#and also when you think about when jack found out about it…. hm
mangoisms · 8 months
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too-much-tma-stuff · 4 months
Finally Getting Help (pt 3)
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What Tim and Bruce found was completely ridiculous. It really wasn’t hard to find the Doctors Fenton’s website but it was ridiculous! It was outdated and gaudy with animations of cartoony ghosts everywhere. If it hadn’t been for how clear Danny was about his parents' names Tim would have skipped right over it. But when he got past the terrible website design and started reading it his stomach just dropped lower and lower.
The writing was clean and scientific though it couldn’t disguise the malicious delight they took in tearing the creatures they called ‘ghosts’ apart. Whatever these ghosts really were Danny had been internalizing this attitude about Himself for years! They also bragged about their weapons and their government contract. So whether that was true or not Danny hadn’t been lying or delusional, it was his parents. And regardless of what these ghosts actually were it was obvious they were supernatural so RR sent a link to the website to Zatana.
RR: What do you think?
Tana: Lol is this a joke?
RR: I wish, I know it looks like one but no, this is deadly serious.
Tana: Hang on
Red Robin put down his phone to give Zatana the time to read over the site and looked more into Maddy and Jack Fenton while she did. He found their graduation certificates, and pictures of them in college with what must have been a much younger Vlad. So they were actually doctors of some sort, they had their doctorate, though that didn’t exactly make it any less likely they had gone fully off the rails now.
His phone dinged and he picked it up to see one short message from Zatana.
Tana: I’m coming to the cave.
Tim sighed and put his phone back down, spinning his chair to face B who was hunched over the computer typing furiously. “Zatana is on her way, I asked for her opinion of the Fenton’s research and she must think it’s big.” He said as he dug out a domino mask.
“Hm,” B sounded and went to get his cowl. “Report?”
“The Doctors Fenton are doctors, they got their doctorates though I don’t know in what yet. They’ve been friends with Vlad since university and they certainly at least think they’re studying ghosts. Their website has articles on behaviours and biology, and how to hunt and hurt ghosts. They brag about a government contract.” Tim summarized. “You?”
“The Ghost Investigation Ward does exist and they are a government agency but they only seem to be active in the town of Amity Park and they’re so inept! It wasn’t hard to hack them, they’re trying to sound mysterious and a little dangerous talking about protecting humanity from invasions from other worlds but I don’t think they’re actually that competent,” Batman said with a scowl.
“The only reason we didn’t know about this was because we weren’t looking! And it’s possible Danny is right and they were jamming calls from Amity to the JL, but I have a terrible feeling what actually happened if that the call came through and someone heard them talking about ghosts and rogue government agencies, assumed it was a prank and blocked them,” Bruce said massaging his temples.
“Ah,” Tim said, his heart dropping at how plausible that sounded. Could they have saved Danny before, if they had taken that call seriously.
“And Vlad is the mayor of his town, there are articles about Danny fighting him in public. It seems like everyone knew their relationship was antagonistic at best and No One defended him. The GIW also listed him in their special thanks for helping fund them. I wouldn’t be surprised if he’s been using them as a tool to threaten and control Danny.” Batman said with cold fury. Tim took a deep breath, and exhaled slowly.
“We weren’t able to protect him, but we will avenge him. And we’ll keep him safe Now,” Tim reminded his father. Privately thinking that as soon as he could he was going to tell Jason about this so they could Really make sure Vlad never came near Danny again. An arrest just wasn’t strong enough for a man like that. He wasn’t going to tell Bruce that though, obviously.
The sound of the Zeta tube interrupted their moment as Zatana arrived, looking slightly more ruffled then she usually did. She must have really rushed here, which was a bit worrying.
“Zatana,” Batman greeted.
“Hello Batman, before we talk I need to check your wards.” She said already walking past them.
“Hm,” Batman sounded, making RR smile a little, how Batman made that sound mean so many different things always sort of amazed him.
“I need to check the ones on your home too. And I’d like to meet the boy you have under your care,” She said briskly.
“How did you know about the boy?” Batman asked gruffly.
“Lucky guess,” she said briskly, her hands glowed as she walked around the cave, making seemingly random gestures as if touching or pulling on invisible threads. None of the bats really understood magic so they left her to it. When she was done they let her up into the manner, she knew their identities already after all and she checked all the wards on the home very thoroughly, occasionally casting spells to reinforce them. They collected Dick and Damian trailing after them curiously as they went as well.
“Alright, can I meet the boy now?” She asked, turning towards Bruce who crossed his arms and puffed out his chest a bit.
“Not till you explain to us what’s going on,” He growled and Zatana looked over the curious stubborn faces surrounding her and sighed.
“Fine,” she allowed, resigned. She rubbed her temples as she looked around for a chair and sunk down into it. “So what the Fentons seem to be referring to as Ghosts are actually denizens of the Infinite Realms, the space in between every world and afterlife. Some of the beings there were once people who died but many aren’t. They’re also known to be very powerful and quite violent though thankfully not particularly interested in the living. The fact that the Government is apparently messing with something like this is very bad news.
“Constantine and I have been keeping half an eye on the situation in Amity Park but they had their own pair of Heroes, Phantom and Red Huntress, who seemed to have the situation well under control so we weren’t all that worried about it. We weren’t tracking the more human elements of the GIW and the Fentons,” She bit her lip and thought for a moment.
“When Tim sent me that website and I was made aware of those, that changed things. What’s worse is the photo the Fentons’ have of their family. Their son… we knew Phantom looked young but ghosts often stay at a younger age than they really are, with how powerful he was we assumed he was Old. But he looks exactly like the Fenton’s son. Did they not notice he was dead or…” She looked around at their faces, apparently getting her answer from their expressions.
“There have been rumours for a long time about a very rare and powerful sort of living dead, humans soaked in the pure energy of the infinite realms resulting in a still living ancient. It’s so rare that people usually think it’s a fairy tale but with the work Phantom’s parents do it makes a sick sort of sense. And what it means is that that boy you have stashed away is basically a baby God and we all have to be very careful.”
There was a heavy silence as they all processed what she was saying. “Are you… sure?” Tim asked, uncertainly.
“I won’t be till I meet him, but I’m as sure as I can be without that at the moment,” she said firmly.
Tim sighed and pulled out his phone. “Cas is with him, I’ll text her to see if she’s up to meeting you. If he’s that powerful we don’t want to push him right?” He asked as he typed out a text to Cas.
“Yes. Like I said he’s been acting as a hero in Amity, he seems like a good kid but I have no doubt in my mind if he’s pushed too far we could have a truly apocalyptic situation on our hands,” She said which made Tim swallow thickly.
His phone dinged and he checked it. “Danny is willing to meet you but he’s really tired so go easy on him and don’t stay long,” Tim relayed her message.
“Alright that’s fine, thank you. Show me the way please,” She requested.
Bruce took over, leaving the way. “We don’t want to overwhelm him, I think only I and Zatana should go in, with Cas still there since he seems to feel safe with her,” Bruce informed his children.
“Alright, just tell us everything soon!” Dick demanded and Bruce’s lips twitched up in just the suggestion of a smile as he nodded to them.
He took off his cowl, he wasn’t in his full uniform anyway and he didn’t want to scare Danny. Besides if he had been a hero even if he clocked Bruce he would understand.
“Hello Danny, it’s a pleasure to meet you, I’m Zatana,” She introduced herself s she followed Bruce in. She would have offered her hand to shake but Danny was half hiding behind Cas sitting on the bed.
“It’s nice to meet you too. What’s with the outfit?” He asked curiously which made her laugh.
“I’m a hero, one of the less known ones. I’m part of Justice League Dark which is their supernatural division along with Constantine and Deadman and a few others. He’s a ghost, but I assure you the government hasn’t been giving him any trouble, probably because they knew they wouldn’t get away with it.”
“So I’m just lucky then,” Danny said with a bitter curl to his lips.
“As a hero, I want to ask, are you Phantom?” She asked rather bluntly.
Bruce shivered as the temperature in the room suddenly dropped a few degrees and Danny’s eyes started to swirl with green as he glared at Zatana who managed to barely react. Batman noticed how her back tensed a bit but it was barely there. “You know?” Danny demanded. “You knew about what was going on in Amity and you didn’t help?!”
“I’m very sorry Danny,” She said genuinely. “We knew something was going on, but we didn’t look closely enough. We thought that you were an older ghost just of someone who died young because of your strength, and it looked like things were under control. Normally our involvement wouldn’t have been appreciated, intruding on someone’s haunt, so we didn’t look any closer. I am so sorry we overlooked you but we’re going to make up for it now I promise.
“I’ve checked and reinforced the wards on the house so nothing should be able to come in uninvited, and I’m going to contact the rest of the JLD. We’re going to go to Amity, we’ll figure this out and deal with it I promise.”
The temperature in the room slowly went back up, Danny was still upset, but he didn’t seem like he was about to snap anymore. While Zatana had been talking Cas had started gently rubbing Danny’s back and that seemed to be helping too. After a moment Danny looked up again and nodded, accepting the help.
“The veil must be very thin there, to let so many ghosts through?” Zatana probed gently.
“It is, but more than that two years ago my parents succeeded in building a portal to what they call the Ghost Zone. This kinda green world of floating islands.
“A portal,” Zatana said flatly, blinking rapidly. “To the Infinite Realms?”
“Ah is that what it’s really called? Ya probably? That’s how everyone’s been getting through. How I got my powers too, the ghosts call me a halfa, but I’m not the only one. Vlad’s one too.”
Batman heard Zatana mutter “Two?” softly, baffled and alarmed but she nodded. Bruce filed that information away too, it seemed Vlad was even more of a threat then he’d first appeared to be.
“Alright, I’ll get as many of the JLD together as I can and we’ll head to Amity. We’ll shut down the portal and deal with this.” She said determinedly.
From the look on Danny’s face he didn’t really believe her, but he nodded again and leaned against Cas. “Good luck I suppose,” he muttered and sighed, rubbing his face.
“Just… tell me if you get in over your heads okay, I’m used to dealing with all this stuff.” God he sounded so tired, the poor kid.
“I will, but don’t worry about us, just take care of yourself okay? This is a good place to be, I promise you won’t have to be alone anymore.” Zatana assured him. She probably had more questions, but it was very obvious that Danny was getting tired.
“Bruce is good dad,” Cas chimed in, speaking up for the first time. It embarrassed Bruce a little but he smiled at them and nodded a little.
“Thank you,” Danny said, his shoulder slumped and his back curled. “Can I go to bed now?”
“Of course Chum,” Bruce agreed, starting to shoo Zatana out of the bedroom with Cas on their heels. When they closed the door behind them Bruce heard the lock click quietly closed behind them. He really hoped that Danny would feel safe enough to sleep well.
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ssahotchnerr · 6 months
could we maybe get some momfriend!reader and jack dynamics, maybe from before her and Aaron were even together?
something special
<333 cw; fem!bau!reader, very tiny blood description (& yes i know you're supposed to wash a paper cut right away but for the sake of the setting and aaron being cute i didn't include that step 😭), mentions of haley, mutual pining
"whatcha drawing?" you asked mid-writing, your pen flying across your paper but still finding the opportunity to peek over.
"spiderman and superman." jack replied happily, switching from a red to a blue crayon. "see, they're teaming up to fight the bad guy because he keeps doin' crimes."
about an hour or so ago, jessica had dropped off jack at the bau. long story short; she was called into work urgently and with aaron in a meeting, you were quick to volunteer yourself to keep him company. rather than cramming into the small space of your desk, and jack potentially hearing conversations or details not fit for a six year old, you've made home in the roundtable room. you could work, jack could color.
you had also fired off a quick text to aaron; letting him know jack was with you, a brief synopsis of the situation and where he could find you both once his meeting concluded. it had, and he was about to join, but found himself pausing outside the door, listening to your easy, lighthearted conversation for just a moment.
when it came to you and jack, there was just something about it. something extraordinarily special.
"i see," you nodded along to jack's words, an encouraging smile on your face. "that's really good. since when did you become an artist?"
"since always." jack grinned proudly.
"then you have to promise you'll make me a drawing soon. my desk is pretty boring, i need something to brighten it up." you held out your pinky, eyebrows raised. "promise?"
"i promise." jack linked his pinky with yours, and turned back to his masterpiece with renewed vigor.
a sense of warmth filled aaron's chest, the ends of his lips turning upwards into a faint smile at the natural bond you and jack had developed so quickly, over the course of a few weeks. deciding it was as good a time as ever to join, aaron reached out to fully open the door when a wince-gasp came from jack, stopping him.
"oh no," your head turned. "paper cut?"
jack nodded meekly, grimacing as his gaze shifted to you. his big, sweet eyes were tearful, "it stings."
"can i see?" he offered his hand limply, hanging downwards at the wrist. you cradled his small hand in yours; it was just a tiny cut - no more than a few centimeters, a faint line of red gradually seeping to the surface.
"hm, well," you huffed a breath, turning his hand face-up face-down - vaguely exaggerating the examination. you got up to retrieve the first-aid kit stationed in the room, aaron sidestepping a bit to keep out of potential view. "i think luck was on your side today, i don't think we'll have to amputate this time." you spoke with an airy tone, quick to bring light to the situation. it worked, jack stifling a laugh as you retook your seat. "nothing a bandaid can't fix."
there was the click of kit opening, a slight shuffle of what sounded like paper.
"and don't tell anyone i told you this," you applied a bit of ointment onto the bandaid before wrapping it onto his finger - not too tight or too loose, all to avoid cutting off circulation and to let the wound breathe. "we gotta keep extra band aids around because your dad always seems to get one himself."
"dad gets paper cuts? really?" jack's eyes widened in surprise.
just as his son, a breathless chuckle exited aaron; that wasn't necessarily true, but your intentions were clear: cheering jack up.
in addition, the last time he had heard someone talking to or interacting with jack like this - empathetically, attentively, motherly, was, well... haley.
it touched the usually unattended part of his heart that had been vastly empty since the divorce. since that one, horrible day. while the emptiness still lingered, you had made a pull at it. for a moment, you had healed it, even.
again, there was just something special about you. and again, the only way aaron could describe it was extraordinary.
"really." you nodded convincingly, tossing the little plastic scraps into the nearby trash bin, giving top of jack's hand a consoling pat. "it happens all the time."
aaron mentally rolled his eyes at that, a smile itching at his lips.
jack picked up his brown crayon, pain forgotten, eager to get back to his drawing. "i'm gonna draw daddy and put a bandaid on him. he's a superhero too, y'know?"
"yeah," your smile was rather bashful, your tone of voice so admirable it caused a blush to rise in aaron's cheek. "i know."
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the-travelling-witch · 3 months
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summary: when you forget to bring your jacket, an unlikely hero comes to your rescue; is there more to his chivalrous action than meets the eye?
pairing: kaiser x gn! reader
warnings: fluff, kaiser being kaiser; i’m still on hiatus but i have to free this idea from my mind or it won’t let me go, also i thought it was super fun when they spoke german in the manga so here we are
blue lock masterlist
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“Is it me or is it chillier than normal in here?” You asked, rubbing your palms over your goosebump-ridden arms. As an assistant manager, you’d been next to the pitch more often than you could count, but on this day it seemed like someone turned up the AC.
“Hm, dunno. Seems normal to me,” Kurona said after contemplating for a few seconds. “You’re not getting sick, are you?”
“I don’t feel like it, no,” you wondered aloud as you watched the Bastard München and FC Barcha players walk onto the court. As much as you’d hate to miss the beginning of the Neo Egoist League, perhaps you should make the track back to your room. “I think I’ll go grab my jacket—“
Your sentence was cut off by fabric covering your head, making you flinch in the sudden darkness.
“Hier, nimm meine. (Here, take mine.)” A voice that had quickly become familiar since the foreign teams were introduced passed by and when you lifted the front of the jacket, you found none other than Michael Kaiser in your field of view. As usual, he was looking rather smug for no reason whatsoever.
Still, he was one of the last people you’d expect to help you out, so the raise of your eyebrow was somewhat inevitable.
“Versteh mich nicht falsch, (Don’t get me wrong,)” he continued, cerulean eyes trained on you, “ich mach das nur, dass du von Anfang an zusehen kannst, wie ich Blue Lock vernichte. (I’m only doing this so you can watch from the beginning as I crush Blue Lock.)
“Und da ich sowieso nicht auf die Bank gehöre, macht’s mir nichts aus, wenn jemand meine Jacke aufwärmt. (Also, since I won't be benched anyway, I don’t mind having someone warm up my jacket for me.)” And with that, he sauntered off towards the centre of the field, the self-satisfied grin still tugging on his lips.
“He’s such a jackass,” Raichi scoffed, his jaw locked and a vein protruding from his neck. “Now I wanna play even more, just so I can teach him a lesson.”
“Now now, let’s not get hasty,” you chuckled, holding the Bastard München jacket in your hands. “As much as I understand where you’re coming from, I don’t think it’s a good idea to pick a fight with our guests on the first match day.”
The fact that you knew about the auction system and livestream you’d keep hidden for now.
“While I really don’t like the guy,” Kurona cut in before Raichi could add anything else, “I still think you should wear the jacket. It won’t do anyone any good if you really get sick. You can still go get yours after the match.”
“As much as I hate to admit it, I agree,” Isagi sighed next to him. “It is probably for the best.”
“Fine, fine,” you mumbled, sliding your arms through the comfortable sleeves of Kaiser’s jacket, bunching it up at your wrists so it wouldn’t cover your fingers.
And with that, the whistle signalled the start of the match.
To no one’s surprise, the match was shaping up to be a great one from the start, the quality and speed of the plays upped significantly with the inclusion of the top league players. Though, for some reason or another, you just couldn’t tear your eyes away from München’s number 10, the same number currently decorating your back.
You knew Kaiser was good, considering he was hailed as a prodigy for the New Generation World XI. And yet, seeing him play was a whole different experience from watching the tapes. From his superb ball control to his efficient movements and precise awareness of the field, all culminating in a lightning fast Kaiser Impact, he basically demanded your attention to be on him.
So when his gaze crossed yours after scoring a goal, you felt like you were getting caught red handed by the amused crease of his eyes. With the way heat shot up your body in embarrassment, you might not have needed his jacket anymore.
By the end of the match, your brain felt as tired as if you had played yourself, trying to keep up with the new level to which football at Blue Lock had been raised. Subsequently, you zoned out for most of Ego’s explanation of the auction system, only to zone back in as Kaiser’s 300 million Yen bid was displayed for everyone to see. And while you swallowed hard at that number, the striker in question seemed rather unfazed.
Instead, he sauntered over to where you were standing, still wearing his jacket. You were halfway out of the garment already when he came to a halt in front of you, his long fingers tangling in the fabric to keep it wrapped around your shoulders.
“Hast du nicht gesagt, dir ist kalt? (Didn’t you say you were cold?)” He asked, blue eyes sparkling down at you with an unreadable expression. “Behalt sie an. Zumindest bis du deine eigene holst. (Keep it on. At least until you get your own.)”
“What? No!” You protested, further trying to shrug off the jacket. Despite shoving it back down to where it came from, a small part of you agreed with him, not wanting to give it back quite yet. “You need it more than I do!”
“Hm? Es ist süß, dass du dich um mich sorgst, (It’s cute that you’re worried about me),” he teased, amusement written all over his face, “aber es ist wirklich unnötig. (but, really, it’s unnecessary.)”
“Absolutely not! If you get sick because of me, I’ll never hear the end of it,” you groaned, finally wrestling yourself out of his jacket and shoving it in his arms. “So just take the damn jacket, Kaiser.”
“Nenn mich einfach Michael, okay?) Just call me Michael, alright?)” One finger tilted up your chin, so you wouldn’t avoid meeting his gaze any longer. “Immerhin kennen wir uns gut genug, dass du dir meine Jacke leihst. (After all, we’re close enough for you to borrow my jacket.)”
“Whatever you’re trying to play here, cut it out!” Before he could have a chance to feel the heat rising to your cheeks, you whirled around to make a swift exit and get your thoughts in order again. 
In that moment, you were so distracted by the blond, you’d forgotten the whole world could see you wearing his name on your back. You’d later be reminded of it when seeing comments flooding social media, cooing about the gesture or speculating about your relationship with one another. But that was still far from your mind at present, which was still trying to figure out his reasons for behaving like he did.
Meanwhile Kaiser, who watched you retreat into Blue Lock’s hallways, couldn’t stop the smile from tugging at his lips. Perhaps someone here was worthy of devoting his time to after all.
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harunayuuka2060 · 2 months
Twst Unveil Event Part 4
Philomela: Go change with these. *tosses some clothes to Silver, Floyd, Yuurin, Rook, and Sebek*
Sebek, Silver, and Floyd: *ended falling on their backs*
Floyd: *laughing*
Philomela: Whoops. I forgot that you were just teeny-tiny creatures.
Rook: *has grabbed onto Yuurin so he wouldn't fall because of the impact*
Yuurin: ...
Yuurin: The clothes weren't heavy.
Rook: *chuckles* Non. But it was the way she tossed them to us.
Yuurin: Oh.
Philomela: After you're done, Rook, Silver, Sebek, and Floyd, you'll be coming with me to discuss your preferred setup for the wrestling match.
Silver: Huh?
Sebek: Preferred setup?
Floyd: I heard from Jade that you've got some cool tech here~. Is it one of them~?
Philomela: YOU BET IT IS! *laughs*
Yuurin: ...
Yuurin: I'll be chatting with the others while you do that.
Epel: Damn... We're seeing those abs again, Yuurin!
Yuurin: Hm.
Malleus: However, it appears ordinary in comparison to the others.
Yuurin: In ancient times, wrestlers from the Kingdom of Heroes used to fight naked.
Yuurin: With these clothes, this is the closest thing to that.
Malleus and Epel: O-Oh...
Yuurin: Oh. And it's also to ensure no cheating would happen.
Jade: Though, isn't it unfair to you?
Yuurin: ?
Jade: What I mean is, are you not afraid that others will cheat?
Yuurin: Would they?
Malleus: Sebek and Silver won't ever do that.
Epel: Yeah! Rook-senpai too! He's all about playing fair!
Jade: ...
Jade: *chuckles* I guess Floyd will try.
Jade: If he feels like it.
Malleus and Epel: ...
Ruggie: They sure taking their sweet time, huh?
Jack: Yuurin, why do they get to discuss their preferred setup while you're here, talking with us?
Yuurin: I'm guessing that I'll be fighting all of them.
Yuurin: That is, if I keep on winning.
Ruggie: Hmm. So in short, it's to make things difficult for you.
Yuurin: *nods*
Jack: ...
Jack: By the way, Ruggie-senpai, I noticed you were not answering Leona-senpai's calls.
Ruggie: I'll just video call him when the match starts.
Jack: ...
Ruggie: Don't worry. I know what I'm putting myself into.
Yuurin: What do you mean by that, Ruggie-senpai?
Ruggie: Oh, it's nothing.
Philomela: Here are the rules: You've got 30 minutes to beat your opponent! You win if you knock them out, they admit defeat, or time runs out!
Philomela: Do you understand?
Yuurin and the others: Yes.
Philomela: Great! Now let this match begin!
Philomela: Yuurin and Sebek! I'll be sending you now to the designated place!
Floyd: Good luck, damselfish~ Don't lose to Crocodile, okay~?
Silver: Do your best, Sebek. And you too, Yuurin.
Sebek: Hmph!
Rook: Monsieur Tranquille! Monsieur Crocodile! I'll be cheering on you two!
Yuurin: *gives them a nod*
Sebek: *smirks* I'll make this easy for you, Yuurin.
Epel, Malleus, Jack, Jade, and Ruggie: ...
Philomela: Haha! Yes!
Epel: O-Oh, I get it. It's for the scenery.
Philomela: No. It isn't.
Epel: *horrified expression*
Jade: There are spikes beneath the cliff, so if you fall...
Philomela: Those are just decorations, but if you did fall, you'd meet the pavement.
Jack: That feels reassuring...
Epel: Don't force yourself, Jack...
Sebek: If you choose to give up now, I won't hold it against you. *smirking*
Yuurin: ...
Yuurin: *tilts her head in a relaxed manner*
Yuurin: Sebek, it seems you didn't think this through.
Sebek: Huh? What are you trying to say, human?
Yuurin: ...
Yuurin: *feints a punch*
Sebek: !!!
Sebek: What the— What's wrong with you?!
Yuurin: *feints another punch*
Sebek: !!!
Yuurin: ...
Sebek: ...
Yuurin: ...
Epel: I could feel Yuurin's urge to do a facepalm right now.
Jade: Honestly speaking, Sebek Zigvolt chose a great place.
Philomela: He could use it on his advantage.
Philomela: Only if he had understood its purpose.
Sebek: *has found the opportunity to apply a triangle choke on Yuurin*
Sebek: What can you say now, human?!
Yuurin: ...
Yuurin: Not bad.
Sebek: N-Not bad? NOT BAD?!!
Yuurin: ...
Yuurin: *straightens her posture, pushing her shoulders back to create space, then begins to lift Sebek off the ground*
Sebek: Huh? HUH?
Yuurin: *once her trapped arm is free and she secures a stable position, she begins to transition into an armbar submission hold*
Sebek: This is... not enough... to defeat me...
Yuurin: Then escape. *tightens her grip*
Sebek: AHH!!! YOU BASTARD!!!
Malleus: *ended up laughing*
Epel: No— Malleus-senpai— *wheezes*
Ruggie: Shishishi... This is so good. *while recording the match*
Jack: ...
Jack: One question. Is this being broadcasted right now?
Philomela: Why, yes. The whole Kingdom of Heroes and the other schools who joined us are watching.
Jade: Oh, look, Yuurin has let go of Sebek.
Jack: But he hasn't tapped out—
*Yuurin started to carry Sebek and walked to the edge of the cliff*
Jack and Ruggie: ...
Epel: He's not going to do what I think he would... Is he?
*Yuurin jumped off the edge of the cliff with Sebek.*
Jade: He did.
Sebek: *after he received treatment*
Yuurin: ...
Sebek: I will get back at you. Remember that.
Yuurin: ...
Yuurin: *starts tapping his back*
Yuurin: You need it.
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deeva-arud · 1 month
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Deeva Årud - Tsumsted Wonderland Voice Lines
Summon Line: Pointy ears, wings, freckles and blue marks under its eye… it really looks like me. What a strange situation.
Groooovy!!: Apparently, this tsum feels relaxed when I cover it with my wings.
Home: By some unexpected turn of events, there’s two Deevas now. It’s okay, we won’t cause you any trouble.
Home Idle 1: You want to hold my tsum? That’s going to be complicated… Don’t worry, you won’t be hit, but it’ll fly away if you try to approach it. Until it warms up to you, I’m afraid it won’t let you touch it.
Home Idle 2: When I was about to start my violin practice, I looked back at my tsum and found it holding a tsum-sized violin. It took me by surprise. Where did it get that from? And how could it play with those tiny arms?
Home Idle 3: My tsum was helping me convince my club members to practice a song together, but then Kalim brought out a box of pastries his family gifted him. I can’t believe its curiosity also succumbed to those delicious foreign snacks…
Home Idle - Login: Back at the dorm, someone thought my tsum was just a regular plushie because of how still it is. As soon as he stretched his hand towards it, it took flight. The shriek he let out hurt my ears but I still find the scene amusing.
Home Idle - Groovy: Hovering over a salmon dish and hopping around my cup of jasmine tea… well, it’s supposed to represent me, I wouldn’t have expected less. Unfortunately, I doubt it can eat any of that.
Home Tap 1: Even if tsums can’t talk, Sebek’s does a spectacular job at showing its loud personality using just body language.
Home Tap 2: Cater’s tsum constantly follows my tsum to show it photos and music on its phone. It seems his tsum also took a liking to mine, huh? It reminds me of when we were first years… Not that he stopped doing that now, though.
Home Tap 3: It seems my tsum and Jack’s bonded over cacti. It was heartwarming seeing them quietly observing plants together.
Home Tap 4: Floyd’s tsum went on “bored mode” while I was doing my shift at Mostro Lounge. I spent several minutes picking it up from the chairs so the customers could get a seat.
Home Tap 5: Tsums are cute. But the fact that they came down from the sky, looking and acting like us is a bit eerie. It sounds like the plot of a horror movie.
Home Tap - Groovy: I can’t help but think about the place tsums come from. Is everything made of round and squishy materials? Stacking can also scare away predators? Wait, do you even have predators? …Hm, no reaction, I may be wrong.
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goldfades · 4 months
🍯 angry jack hughes (like after a rough game)
𝐭𝐨𝐮𝐠𝐡 𝐠𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐬 (𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐠𝐨𝐨𝐝 𝐚𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐝𝐬) | jh⁸⁶
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♡ ─ word count | 840
♡ ─ warnings | NSFW under the cut, read at your own discretion! rough jack, praise with a sprinkle of degradation, backshots and ummm nothing else i believe?
♡ ─ ev's notes | okay this was SOO hot but idk if i did this justice bc i wasn't in the mood to write rough smut BUT LMK YOUR THOUGHTS! also looking for a beta reader for my writing, pls lmk if ur interested!
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Jack was pissed, and that was an understatement. The tension had started from the beginning, up until the final buzzer rang throughout the arena, Jack was angry. The referee was obviously trash and the players were assholes, they were aggressive and unrelenting, pushing the boundaries of a "fair game" to the breaking point. The hits were quick and hard, each one more bone-crushing than the other.
Jack felt the impact of every hit throughout his body, he knew that every hit was going to bruise. But it wasn't just the physicality of the game that got under his skin; it was the blatant disregard for the rules, the dirty plays and the cheap shots. The referee, if you could call him that, was blind to the chaos on the ice, turning a blind eye to blatant penalties and letting the game spiral out of control. Obvious slashes, cross-checks, and trips went uncalled, leaving Jack and his team alone.
But all of that didn't even matter now as he was balls-deep in you, letting out all his frustrations out on you. His hand gripped your throat as he pounded you into the mattress, the headboard slamming the wall with each relentless thrust. His head fell back as you clenched around him, his blue eyes blown out completely. Your legs hung off his shoulders as he fucked you harshly, not letting you move.
Every thrust was met with a loud moan drawing from your bruised lips, making Jack feel somehow even harder. "Fuck, baby. You feel so fucking good."
You couldn't even respond in any way, shape or form at this point, you were way too fucked out. Your whole body was hot to the touch, sweat dripping from your hairline and your cheeks a warm color. As soon as Jack walked into your home, he grabbed you and went straight to your bedroom - and you weren't complaining. Jack wasn't usually the rough type but when he was, it was absolutely mind-blowing.
Your mouth hung open as he fucked you dumb, you couldn't even think straight. Your head was spinning with desire and all you could think about was how you wanted this to last forever. Jack began to slow down and you let out a whine. "Turn around."
Jack's voice was hoarse as he spoke and even though you felt like if you were to get up, you'd fall, you still obliged. You turned around and put your face on the warm pillow, arching your back up. Jack held you by the hips and quickly slipped back in, causing another loud moan to escape your chapped lips. You were so sensitive and sore but you knew Jack wasn't in the mood to hear it so you just took his cock, like you were meant to.
"Fuck," Jack groaned as he bottomed you out. His hand found your hair and immediately pulled up, giving you a sloppy kiss before he began thrusting in and out of you. You whined into the kiss as he let go of your hair, focusing on absolutely wrecking you.
His pace was just as rough as before, except now you really had no choice but to let him. Your hands gripped the sheets beneath you as he pounded into you, trying to ground yourself somehow. "Such a slut for me, hm?"
You nodded mindlessly at his degrading words as he kept his thrusts harsh and deep. His hand found your head once again, pushing it into the pillow as he began to pound into you harder and quicker, his hips snapping against your ass. The quicker his thrusts were, the more overwhelmed you felt; you felt like you couldn't even control your own body but again, you weren't complaining.
"Jack, please." You whined out for nothing in particular as he kept fucking you into the mattress.
"Fuck, it's okay." Jack rasped out. "I got you, baby."
His sweet words in contrast with how rough he was fucking you, you felt like your legs were gonna give out any second. Jack felt himself draw closer and closer to an orgasm and he wasn't gonna stop now. His thrusts were becoming sloppy but rough as your cunt clenched around him, he couldn't help but groan. "So close."
You began to feel light-headed as he kept his pace rough, you knew that you were going to cum any second now. Jack pushed your head into the pillow as you cried out, becoming more desperate for some kind of release. "Cum for me, baby."
That was all you needed, you came around his cock as you sobbed out, your tears of pleasure drenching the pillow beneath you. Your pussy was sensitive as Jack kept pounding into you, chasing his own orgasm. "S-slow down,"
Jack ignored your pleads as he kept fucking into your cunt, your felt your body become limp in his hands. With every snap of his hips, you let out a whimper. A few more deep thrusts and Jack was cumming inside of you, slowly riding out his high.
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-> make sure to check out my navigation or masterlist if you enjoyed! any interaction is greatly appreciated! <-
thank you for reading all the way through, as always ♡
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pupyuj · 9 months
ena bestie 2 words
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GAWD... i absolutely love band aus i eat them up like crazy. also i'm mixing these asks together cuz why not! YUJIN COCK‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️
listen... being her biggest fan and going to most of her band's live shows,, and you're always standing at the front with wide, shiny eyes just completely enamoured by yujin as she sings and plays her guitar,, and ofc you're cute asf so yujin takes notice of you and starts chatting you up after a small gig 🫣🫣 she's not subtle about the way she feels about you at all! from the way she constantly touched you, shot flirty remarks towards you, and looked you up and down several times... this girl wants to fuck you 😵‍💫 and who were you to say no when she asks you to come over her place???
see, yujin had this elaborate plan to get you drunk enough to submit to her but she didn't have to do anything to get you on your knees—in fact, you were the one who begged for yujin to use you as she pleases! ☺️ and since yujin found you so endearing, she gives you what you have always wanted 😳 literally having hearts in your eyes once yujin takes off her pants and lets you pull down her boxers,, "can you take it, baby?" she would ask while petting your head mmmfhsjfjdkf 😵‍💫
you looked like the cutest whore to her,, eyebrows furrowed in concentration as you jacked her off, hands clumsily working on her cock while she stared down at you with a smile,, oh she's got you figured out—you have never done this before, have you? 🫣 yujinnie thinking that the best way to learn was to go all the way immediately, so she grabs your jaw, tells you to open up your mouth (which you obliged immediately without question bcs you're a slut), and before you knew it, you were gagging around your favorite guitarist's cock,,
choking on her dick as you tried your best to get used to the feeling :((( yujinnie not really caring if you were having a hard time breathing bcs despite everything, your mouth felt so right on her :((( she keeps thrusting and thrusting into your mouth, each one hitting deeper than the last. her moans and your gags being the only things heard in the apartment,, "good girl, there you go..." yujin says when you started to move your head on your own,, looking up at her with glossy eyes,, "doing so good, baby... keep going." and then she grabs a fistful of your hair and starts helping you take all of her cock once again,, 🫠🫠
forcing her length down your throat, ignoring the way you gripped her thighs and your pained cries,, and soon enough you were crying, tears running down your cheeks, messing up your makeup and everything ☹️ yujinnie smirking down at the sight, "what? you're crying? didn't you want this?" and suddenly she was so mean?? glaring at you when you started to tap out, "you're not stopping until i come, whore. do your work." she says harshly, once again ignoring the way you whined in resistance,, and soon enough, she would be holding your head still with both her hands, thrusting her hips into your face, groaning and muttering curses as she used your mouth :((((
"g-gonna be a good girl, yeah? you're gonna swallow all my cum... and maybe then i'll breed that slutty pussy of yours, hm?"
mmdnhsjdjdjf definitely forces you to stay still as she dumps her cum down your throat,, but she pulls out in the middle of her climax just to jerk herself off and paint your pretty face with her cum,, and god you were such a slut that you stuck your tongue out to catch some of her semen, so fucking addicted to the way she tastes... 🫠 ofc yujin was a woman of her words, so as soon as she snapped a photo of your cum-covered face on her phone, she grabbed you by your hair and dragged you to her bedroom, throwing you onto the bed, and ripping your shorts and panties off so she could destroy your cunt 😵‍💫😵‍💫 yujinnie breeding you until her seed is oozing out of your pussy from the amount of times she came inside you.. gawd 🤤
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kyupidos · 3 months
04/8/24’s delivery 🏹✉️ twisted wonderland
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rather melodramatic aren’t you?ヽ( ・∀・)ノ_θ彡☆Σ(ノ `Д´)ノ,ヽ( ・∀・)ノ_θ彡☆Σ(ノ `Д´)ノ ;; summary. ‘so it seems, you’ve finally found your way back home.’
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characters. first years : ace trappola , deuce spade , jack howl, epel felmier , sebek zigvolt ( separate ) ;; romantic ( implied ) angst . 🖇️ tags. reader is gender neutral ( you/your ), reader is yuu, angst with romance sprinkled in i s’pose ( can still be friendship seen,, i think.. ), blah blah angst
📡 _a/n. mmmm, been listening to tv girl a lot more like i used to, ended up coming up w this. still not the best w angst but we stay rollin ( also, cigarettes out the window >> )
a. trappola
— he was always the one who kept everyone’s mind off the topic of you going home—making the mood lighter so no one would be upset again, especially you. but ace can’t deny how distraught he is, when it comes the time for you to finally, finally go. he’s happy for you, never doubt for a fact that he is. but there’s that one part of him that never wants to let you go. you’ve been friends all this time, haven’t you? then again, this school year with him has always been more of an experience for you, hm.. like an emotional rollercoaster until you make it home, and things will go back to normal, to your usual.
— he knew that much, that one day you would say your final farewells and that he would have to turn his back and go on with his life, the rest of his school year, without you by his side. without a magicless prefect who turned his world upside down, without a magicless prefect to spend his time with, without a magicless prefect whom he held ever so dear to his heart. maybe your time spent with him was just a waiting game before you could return to your norm. but his time spent with you made his heart full, as if you were everything he wanted and more.
— but he can let go, can’t he? not like he’s making lighthearted jokes here and there, about what it’d be like if you were to stick around, even if for a little while longer. he eventually holds his pinky out to you, in a moment of bitter weakness ( to him and him only ), that if the chance ever comes to fruition that it’s not a one way trip, you’ll return to night raven and stay friends, stay together with him. and it becomes a promise, pinky sworn and all. he tells himself he can swallow his bitter tears and see you off, yet he leaves deep, ragged breaths in his wake when you hug him tightly and tell him you’ll miss him, no matter how the circumstances may end up.
— you should know at least that much, left to digest it as you go back home, that he’ll miss you too—and though he may leave this out, unless he’s caught in a moment of weakness truth, you’ll always be on his mind.
d. spade
— deuce always felt such a pain in his heart whenever he comes to the recollection ( sometimes random, but then comes the times you’re forced to remind him you may not be there forever ), that you’re doomed to leave him behind as you return, to your family, to your friends of before. his hopes for you to see his graduate, to stay together being each other’s best friends, to just stay by each other’s side, he’d accept just being in your proximity. how he loved, and will never stop loving your words of kindness, words that’ll never leave the back of his mind, words he’ll never let go.
— how many times you’ve affirmed and reaffirmed your friendship and fondness toward him with those words, he can’t recall. or maybe he does; he’ll keep those memories with him until the ends of times, and whatever voice messages you may have sent him when you finally got your phone will be treasured and stored forever. oh, but how he’d like to not need that in the first place. how will he go on, without your kind words ringing delightfully in his ears? he’d never be able to bring himself to forget your voice, even if he can’t hear it in the present, he’ll hold it dearly as he looks to the past.
— he could never go against your wishes to return home, though. he knows for a fact it’s all you’ve wanted, and he’ll never say he wouldn’t want the same for himself if he were ever in your situation—he couldn’t even imagine that much, he always commended your strength to get as far as you’ve gotten now. but he finds himself asking you, if you’ll ever forget him. reaffirm him once more with your words; tell him that you won’t for as long as you live. that you’ve treasured the times you’ve spent together.
— because, let it be clear, he’ll treasure those times just as much as you, he’ll treasure them forever, and when forever ends, he’ll treasure them more.
j. howl
— he recalls all those times he shyly managed to bring himself to do little things for you, wake you up in class when you felt tired, remind you to straighten out your uniform, anything to silently tell you he respects and cherishes his friendship with you. jack recalls the times you returned the favor, watering his cacti with him, and thanking him for everything he does. just smiling at him makes him happy. but he accepts, with a heavier than he expected heart, that these times will become nothing one day. a day that’s come and approaches now.
— he’d like to send you off easily, but “easily” will never belong in the end. maybe when your friendship first bloomed he could huff and pout about how you were barely friends, and he just “couldn’t let the bad things happening around you go down the way they were”. but if he didn’t admit how much of a likening he took to the time he’s spent with you, he could never live with himself. still, he knows he’ll have to see your smile only once more before never seeing it again, anyway. he finds it difficult, actually, trying to remember how he spent his time when you weren’t there, a time before you. when in the early mornings you weren’t there to greet him, no matter the mood amongst you.
— but in his heart stays all the things you’ve done for each other, and all the things he still wishes he could do, but he knows time will never stop for that. even so, he’ll praise you for your hard work, everything you’ve done that’s gotten you so far as to return to your loved ones. there’s a part that gnaws at him though, that he’ll have to get used to a routine that doesn’t involve you. it was so often, how you’d greet him and he’d greet you, sometimes you’d eat lunch together and on a good day, maybe you’d join him on a run, even if it did end with you laying against the wall because of how exhausted you were. and he’d scold you, telling you not to overexert yourself.
— at least he’s certain you’ll take care of yourself back home, since he asked carefully about your health and you reassured him. still a shame, though, that he could never introduce you to his family.
e. felmier
— he gifted you a nicely carved apple, once. epel figured you may like it, at least he hoped you would. he’s long since found you cool, someone he saw as the confident, ever so diligent prefect to be admired. but eight’s a crowd; it’ll always be back to seven in the end. you were as beautiful as the apples he’d carve while you were on his mind during evenings, glistening in the sunset, their shine never dulling as they design came to be the longer epel worked. in a sense you were like that—except you’d built yourself up from the ground, keeping yourself strong to bear through the troubles of your time at night raven. and epel’d been your supporter as long as you’d known and been a friend of him.
— and now you bear the fruits of your success, and he’s thankful that he’d managed to bring himself to a smile at the good news that you’d managed to finally find your way back to your own world, the world you belonged to. not the world you’ve only spent a school year in. he’d never bite into a bitter apple on accident, far too acidic with a metallic aftertaste; but it feels like he did, as he thinks of how many apples will have rotten, that one singular apple you ate right before leaving, that you forgot to throw out and left on your old bedside table.
— allow him to hold onto your hands gently, as he whispers to you that he’d like, if ever even possible, for you to return, maybe one day. he’s barely paying attention to that bitter taste, a dry gulp as he tries not to make his upset audible to you, leaving his tears silent. he lets you dry those tears, not even caring that it should be himself doing it, he’ll let himself be taken care of you again just once. he wonders what the apples of your world taste like. you’ve talked about the differences between your worlds before, and how nice your world seems from what you tell, so vastly different compared to his, and he commends you for your commitment to returning. he’d want to return to his own world under your circumstances, too.
— so he clenches onto the hem of his shirt, feeling as though he might give in to his impulsive thoughts if not, his growing desire to never let you go, run up to you and hug you ever so tightly to spend eternity with you.
s. zigvolt
— you’ve always seemed to find a way to make things refreshing. sebek’s read ever so many books in night raven’s library, it’s one of his more favored hobbies after all. and ever since your friendship grew he always seemed to search for your thoughts and opinions more. he doesn’t truly understand, how a human, a magicless one at that, from another world like you managed to find your way by his side. maybe that’s just because you were doomed to leave it. humans were always trouble, right? to think you’d leave this type of stain on him. no, no—he could never blame you. as it goes, right person, wrong time. . . and place.
— he grew to be fond of your commentary, your view of things. there would always be aspects of the two of you respectively that clashed, and yet even so here you were. actually, he thinks about your informal first meeting. how he rolled his eyes indifferent to your figure, considering you just another clumsy human who he knew would stumble about. sure there may have been times you had two left feet, but you sure proved him wrong didn’t you, hm? the title of the ramshackle prefect becoming renowned, a prefect who could never be replaced or mimicked, not you, never you.
— once upon a time, you invited him over to ramshackle to read a book together, one he’d apparently not yet to have read. the evening was lovelier than he’d yet expected, having fun sharing your thoughts together and making light conversation between pages. the evenings to nights feel so much lonelier without you. in literature, it hangs in the silence of its realm, alone as some think it. he once respected it as a nice metaphor within the books he’s read—yet now he seems to sympathize with the moon, its solitude compared to others which had more moons to surround it.
— maybe some day “once upon a time” will turn into “and they lived happy ever after”, and those words will belong to him. and then, he can share them with you.
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callsign-rogueone · 3 months
intimacy alphabet - g.t.
garrick tavis x reader words: 1.7k (I regret nothing) 🏷: NSFW. the entire thing. you've been warned. discussions of sex, gentle dom/sub dynamics, kink, etc. I think I made this gender neutral -- there's no explicit discussions of reader's anatomy, but there's talk of reader receiving penetrative sex and oral, and gare calling you pretty. 🤷🏻‍♀️ wrote this as r&d for the four garrick smut requests I have in my drafts... I promise one of those is coming soon. until then, here's this. not really proofread lmao
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
I hope you’re comfortable, because you are not leaving that bed any time soon. cuddles are mandatory. but it’s so nice to just curl up with him and rest on all that soft muscle while you catch your breath, those strong arms wrapped around you…
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
overall he’s pretty confident in his body, but he’s rather proud of his shoulder to waist ratio, and the definition of his back. he’s worked hard to get this hot.
I’m convinced he’s a thigh man. he likes grabbing onto them and squeezing, likes resting a hand there when you’re sitting next to each other, and really likes holding them over his shoulders while he goes down on you.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
not afraid to make a mess all over your thighs or stomach. but don’t worry, he’ll be the one to clean it up.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
he found one of your romance novels once, and read it cover to cover in a day, without you knowing. he enjoyed it more than he thought he would. there were a few scenes in there that he’d really like to act out with you, but that would involve admitting what he did, and that he enjoyed a “girly romance book”, so he’s keeping quiet about it for now.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
he has plenty of mares in his stable, apparently. I choose to believe that his confidence is earned — look at him. who wouldn’t want to fuck this guy? 
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
he’s a multiple-positions guy. not afraid to just move you around as he pleases (and he’s definitely strong enough to). but his favorite… hm. if it’s a loving, intimate moment, then missionary, or sitting up with you in his lap. if it’s just sex for sex’s sake, then he likes having you bent over the edge of the bed, or doggy.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
he’s a sarcastic humor kinda guy, so this turns into him making teasing jokes sometimes if the mood is right or if he’s feeling devious. 
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
he does some maintenance on the regular, but not a whole lot, unless you ask him to.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
the guy’s got range. this can either be the most tender, romantic lovemaking of your life or a rough and thorough fucking. either way he’s making sure that you’re okay, that you’re comfortable and not in any pain (unless that’s what you want 🤷🏻‍♀️)  and giving you A+ aftercare.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
he definitely prefers joint activities, but he’ll handle things himself if he has to. usually in the shower, one hand braced on the wall in front of him, imagining the other is yours instead.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
soft edging, getting you so so close only to pull back and make out with you for a bit before he starts again. he likes seeing you get more and more desperate for him, hearing you beg…
praise, praise, praise. he’s a talker, telling you how much he loves you, how good you feel wrapped around him, how pretty you are, etc etc etc. 
size difference + strength difference. he’s bigger and taller than Xaden — he can make anyone feel small. he loves that he can hold both of your wrists in one hand, that he can manhandle you and move you into any position he needs to, can hold you down or keep you pinned against the wall while he does all the work. 
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
your room or his, which sounds vanilla, but there’s a lot of potential for variety there: he made it a goal of his to fuck you on every piece of furniture in the room, and achieved that goal in less than a month. he also loves shower sex. 
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
the obvious things: you bending over in front of him, seeing you all dolled up (that black dress from reunification day? he folded immediately. it took all of his restraint not to throw you over his shoulder and ditch the party before it even started.) also, any sort of sass or backtalk: give him a sarcastic “yes, sir” and see what happens. 
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
he doesn’t want to truly hurt you, or leave any lasting injury that would hinder you from being able to get through your day, or to protect yourself. 
also not into degradation. he wants to make you feel good, not tear you down. and he’s just not a mean person — sure, he’s a little scary looking, but he’s not mean. if you’re really into that, he might give you a little bit, but he’ll still find a way to mix it with praise — “what a cute little slut,” etc. that’s as far as he’ll take it.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
remember when I said he likes your thighs? he really likes having his face between them. he’s a munch, your honor. he likes taking it nice and slow, building up bit by bit with soft little licks and sucks, relaxing you and easing you into the pleasure. sometimes you don’t even know you’re about to cum until it hits you all at once, and it’s so, so good.
but he’ll never turn down head from you, either — loves seeing you on your knees in front of him all pretty. he’ll hold your hair back and even give you a pillow to kneel on, like a gentleman. he knows he’s a lot to handle, so he’ll always let you be in control when you go down on him; again, he doesn’t want to hurt you.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
depends on the mood, but he can do both, and can do it well. he knows how to hit all the right spots, and knows the difference between faster and harder, too (important!) 
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
he’s a pretty responsible guy, so he probably won’t be asking for a quickie right before you have to go do something, but if you wake up well before your alarm goes off, he might suggest that you pass time time another way instead of going back to sleep (usually him going down on you). quickies also aren’t as common because he really wants to take his time preparing you — he insists on making you cum another way at least once before he’ll fuck you.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
you’ve certainly done some experimenting, with different positions etc (remember what I said about the furniture?) but all the risks he takes are calculated and informed — he won’t try something in the heat of the moment unless he’s confident it’ll work or that you’ll like it. if he’s fucking you in the shower, he’s doing it at 2am, or some other time when he knows nobody will be in there. and sound shields, always — nobody else gets to hear those sweet little noises you make. 
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
gare is probably the most physically fit guy in the quadrant. he can go all night, no problem. y’all haven’t found his limit yet, and unless you want to take a sick day tomorrow, you shouldn’t try to reach it. you usually stop when you’re satisfied, or when you’re too tired to continue / you know it’s getting late and you have shit to do tomorrow, so you should sleep.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
(I know I said this earlier, but do they have toys in their universe?) anyway, he might introduce some rope or restraints every now and then, but he prefers to hold you down himself anyway. and you love feeling how strong he is, so it’s a win-win.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
he can be a major tease (see above discussion of edging) but he’ll always give you what you want — eventually. 
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
cannot shut up, constantly giving you praise and telling you how fucking good you feel, how pretty you are… mixed with a lot of swearing and panting. yeah. thank the gods for sound shields, because you’ll need one every time. 
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
he’s in charge ~95% of the time, but you take control every once in a while, and he loves it. playing into that strength-difference kink I mentioned earlier; he knows he has the ability to take that control back, but he won’t, not when you’re on top of him “holding him down”, not when it feels so fucking good to turn his brain off and just relax for a while as you take care of him. 
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
he’s big, he’s tall, ergo he’s hung. once again, I do not make the rules.
he has a handful of scars from his years of training — and some from doing stupid shit with Xaden as kids, but he won’t admit that, lest it undermine his tough-guy image.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
pretty high, but he’s good at reading the room, and will only proposition you when he believes you’ll say yes — if you’re sick, tired, injured, upset, etc., he’ll put that need aside and focus on caring for you.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
pretty quickly, after cleanup, I-love-you's, and that mandatory cuddle time I mentioned earlier. you can’t fuck in the morning or the middle of the day anymore unless you have no plans for the next two-to-four hours, because it’s an automatic routine for both of you now — fuck, aftercare, cuddles, sleep.
that's it. I shouldn't have written this at 10am, because now this is all I'll be thinking about all day. oh well. there are certainly worse things to have on your mind...
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satureja13 · 3 months
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Seems we only get a part of a rainbow today ^^' After Jack collapsed and they'd put him to bed, Saiwa had a second breakdown because it's all his fault (in his opinion...) and it seems Ji Ho is next in line. Vlad tried to reach him over the Bond to calm him down but Ji Ho' thoughts are too blurry to get through since he (Vlad) is too upset too. But they gotta do something. Damn, the therapy was their last hope. Vlad: "Look after Jack, I'm going to talk to Sai." (Better distract Ji Ho for the time being before he freaks out too...) Ji Ho: "Hm? Oh, ok."
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That was the second time Ji Ho had to witness Jack almost die because he couldn't breathe from fear after being locked up. It breaks him to see his friend like this. Usually Jack is the one to drag them out of their misery with his puppy strategy and silly antics.
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Vlad: "Sai, it wasn't your fault. A lot of games start where you have to break out of a prison, hm? It was just a coincidence and we are going to add some filters to avoid things that trigger us. This is the game we created together, let's not give up yet."
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Ji Ho sat beside Jack's bed: "Jack, please wake up. You won't have to go through this again. You are safe now. Please."
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But Jack doesn't budge. Ji Ho: "Sai will destroy the AI and we'll... Jack: "What? No! It wasn't Tiny Can's fault! This is how exposure therapy works. Say, you are afraid of spiders. You meet them in a save environment and you see how cute they really are and loose your fears. Tiny Can just wanted to help me. The game is such a save environment. I just went a bit overboard because I was caught off guard. But now I'm prepared and ready to try again, really." Ji Ho: "I don't know..."
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Jack: "Ji Ho, if I don't get over this it will kill me one day for real, so it's better I overcome my fears in the Therapy Game, don't you think? And don't you forget: I'm the Supersoldier - after all!" Ji Ho: "..."
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Vlad: "Look Sai, I have to go back to Kiyoshi and Jeb. I neglected them for too long now. How about I take Tiny Can with me and Kiyoshi, Jeb and I test the AI after you made a few safety adjustments. They'll be happy for a little distraction and you are going to recover here, hm? We make a few tests and I come back to charge the Bond and bring you the results and you can modify the game." Sai hates it - but he also knows that they need Tiny Can and the therapy... At least Jack is out of the line of fire... And Jeb, Kiyoshi and Vlad are a bit more stable than Sai, Jack and Ji Ho.
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Eventually they convinced Jack to let Tiny Can go with Vlad and they pondered about if it really was a coincidence that Jack's therapy started by being locked up. But if not, how did Tiny Can know? They never mentioned this to Arturo (who gave them the board with the AI) or talked about it since Tiny Can was with them so he could have overheard it. Ji Ho: "Do you think the AI has access to our memories? ö.Ö" Sai: "I went through the code thoroughly and did not find anything that would be able to do this..."
They went to the Therapy Room but Tiny Can wasn't there. Eventually they found him in the garden chatting with the goats! So the Goats told Tiny Can anything about them! They even stole Vlad's notebooks where he writes down everything about the Boys! These little rascals! At least Ji Ho's Little Goat looks a bit ashamed...
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And then it's time for Vlad and Tiny Can to leave. Jeb and Kiyoshi had been alone with their gloomy thoughts for too long now. Vlad: "Let's go, Tiny Can." Tiny Can beeps excitedly.
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They quickly charge the Bond. Vlad: "I will be careful." But Ji Ho just hugs him a bit tighter.
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Little Goat: 'They could at least kiss!' Yang Mal: 'Ikr! They both want it, why holding back?' Little Goat in the front who read all of Vlad's notebooks - twice: 'Their time will come.'
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'And the only thing that I could see Was a pair of brown eyes that was looking at me But when we got back, labeled parts one to three There was no pair of brown eyes waiting for me
And a rovin, a rovin, a rovin I'll go For a pair of brown eyes
I looked at him he looked at me All I could do was hate him'
A Pair of Brown Eyes - The Pogues Link above leads to the MV on youtube. (TMI: The pogues are my favourite Irish Band ☘️)
TMI: Oh, and this is post #3.500! (in over ten years, though ^^')
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And post # 1.403 of our current story! (in 20 months ö.ö) And if had I posted a bit more a bit earlier it would have even matched the date ^^' At least here where I live. We put the day before the month. So today is the 16.03.2024 here.)
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And when I scrolled out to take the rainbow photos, I cought Kiyoshi and Jeb in Koh Sahpa near the Beach House! Even though they live in the other household over in Morensong. (And why is Kiyoshi wearing nothing but his swimming trunks? ö.Ö)
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Look how sad they are! I hope Tiny Can can fix this...
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From the Beginning  ~  Underwater Love ~  Latest 🕹️ 'Therapy Game' from the beginning ▶️ here 📚 Previous Chapters: Chapters: 1-6 ~ 7-12 ~ 13-16 ~ 17-22 ~ 23-28
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rdr2stories · 2 months
"Funny little fella" a rdr2 fanfiction.
A short fanfiction about a strange horse that Javier and John brought back to camp.
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John pulled at the rope, watching with unease in his chest as he saw the horse at the other end speed up. He looked up at Javier following behind them, they both knew something was wrong, maybe they should have left the horse, but they couldn’t do it now when they had already taken it.
The two of them rode down the small trail to Clemens Point, passing by Arthur who stood guard for once in his life after John had complained to Hosea and Hosea had said Arthur could learn a bit by doing duties. He didn’t seem to enjoy it, but he did enjoy the sight of John and Javier coming back to camp with a pony dragged after them.
“What? Did Old Boy get too big for you Marston?” Arthur joked, letting out a short laughter.
“Very funny,” John replied as he passed by Arthur, walking Old Boy over to a hitching post before jumping off and securing him. He gave Old Boy a scratch as Javier hitched Boaz next to him before he grabbed onto the new pony he had brought back, glancing into camp and finding Hosea playing dominos with Tilly. “Hosea! I need your help!”
Hosea turned around with a startled expression, probably expecting some form of trouble, not John and Javier standing with a funny looking pony. He let out a soft chuckle, excusing himself to Tilly before making his way over to the two men. “What is the problem boys?”
“Me and Javier were out and found this pony, thought it would be good for Jack to start with something small when he learns to ride,” John explained as Hosea patted the sturdy and fluffy pony with even wilder hair than Marston. “So we took it, but I think it is lame and we can’t exactly just let it go now.”
Hosea nodded understandingly. “I see, on what leg?”
Javier snorted slightly as he leaned against the hitching post. “All of them it looks.”
Hosea raised a brow. “Let’s see it then, John do a run please.”
John made a small clicking sound with his tongue, giving a slight yank at the make shift halter and sat into a small run, pulling the pony with him as it sat into a trot, however it looked strange, moving its legs at the wrong time and having a sideways sway in its back.
“Well that does look strange, come back here with it John,” Hosea spoke and waited for John to get back to them before walking over, letting a hand run down the horse’s front left leg, feeling for any bumps or irrecularities. “Well she isn’t warm.” Hosea concluded as he had felt each leg. “Hm, curious.”
“She isn’t lame,” Kieran spoke lowly as he slowly approached the group, the brush he had used on Brawen still in his hand.
“You can’t seriously be thinking that is normal,” Javier replied as he looked at Kieran. “Aren’t you meant to be a horse expert or something O’Driscoll?”
Kieran puffed his chest slightly. “I ain’t no O’Driscoll mister Escuella, but it is because of them that I know she isn’t lame, she is gaited.”
“Gaited?” Hosea asked as he scratched his chin. “I have heard of gaited horses but I expected them to be well… Horses and not ponies.
“She isn’t a pony, she is a horse.” Kieran explained as he walked over and scratched the horse. “Icelandic to be exact, even though they are short they are qualified as horses.”
“Hold on, back to the gaited thing, what does that mean?” John asked, shaking his head slightly.
“You know how your horse has walk, trot and canter? Yeah she has those plus one or two gaits more! One of the O’Driscoll boys had an icelandic because he was part icelandic, I got to ride it ones before Colm killed it after the owner died and we needed food.”
“Two more?” Javier raised a brow.
“Yes,” Kieran answered with a nod. “Tölt and sometimes a flying pace. What you just saw was the tölt, bred to be fast, comfortable and ground covering. It is really nice to sit, and many of the horses were also taught to be able to catch drunk riders who may sway in the saddle.”
John let out a small laugh. “That sounds like a good idea.”
“Men? Isn’t it a bit too small for grown men?” Hosea asked.
“They are bred to be able to carry grown people, they are very strong,” Kieran answered.
“But you said she can trot?”
“Oh, um, some icelandics prefer tölt and others prefers trot, they can do both but if you just ask for something faster than walk they will have a preference.”
“How do you get them to do the other?”
“To get from tölt to trot you need them to lower their heads and get them to relax more… I think, it has been a while.”
“Would you be able to do it?” John asked.
Kieran’s eyes widened. “Uh- I can try, but I haven’t done it for a while and I only rode the other one time.”
“Well, try is all we can ask,” Hosea shrugged slightly. “We can use it to teach Jack anyways, we will just also need to put him on a trotting horse as well at some point.”
“Hop on then cowboy,” John said to Kieran as he handed him the reins.
“Alright…” Kieran replied nervously before jumping onto the horse, nudging it forwards into a tölt and riding in a small circle in front of the camp. He worked wit the horse for a little before it lowered its head and fell down into a trot, holding it for a bit before picking up the tölt.
“Well would you look at that!” Hosea chuckled as Kieran stopped the horse and walked over to give it a few pats on the neck. “Funny little fella.”
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mamawasatesttube · 4 months
tim for the ask game? :-)
Headcanon A:  realistic
part of the reason he keeps his hair longer later is that he has a pretty significant burn scar on the back of his neck after the explosion he's caught in late in robin '93. he's not too self-conscious about it or anything, but he hates when people stare or ask about it.
Headcanon B: while it may not be realistic it is hilarious
when he was going through his dad's stuff after his death, he found a box of his own baby teeth that his parents apparently just... kept. which he had feelings about for sure, but also like... he didn't really want to keep a little box of his own teeth. that feels weird. but also throwing them away when they clearly had significant value to his parents feels BAD.
solution: he makes sure the box is clearly labeled (there's a tiny paper that says "tim's baby teeth <3" in his mom's handwriting in the lid; he goes over it with sharpie because it's kind of faded) and then just leaves it in a drawer in dick's apartment. dick you want these right? for emotional attachment or whatever? yeah cool.
dick finds them like two weeks after tim just places them there and goes hm. considers calling tim like hey why is there a box of your teeth in the drawer under my tv? but then he's like eh you know what, my life is weird enough. this may as well happen. so he just leaves them there and forgets about them again. tim considers this a job well done.
Headcanon C: heart-crushing and awful, but fun to inflict on friends
he has a boatload of internalized homophobia to work through before he can even admit to himself that he's bi, thanks in large part to jack drake. he's also trans, and jack's acceptance of that hinged on tim being able to play the part of the classic ~all-star american boy~ so well. as a result, after jack is dead, tim has a lot of issues allowing himself to stray from what he knows his dad would've wanted him to be. it's not a simple easy said-and-done journey. it takes him years; he's the last one of core four to come out.
he also doesn't just like. tell people. his sexuality and his relationships are on a need-to-know basis. he's a very private person he's not going like oh i'm queer? i need to inform everyone i know. it's like... partly because he is just a private person, but also because it takes him a looong time to work through the shame around his sexuality that his dad left behind.
Headcanon D: unrealistic, but I will disregard canon about it because I reject canon reality and substitute my own.
he and zoanne are still friends. or they reconnect when tim eventually goes to college to get an engineering degree. specifically i think he just goes "well i'm great at tinkering and shit so how hard can this be?" and then once again has to struggle with juggling vigilanteism and having a normal life and doing homework. and zoanne is there going jeez your eyebags!!! are you good?? and tim's like no i want to sleep for a week :( why did charaxes show up last night when i have an 8:30 am lecture on tues/thurs >:( except he can't say that because secret identities. the point being tim gets to continue exploring his Themes and Issues re: identities and ALSO zoanne wilkins is there.
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kaylinalexanderbooks · 3 months
WIP Questionnaire
Thanks @buffythevampirelover for the tag! This game looks fun!
Rules: answer as few or as many as you'd like!
1. What was the first part of your wip that you created?
TSP: Lexi was! TSP started out as a school project, and we had to create a character sheet for our first person narrator! That was "Alexia" who is now just "Lexi" (but her full name is still Alexia).
SOTL: The concept! "School for fairy tale characters" was basically it. I got discouraged a bit when I found out this concept already existed, but that didn't mean I couldn't do my own take!
2. If your story was a TV show, what would the theme song/intro be?
My favorite types of intros for TV shows are original theme songs or very catchy instrumental music. 30-60 seconds is a good length. I'd hope that for TSP and SOTL. Hope this isn't a cop-out.
3. Who are your favourite characters you've made? Why?
TSP: My favorite characters to write for are Lexi, Gwen, Akash, Robbie, and Carmen. Lexi because the arc I gave her is an exaggerated version of something that speaks a lot to me. Gwen because I wasn't expecting her to be as interesting as she ended up being planned to be. Robbie and Akash because of how funny and sweet their dynamic is. Yes, I love them separately, but they're a package set. Carmen because she's just so damn interesting I love studying her under a microscope.
SOTL: I am barely into writing it, but it's Jack at the moment. Shocker, he has three chapters while Tierney and Úrsula have one each! But the reason is that he is average at everything, but he doesn't let that get him down! He's funny and relatable and a dork.
4. What other pieces of media do you think would share a fan base for your story?
TSP: Hm, good question. The only thing coming to mind right now is Young Justice (the cartoon). Starts out with this fun group of kids, becomes extremely dark. Ensemble cast. Sneaking around. Superpowers. Fight scenes. Drama.
SOTL: Insert fairy tale retelling here.
5. What has been your biggest struggle with your wip?
TSP: Juggling everything. The world building, I guess. Making all the characters distinct was something I struggled at for a while, but I'm getting much better at it. Trying to figure out how the world works is challenging, but I am having fun. But juggling all the moving parts to make it cohesive is a challenge.
SOTL: What is plot?!! Also battling my ambition to do every fairy tale ever. I'm gonna have to make a lot of background characters that will get their own side stories separate from the main series to get all that I want. I probably will do that.
6. Are there any animals in your story? Talk about them!
TSP: Yep! Alium has a lot of fantasy creatures, animal hybrids, and fun things I just made up. Custos the dragon is the only truly prominent one right now. He's a blue fire dragon and is adorable. I also have kitsunes. Animal hybrids include unibison, ferretsnakes, cowyotes, beaverducks. Things I made up include the elemental foxes and blue hedgehogs.
SOTL: Hofiwi is an anthropomorphic bear! She was cursed to be anthropomorphic, this is not a normal thing in this world. I love her and she's just planned at the moment. Can't wait to do more.
7. How do your characters get around? (ex: trains, horses, cars, dragons, etc.)
TSP: Hovercrafts, dragons, teleporting, trains, and some other power-based travel
SOTL: I'm still figuring this out no one has gone anywhere yet. Dragons or carriages would be cool. Maybe I can mix them with something modern to fit the setting.
8. What part of your wip are you working on rn?
TSP: World building! Specifically the power database since that will be the backbone for everything.
SOTL: Reading fairy tales... I need to do that more
9. What aspects (tropes, maybe?) of your wip do you think will draw people in?
TSP: Powers, diverse cast, queer/disability rep
SOTL: same as TSP but fairy tales!
10. What are your hopes for your wip?
If I see one (1) fanart between either my life will be complete.
This was fun!
Softly tagging @mk-writes-stuff @jezifster @blind-the-winds @little-peril-stories @sleepywriter00 @mysticstarlightduck @sarahlizziewrites @writernopal @gottestod-writes + anyone who wants to join!
TSP intro
TSP tag list (ask to be +/-): @thepeculiarbird @illarian-rambling @televisionjester @finchwrites - giving a slightly harder nudge than usual cause I really want to see what y'all have to say! Still optional obviously
Blanks below the cut!
1. What was the first part of your wip that you created?
2. If your story was a TV show, what would the theme song/intro be?
3. Who are your favourite characters you've made? Why?
4. What other pieces of media do you think would share a fan base for your story?
5. What has been your biggest struggle with your wip?
6. Are there any animals in your story? Talk about them!
7. How do your characters get around? (ex: trains, horses, cars, dragons, etc.)
8. What part of your wip are you working on rn?
9. What aspects (tropes, maybe?) of your wip do you think will draw people in?
10. What are your hopes for your wip?
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randomgentlefolk · 5 months
Hm, I wonder how Leelathae writes in her diary? I mean, does she write them in just dialogue, or narrative, or what? Either she is writes in dialogue, or she described the witch pretty well for Gwen to recognize who the witch is.
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I mean, I didn't expect these ingredients, but sure. Does this imply there's a cemetery near The Pastel Kingdom? Cause Leelathae isn't allowed to be far from home, right? And I doubt she would ask someone to get dirt from cemetery for her...
I wonder what Leelathae plan was? Cause she didn't get the chance to execute it since her portrait was stolen by Leland. Or maybe she did execute it while in the Plaid Kingdom?
I agree with the witch so much. The painters fr did Leelathae dirty 💀
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Huh. How does the ingredient turn into a paint-like liquid?? None of the ingredients are liquid based. Maybe the dirt?
This whole spell thing is sick man. It's so dang cool!! I wonder if anyone notices Leelathae sparkling?? I mean, one of the maids has got to notice right?
Also I've never knew there's tea inside snickerdoodles (chai is tea, right?). Well, it's not like I've ever tried snickerdoodles, but last time I read the recipe, I don't remember tea being in the recipe. But that was years ago so it might just be my memory.
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Well, the mystery of the portrait is finally solved! And yet there's another mystery.. what writing did Leelathae put behind her portrait? Yes, the diary is one of them, but there are other things too. Like those brown and green papers. I'm guessing it's a message toward her kids?
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Ohh, that's why!! Leelathae was glowy because of the spell!
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BRUH SO WAS IT LIKE, A MISUNDERSTANDING THIS WHOLE TIME?? I did kinda predict it in my really old post, but I was joking T_T
Something's kinda bothering me about what Leelathae said in her 3rd wish. Why is she only talking about her daughters? What about Jamie? Or is there a hidden meaning that I am not getting here? If someone would enlighten me, that would be nice.
Aw. It's actually pretty sweet when you think about how they didn't even know how to speak to each other at first, but they still fell in love with each other <3
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Oh. Oohhh....okay. This doesn't justify what Leland is doing right now, but it sure give a big reason for it. Yikes. Damn. That must've hurt.
Okay okay, let me just remember the past episodes to realize all the causes here.
Leland's parents died due to tragic carriage accident (didn't a carriage accident happen more than once? Tho I can't remember to who besides Leland's parents)
His best friend, Jack, didn't arrive to Leland's parents' funeral, which is the moment he needed him the most (not Jack's fault though, since he was literally stranded in an island)
Leland obviously has a little crush on Jack, which is why it hurts him when he found out Jack brought Leelathae to Pastel Kingdom (again, not Jack's fault). I think this is where he jealousy starts, the point where Leland thinks he has to be better at every love things than Jack.
He overheard Jack saying he didn't need him, which is probably the nail in the coffin for Leland. I mean that monologue Leland has? That's kinda internal mental breakdown right there. (I gotta say, this scenario is kindaaa similar to Gwen overhearing Frederick calls her ugly. I wouldn't say it's the exact same thing of course. It's just the overhearing that makes it similar)
So! Looking at these 4 reasons, it is highly likely that Leland has some problems (no shit sherlock). HEAR ME OUT. I don't know what it is yet. I was thinking of abandonment issues, but I have yet to read much about it, so i'm not sure yet.
HAH! Glad Leelathae decided to haunt his dreams tho!
OH SHIT OH SHIT. NAH LELAND NAHHHH. HE BETTER NOT. ....well at the time i'm writing this the next episode is already out so.. guess we're gonna find out...IN THE NEXT REVIEW!!
Yeah I haven't read the episode yet lol. I bet it's gonna be chaotic though.
That's it for now, until next time.
Mono out! (But still in to hear your thoughts)
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shinakazami1 · 4 months
Rhys AI au snippet nr 2 - Personal project
Jack used to love fast travel years ago and while he still found them as if not more useful, his body seemed to disagree. For whatever reason, it was his muscles that kept getting smitten by it. It didn't matter that he felt them already on the planet - he still could run errands quite well, and there was nothing a bit of healing couldn't fix. Too bad that didn't work on the nausea that kept lingering for a day.
He gave a finger gun and a wink to the secretary - whoever this one was, and walked into his office.
"Welcome back, handsome."
"Hiya Rhysie! Missed me?"
"Always, it's not like you carry me in your echo watch everywhere."
Jack bounced from one leg to the other, and then with a last swirl sat in his throne, to turn on the computer.
"Jack, you will have a meeting in two hou-"
"I know I know, cupcake, don't remind me. Dahl just wants to lose some men and piss me off. They are really taking that l in the name seriously."
"Because they're losers."
"Precisely! But there I got my morning coffee by lessening the bandit... number..."
"Hm? Is something wrong?"
Jack's brows furrowed.  As per usual, he first checked his echo device, to see if anyone tried to spy on him. He never thought it was likely for bandits to figure out how to multitask, and since they were all busy dying, they certainly wouldn't even think about doing something like that. It didn't mean, however, that someone else couldn't use that thinking and opportunity to their advantage.
Seeing the few gigabytes added to Rhys' files was not something he expected. He thought he encrypted and hid the guy's code well enough for nobody to even be able to tell he was even there but the number of gigabytes added from the past copy seemed just too suspicious.
"Rhysie, are you feeling any... Different?"
"Different in what way, sir?"
After a moment of silence, Rhys sighed.
"I really don't think comments about weight are good for your image, sir. It can come as really-"
"No, as in yes, I know that but- I meant your files. Had anything happened to them? "
"Yeah like, like uh, something was added. Your travel notes are never THAT heavy, even if they are boring."
"I try to get all the details out there and it's not my fault you need everything to be a dopamine rush experience. I like focusing on things that might be useful."
"That one Loader Bot corpse still hadn't come in handy, Rhysie."
"It has been as we updated their shields and weak spots."
"Yeah, it's pretty funny how their crotch was--wait, we are getting off the topic. And you're not panicking so, this means you know what the additional files are."
"You could always open them, sir."
"Yes, since I see it's your encriptions system but what is this supposed to be, kiddo? You working for someone else?"
"You know that's impossible. If I were to do that, I would just cease to exist. You made me this way."
Once the code breaker finished encrypting the files, Jack opened the folder and felt his brows furrow even further.
"Of what."
"I... Would prefer for you not to open them. I'm going to count the sand grains on them when I'm bored."
"What's the password."
"Jack, you told me I can have my personal project."
"Personal doesn't mean secret. What is this, huh? Are you planning to sell these pictures somewhere? Maybe get some of my angles on Echo Net?"
"No... it's a stupid little project."
'And you would know that if you already opened it but you want to torment me', Rhys thought.  Yet, he decided Jack's blood pressure was already getting into grade 3  hypertension, so he wasn't going to make him angrier.
It was Jack's weird way to show trust but also, to assert dominance and Rhys never understood why humans wasted their energy on being a walking box for paradoxes.
"Sooooo... Cupcake, short and simple. What are these pictures."
"Of you. Sir."
Jack was really checking the boundaries of furrowing eyebrows.
"Rhysie, I was just joking about selling some pictures on Echo Net. Are you..."
"I do edit them, sir. Personal project."
For the first time since Jack Sat next to the desk, his facial muscles finally relaxed, letting the eyebrows rest. Something seemed to click in Jack's brain, letting him not feel in danger anymore.
"The new posters! My, you've been trying to get them out before my birthday to make me a present? Rhysie, you know I hate surprises! I despise them and I could in fact destroy you for one! You should remember it by now! Especially since I check the propaganda to seem most a-hole-like! "
"Yes, and you do a great job with it. A true antihero."
"A true anti-villain. Which is a hero."
"Of course, sir."
"Well then - show me the pictures, Rhys."
Rhys saw that the 'sweet' mode didn't lower Jack's pressure. He liked to shift in emotions so much to make people confused but Rhys was - well, rather embarrassed to say what the photos were actually about. He was happy to have at least had the project hidden for a few weeks, keeping the amount in control but for the past few weeks of Jack just killing bandits most of the time, he had enough time to spare on that.
He knew Jack would take a look somehow without him knowing one way or another. And with how little censor he had on himself, Rhys wasn't willing to risk getting back to the Nice Kid phase. Jack's poster acting was top notch - but the fake familiarity was a technique many fell for. Rhys fortunately couldn't.
But in the end, Jack got what he asked for, as usual.
"These... You've made my body, right sir? You remember that 3D model you've made?"
"Cupcake, I don't work, I commissioned someone to get your sweet ass there. Get to the point."
"You hadn't let me use it for a while now and I thought that I still like it. So, since it's in my programming, I... Just open the first picture, sir."
Jack didn't even let the mouse twitch for a moment. He wanted Rhys to open it, to commit to confessing to whatever bad thing he imagined but Rhys only found it stupid.
Unfortunately for him, though, the anxiety protocol, while a bit tamer than in the past, was still strong. And Rhys was really not looking forward to repeating the last time it got too high, especially since Jack made it this much better for this whole mission he has been on. And Rhys really didn't want to feel something so unbearable nearly all the time, again.
With the need to just get it over with, Rhys opened the newest file and waited for Jack's reaction.
There was a momentary spike in blood pressure but just a moment later, both it and the pulse lowered. The analysis of Jack's facial muscles made Rhys relax again, as the anger and frustration morphed into joy and laughter.
"Rhysie, I know I have been upgrading you with the generative processes but you still like the old photo manipulation ways but this, this is just hilarious! Are- oh my god all of them are like this?! How many edits have you made?"
At that moment, Rhys was very happy not to have a visible face, since he probably wouldn't be able to look at Jack for too long from the embarrassment he probably should feel.
"I... We have been going on these journeys together for a while now and I thought it would be...a nice thing. I have been browsing EchoNet and noticing that people like to take pictures like that. And I want to keep some memory of being on these trips with you."
The folder contained pictures of Jack, from different angles, mostly from the echo watch, and Rhys' body edited into such a level of precision, that it would be hard to tell they were edited at all.
"And the facial expressions..."
"I added them to the model, based on data I've gathered. It wasn't hard to edit the rig and get that to work."
"Wowie, Rhysie, but these..." Rhys let Jack gather his thoughts. "These need to be deleted."
"Yeah, nobody should know what you look like. Delete them, immediately."
"I...no! They are well encrypted, you have seen that! And without me, they can never open them. Nothing bad will happen, Jack. Nobody is going to try and steal me."
Jack was skimming through the pictures, seeing the model seem to look like it was holding the device to take the picture and ground himself more into the scene. Smiling, eating together, riding in cars and... just looking at a sunset together, backs facing the camera.
"I won't delete them, Jack. And I ask you not to delete them, either. I worked hard on these and I want to keep them. They will never go anywhere but just on the drive."
"Why would you want to keep a memory like that?"
Rhys felt it was a trap question with no good answer. Nothing he would have said would be able to exactly revert the process, but, he knew Jack wasn't exactly in patient moment for him to analyse each answer.
"I thought it would be nice to share these with you, to remind you I was there."
Rhys didn't expect Jack to leave the office without the echo watch. He rarely did that. If it was for the bathroom - even if he had one hidden in the office, or it was to cool down, it wasn't important.
If the pictures still stayed - they would stay there. And that was enough for Rhys.
Jack wanted him to develop a hobby and there it was.
Nothing bad could come out of it.
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