#and asocial is undesirable to them)
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infiniteorangethethird · 1 year ago
fav kind of interaction is when a neurotypical comes up to me with "omg we are SO similar we're practically same" and then prove their point by listing off traits I only possess as a part of my masking
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helslastangel · 8 months ago
Astrology Placements as Jungian Archetypes
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The Persona
🌅 Put simply, the Ascendant is the face we greet the world with on a day to day basis - the filter through which others will eventually meet our core self (the Sun).
🌅 Like the Ascendant, our Persona is the way we present ourselves to the world: a mask we develop to adapt to changing environments and blend into social situations. It is meant to keep us from acting on every primal impulse we may have in dealing with other people.
🌅 Of course, some people can do this more effectively than others, forming a spectrum ranging in extremes from social chameleons who lose themselves in favor of identifying with others and asocial loners who lose sight of others in favor of guarding their inner identity.
The Shadow
Lilith, Chiron, Uranus, Neptune
🌌 Lilith, Chiron, Uranus, and Neptune represent parts of ourselves that we hide or repress (such as desires, ideas, and instincts) because either we or society consider them to be weaknesses, personal failings, or just plain undesirable.
🌌 Similarly, the Shadow is the counterpart to the Persona - an archetype born from our attempts to conceal the dark, rebellious, or wounded parts of ourselves from the public eye - and sometimes our self-criticism.
🌌 Though we all have these sides to us, some people can embrace their shadow side fully and work through the challenges that come with it, while others try harder to deny it exists, pushing it down further before ultimately projecting it onto others.
The Anima/Animus
Mars, Venus, Moon, Saturn
🍒 Mars & Saturn are masculine planets, concerned with action and always in a state of "doing."
🍒 They represent our relationship with the external world and how we interact with it. The way we approach situations with others and solve problems can be understood through these placements.
🍒 On the other hand, the Moon & Venus are feminine planets, meant to receive and content to simply "be."
🍒 These represent our inner world and our relationship with our intuition and emotions. The way we let go of control and allow life to bring its blessing and guidance to us.
🍒 These placements involve our sense of duty and responsibility, as well as our needs and desires, intertwined (for better or for worse) with societal expectations of the roles we're meant to play.
🍒 Likewise, the Anima represents the feminine aspect of the male psyche, involving trust, empathy, and emotional intelligence, and the Animus represents the masculine aspect of the female psyche, relating to logic, stoicism, and the urge to problem-solve.
🍒 This archetype represents our connection to what Jung refers to as the collective unconscious - the shared thoughts/beliefs of society at large.
🍒 Whether the anima/animus was repressed or allowed to develop plays a huge role in determining how balanced a person's personality will be.
The Self
Sun, Mercury, Jupiter, Pluto
💠 As we know, the Sun in astrology represents the ego - the core self, our "true" identity.
💠 Mercury and Jupiter represent different aspects of our intellect, knowledge, and ways of thinking, and Pluto symbolizes transformation, (ego) death, and rebirth.
💠 I see a parallel in Jung's "self" archetype, representing the union of the conscious and the unconscious in an individual.
💠 Different parts of one's personality are woven together to form a whole and the level of harmony between these aspects determines one's mental state.
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angstmongertina · 5 years ago
and still so far (7KPP)
I technically had this written a while ago now but it kind of fits for today’s 7KPP daily prompt and I haven’t posted it yet so I’m gonna do that now.
This is another fic for my universe where Lia and Lyon break up before the end of the Summit. Because I live for angst.
Title taken from the song So Close from Enchanted.
Prompt 19: Facade
AO3 Link
He almost, almost, did not attend the ball. After all, he had already made his unofficially required annual public appearance towards the beginning of the season and was accordingly left to his own devices for the remainder of his time at the capital. Surely none of society was expecting his attendance at an engagement ball.
None, it seemed, except for one of the two whose engagement was being celebrated, and it required very little thought to figure out which one.
Still, that itself was worth considering, if only to prevent less enjoyable considerations from occupying his mind. Regardless of their previous association, Lady Camellia was never one who would do anything that might taunt him in the slightest, or, if their most recent interaction was any indication, even communicate with him at all if she could avoid it, not that he could blame her for that. The invitation was almost unthinkable to have been from her. But her… But Lord Randall, it appeared, had no such misgivings and, given his conviviality, seemed inclined to invite anyone who might have a passing relation to the parties in question.
Which he did, though perhaps not in the way the lord believed.
Still, Camellia appeared… content, or at least was genuinely willing to accept the man’s hand, which he knew was no small concession in it of itself, and whatever else happened, he would always wish the best for her, something that she tended to undervalue on her own. Not to mention the fact that, given her more reticent nature, the celebration would not be so large in scale that his absence would be unnoticed, something which might raise more undesired questions than his attendance would.
He wondered briefly when conforming to societal niceties became such an exercise in irony.
And so, he found himself standing in the corner of the ballroom, watching as a small crowd whirled on the floor or else mingled by the refreshments. Most were only vaguely familiar, a testament to his asocial tendencies, but they clearly recognized him; the surprised and calculating looks directed at him when they assumed he was not paying attention were evidence enough for that. In fact, it was some miracle that they had not descended upon him in full force, though perhaps he had the couple’s insightful choice of friends to thank for that, even more so than the drink and generally unapproachable expression he nursed.
It was, however, not enough to prevent Lord Randall from greeting him, leading his fiancée along by the hand. Then again, perhaps he should have been expecting it; the pair had shown themselves to be consummate hosts, and his determination to remain as far from the festivities as possible no doubt had caught their attention. He had attended, after all. It was only logical that he would have to interact with them.
That did not stop him from stiffening, ever so slightly, when he noticed their approach, a sentiment that she echoed, given the shock that crossed her face, replaced almost instantaneously by a polite smile.
Their reactions, however, did nothing to reduce her fiancé’s enthusiasm.
“Your Grace! A pleasure to see you again!”
Instinctively, his eyes darted to Lady Camellia, but instead of meeting his gaze, she dropped into a low bow, eyes lowered and hands clasped before her. “We are pleased you have decided to attend our humble celebration, Duke Lyon.”
Her greeting was everything appropriate from a minor noblewoman to a duke of Jiyel… and yet somehow all the worse for it.
Forcing some semblance of a polite expression onto his face, he bowed in turn. “It was a privilege and an honor to be invited.”
“So formal, you two.” Lyon nearly jumped, but Lord Randall only chuckled, shaking his head and clapping him on the shoulder. “One would think you barely know each other.”
“It has been four years, Randall.” Her voice, though chiding, was soft, almost hesitant, as apologetic eyes flicked to his face. “And I’m afraid much has changed since then.”
“Then you two should catch up!” He had, apparently, already encountered the lord enough that he was not entirely surprised to find himself pushed towards the lady. Unfortunately, that did nothing to quell his discomfort, particularly when he found himself grasping the hand of one Lady Camellia. “Go on for a dance.”
Before he could even formulate any sort of response, he was propelled towards the center of the room, Lady Camellia right beside him, as Lord Randall fairly disappeared into the nearest group of guests. It was almost impressive, given the man’s height was not far from his, and, as such, almost a head taller than the vast majority of people in the kingdom. Or, at least, it would have been had the situation not been so uncomfortable.
“I apologize, Your Grace.” He looked down, meeting anxious brown eyes, and told himself that it didn’t sting when she dropped his hand, taking a step away. “Lord Randall has always been enthusiastic about such things. He is more gregarious than I by far and I think he wishes to ensure that I find an equal enjoyment in companions.”
She chuckled, something resembling a smile, small and tremulous, crossing her lips for a heartbeat, and his chest constricted too tightly for him to form a response. Instead, he only inclined his head, offering his hand, and her smile, such as it was, turned melancholic.
“I have no desire to force you into a dance when all of Jiyel knows your distaste for such things, Your Grace.”
He shook his head. “Hardly.” When she didn’t react, instead watching him steadily with that faint sadness lurking in her gaze, he swallowed, forcing the words out of his suddenly dry mouth. “It would be an honor, Camellia. Please.”
That managed to catch her off guard, if the visibly stupefied look on her face as she accepted his hand was any indication.
As if on cue, the musicians played the opening strains of the next waltz, and he drew a deep breath, carefully leading her into the proper position and ignoring the gapes and whispers from the crowd. They did not go unnoticed by his partner either, a fact that was apparent when her expression somehow turned even more stilted.
Still, she said nothing as he stepped around her, save for offering him wordless apology when their eyes met. He shook his head, focusing instead on sweeping her across in turn, on recalling the lessons from his childhood, so many years ago. The lessons that he had reviewed in preparation for the Summit four years past, that he had anticipated using…
Keeping his face neutral, he carefully eased her into a turn, watching as she twirled, her gown rippling around her, light and graceful. When he caught her, she beamed, a warm, genuine smile that seemed to steal his breath. “A fine secret you’ve been keeping from us, Your Grace.”
For a moment, panic scrabbled at his throat and he nearly stumbled over the next step. “What?”
The sound was more croak than word, but she only grinned, a little sheepish. “The rumor on the Isle was that you didn’t attend the Ambassador’s Ball because you didn’t know how to dance and had no desire to advertise it.” She paused as he led her into a free spin, dropping away before returning to his arms, elegant and natural and something in his chest twinged. “I have no doubt society thought the same way, but I’m afraid your secret is out now.”
“You flatter me, milady.”
She said nothing more, only shaking her head with a soft, almost wistful look, and he followed her lead, putting the crowds and the people out of mind until there was only the two of them. Her grasp in his, light and trusting. Her hand resting on his arm, his palm against her shoulder blade. In synchrony and as one, a wordless conversation of giving and taking, a perfect communication of the mind. Warm and soft and right.
When he pulled her closer, leading her into a pivot, somewhat stilted but still with decent form, she laughed, cheeks flushed a faint pink, and for a moment, he relaxed completely, letting the faintest hint of a smile curve his lips as they spun smoothly across the floor.
Faintly, he heard the music taper away, sensed the other couples on the floor slow as the song came to an end, and he carefully led her into a final turn, bowing as she dropped into a low curtsy. Applause surrounded them, compliments and warm wishes, sights and sounds that slowly filtered back into his consciousness. Teasing remarks from the Jiyelese elite… not the delegates at the Summit.
That was four years prior, and a moment that had never come to pass.
He offered her his arm, feeling his chest tighten when she accepted it, tucking her hand into the crook of his elbow with her face arranged back into a mask of inscrutability. “Thank you for honoring me with the dance, Your Grace.”
He cleared his throat. “It was my pleasure.”
Lord Randall, of course, had chosen to wait in the farthest corner of the room, and Lyon would likely have suspected that the man was planning something were he any less good-natured. As it was, however, he simply led her along, grateful that her presence, at least temporarily, served to protect him from any who might have wanted to approach him.
It did not, however, shield him from the weight of his partner’s gaze nor the gentle pressure of her hand on his arm.
“I must admit I was surprised you accepted the invitation.”
Her voice was soft, hardly audible over the music and conversation around them, and surely inaudible to anyone who might be listening in. For a step, he faltered, but when she said nothing more, he chanced a glance in her direction.
“I thought it would have been more telling had I not.”
She pursed her lips. “Perhaps. But you would also have been spared all of this…” She hesitated, looking about as though hoping to find the right word to describe the celebration plastered upon the wall. “All of this unpleasantness. Socializing.”
“Perhaps, but… I came to wish you well in person.”
Her smile was small, tinged with wistfulness. “I am glad you came.”
Unable to meet her gaze, he looked away and swallowed, feeling the strange lump in his throat shift with the movement. “I… I am as well.”
All too soon and yet not soon enough, Lord Randall stood before them, beaming as he accepted the hand of his betrothed. “Welcome back, my flower. I hope you enjoyed yourself and were able to catch up?”
She might have said something in reply but Lyon didn’t notice, preoccupied by the friendly gaze that met his, open and unguarded. “Thank you for humoring my request, Your Grace. I hope you know that any friend of Lia’s is a friend of mine.”
Yet another offering of gratitude added to the swirl of interactions and conversation, and between the forced pleasantry and polite socialization, it was all suddenly too much.
Glancing between the pair, he nodded, replying with something that, given the affable smile he received, was appropriate enough. Or, more likely, the lord was simply generous enough to accept whatever had managed to leave his mouth as agreement. At any rate, it was enough to allow for his escape, which was all that he wanted, the social consequences be damned.
Finally alone on the cobblestone, under the cool night sky, he released a shaky breath, watching as silhouettes continued to pass before the brightly lit windows of the ballroom, blissfully unaware of how the celebration was thoroughly crumbling the foundations of his very being. Then again, who would have noticed? Not even he had realized…
“Duke Lyon?”
He had to press his lips together to prevent something that resembled hysterical laughter from bursting forth. It was only natural that if anyone at the engagement ball were to notice, were to follow him out, it would be her. One of the couple that the ball was celebrating… and the one person in the entire seven kingdoms who still possessed the ability to send his world completely off-kilter.
“Lady Camellia.”
He said nothing more, and she approached slowly, footsteps faltering and stopping when she was almost close enough to touch. Almost, but still just out of reach. “I know I may very well be the last person you wish to see in this moment, but you left in a hurry without bidding farewell, and… well… I was worried…”
When she trailed off, he glanced down to find her watching him, sorrow resting heavily on her features, and he slowly released a breath, finding, though not to his surprise, that he was still—would always be—unable to resist her. “I apologize. I found I needed some air.”
Her answering smile was at once tentative and rueful. “I thought you preferred to tell the truth?”
That, the reminder, the memory, of a less burdened man’s long-lost words, was enough to coax a barking, almost harsh, laugh from his throat, and she was not quick enough to disguise her flinch. Not from him. “I did.”
What he left unsaid seemed to hang between them for several heartbeats before she nodded. “I suppose much has changed since then. For the both of us.”
“Indeed.” He shifted, noticing the way she moved subconsciously, balancing his change in posture without thinking.
Or, perhaps more accurately, she was reacting, adjusting. Adapting and rebuilding, just as he knew he had to.
He drew another shaky breath, closing his eyes against the pinpricks of heat behind his lids. “I hope Lord Randall makes you happy.”
For a second, she froze, expression startled, before she smiled, gentle. Sad. “He does.” A pause, during which time he could barely breathe, and then a warm hand brushed against his, light and tender, so quick that he almost missed it. “Thank you, Lyon.”
He nodded once, not trusting his voice, and waited until she returned to the ballroom before letting his mask fall.
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jkottke · 6 years ago
The Hayflick Limit
Biology is one field I don't know supremely well, having had a couple of college courses and then mostly just public television documentaries. So it's always cool to get a new concept or two to play with, like the Hayflick Limit.
What is it?
In normal, replicating cells, all the important genetic code in a cell's nucleus is protected by telomeres--sections of non-coding DNA on the ends of chromosomes. (Elizabeth Blackburn, who won a Nobel for her work on telomeres, compares them to the caps on the end of shoelaces that keep them from fraying.) Every time cells divide, telomeres shorten ever so slightly; the white blood cells in newborn humans have telomeres that consist of about 8,000 base pairs, which falls to around 1,500 in the elderly.
The Hayflick limit is thought to occur when telomeres are gone and cell division would be risky, because without their protection, loss of genetic information would occur. When cells no longer replicate, they're considered "senescent": they carry on most of their normal cellular activity and eventually die. The Hayflick limit is one cause, but external stress, like an infection, physical trauma, or UV radiation can hasten cell death, according to Jan van Deursen, a cancer biologist at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota.
Senescent cells are a culprit in aging, but they also have benefits. They give off proteins that can recruit immune cells, which can promote wound healing, and they're one of our body's defenses against cancer. One of the reasons cancer occurs is when cells switch on a gene that allows them to rebuild their telomeres--kind of like speeding through a stop sign. That's why the only immortal human cells are cancer cells.
So the Hayflick Limit, if it could be waived, could theoretically prevent or delay aging. But as it is, it's a built-in cap on how many replications a body's cells and tissues can undergo, so it guarantees our mortality.
Here's what Hayflick himself had to say about it:
To slow, or even arrest, the aging process in humans is fraught with serious problems in the relationships of humans to each other and to all of our institutions. By allowing asocial people, tyrants, dictators, mass murderers, and people who cause wars to have their longevity increased should be undesirable. Yet, that would be one outcome of being able to tamper with the aging process.
I guess at a minimum, as bad as everyone is, at least they (as an individual) are not around to be bad forever? I'll take that silver lining.
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doxiedreg · 2 years ago
3, 10, 20 and 30 for the last oc you have drawn :]
take two because i accidentally exited out of the ask and lost what i had typed so far ;-; ALSO SO SORRY ANSWERING THIS TOOK SO LONG, I am not having a good week energy wise. It's now like a week later gdrhkghkfdg or at least it feels like it, i have no sense of time. 3.What is/was your character’s relationship with their father like? Morrison: Doesn't remember his dad as he ran off with another girl when he was like 5 years old and also they didnt really have any meaningful interactions in that time even if he could remember. Morrison's dad was very not ready for kids and had 0 interest in raising them so he mostly ignored morrison and his siblings and then as soon as a different pretty thing came along he ran away like a coward, not even leaving his ex girlfriend with child support. Morrison also is not really interested in looking for him, it's his fault he had to be the man of the house at a young age and help raising his younger siblings and manage the house. At least helping his mom with finances made him realise he was a natural at doing paperwork and managing money which is a very good skill to have in the criminal underground Gin: Very bad, suffered physical and mental abuse from both his parents. It's why they have a permanent crooked tail, she didnt receive proper healthcare after the incident so the bones never set correctly. His parents were of high prestige you see? And they wanted a heir they could be proud of to take on their legacy. But when Gin was born, she was mostly mute and behaved very weirdly in his parent's eyes. Their parents tried to teach the weirdness out of him, then when that didnt work they got frustrated and the vocal abuse started and then eventually it escalated to physical abuse and gin was beaten and scratched whenever she showed an undesired behaviour. However Gin still remained the way they were and if anything started to act out more as his needs were not met and she was scared and frustrated and angry. In the end when he was 10, gin was unceremoniously kicked out on the street with only the clothes on their back. His parents telling her she wasn't worthy of being asociated with them. They happened to have been dumped in the poor neighborhood morrison resided in with his mom. They met shortly after and morrison felt bad for gin and also saw potential in them with how big and strong they were. He was 15 at the time and decided to ask his mom if gin could be taken in. Since Morrison was a big help at home, his mom didn't mind, and gin was lovingly raised along with Morrison's siblings. They have been inseperable since. (also yes this means i changed morrison's age to 43. OC development can happen on the spot like here)
10. Does your character feel more comfortable with more clothing, or with less clothing? Morrison: More clothing! Makes him feel fancy >:) He likes wearing suits and bowties and all the accessories! Gin: Prefers less and loose clothing. It makes him feel less restricted in their movements! And also just more comfy, she hates tight fitting clothes, especially denim. 20. what ways does your character compare themselves to others? Do they do this for the sake of self-validation, or self-criticism?
Morrison: He is trying to match Thorn in notoriety(sp?) and secretly wants to overthrow him but he knows that needs more planning so he is just extremely passive aggressive towards thorn now. So definitely self validation, he wants others to see that he is the better mob boss! Thorn is just some old cheese who thinks he can stomp all over the others by making them pay his stupid taxes. Gin: Gin very much looks up to morrison and strives to be the best bodyguard they can be for him. He often struggles with feeling like she isn't worthy of morrison's praise and care and feels like they are stupid due to the years of abuse. But morrison is quick to point out that gin is his most valued gang member and that they have an amazing brain for tactics. Gin still struggles to accept he means it and isnt just saying it to be nice but she still very much cares about him. So self-criticism for them.
30. What does your character find repulsive or disgusting?
Morrison: Cheese. He might be a rat but he hates the stuff. Will get offended if you offer him some and will indirectly insult people by comparing them to cheese. (for example calling thorn "the big cheese" or "old cheese" or calling his expendible crew members "little cheese biscuits") Also don't compare him to chucky cheese, he will sicc gin on you on the spot. He might be using an arcade as a front for his shady business but that's just disrespectful! Gin: Gin doesn't like the smell or texture of fish or really any seafood. Not to mention all the lil pokey fish bones you have to deal with its just disgusting to him. They very much prefer red meat and chicken. Gin is not a fan of strong smells in general like perfumes, those super musky shampoos, strong deodorants and the smell of cooking broccoli and cauliflour. It just makes her gag immediately. Eggs are also a smell and texture they hate, especially cooked ones. Morrison is perfectly happy to accomodate to that though and is careful to only take him to restaurants that serve her safe foods whenever they go out to eat together.
Whew thats finally done! This was a fun exercise to develop my new babies, I hope you guys will enjoy this read :) You can find more oc asks answers on my oc blog @elena-oc-blog
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chryso71 · 4 years ago
Module: ILN2001 2020/21
Research Project
Chryso Yiallouridou
Today we live in a time where extrovert culture dominates our lives. It is a “celebrity-centric”, “model-centric”, and “presenter-centric” world where “outgoingness” reigns (Ahsan, 2019, p.29). The principles of the extrovert culture require people to be loud, bossy, bold, active, fun and adventurous. The goal is to be popular, to be liked, to be visible, to show a “know-it-all” personality, to… brand yourself. Small talk dominates over substantial conversation, false happiness and forced friendliness are ever present, bragging and excessive consumerism are the norm (Ahsan, 2019). People are judged by superficial criteria: their looks, their (pretend) hobbies, the stuff they buy, the way they spend their leisure time. Cain talks about the rise of the “Extrovert Ideal”, or the “omnipresent belief that the ideal self is gregarious, alpha and comfortable in the spotlight” (Cain, 2013, p.4). She explains that our cultural focus on extroversion has made introversion a second-class personality trait, “somewhere between a disappointment and a pathology” (Cain, 2013, p. 4). We learn to idolize the charismatic, outspoken, assertive, confident person and devalue the soft-spoken, quiet, reflective, reserved person.
In this world of extrovert tyranny, being an introvert is considered an insult. Introverted people are being oppressed, stigmatized, and forced to become loud and extroverted. They suffer “bullying, humiliation, exploitation, erasure, exclusion, alienation, discrimination, epistemic violence and disadvantage at the hands of the global system of Extrovert-Supremacism” (Ahsan, 2019, p.14). For many introverts, the pressure to conform to a culture of extroversion has costs for their mental and physical health, their personal lives, and their sense of integrity and authenticity in terms of the choices they have to make everyday. “Research suggests that acting falsely extroverted can lead to stress, burnout, and cardiovascular disease.” (Cain, 2012, p.22). Many social events for introverts are simply exhausting. Most of them are characterized by social rules that require you to “keep calm and carry on talking”. Everywhere extroverts are moving around at ease, making small talk, and laughing in clusters while the introverts are smiling weakly, nodding their heads, hunching their shoulders, and struggling just to find one person with whom they can be comfortable with.
Cain (2013) also states that most characters in teen sitcoms have clear extroverted personalities that make them popular and successful. Introverted characters in these movies and TV shows are portrayed as socially awkward and undesirable. These shows present only stereotypical portrayals of introverts as powerless and pathetic. The story usually emphasizes how introverted kids are trying to change in order to be more popular. The media’s underrepresentation or almost total omission of marginal social groups is defined as “symbolic annihilation” (Tuchman, 1979). Tuchman divided symbolic annihilation into three aspects: omission, trivialization and condemnation. Teen sitcoms have all three of these characteristics (Zhou, 2017). They either completely omit these characters, or present them in the most trivial roles (like the satellites of the shining extrovert stars), or condemn them as pitiful and pathetic. In her research, Zhou found that the representations of extroverts and introverts in these shows put extroverts in more powerful roles and the introverts in more passive and powerless roles. “Protagonists in contemporary teen sitcoms fit the criteria of extroversion: they are energetic, social, confident go-getters that live a glamorous, independent, exciting lifestyle and tend to have outsized personalities” (Zhou, 2017, p.28). According to Stuart Hall, representation gives a group of people their public identity; it teaches people how to read, evaluate, and understand a group of people and shows how relevant and important they are in society (Zhou, 2017). Therefore, the symbolic annihilation of introverted characters implies that introverted people are not worthy of appreciation and that extroverted behaviors are the acceptable norm in society.
Similarly, social media reflect a similar pattern. They encourage people to present a sense of self that is typically, bold, exciting, sociable, and outgoing. Social networking sites, like Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, YouTube and others have provided a space for young people to share information about themselves with other users (and brag about how many “likes” they got). In these websites people control the image they present by selecting specific pictures of themselves smiling around friends or videos that most of the time are deliberately recorded showing themselves engaging in hobbies they never really take up. This is the ideal world for extroverts. They now have a worldwide audience and a technological device that helps them to manage the impressions that others make about them.
But let’s get things from the start. About 100 years ago Carl Jung suggested the most important distinction between personalities and defined extroversion/introversion from a psychological perspective (Jung, 1921). According to Jung, extroverts concentrate their interest on the external world (people and activities outside of them). They draw energy from social interaction, and they tend to be outspoken and sociable. They are friendly and sometimes impulsive, they love crowds, excitement, and risk-taking. Introverts focus on the internal. They find social interactions draining, and they need time alone to recharge. They value inner life, silence, contemplation, reflective solitude, intimate company, tranquility, peace (Ahsan, 2019, p. 15). If you’d ever decide to look at things through an introvert’s perspective, you’ll see that they spend their time learning new things, studying or even taking care of others. Nevertheless, they will never be considered as the “alpha” of their group but their roles are equally important (if not more important sometimes). Precisely because they don’t rush into conclusions, they can be wise and think with a clear mind. The phrase “think before you speak” could have even been created by an introvert herself addressing an extrovert.
Although extroversion and introversion are psychological terms, these concepts are used by ordinary people who label others based on their behavior and body language. This can lead to a lot of myths about how extroverts and introverts behave. One common myth is that introversion equals shyness. But, as Cain reminds us, “Shyness and introversion are not the same thing. Shyness is the fear of negative judgement, and introversion is a preference for quiet, minimally stimulating environments” (Cain 2012, p.7). You could be a shy extrovert or a bold introvert. Why do people tend to link shyness with introverts? First, because to the outside world, shyness and introversion seem to be the same thing, and second, because our society is against both traits. In addition, a shy person that was once an extrovert, could slowly become an introvert since life experience usually changes people towards being more quieter and self-contained and less in need of excitement. Take for example the stereotypes that we have created about introverts: we label them depressed and afraid to “seize the day”, go on adventures, take risks and speak up for themselves. These stereotypes do not exactly imply an active guy who likes to go out and experience life (and who also happens to be an introvert and enjoy spending time by himself). Being an introvert has a lot to do with being mentally engaged with your inner world and very little (if not nothing) to do with being shy or depressed.
A second misperception of introverts is that they are often considered asocial. Introverts tend to make friends more slowly than extroverts and extroverts tend to make friends more quickly (kind of like going swimming in early May; some will go into the water inch by inch and others will run and dive into the icy water straight with their head first). However, when you find yourself having a small friendly conversation with a neighbor or better yet, a random stranger (a barista, a cashier), even though it may cause positive feelings it doesn’t necessarily mean that you should be forced to party or socialize with them more often; too much of that could feel exhausting for someone who is an introvert. It should be clarified though that just because introverts get overwhelmed around many people this doesn’t stop them from having fun, learning and engaging in all sorts of activities. They are completely capable of experiencing the state of “flow”, as Csikszentmihalyi defined it, “when you feel totally engaged in an activity — whether long-distance swimming, song-writing, or ocean sailing. In a state of flow, you’re neither bored nor anxious, and you don’t question your own adequacy.” (Cain, 2012, p.23). Besides that, nobody doubts that introverts are perfectly able to develop nurturing relationships with their family and close friends, and spending time with loved ones is never exhausting and it doesn’t make anyone feel socially drained. As Cain put it, “If you don’t cast your social net too wide, you’re more likely to cast it deep — which your friends and family will appreciate.” (2012 p.25).
Interestingly, Jung also said that all of us have both sides, but one side is more dominant than the other. Well, this detail was missed, and until recently, psychologists and behavioral scientists divided the world into these two opposite types of people. Today the conversation shifted to include a third personality type, that of the ambivert. Petric states that introversion and extroversion “are part of a single, continuous dimension of personality. Most of the personalities can be measured somewhere between two extremities. The most adaptive personality traits have ambiverts, because they exhibit both introversion and extraversion, depending on the situation”. An ambivert is someone who has qualities of both personality types and can switch from one to the other depending on their mood, the circumstances they are in and their goals. Ambiverts, Bernstein (2015) notes, are like being “bilingual”. They speak both languages of introversion and extroversion. They can move between being social or being solitary, speak up or listen carefully, and turn inward or go outward according to the situation. If you think about it, aren’t we all ambiverts? Haven’t we all found ourselves at times feeling good around other people and at times wanting to crawl into a cocoon and disappear? An introvert may be reserved around strangers but can be highly energetic or even bossy (see my sister) around certain people (family, close friends, or their partner). An extrovert may enjoy being around others but there are times when even those hyperactive types need time alone to recharge. Introvert, ambivert and extrovert constitute a spectrum of personality traits rather than clear-cut personality types. In any case, both Cain (2013) and Ahsan (2019) challenge us to recognize and celebrate the unique qualities of introverts and give them space to flourish and find a voice.
Ahsan, H. (2019). Shy Radicals: The Antisystemic Politics of the Militant Introvert. Book Works.
Bernstein, Elizabeth. "Not an introvert, not an extrovert? You may be an ambivert." Wall Street Journal (2015).
Cain, S. (2012). The power of introverts. TED: Ideas Worth Spreading.
Cain, S. (2013). Quiet: The power of introverts in a world that can't stop talking. Broadway Books.
Jung, C. G. (1921). Psychologische typen. Rascher.
Petric, Domina. "Introvert, Extrovert and Ambivert."
Tuchman, G. (1979). Women's depiction by the mass media. Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society, 4(3), 528-542.
Zhou, Y. (2017). Are Introverts invisible? A Textual Analysis of how the Disney and Nickelodeon Teen Sitcoms Reflect the Extrovert Ideal.
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confrontingthetruth · 6 years ago
Berlin Memorials and Museums
Berlin, Germany
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I appreciate the Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe and the Memorial to the Murdered Sinti and Roma, but I do not appreciate certain aspects of the memorials. For example, why is it that they are “Memorial[s] to the Murdered…”? Why the murdered? It provides the assumption that people never fought back, and they did fight back. Not to mention the neglect at these memorials: simple details that were a little too random, such as damaged lighting and speakers that were not working. Simple flaws that made me think, “Is this intentional? If not, what is the intent?”...
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I have my criticisms in regard to the memorial constructed in dedication to the murdered “homosexuals” as well. In fact, I have a problem with the fact that not everyone arrested for being “homosexual” was gay. There were bisexual individuals, transgender individuals, lesbians. Women were not even regarded to as “homosexual”, even if they were lesbians. They were considered “asocial” and assigned black triangles to identify them as such. The memorial was a small concrete box, tucked away and hidden, that truly closeted the memory of persecuted LGBTQ+ identifying individuals.
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I also do not understand why there is a whole museum dedicated to Hitler and the Third Reich. The ‘Topography of Terror’. Does this not unethically represent the Holocaust? Does this not present propaganda and photos taken by the Nazis? Why does Hitler need a whole museum dedicated to his merciless plan to conquer and destroy European Jews and other people deemed “undesirable”? Is this for education purposes, or a disguised relic?
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It was uncomfortable to recognize this.
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givemefuckingv-bucks-blog · 8 years ago
“Men Should Die!”
DYSTOPIA: what would a women’s society look like?
I will make quotations from this old blog: https://witchwind.wordpress.com/2014/10/07/utopia-what-would-a-womens-society-look-like/ “I often muse about all the things that we’d need to change about patriarchy if we abolished men’s rule over women and the earth. Everything and every single aspect of social organisation is so much the opposite of how it should be, it’s dizzying to even begin to think about all the things we should stop / change. Mostly it’s about men stopping from doing harm. But stopping men isn’t enough because beyond that there is the entire world to relearn, to heal, and our entire society to rebuild. We would be faced with the immense task of replacing all the misogynist, genocidal, biocidal practices men have ordered our society with for eons. So many of us now are acculturated, cut from land, nature and from one another. Before we do anything, the very first measure to adopt is to take all men out of all positions of decision-making immediately, and actually out of any kind of social, professional position whatsoever.Major serial killers, serial torturers, pimps, pornographers, severe domestic abusers, serial rapists, genocide planners, biocide planners and pedocriminals across the world will simply be euthanised: the decisions will be taken by women in a mass world tribunal for patriarchal crimes. This is by far the best solution, and is the most legitimate, ethical way of reducing male population to more reasonable levels. Such men would otherwise forever pose a threat to women, children, animals, the earth and society as a whole, and we know they have no chance of ceasing their violent behaviour after having reached such an advanced stage of sadism and sociopathy. It would be reckless to spend space, resources and energy in keeping them alive in prisons.All of men’s (alive and euthanised) belongings, property, resources and land will be confiscated from men and handed back to female care and supervision – property rights over land will be abolished. You can’t own land!” (Alright, so does this mean just do whatever you want and you can ‘trespass’ on your enemies’ property?) “ All men at least above 15 (or younger if very asocial) should live separately from women and children, on their own in small huts or studios, isolated from one another and scattered around so that women can keep an eye on them (they should never be in groups or packs, that would be illegal). So it would also be illegal for male adults to impose their presence on females, girls and children. Men would have to care for themselves on their own: food, laundry, etc. No male above his age of puberty would be allowed to receive any kind of service from a female. Their life expectancy would probably drop to the age of 40, but that’s how things should be. Women’s life expectancy without men would rise to 130 years at least.” (No, the world would economically crash because you can’t own, remember, a thing.) “In order to keep all men and post-pubescent boys busy, we’d send them to clean up the vast amounts of detritus, pollution and toxic wastes men have littered and almost killed the world with.” (Remember, women did this along with men.) “Much of the damage to the earth is irreversible, however with a great deal of effort and genius, women will find sustainable, natural and simple ways of healing a lot of the damage men have caused, and send men off to do the dirty work. No man will be allowed to take any decision without female guidance. We know what happens when men decide on their own! DISASTER.” (No, when men decide on their own, pretty much you either get a pizza or complete a treaty or meeting.) “Fathers’ rights will cease to exist. There is no such thing as fatherhood — as we all know, it’s a myth. Men will necessarily lose all and any power to dominate and control women’s reproductive capacities.It’s the inalienable right of each woman to control every phase of her reproduction and life creation. Abortion will be possible at any stage of pregnancy, however there will hardly be such a thing as undesired pregnancy since there won’t be any men forcing pregnancies on us any more. Abortion will nonetheless be recognised for the trauma, mutilation and loss of life that it is. The number of children and human population will naturally decrease to sustainable levels, so will the number of males born. Women will be free to experiment parthenogenesis or procreation with two female eggs.“ (That won’t work, you’ll have to have hetero coitus. You’ll pretty much die out after the last pregnant woman gives birth.) “ All relationships of authority, domination and subordination will be abolished between all women of all ages. We will be able to recognise each other’s strengths, expertise, guidance and capacities (or lack of) without it implying superiority, inferiority, veneration or lack of respect. We would find each other beautiful. We would live our friendships, love and affection for women unhindered. All oppressive male institutions will be abolished after men have been retrieved from them. We obviously won’t keep these institutions. They will return to the nothingness that they belong, just as a distant, bad memory.  No more military, no more army, no more wars! It would be illegal for men to hold weapons. Global peace would be the immediate consequence. Most weapons will be destroyed (or recycled into something else), such as weapons of mass destruction, anti-personnel mines, tanks, machine guns, all manners of terrestrial, marine and air-bombers, and all the many disgusting things men have invented. For the remaining weapons such as guns or blades, women will hold exclusive right of use over them in order to defend ourselves from men, from the risk of them taking power over us again.” (Think about the Jihadist women and terrorists. Get ready to die, b17(|-|.) Feel free to read the rest of the article: https://witchwind.wordpress.com/2014/10/07/utopia-what-would-a-womens-society-look-like/
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