#and am still debating whether or not to eventually post it as a oneshot still for funsies
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synonymroll648 ¡ 2 years ago
i'm sure i've got a post about this somewhere, but i can't find it, so. time to make a new one! send me a sunshine emoji to receive a snippet of a summertime keefitz fic :)
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tumblingghosts ¡ 8 months ago
Hello im rlly interested in all these time travel things.
im wondering if you have more of felix/clemensia timetravelling?
i didn’t, but your ask did get me thinking about both felix and clemensia being sent back…
(more below the cut)
also highly recommend the following if you haven’t already:
@felixravinstills wrote this response about felix landing back at eighteen as well as made this post about felix landing back at five (right after his parents die). also i have a oneshot about felix time travelling from dill’s pov. 
@meekmedea has an entire masterpost for their time travelling clemmie au where she lands back at eight-years-old. but also wrote a fic where clemensia ends up back at eighteen right before the tributes arrive. and i have a pov swap from reaper’s perspective for their fic.
anyway, onto felix and clemmie in the past!
there’s a couple different ways i could see this going, but i’m going to assume in all these cases that they died around their 30s (probably coriolanus, for different reasons- clemensia was likely a risk for him since they were friends and he didn’t want anyone who knew him that closely to potentially turn on him, and felix’s family name gave him a political influence that coriolanus wanted to get rid of). anyway: 
i. back to the games
i think they’d catch onto each other pretty quickly in this case. with so little time before the tributes arrive, if they want to gain any kind of favor, it’s going to have to be pretty distinct. clemensia was just planning on going to the train station to meet reaper, when she finds out that everyone is heading to the station on account of felix insisting that it be made a class trip, if mentoring the tributes is meant to be a class assignment. 
clemensia puts it together quickly after that. there’s likely going to be some debate on whether she reveals to felix that she’s also a time traveller, and eventually decides it’d be more advantageous to loop him in. besides, since they’re mentoring the same district, it wouldn’t be odd to see them together ‘making plans’ as it were.
so she does. felix hasn’t actually realized that coriolanus was the one to get him killed yet, but that’s mostly because coriolanus kept himself more distanced when he killed felix. clemensia fills him in with her suspicions though, and after a quick panic over worrying there might be other time travellers among them, they start to make some plans.
short term plans include being better mentors & keeping any of their classmates from dying with clemensia handling the former since she’s more personable (felix objects to this, claiming he’s plenty charming, but he doesn’t win that argument) and felix dealing with the latter (because if there’s one thing that he can do by throwing his name around, it’s getting better security measures put in place).
it is much harder than expected to get dill the medicine she needs, and it ends with getting most (if not all) the tributes some better conditions out of ‘fairness’ (i.e. food, water, medicine, etc.) but doesn’t help with the fact that they’re all still in the zoo. except...it kind of does, because investing more materials also leads to many of the mentors investing more time, and somewhat growing pretty attached - not enough to do anything as drastic as actually speak out against the games, but enough to ‘conveniently not notice’ when a mysterious scuffle draws the peacekeepers’ attention away during the preparation for the tribute interviews and about a third of the tributes are gone by the time there’s a headcount.
there’s some talk about this being planned, but felix throws a fit about how dare you and what are you implying and this never would have happened if you knew how to do your jobs properly and don’t you know who i am?? they back of pretty quick after that. 
security around the zoo gets tighter in the days following, supposedly. mostly it’s just gaul heading announcements about what a threat the escaped tributes are. it’s not helped by the ‘tighter security’ being found unconscious one morning and the zoo enclosure completely empty. it throws the general capitol population into a bit of a frenzy. there are rumors and complaints about how the quality of peacekeepers have gone down drastically, though no one knows where they started (it was clemensia).
their original plan was nowhere near this, but with how little time they had to plan things out, they’re basically just manipulating everyone around them to turn a blind eye - the tributes aren’t stupid, they can tell which mentors are sympathetic enough to rely on. not trust, exactly, but that they know won’t get them punished.
with the chaos of the tributes’ escape being a huge distraction for most of the capitol higher-ups, felix and clemensia have to finally confront coriolanus - not about the murdering them in the future thing, since he wouldn’t know about that, but about his attitude (since he’s has been pretty upset and confused about clemensia being more distant with him lately for seemingly no reason). felix is all for going full spite and making sure he never gains any sort of power ever again. clemensia agrees, but it’s also a lot harder for her to separate herself from coriolanus considering she had considered him a pretty close friend right up until she had gotten killed.
realistically, things probably wouldn’t go this smoothly, but it’s more fun to think about the various shenanigans they get into undermining coriolanus & aiding the tributes while “100% definitely not involved whatsoever” with the escape.
ii. back to eighteen (start of year)
sneakiest of the three options - they’re old enough to properly use their family’s influence, but also have more than enough time to make more gradual change. it starts small: some comments here and there, testing the waters to see how much they can say and still have people agree. 
clemensia starts to drift away from coriolanus, whereas felix grows openly antagonistic with him. clemmie’s main goal is to undermine gaul though - she has not forgiven gaul about the snakes and would not like a repeat of being bitten, thank you very much. since clemensia and felix aren’t close friends anymore (they were closer when they were younger), it takes a while for either of them to realize that the other is different. 
sure, they’ve noticed some changes, but had attributed different attitudes to their own influence. some changes, though, they couldn’t explain, and it only really starts to make sense when they come to the “oh, you’re here too” realization. felix is on board with the deplatform gaul plan, but it’s still a pretty difficult endeavor considering gaul has a close relationship with the president. felix might be his great-nephew, but he doesn’t think he can undermine her that way. 
coriolanus throws an extra wrench into things by assuming that, with felix and clemensia spending more time together, that felix is the reason clemensia is pulling away from him. it turns into a mix of high school drama and political subterfuge, where somehow the former is much more difficult for either of them to deal with. 
iii. back to their childhood
in the case where they land back in war times, their experiences are pretty different. felix is mostly doing family bonding time because he now has the perspective to actually connect with his much older cousins. clemensia, on the other hand, is majorly lamenting having to do childhood all over again. she was an adult! with independence! and she has to do primary school again! 
also, since i’m so fond of inky_dream’s trio of clemmie, felix, and iphigenia - they are definitely childhood friends. they haven’t gotten a chance to meet as much around the war, so interactions are pretty brief during those years, but once the war is over, clemensia and felix start to get odd feelings that things are much more different…
clemensia: wasn’t felix more of a brat at this age? felix: i feel like clemensia was less forward at this age… clemmie & felix: wait a minute-
iphigenia is pretty sure her friends have a crush on each other and is internally giggling at all their interactions. what’s actually happening is clemensia and felix trying to subtly test out if the other is actually a time traveller or not without actually saying it aloud. it comes to a head when sejanus ends up moving to the capitol and clemensia befriends him. 
felix essentially goes “yeah, no. actual-eight-year-old clem wouldn’t have done that.” and confronts her in private. clemensia has her “i knew it” moment and now they’re on the same page…except they’re also physically eight and there is a limited number of things they can realistically do being this young. people are hardly going to listen to the opinions of not-even-pre-teens.
it does help that iphigenia has roped sejanus into her plan to get her friends together because anytime they need to privately talk to make plans, iphigenia and sejanus are more than willing to cover for them so they can “have some time alone ;)” 
basically, it’s nia and sej being silly kids. buuut…felix and clemmie don’t realize that iphigenia and sejanus have made that misconception and assume the opposite. 
iphigenia & sejanus: aww our friends have crushes <33 nia & sej: we should give them time alone nia, aloud: oh nooo - i just forgot that i have to do something far away from here sej, aloud: um, me too! i’ll join you. far away. ;D felix & clemmie: wow, iphigenia and sejanus must really like each other if they keep trying to leave the two of us to they can be together. that’s cute. and it gives us the chance to get some private time to plan!
this one’s a mix of fluff and angst - lower stakes since they’re much younger and have more time, but also they’ve pretty much lost everyone they knew. if they change things, all the people they knew will grow up to be different people. similar, maybe, but not the same. and as much as they try to forget that, it’s not easy seeing those familiar faces and realizing that the differences they create are shaping different people too.
i do like to think everything works out for the better though ^^
(these were all written with felix & clemmie as a friendship, but they could easily dip into a felix/clemensia romance - especially for scenario #3 where they really only have each other to talk to since everyone else is treating them like children.)
thanks for the ask! :D
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lostinfantasyworlds ¡ 3 years ago
Hi! First of all, I just wanna say that UNTL is definitely one of my best reads this year. Thank you for sharing that masterpiece.
What should we look forward to next year? Any WIPs?
Omgggg I am so honored sldkfja;sd thank you so so so much 🥺😭 ❤️I just —
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I do have a few WIPs and I will give little summaries of each under the cut!! They are in order of when I will most likely finish them)
 Under the Northern Lights post-canon PWP oneshot - I’ve had all kinds of little snippets pop into my head of Inuyasha and Kagome’s lives together within the UTNL universe, and I always write them down. Most of them are smutty because I can’t seem to help myself hahahaha. This one is the most fully-formed idea that I had a few months ago, and wrote down a whole rough draft in my phone. It actually takes place on New Year’s Eve, which is why I was hoping to have finished UTNL well before the end of the year so that I could have posted this follow up oneshot on/around NYE, but OH WELL. It’s mostly just porn anyways, but includes a tiny hint of plot that actually ties in with the epilogue! (you will see a reference to “New Year’s” in the epilogue, so just know that you will eventually be getting to read the whole story 😉)
The First and Last - Modern AU that could either be a long oneshot or a multi-chapter depending on how long it ends up being. Currently it's only about 4.5k words, but still super rough so it could definitely end up being multi-chapter. I'm so excited about this one because childhood-best-friends-to-lovers is one of my all-time favorite tropes (Kim Possible and Ron Stoppable were my first ship before I even knew what shipping was...), and now I'm FINALLY going to have a story of my own using that premise! This story is inspired by the summers I spent as a kid at my grandparent's cottage in Maine. It was in a very tiny coastal town, and was on a quiet street with a few other summer homes, so I would see the same kids every year and we would all hang out. And I may have had a smol crush on one of the boys that I would see each summer😏. So this story is InuKag in a very similar situation!! I love this one and can't wait to share once I go back and fill in all of the middle parts 🥰
Sometime Around Midnight - Modern AU multi-chapter based on  a song of the same name by The Airborne Toxic Event. I actually came up with this as my first multi-chapter AU back in January/February before UTNL randomly forced its way into my brain and took up my entire life for the rest of the year. I'm still really excited about this one, and have a whole elaborate backstory planned out, but am actually really stuck on how I want the plot to go past the initial couple of chapters (which starts off as pretty much just a retelling of the lyrics of the song). It won’t be super long, probably only 3 - 5 chapters, but I really can't decide on an interesting enough way to end it 😆.  I'll figure it out eventually, though!
The Girl at the Rock Show -  Modern AU enemies-to-lovers fic that I wrote for @goshinote’s birthday back in October! I was only able to get it to the point of being a super rough draft (that was still over 6k) by the time of her birthday, but I promised to get back and finish it eventually, which I still plan to do! I debated whether to publish it, since it’s very much written for Jane and her interests with lots of inside jokes/references lol , but I figure I might as well share it because someone else might enjoy too! The basic premise is that Inuyasha and Kagome are both working at a concert venue and do not get along at first. But....✨sexual tension✨is there and so begins a FWB type of situation that of course turns into something more...
A couple of canon-based very short oneshots - I have ideas for little missing scenes I would’ve loved to see in canon every so often, and have a couple of rough drafts written. One is my version of a little follow-up to the almost kiss in TFA episode 18, and the other is a post-canon idea of how InuKag’s first kiss might have happened based on the manga where they never kissed inside the jewel! Both are short and sweet and very fluffy. I started off with most of my ideas being canon-based, so I like to return to that as kind of my bread and butter after writing a lot of AU. I just love love love Inuyasha and Kagome’s dynamic in canon, and I consider it a fun challenge to write within that world and keep them as in character as possible!
Apart and Together (very tentative title, pls ignore lol) - This is actually the first fic I ever started writing after finishing the series! It is basically just my ideas of what might’ve happened during the 3 year separation, and how their reunion would have gone. It’s actually already like 20k words hahaha, but I started it so long ago when I knew nothing about writing, and have shifted my views on certain things, so it will require a lot of editing/restructuring to get it finished. Eventually!
Untitled Multi-Chapter epic-style long fic based on Darling in the Franxx - Post-apocalypse AU where demons (led by Naraku) have taken over the world and humans are forced to live in small areas under constant attack. Inuyasha and Kagome (and others) are paired up on a mission to gather fragments of the Shikon Jewel, in an effort to stop Naraku from getting them first. They don’t get along at all at first, but learn to trust and rely on each other over time, although they grew up as part of a selection of kids that were raised to be soldiers so they don’t know much about humanity/love/etc. Also there is a twist! The premise is loosely based on the anime Darling in the Franxx, minus the sexual robot stuff hahaha. This will probably take me forever to write tbh. I have a loose idea of the plot, but nothing really written so far. I want to write the entire thing before posting, so it might not end up getting posted next year but we'll see!
That is ALL of my WIPs that have actually been fleshed out into full story ideas! I have a handful of random scenes jotted down in my phone that could potentially become stories if I thought about them a little more, but I don’t like to have too many open WIPs at once, so I’ll try and get a few of those out before trying to come up with anything else.
Thank you SO SO much for this question, and for your support of UTNL! It means the world ❤️ ❤️ ❤️
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bisexuallsokka ¡ 4 years ago
author interview! thanks for the tag @hi-raethia :D
name: jo! 
fandom(s): i am so deep in the atla fandom but i will always have a foot still in the les mis fandom
where you post: ao3
most popular oneshot: emergency boyfriend! which was unexpected because i wrote it on a plane at 2am but i am so glad people like it
most popular multichapter fic: not necessarily a multichapter fic but my series open to question has some of my most popular fics :) 
favorite story you’ve written so far: this is such a hard question of my gosh. i really love a brush of fingers, a kick of shins, cross my heart, and (let me be) there for you
fic you were nervous to post: any of my fics where sokka has chronic pain. these come from a very vulnerable and very personal part of me so i always get really nervous but people are always so kind <3 it warms my heart when others with chronic pain leave sweet comments on these stories
how you choose your titles: i stare at the fic and debate whether it is worth the struggle of coming up with a title to post it at all. then i look up quotes and search through my spotify. they are mostly some variation of song lyrics i think or some other phrase that comes to me as i proofread
do you outline?: not really, just because i mostly write one shots. with those i will just write lines of dialogue i want to be sure to include and then just write the story to include those. i do outlines for longer fics though
complete: everything on my account is complete except for the zukka cat cafe au which will eventually get a fourth and final part
in progress: nothing atm
coming soon/not yet started: again, part four of the zukka cat cafe au
do you accept prompts?: yes! it might take me a long time to write them or i may not even get around to writing them at all depending on the prompt. but. go ahead and send them my way. especially chronic pain fic prompts. if you send them off anon, i can tell you if/when i will write it, if it’s on anon, well. you’ll live in uncertainty forever unless i end up writing it
upcoming work that you’re most excited about: the zukka tangled au! it is really coming together y’all
tagging: (if you want!) @bluberry-spicehead, @verdanthoney, @zukkababey, @gayronan
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artificialqueens ¡ 7 years ago
Tough Girl (Crameron) - Miss Bianca
Summary: Once she was perched on a stool, it took only moments for Kameron to realize that scoping out the place for a girl to take home would be hopeless. Not because there was any shortage of pretty ones, but because of a certain petite blonde woman who was standing behind the bar.
A/N: I’m back. Don’t know if anyone reading these days remembers me, since it’s been a few months, but bitch, I'm back. There’s a lot of s10 ships I’d potentially like to write, but crameron is at the top of my list, so here’s a long ass oneshot ft. witty dialogue, smut, and one hell of a plot twist. This will also be posted on ao3 (MissBianca), and please, for the love of god, tell me what you thought, either here or in my messages or asks (@mizkameron)!
“We’re getting too old for this bar hopping thing, you know.”
Asia reacted to Kameron’s statement with a shrug and a grin, hopping out of the front seat of the Uber and pulling open the back door.
“Speak for yourself,” she said, holding out a hand to help Kameron out of the car.
“‘M not too old for it,” Aquaria added, climbing out behind them on unsteady legs.
“She wasn’t talking to you, sweetie,” Asia laughed, wrapping an arm around Aquaria’s waist and squeezing her. “Also, you’re not having anything else to drink tonight.”
“Okay,” Aquaria said agreeably, her face scrunching into a smile as Asia kissed her cheek.
“Thirty-five isn’t anywhere near old in my book,” Asia said, looking over at Kameron. “And you’re younger than me! You know I can’t let you be a homebody until you’re at least fifty, Kameron.”
Kameron let out a sigh, smiling despite herself as Asia looped her free arm through hers and dragged the trio towards the third - and hopefully final - bar of the night.
Inside, it was hot and crowded, and Kameron regretted the decision to wear jeans the moment she stepped inside. Before she could even begin to get her bearings, Asia had vanished into a cluster of strangers with Aquaria trailing close behind her.
The bar was dimly lit and absolutely buzzing, music playing from speakers at the back and the rush of voices from all sides nearly drowning it out. Kameron wondered briefly where exactly the dividing line fell between bars and clubs, suddenly very aware that she was far too sober right now for this particular, club-like atmosphere.
Heaving a sigh, Kameron did her best to pull herself together, and made a beeline for the wall of drinks near the back, as had become routine for her whenever they went out. The scent of beer was strong, and the throngs of people that she passed were practically vibrating, the drunken excitement pressing in on Kameron from all sides and making her recede deeper into herself.
As much as she loved Asia, it took a good bit of alcohol and a lot of adrenaline for Kameron to feel like putting herself through her friend’s level of social interaction. Even though she’d had a few drinks already, they’d been spread out over several hours, and she didn’t think she was in the mood to push herself tonight.
If she was lucky, maybe Aquaria would join her at the bar after Asia tired her out, but it wasn’t likely. Kameron was always a bit of a third wheel with them, the odd one out. Despite Aquaria being the youngest by far, she was also one of Asia’s favorite people on the planet, which left Kameron fading into the background.
Regardless, going solo didn’t bother Kameron most of the time. Her solitude could be easily disguised as intentionally going out on her own, and her tendency to sit stoically at bars by herself, observing the people around her, made her come off as confident and interested in meeting new people. And in this particular case, her plans for her night centered on leaving with someone new - and not with her friends.
She only hoped that this bar wasn’t as straight as it looked.
Once she was perched on a stool, it took only moments for Kameron to realize that scoping out the place for a girl to take home would be hopeless. Not because there was any shortage of pretty ones, but because of a certain petite blonde woman standing behind the bar.
She was wearing a white tank top, and her hair was thick and bleached blonde, hovering around her face in curls that were just starting to get frizzy. Unlike most of the women Kameron had met who worked at restaurants or behind bars, she wasn’t bothering to smile at customers, her red lips remaining in a straight line as she took orders and mixed drinks.
She was definitely pretty, but it was something else about her, something about the way that she moved and stood, that had Kameron absolutely captivated.
“Miss? Can I get you something?”
Kameron jumped a little, turning to see another bartender, a black woman with a narrow face, looking at her inquisitively.
“I’m sorry, yes,” Kameron said, smiling distractedly. “Can I have a rum and coke, please?”
As the woman started to busy herself with the drinks, Kameron’s gaze returned to the other bartender, who was wiping the counter at the other end of the bar. Now that the blonde was farther away, Kameron could see the tight leather skirt that she was wearing, and she wet her lips.
“You eyeing my girl?” A drink had been set down in front of Kameron, and the black bartender was raising an eyebrow.
“Your girl?” Kameron asked blankly, blinking at her. “Are you two -”
“Nah, I’m just messing with you,” the bartender said with a laugh. “She’s a friend.”
“Oh.” Kameron took a sip of her drink, relieved but unsure what to say.
“Her name’s Brianna, if you’re interested,” the bartender added, a mischievous smile on her face. “I know her pretty well, and you look like her type.”
Surprised, Kameron took a moment too long to stammer out a thank you, the bartender disappearing through a door behind the bar before catching her words.
She kept her eyes on the blonde woman - Brianna, the other bartender had said - watching her mix drink after drink, cracking an occasional joke which Kameron could never catch, always resulting in uproarious laughter from whoever she was serving. Her hands moved so quickly, so surely, and Kameron found herself chewing on her lower lip as she watched.
Eventually, Kameron began to realize that taking the stool at the end of the bar might have been a mistake. It had been nearly a half hour now, and Brianna still hadn’t even looked her way. She didn’t want to get drunk, particularly, but the boredom was kicking in, and she found herself taking longer sips of her cocktail, just for something to do. With her tolerance, it was unlikely she’d get past mildly tipsy.
After another ten minutes or so, the inevitable straight guy wandered up to the bar to start hitting on her, starting with a canned comment about how lonely she looked all by herself, followed up by a long pause as he stared at her ample cleavage through the laced up front of her v-neck shirt. It was like clockwork, how all of them behaved almost identically, and Kameron observed with a vague sense of amusement, feeling almost as if she was watching the whole interaction from somewhere outside of her body.
“Lemme buy you a drink, sweetheart.”
“I’m fine, thanks.”
“What sexy thing like you wants to drink alone?”
“I said, I’m fine.”
“C’mon, don’t be like that.”
He stepped closer, just as Kameron expected. Sighing, she flicked her hair off of her shoulder, sliding the strap of her shirt down over her shoulder to give him a good view of the lesbian symbol tattooed just under her collarbone.
“Take a hint, asshole,” she said flatly, tapping it with a fingertip.
“Hey, maybe you just haven’t met the right guy yet.”
“If you’re really that desperate, I’ve got a friend named Boomer who’d love your number,” Kameron said with a shrug, skipping the bullshit and pulling out the final weapon in her arsenal to finish off the conversation for good. “You’re just his type. He loves the short, pretty ones.”
“I’m not gay!” The offense on his face was so dramatic that it was hard to keep a straight face, and Kameron pulled the strap of her shirt back into place and shrugged.
“Maybe you just haven’t met the right guy yet.”
Kameron turned her attention back to Brianna as he fumbled for words, finally muttering out some comment about how he wasn’t short or pretty, either, before melting back into the crowd.
Rolling her eyes, Kameron tapped her fingers on the cool side of her glass, watching as Brianna talked to the other bartender and wishing that she was close enough to get her attention without seeming desperate. It had to be after 1 AM by now, and the noise and crowded environment of the bar were rapidly draining what energy she had left.
There was a burst of laughter, and Kameron glanced up just in time to see Brianna plant a kiss on the other bartender’s cheek and leave through the door behind the bar, a purse slung over her shoulder. Making a split second decision, Kameron downed the rest of her drink quickly, then dug in her clutch for a ten dollar bill and placed it neatly under her empty glass.
Sliding off her stool, she made her way around the clusters of people as fast as she could, pushing out into the hot August air. As soon as she stepped outside onto the mostly-empty street, Kameron released a breath she didn’t know she’d been holding. She looked around for a back door, trying to figure out where Brianna might’ve left from.
Spotting an alley that ran alongside the building, Kameron headed in that direction, hoping that luck was on her side tonight. Resting a hand against the brick wall, she peered around the corner, and sure enough, Brianna was slipping out a door not too far away.
Glancing upwards, Kameron debated whether to walk down to meet her or wait on the corner. Staying put was probably the best idea, she figured, and it fit with the relaxed, collected vibe she liked to give off.
When she looked around the corner again, her stomach dropped.
Brianna was against the wall, a man that must’ve been a foot taller than her holding something that looked like a knife to her throat.
Kameron’s adrenaline kicked in instantly, her heartbeat skyrocketing, and she was running down the alley before she could even consider her options.
“Hey!” she shouted, breathless.
The man looked over at her just as she collided with him hands first, pushing him off of Brianna and hearing the knife clatter against the pavement.
“Fucking bitch!” The man swayed, clearly inebriated, and Kameron turned towards Brianna, resting a hand on her arm.
“Are you okay?”
Brianna opened her mouth to reply, and then a hand grabbed Kameron’s shoulder, pulling her away from Brianna.
“Stay outta my way!” the man slurred, winding his arm back.
Time slowed down, just for a second, and Kameron could see his fist moving towards her face. She leaned to the side at the last minute, trying to dodge the blow on instinct, and then a white-hot flash of pain cut through her cheek, and she saw stars.
Kameron stumbled, her shoulder colliding with brick, hand clasped to her cheek. There was another shout from the man, and she blinked away the tears that were clouding her vision.
Brianna’s hair bounced, and Kameron watched, dazed and disoriented, as the blonde’s fist collided with his gut, an upwards angle that made him grown hollowly and stagger. She threw her weight against him, shoulder hitting him squarely in the middle of the chest, and he fell backwards, crashing down onto the blacktop. He let out another groan, and then fell still.
Kameron stared, open mouthed, trying to process what she was seeing and unable to put the pieces together.
“Are you okay?” Brianna was making her way over, rubbing her knuckles, a concerned expression on her face.
Reaching up, she laid her hand over Kameron’s that was still pressed to her cheek. Brianna’s teeth dug into her lower lip as she lifted their hands away for a brief moment, surveying the injury. The pain had subsided inexplicably, and Kameron noticed for the first time that her own palm was slippery.
“He must’ve had a ring,” Brianna mused. Her eyes were big, a dark brown that Kameron hadn’t identified in the bar. “It’s more a cut than a bruise, doesn’t look too bad. Keep the pressure on it.”
“You’re pretty,” Kameron murmured, accidentally speaking her thoughts out loud.
Brianna stared up at her for a moment, a bemused smile slowly growing on her face.
“All right, let’s get you cleaned up,” she said decisively, pulling Kameron up off the wall and leading her towards the main street by her arm. “What’s your name?”
“Where are we going?” Kameron asked, feeling slow and stupid.
“My place,” Brianna said. “You’re not dizzy, are you? Can you walk without me holding you?”
Kameron thought about that for a moment, shaking her head to clear it, and then nodded.
“Yes, what?”
“I’m okay,” she confirmed. “Oh, and, Kameron - my name is Kameron.”
“Good, no concussion. I’m Brianna. My Uber will be here soon, so hang tight, babe.”
Babe. Kameron smiled.
The Uber ride was short, and they both sat in the back, Brianna keeping a slightly concerned eye on her. The cut was hurting again, but Kameron was distracted enough by Brianna’s close proximity to her that she wasn’t paying much attention.
When the car turned a corner, Brianna wound up leaning against her, one hand resting on Kameron’s thigh for support, and Kameron noticed for the first time that she was wearing perfume. After a few moments, she identified the scent as vanilla, strong enough to cover the stench of beer that would likely be clinging to her otherwise. Breathing Brianna in was calming and exciting at the same time, and Kameron could’ve sat like that with her forever, warmth spreading through her chest and a slight smile on her face.
By the time they’d arrived and climbed the four flights to Brianna’s apartment, Kameron felt much steadier on her feet, and she started struggling to wrap her brain around the series of events that had lead her to this point.
“What - what happened, exactly?” Kameron asked, hoping for clarification, as Brianna unlocked the door.
“You must’ve spotted me as soon as I stepped out the door,” Brianna said, directing Kameron inside. “And so did he, the big guy. He’d just pushed me against the wall - I think he was going for my purse - and then you came out of nowhere. Rammed into him like a runaway train.”
“Yeah, I remember that. I asked if you were okay.”
“Right, very sweet.” Kameron smiled at the comment, and Brianna continued. “He grabbed you, wheeled you back around, and went in for a punch. You dodged, I guess, because he only managed to graze that pretty cheek of yours.”
“I tried,” Kameron nodded. “But what happened after that is what I’m not, uh… not sure of.”
“Well, as heroic as it was of you to try to save me, I have a black belt in karate,” Brianna said, a note of affectionate sarcasm in her tone. “Did ya really think I’d be dressed like this in that area of town if I couldn’t defend myself?”
“I mean, I guess not,” Kameron said after a moment, looking down. A mixture of realization and embarrassment surged through her, and she cleared her throat. “You were… clearly very capable. I was actually trying to figure out if I imagined it all.”
“Nope.” Brianna shook her head. “He looked like was going to come at you again, so I did what I could. You know, took down the bad guy, saved the pretty girl. Everyday stuff in the life of your average bartender.”
Kameron laughed quietly at that, suddenly glad that her hand was still pressed to the cut. Hopefully, Brianna wouldn’t be able to see how her cheeks were flushed, as if she was a shy teenager again. All of the confidence and composure that she usually relied on to keep her anxiety at bay had been stripped away by the unexpected turn of events, and it was as if a rug had been pulled out from under her, leaving her struggling to catch her balance.
Kameron looked around at the small apartment, trying to distract herself. It was mostly one room, with a couple of doors to the left. She stared blankly at the small TV against the far wall, trying to figure out how she should feel.
There was no reference to go by - she’d never been saved or defended physically, much less by a woman a half foot shorter than her who unexpectedly turned out to be hiding a lot of muscle under her profoundly un-intimidating exterior.
“I’ll give you the grand tour,” Brianna said, pulling Kameron out of her thoughts. “This half is the kitchen, and the dining room. That half is the living room, starting with the couch. Kid-sized bedroom and bathroom are to the left. Luckily, I’m literally the height and weight of a large child, so it’s nice and roomy for me.”
“It’s hot,” Kameron said, realizing that it hadn’t gotten any cooler since they’d entered the building. “I didn’t notice at first…”
“Yeah, the AC’s broken everywhere except the bathroom,” Brianna sighed, rolling her eyes. “They won’t fix it. Good thing we’re going in there first anyway.”
True to her word, Brianna’s bathroom was both tiny and freezing, and Kameron felt oversized in comparison, her face hot as Brianna pushed her down by the shoulders, sitting her on the lid of the toilet seat. A slender thumb brushed just under the gash on Kameron’s cheek, and Brianna squinted slightly, her fingers tucking under Kameron’s chin to tilt her face up towards the fluorescent light.
Brianna made an inquisitive noise, brushing Kameron’s hair back and off of her shoulder, and then her free hand was moving from Kameron’s cheek to the side of her neck, tracing the tattoo there lightly.
“I like it,” Brianna said, under her breath. A fingertip slowly outlined the points of the crystal, and Kameron held her breath, immobilized by Brianna’s touch even as her heart raced in her chest.
“Thanks,” she managed to reply, her throat dry.
“If this scars, it’s gonna be really badass,” Brianna mused, her attention abruptly returning to the matter at hand. “It’ll probably match the whole look you’ve got going.”
Her entire body still buzzing from the teasing contact, Kameron swallowed and kept her gaze straight ahead until Brianna released her and moved towards the sink, stretching up to grab items from the cabinet behind the mirror. She was saying something else, but Kameron couldn’t collect her thoughts enough to listen, too busy watching as Brianna’s white tank came untucked and crept up her stomach.
She bit her lip, and winced as the movement pulled at the gash on her cheek. Brianna padded back over, soaking a cotton ball in disinfectant, and Kameron wondered absentmindedly why the other woman had chosen to wear stockings under her skirt.
“This is going to sting, babe.”
Brianna’s voice was low, a soft murmur. Her tank top was rolled up just under her ribs, and she was so close that Kameron could see the goosebumps rising on her stomach from the air conditioning. It occured to Kameron then, how easy it would be wrap her hands around Brianna’s tiny waist, rub her thumbs over the tight abdominal muscles and make her shiver for other reasons.
She was trying to work up the nerve to do it, figuring that Brianna did bring her back to her apartment and voluntarily position herself this close by, when Brianna lifted her chin again and interrupted her train of thought by dabbing the cut with the cotton ball.
The flash of pain made Kameron hiss, and she gritted her teeth, determined to maintain whatever composure she had left by staying silent and still as rock.
The next touch hurt even more, and Kameron dared to risk eye contact and look at Brianna’s face, needing something to distract her. Thankfully, Brianna was focused on her work, her brows furrowed slightly, lips pressed tight together.
The harsh lighting in the room should’ve been unflattering - Kameron knew she herself couldn’t possibly look good in it - but somehow, Brianna managed to be strikingly pretty anyway.
“Almost done, you’re not even bleeding anymore,” Brianna said under her breath, her expression slightly amused. “Look at you, tough girl. Staying all quiet and stoic.”
Brianna chuckled quietly, and Kameron inspected her expression, trying to figure out how to react.
“I’m not sure if that was meant to be shady or not,” she finally said after a moment, clearing her throat.
“Mmm,” Brianna hummed.
“You’re, like, really hard to read, you know that?”
“And you’re really cute,” Brianna replied, dabbing at Kameron’s cut one more time and then giving a little nod, apparently deciding to leave it at that. She turned, occupying herself with something by the sink that Kameron couldn’t see.
“Even after I made a goddamn fool of myself and got my ass kicked?” Kameron laughed a little, trying to compensate for her own embarrassment. “So stupid.”
“Yeah,” Brianna replied, wheeling back around with a genuine grin on her face and a handful of small butterfly bandages. “Definitely stupid, but also cute. Stupid-cute.”
“That didn’t feel like a compliment,” Kameron muttered, smiling despite herself.
“Well, take what you can get,” Brianna replied, leaning in again and starting to affix the paper stitches to Kameron’s cheek. The pull on her skin stung, but she bit her tongue. “I don’t hand out compliments often.”
“Do you bring random women into your apartment to play nurse often?” Kameron glanced up at her.
“Only when they look like they could beat me in a wrestling match,” Brianna said dryly, the corner of her mouth twitching.
“I think we’ve established that I most definitely could not.”
“But you could probably bench press me,” Brianna pointed out.
“Probably,” Kameron agreed, wondering if the comment gave her an excuse to reach for Brianna’s waist, or grab onto her hips, like she’d been itching to do all night. “Want me to try?”
“Tempting as that sounds, I’m currently saving your life, so it’ll have to wait,” Brianna deadpanned, and Kameron snorted.
A few moments passed in silence, and then Brianna tapped the edges of butterfly stitches lightly with her finger and nodded.
“Am I gonna make it through the night, you think?” Kameron asked, her lips twitching.
“Well, it was rough going there for a bit, but I think you’re in the clear,” Brianna replied, her tone overly serious. “You wouldn’t believe how many times I’ve had injured women flatline in this very bathroom.”
Kameron couldn’t help but laugh at that, standing up from her position on the toilet lid. Brianna was putting her first aid materials back into the mirror closet, the corner of her mouth turned up in a smile.
“You’re one of the lucky ones,” Brianna added. She pulled her shirt down, much to Kameron’s disappointment, and proceeded to shoo her out of the bathroom.
The sudden rise in temperature as Kameron passed through the doorway was was almost dizzying. For the second time that night, she found herself regretting wearing jeans, wishing that the vibe she wanted to give off to potential hookups didn’t have a dress code.
She leaned back against the counter in Brianna’s corner kitchen, running her hands through her hair and flipping it back. Brianna had already swept past her in a rush of vanilla perfume, and was in the process of methodically emptying her purse onto the wooden table. Kameron frowned, about to ask why she was taking out her sunglasses and wallet, but before she could, Brianna lifted the purse and dumped the rest of the contents - a surprising amount of wadded up dollar and five dollar bills - onto the table.
“You’re organized,” Kameron commented after a moment, watching as Brianna rapidly sorted through the bills, flattening each one with the heel of her hand before stacking them in piles.
“My only redeemable trait,” Brianna said dryly.
“I dunno, I think you’re a pretty good bartender, too,” Kameron said, crossing her ankles and resting her elbows on the counter behind her. “And a good substitute nurse. Not to mention that ass-kicking you did behind the bar.”
Brianna shrugged, a small smile on her face.
“That cut still sore?” she asked, directing the subject away from herself.
“A little,” Kameron said, trying to brush it off. “I’m okay, though.”
“I can tell you’re lying, you know,” Brianna said with a chuckle. “You don’t have to prove anything to me, babe. Vulnerability is sexy, or so I’ve been told.”
“I’ve heard that too.” Kameron flattened her hands against the counter. “Never really believed it.”
“Me neither.”
Brianna met her gaze, and they both smiled.
“But, really, though,” Brianna said after a moment, breaking the eye contact and picking up a bottle of pills that she’d taken out of her purse earlier. “I have ibuprofen, if it hurts.”
“Yeah, it does,” Kameron admitted. “Thanks.”
Brianna waved the gratitude away, and tossed her the pill bottle. Before Kameron could even ask for water, Brianna was filling a glass from the sink, and Kameron was impressed once again by how quickly she moved.
“Thanks,” Kameron repeated as Brianna handed her the glass.
“Mmmhm,” Brianna hummed. She had returned to the table, and was stacking the last bills. Kameron watched her hands, almost mesmerized, as rolled the stacks up, and secured them quickly with rubber bands from a dish in the center of the table.
“You’re very good with your hands,” Kameron said softly, and the corner of Brianna’s mouth turned up.
“Not the context I usually hear that in.”
Kameron took a sip of water, her throat feeling suddenly dry. Now would be the perfect time to make a move, but she couldn’t figure out how, positive that anything she said wouldn’t be nearly as quick-witted or appropriate as what Brianna might come up with. Frustrated, she chewed on the inside of her cheek, staring at the ground and hoping Brianna wouldn’t notice her annoyance.
“It’s late,” Brianna said finally, zipping her purse closed. “You should probably spend the night.”
When Kameron glanced back up at her, Brianna was already staring at her, an eyebrow cocked. The suggestion felt unmistakably like a challenge, and Kameron fumbled for the right response, the palpable sexual tension making her face grow hot.
“I can, if you want,” she said finally, the words tumbling out too fast.
“Well, I’m not sending you out on your own at this hour,” Brianna said resignedly. “I didn’t save your ass just to have you leave and get it kicked again.”
“Right,” Kameron nodded, forcing out a laugh and looking down again, a sinking feeling in her gut. “I can sleep on your couch, I guess.”
“Yeah, that’s definitely something you can do.”
Kameron cursed at herself internally as Brianna walked right by her and towards her bathroom. Whatever the challenge had been, she’d clearly failed, and Brianna seemed impatient, almost exasperated. Kameron grabbed her clutch from the counter and walked over to the couch, kicking off her pumps a bit more aggressively than was probably necessary.
She busied herself with her phone as she heard the water running in the bathroom, growing even more irritated with herself as she watched Aquaria’s Instagram story. She was clearly drunker than she’d been earlier, and every single video featured an almost-equally-drunk Asia pressed against her, laughing or kissing the side of her face.
The feeling of missing out on things due to her shy, introverted nature had been always been a constant in Kameron’s life, and over time, she’d grown to accept it. But tonight, it was frustrating, to say the least.
“Here, you can wear these,” Brianna called, tossing a bundle of clothing into Kameron’s lap.
Kameron mumbled a thank you, but Brianna was already walking into bedroom. She watched as the other woman started to strip, her back to the doorway, fingers sliding under the clasp of her nude bra. Coming to her senses, Kameron shook her head and focused her attention on the pile of fabric in her lap.
There was a t-shirt and a pair of shorts, and Kameron lifted the shirt, eyeing it amusedly. Clearly, Brianna wasn’t thinking straight. They probably hadn’t been anywhere close to the same size since Kameron was in middle school. She set them on the coffee table as neatly as she could, and flipped through notifications on her phone to distract herself until Brianna’s bedroom door clicked shut, leaving the rest of the apartment dark except for the light coming in through the window.
She kicked off her pumps and stood, peeling off her jeans and laying them over the arm of the couch. She didn’t even bother with the clothes Brianna had left her, figuring that the boyshorts she was wearing covered enough of her ass. And besides, if Brianna was to wander out of her room, there wasn’t really a downside to her getting a look at Kameron’s thigh tattoo. Kameron figured that with the amount of money it had cost, it deserved to be showed off. And if the way Brianna had traced the tattoo on her throat fascinatedly was any indication, it might just raise the chances of her leaving tomorrow with the other woman’s number.
After a moment of consideration, Kameron stripped out of her shirt as well, and collapsed on the couch with a sigh. She usually slept naked, even with her own, functional air conditioning, and it was far too hot in Brianna’s apartment to wear more than undergarments.
She flopped onto her back, tucking a worn out pillow under her head, and stared up at a crack in the ceiling. Brianna hadn’t given her a blanket, she realized. Then again, it wasn’t as if she’d use it.
Turning onto her side, Kameron huffed out another sigh. This night hadn’t turned out how she’d planned, and now that she was left with her thoughts, Kameron found herself growing more and more frustrated.
It wasn’t as if there hadn’t been an opportunity to come onto Brianna. In fact, there’d been multiple moments where Kameron knew that she could’ve made a move, not to mention Brianna’s obvious flirting and interest in her. Making moves on women was never a department she’d lacked confidence before, but there was just something about Brianna in particular that stripped away the facade that she usually wore for her one night stands, revealing the shy, unsure person that she was underneath.
The shift of dynamic was intimidating, but it was also exciting, and Kameron was surprised at how attractive she found Brianna’s toughness and command of every situation.
She just wished that she’d had the nerve to follow Brianna into her bedroom.
Rolling onto her back again, Kameron heaved another sigh. Her eyes had adjusted, and the room seemed practically bright now.
Suddenly, the bedroom door opened, and light flooded over the couch, making Kameron cover her eyes with her forearm. Propping herself up, she peered at the door just in time to  Brianna emerge in a pair of sleep shorts and a camisole, with an expression on her face that Kameron could only describe as determination.
“Hey,” Kameron greeted her, surprised.
“It’s too hot to sleep,” Brianna said by way of reply, passing by the couch without even looking at her. “You want a beer?”
“Um, yeah.” Kameron sat up and ran her hands through her hair, wondering if this was God or the universe giving her a second shot at ending the day right.
The small light in the kitchen area clicked on, and Brianna could be heard opening the fridge. Her heart rate already picking up speed, Kameron checked her phone for the time - 2:32 AM - and then shot Asia and Aquaria a text confirming that yes, she was fine, and no, she hadn’t gotten laid yet. She briefly considered putting her shirt back on, but before she could make a decision, Brianna was rounding the back of the couch and handing her an open beer bottle.
“Thanks.” Kameron glanced up to find Brianna staring at her, lips slightly parted. She took a sip of beer to hide her satisfied smile, suddenly feeling very grateful for Brianna’s overheated apartment.
“So, is there a reason why you’re practically naked?” Brianna said after a moment, perching on the edge of the couch, her tone almost too calm.
“Your broken air conditioner.” Kameron crossed her arms under her boobs, and looked over at Brianna. “And the fact that you’re several sizes smaller than me.”
“Giving you my clothes was pretty stupid, wasn’t it?” Brianna asked rhetorically, a short laugh escaping her as her eyes flicked up and down Kameron’s body again.
“Yeah,” Kameron agreed. “The fact that you apparently want to see me in your clothing is cute, though.”
“Stupid-cute,” Brianna said under her breath, and Kameron flashed her a smile.
The sleep shorts Brianna wore left her thighs exposed, and Kameron could see the flex of muscle under her pale skin as she crossed her legs neatly. Kameron swallowed thickly, her knuckles turning white as she gripped her beer bottle.
“I’d say I’m sorry about the heat, but I think we both know I’d be lying,” Brianna said.
“Oh, is that so?”
“Oh, so now you wanna play coy?” Brianna was leaning back on one of her hands. “Now that you’re on my couch in lingerie, it seems like the right time to act like you’re unaware of how hot you are?”
Yet again, the smile on her face seemed almost like a challenge, and Kameron was determined not to fail a second time.
“Hot?” Kameron could feel her confidence rising, the cocky attitude that she’d been trying to get back all night appearing all at once. “I dunno, I thought I was just cute.”
“Oh, please, now you’re just fishing for compliments,” Brianna laughed.
Kameron hummed amusedly in reply and shrugged, watching the smaller woman lift her own bottle to her lips, the line of her neck extending as she tilted her head back. There was a bead of sweat rolling down her chest, from the hollow of her throat to the space between her breasts.
“Like I said, it’s hot,” Kameron said, following the line of Brianna’s collarbone with her gaze. “I just couldn’t get comfy in my clothing.”
“It’s cooler out here than in my bedroom,” Brianna said.
Kameron doubted that. Maybe it’d been tolerable before, but now that Brianna was nearby and flirting with her again, the little clothing that she was wearing felt like it was sticking to her. She tossed her hair back, raking a hand through it in an attempt to get it off of her neck.
She could feel Brianna’s eyes on her, and resisted the urge to stare back for as long as possible, exhaling a long breath and rolling her shoulders a few times in an effort to calm down. When she finally turned to meet Brianna’s eyes, the other woman was biting her lower lip hard enough that it was a shock she hadn’t drawn blood.
The resulting rush of confidence nearly made Kameron’s head spin.
“See something you like?” she asked, raising an eyebrow.
Brianna stared at her for a moment, tongue poking out of the corner of her slightly open mouth.
“Alright, enough,” Brianna said finally, standing up. “Put down your bottle.”
“Put it down.”
Kameron opened her mouth, and then closed it, leaning forwards to set her bottle on the coffee table. Brianna dropped hers beside it, and then her hands were on Kameron’s shoulders again, using her for support as she climbed onto her lap.
Before Brianna could even settle her weight, Kameron was sitting up straighter and reaching for her waist. Brianna pushed her back against the couch forcefully, fingers digging into the hard muscle of Kameron’s shoulders, knees digging into the outsides of her thighs.
“No more dancing around this,” Brianna announced, voice breathy. “It’s happening, now.”
Not about to argue, Kameron gripped Brianna’s hips tightly, slid her thumbs up under her camisole, the heat of the other woman’s skin nearly enough to burn. Brianna made a noise in her throat, and Kameron took that as an invitation to move her hands higher, pushing the fabric up and dragging her palms over Brianna’s sides.
Brianna twisted in her hold, exhaling against Kameron’s skin, and Kameron couldn’t think about anything other than kissing her until the heat and lack of oxygen made the smaller woman lightheaded and soft in her hands.
As if she could hear Kameron’s thoughts, Brianna finally closed the rest of the space between them, one hand cupping Kameron’s jaw as she crushed their lips together.
The kiss was more like a collision than anything else, rough and hot, and Kameron let Brianna take control as soon as the other woman’s tongue pressed between her lips. She tasted like mint and beer, and Kameron felt drunk and clumsy, Brianna’s fingers combing through her hair, body pressing closer and closer every second.
She raked her nails up Brianna’s sides, pushing the thin camisole higher still, and Brianna’s responding moan vibrated against her lips. Kameron needed the clothing to be gone, needed all of Brianna’s skin bare under her hands. She needed both of them naked, stripped down and pressed together, slick with sweat and sex.
The moment Brianna pulled back from the kiss, she was leaning back, stripping her own shirt off and tossing it onto the couch beside them. She wasn’t wearing a bra, and Kameron cursed quietly, immediately moving her hands up higher to rub her thumbs over Brianna’s dark nipples. They were impossibly hard despite the heat, and Brianna’s breath caught in a perfect little moan as Kameron rolled one of them between her thumb and index finger.
“I was - I was waiting for you to make this happen,” Brianna said. “Why do you think I left the door to my room open?”
“I don’t know,” Kameron breathed, meeting Brianna’s gaze. “You seem so sure of yourself, I was just following your lead.”
Brianna leaned in to kiss her again briefly, one hand resting on Kameron’s shoulder and the other pulling down urgently on the cups of her bra, fingers digging roughly into her breasts. She released Kameron’s bicep, reaching behind her and deftly unhooking the bra, and Kameron shrugged it off as fast as she could.
“What the fuck?” Brianna panted the question, eyes wide and pupils dark as they flickered over Kameron’s body.  
“Yeah, they’re real,” Kameron said, huffing out a laugh and grabbing Brianna’s wrists, pressing her chest into the other woman’s hands. She sighed at the feeling. “I swear. Daily push-ups are better than any boob job.”
Brianna’s hands looked tiny cupping her breasts, the soft flesh spilling between her fingers, Kameron’s skin turning pale as she squeezed. Kameron wet her lips, unable to tell whether the sight or the sensation affected her more.
Before she could figure it out, Brianna was leaning down and sucking one of her nipples into her mouth. Kameron let out a small moan that was more like a whimper, her head falling back against the top of the couch. Brianna’s lips trailed higher, palms spreading Kameron’s breasts as she lapped at the sweat collecting between them.
Struggling to keep her lungs working, Kameron ran her fingers through Brianna’s platinum blonde hair, collecting it in her hands. She looked down, her stomach twisting at the sight of Brianna’s face buried in her breasts.
Closing her eyes, Kameron tried to gather herself, regain some control over the situation. And then, Brianna’s teeth dug into her skin suddenly, unexpectedly. Kameron cursed out loud, tugging on her hair sharply, and the responding moan from Brianna was absolutely filthy. Kameron squeezed her own thighs together, the rush of arousal making her dizzy.
Needing to hear that sound again, Kameron moved her hands closer to Brianna’s scalp, wrapping the locks around her fingers before tugging again, this time pulling Brianna’s head back along with her hair. Brianna groaned, gripping Kameron’s biceps and grinding down against her lap.
Kameron pulled her in, crashing their lips together again, Brianna’s hair tangled tight in her fingers to keep her still. She nipped at Brianna’s lower lip experimentally, and nails dug into her arms as Brianna let out a strangled moan.
The kiss felt more sensual than it had been before, less aggressive, and this time, it wasn’t difficult for Kameron to take control. This was far more familiar territory for her, and Brianna was practically melting in her grasp, going sweet and soft like ice cream in the summer heat.
The breathy whimpers and gasps that Brianna let out every time Kameron tugged at her hair were unbearably sexy, and Kameron felt herself losing total track of time, caught up in the intoxicating feeling of nearly suffocating from kisses that seemed to keep growing longer and messier.
Tilting Brianna’s head back, Kameron trailed her lips down the other woman’s neck, biting at the soft skin gently before soothing it with her tongue.
“Mmm, Kam, please.” Brianna was practically whining now, her voice weak and high.
“Did you want something, baby?” Kameron asked, hiding a smile in the hollow of Brianna’s throat and winding her fingers tighter in her hair.
Brianna only groaned in reply and squirmed, her hips bucking as Kameron sucked hard on her pulse point. Once she’d gotten past the tough exterior, Brianna was exactly the girl that Kameron had thought she was - the kind who begged, and whimpered, and left imprints from their nails in Kameron’s biceps.
Now that the power had shifted, Kameron was in her element, and she had to take a little time to enjoy it.
“I can’t do anything if I don’t know what you want,” she prompted, her voice low, pressing slow kisses up the pale column of Brianna’s neck.
“Fuck me,” Brianna breathed, giving in and tugging urgently at one of Kameron’s wrists.  
Unable to wipe the cocky smile off of her face, Kameron released Brianna’s hair, allowing the other woman to guide her hand down and between her legs. Leaning up to kiss her again, Kameron cupped Brianna through the thin, loose fabric of her sleep shorts, eyes fluttering shut at the damp heat against her palm.
Brianna was panting and whimpering into the kiss, gripping Kameron’s shoulders for support and grinding steadily against her hand. Their chests brushed together, skin against skin, Kameron’s nipples dragging over Brianna’s ribs with every movement and sending her body into overdrive.
When Brianna whimpered for more, Kameron didn’t bother waiting, pushing the crotch of her shorts to the side, breath catching as she dragged her fingertips through the sticky wetness beneath. She pressed two fingers against Brianna’s entrance, just barely dipping inside, gaze focused on how Brianna’s abs flexed as her hips rolled forwards.
“Mmmm, you want it?” Kameron teased, looking back up to admire Brianna’s flushed cheeks, her open mouth, her big eyes squeezed shut.
“Yeah - yes, Kam, please,” Brianna begged, voice pitching up into a whine as Kameron slid her fingers into her, hips bucking against the intrusion. “Fuck, more - I want more.”
“So bossy,” Kameron murmured, pushing a third finger in beside the first two. Brianna let out a drawn out moan at that, starting to ride Kameron’s fingers in earnest.
Kameron let Brianna do the work, pressing her lips to the other woman’s collarbone and occupying herself with leaving open-mouthed kisses along the taut skin. When she felt Brianna’s wetness dripping onto her thighs, she twisted her wrist, starting to squeeze in a fourth finger.
Brianna gasped sharply at that, eyes opening wide, thighs tensing as she tried to lift herself away. Kameron slid her spare hand down across Brianna’s cheek to settle at the base of her throat, fingers wrapping around her neck and squeezing ever so gently.
“You wanted more,” she said, her voice low. “So take it, tough girl.”
Brianna’s eyes darkened visibly, and Kameron stared right back, knowing that she’d never back away from such an obvious challenge. She squeezed Brianna’s throat again, just for a moment, loving the way the other woman’s breath caught.
Her nails digging into Kameron’s shoulders, Brianna sank down onto her fingers slowly, never once breaking eye contact. She let out a long, shuddering breath, and Kameron could feel her walls clenching and then relaxing. She squeezed her own thighs together, feeling the stickiness between them.
“So, are you gonna fuck me now, babe?” Brianna managed to ask, breathless, rotating her hips slowly. “Or are those muscles of yours just for show?”
Not bothering to reply, Kameron started to pump her fingers in and out, forearm flexing as she flicked her wrist. Brianna met every stroke, letting out little grunts of effort, her gaze trained on Kameron’s breasts.
“C’mon,” she panted, tossing her hair back and looking up to meet Kameron’s eyes once more. “Is that - fuck - is that all you’ve got?”
Narrowing her eyes, Kameron released Brianna’s neck and wrapped her arm around her waist, pulling the other woman’s hips down to force her fingers deeper. Brianna groaned, tongue poking out of the corner of her mouth.
Holding Brianna steady, Kameron increased her pace, biting down on her lower lip. The noises coming from between Brianna’s legs were filthy, her wetness dripping down Kameron’s wrist. Suddenly very aware of her own body, Kameron felt the burn starting to grow in her forearm, the sweat on the back of her neck and under her breasts, the ache in her core.
Brianna was twisting in her grasp, a mess of pants and whimpers, and Kameron pushed just a little harder, feeling Brianna’s channel shudder.
“How’s that?” she ground out, looking up just in time to see Brianna’s face contort, mouth dropping open in a soundless scream.
“Gorgeous,” Kameron breathed into the moment of silence, Brianna’s cunt rippling around her fingers.
And then, Brianna collapsed against her, hips twitching, moaning low into her neck. Kameron held her close, palm pressed to her back, fingers moving slowly inside her and helping her ride out the climax.
After another few moments, she pulled her hand away, Brianna whining weakly beside her ear at the loss.
Kameron wiped her fingers on Brianna’s thigh, and then wrapped both arms around her and ducked to kiss her shoulder, content to stay like that until Brianna came back to herself or fell asleep. The moments passed slowly, Brianna breathing softly and quietly, and Kameron realized that it might be the second option. She was slightly surprised to find that she didn’t mind that in the slightest.
This was always one of Kameron’s favorite parts, the moments just after. The other woman pressed close against her, shaky or shivering, relearning how to make her lungs work, how to open her eyes, how to put sentences together.
Brianna’s chest was resting against hers, face buried in her neck, and Kameron could feel her heartbeat slowing under her hands, breathing evening out against her skin.
She’d felt all of it before, but she didn’t think she’d ever loved it quite so much as she did now.
Lifting Brianna slightly, Kameron turned her body, repositioning herself as carefully as she could before pulling her own legs back onto the couch and laying the two of them down.
“Mmmm?” Brianna hummed, raising her head and blinking at Kameron.
“Hey there,” Kameron said softly, reaching up to brush Brianna’s hair away from her face. “You dozed off for a minute, baby.”
“Sorry,” Brianna murmured, shaking her head.
“It’s okay,” Kameron chuckled, echoing her thoughts from earlier. “I don’t mind. You can sleep.”
“But… I wanna make you come,” Brianna protested, the words coming slowly and hesitantly for the first time all night. “You’re so… so hot. Wanna eat you out.”
“There’ll be time for that in the morning,” Kameron said, a smile spreading across her face.
Brianna frowned at her, brow furrowing weakly.
“I’m fine, baby. I promise.”
Signing, Brianna gave in and let her head fall onto Kameron’s shoulder, arm winding around her waist.
“Thanks for trying to save me,” she said sleepily.
“Thanks for actually saving me,” Kameron said with a quiet laugh. “I got lucky.”
“‘M glad I met you, Kam.”
“I’m glad you made this happen,” Kameron replied. “I’m such a baby, I was too intimidated.”
Brianna chuckled, and nuzzled closer tucking her face into Kameron’s neck.
“You’re cute,” she mumbled. “I’m gonna give you my number tomorrow.”
There was a pause, and Kameron’s smile widened. She rubbed Brianna’s back gently, not having the words to reply and not feeling any particular pressure to find them. It was hot, lying close together like this, but Kameron felt too warm inside to care.
“‘M gonna be so sore tomorrow,” Brianna added after a moment.
“That’s your own fault.”
Brianna snorted, and Kameron felt her nod once. Then, she sighed, and her breathing evened out once more.
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