#and also put a nice backing on it and a portective cover
safyresky · 2 months
I was tagged HERE a haute minute ago by @mellomadness and this is the best gotdamn picrew I've ever done in my LIFE
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WORMS!! I'M GONNA MAKE SO MANY WORM FRIENDS! Anyway here's a Dani worm >:3
The overalls were the closest I could get to "denim jacket covered in pins" and I'm kinda loving it, ngl!
WORM PICREW HERE. Ty for the tag Max! Tagging @ ALL MY FOLLOWERS AND FRIENDS bc this worm brought me gr8 joy and I want it to bring you all joy too at no added pressure to share (but if you make a worm friend...please share bc they're such FUNKY LIL GUYS)
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prismarts · 4 years
Happy Birthday Douxie!
“Plot: Illy worries that she may not be able to give Douxie something special for his birthday..
Notes: It’s honestly just fluff....Douxilly flufff, Douxie x oc cause I can’t resist man I love these dorks, Illy swears a bit due to panic, Just also Illy bonding with Archie and Nari, They are a family don’t @ me,  RELATED TO THE BIRTHDAY ART I POSTED, ALSO YES I’M SO SORRY THIS IS LATE (CURRENTLY THE 20TH AS I AM WRITING THIS), also finished this and posted it on MY BIRTHDAY LMAO (the 21st xD)
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“Oh fuzzbuckets! Bleeding balroths! Shit!!” 
Illy kept cursing as she paced around the small apartment, Archie and Nari had been watching her do this quietly......for about an hour now.
It was Douxie’s birthday and she had been figuring out what to do for him, it was hard for her to come up with something. The last time she celebrated his birthday was around 901 years ago, his 19th birthday.
Well, technically, she didn’t celebrate that birthday with him... 
She had convinced Merlin to let her do his chores so he could have the day to celebrate his birthday with Archie and she was thankfully able to....it was nice to see the apprentice at the time being excited  about the day off on his day of birth.
That would explain why she wasn’t able to come up with anything currently...
“Illy, perhaps you should calm down for a minute so we can help you figure this out...” The familiar said as he jumped onto her shoulders, something he had been doing more often now that they have grown closer.
The wizard sat down on the rundown couch with a sigh as she ran her fingers through her short brown to blue gradient hair, “There’s not much we could do.... I doubt Douxie would like us walking around the city to get him a gift...”
They had been really cautious about leaving the apartment while Douxie was at work, they would go out together on his day offs but would usually stay in the apartment for Nari’s safety.
“I’m sure there is something we can make for him instead, Illy..” Archie said as he looked at her quietly, purring a bit to calm her down.
“Like, what? and before you say meat pies, I checked, we don’t have enough ingredients for them...” 
“Surely, there is something we can make-”
They were both cut off when Nari came over with a cookbook that Douxie had gotten Illy when she finally learned how to use the kitchen, it was sweet of him.
“I found this in the book, will we be able to make this?..” The demigod opened the book to a page on birthday cake, Illy and Archie looked at each other as they....honestly found it surprising it took them this long to figure it out.
Illy smiled as she gently took the book from Nari as the demigod sat next to the two while she read through the ingredients. “We should be able to at least make two layers of cake with the things we have.... and I think we have some candles too.”
“I think we found the surprise we can make for Douxie” The familiar said with a smile.
After a while of gathering the ingredients, the three were ready to start baking. It should be simple enough since Illy was an experienced baker....
Things went well for a while as Illy started to measure out  few of the ingredients they needed and mixing them in, Nari was trying to help but accidentally overestimated the amount of flour they needed.
The demigod pretty much filled a whole bowl with flour as she was trying to guess how much they needed. It was thankfully not that bad...even if they did get a bit of flour.....
Alright, a lot of flour on them.
It wasn’t anything that couldn’t be fixed though, thankfully. Illy was able to show Nari how to use a measuring cup and they were able to get the amount needed and messily tried to keep the rest of the flour.
It was already rather chaotic as Illy scrambled to make sure the flour bag doesn’t fall. It was close.
“I am so sorry, I did not anticipate this kind of mess...” Nari apologized as Illy ptted the nature lady’s head. 
“It’s alright Nari....we can clean this up when we’re done.”
Still, Illy couldn’t help but laugh a little at how chaotic it became.....
That was what she thought anyway but it became a bit worse, she hadn’t realized it but the metal bowls she was using have been reflecting the light onto the bag of cocoa powder.
Which is bad when the familiar in the house happened to be a cat at the time.
Archie’s eyes widened as his cat instincts took over and he attacked the bag.
The bag fell onto the counter as a cloud of cocoa powder ended up all over the three, Illy coughed up the cocoa powder as she almost inhaled.
It was like an explosion of powdery chocolate that both sounds delicious.....and very deadly if inhaled.
Even Archie, who fell off the counter after his vicious bag attack felt affected by the aftermath of the explosion.
“Uh...my bad.”
T’was all the familiar could say about the accident as he looked up at the wizard and demigod who both had cocoa powder and flour all over them. Illy had an amused smile on her face as she petted Archie’s head, getting the cocoa powder on him.
The three shared a laugh at the mess they were able to make in the short amount of time.
It really was like tornados of flour and chocolate crashed into the kitchenette, in fact, the familiar almost rolled over in laughter as Nari giggled a little and Illy was practically wheezing.
Illy was able to calm down from her laughter as she sighed and continued to work on the batter while the demigod and familiar calmed down.
The wizard smiled as she mixed the batter happily, “Nari could you get the pans that are over there? and Archie could you check to see if the oven is done preheating?”
After a while and a lot of hardwork, the three were able to get the cakes in the oven and were in the middle of making the frosting until another chaotic disaster struck.
The sound of windows opening and a flurry of loud “Waka chakas!” can be heard.
“Shit! Fuzzbuckets!”
Illy shrieked as goblins crawled into the apartment, this was weird but then she remembered how tired Douxie was when he left for work. “Archie, Douxie forgot the portective wards....didn’t he?”
“It...would seem so, and it seemed like the scent of our baking might have attracted them here.”
The wizard let out a shriek as she kicked the goblin away and levitated the frostings with one hand and blasted a few goblins out the windows with her other hand.
Nari was helping blast the goblins out of the window alongside Illy while Archie turned into his dragon form and set a few of said creatures on fire before tossing them out the window.
It took a crazy amount of fighting but they were able to toss all the goblins out the apartment as Illy closed the window. She put the frosting bowls down before focusing her magic, putting her hands up as runes appeared. she tossed them around the apartment. 
Protective wards.
She collapsed on her knees for a good while as she panted heavily, it was always draining for her to cast strong protection wards around the apartment as her magic wasn’t was strong as Douxie’s which was why he usually casted them.
Archie turned back into his cat form as he landed next to Illy on his feet and nuzzled her arm to comfort her, purring.
Nari went over to the wizard as well as she petted her head gently to comfort her friend, “You did well...”
The wizard smiled as she rested for a little bit with the familiar and demigod.
They were able to get the cakes out of the oven after a small bit and let them cool which took a while, which meant the three could relax on the rundown couch for a while.
The cakes were cooled by the time the sun was setting as Illy walked back to the kitchenette counter. She put one of the cakes on the plate and cut a bit of it out to flatten it off and make it easier to stack.
She snacked on the scraps as she  gave a bit to Nari too, she didn’t need to eat, being a demigod but she appreciated the offer. She even gave Archie a little, after all, he was a familiar not an actual cat. He can probably eat a bit of cake.
The wizard used one of the spatulas to put some light blue frosting on the first layer of cake before humming and putting the second cake layer on top. She then put some darker blue frosting on top and was even able to decorate the cake with really white blue frosting and white sprinkles.
Nari and Archie smiled as they watched Illy work, the familiar spoke up in amusement, “You definitely are a better decorator than Douxie.”
The wizard and familiar shared a laugh, they remembered around 900 years ago when Douxie made her a small cake for her birthday that was quite messily decorated.
After she was done decorating the cake, Illy grabbed the few candles they got and put them on the cake, unfortunately they weren’t able to fit in 920 candles but..... 20 should be enough.
The three smiled at their work as Illy put her hands up and pulled the two in for a hug. They were covered in flour, cocoa powder, sugar and frosting. The kitchenette was still floured and cocoa powder.
They got into a tired fit of laughter that was a bit too loud, in fact they didn’t even realize it but Douxie had walked into the apartment and was now in front of them near the kitchenette.
“Fuzzbuckets...what happened?”
The three froze when they heard the amused voice of the birthday wizard, the wizard, familiar and demigod looked at each other as Illy soon giggled.
“Surprise, love!...”
That made Douxie smiled, he had been tired but this was...amusing and he felt rather heart warming... 
He couldn’t help but let out a small laugh as he walked over to his small found family and looked at the cake, “I’m impressed...this looks delicious..”
He hummed and kissed Illy’s head gently, wrapping an arm around her as Archie climbed on his shoulders. “You lot must have gotten into quite the chaos for you to be absolutely messy....”
“You had no idea....”
“It was almost unbelievable..” The familiar added.
Nari agreed happily as she stood near them, excited to see Douxie enjoy his birthday celebration. Which he already was. She also put a birthday hat on his head, something the three were able to make while waiting for the cakes to cool.
Douxie let out a laugh, “Well, I say we leave the mess for later and get some time to relax together, how’s that?” He asked as he turned to the three happily.
“Only if you make a wish first, Archie, if you could do the honors..” At Illy’s request, Archie briefly changed to his dragon form to light the candles on fire before turning back into cat form.
Douxie smiled widely, he didn’t know what to think...
He honestly wasn’t expecting a surprise like this at all, he thought it would just be a normal day for him like any other. But the fact that Archie, Illy and Nari took the time and.....he wasn’t sure what else they had to go through just to make him something..
It warmed his heart, he couldn’t have asked for a better small found family to be around... His heart swelled as he took a deep breath before blowing out the candles.
On cue, the three cheered for him.
“Happy Birthday Douxie!!!”, and he was squished into a group hug as his beloved, Illy kissed his cheek. He let out a small chuckle, hugging them back and closed his eyes at the comfort with a smile.
He wished they could stay like this...happy and together like a family..
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