#and also im terrified for my plants. there’s no way they’ll all do okay for so long and last time my dad took care of them for me when we
on one hand i do want to travel and see the world etc. on the other hand we are going to be 4.5 hours away from home for four whole days and i’ve already had multiple anxiety episodes about it
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peach-pops · 4 years
Kuroo’s Secret Relationship
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Request: hello👉🏻👈🏻 i had a vision and i cant tell if this is dumb or cute but IMAGINE kuroo and his karasuno manager gf at training camp but nobody knows theyre datin so they just keep it a secret so during the camp they try to find time to meet but if one of them is free the other one is busy. so during sleepy time she gets up to like poo or sumn and kuroo suprises her but she didnt know it was him so she punches him but then she feels bad and the next day everyone thinks he got in a fight I LOV U❤️
Author’s Note: Thank you for requesting!!! I am a total simp for Kuroo idk if you guys can tell. This is just a cute little scenario and honestly, I’d let Kuroo punch ME but that’s none of my business. ALSO requests are still open, I’ll close them once I reach a certain amount. 
Kuroo watched from afar as you talked amongst some of his teammates that were practically drooling at the pools of your feet. He knew he wasn’t being subtle at all as his eyes raked up your figure but he didn’t know how much more of this he could take. 
You two had been dating for a while but you both thought it would be important to keep your relationship a secret for the time being. Kuroo didn’t want to make it seem like he would be putting volleyball as a second priority to his team and you didn’t want it to look like you were fooling around with one of Karasuno’s “enemies”. 
It was fun sneaking off behind corners for private makeout sessions and sharing secret glances towards each other but as Kuroo watched you get blatantly hit on in front of him, he felt like he was losing his cool. 
The worst part was that since the training camp started, the two of you had no alone time and it was eating away at the both of you. You felt like you couldn’t even smile at Kuroo when he did really well against your own Karasuno without exposing your relationship and frankly, the two of you were both at your wits end. 
“ You’re making it obvious,” Kuroo turned around and looked down at Kenma, who’s attention was on his gaming console,” just go over there.”
Okay, Kuroo wasn’t supposed to tell anyone but Kenma was an exception. The two had been friends for so long and Kuroo trusted him with his life, plus Kenma was never the type to gossip. 
“ Are you seeing this? They’re practically undressing her with their eyes! I can tell from here that Lev is into her just from the way he’s standing,” Kuroo kept his gaze on you as you let out a laugh and even though Kuroo didn’t hear the joke, he knew your laugh wasn’t even genuine,” I might actually kill them, would you help me bury the body?”
Kenma sighed as he continued to keep his attention to his game,” You’re hopeless.”
“ We would need to dig a bigger hole, Lev has a pretty big head,” Kuroo mumbled as you excused yourself to step away. 
As soon as you turned away from the boys, your smile dropped and Kuroo could visibly see how annoyed you were with the conversation. 
It made Kuroo feel better that you didn’t like getting hit on but it wasn’t like you could stop them, they all thought you were single. If they would’ve known you were dating the captain of Nekoma, their advances would stop but that wasn’t an option at the moment. 
You looked over at Kuroo and your whole demeanor shifted. You gave him a big smile before you looked away and pulled out your phone to text him. 
Y/N: pls tell me you saw that- i couldn’t wait for that conversation to be over, lev and yamamoto are going to be the death of me 
Tetsuro: trust me, they’ll wish they were dead once im done with them
Tetsuro: r u free rn? I checked this morning and the janitors closet is unlocked maybe we can sneak off to have some alone time ;)
You looked up from your phone and up towards Kuroo who had the biggest smirk on his face. Before you could text back, Nekoma’s manager announced that Nekoma was next up to play for court two. 
Kuroo groaned out loud, of course the universe was against him. 
Tetsuro: im sorry baby, maybe later tonight then? 
Y/N: that’s fine - good luck!
You watched as Kuroo put his phone away and sent you a quick wink before heading over to the empty court. 
For the rest of the day, you two hardly even had the chance to share a glance between each other. Whenever he was playing on a court, Karasuno had their own match and whenever he was free, you had manager duties with the other girls. 
Even during dinner, you were so busy running around doing last-minute tasks before bed that Kuroo never got to say goodnight to you. By the time you finished, Kuroo was already in bed snoring away with his teammates. 
In the middle of the night, you woke up to Tanaka kicking you in his sleep and in retaliation, you grabbed your pillow and swung it over his face. 
Tanaka only grumbled and flipped to face the other way, still in deep sleep whereas you were now wide awake. You rubbed your tired eyes but as you tried to fall back asleep, all you could think about was how dry your mouth was. 
You contemplated on getting water before you sat up from your sleeping bag and walked out of the room silently, trying your best not to step on any of the sleeping boys. Once you shut the door behind you, you made your way down the hallway to the water fountain in a tired manner. 
You weren’t terrified of the dark but the thought of going down a dark hallway at a school you weren’t familiar with was unsettling to say the least and you wish you brought your phone for some light. 
When you reach the water fountain, you bent down and as you started to drink the water, you felt like something was off. Before you could turn around, you felt something touch your waist and every hair on the back of your neck stood up. 
You whipped around and when you saw a tall and dark figure, your first instinct was to scream and swing your arm out to defend yourself. You made contact with the figure and once you heard the groan, you knew exactly who it was. 
“ Tetsuro! I’m sorry! I’m so sorry, you scared me! Are you okay!” You said as Kuroo held his cheek in pain. 
He couldn’t believe you had actually punched him but he was even more surprised you landed a good punch in the dark,” See baby, I told you taking those boxing lessons would pay off but damn, you punch hard.”
“ You know you can’t sneak up on me like that, I’m jumpy!” You sighed as you squinted to see Kuroo’s face in the dark,” what are you doing up this late?”
Kuroo kept one hand on his throbbing cheek as the other reached down to pull out his phone,” I texted you to meet me in front of the janitors closet cause I wanted to have some quality time with my beautiful, sweet, girlfriend who I thought would never hurt me but instead of kisses, I got socked in the face!” 
You knew Kuroo was only teasing you but you felt so guilty. You wrapped your arms around his large frame and pressed your face into his chest and apologized in a muffled tone,” I’m the worst girlfriend ever.” 
Kuroo let out a laugh as he weaved his fingers through your bedhead and planted a kiss on the top of your head,” Don’t say that. If it makes you feel any better, you could always just knock out guys who try to hit on you now.”
You smiled up at your boyfriend as he took the chance to lean down and kiss you softly, his hands wrapped around your waist to pull you closer to him. 
Kuroo smirked against your lips as you moved your hands up to lightly tug on his hair,” You know, the janitors closet locks from the inside.”
“ Are you suggesting we have sex in a dirty closet? What if someone walks by and hears us?”
“ Get your head out of the gutter, I never said anything about sex,” Kuroo acted shocked as he tucked a strand of hair before leaning down to whisper in your ear,” unless you think you can be quiet for me.” 
You rolled your eyes as you grabbed Kuroo’s hand and led him into the janitors closet right beside the restrooms,” Whatever, we both know you’re the loud one.” 
“ We’ll see about that kitten.” 
The next morning, Kuroo went to practice normally but not without weird murmurs from his teammates. At first, he thought his secret was out and maybe you had left hickeys across his neck but it was an entirely different mark that he had forgotten about. 
“ Woah, buddy, did you get into a fight? I’m pretty blind but I’m pretty sure you didn’t have that bruise at dinner yesterday,” Bokuto said in awe as he tried to touch the large bruise that was on Kuroo’s cheek,” that is a bruise! Akaashi, come look at this!”
Kuroo swatted his hand away and used his phone camera to get a better look at his face. Turns out, you had punched him way harder than he had initially thought. 
Kuroo couldn’t even think of a lie in time so he tried to reveal as little as possible,” Who am I going to fight around here?” 
“ I don’t know...has anyone seen Lev?” Akaashi asked right as Karasuno entered through the gym doors. 
“Kuroo! Did you kill Lev? You can be honest with me I wouldn’t tell a soul!” Bokuto shouted loudly as a few heads turned in their direction. 
Your ears perked up once you heard Kuroo’s name and as you turned to look over at the boys, your heart immediately dropped when you saw the bruise you had left Kuroo. 
Without thinking, you dug into one of the coolers and pulled out an icepack, even though it was a little too late to ice it down. 
You rushed over to Kuroo, not caring that some people had their attention on you as you pressed it against his face,” That looks really bad, I’m so- um what happened?” 
“ Kuroo killed Lev!” Bokuto teased as Akaashi gave him a stern look that quickly shut him up. 
You sighed as you looked up at Kuroo and bit the inside of your cheek before whispering  softly,” I think we should tell everyone before you get in trouble. You know Nekoma has a no-tolerance policy for fighting and I don’t want it to be a rumor that you got into a fight with someone.” 
“ I know, you’re right but can we wait until the rest of my teammates get here?” Kuroo asked as you gave him a confused look,” I want them to be jealous just for a bit.”
You shook your head with a smile as Kuroo placed his hand over yours that was holding up the icepack,” Okay, just for a bit.”
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365daysofsasuhina · 5 years
[ 365 Days of SasuHina || Day One Hundred Eighty-Five: Crystal Ball ] [ Uchiha Sasuke, Hyūga Hinata, Uzumaki Naruto, Haruno Sakura ] [ SasuHina ] [ Verse: Best Years of Your Life ] [ AO3 Link ]
Boredly scrolling through his usual online forums, Sasuke’s eyes flicker to the side of his screen when a notification pops up. He’s got an IM, it seems. Opening Discord, he deflates slightly when he sees it’s from none other than Naruto. Now what does he want…?
Hey the carnival’s in town, you wanna go?
A dark brow perks. Carnival…? Isn’t that for kids? Giving his monitor a deadpan stare, he replies, Isn’t that something for 12 year olds?
Nah man, there’s some sick rides and junk food! C’mon just go with me for one night and get outta your house, dude!
Okay, now he’s full-on scowling. Get out of his house? What, like he’s a recluse or something? He just...likes his privacy! And all his hobbies are at home: his video games, guitar, computer...and their town is just...boring. Going out to do anything costs money, and he doesn’t have a job yet. He gets an allowance, sure, but not that much.
How much are tix?
There’s a pause as Naruto seems to look it up. Uhhh 15 I think? Not that bad!
Sasuke just rolls his eyes. Okay fine, I’ll go. But if it’s boring I’m coming home.
Yeahhh, okay! I promise you won’t get bored, it’s gonna be awesome! :D We’ll go tomorrow, okay?
Snorting, Sasuke sends a one word agreement and closes the window, trying to find his place back on his other window. A carnival...well, he supposes there are worse ways to spend a Summer Friday night.
They arrange to just meet at the gate, and as usual...Naruto is late. Leaning nearby and trying not to look lame, Sasuke keeps hands in his pockets, looking over the crowds idly. It does seem pretty busy...maybe Naruto’s right about it being at least somewhat interesting. He can hear talking and screaming from some of the more intense rides. And of course the smells of sugar, fried food, and crowds of people fill the air. He can’t remember the last time he went to something like this. Probably back in elementary school, if he had to guess.
It’s a bit nostalgic.
“Hey, Sasuke!”
Dragging his eyes from the gate, he spies the blond at last. “About time you got here.”
“Sorry, was texting Sakura - she’s gonna meet us later!”
There’s an involuntary groan. Sakura is Naruto’s girlfriend...but up until they started dating a few months ago, she’d spent their entire lives chasing after Sasuke. And her affections were the last thing he wanted. Girls are just...obnoxious.
“Aw, c’mon - don’t be like that!”
“She’s gonna annoy the hell out of me.”
“Look, she’ll be so busy talkin’ to me, she won’t have any time to bug you! Can’t I just spend a little time with my best friend and my girlfriend?” Naruto scowls, folding his arms. “You gotta put all that behind you, Sasuke.”
“I will as soon as she does,” the Uchiha mutters in reply.
Making their way into the line, they pay the fee and get their wristbands, allowed through the turnstiles and into the carnival grounds.
...it seems a bit...bigger than when he was a kid. No longer is it just some kiddy rides, a petting zoo, and some food stands.
This is massive…!
Noting Sasuke’s gawking look, Naruto snickers. “Told ya it’s awesome!”
“...wow. Sure has changed.”
“I know, right? Whatcha wanna do first? Food, games, rides…?”
“Uh...games, I guess.” He skips the food and rides options for now - he’ll go on something crazy before he eats...otherwise he just might puke. Best to save that for later. For now, they’ll peruse the booths and see what’s worth playing...then they can hit up some rides.
They first have a head to head on a squirt gun course, Sasuke winning handily and earning a prize. He picks a blow-up hammer, amusing himself by whacking Naruto with it and grinning.
“This is the treatment losers get,” Sasuke taunts, holding the thing away as Naruto makes to pop it.
“Stupid Sasuke and his stupid hammer...ooh!” Immediately distracted, the Uzumaki trots to a strange...tent? “Yooo, check this OUT! It’s a fortune teller booth!”
Sasuke doesn’t bother to censor a scoff. “What, you believe in that crap?”
“I dunno...but sometimes that stuff is like...creepy accurate, man! You wanna go in?”
“Uh...no thanks. You take a turn, and I’ll wait out here.”
“Aww...you’re no fun.” Sticking out his tongue, Naruto then lifts the flap and heads inside.
Shaking his head, Sasuke people-watches for a time. At least Sakura hasn’t shown up yet...he can have a bit more peace. Hopefully whoever’s telling those shoddy fortunes doesn’t mention a breakup in Naruto’s future…
Five minutes pass, and then ten...and then Sasuke starts to get annoyed. How long is this supposed to take? He’s just about ready to stick his head in and demand they go when Naruto emerges. He seems a bit...dazed.
“...you okay?”
“Dude...that lady knows her stuff.”
“Oh really?”
“Yeah, man...she knew, like...everything,” Naruto hushes. “It was spooky…!”
Sasuke rolls his eyes, then jolts as Naruto takes his shirt front. “Whoa, hey -!”
“You gotta try it, dude!”
“What? I’m not gonna -”
“Just try! Trust me, she’ll freak you out!”
Scoffing, Sasuke jerks out of Naruto’s grip. “All right, fine! Just...don’t go wandering off, okay? Be right back…” Scowling, he hands the blond his hammer and brushes aside the tent flap, heading inside.
It’s dark, lit only by a few candles, and...a glowing crystal ball in the center of a table. Huh...nice atmosphere. No wonder Naruto got so spooked - the kid’s terrified of ghosts, of course he’d believe in this kind of crap.
Looking up from the ball, he spies a woman emerging from the shadows at the edge of the ‘room’. She’s...not what he expects. She looks young, no more than his brother’s age, with white hair he’s going to assume is a wig. Big earrings dangle from her ears, grey eyes shining with some kind of mischief that matches her smile. “Please...sit.”
After a pause...he does as asked.
“So...what will you have me reveal? The fate of your career? The path of your heart? Where your luck lies?”
He almost rolls his eyes at her spiel. “What’d my friend pick?”
“I can’t reveal another’s fortune: that’s for them to decide to share.”
Ugh… “...all right, fine. Uh…” He has no idea about...any of those things, really. On a whim, he says, “...romance.” Sure, why not? Anything she tells him he’ll know is a crock that way.
...not that he’d believe anything else.
Rather than sit, she remains standing, planting a hand atop the ball. Mist swirls inside, the color shifting from a teal to a pale pink. The fortune teller’s head tilts as she considers it.
“...you shy from love. Unwanted affections have embittered you to the notion of true feelings. You find the opposite sex shallow and whimsical...where you crave stability and certainty.”
...huh. Okay. Well that’s...interesting. He doesn’t react, not wanting to give her anything to go off of.
“And yet...part of you craves someone to explore this part of yourself with...but not just anyone. You refuse to waste your time in fruitless ventures, but also know nothing is guaranteed. This duality frustrates you.”
His brow furrows just a hair.
“The eccentric clash with your down-to-earth nature. You wish for someone calm, yet sweet...soft, yet eager.”
Bringing up her other hand, the woman’s eyes close, appearing to concentrate. “...the one you seek is small of stature, simple of looks...but undeniably charming. Curves to your edges, soft spoken and yet...with a fiery heart when fed the proper coals. Eyes like the moon, hair like the night just before dawn. Just as one has sought you, she has sought another...your affections creating a whirling pool, a circular path where none are satisfied...until they look in the last place they expect: behind them…”
The tent seems to grow smaller, until the pair of them are pressed to the table. Shadows appear to loom from the edges, the only light the ball between them. A terrible weight settles in Sasuke’s chest. Something’s...something’s not right...
Her tone fades, and then eyes flutter open. “...she is nearer than you think,” she whispers, and then lets her hands retreat. Suddenly, the space expands, the light returns, and Sasuke finds he can breathe again.
What the hell was that…?!
That same cat-like, coy expression pulls at her features. “...that’s all I can see for now. Do with your knowing what you will...but be careful who you tell. The truth is a heavy burden…”
Watching her almost warily, Sasuke rises from his seat and slides out, walking backwards several paces as though expecting her to follow and drag him back inside.
Nearly jumping out of his skin, Sasuke spins around to find Naruto...and Sakura, too. They both perk a brow at him.
“So? What’d she tell ya?” Naruto demands. “You look awfully spooked, Sasuke!”
“Tch...yeah right. She’s just creepy,” he retorts, arms folding...and trying to ward off a clammy feeling in his skin.
“Aww, you’re no fun…”
“You didn’t tell me yours.”
“Cuz she told me not to!”
“She told me that, too!”
“Uh...guys?” Sakura cocks a hip, hand on her waist. “...are you done…?”
“Oh, er...yeah, sorry,” Naruto quickly quips, redirecting his attention to his girlfriend. “What were you saying?”
“I was trying to introduce you to my friend,” the rosette sighs. “I dunno if you remember her: her dad pulled her out to be homeschooled, like...ten years ago. Apparently she’s coming back for our senior year!” A hand then gestures to a girl Sasuke hardly even noticed, her form is so unassuming.
But once he does realize her presence...he stiffens. She...she looks like…?
A bit shorter than Sakura, wearing baggy clothes despite the summer evening heat, her dark hair is up in a bun, a fringe and a few shorter lengths framing her heart-shaped face. Pale eyes are sheepish to match her smile, giving a shy wave. “Hi…”
“This is Hinata - you guys remember her?” Sakura offers.
“Uh...maybe…?” Naruto offers, itching his neck. “It’s been a while…”
Sasuke can’t place her...then again, she’s clearly a wallflower. He probably just never noticed her...especially with louder, more evident girls like Sakura and her friend Ino around. And what he’s far more concerned about now is that the more he looks...the more he sees that lines up with that weird woman’s fortune.
“...she is nearer than you think…”
“...Sasuke? Hellooo? Earth to Sasuke!”
Jolting, he looks up. “...huh?”
Arms folding, Sakura frowns at him. “...are you feeling okay?”
“Maybe he needs to eat something! We haven’t gotten any food yet. Whatcha think, girls?”
“Yeah, sure...as long as it’s not too much. I’m watching my diet.”
Hinata just nods, going with the group’s flow as they meander toward the food stalls. Watching her from the corner of his eyes, Sasuke doesn’t know what to think. He doesn’t believe in the occult - he doesn’t! But this is...this is weird…
“Sasuke, right…?”
Stiffening as she addresses him, he nods.
“Sorry...I don’t, um - I don’t really remember you, either,” she offers with a soft laugh. “But Sakura talks about you a lot.”
“Yeah, she...she does that. Seems she should talk about Naruto more than me, though.”
At that, Hinata seems to...wilt. Almost as though disappointed…? “Yeah...she does…”
“Just as one has sought you, she has sought another...your affections creating a whirling pool, a circular path where none are satisfied...until they look in the last place they expect: behind them…”
...she likes Naruto, doesn’t she…? And he likes Sakura, who liked Sasuke, until she...turned around…
Okay, this is freaking him out…!
“Are you...sure you’re all right?” Concern knits her brow. “...you look awfully pale…”
“Just, uh...need some food in me,” he replies evasively. “I’ll be fine.”
She doesn’t look convinced, but nor does she argue, following as Naruto and Sakura get in line for some burgers.
Heart pounding, Sasuke takes a shaking breath. Okay...he’s letting this get to his head. It’s just...nonsense. It doesn’t mean anything. He’s reading into things too much, and making connections that aren’t really there!
...isn’t he?
...he’ll feel better after some food. He’ll be fine.
...so long as Naruto doesn’t put him on any rides after this.
     Ohmygosh it's late OTL      Thankfully this prompt was easy, I just...didn't get to it until late. And then it ended up longer than usual! Which is good, but I need sleep xD Poor Sasuke...he's gonna be paranoid now! But maybe there IS something to that lady's words...only time will tell!      Anywho, with that, I'ma shove off - thanks for reading!
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mittensmorgul · 5 years
Today’s entire TNT loop in one post, because I’m tired and there’s only three episodes:
3.14, Long Distance Call. This is what happens when you mess with the phone company, dillweed!
I've written a bunch in the past about how this episode relates to communication and keeping secrets, which is still relevant:
But because the voice on the phone when Dean starts getting Calls From The Beyond (which aren't from the beyond but a manipulation by a creature who wants to lure Dean in to eat his soul) is John, providing words of comfort, encouragement, and instruction to Dean at a time where he feels like he's running out of time and options, Dean is led down a completely wrong path. "John" tells him he can get out of his deal and save himself from Hell by trapping a specific demon, but of course it's just the crocatta luring him to his death (but of course Dean figures that out before that can happen).
But Sam, meanwhile, THINKS he's told Dean what the monster actually is, but that information never reached Dean, leaving him confronting the crocatta by himself... RIP Stewie. Sam calls Dean and gets his voicemail (This is Herman Munster, leave a message), but his whole previous call with Dean wasn't even really a call with Dean...
SAM: What are you doing? CLARK: I'm killing your brother. Or maybe I'm killing another guy. We'll just have to see how it goes.
and most terrifying:
CLARK: Well once I made you two as hunters, it was easy. I found Dean's number, then your number, then your father's numbers. Then emails, voicemails, everything. You see, people think that stuff just gets erased, but it doesn't. You'd be surprised how much of yourself is just floating out there, waiting to be plucked. SAM: Dean's not going to fall for this. He's not going to kill that guy. CLARK: Then the guy kills him.
The crocatta was a monster who preyed on human communication, twisting words to his own benefit and manipulating people into believing what he needed to lure them to him. He had Dean convinced killing this innocent man would save him from Hell, but the other man was convinced that Dean was the man who'd killed his own daughter. It was all a distraction to keep Dean from learning what was really going on-- that Sam had effectively figured out what the monster was, and that it was the monster luring Sam to his lair, using Stewie as bait.
At the end of the story, everyone lost. Dean lost hope that they'd find a way to save him from Hell. Which drives Sam to pull a bit of a manipulation of his own...
in 3.15, Time Is On My Side.
This is Sam's last stand, his last hope to save Dean. Not by defeating the demon that holds his contract, but by gaming the system. His logic-- if Dean's can't die, he can't go to Hell. But the way Sam wants to make Dean immortal is... horrific at best. And something tells me the hellhounds wouldn't care if someone scienced their physical body into effective immortality, and would've collected Dean's soul anyway. But Sam needed to believe in something, as is his wont. When he loses hope, he loses it hard. Look at mid s13 for a reminder of that, specifically in an episode with a heavy thematic and tonal comparison to this one-- 13.11 Breakdown.
Meanwhile, Dean goes in a different direction, getting a lead on Bela and hoping to get the Colt back:
DEAN: You're not helping! You forget that if I welch on this deal, you die. Guess what, living forever is welching. SAM: Fine! Then, whatever the magic pill is, I'll take it too! DEAN: Oh, what is this? Sid and Nancy? No. It's just like Bobby's been saying. We kill the demon who owns the contract and this whole damn thing wipes clean. That's our best shot. SAM: Even if you had the Colt, Dean, who are you gonna shoot? We have no idea who holds the ticket. DEAN: Well, I'll shoot the hellhounds then before they slash me up. Now, you coming or not?
Sam decided... not. He stayed to try and figure out Benton's immortality formula. He does find it, but Dean doesn't want to live like that:
SAM: Dean, don't you want to live? DEAN: What he is isn't living. Look, this is simple. SAM: Simple? DEAN: To me it is, okay. Black or white; human, not human. (DEAN walks back to stand in front of DOC BENTON) See, what the Doc is is a freakin' monster. I can't do it. I would rather go to hell.
Well, heck, we know Dean doesn't really see anything as "black and white," and the real issue isn't "human or not human" anymore. But he does have a line he will not cross, and whatever Benton is is way too far across that line for Dean. And thank heck... Preserving life at all costs that way? At the cost of his own essential humanity? Yeah, that's horrific.
We meet Rufus, who eventually does provide Dean the lead to find Bela, but he also echoes Dean's attitude we've seen over and over again:
RUFUS: I know ain't no peashooter gonna save you. DEAN: What makes you so sure? RUFUS: Cause that's the job, kid. Even if you manage to scrape out of this one, there's just gonna be something else down the road. Folks like us...there ain't no happy ending. We all got it coming. DEAN: Well, ain't you a bucket of sunshine? RUFUS: I'm what you've got to look forward to if you survive. (Smirking and raising his glass again) But you won't.
Survive this round, just wait for the next one, because there's always a next one... Thanks, Rufus!
But of course Bela doesn't have the Colt anymore. Dean does learn that she sold her soul and her deal is about to come due. She's in the same boat he's been in all along...
DEAN: Is that why you stole the Colt, huh? Try to wiggle out of your deal, our gun for your soul? BELA: Yes. DEAN: But stealing the Colt wasn't quite enough, I'm guessing. BELA: They changed the deal. They wanted me to kill Sam. DEAN: Really! Wow, demons untrustworthy. Shocker.
Because no matter what, the demons were NEVER going to let Dean out of his deal. No matter how many demons they killed, no matter who they bargained with, no matter what, they needed him to die and go to Hell to fulfil their prophecy and break the first seal on the Apocalypse. And that's what s3 boiled down to in the end...
This was the long con that s4 would do to freaking perfection, but s3, with all it's structural deficiencies for having been 6 episodes shortened because of the writer's strike, manages the same...
So that brings us to 3.16, No Rest for the Wicked.
The one where they think they finally gained the upper hand on catching the Big Bad Demon who holds Dean's contract, and don't yet know the entire setup was a trap laid just for them. The fact the payoff on this information doesn't come until the end of s4, with other little hints along the way-- like Dean learning what Sam's been up to while he was in Hell, like learning about angels and the breaking seals of the apocalypse, like being given the runaround as heaven and hell both use Sam's desire to get revenge on Lilith for perceived wrongs against them and is willing to turn himself into a monster to achieve that end... when all along it was exactly what the angels and demons both wanted them to do...
S4 will become the template for Cosmic Manipulation of the Winchesters as part of the Grand Story of the Universe. But all the seeds for it were already planted in s3.
Well, except for Cas. He's the wild card, and isn't that the wildest thing ever?
I wonder how Chuck accounted for him? Bring on Team Free Will, breaking Chuck's story again and again until they'll finally force him to drop the curtain in 14.20...
ETA, because I always do this... I’ve written some about Ruby’s manipulation before, like in this post from May 2018, after the s13 finale aired:
SAM: And you decided to tell me this just now? RUBY: Um... demon. Manipulative's kinda in the job description. Fact is, is that you would have never considered it. Not until you were – SAM: Desperate enough?
and when Sam has doubts, and he’s so close to wanting to trust Ruby out of desperation?
DEAN: Don't you see a pattern here? Dad's deal, my deal, now this? I mean every time one of us is – is – is up the creek the other is begging to sell their soul. That's all this is, man. Ruby's just jerking your chain down the road. You know what it's paved with and you know where it's going.
And yep, that’s exactly it. The Winchester Family Sacrifice-Go-Round. All in the name of keeping Chuck entertained.
ETA FOR THE SECOND TIME: Lilith. Pretending to be a seriously twisted little girl, controlling this entire family for her own horrific idea of “fun.” Kinda similar to Chuck’s own MO, always playing a persona-- Chuck the trashy novel author, Chuck the prophet of the lord who doesn’t want to be, Chuck the super cute guy who was delightfully enamored by humanity enough to want to be human himself, at least for a little while... But all of it is part of his own incredibly long game, thinking he’s got the Winchesters exactly where he wants them, being on the scene to watch his plan play out, only for it to all go sideways.
ugh and yet another ETA: Dean, only when he is very close to death, a side effect of that is that he can literally see things he wasn’t able to before:
DEAN: I could see its face. Its real face under that one. SAM: So what, now you're seeing demons? DEAN: I've seen all kinds of things lately but... nothing like this. BOBBY: Actually it's not all that crazy. DEAN: How's it not that crazy? BOBBY: Well you've got, just over five hours to go? You're piercing the veil, Dean. You're glimpsing the B side. DEAN: A little less new age-y please. BOBBY: You're almost hell's bitch. So, you can see hell's other bitches. 
What a strange way to finally see through the illusions to the truth, you know? Dean got all the way through Chuck’s endless parade of misery in s14-- losing hope against Michael only to lose hope for Jack, and himself-- to that final moment where he was able to glimpse the B side, as it were.
ugh again... this is what I get for posting stuff before the episode is over...
How close to killing an innocent little girl did Sam come here? While her own mother begged him to do it, because as far as they knew, the girl was still possessed. But Dean saw the truth, the demon was gone.
Sam’s ready to do whatever “Ruby” wants him to to save Dean, but it’s already too late. Ruby isn’t even Ruby anymore. Dean hadn’t noticed the switch until it was too late, again. Always too late. All part of the long manipulation.
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readbythestarlight · 5 years
Oh my god he’s starting the ad off actually talking about D&D Beyond??
"I have between 2-4 minutes every night to do whatever I want" a terrifying concept
Oh Sam. We made it 2 whole minutes without talking about genitals smh.
I’m so excited about them making a home here
I hope they post a picture with everyone’s rooms mapped out later
Caleb just using his cat’s paw to help Cad plant his garden
They’re all so cute and excited about the house (except maybe Fjord)
Wait he’s gonna grow his magic giant tree atop the tower???
Okay I love it, Cad and his giant tree atop his tower
Well now everyone knows where the weird heroes of the dynasty are living
Cad’s gonna just grow so much
Everyone else is decorating and Fjord’s worried about putting security shutters on the windows
He’s the only one not having fun with this, poor guy
painting Yasha a pretty mural of flowers I cry
I’m having FEELINGS this is so SWEET
Caleb installing his own alarm system
Cad: "what this—" *leaves, buys copper* "there we go, chimes." :D
Ouch. That’s a 450 worth of gold, 250 if he has to do more than once
200g to keep his garden alive and sunshiny. Worth it.
Cad’s gonna make little fairy lights!
The neighbors are jealous of Cad’s fairy garden
AYYYYE finally working on the teleportation circle
Which.... makes me nervous because Yusah could easily trap them/hand them over to the Empire
LB, about the tree: "will it be like that all the time?"
F: "I think that’s how trees work, yeah."
L: with a Nat1 "I’m gonna go ask Fjord"
T: Nat20
Oh wait did he say Dark Tow?
"I’m fine" Fjord you’re a fucking LIAR
!!!!! Caleb put together the Alchemical lab for Yeza!!!!
Oh my god all I want now is Yeza and Luke and Veth living in a house with the M9 and they
Oh no
The letter
Forgot about the letter
Oh no
I don’t think they said anything about money and inheritance did they?? And they mentioned Caleb’s name didn’t they?? Fuck I can’t remember what they said
Gotta go back soon
Oh shit it’s from Solstrice fuck
Oh god they put their names
Yes god plz message mom and make sure she’s okay and warn her about anyone named Astrid or Ikathon
FUCK god what will this do to Jester and Caleb if they’re watching her or if they take her
These people have already hurt Nott’s family and now they could hurt Jester’s too and Caleb’s gonna feel so bad
N: "I just wanted you to have a friend."
C: "I have friends."
N: "Well you didn’t then."
Caleb’s real jittery now
Mmmm given that you haven’t confirmed no bugs we shouldn’t be talking about Dairon maybe
While Caleb and Nott or Caleb and Beau are having serious conversations, the clerics are planning to build a spa xD
Boy I can’t wait for Caleb to corner Fjord I hope he gets something out of him
Caleb just whips that medallion out any time, like he has that thing ready
Ohhhh I physically hurt
1000g that they could lose
I hope they call the house the Treehouse from now on
Ayyyy Essik!
B: "do you want to stay for dinner?"
Me: do you want to stay forever?
Ohhhh I didn’t catch that they took their surenames from the dens
"Show me"
Oh gosh
Caleb honey the cat? Really?
C: "My people are perverting your magic. I wish to understand better, so that I can better help."
E: "Are you busy right now" WHAT
E: "May I?"
B: "I invited you twice but yeah yeah enter."
This feels like a trap
Like that’s as too easy right?? He only rolled a 12
"Let me teach you a few things"
It’s a trap right it’s gotta be a trap
"Bending of fate, destiny" the whole table freaks out
This is gonna be a trick it’s gotta be a trick
Frick guys I’m so in love with Essik
B: "Caduceus calls it a ‘White Xhorhassian’—"
E: "...Mildly racist, but..."
God I hope that wasn’t some sort of trick or trap for Caleb
Fjord and Caleb talk now oh boy
Why you lyin’ Fjord why you always lyin’?
Caleb’s trying to... help?
Boy remember when I felt like Fjord and Caleb were gonna be the bro’s
"What do you think, we’re gonna chase you out of here, run you off?"
"I found myself reinvented when I woke up on that shore"
"I didn’t care for that life, didn’t care for me. I prefer to leave it in the past. It’s not that I’m hiding anything from you, I... I don’t wanna bring things from my old life into this one. I can sound like many people, do many things."
God why do so many people in this group have pasts they need to hide from???
They’re both so scared the past is gonna swallow them up, hurt them and the people around them
C: "Because I worry about you all. And maybe I just want to know that you... are not worried about that as well."
F: "There is nothing that nips at my heels or at my back that is a danger to anyone else in this group." BUT IT’S A DANGER TO YOU FJORD AND THAT WILL MATTER TO THEM.
This talk is hurting me
C: "We can remake ourselves into something better."
F: "Yeah, I... that’s what I thought I was doin’. I can promise there is no danger from my past. I like this me, I love it."
God I’m so sorry that I ever suspected Fjord because I feel like a heel now
Caleb, trust him and don’t push. He’ll come to you when he’s ready.
C: "The only reason the group knows about me is because I am... Crazy"
F: "I don’t think you’re crazy, you’re one of the more out together people I know. At least that’s what you show. Thank you for... I want to say caring."
C: "That is accurate. Give me your hand. I am not a good person, but we are friends."
Also who else is crying because Caleb called them family
Also "give me your hand" slayed me I’m such trash for casual touches especially in a non-romantic sense
Perception check why
Back to the sword good good good
I thought for sure he was gonna say her hair was gonna start falling out
J: "By the second day it’s starting to turn greasy."
C: "My how the tables have turned."
Poor Sprinkle :(
Making a weasel nest in the tree
"The big bad has been revealed" xD
"You throw some rats in there—" Taliein is dying of laughter
Sprinkle is going to run away
Guys Bryce is a town guard they don’t have time to just personally escort Luke and his guardian
They definitely need to get back to Luke, but it’s going to be hard to do at this point
Mmm Caleb wanting to ask Essik to get them to Alfield
Call me crazy, I wonder if they could ask the Gentleman for help
Or like, Cali or Keg or one of their friends
THAT’S RIGHT good thinking Nott! He’s not in Alfield probably I imagine, since y’all last saw him up near Shady Creek Run, but he would def help I’m positive and then he could guest star again
I feel like robbing a shop is probably not the best idea right now? Like even if they have a good reason I don’t think it’s the best plan
F: "Moro I don’t know how to say this but I... need you."
Oh my god FJORD xD
The glow is gonna be something stupid and pointless
The glow is something alive?? Someone invisible?
Hmmm interesting
"Oh my god it’s a front"
Of course they found drugs
Oh dang ground white stone. 1000g enchanting??
Okay so can they use it to help pay for Yasha’s thing?
Okay why does she have enchanting dust
In a place where an Empire spy is supposed to go
Ohhhhh they got a map!! New map new map!
Gonna lie I don’t like the idea of M.T. House. It’s nice to remember Molly but... idk
We had so better get Shakaste back on the show!!
Please please please bring Khary back!
Oh dang yes the scrying worked!
Oh boy
"My liege"
If they choose to tell the Dynasty about this they’ll 100% be traitors, once and for all
Which like... I’m okay with. I don’t have any preference for the Empire and I like things about the Dynasty.
Royal assassins
"My liege" is the King isn’t it
I really think they need to tell the Bright Queen
B: "Were they training you to be a scourger?"
C: "I think so." holy shit
God what if Astrid and whatshi are scourgers already
Have I mentioned how amazing Matt is to come up with all this and connect all these threads
Mmm Cad and Jester being a voice of reason
Cad: "Some things are too big to get on top of. Some things are bigger than us."
Cad’s being smart. They need to give a warning, not try to also control the situation.
Go immediately.
Where’s that whole thing coming from, Caleb? There’s really no reason to get that involved. Just like tell them what’s coming, that’s all you have to do. Listen, Caduceus is right.
Poor Beau
She’s kinda been stuck in a corner where she has to betray a homeland she’s not that fond of, but she is fond of Dairon
Oh gosh, Beau. :(
This is such a good moment for her, realizing that people are people wherever they are, that she doesn’t want to betray the people in the Empire, as little as she cares about the Empire itself
She’s not gonna slit your throat honey it’s fine
Boy next week is gonna be really intense again
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dustfeather-sphynx · 7 years
im not around on the fr scene much but after the seed and the sickness stuff i decided to write a letter. and then a few more. this is all of them compiled together in one post!
@unkorea @deadlanddisciple @jollyroger-fr @fusefr @majestyrising i just kinda pinged anyone who i remembered like getting lore? /shrug
To Mother and Father,
I apologize that I have not been able to write as much as I have wished. We have been busy--mercenaries are in great demand these past few months. Kalea would have written a letter as well, but she is exhausted. Our last job took a considerable toll on her.
It came to her in sudden pulses of awareness. A howl, long and loud, violently cut short. A blur of green rushing past her vision. The sudden panic becoming prickling needles under her skin, bubbling fear demanding release. She lunged forward, tearing down the vines that threatened to entangle her sister, teeth bared in distress and anger.
It seems to me that Sornieth is falling apart. I do not know what you have learned, but we have traced our way across Sornieth wherever we are needed and have seen devastation long and far. A maelstrom decimated the Sea, for days the wind in the Plateau was still, rebellions by the Furnace--we have even heard rumors that an Emperor has been making its way across the Lightweaver's territory.
She sensed the magic radiating off of Kalea--it was hot and nearly painful to be standing next to, sparks of energy sizzling off of the other imperial. She saw what Kalea was fixated on--a writhing mass of vines several yards away, flashes of midnight colored fur and steel whirling, the growling and snapping of the hounds being cut short as they fell one by one. Kalea's cry was full of anguish as she charged forward--"Mom!"
But the gravest news is that of armistice being shattered. Do you truly think we will go to war now? We are Plague--we survive, we spread, we thrive--and yet it seems like war now would only serve to kill us quicker. War now, when various flights prepare for war over petty slights? War now, when the beastclans wait to pick at our carcasses? War now, when the Shade even still continues to infect and spread across Sornieth?
The blade was swift and true--an old familiar extension of the wildclaw. Where it once had slew creatures of Shade, now it carved through thorny vines, pestilence pulsing through the plants. Mellori's snarl was cut off in a sudden gasp as a vine shot forward, piercing her side. She managed to whirl, cut it loose before it could grow more, but the damage was still done. Another vine surged forth, and then another, and then another--
I know it is unbecoming of me, to feel fear. I know it is unbecoming of me, a child of Plague, a daughter of the Bone Castle, to feel fear gnaw at me. And yet I am afraid. I wish I was home--an oddity, as home was always both the Castle and wherever the Pack may have roamed, and yet I miss the security of the flesh and bone halls. It is childish, is it not?
Light blinded Mellori as she stumbled, a shrill cry causing her ears to ache. Magic whirled around her, the vines falling away as they shriveled. The magic burned--a combination of her native Plague but also of shadow and arcane--but the heat died down to a comforting warmth as a large figure stood over her, teeth bared. A confused thought surfaced in the wildclaw's head, and her voice was quiet as she pleaded softly, "You must run. Please, leave me. It's not safe here, I can't lose you here, please go to the Bone Castle, please--"
Kyrja could sense the magic pouring off of her sister--it was more than Kyrja had ever seen her summon, more than Kyrja realized she could have summoned. An endless font of magic swelling forth from her twin as she screamed in grief and anger. Mellori's quiet words only served to further cause Kalea panic and the magic reached an almost blistering heat, cause Kyrja's fur to itch.
"Kalea. Kalea! Let me!" Kyrja cried over her sister's wailing, and Kalea shifted only to let Kyrja gently grab Mellori in her jaws. For a few moments, it seemed like the influence of the First Seed would break through and destroy them all, but Kalea's magic held it at bay, if only for moments.
"We must go." Kyrja said quietly, meeting her sister's gaze. The other imperial had an expression of grief, anger, exhaustion tracing her features and it made Kyrja's heart ache. The imperials took off, wings beating at the same time as the world seemed to no longer be holding its breath, rushing in to fill the gap that Kalea's magic had punched into the surrounding area.
They left the job unfinished, something they had never done before.
It does not matter anyways, even if I wanted to return home now. Kalea is exhausted still, the toll taken on our previous job being greater than any of us expected. And for Mellori...she is unwell. We are certainly in no shape to make the journey through the Wastelands to the Bone Castle, and yet...
But we are Plague, we will survive. So it is confusing why I am afraid for the Pack. Why do I wish to be home, in the safety of the Queen's influence, far from any conflicts Sornieth may be facing? Why can I not control the fear that gnaws at me? The fear that settles deep into my bones, the fear that coils at the base of my spine and sends shivers through my body. It is a feeling I am unfamiliar with. A feeling I do not like.
I miss you both. I love you both.
With all my love, Kyrja.
Plague dragons were told to master their fear.
It was the first lesson she learned--that fear was useful when wielded properly--able to pinpoint the location of a predator, heightening sense to allow for swift manuevers and quick strikes. But fear was also equally dangerous. It blinded, consumed, ate away at a dragon until they were nothing more than prey for others.
Kyrja was deeply, deeply afraid.
I have not written often to you, and for this I am sorry. Kalea mostly does much of the writing to you, but she has not been well recently. Our recent job has left Kalea exhausted, and she has spent much of her time slumbering. I have made sure she still eats and drinks, and she is healthy beyond her fatigue.  
I write to you for ultimately selfish reasons, I suppose. I just wanted someone to speak with, perhaps, someone for advice. I know few dragons who know more magic than yourself, and I need help. The last job we had--it went badly, Grandmother. We were enlisted on the spot to help deal with an incident in Plague, and it went badly.
Grandmother, I'm so afraid.
Kalea stirred briefly, eyes blinking open wearily. "Kyrja..." She whined, and the larger imperial rushed to her sister's side. "What happened...?"
"We were attacked, Kallie." Kyrja whispered softly, as if speaking too loudly would harm her twin. "The Armistice broke, and we were hired to help contain some of the damages. The magic involved..." She drifted off.
"I don't hear the Pack..." Kalea said softly, "Are they well?"
Kyrja kept her voice steady. "Mom's gone hunting with them." She lied, and Kalea let out a peaceful sigh as she slipped back asleep.
I've never seen any dragon expel so much magic before. Kalea was like a star readying to burst--I was afraid she'd burn up, tear herself with all the magic she was giving off. And now she's near comatose, and I don't know what to do. She breathes, but she sleeps and I don't know if she'll recover. I don't have the ability to take her to a healer, we can't travel--
"Kalea! Don't overexert yourself," Kyrja said, her voice strained. Her sister staggered upright, trying to make herself stand, but simply couldn't hold herself up. She returned to her curled up position, letting out an annoyed sigh.
This time, Kalea was awake for more than a few minutes, able to eat some of the carcass that Kyrja had managed to drag back. She looked at Kyrja steadily as she finished--Kyrja noticed that she'd only had a handful of bites--before Kalea said, "Are you okay?"
Kyrja paused. She wasn't--not entirely, feeling like part of her was left bleeding on the sands of the Wasteland. She was weary and hungry and terrified--but Kalea couldn't know. Not yet. Not until she was stronger.
"Yes, I am."
I don't even know if this will reach you, and I suppose it is childish of me to reach out to my Grandmother, like a hatchling grasping at their mother's wings for attention. I just don't want to be alone anymore.
I don't know how to stop the bleeding it won't stop it won't stop it won't stop it won't stop
Her breathing is settled, thank the gods. I was so worried...
I'm glad my training from my childhood came so easily to the forefront of my mind. I'm no healer, but at least I was able to prevent her from bleeding out. Gods, I don't know what I would have done if she had died--
No, don't think about that.
There's only a handful of the Pack left. Almost all of the Steelhounds were decimated by the vines. Most of the wraith-hounds survived, taking more intangiable forms, but even then some of them were drowned out by the sheer Nature magic that permeated the area.
Gear is dead. Wire spends much of their time by Kalea's side. The Birds, as Kalea likes to call them, spends their time by Mellori. Lark took considerable damage, though I've patched her up as best as I can. Lonan is barely alive--although he seems as unconcerned as he can be. Much of him has faded away to a more spectral shape anyways. It seems he had more umbra wolf in him than anyone of us could have realized.
I'll have to go hunting soon.
Leaving Mom and Kalea alone was...terrifying. Linnet and a few of the hounds accompanied me, but much of what's left the Pack stayed to guard them. The scent of blood is still thick--Gods, any predator or scavenger could simply come along and kill us...
Stop being so afraid. You're Plague, dammit. You survive.
Plaguebringer must be looking out for us. Between myself and a few of the Packmembers, we managed to find a nest of dappled cluckers. They'll keep us going for a few more days at least. Kalea's eating, and I've been struggling to get Mom to eat.
I was right.
A scavenger--a few mirrors, likely clanless nomads searching for a larger pack to join--came across the scent trail. Unfortunately for them, they didn't expect to face an imperial at the end of it. They've left numerous injuries, but they're mild compared to what's happening to Mom and Kalea.
It seems silly--I know the Plaguebringer truly has little stake in our survival--but I left parts of the carcass out as an offering. I'm becoming more like a child every day.
My parents would be disappointed.
My name is Valkyrie, daughter of the Bone Castle. If you find this, please help me. I can't do this alone.
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Here's a feels-inducing one for you! Sidon's reaction to finding out his s/o has caught an illness with a high death rate! :D
(I hope this one is feelsy enough to your liking my dear friend, I look forward to doing your next one~ Also I’m visiting relatives for a while so although I am on summer break they’ll probably be keeping me busy, I’ll try my best to submit as often as I can! Enjoy!~)
Can’t Let You Go
Word Count: 1847Warnings: Angst, fatal illness, illness symptoms, vomit mention, blood
It was a very difficult feat reducing the optimizing and headstrong Prince of the Zora to tears but when he saw you laid in bed looking as if one gust of wind could whisk you away, the tears flew so freely that one would think that he had been crying every second of his life. Only those closest to him knew that this was not the case. It was only moments like this that could make Sidon feel this way; make him feel like his entire world was crashing down on him.
Sidon had known that you were sick for a while now but it had only been a gentle cough and light fever, nothing serious. You had never whined or complained. Every time he offered to excuse himself from his work to say by you, you always told him that you didn’t want to keep the Prince from his Kingdom. You said it would pass in a few days. You said you’d be fine.
Now here you were, two weeks later, restricted almost completely to your bed, and barely able to keep your eyes open.
After the first week, Sidon couldn’t help but worry even though you insisted you were okay, he was certain that you were getting worse. The maids and healers that cared for you while he was caught up with meetings and paperwork would inform him of your condition. Telling him that your coughs were quickly becoming more aggressive, your fever remained ever present, your movements were slower and sluggish, and you could hardly eat the food brought to you and even when you did it was never for long.
It seemed like your entire day was comprised of laying in bed because your body was too weak to carry you anywhere else, trying to sleep, coughing, trying to eat meals, or puking into a basin. You were miserable even though you tried to hide it.
He couldn’t take it anymore.
So, at the advisement of the healers, he sent a letter to a Hylian doctor requesting their services. It did not take long for the doctor to arrive in the Kingdom after hearing about your symptoms and once he performed a careful examination he was able to give a full diagnosis. It was not a good one.
You had caught a virus common to Hylians during this time of year and, at first, Sidon felt relieved thinking that surely this meant a cure had been developed. His heart dropped when the doctor informed him that there was no cure and, to rub salt in his fresh wound, most of those who caught this nasty disease did not make it.
Sidon, shortly after learning this devastating news, put everything else aside so that he could ten to your needs much to your meek protest. He couldn’t bear to be away from you and nobody could blame him. The Zora remained firmly planted at your side, hardly sleeping or eating anything as he watched over you. He couldn’t look away from your pale face for even a moment; he was afraid that if he did that would be the last moment he saw you alive.
It only took one moment for the cruel hands of fate to steal all that was precious to im in life. They had stolen his mother. They had stolen Mipha. They could steal you too.
Over his dead body.
During the daytime, things were manageable. The maids brought in the meals and medicine prescribed by the doctor to help with your symptoms. It was difficult for you to enjoy even the simplest dishes prepared by the kitchen but Sidon always tried to get you to eat something, even if it was just a nibble. It took some negotiating to get you to take the medicine, however, because according to you it tasted like Bokoblin crap.
Regardless, in the end, it didn’t matter because barely an hour late later it was usually coming right back up with Sidon apologizing profusely for making you eat and you always apologized for subjecting him to this nastiness.
Aside from that, everything ran relatively smoothly with you spending most of your time trying to rest while occasionally asking him for water or a story to fill up the silence in the room. Sidon had no problem doing any of these for you; he would gladly do anything that made this whole ordeal easier for you.
At night, it was a completely different story.
At night, things became unbearable.
Your illness seemed to take sick pleasure in terrorizing you at night because every one of your symptoms became excruciating and Sidon could only watch and try to do all he could to ease our suffering.
The fever spiked and while the heat burning around your head caused you to break out in a terrible sweat, the rest of your body remained freezing cold to the Zora Prince’s touch and shivered like a leaf in a raging storm. Sidon watched as your chest shook violently from the coughing fits that progressed into hacking that then progressed into the spilling of the contents of your stomach; even when there was absolutely nothing inside of your poor stomach to spill your body showed you no mercy. You would convulse and quiver over the basin dry heaving so violently and would not stop until you were reduced to an empty husk of a person sprawled out on the bed.
It was horrifying for Sidon to watch, though he knew it was ten times worse to experience it.
Tonight, was no exception. In fact, it was the definition of torture.
Your body was being particularly ruthless and once again Sidon was practically powerless to do anything about it. His love, his sweet treasure, his everything was coughing so violently he feared they would cough up their lungs and all he could do was hold their hand and offer to get them some water even though you both knew that would not help. Still he had to do something, anything to help you. Without saying a word, your body suddenly jolted up and Sidon released his careful hold on your hand to look up at you immediately concerned by your abrupt action.
Sidon’s eyes scanned your form noticing how your body convulsed aggressively in response to the terrible fit you were currently enduring. Then just as abruptly as you stood up you stopped and then fell silent and he could see your body still shaking.
Quickly he moved to adjust his chair so that he could look at your face saying, “My love, are you alri-!” His golden eyes dilated in horror seeing the trail of crimson running down your chin and pooling into your quivering hand. His heart shattered to see that you were crying, soft sobs replacing the horrible hacking and making you look even more weak and fragile than before. You were attempting to try and catch all the blood in your hand as if ashamed and terrified by what just happened.
Sidon stood up so quickly that he knocked his chair back and it fell to the ground with such a loud clatter that he was certain he had woken the entire palace but he didn’t care. He raced to retrieve a towel and then bring it back to you carefully wiping the blood from your hand and then pressing the cloth to your mouth as you sobbed. “I-It hurts…” Your voice comes out hoarse from coughing and muffled by the cloth and Sidon can feel himself start to cry along with you.
“I know, I’m sorry,” His voice breaks and he almost can’t stand looking at you reduced to such a poor state. The tears pooling in his eyes blur his vision and his hand shakes slightly as he wipes at the corners of your mouth trying to hold himself together and put on a brave face for you. He must stay strong for you. He must stay strong. He must…
Gently laying you back down on the bed, Sidon just watches kneeling beside the bed not even bothering to recollect his chair as he lets the towel drop to the floor. “It hurts so much… I-I just want it to stop… I’m so tired…” You hiccup in between your gut-wrenching sobs your fists clinging so tightly to the bedsheets that Sidon can see your knuckles turn white. “S-Sidon make it stop…”
You’re begging for help; begging for Sidon’s help and it is only a reminder that he is completely powerless.
He wished with every bone in his body that the sickness ravaging your body was a monster, something that he could see and properly fight off to protect you. Something that he could kill so that you would be free from this agony. Unfortunately, that was only wishful thinking. Unfortunately, he couldn’t do anything but sit and watch as you withered away in front of him.
Sidon carefully climbed into the bed wrapping you up in the blankets and bedsheets like you are a young infant before laying you on his chest holding you close to him. “I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I’m so sorry,” He whispered over and over again letting you cry out all of that pain he knows that you’ve been trying to hold in for his sake while he tries his best to console you. This is the least he can do for you.
If this dastardly disease did manage to succeed in its horrid plan he wanted you to be at peace; he knew it was horrible to even admit that you could leave him but he could not ignore the fact that was entirely too real possibility. Any moment your tired body could potentially give out and you could breathe your last and he wouldn’t be able to stop it. All he could do now was comfort you, keep you happy, keep hoping that you would get through this together.
He would stay with you no matter what.
No matter what.
When the sun rose the next morning, the maids brought in the food as usual giving the Prince time to wake you and then detangle himself from your body so he could go back to his place at your side. He watched overjoyed as you ate a third of the meal – it took a while, and you refused to touch anything until he promised to eat something too – but you managed to get food in your system. You even took the medicine with no complaints and Sidon could not have felt more relieved when an hour later you didn’t need to turn to the basin so your body could reject it.
Watching you take what he could only assume to be the best nap you had taken in two weeks, Sidon finally let his worries wash away and he rest his head on the edge of the bed placing his hand over yours admiring your sleeping face. The answer to his prayers was finally laid out to him so he did not need to worry anymore.
He could see it written on your face flushed with the faint hue of your color returning to your face as you slept so peacefully. He could feel it in his heart, mind, body, and soul. He could hear it in the room as if Hylia herself was standing there clearing all of the misery that had been hanging over the two of you.
Things were going to be okay.
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