#and also prentice barely remembers anything
do you ever just think about tiergan alenefar and start crying because same
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solreefs · 2 years
we are having tiertice feelings in this chili’s tonight
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river's thoughts on Exile after reading it again.
what the actual frick was this book.
Alden Vacker you slick smarmy son of cerberus you can die by my blade <3
Alvar was very present in this book i was actually legitimately surprised by that. The first time I read it I barely remembered who Alvar was when he turned out to be Neverseen, but now I'm seeing all the little clues and things, as small as they are. However, it's all so subtle and hardly there at all that Alvar's either an Amazing Liar or his traitorhood was added spur of the moment and like me Shannon is a pantser of a writer.
Fitz Vacker is an entire jerk, and honestly he is so unlikeable in this book that there is no good reason that anyone should ever have shipped him with Sophie this early. Like, come on. We barely know the kid, at all, he's been a mostly background character, with Dex and Keefe taking the front positions in Sophie's mind, and what we do see is selfish, mean, and just generally nasty. Like. Kid. What?
Mr. Forkle.
Grady Ruewen is the best dad, and he just wants people to leave his 13 year old daughter alone, but they're not going to and they never will and this makes me sad because there is nothing this man would not do for his daughter.
Edaline went through some SERIOUS character growth in this holy SHOOT. She took leaps and bounds and she's doing so much better mentally I cannot even.
SOPHIE USED HER ONE QUESTION TO HELP HER DAD!!!! She had one question! One question about anything Black Swan! The people who created her! And what did she ask? Did you murder Jolie. For her parents. Oh my stars I'm never going to be over this. This is the sweetest thing.
Look, I get why people don't like Sophie. I get it, I do. But honestly, she is really just doing her best and people just keep trying to hurt her I don't know what else to ask of the actual child.
Councilor Bronte can die by my blade <3 And I'm coming for his kneecaps. This man deserves a tribunal for the crimes against Sophie. Just saying.
Council is heavily abusing their power. Also, so unoraganized? Like can y'all keep it together for ten seconds???
Ok but with my "Neverseen Alden" Headcanon, I'm undecided as to whether or not Alden actually suffered a mind break or not, through that looking glass. Like, if he didn't, and it was for some neferious gain, that makes sense. If he did, it makes less sense, but is still plausible, since the Neverseen are still just ordinary elves, and Prentice was Alden's friend. However, I will say. Alden needing to be repaired was the main catalyst for Sophie both breaking and being put back together, herself. If Alden hadn't broken, none of the events of the book would have happened. Her powers would be shrinking, and no one would know what was going on. Alden is the catalyst.
A Lodestar is a mirror that reflects pure light. If Keefe is the Lodestar, then he reflects all the goodness from the world around him. No, I do not take criticism of this interpretation.
Magnate Leto acting real sus. Like, Mr. Forkle, can you be ANY less obvious. Dude. Pull yourself together, you are a professional.
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crispyninjadonut · 7 years
Hopelessly, Helplessly
Yo my peeps its detz dayyy in @kotlcpridemonth and my frien that made stuffs for kam and feefe wrote something for today and it is amazin and shes allowing me to share it with you all so here ya go my friens enjoy the angsttm
     Little teensy disclaimer from the author of this fic, I am using Neverseen as a strong reference and some of the events and dialogue are taken straight from the book. I don't own any of the series or characters or anything that relates slightly to Shannon Messenger's world besides the little plot that is my own. And I do a sort of book recounting but from Dex’s point of view, I'm sorry this is so long or if you don't like that I recounted Neverseen so much. I just had this brewing in my head for a while and got to writing it for Detz day. Anyway, hope you enjoy!
     The first time Dex met Fitz, when his innocent Level One eyes met the older Level Three's sparkling teal ones, he knew something was wrong. The way his heart sped up was unnatural, the way his hands got clammy an oddity for calm and collected Dex Dizznee, but he pretended all was fine. It didn't matter that the same tingling sensation filled his body whenever he was around the older male, Dex was sure that this was just jealousy, and acted accordingly. 
      He didn't know if Fitz actually knew he existed or not, but he liked to pretend he didn't so it gave the young boy yet another reason to 'resent' him. He finished Level One year without much incident, and over the summer, told himself that he didn't even remember the person called Fitz or Fotz or whatever, but the teal eyes and dark hair that lingered in his dreams suggested otherwise.      When Level Two year began, Dex found himself waving to the boy who's name he could not remember, (he had a notebook at home covered with his eyes and face, however) despite his mind's wishes. The tingling feeling was still there, but again, he ignored it. That was all, until Sophie Foster entered his life.      Finally, someone who liked Dex, who wanted to spend time with him, who wanted to be his friend. He threw himself headfirst into this relationship, wanting to get buried in the feelings of having a close friend and hoping that it would turn into attraction. It had to turn into attraction. So when Fitz turned out to be close to Sophie as well and their friendship developed too, Dex was the epitome of jealousy.      He knew he was being ridiculous, but he didn't know why, and he couldn't stop it. Everywhere he turned was the insufferable Wonderboy, talking to Sophie, being with Sophie, having intimate conversations with Sophie that Dex couldn't because he hadn't manifested as a Telepath, only a stupid Technopath. What was technology when Fitz was getting to talk to Sophie whenever they pleased? What was their encounters when Sophie and Fitz would spend time staring into each other's eyes like two star crossed lovers?      He sulked and moped around more and more, and began having nightmares. "Soon, everyone will forget about you." his mind taunted. "You don't matter to anyone, they're all going to leave you. What do you have that Sophie doesn't? You're worthless compared to her." The voices wouldn't stop and Dex stayed up night after night trying to brew a potion to quiet his mind. Nothing worked, nothing ever worked, not for long. "This is because Fitz is taking her away from me." Dex would growl to no one as he sat, alone, in his room. "This is because of him." There was truth to that statement, but not in the way Dex would've liked.      It was difficult. Dex felt like everything solid was being pulled out from under his feet and he didn't yet know how to fly. And when he did learn how, his fragile wings couldn't support his body of lead. He realized, eventually, after a long period of denial, "what the hell is wrong with me" thoughts, and days and nights alike filled with tears upon tears, that he didn't like Sophie, that he would probably never like Sophie, and instead he was head over heels for someone else in their unlikely group of friends.      The teal eyed, dark haired boy that seemed to be able to read his soul during the few times their eyes met for more than a second and had haunted his dreams since Level One. He was hopelessly, helplessly in love, and he knew it. But that didn't mean he was okay with it. No, he knew he didn't stand a chance. After all, he was inferior to everyone it seemed. So he buried those feelings away and instead focused on what was more important than meager feelings that would never be acted upon.      However, adventure after adventure, they all got closer over time. And it felt nice, because although Dex and Sophie were never quite as close as they were when they first met, he also had Biana, and Keefe on good days, and eventually, even Fitz (he still called him Wonderboy, though, it helped in some weird, unrealistic way). He felt better about himself, he felt useful, that was the important part.        And when Keefe wanted to dye Fitz's hair green, he didn't object, because he didn't want any suspicions and knew secretly that Fitz would still look good no matter what. It turned out Fitz wasn't even mad, so the small amount of worrying Dex had actually done proved to be for naught. (He was also right, Fitz did look good) And then, Dex was going to save Prentice, he was that important. He was proud, finally, completely proud of what he could do, and  was sure that despite all the danger, everything would turn out fine.      This didn't happen. They were caught, found out by the Councillors that wanted nothing but them subdued. His mind raced as the Arthropleura rained down from the ceiling, as the rest of the Collective and Biana, Della, and Keefe were brought in, and as Mr. Forkle yelled at them to leap away. Dex knew Sophie wouldn't. So he came up with a plan.        He readied his gadgets, and they were all going to make it out of this alive. But Fitz, beautiful, unknowing Fitz. He tried to be the hero. And it didn't work.      "No. No no no." Was the only thought Dex had as he watched the device explode and hurl Fitz backward, who crashed down on the antenna of a charging arthropleura. Dex screamed, but no sound came out, and he ran to stop the bleeding. He was barely aware of what was going on around him, all he could do was pray and pray and cry, but crying was for later.      Sophie came and dropped to the floor next to him a second later, but Dex was numb to everything but the cooling of Fitz's chest and the warmth of his sticky blood. "It was my fault," He mumbled, his entire brain overwhelmingly numb and coursing through a thousand thoughts at the same time.      He focused, he focused on whatever he could besides the thought of Fitz dying, he focused on saving him. Mr. Forkle's voice filled Dex's brain, quieting the lasts of the thoughts. "Mr. Forkle says to leap Fitz out of here." He whispered to Sophie much calmer than he actually felt. He felt like he was going to be sick, and the only reason his entire body wasn't trembling was because he had to be strong for Fitz.      Sophie seemed to nod her head, but Dex knew better. She wasn't going to leave everyone else. She was too brave, too caring for that. "I need to help him." He thought, staring at the beautiful pale face of the boy he so desperately loved. He set his jaw.      "I'll take care of him." He promised as he grabbed the limp form of Fitz and raised his escape crystal to the light and leaped away. In that single leap, Dex concentrated harder than he ever had on keeping Fitz together, he was not about to lose that boy. The cloaks they were wrapped in were supposed to protect them during the leap though the force field, but it was dangerous with Fitz bordering on or already falling into unconsciousness.      Finding Physic to heal Fitz was mostly a blur, but he slightly remembered a colorful mask, having a hard time believing this person could help, and screaming at first when she tried to pull him out of his arms. He quickly regained his composure and gave him away, reminding himself that she was his only hope. He tried to stay with them, but Physic shooed him away, warning that things were going to be messy and a little hard to watch, so he should stay out in the tree house.      He collapsed to the floor the minute he was alone, and everything was eerily quiet. He sobbed for a good ten minutes straight, before warily untangling himself and curling his legs into his chest and staring at the fire. He trembled, he could feel the guilt clouding his mind, and took whatever strength he had left not to completely break. A few tears still slipped down his cheeks, but he made no move to wipe them away.      When everyone appeared in the tree house, it was a welcome distraction, but he didn't move his head away from the fire. He just, couldn't. "Physic is treating Fitz right now." He told everyone.      "Can we see him?" Sophie asked. He shook his head slowly, turning his eyes to hers, not caring about his red rimmed eyes or tear stained cheeks.      "She said I should stay out here because it was going to get messy." She looked back at him in distress. He didn't say anything else, there was a huge knot in his throat that he couldn't swallow down.      Dex didn't listen too hard, but people cleared out of the room quickly, Della and Mr. Forkle to see Fitz, the rest of the collective off to their lives. Keefe and Biana paced back and forth anxiously, but Sophie eventually came to sit next to him.      "Hey. You okay?" She asked him, worry laced in her voice. Dex wiped his runny nose and a stray tear from his cheek.      "My invention caused all of this." He managed to croak out, the knot still stuck in his throat. His eyes brimmed with tears, but none fell over.      "No, that was the Council," Sophie corrected. "They set the trap. And Fitz's injury really was an accident." Dex shook his head again.      "Still, if I h-hadn't rushed to attack-"      "You were trying to help," Sophie told him. "No one blames you for that."      "I know my brother won't," Biana promised, chiming in to help Sophie help Dex. Dex wasn't convinced.      "So what's Physic like?" Keefe asked, sitting next to Sophie. "Did it seem like she knew what she was doing?" Dex took the slight distraction, and tried to keep the guilt at bay.      "I don't know," He mumbled. "Normally I'd think someone wearing a sparkly mask and calling themselves Physic was crazy. But it's the Black Swan, so..." He trailed off, looking at his arms and burying his face in them. He didn't have the strength to continue. He wondered if the pain he was feeling matched Fitz's.      "She better be as good as Elwin." Sophie sighed. Dex silently agreed.      "If she's not, we'll sneak into the Lost Cities and kidnap him," Keefe promised, nudging her arm. "Don't worry too much, Foster. Fitz didn't look half as bad as you did during your last few brushes with death, and you're still with us-" Whatever else Keefe was saying was lost on Dex's ears. All he could think about was Fitz dying. It sounded so surreal, and way too possible. And now that he thought about it, hadn't Mr. Forkle and Della been away for a long time? Was something wrong? His mind cut back into his surroundings and his head shot up when he heard Mr. Forkle's voice.      "I agree," He said, striding into the room. Dex didn't know what he was agreeing with, but he didn't look like he just saw a corpse, so that had to be a good sign. "Physic has things stabilized if you would like to see Mr. Vacker." Dex stood up so quickly he almost fell over. He trembled all the way to Fitz's rooms, and he thought he might start crying again.      When he walked in the room, his body froze. His mind took in his shirtless chest, the black spiderweb of veins, and Della beside him, pressing a silver compress against his forehead, but he could hardly breath. "I killed Wonderboy," He whispered, the lump returning to this throat.        "I looks worse than it is," Physic promised, adjusting her mask. "I've already sealed the wound," she added. "And I have the damaged tissue repairing. Now we just need to get the venom out of his system." As she fished through a golden trunk, Dex was able to breath a little more, he didn't sound like he was going to die.      "This will make for a pretty awful day," Physic warned as she emptied a vial of dried leaves into her palm. "But I'm guessing that's probably true already. Now, which one of you can help me?" Before Dex could even think about raising his hand to try to repay Fitz for almost killing him, Keefe had already volunteered Sophie and Dex watched unfocused as she helped create some elixirs and a pulpy leafy mush that was rubbed into Fitz's pale skin. When they were finished, every single part of the black spiderweb was covered.      "That will draw the venom out of his skin," she explained as she wrapped his chest with a roll of silver silk. "And this"-she poured a vial of thick yellow sludge under his tongue-"will get it out of his system. It will make him vomit. A lot." She turned a silver handkerchief into a bag big enough to hold a bowling ball. "Keep this sealed tight when he's done. I need an uncontaminated sample." Dex shuttered, the thought of it repulsive, but welcomed anything that would help Fitz. When he heard Biana ask if Physic was leaving, Dex snapped out of another one of his dazes.
    “Only briefly.” She replied. “I need to run to the apothecary to pick up one more supply to make sure none of this leaves a scar.”
    “Are you going to Slurps and Burps?” Dex asked, willing to do anything and everything to be even a little bit of help. “My dad will get us anything you need. I could even go with you to make sure.” He needed to make sure Fitz would be alright.
    “You're sweet to offer,” Physic told him, “but that would ruin my incognito thing.” Whatever else she said was drowned out by his embarrassment. He knew no one else cared, but at the moment he felt more like a burden than anything helpful or useful.
     “Someone needs to stay here with Fitz and make sure he doesn't choke on his own vomit.” Of course Dex would be staying, there was no question. He didn't even have to raise his hand. After warning them that Fitz looked ready for “Retching round number one,” Physic left, and shortly after Sophie, Keefe, and Mr. Forkle did too. That left Dex with Biana, Della, and the barely conscious form of Fitz.
    After a while Keefe came back in to check on his friend, but couldn't stay for long. Dex had to admit, watching Fitz barf was gross and hard enough, every time the black gunk sprayed out of his mouth, it felt like his insides were tearing up, but Biana would barf too, and then Della would lose it, what with everything happening. But he stayed, he stayed for hour upon hour because he just couldn't leave.
    More than once he wanted to reach out and grab Fitz’s hand, but he was regaining consciousness and color in his cheeks, and that would've been a weird thing to do when he wasn't his family. Instead, he comforted Biana, and talked when he felt he should. Only when he felt he should.
     After a while, Physic came back holding a palm-sized white jar and rubbed its contents into Fitz’s skin, effectively erasing the last of the spiderweb veins that decorated his chest. After an hour of dry heaving, and fifteen other medicines, Fitz was declared “cured.”
     “You're not healed,” she warned. “You're going to need another week of recovery for that. And you'll need to drink a vile tea every morning.”
     “Did you say ‘vile,?” Della asked.
     “Oh yeah-it's nasty stuff. But so is getting impaled by a giant bug. Steep one hollowthistle into a cup of boiling water and make him down the whole thing in one gulp. Try not to throw it up,” She told Fitz. “And no getting out of this bed except for essential things.” He was getting better, he was getting better, and that was what Dex focused on.
     “Fitz will look worse before he gets better. Just know that's part of the process. I promise he'll be his old self by the seventh cup.”
     “Can't I just down all seven cups right now?” Fitz asked.
     “Not unless you want your insides to liquefy.”
     “Am I the only one who thinks that would be kind of cool?” Keefe asked, and yes, he most certainly was the only one who thought that. Hearing him talk about it only made Dex get more queasy. He snapped out of it when Sophie told them that one of Mr. Forkel’s identities was Sir Astin, which surprised him, but he wasn't that impressed. It felt like they were only chipping the top of the iceberg. He listened to Della tell a story until Fitz yelped.
     Immediately, Dex’s entire body tensed, and he whipped his head around from where he was standing to make sure nothing else bad had happened to Fitz. “Sorry,” the older boy mumbled, “I was just trying to sit up.
     “Vertical is not your friend yet,” Physic told him. “Make horizontal your buddy for the next seven days.” Fitz sighed, but winced from the sigh.
     “Can I at least practice Telepathy?”
     “You might be up to it in a few days,” she told him. “But I doubt it. You need to rest. You came pretty close to dying.” Dex went pale.
     “I knew it,” He mumbled to himself from the corner. He knew it. “Can I...um...talk to you for a sec?” He asked Fitz, praying for him to say yes, but then remembered they should probably not have any others around. “Alone?” He added, nervously.
     “Uh...sure,” Fitz said slowly, and Dex felt his knees go a little weak. This was happening.
     “Come on,” Della said, herding everyone out. “Physic should check us too”
     “Thank you,” he thought silently, but Keefe wasn't having it.
     “But we're going to stand close enough so we can eavesdrop, right?” He asked. Dex was about to say something rude but Fitz flung a pillow and smacked Keefe in the head-and then yelped, clutching his shoulder, before he had the chance.
     “Don't make me restrain you!” Physic warned. “And don't you dare fling that pillow back!” she told Keefe. Finally everyone left the room, and Dex avoided everyone’s gazes, and then it was just them.
     “What's up?” Fitz asked him slowly, and Dex didn't know what to say. Well, obviously he had a thousand things to say, but that lump was forming in his throat again and the tears were brimming again and Fitz looked more concerned than he should have considering he was the one who almost died and Dex was the one who almost killed him.
     “I-I'm sorry,” Dex said, blubbering a little and he sniffled before rubbing his nose and wiping his eyes.
     “I'm sorry for today. You almost got killed! All because of me…” Fitz looked very confused, very concerned, and very sad, but before he could respond, Dex went on.
     “And I'm sorry for always acting like I hated you, I didn't, I couldn't, not really, but it was the easiest thing to do.” They were both silent for a moment, save for Dex’s few sniffles.
     “Why?” Fitz asked after a moment, and Dex’s face fell. His heart seized up and his hands grew clammy but he knew he had to tell him the truth. He deserved it.
     “Because...because you took Sophie away from me, it felt. She was the first person who cared but you were there, always one step ahead it seemed, keeping me from the only best friend I'd ever had. And you're so perfect, everything about you from your perfect eyes and hair and face and lips-” His breath caught in his throat. He didn't mean for that last word to escape, but he couldn't stop his emotions after they were finally able to spill out after a year (at least) of repression. Fitz noticed, he definitely noticed, but he pretended he didn't.
     “Go on,” He urged, he somehow knew Dex wasn't done. Dex took a deep breath before continuing.
     “How could I compete with you? But that wasn't the problem was it?” He said with a sad smile. “I wasn't jealous of you, I was jealous of Sophie, because she filled a spot in your life it seemed I didn't even know I wanted to fill until a few months ago. But you know what the worst part is?” He asked Fitz, his eyes glimmering and heart pounding.
     “What?” Fitz asked so quietly it was almost like just another one of his breaths. He was captivated by this small strawberry blonde boy with periwinkle eyes and dimples that one could get lost in.
     “You ignored me. You ignored me and it hurt so so bad, it was like everyone else was better than the bad match who wasn't popular and couldn't-” his last words were cut off by a choked up Fitz.
     “Stop! Please stop.” He said, tears welling up a little. Dex tensed. He made him cry. Well, sort of.
     “I-I'm sorry, I shouldn't have-”
     “No! No, you should have. I didn't mean to make you feel like that. I never ever meant to, I didn't know. I just thought that you wanted nothing to do with me.” Fitz told him, motioning for Dex to walk closer to him. Dex did what was motioned and sat gently on the bed, minding Fitz’s fragile body.
    “Well, I didn't exactly do a good job of making you think otherwise, did I?” He asked sadly, and Fitz shook his head, but he smiled a little. He grabbed one of Dex’s hands and Dex could hardly breathe. He could hardly think. What was going on?
     “No, you didn't.” He said with a slight laugh, but it was a sort of hollow one, there was no joy. “Is there...anything else?” Fitz asked, because he knew there was something Dex wasn't telling him and he thought he knew what it was, but he wanted to hear it from Dex’s own mouth. Dex stared at their intertwined fingers, and took a deep breath.
     “Actually...actually there is. I, um,” he cleared his throat, “Fitz Vacker, since I had met you I-I-” Fitz smiled at him his dazzling, heart-stopping smile and right then and there Dex knew if he died in the next few moments he would die happy. “I fell hopelessly and helplessly in love with you, and I didn't know what to do.” His heart was pounding so loud he could hear it in his ears, but with the confession out, everything stopped. The room was so silent Dex felt like his ears were going to pop. But he was happy. It was like admitting it to Fitz helped him come to terms with it. Maybe, one day, he would even get over it.
     “Dex Dizznee,” Fitz’s deep voice bounced around Dex’s head, hitting every corner of his brain and rendering him incapable of speech. “From the moment I saw your dimpled smile, and periwinkle eyes, I fell hopelessly and helplessly in love with you, and I didn't know what to do.” His lips were right next to Dex’s ear, he had pulled him down so their faces were only inches apart.
     Dex didn't know what to think. This couldn't be happening, Fitz Vacker couldn't possibly like him back, it was too far-fetched, too impossible, yet here he was, face now mere centimeters from the boy that clogged his brain. He stared into Fitz’s eyes, unsure of what to do, not wanting to overstep any boundaries, and Fitz seemed to notice, because he was the one who closed the gap between them and captured Dex’s lips with his own.
     It was the best thing Dex had ever experienced, it was hotter than the sun, hotter than anything, but burned so so right. It consumed him, warmth spread throughout his body like a fire consuming a forest, and it felt like sparks were coming off their skin. It ended suddenly, too soon, much too soon, but he opened his eyes nevertheless and looked at Fitz, breathless.
     “You didn't have to do that,” Dex said when he could find his voice, still panting slightly. Fitz laughed, just a little, and reached up to Dex’s face.
     “But I wanted to,” he whispered, and pulled the smaller boy in for a hug that wasn't as warm as their kiss but felt nearly as good.
     And if Dex had to come up with an excuse and had to put on a little show that deserved an oscar when Sophie followed him to his room, that was okay, (though he didn't lie about being her best friend) because she didn't notice his slightly red lips. And if Fitz had to blame his breathlessness on the pain when Keefe came to check on him, that was perfectly fine, because Keefe didn't notice his red face and slightly tousled hair. And if they both felt immense relief when Keefe found Fitz’s stuffed dragon that he didn't really miss because he was too busy recounting their conversation, well, neither of them were complaining, and used the time to think about each other in the light of the lingering moments of the fantasy world their kiss had left behind.
 (I'm really sorry. Dex is my precious cinnamon roll and I love him more than anything but I didn't know what to do besides angst cause that is the only thing that boy is made up of. But I'm not sorry for that kiss, Detz was my number one ship since their first encounter and lord knows we don't have enough Detz kisses in this community)(Also if you made it through this entire thing plus 100 friend and happiness points to you)
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atomic-taco-muffin · 3 years
The Lost Princess Chapter 62
Warnings: you already know by now. Again, only covering the worlds that had Org. XIII in it
Rating: SFW
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Yui, Rumi, Roxy, and their fathers sat down together to discuss the clue that Muki had left behind. 
“‘The garden where it all happened.’ What does that mean?” Yui said. 
“Your mother and I visited a lot of gardens before she had you. But where it all happened? That doesn’t make any sense,” Xemnas said. 
“Does she also mean my mom as well?” Rumi asked. 
“I’m not sure. She didn’t say anything about Aunt Elena,” Yui said. They all pondered for a moment until Xemnas got an idea. 
“I think I know which garden she’s talking about,” he said. 
~Le Flashback~
Xemnas was walking around in a garden that was in Hollow Bastion. He heard that there was a Heartless signing there so he went to go check it out. While he was there, he heard something snap and turned in that direction. He summoned his ethereal blades and walked over to where the snap happened but before he could he was attacked. But it wasn’t by a Heartless. No, it was a woman. She had a wolf made of fire as her guardian along with two guns. The two of them broke out in a fight and pretty soon the woman pinned Xemnas down with her body. 
“What the hell are you?” he asked. The woman didn’t say anything but she got off of him which surprised him. He sat up and looked at the woman. 
“Aren’t you gonna kill me?” he asked. The woman looked at him confused and shook her head. 
‘At least she understands what I’m saying,’ he said in his head. “Do you have a name?” The woman nodded and tried to speak but no words came out. 
“Huh?” he asked. He walked over to the woman and examined her. There wasn’t any severe injuries. So why couldn’t she speak? He stood up and held out his hand. 
“Come with me. I’ll help you get your voice back and keep you safe from Heartless,” he said. The woman thought about it and took his hand.
~Flashback Over~
The girls and their fathers arrived at the garden that Xemnas had remembered and started searching for Muki. They searched and searched but there was no sign of her anywhere. Just as they were about to leave, Rumi and Ansem were suddenly pulled into a Dark Corridor. 
“Don’t worry. They’ll be fine.” Xemnas and the twins looked over and saw Muki standing there.
“Now then, let’s do some catch up,” she said. 
In a starry sky, magic swirled around to the sounds of an orchestra as Mickey Mouse, dressed in a robe and pointed hat, stood atop a tall piece of rock. He waved his arms around, directing the path of shooting stars. Sora walked in to the rocky landscape, watching him.
“Whoa!” he said. Mickey sent up huge waves of water on either side of him. A large thundercloud appeared with a crash and the Spellican came roaring out towards Sora. He readied his Keyblade, but the Spellican knocked him out. Sora woke up in a Mysterious Tower.
“Is this--am I back at Master Yen Sid's tower?” he asked as he looked around. “Something seems off.” He saw Mickey, still in robe and hat, sitting on Yen Sid's tall chair waving his fingers around as if conducting. A dark aura swirled around him as if in a trance.
“King Mickey!” he said. The mouse was unable to respond. Sora saw a music stand with notes spinning around it, pulsing with dark energy.
“Is this what's troubling him?” he asked as he summoned his Keyblade. “All right...” He struck the music stand, which blew him backwards. The Keyblade clattered to the floor followed by Sora, who sat up and rubbed his head.
“Gosh, is that a Keyblade? Who are you an apprentice to?” Mickey asked. Sora heard Mickey's voice and looked from his Keyblade to Mickey, who was still sitting entranced.
“I'm Mickey, the sorcerer's apprentice.” 
“Apprentice? Wait--am I in some world where the king was still in training? So does that mean this world is sleeping?” Sora asked.
“What's wrong?”
“What? Oh, uh, I'm Sora--the, uh, 'prentice of...umm... Hey, listen, Your Maj-- ...I gotta stop that. Mickey--what can I do to save you?”
“Thank you, Sora, but it's no use. A monster's possessed that music. And he's releasing darkness that stops anybody from going in there to fight him. To dispel the darkness, we need a Sound Idea.” 
“It's that Dream Eater I let escape.” Sora walked over to the sleeping Mickey. “Okay. Where do I get a ‘Sound Idea’?” 
“What? You'll find one for me?” Mickey asked. 
“Of course!” 
“Thank you.” 
“It's not every day I get to do a favor for the king.”
“Huh? Did ya say something?” 
“Oh, nothing. Long story. So what exactly is a Sound Idea?”
“Hmm...” Another music stand swirling with purple notes appeared in a burst of light.
“Inside this musical score should be a power that can sweep away any darkness. But you gotta be careful. In between those clefs and notes are monsters--not as strong as the big one, but still pretty strong,” Mickey said. The score sheet flashed with darkness for a split second.
“Got it,” Sora said. Meanwhile, Riku walked into the Mysterious Tower where a torrent of water was flowing down the stairs.
“A flood? Strange... It's coming from upstairs,” he said. He ran up the stairs into Yen Sid's chamber, which was filling up with gallons of water. He saw someone in Yen Sid's chair.
“Mickey!” he said. Mickey looked to be in a trance as his fingers dance in the air, the dark aura coming off of him. Riku saw the enchanted music stand and walked over to it.
“It's this musical score. It has him trapped,” he said as he got out his Keyblade. 
“You won't be able to defeat that darkness with brute force. I'm Mickey, the sorcerer's apprentice. Who are you?” Riku walked over to Mickey, who was still in a dream. Riku was unsure where to look.
“Riku.” He dispelled his weapon. “If brute force won't work, tell me what will.”
“Do ya really mean you're gonna try and help me?”Mickey asked.
“Gosh, Riku, something tells me you and I are gonna be good friends, and we'll help each other out a lot someday.” Another music stand appeared with swirling blue notes.
“Inside this music is a Sound Idea powerful enough to dispel the darkness. Can ya find it?” Mickey said.
“I'll try. Leave it to me,” Riku said.
~Back To Sora~
Sora entered the musical realm with the power of his Keyblade. He was soon surrounded by a beautiful Pastoral Symphony as he walked among the clouds, through a glen, and past the stormy fields until he found the Sound Idea at the top of a hill overlooking the sunrise.
“So easily you sink into the depths of slumber,” someone said. Sora turned to see the silver-haired youth walking toward him
“Why are you here?” he asked as he readied his Keyblade. The young man turned and flower petals floated past him in the air.
“Beautiful world, isn't it? Almost like a dream,” he said.
“Why are you following me around?” Sora asked. 
“You really haven't caught on? Or are you just assuming it's all part of your little "test"? I'm not part of the dream. And if you thought I was...” The man caught a petal and crushed it. “...then you're softer than they say.”
“But...this will all be over soon.” The man started to leave.
“Just who are you people?” 
“Sleep on and we will meet again.” 
“Hey! What did you do to (Y/N)?”
“Don’t worry. She’s in good hands.” And with that, the man was gone. 
“What does he mean by that?” Sora asked. The Sound Idea flashed with light and floated over to Sora who gained its power. Meanwhile, Riku entered the musical realm with the power of the Keyblade. The Nutcracker Suite filled the air as he walked through woods of moonlight, gold, and gleaming snow until he found the Sound Idea. It floated over to him and he took it. Suddenly, the world turned black and Riku found himself near a bald mountain. Spirits of the dead swirled around the rocky peak. Riku flew to the summit, where he found the silver-haired youth near the edge of the volcano. The boy smiled and Riku landed nearby.
“You waiting for me?” Riku asked.
“Yes. The boy chosen by the Keyblade--Riku.”
“It was yours first, wasn't it? But you succumbed to the darkness you could not control, and your prize--the Keyblade--passed onto Sora instead. Your mistakes always end up being other people's problems.”
“Maybe so. But I'm here to change all of that.”
“Once again you performed predictably, although on a grander scale than I imagined.”
“If you're feeling so chatty, let's skip to where you reveal what this is all about.” The boy looked to him with unflinching eyes as a burst of fire erupted from the crater behind him.
“I don't know how you did it, but you really have found a way to trap darkness inside your heart. And a boy who's immune to darkness is of no use to us,” he said.
“Well, there's some good news.”
“Your abyss awaits.” The volcano erupted and the young man vanished as smoke filled the area. The great demon Chernabog emerged from the depths of the mountain, black as night with two enormous wings. It roared as a dark melody fills the air. It bared its fangs down at Riku, the sulfur smell burning his nose. Riku sent a spinning tackle into the beast, who roared and sent him flying back across the valley. Pillars of fire erupted from the lava river below, but Riku dodged as Chernabog sent the spirits of the dead to attack him. They latched onto him as he flew toward the evil god, draining his strength away. He managed to spin in the air, kicking them off, as he neared Chernabog again. He mustered up all his might into a final strike to the heart. Meanwhile, Sora returned to the Chamber and released the Sound Idea.
“Thank you, Sora. I can tell you found us a Sound Idea. Well, I guess we should try and put it to work,” Mickey said. Sora nodded, summoning his Keyblade. He swung the blade as if conducting music. The Sound Idea glowed brightly and swirls of musical score burst out of it, drawing into the enchanted music stand.
“That's strange... Is one Sound Idea not enough?” Mickey asked.
“Don't worry. I've got a friend out there who will help. He's always picking up the slack for me.” Meanwhile, Riku returned to the chamber.
“Thank you, Riku. Say, can we try out that Sound Idea?” Mickey said. Riku released it and it floated in the air. Riku got out his Keyblade and began conducting. Music score swirled out in all directions, but he saw no change in the enchanted music stand. Suddenly, a second Sound Idea appeared and the two danced in the air, sending their musical score in all directions as Sora conducted. Music had now filled the room.
“Wow! The sounds are all joining together to make even more powerful music!” Mickey said. The musical score unlocked the enchanted music stand and the dark aura disappeared.
“Yeah. Two forces are better than one. Right, Riku?” Sora said as he walked up to the music stand, which was swirling with red notes. “ Okay. Can I get in there to fight that thing now?”
“Yes. But Sora--” Mickey said. 
“I'll be fine! See ya in a jiff.” Sora entered the final musical realm with his Keyblade. Thunderclouds appeared and he found himself on a tall precipice. The Spellican flew through the starry sky and laughed. Sora caught up to the Spellican and defeated it. Mickey hopped back into his body and woke up, stretching. He chuckled happily until noticing the hat on his head. He set it back down on the table and walked over to Sora.
“Thanks, Sora! Don't know what I woulda done without ya!” he said and they shook hands. 
“Oh no! The water! I'm in big trouble if I don't fetch it!” Mickey said. He ran to the door carrying buckets, but stopped and turned to Sora. “See ya real soon, Sora!” 
“Yeah. You know it.” Mickey left, the old door creaking behind him. A Keyhole appeared and Sora sealed it. Riku looked around and the flood was gone. Mickey woke up and checked himself out.
“That was amazing! What happened?” he said.
“Sora,” Riku said. 
“Sora? Funny... Just hearing that name kinda makes me wanna smile.” 
“Yeah. That's how he is.” 
“Whaddaya know... Riku and Sora. The Sound Ideas you two set free joined together. And when they did, they made a great and powerful harmony.” Riku nodded. 
“Sora can find the brightest part of anything, and pull off miracles like there's nothing to it. It's pretty hard not to smile around him,” he said. 
“Wow! No wonder the music sounded like so much fun. But I bet he's got you to thank for that. Having such a good friend means he could really enjoy it.”
“It's like each of you is holding on to a little part of the other. Your hearts are always in tune, so they're free to sing. Gosh, I hope I can be part of the team someday.” The two of them shook hands.
“You will. Trust me,” Riku said. Mickey giggled. Later, a Keyhole appeared and Riku sealed it.
“So, you want to know what happened to me and Elena?” Muki asked. 
“Yes,” Xemnas and the twins said. 
“Alright then. But this won’t get you any closer to saving me or that pathetic (Y/N).” 
“We don’t care right now. We just want to know what happened to you and why you stayed away for this long,” Yui said. 
“Fine. Here’s what happened. Remember that Heartless that killed me?” Xemnas and the twins nodded. “Well, turns out it wasn’t a Heartless. That was a Negaverse. And you would think that Negaverses don’t have a master. But they do.”
“And who is this master?” Xemnas asked. 
“Xehanort.” Xemnas and the twins gasped in shock.
“Oh yes. Xehanort has been controlling the Negaverses since (Y/N) was born.” 
“But haven’t the Negaverses existed before Xehanort came into the picture?” Roxy asked. 
“Correct you are, my little flame. Since (Y/N) is the Spirit of Light, and Xehanort’s daughter, that means that the Negaverses are under his control.” 
“Does that mean...?” Yui asked. 
“Yep! Xehanort’s planning to put a Negaverse inside poor little (Y/N). Her light is too powerful, so we need to bring it down a peg.” 
“We’re not gonna let that happen!” Xemnas said. 
“We’ll see about that.” Muki opened a Dark Corridor and walked through it, leaving Xemnas and the twins scared for your life. 
0 notes
Clone Wars    The Jedi Who Knew Too Much
            (Terrorize a                  woman)
               An adult
             Also wait       I thought they said no one was killed?.
             Like back near the ending they were like                 “he was the only one,”
                  [Working                         With?]
              So Force 
                That it was never ever brought up that they were dead or what happened to them or just whatever
               Oh joy a funeral 
              with a shade of                        Eugenics
                  Dear                        Frick
                 (This is why I hate    funerals; Bad enough that someone died in such a terrible way that they couldn’t be accountable in return to their        home (which they should     have) and had as close to a peaceful       death knowing that they hadn’t inflicted further pain and suffering on their fellow man,
          No let’s just parade that shit around and make everyone feel as miserable as possible while encouraging that misery
        (Not imagine reminding them about        soon their life will be over)
                     Dic                         k-                         .                         Re-                      mem-ber                            -                          Oh yeah I really care about all those   unnamed people-                           -                            Also yeah let’s try to remember how they were [in life] well the fact that they are dead is robbed in their faces
                        And guilt-tripped
               [Ahsoka stop being an assumptious dick during a moment of                      silence,]
                   Well I may not respect the concept of funerals        But I do respect the concept of                    If there were rules for an established event                       That you decide to participate in                           You should probably follow                         them,
                       [Empathy circle,                            Asking if sad
                       No shit Sher                             Lock,]
                         It’s a                                Funeral]
[also why does      Ahsoka,        Single               out        Barisse?          She isn’t crying or seems noticeably more upset than any one else,
    “My            Light saber,”
     My mentor         was doing          nothing,
        I know, “younglings”              But for the age we see them          learning about light sabers              There’s little to no chance that someone she learned besides,                 Could teach her anything,
           “ Live for the living Jedi,”
           Then why did you drag the body out of here and make people stare        at it?
        [like live for the living      that’s all good and good,             But part of that includes              not being a dick,            Doing your role to make the world a habitable and decent place,                And being accountable,                 (If you’re inches away from death                  maybe stay home).                 And while this is going                  old fashion murder,                            You’d would assume they would’ve sectioned it off if they were anything resemb                      ling decent                      People,
                 Like not just one place (lane).     for this dude to operate,
                  And in case of       sociality,                   This place wasn’t closed off (permanent) for multiple reasons
                 (Like seriously you guys want to gather around a place where someone died?)
      Point being;           Living for the           living means being          acc-ountable                  And not subjecting people to           staring              at your           dead body,        -
  Live through     us     . . .   Er-
 [But-   they already did their fair share of     living-
[apologies for the “gallows”      humor,
   Just...following       the conclusion of the episodes         focus on,
   [Point being; you can’t make me feel bad for someone who literally decided   fuck the environment        fuck life     fuck humanity,      i’m going to be a self-destructive       asshole,            And it kicked them in the          ass,
       [Like yeah yeah           loss of life very           tragic,             World is a            wor           -ser,             But that’s a            quick moment-              -] 
           -            [Also yeah                 Jedi life,                   ]
              Like screw all the cleaning                staff,
            Do they even get burials?                   (Weird hierarchy)
               Also, those were all                Jedi?
             (Like seriously          what were they doing down there?)
             Also yeah no wonder             everyone was suspicious,
             Like five Jedi down there for no                 established                     reason
             Weird glowy
              [Where’s                Luminara?
              You know,                      Barisse’s            “Men-tor,”            Authority             assumer,
                  Known                        for                        . . .                 being on top of                    things.                       . . .                            And control                        -ling-                             -                             Micro manage                              -                                “Mov,
                          Seriously     can anyone        leave       this woman alone        for five seconds. .
      Excuses she was already            terrorized enough by              Sky               walker                    .                    Still sucks,
               Re-                public
                How is Ahsoka part of the space military and doesn’t know that they answer to the space government?
                 [Did she think       they were just going to keep them locked up in the same       cell forever?
    No space trial?
     Like this seems       like a very stupid           excuse-          To get Ahsoka involved,            (And overly sus)              And terror      -ize this poor woman further
      (Note I know what she did was            downright shitty,
      (Assuming she didn’t give a false confession          under duress)
       That doesn’t excuse the      tox,-
      Clones kil-
    Seriously when      and why does everyone care about the         clones?
     Like ‘oh no the      (ex) child soldiers died!
    Like they were “actual” people             (By their standards)        and Jedi            (Who seem to rank up pretty high on the standards, even get a separate burial, and getting a statement ranking their lives only              (Assumed authority             is shit)           right there,
     Also yeah      they have different legal systems       for different groups of people,          (We’re just going to paint                that as fine,)
           Like I know this is              assumed authority,               But that’s adding another layer of tox that I think should be             acknowledged -
          She’s guilty-
          Dealt with                    Did-
    Did Ahsoka just advocate for the       death penalty-          !?
     Like her hand moved in that         “over the neck,”             expression,                  .                   Revenge
       Dude this is more than venting 
      this is murder
     (Focus on the don’t         murder          part, before the painting with          broad strokes-          ,         (You’d think one of the older Jedi would be advocating for this           shit)
    Could’ve        been a nice moment,
     But the tone was off
     And it didn’t make sense
       ‘ The evid-ence              seems clear’?
       How would the      evidence have changed anything?
          ‘ things will never change,’
        Weird statement,
         - -            Military
        That’s a damn good idea considering they’re          peacekeepers
     (Oh yeah that’s the thing that’s thrown around pretty sparsely;               These guys are supposed to keep the peace,
          (Yet from the itchy trigger finger you wouldn’t think that)
           Never mind Anakin’s suddenly developed                    terrorizing tendencies,
          What would be good...
          If they played              it up for evil,
           And didn’t ignore the        unfortunate implications,
        “Peace Keeper(s);
    Hey, they actually called       them out for that bullshit,
     That’s good
     And yeah she is 100% deserves to be ashamed,          For enabling Anakin          last round,              And possibly            brutalizing,
   Note, there’s a difference between venting       and brutalizing,
    (Mostly decided by     emotions,)
    But still they killed more people         than is acceptable either way                              (0)
       Oh never mind she’s just bitter and completely ignoring the consequences of her actions
   (This is not accountability      this is            Vigilante justice,              Trying to solve everybody’s problems            for them,           Which is the just not how it works,             You can’t assume               accountability for               someone else
             You              aren’t                 them
    [What?]  Is.
    Is she    a master now,
     If not then where is          Luminara?
      And just           tasks?
       [i’m sorry but Luminara doesn’t seem like the type to assign that kind of work,
     Being pretty controlling
     And high on everything rule -abiding even their elitist attitude -        towards the jedi-
     Pretty sure    she would’ve sent a bot       or a servant        or something              . . .                Not      an     apprentice?             . . .?             ?   Literally nothing about Luminara?
   Assuming a lot that made they’ve only interacted       once and nearly died that      time,
     Also, comfort?
    Ahsoka is the only one that seems particularly    disturbed-
    Yeah      Barisse is soft-spoken             -                But         not really sad that I can tell
   [all of her speech has been well actively non-consequential and      nonsensical,
  That vague]
  Also yeah     Ahsoka feels bad,           After just say          -ing            Screw              You              To a general that reasonably pointed out that they’re peace keepers, and shouldn’t be interfering so much and so aggressively, in other people’s     lives
   (And that’s fair with Lord terrorizer but painted as it’s no big     deal,”          Over there)
     So yeah you can’t really make me sympathize with someone who just a essentially said “Screw being an accountable person,  I want to hurt people         (Beyond reasonable venting         parameters),          And possibly kill them,
    Yeah, no sympathy
     More so psychopathic,
      [Like pretty sure      she insinuated murder there,]
       What’s with the cell phone music?
         Seriously, look;   
Tumblr media
 She’s fine
  Also     geez she’s jumping right into the         baggage?
  Like poor Barrisse,        She just wanted to go for a walk      and get some tasks      done    and this person is bringing in the tox,
   [Like seriously you don’t just randomly launch into a rant about the abusers and the system they created,
    Everyone already          knows,
    Stick to the talking when there’s something actually good to    share,
   [excluding         rare     occasions,           - ]
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Dear frick      what have       I got myself.       into?]
   Damn poor Barrisse      is trying to get out of this            conversation..
     Like dude that’s against code...
    Haha, you’re so cool
   * through gritted teeth,           *please help me*,
     * Dear god you’re bringing up that             terrible             situation*?
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        [Help ME]
            Oh yeah that’s not a completely weird thing to say to             someone after a               mur-der      
            [Ahsoka’s           projecting fucking..  
               Please                     Leave
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        Ha, ha , ha
        [that is a why-do-I-hang-out-with-you       ex       -pression-     -         Like Ahsoka clearly got the talent of starting a long rambling rant about random nonsense and subjecting the nearest person to it” trait from      Anakin         [Pre-quel]              -    
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[Here’s a reminder that Barisse just wanted a book or some   shit
   To do her    “tasks,”          And got       subjected        to that,       -    
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 [Wait this was an        all-call meeting-
       [Apologies for the           abundance of pictures           but I have a lot of thoughts             ,]
          [Why did Luminara and Barisse              get snubbed?
           How is Ahsoka?                  [there are                 -multiple things wrong                   with this-]
       Because you’re a gosh             darn terrorist,             And out of the two Jedi she             probably knows-           Ahsoka is the least likely to go            {immediate death mode}.                    Probably             she is kind of death mody now,                         -                        Com-mander                             Tano,                        Really?                            -                                  Besides all the normal,                    not Jedi guards,?                                -             Because that smells of plot                      convenience,                           -                          Like she and Ahsoka barely had one conversation,            Where she enabled Anakin’s crazy assumptions and tyran          -ical ruling,              -            ?             -             [It’s-       a nice         shot-]          -          Whelp,            -           The      guarding system are real         weird here;           Sometimes it’s the      Centurions,         This is the real first time          we’re        see-ing           arc             -          Overly          competent,
        Also like      five people dude, chill
      Also the feck    are you telling her            this?
          Oh                —               Guilt?                 (Good)                     .                     ?                       .      [None of them have a red button            except for one,
                               Hm,     Oh yes it just completely open.    the door with no shields   and let the unarmed person go first,
     -           Also yeah      dick move       Ahsoka,
      You were     the Jedi to contact          -          Seriously,   not your attorney
      Oh heck even one of the older Jedi?
     The ap-prentice-            ?
      This is getting to               Mary Sue               levels                  of          “fecking unlikely,”.                   And             “unrealistic,”                   To establish how much of an      unrealistic unbelievable bad ass       Ahsoka              Is,
        Which, congrats,  I don’t believe it
       That a person living in subsequent poverty would know the name of one of the young to-be Jedis, Who reach-       ed such        renown       after            a few short missions,                Where not much was actually done,
             And she never had an official staring                   role, on her own,
      That’s pure wish fulfillment      and it’s pure bullshit
              [You know what would’ve made more sense?                      And I’m not excusing the story in any way                      I fecking         hate                it at this point,
            But,                    What if she was someone screwed over by some people                 smugglers?
                Who saw some serious crime getting committed,
                  And knew the name                     “Ahsoka,”
                    From stories of the other people that got screwed over                        by people                          smug                             glers,
                          Building on the past mythos;                                    Her adventures with the others
                           Esta-blishing herself as a                                smaller crime fighter,
                          Typically.                              asso-ciated with people smugglers,
                          And allowing her to get up a bit of reputation
                           Form her                               own name.                                -                                     Just                                  -a thought                                      -                                     Time
                                Wow Ahsoka’s a bitch                                               [derogatory                                                     non-identification)
                                  The animation...                                       is not helping,
                                         Mine,                                            Yeah you mentioned it,
                                                    Before                                                    She did                                               you fuckin watermelon,
Tumblr media
[Apologies.         I meant     to make it    smaller, Didn’t;     Happen,]         But point      being she really         is trash; 
    Over - judgemental
     Willing to go farther than          humane
     Willing to assume           authority,
          And yeah lady did terrible            shit,  
      But it was         five        people,       in a            war;
      If that’s what set Ahsoka off, she’s really not up to hearing about the boomer war
        Because yeah        boomer is far from innocent,
        But these are         boomers this shit is expected,  
         And certainly didn’t         add or require that kind of tone                or behavior;
  That’s          A        “You        Suck,”        And         a trip           to      accoun       -tability
            Also yeah let’s talk about the              tone here for multiple reasons;
               The Boomer isn’t the victim either
                But by God, does it try to fame it as such,
              When we come in,  
                 [and I’m not            doing pictures for obvious                      reasons,]                         They are cur-led up in a corner-                           Tone just barely making it about childify                            -ication
                        And I got to say this                           tone is fucking backwards,
                       With the elder boomer criminal,                             Portrayed                               with a unsteady unsure                                  scared tone,
                          Meanwhile Ahsoka,
  For my complaints     of being portrayed         Too young       for her actions,           Too old         for the        -tone,
       Is now portrayed                 even older,                With cyn-                   icism and defen-                  siveness-                      -                           Which doesn’t make sense since the        present Gen doesn’t have anything to defend,                      And has the un-certain tone                          (Usually hope-ful)                              The tones are completely wrong
                                       Right after it being said that Ahsoka acts young in many ways
    Instead of        acting           Like an old person who’s already         done their thing                 And has something to be        defensive about
   [not even the most toxic person       in present Gen,         Loses the uncertain tone         until their time is up,]
        And continues a constant theme of the series not having any patience and not taking the time to develop anything
       They want to have   , Ahsoka be cool and bad ass and say certain lines but don’t have the patience to work-       To develop it         properly,
    Causing everything to fall        extremely           flat;
   Re;verse          (With      correct          Tone,          Ass-      uming this is a          trap,)
     O; What are you doing here?
    A:   What you?
          [Door             closes             behind]
      O; [crack      Guess you’re not the only one              les;]             to fall into their trap,
       A; [Lifts        Tell me or -or              up]
        O;         Or- or                        what?!
                     It’s not                   in your character                         ,child
        A;        Maybe         [Slump      not         Ing]                           -     -           That at least feels natural             and not like a              body switch,                - - -                [also now you’re playing the death theme after he brutalized several people?]
            Like,               [Wow that was quite possibly the most pointless set up I’ve ever seen,                With several                   easy resolvable instances -                        Play it straight                             with not a drop of self-awareness to drink,
                         And because Ahsoka acted like a complete jerk ass I have no interest,
          Especially when they can switch her tone to                old by gone enabler
             [Good job taking any tension                or suspension of               belief, out of                 your story]
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