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Desert road
This is for @twdsunshine ‘s 1k writing challenge! It took me a long time, and it was very hard to write, but it’s here!
Characters: Daryl Dixon X male!reader
Type: angst (or attempt at)
Word count: 2790 (sorry)
Warnings: drinking, verbal fighting, cursing, accident, minor injuries, mentions of blood, death (if I missed anything, please let me know)
- “I think I might be seeing things” / car broke down / whiskey -
It happened on a Saturday, late at night, or maybe early Sunday. Not that it mattered. It was a memory that haunted him every night, every single night. It didn’t matter whether he was asleep or not, the dark sky, the side of an abandoned road at night, a walker with bloody flesh hanging off its dead mouth, it all reminded him of that one night. If only he had known what would happen, if only he had listened, he could’ve stopped it. But he didn’t know at the time, couldn’t have known. And he didn’t listen, too absorbed in other things to even cast a glance to the side. And he couldn’t stop it, because it had already happened before had the chance to turn around. He beats himself up over it every night, every single night.
“Daryl, c'mon, we gotta go home!” The voice calling for him was familiar, but Daryl’s drunk mind couldn’t process who it was or where it came from. When did the music get this loud? He turned his head to the left, and then to the right, searching the sweaty, dancing bodies around him, trying to find the person who the voice belonged to. A hand on his shoulder caught his attention, and he whirled around to see the face of his lovely boyfriend. He tried to smile at him, but it faltered as soon as he saw the glare directed at him.
“Y/n? We, we can stay here! It’s f-fun!” His words were slightly slurred, but he sobered up just by looking into his boyfriend’s angry eyes. Y/n was never angry at him, annoyed, sure, but never angry. It’s like Y/n wasn’t capable of being angry, always smiling, trying to cheer people up or solve a problem. Y/n hated arguing, and often didn’t see the point in getting mad. But this was different.
“We are leaving, right now.” His voice was a bit lower than usual, just a tad bit intimidating to get through to Daryl. Daryl’s mind barely had time to process the hand grabbing at his sleeve, and he soon felt the cold air hit him outside the bar. When did he start walking? His boyfriend was talking, probably to him, but he was distracted by the bottle in his hand that he hadn’t moticed before. When did he get this? He took a careful sniff at it, and once he knew what it was, he took a sip. The alcohol burned his throat, but it felt good. Life had been cruel to him for too long, the only good thing about it being Y/n, and he needed a break.
The walk to the car was long and awkward and cold, and Daryl disliked every second of it, but so did Y/n. This was the third time in a month that Daryl had gotten so drunk he could barely walk, and Y/n was getting sick of dragging him out of a random bar in town before he could start a fight. Daryl got drunk often, started fights in bars, and seemed to have little to no respect for Y/n while in this state, but he loved the man, and he won’t let such a thing ruin them!
Y/n slowly guided them down the sidewalk, making sure Daryl didn’t trip over his own feet, and unlocked the car once they got to it. He lowered Daryl into the passenger seat and got into the drivers seat himself, glad he didn’t drink that night. It was then that he noticed the already half empty bottle in his boyfriend’s hand, and sent him a questioning glance.
“Seriously? You’re still going at it?” He started the car, not really expecting Daryl to answer, and drove out of the parking lot. They drove in silence for a long while, stuck between not knowing what to say and not wanting to say anything at all. The longer they drove, the more tense the air became, until Daryl had had enough of it. He leaned his head against the cool window, watching the scenery pass by as he blurted it out.
“Y'know, I don’t need you to babysit me. I can take care of myself.” If he had been sober, he would’ve slapped himself for saying that, but in that moment, he couldn’t think.
“Oh, well, I’m sorry for wanting to look out for my boyfriend. And I also sincerely apologize for keeping you out of fights, and for taking care of you when you have a hangover, and for driving miles through a goddamn desert to come get you, and for driving miles through a desert again to take you home. Wow, yeah, I’m such an asshole, and so unreasonable, and oh my, I think you should just get out now and walk the rest of the way, or maybe back to the bar seeing as you can’t get enough of that whiskey.” His voice was even, calm, and nothing like the tone Daryl’s past partners have used in an argument. That’s a thing Daryl loves about Y/n, he never raises his voice unless absolutely necessary, and he always listens to Daryl no matter how unreasonable he’s being.
Daryl is about to snap back at Y/n, to say something he doesn’t mean and will regret later, but he doesn’t get the chance. His boyfriend slams down on the brakes, causing the car to make a screeching sound and stop in its tracks. Y/n’s arm shoots out to stop Daryl from smashing into the window, and he turns on the mist lights, dark, scared eyes scanning the empty road around them. Daryl takes a few long seconds to process the sudden halt, and his drunken mind tells him to be angry.
“What the hell was that?! You can’t just do that!” His angry roar breaks the silence, and Y/n visibly flinches. Oh. He didn’t mean to scare him, but he doesn’t realize that now, his temper worsened by the high percentage of alcohol and his reason nowhere to be seen. Y/n doesn’t answer him, doesn’t even spare him a glance, as his eyes search the road and desert around them, for what, Daryl doesn’t know.
“What the fuck are you looking for? Hey, Y/n! Why did you stop driving?” He couldn’t stop himself from snapping again, his words landing like a blow to the face. Y/n curls in on himself, eyes going impossibly wider.
“I, I just.. There was, I think, and I saw-” He takes sharp, uneven breaths, and points a shaking hand at the road.
“There was someone, a, a person, I think.” Daryl scoffs, shaking his head as he looks where Y/n is pointing.
“There’s nothing there, you’re just seeing things.” He leans back against the seat, expecting Y/n to start the car again, which he does. The car rumbles for a few seconds before it starts, and they continue to drive down the road. After a few, silent minutes, Y/n takes a longer inhale and tightens his grip on the steering wheel.
“Yeah, you’re right. I think I’m probably just seeing things.”
Dead trees and bushes flash past them, illuminated by the bright lights of the car. Y/n still hadn’t turned off the mist lights, too shaken up by the strange, stumbling figure he had seen about a mile back.
“What if it was someone in need of help? What if they got stranded in the desert, injured, alone and without food? Why didn’t we get out of the car to look? To ask them?” Daryl sighed as he listened to his boyfriend’s rambling, sitting up a bit and turning to him.
“Look, Y/n, I know that you tend to worry about others, but we’re not going back. If they need help, another car will come by sooner or later. And what if it was someone on drugs? Or a serial killer waiting for their new victims? Just take us home and forget about it.”
“What if I can’t?” Daryl’s eyes snapped open at that, and he glared fiercely at his boyfriend.
“Don’t you fucking dare.” His warning didn’t do anything, as Y/n turned the wheel and changed the car’s direction, driving back the way they came too fast.
“Y/n! Y/n stop! You’re gonna cause an accident!” Daryl tightly grabbed at his seat, desperate for something to hold onto as the car sped down the dark road.
But no one was prepared for what happened next.
It happened in mere seconds, but both of them felt as though it lasted minutes. The car slipped, the brakes stopped working, the car slid over something on the road, it spun around, three, four, five times, before it came to a halt, lower to the ground than it was supposed to be. The airbags had shot out, softening the impact of Y/n’s head hitting the steering wheel. Daryl had been somewhat lucky, his hands clamped so tightly to the seat and window that he hadn’t crashed into anything.
“Daryl?” He took another sip of the whiskey, which had also survived the almost crash, before he looked to his left, seeing Y/n with a bloody nose and a forming bruise on his right cheekbone. He wanted to worry, to wipe away the blood and place a soft kiss over the bruise, but his rage won the battle, settling deep into his core as he realized what had happened, and who had caused it.
He stepped out of the car, rounded it, and noticed that the two front tires were flat. He cursed loudly, opening his boyfriend’s door and almost yanking him out of the car, pointing at the damage.
“You fucking idiot! Are you kidding me? You ruined our car! How are we getting home now, huh? How are you gonna fix this?” His voice was like thunder, and Y/n flinched out of his grip.
“I’m sorry, I really am! But I swear, there was something on the road!” He wiped at the blood on his face, this was the first time he was truly afraid of Daryl. But his boyfriend would never hit him, he never had and he never would.
It was quiet then. They didn’t know what to say or what to do. What could they do? Their car was ruined, and Daryl was so drunk he could barely keep standing.
“I’ll call Merle to pick us up, he’s probably still in town anyway.” He turned away then, leaving Y/n to himself. He muttered something about Merle probably being drunk as well before turning to the car and looking at the reflection of the window.
“Fucking great, lovely, it’s not like I have a goddamn job interview in two days.. Nope, not at all.” He hissed as his fingers brushed over the bruise, quickly pulling away. Daryl had walked to the side of the road, sitting down on a fallen tree as he tried to reach his brother.
“What did we hit in the first place, anyway?” Y/n wondered as he took a few steps away from the car, rounding it and searching the road for anything that could’ve caused the car to crash. He took out his phone and used it to shine a light on the road, noticing some red, sticky substance.
“Okay, well, that’s unsettling. Look at me, talking to myself in the middle of the night, looking at blood, sounds like a goddamn horror movie!” He sighed heavily, running a hand through his hair as he inspected the blood. But a long, vicious groan cut his train of thought off. It came from under the car.
“Okay, what the actual fuck. Daryl?” His boyfriend was still on the phone, apparently now arguing with his older brother, and he didn’t look up at the mention of his name. Y/n was about to walk over, when another groan came from under the car. His gaze snapped to the source of it, and he kneeled down.
“Please don’t be a poor dying cat, please don’t be a poor dying ca- WHAT THE HECK?!” A hand shot out, but not a normal hand, it was rotten, with flesh loosely hanging around it while black blood coated its fingers. It grabbed a hold of Y/n’s wrist before he could pull away. Y/n screamed, a loud, distressed sound which had Daryl drop his phone and jump up immediately.
Then a head came from under the car, dead and rotting and the stench was unbearable. It released another groan before diving its teeth into Y/n’s arm, biting through the flesh and muscle. But it didn’t stop there, it tore off the skin, turning the arm into a bleeding mess.
Y/n screamed again. A long, agonizing sound ripped through the air as he yanked his arm back, cradling it against his chest and staining his shirt with blood. His breaths came out fast and short as he struggled to move away, the pain in his arm so overwhelming he could barely sense Daryl’s hands on his shoulders.
“Y/n! Y/n, look at me, it’s okay, you’re gonna be fine.” Daryl’s face came in his vision, the familiar warm eyes and worried expression soothing Y/n’s incredibly fast beating heart. Their eyes locked for a brief moment before Daryl’s attention was on the wound, his hands hovering over it as he tried to figure out what to do.
“Okay, it’s, it’s not that bad. Let me just, grab s-some spare bandages from the trunk, okay?” He made sure to place a reassuring kiss on Y/n’s forehead before standing up and heading to the car.
“Wait!” Y/n’s hand shot out, catching Daryl’s wrist.
“Please don’t go, I don’t feel so, so good.” A sweat broke out on his forehead and his cheeks flushed.
“What’s wrong, how can I help?” Daryl’s worried tone did little to no good as Y/n slumped backwards, too weak to sit up anymore. Daryl quickly fell to his knees beside him, putting his hand of Y/n’s forehead to check for a fever.
“You’re burning up!” His mind shot into panic, he didn’t know what to do. Things like this normally didn’t cause an instant fever. But normally, a not-so-dead corpse wouldn’t bite into someone’s arm..
“I’m so sorry, I’m sorry, Y/n I’m so incredibly sorry!” He cradled Y/n as he spoke, afraid that this would be it, that this would be the last time he could look into those beautiful eyes.
“For what?” Y/n’s weak voice hurt his heart, this is really it.
“For everything. For drinking so often, for yelling at you, for blaming you for everything. I love you, so so much, I never wanted to hurt you.” Tears streamed down his face as he cupped Y/n’s cheek, stroking it with his fingers.
“First of all, I forgive you. It’s okay, I stayed, didn’t I? And second, you act like I’m dying! C’mon Daryl, I’m fine!” He coughed then, long and hard. His vision blurred a little as he tried to sit up. What in the world was happening to him?
“Let me call an ambulance, please?” Daryl knew how stubborn Y/n could be, especially when it came to injuries, but he was just so worried. He could be dying for all he knows! Y/n sighed but nodded, watching as Daryl walked towards his phone.
His head hurt, his vision was blurred, he felt dizzy and the pain in his arm spread through his whole body, but he still smiled, because he had a reason to smile, he had Daryl. With that thought, his consciousness faded and his body slumped on the ground.
“What happened after that?”
Daryl looked up for the first time since he had started talking, meeting Carol’s gentle eyes.
“He died. I tried everything I could, but it was too late.” A sob. Then two. It was too much. Years later, and he still couldn’t talk about it, he still blamed himself.
“If I hadn’t been so drunk and just listened to him, none of this would’ve happened!”
“You can’t think like that. It happened, it’s over.” Carol’s hand found his shoulder, and she gave it a soft squeeze.
“I’m sure he didn’t blame you, not even for a second. He loved you, Daryl. Hold on to the good memories.”
That he did. Every night, after those nightmares, he would think about Y/n’s soft smile, how his eyes lit up when he saw Daryl, how he energetically moved his hands while talking, and about how much they loved each other.
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One Thing // Loki Laufeyson
Request: Can I request a Loki X Valkyrie!reader where he meets the reader on sakaar and she’s disguised as a champion just so she can steal a spaceship and get back to Asgard, until she meets Loki and she begs him to come with her and rekindle their relationship, since they used to go out before the reader fell through the sky and into sakaar? Maybe Loki thinks she died in battle instead of falling through the doorway and it’s a really angsty reunion where he’s watching her battles in that room up top :)
Requested by: @creamychickenuggets
Please don’t plagiarize my work! Word Count: 638
Loki can still remember the feeling that had flooded through at the sight of you.
It had been unlike anything he’d felt, or at least, in a long time. Loki had thought you’d died, all those years ago.
So the moment the battle was done, the moment he could get away from the Grandmaster, Loki had practically wasted no time in finding you. He’d weaved through crowds upon crowds, halls upon halls, all in the search of you. Part of him wondered if you even remembered who he was, but he knew that you’d never forget him.
Just like he’d never forget you.
You were the one person to ever understand Loki. More than anyone else. More than his brother, his father, dare he say, even his mother.
You were the one thing…
And he found you, with your back turned to him. You were talking to one of the other champions, still pulling of your gear and armour from your own tournament. Your chest was rising and falling slightly, Loki guessed you were still spent from your fight not moments ago, and there was still splats of blood covering your arms and chest.
All the same, Loki found himself frozen, just like he’d been back out there.
It only lasted for a moment, because in seemingly seconds, with just one blink, you were suddenly facing him. Your wide, astonished and disbelieving eyes were on Loki once more. Your hand was left raised, holding a piece of your armour as your face contorted into one of bewilderment.
Never had you thought you’d see Loki again.
At least, not for a long time. And definitely not here on Sakaar.
Now, Loki wasn’t usually a sentimental man. He was mischievous, evil some would say and any emotion he’d ever felt, he buried deep within him. Built a wall around himself so no one could ever walk in. But you had always been that one exception.
And it wasn’t any different now.
Your voice… he hadn’t heard your voice in so long…
You took a step forward, legs shaky, swallowing the lump in your throat. Your hands fell helplessly by your side, blinking. “Is that really you?”
Loki smiled, something that felt foreign but so right in that moment. “It’s me.”
Then, as if all doubt had left your mind, you ran forward, a huge smile erupting on your lips as you leaped into his arms. Loki stumbled back in response, wrapping his arms around your waist as your own wrapped around his neck. You buried your head into the crook of your neck, laughing out in joy.
You never thought you’d see Loki again. But yet, here he was.
“What are you doing here?” You breathe, pulling back from the embrace. You don’t let go of him, determined to never let go of him again.
“It’s a long story,” Loki mumbles, shaking his head. “Thor is here as well, actually. And-”
Your eyes widen suddenly, as if you’ve remembered something. “You can’t be here.”
“This place,” you shake your head, “it isn’t good. The only reason i’m here is so I can take one of the ships, fly back to Asgard.”
You dismiss Loki’s words, slipping your hand into his own. “You have to come with me.”
Loki shakes his head, baffled.
“I’ve been pretending to be a champion,” you explain. “I was gonna wait a little longer, but I think it’s been long enough. Loki,” your voice softens as you speak his name, squeezing his hand. “Come with me. We can go back to Asgard together.”
It’s then that Loki remembers just how long it’s been since you’ve actually been in Asgard. So much has changed since then…
Including with him.
“I don’t…”
“Please,” you whisper, pleading, “take me home.”
And how can Loki deny you?
let me know what you thought? remember, reblogging always helps!
requests are open!
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LEMON (Fansite) Theme by solasz
Static Preview | Pastebin
Hello! This is the theme that was/is in use on the @fybig-bang blog, coded by me. However, since the site has been shut down for a while I decided to revamp it and release it to the public. If you have any problems with this theme contact me on this blog. Enjoy!
customizable post size 350px-540px
customizable font- and font sizes
newsticker, schedule, group member boxes, dropdown menu
shrinking header
optional big header image (recommended size: 1280px wide)
Basic or at least a little knowledge of HTML is needed to perfectly edit this theme to your needs. Tutorials and explanations are in the code itself.
This theme was made with a fansite in mind but can be transformed into a normal theme! Have fun experimenting.
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Chaos Theory Pt. 2
Pairing: Cedric x Reader
Warnings: Swearing, alcoholism and drug usage (mentioned), low key violence?
Word Count: 4644
A/N: okie dokie chapter two here we go! first, i want to thank everyone who has commented/reblogged/messaged me about Chaos Theory and if you’d like to be tagged, let me know via my inbox. To all my friends in AO3 town, thank you also for your support. Another note: I will be away over the next two weeks so I won’t be able to post the next chapter of Chaos Theory until then. However, when I do get back, I’ll post the next two chapters.
Chapter Two:
There is something pleasantly sweet about Cedric Diggory’s smile.
It’s gentle and unassuming; a perfect display of pearly-white teeth framed by soft, kissable lips. Sometimes, it reaches his eyes and gives off a warm radiance that you could bask in for an eternity. Sometimes, it tickles the corners of his lips in a subtle display of sincerity. But it always, always, has an effect on you that you can’t exactly describe.
You’re not sure if it’s because you’re drunk on adrenaline from the Quidditch World Cup or you’re just being sentimental, but you feel as though you’ve drowned a cauldron of amortentia and the potion bubbles frantically inside your stomach whenever Cedric so much as glances your way.
Your eyes can’t help but drift over to him like you’re a compass and he’s true north. At the moment, he’s laughing and chatting animatedly with the rest of your friends, but there are secret moments shared between the two of you where your gazes clash and linger with a sense of longing. You can’t help but wonder if it will always be like this; stealing glances at each other from across the room but neither of you taking the first step.
You hope that one day, you’ll be brave enough to break the pattern.
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Chaos Theory
Pairing: Cedric Diggory x Reader, Reader x [redacted], Reader x [redacted] ;)
Warnings: Swearing
Word count: 3350
A/N: Finally, it’s here. After much planning and many, many drafts, it’s here. I want to state for the record that this is going to be full blown fic, I’ve already got a heap of chapters planned and three have already been written. Also, things are not what they seem. There will be twists and turns and love interests pouring out from the earth because I’m That Bitch. I’m also a sucker for drama. Anyway, enjoy chapter one!!
Chapter One
Like most complicated things in life, this story starts with a boy, a secret and a smile.
Even in retrospect, they seem like they’ve been scribbled on a scrap piece of paper and blindly plucked from a nice, big bowl of what-else-can-the-universe-thrust-at-me for the sake of twisted arbitrary, but not everything is as it seems, and everything seems ridiculous and inconvenient. But, at the same time, maybe you should have seen this coming. Maybe you should have predicted the shit storm that was going to spin your life into vertigo, like the earth has been tipped off its axis, latitude and longitude slipping and colliding while the corners of the map fade to ash.
It happens, as you would later realize with an impending sense of doom, like this:
In the summer of 1994, you and your friends stumble through the forest, looking for an old boot.
The forest breathes a cool sigh of air against your cheeks as you wander past the trees, eyes glued to the ground for the boot. Every time your mind drifts to the Quidditch World Cup, the excitement begins to bubble up inside your stomach and you can’t fight back the smile that spreads across your face whenever you reflect on the past few days. Staying at the Burrow was always like an improved version of home, but this time, it’s different somehow.
Perhaps it’s the freedom of staying somewhere that isn’t your home. Not that your place isn’t comfortable; you don’t think anyone could deem a Victorian mansion with sprawling, manicured lawns ‘uncomfortable’. But it’s starting to feel more like a sad skeleton with marble walls for skin instead of a home, especially with your father always working and your brother, Luke, staying with his Slytherin friends for the summer.
There’s something about the company, too, that makes this moment so special. Being reunited with the Weasley family and being welcomed into their home is always like visiting relatives. And there’s always something to catch up on with Hermione. Then there’s Harry…
You glance at Harry, who is sifting through the leaves beside you. He’s talking about…something…one hand jammed into the pocket of his jeans, the other swinging by his side, and it’s somewhat refreshing to see Harry so relaxed, so undeniably Harry. Warmth thrums through your veins like honey and you can’t help but smile as you regard him fondly in the late morning sun.
It’s been a while since you’ve shared a moment alone with your best friend. Usually, you’re joined by Ron and Hermione, but they’re currently preoccupied with a debate over…whatever they debate over. You can actually hear them bickering; Hermione’s voice tight and shrill and Ron’s sarcastic remarks muffled by the distance between you and them.
With the sound of their bickering in the background, and the warmth of Harry’s presence forming a bubble around you, the urge to chisel ‘I love my friends’ onto every single rib in your ribcage floods you like a wave of sunlight. It’s essentially how you feel when you’re not saving Hogwarts from corrupt teachers and giant basilisk or helping innocent fugitives escape the kiss of a Dementor. And moments like these remind you just how fortunate you are to have found your friends.
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HEY!!! Can i have a Fred weasley x Gryffindor reader, where the reader is a werewolf and Fred has a massive crush on her which started when he first met her in 1st year. And on a full moon she goes out to the forest to turn and Fred wants to know what she up to because they are still friends as she is on the quidditch team with him. I dont know if this is dumb or anything but i have been thinking about it.
Hi! Thanks for requesting! Your request should be written and out sometime soon so keep your eyes peeled for it :)
-Tess, Admin
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All That I’ve Ever Wanted {10 x Reader}
Hey Guys, here is my first prompt request from a lovely anon. Thanks so much for requesting, I hope you enjoy it!
Gif not mine, credit to owner.
Request: Hello could I get an imagine/oneshot with the prompts 41. 42. and 45. for the Tenth Doctor, please? Thank you!!🖤 Warnings: none, really. Maybe a tad of angst. Word count: 1.3k Pairing: 10th Doctor x reader
Prompts: 41. “I am in love with you and there is no going back.” 42. “I just can’t stop thinking about you! You’re my first thought when I wake up and you’re my last thought before I go to sleep.” 45. “You are my heart and soul, (y/n).” *Prompts will be bolded and please note that I may have had to change the wording of the prompt to make it fit with the context but the meaning will remain the same.
You slid your fingers along the walls of the Tardis halls, making your way down the seemingly infinite corridors that led to the Control Room. You closed your eyes, feeling your way along, trying to block out the thoughts that threatened to invade your mind. It was the sleepless nights like this where you felt the loss of your past friends the most. So many of them had passed in the years leading up to this moment. First, it had been Rose, lost to a universe where you were bound to never see her again. Then it was Donna, her memories of you and the Doctor were nothing but dreams that she would forget as soon as they came. She would never be able to recognise you again, no matter how much you might wish.
You slipped around the corner leading to the Tardis Control Room, your eyes opening up as you glanced around the room. It was empty but still glowing, it’s yellowish light illuminating the room even in the middle of the night. You walked up towards the control panel, your fingers gliding across the various leavers and buttons. You smiled at the memories you had experienced in this room, the many moments with friends that you held dear.
You made your way toward the door leading out of the Tardis. Pulling it open, you slipped out into the cool night air. You wrapped your thin, light blue dressing gown around yourself, your bare feet stepping out onto the lush green grass on the hill that overlooked a small village to the south. A few lights illuminated the horizon, each of them with their own sleepless people gathered around. You moved your eyes up towards the sky before sitting down on the grassy knoll.
You stared up at the countless stars that decorated the night sky, each one of them with their own worlds orbiting around them. How many of them had you visited? Too many to count. You had been travelling with the Doctor for years, and every second of it had been filled with adventure, suspense and love.
The moment you realised you loved the Doctor was as vivid as any dream. The whole thing had happened in less than a second, but it still struck you hard all the same. The light that filtered through the curtains of the 18th-century inn had hit his hair, illuminating little strands of red amongst the brown. A smile had spread upon your face, your thoughts moving at a hundred miles per hour. You had felt a fiery feeling in your chest, that moved throughout your entire body – right to the hairs that stood up on your arms. He had looked over at you, a smile tugging at his lips as he caught you staring at him. “What are you smiling at?” He had asked, a laugh intertwining with his words. You hadn’t let go of the smile that was still on your lips before you pulled your eyes away from him, your thoughts fixed on the sudden feelings that had washed over you.
You smiled now, thinking of the moment and all the similar moments that had come since. Though the thought of the Doctor was enough to have a feeling of happiness wash over you, it also had the power to bring fear. The thought of your feelings being unrequited had always managed to send a jolt of uneasiness throughout your body, making any smile on your face fade completely.
You didn’t hear the sound of the Tardis door opening or the sound of footsteps on the grass making their way towards you. You only noticed the man as he sat down next to you, his instantly recognisable brown trench coat sprawled out beneath him. The Doctor looked at your face before following your gaze up towards the stars that shone above you.
His voice was the one to break the silence, “Couldn’t sleep?” He said the words without moving his eyes from the sky.
“No,” you replied, wrapping your arms around yourself in attempt to block out the cool breeze. “I find it hard to sleep these days. I always seem to be thinking of the people that we’ve lost. Rose, or Donna. I just want to be able to think of them without being overwhelmed with a sense of pain.”
“The pain is how you know you loved them,” he said, this time removing his eyes from the sky to look over at you. “There are some people that you lose, where the pain never goes away. You always feel it; you just find a better way to deal with it. But no matter how good you get, it can still manage to take over sometimes when you let your guard down.”
“And how often does that happen?” You ask, your eyes meeting his.
“Often enough to let you know that you still miss them. That you will always miss them.”
You both stayed silent for a while, sitting next to each other in the cool night’s air. You would take a glance at him every so often and look at the stars reflected in his warm brown eyes. You saw the look of contemplation on his face like he was struggling to make up his mind whether or not to do something.
“That’s how I would feel if I lost you, (y/n),” he said, moving his gaze from the sky above to the grass below. He picked blades of it with his fingers as he chose what words to speak next. “If I lost you, I would always regret not telling you…”
“What?” You asked, your eyes scanning him for a hint of the words he was going to say next.
“That I am in love with you and that there is no going back.” The words were soft but strong, they filled the space between you with warmth and meaning. “That I can’t stop thinking about you and that you are my first thought every morning when I wake up and my last thought before I fall asleep every night. That you are my heart and soul, (y/n) and that I am unconditionally and irrevocably in love with you.”
The feeling you got when you realised you loved the Doctor for the first time was nothing compared to the fire that burnt through every inch of your body now. It had seeped into every cell, every little crevice that it could find so that nowhere was safe from the meaning of the Doctor’s words that hung in the air. You leaned forward, your lips getting closer to his until they touched, spreading another bout of fire from your lips to your toes. You removed your hands that still held the ends of your dressing gown to move them through his hair, every little strand moving in and out between your fingers. It was only when your chest started to heave from having no air that you pulled away and looked into the eyes you had grown to love so much.
“I love you too,” You rested your hand on his cheek, your thumb caressing his cheekbone. “You mean everything to me, Doctor. Everything.”
You watched his eyes light up and a soft smile grace his lips. Without a moment’s hesitation, he pulled you towards him, your lips meeting again with just as much passion as before. You held each other under the star-speckled sky, with the grass poking its way between your toes and the night breeze ruffling your hair.
The moment had been a long time coming, but it was worth every bit of it, for you now had the man you loved in your arms – and that was all you ever needed.
There you go, I hope you like it. Requests are open!
Masterlist | Current Prompt List | Request
#doctor who imagines#doctor who oneshot#10th doctor imagines#10th doctor#doctor who#10 imagine#reblog#by tess*#doctor who angst#doctor who fluff#10th doctor angst#10 fluff
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my brother’s bestfriend.
summary: As a rule of the sibling relationship, Sirius forbids Y/N to see any of his friends, any boys in general for that matter. Although this rule strongly applies to the marauders specifically, James isn’t phased and crosses the barrier in secret as he falls in love with y/n.
pairing: james potter x reader
warnings: curse words
(Series/Part one)
“Evening’ Pads, Moony,” James smiled brightly, sitting down next to Peter and across from the other two.
“Someone’s in a good mood, considering it’s been a long day,” Remus cocked his brow.
“Evans finall agree to go out with you?” Sirius smirked, earning a kick in the shin from James.
“Please,” he scoffed. “You know I left her in last year,”
“Whatever you say mate,” Remus laughed.
“Well excuse you?” Sirius change of tone cause the three boys to look up.
“What?” Y/N asked as she sat next to him at the table.
“Are you aware that your skirt is well above your knees and where are your stockings? I don’t not want you strutting around here with your long bare legs on show for every bloody hormonal boy in this school-“
“I do not strut!” She snapped. “Besides, you’re not my dad Sirius, I can-“ “I don’t care you Y/N, I am you’re brother and I will not watch you walk around here dressed like this,” The two continued to bicker.
“Give her a break Pads,” James smirked “If she wants to walk around here looking like a stripper ready for show so let her,”.
Y/N glared at James before sighing.
“Why are you guys here anyway? it’s friday, shouldn’t you be roaming hogsmeade?” She questioned.
“It’s three days to full moon, Remus needs all the rest he can get,” Peter said before shoving more potato in his mouth and Remus nodded.
“How about you, Y/N? What’s going on with you and Thomas?” Remus asked, earning a glared from both Black siblings.
“Excuse Me? Who the fuck is Thomas?” Sirius asked, fire in his eyes. Y/N sighed.
“Thanks Rem,” “Sorry, Love”
“Thomas is our year, in Ravenclaw, the one you made drink the expired pumpkin juice that one time?” She reminded her brother and he laughed, “Oh,”.
“What are you doing, hanging around him?” James asked, confused as he felt the new felt jealousy hanging in his voice. Remus and Peter looked at eachother, raising their eyebrows.
“He asked me out a few weeks ago, we were meant to go for drinks together but instead he spent that night in bed with a Hufflepuff 6th year,” she confessed, a little disappointment evident in her voice and Remus muttered a small “ew”.
Sirius threw his arm around his sister, “This is why I told you not to worry about boys, sis,” She rolled her eyes and nudged his rib playfully.
It was around twelve o’clock and James was sat on the floor of the common room with Remus, - attempting to - finish his essay for Potions. Footsteps were heard as a familiar figure came into view.
“Hey boys,” She smiled, leaning over the couch.
“Evening, Y/N,” Remus smiled back before continuing with the scratching of his parchment.
“Prongs, I need your cloak,” she was now stood in front of him. He grabbed the cloak from behind him.
“What are you doing?” He asked as she wrapped it around her shoulders.
“Running an errand,” She smirked but stopped before she walked through the painting.
“Any request from the kitchen?”
“A tea would be nice,” Remus said, smiling. Y/N nodded and looked at James.
“Anything for you, Jamie?” James’ stomach tingled at the nickname.
“Just a tea, thanks,”
She smiled before disappearing under the cloak.
“Good Evening, Miss Black,” Hokey, one of the kitchen elves, walked up to Y/N, followed by Winky and Bellas. “What may we get for you?”
“Two teas and a hot chocolate would be nice, with some biscuits on a tray, do you think you could do that for me?” She whispered as she smiled down at them.
“Most certainly, Miss,” Hokey replied as they padded off to start. She sat down on the bench as she waited.
“All done miss, is there anything else Hokey can get for you?” Hokey handed her the tray.
She smiled and took the tray from the elf.
“Not it’s okay, thank you so much,” She smiled as she placed a galleon in each of their hands.
“So generous, Madame, Please enjoy,” They farewelled before stalking off.
“Your order awaits,” Y/N smiled, pulling off the cloak and walking over to the two boys and sitting on the floor. She handed them their drinks and began to sip at hers, occasionally taking a bite of the biscuit.
James eyes skimmed Y/N sneakily. The way her red satin pyjamas fit her snug and the way the matching shorts barely hid anything. His eyes got caught on her chest, the top button carelessly undone, revealing part of her cleavage. Remus coughed harshly, catching James’ attention as he caught the looks he gave her. He went red as Remus narrowed his eyes at him.
“Well fellas, I’m calling it a night, nu-night,” She smiled tiredly as she stretched and got up. James kept his eyes on her as she walked back towards the stairs, watching her hips sway as she soon disappeared up the stairs.
“Ow!-What?” James hissed as Remus threw the crumbled up parchment at his head.
“She’s your bestfriend’s sister, god damn it Prongs, she’s off limits,” He hissed back.
James’ cheeks heated, his heart pounding.
“Oh, mate you can’t be serious?” Remus shook his head.
James flushed, his heart raced as a thousand thoughts ran in his mind, her now being most of them.
part two coming soon, request are open!!
my side/personal blog: here!!
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Imagine Being Shy and Dating Captain America
A/N: I went out of order on the requests in my inbox and decided to take my first Steve request. I love Cap so much omg please send as many requests for him as you’d like!!
Request: Steve rogers dating a super shy and insecure reader hcs?
Warnings: swearing, F L U F F
• Being scared of him the first time you meet cause he is THE Captain America
• Being intimidated by his size cause he is so tall and muscular…but also really hot
• But then the second he smiles at you all of your fear fades away and you see him as this cute, nice guy who isn’t scary at all
• Steve is sort of shy too cause he’s still getting used to a whole new time period
• He opens up to you really easily, however, and you also don’t struggle when talking to him
• That does not mean he’s doesn’t make you flustered
• You are an absolute stuttering mess and your cheeks are super pink whenever he flirts with you
• “Do I still make you nervous even though we’re dating?” he’d ask while holding your hand after whispering a sweet comment in your ear
• “…yes.”
• Yet you have the same affect on him when you can work up the confidence to be flirty
• All of the Avengers shipping the two of you because they understand and appreciate how good you are for each other
• Steve kissing you or holding you to calm you down before big events with lots of people
• His kisses make your heart stop and you feel like you can do anything with Cap by your side
• Him always reassuring you when you’re feeling insecure
• Him always reassuring you even when you’re not feeling insecure
• His compliments always make your heart melt because the way he calls you beautiful and smart and amazing is adorable and so loving
• Steve loves you more than anything in this world and would do anything to protect you
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Hey do you have a masterlist or some other way I can find all your writings? Because I read a few and I love them so much I want to read them allll 😍😍😍
Hi! Thank you so much for reading! So we don’t have an official master list yet but if you search ‘ow’ in the tags search bar, you’ll find all our original fanfics!
Georgie, Admin
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Dating George Weasley Would Include:
Fandom: Harry Potter, Lightning era
Warnings: None
Author: Tess / @tessimagines
Being extremely close with both Fred and George and rolling your eyes at their ridiculous antics.
Them always coming to you for help with their pranks because they know you’ll always be able to help them find a way to do something.
Spending ages together flicking through old books to find something to help with their pranks.
The three of you all spending sunny afternoons together under the beech tree near the black lake. You might bring your books and study notes and the twins might try and brainstorm some new prank ideas.
Spending long chunks of your school breaks at the Burrow.
All the Weasleys adoring you.
Mrs Weasley knowing that you and George like each other and waiting for the both of you to realize.
Molly telling Arthur about it and him being as completely clueless as you and George.
Ginny trying her hardest to get the two of you to realize and dropping hints whenever she sees the two of you.
Fred knowing about it and constantly egging George on about it to which he just dismisses the whole thing.
One day finally cracking when Ginny and Hermione are both bugging you about it and admitting to them that you like George. They just couldn’t stop giggling and asking you questions.
When you’re back at Hogwarts, you help the twins pull a prank and get caught in a closet with George. It’s there that George kisses you full on the mouth. You respond with the same amount of enthusiasm, the whole thing turning into one hot make-out session.
Then Fred runs in the closet and sees the two of making out. You hear him gasp before shouting how he knew you liked George and was just waiting for this to happen.
After hearing Fred shout, Snape opens the closet and sees all three of you in there. Let’s just say that detention was a little more amusing when you and George got to spend it together.
Forehead kisses all the time.
Spending nights curled up together by the Gryffindor common room fire and telling each other stories.
Reading books while resting your head on his lap
George sending a letter home to his parents that you two are dating. Molly sends a letter back telling you two it was about time.
Fred pulling faces of disgust whenever he catches the two of you kissing
Ginny thinking that you dating her brother is the coolest thing ever.
Just loving each other with all your hearts.
#harry potter imagines#harry potter fluff#george weasley headcanons#george weasley fluff#george weasley x reader#ow#*by tess#harry potter x reader#harry potter headcanons#george weasley headcanon#harry potter headcanon
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Delicate was super super cute and really well written...except for thE ENDING !?!?!?!!! HOW DARE ????? YOU ????
Thank you for reading our fics and your nice message! We really appreciate the feedback, even if you are in a state of turmoil ;)
–– Georgie, admin and author of Delicate
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HEY Can I request a Sirius x hufflepuff reader scenario were the reader has hella guts. She hates him and the feelings are equal. Then they have a huge fight (as angsty and sad as you can) and then he crosses the line and the reader is dumbfounded and left empty. She stops attending classes and isolates herself. And after some time he finds her, they fight once again and he grabs and kisses her.
Thanks for requesting! Your request is all done and I’ve posted it here
Requests here
– Georgie, Admin
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Now or Never (Sirius Black x Reader)
Fandom: Harry Potter, Marauders Era
Word count: 1839
Warnings: Swearing
Also Starring: My OC Daisy, My OC Juniper (mentioned), The Giant Squid
Request: HEY Can I request a Sirius x hufflepuff reader scenario were the reader has hella guts. She hates him and the feelings are equal. Then they have a huge fight (as angsty and sad as you can) and then he crosses the line and the reader is dumbfounded and left empty. She stops attending classes and isolates herself. And after some time he finds her, they fight once again and he grabs and kisses her.
Author: Georgia / @siriusyblack
A/N: I changed a bit on this so I hope you don’t mind, nonnie. Thanks for requesting, and requests are currently open, as are applications to join the network! :)
So there’s this guy…
He’s tall. Strong. Confident, and all the insolent charm that goes with it. And handsome – Merlin – he’s handsome, all chiselled edges and wandering eyes, a sharp dash of a grin and a smoky voice. He’s a walking, talking patchwork of wild nights and broken hearts, and you’re pretty sure he could swindle just about anyone out of their entire fortune with a graceful smirk and a wink.
His book-bag reads ‘Sirius’ in a purposely untidy scribble, and it’s the same name that’s trapped inside hopeful love hearts because just about every girl forms some sort of crush on him at some point in their life. And he’s a contradiction of nature, a puzzle to the human mind, because he’s smart except for when he’s an idiot, and he’s kind, except for when he’s a complete and utter asshole.
And you’re absolutely sick of it.
“I want to kill something,” you seethe, as you drop beside your best friend, Daisy.
“Oh boy,” she sighs in her usual, gloomy matter, “What did he do this time?”
“So he tells me he’s ‘sorry’ and I give him the benefit of the doubt and forgive him and then we – you know – anyway, when it’s all over, do you know what he says?”
Daisy blinks.
“He says ‘I’ll send you an owl.’ That was a week ago.” Daisy’s brows crease as you rest your elbows on your knees and bury your face in your hands, “It’s like he thinks this relationship is a switch and he can flick it on and off whenever he likes and I’m so sick of it. But you wouldn’t understand because you have Juniper as your girlfriend…”
Daisy awkwardly pats your shoulder, studying you with her dark, shrewd eyes, “Do you want me to poison him? I’m brewing a new batch right now, actually.”
Your head snaps up at the sound of ‘poison’ and you raise your brows. “No! I think we just need to have a serious chat about where this rela–whatever it is – is going. Besides, we talked about poisoning people last time, and you promised–”
“–I didn’t promise anything. But fine, I guess.”
You draw a careful smile onto your face at the concern rippling across her usually apathetic expression. “Thanks for the offer, though you shouldn’t be promoting murder.”
“Says the one who wanted to kill something…”
“Who wants to kill something?” a silky, masculine voice says and you look up to find Sirius Black greeting you with a razor-sharp grin. He’s wearing a white v-neck and a leather jacket and an expression that could summon anyone into bed, but you’re determined to remain resilient.
“My horrible, git of a boyfriend who ignores me for days, then decides he’s ready to have me back, only to neglect me again.” you spit, your tone riddled with frustration.
“Hm, that’s unfortunate, he really does sound like a douche.” His expression fixes into contemplation, “He’s handsome, though. Right?”
You want to Incendio his offensively handsome face into oblivion.
Jumping from your spot, you stomp across the courtyard, Sirius following close behind.
“I’m sorry,” he chortles, not even sounding a little bit sorry, “(Y/N)”
“No, Sirius.”
“(Y/N). Please, wait up. I’m just playing around–”
“–Yes! You are playing around. With my feelings. And I’m sick of it.”
“Look, I really am sorry. Can you hear me out? Please?” His confident tone and polished charm are starting to slip from his lazy yet business-like posture, and there's a hint of desperation lacing the end of his words, but you’re so over this carousel of a relationship you barely notice.
“I don’t want to anymore. I’ve given you plenty of chances to prove to me that you actually give a shit about me, but you’ve always failed. I’m sick of having my heart broken.”
“N–No, (Y/N), that’s not what I meant…”
You stop in your tracks and spin around on your heels, your fingers clenched, your eyes stinging. A prickle of frustration sewing itself across your scalp and burning your cheeks, filling every inch of you with scalding anger and you want to push him away and kiss him at the same time.
“Well, what do you mean? What is it that you want? Because I’m not a walking vagina, I’m a human being with actual feelings, something that you wouldn’t know anything about. So you better make up your mind pretty quickly because I’ve already made up mine. It’s now or never, Sirius.”
A tear runs down your lips, and it’s only when you taste salt that you realise you’ve been crying. Sirius stands, rooted to his spot, his mouth flapping open on words he can’t voice. You wait expectantly, patiently for him to just say something, anything that will convince you to not say what’s forming on your lips. Silence fills the heavy air. Eyes burn into you. Seconds tick by.
“I can’t do this anymore,” It’s barely a whisper, but it travels through the air like a bullet (it’s a fissure in his chest), “We’re done. It’s over, for good.”
It’s pathetic.
I’m pathetic, you correct, scolding yourself sharply because it’s the only word that’s apt enough to describe yourself as you stuff another spoon of ice cream into your mouth. He’s just a boy. Merlin, it’s like feminism never happened.
The strawberry ice-cream melts over your tongue as you wiggle on top of the counter, House Elves chatting happily as they bake cakes.
“I’m pathetic.” You say, to no one in particular.
“No you’re not.”
You’re startled by a familiar voice, his voice, and you don’t know whether to push or pull.
You decide to push.
Throwing a cup at his general direction, you force enough apathy into your tone to mask the tha-thump of your beating pulse.
“Go away.”
“I don’t care.” (Yes I do)
“Yes you do.”
“Look at me.”
Your eyes remain planted on the bucket of ice cream in your grasp. You can’t look at him. You’re afraid of what you might find.
“Please, (Y/N). Look at me.”
You let go of your fear.
His eyes are a melancholic blue, a cerulean ocean of long nights and whiskey-mornings. He’s handsome, even in the low light, but there’s a sense of sadness that radiates off him. It’s so unlike him, it’s like a wave of sticky, humid air or the spine-chilling shriek of nails tearing fissures down a chalkboard. Uncomfortable, unnatural. Unreal.
“I know you’ve been missing classes. I know you haven’t been down to the Great Hall in days. I know you haven’t been at Hogsmeade, either. And I know I’ve messed up, big time. But I’m not good at dealing with my feelings, and I know – I know – I can’t excuse what I’ve done and how I’ve treated you. You don’t have to forgive me. Just know that I am truly sorry. ”
He gives a half-hearted smile, his eyes sweeping across your face. They skim briefly to your lips and linger for a moment too long, but then he collects himself and leaves, the scent of his cologne patronizing you in the wake of his absence.
You breathe in.
Dig another spoonful of ice cream and pop it into your mouth.
And you think.
You think for the rest of the night.
There’s something ominously beautiful about the Black Lake.
Light kisses the dark surface and dances off it in a gentle way, subtle, but not subtle enough to be deemed irrelevant. Occasionally, the Giant Squid will make an appearance, long tentacles curling in the air in a silent gesture for food. It likes tuna sandwiches with a sprinkle of mountain salt.
You tear off a chunk of the sandwich and toss it at a tentacle. It catches with graceful ease and submerges beneath the surface, only to emerge with twice as much appetite. You’re halfway through the sandwich when Sirius arrives. He’s early for a change.
“You’re early.”
“Didn’t want to keep you waiting.”
“That’s a surprise.”
“Tell me about it.”
He sits down beside you and rests his arms on his bent knees.
“I was – er – relieved when I saw your note…” Sirius mutters, and you feel his eyes on you.
You raise a brow but you don’t match his gaze. “I thought as much. It’s been three days since we’ve seen each other.”
“Right. Yes.”
There’s a brief pause where no one says a word, the silence filled with the occasional, impatient splash from the Giant Squid. The silence is splintered when Sirius speaks, his voice low and boyish.
“So…Have you…I don’t know…thought about what I said to you the other day – not that I’m pushing you, I want you to take your time – not that I want you to I mean you should – no that didn’t come out right–”
“–I forgive you,” you interject, and Sirius stops spluttering. You finally meet his gaze, and you notice the surprise that paints his face. He doesn’t blink. He doesn’t move. He’s hesitating in slow motion, processing the three simple words you had just said. And then…he’s smiling, and it’s not a devilish smirk but a genuine smile, an amicable curve of the lips that kisses his eyes and it’s soft and it’s real and it’s everything you love about this boy in front of you. It’s infectious, and you find your lips tugging into a smile on their own accord.
“Well? Are you going to kiss me or what?”
The words have barely left your lips when he’s grabbing you and kissing you, his lips crashing onto yours with enough force to communicate just how long he’s been waiting to do it for. Your arms fly around his neck as his arms find your waist, pulling you impossibly close as he tastes you, feels you, every inch of you is his, his, his.
There’s a familiar tug in your lower belly that reminds you of how much you’ve missed him, missed breathing the scent of sandalwood and expensive shampoo in or tasting the spicy, amber warmth of fire whiskey that was ever present on his lips.
And just as you allow yourself to drift away, a wave of water washes over you, drenching both you and Sirius. The Giant Squid’s tentacle is flailing irritably, demanding food.
An entrancing, disbelieving laugh catches in the back of Sirius’ throat as he beams at you. He looks as though he’s swallowed a star.
#sirius black#sirius black x reader#sirius black imagine#hp#hp imagine#harry potter#harry potter imagines#sirius black imagines#sirius x reader#the marauders imagine#sirius black angst#sirius black fluff#sirius black fic#hp fic#harry potter fic#imagine#fluff#angst#by georgie*#ow
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Delicate (Peter Parker x Reader)
Fandom: Marvel
Word count: 1178
Warnings: Infinity War Spoiler at the very end.
Also Starring: Ned Leeds (Mentioned), Aunt May (mentioned) Michelle (Mentioned)
Prompts: ‘Can you please come and get me?’
Author: Georgia / @siriusyblack
A/N: Have this fluffy and lowkey angsty fic as a token of my apologies for not writing something earlier. Also, excuse the horrible header. Peters not horrible, my gif-making skills are...I could not get the colouring right!
You and Peter Parker have this arrangement; you call, he arrives, and you swing through New York City, clutching onto Spider-Man.
At first, it was terrifying. The rushing movement of soaring through the air with only Peter’s arm stopping you from falling always twisted your stomach into a knot. But then you began to relax into Peter’s side, and you started to appreciate the wind in your hair and the warmth of Peter’s body against yours. In the end, you were no longer afraid of heights. Just your feelings.
You stare down at Peter’s name which greets you from the other side of your mobile’s screen. You bite your lip, studying the curve of the ‘e’ in ‘Pete’, thinking back to the time when you took that horrendous photo of Peter for his contact photo. Downstairs, your step-mother hurls a plate at your father and it crashes against the wall with a shrill shriek.
You call.
The phone rings twice before he picks up.
“Hey.” You smile at the sound of his voice as it drowns out everything else.
“Hey.” Your voice is barely a whisper, and the tone breathes ‘Can you please come and get me?’
There’s a brief pause.
“I’m on my way.”
Five minutes pass before he arrives with a whoosh. He doesn’t even get a chance to pull his mask off before you’re climbing out the window and wrapping your arms around his neck.
“Thanks for coming,” you murmur into his ear, and your heart flutters as he wraps an arm around your waist.
“I’m always here for you,” he breathes and then your swept into the night air.
The Empire State Building has the best view of the city.
The breeze is cool as it caresses the skin of your cheeks, tearing through your hair and leaving chills down your spine as you gaze down at New York City. The glowing landscape stretches out as far as the eye can see, freckled with hundreds of amber lights that sparkle like stars.
There really is no place like New York.
“You cold?” Peter asks, his eyes gentle and benign. Your skin is cold, but your heart is gushing golden warmth like a burning sunset.
“A little,” you smile and Peter drapes a blanket across your shoulders before wrapping an arm around your waist and holding you close. With his free hand, Peter holds open a box of pizza you picked up along the way and you reach forward to snatch a piece.
“Okay, I’m giving this pizza two pepperoni stars,” you say through a mouthful of pizza. You, Peter, Ned and MJ had a running tradition of rating Pizza’s using ‘pepperoni stars.’
“Only two?” Peter asks as he takes a bite. A string of mozzarella cheese dangles from his lip and his tongue darts out and chases it back into his mouth, “I think I’m giving it three and a half pepperoni stars.”
You scoff. “You’re too nice.”
“Too nice?” Peter frowns, “You wanna pizza me?”
You roll your eyes as a grin cracks across your face. “That was a cheesy pun and you know it.”
“Oh please, my puns can’t be topped.”
“Cheesus crust we need help.”
“I’m starting to see why Ned refuses to acknowledge our presence.”
“Poor Ned,” you smile, “We practically forced our friendship onto him. He had no choice.”
“Still, he would be helpless without our awful puns and pop-culture references.”
“Definitely!” you grin, “In a way, we sort-of saved him. He should be thankful.”
A huge gust of wind threatens to blow the blanket from your shoulders and it takes off with Spider-Man’s mask. Peter curses as he chases after it, leaving you behind with the pizza.
“Leaving me alone with the pizza was a huge mistake, Pete,” you call after him and you hear Peter laugh distantly.
“I’m not too concerned since you only gave it two pepperoni stars.”
“It’s still pizza!”
Peter’s phone buzzes to life, light illuminating from the screen. You peer over, curiously, innocently, expecting a shopping list from May or a meme from MJ. Instead, you read an odd text from Ned, one that’s soaked in context.
Tell her, idiot.
You feel guilty for prying, but your hand still reaches out to grasp his phone. Before you can unlock it, though, you hear echoes of Peter’s footsteps and you toss his phone as far away from you as you can. Peter returns, beaming, his mask dangling from a thread of web.
“You managed to refrain yourself from devouring the entire box!” he exclaims, feigning shock.
“Only just. You should count yourself lucky. I don’t do this for just anyone.”
“I count every minute that I spend with you lucky.” Peter blurts out and then his mouth clamps shut. A soft pink stains his cheeks adorably. He looks offensively handsome when he blushes.
You’re not sure what to say to that so you change the subject.
“Someone sent you a message. Not that I was looking (Liar) but I–I just heard your phone buzz.”
“O–Oh,” Peter splutters, and he looks grateful for the change of subject. He bends down and you watch his expression carefully as he reads the text. His face is unreadable.
“Who was it?” you ask, testing the waters. You watch as hesitation and embarrassment ripple across Peter’s face.
“Just Ned.”
“What’d he say?”
“Nothing important.”
“Y–Yeah. Nothing Ned says is important.”
“Huh. Are you sure?”
Silence, and then–
“Are you sure you’re sure.”
Peter narrows his eyes suspiciously on you, “Why do you want to know so badly.”
Your cheeks burn as you sigh and squeeze your eyes shut, screwing up your courage.
“Because I lied. I did see Ned’s text I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to, I was just sitting here and it was there and – I didn’t mean to intrude I –”
You’re silenced by Peter’s lips as he leans forward and kisses you and it’s everything you’ve ever imagined; fireworks burst behind your closed eyes, honey trickles over your lips and seeps down your spine, and stars dance inside your chest.
Your lips move together as his hand reaches up to cup your cheek, your fingers climbing up his shoulders, up his neck, to tangle in his hair. His hair is as soft as his lips, smooth and silky and melting between your fingers like chocolate, and the kiss deepens as he pulls you closer.
It’s soft and sweet and delicate.
When you break away, he presses his forehead against yours and you exhale a dreamy sigh.
“Thanks,” you breathe, “For everything.”
Peter smiles, brown eyes flicking from your warm gaze to your swollen lips, “I’m always here for you.”
They lost.
Half of the population has suddenly vanished, leaving a gaping hole in the wake of their absence.
You call.
It rings ten times then goes to voicemail.
That’s when you know that he’s not coming. Not anymore.
#peter parker#peter parker x reader#peter parker imagine#marvel imagine#marvel#peter x reader#peter parker fluff#peter parker angst#peter parker fic#spiderman#spiderman x reader#avengers: infinity war#infinity war spoilers#spider-man: homecoming#fanfiction#imagines#fluff#angst#by georgie*#ow
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Dearest (Jon Snow x Reader)
Fandom: Game of Thrones
Pairing: Jon Snow x reader
Word count: 600
Warning: A little bit of angst
Also starring: Sansa Stark (mentioned), Lyanna Mormont (mentioned) & Tyrion Lannister (mentioned)
Author: Tess (@tessimagines)
A/N: The whole imagine is a letter from Jon to the reader. I didn’t think it should be super long so that is why it’s only 600 words. Enjoy!
Dearest Y/N,
I know that you are upset with me. This is a dangerous job and I know that I may never come back, but there is no way that I could just turn my back on my people. There was no way that I could turn my back on you.
The threat of the white walkers is real, you and I both know it. If we don’t stop them the whole of Westeros will be lost. That includes Sansa and little Lyanna Mormont. It also includes you and the child inside of you. There was no way I could stand aside and watch as I risked everything that I hold dear.
You know that I would do anything for the people who pledged themselves to the north and my name and to my brothers and fathers name before me. That is why I am doing this. That is why I must go beyond the wall and get the one thing that will change the mind of the people who are at risk of the downfall of this place that we call home.
There are so many things that I wish I could tell you in person before I go and there are so many things I wish to do with you before I leave. But I know there is no chance of making that happen so instead I will try to put my thoughts and hopes into this letter.
The day that I left you to go to the wall was one of the hardest of my life. I have fought battles where I have shed blood and killed men but the pain that I have felt then is nothing compared to the pain that I felt that day. I lived for three years thinking that I would never see you again or never hold you in my arms, but when I saw you at Winterfell it was like the first rain you get after a drought. There you were in front of me and I could touch you and kiss you and there was nothing to hold me back.
Every moment after that has been like living in a dream. Waking up and knowing that nothing is going to stop me from seeing you and kissing you is all that I can ask for. Now that is not going to happen, I don’t know if I will ever see you again. I don’t know if I will ever see our child that you carry. I know, however, that even if I do not come back, you are in good hands. Tyrion Lannister has promised to do everything in his power to look after you and our child.
You are the light of my life, Y/N. The chance that I might make a difference in this war against the dead is one that I am willing to take if it means that you and everyone else I hold dear will be even a little bit safer. I know you want to be by my side and fight with me until the end but you and I both know that that cannot happen. You must keep our child safe, Y/N.
If I do come back alive, know that nothing will stop me from seeing you as soon as I can. This last month of being apart has been one of the hardest since leaving you to go to the wall. I will take every chance to look at your face again.
Be safe. Be kind. Look after Sansa and the Baby. I love you.
#game of thrones fanfic#got fanfic#jon snow fanfic#ow#by tess*#jon snow angst#jon snow imagine#jon snow imagines#game of thrones imagines#game of thrones imagine#jon snow#got imagines#got imagine#jon snow prompt
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Feel Again (Remus Lupin x Reader)
(my g– should I even bother?)
Fandom: Harry Potter, Marauders Era
Word Count: 1090
Warning: Swearing, Sexual References, Mentions of ‘wounds’ (?)
Also Starring: Madam Pomfrey, Professor McGonagall, Professor Dumbledore, my OC Juniper, Sirius Black, James Potter
A/N: So I would have written and posted something earlier if it weren’t for the dumbass power outage which, might I add, lasted for 24 hours! A writer can only go so long without writing on her computer...
Anyway, enjoy this lil Remy fic because I love Remy :>
Sometimes, you wonder how Madam Pomfrey does it.
With all the patients attended to and now fast asleep in their beds, you make your way back to her office. As you do, you wonder, idly, why you volunteered to be her assistant. At the time, you hadn’t realized how taxing the job would be on your sleep cycle and your patience. Then again, you’re such a teachers pet, you’re willing to sacrifice a few material luxuries for House points and a handsome resume.
All in the name of knowledge.
With a great sigh, you sink into a chair at her desk and close your eyes, succumbing to your fatigue. Just a few minutes of sleep couldn’t hurt…
A shriek shatters the air and you wake with a start.
“It’s okay, you’re okay.” A voice you recognize as Professor McGonagall’s issues from the room next to yours. You rub your eyes as you furrow your brows, blinking down at your watch.
5:24am…What the devil is McGonagall doing in Hospital wing so early?
“Madam Pomfrey is here to heal you. You’re safe.”
Your natural curiosity overwhelms you as you creep out of the office and crane your neck around the corner. Dumbledore and McGonagall stand at the foot of a bed that’s partially covered by a hospital curtain. Madam Pomfrey hovers around like a busy bumblebee, zipping from one end of the room to the other.
“These wounds are far too deep,” Madam Pomfrey sighs, somewhat forlornly, “I will need to brew a healing solution.”
Madam Pomfrey’s shadow stretches across the hospital curtain, and you panic, retreating back into her office. You collapse into her seat and feign sleep.
“Miss Burke?” Madam Pomfrey hisses in surprise. She shakes you ‘awake’, “What are you doing here? You should be back in your dormitory?”
“I wanted extra credit,” you mumble, blinking up at her innocently. The stern nurse studies you for a moment and you fear that she might admonish you.
“You should leave” she starts, “and take twenty house points with you.”
You smile gratefully at her and hurry out of the office, trying not to look as guilty as you feel. As you leave the Hospital Wing, you cast a look over your shoulder.
Sometimes, you don’t know how Madam Pomfrey does it.
The next morning finds you hastily scoffing down your breakfast and pretending to listen to your best friend, Juniper, ramble about how you will meet your ‘true love’ today, according to her carefully-crafted Astrology chart. And, though you can’t dispute her obvious talent for Divination, your mind is too preoccupied to care.
You rush over to the Hospital Wing and are greeted by the subtle scent of clinical potions, bandages, and sterilizing agents. It’s not exactly Chanel No.5 but it’s comforting, in a weird sort of way.
By now, most of the patients are awake and eating breakfast, but you’re not here for them, you’re here for someone else.
You peek inside Madam Pomfrey’s office, knowing already that she isn’t there. So, you move into the ‘forbidden’ room and crane your neck around the corner of the curtain.
A sixth-year Gryffindor known as Remus Lupin is fast asleep on the bed, his pale skin stained with a light grey hue. What on earth is a Marauder doing here? You wonder, curiously, as you cautiously approach his bedside. You reach out, your hand trembling slightly as your nimble fingers move to peel back a bandage when–
A vice like grip catches your wrist mid-air. You gasp and flinch as dark blue eyes burn into yours.
“What are you doing?” he rasps, and you bite your lip, trying desperately to steady your racing heart.
“I–er–” you close your eyes and collect yourself, exhaling shakily, “My name is (Y/N) Burke–”
“I know who you are,” he drawls, weakly and you blink at him.
“You do?”
“You still haven’t answered my question yet.”
He raises a sharp brow as he studies you wearily, “What are you doing here?”
“Oh,” you exhale a nervous laugh, “I’m Madam Pomfrey’s assistant, I volunteer here.”
Remus hums thoughtfully, seemingly satisfied with your answer, and he opens his mouth to say something but someone else interjects.
“So I’m back, you’re welcome by the way, and I brought–” The handsome face of Sirius Black appears before you, and his lips curl devilishly into a smirk, “Blimey, Moony, I’m gone for five minutes and you’ve already got girls sneaking into your room!”
James Potter saunters in behind Sirius and stops when he sees you. His hazel eyes glint mischievously at you and Remus, his mouth curving. The Devil’s advocate look suits them, you think, as you stare at the handsome Marauders.
“I wasn’t sneaking!” you begin to protest, but then you stop, realizing that you were – in fact – sneaking into Remus’ room, “I wasn’t sneaking in the way that you think I was…”
“Whatever you say,” James grins suggestively, and sends a wink to the two of you, “Just remember to stay chaste. And if you really must, use protection.”
You can feel a dark red blush creeping across your face as you glance at Remus and then at his fellow Marauders. You watch as James salutes sarcastically and Sirius jabs an encouraging thumb up to Remus before they file out of the room. An awkward silence fills the void in their absence as you stand at his bedside, fiddling with the hem of your shirt.
“–I guess I should–”
“–If you want–”
There’s a moment of awkward fumbling and a dance of nervous glances, and then a part of you that is strangely, stupidly, brazen does something that surprises you both.
Before you’re even consciously aware of what you’re doing, you’re leaning down and kissing Remus Lupin on the cheek. It’s a soft and gentle kiss, and it lingers for a moment longer than it should, but it’s enough to shift the mood of the entire atmosphere.
Bright red washes out the grey tinge that had previously painted Remus’ face, and you feel stupid and awkward and you want to carve your own coffin and bury it deep, where no one could possibly find you, because the timing is awful and the warmth of his cheek still lingers on your lips and you wish you had moved a few more centimeters over but that’s completely insane–
“I’ll see you around,” you say, hurriedly, before rushing toward the door. But before you can leave, Remus calls out to you.
“Will you come back again?” he asks, earnestly, desperately, and you turn to find his face is still flushed.
You smile.
Bite your lip.
Maybe Juniper was right, after all.
#remus lupin#remus lupin x reader#remus lupin imagine#harry potter imagine#harry potter imagines#remus lupin imagines#remus lupin drabble#remus lupin prompt#sirius black#james potter#the marauders imagine#the marauders era#remus x reader#remus lupin fluff#hp imagine#remus lupin fanfiction#hp fanfiction#by georgie*#ow
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