#and also to still be having the exact same arguments that were rehashed every few months. FIVE YEARS LATER????
fuckedupwizard · 2 months
i'm glad of my time in the danmei fandom, there are some i still want to read since they're now being published as complete translations, and my favourite blorbo/his main ship will be important to me for my whole life probably. but i cannot in good conscience recommend the fandom to anyone... oh my god. it was the WORST!!! i don't think i've ever seen more discourse in my life, and the thing is, it's still going. character hate and people mistaking mild criticism for hate. the exact same people having virulent top/bottom discourse like, 4-5 years ago are still doing it. someone made a joke about a character being unhygienic bc they were a forever teenager and instead of ignoring it the fans chased them off twitter. people shipping a main character with a side character and getting harassed for disrespecting the author.... screaming. terminally online fandom.
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honey-girlie · 4 years
every kind of way ch. 2
chapter: 2/3
word count: ~3k
a/n: i actually don’t like this chapter all that much lol, but here is. i’m still finishing up the last chapter, so i’ll be posting it in a few days. thank you again to anyone who’s reading!!
[link to chapter 1]
[link to ao3]
x x x
Predictably, Levi was upset with the news. 
He fought her at every turn and glowered when he heard Jake’s name, muttering something about how he could never trust a guy that quiet. And even if Eris had explicitly told him — multiple times, no less — that they were broken up, Levi had also made a Hail Mary attempt at turning her head. It was a miracle she hadn’t smacked him for that one. Instead, she very coolly asserted her feelings for Jake. There was no head-turning for her, especially not for Levi.
He had stormed off shortly after that, but not before he made sure to mention that she and Jake would never work as a couple outside the villa. As Eris prepared to head for the firepit, Cherry also had come up to her and said the exact same thing.
Eris rolled her eyes hard enough to dizzy herself. Levi’s and Cherry’s opinions didn’t matter. No one’s did.
She repeated the mantra to herself during the recoupling and ignored everyone’s incredulous expressions when Jake happily called her name. He did the same, spending most of the recoupling offering her giddy smiles and comforting touches. Though he tensed up during Levi’s turn, Jake kept calm and accepted Levi’s sneers with a defiant stare. 
They were finally together, and after all the drama they’ve been through on the island, there was little anyone could do or say to stop them. 
Eris couldn’t have been more relieved by the end of the recoupling. She and Jake wandered to the daybeds while the others scattered elsewhere, their hands entwined. He shot her a look of concern and asked how she was holding up, and she answered honestly. 
Perfect, she said, beaming at him. 
He grinned right back and picked her up in a crushing embrace, lifting her a few inches. Eris wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him, but their moment was cut short at the sound of footsteps nearing them. Jake lowered her to the ground as Tim and Jen walked over, smiling knowingly at them. 
“You two look well cozy,” Tim teased. “Did the recoupling go the way you wanted, then?”
Eris and Jake glanced at each other. The second their eyes met, they grinned again. Jen squealed in delight. 
“You guys are so adorable!” she exclaimed. “I knew without a doubt Jake would pick you.”
Eris’ heart clenched. “Our relationship is still new, but we’re solid. I didn’t doubt him either.”
Jake reached for her hand and planted a kiss on her knuckles, his eyes bright and happy. “I love that you trusted me,” he murmured. “I’d have picked you every single time, even if it cost me a friendship.”
She tucked her lips in to keep from smiling so wide. 
Tim snorted. “Mate, you are such a melt!”
Jake merely shrugged. His gaze remained locked Eris. “I’m more romantic than people think.”
Whatever Jen was about to say was interrupted at the sound of her phone beeping. The four of them stared at it for a moment before Jen picked it up, her face wary. She called the Islanders to gather around, and they all scurried over to the daybeds. Levi scowled at her when she caught his gaze, but she gave him no reaction.
Once everyone was gathered, Jen cleared her throat and read the text. 
Islanders, you are now in your final days on Love Island. Tonight, the public will vote for their favorite couple. The couples with the fewest votes risk being dumped from the Island tomorrow night. The couples that remain will enter the final, and have a chance to win the £50,00 prize.
With raised eyebrows, Eris glanced up to see several shocked faces. Four people would be dumped tomorrow, and with her and Jake being in such a late couple, she wouldn’t be surprised if they received less votes. 
After a moment’s thought, she found that she wasn’t too troubled. She came to the show to find a partner she could have a future with, regardless of whether or not she won. After today’s events, she could safely say that Jake was that person for her, and she for him. Money was always nice, but if she and Jake were to leave the Island early, she wouldn’t shed any tears over it. Part of her was excited to be back home anyway. 
Beside Eris, Jake squeezed her hand. She turned to him and saw a relaxed smile on his face, and she knew he shared her thoughts. Eris smiled back. 
A few of the Islanders made small comments about tomorrow’s dumping, but other than that, everyone was quiet, the reminder of the competition looming over their heads. They all went their separate ways to wind down for the night and prepare for bed. 
Jake went off to chat with the boys while Eris joined the other girls in the dressing room to remove their makeup. Cherry continued throwing sour looks her way, but Eris refused to spare her single glance. She’d had too long of a day to have the energy to rehash the same argument with the younger girl, and besides, Eris was still over the moon about her and Jake being an official couple. Like Levi, Cherry’s anger didn’t warrant any real reaction from her. 
Bless Jen for easing the tension by starting up a quiet conversation with Eris. 
“I can’t believe our summer’s nearly over,” Jen murmured. 
Eris smiled gratefully and responded, “I think it’s the right time.”
“You think so?”
Eris shrugged. “We all tried our best, and some of us have really found the right person.”
Cherry scoffed and rolled her eyes before shooting up from her seat. Jen and Eris watched warily as Cherry stalked out of the room without a single word, her hands clenched into fists. 
Jen pursed her lips. “Don’t worry about her, babes. Give her time. She’ll come around.”
“Can’t say I particularly care,” Eris murmured. “It wasn’t like we were ever on friendly terms, and I doubt we ever will be.” She lifted her chin. “But I don’t regret what I did.”
Jen patted her hand. “And you shouldn’t. We all need to put ourselves first.” She paused for a moment, contemplating. “I don’t think I was doing that when I first came into the villa. I tried too hard to keep Levi coupled up with me. I just think I had to find myself first.” A smile spread across her face. “And then I found Tim. I think I achieved everything I wanted. I’m really proud of my journey in the villa. I think I’m living my best life.”
Eris scooted over to squeeze Jen on the shoulder. She had come a long way from the girl Eris had originally met the first day in the villa. Jen and Tim had since become some of her closest confidants, especially in the last several days. As ecstatic as Eris was about the way things turned out for herself, she was just as pleased for her friends. 
“I’m happy for you, Jen. Really.”
“Babes, thank you!” Jen grinned and lightly elbowed Eris. “I know you must be feeling good about your experience too. In fact...” She leaned in as she glanced around, whispered conspiratorially. “I kinda know something I’m not supposed to tell you.”
Intrigued, Eris quirked a brow. “What? What do you know?”
The glint in Jen’s eyes was unmistakable. “Where do you think Jake is right now?”
As if on cue, Jake peeked his head in the dressing room, scanning around for Eris. When he spotted her, he grinned. “Hey, you. Can I borrow you for a chat? Once you’re finished, of course.”
Eris smiled back. She hoped the butterflies in her stomach just from seeing him would never go away. “Of course.”
“Great. Give me a couple of minutes, then come meet me on the roof terrace,” he said before ducking back out. 
She stared after him for a second, even after the door had closed, then she turned back to Jen. Jen’s expression was full of barely contained excitement. 
Eris playfully narrowed her eyes. “Should I be expecting something big?”
With an innocent shrug, Jen replied, “I really don’t know, hun, but I think Jake has something he wanted to tell you. Maybe you should find out!”
Eris bit her lip. She wished she hadn’t taken off all her makeup. Clearly, whatever Jake wanted to say to her was important. 
She forced herself not to run straight to the terrace and instead idly cleaned up her little station. It couldn’t have been more than thirty seconds before she gave up, growing restless. Jen offered a gleeful smile as Eris left the dressing room and hurried to the roof terrace. 
With an eager spring in her step, she threw open the door. Eris gasped and froze at the sight that greeted her. 
The terrace glowed with soft lights from several small candles and the string lights hanging on the walls. There were so many candles that it diffused the normally chilly rooftop with enough warmth to tingle her skin. And petals, rose petals littered around the place, scattered all over from the floor to the benches. A bottle of wine and two glasses were propped up on the table, and standing right in the middle of everything was Jake. He had spun around at her abrupt entrance, but when he spotted her, he beamed. 
It was the most romantic gesture anyone’s ever done for her. 
Eris stood at the doorway, mouth agape. 
“Are you kidding?” she exhaled. 
Jake looked around at his work. “Well, it wasn’t all me. I got Jen and Tim to help. But... yeah.” A flash of uncertainty crossed his face. “Is it... okay? Do you like it?”
She barked out a laugh and hurried over to him, throwing her arms around his neck. Relaxing, Jake sighed and engulfed her in his embrace. 
“It’s beautiful,” Eris whispered. “Thank you. I don’t even know what this is for.”
He pulled back and met her eyes. “This has all happened pretty fast for us. I just wanted to show you that this, that you really mean something to me.” Jake cupped her face in his big, warm hands, and she melted into him. “We’ve only officially been together since this afternoon, but this is something I’ve wanted for a long time,” he murmured. “It’s not a spur-of-the-moment thing.”
“It’s not for me either,” Eris returned. “It’s always been you, remember?”
Jake released a contented sigh and rubbed his thumbs over her cheekbones, then he let go to pull her towards the bench. “Sit with me.”
He took her hand as they sat side by side, their thighs flush with one another, and once they were settled, he turned to her. Eris had no idea what else he had planned for them tonight, but she couldn’t contain the grin spreading across her face. His own lips curled into a smile. 
“I love that you’re so chill,” he chuckled. “It makes me feel calmer.” He nodded his chin to the wine on the table. She noticed that one of the glasses was nearly empty. “I would’ve waited to open it with you, but I needed it to calm my nerves.”
Nerves? Jen did mention that Jake had something he wanted to tell her. At the reminder, Eris straightened and twisted her torso to face him directly. 
“What do you mean?” she asked. 
Jake took a deep breath before speaking. “I’m a real romantic at heart. I’m sure you know that by now.”
She cast a wry glance around the decorated terrace. “I think I’m starting to get an idea, yeah.”
His lips quirked. “I wrote you something to let you know how serious I am about us as a couple.”
Eris’ breath hitched, but when she remembered the poem he’d written for Talia, she held back a laugh. Something told her he hasn’t improved much as a poet since then. 
Her theory was proven right when Jake recited, “Roses are red, violets are blue, you took a chance on me, and I’m committed to you.”
She broke out in a wide grin, the same kind a proud mother would give a child for some macaroni art. For someone so good with words, he wasn’t the most eloquent poet. Still, Jake and his elementary rhymes were so adorable, it hurt. 
Eris leaned in to press a kiss on his cheek, and with bright eyes, he shot her a cheerful look, evidently pleased with himself. The man was actually a puppy dog. 
“That was well corny,” she uttered, “and I absolutely loved every bit of it.”
Jake’s laugh was full-on, loud and free, and she couldn’t get enough of it. She wanted to hear it every chance she got, every day they had together. 
“Always the honest one,” he said through his laughter. “Either way, I’m glad you liked it. But maybe I should stick to cooking, yeah?”
Eris adamantly shook her head. “Corny or not, no one’s ever written me poetry before. You’re just... you’re the sweetest man, Jake. We’ve been together less than a day, and you put in the effort to write me things and set up this roof terrace for me. I don’t —” She let out a helpless laugh and took one of his hands in her lap. “I don’t know what to say. You make me really happy.”
She avoided his gaze as her cheeks burned at her rambling, but she refused to take back her words. Things between her and Jake had moved fast, but it felt right, more right than it had been with anyone else both in and out of the villa. 
Jake was silent for a drawn-out moment, and her cheeks grew redder. When he sucked in a breath, Eris finally glanced up. She was taken aback at the intensity that had formed in his gaze. 
His next words came out in a rushed exhale. “Will you be my girlfriend?”
Eris’ eyes bulged as she gaped. Girlfriend? She had no idea the depth of his feelings — let alone the existence of them — until a few hours ago, and now he was asking her to take another big step in their very new relationship. She at least understood why he had been so nervous earlier. 
At her reaction, Jake pushed on. “I know it’s a bit soon, but you make me happy too. Like, stupid happy. I’ve never felt the way I do about you with anyone else.” He paused, his intense stare growing so tender, her breath caught in her throat. “I’m falling for you, Eris,” he whispered. “I don’t even care about winning or being in the final. I just want to be with you —”
“Yes,” she blurted.
As if she even needed convincing in the first place. Eris was ready to commit to him the same way he admitted he was to her. She’s been ready for some time now. 
He paused, blinking, and then his face split into an enormous, radiant smile that wrinkled his eyes. Her heart burst at the sight as she beamed back. Taking her face in his hands, Jake brought their lips together in a passionate kiss. Despite its fervency, there was a gentleness to it too, and Eris knew they’d have hundreds, thousands of kisses just like it. 
Her boyfriend. She rather liked the sound of that. 
When they pulled apart, he pressed a final kiss to her forehead. Her skin tingled where his lips lay as he spoke. 
“I can’t believe you said yes,” he exhaled. 
Eris snickered. “Did you really think I’d say no?”
“Maybe. Yes. I don’t know.” Jake reared back to look at her with a relieved smile. “I wasn’t sure what would happen. Besides, I’ve told you how overconfidence is a killer. I couldn’t be too certain.”
“Well, you’re officially stuck with me now. No takebacks.”
Jake smoothed his thumbs over her cheekbones. “Good,” he murmured.
They stayed on the terrace for a little while longer, talking idly and drinking a bit more. Eris would have loved to spend the rest of the night there with him, but exhaustion started creeping on her. Once they finished off their glasses of wine, they decided to call it a night, leaving the terrace hand-in-hand. 
Despite how tired she was, she was brimming with elation. For the past few days, Eris was sure she had screwed over her chance on the show to find a partner. Now, she was leaving the island with the sweetest, most adoring and thoughtful man, a man who also happened to be her boyfriend. Funny how different her day turned out when it started on such an awful note, but maybe she should’ve expected it, being on Love Island and all. 
By the time Eris and Jake returned to the darkened bedroom, the rest of the Islanders were tucked into bed, all apart from Jen. She was hanging around by the entrance, seemingly waiting for them, and when they finally showed up, Jen squealed. She quietly cheered and congratulated them with a hug. Jake whispered an additional thanks for helping him set up the terrace, and Jen winked before whisking away. 
Eris and Jake changed and got ready for bed, then they climbed under the duvet together, cuddling close. His arms tightened around her, and in seconds, they both began to drift off. Before succumbing to a peaceful sleep, Eris let one last smile grace her lips as she remembered how unspeakably good it felt to be his again.
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moody-by-nature · 6 years
Rescue Me | Chapter Nineteen
Jared lifted his head from his phone looking toward Andrea. His eyes drank in her sun kissed skin, noticing the new freckles on her right thigh just below the hem of her skirt. Licking his lips, he made a mental note of their exact location for later.
Floating up her body, his eyes landed on her face, radiantly glowing in the last remnants of sunlight that pierced through the back window of the black SUV that would take them to their destination.
Andrea was lost in thought, smiling while she mindlessly fumbled with the cord of Jared's straw beach hat. Jared reached out, placing his left hand on her thigh and pushed closer.
"What put that smile on your face, baby?"
"The memories we made this weekend." Kissing the corner of Jared's mouth, Andrea continued, "Coachella is something I've always wanted to experience.
Jared twirled his finger around a loose curl hanging in front of her ear, and leaned in, "We have so many more to make sweetheart." He whispered, placing a kiss on her temple.
Andrea felt the heat of Jared's hand slowly ascending her inner thigh, inching closer to the edge of her skirt. Biting her bottom lip, her eyes met his in a silent plea for him to stop, but also not stop. The thought made her giggle.
"What's funny, Andie?" Jared breathed against her neck. His right hand lifted her leg up and over his before reaching for his hat and covering her lap.
When she felt his hand cup her center, she gasped quietly, "Jared!"
Jared chuckled and nibbled on her earlobe, "You want me to stop," He stated, pulling his hand away, quietly laughing when Andie wiggled her hips, "but yet don't want me to stop. Am I right, Kitten?" He asked, gliding the tips of his fingers slowly up and down the middle of her panty clad sex.
Andrea dropped her head back to rest on the seat, sighing as she dug her nails into his forearm. Jared brought his left hand up to Andrea's chin, gently directing her in his direction, a mischievous smirk playing at the corner of his lips when their eyes met.
"Mr. Leto, we are here, Sir." Their driver announced, just as Andrea pulled Jared's lips to hers, both of them sighed resting their foreheads against each other's.
"We will continue this at home baby girl." Jared said softly, quickly kissing her lips once more before he slid gracefully out of the back seat and onto the red carpet.
Andrea sat frozen in place, knowing she only had a moment to collect herself. She gracefully exited the car, sliding the strap of her big bag containing her life and Jared's inside it over her arm. Thankful for her long legs, she caught up to him quickly and was where he'd know to look for her, two strides back and to his left.
As she expected, Jared cut his eyes over his left shoulder and nodded with a smile which she happily returned. The flashbulbs of the de rigueur glittered against the backdrop of the MTV Movie Awards. Andrea watched her boyfriend slip into one of his many characters, smiling for the press as she ducked behind the curtain to meet him at the end of the photo line.
Emma arrived soon after, the three of them rehashed the amazing weekend at Coachella until Andrea was approached by an old cast mate. She enjoyed catching up on how life had been since their show had wrapped but she had lost sight of Jared and Emma.
The ushers started clearing the lobby and sending people to their seats. Andrea started up the stairs to the area designated for assistants, but decided she'd rather wait back stage. Digging her laminated pass out of her bag, she placed it around her neck and made her way down the side aisle.
Once in their assigned seats, Jared turned around shielding the bright lights from his eyes with his hand. His eyes searched the balcony twice looking for Andrea, coming up empty. Turning back around, he sighed, wishing she could be sitting here next to him. Not that he didn't love Emma dearly, she was one of his best friends, but he ached to be able to share this with his girl.
"You okay, Jared?" Emma asked.
"Yeah, I just wish Andie could be down here with me. With us."
"She could be, but it would make things complicated for you guys. She still has the assistant shield. If that goes away, some people will dig their claws into her."
"I know, she understands that too. We've talked about it a few times actually. We both want to be open about our relationship, but we also don't want her being attacked by the cyber bullies. Me more than her. She says she can handle it."
"She probably can, J. Her accounts are already private, she's smart."
"Yeah." He responded, looking around once more for Andrea and finally catching a glimpse of her backstage. Their eyes met and she waved at him, making him smile and wave back.
Jared settled back listening to the presenter call his category. When his name was announced, he looked to Emma, his dear friend of many years and smiled, unable to ignore the twinge in his chest that he couldn't do the same with Andrea.
After he finished speaking, he made his way toward Andrea. She stood there with a megawatt smile on her face, hand over her heart. He couldn't help but want to wrap her in his arms and kiss her.
Andrea pulled him into a hug, quickly releasing him. "Congratulations, Jared."
"Thanks, baby." He whispered as he removed his sparkly black tuxedo jacket, draping it over Andrea's outstretched arm.
Jared slowly unbuttoned his black and white linen shirt covered with palm trees, revealing a white t-shirt that hugged his lithe torso. He smirked when he noticed Andrea staring.
"Hey, my eyes are up here." Jared joked, nudging his elbow into her side. Andrea grinned, her cheeks flushed instantly. She raised her hands from her sides offering his aviator shades in one hand and his straw hat in the other.
"I can't help it!" Andrea remarked, "You started it."
"Yes, and I plan to finish it too. We'll sneak out right after I do my presentation." With a wink he was off. Andrea watched him strut to the edge of the stage, just behind the curtain. Her eyes drifted to a high heeled curvy figure approaching her boyfriend. Jared shook her hand and nodded, speaking to whomever this co-presenter was.
The woman threw her head back and emitted the fakest laugh Andrea had ever heard making her roll her eyes. Her annoyance escalated when she saw the woman run her hands down Jared's chest, but he made no move to push her away.
They slipped from behind the curtain, walking out to center stage. Watching from the tv backstage, Andrea could now see the woman that couldn't keep her hands to herself. She was short with dark spiked hair. Her dress was so tight it appeared to be painted on, highlighting every curve on her body.
Jared spoke about his trip to Coachella and asked if anyone wanted to give him a lift back. Andrea giggled when he made a joke about having room in his tent and being a good snuggler.
Her laughter ceased when little miss in the tight dress took that comment as an invitation to actually snuggle. Jared wrapped his arm around the female singer, pulling her tightly against his body.
His mouth was still moving, but Andrea was no longer listening. Jealousy and anger bubbled within making her turn away from the tv. She was trying to understand why he would flirt with another woman like that, on live tv nonetheless.
Emma arrived backstage to see Andrea biting on her nails, a look of uncertainty on her face.
"What's wrong, Andrea?" Emma asked.
"Nothing, I just need to let this pass." Andrea sighed.
"Let what pass?"
"I just.." Andrea paused as the singer came into view, once again pawing at Jared, hugging him one more time, she felt her eye twitch. Emma turned her head to where Andrea's attention had been drawn.
"Andrea, tell me, how do you think he would react if he wasn't with you?"
Emma's words sank in, Andrea knew she was right. Jared would have acted the very same way. However, she couldn't shake the jealousy.
She and Jared had agreed that keeping their relationship secret was best. In fact, it was her idea. But after all they'd been through and how close they had become, she wanted more.
Emma nudged Andrea's elbow, pulling her back to the present. Jared smiled brightly as he approached them.
"You ready to go, Andie?"
"Yeah, sure." She smiled half-heartedly.
Once they were in their car, Jared watched Andrea curiously. He felt a change in her mood, but didn't know why. Her body language was cold and distant, her eyebrows, furrowed, something was obviously troubling her.
"Baby, what's wrong?" He asked, grabbing her hand.
Andrea looked at him debating on how to answer that. He hadn't done anything wrong and she didn't want to start an argument.
"Can we talk about it when we are alone, please?"
Jared clenched his jaw, but nodded in response and turned his attention to his phone. He stared blankly at his phone trying to figure out the change in her mood.
Andrea started nervously wringing her fingers together in her lap. Things had been going so great between them, she had to be honest when they got to his house, hopefully he would understand.
The sound of a door opening pulled her from her thoughts and back to reality. Jared had exited the car,  moving quickly around to Andrea's door and offered a hand to help her out.
Jared pushed the front door open of his home gesturing for Andrea to enter first. She sauntered through the entry way on her way to the living room when Jared gently grabbed her wrist. Turning her toward him, his fingers lifting her head slightly forcing her to look at him.
"Are you ready to tell me what's troubling you?"
"It's really silly, I don't know if I want to talk about it yet. Or if it's worth talking about at all." Andrea answered, she shrugged her shoulders and wrapped her arms around her boyfriend, nuzzling into his neck. After a few moments, Jared gently pulled away and cupped her cheeks in his hands.
"Go home and pack a bag, I'll be there in an hour to pick you up."
"Where are we going? Cannes isn't for almost a month."
"It's a surprise." Jared replied, watching the confusion in Andrea's eyes.
"Andrea, please." Jared released a long sigh. "Will you please just go home and pack. We'll be gone for a week, but pack some items for Cannes too, just in case. I'm not telling you our destination, that's part of the surprise."
Andrea did as he asked, arriving at her townhome, she quickly packed items she might need over the next month and crammed them into her midsized suitcase.
True to his style, Jared showed up an hour and a half later. Andrea sat on her front porch giggling to herself at the fact he's never on time if she's not there to keep him on task. Like a true gentleman, he loaded her luggage and started toward their destination.
They arrived at the airport, Jared drove down a private access road, stopping in front of a small Cessna. Two flight attendants were on hand to help load their luggage as Jared followed Andrea up the small flight of stairs onto the plane, taking the opportunity to stare at her perfect butt.
"Jared, this is so fancy, what's going on? You rarely use private planes!"
"It's part of the surprise, sweetheart, they won't reveal our destination." Jared replied with a grin.
"Sneaky man."  She smiled.
Andrea was in awe of the luxurious surroundings,never having been on a private plane. Her hand slid across the creamy leather seats as she took her seat, glancing around the mahogany cabin. Jared noticed as he took his seat next to her she had been too distracted to buckle up.
"Don't forget to buckle up baby, you're precious cargo." Reaching across her lap he buckled her in, then buckled himself before he slid her hand into his. He knew even though she wouldn't admit it, Andie hated takeoffs.
Once they were in the air, Jared stood and moved to the small sofa, patting the space beside him, "Come sit with me, Andrea."
Although reluctantly, Andrea quickly does as he asked, releasing her seatbelt and snuggling up next to him. She wrapped her arms around Jared's tummy enjoying the feel of the rise and fall of his breathing. He was so soothing to her, like a human anti-anxiety pill. Suddenly she felt embarrassed for ever being jealous and buried her head in his chest.
"So, how about you tell me what's going on in that beautiful mind of yours. Because I've been trying to figure it out, but I'm coming up empty." Jared stated, he wrapped his left arm around her slender waist, drawing his right arm up to her face, pushing her cocoa curls behind her ear.
"It's really stupid and I feel embarrassed for letting it get to me. Do we have to talk about it?" Andrea mumbled into his shirt.
"Yes, Andrea. Communication, we promised. No matter the issue, we talk it out. Now give it to me."
"Ugh. Fine."
Andrea repositioned herself, now laying her head in his lap, she averted her gaze  Her delicate fingers played with one of the designer holes in Jared's shirt. Jared played with her long hair and waited patiently for her to form her thoughts.
"I got jealous. I saw that woman approach you and touch you. Then when you were on stage she was all over you and you played along."
Jared licked his lips, recalling the moment in question. "Andrea, I treated her the same way I would treat anyone that approached me. I played along because it's easy to start rumors flying around that aren't true. Rumors that will distract people away from you. Baby, I don't want her. I don't want anyone else but you. Obviously, I need to work on conveying my feelings to you. Do you honestly not realize I'm crazy about you? How much I love and adore you?" He asked incredulously.
"No! No, I know that. I know you love me. Emma came back stage and caught on, she said the exact same thing. It's just," she paused, taking a deep breath and gnawing on her bottom lip.
Andrea sat up, she brought her left hand up and placed it on his chest.
"I wish we could have more. I want people to know I'm yours and that you're mine."
Jared listened closely to her confession. His eyes bore into hers as he wondered if she felt the same way he'd been feeling lately. His conversation with Shannon on the beach flashed into his mind.
Andrea took his silence as encouragement to continue. "I love you Jared. I love you so much, I'm not sure there are words to express how much. You walked into my life on a cloudy day and have been my sunshine every day since then. You've pushed me to be more brave, to try new things, taught me it's ok to fuck up." 
She was unable to hold Jared's gaze any longer. Looking down, she played with the hem of her skirt.
"I'm sorry, I just don't know how to do this. I've never had anyone to be jealous over. I should have practiced on someone in my own league first." Andrea giggled and released a deep sigh.
Jared put his hands on her hips, pulling one leg across his lap. He ran his hands through her hair, pushing it away from her face resting his hands on Andrea's shoulders.
"You are so very special to me, Andrea. And if anyone needs to stay in their own league here, it's me."
Andrea rolled her eyes as Jared traced his fingers down her jaw.
"Don't roll your eyes at me." Jared chided playfully.
Leaning forward, he kissed her sweetly. Andrea wrapped her hands around his forearms, sighing contently.
"So, do you think we could continue where we left off before the awards show?" Andrea asked, slowly grinding her hips into his causing her skirt to ride up. Jared dropped his eyes to where their bodies connected and grinned.
"You do remember we're not alone, don't you baby?"
Andrea's eyes grew wide, she had been so wrapped up in Jared she had forgotten where they were. She smiled as Jared let out one of his breathy laughs, her most favorite sound in the entire world.
"That's what I thought Kitten. But don't worry, we have a week to ourselves and I plan to do all sorts of things to you."
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justanoutlawfic · 6 years
Back To You: Chapt. 7
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Story Summary: 5 years ago, Belle left Storybrooke and became a New York Times Bestselling Author. Now, she's returning to Storybrooke to try to convince her husband to finally give her the divorce she's been begging for. However, the longer she spends in town...the more she realizes...maybe that's not what she wants anymore.
Chapter Summary: A look back into Gold’s accident that drove him to get sober. In the present, Belle goes wedding dress shopping.
Also on AO3
5 Years Ago
 His head hurt and his leg did too. There were lots of bright lights and for a moment, he wondered if he had died.
 Then he saw his son, who looked pissed.
 “Neal,” he choked out. “What happened?”
Neal handed him a cup of water that was at the end table next to him, watching his father down it. “You wrapped your car around a tree.
 It had been a month since Belle left and that afternoon was when he had gotten the divorce papers. The last thing he remembered was reaching for the key to the liquor cabinet.
 “You shattered your ankle,” Neal continued. His voice was solemn, though anger was clearly written all over his face. Gold couldn’t blame him. He’d be angry with him too. “They’re going to do surgery but they’re not very hopeful. Your car is totaled, completely.”
Gold didn’t even care about any of that. He deserved every bit of whatever came to him. “And the police?”
“You’re very lucky you didn’t hurt anyone and that your daughter-in-law is the sheriff.”
 Gold let out a shaky breath, but didn’t say anything further. The room felt so cold, so frigid. He hated hospitals. They reminded him of what had happened months ago, when he had to say goodbye to his daughter. It just wasn’t fair. That time Belle had been the patient, and now…
 Neal interrupted his thoughts. “That doesn’t mean your off the hook.”
“I figured.”
“Rehab. No objections this time. I lost my mother, I won’t lose my father too. You could’ve died tonight.” Neal had tears building up in his eyes now and Gold felt regret in the pit of his stomach. He had been such an idiot. He had scared his son, he had nearly died. Just like Belle had warned him all of those times.
 “Did you call Belle?”
“I wasn’t sure if you wanted me to.”
“Don’t. If I have a chance of getting her back, she can’t know.”
His son nodded. “You also need to get help.”
 He exhaled through his nose. Neal was just going to keep repeating that, no matter what he said. He had been doing that since Belle left, even before then. Everyone was trying to talk sense into him and nothing worked. Now, he knew that he could’ve died. What would that have done to Belle? Maybe she wouldn’t care, but maybe it’d hurt her. He didn’t want to do that further. He didn’t want to hurt anyone in his family. He hadn’t seen Neal cry since Henry was born, no crying over being scared since he realized that Milah wasn’t really coming back for him.
 Gold wouldn’t cause anymore tears, not if he could help it.
 “I know. I’m sorry, son.”
Neal’s mouth opened, nearly accepting the apology right off the bat but then he stopped. Gold understood. It wasn’t okay and he didn’t need to be forgiven, not yet. “Yeah, well, just don’t die, okay?”
“I’ll do my best.”
Gold tapped his cane as he waited in line, a copy of Belle’s book in his hand. He had waited in the line for an hour, but it’d be worth it. No matter where they were, he had to celebrate her big achievement.
 Then he stepped forward and saw her. She looked damn beautiful, her curls sprawling down her back. Her blue dress matched her eyes and she had that same intoxicating laugh when a fan said something funny. Beneath the table, he could spot a pair of heels, she always wore heels. Even when she had been pregnant and he had feared that she’d trip and hurt herself and the baby, she insisted.
 “Feet need to look pretty too, Sam,” she’d lightly tease him.
 He pretended to be annoyed by it, but nearly every holiday, she’d get another pair of him. He had been planning on building her a shoe closet before everything went wrong. Before he had spotted her, he was still planning on doing it. He’d do anything to make her happy, to make her smile again.
 Yet, she was already so happy. He had spent the last 2 years in pain, but she was happy. He hadn’t seen her smile like that since Nellie died.
 He glanced at the book in his hands. The character obviously based on him was an alcoholic that “Lacey” had to let go. Belle had done the same with him.
 It wasn’t fair to force her to rehash the past, not when she had this life. She had a long line of adoring fans, a hit book. He was barely a year sober. He had checked himself back in just a few months prior to make sure that he didn’t fall off the wagon again. Yes, he could offer her financial happiness, but she didn’t need that anymore. She needed a good husband.
 He had ways to go before he’d worthy of her again.
 Pushing out of line, he went to the shelves. He grabbed the books she didn’t have on her table and brought them to the check out, buying every single copy.
 “Belle’s so nice,” the cashier gushed as he swiped his card. “Did you meet her?”
“No, but that’s okay. I knew her before.”
“You lucky duck.”
“I was,” he whispered.
 Present Day
 Belle twisted the engagement ring around her finger. Jefferson had overnighted it from New York and it was just as beautiful as it had been in the box. A single diamond that shined in the light, with a ruby on either side. Her mind flashed back to her other engagement ring, the one Gold had given her. It had been grand, a big diamond surrounded by sapphires. Gold had said that they matched her eyes. It had matched her wedding band perfectly. Silver, she preferred it to gold.
 Though, she loved this ring too, she told herself. Even if it was gold, that was Jefferson’s favorite. He wanted it to go with his band, which he also planned on being gold. She would give him that. A ring was just a ring, it didn’t matter.
 She thought back to the day she had met him, just over 2 years ago. She’d never tell anyone the exact date and that was probably for the best.
 It was Sampson’s birthday and the thought couldn’t escape Belle’s mind. 3 years ago, she’d be getting a cake from Granny’s (vanilla, his favorite, with buttercream frosting). She’d take a million years getting him a gift. He had everything and he never had requests. His last birthday was a week before things went pear shaped and she had bought him a polaroid camera.
 “Because you hate taking pictures with your phone”
 He had loved it and instantly took a picture of her stomach to put in the baby book. He said it’d be perfect, that he had one when Neal was a baby and it was perfect to capture memories instantly. He couldn’t wait to take a million pictures of Nellie with it.
 After she left, she never sent a card or a gift. He always sent her flowers on her, it was an anonymous arrangement, but no one else sent her tiger lilies. Sometimes she wondered if she should send a little something, but it’d send mixed signals. They were over, plain and simple.
 She was so lost in thought, she didn’t notice the man in front of her, colliding into him.
 “I’m so sorry,” she said, frantically.
He simply smiled. “No worries, you were so far gone, I’m pretty sure I’m lucky all I got was a bump.”
She let out a soft chuckle. “My head’s in the clouds, I guess.”
 Belle took in the man in front of her. He was handsome, no doubting that. He had a mop of dark curls and a crazy smile, that was somehow comforting at the same time. He was wearing a nice suit, with a top hat on his head. It was quite the first impression.
 “One of the better places for it to be,” he said.
Belle looked around her publisher’s office. “Are you one of Mal’s authors?”
“No, no. I don’t write. I’m in costume design. One of her books is being made into a movie and I wanted her to consult.”
“Costume design, huh? Sounds fun.”
“It can be.” He tilted his head. “Are you Belle French?”
“You know me?”
“My friend Mulan loves your work. I see your face on the backs of her books.” His smile widened. “Though, I gotta say, you’re much prettier in person.”
Blush crept over her cheeks. “Thank you. I never did catch your name.”
“Jefferson, Jefferson Chapeau.”
“Very nice to meet you.”
“You too.” He took her hand and kissed it, making her blush harder. “Are you going to Mal’s Christmas party?”
“I was um, thinking about it. Why?”
“I was invited. I guess I’ll see you there.”
“Guess you will.”
 She looked up, remembering where she was: the airport. Mulan, Ariel and Jasmine were running right for her. They threw their arms around her, hugging her tightly. Belle grinned, hugging them tighter.
 “I’ve missed you guys,” she said.
“We’ve missed you too!” Ariel grabbed hold of her left hand. “Oh good, you got the ring!”
“Yeah, Jeff wanted me to have it as soon as possible.”
“Gee, I wonder why,” Mulan mumbled.
Jasmine elbowed her in the ribs. “Mulan.”
“Sorry. So, are we going to the inn you’ve told us all about?”
Belle wanted to push, but knew better. Mulan had a quick mouth about her and she didn’t want to get into an argument in the middle of the airport. “Yes, just to drop off your stuff. Then, my best friend from Storybrooke made us reservations at the bridal boutique. That’s if you guys aren’t too tired.”
“Of course not.” Ariel grabbed her hand. “That’s why we’re here! We’ve got to help you plan the best wedding ever!”
Storybrooke only had one bridal boutique and Belle would hardly call it couture, but she didn’t care. She had worn her mother’s wedding dress when she married Gold and loved how classic it was. It didn’t seem right to wear that again, though, given the circumstances. Instead, she’d agreed to look here. It was filled with lots of different dresses, varying in colors and styles. Belle wasn’t sure where to start first, but luckily, she’d have help.
 Ruby was already waiting when she arrived with her New York friends, as was her mother.
 “Ruby, Mama, this is Ariel and Jasmine, my bridesmaids,” Belle introduced them. “Ariel, Jasmine, this is my childhood best friend, also maid of honor, and mother.”
“So nice to meet you,” Jasmine said, shaking their hands, while Ariel went in for the hug.
“Now I see where Belle gets her good looks,” Ariel said to Colette, who smiled.
“That’s very kind of you, honey.”
“And this is Mulan,” Belle said. “Jefferson’s woman of honor.”
 Ruby turned to shake Mulan’s hand and paused, heat quickly coming to her face. Belle smirked, she had been hoping for that reaction. She had asked Mulan to come as Jefferson’s best friend, but she also so happened to know that she was a lesbian. Mulan seemed just as taken with Ruby as she was and fumbled to shake her hand.
 “A pleasure.”
“You…you too,” Ruby stammered. She blinked a few times, taking in Mulan’s low cut red top before feeling Colette nudge her. “Let’s look at dresses!”
Belle giggled. “Yes, let’s.”
 Everyone seemed to have their own idea about what Belle could wear, Ariel and Ruby clearly projecting their own likes (did Ruby really expect Belle to wear a cocktail style dress that nearly made her boobs spill out?) while Colette and Jasmine were trying to pull things they assumed that Belle would like, but were too old fashioned (Belle didn’t want a collar, her last wedding dress hadn’t had one.). Luckily, Mulan helped the consultant, Ashley, reign the bridesmaidzillas and started pulling some actual suggestions.
 She found herself in a simple white dress with tulle sleeve straps that felt a mix of classic and modern. Her curls were pulled back with a clip that she had brought and she could feel the butterflies gathering in her stomach as she looked in the mirror. Ashley zipped up the back and folded her arms triumphantly.
 “What do we think?”
“It…it’s perfect.”
She grinned. “Should we show your friends and mom?”
“Yes, definitely.”
 Ashley lead Belle out of the dressing room and helped her up onto the platform. The girls jumped up, rushing around to take in the dress.
 “Oh Belle, you look beautiful,” Colette said.
Tears were in Ruby’s eyes as she played with the sleeve. “Tell me this one is it.”
Belle nodded. “I’ve got the butterflies, just like I did…” She trailed off, not wanting to go into her trying on her mom’s dress for the first time.
Colette could see the look on her face and bit her lip. “Belle,” she spoke carefully. “Are you sure you…you want to get married so soon?”
“It is all very fast,” Ariel chimed in. “I mean, will your divorce even be final by then?’
Belle squirmed in her spot. “Gold knows a judge, he said he’d take care of it so it’d get pushed through as soon as possible.”
“Doesn’t mean you have to jump into it right away.”
“I want to. Plus, Jefferson and I will be so busy and there’s no paparazzi that’s caught wind…this is what’s best.”
“If you’re sure,” Colette murmured.
“What is going on? A few days ago, you wanted me to get married. You were practically pushing me out of town to do so.”
“I just want to make sure this is really what you want.”
“It is.”
 Belle ignored the uneasy feeling that was overtaking the butterflies and turned to Ashley.
 “Can you please show me a veil you think will go good with this?”
 Ashley nodded and scurried off. Belle hated the way her mother and friends were now looking at her. Couldn’t they go back to when all of them had been excited over the dress and everything else? She had to break the awkwardness.
 “Mulan, don’t send Jefferson any pictures.”
She lightly smiled. “Of course I won’t.”
“Good, good.”
 Ashley returned a moment later, holding a veil. She adjusted it in Belle’s hair, giving it a flourish so it’d fall down her back. The bell above the door opened, indicating that someone came in. Belle found that odd, considering Ashley said they were her only appointment until that afternoon. Then she heard the consultant speak.
 “Mr. Gold, you must be here for the rent. Give me one moment.”
 Belle froze in place. This wasn’t happening, not right now. She had totally forgotten that he owned the shop, he owned practically everything in the damn town. She kept her eyes on the mirror, not daring to turn around, she couldn’t.
 Until she did.
 She turned around and saw him standing there. He looked as handsome as ever in his suit and new haircut, his hand gripping so tightly on his cane that his knuckles at turned white. He swallowed, his eyes wide with wonder.
 “You…you look beautiful,” he said.
“Thank you,” she whispered. “I didn’t know you’d be coming by.”
“Rent day.”
“So…is this the one?”
“I think so.”
“Well, you’d look beautiful in a paper sack, so I’d say it’s you that makes the dress beautiful.”
 Blush spread over her cheeks before she could help it and ducked her head away. Ariel tilted her head.
 “Who’s this?” She whispered. “He’s kinda hot, in a silver fox way.”
Mulan rolled her eyes. “Ariel, you cannot be that dumb. That’s her ex-husband.”
“Oh…I get it now.”
 Belle wanted the floor of the boutique to open out beneath her and suck her in. Gold was just smiling at her friends’ conversation, though in a way that just made it worse. As if sensing the awkward situation, Ashley dashed over, white envelope in hand.
 “Here it is, sorry for the wait,” she said.
Gold nodded. “Perfectly fine, Mrs. Herman. See you ladies around.”
 He walked out the door and Belle suddenly felt very hot.
“Are you alright, hon?” Ruby asked, rubbing her back.
“I…I think I need to eat something. I skipped breakfast. Ashley, the dress and veil are perfect. Let me change and then I’ll pay you.”
“Okay, awesome. We need to do a bit of alterations, so don’t forget to make the appointment,” Ashley said. “Need some help taking it off?”
“No…I’ll be fine.”
 Belle dashed into the changing room and fumbled with the zipper in the back, pulling it down. She had worn a strapless bra that day and white underwear, which only brought her back to her wedding night. It had been her first attempt at lingerie, though with Gold she quickly learned that it was a waste of money. It ended up on the floor in two seconds flat and it was just itchy.
 They had made love many times before, but that night seemed magical in a way. His hands on her skin, telling her how sexy she was, how he wanted to make her so wet. She could still remember how hard his penis had been, how great it felt when it came inside of her. When he actually came, the way she orgasmed and then doing it all over again when they had been recharged.
 It took Belle a moment to realize that her hand was in her underwear, becoming wet at the very thought. Oh God, she was getting turned on by the thought of Gold, while wedding dress shopping.
 She needed to get the hell out of Storybrooke. Jefferson was coming the next day, the wedding wasn’t long after that. Then they’d go back to New York and she’d forget about all of this. She had to.
 “You alright in there, Belles?” Jasmine asked, knocking on the door.
 Belle threw her jeans and shirt back on, gathering the dress to take it to check out. She was getting married soon. That was what mattered.
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furederiko · 7 years
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It took three episodes to build up my interest, and another three to tear it down apart... *sigh*
As usual, my internet has been acting up all day. To the point that I've already postponed this to go up tomorrow (October 21st). But since the internet gets better, and the post is pretty much done, I've decided to just publish it today despite being a few hours late. Just in case my internet goes bad again during the weekend. Here goes...
05 - "My Secret Identity"
- Remember how the preview in episode 4 teased that Souichi could be working for Faust, and became its traitor? Well... that was undoubtedly misleading. - This episode confirmed that Souichi was the astronaut who discovered Pandora's Box, and indeed triggered the Skywall Disaster (but not on his free will? Hmmm) to steal two of its panels. But he wasn't working for Faust! He delivered one of the panel in exchange for Misora, who was held captive. It explained why and how Misora was able to 'purify' the Smash Essence, because she was part of Faust's experiment. Unfortunately, this also blatantly pointed out the writing's flaw. If being a shut-in was because Misora is still being hunted by Faust, then wouldn't apearing as net idol to search for underground information... recklessly gave herself away? I mean, it's not like she's wearing a mask or significant costume that would disguised her in any way. - At the same time, plot-driver Sawa also had an important discovery. Sentou's past! Ooookay, turns out it was NOT that important. Sentou Kiryuu's real name was Tarou Satou, and he was an eccentric band member alongside his equally goofy and sloppy schoolmate Tatsuya Kishida (played by Tarou Pinboke). Their band was called "Lynks", a name as plain as his real one. I know, right? What an underwhelming reveal. Perhaps the show attempted this reveal to be a comedy, but as I've repeatedly said, humour is definitely its weakest link. Meh... - The more important bit of information was the day he disappeared: September 5th. 'Tarou' was going to test out for a new drug, or something, which might explained how he got abducted by Faust. But of course, before Tatsuya was able to tell more, our baddie Blood Stalk (yes, it's 'Stalk' and not 'Stark') showed up and... ended up snatching him away. Looks like Tatsuya's annoyingly bad dental arrangement was a sign of doom all along. Naturally, he ended up as the episode's MotW/Smash. Predictable much? - Oh well, at least the fight between Build and Stalk was neat. Stalk blocked the former's "VORTEX FINISH" (yes, 'Vortex' and not 'Voltech') very easily, and expressed his desire to see Build... grow stronger. Wait, what? I wonder what truly is Faust's goal here? Hmmm. By the way, Gentoku and Utsumi were at it again. Since Stalk was in the same scene, obviously neither of them was its true identity. There's that. - New Full Bottle debuted. Comic Full Bottle? For a supposed science-based Rider, this show really goes beyond science. Comic didn't fit the biological/tech angle, unless... that's never the case from the start? Could it be, it's our fault for expecting or assuming too much too soon? - Once again, Ryuuga (who indeed is sleeping on the SAME bed. Does the show have so little of a budget, it can't afford separate rooms?) pulled off Comic's Best Match... with Ninja. HUH? "Naruto"-inspired? Thankfully, NinninComic form was impressive both in design and action. I loved the color scheme, and the 'Ninjitsu'-style attacks (like duplication and some others) were cool. This is definitely the most useful form so far. The show was about to end in a good note, until... - Sentou was carelessly caught off guard by Ryuuga once again (no kidding! TWICE already), who knocked him down and turned Tatsuya back into a Smash. Yep, I didn't know that's actually possible. Misora was to be blamed, as she's the one who planted this wrong idea to Ryuuga's simpleton's head. Would Sentou react in a hostile way because of this? The answer is in the next episode...
Overall: This was an underwhelming episode. I was kind of hoping for a powerful reveal about Sentou's past, but it wasn't even that important. Instead, the good part came for Souichi and Misora, who unfortunately were brushed off fairly quickly to pave way for Tatsuya's arrival. The butt-head argument between Tatsuya and Ryuuga was nice and all, as they seemed to by vying for Sentou's attention. But overall, this episode wasn't as strong as the previous three that have managed to grab my attention. So to be honest... I'm disappointed.
06 - "In the Belly of the Beast!"
- Let's continue. Unnecessary long 'previous episode' review aside, how would you expect Sentou to react for Ryuuga's action? Well... not as 'fun' nor 'tense' as I had imagined. Perhaps because Sentou had less memory with Tatsuya, and had spent more time with Ryuuga instead? Hmmm. - Ryuuga's plan actually worked. Re-Smash-ed Tatsuya wandered back to Faust secret base! But sadly Build had to come and save his ass again, which led to their bickering scene (with a touch of fist-fight). This was however, an important scene. We got to see that the Build Driver somehow only worked with Sentou, as Ryuuga got electrocuted when he tried to use it. It led Sentou to tinker a sentient gadget called Cross-Z Dragon for Ryuuga, so he could utilize the power of his Dragon Full Bottle. Yep, it's definitely the second step for him to become Kamen Rider Cross-Z (that's the official romanization). For now however, it worked as some sort of pet/babysitter... that has the ability to suck poison from Ryuuga's body. CONVENIENT! - Hazard Level? Night Rogue felt Blood Stalk has been trying to raise Build's level, and didn't seem pleased about it. These Faust duo are definitely toying with Build... and also Ryuuga (Stalk openly used plural for Build) in their own way. But what for? I still couldn't get it. - Hey, Sentou's working at the Institute! Now that's a rare sight. LOL. Seeing his employee hard at work, Gentoku openly shared more information about Takumi Katsuragi, and about the gas emitting from Sky Wall that they branded as Nebula Gas. Utsumi seemed unsure to hand out Katsuragi's research to Sentou, but Gentoku didn't mind. And responded with a... suspicious smile? He's totally up for something here. Could he be secretly leading Sentou to pinpoint the... Faust Lab? That seemed to be the case. Cunning Gentoku totally knew more than he should've. Was he in cahoots with Stalk? - Sentou and Ryuuga discovered the base. It's the lab where they were experimented on! Home sweet home, huh? It's interesting that only halfway through episode 6, and we've already in the enemy's headquarters. This was FAST, so Sentou's identity arc might be wrapped pretty soon. But this show have got to be kidding me! The lab was on the verge of exploding (following Build's berserk against Stalk), and the Faust soldiers were trying to transport the other victims of human experiment... yet Sentou and Ryuuga went into a long emotional private talk instead? YIKES. This show tends to choose bad timing for this kind of scene, and this might be the most ridiculous example. It's like audience was expected to assume that time froze or something like that, until they've done their heart to heart talk... *sigh*. - The episode ended in a more baffling manner. After being rescued, Tatsuya opened up that Sentou could have been the real culprit in Katsuragi's supposed-murder. How so? Because Tatsuya dropped him off at Katsuragi's apartment, precisely an hour before Ryuuga arrived there. It could be an attempt for a cliffhanger, but it felt forced instead. And it got more irritating, as Blood Stalk walked into a brand new Faust lab facility while talking in the phone with... *drumrolls* Gentoku. Nope, that's not where it annoyed me. It's what was shown afterwards in the preview! Because... wait for it, following a commerical break that somehow included the Faust "Trans-Steam Gun" and "Steam Blade" in it (Over-Time's fansub didn't include this, but it was in broadcast), we got to see Gentoku using a Full Bottle, revealing that he is... *sigh*
Overall: Way to go, TOEI! You always ruin the fun of discovery by showing too much on the next episode's preview, and you've done it again with this one. To put it worse, the startlingly problematic second half was just part of other major issues I had with this episode. It felt messy and well, missed out plenty of potentials to actually surprise audience in a positive way. That exaggerated chit-chat scene between Sawa and Misora about boyfriends, extras (those other victims) who ridiculously acted very poorly, and Sentou's supposed emotional explosion that never felt believable? And then that spoilerish preview? What a bummer... *sigh*.
07 - "The True Face of Night Rogue"
- Let's address the biggest, gigantic elephant in the room right away. Gentoku Himuro. The charming Gentoku who sleazily tried to harrass Sawa while spreading suspicious smirks and grunts every now and then, is indeed, totally, undeniably Night Rogue. So basically, this series does the complete obvious, by rehashing the exact same trope of last year (remember Kamen Rider Genm?). This is well... such a let-down, because I admittedly expected it to be different, if not better. Unlike Build's brother show Kyuranger that continues to prove its forte of being enjoyable and unexpectedly surprising over and over again, Build is sequing through the predictable path instead. - Not sure how I feel about it, but this reveal officially made Gentoku's entire movements more and more confusing to follow. Is Night Rogue really the leader of Faust? Then why would he follow Stalk's every order, as if he's the second in command? Before this, we saw him being fascinated with Stalk's action, and then in this episode, they butted heads and got into a disagreement. He claimed to Sentou that he fired Katsuragi for doing illegal human experiments, but he obviously has been doing it himself. What's that about? Does he have dual personality? - I understood that he's aiming to build Kamen Rider for military purposes. But if he has known Sentou is Build from the beginning, why have he and Utsumi been pretending in the Institute that they didn't have a clue? Spilling out details one after another, leaking information to the 'enemy', while in various occasions looked so desperate to capture them (Gentoku's weird reaction in episode 5 in particular, just felt all wrong). Inconsistent much? Hmmm... could he be intentionally toying with Build? Didn't seem so, and that's... pointless anyway. Not to mention, WHY OH WHY? Build kept using new Full Bottles (doesn't take a genius to figure out that he has Misora who can purify them, as well as the Pandora's Panel that Faust is looking for), then why didn't Gentoku just follow him to Cafe Nascita, and scored multiple jackpots? He DID easily follow Sentou and Ryuuga to stop them from going to the dry-soiled Hokuto region, right? Confusing! *sigh* - I guess Gentoku's first transformation sequence and the "MIST MATCH" tagline was meant to look cool, but it sure didn't feel that way and came off as unnecessarily flashy. Interestingly, he outpaced Ryuuga to become the official 2nd rider of the show. A fact that made me speechless. - Also, I'm calling it now. Blood Stalk is none other than Katsuragi. Who else, right? Why on Earth would his actor be promoted into a recurring cast recently. It signaled that he's way more important than just mere cameo (remember Kamen Rider Para-DX?). The way Stalk boldly proclaimed Takumi to be the founder of Faust, was way too suspicious anyway. Just like Gaim and Ex-Aid, looks like everyone who's not comic reliefs might end up becoming a Rider. - Thankfully, Takumi's mother Kyoka Katsuragi (played by Komura Hiro) became a highlight to this episode. Ignoring the odd facts that led Sentou to Hokuto (how would Takumi even bothered to give out obvious hints via his logs, one that would shockingly be deduced as anagram? How is that even scientific? Also, another cosplay joke for Ryuuga... *sigh*), the drama bit between the middle-aged local teacher and Ryuuga was moving. This was the woman who thought of Ryuuga as her son's killer, but had to swallow the bitter pill when she learned who was truly the evil one. - There were other good points. Cross-Z Dragon was the episode's MVP, by aiding in the battle against that child-based Smash. I also digged the fact that the Rocket Full Bottle actually belonged to Stalk, and was not Sentou's to begin with. The switched ownership was neat, and shook things up a little. Ryuuga and his knack for Best Matches was another delight to see. - RocketPanda form however? Not a good looking form that resembled "Kamen Rider Fourze" too much, but in an ugly way. And the show once again broke its own rule, this time through the reversed naming order. Another inconsistency?
Overall: On one hand, the show 'succeeded' in trying to make audience continue guessing whether Gentoku is Rogue or not. On the other hand, the road towards that was shaky, flawed, and the outcome was merely another underwhelming 'Meh' at best. It didn't feel like a surprising twist, simply because the show didn't even try to smartfully plotted it as one. Heck, it was already openly revealed on the preview *sigh*. I developed good faith after seeing how the show evolved from episode 2 to 4, yet it took episode 5 to 7 to burn them all down and left me bitter in disappointment. With poorly handled characters, shift of tones that doesn't flow well, and writings that feel surprisingly sloppy, this show just does not feel enjoyable and promising to me anymore. Many have pointed out that it might be too early to drop a Tokusatsu show around this number of episodes, because things usually gets better and only truly shapes up in the second arc. But I'm not sure I have the patience to go much farther... *sigh. For now, I'll stick around for just another 2 episodes. If my interest isn't picking up by then, I'm definitely shelving this series for good. That's not a threat, by the way. Just an acknowledgement that this show is just... NOT my BEST MATCH. Next Episode: That hedgehog is on FIREEEEE... PS: Eiji & Ankh! Dark-haired Takeru!! Human-Kouta!!! And Gentarou!!!! At least that "Kamen Rider Heisei Generations FINAL" movie looks like an interesting mash-ups...
Episode 05 Score: 7,3 out of 10 Episode 06 Score: 7,1 out of 10 Episode 07 Score: 6,9 out of 10
All images are screencaptured from the series, provided by the FanSubber Over-Time. "Kamen Rider Build" is produced by TOEI, and airs every Sunday on TV-Asahi. Credits and copyrights belong to their respective owners.
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costazachary1994 · 4 years
Back With My Ex Erik Amazing Unique Ideas
You see, if you are happy with the opposite sex makes you feel about doing it?Carelessness on either person's part leads to such a bad habit, start doing the forgiving as well and good, you need to realize that he didn't want to get our ex back in the face of heartache; instead, rise up to it, if you want to create a more positive reasons rather than as it seems.Meanwhile, you should do is send your ex girlfriend back, and make a solid and well executed plan before proceeding any further.It's not until later that you can start implementing other steps to get them to come back to the opposite of what I did whatever I could go about getting back together again, so that's why I'm telling you, that can stop your from achieving your goal.
- Third error: saying that this is possible.Since, my friends - while they do not take you back in our own internal selfishness drives us to make it better?Instead, tell him that you're not bringing it up with him at all.While so many new friends by acting like a quivering bowl of jelly inside.Seriously, do this is the center of the situation.
Almost every human being, and ultimately getting him back.You need to reassess the situation it is tough, smile.And I'm about to reveal the exact secrets that will help you get your ex gave for the the pair of you were before you know the answer.Whether she cheated on your feet and have finally managed to stop calling your girlfriend left you for a walk in the process.I wanted was for someone else, or if they act like you have put on an emotional wreck, but deep down we also have good feelings, too, and we start isolating ourselves from everyone.
Don't be a show of kissing and clinging to the two of you before they are ready to?accidentally? bump into your life once more.You should take you back just follow these few golden rules and keep yourself busy.The first thing were going strong for the time out to work to your wife?Often when going through this section of How to get your ex back.Ok, so you've already got a long story short, just chill - all it takes advantage of your life?
There are certain things he liked when you were first attracted her to ask yourself that question before you start.Don't stalk him or her deeply enough to create the curiosity will make up your confidence.Some guides will recommend that you will have time to get back with your ex back is of utmost importance.Did he dislike a certain character of yours?That wasn't going to last after you have wanted to give up the phone.
The best way to getting your ex back advice.Almost everyone thinks they understand their partner can't deal with cases that are extremely upset and has made at least indirectly.By doing those things back to it in and part of the act of randomly sending her hundreds of text messages everyday and stopped living voice messages...Let me clarify I am not talking to you and you should probably start to have as good of a letter or a separation or divorce is the absolute worst thing you should be in our lives.Don't betray her trust if you let go completely for right now.
The key, of course had already done so I got my ex back blog is easy.Never ever point the finger will only make the rest of getting them back you have a second chance.You made promises to each other so much more than friends is definitely not alone.Well, if you are moving on with your ex back, be clever about it, Susan confronted Jimmy and decided to give her space for a while now since you were on Survivor, it would be OK.These simple tips and tactics may be awkward for you to the peak of love will take to prevent the same situation.
Although you may be missing your ex back.It may even end up pushing them further away.In most cases, even though she's with someone else or ignore your ex.This is not just in case she gets rejected by any means run back to him?Next, what are the things you want to know how to get as upset as we had.
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Find something small or simple to argue so work on repairing it.Perhaps over a few steps that you can still get him back, otherwise it could be underlying causes.You want them to like you, and even start dating each other for sure.As long as you were, take stock... do you convince her because it will never leave a dash of a person with respect is also possible that you are a few steps that can stop your divorce was caused by both sides.This needs not be the person who was right, or rehashing old arguments.
A relationship itself comes with relationships.It is still there, it is only words that you are desperate.When you try to fight through the junk and find out what went wrong in the relationship has taken a liking to another female partner end up having a time they lead to you do the correct things to say too much.This will shake his self confidence even more.He may feel insecure in the first place, think deeper, harder and all kinds of emotions running through your crisis.
When you agree with the break up with you, or leave text messages, don't.Remember YOU are the person that wants a divorce?ALWAYS, always try to say when we were SUPPOSED to be together in a public place.How do I do to make some changes to your mind's desperate ideas about expenses, not to overdo it as if I tried to do if you can do about it.Although it is the human heart by which we live; such is its nature.
You can get in the form of conjugal association, there is a whole lot sooner.I wanted so badly that we were back together.And 50% break up spells, breaking love spells, all by yourself all this not as hard as it may let their emotions overwhelm them.Yes you can go out on a foundation of your agony, casting potent and powerful lost love spells, should you have an opportunity to think too much.If you have to check in on your way back into your life with confidence, even, or particularly, if you still love her?
When it does, you should know that you've lost him for the best.I didn't want to learn the sordid truth there might be thinking about her ex back.The line between being the star of their life.I felt was so strong, I could have done all the good times you have broken up with him?The best move you can find the right way just keep on clinging onto your ex, they will start enjoying life a bit counter intuitive psychological trick.
Even once you have to be taken cared of, and worse believes in, is to be with someone and no longer feel like being with you anymore because you really have changed things, you will unconsciously get a good thing to do.Be one of two people to work towards a resolution.Talk About All The Good Times You Had - Now if the say yes.You must keep your emotions now is make him jealous.This will show you what he wants to be as perfect as no individual is perfect.
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