#and also betraying the author has no idea how armor crafting works
revasnaslan · 2 years
this smith is pissing me the fuck off
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imagine-loki · 4 years
Atlas: Space, Venus
TITLE: Atlas: Space
AUTHOR: fanfictrashdump
ORIGINAL IMAGINE: Imagine narrating episodes of Loki’s life with the Avengers based on the songs from Sleeping At Last’s “Atlas: Space” album. 
NOTES/WARNINGS: Welcome to my Sleeping At Last’s Atlas: Space challenge, aka Another writing project I do not have time for, but my brain insisted on doing.
This series will be less like a multichapter fic and more of a one-shot compendium, but that they all interconnect in one way or another. It will revolve around Loki and Becca’s relationship (Taking Turns, Glow, Helmet Heists–don’t worry, more Loki-Charlie stuff will be along) and I will use those one-shots as reference to the timeline. Each chapter will be one song, used as inspiration for the story.
Chapter 3: Venus
Summary: Two idiots cannot admit to themselves, much less each other, that maybe their friendship is a little more than friendship. (Happens between Helmet Heists and Taking Turns.)
Warnings include: language, unabashed staring at each other, fluff but in that awkward way that two introverts who like each other have, and maybe Loki has a pain kink, idk.
It was sort of hard to describe the sensation. The one felt when someone was staring daggers straight into her soul. Becca found that it was not the hair on the back of her neck standing at attention or the copious goosebumps that erupted over her skin that gave it away. It was just knowing. Knowing that he was there, lurking quietly in the background, trying his hardest to be one with the shadows until the second he decided he needed to pop out and startle her. He had all but failed the last three times he tried and it tickled her to no end.
“Pass me that soldering bit, will you?” She asked, holding her right arm out and slightly behind her just as Loki was due to dig her fingers into her ribs and give her a fright.
“You’re not clever, you know,” he grumbled, slapping the bit in her hand with frown.
Becca grinned. “I beg to differ, Mischief. I’m very clever.” The spark of the soldering iron reflected against her goggles for several seconds before the instrument was set aside.
Loki chose to let it go, knowing that running his mouth would not do him well. Even if whatever would escape his lips was nothing short of a schoolboy teasing someone he secretly admired. Instead, he tapped on the vambrace-shaped object she was working on, leaning onto the bench beside her with an easy smile. “What’s that?”
“Physical advantage,” she declared, casually. “I do well in missions, but only because I can run very fast. Not because I’m particularly skilled at combat. I’m giving myself some strength.”
The night sky once ruled my imagination Now I turn the dials with careful calculation After a while I thought I’d never find you I convinced myself that I would never find you When suddenly I saw you
With a whisper of a smile, she allowed herself a minute to watch him.
Loki was now used to hanging out in her lab while she tinkered with her toys. More than once, he offered some insightful recommendations on how to make armor more efficient, more durable, more beautiful. His affinity for weapons of war was second nature to him–an advantage that she could only dream of having. Sure, she was good at numbers and carefully crafting the perfect wafer thin circuit board that would add only a fraction of an ounce to an armor, but he had that easiness of experience. Of being assured that no matter what he saw in battle, he could adapt to it. She, on the other hand, could only hope for enough time to solve some differentials in her head and hope to whatever deity she subscribed to that plans worked in her favor. 
“Hmm. Strength.” He sounded curious as his fingers traced the delicate edge of the guard. Becca forced herself to focus on the present moment and dismiss the idea that she had been watching his fingers fiddle with her inventions for much longer than was proper. “Do you care to test it out? If you can deal with me, it’s probable you won’t die on the field.”
She snorted, rolling her eyes. “Charming, as always, Loki.”
“I’m only trying to make sure you continue to draw breath, Rebecca.” He checked her gently with his hip. “Come on. I’m bored. Fight me,” he threatened playfully, mimicking her rallying cry from whenever he was being particularly annoying. He might have been a little too attracted to seeing her riled. He watched her swallow thickly, in what he supposed was apprehension. Becca would have been glad to know that was what he thought, rather than knowing how she felt about watching him fight and the flutter in her chest that followed.
At first I thought you were a constellation I made a map of your stars and I had a revelation You’re as beautiful as endless You’re the universe I’m helpless in An astronomer at my best When I throw away the measurements
“Fine. Whatever.” She pulled the vambraces over both her forearms, taking care that the crisscrossing straps over her palms didn’t tangle.
They walked to the testing floor, side by side. No one was there at this time of night, which suited them both just fine. Loki shed the hoodie he was wearing to keep toasty, and tossed it aside on one of the work tables. Fidgeting, Rebecca stood tall, bearing her weight on her back right leg and turning to watch Loki as he easily stalked around her, looking amused.
“Have I ever told you that you look like a particularly startled deer whenever we spar?”
“You’ve mentioned it once or a million times, yes,” she hissed under her breath, bouncing forward and taking a swing. He dodged easily, arms clasped behind his back as he strutted.
“Don’t think so much, darling.”
Loki took a large step backwards as she feinted and swung again. With a smirk, he tapped her right cheek with his first three fingers.
This was what irritated Becca to no end. Whenever they would spar he would never dare even to make proper contact. Instead, he would poke, prod, or tap her gently–a movement that required both forethought and ample reaction time. It was his way of saying that he was breezing through the fight and she needed to step it up. He secretly hoped it also conveyed that he didn’t want to hurt her, but in her ire, he doubted she saw it as anything more than a slight to her abilities.
“Keep your hands up. You’d be on the floor right now had I any intention of returning the blow.” She growled, redoubling her efforts, each time with Loki either stepping away or maneuvering her in an opposite direction. “Don’t get frustrated. Focus on your instincts.”
Becca huffed, lowering her hands, shoulders slumping. “Why are we doing this? I never get a punch in.” She blew a tendril of brown hair away from her eyes and pouted.
Like a telescope I will pull you so close ‘Till no space lies in between
“You need to fight against the distance. Just because I can attack from where I’m standing, doesn’t mean you can. My reach is far greater than yours.” He put his hands on her shoulders and pressed gently until she bent her knees slightly. “You’re on the smaller side, but you have good balance and a strong core. Force your taller opponents to aim down–take away their balance and move closer.” He pulled her until she was a mere half foot away. “A blow at close range will hurt you less, should you be struck, but with the assistance of your instruments, you make a stronger impact on your enemy.”
“I don’t want to get punched,” she muttered, looking down at the floor.
Loki laughed. “No one wants to get punched, darling.” He had tilted her head up to meet her eyes and immediately cursed himself for getting into such a position. It would be too easy to betray her friendship for a taste of her lips, swollen from her insistent worrying of them with her teeth. “A-again. Let’s go again.”
Nodding a little shakily, she stepped back. It took a moment to shake away the tingles that had blossomed beneath her skin at his close proximity. The idiot couldn’t see the impact of his casualness on her demeanor. She breathed deep and got back into position.
I was a billion little pieces Till you pulled me into focus Astronomy in reverse It was me who was discovered
Loki attempted to rid his brain of the scent of brown sugar and vanilla that invaded his senses. He needed to focus on the task at hand. His look turned predatory. His movements followed suit. They circled each other for longer than either of them could even tell. Loki had the grace to move first. His elegant lunging startled Becca, who covered herself and shifted away. The strategy worked for a minute or two, before he reached out and wrapped his dexterous fingers around her neck and held her gently still; more a warning than a hold. She broke his grip and invaded his space, as he took a second too long to shuffle back. The left-handed hook that whacked him under the jaw caught him by surprise.
Then suddenly I see you
Becca gasped, covering her mouth with her hands in horror. Loki stood still, holding and working his jaw until it clicked noisily into place. She expected him to be livid; to loudly give her a piece of his mind, proclaiming that he didn’t harm her when they sparred, so why did she. Instead, she watched in abject surprise as he dropped his hand and he smiled what was possibly the most genuine and proud smile she had ever seen him give.
“That is what I want to see.” He stood back in position, though this time he had a fighting stance, smile still pulling at his lips as though it were a permanent fixture. He couldn’t be certain, but he thought that she could hear the thumping of his heart just as loudly as he could hear hers. “More. I mean again.” He made a vague gesture at her. “Come on. Please. Again.”
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Clone Wars     Episode 16
            The Hidden Enemy
[Title       Sequence]
“ A planet under siege,”
  Actually shows a planet under siege
   Good job narrator, you’re on      point
 [ unable to defend       themselves any longer,”
     Bull shit
    Those            Are           Adults
       They’ve          been             in           war              for          how          long?
     Point         Being;            No           Excuse
     Call        on          the         Jedi          for      assistance       More         Enablers!
   “Hoping          to         save        lives        and      prevent      further    destruction,”
    They did not assume Account -         ability and        Con-       tin      ued      To       Enable
  It’s      a    nice   design   though
 “And    Anakin   Skywalker,”
  They    dragged       the     teenager       into       this     didn’t      they?
  Also     now      it’s    crucial
 “We’re       Set,”
  “ got some guys here     that are set to get going,”
  It’s   better
Than    Openly    Snarking      Anakin
 Now       Just    “ it’s a      little      too     much      tone,”       Back
  There      we      go
 Also   focusing       a lot      on that guy       with     yellow     armor
[Bet he’s the new    hero!]
 Everything’s      Looking      Pretty-      Realistic
  That’s        Dry...
  Also     are    you    right    next     to   each   other   using   walkie-talkies?
  Okay       Neat
   That’s           A          Lot
   Yeah       that’s         a        lot
    Hope         They          Have       Explosives
   “A little        Closer”
   Shouldn’t         the      superior        be giving      the orders
Like;        Fair if he handed off that         authority        off screen
     Would’ve           been nice          to see         the plan      coming together           though
      They’re       splitting            up
       Darn          It
       That      screws            up
       The          Fuck?
       Who            didn’t          give            a        warning??
        Like           they            all           just        silently         died??
    Sounded literal plastic        cans falling over
     Abort         the       mission
     ????          How?
      Is       there         a     second     doorway??
    Also that some admittedly weak armor
    Like one shot      and those guys go down
    Then again they are supposed to be    cannon fodder
   [or just outwhelm with numbers]
   Aka; The council probably gave     them cheap armor
   Dude, you see flashing lights and a bunch of bullshit going     down
     Like you’ve clearly shown the ability to put pieces together
    And they might be going with a different tone-
    Then again-
  Cut off
  Droids onto       Us...
      Ouch.            .
       Evac       south          tower            - His           tone is a little too innocent
        Good Plan
       South                Tower
        We’re             in            the                  North
       Not             For-
      [Okay           I’m       conflicted           are          they        going          for             Adult            Anakin?          Because          This             Is            Kinda....       New        Taking         the        bite        out         of         the        Darth       Vader       thing,             But          This          is         the         lead          up...
     Point          being;             If       they’re       going        for      adult,       they      really      need        to      lean      more       into       the     snarky   I-know exactly-what-I’m-doing-        tone
   [Even,          Re-assured        tone]
      If not; then more       monotone
      This           is          the         best           of        neither        worlds
    Does    n’t          Work
    Aight,           Lots           Of         Smart         Decisions
  [Except       for      Obi-wan]
    You          have         blasters
      Not          snipers
          Blasters are       short range weapons                right?
       In every circumstance we’ve seen            they’ve been            short range-
... He dead?
    Whelp-          Heck-
   Cutting’s         a         little       odd
  Un-    satisfactory
  Get-     Over here
Now     he can throw       stuff
    Obi-Wan           is a           show        off
   There’s         five        but       okay
   Right        the     elevator
   Oh      roof       top
    That’s       smart
     Now         What?
      No          one       guarding         the         elevator
       Or          heard           it          come          up
     (Those         things         make         noise)
       Good            someone              took               cover                   -
               Did everyone join this roof top fight?
               Seriously,                       where is that plane/                         Carrier?
                      There                                 We                            Are
                    Question                       answered
                     What                          are                       those                        blasters?
                       I thought they were some high heated sparks that could causes bruises and dents, to the armor, breaking it down
                      But dude reacts like he got hit by a                          one-shot cannonball?
                       Like, why-
                   They escape
                    Dude, taking a                        souvenir
                      Seriously,                            that’s sus
                       [Holy sh*t                            the red!]
                          Maybe                             this tactical droid                            will help
                            You’re                                 sus
How   they   knew   our   plan
Has this happened   multiple   times?
That     seems like a pretty big jump?
 Like ‘oh they happen to take a different     path and stumble up the stairs,   traitor- I’m go-”
The editing   is   weird
Whelp,     that     happened
Just   doesn’t    make   sense
That    they    saw   you     and    
reacted accordingly
Like,     what are we supposed to find   sus   here?
Missing    a bit         of   crucial   information
 How     we     got   here
Future      Tech
  Again     -How
“They     had      all     our    Intel,”
We   saw   only   one    line     of      it     that   can      be   gleaned     from     basic   observation
  Please   enlighten      us
 They   walked     up      a     flight     of    stairs
You   know   what   would’ve   worked   better?
Troop       Movement        Charts
   That      would’ve       worked         a lot better        with the dialogue        going on here
  And       what just happened
Here....       They kinda look like      Over paranoid idiots      for no reason
  I don’t think we did
 .... it was a flight     of stairs
  Infiltrated       our      defenses
 Up      a         flight          of          stairs
Dude     not possibly         you were ready to jump on this idea
   OK so this is a Obi-Wan-and- Anakin-are-overly-paranoid-and-actually stumbled-across-some-thing                                         Mission
Okay    those are fine,        Just      would’ve     liked a few more      context clues
   Exclud      -ing       the       title
    Getting          right        into        the        murder       mystery
   “Intel.”            STAIRS           ....
  ‘Who want to betray the      guys who enabled      our           Abuse....”
   Enemy        Lines
    This is       really       corny
  Breaking       out       the    disguises
   Two       Clones
   Like they do have top security clearance           if we’re going with the Obi-wan’s     paranoid logic
   Cody      didn’t say anything...
    Whelp         Shit
   Why...        did      you     run?
  What kind of run is that...     Rex?
   Also,       teamwork?
   Rex         Has         A         Gun
    Wait,       you’re        going          to       shoot          him??
    Please- tell me that’s a     stun gun
    Whelp,          How?
       That            Face
     Must’ve          gone          in the          mess           hall
   We’ve       got        a      big    problem
  Did   anyone   switch   into   armor
Also,     ‘ hey     did  someone     come    through     here?’
  You’re        the     superiors
   No     one‘s    going       to    question       a  reprimand      on    conduct
   Oh that you’re going to question      someone you don’t know the name of
  Like,    there’s     five     guys      here
(Maybe      More)
   And     you’re     acting       like         a       basic         “hey       what’s             up,         how’s          it      going        is      going         to      trigger         a       spy     sense,
 Like, there     is some protocol on       running        in       the      hall      right?
    Like,     seems        easy       enough
    Weakest       relation        in         all         the           relations
       Also dude was wearing            A gray uniform
     Did you just think he was the   custodian?
     One           Of           Us
      Did you just leave the cafeteria without....
     Rex & Cody suck at being detectives
    Also what’s his voice just did a      maniacal        there
     Like,         What?!
    We’ll have to wait for his next move....
   What is with the logic.....
   This is supposed to be a murder mystery.... but the logic  is the weakest         part
   We found nothing       master Jedi
      [we did toss away a     lead though]
  Real discrete
    Smart droid
  Rex and Cody are the worlds worst       detectives
   Rex    Specifically
   But he was always the     instigator         of       bad         ideas
   R2D2...          Is the     spy
 ..It was a building..
 Time to have cookies and tea with the   separatist leader
No,       No      Way
  Assumed     authority
   Two        of      them       have       hair
[excluding    Slick]
  Who’s     name       is     slick
   It’s       Him 
Okay     now     they      all     have     hair
Bullshit    Animators
  Two       of     those     guys      were      very    clearly    bald
  Dude    Went         To        Crate-
   The third guy came out of nowhere
     And it wasn’t Slick
     Seriously my eyes on fifth guy
      He can appear out of thin            air
 Ventress   Seriously,       did the cloak      conceal that much?
  Obi-won, stop flirting
   Seriously,         What is with     this scene?
  I’m      as       Ace       as        it      can        get
   (And not interested in my commentary becoming       *that*)
    And       this      scene        is     clearly        ship
   Like,      should     Anakin       go       to         a     different       room?
 [again I’m not trying to make it]
       Okay back to the clones
        [Thank God]
        Dear frick
     [i’m not sure which was       worse]
    Also, Machine Gu-
      - -
    Are the     innuendos         - -        Going          to         end?
    I’m      trying        to be a relatively      serious      reviewer
    And.... sex jokes are not my   style
  Right         Away       
    Dear          frick         His       name          is       literally       Sketch
    There were-    there was one dude
    Also-  why didn’t you ask when you were in the       mess?
   We          Will
    It’s       Slick
“ I     got   nothing      to       hide ,”
  Yeah,       he      does
    Med       Droids
  Seriously being last must   suck
Already throwing     sus
Chopper       doesn’t have hair!
Oh, good   done with the flirting
   My       Loyal     Informant
  Gosh     dammit   Obi-won
Anakin,        Just      wants         it     over
Obi-wan      doesn’t     wanna       help
   Don’t   shame      the      man       for       his     hobbies      (Except        for        the      enabling         of        war        part)
       That’s like       collecting metal from a        training exercise
    Didn’t Cody take a          feckin head
     Seriously,      dysfunctional      is a bit strong
   He was doing        arts and crafts
 At least   he fessed up
    What          About          Rex?
      Oh whoever took the         fecking head??
    I’m no spy
    Now         Obi-won’s    helping
Slick’s    Projecting
Tell     where     you     want
 Good       Job
   Saw         You
   Freudian         Slip
   They         Have        Missions?
   I       Mean
   Name’s        literally          Slick         (Honestly        I would’ve gone          with one          of the two            “Higher                     Ups              Here;                 Would’ve                  Gone              for               a            better             twist/               Fore           shadow-ed              the             turn            (Discontent)                Ment;                This                is            just           some         random           guy
Still      servicable
 They     really   pulled      off      the   manipulator;        Wished       they        showed      this        side          of       the      enabler’s     more
   He         Won  
   Poor        Dude
   Heck          Stalling
 Seriously     what is the plan here?
 To capture her
 Get     hit      with     the    book
  He   should       be   long   gone
His   shelter,     is on the other side
He’s   already   got   a   Headstart 
So,     the gun ship.   is   pretty pointless
Ha     Trap
But did they just not use their     eyes?
They were right behind     him
Did....they just se. something     in the opposite direction     and   was like   ‘yeah that’s fine’
Cause     Geez
Rex       &     Cody
Ace       Detectives    Of    Freakin      None
I thought it was just-       A Signal lure     Nope       Was     an   actual   bomb       ...      Whelp
Okay,          ... Heck
How   fast   was   fecking   slim?
Because there’s no way   no one noticed   Bombs just sitting there      ....
Like    What...
Damn    Slim...
Take     out     the   kitchen      sink     too?
  The     Usain       Bolt,          Of      Clones
   “He        took        out      our      weapons       depot,”
   One          Dude
   What       was        he      eating?
   Pure        Sugar?
   That      Sucked
   He’s      not     trying         to     escape
    You         sure?
    Pretty        sure          he       could          do         both..
    [Okay,        that’s       enough        jokes          about         his       speed,           He’s           a         fast            boi]
Make     Them
You’re   terrible   superiors
[Like   everyone      is      but      you     specifically]
“Give up Ventress,”
“ i’m all yours      Obi-Wan,”
    Whelp,         Clever
  “You’ve served your purpose.]
[Can      the    innuendos      stop     please?]
    Also         what        was        the       plan       here?
   How         do      you     know     that?
   How       do        they        know      about      that??
    What’s           the        plan,         master?
     He          spent          the           entire             time,                      flirting
      Like I’m pretty convinced there was no plan
  “My sweet,”
    You           Don’t have anything to bargain  with
   Dude, how
   You       are      literally          in         a       hole
    Well         that         was         easy
      (How          old         is       Anakin        again?)
       Old         enough              to     supposedly           be         groomed
      (So           Under...)
        Ew,                Just             Ew
      (Despite                 The              (Adult)         Dialogue...)
         Poor            Obi-wan...
        “Take             Control...”
           Okay,                 I’m sorry,                my heads                 in the               gutter
             (Not by                choice!)
               Also,                  Seriously?
               You                 burned-                    like                    five                 things?
                 Sucks,                      not                    really                      world                   -ending
                  How did we get this guy??
         I don’t know
      Was he the test subject for some like     speed serum?
        Slick           ran           into           the      command           center
        Also            he’s         probably           gone
       (Boi            is           fast)
         That            things               tilting?                How            much            does             she-
         Okay,              Whatever
          You’re               on               that
            Jumping                   is                    a                        good                    idea
               Prepare                       to                   march                      on                       the                        city
                        Is                            it                           that                            dude
                             Is                                this                                  an                                  origin-                                      [I                                   don’t                                   like                                     the                                   movie;                                   nothing                                     can                                     save                                       it]
                                Delay                                    the                                     Jedi                                     ...                                     Yes                                mistress
                             Heck                                     is                                 the                             octopus                               thing
      He’s   probably      gone
   Lock         Down
     Shit          Sun
A   Bunch      of   bullshit     but     cool
   I’m      not      the     traitor      you        are
   He’s      got       a     point
  Also,     see      he    could    totally    kick     his     ass      he     did         it    before
   He        HAS          A       Point
 Seriously,       Weakest        relation        ever
     HE      HAS            A           Point
      (A         Garbled              One]
   Bull- shit
      He sustained a lot less         hits than either of those        two
   Seriously it seems mostly intentional     but they really are just such      dicks
  (Anakin        -What         the         frick)
      HE        HAS          A       POINT!
  [seriously        why         is      Anakin        the        more...]
     I      love       my     brothers
  Good       For       Him
    Now the plans don’t really make sense
    Mainly just a rushed framing device             For the       mystery
      If you focus on that          it’s pretty good
      But the villain really         saves it
     It’s honestly     heart-wrenching
    You        really       do        feel       for       the       guy
    But         shit situation and all            (And it is a shit situation          grooming and all)      That         that        energy      should          only           be       pointed          at         the      abuser                 (And     subsequent       enablers)           And      getting         out          of         that         shit       situation
      For           your        own       benefit        and        for       others
    Including         your         own      generation          (Even          the        enablers,              Who          will             their           dues               on            case              by            case            basis)               Of        Accountability                   And                Both              You                And               They                 Deserve             better              than                  to                live                with                  an               enabler
                As                    for                     the                    future                  generation,                          Do it right                        and                     they’ll                     know                       all                      they                         have                        to                        be                      thankful                         for,                     without a word,                     personally
                    The                       way                         it                      should                        be
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