#and as I said this joke has a very long pedigree among fans who most definitely read pyramids
This is definitely not a "fake new Terry Pratchett fans who got into GO through the Amazon show vs stalwart, true Terry Pratchett fans who have been reading Discworld for over 20 years" thing, and it would be ridiculous to claim it was, because this is a joke that people have been doing in online Pratchett fan spaces for at least as long as I have been a Discworld fan (which is more than half my life at this point), and further, even if it were new fans then that would literally be fine because new fans are how a fandom survives and I am delighted by each new Discworld fan, but when people extrapolate the nickname Gneil for Neil Gaiman from the fan nickname Pterry for Terry Pratchett, my knee jerk reaction is always:
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This is a personal failing of mine and I am working on it.
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Gabriella Wilde on the Poldark gender pay gap, pregnancy and how she came to terms with being posh  (The Telegraph)
The new series of Poldark gets off to a frankly preposterous start. After bitter complaints, last year, that there weren’t enough sightings of Aidan Turner’s incomparable - and highly controversial - torso), the writers have clearly decided to give the people what they want.
And who can blame them? In the opening scene of the fourth series, which airs tomorrow night, Ross Poldark finally has his Daniel Craig moment. Striding naked but for a pair of breeches from the sea, his abs glistening, he resembles an 18th century James Bond. And just like that, the nation will be hooked for another summer to this curious drama about a Cornish mining town.
The hysteria around Turner’s chest seems to reach such a fever pitch every year, with some chatter that the show has been eclipsed by fraught debates around whether or not it is acceptable for female viewers to openly ogle the actor. For Turner, it must all be getting a bit old by now, but for the rest of the cast, it’s an opportunity to gently poke fun at him.
“I mean I guess it’s what people want to see,” says Gabriella Wilde, 29, who plays Caroline Penvenen, the coquettish heiress who refuses to abide by 18th century codes of behaviour. “Poor Aidan, rather him than me!
“I do feel for him because it’s so talked about, and filming those scenes is probably awkward. I’m sure he’s being cheered at and the crew are making jokes,” she adds. “But if you’re going to do it you’ve got to laugh at yourself. It’s paying the bills.”
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Gabriella Wilde as Caroline Penvenen in Poldark Credit: Mammoth Screen
And, to be fair, he does rather ask for it. This week, Turner admitted to choosing a smaller horse to ride because it makes him look “bigger”, and said that his trousers have got tighter over his years in the role.
But as Wilde remarks: “Well, maybe he’s a very smart man”.
She holds no truck with allegations that fans “objectify” Turner, arguing it is “different” from the kind of attention women get. She calls the reaction to Turner’s appearance “more lightheartedness”, whereas “women have been forced into thinking it’s a currency they have to use to get ahead, or to get the job. For women it is so deeply ingrained and infects so many aspects of your life.”
Wilde perhaps has more authority on the matter than most, having modelled from 14, when she was “discovered” by style icon Isabella Blow, whom she met through a friend of her mother’s (more on her well-connected family later).
Soon after, she met Naomi Campbell, who insisted Wilde be introduced to her agency, Premier Model Management. She was immediately successful, modelling for Burberry among others, but turned her back on it four years later to pursue acting.
“I started working from a very young age,” she says. “I had my mother with me, but there were things that went on…” she pauses. “I was working on fashion campaigns that were very much for women and probably being sexualised in a way that I couldn’t comprehend yet myself.
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'I was working on fashion campaigns that were very much for women and probably being sexualised in a way that I couldn’t comprehend yet myself' Credit: Andrew Crowley
“I’ve definitely had experiences looking back that, umm… I don’t think were ok. But it was just the norm. What’s good now is that there’s a questioning of that”.
It seems to have given Wilde a thick skin. She is softly spoken, and distractingly beautiful, but possesses a steeliness. “A woman isn’t being ‘difficult’ if she’s trying to stand up for something that she needs,” she says.
She is proud of her co-star, Eleanor Tomlinson (who plays Poldark’s wide, Demelza), for recently addressing the programme’s gender pay gap, forcing producers to admit that Turner was paid more. “If she had said that a year ago, I think people would have been up in arms, or she might have got into trouble with production because of the way the industry is,” says Wilde. “She has every right to say that, and she has every right to ask for what she thinks she deserves.”
Wilde admits she wouldn’t necessarily risk broaching the subject herself - yet. “I think that every actress has to push themselves, even if they feel frightened” she says. “[But] I would still feel nervous to request that for fear of losing the job.”
When she first joined the cast, in series two, Wilde (who has two sons - Sasha, four, and Shiloh, two) had to tell producers she was pregnant. “I was very scared,” she concedes. “I thought I would lose the job. Now I would bowl in there a lot more boldly and say ‘I’m pregnant and don’t you dare try and fire me’.
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When she first joined the cast, in series two, Wilde (who has two sons - Sasha, four, and Shiloh, two) had to tell producers she was pregnant Credit: Andrew Crowley
She has, however, “had a really good experience. I was hugely supported and lucky - it was pre the MeToo movement and this great empowerment of women in our industry. They made it work, I was on set until I was eight and a half months pregnant. The costumes fitted around me.”
When Shiloh was born, he came to the set, as Wilde was breastfeeding. “I don’t have the luxury of saying ‘I’m taking maternity leave’ because the show films when it does - so you have to make allowances for me to mother in the way that I want to,” she explains. “The days were scheduled around my son’s feeding times. It’s a brilliant example to set.”
It helps, she says, that home is close by. She and her husband - Alan Pownall, the singer for electro band Pale - moved to Somerset just before she got the part. “It couldn’t have been more perfect,” says Wilde. “It films for six months and then I take six months off to be with my children.”
Motherhood (which came unexpectedly early) has given her “a different kind of drive”, she says. “I am a mother first and my job is my job, it’s not my life. I want to get out of the door as quickly as possible, so that I can get home.”
Her rural family life is somewhat different to her own upbringing. Wilde has an almost preposterously posh pedigree - she was born Gabriella Zanna Vanessa Anstruther-Gough-Calthorpe - something, she admits, she has shied away from talking about. “I was desperately trying to define myself away from the image of what people might think. As I get older I feel more comfortable in saying that I am just me, and I don’t need to try and sever that. My upbringing, my family, is a huge part of who I am. I’m proud of them.”
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'I’m slightly done with the corsets' Credit: Mike Hogan
“Them” is a bevy of beautiful, blonde siblings - a tattoo on Wilde’s arm denotes, in Roman numerals, her position as seventh child. Her father, John Anstruther-Gough-Calthorpe, is a businessman and both her parents were previously married, which makes Gabriella one of a sprawling clan. She counts Prince Harry’s former flame Cressida Bonas among them (whose mother, Lady Mary-Gaye Curzon, was married to Gabriella’s father).
“I think I probably mother in quite a different way to the way I was brought up,” says Wilde. “I wasn’t breastfed. I sleep with my children and I was definitely in a cot, probably at the other end of the house. My mother didn’t work, I do. My parents had very defined roles.”
What will she do after the Poldark, West Country bubble bursts? (The show is only due to run to one more season in 2019). “I think maybe not period drama, I’m slightly done with the corsets,” she laughs. “I’d love to do something in a t-shirt.”
What about The Crown, I offer? She could play her step-sister, Cressida.
“Oh no, no no,” she says wide eyed, waving her hands in front of her face in horror. “I think if The Crown is going for that long then we all need to move on.”
Poldark begins on Sunday at 9pm on BBC One
The Telegraph 10 June 2018
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octranslations · 7 years
Haiiro no Ginka Volume 2
Haiiro no Ginka Volume 2
Translation Credits: 1999.1.20 DEBUT SINGLE IN STORE - Risu “Akuro no Oka” “Yurameki” in Italy - Risu Shinya Nemunemu hakushi no daigyakusu - Mbear Ganso Kaoruya - Nao Meisho de Meishuu Mr. Drums’ House Edition - Risu Aibiki no Mori Toshiya - Risu Kyo's Corner (Announcement) - Risu SEXUAL Inoue LA Diary - Risu NEWS L.A. Edition - Risu
"Zan" "Akuro no Oka" "Yurameki"
Debuted at 5th, 6th, 7th
Music Shop Kunihara?Goryokaku Store
Sapporo?GURUGURU   Mr. Habaguchi
Shibuya 109 also has Dir en grey!
January 20, the major debut singles are finally on sale. The CD stores were also filled with Dir en grey, and you can see different stores nationwide decorated by Dir en grey. They made a large appearance even at Shibuya 109, and I think there were people who took pictures of it. Also in the Oricon Chart they debuted 5th, 6th and 7th. The members and staff both are grateful to all the fans who wouldn't have made this possible without their unwavering crazy and warm following/support?
“Akuro no Oka” “Yurameki” in Italy
When we are welcoming the end of 1998, the 5 members went to Italy for the PV shooting of “Akuro no Oka” and “Yurameki”. On the way they waited 4 hours to get on the next plane, Shinya read a book that he brought with him from Japan, Kyo and Kaoru ate pizza. (By the way it seems that Die was pretty ripped off by this store without him realizing it…) From here Kyo got addicted to pizza and ate it the whole time in Italy.
Then were forced to ride on the bus for 2 to 3 hours, at the end of a long travel without being able to get off in the destined airport due to strong winds and having the time to arrive and sleep in the hotel they started with make-up. The shooting for that day were the individual scenes and performance scenes of “Akuro no Oka” at a western style house that is also used in movies.
On the second day, the scheduled departure time was 6:30am. Having a breakfast buffet at the hotel with their complete make-up and wearing their costumes was a pretty conspicuous bizarre sight. A shrine that looked like the acropolis was today’s shooting location. Here was the image scene and individual scenes carrying instruments. These was the first costumes for the day. Because of it being quite cold, coat and mufflers were vital while the camera was not running.
Third day, the final day. After shooting the image scene at the back alley streets in town was the shooting of “Yurameki” at a church. While waiting there were pigeons that gathered near the bus because of the bread that was scattered. When Shinya was about to give bread, because of the noisy Italians who passed by, the pigeons went somewhere…
“The stupid foreigners?” Shinya was angry.
Take Note of This Italy Important News
They waited for 4 hours in Milan
Breakfast in full make-up and full costume
Shinya seems cold in his costume
Temples are cold…
Kyo, is addicted to pizza!
Loo~ng travel and waiting time
Die was ripped off
Toshiya caused a disturbance! (Details are in the news page!)
Shinya Nemunemu hakushi no daigyakusu
Hello everyone.  This corner has begun again.  Last time there wasn't much so now there probably won't be much either, right?  Well then, so let's introduce the first postcard.
"Please tell me about Shinya-kun's beloved dog, Papii-chan."
This is Papii-chan, who lives at my parent's home.  The name is Papii because the breed is called papillon.  It's quite a fashionable way of naming a dog.  Of course I named him.  We got him in December of my third year of elementary school.  At that time he was already two months old.  At that time he was quite tough and the small me was often chased and bitten.  Now, because he's grown old he doesn't really bite, but his quick anger hasn't changed at all.  He really gets angry quickly.   He definitely gets angry five times a day.  For example, he is cuddling with someone and if another person calls "Papii" he will go to snap at that person with great strength.  Also, Papii loves Pedigree Champion dog food and he won't eat any dog food other than that at all.  The Pedigree Champion dog food seems so delicious, so even if you stare at it from the side, he'll get angry.  He also likes meat and if I'm eating meat he comes and says, "Give me meat" .  And so if I pretend to give him the meat and don't he gets really angry.  He's a troublesome dog.   He always thinks of himself as the best.  On the stairs as well, he alone... it alone cannot go up by itself. In the past he went up but, he planned on going up the stairs of the new place we moved to the way he did in our old house so his feet became tangled, and he got hurt.  Since that time when Papii wants to use the stairs he'll call "someone come here".  And then someone will come and carry him up the stairs.?Papii also gets quite cold.  In the past whenever it would get cold I would take out the kotatsu. Then, I would set up the kotatsu and leave the room for a little and return, and already Papii would be sleeping in the kotatsu. To think he's a dog, why does he get cold so easily??Ah, no matter what I said, he's a very cute dog.
Last time I wrote about Nakata Daimaru Racket as Shinya's little corner, a considerable amount postcards came concerning that.  I've picked a few from among those postcards.
It's popularity before is like Downtown's [popularity] now.
He was definitely on TV every New Years.
When I asked my mother, she said "You don't know him?  Your father and your grandfather and your grandmother know him.  You don't know anything huh."#When I asked my family they said, "What...? You don't know? Ah~, it's the end of Japan. There's nothing that can be done."
Like what Shinya-kun said, I think a lot of people know him. ?So, well, just take a look at this and maybe you'd know, it is said that in Japan if you don't know Nakata Daimaru Racket then you are not Japanese.
So, that being said I will explain Nakata Daimaru Racket to you.
Nakata Daimaru Racket It was said that it is a Manzai that would make you laugh in three seconds, he was a big star until the end of the war, it's the popularity was twice more than "Kashimashi Musume". As for the beginning, Nakata Daimaru debuted but his partner at that time died.  After that, he rejoined with his brother racket and debuted.
With the first second of flawless speech, the continuous gags, the viewers will be sent into a vortex of laughter. The younger brother racket accidentally laughs a lot at Daimaru's adlibs and that would again invite laughter from the audience.   After Daimaru's death, Racket managed variously alone, but recently it so happens that he is retired.
And that's it.  And so there were many postcards that came asking, "Why does Shinya-san know something that way back?" that's because I have lived 10 times longer than everyone. Fufufufufu(Hehehehe)......
See you again.
Extra: About Nakata Daimaru Racket Toshiya: When I asked my friends, they knew. Why did that many postcards come? Die: If you write it at the very end then they'd read it! Didn't it seem like it was saying, "send me [postcards]" right? So they'll send it over!
Translator's Notes: 1. Manzai (??) is a style of stand-up comedy in Japan, which usually involves two performers—a straight man (tsukkomi) and a funny man (boke)—trading jokes at great speed. Most of the jokes revolve around mutual misunderstandings, double-talk, puns and other verbal gags. In recent times, manzai has often been associated with the Osaka region, and manzai comedians often speak in the Kansai dialect during their acts.
2. A kotatsu (??) is a low, wooden table frame covered by a futon, or heavy blanket, upon which a table top sits. Underneath is a heat source, often built into the table itself. Kotatsu are used almost exclusively in Japan, although a similar product called a korsi is also used in Iran.
3. For the curious here is a clip of Daimaru Racket (Kansai-ben only):{youtube}LjNdbLZd-9c{/youtube}
Ganso Kaoruya
Welcome. Thank you for coming to Ganso Kaoruya . This time there are only a few things but please take a look.
It can’t be seen clearly but it’s a pretty excellent work.
Again, it’s my stuff. Devilman & Amon Black Version
Great job!! You were even able to create the detailed parts.
Next challenge is in Kitty-chan!!
Again, my stuff.
I never give-up~
Recently, I have been rummaging for and buying CDs, LDs, Videos(VHS). Even in LA I was brainwashed by MTV and bought a lot like Shawn Mullins and the like but mostly I didn’t listen to it and went home. All of a sudden I would go into a record shop but before I just bought CDs but I wanted to watch movies so I ended up buying the movie and it’S soundtrack that I thought, “I would never watch!!” which was Titanic. Well, it is a good thing! However!! There were tons of lives that I wanted to see during the end of the year and beginning of the year. I wanted to watch D=SIRE’s Liquid(room)! (I was really supposed to go~) I wasn’t able to watch Bauhaus in October! Marilyn Manson and Gastunk also made me want to cry…therefore, I am looking for more creations. (Totally unrelated though.)  Send me things that will clear up my anger!! And so, Ah! Thank you for the Christmas Presents and New Year’s Card!  
This month’s Heavy rotation (currently, January 20)
Fear Factory
The Goo Goo Dolls
Dizzy Up the Girl
Version 2.0
Shiina Ringo  
Koko de kisu shite
Motion Picture  
Shawn Mullins
Soul’s Core
Devin Townsend
AKIRA Ootomo Katsuhiro
Meisho de Meishuu Mr. Drums’ House Edition
So, is everyone in “a knot” doing well? This is a bit or rather pretty late but thank you to all the fans who sent me presents, messages, letters etc. for my birthday last year. Also thank you always for sending me fan letters. I properly read all of it so there is no need to worry.
So, Meisho de Meishuu Vol. 2 is, what do we have here!! Once again we have a guest.
Let me introdu~ce, Mr. Drums who does Tanaka in Dir en grey (refer to the picture)
This time let’s go a bit back to Christmas. The location is Mr. Drums’ house where he has prepared 5 bottles of champagne. By the way, on this day, Mr. Drums’ mother and younger brother Kazuma were in the house, this mother was very annoying and kept on harassing us, she smoked things like echo or wakaba, Kazuma is a delinquent and picked a fight with me so it was awful. But the most awful one was Mr. Drums. Apparently he is weak with alcohol, even though he said that he has work after this interview, his face was completely red, even his ears were red, and in the end he couldn’t speak. But since it’s my corner, even if it were forced he drank and evaluated [the alcohol]. Then Mr. Drums suddenly tried to run on top of the TV, when I chased him and tried to make him drink, finally he went down. That’s unfortunate. But he was able to properly drink 5 kinds [of alcohol] so please read the table of comments after.
“How are you feeling recently?”
“Mr. Drums please drink some more!”
“What are you doing?”
“That’s it”
Well, this time I will end [this column] with this. Well as for the season, it will soon be spring, for those of you who want to try drinking it why not also drink it together with your beloved boyfriend or girlfriend on Christmas this year (this is way in the future…) (For those who say that they don’t have a girlfriend or boyfriend, please try finding one until then.)
So next time I will send it from LA! I am planning again on calling a guest so please look forward to it.
Well, until we meet again (mata aimashou). Espresso!!
Today’s Wine
Wine Name
It seems to have a pretty bitter smell…Ah! Yes it’s a red win chic that’s easy to drink. It feels like you’re drinking in Artist Room A
It feels like swimming in the Aegean sea ? Mr. Drums
It’s pretty sweet. Well it’s for you guys, middle and high school students. It’s ant hell…what’s ant hell? “to get worms (in your stomach)” (Mr. Drums) It is on the edge whether you fall into ant hell or not.
Too sweet. It feels like being assimilated to it while being buried in sugar and the surrounding sugar is burnt by a lighter ? Mr. Drums
I think this is for elementary school kids….because it’s sweet, I think elementary school students would really like this.
Being hit by a rain of iron mold, that moment made me feel better, I feel nauseous I think I’m drunk (nods) ? Mr. Drums
It completely doesn’t feel like drinking in a high end club in Ginza.
It feels like I can see 5 cm inside ? Mr. Drums
This is for 17 year olds…feels like a 17 year old loose socks
This is the most delicious. It has sweetness and bitterness, in memories (drunk) a 41 year old…(definitely drunk) his wife left him, on the side of a too sweet park, I become Shinya ? Mr. Drums
Aibiki no Mori Toshiya
Happy New Year! This year together with "aknot" please support Dir en grey!
This is Toshiya's corner which will begin again, thanks to everyone who thought and sent titles! But somehow there wasn't one that fit so I tried thinking with my insufficient/lacking head! And I thought to go with "Aibiki no Mori" (rendezvous forest) as Toshiya's corner title!! The origin of the corner title is, actually I copied the name (laughs) Since I really love Sakamoto Ryuichi-san and among Nakatani Miki's album called, "Shokumotsu Rensa (Food Chain)", there was a song called "Aibiki no Mori de" and for me, I personally liked that song...so yes, I copied it (laughs) But, so far in my own way I tried the title while completely ignoring things like the meaning of "Aibiki no Mori" is a journal of memories where "I wanted to make it like a forest of secrets that I have with the fans and everyone". It's a bit fishy? (laughs) But, in this corner I don't want to write lies and I want to tell the truth to everybody
??? What in the world are those numbers above???Ah well. Yesyes, I want it to be a corner that everyone reads so I decided with "Aibiki no Mori". Thank you very much to the people who thought of and sent titles!! And I'm sorry!! Also next I am asking for costume designs. I am asking for designs that you would like me to wear. Well even though all of it won't be OK, I may use parts of it. I am waiting for everybody's sense and avant-garde ideas. Also the people who were chosen will have their names and member id posted in this corner and after that I will send them a present.
I am looking forward to everyone's design pictures!!
Well then please get lost in "Aibiki no Mori (rendezvous forest)"  (laughs)
?/× (TUE)
Well the indies tour has finally begun. In the morning I went to Tokyo station using a taxi and went to Nagoya on the shinkansen (bullet train). I was sort of happy when I was finally in the shinkansen. The live at Bottomline was to put it bluntly, unsatisfactory. Even among the lives that I've done up until now, honestly it was the worst. I was very annoyed, embarrassed, and regretful. Due to the lack of physical strength and extreme oxygen deprivation, I collapsed after the main set. After the encore, there was a heavy air backstage and everyone was looking down. Budoukan is 100 years too early and I looked down on myself. Even if I wrote more about it I would end up writing negative things. Nagoya...I am really sorry to the fans, maybe if you would come to a live just one more time, the next one I would definitely show a good live.
I promise, the next time...
In the morning, we checked out of the hotel and went to Kanezawa. I remembered the previous night's live and had an internal argument, "today for sure..." I personally wasn't satisfied with the Kanezawa live on the previous tour so this time I thought that I must make a good live. It was good that Az hall was pretty nice. But as expected I felt that my performance was a bit not enough but I thought of thinking positively. Everyone signed on Azhall's backstage hallway wall. Also I kicked the micstand and it's a bit unfortunatey that I wasn't able to directly apologize to the Azhall manager. I am really sorry! The oden that I had at the party was delicious. Good night...
Today is at Kumagaya Vogue! This was the first time I was here since the disband live of band before Dir en grey was formed so I was really happy! If my memory is correct, the other band at that time was the band that 4 of them were in so it was a place with a lot of memories so I thought to do my best. The live was really good. Finally it felt like the engine started and my body was light. Also what shocked me also was I stage dived which I haven't done since the Cowboy World [live] in Osaka (laughs) To the people who were under and whose body I stepped on, I am really sorry!!
At any rate, those gibberish numbers on top! Enough already and disappear!
Well, after the live, without taking a break we got on the shinkansen and appeared live on nippon broadcast's radio, "Ultracountdown". Cool K-san was an interesting person.
Sendai Makana's stage was a bit small, so it was pretty difficult to play. But the live was okay but everyone's fervor was great, and it felt good. SuperRecord's Jimmy-san seems to be doing okay and thank you for coming to the live! After the live speaking of Sendai, it's "Gyu tan" (beef tongue) so we went out and ate it, as expected it was delicious! As a souvenir I bought cheese and fresh dorayaki. We will come to Sendai again (laughs)
Today is my first time in Sapporo! This is the first live [in Sapporo] so I was really looking forward to the reaction of fans who've been waiting for us until then but the live was awful. "M-GAZET" also mentioned the reason. It would be better if I believed more in everyone...I am sorry! To the people who were looking forward to it. I am sorry, really. Sapporo, next time we will come at full blast so please look forward to it!!!
Niigata JUNKBOX...it was hot/exciting! Everybody went wild (for us). I was able to do a live without thinking of anything. Everybody's rhythm/flow was great and more importantly you made me forget about what happened in Sapporo. Thank you Niigata!! My friends from middle school and "D+L"'s AKIRA came to watch us. I was happy. After the party everybody went bowling. Everyone was excited and it was really fun. Thank you very much for today everyone!!
Today is Osaka! Everybody was in high spirits. As expected everyone seems hyped since its their hometown. Speaking of hometowns, I also wanted to have lives in Nagano (tears) Well, anyway the live was okay but for me the performance was shabby. So I am sorry to everyone. But anyway I want to optimistically do my best...since if I get caught up in negative thoughts it would be difficult to get out of it. During the part Punch UFO came and it was interesting. Also, I was able to go drink out with my friends from high school after a long time and it was fun. Thank you Osaka!
The live at Hiroshima Namiki Junction was okay. Did everyone enjoy it? I would be happy if you enjoyed it. Also the Hiroshima yaki was very delicious. The promoter was also a very nice person. 2 more lives left I must do my best!!
Hakata Be-1 was hot/exciting! The backstage was small but the live was pretty exciting. The atmosphere was also good. I didn't dive but it was live where I wanted to dive! After the live we did a quick party, and everyone went bowling (laughs) it was really fun. After that me and a couple of people went out and ate rate. We will come again to Hakata.
Finally, we came to Matsuyama.
When I remember it was early. Before I realized it [we were there]. When I think of going home to Tokyo, I felt lonely. As for the live due to a miss with the song order we weren't able to get into high spirits but at the very very last it was nice that the fans who stayed during the encore were able to sing "GARDEN" with us. Well, the last live is Budokan!
Thank you Matsuyama!
Well, finally today is Budokan! In this place everything up until now will...I will not forget a day like today, I will never forget the fun on this day...and the regret (this is again getting old (laughs)) I can't say this well into words but since I think that there is nothing that doesn't change, at the very least I don't want my feelings and memories to not change. Forever. And more importantly to every who's been supporting us until now, thank you very much!! From now on let's fly higher and higher together.
From today we will go to LA because of recording. We will train under Yoshiki-san's guidance. Please look forward to and wait for the next song!! In addition, please read Mr. Inoue's page for the LA journal!
Toshiya first nude!!!
I also had this period (laughs)
So embarrassing~ (laughs)
Congratulations on your marraige Chara-san!
I hope you two will be happy (laughs)
Drop in sometimes! (The person on the right was the engineer of "I'll")
This time it ends here. Did you enjoy it? On January 20 the singles were finally released at the same time. To the who haven't listened to it, please listen to it! If possible please seriously listen to it with the volume on loud! Well, let's rendezvous again at the "Aibiki no Mori"!!!
Translator's Notes:
1. Gy?tan (???) is a Japanese food that is made from grilled beef tongue. The word gy?tan is a combination of the Japanese word for cow (?, gy??) and the English word tongue. Since gy?tan literally means "cow tongue," the word is also used to refer to cow tongues in Japan. The custom of cooking gy?tan originated in Sendai in 1948, and is usually served with barley rice, tail soup, and pickles in the Sendai area.
2. Dorayaki (????, ????, ????, ????) is a type of Japanese confection which consists of two small pancake-like patties made from castella wrapped around a filling of sweet red bean paste.
3. The numbers that Toshiya was referring to in the column was this line of random numbers that divided the column into the top and bottom sections. Please refer to the original.
Kyo's Corner (Announcement)
Among the postcards sent to Kyo’s Akuma ka Warumono ka, there was one that seemed to have lies written on it, as long as that kind of fan is there, this corner is spoiled/ruined and I am enraged.
I was so angry and shock that I opened a hole in the wall, and after that I never spoke anything about the fanclub
Because of that this corner is on a break.
What a nuisance
SEXUAL Inoue LA Diary
"a knot" told me that anything is fine so write anything about the LA recording so I am seated in front of a typewriter, well, I don't have a typewriter! Typewriters are old! So hello. This is the manager, Atsushi Inoue.
After Budokan finished and after the storm of <interviews, photoshoots>, before coming to LA, in order to concretize the sound as much as possible, everyone was confined to the studio. Then to LA ---- then again at Narita (international airport) there were a couple of fans...(mid-November was written on the flyer that was distributed at Budokan. Fail.Fail) but since everyone sent us off without causing any inconvenience we were relieved as we got on the plane...ah~(roughly 10 hours)~later we arrived in LA.
Then we had a meal together with the local coordinator and co. -- we had Lunch Time at a pretty clean looking pizza and pasta restaurant. As expected of America, the volume was incredible. The food and also the lady next to us...sorry...but the Beer was delicious.
Then we checked-in in the hotel, and was surprised when we got to our rooms. It was big big. It also had a kitchen. Yey (but at this time I didn't think that in the end I would sleep in the room and go home since I couldn't cook...sigh)
We placed our things, and everyone gathered together! We went to the studio ---and was surprised, it was big big. The studio and also the meeting room. After waiting for awhile, we had a pretty brief meeting with  Mr. YOSHIKI and the engineers, foreign staff etc. (about the equipment and flow etc), It seems that there will be a break once per week. Lucky (But...at this time I didn't think that the first week was a photoshoot, the second week was a break but from the third week there was no break...sigh) (Recording flow is everyone plays the music together, then Drums?Bass?Guitar?Guitar?Vocal - this seems to be the basic flow but there are times when the Guitar follows after Drums, and times when Vocals are added soon after just the rhythm is recorded. There are also times when they are working on the next song while the Vocalist is recording. So it seemed like it wasn't definite that it would follow this order. )
After the meeting finished the busy Mr. YOSHIKI wasn't able to come eat with us after but the members and me and the office people, recording company people and the coordinator went to get food -- Even in LA there are quite a lot of sushi restaurants where we had Dinner Time but as expected it lacked something/wasn't the greatest...but the beer was delicious. Thus the first day ended with this.
From now was the real part, the second day in LA, for the meantime all of the members worked on "Akuro no Oka". They took a recording of it playing together while choosing instruments and equipments. This took one whole day. LA third day based on what was recorded the previous day, recording started from drums. This took one whole day.
Fourth day bass recording while playing along with the drums of the previous day. This took one whole day. Fifth day guitar (Die) recording while playing along with the sounds recorded until the previous day. This took one whole day.
*By the way the members were at the studio and saying things like this and that and did individual practice while somebody else was recording.
The next day was a day off from the studio, and was a photoshoot day for Dir en grey. From early morning we were at cameraman Mr. William Hames' studio for make-up. Then downtown and on rooftops, under the bridge, railway tracks etc...there were also pretty dangerous areas, foreigners were looking at us oddly, and it was pretty unbelievable/awesome. The photoshoot finished at dusk. "My legs hurt." ???Shinya
Then we went to get food --- it was a pretty famous steak restaurant where he had DinnerTime. It was a restaurant with only courses, even if I was full before the meat came when it appeared it was big big!. I wasn't able to finish it but the Vocalist not only ate meat but also a big lobster. After finishing desert we went to the hotel -- "I ate everything that was in front of my eyes. The lobster was delicious." ???Kyo
Then recording day again, Kaoru the Guitarist's recording. The next day too.
One day during the first week, coming home from the studio at midnight everyone went shopping at a big supermarket (there was a big refrigerator, stove, oven, dishwasher etc. in the hotel) everyone bought a lot of different things. One person got large ice cream, then another person got large meat, then another person got large potato chips etc???"Ice cream is the best"???Shinya
The first week, it was Mr. Yoshiki's birthday so the members, staff and studio people all celebrated with champagne. "HAPPY BIRTHDAY"???Dir en grey
This is the second week. All of the members began with pre-production for "Yurameki" a song that they haven't finished yet at the same time with the vocal recording of "Akuro no Oka"!?
Two people were down during the "Yurameki" pre-production First it was Kaoru who didn't speak much when we arrived in LA, when I placed a hand on his forehead, it was pretty hot. When I thought about it he was fast asleep and slept in the room on the 2nd day. By the way at this time, he didn't seem to have an appetite so the coordinator and I went to a Japanese store and bought medicine, rice, instant curry, instant congee, miso soup etc.., I brought it to his room and Kaoru-kun in his room seemed pretty lonely. "Kukure Curry was the best"???Kaoru
Then the next day after he got better and went back to work, Toshiya was down. He also slept in his room for two days. This time too I went to the Japanese store.
Getting harmony was this difficult! There is a considerable amount of vocal harmony (voice singing in chorus) included in "Akuro no Oka" "Yurameki" but the equipment that we used at that time was awesome because there was only two in the world, it was too great! It was that kind of equipment but it was troublesome because when the Vo would sing a little bit it would stop and then everything would become confusing, and caused the Vo to get in a bad mood. "I the Hakaider will hakai you (I the destroyer will destroy you)"???Kyo
Design check on the internet is di?ffi?cult There are various different design related things such as the jacket design, card, poster etc, the members would think about it together, and faxing the rough draft design was difficult, so in order to properly see the color and form it has to be through the internet. This was also troublesome since this was three singles the size was too big and it easily won't come. Printouts also took time and we had to redo it several times so it pretty much took a lot of time. "It's finally here~it finally came~"???Toshiya The sole holiday In LA there was only one day break, and it was the most important holiday in America, "Thanksgiving". The studio was on a break. And believe it or not Universal Studios where we wanted to go was also on a break???it seems that on this day the whole of America is on holiday and everyone is at home???boohoohoo???then again since Yoshiki invited us to eat turkey at his house on the previous day, everyone was treated to good food. It was really delicious. "Only 15 more minutes???only one more???Let's finish it with this"???Die
Shopping GO!GO!GO! The members didn't really have much of a chance to go out so when they found some time they would go out to shop. (Not all 5 members???) I think they shopped a lot at Tower Records? On the day of mastering (the day before they go back to Japan) even for a short time went and shopped at the stores in front of the Universal Studios entrance and a big department store, Melrose Avenue but everyone bought only CDs. (Well there was a person who bought clothes and accessories) "I bought a ring but it was also sold in Marui"???Kaoru
The local staff and engineer and studio staff were as expected all foreigners so I thought that I should work harder on English but the recording engineer Mr. STAN KATAYAMA was Japanese and was pretty laid back but he was fan and the members seemed to have had an easy time recording. But the instrument technician and other staff everyone were foreigners. We sort of had a hard time with the finer details. "I will study English."???Die
Local coordinator? Mr. GEORGE The whole time during the LA recording Mr. GEORGE (ex. LADIES ROOM) was in the studio and taught us different things. (English, music, billiards, muscle, games, grit/determination, that thing, this thing, and until that thing???) he really helped us. He brought us along shopping and even called us because he bought a Xmas tree in his room (together with Guitar, Guitar, Bass) At that time he showed us the last scene of Armaggedon, at any rate thank you very much. "Aah, how are you president?"???Toshiya
Best Producer There was a lot of surprising and interesting things about Yoshiki. I think that we are still indebted to him, we will be counting on him even from now on.
"Thank you very much. We will be counting on you." (in harmony)???Dir en grey
Translator's Notes:Kyo was referring to "Hakaider" who was a character featured in the movie
Mechanical Violator Hakaider (????????? Jinz? Ningen Hakaid?)
NEWS L.A. Edition
Kyo…having a hard time!!! We have new information about Kyo. A tragedy has occurred. After spilling oil and making his kitchen sticky, he recklessly threw his garbage and the oil further spilled all over his kitchen. We still don’t know whatever happened to him.
Birthday Guessing 12 Choice Game Big Break
It seems that a birthday guessing game seems to be popular around the members.
1 March 2 September 3 June
12 *…
A deer appeared in the hotel!
Shinya walking alone angry!?
?/?, Shinya who was annoyed at Manager Sexual Inoue over a trivial matter went home alone until the hotel. Because of that the manager further got mad at him. As if to add insult to injury…
Exclusive Scoop Toshiya! Incident in Italy
An incident happened to Toshiya who went to an Italian church for a certain PV shooting in 1998 (or caused an incident). That church does not allow people to bare their legs, (because it is against God), and Toshiya who was completely unaware of that appeared in the church with his bare legs with abandon. There area was in uproar. In the end Toshiya spent his waiting time with his legs wrapped in a cloth.
Kaoru, W face to face meeting!
Sources say that Kaoru was thrilled by the W face to face meeting. The first one was a face to face meeting with Asuka from “Evangelion”. It seems that Bay FM planned it in secret and called her to appear in the show. Regarding this incident, Kaoru commented “Oh my~, I was surprised”. The other one was a face-to-face meeting with Shiina Ringo at Music Station (a music show). If you even look at Kaoru’s corner you’d know that he is pretty into her and expressed his joy on their first meeting.
Die, mysterious behavior!?
An uncanny incident occurred since “aknot” started. Die drank alcohol and was drunk, mistaking it for his shoes, he tried wearing a bag on one foot and a magazine on the other foot. After getting some more information, he was grunting and thought that those were shoes and struggled with it to a considerable degree.
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