oescudero1 · 3 years
Mom’s love can’t be compare
I do not agree with the example of shaming boys, when their mother kisses them on the cheek. In Latin American culture there is nothing more special than the affection of a mother. On the contrary, it is embarrassing if your mother or family does not love you, because they will have their reasons. 
The authors could have reflected other situations where men do not express their feelings freely, without involving the mothers who brought us into the world. I do not consider that the love of a mother makes someone aggressive and violent, it generates relaxation and displays of affection.
Kantrowitz, B., & Kalb, C. (1998). Boys Will Be Boys. Newsweek.
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oescudero1 · 3 years
Gender Roles: Biology defines ourselves.
God designed all humans, each biological structure has a function and are important for society. That contributes next generations. Biology is more important in defining gender roles than cultural beliefs.
During history, women have been dedicated to home labors and taking care of children because of lactancy. While men builded a meaning of going outside home to generate better life opportunities.
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oescudero1 · 3 years
What’s the other thinking?
I have notably developed my interpersonal intelligence by reading different books because understanding the human being makes me curious. Observing the behavior of colleagues and strangers, made me reflect many times if I should be able to study something in the field of psychology, later on knowing myself and developing my intrapersonal intelligence I analyzed that I could learn more from other fields. Finally, I have continued hindsight exercises to reach my full potential in these two intelligences.
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oescudero1 · 3 years
When the covid-19 began to be part of our lives, all the professors began to send essays or research papers related to the disease.
This led us to investigate through web articles, because being a novelty, the information only appeared on these portals while everyone was at home.
The internet was an excellent research resource, while teachers thought of the same kinds of tasks, students struggled to obtain a different source and with more relevant data than the previous one.
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oescudero1 · 3 years
The first time I read the article, I started to think about a part that says: "Give them a chance to learn about the world at first hand". Because it is a thought that leads to reflection on what is being taught in schools, is it a reality inscribed in a book or instead is it a book that resembles reality?
What is happening is that students are learning how to live outside the classroom, acquiring all knowledge without contact to the outside world, pure knowledge instilled under the same basis and guidelines every year, few are the adjustments, but the punishment to the creativity continues.
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oescudero1 · 3 years
Each culture has a different perception of what it is to be on time and what it is to be late. But what impacts the most is the waiting time between the two and how each culture reacts.
It also depends on the social situation to which it refers, because an interview is very different than a party. For business and family, being even earlier than expected is a sign of respect or affection, while for a party at your friends' house, if they tell you that the party starts at 8 pm, it really starts from 10 pm.
Time does not stop, it continues to run, only that it depends on the context, and how to take advantage of it and comply with what is estimated. I would love to know how the schedules work at the parties in your countries, so that the day we all meet, no one is late and everyone feels comfortable.
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oescudero1 · 3 years
One day in class, I was sat at the last row of the classroom, everything in the class turned more common for me because people stopped being shy in class participation, then I raised my hand as I usually do to respond a question that professor asked to the group. Later, I noticed that I was the only one moving the hand to get the attention of the professor, while the rest of the people just had their hands quiet and in the same place if their arms where static. Moments after she says something about be paccient when we raise our hands, I knew it was refered to me, American people do not participate as the same way Venezuelan people tries.
In my homecountry schools make us understand the relevant thing of highlight in a multitude if we want to participate and expose our point of view or just answer a question. The case is that I learned to move my arm and make circles with my fingers while raising my hand to take the attention of the speaker.
Otherwise in this situation I got speaker's attention by creating a kind of distraction, but she remembered on time that I'm an international student so she didn't judge me. The good point of view from this situation is that now I know how to raise my hand in class as my classmates.
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oescudero1 · 3 years
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If it’s your first time in Venezuela, you should know that is a multicultural country in South America. Since the last century, people from all over the world decided to move in because there were a lot of jobs and new industries to introduce to this part of the continent.
Today, is completely different, people tries to leave when they have a chance because it exists a political and humanitarian crisis, the worst thing you could do while taking a trip in our special country is ask about the situation, it’s something difficult to explain.
But not everything is bad there, you should try and prove all Venezuelan foods they serve you, it’s disconcerted to refuse a piece of our very different flavors, while let you enter to this new food we are welcoming you to Venezuelan family.
Come visit our beaches, are the best from South America!
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