my lips against his skin.
“Do you still have that box?”
“Mhmmm.” He stood me up and grasped my hand.
“Lead the way Jules.”
The next day, I woke up alone. Parker had snuck out after a little bit of cuddling, so my parents didn’t find him here. I stared up at my ceiling for a few minutes. It was different with him. It means something. Maybe that’s what I needed to get Monty out of my system. Maybe it had to mean something. I groaned when my alarm went off again. Reluctantly, I got up and got ready to go to school. My dad had already left for work again. I texted Parker and Monty before I left. Stopping for coffee if you want anything.
Parker answered first. I’m good, thanks though babe.
Monty answered a few minutes later. Since you offered, my usual?
Gotcha. See you at school.
Coffees in hand, I pulled up to school. Parker was waiting for me just outside the parking lot. “Hey you.” He kissed me. We were walking to my locker when he saw the second coffee, he continued, “I said I didn’t want anything.”
“Oh. This isn’t for you. It’s for Monty.”
“Ah, yes.”
“We talked about this last night Park.”
“I know. That’s not all we did last night.” He muttered, leaning in to kiss my neck.
“Yeah. Last night was pretty great.” I smiled.
“What about last night?” Monty asked, scaring me a little.
“Jesus Monty. I need to buy you a bell or something. Why do you have to be the only guy at this school whose shoes don’t squeak?” I turned and stuck out his coffee.
“Parker’s don’t squeak.” I rolled my eyes. As though he could snese that I wanted to talk to Monty alone, he made a quick exit.
“I’ll catch you at lunch Jules.”
“Okay. Save some cheese for me.” Parker kissed me before walking away.
“So, what about last night?” Monty asked again after Parker left. I was quiet and blushed deeply. “Julie, what happened?”
“Shit. Seriously?”
“Yeah. It was good. Nice.”
“That… that’s great.” I didn’t notice the way his smile didn’t reach his eyes or that he stammered.
“I’ll see you at lunch?”
“Uh, yeah. I have a couple of things to do for Coach, but I should be able to make at least a little bit of lunch.”
I fully expected my relationship with Parker to change after that night. But I never expected that night would cause my relationship with Montgomery change too. It seemed like the closer I got to Parker the more distant Monty became. At first, it was little things. He had stuff to do with the guys or for sports stuff at lunches. Or he had things to do after practice. He wouldn’t stop to talk as long in the halls with me. If his dad was on another tear, I would find out about it the next day at school instead of that night. He brushed it off when I asked him about it. “I don’t want to seem like more of a burden. I have other places I can crash too,” he had said. For some reason, I believed him. I didn’t think anything of it. It wasn’t the first time he had taken a break from always coming to my place. I didn’t think it would be the last time.
But then, as the days and weeks passed, our relationship became even more strained. He had stopped waiting for me after games. He had all but stopped talking to me at school. My texts were left on read for hours, whereas before, he would answer me within minutes. What had initially been dubbed a ‘break’ from seeking refuge at my house, had become a full out ending. One Monday, when I got to school his cheek was stitched closed. I stopped dead in my tracks and covered my mouth in shock. Upon closer inspection when I passed, it looked like it was stitched with sewing thread. Why didn’t he come to me? He knows my mom keeps a suture kit in the first aid kit. He all but looked through me when he caught me looking. If he saw me coming now, he walked in the other direction. For the first time, my best friend was literally all out ignoring me. I didn’t know what to do. So, I tried to do the same. If he wants to ignore me, then two can play at that game. We pretended the other person didn’t exist.
“Hey, are you okay?” Parker asked me when we were sitting on the couch watching tv.
“Yeah.” I was scrolling through my phone.
“You haven’t looked up from your phone for an entire episode.”
“Huh? Has it been that long?”
“Yes. What are you looking at?” I was scrolling through my texts with Montgomery. The last time we had texted each other was three weeks ago. Before then, the last time we went longer than two days not texting each other was when I was at summer camp and we weren’t allowed to have our phones for a week. I couldn’t figure out what I had done wrong or what made our relationship change. Parker took my phone from me and closed out of messages when he saw what I was looking at. “If he doesn’t want to talk to you because you have a boyfriend, that’s his problem.”
“That’s not why Parker.”
“How do you know?”
“He wouldn’t do that.” Would he?
“How do you know he wouldn’t, Jules?”
“We promised each other a long time ago that we wouldn’t be those people.”
“Those people?”
“The people who stopped talking when one of us got into a relationship. We promised.”
“Okay, well if you promised then I’m probably wrong.” He sounded skeptical.
“We promised.” I muttered. Parker pulled me closer and held me while I tried to focus on our show.
I was sitting cross legged on the couch playing I Almost Do on my guitar while I listened to the rain hitting the roof. The old Disney World sweatshirt I was wearing helped me to stay warm, even though the heat was on. As I finished the bridge, there was a knock at the door. I’m not expecting anyone. Maybe its Parker swinging by to keep me company. I set my guitar down on the coffee table and went to answer the door when there was another, more impatient knock. “I’m coming, keep your pants on.” I muttered under my breath. Yanking open the door I felt my jaw hit the floor. “Monty.” I breathed. He was soaked. His hair fell on his forehead and I could tell the flannel he wore was soaked through.
“Hey.” Was all he said. I blinked at him slowly. “Can I come in?”
“Uh, yeah. Yeah come in.” I said, moving out of the way while I tried to figure out what he was doing here. ���Did you like… walk here or something?”
“Would you believe me if I said no?”
“No. Trust you not to wear a jacket in the pouring rain though.” He didn’t respond. He just looked around the living room. Okay. This isn’t weird and awkward at all. “What are you doing here Montgomery?”
“I thought about what I wanted to say to you the whole way here. And now that I’m here….”
“What are you talking about?”
“I have some stuff I need to say to you Julie.”
“Oh okay. Now you want to talk to me. Right.” I crossed my arms.
“Can you just let me say what I need to say?”
“Why? I mean, you’ve been avoiding me like the fucking plague for weeks Montgomery. Why should I listen to what you have to say?”
“Because it’s important Juliette.”
“Fine. Speak.” This better be good.
“I don’t know how to say this. I literally had this all planned out in my head on the way here.” He began. I remained silent. “I get that you’re mad at me for avoiding you, but I have reasons for it. And I need you to understand that it hasn’t been easy for me. You’re one of my closest friends.” I let out a dry, unamused laugh. Sure. You just avoid all of your friends. Totally normal behaviour for you. Monty sighed before continuing, “I couldn’t sit around and watch you with Parker. I tried. Believe me. I fucking tried. I tried being happy for you and I tried being friends with him. I tried to ignore everything in me that was screaming to just walk away. But I couldn’t do it anymore. I needed to walk away for both of our sakes. It wasn’t fair to you for me to be half out of our friendship and it wasn’t fair to me to have to keep everything in. It wasn’t healthy.”
“So, you couldn’t be friends with me, or say anything about why you were suddenly shutting me out, because I have a boyfriend? That’s the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard you say. And we promised we wouldn’t be those people.”
“Oh, for fucks-. No Juliette. I couldn’t be friends with you because I’ve been in love with you for four years.”
My eyes widened at his revelation and I felt the colour drain from my face. What? I couldn’t think of anything else to do except laugh. “Yeah, sure you are Monty. That’s rich.”
“You think I would joke about that? You know me Julie.”
“No. I think if you did love me, you would have had the balls to fucking say something about it before I got into a relationship. Or at the very least, to not act like a fuckin’ child when I did get into a relationship.”
“When exactly would I have told you? Somewhere between when you were worrying about your friends and when you were pining after Parker?”
“Yes. Parker and I were friends with each other for months before we started dating. At any of those times, you could have put on your big boy pants and fucking said something about how you felt.”
“That’s nice that you think that. Do you think I would walk halfway across town in the pouring rain for someone I wasn’t in love with? Seriously Juliette?”
“Maybe.” I replied. I was still angry with him, but he did have a point. “It doesn’t matter. You waited too long. I’m with Parker now.” He scoffed. I hadn’t realized how close he had gotten to me until now.
“Doesn’t matter? Look me in the eye and tell me you don’t feel it. Tell me you don’t feel the fluttering or the warmth when we are together. And then tell me that what you feel with Parker is anything close to that.”
“I-I-I….” I started, trying to meet his hardened gaze.
“You can’t can you?” My silence spoke volumes. “Tell me you don’t want this.” He whispered, as he caressed my cheek. I couldn’t tell him that. And I couldn’t pull away. I couldn’t do anything to stop him. For the first time, I had allowed myself to consider the feelings I had buried down deep for so long. I opened the box in my heart labeled danger, and damn it felt good. I reached up and tapped his arm quickly, twice. Our silent ‘okay’ signal when we couldn’t speak. He immediately kissed me hungrily and backed me against the nearest wall. My hands immediately went to his belt and began to tug at it, in a heated attempt to undo it. He nipped at my lip sharply and I growled lowly from the back of my throat. Giving up on the fickle strip of leather, I began to fight with his still wet shirt. The flannel stuck to the cotton of his t-shirt more and more with every tug. Abandoning the idea of removing them separately, I grabbed the bottom of his shirts together and pulled up harshly. All the while, his lips never left mine. The only time they did was to give me the space to pull off his tops. His eyes had darkened at least two shades as he stood in front of me. I felt my pupils dilate again as I reached out for him. He was on me in seconds. The feeling of him tugging at my sweater, now sightly damp from his clothes, as though I was a prize he couldn’t wait to tear into, stirred something inside of me. The primal aggressiveness and the slow burning, ever present tension of the situation making any consequences of our actions, seem totally irrelevant. He managed to remove my shirt with far fewer struggles than I did and began attacking my neck, leaving wet kisses and stinging nips down one side and then the other. Once again, I tried my hand at undoing his belt again. This time, I was able to. Quickly undoing it, I pulled it through the loops of his dark jeans and went for the button. He placed his hand on mine to stop me. I looked at him questioningly.
“What?” I asked, breathlessly.
“Maybe we shouldn’t do this in your living room.” He said, panting. I nodded in agreement and suddenly, he picked me up and threw me over his shoulder.
“Monty!” I exclaimed, taken by surprise. He merely tightened his grip on my waist as he walked through the house to my room in the basement.
In my dark room, only illuminated by the dim pink-red glow of the salt lamp on my nightstand, he strode towards my bed and dropped me on my back. I reached out to him as he took a step back from the bed. “Get back here.” I demanded. He chuckled and shook his head.
“No. Nuh uh. I’ve waited far too long for this moment.” He smirked, devilishly. I groaned in displeasure at him. His smirk widened.
Deciding it was time to take matters into my own hands again, I sat up and slid off my bed. Taking my place on my knees in front of him, I reached up and undid the button and zipper on his jeans. He made no move to stop me as I dropped to my knees and pulled the denim harshly. They fell in a pool at his feet and I sat back on my heels as I stared at the bulge in his boxers. I growled lowly in the back of my throat and reached for the waistband of his boxers. Pulling them down, I watched his cock spring free and whined unconsciously. My movements were suddenly timid as I reached for it. It wasn’t my first time by any means. But it felt different this time. This time it was with Monty. And you have a boyfriend who isn’t Monty. Oh, shut up and let me enjoy this. I’ll deal with the consequences later. Grasping his thick, heavy cock in my hand, I stroked it softly. This was so wrong, yet it felt so wonderfully right.
My strokes changed as I gained more confidence and was able to push away any intrusive thoughts about Parker. They were faster and I tightened my grip slightly. Montgomery let out a sharp breath when my ring fingernail caught a bit of skin. “Sorry.”
“It’s okay, you’re excited. Just remember we have all night Julie.”
“I know.” His hips started to buck a little bit and my mouth began to water.
“We have plenty of time for that later.” I groaned a little. “Look at me.” I looked up at him through my lashes. “I promise you can after I fuck you into your mattress.” My eyes widened as big as saucers. We went from five to a hundred real quick. Fucking hot though.
Monty took my bicep in his hand to pull me up before pushing me back down on the bed roughly. I gasped in shock. I sat up on my elbows and watched him unbutton and rip open the zipper on my jeans. He pulled them down with a little help from me. He took a very brief second to admire my mint underwear before pulling them off and chucking them across my room. I sat up to undo and remove my pink bralette. A low growl came from deep in his chest when my breasts were out in the open and I was naked. His eyes scanned my body hungrily. My own dark eyes admired his naked body. I grabbed his arm to pull him down towards me.
“There is so much I want to do to you, but it will have to wait until later.” He whispered in my ear, biting at my earlobe. He bit and sucked his way down my neck, easily pulling loud moans out of me. There were sure to be marks all over my neck in the morning. Consequences be damned.
“Later, yes.” I panted. I could feel his hard length against my thigh. I rutted my hips against his. He kissed me passionately. When his hand trailed down my body, I knew his intentions. “No time. Just do it. Need it.” He stilled. The passion and tension were still in the air but there was a slight shift.
“Are you sure? I don’t want to hurt you.”
“Yes. Just be quick about it and it’ll be fine.” I stuck out my pinky. He linked his with mine.
“If you need me to stop and adjust, just say so.”
“I will.” I nodded, trying to edge him along. Just hurry the hell up and do it.
Monty straightened up and pulled my hips closer to the edge of the bed. I shut my eyes as he lined his cock up with my entrance. No matter how ready I was and how much I wanted it, it was still a reflex. I barely felt the tip, but I knew more was coming. He held my hands in his, interlocking our fingers as he pushed further. The stretch stung a little. He was bigger than Parker and without taking the time to prepare me, it burned slightly. I whimpered softly and he stilled immediately. Only about half was inside of me. “No, no keep going. Please.” I begged.
“I don’t want to hurt you Juliette.”
“Montgomery. I need you to do it. It hurts more if you stop. Please just do it. You can give me time to adjust after.” I told him seriously, staring into his eyes.
“Okay. Deep breath.” I sucked in a big breath and let it out as he quickly thrust the rest of his cock into me. I yelped sharply and he stilled again. I felt him go to pull out and growled harshly at him.
“Don’t you dare. Just give me a second.” He nodded and stayed still, allowing me time to adjust to his size.
After a minute or so, I was ready. The pain had dissipated for the most part. I felt like we could keep going. “Okay.” I nodded. His thrusts were slow and shallow at first. The more he did it, the more comfortable it became. When my moans grew louder, his thrusting became faster. He was fucking me hard and fast. Quite literally fucking me into the mattress. I tried to match him thrust for thrust. It was sloppy at first, but soon enough, we had a good rhythm going. He leaned down more, and I wrapped my legs around his waist. His cock was buried deeper in me and I screamed. He was moaning and grunting softly in my ear. I let go of his hands and wrapped my arms around his back. Dragging my nails down, I scratched him from his shoulder blades all the way down to his mid to low back.
“Jesus Christ.” He spat out. I smirked and dug my nails into his back. He nipped my collar bone. I was panting and I could feel my core tightening. “Fuck. You are so fucking tight.” Monty stood straight again and hooked one of my legs over his shoulder. The changed angle felt like magic. My moans had become whimpers again. I bit my bottom lip to keep from screaming once again. He used his right hand to rub my clit harshly while his left steadied the leg on his shoulder. I couldn’t hold a scream in after that. His thrusts were starting to get sloppy just as I had begun to fall over the edge. My orgasm hit me like a freight train. My entire body shook. I groaned when I felt his own orgasm hit. The feeling of his cock pulsing inside of me was exquisite. Thank God for birth control and regular testing. Monty pulled out of me gently and half fell, half laid down onto my bed beside me. He was panting harshly. So was I.
“Fuck me.” I muttered.
“I just did.” He panted. I groaned, unable to find the energy to flip him off or move or make an actual noise in response. After a couple of minutes, he stood and put his boxers back on. I hadn’t moved. He walked to the bathroom across the hall, and I heard the water running. Back in my room, he gently wiped me clean with a warm washcloth. It felt very nice on my sensitive folds. I groaned again. Once I was wiped clean, he climbed on the bed again and pulled me close. I snuggled against his chest.
I woke up in Montgomery’s strong arms the next morning. Rubbing the sleep from my eyes, I groaned softly. Monty stirred behind me. I leaned into him. He sighed. “Half of me thought last night was a really hot dream.” He mumbled sleepily.
“It wasn’t.” I yawned. We rolled onto our backs and I stared at the ceiling. We were quiet for a time. I was processing what happened last night. I cheated on Parker. With the one person…. The one person what? I told him not to worry about? I mean, yeah. But if that was the reason, I would have regretted it as soon as we were done. Oh shit. What does this mean for our friendship?
“Do you regret it?” I paused before answering. I knew the answer already but what would it say about me if I answered him immediately?
“No. Do you?”
“Not a bit.”
“What does this mean? What are we supposed to do now?”
“I don’t know. I can’t tell you what to do. But if I were you, I would break up with Parker.”
“That would be the kind thing to do.”
“Did… did you mean what you said last night?”
“About you?”
“Isn’t it kind of obvious?” He motioned between the two of us. I laughed.
“I just wanted to confirm.” Monty chuckled and turned to kiss my temple.
“Does this mean,” I paused again, “was this just to get it out of our systems? Or do you want more?”
“I want more if you want more. I’d also be down for another round.” I sat up a little and pulled the sheet around my chest to look at him. He was smirking wider than I had seen him smirk in a long time.
“I think I would like more. And as for another round, I think I need to talk to Parker first before this goes any further.” He considered that for a moment.
“That’s fair. I can respect that.” We were quiet again. He’s all you’ve ever really wanted anyway.
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monochromaticvision · 4 years ago
hi!! if you'd like to, "nobody's seen you in days" for beauyasha from the prompt list? absolutely no pressure though!! ❤️
Thank you for the prompt!!
Okay I know this took a few days but I finally got around to writing it and it got a bit out of hand oops.
I hope you like it!
Beau has been going out of her mind. She knew it wasn’t unusual for her and Yasha to not see each other for a few days. Although it didn’t happen that often, it came with the job sometimes. Running around the continent meant that occasionally you couldn’t be home and had to miss your girlfriend for a couple of days. It happened.
However, Beau always knew were Yasha was, broadly speaking. They valued their communication and they always told each other when they had to go off somewhere for a bit. When Yasha went to Caduceus’ for a few days and Beau couldn’t come because she was neck deep in papers and books she at least knew where she could find her and that she would come home to an empty house. Although she usually slept at the library on those days. The house felt too empty without Yasha there.
Not this time.
This time Yasha had just been gone when she got back from her training session with Dairon. No clue left behind as to where she went. Not even a note or a simple message.
At first, Beau had thought nothing of it but when Yasha hadn’t been back by nightfall she had started to get worried.
Then Yasha hadn’t been back by morning and it got worse.
Beau knew Yasha could handle herself but it wasn’t like her to just disappear. Once upon a time maybe, but not anymore.
Beau couldn’t concentrate on anything. She contacted the rest of the Nein to see if Yasha was with them or if they’d heard something of her but none of them had seen or talked to her lately. Even Jester’s sending spell had gone unanswered, which had Beau even more worried.
So yeah, Beau was freaking out. What if she did something to make Yasha leave. No, that was stupid, right? She and Yasha had never been happier. Still even if she logically knew it couldn’t be her fault, her old fears and thoughts started gnawing in the back of her head. A little voice telling her that everyone eventually left her. Beau tried to shrug them off. She knew better now, she had found a family that loved her and would stick with her. No matter what.
She was just going out of her mind with worry and it was affecting her mental stability.
What if something had happened to Yasha and that was why she couldn’t get in contact? Yeah, Yasha could take care of herself but there were big and powerful things out there in the world and they had all seen their fair share of them.
On the fourth day of Yasha’s absence Beau decided that she would wait one more day and if nobody had heard from her by nightfall tomorrow she was going to assume the worst and track her down herself.
If she had spent the past few days already trying to find a starting point for her search well, that would only come in useful later. Her work could wait.
The next day Beau was even more on edge that the previous days. When Caleb arrived at the Cobalt Sould, where Beau had practically been living these past few days, he kept telling her not to worry but she could see in his face that he was just as worried as she was. When she glared at him in response he just pat her shoulder, trying to reassure her and telling her to take a nap. It wasn’t helping. She had barely slept since Yasha disappeared. Her mind too busy and too many thoughts racing through her head preventing her from much needed sleep.
That evening, Beau had returned home to pack her bag which was now sitting on their bed. She was gathering the last few things when she heard the door of their small home open and close. The following footsteps were familiar, she would know them anywhere. Beau spun around and stormed into the living room ready to give Yasha a piece of her mind.
The words stuck in her throat when she saw the woman in front of her, dirty, bloody and scarred. Beau knew every scar on Yasha’s body and she immediately noticed that there were multiple new ones scattered across her arms right now.
She managed to breath out a soft “Yasha” before she collided with the taller woman, immediately strong arms wrapped themselves tightly around Beau. For the first time in days her mind was quiet.
For a moment they just stood there, then Beau pulled back to look at her girlfriend.
“Nobody’s seen you in days, I was so worried. You didn’t even tell anyone you were leaving. I’ve been going out of my mind thinking what could have happened to you. Wondering why you would’ve left like that.”
Beau choked as a few tears made their way down her face. A rough thumb stroked them softly off her cheek.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to be gone for so long. I thought I’d just be gone for the day. I am so sorry that I made you worry Beau, I really didn’t mean to.”
Beau sighed, her worry immediately disappearing now that Yasha had returned. She looked at the blood that still coated Yasha’s clothes, although there weren’t any visible wounds.
“Are you okay? What happened? Do I need to beat someone up or did you manage yourself?”
Yasha chuckled and after the past few days Beau was sure it was the best thing she’s ever heard.
“There were some, eh, people. That found me while I was out of town. Honestly, I’m not sure who they were, I couldn’t understand most of what they were saying. I usually have you for that,” she smiled at Beau, “I think they might’ve been friends with some people we destroyed but I can honestly not say for sure. They caught me by surprise. I managed to fight them off but I got hit with some sort of poison or magic stuff that took me out for a few days. I didn’t wake up until this morning. I hadn’t even realised how long it had been until I came back in town and I heard the crier yell the date.”
“Shit, babe. Did you take them all out? Anyone left that we should be worried about? No residual effects from the shit they hit you with? We should get Cad here to check on you just to make sure.”
“As far as I know I took them all out, everyone that was there at least.”
Beau grinned and pecked Yasha on the lips. “That’s my girl.”
“You don’t look great yourself either, Beau” Yasha’s voice was soft and her hand caressed Beau’s cheek, who immediately leaned into the touch.
“Yeah, haven’t been sleeping well these past few days,” she winced, knowing Yasha was going to blame herself for her lack of sleep.
“I’m sorry that I worried you.”
“It’s okay, apparently it was called for this time. Good thing I know you can manage yourself, usually. I’m glad you’re home safe.”
“I’m glad too. I missed you, babe” The warmth of Yasha’s lips touched the top of Beau’s head and lingered there for a second as they breathed each other in. Reassuring each other with their presence and warmth.
After a minute, or maybe ten, time was always hazy with Yasha, Beau intertwined their hands and pulled Yasha towards the small bathroom.
“Now let’s get you cleaned up and don’t run off without leaving a note again. I was going crazy.”
“I promise. Maybe you can take the next week off and I can show you what my errant was for. It was supposed to be a surprise, which is why I didn’t tell you.”
“A surprise, huh?” Beau raised an eyebrow.
“Patience, babe, patience.”
“We both know that’s my best virtue” Beau said jokingly, poking Yasha in the side, who laughed in response.
“I mean I could bathe alone if you don’t have the patience?” There was a mischievous gleam in Yasha’s eyes and Beau didn’t have to be told twice as she pulled Yasha in for a soft kiss.
That night, Beau finally slept peacefully again. Catching up on some much needed sleep as she and Yasha were safely wrapped up in each other’s arms. Keeping each other close.
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jaskiers-sweetkiss · 5 years ago
Out of Time
Pairings: Avengers!Reader x Daniel Sousa, Steve x Bucky (briefly mentioned)
Summary: Just when you were starting to enjoy your time in 1949 everything falls apart. SEQUEL TO Not So Bad
Word Count: 2.6K
Warnings: some swearing, panic attack, mention of ptsd and war, some angst
A/N: @bookish-bucky @drinkerofcoffeewriterofwords and @mydoctorwho13 asked for a part 2 to Not So Bad so here it is! (I hope y’all don’t mind that I tagged you/lmk if you want me to untag you/idk why it didn’t let me tag all of you). More notes at the bottom!
The cat was out of the bag. 
Well, really just one cat was out of its bag. 
Basically your secret was out and it was entirely your fault. 
You were at Howard’s lab for the third time for even more tests. All of the previous tests had been inconclusive, though that came as no surprise to you. You had engineered them to be that way, pretending to suddenly and uncontrollably levitate in response to random tests, doing your best to ensure that Howard would be unable to make any connections. 
But today you were a bit distracted. 
You couldn’t help it, you were only human after all. And when Daniel Sousa is flashing an award-winning grin while Howard tried his most bizarre test ever (repeatedly trying to scare you in hopes it would spark a levitation reaction), well, any woman in your position would’ve done the same.
You jumped. No, you did more than just jump. 
Howard Stark snuck up behind you and yelled while shaking your shoulders and you flew. Shot straight up in the air like a rocket, feeling entirely like your teenage self with absolutely no control of your abilities. 
And then, to make matters worse, you disappeared. 
You assumed it must’ve been the embarrassment of smacking your head on the ceiling that caused the sudden invisibility though the ‘why’ didn’t really matter anymore. What mattered was you were invisible and Daniel and Howard were shouting your name. 
Except, no, that didn’t matter right now either. All you could focus on was the sudden tightening in your chest and the fact that you were finding it harder to breathe. The shouting faded to the background as you began to feel trapped in your own skin. 
I have to get out of here. 
So you ran. 
You didn’t even think as you flew out of Howard’s lab, racing down the hall. You didn’t stop until you were in the bathroom, door locked behind you. You slid down to the floor, knees pulled tight against your chest as you leaned against the door.
Briefly, you noticed that you were still invisible, though the thought left as soon as it came. You also vaguely noticed the tears streaming down your face, though you were unaware of when they had begun. Your thoughts zipped back to the lab and the concern lacing Daniel and Howard’s voices as they called out to you and for a moment you felt bad for running away but that too was pulled away in the hurricane of your mind. Your whole body felt abuzz and you couldn’t think or breathe as a feeling of utter helplessness settled into your bones. 
You tried to remember what Tony had told you to do- something about box breathing exercises and the five senses- but you weren’t sure that you were in control of your mind anymore. 
“Y/N, if you can hear me name four street names from where you grew up.” Daniel’s voice rang through the bathroom door. Before you could even consider how he had found you or why he needed to know you answered,
“Main Street, Birch Street, Higgins Drive, Cobalt Lane.” The words were stuttered and separated by harsh inhales and exhales. 
“Name your five favorite movies.”
“La La Land, Ferris Bueller, Beauty and the Beast, Spirited Away, Inception.” The words were smoother this time, though tears still streamed down your face and your bones still felt heavy and your skin restrictive. 
“Okay, name ten presidents.”
“Uh, Ellis, Washington, Jefferson, Lincoln, FDR… Teddy Roosevelt, Eisenhower… Reagan, Nixon… Kennedy.” Your voice was steady as you spoke, your chest no longer heaving with sobs and shaking breaths. 
“Good. Now name seven state capitals.” 
“Albany, Trenton, Tallahassee, Nashville, Lansing, Richmond, Raleigh.” When you opened your eyes you noticed you were visible again, though when it had happened you weren’t sure. 
“Are you okay?” Daniel’s voice came through the door, soothing you more than you realized. 
“Yeah.” You answered quietly, your voice raw. 
“If you’re comfortable with it, will you open the door?”
Your soul turned to mush at his words, Daniel Sousa- ever the gentleman. You felt an immense amount of comfort in the man despite only knowing him a few days but you were scared. You had just fully exposed your powers and had a panic attack, you hadn’t been this vulnerable to another person in years. 
“It’s okay if you don’t want to, I just want to make sure you’re okay,” Daniel spoke again, no judgment lacing his voice, only kindness, compassion, and caring. 
You stood slowly, your muscles aching as you stretched them from their tensed position, and unlocked the door, opening it to reveal Daniel. Your eyes immediately jumped to his face, his expression almost pained though it changed as soon as he saw you, morphing into relief and something else you couldn’t quite place. 
“How did you know how to do that?” You blurted out, though you had really wanted the first thing you said to him to be “thank you” or “I’m sorry.”
Instead, apparently your brain was preoccupied with how the man before you had walked you through your panic attack. 
“Oh, uh…” He rubbed the back of his neck nervously. “Well after the war… ptsd and all, I’m no stranger to panic attacks.”
You softened at his confession, forgetting, despite his limp and his cane, that the man before you had gone through a war and had not come out unscathed. Before you even knew what you were doing you were hugging him. He let out a small “oof” as you wrapped your arms around his middle, squeezing slightly. 
Tentatively, he wrapped his arms around you in return. 
“Thank you,” you finally mumbled into his suit jacket. “I’m sorry.”
“Why are you apologizing?” Daniel asked, confusion etched into his features as he pulled away from your embrace. 
“I-I disappeared and I ran and I panicked and you had to come get me and deal with all that.” You gestured wildly as you spoke, words fumbling together in your rush to get it all out. 
“Y/N, helping you isn’t a burden to me,” Daniel spoke softly, tilting your chin up so you could see the sincerity in his eyes. “And what you just went through- what you’ve been going through with these... strange abilities, your reaction was completely justified.” 
Your heart clenched at his words. He was speaking to you with such honesty and openness but you were lying to him. You sighed, taking a step back, his arms falling away from your waist and you suddenly felt cold without the heat of his embrace. 
“I-” You faltered, needing to take a breath before you could continue. “I need to tell you and Howard something.” 
“What exactly were you hoping to accomplish with this lie, Miss Y/L/N?” You winced at the use of your last name. Daniel hadn’t used it since that first night in his house. 
You tried to shrink into yourself, considering going invisible once again to escape the look of betrayal Daniel was fixing you with. 
“Are you a spy?” He was angry and betrayed and you could see him trying to reason this out to himself, but you knew he’d never even fathom the truth. “Was this an attempt to infiltrate SHIELD? Who do you work for?”
“Daniel,” you whispered, and the stern look you were fixed with told you everything you needed to know. The only way out of this was the full truth, timeline be damned. 
“I work with a team of powered people called The Avengers.” You sighed. “About two weeks ago, two of our members stole the Tesseract from Camp Lehigh in order to save the world from an alien who wiped out fifty percent of the universe. After we succeeded, I was tasked with returning the Tesseract but due to a malfunction I’m stuck here.” 
“I’m pretty sure we would’ve noticed the Tesseract being stolen and the destruction of half of the world,” Daniel said crossly, clearly not believing you though you didn’t blame him. 
“You wouldn’t have because for you none of that has happened yet and I returned the Tesseract immediately after it was taken.” 
“You mean this happened in the future?” Howard finally spoke, looking at you with a newfound curiosity.
You nodded. “In the year 2023.” 
Howard let out a low whistle at the date but there was a gleam in his eyes like a kid in a candy store. 
“I have so many questions.”
You smiled sadly, “Surely you understand that I can’t tell you what happens without destroying the timeline.” 
“No, we don’t understand.” Daniel snapped, “Because time travel doesn’t exist.” 
“Daniel I can’t make you believe me, I literally have no way to prove this to you,” you sighed, not wanting to argue with the man. “I didn’t even mean to drag you into this, I came here for Howard’s help fixing my device so I could go back.” 
“If it makes you feel any better, if I was a spy, I’d have absolutely nothing to report. I didn’t get anywhere near SHIELD or any of Howard’s projects.” You tried to smile, though you felt like crying. “You’re a good agent and a good leader, Daniel Sousa, but most importantly you’re a good man and I am not deserving of your help or your trust.” 
Daniel’s eyes softened at your words, though he still held a defensive stance. The lab remained silent for a few minutes but your eyes never left Daniel’s face, observing the flurry of emotions that resided there. 
“Time travel would explain those movies and presidents I’ve never heard of.”
You cringed slightly, not realizing you had potentially blown the timeline during your panic attack.
“Yeah, those won’t come out for another few decades,” you rubbed the back of your neck embarrassedly, “And I suppose I ruined a few elections for you.” 
“I’ll live,” Daniel responded with a shrug before his eyes widened in realization, “I will live right?” 
“Honestly? I have no idea what your life looks like. I didn’t pay a lot of attention in school.” You answered sheepishly, a small smile gracing your features at the forgiveness, however small, that came with Daniel’s statement. 
“I’m not even going to ask because I already know that I must be remembered for my genius because you came to me for help,” Howard smirked cockily, “Now, let’s get your time machine fixed and get you home.” 
“Oh hell, you did not need that ego boost,” you groaned. 
Howard had the audacity to wink. 
The next week was difficult. You were still staying with Daniel but the dynamic between the two of you had changed entirely. There were no more soft, shared glances, or meaningful looks, or chats over coffee in the morning. In fact, Daniel seemed to be avoiding looking at you at all, only doing so when absolutely necessary. He had thrown all his energy into getting you back to your time. 
It broke your heart a bit, though you’d never admit it. You’d known the man for a little over a week, you couldn’t be getting all teary-eyed because he wasn’t looking at you anymore. Plus, wasn’t he doing exactly what you wanted by helping you get back? Still, it felt a little as though he was trying to get rid of you. 
That week had felt like torture. A constant turmoil of indecipherable emotions swirling inside you and you had no idea what to do with it all. So you pushed on. Pushed all the way to the day Howard fixed your time travel watch. 
“I think I’ve finally got it!” He exclaimed, gleefully. “I’ve invented time travel!”
“Not so fast, Stark.” You chided, “My team invented time travel, you’ve just fixed it.” 
Howard merely rolled his eyes, muttering something about “no fun” and brought you the device. Daniel was standing off to the side, eyes refusing to meet yours, consistent with the past week. You sighed, accepting the watch and sliding it onto your wrist. 
“Well, we’ve only got one shot,” you may have been stalling, though you wouldn’t admit it to yourself. “Are you sure it’s right, Howard?”
“Honestly? No. But I’m sure that I have no other solutions than what I’ve already done.”
“Is this a good idea?” You asked aloud, to no one in particular. 
“Y/N, you need to get back.” Daniel sighed, lifting his eyes to meet yours and you thought you saw grief in them. “Your team is probably worried about you.” 
“If this works how it’s supposed to, I’ll be back just seconds after I left,” you shook your head sadly, “Just in time for retirement cake.” 
“Retirement?” His head was cocked to the side like a confused puppy and your heart leapt into your throat at the first unprofessional conversation you’ve shared in a week.
You nodded, “One of my teammates is stepping away to settle down with his boyfriend.” 
“His boyfriend?” Daniel questioned skeptically and you forgot what time you had been stuck in. You knew from Steve and Bucky’s stories that the 30s and 40s were not a good time to be lgbt but you could tell by the way that he had spoken that Daniel didn’t hold any of those biases. It was just one more thing about the future to be confused about.  
“You’d love them,” you whispered honestly. 
He probably would, the three of them have so much in common between the war and SHIELD and Peggy Carter and Howard Stark. For a moment you let yourself imagine a world in which you had been born in this era, in which Bucky had never been captured and Steve never frozen. A world where you could fall in love with Daniel Sousa and live happily ever after surrounded by friends. 
You shook yourself out of it. There was no future for you here and there was a team waiting for you in the future. You sighed, punching the date and time into your watch. You were out of time. 
“What if I didn’t go?” You blurted out, unable to contain the question any longer. 
“Y/N, your team-” Daniel started. 
“Doesn’t need me. They all have lives and happiness and fulfillment and-“ you shuddered as you released this word vomit of feelings you didn’t even realize you had before you whispered, “And maybe I deserve some of that myself.” 
Daniel Sousa made you feel cared for and appreciated in a way nobody ever had in the 21st century and you’d be damned if you gave that up without a fight. 
“What about the timeline?”
“Fuck the timeline!” You exclaimed and Howard giggled and your cursing. 
“Daniel,” you sighed. “You make me feel things I’ve never felt before and I don’t wanna put too much pressure on this, but I think meeting you might be the best thing that’s ever happened to me. But if you don’t feel the same way tell me now and I’ll go back.”
You were standing right in front of him now, having closed the distance during your speech. 
“Y/N,” he sighed, his eyes swimming with emotions you couldn’t read though he looked at you with such tenderness that you thought you might melt right there as he reached up a hand to cup your cheek.
You weren’t entirely sure, but you thought you might’ve muttered “kiss me” before his lips were on yours, soft and warm and you felt like fireworks were erupting in your stomach. It was a short kiss, no more than a few seconds, but it confirmed a number of things for you. The most significant thing being that you were never going back to 2023. 
A/N: A few things: 1. the street names listed while Y/N is having a panic attack are actually copied directly from Jessica Jones. 2. The listing miscellaneous things (street names, movies, presidents, etc.) is something my friend has had me do when I’ve had panic attacks. Idk if that works for everyone, but it certainly has helped me in the past and I can really only write from my own experiences. 3. I lowkey wanna write a oneshot for the fantasy Y/N has towards the end where she’s born during the same time period as Stucky, Peggy, Howard, and Sousa and she probably joins SHIELD which is how she meets Sousa (Edit: this exists now and you can find it here!). Idk, let me know what you think! 
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itcameuponamidnightqueer · 5 years ago
Beaujes prompt? First kiss?
and you stood at your door with your hands on my waist,and you kissed me like you meant it.and i knew that you meant it(that you meant it)
“Talk to her,” Fjord says, his words dripping with more than a little frustration.
You roll your eyes and fling a handful of sand back at him.
It’s new, this thing you do together. Caduceus is so good at meditating, so comfortable with being still. But you and Fjord—the son of no one and the daughter of too many—are still struggling with it. He seems very intent on establishing himself as a proper follower of Melora, someone who takes time to consider his role and relationship with his god. Fjord is settling nicely into piety, and you simply need to learn how to exist comfortably inside yourself.
So most mornings you sit together wherever you are, even if it’s just for a few minutes. You have coats and furs when there’s snow, the shelter of trees for rain, boulders to shield against strong winds. No matter the weather, you find time to be calm with each other.
And so you find yourself on a beach in Nicodranas, sitting back-to-back with one of your first friends, watching the sun rise over the ocean. This is your favorite place in the entire world, and only slightly because of the place itself.
Fjord is breaking protocol by speaking but you’re not too bothered; you were itching to move anyway.
“It’s not—it’s stupid,” you mumble. “But I can’t.”
“Beau, if anyone can talk to Jester—and really, anyone can—it’s certainly you.”
“No, I know, but like—” You dig your hands into the sand and clam up, digging as much as you can within your reach until you find a rock. It’s a small one, and you’re too far away from the water to make it in, but you throw it anyway.
“Do you think you’ll ruin your friendship?” Fjord prods.
You’ve thought about that before, when you first told Nott about your crush on Jester. It used to worry you but it doesn’t anymore, not after spending time with Jester afterwards without noticing any changes. Certainly there were changes on your end—feelings sit differently within you once you’ve said them out loud—but Jester was the same, cheery and understanding and so, so bright. She relaxed you immediately even if she didn’t know she was doing it.
“No,” you finally reply. “But it’s like—remember how Yasha was once we got her back? Like, how it just seemed like she was waiting for one of us to beat her up and she kind of flinched whenever we smiled? It’s like that.”
“I don’t follow.”
You sigh. “Whatever she feels, Jester is going to be so nice about it, and I—I can’t handle that, man.”
“So you’re just going to suffer in silence?”
“What are you guys talking about?” Jester yells, and you’re more startled than you should be. You whip around to see that she’s maybe thirty feet away, smiling and carrying a plate of donuts.
You elbow Fjord as hard as you can without Jester noticing. “You couldn’t warn me she was coming?” you hiss. “I’m gonna make you suffer.”
“Oh, I’m quaking in my boots,” Fjord responds monotonously. But you feel him rubbing his side, and you’re soothed.
You get up and dust off your pants, walking over to Jester to take the plate from her hands. “Nothing, Jes,” you say with a smile. “Just meditating.”
“Okay.” She hugs you, squishes in closer the way she does when she’s cold and wants to steal your warmth. You can’t fight a smile even as you roll your eyes, hugging back with the hand not holding the plate. As she pulls away she presses a kiss to your cheek, leaving behind a few sugar crystals; you wonder if maybe that was closer to the corner of your mouth than she intended.
“Good morning, Beau!” she chirps. 
“Yeah, mornin’.”
Jester hugs Fjord with the same enthusiasm; he gives you a very deliberate look over Jester’s shoulder and you furiously shake your head.
“Are you guys about to work out or can we eat a big sugary breakfast?”
You should say no. You should stick to your training. Your body is your weapon and you can’t run the risk of letting it malfunction.
Your father and the monks trained you to be hard—for Jester, you will endure sentiment and sweetness.
“We can take a day off, I guess.”
Fjord quickly pumps his fist as the three of you sit down, plate of breakfast pastries in the middle as you all face each other. Jester immediately grabs the biggest one and smiles at you as she takes a bite, her eyes twinkling as if she knows a very good secret.
It takes everything you have not to visibly swoon. From the way Fjord coughs, you think maybe you did anyway.
Fuck, you have to talk to her.
But Jester sweeps you up in her energy the same way she always does, pulling you along for the ride and allowing you to forget, even for a few hours, about the part of you that is going to explode one of these days.
Every time you’re in Nicodranas, Jester wants to be outside, to do something fun or show you some special, secret place. But you’re just as happy to stay inside as long as you’re with her, so you don’t mind when it starts to rain and the two of you hole up in her bedroom.
It’s just as chaotic as Jester is, which isn’t a surprise. There are drawings and figurines shoved into drawers and shelves, worn and well-read books piled wherever there’s room. Organized chaos, but chaos nonetheless. You smile to yourself over the next few hours as you imagine Jester at the Cobalt Soul, frustrating every monk who might have tried to rein her in. Not even Dairon has that much patience, you’d wager.
As the afternoon wears on into evening and the rain doesn’t stop, both of you mellow out, setting aside card games and childhood mementos for storytelling. You never had any of this growing up, the kind of bonding that comes at night when people are relaxed and close to each other. You got along with some kids at school but your father was too protective to let you out of the house even for a night. Eventually, your friend group tightened and moved on without you.
You never really missed it until Jester, until you found someone with whom you deserved to share quiet nights.
Your head bounces a little from where it rests on Jester’s stomach as she speaks. You’re both laying down—Jester vertically, her ankles crossed over each other, and you horizontally, so you can bounce a rubber ball off her wall. Using her as a pillow is just an added bonus, really, and you’re sure she would have suggested it if you hadn’t assumed.
“We haven’t really talked about, well, about Kamordah, and I totally understand if you don’t want to, I really do, but—we’re best friends, right?”
“‘Course we are.”
“And best friends should be able to say everything to each other, even the hard things.”
You catch the ball and don’t throw it again. “Especially the hard things,” you say, trying very hard to calm your quickening pulse.
Jester rests her hands near your head, absently tickling your hairline whenever her fingers get close enough.
“What’s up, Jes?”
“Do you think you’ll ever go back?” she asks, tripping over her words.
You crinkle your brows. “What, like to stay? Not a chance.”
“No, no; not to stay. But, family is complicated and I know your dad is a shitbag. He doesn’t deserve you, any part of you, and I wanted to punch him so much…” Jester takes a calming breath or two; you turn your head and look up at her, at the way she consciously works to relax her pursed lips. You can’t help laughing when she catches your eye.
She smiles back and scratches your forehead on purpose this time.
“You would be such a good big sister,” Jester says, her eyes soft and sincere. “You’re so good, Beau—you’re so, so good—and you deserve the chance to give that to someone.”
“What do you think I keep you around for?” you tease.
By the way she looks at you, you think maybe Jester didn’t take it as teasing.
“Right,” she says, laughing halfheartedly. “It’s stupid; I shouldn’t tell you how to feel about your family.” She sits up on her elbows and looks out of the window, sighing when the rain doesn’t stop. “Sorry we’ve been stuck inside all day.”
You hum, just a little noise to show you’re there, that you’re listening. You want to pull her fingers down and tangle them with yours.
“What would you do,” you ask gently, “if you had a sibling?”
“Oh my gosh.” Jester huffs out a large breath; you can practically see the swirl of images and fantasies that must be playing in her mind. “I would teach them so much, like how to steal food from the kitchen or sneak up on Bluud or how to prank Mama’s clients, except I would make sure they were better at it than I was so they wouldn’t get caught.”
“You’d still want to get caught?”
“Well, yah,” Jester says, like it’s the most obvious answer. “If I hadn’t gotten caught, Mama wouldn’t have sent me away and I wouldn’t have found you. It’s like, I guess it’s like you and the Cobalt Soul only with less kidnapping.”
“Mm. Yeah, that’s a good thing to not have in your life.”
“Maybe I wouldn’t have needed the Traveler if I had a sibling,” Jester muses. Maybe the Traveler wouldn’t have needed you, you think, but that’s a conversation for another day.
“That’s okay, though,” she continues. “I found most of this stuff on my own anyway.” She gestures to the knick-knacks that litter the room. “I guess it sounds stupid, when I put it like that. Wanting a sibling just so I can show them pranks.”
“Are you kidding? That’s exactly what siblings are made for.” You sit up and try not to jostle Jester too much. You look around the room, taking stock of all the stolen trinkets and homemade crafts. “Here, okay.” You stand and reach for a music box on Jester’s bedside table. “This? This is the coolest fucking thing I’ve ever seen.”
You cross the room and reach for a figurine on top of Jester’s bookcase that seems to be made of dried fruit and noodles. “This?” you say, pointing to it with an exaggerated finger. “Also the coolest fucking thing. And this?” You reach for a small ceramic owlbear, holding it between two knuckles as the noodle-man rests in your palm. “Absolutely fucking rad. This whole room is full of memories, Jes. Even if you only wanted a sibling just to share this stuff….what a gift, man. There’s like—” You flip the owlbear into the air and catch it on the back of your hand. “I could spend a whole day in here, just to listen to you tell me the stories of how you got all these things.”
You shove your hands in your pockets and look around at the piles and stacks of brightly colored novelties. Something buzzes inside your chest, a forgotten yearning. “Maybe I will go back again,” you mutter, mostly to yourself.
But Jester is waiting for you when you turn back around. She’s standing so close you’re not sure how you didn’t hear her sneaking up on you.
“Do you mean that?” she whispers. Your face falls at the heaviness in her cheeks, the worry and wet in her eyes.
“What, about Kamordah? I dunno,” you shrug. “Not for my parents, but TJ—”
“No.” Jester shakes her head. “No, not Kamordah. About—about all these stupid things.”
“Oh. Well, yeah.” You rock back on your heels a little. “Nothing’s stupid when it’s yours, Jes.”
She looks at you like she might cry, like she’s carrying entire worlds behind her eyes and they’re on the verge of spilling out. You think about the few people you’ve looked at like that—you wonder, just a little—but no—
Jester kisses you just as you’re trying not to get your hopes up.
It’s clumsy, little more than just a firm press of her lips, but it’s so—Jester is everywhere else, insistent and enveloping. She walks you backwards and your surprised when your back hits her door—surely you were floating a moment ago.
Jester rests her hands on your hips; she’s unsure where to put them, you can tell. You also couldn’t care less, and you wrap your arms around her and kiss her until you run out of breath.
“Fuck, Jes,” you huff, at the same time that she heaves and “Oh my god, Beau.”
Both of you laugh, quiet and special and only for each other. 
“Well.” You lick your lips, cup her cheek and swipe your thumb gently over the bridge of her nose. “We have some things to talk about.”
“But maybe, we could nap first?”
Jester smiles and nods, takes your hand and leads you back to her bed. You realize when you lie down that you’re still holding the two toys.
Jester lifts up her covers and waits for you to settle against her. You balance the owlbear and pasta-creature on her stomach and laugh as they immediately fall over.
“I’m gonna fall asleep soon,” you yawn, “but tell me a story first.”
Jester’s voice is just as warm as her arms, and when you sleep, you dream of her.
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lilypixels · 4 years ago
All of them 😄
ok wow you really went for it huh? ahdjkhsd I’ll answer all of them minus the three I just did I’ll put them under the read more thingy since this will be long :’D
zinc white; how are you really feeling today? no one-word answers please!
I woke up two hours ago and only took a shower thus far so I’m feeling good lol
cadmium yellow; when you think of the word “happy” what’s the first thing that comes to mind?
...idolish7 ajhjkfh i’m too obsessed with it h e l p
yellow ochre; name an artist/band whom you just discovered & can’t get enough of!
would it be bad if I said Idolish7/all the related groups (Trigger, Mezzo, Zool)?? cause technically a recentish discovery and I defiantly can’t get enough :’D my real answer is Reol
naples yellow; where do you feel most at home?
my room lol
raw sienna; with whom do you feel most at home?
my mom i guess??
golden ochre; describe the relationship you have with your closest friend.
one that some might not deem normal but works well for us lol (I mean, we’ve been friends for about 10 years now) we have a good understanding of each other and know we don’t have to talk/hang out all the time in order to know we still matter to each other, we both have our own lives and just knowing the other is there no matter what is enough. we’re the type to not talk for weeks and then send random memes and act like we’d been talking the whole time😂 it works really well for me too cause i’m not good at “socializing” on a constant basis and tend to just...not text people for ages on end, but I’ll still care for them and think about them just many see it as me cutting them out rip
golden deep; what’s your favorite season?
tbh the time between spring and summer but fall has been earning some points recently
cadmium orange; what do you like to do on your days off?
I often bake and game
orange lake; do you have anyone you can turn to when you’re sad?
I guess?? but i don’t like bothering people with my emotions often times so I just cuddle my cat haha
titans; do you prefer slow mornings or relaxing evenings?
hmm...the second i think
shakhnazaryan red; are you currently binge-watching anything?
i was binge-watching Tsukiuta but I’ve slowed down with s2 cause now I’m distracted with other things like genshin impact
red ochre; are you more right-brained (creative) or left-brained (analytical)?
i don’t even know/remember anymore, maybe left now???
burnt sienna; is there a painting that brings you peace when you look at it?
Van Gogh’s Starry Night cause I like stars and nightviews 
vermilion; what’s your favorite accent?
oooo interesting one, but I like all accents, I find them cute :3
cadmium red; do you have a “type” when it comes to a significant other?
I have a type with fictional characters and idol biases does that count? no?
scarlet; describe your current crush/es.
i have none 😗✌
ruby; what does your ideal first date look like?
bold of you to assume i would go on a date idk a movie so i don’t have to talk lol
carmine; what does your ideal second date look like?
bold of you to assume I would- ahfkj i really don’t know, go to the library and have tea???
madder lake red; would you ever kiss someone (or accept a kiss) on a first date?
that’s a big NO from me, someone be catching hands if they tried
rose; what’s something really positive going on in your life right now?
is it bad i thought of work? i have a fun time watching baby 😊
quinacridone rose; what’s something you’re really looking forward to?
baking/decorating Christmas cookies that I’m gonna share with family and friends!
violet rose; what does your dream house look like?
like a victorian house, gothic victorian is better, probably haunted, with an attic room hehe
violet; is there any place in particular you’d like to settle down?
anywhere but here lol
blue lake; what would you like to do/accomplish before you settle down?
finish schooling and get job :b
cobalt blue spectral; what is the most beautiful place you have ever been to?
uhhhhhh Clearwater Beach?
ultramarine; when was the last time you were in a good mood? do you know/remember what sparked it?
yesterday I guess cause i had good time shopping with my dad :3
blue; what’s the most recent dream you remember?
my dream last night rip part of it was genshin related cause I played like 3 hours before sleeping and the rest was my mind trying to figure out where the story of an otome I’m playing is gonna go i’m at end of this dudes route and he just erased mc’s memories of him so like enggg
bright blue; what does your dream family look like? any kids or pets? how many of each?
i wanna foster, adopt at least one kid and have one of my own, all the pets, maybe there’s some dude there idk kids and animals all i need aha
blue cobalt; do you like your name? would you give yourself a different name if you could?
i don’t like my name but at same time it’s kinda who i am and idk what else i would name myself i do have a Chinese name though (we picked them in class and what we went by) which is MingYi 明怡!
prussian azure; what’s your favorite scent?
coconut, vanilla, MINT
azure blue; what’s your favorite type of tea, if any?
peppermint tea, green tea, I did like Earl Grey but I can’t have black tea anymore :(
turquoise blue; if you could start a garden, what would you plant?
all the herbs and vegetables! also some of my favorite flowers like foxglove that hopefully don’t make my allergies worse
cerulean blue; if you were guaranteed to have a viewership, would you start a youtube vlog?
probably not
glauconite; describe your body without using any negative adjectives.
5′ 5″, tiny, long legs that hold all the muscles and weight in my body lol my torso is like a rectangle, i am very flat chested and do not mind that 
yellow green; picture yourself walking in a field. what do you see & hear in this scenario?
i can not picture cause i just imagine itchy grass and lots of sneezing😔
green light; are you in a comfortable place in life? if not, what do you think might make it better?
comfortable enough i guess, i try not to nitpick too much on what’s “lacking”
green; name three countries you want to visit; do you have any actual plans in place to visit any of them?
all the countries! I almost went to China for study abroad but then stuff happened TT
emerald green; do you speak any languages besides english? are there any additional languages you want to learn?
I can technically speak basic Chinese and French, but I’ve also already forgotten too much rip I really like learning languages and hope to get back into it soon!
oxide of chromium; what’s your favorite book?
legit any Rick Riordan book, my fav author
olive green; are you currently reading anything? how do you like it so far?
I’m in like the middle of Trials of Apollo book 2 and it is great
mars brown; what’s a movie that always puts a smile on your face/makes you laugh?
idk Megamind??
burnt umber; what’s something you plan to do before the day is over to take care of yourself?
technically already did it, was shower
umber; have you drank enough water today?
voronezhskaya black; what or who is your go-to outlet for when you need to vent?
rpg/fighting games where I can smash monsters to pieces
sepia; name five things that always make you happy.
music, babies, Alice, baking, others being happy~
indigo; what’s the best/sweetest compliment you have ever received?
idk i shy away from compliments most of time :’)
payne’s gray; describe your aesthetic?
“welcome to your doom uwu” ajshdjk idk it’s always changing
black; post a selfie because you are so beautiful!
no thanks💖 maybe later but its gonna be gone fast
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komatsunana · 5 years ago
The Chronicles of Exandria: The Mighty Nein I
And so I do what I did the last 2 times for the Vox Machina Chronicles of Exandria books, which you can read [here] and [here].
These posts by no means contain all of the information in these books, but plenty of what would most interest other fans.  This is by no means a replacement for actually seeing the book.
My best guess on up to where this book spoils is episode 46.  Anyone who has not watched passed 46 can read this without spoilers outside of vague references that don’t really matter.
First and foremost, as usual, the artistry is the most important part of the book. All of the lovely fan-created art work is even more beautiful in ink than on screen. This I promise you.
As has been noted by other people who have received the book, it is written as though it was transcribed by Beau’s journals by the Cobalt Soul.  Some unnamed writer(s) from the Cobalt Reserve from Tal’Dorei have written all parts that are not excerpts from Beau’s journals.  There are edits by Zeenoth, which indicate that the book is not a final draft.  Zeenoth is not impressed by their work.
The books’ foreword is a dedication to critters.  I won’t transcribe all of it but it ends, “As always, we are richer for your company.  For truly, what good are stories unless they can be shared?”
Unlike the Vox Machina ones, which started with pages dedicated to Vox Machina and their adventures first before branching out for guest and NPCs, this one’s table of contents shows that everything is scattered.
The first section is dedicated to the Storyteller - accompanied by art of Matt as “The Storyteller.”   An excerpt follows below:
“A story walks the land through the songs and tales of those who are touched by its heart.  And then one day, long after all the players within have met the Matron, a story will be told for the very last time.  Unless, by the Grace of the Storyteller, we are let to it. [...]  Through Ioun’s blessing we make his favorite children immortal.  You hold one of them in your hands even now.  Wake it carefully.”
Thoreau contacted the Cobalt Soul immediately after Beau’s first arrest - presumably the one with Tori.  As the monks took Beau away, Thoreau referred to her as “his misfortune.”  It is also noted in the margins that Thoreau is a good friend to the Archive.
Unlike the rest of the M9 and characters, there are no excerpts about Beau herself from her journal... Because obviously she doesn’t need to take notes in herself.  However the Cobalt Soul write their own notes about her and her reputation in the Cobalt Soul and note... more than a few times that Zeenoth thinks she is aggressive, stubborn, and quick to judge and anger and as a result they can’t put a lot of stock into her notes on other people.  However, Dairon was right to put their trust in her because her insight in invaluable and is quick to call out injustice.
Beau’s note taking is exceptional - and color-coded.
Beau’s first notes about Molly is that he is “not that bright, definitely drunk, completely full of shit, and not nearly as good of a liar as he thinks he is.  His outfit is loud, far louder than the man himself.”  His coat contains iconography from at least half a dozen gods.  Beau also noted that Molly’s swords were interesting to which the footnotes immediately made note that Molly’s swords were just swords.  Beau thought, in her first impression of him, that he might be on the run from a family of Warlocks.
The librarians decided to omit all of Molly’s earlier lies that he told Beau and the group about his background, and instead only described the climbing out of the grave and only able to say “Empty” story.  He had scars and 9 red eye tattoos on him at the time.  
There are sketches of the tattoo in full, after Molly had added to it, but it’s noted by Beau that part of the tattoo is covered by Molly’s hair.  Looking at the sketch, it is implied there are more tattoos on his scalp, rather than just the length covering it.
For Molly’s story of climbing out of the grave to be true, it means that Molly relearned to speak both Common and Infernal, learned to perform his skills and duties with the Carnival, covered his eye tattoos with additional, elaborate tattoos, befriended Yasha, and discovered his innate magic ability to use his blood to infuse his weapons with magic.
Beau had made a list of every book she knew Caleb had on his person or expressed interest in.  This includes the erotic books and the 2 spellbooks. 
On the spellbooks, Beau says she isn’t sure about them. One she knows is a spellbook, but she’s not sure on the other as he never opens it.  She wonders if it is a journal of some kind.
There is a page on Beau’s notes in the first arc with the Fletching and Moondrop Carnival - notes about the victim and all her possible suspects of which it is everyone that is part of the carnival.  All of them have a strike through their name, indicating she had eliminated each of them as a suspect at one point, including Kylre.  
Among the notes she has, my favorites are that Beau thinks that everyone in the circus hates each other, never trust a clown (about Desmond), and that everyone has a title such as Molly “The Ice-Spinner” and Yasha “The Brute.”  Beau also notes Yasha as being human.
Outside of Beau’s notes, the best information to be found about Shakästa “Hush” is from an anonymous book from Deastock titled “Heroic Deeds of the Golden Grin.”  It is because of Beau’s notes that Hush is confirmed to be real, not a myth, once and for all.
Because of how cool Shakästa was with his cool bird, Beau notes “I gotta get a bird.”  So we have him to thank for Professor Thaddeus.
Unknown what deity Shakästa draws power from.
Known members of the Tombtakers:
Lucien Nonagon (Molly)
Cree: currently employed by the Gentleman.  Blood powers like Molly’s.
[A name which as been severely crossed out but looks like it says Tyffinl]:  Currently said to be in Nogvurot.
Otis and Zoran:  Still at large, whereabouts unknown
Jurrell:  Deceased
Some lady spellcaster from Rexxentrum 
The Myriad is currently gaining footholds in Tal’dorei as well.  There is also a written notation by Zeenoth to cross reference the Myriad activity with the Tombtakers, indicating that he believes that the Tombtakers and the Myriad might be connected.
Cobalt Soul theorizes that the blood Cree claims the Gentleman took from the M9 to track them might be a new form of blood-based mutagenetic tracking.
Beau’s first impression of Nott and Caleb’s relationship was that Nott heaped praise on him and that there might be some sort of blood debt or magic going on.
Beau’s early theory on Caleb was that he was hiding from a criminal employer and had done a high-level theft.  She made note to watch if he attempted to side-step certain kinds of work.
Everything about Caleb sounded like bad news to Beau, but because he stuck around to get her out of jail Beau comes to the conclusion that that’s endearing.
Beau has made an observation that Caleb was searching for some kind of information in a book, related to transmutation.  She wonders if bartering to get him into the Cobalt Soul library will get her into his good graces, though she hopes he won’t find out that the library is technically open to all if you ask nicely.
There is an entry (in Beau’s second journal, it should be noted) were several pages were ripped out about Caleb.  This indicates that Beau had written down Caleb’s backstory of killing his parents but she, Caleb, or someone else had ripped it out before it got into the hands of the Cobalt Soul.  The Cobalt Soul draws the conclusion that Caleb is connected to organized crime.  They are also unable to find anyone born with the name Caleb Widogast in the Empire and they believe it to be an alias.
There are written notations that say that at least one of the ripped out pages were recovered, in which Beau describes the night Caleb told her and Nott about killing his parents.  Both mentions of Trent Ikathon’s name were crossed out until illegible.  Beau was unconvinced that Caleb’s memories after killing his parents aren’t still jumbled (rather than missing).
Fun fact!  All of the Caleb illustrations in his art section all either have fire or Frumpkin in them.  Because when you boil down Caleb to his essentials that’s all I’m saying.
The strangest thing about the M9, as far as the Cobalt Soul is concerned,  is that they have a goblin among their party.
Beau also wonders if Nott’s relationship with Caleb isn’t also out of love or blind loyalty.  Upon finding out that Nott feels like the parental figure (rather than the other way around, as Beau had assumed) Beau wonders what it is that Nott wants Caleb to be stronger for... Revenge? Or to change herself.
Beau notes that while Nott might have named herself so to call herself not brave, Beau thinks she is pretty brave.  She describes Nott diving into the water for Fjord’s arc twice (even if she complained the entire time) and Nott saving Jester from the blue dragon which “absolutely saved Jester’s life.”  Nott is very focused on everyone remaining together as a team.  Beau believes that while Nott’s loyalty to Caleb has not lessened, her loyalty to the rest of the party has extended to them all.
“I think we might all be her kids now.  It’s kind of sweet, in a really weird way.”
Zeenoth is extremely salty their junior drew lots of buttons instead of researching the crossbow Nott got from Hupperdook.
A list of all phrases that Beau noted in her journals that Kiri had learned in her time with them.
Welcome to the Mighty Nein!
I am Kiri!
Yes, I am very sweet.
It’s sharp.
Ooh, I’m a captain.
Where do babies come from?
Fire! Fire! Fire! Fire!
If it bleeds, we can kill it.
I killed people!
Get into trouble!
She’s probably a good egg.
Go fuck yourself.
Zeenoth is VERY upset about the word fuck and wants that entry removed.
Beau thinks Calianna is too polite.
Cobalt Soul believes there is at least one other bowl like the one Calianna destroyed with the M9.
Beau hopes they don’t pick up any more stragglers, as she thinks it is getting crowded.
Cobalt Soul theorizes about why Keg had a four o’clock shadow rather than a proper Dwarven beard, wondering if she wasn’t forced to shave.  This indicates that beards are normal on female dwarves.
Beau thinks Shady Creek Run is so called because it’s full of shady criminals, but the Cobalt Soul notes that Shady Creek Run has a creek that is in near constant shade in the abundant pine trees.
On Molly’s death Beau says:
“Fuck.   That went horribly.  We lost Molly, and I don’t know what to do. [This part is crossed out: Maybe if I had-] I’m trying my best to stay objective.”
Beau also crosses out “I’m starting to like her” about Keg, and replaces it with “She’s fine, I guess.”
On Nila Beau says: “She said something really nice about Molly.  How in her clan, someones spirit never leave you.  They return to nature, and are forever by your side.  I don’t know if I believe it, but I like the thought.”
Beau wants her own “lucky smell bag” that’ll make decisions for her.
The Blooming Grove was built post-Calamity.
Beau’s first impressions of Caduceus is that he is both grounded and flighty.
Because Caduceus hasn’t eaten meat or alcohol in the time she’s known him, she thinks he’s got to have some sort of vice.
Because of Beau’s talk with Caduceus after killing the blue dragon, Beau remarks that she likes her edge and doesn’t want to lose it and go soft. But maybe it is a better, more efficient way of doing things by being there for the M9. “Gross.”
There is a note in the margins telling the editor to contact Archivist Demid (AKA the guy studying the moons) for information on the Dust family.  This indicates that he may have some special information.
Because of Jester’s defacing every town she visits, the Cobalt Soul has been able to track the M9′s movements.
The Cobalt Soul’s 2 working theories on the Traveler is that he’s a smaller/younger deity either from folk tales about a cloaked figure that either rewards or punishes heroes with a ironic twist OR a god of vandalism.
Zeenoth notes that if the Traveler IS a god of vandalism... they may have a secret follower in their ranks because of all the smut doodles in their books lately. Which of course Jester probably drew.
Beau says that as Jester told the group about her prank causing her to have to flee from Nicodranas she was full of her usual bubbliness... But was starting to see that there was underlying sadness in Jester.
Beau has known Jester has had a thing for Fjord since they first met, but after she got Tusk Love it became full-blown infatuation.
“Fjord seems super oblivious, though, which isn’t surprising for a man who occasionally wakes up covered in seawater and confusion.”
Beau stands by her and Jester’s purchase of the owl and blink dog, but she wonders how long the weasel is going to last in their line of work.
Beau wonders if it’s weird to be attracted to your friend’s mom and comes to the conclusion it is so she’ll back off... But the Ruby is smoking hot.
Beau can also see why people who want to release and evil god for Avantika. Not that she would. “She’s hot, but come on.”
No really new information on The Plank King is revealed in his section, but quite a bit is crossed out until illegible.  This could detail what connection to the Cobalt Soul he has, but was redacted.
The Cobalt claims that while the M9 titled a leader, Fjord often took that position.
Beau is making direct reports on Fjord to the Cobalt Soul and his connection to Uk’otoa.  In her latest report, she says that they’ve bought some time until their next trip to the sea............
Waiting for the rest of the M9 to come out of the Happy Fun Ball, after fighting the blue dragon, are among the rest worst few minutes of Beau’s life.
Beau believed Twiggy that she killed the blue dragon, in part because Caduceus believed her.
Beau accidentally writes “cute and dry” instead of “cut and dried” about Yasha’s background.
“For someone dressed in greys, who carries herself like a dark cloud, Yasha sure seems drawn to color and light. I wonder where it stems from.”
On Yasha being tested by the Stormlord by the “man made of lightning” the Cobalt Soul says it is not uncommon for the Stormlord to test his disciples through acts of physical, mental, or spiritual exertion.
The final notes by Zeenoth indicates that whoever wrote the book (outside of edits from Zeenoth himself and excerpts from Beau’s journals) were by someone from Tal’dorei.  Who might it be? Someone we know?
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thebiasrekkers · 5 years ago
Breathe: Hope In Isolation | PJM
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For the @bangtanscenery​ - April Showers Bring May Flowers Project in celebration of the Spring Season!
Plot: For as long as Jimin can remember, the house is all he’s ever known. His only companion, a calico cat. Neither of them age as the house pulls them through time and space. He can neither interact with people nor stray far from the house. He is cursed to watch the world pass by every year and never be a part of it. But one day, someone not only is able to see the house, but they can finally see him as well.
Rating: PG-13 // SFW
Genre: time-slip!au | modern fantasy!au | angst | romance | drama
Pairing: Park Jimin x Female OC (Brianna Larkins)
Warnings: Strong language, extreme angst, anxiety, implication of curses/magic
Links: FAQ || BTS Masterlist || Admin E’s AO3 || [ REQUESTS ARE OPEN ]
Word Count: 11.4K
AN: This idea came from a mash-up song of Billie Eilish and BTS. Specifically the song "Serendipity". I have been told that this story is the epitome of what Serendipity stands for and to me, that is the greatest compliment I could ever hope to receive. In a time of isolation, like what we are experiencing now, it's always important to remember the things that matter the most to us. Which are often the things we take for granted. So for those of you who are feeling lonely, sad, or even a little anxious, this is for you. Remember that you are loved.
© thebiasrekkers (Admin E). All rights reserved. Reposting/modifying our work is prohibited. Translations are not allowed. Plagiarism/stealing is not tolerated by any means. Legal action will be taken in instances of theft.
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Jimin’s grip tightened around the handle of the water pitcher as the house began to shake violently. The water sloshed from the pitcher, spilling onto the floor around his feet. The little calico cat that kept him company hopped onto the couch and curled itself into a ball of fluff. The few dishes he had trembled on top of the coffee table, all but threatening to fall to the floor. Craning his neck, he peeked out of the small kitchen window and sighed as the universe swirled in a kaleidoscope of colors and stars. The sheer curtains in the house fluttered with the speed of how fast everything was moving, causing his own blonde hair to fly back off his forehead.
Closing his eyes, Jimin held his breath and waited for the tremors to cease. He could never stare at the seemingly endless galaxies for too long. It always made him feel a little nauseous, even after all these years.
When the shaking finally ceased, he released the breath he held and opened his eyes when aggravated meows of protest reached his ears. Sighing, he turned to see the cat was now moving around on the couch in circles, kneading the cushions in determination before plopping its rump back down. The calico flicked its tail back and forth, patiently waiting for Jimin to open the window to let it roam about.
He poured the water into a glass, setting the pitcher down on the counter, and made his way over to the cat. Jimin stroked its head lovingly before leaning across the couch to unlatch the locks and pushed the window open. The cat wasted no time hopping outside to begin exploring. Shielding his eyes with his forearm, Jimin peered out to see where he’d landed this time.
When he’d landed this time.
The cat rolled happily in the bed of flowers, chasing after a butterfly. Wherever Jimin was, it was quiet and seemingly barren for as far as the eye could see. There were forests to one side and a rolling set of hills on the other. In the very center, separating both landmarks, was a wide open field of countless flowers in varying colors and breeds. A breeze pushed against his face and he smiled, savoring the smell and taste of the ocean winds. He was by the sea.
The weather was nice and calm. He wouldn’t need to dress warm, but he stripped out of his white t-shirt and slid on a long-sleeved one instead; also white. He kept his white linen trousers on and didn’t bother with shoes. It would be nice to feel the grass between his toes. His last location was a desert and sand got old very quickly, as did the heat. He rarely went outside during that year.
As his feet touched the grass, he was immediately filled with the fragrant smell of the flowers. He made sure not to inhale too much, or the aroma would overwhelm him. His little feline companion was long gone - seemingly off to explore and hunt whatever she wanted. Jimin didn’t mind. His friend always came back.
He walked around the entire radius of the house to get a good idea of his surroundings and tried to figure out the layout. Whatever time he was in, he couldn’t quite determine it. Not without notable landmarks and people to gauge their clothing or the latest technology of that era. Once he saw anything remotely familiar, he would figure out the rest. 
He’d lost count of how many times he’d moved through time and space like this.
Spinning on his heels, he spread his arms out and flopped into the bed of flowers. Petals fluttered in the air around him, some falling into his hair and on his face. He smiled widely and even laughed. How he’d missed the clean air and the feel of cool grass on his skin. Jimin made a note to savor every moment he had in this time before he was forced to leave it again.
The sun felt warm on his face, lulling him into a serene state until he felt his lids growing heavy. He would have drifted off to sleep had it not been for his furry companion feeling the need to hop onto his stomach at that moment. The cat purred as he laughed and stroked the cat’s back. 
“Did you find anything interesting?” he asked. The cat meowed in response, but not really giving him an answer. Jimin smiled, petting its head. “Yeah, I didn’t think so.” Sitting up, he gathered the cat into his arms and stood up from the ground. “Let’s do a bit more exploring, hm?”
The two of them wandered around where they could. An invisible wall prevented Jimin from going further than two hundred meters in any direction. As he pressed his hand against the barrier, he gave a dejected sigh before returning back to the house. On the outside, it looked like a Tudor cottage with natural brick and molding. Everything else was white or a soft yellow color for the trimming, the roof tiles a rich cobalt blue. It was the strangest house he’d ever seen and it was probably the reason he was drawn to it in the first place.
Truth be told, Jimin couldn’t recall how long he’d been in that house. He didn’t even remember how old he was supposed to be or what time period he hailed from originally. All the clothing, food, and other necessities were replenished on their own. If the climate he was transported to was cold, all of his clothing was suited for the temperature drop. If it was hot, humid or dry, his clothes changed to match it as well. The house provided it all. He stopped questioning how and why a long long time ago.
Everything he owned was white, save for the bedding, which was just a simple yellow blanket. The couch was slate in color. There were a few plants in the house but they were all green and simple to take care of. Namely the cactus that sat on his coffee table.
He set the cat down and opened the door, waiting for the calico to prance inside. The house had enough natural light streaming from outside that the lack of actual lighting fixtures made little difference to Jimin. If he needed a light source, he would always light a candle or burn some oil in the lantern.
It would be just another year for Jimin. One year of many.
After he finished showering, he changed into some fresh garments and began scrounging up something together for a modest meal. The scent of flowers overwhelmed him to the point where he needed to come inside and lay down for a few hours. After smelling the acrid air of the desert, it was a stark contrast but one that he knew wouldn’t take long for him to acclimate.
For the first time in a while, he was actually excited to discover more of his new environment.
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The first few weeks were uneventful. They always were. 
Once he was used to the floral aroma that wafted in through his windows, he made it a point to gather up fresh flowers and placed them throughout the house. The interior in its entirety was white, so the bursts of color that the flowers provided were a welcome change. Jimin could hardly remember a time where he was able to be surrounded by nature in its colorful bountifulness. 
He’d been from place to place and from one time to the next. He jumped from the past where architecture was still done by hand to the future where machines did most of the heavy labor. Some skies were clear and blue, others were dark and overcast. Rain, sleet, snow, high winds and desert storms. Jimin was able to experience them all thanks to the power of the house that moved him in and out of existence through an ethereal portal he couldn’t begin to hope to understand.
Strangely enough, he didn’t age. He assumed it was from the power of the house. There was no other explanation. He stopped questioning it years ago because he forgot the reason he was in the house in the first place, or how he’d gotten there. 
Certain things were made clear from his travels through time, however, and it made coping with his isolation a little bit difficult. The invisible barrier was one. His inability to grow old was another. He couldn’t destroy the house either. He tried many years ago in a fit of anger and didn’t leave a scratch on the surface. He couldn’t even burn it down. He tried that too. 
Jimin only stayed in one place and time for a year. Then the house would jump through time. The house would never leave without him, because the house and he were connected. Even if Jimin was outside after the year was over, he would get pulled back inside for the journey. 
The one that struck him the hardest, however, was the fact that no one could see him or the house. This made interacting with people impossible. 
No matter how much he screamed, no one could hear him. No matter how hard he tried to touch someone, they could not feel him. His hand would pass straight through their bodies, as though he were little more than a ghost to them. But he wasn’t dead, of that he was most certain. 
He couldn’t recall, exactly, how far back it was he’d learned these things, but they were lessons that stuck with him for a very long time. Since then, he simply flitted in and out of existence, watching the world and the people in it pass him by. So far, the only being he could actually interact with was the calico cat that lived in the house with him and as far as Jimin could tell, the cat was always by his side.
The months rolled on in an even keel and there was still no sign of a single person in sight. The weather was getting warmer, breaching into summer. From what Jimin could gather, he arrived at the onset of spring. It wouldn’t be long before autumn was upon him and he would no longer be able to relish in the lovely landscape as things began to die. The thought of it caused a pained expression to form on his face. He didn’t like to witness things wilting before his eyes, but what choice did he have?
It rained for a few days straight, cooling the air and giving it a refresher of sorts. The rain always made Jimin sleepy and he often napped for hours at a time before getting up to feed himself, shower, and then return to bed. The cat enjoyed rainy days because it gave her an excuse to cuddle with Jimin as he spent the days lazily lying in bed.
The sound of laughter pulled Jimin from deep sleep, causing him to rouse from bed. Bleary eyed and a little groggy, he shuffled around from his room and out to the kitchen. The laughter was louder now and it was more than one set of tones from what he could gather. Pouring himself a glass of water, he drained it in a few gulps and then splashed some water on his face to fully rid himself of the sleepy haze still settled on the backs of his eyelids. 
Pulling back the sheer curtains, he peeked out of the kitchen window and blinked rapidly. He wasn’t sure what he was seeing, but he knew he wasn’t dreaming. There in the fields of flowers were several people; young men and women. They were sprawled out on a blanket, laughing and talking as a small radio sat at their side. Jazz peeled from the speakers and he could tell from the model that it was a mid to late 80s radio. There was a large picnic basket between them and one girl with red hair began pulling out things from inside of it. Two of the three boys scrambled off the blanket and started tossing a baseball between each other, the sound of the ball hitting the leather gloves like whip cracks to Jimin’s ears. 
The boy who remained was sitting with the two girls who were chatting it up while putting things on paper plates. Confident they couldn’t see him, Jimin poured himself another glass of water and stepped outside so he could hear them better. They were just within the two hundred meter barrier, but just barely.
“When’s Brianna comin’?” asked the boy with dirty blonde hair as bit into a sandwich.
The red-haired girl shrugged as she poured some orange juice into a cup and handed it to the blonde-haired girl beside her. “I dunno. She said she’d be here soon.”
The blonde scoffed as she leaned back on one hand. “She’s always late to these things. We only have a month and a half of summer vacation left before the new school year starts.”
The two boys tossing the ball back and forth looked at them. One of them had jet black hair that fell around his ears and the other was mousy and in a bowl cut. “Then we’ll officially be college students.”
The red-haired girl groaned, falling onto her side. “Ugh, don’t remind me. I’m dreading it already.”
The boy on the blanket chuckled. “Yeah right, Miss ‘I’m moving to New York to be a famous fashion designer’ Maxine.”
Maxine pouted, shifting to lay on her stomach. “Shut-up, Eddie. You all know how hard I worked to get that scholarship.”
“Aw, come on, Max,” teased the blonde, “you know he’s only teasing. Eddie’s just sad to see you leave our little circle of friendship.”
Eddie puffed out one of his cheeks and bit into the sandwich in annoyance. “Psh, whatever. No one asked you, Stephanie .”
The blonde, Stephanie, glared at him. “It’s Stevie. Call me Stephanie again and I’ll knock your fuckin’ block off.”
“Language, Stevie,” called the boy with black hair as he flashed her a grin.
“Oh, fuck you, James.” Stevie flipped her middle finger at him, which only caused him to dissolve into a small fit of laughter. 
The mousy-haired boy laughed as he tossed the ball to James. “You two should just get married already.”
James missed the ball, balking at his friend. “You’re out of your fuckin’ gourd, Marcus.”
Marcus rolled his eyes and motioned for James to toss the ball back to him. When he did, instead of it falling into his glove like it had been, it was caught in a bare hand. Jimin looked up to see a young girl with light brown skin and dark brown curls holding the ball. Dressed in a pair of distressed denim overall shorts, she wore a hunter green t-shirt underneath; a black and white flannel shirt tied around her waist. On her feet, instead of sandals, were a pair of combat boots. 
This ensemble had Jimin canting his head slightly. It wasn’t exactly a summer-type outfit, but what did he know about fashion? Everything he owned was white.
“Well look who finally decided to grace us with her presence,” called Max as she sat up on her elbows, “we were beginning to think you were gonna be a no-show.”
“Yeah, Bree,” said Stevie, “where’ve you been?”
“Got held up at work,” Bree said as she tossed the ball back to James. She took a few steps and paused, her eyes meeting Jimin’s. The action was so sudden that he nearly dropped the glass of water he was holding. She pointed a finger at him. “Who’s the new guy?”
“Huh?” Eddie looked in the direction she was pointing, blinked as Jimin looked back at him, then faced Bree again. “Who’re you talkin’ about?”
This time she extended her arm, still pointing at Jimin. He took a step back, unsure of what to make of this new development. He could feel the heat rising up his neck and creeping over his face. 
“Him. Who is he?” Bree looked at the others as she placed a hand on her hip. “And did you guys actually ask him if we could hang out in the front yard of his house?”
Stevie’s brows furrowed as she stood up from the blanket. “What the hell are you talkin’ about, girl?” She turned her head in either direction. “What house? What guy?”
Bree rolled her eyes. “I swear to God, if you guys are tryin’ to play some game with me, I’m going to make your lives hell for the next hour.” She looked back at Jimin and his lips parted in both surprise and fear. “Hey you! Are you in on this too?”
“Bree, have you been smokin’ again?” Marcus teased as he gently pushed her back. “Told you about tokin’ it up so much during vacay.”
For a moment, all she did was look at Jimin; seemingly boring holes through his own sockets. He licked his lips, contemplating on responding, but was soon pulled from his shock after James moved to pick Bree up and spun her around as he hefted her stomach-first onto his shoulder. She kicked and smacked his back, turning her away from Jimin so that she could no longer catch him in her line of sight.
But that didn’t keep her from shouting.
“Yo! I’m talkin’ to you! Hey!” 
Jimin didn’t answer. He didn’t know how to answer. Someone was actually looking at him and speaking to him. This was the first time it’d happened in all the years he’d moved in and out of time. As much as he wanted to respond to her, he knew that she would only look like a raving lunatic if he tried to speak or interact with her in any way. So Jimin did the only thing he could at that moment.
He ran back into the house, slamming the door closed behind him.
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Hours passed and the people still remained. Even as the sun was setting, they showed no signs of vacating the premises. They’d spent so much time out there that James managed to change the batteries on the portable radio in the midst of all their fun and games. Jimin was both confused and entranced. He longed to sit beside them as they turned on their flashlights and shared stories about their school year.
The one called “Bree” kept Jimin from even entertaining the idea of getting closer.
After the initial chaos from her outburst died down, he secretly hoped that she would merely view both the house and him as mere figments of her imagination. Clearly she was the more rebellious one of the group, partaking in recreational drugs as well as managing a part-time job. But that also made her a bit skeptical, at least from Jimin’s perspective. For a while, he believed she’d forgotten about him, as well as the house. But every so often, when he would peek out the window to be part of their little world, she would cast her umber hues in his direction, forcing Jimin to retreat back into the safety of his home.
Why was he so afraid? Wasn’t this what he’d always wanted? What he’d yearned for?
Hiding like this seemed silly and pointless.
When will I be able to speak to someone again? 
The thought weighed on his heart like a heavy anvil, threatening to sink all the way down to the pit of his stomach. He couldn’t remember how many years he traveled through the universe. But he could remember the loneliness he felt during that time. What was it like to have a normal conversation with someone? To be able to laugh and share memories together, no matter how exciting or dull they might have been? To cherish the small moments like the people were outside?
When would another opportunity like this come again for Jimin?
He knew this to be true. There was no sense in denying it or even ignoring it. There was no other truth. But it couldn’t shake the fear that lurked in the darkest recesses of his own heart.
He feared rejection. He was afraid of being turned away from anyone who could see him. So detached and far from the realm of normal, Jimin knew that anyone would find his circumstances both unreasonable and unbelievable. 
Being invisible was better than being ignored.
“So, we callin’ it a night or what?” It was Marcus. 
The sound of a yawn being stifled was heard. “Yeah, I think so.” Now it was Stevie.
There was a distinct rustling noise of things being gathered. Jimin, while locked away in the house, hadn’t strayed too far from the window. He made sure to keep himself hidden in case Bree had any urges to look in his direction. But in those hours, he’d grown accustomed to whose voice belonged to which person and enjoyed being able to get to know them despite the lack of interaction. It made him sad to know that they would be leaving; even more so that he didn’t know when they would be back. If they would be back.
He took a chance to peek out the window and saw the group rolling up their things. They all laughed, chatted more, and promised to get together again later in the week when they were all free. Something about hitting the mall or maybe going to watch a movie. Jimin pressed his back to the wall as the sounds of their footsteps faded off in the distance.
A movie. Jimin tried hard to think back on when he last saw a movie. His earliest memory was so fuzzy and he couldn’t be sure if it was accurate.
The calico cat meowed as she rubbed her body in between each of his legs, bringing him out of his thoughts. Crouching down, he began to stroke the cat’s spine and tail before rubbing her head lovingly. She purred happily to the attention and he smiled. “You wanted to play with them too, huh? I’m sorry, but it was too risky to let you out.” The cat meowed again, as if understanding his words, and he gathered her up into his arms. “Maybe I’ll read a book tonight…”
Jimin managed to take a few steps into the main living area when the sound of the door knocking caused him to drop his friend. The cat landed softly on her paws and scampered away to the couch, leaving him seemingly frozen in time. He couldn’t ignore the cold sweat dripping from his neck or the heavy ache in his chest from how hard his heart was thudding against it.
Craning his neck, he peered at the door. 
Again, three knocks hit from the other side.
It had to be her. It couldn’t have been anyone else. But clearly she’d left with the others. What reason would she have to turn back?
“Hey, I know you’re in there.” In most cases, that phrase would have been threatening. But her voice belied something else. “Look, I just wanna talk, okay?”
This was it. This was the moment Jimin wanted. He wanted it more than anything he’d ever wanted in his entire life.
Yet all he could do was stare at the door. His body refused to move. He wanted to, but his feet were rooted in place. There was a lump forming in his throat and he wasn’t sure if he could swallow it down enough to speak. To tell this person to go away, even though he secretly yearned for them to stay.
“J-Just a minute,” came his weak response. 
He wasn’t sure if she’d heard him, but he took a moment to gather his courage before forcing himself to cross the short distance to the front door. It wasn’t locked. She could have just waltzed in if she pleased. Jimin was thankful she hadn’t, though. He wasn’t sure how he would have responded if she’d barged in unannounced.
When he opened the door, Jimin felt his heart skip a beat as he looked at Bree. He shouldn’t have been surprised. It wasn’t like this was the first time she was seeing him. But this time they were less than three feet from each other. She stood with her hands folded across her chest, giving him the once over with a glance. Jimin flushed, averting his gaze for half a second before moving back to her. 
She’s pretty, he thought suddenly, causing another rush of heat to stain his cheeks. It was unexpected but was also still his own opinion.
“Good evening.” 
It was the only thing Jimin could come up with that didn’t sound stupid.
“You too,” she said almost dismissively. It wasn’t offensive, but it was clear that Bree had her own priorities. “So what’s your deal?”
He nervously placed a hand on the back of his neck. “What do you mean?”
“You. This house.” Bree looked to her left, right, then back to him. “How come no one else can see it but I can?”
Biting his lower lip, he felt his brows knit in worry. He couldn’t very well lie to her. So he chose to tell her the truth. “I honestly don’t know.”
A single brow lifted on Bree’s face. “You don’t know or you won’t tell me?” 
Jimin shook his head. “I really don’t know.”
He winced slightly. “I can’t tell you what I don’t know.”
Sighing, she brushed a hand through her dark curls. “Okay, well what do you know?”
“That you’re the first person who’s been able to see me and this house.” The cat meowed, moving between Jimin’s feet to rub her body against Bree’s leg. She looked down and blinked at the feline, then looked back at Jimin. “And the cat.”
The calico continued to weave in and out from between Bree’s legs until she finally relented, leaning down to pick up the cat. His companion seemed to appreciate being able to interact with someone other than him and he felt a little offended. Bree petted the cat for a moment, then held her hand out toward him. For a while, all he did was stare at her hand.
“I’m Brianna Larkins. Friends call me Bree.”
Slowly, he reached for her hand. But just as he was about to touch her, he hesitated. Part of him still couldn’t believe this was happening. Jimin was afraid that his hand would pass straight through hers like he were a mere apparition. 
Bree took the initiative, grabbing his hand with her own. It caused him to jump slightly, the sensation of touching another person a seemingly foreign concept to him. He’d well and truly forgotten what it was like to feel the skin of another human being. All he could do was watch, dumbfounded, as she shook their hands up and down.
“I’m Jimin.”
She canted her head slightly. “No last name?”
“I can’t remember it.”
She didn’t bother hiding her scoff as she let his hand go. Already he was mourning the absence of her touch. “Figures.” Bree lifted herself onto the balls of her feet to peek inside the house just over his shoulder. “So, can I come in or what?”
Again, another question he didn’t know the answer to. Surely if she could see both the house and him, as well as touch him, then she should have been able to cross the threshold into the house. But that was just a theory. One he’d never had the pleasure of putting into practice.
“S-Sure,” Jimin managed to stammer out as he stood to the side, giving her room to step through the entrance. 
And just like that, she stepped past the door frame and into his main living area like it was the most natural thing on earth. Jimin stood speechless while still holding the door open. Bree pulled off her combat boots, the calico still held delicately in her arms as she moved in and out of the space he alone occupied for so long. Well, him and his little furry friend. It was too strange and his mind was having a difficult time processing everything that was happening. 
If he could describe the sensation accurately, Jimin felt like he was walking through water that was a mile deep and he was on the verge of drowning.
“Little lacking in the interior decorating department, don’t you think?” she asked while slowly turning as she walked. 
Jimin rubbed at the back of his head. “That’s not something I can really control, unfortunately.” 
And it was true. Even if he could paint the walls, they would just turn white again after a matter of minutes. 
Bree shrugged as she turned to face him. “Better than some awful wallpaper or something.”
“Yeah,” was all he could say. 
Why was talking to another person so hard? It shouldn’t have been this difficult, should it?
He watched her head to the sitting area where only his gray sofa was, along with the coffee table. She flopped down on the cushions, the cat wriggling out of her arms to crawl onto the windowsill. Bree looked at Jimin expectantly and for a moment, he didn’t understand what was supposed to happen next. She suddenly patted the empty seat next to her. 
“Uh, right…” Jimin took a step, then stopped himself. “Oh, I didn’t even offer you anything to drink.” He turned to head back to the kitchen.
“It’s fine, seriously, dude.” When he looked back at Bree, he saw her smiling, clearly amused with his flustered behavior. “I said I wanted to talk and I meant it. So c’mere.”
Deciding to just go along with whatever was happening, Jimin crossed the short space and slowly sank onto the couch beside her. His heartbeat thundered like war drums in his ear and he started closing and opening his hands by his knees. This was unreal and he couldn’t figure out what he was supposed to do next.
“So,” she said while clapping her hands together, “let’s try to figure some shit out.”
He whipped his head to look at her, half his vision obscured by his blonde fringe. “H-Huh?”
Bree shrugged while raising her brows. “I mean, don’t you think it’s a little weird that I can see you and the house and no one else can?”
“Well, yeah…” Though Jimin wouldn’t have necessarily called it weird as he would uncircumstantial. 
“There’s got to be some kinda puzzle behind this.” He watched her bite into her lower lip as her brows furrowed in thought this time. Bree gave a low hum, as if she were trying to piece something together in her head. “You’re obviously not a ghost.” She reached out and poked his cheek for good measure, causing Jimin to lean back a bit as his eyes widened in shock. Again, sensations he wasn’t used to feeling. “You look human, but that doesn’t mean you’re not an alien.”
He pouted. “I’m not an alien.”
Bree blinked at him, then laughed at his reaction. “Okay, fine. You’re not an alien then.” She gave her head a slight tilt while placing a hand on her chin. “Are you some kind of angel?”
Jimin relaxed a little. Her teasing nature eased some of the tension that was weighing on his shoulders. “Why would you think that?”
“Well, as stupid as this might sound, it’s because you’re wearing all white.” She gestured to the rest of the house. “The entire house is white.”
“Not all of it.”
“No, you’re right.” Bree leaned back, folding her arms across her chest. “But I can’t think of anything else.”
He sighed a little. Jimin couldn’t help himself, but it happened anyway. “Why can’t I just be human?”
For a while, a small stretch of silence managed to lurk between them. Suddenly, Bree sat up straight and punched her fist into her hand. It startled Jimin, causing him to lean back slightly. Her eyes were shining brightly, like she’d just had an idea.
“That’s it!” 
Bree jumped from the couch and Jimin felt himself standing on impulse. He watched her scrambling to put on her shoes and as he was about to call out to her, she turned to face him. Whatever popped into her head suddenly, she was hellbent on leaving to figure it out. 
“Where are you going?” 
Jimin hadn’t meant to ask. It just slipped out. Part of him worried that if she left, he’d never see her again. This was his one opportunity to be able to actually interact with another person and he didn’t want it taken away from him. The moment felt far too short. 
“I need to get home.” She held up a finger, still smiling. “But don’t worry. I’ll be back tomorrow.”
And before he could ask her what she meant, the girl turned and ran out the door. There was a heaviness that sank over him as the latch clicked. While he didn’t doubt her words, Jimin couldn’t ignore the overwhelming sense of loneliness clinging to him in her absence.
In just a few short minutes, his house felt emptier.
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Bree returned the next day.
And the day after that.
And the day after that. 
Until Summer slowly came to an end, yielding into Fall.
Every day that she left and returned, Jimin was both sad and elated. He understood the meaning behind the phrase “welcome back”, even though he never said it out loud. The power of “goodbye” was heavier than he could even begin to fathom. He knew the steps that it took to truly get to know someone, because knowing a person meant cherishing every single feeling and interaction that came with it.
Bree brought over tons of books. Some were reference texts and others were compilations of fairy tales. He didn’t understand the latter until she explained it. And what she managed to divulge actually made a lot of sense.
“See here,” she said, pointing to a paragraph in the tale of Beauty and the Beast, “the Beast wasn’t allowed to leave the castle. There was a spell cast on him, a curse, and the only way the curse would be broken is if a person could see past the beast on the outside and into the heart of the man on the inside.”
Jimin furrowed his brows. “But it says that he was cursed because of his arrogance.” He met Bree’s gaze. “He turned the old woman away who wanted shelter from the storm and that’s why she cursed him.”
“So you think I’m cursed?”
Bree sat up straight. “Don’t you?”
He frowned. “What makes you think I’m cursed?”
She rolled her eyes. “Oh, I dunno. Maybe because no one can see this house or you, but you can see everyone else? Or maybe because you’ve been in isolation so long that that you lost your memories? Or maybe because you can’t go more than two hundred meters in any given direction?” Defiantly, she folded her arms across her chest. “Or maybe because you can’t age and your house is a literal fucking time machine that moves you back and forth from the past, to the present, to the future? Or MAYBE--”
Jimin held his hands up in defeat, not even realizing that he was smiling. “Okay, okay! I get it. Enough already.” He let his hands settle back into his lap. “Okay. Maybe you’re right.”
“Jesus, I wish you would listen to me,” she muttered while brushing her thick curls off her shoulders. Her attention returned to the book and she leaned forward, resting her elbows onto her knees as she scanned the pages again. Jimin came to learn of her sarcastic nature and was often on the receiving end of her tongue lashes. “All of it points to you being cursed, but it doesn’t help that you can’t even remember why you’re here or where you originally came from.” Chin still propped in her hands, she craned her neck to look up at him. “You sure you don’t remember anything?”
A pained expression formed and before he could hide it, Bree was already sitting up again. He could see the apologetic look on her face, and he felt guilty instantly. He hadn’t meant to be so expressive, but the more he interacted with her, the more free he was with his emotions. 
“I’m sorry, Jimin. I didn’t mean it that way--”
“I know,” he said softly, “it’s okay.”
She threaded her fingers through her hair, groaning in aggravation. “God, this is so frustrating!” Again, her attention returned to the book. “What are we missing?”
“A miracle,” Jimin said flatly, to which Bree cuffed him on the shoulder. He laughed from surprise more than actual pain. 
“I’m serious.” She pouted. “There’s gotta be something we’re not paying attention to.”
Jimin couldn’t figure out what the missing piece to the puzzle was. Part of him honestly didn’t care. He was enjoying the time he got to spend with Bree and there was no guarantee that he would be able to return to his original time. It was all just theories and hypothetical possibilities at this point. If it was one thing he learned during all of his travel through various eras in history, it was to value the present. The past and the future were inconsequential.
“Does it really matter?” 
He didn’t miss the look on Bree’s face at his question. But he wondered if it did, in fact, matter? He’d been living his life this way for so long. Interacting with Bree was a variable he hadn’t accounted for. He just wanted to focus on the here and now. 
She sat up a little straighter, then sighed. “Aren’t you tired of living like this?”
Yes, I’m tired of it.
But he knew the truth. She knew it too. When his year was up, Jimin was going to have to leave this place. He would leave it behind just like he did all the others; with no hope of ever returning. Regardless of what he may have wanted, the end result would always be the same.
A lump formed in his throat, making it impossible to respond. He parted his lips to speak, but then gave up. Averting his gaze, he stared at the open book on the table. His vision blurred momentarily as he fought back oncoming tears. A sad smile formed on his lips.
“...does it really matter?”
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Jimin saw Bree less and less as the Fall season hit full force. School was back in session and she worked part-time. But she made a point to always come by on her off days or when she finished up with her classes. He was able to glean that she must have lived nearby. Was the area he was in a rural township of sorts? He thought about asking her to bring a magazine or newspaper the next time she decided to pay him a visit, but they were usually caught up with various other conversations and he only remembered long after she was gone.
Her absences weighed heavily on Jimin. They’d been so engrossed in fairy tales and folklore that he often compared himself to Rapunzel, trapped in isolation and waiting for his one true destined one to save him from his prison. It was safe, comfortable, and he wasn’t in chains, but it was a prison just the same. 
The leaves changed color and fell from the branches. Vibrant greens transformed into browns and beige. The flowers were long dead. Jimin could tell from the area that he was in that it would snow and while it was something he was looking forward to, he wondered if it would be safe for Bree to trek around the mountainous area in the dead of night. It wasn’t like he could walk her home like he wanted to. 
He was stuck.
The front door opened, pulling Jimin from his thoughts. He was wrapped up in a blanket on the couch with a book in his lap. The cat, now named Juno thanks to Bree, looked up from her perch on the armrest. Bree stopped knocking on the door months back and there was never a need to lock it. Jimin remembered winning an argument they had about his safety with keeping the door unlocked. There was really no point. No one else could see the house to break in and it wasn’t like he had a key he could give her.
Bree quickly unraveled the scarf from around her neck. She was carrying something in her arms and it smelled sweet. Untangling himself from the blanket, he made his way into the kitchen as Bree busied herself with the dishes. Peering out the window, he saw how dark it was and frowned. 
“It’s late.” 
She pulled out some chocolate chip cookies from the bag and plated them. “Yeah, I know. I got held up at work again.”
“It’s not safe for you to be wandering around up here by yourself so late at night.” He folded his arms across his chest. “You could have just come first thing in the morning.”
Jimin was reprimanding her, but it’d been several days since their last meeting. Secretly, he was happy she was there. 
“Can’t. I have class in the morning.” She handed the plate to him.
The worry lines on his brow deepened. “Then you definitely shouldn’t have come out here.”
Bree rolled her eyes. It was only then that he noticed her bookbag. “Psh, you’d go stir crazy if I didn’t show up today. Besides, I brought cookies as a bribe.”
He’d hardly call that a bribe, but he was happy for the present. 
She poured them both a glass of milk each. He carried the plate to the living room and they both flopped on the couch at the same time. Bree skillfully didn’t spill a single drop of milk before setting the glasses on the table.
“Don’t you have homework?” Jimin nibbled on a cookie as he cast a sideways glance at her.
Rifling through her book bag, she dropped a few notebooks and pencils on top. “I finished it during break at work.” 
He raised his brows as she pulled out extra clothes and set them on the floor by the couch. “Uh, what are you--”
“I’m sleeping over,” she interjected, reaching down to pick up Juno and cuddle her into her lap.
For a while, Jimin said nothing. All he did was stare as she pulled her thick curls back into a low ponytail. 
Finally, it registered.
“W-What?” He turned to fully face her. “You’re staying here?!”
She cut her gaze at him. “Did I stutter?” He was about to ask why, but instead a cookie was pushed into his open mouth. “Besides, I had an idea I wanted to run by you and it couldn’t wait another day.”
Attempting to swallow the cookie, he grabbed the glass of milk and washed most of it down. The awkwardness of her staying over was overshadowed by his curiosity. “What idea?”
Biting into a cookie, she quickly opened one of her notebooks up and showed it to him. “The conditions.” She pointed to a series of bullet markings. “All the folk legends and fairy tales state that certain conditions have to be met in order to break the curse.”
“Okay,” he said while nodding, “but those conditions all stem from knowing what the curse entails, doesn’t it?” Jimin sighed. “So we’re still back at square one.”
Bree set the notebook down suddenly, leaned into his space and soon her face was inches from his own. Blinking rapidly, his heart suddenly thundered heavily against his chest. Jimin’s eyes momentarily crossed when he felt the velvet texture of Bree’s lips brushing against his own. The contact was swift enough that he couldn’t savor it, but long enough for him to get a taste of her cherry lip balm. 
When she finally pulled back, Jimin just stared open-mouthed at Bree. He almost missed the rose tint on her cheeks. Her dark skin tone made it a little bit more difficult to notice it, but the moonlight outside seemed to illuminate her face radiantly. 
Reality sank down on Jimin’s chest as he remembered to breathe. “W-W-Wh-What was that for?!”
“Do you feel any different?” Bree leaned back a little more. “Did it work?”
The absurdity of the question helped Jimin to collect himself. “Does it look like I’m back in my own time?”
“Who says this time isn’t your time?” she countered.
He rolled his eyes. “I’m pretty sure it would be obvious if it actually worked.” Jimin pointed to a line in her notes. “Something phenomenal always happens soon after a curse is broken. That’s how you know.”
Bree snapped her fingers with a scoff. “Damn!”
Jimin couldn’t keep himself from laughing. “Next you’re gonna tell me to go slay some dragon.”
“If there was a dragon around, you bet your ass I would.” Jimin was thankful she turned away from him so he could focus on steadying his racing heartbeat. She bit her thumb in thought. “A kiss is usually a surefire way to break a curse. Since I’m the first person who’s seen the house and you, I figured that was the answer.”
Brushing his hair out of his eyes, he reached for another cookie. “There are probably more conditions that go along with that.”
Bree tilted her head slightly as she looked back at him. “So you think that I’m a variable in all of this?”
“It wouldn’t make sense for you not to be.” He furrowed his brows and looked back at her notes. “Everything points to you being a part of it. We just have to figure out how.”
Groaning, she flung herself against the couch and began kicking the heels of her feet on the floor in frustration. “This is annoying!” She covered her eyes with her forearm. “I don’t know how people in research and development go through all this trial and error nonsense.”
He flashed her a reassuring smile. “It’s kinda their job, Bree.” 
He watched her slip her arm off her face and flop down beside while she stared up at the ceiling. “Conditions need to be met…”
Jimin lightly poked her forehead to get her attention. “Hey, don’t beat yourself up too much. I’m just thankful for all the help and effort you’ve been putting in on my account.”
She gently moved his hand out the way before sitting up again. “I was so sure we were getting close.”
“We probably are. We just don’t know.” But that also brought up another curious thought. “Why are you so adamant about helping me anyway?”
“Huh?” Her expression clearly stated that she didn’t understand why Jimin would even ask such an obvious question. “I mean, don’t you want to go back to where your friends and family are? They’re probably freakin’ worried out of their heads, y’know?”
He smirked. “I doubt it.” 
There was no cynicism in his tone. Jimin believed that everything happened for a reason. 
He met Bree’s gaze and was surprised to see a tiny flicker of sadness in her umber hues. “I just want to get you home. That’s all.”
Kindness to a complete stranger. It was something archaic to Jimin because he wasn’t able to interact with people for quite some time. He knew that the people he cared about more than likely moved on with their lives after his disappearance. But Jimin also knew that if he miraculously wound up getting back to his original timeline, then it would settle all the other paradoxes surrounding his involvement. Things would go back to normal, in theory. Whoever placed this curse on him must have realized this, hence why he was unable to interact with people until now.
Leaning forward, he reached out to Bree and pulled her into his arms. He heard her gasp softly, his motions completely unexpected even to him. But he couldn’t think of any other way to express his gratitude. In the months he’d gotten to know her, he knew that Bree was rough around the edge but was genuinely a good person. Her determination to get him home, to the place where he belonged, more than evident in her actions. They weren’t just empty words. 
Jimin could perceive that now after having been denied human interaction for many years.
“Thank you…” 
When he pulled back, their noses were just barely touching. Then he leaned in to press his lips against hers. He tasted the sweetness of the cookies and her cherry lip balm all over again. Jimin slowly urged her lips apart with his tongue, silently asking for entrance. When she complied, he slid his tongue across her teeth and over her own pink muscle. 
The sigh mingled with the moan Bree managed to push out from her chest and he pulled her even closer so he would be able to hear her heartbeat. Bree’s hands slowly slid up his torso, resting her palms on his chest. Jimin took his time pulling and nipping at her full lips, enjoying the sweet taste of her mouth. Part of it was the cookie. Part of it was her lip balm. The rest was just simply how she tasted naturally.
As their lips parted, he smiled and bumped his forehead against her own. Even though his shadow covered half of her face, he could feel the warmth simmering along the surface of her skin. Jimin closed her notebook with one hand, still smiling as he stared into her face.
“I know as the host, I should be nice and offer you my bed while I take the couch. But would you be against us both using the bed?”
Bree blinked a few times, then flashed a devious grin. “I wouldn’t be against it, no.”
Jimin immediately scooped Bree into his arms, carrying her like a new bride. There wouldn’t be any mischief. At least, that wouldn’t be the plan. All he wanted was to savor this moment, the sound of Bree’s laughter as he carted her off to the bedroom, Juno hot on their heels. 
The house didn’t feel so big anymore and the joy Jimin felt was indescribable. 
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Fall was fleeting and Winter swept in faster than Jimin could have anticipated. The house was warm as per the conditions it needed for him to remain comfortable. His clothes changed to suit the shift in temperature. He had to be thankful for all that the house was able to provide for him. He wasn’t sure if he’d be able to handle actually having to do everything on his own outside of the normal things. 
As much as he fussed at Bree for wanting to continue to trek up the mountain to see him, Jimin relished in the closeness that blossomed even further between them. 
True to his word, they didn’t actually do anything that night. He had a sense of morals and a conscience, not wanting to seem like he was trying to take advantage of Bree’s kindness and affection toward him. Outside of kissing, they just cuddled and slept in the bed. He wouldn’t go further than that and Bree seemed to pick up on his need to not press things too far.
Jimin was just glad that Bree took everything surrounding his circumstances in stride. She was understanding, open-minded, and willing to help. He couldn’t imagine what it would have been like between them if she’d been a full-blown skeptic. 
They never put a label on what they were to each other. He didn’t know about her, but Jimin felt there wasn’t a need. In six months’ time, he would disappear from her life like a passing dream. Maybe she would come to forget him. She would move on as if nothing changed and continue to strive towards her own aspirations. Jimin would remain in his proverbial prison, clinging to the memories that he’d made with her; hoping to seek solace on the more lonely nights when he knew he would inevitably miss her.
It was getting even colder out. He didn’t want Juno going out and getting frostbite in the snow that was slowly starting to pile up outside. The cat made a fuss about it initially, but after walking around just by the window, she understood that her little paws weren’t going to like being wet and cold. 
Despite the biting chill of the air, Jimin admired how picturesque everything looked. The floral landscape was completely covered in a blanket of fresh powder. Even if he hadn’t met Bree, he was still lucky to be able to enjoy scenery like this. Traveling through time helped him to appreciate all forms of nature, but he couldn’t get enough of these images. 
He had a pot of coffee brewing and the aroma filtered throughout the house. He wasn’t big on coffee. Not usually. Jimin slept when he felt like it and was awake when he wanted to be. Having coffee seemed almost a little pointless. But ever since he met Bree, he’d indulged here and there. It was more for her sake than his own since it was apparent that she didn’t get much sleep. Even less since having met him.
His brows furrowed slightly, shaking off the guilt that tried to sit on the forefront of his mind. Jimin knew it was her own choice that kept her coming back. No one else’s. She would have smacked him for trying to shoulder the responsibility all on his own and it wasn’t fair for him to take it.
As he poured himself a cup of coffee, he noticed the small clock on the counter. It was a present from Bree. There was nothing fancy about it. Just a simple clock that only needed batteries changed out every so often. She left said batteries in a drawer. Jimin scoffed about not needing to know the time, his predicament making it obvious as to why. 
“Just because you never know where you wind up doesn’t mean you should ignore what time it is while you’re there.”
Jimin’s lips pulled into a small smile. She was right. This, and many things, were the small lessons that he was beginning to finally learn. As if it was Bree’s purpose to teach them to him. 
It would make leaving her that much harder. 
He entered the living room after checking the time, his free hand reaching out to unlatch the window. Despite the cold, Jimin still wanted to get a bit of fresh air circulating inside of the house. The sun had long since set and Bree would be battling through the cold to see him. He saw a few flurries starting to float from the sky, his brows furrowing at the thought of the snow falling heavier and further impeding Bree’s trek up the mountain.
I hope she takes it slow…
The worry didn’t start setting in until several hours passed by. Initially, he simply shrugged it off as nothing. It wasn’t unheard of for Bree to be late. She could’ve easily gotten caught up with her job or even hanging out with her friends from school. The group she came up there with seemed close. 
But as the night pushed onward with no sign of Bree in sight, Jimin began to get a little concerned.
Unlatching the window, he pushed it open and a rush of cold air whipped across his body. The chill shot down his spine, causing his skin to pepper out in goosebumps. The muscles in his shoulder grew taut as he fought back the urge to shiver. Juno meowed in protest to the cold, hopping down onto the couch to curl herself against one of the throw pillows. The full moon hung like a pearl in the sky, illuminating the world around him. 
In the distance, he heard several howls. Their cries filled the night air, indicating that they were gathering together. Possibly for a hunt. The prospect of food in the area seemed a little slim, but Jimin didn’t think it was impossible. Especially if they were making rounds in preparation to stalk their prey. 
Fear suddenly gripped at Jimin’s chest. Juno’s mewling snapped him out of his trance and he hopped out of the window. The cold nipped at his feet, but he didn’t care. He could barely feel it. The snow crunched under his feet as the wind continued to push around him, the flurries falling heavier than they had a few hours earlier. 
He cupped his hands around his mouth. “BREE!” His voice echoed over the wide expanse of the landscape. “WHERE ARE YOU?”
There was nothing. Nothing save for the sound of his voice bouncing back at him. 
And then he heard a scream.
Jimin trounced forward, wading through several feet of snow. Desperation pushed him forward, forcing him to start running. He pumped his legs into the ground as hard as he could until he slammed into the invisible wall. The force of impact knocked him back-first into the snow and the cold clung to every inch of his skin. Not wasting a single second, he scrambled back onto his feet and began kicking and punching the wall, clawing at the barrier with his bare hands. At some point he started to scream, but he couldn’t remember when. The burning sensation rippling down his throat kept him alert until something snapped inside of him.
The sound of glass shattering echoed in his head. It was loud, like an explosion. Before he’d realized what’d happened, he was taking off at a dead run toward the cluster of trees near the base of the mountain. The world was a blur around him as he sped off toward his destination, following the howls of the wolves as his need to find Bree overshadowed all other rational thoughts that made vain attempts to come to the surface.
Pain registered in the back of his mind as he ran. The dying branches from trees and bushes seemed to reach out in their need to snatch him in the darkness. Jimin used the moonlight to guide him as twigs snapped against his body and dying leaves crunched under his bare feet.
Predatory snarls loomed around him, spurning him forward. Bree’s scream tore through the night, signaling where her location was. Slipping on wet grass, he crashed to his knees and rolled through the snow. The momentum helped him to get back up, making a quick right through the forest as the barks of wolves became louder. 
Bursting through a thicket of trees, he entered a clearing and saw half a dozen wolves in a semicircle advancing toward their prey. They turned in sync with one another in his direction as they bared their fangs at him. Bree was on the ground and holding her ankle while trying to shuffle back as much as she could. Jimin’s eyes met hers for a split second and he saw her face was red, splotchy,  and slick with tears.
Rage flared across Jimin’s chest as he picked up a broken tree branch. One of the wolves launched forward, his jet claws and pearl fangs gleaming in the moonlight. Jimin roared and swung with all the strength he could muster, the branch striking true as he slammed into the side of the wolf’s head. A sharp cry of pain came from the wild animal as it fell into the snow. The other wolves raised their hackles and moved toward him, snarling heavily as the clouds from their breath puffed in front of their snouts. 
Jimin took a second to glance at the branch in his hands and quickly assessed that he would be able to get one or two more hits in before it completely snapped. Splinters were lodged into his palms, stinging along his skin. He pushed the pain back as far as he could manage, taking a step forward as his grip tightened around the branch. 
“Bree, are you alright?” he asked. He sighed quickly at her nod. When he saw her about to stand, Jimin held his hand out to her. “Stay there!”
The wolves took this as their opportunity to attack and two of them leaped at Jimin. He swung out and hit one of their forelegs, causing the animal to hop back on three legs as it whined. The other wolf went for Jimin’s calf, forcing him to lift his leg up and out of the snow. The injured wolf launched himself from the snow and snapped his jaws. Jimin barely had time to react, using the branch as a shield and watching with horror as it snapped between the wolf’s teeth. 
A sharp pain registered on Jimin’s shoulder and he fell forward as another wolf’s weight smacked into his back. Claws dug into his skin beneath his sweater and the white fabric instantly stained crimson as the wolf bit mercilessly down into the meat of his shoulder. Crying out, he struggled to move out of the way as more of the wolves advanced on him. 
Bree’s scream brought him out back from nearly drowning in his agony and he looked up in time to see her throwing rocks at the wolves. One of them hit the wolf that was biting him, forcing him to release his grip. They snarled, making their way toward her. Jimin pushed himself up and ran at the wolf closest to her, kicking up a spray of white powder in its face. Without wasting another second, he snatched Bree’s wrist in his bleeding hand and pulled her onto her feet.
They ran like their lives depended on it.
The wolves kicked up snow as they gave chase, barking and snapping their jaws menacingly. Jimin’s vision blurred every so often, but the ensuing stumble quickly brought him back into focus. He tried to maintain his speed while also being conscientious of Bree as he pulled her along. Jimin could just barely hear their heavy breathing over the pounding of his heart. 
Jimin believed it was instinct that led him back to the house. Or was it the house itself pulling him by an invisible string? He didn’t question his surroundings and continued to run, his only concern for Bree’s safety. He was ready to force her to leave him behind if necessary.
Bursting through the treeline, they continued to run from their pursuers. The wolves gave chase only so far, however, and stopped completely as they rushed in through the front door. Jimin crashed onto the floor and Bree hurriedly slammed it shut. His breathing was labored as he lay there, his vision coming in and out of focus as he tried to stabilize his racing heartbeat. 
He could only just barely hear Bree’s voice. It felt so far away. Why did it feel so far away from him?
Something warm touched his back and he instantly took comfort in it. And then his body began to turn over. The sounds of wolf howls echoed through the night, announcing their retreat. They would not indulge in a meal tonight, forced to make due with empty stomachs.
“Are you crazy?!” Bree’s hand swept over his brow, brushing his bangs off his forehead. He couldn’t tell what her expression was, only that it was a mixture of fear and anger. “What were you thinking?!”
Her voice cracked a few times. Jimin could tell she was fighting back against something. But what, he couldn’t be sure. She cupped his cheek with her palm, sending more warm sensations across his entire body.
A hand’s warmth. 
It was something that people so often took for granted. 
Reaching up, he grasped at Bree’s wrist. “I’m so glad…”
Her face came into focus and he could see the tears sliding down her cheeks. She blinked down at him in confusion. “W-What?”
Jimin smiled. “I’m so glad...I was able to keep your hands...from getting cold.”
Bree sobbed, pulling him closer to her chest while burying her face into the juncture of his neck. “No! Please stop talking! Just...please stop…”
Letting her hand go, he started to pet her wild, curly hair. Bree gasped, pulling back a measure so she could look at him. He was happy she did so. Now he could see her beautiful face.
A strange sensation tingled over his skin, all the way down to the tips of his toes. He shouldn’t have been able to feel anything near his feet. They were more than likely frostbitten by now. But he wiggled them just to be sure, and the tingling feeling continued to increase. 
His body started to feel light, the sensation moving around in his stomach, through his lungs, and swirled around the center of his chest. Blinking, he shifted his gaze toward the window and felt his lips part slowly as he watched an aurora paint itself over the darkness. 
What? Jimin thought, confusion settling over his heart, What is happening?
The aurora transformed into a pink and purple nebula, the stars swirling from the center until they fanned out in strange, ethereal tendrils. Jimin tried to sit up, but felt he had no control over his body. Only that it was getting lighter and lighter for some reason. 
Was the house preparing to jump again? But it was too soon! He still had several more months before it was time. 
“What’s going on?” Bree asked, and he looked down to see what she was talking about. Gasping, he could only stare in shock as her body was now visible through his own. “What’s happening?!”
“I...I don’t know.” 
Lifting his hands up to his face, he saw the tingling sensation now manifested into tiny glowing particles along his skin. With each passing second, his body grew lighter and more transparent, until he started to float off the ground. Bree tried to grab for him, but to her horror and his own, her hands passed right through him. Jimin moved to touch her, and while he could feel her body, the physical sensation was absent. 
Was the curse finally broken?
“No!” he yelled suddenly. The distance between them started to increase and they both attempted to reach for the other in vain, their hands dissolving into one another. “Not yet!”
Jimin’s body lifted higher off the ground and the glowing particles brightened. Bree quickly stood on her feet and he saw Juno appear in between her ankles. The cat meowed in protest as they seemed to get further and further away from him.
“Don’t go!” shouted Bree as she tried to jump and reach for him, but he was too far away.
Was this really the end?
“I love you!” Jimin yelled suddenly, causing Bree to stop her attempts to pull him back. 
She blinked up at him. “J-Jimin…”
A sad smile formed on his lips. This was inevitable. There was nothing they could do to stop this. He was going back to his own time now; to his own world.
“I love you so much…”
Bree gasped, covering her mouth. But when it seemed he would pass through the ceiling, she lowered her hands and flashed the same sad smile back up to him.
“...I love you too.”
And as though those were the magic words, everything quickly disappeared around him. The house, Bree, the cat. Everything was replaced with a swirling galaxy of stars and a colorful galaxy. A harsh wind pushed through his body, pulsing over the plane of his skin, and he felt his tears spilling from his eyes. Time slowed and sped up simultaneously and he curled himself into a ball, burying his face in his hands as he sobbed.
Jimin should have been elated. He was going back to his time. Things were going to finally fit themselves into the right place. All the pieces of the puzzle were found.
But at that moment, Jimin felt more alone than he had in all the years he’d spent in that house.
Because he’d loved and lost in what felt like a single snapshot of time.
His curse was lifted, but he felt emptier than he’d ever been.
To Jimin, his true curse was only just beginning.
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angel-squid-trash-ghost · 5 years ago
Parental Guidance Pt.6
            Hakoda had the children dressed and fed by the time his mother had woken up. She fretted and fussed that he needed to be resting so he can get back to his regular duties. But is seemed his cold had all but disappeared. And for the time, Hakoda was enjoying spending time with his family. It had been too long.
              Hakoda left to go get some burn ointment for Zuko’s burns. He found it strange how adamant they were of not going with him. Not even Sokka wanted to go. Smoke billowed from the small chimney of the healing hut. A noxious smell radiated from the entrance. Kehana always had reminded him of a ghost story Bato used to tell when they were lads. A tale of a winter witch that lived in the middle of nowhere. She never left her home until a blizzard came and would snatch and eat anyone who dared to venture out.
He entered the healing hut. Danak was inside holding a cloth around his thumb. It looked like he had cut it deep. The cloth was turning redder by the second. Danak tapped his foot impatiently. Kehana was hunched over her mortar and pestle grinding some green paste.
“Woman, I came for a bandage. By the time I get one I will have passed out from blood loss or the fumes of whatever poisons is in that brew of yours.” Danak sneered.
“You interrupted me. I will attend to your parchment cut in a moment.” Kehana mumbled.
Danak straightened his broad shoulders, “Parchment cut!? Woman, I am bleeding out here!”
“I do not think it is that bad.” Hakoda chuckled. “And Kehana with your usual Northern charm and impeccable bedside manner.” They both turned to face him.
“Good morning Chief Hakoda. Could you kindly tell this wicked woman that I am in need of aid? Seeing how she is the healer!” Danak finished shouting at Kehana.
Kehana ignored him throwing a dried plant in the pot. Hakoda shook his head. “So what happened to you?”
“I was trying to hold the baby and reached for my paring knife rather than the rattle.” Danak looked away embarrassed.
“How is the baby? No name yet. I bet Yise cannot choose just one.”
 Danak wrapped the cloth again as it was becoming too saturated. “Actually, she has her heart set on an Earth Kingdom name.”
“Well if she is insistent, then just agree you get to name the next one. That is what me and Kya did.” Hakoda tried to smile.
“So, an Earth Kingdom name would be alright?” Danak pondered.
“Of course not! Fire children and Earth kingdom names. Next you will suggest marriages between nations.” Kehana put another plant in the pot making the smell recede.
Hakoda narrowed his eyes. “Marriages between nations already exist in the North.”
“To immoral men who couldn’t resist the sight of opened legs and green eyes. Children born out of wedlock are a pitiful result of war.”
“Pitiful is your outlook of the world. Get this man a bandage before he starts dripping.” Hakoda bit.
Kehana rummaged through a basket of bandages of varying sizes. “Here!” She threw the roll at him, “Now get out and tell your dim wife that she should have proper supplies instead of listening to silly ideas from foreigners.”
“Old bitch.” Danak stomped towards the door, “Feel better, Chief.”
“Thank you, Danak. Well wishes to your daughter and Yise.” Hakoda waved off.
Kehana moved back to her mortar, “What do you need?”
“I need something for my cold.” Hakoda said.
“Then why are you here? Ask your mother to make you soup.”
“I also need burn ointment.”
“For whom?” Kehana paused her grinding.
He smiled in disbelief, “Does it matter? I asked for it.”
“I’m not wasting anymore of my good medicine on that ugly thing.”
Hakoda growled, “Watch your mouth. Stop your assuming and just give me what I ask for. ”
Kehana hissed. “Your affinity for him is concerning. You are Chief. You have an obligation to protect-”
“And your obligation is to provide medical help to my village! You left a man to bleed from a knife wound while you mind your concoctions.”
“Is it for him?” Kehana ticked her head. A wild look came to her pale blue eyes. “It is summer. Many firebenders bloom at this time. Best to stomp a spark out before it becomes a flame.”
Hakoda watched her face warp into something hideous. Monstrous. “The burn ointment please.”
Kehana took a step closer, “I suggest you take him out far and club him like a seal.”
Hakoda couldn’t believe his ears. He curled his lip, “You’re disgusting.”
“Then if you don’t have the… gumption, there are many plants here that will do the trick.”
“Give me the ointment. Now.”
“If he is a firebender, he cannot be here!” Kehana ran to his face.
“Kehana! Give me the ointment!” Hakoda would doubt if the next village over did not hear him.
Kehana glowered a few moments. She spun around rapidly almost hitting Hakoda with her hair. She snatched a corked jar and shoved it in his hands. “What happened to your beard?” She smiled showing her worn teeth.
Hakoda tilted his chin away from her, “There will be a village meeting tomorrow. You are not to attend. Am I understood?”
“Of course, Chief Hakoda.” The crazed smile became wider.
               He left without another word.
               It was a relief to be back inside. The village had given him odd looks on his way home. Someone was surely to come by later and ask what happened. In a small village things get dull. Gossip of a confrontation will be good entertainment for a few hours.
               Sokka was siting surprisingly still brow twitching as Katara and Zuko braided his hair. His mother was smiling softly holding a cup of tea. She was the first to see him. She had lost her smile. He called Zuko over. He looked very different from the distraught boy he held last night. He bounced over to Hakoda happy and affectionate.
“What are you two doing to Sokka?” Hakoda didn’t want the children to hear any of his previous tone.
Katara skipped over abandoning Sokka’s hair, “We’re making him pretty.” She sat next to Zuko.
“I’m already pretty.” Sokka rejected.
Zuko and Katara giggled. Zuko cocked his head, “Are you ok, Sir.”
“I am.” Hakoda said softly.
                 Zuko put his hands on Hakoda’s cheeks. Hakoda eyes drifted to his scar. Realizing this, he looked away. Zuko’s arms moved around his neck. The scar grazed his jaw. Zuko hugged him. Hakoda reciprocated. Katara joined with a kiss. And Sokka from behind. Kanna made her way over too. Her arms encircling them all. Hakoda breathed in deep. Their love radiating into him. He felt fulfilled. An image of cobalt blue eyes shining with delight, flashed in his mind.
When they broke apart Zuko was smiling, “Better?”
Hakoda nodded. “Yes. Thank you.” He took the jar from inside his pocket, “Let’s get this on just now. Shall we?”
               Hakoda unwrapped Zuko’s fingers. He could tell the boy was putting on a brave face as he revealed the raw and peeling burns. He uncorked the jar making everyone cover their noses. Did everything that hag made have to smell so terrible? Katara handed him a brush and he got to work on applying the ointment.
“Do they hurt?” Sokka asked over his shoulder.
“Not bad.” Zuko winced, “My face hurt more.”
Katara watched as if she were supervising his work. Zuko saw this and put a finger on her forehead. He said something in Fire’s Tongue, and she responded. Zuko said something else mentioning Kehana’s name.
“Was Kehana ever mean to you?” He watched their faces drop.
“Kehana is not nice.” Zuko said simply.
“She’s more than not nice. She’s horrible. She has witch’s fingers and rats in her hair! She’s ugly and I hate her.” Katara raved.
“She said bad things about Katara’s and Sokka’s mommy.” Hakoda barely heard Zuko say.
He distracted himself with his task, “Do not worry about her children. You do not have to go to her if you do not want to.” He set his jaw so he would not scowl.
“When I’m a master waterbender I can just make a snowstorm and whoosh her away!” Katara declared.
“Yeah. And I can throw my boomerang!” Sokka held up his fist.
“She will get a smack upside the head from me if she keeps messing with my grandbabies!” Kanna added.
The children laughed. Hakoda shook his head chuckling. Kehana should run for the hills.
“Well to be a master waterbender you need a teacher.” He said to his daughter.
“Yeah but there’s no one here to teach me.” Katara shrugged.
“Which is why I am going to send for one. The only waterbenders are in the North. It is our only option.”
“Zuko will need a teacher too.” Katara looked at Zuko.
“No. I don’t want to firebend.” Zuko added quickly.
“Why is that?” Hakoda asked.
Zuko looked at him like he had three heads. “Firebending is bad.”
Hakoda put down the brush. He held Zuko by the wrists as he had done the night before, “Zuko. We have suffered much. All of us.” He looked around sadly. “By men who can control fire. They use their fire to burn towns and hurt people. What do you see there?” Hakoda pointed to the hearth.
Zuko paused, “I see fire.”
“Exactly. It keeps us warm, and cooks are food, and gives us light. We need fire to survive.” He released the small wrists, “You want to do good right?”  
“Yes!” Zuko said desperately.
“Then that is what makes you good. Do not loose apart of yourself to please others.” Hakoda put his hand on his silky hair, “Never forget who you are.”
“Well said my son!” Kanna smacked her knee and held her chin high.
“You should be proud to be a bender.” Katara put her forehead to his, “We can learn together.”
“But you still have to do weapons training!” Sokka tackled Zuko.
“I will announce a village meeting tomorrow. I want the whole village to meet you formally. And I will make the announcement that you will live with us-”
“Yay!” Katara flung herself to her best friend. “I’m so happy!”
“Me too!” Zuko hugged her.
Hakoda shook with laughter, “And then we will make you an honorary citizen of the Southern Water Tribe.”
“What’s that mean?” Zuko sat up.
Sokka gave him a firm pat on the back, “That means you’ll be one of us and no one can say otherwise! You’ll be a warrior!”
“And a bender.” Katara cheered.
Hakoda nodded, “And Water Tribe.”
“And my newest grandson! Oh! Come here!” Kanna scooped him up and gave Zuko the tightest hug he had ever received.
               The next evening, the entire village had gathered to the communal hut. Hakoda wore a ceremonial Artic fox shawl and a band of seashells. He carried his Whale bone spear unwrapped showing its sharp point. Kanna wore her favorite Snow Leopard Caribou stole albeit the season. She didn’t get to wear it often and would never miss a chance to dress up. She looked dignified on her favorite stool in her faint blue gown and silver jewelry. Both Katara and Sokka were dressed in darker blue summer outfits with a variety of beads strewn in their hair. And Zuko in an ashen grey. Gran-Gran had given him a braid wrapped in cord. A Water tribe symbol of humility and innocence.
               Family groups made a circle around the hut so everyone could be seen and heard. Hakoda sat at the point with his mother to his right and the children to his left. Once everyone was settled, dried meat was passed around. It was believed a full stomach would make for a better temperament.
“Good evening.” Hakoda began.
“Good evening.” Everyone responded in their own time.
“Some of you may wonder why we are gathered here today and other’s probably have already guessed.” He looked around the room, “Firstly, I would like to address that my daughter, Katara, is a waterbender!”
Many cheered and gave their congratulations. Katara gladly accepted the praise. She slipped her hand into Zuko’s
“Wonderful news!”
“We finally have a bender!”
“How will she be trained?” Vakita, Moak’s wife asked. Moak raised a brow.
“I will have to send for a teacher. I have written a letter to Chief Arnook. I will send this letter in the morning.” Hakoda said absolutely.
“Another Northerner?” This time it was it was Kursru to speak.
“I understand your concern. But we have no choice in this matter.”
“It will be good to have a bender. Send for as many Northerners as you need. We need little Katara to learn as much as possible.” Bato said. No one was more loyal and understanding than Bato.
“Thank you, Mr. Bato.” Katara held a regal pose, “I have accepted my duty as sole waterbender of the Southern Water Tribe. I will train hard and endlessly until I am confident that I will be able to protect my people. I look forward to learning and mastering my element.” Katara recited the speech her grandmother helped her write.
“Does anyone else have any questions for me or Katara about this subject?” Hakoda asked.
“Yeah, can you not freeze us in an ice block again?” Noaluk groaned. Moak swiftly smacked the boy in the back of the head.
“That depends.” Katara said haughtily.
“That is enough. Any more questions? No? Ok. The matter is settled.” Hakoda pounded the spear to the ground. “Our next subject is probably something you all have been very eager to speak to me about.” He looked around the room again. Everyone stayed silent waiting for their turn to say aloud what they have been keeping to themselves. “We have had a guest here for quite some time. Almost seven months now. I understand that opinions about our guest have been divided. Some hateful even. I would like to introduce our guest.” Hakoda held out his hand.
               Zuko looked around at the faces of all the village. Big and small were all staring directly at him. He felt stuck but shifted slightly. He watched their eyes move with him. He felt like a mouse trying to creep around a Mink Snake. No matter which way he moved, he would probably end up bit.
Zuko curled inwards. “Don’t worry. I’m right here.” Katara whispered in his ear.
He moved to Sir and sat in his lap with a finger to his mouth and his eyes down. “Ah-ah. Sit up straight and face everyone.” Sir said pleasantly moving his hand away. “Speak clearly now.”
“Hello. My name is Zuko.” Zuko felt his heart would burst from his chest.
There were oohs and ahs from the circle.
“Why does he talk funny?” Someone asked. Zuko didn’t see who but it sounded like an older boy.
Sir gave him a pat on the shoulder. “I like to sew and play outside.”
“And hit people with sticks.” Zuko could guess who said that.
“I came on a boat from the Fire Nation-”
“We know this. When is he going back?” It was an adult’s voice.
Zuko didn’t think his heart could beat faster, “I look forward to being a productive…” Zuko couldn’t remember what he was supposed to say as the room got louder with murmurs and whispers. Zuko went to stand to run away.
Sir held him in place, “We do not run when things get tough.” He said into his ear, “We stand strong and face our obstacles. If one way does not work, then we choose another.”
Zuko took a deep breath. He looked to Katara. She nodded. “I’m here.” She said in Fire’s Tongue. Zuko barely heard it amongst the growing noise.
He stood from Sir’s lap. “My name is Zuko!” The village went quiet. “I like to sew with Gran-Gran and play outside with Katara and Sokka. Katara teaches me Water Language and Sokka teaches me how to use weapons. They are my friends. Gran-Gran and Sir teach me lessons and how to be good. I want to be good. I want to be Water Tribe!”
“He can’t be Water Tribe!”
“Is he crazy?”
“Did you hear that? He wants to be one of us.”
“I think that’s a good thing!” Yise shouted. Everyone turned to Yise who was cradling her baby. Danak tried to hold her still, but she snatched herself away, “Why would we send the boy back just to grow up and be another Fire Nation soldier? If he wants to be Water Tribe, let him.”
“You foolish woman! You have always not been all there in the head!” The widower Lohara cried.
“Do not speak to her like that!” Danak shouted, “Go ahead sweetie. Finish what you were saying.” He grimaced suddenly having a change of heart.
“All I mean is that he is a little boy! He is not a danger to us!”
“He is Fire Nation!” Kursru complained.
“He is dangerous. He hit my son with a stick.” Vakita pulled her son’s closer to her.
“Because they attacked me and Sokka! Zuko was being a good friend! Noaluk and Yoton were being bullies!” Katara cut in. Zuko looked at her in awe.
“What if he turns out to be a firebender?!”
“Then he will be a danger to us all!”
“I am a firebender!” Zuko yelled.
               Zuko with all his fury unintentionally summoned sparks to his hands. They did not spit like before but crackled like kindling when he clenched his fists. If Katara could be brave, then so could he. Several men stood. Zuko held his ground. Katara rushed to his side. Hakoda pounded his spear and demanded they sit. But when Kanna stood the men froze.
“Shame! All of you! Shame!” Kanna glared at every last man who stood.
“You say shame, but the Fire Nation killed my husband and left my children without a father!”
“And my brother and his son.”
“And my wife!” Hakoda bellowed. “We have all lost to the Fire Nation!”
Kanna took Zuko and Katara to sit back down with her. She kept them both firmly to her chest. “All of us. Even him.”
“More of reason he should stay. Look at what they did to him.” Yise pointed to Zuko’s scar. The baby started to wail.
Sokka rose. He couldn’t hold back anymore, “You think letting Zuko live here is the same as forgiving the Fire Nation! It’s not. I will never forgive the man who killed my mother! We’re sitting here arguing when there is no argument. Zuko doesn’t remember anything before the ship. How can he be loyal to people he doesn’t remember? But Zuko is loyal to us. He made a promise to my sister that they would be friends forever. And he really means forever. And I know he will keep that promise because Zuko is the most honest person I know! Yeah I’m looking at you Jiliruq!” Sokka pointed dramatically.
“I didn’t take your sharpening stone!” The older boy groaned.
Sokka shook his fist. “I know it was you! You were the only one near my stuff-”
“Sokka.” Hakoda warned.
Sokka exhaled, “Alright. When it all comes down to it, Zuko is going to stay with us. He is not gonna run around melting igloos, or eat babies, or steal people’s stuff. Katara froze the porridge this morning. Should we send her away too? Zuko’s a boy like me. Who’s lost just as much as we have and wants to be one of us. If an Earth Kingdom ditch digger washed up, we’d hand him a blue parka and a spear, right?” Some in the circle laughed, “Then we’ll do the same for Zuko. I mean he’s a human heater spit out by the ocean!” There was more laughter, “If La wants him here then I want him here too.”
                The crowd spoke quietly on their take of his point. Zuko eyes traced the faces of the families around the room. He saw Yoton quietly speaking to his parents and Ms. Yise to her husband. The air in the room had gotten lighter. Zuko felt like he could finally take an entire inhale. Katara seemed to relax too. Her grip on his hand had loosened some and her face wasn’t wound as tight.
“But Chief Hakoda.” Bato spoke, “This arrangement is very unusual.”
“Yes. I think it will be a good change of pace.”
Bato nodded at the nonchalant answer. He knew Hakoda had already made up his mind.
“Does anyone have anything else to say?” Hakoda surveyed the circle.
Everyone had digressed to reserved utterings.
Bato let out a dry laugh, “I suppose he is to stay then.”
“Then the matter is settled.” Hakoda pound the spear again.
Kanna kissed both of their heads. “Did you two hear that? No more worries ok.”
               Zuko let that sink in. No more worries. Katara beamed brightly. Sokka was smiling too. He came over to pat him on the back. Sir motioned for him to come over again. Zuko reluctantly untethered his finger’s from Katara’s and crawled to Sir. He directed Zuko in front of him and look out a beautiful porcelain jar. It was inlayed with mother of pearl in the shape of a Snow Eagle. Inside was a thick paint made of ash and squid ink. Sir dipped two fingers in and smeared two lines from Zuko’s hairline to his brow. He dipped one more time wiping his fingers across his forehead.
“This boy is now my ward!” Sir announced strong and proud. He turned Zuko around, “He is now known as Tulujok, child of the ocean!”
               Tulujok. Water language for Crow-Owl. Katara joined him again. She snuggled into his cheeks.
“You are happy.” Zuko giggled.
Katara squeezed around him. “Aren’t you?”
Her smile made him want to leap for the moon. “I am always happy when you are happy.”
                 Life had only improved for Zuko after that. Although he had to split his time between Sokka and Katara. In the morning he would go to weapons training with Sokka and sometimes Sir would join them. After a while, the sight in his left had diminished to nothing. He was constantly swiveling his head further earning his name of Tulujok. He had to work twice as hard with half his sight. Eventually ,with weeks of relentless practice ,his spear had flown straighter and his arrows piercing their practice target. Never dead on. But knife play was always his calling. With the help of Sokka and Sir he was quickly becoming a skilled knife wielder.
                 His afternoons were shared with Katara and Gran-Gran in the igloo. His knife experience was put to the test when he skinned his first Seal. Gran-Gran had guided him through the rite earning him respect from the other home keepers. After chores, Zuko would help Katara and Gran-Gran with dinner. There was nothing like sharing stew with family after a full day of learning.
                 As for Katara’s and Zuko’s bending, neither had made much progress. Their lack of direction made for lack of control over their elements. There were  accidents here and there. Zuko sneezing a flame or Katara hiccupping tea frozen were common mishaps around the igloo. And when Zuko and Katara had their first fight, Hakoda physically had to hold the children down before the igloo had caved in on them all. It had all started over something as trivial as a shared spinning top. Each of their screams either engorging the hearth or making cracks in the ceiling. It didn’t take them more than an hour for the best friends to make up. Each promising they’d never fight again.
                   Winter had come again. The ocean had frozen for miles out creating an icy labyrinth. There wouldn’t be another visitor for at least three more months. Zuko didn’t like the winter. He hadn’t before, but with the sun not giving him it’s light, something in him had weakened. Katara had seemed the opposite. She thrived under the silvery moon beams.
                   Snow steadily fell outside. Zuko was curled up by the fire. He had found a shiny black stone at archery practice. It was so beautiful. He knew Katara would love to see it. He traced over the smooth stone reflecting the fire’s light in its surface. The moment the furs moved Zuko was upright. Katara skipped happily to him.
“Zuko! Guess what? Ms. Vakita is going to have a baby!” Katara said excitedly.
“That is great news!” Zuko threw up his hands. The stone glinted.
“What is that?” Katara tried to grab his hand.
Zuko easily evaded her. He grinned, “It’s a surprise. Close your eyes.”
“Why? What is it?” Katara rolled to her knees.
“Close your eyes.” Zuko insisted in Fire’s Tongue.
Katara closed and covered her eyes, “Ok. I promise I’m not peeking.”
Zuko took her hand and placed the dark stone in the middle of her palm. Katara looked down to see the shining crystal. She gasped.
“Zuko! It’s so pretty! Where did you find it?” She too examined it in the light.
“At the archery range. Do you like it?” he was on his hands and knees quaking to hear her answer.
“It’s for me?!” Katara’s eyes glittered.
“Of course!” Zuko sat on his heels.
               Katara was just about to hug Zuko when a commotion came from outside. Men were yelling in alarm. Zuko pulled Katara up and ran to Gran-Gran. Gran-Gran was on alert listening for any news. Katara’s started to think dark thoughts. Another raid. After all the time of peace. Another raid. More murder. This time they would come for her. And take her away like all the other waterbenders. She looked at Zuko. They would take him too. They would make him a soldier and make him kill. Katara started to cry. Zuko clutched her face. The look in his eye was striking.
“Don’t worry. I will protect us.” Zuko showed Katara his knife.
“A ship! A ship!”
“Zuko get your parka on now! Katara grab a blanket. We’re going to the communal hut.” Gran-Gran gathered what appeared to be an emergency bag. “Hurry both of you!”
               Katara and Zuko did as they were told then helping their Gran-Gran pack water and dried food. She pushed the children out of the igloo with Zuko faithfully in front holding his knife ready to strike. Katara knew she might have to run. Scenario after dreadful scenario played in her mind. Flashes of her mother’s face kept appearing. The begging, the shrieking, the smell.
              There was a terrible cracking sound coming from the ice as it broke. The ship was getting closer. Other families were running to the communal hut. Katara could see Sokka running towards them with a real spear and not his wooden practice one. Sokka took the bag from Gran-Gran and went in front of Zuko. The cold stung her face nearly freezing her tears. Zuko locked his arm in hers. He was walking fast but not too fast in front of Gran- Gran. He turned his head back and forth trying to catch any and all movement. Katara steeled herself and did the same. She saw her father shouting orders. If the Fire nation were going to come back, she would be ready this time. She no longer had a mommy to cling to. But she had Sokka and Gran-Gran and Zuko. She wasn’t going to let anything happen to anyone she loved ever again.
“They’re Water Tribe!”
“They’re Northerners!”
               Katara fell to her knees in relief.
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backpfeifenguy · 5 years ago
The Boy’s No Good: Chapter 1
Note: This story is a sequel to All In Your Head
TW: Emotional abuse Beast Boy was feeling… excited? Maybe? He wasn’t sure exactly what he was feeling right now, but he was feeling it, because today was definitely a special day; today was the day that Raven brought her boyfriend to the tower. Her boyfriend? You fool, YOU should be her mate! He was really happy for her; she’d had to deal with so much, it was nice to know that she had someone. She could be yours if you weren’t such a coward! His Beast… wasn’t quite so supportive. She hates you. And his anxiety issues were, as always, unhelpful. But honestly, he didn’t care; Raven was an amazing woman, and she deserved to be happy. If Raven’s mysterious boyfriend could manage that then he was alright in Beast Boy’s books.
Pathetic! You spent years trying to make her smile; years! And now someone else was having some better luck; just as long as she had a reason to smile. It’s not as though you’d ever be that reason. He really needed to meditate; ever since Raven taught him the basics he’d come to rely on it to keep himself centred. It wasn’t a daily thing like in Raven’s case, just when he really felt like he needed to; usually about three times a week. 
About an hour later, Beast Boy was feeling a lot better; his head was much clearer, and his Beast seemed to have gotten the message and shut the hell up. Funnily enough, Raven seemed to be the opposite of his relative calm; it was honestly a novel experience. She was pacing back and forth, scowling and muttering to herself; the picture of anxiety.
“He’ll be here any minute, so be on your best behaviour, okay?” Raven turned to face their leader. “Nightwing, no interrogating him.”
“I already said I wouldn’t!” Nightwing chuckled; he’d mellowed out more than a little. Beast Boy suspected Starfire was the cause.
“Cyborg, take it easy on the ‘protective big brother’ act this time.”
“I know, I know.” He grinned sheepishly. “Sorry again about the goth kid.”
“Starfire, I know that this is difficult, but please don’t hug him too tightly.”
“I will endeavour to avoid causing any harm or discomfort.” Starfire replied solemnly.
“And Beast Boy…” He braced himself; this was likely to be thorough. “You’re probably fine.”
“Wait, seriously?” Beast Boy asked, mildly stunned.
Raven shrugged. “You’re good at making friends. I trust you.” 
“I, uh… I won’t let you down.” Said Beast Boy, blushing faintly.
“I know you won’t,” replied Raven. The doorbell rang. “He’s here,” she noted, making a beeline for the door. After a moment, she walked back in, a man on her arm. “Guys, I’d like you to meet Leopold.”
He was, in Beast Boy’s inexpert estimation, handsome enough. Well, if you liked 6’2”, broad shoulders, lean muscles (they’re all for show) and a strong jawline; personally, Beast Boy considered the whole ‘classically handsome’ look to be kind of overrated. That said, he could see the appeal of those big, cobalt-blue eyes and that swept-back chestnut-brown hair, at least in theory. But he supposed that, if you were looking for the sort of conventionally attractive guy who had tanned skin and perfectly straight white (blunt) teeth, Leopold wasn’t too shabby. 
To his surprise, Leopold went right past the other Titans and walked right up to Beast Boy, hand extended. “It’s great to finally meet you; Raven’s told me so much about you.”
“That’s a loaded sentence,” Beast Boy quipped, shaking Leopold’s hand. It practically went without saying that Leopold had the sort of firm handshake that was typically associated with honesty and overall strength of character. And of course he had a relaxed, disarming smile; at this point, anything else would have been ridiculous.
“Relax,” Leopold chuckled. “It’s mostly been good things.” There was no denying it; Leopold had some serious charisma. Beast Boy had known the guy for less than two minutes and he already liked him. And yet… something about him felt a little off; Beast Boy had learned to trust his instincts, and they were telling him that something was wrong.
“So Leopold, how did you and Raven do the meeting?” Starfire asked politely.
“We met at the library,” He explained. “Our hands touched when we both reached for Fear and Trembling, we got into a conversation, and suddenly it was closing time.”
“We spent three hours talking philosophy,” Raven said, a tiny smile on her face. “After that, I figured I’d take a chance and ask him out.”
“That sounds about right,” Nightwing chuckled. “Flirting over Kierkegaard.”
“Raven’s nothing if not consistent.” Said Cyborg.
“I just don’t get why no-one beat me to it,” said Leopold. “With her brains and beauty, I couldn’t believe she was single.”
“I believe we have all expressed similar opinions.” Said Starfire.
“The dudes in this town are idiots.” Beast Boy said, firmly and confidently.
 “Yeah, but seriously; it’s just so weird!” Leopold exclaimed. “Normally when a girl like Raven’s single, you expect there to be something wrong with them.”
“Yeah, well I’m not exactly perfect,” said Raven. “I’ve got a few issues.”
“Well obviously, but I mean something wrong. Like, ‘everyone’s afraid to talk to you’ level stuff.” 
“So what do you do for a living?” Beast Boy asked brightly, eager to change the subject after seeing Raven’s discomfort.
“Well I’m working in marketing at the moment, but I’ve also been shopping some scripts around.” Successful and creative. 
“What are your scripts about?” Asked Cyborg.
“Well, my favourite’s about a brilliant, misunderstood young man struggling to make it as an artist.” Well, not THAT creative.
“Sounds great.” Beast Boy managed after a second. What must his other scripts be? A genius who’s a prick? A gay couple tragically dying for two hours of runtime? Hack. It occurred to Beast Boy that, for an entity originally composed of raw instinct, the Beast had gotten pretty good at sarcasm. 
“Very classic.” Nightwing noted, a barely audible tremor in his voice telling Beast Boy that he was struggling not to laugh.
“I’m already working on a few changes though;” He looked fondly at Raven. “The words have just come so much easier since we started dating. I think she might be my muse.”
“That is very sweet,” said Starfire warmly.
Leopold shrugged. “I’m just saying how I feel.”
They made conversation for another twenty minutes before Raven announced that she and Leopold were heading out. Moving quickly, Beast Boy was able to stop Leopold before he left the tower, the two of them alone in the lobby. “Hey Leo, can I talk to you for a minute?”
“Sure,” said Leopold. “What did you want to talk about?”
“Look, I know this might sound a little weird but… just be good to her, okay?” He sighed. “Raven’s had a tough life, especially when it comes to love, so don’t hurt her.”
“Understood,” said Leopold. “I’ll take care of her. But since you’re here, I have to ask… do you have a thing for Raven?”
“WHAT?!” Beast Boy’s eyes bugged out of his skull.
“It’s just that, you know, you just walked right up to me, did the whole ‘don’t hurt her’ bit; feels kind of like you’re into her. Seriously, I’m getting some serious ‘unrequited love’ vibes.” His features arranged themselves into a confident, self-important smirk. “I’m a scriptwriter, after all; we know about this kind of thing.” Asshole.
“Relax dude, you’ve got nothing to worry about from me.”
Leopold’s shoulders sagged with relief. “Okay then; sorry if I got weird for a minute there. I know it’s dumb, but sometimes I get a little territorial about stuff like this. It’s like an instinct or something.” His face split into a grin. “I guess you’d know all about that, huh?”
“About what?” 
“You know, instincts and stuff!” He clapped a hand on Beast Boy’s back, a little harder than necessary. “I figure you’re the expert when it comes to raw animal impulse.” 
“Yeah,” Beast Boy chuckled awkwardly. Is he mocking us? How DARE he?! Tear him to shreds! “Total expert.”
“So,” said Cyborg, his tone measured. “Leopold.” 
“He seems nice enough.” Nightwing observed.
“Indeed,” said Starfire.
“Sure,” agreed Beast Boy. “But… did he seem kind of weird to you?”
“Weird?” Cyborg’s eyebrow shot up; he’d long ago learned to trust Beast Boy’s instincts.
“I dunno, I just got kind of a weird feeling from him. And the Beast really didn’t like him.”
That was worrying; as Cyborg understood it, the Beast wasn’t especially interested in most people; it viewed the world in the basic categories of friends, threats, and Raven, who it was strangely obsessed with protecting… oh. Oh! “What’s the matter grass stain?” Cyborg leered. “Feelin’ a little territorial?”
“Come on, dude!” Beast Boy exclaimed. “I’m trying to have a serious conversation here!”
“A serious conversation about Raven.” Cyborg replied, grinning hugely.
“That’s no surprise,” Nightwing quipped. “All his serious conversations are about Raven.”
“I think it is quite sweet, if misguided.” Opined Starfire, smiling indulgently.
“It’s not like that!” Beast Boy squeaked, blushing faintly. “The Beast just wants her to be okay; I just want her to be okay!”
As tempting as it was to keep teasing his best friend, Cyborg knew it was time to ease up a little. “Okay, so you’re sayin’ your upstairs roomie doesn’t like Raven’s boyfriend, so you’re feeling a little bit of totally platonic concern.” The sarcasm in Cyborg’s voice made it clear just how ‘platonic’ he thought BB’s thought process was. “Well, your instincts are usually good, so I think I’ll run a quick background check on the guy; criminal record, news headlines, that kind of thing.”
“He had an East Coast accent,” Nightwing noted, slipping effortlessly into ‘detective mode’. “Almost a Gotham, but not quite. Considering the Germanic name, I’m guessing Bludhaven; I’ll ask around with my contacts, see if anyone dangerous matching his description skipped town in the last couple of years.”
“And I will do the talking with some of the other Titans ladies,” Starfire offered. “We shall keep an eye out for untoward behaviour. I assume you would prefer that Raven not be informed of your concern?” 
Beast Boy shrugged. “I don’t want to worry her if it turns out to be nothing.” 
Starfire smiled warmly. “I keep my lip fastened around friend Raven.”
“That went better than expected,” said Raven. “Nobody did anything weird or stupid, and they all seemed to like you.”
“I don’t know about that,” said Leopold. “I was getting kind of a weird vibe from Beast Boy; I don’t think he likes me much.”
“Seriously?” Raven could hardly believe what she was hearing. “Weird; Beast Boy usually gets along okay with pretty much everyone.
“Yeah, well he seemed kind of… off around me, like he was on edge or something. Said some real weird crap to me just before I left.”
Leopold shrugged. “I’m not sure, but I think he might have threatened me.”
“He threatened you?” Raven asked, incredulous. “That’s… crazy.”
“Like I said, real weird.” 
“Don’t worry about it,” said Raven. “I’ll talk to him about it.”
Leopold smiled. “Thanks for that Raven. You’re the best.”
Well, that marks the end of chapter one! I hope you enjoyed it and, just for laughs, here’s a little game you can play; it’s called “spot the red flags”. Just read through the chapter looking for things that Leopold says or does that feels like a red flag to you, list them in the comments, and if you spot the most red flags by the time I start the next chapter, you win! Winners will be acknowledged every chapter, so have fun!
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sunshinepeter · 5 years ago
the art of fashion
It started when Peter showed up for his and Tony’s new “Lab Day” in a shirt that said “You matter, unless you multiply yourself by the speed of light squared. Then you energy”. Tony didn’t comment, not wanting to destroy the fragile thing they had just established, whatever it was. 
But when Peter was wearing a “barium cobalt nitrogen” shirt the next week, Tony found himself commenting before he could stop. 
“Nice shirt,” he snorted. Peter looked down, and smiled dorkily. 
“Oh, yeah. May bought it,” Peter said quietly. He was blushing just slightly. 
“You know, no self respecting… person would wear that.” Tony sat down at his workbench, and Peter sat down at the one across from him. Peter had a slightly confused look on his face. 
“Then why would they sell them?” Peter asked, and Tony smirked in lieu of a response. After a second Peter mumbled, “I like it.”
“Then I like it too,” Tony said, still smirking. 
The next week he showed up in a shirt that said “name’s Bond, Ionic Bond”. Tony just smiled and told the boy that he thought it was funny. 
When Peter invited Tony and Rhodey to the small Halloween get together he and May had every year, he hadn’t really expected Tony to say “alright, what time should we come?”. 
But there they were, at seven (like Peter told them), Tony wearing a name tag with “Dave” on it, a la The Office and Rhodey wearing a fedora. Peter was in a full Peter Pan costume. 
“Get it?” Peter said awkwardly, spinning in a circle to give the full view of the all green outfit, and Tony burst out laughing. 
When it started snowing at four p.m. on Christmas Eve, Peter didn’t think much of it. He was at the Compound with Tony and Rhodey, waiting for May’s flight to come in so he could go home and they could binge watch some Christmas movies, as they did every Christmas Eve. 
It was still snowing at six p.m. when Peter’s cell rang. May’s number. 
“Hey. Did you get off your plane?” Peter asked, and Rhodey looked up from across the room, where he was reading a book. Tony was on the phone in the other room with some investor or something. 
“Uh, didn’t get on it. I’m so sorry sweetie, the plane was delayed and I didn’t think anything of it, just a bit later, then it was delayed again, but they just cancelled it. I’m stuck here for the night.” 
“What?” Peter sat up straight, out of the slouch he had assumed while he sat on the over-fluffy couch. “You’re still in Minneapolis?” 
Rhodey stood up, stepping closer and sitting next to Peter, cocking his head to the side in confusion. 
“Yeah. Baby, I’m so so sorry,” May’s voice was hushed, obviously she was still in the airport. Peter felt bad, of course, but he also was sad because of course this would happen on Christmas Eve of all days. 
He hung up after a few minutes of her telling of how she was getting on a flight in the morning, right when the snow was supposed to stop, and how Peter would stay at the Compound for the night. 
“I’m sorry, kid.” Rhodey rubbed his arm consolingly, and Peter just sighed. “I mean, me and Tony aren’t that bad. We can still have fun if you’re up for it.” 
“I guess,” Peter grumbled. 
“C’mon. What can we do to make it a fun night?” 
Which is why an hour later when Tony finally got off the phone, he found Rhodey and Peter sitting on the couch with a huge bowl of popcorn between them, the smell of cookies in the oven, and both of them wearing Christmas-themed onesies while watching Elf. 
“We are having a Christmas sleepover. There’s a onesie in your size in the bathroom,” Rhodey said with a smile and threw a piece of popcorn at his boyfriend. 
Tony came back in an Olaf onesie and a grimace on his face. Peter flipped his hood up on his onesie and grinned. 
It wasn’t perfect, but it was still good. 
Peter was already halfway through a cup of hot chocolate by the time Rhodey had managed to wake up and get to the kitchen, which was a miracle in itself. Rhodey naturally woke up extremely early, so coming in and seeing the kid already perched at the breakfast bar, scrolling through his phone, was odd. 
“Good morning,” He said, beelining straight to the coffeemaker to turn it on for Tony. He knew that Tony was going to want to see Peter before he went back to his aunt’s house, and the best way to wake Tony Stark up was with coffee, so he figured it was a safe bet. 
“Merry Christmas!” Peter chirped, obviously too chipper for the kid this morning. 
“You seem uncharacteristically awake this morning,” Rhodey commented as he prepared Tony’s favorite coffee, back to the kid.
“Christmas does that to me. No matter how late I go to bed or where I am, I always wake up extremely early on Christmas. The child in me is just excited, apparently. Thanks for the clothes, by the way.” 
Once Peter had gone off to bed, after many Christmas movies watched with Tony and Rhodey, Rhodey had peeked in to check on the kid per Tony’s request. He had seen that Peter had taken off the onesie, leaving it on the floor, which was obvious as onesies were extremely uncomfortable to try to sleep in, so Rhodey quickly gathered a pair of sweatpants and a sweatshirt for the kid to wear when he had woken up. 
Rhodey turned to tell him that it didn’t matter, and that he knew that onesies were uncomfortable, but stopped when he finally laid eyes on Peter. 
Peter’s hair was a mess, frizzy and all over the place on top of his head, caramel curls waving down in front of his eyes and ears, showing his desperate need for a haircut. He was slumped over a white coffee mug, wearing an oversized, red MIT sweatshirt that made it all the way around his hands, almost covering his fingertips, as he gripped the mug to seemingly capture it’s warmth. 
The sweatshirt had, at one point, belonged to Rhodey. It was eventually stolen by Tony, back in their early days of college. When Tony was no older than Peter was right now. 
“What?” Peter asked, seeing Rhodey stare at him with a… look in his eye. Rhodey snapped out of it, and turned back to the coffee. 
“Nothing. You just look like Tony,” Rhodey said, back already to the boy, but he could hear him choke on the hot chocolate. 
Peter had gone suit shopping with Tony about a month and a half before the wedding. He kept insisting that he didn’t need anything fancy, that Ben probably had a suit that would work somewhere, but Tony ignored him. 
“We will get you a nice, tailored suit, and that way you can look snazzy at my wedding, and if you ever need a suit for another event, you have one. A traditional black suit should do just fine. Plain enough so as to not be too flashy, but classic and sleek that doesn’t make you seem too old.” 
They spent a good portion of that day laughing as Peter tried on an array of suits. Some were just plain suits of different fits and slightly different details, like Peter and Tony discussed, but others, like a baby blue suit a la Troy Bolton in High School Musical Three, was for Peter’s own amusement. For once he ignored the weird, odd looks he got when he was with Tony, and enjoyed his afternoon suit shopping. 
They left the store with Peter’s suit in hand, ready to be taken to be altered, and Tony threw an arm around the boy as they approached Happy’s car.
“You know, the suit might be the most classy thing I’ve ever seen you wear, Pete,” Tony said, and Peter smiled. 
“The things I do for you,” He responded, only to reveal that he was wearing a shirt that said “molecool’ with a drawing of a molecule with sunglasses drawn over it. Tony just groaned, but kept smiling anyway. 
plus one
Three months (but also five years) after that day, Peter was wearing that exact suit at Tony Stark’s funeral. Rhodey’s hand was planted on his shoulder, May was squeezing his other hand, but all he could feel was the phantom of Tony Stark as he relived the memory of Tony adjusting Peter’s cufflinks and smiling at the boy in the mirror of that suit store dressing room, telling him that he looked very grown up in such a nice suit. 
“Very handsome, I would even say. This suit will definitely come in handy for you in the future, Parker, just count on it,” was all Peter could hear as the arc reactor was lowered into the water, forever releasing Tony Stark from the rest of the world.
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