#and also blease i just want a library/archive job
cappurrccino · 2 years
[daydreaming about having elias bouchard just hand me a well-paying, fun archive and/or library job at an eccentric little research institution where... sure i can't quit and might get eaten by an eldritch monster, but there's no profit motive and basically free reign to prioritize your own tasks]
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interstellerjay · 7 years
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I made an alien today.  Their name is Greenie and I love them.  Blease enjoy this info about them that I have copied and pasted from a discord chat (also forgive me I was using Xe/Xer pronouns for like,, half of this before I decided just to use they/them):
I , ,  mi  g h  t have committed some self indulgence and gave them wingsThey can't fly with them, though.Their evolutionary purpose was actually to help these babs jump and leap between walls of the deep canyons they'd carve into their planet to make their burrowsThey are actually more of a wiry consistency rather than feathers so that they can make a course for electricityThe tails were developed in evolution to allow them better balance in their leaping and also work like hairy gecko tailsCarry fat storage.  Can be ripped off and grow backI uh ,,  I didn't want to give them two arms , or four arms,,  soI gave them noneThe little dew claws on their wings can sometimes help gripping things but their abilities are very limited because they were adapted to be used to cling to cavern walls after a good j o m  p.
They are used to living very vertically if that makes sense.Remember how Greenie's species sleeps in little pods in the wall?That's an example of how that evolutionary origin has persisted in their culture.  Though with the influence of other more horizontally living races from other planets, their life styles these days have come to adapt a lot of the same practices.  In other words, they don't really need the wings at all in their modern culture.So they have wing cuts similar to how one would have haircuts.  It's just a style thing now.Also one of the reasons they have those fluffy tails is because their culture never adapted clothing as a need.  Likewise with things like bedding or other comforts one would get from cloth.  Their tails do all that.  Good squishy fluffy fat pillows.Their environments are usually very humid so they have come to adapt to a warm climate but if for some reason the weather becomes colder, they will instinctively curl up in their tails and cover themselves with their wings and shiver to keep warm.
To this day, most don't wear clothes.  It's just kind of normal in their society.  Greenie only wears alien-themed earth clothes they buy from merchants.  when they are wearing a long sleeved shirt they usually fold the wings against their body and let the sleeves dangleThey also have a weak telepathic ability to help them compensate for their lack of arms.  It's ... really weak though.  Without extensive training, it can usually only lift about five pounds.  But it can mold light to different forms kinda like a green lantern light.It works well for them showing small holograms and being able to share pictures in their minds more directly.  This is a skill that most R-faction work their lives to develop while L-faction work on making their telepathic skills stronger.Greenie likes to make it look like hands when they are eating or lifting something because they think human hands are cu te , , I think they are only about 3'5" lil green person
Also I couldn't think of a name for Greenie's race so I'm just going to call them Clickclacks to make fun of the fact the actual name of their race is probably some sort of complicated alien clicking that doesn't translate well into English.
Goes by Xe, Xer pronouns because xer race goes through 14 different genders during their reproductive cycle.They can reproduce both sexually and asexually depending on how much they want their offspring to differ from them in DNA.  In sexual reproduction, they can have many partners.  Offspring grown from fluids in a sort of incubation brew.  The temperature of the brew determines the faction - L or R.  Hotter brews develop into R faction individuals and colder brews develop into L faction individuals.  This character here is R faction.In xer culture, children are separated into two groups at birth based on what role they were brewed to fulfill.  These roles are similar to logic and creativity based factions.  Like left brain and right brain stuff.Those separated into the L faction have brains physically structured to cater more towards math and problem solving.  These individuals make your accountants, your number crunchers, your simple pilots.  They specialize in tasks that deal with facts and have clear pathways and can retain focus much better than R faction individuals.
R faction individuals are more easily distracted but are your artists, your creators.  They have trouble focusing on straight forward facts and equations but they excel in creativity and creating the theories that L factions test.  R faction and L faction work very closely with one another.  R faction comes up with ideas, L faction puts those ideas into action.They don't actually have a concept of pronouns in their native language.  Xe chose to go by these pronouns merely because "xe/xer" sounded cool.Xer occupation on xer home planet was similar to that of a librarian and professor.  Xer L faction partner's job was to sort the a sort of library of interplanetary information.  Xe, as an R faction, had the job of interpreting that information and teaching and telling it to whoever requests it.  For example, if you were a scout and wanted to know the history of this planet you passed by, you would contact this sort of library.  The L faction would dig through the archives to find the information you requested, the R faction would understand it and provide a relevant summary for you, give you suggestions based on that info, and provide any other basic customer service you may need.
Xe found particular interest in earth.  It was their dream to one day go there and study some of the legends they learned in person. Xe is obsessed with earth legends and myths.  Xe is 100% convinced all cryptids are real and are actually stranded aliens.  A lot of earth concepts are unknown to xer but the info they do have is very outdated and they have no documents about earth after the early 70s.  Xe uses this to convince their bosses to let them travel to earth to prepare updates studies.Also one last fun little thing: Xe has the capabilities to digest just about anything - organic or mineral - thanks to the potent stomach acid of their three stomachs.  The only problem is fitting it in their mouth and swallowing. Xe loves phó.  Xe likes to buy milk cartons, pour out the milk, and fill the carton with phó and drink the soup from the carton.
Their history is filled with sort of accidental invasions.  They aren't a malicious race.  More of,, overly curious and when an R-faction is leading them, they have a habit of being short sited.  For hundreds of years now they've run with a dual leadership system with one elected R-faction and one L-faction.R-factions are creative, clever little buggers but they struggle with foresight.  I think after being told by the leaders they can't go to earth and preform their study, they are going to not think this through and just take a ship and go off anyway.But as a society, they work a lot like the librarians of the galaxy.  Studying and collecting information on other races, planets, species, sciences, history, etc.  So if beings have a inquiry or a submission, they will be happy to oblige.  I'm sure they would be quite interested in purchasing some of the specimens that the zookeeper acquires.Problem with them though is that they tend to have the reliability of Wikipedia since, if they haven't figured it out first hand, they rely on second hand information that has been submitted to them.  They send scouts out to investigate different things but those scouts can easily misunderstand their observations.But at least they'd know most of the things humans need to survive.  Like Phó and milk from other beings.  Humans are weird but they consume these things and oxygen and sometimes oxygen and hydrogen mixed together it's weird. Greenie's home planet is sorta swamp like in climate.High high humidity
Greenie probably knows several human languages (with minimal grammatical mistakes) including English.  Greenie's species can hold a lot of information in their heads but they tend to be very obsessive about one specific topic and just learn everything they can about that.She also probably has some pho in several milk cartons in the storage part of the ship as "road snacks"Road snacks are what humans call human foodAccording to GreenieHonestly, Greenie probably just rambles on about so many false "earth culture facts".  Ze has never seen a human in person before.  Only pictures on post cards and old pictures that they bought from travelers to earth.  They would be jumping up and down and giggling like an excited toddler at the sight of a REAL HUMAN. Ok, thankfully Greenie speaks earth's most common languages.  English, Chinese, and Spanish.  Fun earth fact from Greenie, on earth, they speak three separate languages depending on what side of the planet you are.  Three languages!! So many languages!!
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