#and also YES I'm gonna LOVE to write about his friends reactions
petitepatateuwu · 6 days
It's way too hot and I am way too tired to do any more efforts, so excuse the critical lack of quality here.
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If you didn't know, Cole is my favourite Power Ranger :D
And while I was binge watching Ninjago I had the pleasant surprise to see him physically and mentally traumatized in season 5 😈
And since I'm a huge sucker for angst, my brain immediately thought of developing that idea in order to hurt my beautiful baby boy some more. That and also the fact that my brain immediately looks for logic in the laws of cartoon physics (I really shouldn't do that...)
So I bring you the "Cole is a Ghost Kind-of-Saga". I still have a few more ideas to exploit, notably adressing the ways the other ninjas will help him cope with his new condition :3
And maaaaybeeeee a small comic too 😇
Anyways, I will let my brain rest a bit for now and sleep.
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strqwberryfield · 5 months
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ot7 - when you come back from a trip.
contains fluff (i was listening to wave to earth whilst writing this)
heeseung: bro he missed you so much he actually started crying and hugged you to death when you were unpacking your items from your suitcase. "hee i love you dearly but plz let go i feel like I'm about to suffocate" but he just ignores you since 'you left him to suffer and he was touch starved'. but after you do your duties he just smothers you with his love and follows you around like a lost puppy.
jay: this man is basically a dream. he is not real. i feel like he would help you unpack your belongings since you had a long flight and you might have been too tired to do all of it. cooks you a warm comforting meal and asks you questions about what you did and what you ate so he could try and recreate it (on his enlog when he was cooking for his mum he said that when he went to Milan, he had a type of pasta he liked and wanted to recreate it).
jake: another lost puppy following you around. he says "next time when we are on tour im gonna bring you with me for company" since he didn't like being alone without his beloved. he clings to you like you haven't seen each other in ages. wherever you go he follows and if you are cooking a meal for the both of you he literally hugs you from behind and begs for your attention like you were purposely ignoring him. but once you hug him back he would not let you go.
sunghoon: i feel like he would be happy that you have returned because he would've gone insane with jake's and ni-ki's bickering and fighting along with heeseung shouting when he plays video games. once you hug him when you enter the shared home he melts. he claims that "if you went another day on the trip he would've called you crying because he couldn't deal with the members". he's lowkey stressed about upcoming tours and comebacks that he hasn't had time to himself. so when you return he can finally feel safe and calm.
sunoo: i love this man so much. he would be so happy when you returned to him in one because he also couldn't deal with the members. the day after you return, you would do a spa sesh since you couldn't attend the last one. pampers you with his love like you were about to die. you spill any type of gossip that happened for example: your friend decided to turn against you for no specific reason even though you did nothing to then that so-called friend got kicked off that plane for being disruptive on the way back to south korea. he was eating that shit up and his reactions were so cute.
jungwon: he is so silly omg i love him. when you get him a souvenir he gets so happy and cherishes it. i feel like he would follow you around speaking english in his aggressively cute voice. "was the trip slay! y/n??" "yes, the trip was slay! wonnie". would ask you about where you went, how it was and what you ate. he would also lie on you when you are relaxing on the couch since you went for so long. he promised you that when he goes on tour he would get souvenirs from each location. he sleeps so much better when you are here with him in bed.
ni-ki: he denies that he didn't miss you but deep down he did. since it has been confirmed that riki hugs something to sleep. he missed your presence dearly and struggled to sleep without hugging you or having skin contact with each other. but when you return from visiting your family for the weekend - he jumps onto you and hugs you. when you bought him a plush as a souvenir, he would never let it go and would use it as an alternative if you were to make a trip like that again and hug it to sleep and spray it with his favourite perfume that you bought for yourself.
a/n: sigh.
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twsted-kinks · 11 months
Biology Nerd (Malleus X Yuu/Reader)
>minors and ageless dni<
MC/Reader goes by Yuu and gender neutral and fat (I don't really mention that but this is self indulgent and I'm fat so reader is fat)
Something kinda fluffy for once with a bit of spice and a dash of angst
Content Warning: cultural and biological differences, Yuu not knowing about cultural differences and doing romantic and sexual things with others, Malleus letting Yuu touch him inappropriately but Yuu doesn't understand that touching him like that is very intimate and/or sexual for fae/dragons, Malleus being absolutely smitten, some slight Malleus angst about him being lonely, Grim being scared, dragon cuddles
(I'm probably gonna write more spec biology stuff with twst but idk)
Yuu will be the first to say that suddenly being ripped from your home and put into a completely different world where everything you know no longer exists or applies to reality fucking sucks. But, Yuu will also admit that they love having a whole new world to learn about. Learning the basics of a whole knew evolutionary and sociological history with multiple sapient species that are both human and non human while having access to a full college library? Sign them the FUCK up! Crowley was thankful for Yuu's enthusiasm. Simply allowing full access to the library appeased them. Grim did not have fun at first, but having a human look at him in awe helped. Yuu was so curious about his ability to speak and his connection to fire magic. They would not stop asking him so many questions!
Yuu went around learning with wide eyes like a toddler. They at least knew not to just randomly touch people and that it's inappropriate to ask in the first place, but still, they would not stop staring. Leona, Ruggie, and Jack can constantly feel Yuu's eyes on their ears and tails. Leona gets annoyed and snaps at Yuu usually while Ruggie will let Yuu touch then in exchange for either money or food. Jack doesn't comment on it while Yuu does nothing to try to touch him, and Jack is happy to keep it that way.
Floyd and Jade find Yuu's reactions to them to be greatly entertaining. During their first interaction, all of Yuu's friends immediately ran, but Yuu stayed, just staring up at the twins.
"I like y'all's teeth." And with a few simple words, the tweels were glued to Yuu. Yuu is always excited to see their mer form, but will gladly settle on hanging out with the tweels when they got legs. Yuu also enjoys being on teeth cleaning duty. They get to look at cool sharp teeth and a second jaw. They also get free food from the twins, and all they got to do is clean some teeth? Hell yeah! Azul could inform Yuu about what Floyd and Jade opening their mouths means for eel mer culture, but this little arrangement keeps the two out of trouble. Plus, Azul is afraid Yuu will go on a question asking tangent and will ask about Azul's mer form, and he does not want to deal with that.
The species and cultures Yuu knows the least about is the fae. Yuu honestly didn't even notice that fae were a thing until Ace pointed out the ppinty ears, and Yuu just went :o "Holy shit" :D "That's so cool!" Then there was Yuu's first time meeting Malleus. Should Yuu be more concerned about a stranger just wandering around outside their dorm? Yes, but he has HORNS! The first words spoken between the dragon fae and little magicless human were:
"Wow, your horns are pretty."
Malleus was taken aback by this human, just talking to him casually, complimenting his horns, and smiling at him with so much wonder. Even though Malleus never gave his name, his friendship with the human grew fast. Yuu came up with a multitude of names for Malleus, having a new one each time they met. Horton, Sir Hornington, Goth Babe, Briar Boy, Fae Bae, and more, but a few reoccurring ones Malleus adores. Malmal is the most recent iteration of his name that has stuck around the longest. But,, whenever Malleus visits Yuu upset, Yuu always calls him sweetie and tries to comfort him. It's gotten to a point that the Yuu always keeps a tub of ice cream in their freezer specifically for when Malleus is upset.
Malleus always knew Yuu had an interest in the different cultures and species of the Twisted Wonderland, but he didn't understand just how fascinated you were until the time for Halloween came and Yuu saw Malleus's tail for the first time. Malleus remembers it clearly. Yuu stopped a couple feet away from him, gasped, and then screamed "CHONKY TAIL!!!" The human immediately went behind Malleus, started admiring his tail, and asked so many questions. One of them being if they can touch it, and he let you, much to the dismay of Sebek who was trying to get Yuu to be more respectful. Lilia was the only one to pick up on the blush on Malleus's ears. Yuu did mistake Malleus's tail as a part of the costume, not realising it was actually a part of him at first, and apologized, but Malleus assured you it was alright and that the can keep touching his tail. He didn't mind at all.
Now, Malleus almost abuses the admiration Yuu has for his tail. Lilia, Sebek, and Silver absolutely notice his tendency to approach them and, if they were focusing on something that isn't him, Malleus will fwip out his tail and Yuu would become entranced. Yuu just adores Malleus's tail and, whenever given the chance, will touch it, pet it, even just hold it. Malleus finds it endearing and adorable.
And well, Yuu already has permission to touch his tail, why not ask Malleus if they can learn more about his anatomy? Yuu asks to touch Malleus's horns one day. Yuu’s already stepped over the line with touching his tail, so why not let Yuu touch his horns? Malleus has now turned into Yuu's personal lapcat much to Grim’s dismay. Malleus has gifted the human with a kit for horn cleaning and visits Ramshackle regularly so he can rest his head in Yuu’s lap and have them clean his horns. Yuu is pretty sure Malleus dirties his horns on purpose just so they wil clean them, but they don't mind.
One day though, during the weekend, Yuu invites Malleus over for a full-blown sleepover. Malleus is ecstatic and quickly informs his entourage. Sebek is fully against it while Lilia and Silver think this wil be good for Malleus, though Silver wants the three of them to tag along as well. It takes some convincing, but Lilia convinces the other to let Malleus have his alone time with the child of man. Malleus packs his essentials and teleports to Ramshackle to find the prefect and Grim gathering pillows and blankets, getting materials ready to build a pillow fort.
Malleus has an absolute blast. Such simple games and activities he’s never experienced before, Malleus enjoys it all. Everything is going smoothly, Malleus is relaxing, face cuddled into Yuu’s chest. A moving picture plays on the human’s little screen device while Grim snores as he sleeps on a pillow twice his size. Yuu is petting Malleus's hair, running their fingers through it when they pause at his bangs. They shift the hair covering his forehead and gasps.
“You got scales there?” Yuu says in astonishment as they study the black scales on Malleus's forehead.
“Hm? Have you not seen them before now?” Malleus asks.
“I guess I haven't.” Yuu runs their fingers across the scales. “They're pretty. I'm surprised you don't have more scattered around.”
“Oh, I do, but I find others are less intimidated when they're hidden. My clothing preferences hide a majority, but I also utilize magic to hide some of the more obvious ones.”
“But they're so pretty!” Yuu whines but then backpedals. “I mean- If you feel more comfortable hiding them then go ahead, but I bet they're very pretty.”
“Glamor is common among the fae. Changing my skin takes little effort and is of little consequence.”
“You mean your makeup?”
“It is similar to that, yes.”
“Huh, well it's your face.” Yuu shrugs. “You can do want you want, but I bet you look cute with your scales out.”
And with that, the fae leans up and parts of his face shift, revealing small scales around his outer eyes, below and behind his ears, and along the back and sides of his neck. Yuu stares at Malleus, making the fae worry for a moment, until, suddenly, the human’s hands are on Malleus's cheeks.
“Holy shit!” Yuu squees as they look over Malleus's face. “How the fuck did you make yourself prettier!”
The dragon fae’s eyes are wide for a moment, the tips of his ears a light pink, and then he chuckles. “You are truly unique, child of man.”
“Me?” Yuu laughs. “You're the one with scales here! Just- look at how the light refracts off of them! They look black, but then the light bounces off and parts of them look purple!”
“Oh?” Malleus has never noticed that before.
“You even got little ones here too!” One of Yuu’s hands moves to Malleus's ear, fingers tracing the shell.
Malleus freezes then gulps. Yuu’s fingers run up the edge of his ear, pauses at the top, then runs back down to his lobe. Malleus buries his face back into Yuu’s chest. The tips of Malleus's ears burn red, he hopes Yuu doesn't notice.
“Ah, shit.” Yuu pulls their hand away. “Do you have sensitive ears? I should've asked.”
“It’s alright.” Malleus pulls away slightly and murmurs. “It felt nice. I do not mind you touching my ears.”
“You sure?”
“I would like for you to continue.” Malleus says with a thump coming after when his tail hits the floor.
“What? Want me to massage your ears and tail?” Yuu asks with a chuckle. “Need me to get your back too?”
“Yes, that should be adequate.”
Yuu laughs, brings both of their hands to Malleus's ears, and begins to rub them. Malleus lets out a deep sigh as he practically melts under the human’s touch. Yuu continues rubbing the dragon falls ears and and coos "If you want me to get your back, you're gonna need to move."
"No." Malleus hums into Yuu's chest. "Ears now. Focus on my ears."
"Alright, alright." Yuu chuckles. What Yuu doesn't know is just how intimate this is for fae. Touching a fae's ears is considered a very intimate activity done between mates because their ears are a major erogenous zone. At this point, Malleus isn't sure about his relationship with Yuu, but Yuu touching his ears feels right to him. The fae's eyes dilate as his breathing becomes heavier the more Yuu touches his ears. The end of Malleus's tails lightly thumps onto the floor again and again.
"I don't get it." Yuu moves one of their hands into Malleus's hair and runs their fingers down to feel the scales on his neck. "I don't get how people can be so scared of you when you're basically an oversized puppy but reptilian."
A deep vibration grumbles from Malleus's chest and he lifts himself up, facing Yuu. The whites of his eyes have turned a glowing green and more scales have appeared encasing most of his neck and shoulders. The thin tips of a forked tongue poke out from and slip back into his mouth.
Yuu cups both of Malleus's cheeks in their hands and smiles. "Just a big adorable boy."
The sound of ripping fabric startles Yuu for a moment as black wings begin to tear their way from the back of Malleus's night shirt and spread open. Yuu looks at them, eyes wide, as they reach out and touch the leathery skin.
"You are truly extraordinary, child of man."
"Says the man who just sprouted wings in front of me."
"But you do not look at me with fear. You do not look at me with an otherworldly reverence. When you look at me you..." Malleus rests his hand over the one against his cheek.
"Malmal." Yuu's face shifts to a look of worry. "You okay? You can talk to me if you want."
Malleus gazes at Yuu. There' so much he wants to say, but he hesitates.
"But-" Yuu adds. "If you don't feel like talking now, we can just keep cuddling, or do you want me to massage your tail? Or maybe your wings?"
Malleus smiles. "I would enjoy that."
"Hornton is gonna kill my henchman!" Grim runs on all four into the Diasomnia dorm, screaming at the top of his lungs. He quickly gains the attention of some dorm members including Sebek and Lilia (who drags a sleeping Silver behind him).
"How dare you use such a name for the Young Master!" Sebek is screaming back. Silver finally wakes up from all of the screaming, so him and Lilia get Grim and Sebek to stop screaming and have Grim finally explain why he's there.
"I heard a ripping sound and woke up to see big wings and a pair of glowing eyes on top of my henchman. That prince of yours is going to eat them!"
"Oh?" Lilia coos with a smirk. "I don't think that will be happening, at least not the type you're thinking. Still, I have not had the talk yet with that boy, so maybe we should drop by before we're stuck with a political crisis."
With a quick teleportation spell, all four are just outside the Ramshackle Dorm. The door is slammed open to reveal a dragon (that is way too big to be in the common area) curled up, sleeping like a cat, with a little human laying across his snout and forehead, passed out with a smile on their face.
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crusty-chronicles · 8 months
hi!! i hope you're doing well!! i was hoping if you could write an (platonic) airhead headcanon for gon from hxh?? you dont have to if youre not comfortable w writing it!
i really enjoy reading your works and i hope you have a lovely day!!!
Ah yes, another chaotic crack fic coming up.
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For starters, there is not a single thought to be had between the two of you
Heads empty with static
You tripped and fell?
He's stumbling on your body and toppling over.
Gon got stung by a bee?
You're fighting the entire hive, only to end up having the worst allergic reaction of your life.
You wanna play in the rain without a jacket?
The both of you end up with colds the next day.
Gon can't do math and you can't read or write, so it balances out.
I've said it before and I'll say it again, Poor Killua is the one who has to put up with both of you
"No Y/n. Eating a glow stick will not make you radioactive and shiny." "No Gon. You can't bake a cookie in one minute just because you set the oven to 1500 degrees."
His two best friends are complete idiots and he can't do anything about it.
But on the bright side, you and Gon are endless entertainment.
You most likely met during the Hunter's Exam.
He and Killua were surprised to see another kid taking the exam, especially one that was keeping up just as well
Leading Gon to ask his famous icebreaker question.
"Why do you wanna become a hunter?"
And immediately your face scrunched up in confusion.
"A what? I thought we were all playing a game."
"But you had to fill out an application." Killua pointed out, very suspicious of your answer.
"Really? Cuz I just snuck in."
Both boys leave it at that because #1, a new friend. And #2 you've got to be really skilled to make it this far.
Also keeps you far away from Hisoka
Like he legit fears for your life and will not let you fight him.
He's seen that clown up close and personal and doesn't want you to get hurt or, knowing hisoka, worse.
"Hisoka gave me a lollipop and told me to meet him outside."
Now while Gon's ditzy, he's nowhere near as clueless as you.
You're lactose intolerant?
Then why are you downing cheese sticks like you're never gonna eat again?
I'm sorry? You're allergic to shellfish?????
Please stop jumping into lakes to catch fish. 🥺 
You're gonna get sick and Gon wants to show you how to fish 
There is no babying
You ARE the babies.
Buuuut, Gon will mother hen you after every fight because you're ten times as reckless as him.
You got stabbed once during a fight, and instead of moving back, you pushed yourself further into the blade just to punch your attacker.
Which resulted in a huge lecture from Killua while Gon tried to stop the bleeding.
"If I see a light, should I go towards it?"
Tbh Gon really doesn't have any nicknames for his friends. At most he'll just introduce you as one of his best friends.
He doesn't have it in him to be mean spirited towards you like a certain assassin. 
Has a habit of encouraging your bad ideas instead of shutting them down.
Make no mistake, he knows they're awful ideas, but you're trying.
And Aunt Mito says it's the effort that counts.
Speaking of Mito 👀👀👀
She adores you
Surprisingly, you're very helpful in the kitchen.
Just not around knives, which she realized after you sliced through the cutting board.
She also likes how responsible you make Gon.
He's more observant and careful when you're around.
To put it simply, he loves you and Killua with his whole heart.
Two of the most important people he'd do just about anything for.
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lovelyhan · 10 months
Maybe a SVT member and their partner are in a relationship where the rest of the members (and the world) thinks the SVT member is the lead in the relationship but in reality their partner is.
Like it’s really important for him to be seen as the lead so she let’s him be seen as it.
Partner is normally really relaxed about the teasing but one day he takes it too far where she whispered that if he keeps this up, he not gonna like where it’s heading.
He keeps pushing so the members learn who is really the lead.
Hahaha this was a lot more detailed then what I meant. I don’t really have a member in mind. I am gonna be happy with whoever you choose.
Sooo, have fun writing ✍️
@hwanghyunjinenthusiast also asked: Because I love you <3 Also going to try to switch it up lol.
Consider edging Mingyu. You know he'd get all whiney and desperately try to buck his hips up into you when you stay completely still on top of him. Massive hands needily grabbing at your hips. In an attempt to steady himself or encourage you to move, you're not sure.
It'd be so cute how teary-eyed he'd be. His big cock twitching inside of you incessantly but, he'd try his best to hold on. Because he wants to be good for you.
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surprise surprise <3 i'm sifting through my inbox for old requests that have been gathering dust since may!! i've been missing mingyu a lot these days so here's a quick drabble :3c
tags: f!reader, sub!mingyu, smut (MINORS DNI)
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"is it really such a big deal for you to be the one that calls the shots, gyu?"
a whine is caught in the back of your boyfriend's throat as you drag your finger across the swell of his adam's apple, pinning him in place with a disgruntled stare.
mingyu knows he's been a little...over the top today — making a show of bossing you around just to fool his friends into thinking he's the one that runs this relationship, or whatever bullshit patriarchal nonsense he's got brewing inside his head. normally, you would've played along with his need to be seen as anyone but the big pouty man-puppy he actually is.
however, after making a snide comment that made every one of the boys stare at you warily as if waiting for a violent reaction, you decide that you've had enough of mingyu's big scary dom roleplay.
"i'm better off making dinner for you in the kitchen, huh?" you narrow your eyes, forcing mingyu's chin up as you clench around his aching cock. "now what made you think that, gyu? did you really mean what you said? because i'll be really upset if you did."
"n-no, baby, i was just fooling around," mingyu pleads, large hands digging into your hips as he forces himself not to buck up into the warmth of your cunt. "you know the guys tease me enough as it is, so i was just trying to —"
"be a sexist little shit to your girlfriend?" you finish the rest of the sentence with a disappointed huff. "i know you were just trying to get the guys off your back, but i expected more from you, gyu.
"after all, we both know just how needy you are when i'm the one calling the shots."
he sniffles, tears glistening in his eyes. it's almost adorable. "i'm sorry, baby, i —"
the noise that rumbles in his chest is caught between a groan and a whimper when you lift yourself up on his lap before slamming back down with more force than you typically do. despite the frustration rolling off of you in waves, your boyfriend's big cock still does the job in stemming your irritation from his earlier antics, and with how eager mingyu is to be good for you, you suppose you can forgive him.
that doesn't mean you'll make things any easier for him though.
"if you're really sorry, you'll sit there like a good boy while i get myself off," you coo before establishing a languid pace — riding your boyfriend as you press your foreheads together while you drill every word into his head. "my puppy can do something as simple as that, right?"
"yes. i promise — i promise i'll be good," mingyu mewls adorably, the muscles of his thighs tensing from the sheer effort he's exerting to stay still. "f-fuck, your pussy's so warm, baby."
"i didn't give you permission to start running your mouth, now did i?"
it's hard to miss how his cock twitches inside you — clearly enjoying the way you put him in his place no matter how much he tells his friends otherwise. you simper before leaning down to nip at his lobe, purposely moaning into his ear as you repeatedly slam your hips back down on his.
"i'd tell you that your huge cock is all you're good for but i won't. you know why, gyu?" you whisper as you try not to lose yourself to the delicious stretch of his girth. "that's because i fucking love you. so i suggest — ah, fuck — for you to choose your words carefully next time. got it, puppy?"
despite sounding more and more breathless with each passing second, mingyu thinks it's hot that you're lecturing him while you fuck him into incoherence. he decides then and there that he doesn't give a shit if his friends find out how submissive he actually is — both in the bedroom and your relationship in general.
your big, beefy boyfriend is powerless against you after all.
"'m so close," mingyu sighs as you start kissing down his neck, nimble fingers gliding across his nipples for added stimulus. "wanna cum inside you, baby... can i?"
you don't respond right away — too caught up in chasing after your own pleasure to give him another thought. but mingyu doesn't mind because fuck. you look so sexy like this, tits bouncing with every downward stroke as his big cock batters your cunt.
but just when he's about to feel his orgasm boil over, you lift yourself off your boyfriend's cock. this earns you a desperate whine in protest from mingyu which you promptly shut up by tipping him backwards, forcing him flat on his back before positioning your sopping pussy over his face.
"you think you deserve it after that stunt you pulled?" you chuckle darkly, delighting in the way mingyu's big arms automatically wrap themselves around your thighs to hold you in place. "make me come on your face first, puppy. then i'll think about whether or not i want you to finish inside me tonight."
you'll let him. you'll always let him.
but the fun thing about being with mingyu is that he never really backs down from a challenge.
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lettingtimepass · 8 months
Loki s2e5 Thoughts & Feelings (Spoilers)
THE INTRO LOSING THE LETTERS!! I'm a sucker for when an intro is slightly changed. And in the end credits when the lines and type get all wonky! I love it.
Ok I have a question. When Loki finds everyone, they are all on branched timelines, not the Sacred Timeline. So doesn't that mean the lives on these branches could be slightly different or totally different than their original lives on the Sacred Timeline? Sylvie says they're back in their "real lives", but is that even true? 🤔 Also, I know people are theorizing that Don's wife was dusted during the snap, but technically in this branched timeline, the snap might not have happened.
B-15 being a doctor was so good 🥺 "I looked happy." Yes, you did... I just noticed her name on the captions was "Dr. Willis!"
Don!Mobius said he'd seen Loki in the shop before, did Loki timeslip there and not remember it? Or... has that not happened yet?
OB's workshop looking super similar to the one at the TVA - So cool!
"So I am gonna write a bestseller!" Stop he's so pure!!
Did anyone clock that OB's book cover looks similar to Loki and Slyvie on Lamentis? 👀
"It's impossible. But don't let that stop you."
This is probably obvious but Loki couldn't control the timeslipping until he truly accepted his "why." Not to protect the timelines from HWR, but to protect his friends.
Don!Mobius literally dropping everything to talk to Loki and offer him a drink. Fellas.....
"You saw something in me that I hadn't seen in myself." NO THIS IS STRAIGHT OUTTA FIC THO 😭
I can't believe Loki assembled his own Avengers 😭😭😭
Gawd, the show starting with Loki's speech about how humans don't need choices, and now he's fighting to give his friends choices..... that's the good shit.
"I want my friends back." DO YOU REALIZE THE CHARACTER GROWTH?!?! Loki never had a friend other than Thor. He was so closed off, he didn't think he ever needed anyone else. He told the lie that he was fine, better off, by himself. For him to admit that he has friends, and he wants them, and doesn't want to be alone...? 🤌🤌🤌
"But without them... Where do I belong?" WHERE IS TOM'S EMMY?!?! The tear, the voice shake... this man 😭😭😭
Remember, this Loki is a "cosmetic mistake." He isn't supposed to exist. Mobius saved him from being reset. Without the TVA, without Mobius... he has no reason to exist... no glorious purpose. But he was still willing to let them all go to do the right thing 🥲🥲🥲
Mobius trying to sell a Jet Ski to B-15 is too funny.
THE MONKEY FROM THE INTRO!! I've been wondering what that was all about... we also see OB's sticky note wall!
"The pens... we have all the pens!"
When they all start spagettifying being parallel to the dusting scenes in Infinity War.... RUDE, MARVEL. MR STARK I DON'T FEEL SO GOOD.
"I can rewrite the story." YES YOU CAN KING!! And my immediate reaction was "Loki, God of Stories"! At first I thought Loki and Sylvie were going to run the TVA together, but now I feel like it might be Loki alone (with Mobius' help of course), managing all the timelines... writing the story.
THAT ENDING!!!! I'M SO READY BUT NOT READY FOR NEXT WEEK!!! I can't believe we're at the end.... I'M SO SCARED! 😭
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factual-fantasy · 6 months
24 asks :0000 🦠🍤
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@minnesotamedic186 (Post being referenced)
Not too long ago actually! And I made 7 of them! :DD
Here's my favorite/most polished post of them. But if you search up "kirby ocs" in my blogs search bar you should find most of my art of them! :}}
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That's a good question.. originally I intended that she was her robe. There was gonna be a thing where Spamton stepped on her robe and she yelped in pain.
Or something where they get in a fight and River person is struck. There's a gash on her robe and it later scars.. like its skin.
But since then I've gone back and fourth. Imagining her as this shadowy creature that needs some kind of cloth in order to manifest. Kind'a like possessing her robe..? So if you took the hood off there would be no head but she's still there?? I haven't thought it through yet <XD
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@housome (Post in question)
SKJAOKJF "oh and the bunny too i guess" GEE I WONDER WHO YOUR FAVORITE IS XDD
And yes! The post that goes up right after this ask post will have them in it! :}}}
ALSO THANK YOU! :DDD I'll be sure to take breaks! <XD
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Oof, that's a good question. Uhhh... I'm gonna say Sans
(XD jk its probably Seam)
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He might not wound or scare Seam just to make him stretch the stiches. He would do it for other reasons-
But telling him to speak louder or more clearly? Despite the pain it causes? Oh 100% Spade king would do that. :(
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aaaa I'm sorry, I haven't seen the movie yet. So I'm not sure what they'd think <:0
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Is that from the Puss and Boots movie? I haven't heard it yet :0
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He looks an awful lot like a regular wolf. I can see them thinking that Death is just lost in the everglades and would offer to help him 🥺
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I hope things get better for you,, Until then at least I hope my art continues to make you feel better <:} 💖💖
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I'm not sure.. I imagine that they have a list of activities that they can suggest to patrons and if they deny all of them well.. 🤷‍♂️ They'd probably just hope the kid can find something fun to do..
Glamrock Bonnie: "Same dude. Same."
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Oh yeah! I can kind'a see it XD
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I've never played that game,, so I'm not sure :0
But judging by the desert looking environment.? They'd turn right around and jump through another mirror <XD THEY NEED FOOD!
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WAAA THANK YOU!! Also I hope you have fun in all your Pokémon adventures! :DD
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XD Don't worry its okay! Also I've heard of OMORI, but I can't say I've heard of Dialtown :0
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Wow, I made that fic way back in 2019. Sadly I can't say I remember my thought process behind that. Looking back that kind'a sounds like a plot hole-
Also you were the one who had the idea for a crab comic re-write? :0 Neato! I suppose its always possible that I'll come back to it someday <XD
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The main reason why Jevil cares for everyone so much is.. well, its becuase they're his friends. And he loves them.🥺 But the years of isolation would definitely play a role in his protectiveness. And I'm sure Jevil isn't comfortable going anywhere or doing anything alone..
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Theoretically other people could learn the power yeah, but they would have to go through the very specific scenario that Jevil went through and have the same reaction to it that he did in order to learn how. Its not something he can really teach to others..
He was told about a way to escape this world. And after 10 years in confinement and nearly loosing all of his sanity.. he used the power in his very soul to rip through the wall of his world and escape.
If the roles were reversed and Seam went through all that, I cant say that he would have learned how to make the mirrors.. He might have just succumbed to the depression and insanity..
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I suppose its possible..? But I don't think Bonnie would be willing to go that far to escape from the stress of everything. He does get breaks at night so..
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Also I don't think I ever posted a coherent storyline for Bill fragment.. but if you search "bill fragment au" in my blogs search bar you should find most of it! :0
(also sorry, I don't take requests <XD -- )
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I think that sounds about right, yeah. Being more monotone and harder to read maybe. I'm not sure how he'd act in the costume,, maybe more confident? Louder and more blood thirsty?? <:DD
And yes! Little Vanessa is definitely more hesitant and nervous than Gregory. She's shy and afraid of everything- but still curious none the less.. 👀
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Ultimately my thoughts are, "It wasn't nearly as bad as I thought it would be/could have been. 6 outa 10, would watch again and recommend to my friends 🎤🐻👍"
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(post in question)
XD she feels safe around Seam and he is also very soft and cozy 🥺
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johnsgunbelt · 6 months
Hello Hello! Just found your blog and I'm hooked already!! If it's not a bother or if it's alright can you do a small oneshot about the song "don't cry Joni"?
Maybe the tf 141's reaction to it or a songfic I don't mind I just thought it'd be really funny or really angsty
(funny since me and my cousin had our jaws dropped at the end of th song the first time we've heard it lmao)
(can I be 🫧 anon btw? I'll probably stick around ehe ^^)
"Don't cry Joni" - 141
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Oh my god when I saw this I laughed aloud I am so excited to write this!! And Yes you can Have that emoji!!:p Pairing: 141 x GN! Reader
Warnings: None, Fluff
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John 'Soap' Mactavish:
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When you first put on the song you kept laughing when he sang along at the beginning liking the song so far
“This is a good song lass I don’t see what’s wrong?” “You’ll see baby you’ll see.” 
Then the “You’re just fifteen I’m twenty two” Line came up and his jaw dropped as he looked at you
“Wait-no??” When he said that you started to wheeze
And then when the lines about him running back home to her came his jaw dropped more
“SHE’S 15 THOUGH??” 
Then the last lines came up and he just sat there in pure shock not being able to speak.
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Kyle 'Gaz' Garrick:
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Same thing as Soap was totally vibing at first
“Babe you’re definitely over reacting this isn’t bad” You just nodded and smiled at him
His jaw didn’t fully drop until he went back home for her and he just couldn’t grasp it
When the last lines came he realized something
“Wait, so she married his best friend? She’d only be 20 oh my GOD.” “I told you the song was messed up babe.”
“Wait so…You know what I'm not gonna even ask.” And then you’d guys watch a movie or something after that.
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John Price:
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He already knew the song he just wanted to see your reaction to him acting like he didn’t care
“Hm, good song…” “Just wait, you'll see!”
The song kept going and he kept a straight face the whole time up until the end
“What? Like I said, not terrible.” “NOOO JOHNN-Wait did you already know the song? YOU LIARRRR.” 
He’d just smirk at you as he got up “Want some tea lovie?”
“Ughh….Yeah I’m still mad though!!” “Love you too!”
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Simon 'Ghost' Riley:
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He hasn’t heard this song but he also acts like he doesn’t care
“That song isn’t even bad sweetheart I still feel like you’re being overdramatic.” “SHE WAS 15. 15 SIMON.” 
He’d smirk as he poured you both some tea
“Mhmm that is messed up lovie.”
With some more “Mhm” “Yeah” “You’re right Love.”
He just liked listening to you go on a rant about the song.
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82 notes · View notes
falloutjuli · 7 months
I kinda went nuts and casually made this 5k words. OOP- Anyways, stan Mochi, I love him already.
If anyone wants another continuation, be sure to let me know, Im always down to write more cute domestic fluff with your gravity man.
Chuuya Nakahara x Reader - Domestic Adventures part 2 (First part;♥️) Wordcount: 5,2k Short summary: Their little family gets a new addition in the form of a dog. With that also comes letting their closest friends and family (pretty much only Chuuyas side) know just how serious they are. Warnings: NONE - Y/N used - Reader gets caught lying, Chuuya being a cutie, author is invested in Mochi, Akutagawa being an awkward mess, DAZAI
"But Chuuya, let me repeat your point yeah?" He nodded, taking a sip of his wine, his thumb caressing the back of your hand.
"You think it's a good idea to get a dog that can protect me while I'm out with them yeah?" He nodded again, trying to find your problem.
"And the first breed you name me is a Chihuahua?" Chuuya shrugged, still struggling to see the problem.
"Chuu, no one is afraid of a Chihuahua. They are like... tiny as Fuck. No person who intends to harm me is gonna see that miniscule thing and go 'yeah I won't fuck with them, they got a Chihuahua '."
"Fine, then what about a Maltese?" You stared at him with a raised eyebrow. Meanwhile Chuuya didn't get you. Why not get one of those?; you should like them since they are cute and small like hi- He stopped immediately and cursed internally for having thought that.
"Then what's your idea?" With a huge smile you got up to get your phone.
Getting a dog has so far not been the fairy tale that the movies had sold to Chuuya.
No picking up a stray dog with huge innocent eyes who will love you eternally.
No, the time he had found one it tried to bite him when he approached. In the shelters you haven't found the perfect one either. Either they needed more care and attention that you could plan for or the vibe simply didn't match. So now you were going through listings, in the hopes of finding a puppy you both like.
"Okay sooo… I have found this listing online from a little family whose dog recently had a few puppies, and after I have seen the pictures, I have been thinking about them." You passed Chuuya your phone, watching his reaction carefully as he took in the listing.
You watched his content expression become bewildered, as he scrolled through the pictures. "Those are German shepherds." He stated and you nodded excitedly.
"Yes, I know. And they are so adorable. Don't you think?"
Chuuya didn't know what to think. Sure, these were cute, fluffy looking pups but they'd grow. A lot. And he was unsure of that. In his mind he had always pictured having a dog that’s more... compact.
And while that was his preference, he knew he can't deny you. You'd just need to insist on one of these and he'd get it. He cursed that you had him in your hand.
As you noticed his hesitation, you sat down next to him, laying your head on his shoulder, watching as he took in the pictures. "We don't have to get one of these. It's just... if we get a dog, I want one like that, or a golden retriever, something like that you know?"
Hugging him sideways, carefully aware of his wineglass you gave him a quick kiss on the cheek. "But like I said, if you don't want to, we won't get one like this. We can always wait."
"No doll, you like these." You rolled your eyes.
"Chuuya, it's our dog. We both make the call and won't decide alone. But if you're worried about them being too big, it says down here, that there's a bit of corgi in here, so they stay rather small." "Really?" Orange eyebrows furrowed as Chuuya read the text.
"We could always ask to see them in person and see if they fit us." You said, a finger trailing over his leg. "Alright. Sounds like a deal. You make the date and I make sure I'll be there alright?" The smile you now wore made Chuuya feel warm.
Barely a week passed before you sat in your car, Chuuya in the passenger seat, currently trying to squeeze into a parking spot near the family’s home.
"I can't believe you manage to fit that." Chuuya stated once he saw how insanely tight the space had been that now your car stood in. "I'm the majesty of parking spaces, now come on, I wanna pet some cute puppies!" You dragged him along, your eyes looking around as you compared the GPS map to your surroundings.
"This should be it!" You finally stated, opening the front gate to a tiny average looking house. Chuuya grew nervous a little. Which felt weird to him.
He was a Mafia executive for god's sake, and yet the thought of meeting his potential new family member had him wary.
"One second!" A woman called from the other side of the door, after you had rang the doorbell. Once opened the woman took both of you in.
"Sorry for the mess, a toddler and puppies are no easy task!" She said, as you both came in and for what she said, it looked rather clean even. "Follow me, they are currently outside, playing." She stated, guiding you and Chuuya to the backyard where a bunch of black and yellow furred puppies were running around, playing with toys.
Chuuya felt his heart swell immediately upon seeing all these cute little beings. He barely registered you and the mother talking. Only when your hand slipped in his, he was ripped out of his trance, focusing on you again.
"Soo.. let's play with them!" You said giddily and approached the tiny pups. The second your knees made contact with the grass you were swarmed by them, their paws all over your thighs, as they tried climbing onto you. You giggled, hands trying to pet and caress each and every one of them.
Good thing you wore some jeans that could be ruined, as you had expected something like this. When your quickly looked next to you, you saw that Chuuya barely got any attention from the puppies as they were busier trying to get to lick your hands.
Sensing how Chuuyas mood took a dip, you picked one puppy up and placed it closer to him, but the second Chuuya lifted his hand to pet it, it ran back to you.
Well... This was awkward.
"You can pick which one you like best." He just stated, trying his best to mask his disappointment. "No, Chuu, you know we both pick one."
He looked over to you, who was getting swarmed by the furry beasts, and he wondered just what it was about him that dogs didn't like... He knew dogs had a weird sixth sense, so perhaps it was something about him, like the whole Arahabaki thing that made them keep their distance.
A sigh escaped his lips, and you shot him a sympathetic smile. "We can always look for others." You stated trying to cheer him up. He nodded, once again trying to mask his true feelings, as to not upset you.
But just when he was getting up, one of the puppies ran up to him, nudging his hands.
Hesitantly and very slowly Chuuya moved his hand towards the little thing and eventually his gloved hand met the body of the pup. The soft fur tickled the skin the glove didn't cover and if Chuuya ignored all his feelings about you for just a second, this was the best feeling ever.
You watched him, biting your lip from how cute the scene looked, with your Mafia boyfriend almost crying from cuddling a puppy. He looked unlike himself, all soft and in disbelief of the situation.
"I think we made a choice." You whispered to the woman, who chuckled quietly and led out back towards the patio so you could talk.
While you discussed when the puppy could be picked up, which shots he had already gotten and anything else that could matter, Chuuya was busy playing with the soon to be new family member, finding immense joy in watching the little thing do the most mundane things.
He barely noticed time passing, until you cleared your throat behind him. Curiously he looked up from his sitting position and cocked an eyebrow.
"Chuu, it's time to go home. They'll be tired soon and we still have some cooking to do." "Oh yeah, of course." He quickly regained composure, getting up and dusting off his clothes.
He desperately tried to ignore the puppy that was nudging against his leg to continue playing. He coughed in his hand, shifting awkwardly.
"Thank you so much for your time. You have my number so if anything important comes up, don't hesitate to message me." You said and waved goodbye to the family and took Chuuyas hand to return to the car. Once in it and on the road, you got talking.
"We can pick him up in a month."
Chuuya needed a second to register what you meant. "We're gonna get him?"
"I mean, you were so in love with the little one, so I asked if someone wanted him specifically and now he's ours. He will get his remaining shots at the vet, and then we can pick him up in a month."
Chuuya was silent. Oddly so.
"I love you so much."
You chuckled, caressing his thigh, as you kept your eyes on the road. "As do I. Any ideas for a name yet?" You asked but the ginger shook his head.
"No... I guess I have enough time to think about any ideas. Do you?"
This time you shook your head. "Nope. I'm sure a fitting name will come find us." You said, pulling into the garage of your shared home.
Time passed, but barely quick enough for Chuuya. Never in his life had a month felt as long. Not when he really wanted his dog but the most he got was pictures you showed him after work that you got from the very kind owners.
He had already ordered all kinds of pet stuff you could need in an effort to keep his mind off the excruciating long time, but it only made it worse. Now there was pet stuff everywhere in the apartment, and no dog to show. Damn his overexcitement.
A knock on his office door interrupted him from his workflow. Fortunately, it wasn't a subordinate coming with bad news or anything, it was Kouyou, carrying a little gift box.
"Ane-san, how are you, do you need anything?" He asked, setting his papers aside. Kouyou took seat in front of his desk, putting the pink box with white ribbon on top on it.
"I was out shopping the other day and I bought some sweets for you and your partner. Who I still haven't met by the way."
Ah yes, the god ol' passive aggressive way of Kouyou saying "When am I going to meet them?"
"Come on, it's not that serious or deep." Chuuya tried to downplay, but this was still Kouyou he was talking to, so with a smirk she replied; "Ah yes, your totally not serious partner that moved in with you and are now adopting a dog with. At least invite me to the wedding when the time comes.”
Chuuya rolled his eyes. There was no hiding the truth from Kouyou, especially not between the two of them.
"I'd get not letting them meet the Akutagawas, Mori or Kajii, but me? Didn't I raise you better than that?" She said with a dramatic sigh at the end, further lamenting the feeling of being left out.
"You know they are a regular person, so I'd prefer to keep ‘em far away from any of this. But maybe, someday, I'll invite you to dinner. And you know if I were to get married, you'd get the important roles anyway."
With a smile, she got up. "That's all I wanted. I just hope you're happy Chuuya. I'll leave you to it then."
She left his office, only the package left on his desk from her.
"From your big sister?" You questioned as Chuuya put the box in your hands while he hung up his coat. "She's not my actual sister. Her names Kouyou and she's reeeal curious about you."
You smile awkwardly, before you set the box on the kitchen island and drag him towards your room. "Sounds interesting. You'll have to tell me more later, because for now, I have a surprise for you!"
Chuuya raises a curious eyebrow and watches you open the door, only to see a puppy running out, that's now circling his legs.
Amazed he bends down to get rid of his gloves, his hands brushing through the soft fur. "B-But...how? It hasn't been a whole month just yet?" He asks, voice an octave higher.
"I was surprised too. He got his last vet exam yesterday and I was asked if we're already ready to pick him up. I said yeah, and came to get him today. We're just... Lacking a name still."
Chuuya didn't care about all that right now. He was too busy enjoying being an official pet owner now, engraving the feeling of soft fur and a tiny tongue licking his hands in his brain for all eternity.
He felt like he could combust from happiness in this moment, from just how perfect his life seemed right now. A loving partner, his lifelong dream of a dog being fulfilled.
"Mochi." You stated, ripping through Chuuyas mind.
"Your sister got us mochi." You repeated, holding up one of the treats from the box. Looking down at the pup, Chuuya smiled.
"Why don't we call him that?"
"Yeah? He sure is sweet enough to be one." You smiled, watching Chuuya stroke the puppy that excitedly wiggled its tail.
"That's a cute idea. Mochi it is then." While munching on a mochi, you crouched down to Chuuya and placed on in his mouth too, his eyes not leaving the puppy. He chewed, smile ever present on his lips.
"I love him so much already." He stated, mouth still full. Once he had finally swallowed, his turned his attention from Mochi to you, kissing you all over you face in pure excitement.
He called in sick the next day just so he could play with Mochi all day, making you chuckle as you listened to the worst fake cough ever as he phoned around.
Falling into the new routine was easy even. Mochi would be walked to his dogsitter (who Chuuya had thoroughly vetted before he even got to meet Mochi) by you on your way to your job.
After your shift you come pick him up, walk a detour through the park, get home, start dinner as you both wait for Chuuya to come home.
At the weekend Mochi goes to a dog trainer for a few hours for his behavior and to learn new tricks and otherwise spends the days with you, whatever you decide to do.
Chuuya had been right about a dog helping your when he was away. During a particularly long mission of 3 weeks in Europe, Mochi had kept you busy and happy.
"Sorry that it's taking so long doll. This stupid asshole I'm here for is really testing my patience." He stated and looked outside at the rainy streets on London at night.
One the other end of the speaker your sleepy voice rang through his ears. "It's alright. It’s what I signed up for when I said yes to dating you. Take your time and get that punk. I have Mochi to keep me company." As the mention of the name, the dog let out a quiet whine, but Chuuya still heard it.
"I miss both of you. I’m hoping you’re not letting him stay in the bed." Despite spoiling Mochi to no end, like all the steaks he kept buying just for him, he was adamant about the bed being a dog free zone. "He has an almost 55k yen pet bed in baroque style, no need to have him in our bed too." He had said.
"Oh yeah I'd never do that." You said while Mochi laid happily on Chuuyas side of the bed.
"Good. I'll see you soon."
You didn't know how soon, because Chuuya went well past the initial return date and was unable to update you. It was alright for you, after all it wasn't his fault, and you knew he didn't have much choice in the matter at all.
On a lazy Sunday morning, you still tucked into your warm blanket, one arm draped over Mochi as he curled against you on the bed, the apartment door opened very, very quietly.
Having picked up on it, Mochi left the bed, making your stir awake. Your half-asleep brain was ready to get back into dreaming about being stuck in a candy maze, when the weight on the bed shifted behind you and you were pulled against a chest.
"Good morning." He whispered, against the skin of your neck before he pressed soft kisses anywhere, he could reach. You let him, before you rolled on your back, your hands finding his neck to pull him down into a real sloppy but passionate kiss.
"You're back." You mumbled tiredly and pressed your face against his shoulder while you cuddled with him. "Yes. Finally got that fucker and took the first flight back. Sorry it's been so long."
"You're forgiven." Another kiss was shared. "I'd say you too, but not when you lied to me that Mochi wasn't in the bed." You groaned, of course he had you figured out.
The next day Chuuya for once had off while you had to come into work. It was a rare occurrence, since normally Chuuya worked a lot more, but Mori had been kind enough to give him an addition day to settle back in before returning to his duties the next day.
With him at home, Mochi got to stay home too, and Chuuya took full advantage of it. Cuddling, playing, bathing, brushing his fur, Mochi was getting spoiled rotten by his ginger owner, who was just excited to finally be back with his family.
"What. Is. That." Akutagawa asked as he, Higuchi and the Black Lizards stepped into his office to be briefed on their mission. Mochi laid on a pet bed, tail wagging in excitement at the sight of new people.
"That's my dog, Mochi. Dogsitter called in sick and my partner can't take him with them to work so he came with me." Chuuya said and watched as Gin, Tachihara and Higuchi all crouch down to pet the good boy.
Hirotsu retained his composure, though Chuuya did seem him sneaking glances with a smile on his lips, while Akutagawa kept trying to shift subtlety as far away as possible.
"He doesn't bite, ya know." Chuuya said and was met with an accusatory stare from the boy in the long coat.
"And?" Was the simple statement and Chuuya let him, knowing fully well that due to his upbringing Akutagawa was no big fan of dogs. Why he then became the dog of the Port Mafia is an irony beyond Chuuyas understanding.
Higuchi, Gin and Tachihara keep on petting, cooing, and talking to Mochi while Chuuya shared the briefings with the two guys who weren't charmed by Mochi.
"A simple thing really, Mori and I just thought it'd be better to send all of you in case of having to detain more people than accounted for or unpleasant surprises." He stated as Hirotsu and Akutagawa quickly read through the notes.
The cooing and happy whines of Mochi behind them were a little distracting but when Chuuya cleared his throat, all other three mafiosi were back in line next to Akutagawa and Hirotsu.
"Be thorough, don't fuck shit up and keep collateral to a minimum, alright?" All of them nodded and went on their way to the mission, with all of them but Akutagawa stealing a quick glance at Mochi one last time.
When his office door closed, Chuuya himself was immediately crouched down by him, petting, and cooing at him. "You’re being so good today. I'll get you steak for lunch, just don't tell Y/N!"
It was late when Akutagawa returned to the office to hand in his first draft of a report.
Chuuya was just starting to pack things up, as the younger one entered, standing at the side of the table that was furthest away from the dog, who only spared Akutagawa a tried glance and a yawn.
Upon seeing the bared teeth Akutagawa became even stiffer, however that was possible. "Thank you, my boy. I'll read it at home if that's alright with you."
"Of course. I only wanted to drop it off, since I had it done anyways, and the light was still on here." He coughed in his hand, promoting Mochi to get up and get closer, which then in return made Akutagawa take a few steps away again.
"He's not gonna bite you, don't worry. He's a real good boy." Chuuya said held onto Akutagawa’s shoulders to push him towards Mochi again.
The younger one became as stiff as a board as Chuuya carefully guided his hand to the top of Mochis head. “See, aint that bad right?” Awkwardly Akutagawa nodded, mentally he was using Rashomon to climb to the ceiling to get away from this.
Letting go of the hand, Akutagawa kept it still, with Mochi turning, sniffing and then licking his hand, making the man scowl. “Ew.” He stated and Chuuya laughed.
“Come on then let’s get home, want me to give you a ride Akutagawa?”
“Im fine. I have more work to attend to anyways. But thank you for your time and thank you for…” Akutagawa stared down at Mochi, before he continued, “Whatever it is you do. But don’t just lick people.”
With that he turned on his heel and left, leaving Chuuya chuckling.
Atsushi Always liked autumn. The way the leaves change, and orange painted skies when the sun began setting was a view to behold, especially when walking home with his mentor after a good day at the ADA, through the park of Yokohama.
Dazai was currently talking about how the waitress down at the cafe was still refusing his advances, even when his most recent love letter (aka a poorly disguised plea to commit a lover’s suicide) had apparently been his Magnum opus.
The constant playful whining stopped abruptly and when Atsushi looked at Dazai, he felt fear. The grin, the glee in his eyes, it couldn't mean anything good. And when followed his line of sight, Atsushi dreaded his existence.
Why did Port Mafia Executive, Chuuya Nakahara, also known as Dazais former Partner have to sit in this park on a bench. For Dazai this was an invitation, one he would never turn down.
"Atsushi! Wanna see me annoy a hat rack?"
"I'd rather not-" But Dazai had already caught his wrist and dragged him along towards Chuuya, whos happy smile immediately dropped when he spotted Dazai.
Dazai kept smiling in this weird way that was sorely reserved for when he messed with his ex-partner, as he saw what Chuuya was looking at. A couple of Dogs and their owners playing fetch and alike.
"Looking at things you can't have? Is that Chuuyas new hobby?" Dazai asked and Atsushi took a few cautious steps away, in the hopes of not getting on Chuuyas bad side by distancing himself.
"Now I know why it reeks of rotten fish suddenly. The bandage wasting Mackerel is here." Chuuya didn't even look at Dazai, which only seemed to egg him on more.
"Ah don't be like that, you love me slug. I know you do."
There had been a few instances in which Atsushi wished to be swallowed whole to get out of uncomfortable situations, but anything that involved Dazai antagonizing the Port Mafia like it's his profession takes the top spot. The sheer awkwardness he feels whenever Dazai decides to meddle with everyone’s business makes him want to ditch country.
But he can't. So, he's stuck listening to the two riling each other up.
"I have you know I'm not stalking Chuuya. I have a job."
"You might have one, but I know you don't show up for it. And that Atsushi-kun does all your paperwork."
"That's quite accusatory of you Chibi! At least I could get a dog without being asked if I have my parents’ permission."
To both their surprises, Chuuya got up calmly, stared at Dazai with a blank face and used two fingers to whistle.
Both detectives raised an eyebrow and wondered what kind of ability related thing would hit them, but no such thing came true. No, instead a dog came running, nudging Chuuyas leg, who in return smiled smugly at Dazai and crossed his arms.
Ex demon prodigy, smug asshole, certified mummy cosplayer, Dazai Osamu meanwhile stepped behind Atsushi, making the young boy wonder if he was dreaming. Was his mentor, Dazai, the guy who was always scheming and playing mind games as a hobby, really cowering behind him because of a dog?
"What's that?"
"Are you blind now too? My dog obviously. Mochi, Mackerel and Atsushi, Atsushi and Mackerel, Mochi."
Atsushi, could help but aww at the animal, looking at Chuuya with big eyes, silently asking for permission. With a nod he was granted it, and Atsushi happily went to pet the good boy, who as always enjoyed extra attention.
"Aren't you a cutie?" Atsushi cooed and caressed the dog happily. He was aware that Dazai was still hiding behind him, eyeing the door cautiously.
"At a loss for words shit for brains?" Chuuya asked smugly, his delight ever so audible in each word.
"Chuu, is everything alright?" A person called out that came running. Atsushi hadn't seen them before.
They came to stand next to Chuuya and had a slightly annoyed expression upon seeing Dazai.
"Oh, Dazai." They said and Atsushi caught his mentor waving at them. Getting up from the crouched position, Atsushi got up to introduce himself, but Chuuya took care of that already.
"That's Nakajima Atsushi, the kid from the ADA." With a pleasant smile, the unknown person, offered Atsushi their hand.
" L/N Y/N, Chuuyas partner. It's a pleasure to meet you Nakajima-kun."
"Atsushi is just fine." He responded as they shook hands.
The Weretiger quickly took notice of all the details before him. The way Chuuya instinctively had an arm wrapped around their waist, pulling them close, the way Y/N scanned Chuuya looking if he was made uncomfortable by Dazai, Mochi circling his owners happily and nudging his head against their legs.
They looked lovely together, and by the ever so subtle, genuine smile Chuuya tried to hide, Atsushi could tell how happy he was.
"Y/N! You're here too, what a surprise." Dazai tried his usual cheery voice, but it was apparent that the dog still had him wary. It was amusing to see the usually composed Dazai be unnerved by a dog, the dog of his ex-partner no less.
"Well, as lovely as this sight of a scared mackerel is, we have plans. See you around Atsushi." Chuuya clicked a red leash onto Mochi's collar, and the two waved towards the detectives before making their way down the path.
It looked really cute and adorable in Atsushi’s opinion; they made a good couple.
Dazai, now finally composed again, also looked after them and there was something in his gaze that Atsushi couldn't name. It wasn't negative, despite what his fake disgusted expression was trying to sell.
"Why were you scared of a dog?"
Atsushi finally asked when they began walking towards the ADA dormitories again. "It's Chuuyas dog! Who knows if he trained it to bite me!"
"I don't think Chuuya-san would be that petty. Also why did Y/N-san also seem dislike you?"
"Curious aren't you, Atsushi?" Dazai hummed and Atsushi raised his hands in defense.
"I can't help it. It's simply..." Lacking the sought-after word, Atsushi trailed off. Dazai only chuckled as he crossed his arms behind his head, closing his eyes, like he was reminiscing a pleasant memory.
"I might have crashed a date of theirs back when they began dating. And since Chuuya doesn't like me, Y/N doesn't like me either! Which is tragic, such a beautiful person for a double suicide lost to a hat rack."
He really shouldn't have been surprised, this was very in character for Dazai, so Atsushi was glad that their conversation slowly faded away from the gravity manipulator and back towards Agency staff.
"You think Kunikida is home already?"
"No, why?"
"Wanna see me break into his home? His lock is so easy to pick."
"Dazai, NO!"
“Here.” You said as you passed Chuuya the wine glass you had just filled for him. Taking it from your hand, holding it at distance as he pulled you down into a chase kiss, he smiled. “Thank you doll.”
You squeezed his hand, before you went back to the kitchen island to keep preparing dinner.
“Are you sure you don’t want me to help?”
“No thank you. I wanted to try this recipe for quite a while now and you can just relax yeah?”
The TV was on, but Chuuya preferred to keep watching you from the corner of his eye, with Mochi cuddled up next to him. From across the room, he could listen to you cutting up vegetable and a faint humming.
Life was perfect, he couldn’t wish for anything more really. Not when he had already everything he could ask for.
As he absentmindedly petted Mochi, he kept swirling his wineglass in his other hand, with only a single thought echoing in his brain.
It didn't take long until the aroma of the simmering dinner filled the air and Chuuya couldn't help but reflect on the simplicity and warmth of the moment. The sound of your humming and the rhythmic chopping of vegetables created a soothing symphony that resonated with the love he felt for you.
Dinner was soon ready, and the two of you sat down at the table, sharing stories and laughter. The TV served as a background hum, but the real entertainment was the genuine connection between you and Chuuya.
As the evening unfolded, with plates emptied and wineglasses occasionally clinking in toasts, Chuuya found himself stealing glances at you. The soft glow of the lights illuminated your features, casting a warm, comforting ambiance over the room. Mochi, content and curled up nearby, added to the feeling of completeness.
After the last bites were savored and the dishes were cleared away, you found yourself in each other's arms on the couch. The day had transitioned seamlessly into a tranquil night, and Chuuya felt a profound sense of contentment.
"I'm glad we have this," he whispered, his fingers gently tracing patterns on your skin.
You looked up at him, your eyes reflecting the same sentiment. "Me too."
With a shared smile, you leaned in for a sweet, lingering kiss. The world outside seemed to fade away as you both embraced the simple joy of being together. As the night progressed, Chuuya held you close, the echoes of his earlier thought still resonating in his heart.
"I want to be with them forever," he mused silently, knowing that in moments like these, forever felt just right.
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Girl, you just opened a big bag of worms cause this hyperfixation has taken over the other like 4 that were in my mind at the same time (one of them since January).
There are just a few things I have to warn you about the show before I throw my words at you: there is blood and violence, they do not shy from that; there is physical abuse mentioned and shown (although it's just shown in one scene, if that's the only thing bothering you but you wanna watch I can tell you when to skip); there is cursing, nothing major just what a high schooler would normally curse; abusive relationships and bullies are subjects that are heavily spoken about; death, don't know if that's a trigger but better safe that sorry and I'm pretty sure that's it
First, I have to ask you two questions:
Do you like supernatural stuff?
Do you like gays?
If the answer to both of them is yes, then you need to watch dead boy detectives. It's a series about two ghosts (Edwin Payne- "the brains", spent 70 years in hell, sassy little bitch, from London 1916 and speaks like it, gay, a fucking nerd, somehow everyone is in love with him except his crush (more like the crush doesn't know that he is in love with him, but whatever), so much trauma it's insane, tumblr's favourite; Charles Rowland- said crush, "the brawns", so bisexual but doesn't know it yet, do you know that character that is so charismatic and funny but actually has so much fucking trauma? That's him, daddy issues (because of abuse), from 1989, has a magical bag, so fucking british, so fucking protective of his friends it's insaneee like he will kill someone for them) and these two ghosts are detectives and solve cases to ghosts so they can move on to the afterlife.
This show is so fucking well written, you have no idea, like Charles and Edwin's relationship is so unique, because even though there is a romantic subtext they are best friends before eveything and they know eachother so well it's so rare to see such good friendship where they are so open with eachother in media specially between men (also their ship name is painland, if that's not enough reason to watch the show idk what is).
Another great example of the amazing writing is that characters like Charles normally have their trauma super overlooked, but in this show his trauma is treated so well, there is still a lot to work from it (reason 484837 why I need a season 2) but the other characters actually see his trauma and acknowledge it, it's so fucking satisfying to me because these type of characters are always my favourites but they always have that lack of development (I sometimes confuse between my mutuals who likes what but I'm pretty sure you have read hoo so you know Leo Valdez? Yeah, that's what I'm talking about).
Speaking of development, they do not leave characters behind. There is this character called Niko Sasaki, who is this girl who loves anime and loves love and is always so positive and so sweet and always thinking of others. Now, when someone describes this type of character, my first reaction is "oh, so she's just the comedic relief who is going to have a shallow ass personality" (no shade to that type of characters, shade to the writers who leave them behind), BUT SHE'S NOT. She also has her traumas (dead dad, literally almost dies, more shit that I don't wanna spoil) and they acknowledge it and they develop her. She may not be one of the main focuses of season 1 (I'm pretty sure if we get a season 2, she's gonna have more screen time because of... [spoilers]) but she still has some character development, in the 3rd episode they are solving a pretty brutal case and she says that she doesn't want to be part of it because she litterally almost died the previous week and it's totally okay, she stays at home watching scooby doo and eating noodles, again so fucking satisfying.
Since we're talking about Niko, I have to talk about the dynamics of this show because OMG THE DYNAMICS OF THIS SHOW. Like, you look at the way I described Niko and the way I described the boys and you would think that they would focus on Niko and Charles relationship, right? The two charismatic kids, makes sense. Wrong, it's actually Niko and Edwin's. At first, you're like "you're gonna pair Mr. Horrible at relationships with other people and hates physical touch with Ms. Loves love and hugs fucking everyone?" BUY IT WORKS, IT WORKS SO GODDAMN WELL, IT'S INSANE, they easily became my favourite dynamic of all times, it's so fucking good. Actually, Charles and Niko is the only dynamic that isn't really developed in this show (which is a crime honestly, how could they).
Another thing is that there is one (1) antagonist out of four who isn't likeable. And that fucker is litterally Crystal's abusive demon ex (I've realised now that I haven't talked about my queen yet, she's a bitch, she's a physic, she's fucking badass, she doesn't know who she is until the 8th episode (not in a philosophical way, she litterally loses her memory) and her dynamic with Edwin is fucking hilarious, it's an on going competion of who gets to be the bitcher). There is a witch who is immortal, kidnaps young girls to feed to her snake and has an obsession with getting revenge on the boys and Crystal (they hadn't met Niko when they confronted her for the first time), but she serves cunt everytime she's on screen and she's so hilarious, you love to hate her and deep down you also love her. There is a cat king who is the reason Crystal, Edwin and Charles get stuck in the town they spend the season (they live in London, the town is somewhere on the US coast, technically it's just Edwin who is stuck, but they're all ride or die) all because he wants to fuck Edwin but Edwin doesn't, but his hilarious and annoying in a funny way and a loser and a simp. There is a woman from the afterlife office who spends the whole season trying to catch the boys (who are running away from death, it's a whole thing), fails and ends up stuck with them, I just got mad at her when she interrupted a love confession, but we got it later so it's fine. Then there's David the demon (yes, that's his name, yes, that's hilarious) who is Crystal's abusive ex, is able to get inside her mind whenever he wants and is just so fucking annoying (but is such a great simbol of abusive relationships and how much they scare you even after it's over).
Also, no one, and I mean no one, in this fucking show is straight, whether it is confirmed or not it doesn't matter (although 4 of the nine recurent characters are canonically queer).
Don't know if you heard about it, but this is from the same universe as the show The Sandman and there are two cameos in this show (both Death and Despair get a scene).
There are two things that weren't perfect in this show: the fact that Charles and Niko got one (1) scene together (fucking crime) and the CGI, not that it's all bad it's just they focused on the more visual scenes that make you go uuhh and aaahhh but there is a roof where they sometimes talk where the CGI is so bad, but it's just background shit, do not decide not to watch because of it the only scenes like that are the roof scenes and a scene in the forest (again, background shit).
I did just spend around an hour writing all of this, you are not gonna read this whole ass essay, but just watch the show, it's on illegal sites Netflix (although if you have Netflix, put it, even if it's just background noise, we need the views, this is Netflix and a not that cheap queer show we're talking about)
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sorry i think fake dating for felix not arranged marriage
Title: "Boyfriend"
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This is a great request TYSM😻😻😻
I’m hoping that you’re a girl because I’m better at writing for fem readers
If you're not I'm so sorry💀
Pairing: Felix x fem!reader 
Trope/Genre: Fake dating, fluff
Warnings: They make fun of each other a lot, Felix is a bit of an ass for shits and giggles, its fine though because he can do no wrong, bad flirting, some suggestive comments at the end so MINORS DNI, Ignore my non-american English (It’s because I’m not from america🙀)
Felix is not an idol in this fic. 
1,634 words 
Summary: Your Mum assumes that you have a boyfriend. Since you are desperate for approval, you invite a friend to the family reunion to pose as your boyfriend. Shit gets wild. Turns out it was for the better.
For years, you’ve never been able to find a relationship anywhere. Guys weren’t interested, girls weren’t interested, absolutely no one has ever been interested in you romantically. Growing up, this wasn’t a problem, since your parents didn’t want their “Sweet little girl” to be dating. But you were getting older, and your house was slowly getting lonelier.
One day, your parents called you to organize a family gathering. “Oh and also!” Your Mum stated. “You can bring a date. I’m sure you’ve found someone by now! Hasn’t your best friend gotten a partner?” You sighed. “Yes Mum, all of my friends are in relationships now.” “So, when are we gonna meet him?” “Meet who?” “Your boyfriend, I’m sure you’re just hiding him from us because you’re scared of our reaction. I’ll assure you, we aren’t judgemental at all!” You rolled your eyes as your Mum kept talking. “Bring him to the family reunion! It’ll be fun!” As you were about to interrupt, your Mum continued. “Oh no! I have to go pick up something from the shops before it gets dark! I love you! Bye!” 
You pressed the hangup button. Your brain started to spiral. ‘How am I gonna do this? There’s no way I’m going to be able to find a boyfriend in time.’ Your eyes lit up. ‘What if I don’t need an actual partner? I just need someone to pretend to be my actual partner!’ You thought about all of your friends, trying to think of one that was single. Your brain instantly went to Felix, a friend who you didn’t know extremely well, but you knew him well enough that you’d be able to ask him for this favour without it being super weird. 
Both of you met at a bus stop. It was raining heavily. Sadly, the stop didn’t have a shelter so you stood there under your little umbrella. Felix was in the same situation as you, except he didn’t have an umbrella. He was getting drenched. When he let out a small “achoo” you decided that you had to work up all of the courage in your body and ask if he wanted to share an umbrella. His eyes lit up and he smiled. You thought it was the brightest smile in the world. His eyes looked like two perfect crescent moons. He stood under your umbrella and you started talking. The bus was 30 minutes away and you were both taking the same bus. Conversations between you two flowed easily. When he got to his stop, you exchanged numbers.
 You’ve hung out alone and in groups a couple of times with him and he at least knows what your family dynamic is like and how expecting your parents are. That is the reason why he wasn’t surprised when he was told to come to your house because of an emergency and he was told that he was now your fake ‘boyfriend’. 
“So when’s the family reunion?” “October 6th” “Oh I can totally come to that! This is gonna be fun.” “Fun? You know that we’re gonna have to make up stories and kiss and cuddle and shit right?” “I’m not totally opposed to that.” “Well that’s because you’re super cuddly, I’m not like that.” “Well, you’re gonna have to pretend now!” “This is annoying, thanks for helping though. You’re like, an insanely good friend.” “I’m not just a friend anymore” He made kissy faces at you and you felt your face heat up. “You suck.”
When you arrived, Felix grabbed your hand. You felt butterflies flutter around your stomach. He rang the doorbell. “You’re blushing.” “What?” “Never mind!” Your Mum swung open the door with a fake smile plastered on her face, her smile quickly became genuine when she saw your hand interlaced with Felix’s. “Oh my gosh! Hello! Come in! What’s your name?” “My name is Felix! Nice to meet you.” He and your Mum hugged as she led you into the kitch(ive😨)en where you and your other family members sat around plates of food.
You and Felix were being bombarded with questions at the speed of light. He was mainly the one answering them, since he was better at making up answers. You just sat there and wondered how this fever dream happened. “Felix?” One of your Aunts spoke up. “Hmm?” “How long have you and Y/N been dating?” He looked at you with a smirk and you realised he was gonna say something that would fuck up the rest of the conversation. 
“A year.” He replied. Gasps could be heard from around the room. “And you aren’t living together yet?!” Your grandma asked with a horrified look on her face. “We’re actually moving in together soon, she’s packing right now.” “Are you moving into her house or is she moving into yours?” “She’s moving into mine since mine is bigger.” “You need to tell us your address once Y/N moves in! We would love to visit. We can also help you pack!” Your Dad said. Felix’s hand was sitting comfortably on your thigh as he looked at you evilly. ‘This is gonna go badly’ You thought.
Once you and Felix got into his car he immediately bursted out laughing. “Oh my god, they actually believed it!” You spoke up. “Why did you say I’m moving into your house?” “For fun.” “You suck. I’m actually gonna have to move in with you now because my parents want to visit.” “I’ve been wanting a roommate.” 
When you got home, he asked if he could stay over and discuss everything further. You hesitated, but you realised that you really needed to set some ground rules, so you let him stay. “You’re so scared of PDA it’s funny, it’s like you think you’re gonna fall in love with me if you hug me.” He said. “I’m not afraid of hugs, you’re just annoying.” “You are so mean.” “Says the guy who purposely screwed me over in front of my family” “Are you actually mad at me? I’m so sorry we can stage a fake break-up if that would make you comfortable! I didn’t mean to annoy you-” “Felix, it’s fine! Chill. I can move in with you and we can stay in separate rooms. Even though it’s a huge fucking process just for my parents to think that I can get bitches.” “There’s one problem with that.” “Oh no, what is it this time?” “There’s only one bedroom.”
4 weeks later
You were sitting in the living room while Felix brought you some hot chocolate. Living with him wasn’t as bad as expected. Some days he slept on the couch and some days you slept on the couch. Felix’s shitty flirting wasn’t ever too much of a problem, because he made up for it with his sweet personality. You had spent one night playing board games with him, and you looked at him and he looked perfect. Like everything you ever wanted, until he made you pick up eight cards in UNO flip. Your parents had come over a couple of times to check on you and spend time with Felix. They liked him more than they liked you honestly. He was kind and charismatic which made his parents fall in love with him. 
“You know what we should do?” Felix said. You put down your phone and took a sip of your hot chocolate. “What? “We should practice kissing.” You choked on your hot chocolate as Felix affectionately rubbed your back. “What?!” You yelled. “You seem too scared to kiss me, and I don’t want to break any boundaries. So I thought we could practice for the first time in the privacy of our own home.” “Oh.” “Are you okay? Do you not like kissing? It’s obviously fine if you don’t, I just think it would be a good way to sell our relationship” As Felix took a sip of his own hot chocolate, you said, “I’ve never kissed anyone before.”
It was his turn to choke. You laughed at him and he looked at you with wide eyes. “You’ve never kissed anyone?!” “What do you mean by that?” “I mean, someone who looks like you has never even kissed someone?! You’ve got to be kidding! I mean you’re super hot, cute, pretty, and stunning. How has no one kissed you?!” You blushed at his words, earning a smile from him. 
“I don’t know, I guess I just haven’t found the right person.” “What if I’m the right person?” He moved closer to you and his pinky interlaced with yours. “Can I kiss you Y/N?” You nodded. 
Your eyes closed as you felt soft lips meet yours. You could feel his heart beating in his chest, which was comforting because you could tell he was as nervous as you. He brought one of his hands up to your head and started to play with your hair. It was so cute. He was so cute. Everything about him was cute. The kiss was gentle and short, but you didn’t want it to end. He pulled away, and his face was flushed. “You’re so fucking cute.” You said. “I was gonna say the same to you.” There was a pause in the conversation until you spoke up. 
“You have really tiny hands.” You held his palm next to yours and laughed at the difference. “That’s true, but that doesn't mean I don't know how to use them.” He smirked at you and the tips of your ears turned red. “Stop flirting with me or I’m gonna start thinking that you actually want to be my real boyfriend.” “Maybe I do.” 
That night, when you complained about how uncomfortable the couch was, Felix offered to let you sleep in his bed with him.
 You took the opportunity immediately.
Author note: Thank you so much for the request! I loved writing this so much! Like always, constructive criticism is wanted! If you liked this, please follow me for more fanfics like this one <3 Thank you!
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waitmyturtles · 10 months
Well, well, FUCKING well. Man, I am REELING. THAT. Was a HELL of an episode of a drama. Jojo and his team need to applaud themselves.
Let me set this up by sharing with y’all a tweet that really stuck with me after episode 4, but I think it’s pertinent to episode 5:
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Now, yes -- this is a touch of a generalization (many of my queer friends are straight-edge-and-or-early-to-bed-while-living-in-cities folx), but I want to note something important in this tweet.
Before I got started on episode 5 last night, after having seen a lot of the meta and reactions on my dash throughout the day, I shot a note to dear @ranchthoughts that I thought I'd have to get a little #oldmom on this episode. Speaking to chibi's note above: toxicity happens to be a common human trait. Seeing that there was QUITE a bit of surprise for Boston's "outing" of Ray to Sand on my dash actually surprised me.
From my lawyer friends, I learned about the following concept, and I just cracked the fuck up the first time I heard it, because it rang really true once I got my head around it: a lawyer friend once told me that when he started out at a typical major American law firm, his orientation included hearing a presentation from an older managing partner about the idea of the "equal opportunity asshole." Meaning: there's workplace harassment against protected classes, like race-based or sex-based harassment. But: can you get sued if you treat EVERYONE AROUND YOU like shit? And, he didn't mean on a personal level, not on an attacking level. Just on an abrupt, aggressive level. A bossy level. A very direct-toned level.
That kind of interaction -- an interaction with an equal opportunity asshole -- we know those kinds of people, right? These kinds of folks are...titchy. They might jump to conclusions. They're rooted in their worldview ONE HUNDRED PERCENT. They lack empathy. They make you feel unsettled. They are emotionally disconnected from you. They have NO interest in being emotionally connected WITH YOU.
When I dove into episode 5, I really thought I'd be writing about Boston as the equal opportunity asshole, and I think that this theory still holds to a great extent, but -- there's a but, a slight and fascinating-to-me but, that I'll get to in a second.
@ranchthoughts did the thing once more of covering EVERYTHING in her episode 5 ephemerality breakdown, so dear Ranch, I'm just gonna repeat some stuff you said in my own words, if you don't mind. First off, a couple of gushes:
1) That blind dining scene had me swooning. "Life is like a box of chocolates: you never know what you're gonna get," was what I was hearing when I was watching that. These lovely idiots are blind to what's happening in front of them, and what that means to them -- BUT THAT'S OKAY, BECAUSE THEY ARE YOUNG. YOUNG AND INEXPERIENCED. The blind dining metaphor, oh gawd -- using your senses to come to realizations about how you're truly feeling, and how to connect better with WHAT you're feeling? Slamming my hands on the table! BRILLIANT. Mew is SO clueless (OR IS HE?!?!??!).
1.5) And -- remember (all you young folks out there!). Youth is fleeting (cc the Ephemerality Squad). What we're watching of this cohort of "friends" is their building their bases of life experiences NOW, that will TEACH them how they will live more EXPERIENCED lives in their futures. Will their lives be better? Who the fuck knows. But their FUTURE LIVES will be shaped by what they're experiencing NOW.
2) Ranch nailed this already, but Sand is just as bad as Ray in living in the annals of time. (He's also naughty for another reason, which I'll get into in a postscript.) He's got the vintage tees, he wants to rewind to Woodstock, he's a fan of mostly classic Brit rock (....I will not call the Arctic Monkeys classic Brit rock, I will not, thus, "mostly," lol.) Dear friend @neuroticbookworm described this phenomenon of Sand's in the frame of Ray dabbling in a day of poverty tourism, as essentially what his day and night with Sand constituted. But I'd also add that Sand's living in a fantasy world of a couple levels to break the monotony of his everyday life. Those flashes of hope that he'll travel to world to festivals one day -- as he clocks 450 baht (around $12 USD) per bottle, as he sings, as he gets up and gets down -- yes, Ray is his fantasy, his non-existent 25th hour, Ray is the break from monotony that Sand needs as a thing to look forward too. Of course it comes crashing down.
3) But it'll come crashing down anyway, because I will posit the following: Sand's survival fantasies are necessary to keep him going by way of motivation, because Sand is going to be held back by others, and not just Ray. Sand is caught in a trap of filial piety. (OH SHIT! GIMME!) He's paying off his mom's debts.
We don't know how much the debts are. [We're seeing in Dangerous Romance that Sailom is getting his ass beat if he and his brother don't pay the debt collectors on time every month. Shit, the debt collectors are even trying to make Sailom an escort (which then turns into Kanghan buying off Sailom himself, but lemme leave that alone, WRONG SHOW)]. But even Sand's mom admits: Sand is solving a problem of MY OWN CREATION. How good is my son? He's a very good son. Drink up, honey.
Sand thought of Ray: wow, this guy might be into me, and shit, I'm into him. And I could use this right now! I could use this break. And that illusion came crashing down when Sand -- an intelligent dude! -- put two and two together real fast. And Sand, very rightly -- because he is FAST learning independence, in a totally different way than the main OF quartet -- pulls the hell away, and puts away the fantasy of Ray at Alone O'Clock.
3.5) I just want to note, real quick, that we now have TWO of my favorite-ist themes in this show: we have intergenerational trauma by way of Ray, and filial piety by way of Sand. THANK YOU, JOJO AND TEAM! *This* bitch is TRACKIN'.
4) Big ephemerality note here: I just, I SWOONED, GOD, I LOVED IT, WHEN RAY REVEALED HIS MOTHER WAS AN ACTRESS. And that she was bitter about getting pregnant and how that affected her career. Are you kidding me? JOJO. NINEW. ALL OF YOU. BRILLIANT. The ephemerality OF SHOWBIZ ITSELF.
Aren't all these actors risking their damn careers by potentially BLOWING UP THEIR SHIPS for the sake of this show? (I mean, that's actually a little far-fetched, as FirstKhao will be the first GMMTV pair to have an intercontinental fanmeet, BUT STILL.) God, the commentary on the FICKLENESS of showbiz was just CHEF'S KISS.
5) As Ranch noted, this was the episode where CHANNNNNGGGGEEEEE was the big bell ringing. Top needed something different than his sexual monotony -- so he goes after Mew, and shit, homes is bored AF. (@lurkingshan covered this perfectly here.) Mew contemplates changing for Top, the LASIK, the sex, all of it. Top seems to try a different kind of sex with Mew -- soft and romantic sex that ends with "I love you." Nick (oh, my bubby Nick), changes for Boston, becomes ripped, finds buttons and slacks. Boston contemplates whittling his list down. Ray wears secondhand (lol, it's called "vintage," asshole). Sand changes his routine to accommodate Ray.
And yet. I very, very often say in my posts that the process of behavioral change is INCREDIBLY difficult.
The five stages of behavioral change are: pre-contemplation, contemplation (Nick and the podcast), preparation, action (Nick at the gym), and maintenance.
The risk to this process, at any point in time, is: RELAPSE.
Think of how difficult it is to quit smoking. To go on a diet. To start an exercise routine. To stop biting your nails.
What is the thing that marks these processes more than anything else?
It's the RELAPSE into the old behavior, the old habits.
We really saw Boston trying to change...something. Trying to stick out...something with Nick. Trying on something new. Kinda like the way Ray tried on his secondhand shirt.
And then Boston experiences a familiar trigger: a trigger of jealousy when Mew calls him, innocently, to give Boston the heads-up that he's about ready to experience some cherry magic.
And that trigger, like all of our own triggers -- stress, a change of environment, a change of the people around you -- sent Boston back to a place.
Listen, I will, in no way, ever defend Boston's behavior. He was drunk and high AF, and he's generally toxic. Jojo is totally egging this on.
I would absolutely call Boston an equal opportunity asshole. He's only seeing the world from his own worldview, his own desires, his own desire to control whatever he can control around him.
But like I said before: toxicity is FAR more common that we'd like to believe. And toxicity within someone doesn't disappear very easily -- just like any of our habits, be they good or bad habits.
Boston was trying out a new life, for a few minutes (lol), of being a LITTLE LESS EPHEMERAL, a little less aloof -- a little less toxic. And a trigger brought him back to his bad place, and I think what we saw in that damn outburst was a relapse of the highest order.
Ray repeats to Nick what Top and Cheum have already said. This guy, Boston? He's nasty. Stay away. Boston's an asshole. Boston's still being stigmatized, and still living up to his label.
How would I summarize all of this? Throughout this ENTIRE episode, what was screaming within my head, as I said above, was: youth is fleeting. Youth itself is ephemeral. The experiences these young folks are going through at this moment in this show will build their experiences for how they will survive (or not) in their futures.
We may think that Boston, and Ray, and Mew, will not learn from their dumbass behavior, but -- they will. They will have no choice. Because their time being this young, and inexperienced, and idiotic, will flee. They'll graduate, and they will have to learn how to survive in a "real" world that may very well be far more brutal to them than their proximate friendships are to them right now. And man, if they have to experience lives that are MORE brutal than these proximate friendships they have, then good LUCK to them, because, well -- shit. It ain't pretty the way it is right now.
P.S. I just thought this whole scene was brilliant. Sand, honey, you're not as innocent as your meow feelings are letting on. I'm holding you accountable for what you're saying to Ray, too.
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(HAPPY SUNDAY, EPHEMERALITY SQUAD! @ranchthoughts @lurkingshan @neuroticbookworm @distant-screaming @slayerkitty @clara-maybe-ontheroad @twig-tea)
(HEY, SQUAD: if you tag me in things, and I forget to reblog, send me a DM! I'm on the last stages of this moving chapter of my life, and I don't wanna miss your meta!)
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forest-hashira · 3 months
Better Than Sake
hi everyone! this is the first in what will hopefully be a series of little one shots for the Noble Blood universe! some will be timestamps/scenes i want to write but don't fit into the overall fic for various reasons, some will be AUs within the AU. (& yes, i promise i'm still working on the main fic!!!)
shoko and utahime are about 16 or so in this. don't drink underage kids!!! especially not sake that shit is Strong (imo)
series masterlist here | read on ao3 here | wc: ~1.2k | cw: underage drinking, coming out (sort of, it's not made a big deal), love confessions (also kinda), first kisses, this is just shokohime, no other characters involved
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“Are you sure we’re not going to get in trouble?” Utahime asked in a whisper, glancing over her shoulder for a moment, checking for at least the dozenth time in the last two minutes that they hadn’t been followed.
“I never said I was sure,” Shoko replied. “I said I was pretty sure, which is not the same thing. That’s why I didn’t bring Ryoji, and why I told you to leave Patience at home.”
“Sh!” the brunette shushed, turning and pressing a finger to the other girl’s lips. “If you keep fretting like that, someone’s gonna hear us, and then we’ll definitely get in trouble.”
Utahime frowned, but she nodded, not saying another word as Shoko took her hand and guided her down to the beach. Though it was late, it wasn’t cold, like it had been the last few weeks; it was finally warming up, and for that the girls were thankful.
They sat a short distance from the water, pressed side to side, when Shoko held up a bottle of sake.
“Want some?”
“Where were you even carrying that?”
“A magician never reveals her secrets.” With a smirk, Shoko pulled the cork from the bottle. “Do you want the first taste?”
There was a brief silence as Utahime considered the question; she didn’t really want to have the first drink, but she also knew the odds that shoko would try to drink the entire bottle by herself if she said no were high.
“Fine,” the darker haired girl sighed, holding out her hand for the bottle. 
“That’s my girl.” Shoko passed the bottle to the other girl, and though she noticed the way her words had made Utahime’s face go pink, she said nothing. 
Eager to distract herself from the way Shoko’s words made her heart skip a beat, Utahime was quick to snatch the bottle, pressing it to her lips and taking a much bigger swig than she intended to.
“Ugh, Sho, that is disgusting,” she complained, though she did manage to swallow the alcohol before speaking.
“Is it?” Shoko took the bottle back, taking her own drink, though hers was admittedly more controlled than Utahime’s had been. She swallowed, her only outward reaction being a slight wrinkling of her nose, and she shrugged. “I’ve had to take medicine worse than that,” she said simply, taking another sip before offering the bottle to the other girl again.
“Do I even want to know what kinds of medicines you’re taking if they taste worse than this?” Utahime mumbled, mostly to herself, as she accepted the bottle and took another, albeit much smaller, sip. “Don’t answer that question,” she added, when she saw Shoko open her mouth out of the corner of her eye. “I don’t need to know what you get up to that requires nasty medicine.”
Shoko just laughed. “You’re blushing, Hime,” she teased.
“Am not.”
“Are too. You just even more red, actually.” 
Utahime took another drink. She doesn’t have to look so smug, she thought to herself.
“What’s on your mind, hm? Thinkin’ about what I must be doing to need to take all that medicine if I’m not sick?”
“No,” the darker haired girl answered, too quickly.
“I think you are.”
A small groan, another sip from the bottle before shoving it back at her friend. “Shut up, Sho.”
The brunette relented for a moment, accepting the sake and taking another drink of her own. “Whatever you think I’m doing, you’re probably wrong.”
Utahime startled slightly. “Huh?”
“I’m not sick,” Shoko answered. “Well, not sick sick, but it's hard to work with sick people all the time and not catch something every once in a while. And I don’t take medicine for the same things some of the boys that live here do. I know you’ve heard them talk.”
If it was even possible, Utahime felt her face heat even more. She had heard some of the other boys from around the settlement talk about what caused their… medical problems; they were always so vulgar, and generally rather demeaning about the girls they were fooling around with. “Yeah, I have.”
“That’s not my issue, though. I don’t mess around with boys.”
“Because your parents would kill you if you got a disease from one of them?” It was a poor attempt at a joke, but it made the corner of Shoko’s lips twitch into a smile for a moment.
“No.” She took another drink from the bottle – quite a big one, Utahime noticed – and held it in her mouth for a moment before swallowing, as if she were stalling, or bracing herself for something. 
Though she couldn’t deny how curious she was about what could have her best friend, who was normally so laid back and unbothered, acting so hesitant, Utahime was willing to be patient.
“I don’t mess around with boys because I don’t like boys.”
“Neither do I.” Because really, what was there to like about boys, especially at their age? The only respectful boy she knew was Kento, and he wasn’t appealing to her like that. No boy had ever appealed to her that way, actually, now that she thought about it.
Shoko turned to face her, a slightly wary look in her eye. “I mean I’m not attracted to boys, Hime.”
“Oh.” There’s a beat of silence, then another. “Who are you attracted to, then?” 
Shoko tilted her head slightly, and Utahime found herself caught up – even more than usual – in the way her pretty brown hair swayed around her shoulders and framed her pretty face. Is she always this pretty? Utahime thought, Or am I drunk? Does being drunk even work like that?
“I’m attracted to you.”
When did she get that close? Was she that close the whole time? Oh my god— the slightly older girl’s mind raced, and without even thinking about it, she started leaning in a little closer. “Y-you— you are?”
“Mmhm,” Shoko hummed. Her own face was flushed a bit now, though not quite as much as her friend’s, and her pupils had dilated a bit more. “Yeah, I am. Have been for a while now, I think…”
I want to kiss you so bad right now.
“I wanna kiss you too.”
“I said that out loud?” Utahime asked, not nearly as embarrassed about it as she thought she would be.
“Yeah. Did you not mean to?”
“Not really. But I do want to kiss you.”
“Good. I’m gonna kiss you now.”
Utahime wasn’t sure what she expected from her first kiss, but it certainly wasn’t this. Shoko’s lips were soft, and her touch was gentle, more affectionate and sweet than any boy likely would have been. Utahime let out a small, somewhat muffled hum and pressed a bit closer for a moment, her eyes fluttering shut until Shoko pulled away, presumably to catch her breath. 
She opened her eyes again then, licking her lips without thinking about it. “You taste like—”
“Sake?” Shoko guessed, a slight smile on her lips. “Better than sake,” Utahime replied, smiling back. “Much better.”
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taglist: @ghost-1-y @kentohours @whatthefucksatan @mitsuristoleme @lu-dao-writes @peachdues @lik0 @deepestartisanhumanoidshark @here-for-the-tea-baby @staryukis @roselleviennesstuff @witchbybirth @marinnnnnnnnn if your url is crossed out, it's because tumblr won't let me tag you for whatever reason. i apologize! & if you want to be added to the taglist, just drop a reply to the post/put it in the tags of your reblog!
divider by cafekitsune
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gadriezmannsgirl · 1 year
HEY BESTIE!! just found your blog and I'm about to read your work. But I was wondering if you can write me a request? Please. One where Pedri (my love) is dating a female f1 redbull driver and how their relationship would be giving the schedule and stuff or if you don't know about f1 (idk) you can do like an actress!reader and pedri having a crush on her and pining over her? If you don't wanna do these, I completely understand! But be safe and have an amazing day/night.
Hi darling! Yes I can! Pedri is life, isn't he? Freaking precious (Even tho my weakness is Gavi😅). Tysm, I really hope you like my writing, please let me know!
I do know my bits of F1, not a really hardcore fan of it so I'm gonna take the Actress!Reader since I don't really know everything from it.
I did this while waiting for my class at Uni, so I hope you like it. And be safe too! Have a great day/night
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Hard Crushing - Pedri González x Actress!Reader
"Oh my god, Pedri. You're really watching again The Queen's Gambit?" Fernando, Pedri's brother, asked him after sitting on the couch next to him
"Yes I am, what about it?" Pedri said not taking his eyes off of the TV
"You're obsessed with her, aren't you?"
"I'm not, she's just a good actress!" Fernando gave him a look raising his eyebrows "Ok, maybe I do am a bit obsessed with her. But she's Beautiful, have you given her a good look? Fucking gorgeous" Pedri shook his head "And don't even get me started on her look in Last Night in Soho... AND! During Black Widow? My goodness" Pedri groaned already picturing you in said movies "Also, there were a few rumors saying she's going soon to be appearing in CM, it'll be awesome to see her as a doctora"
"Chicago MED" Pedri replied almost instantly looking at his brother crazily for not recognizing the TV show "Si aparece ahí, me encantaría tener las mil y un enfermedades solo para que me cure" (If she's appearing there, I'd love to have a thousand sickness just so she could cure me)
"Tú estas loco" (You're crazy)
"Thank god, she talks Spanish too" Pedri says out of nowhere ", that way I wouldn't embarrass myself more than I would probably do if I ever get to meet her"
... ...
"What do you mean Y/N Y/L/N will be here?" Pedri asked in disbelief stopping his training to hear the gossip from Balde, Araujo and Ansu
"Yes, she's coming to Barcelona apparently she'll be filming a movie here so she's gonna stay for a while" Araujo explained
"And she's fan of the Barça so" Balde ended
"I know she's fan of Barça, you don't have to tell me things I clearly know" Pedri stated making Gavi laugh "Tell me more about this visit, that I didn't knew about"
"¡CHICOS!" They were interrupted by Xavi "It's not time to gossip, we've a Clásico to win!"
Pedri watched Ansu, Araujo and Balde run off not without telling them a quick "We'll talk later"
... ...
"What do you mean I'll be cooking in front and for Y/N Y/L/N?" Gavi, Ansu, Alejandro, Ferran, Araujo, Lewandoski and Ter Stegen laughed out loud after hearing the news and watching their friend's reaction
"Yes, she's coming to Camp Nou for a whole day, she'll see you training, we'll be giving her a tour and after that we'll be doing a video with her and you were the chosen one. That will make you both good" One of the staff said "Or if you don't want to do it, we can have Gavi or Lewandowski, they were also very asked for"
"¡NO, YO LO HAGO!" (NO, I'LL DO IT!) Pedri yelled surprising the poor woman, the guys laughing once more before he composed himself and added a quiet "I mean... I don't have any problem to do it. I'd love to"
"Okay, it's settled then. Next Tuesday, Pedri"
Gavi speaks up after the woman left "This is your big chance, bro. Meeting Y/N Y/L/N, the girl you've been practically in love with ever since 2019"
"What if I mess up? Say something weird? What if she thinks I'm crazy?"
"I don't think you can mess it up that much, Pedri" Ansu said shaking his head "She's a normal girl, you can do this, I mean... What's the worst thing you can do or say to her?"
"Be confident" Araujo said showing him a thumbs up
... ...
Next Tuesday
Practice had already ended, you had already met briefly the players and they were practicing while you were given the little tour around Camp Nou.
Also, while you were getting makeup done, Pedri was showering and getting himself dressed.
"How will I be able to not embarrass myself in front of her, if just by hearing her name I go like if I have a worm inside me?"
"That's a bit gross, dude"
"¡Joder!" Pedri turned around quickly nearly giving himself a whiplash and soon wished he hadn't.
You were standing there right besides him.
"Hijo de...- Ya la cagué" (Son of a... I fucked it up already) Pedri mumbled to himself but you laughed completely hearing him
"También hablo en Español, cariño" (I also speak Spanish, darling) You said giggling finding really cute his awkwardness.
Truth is that you absolutely loved Pedri and were also a bit nervous, he was your favourite player currently at Barça. And meeting him was like a dream come true.
"Don't worry about it" You said "You're my favourite player and I'm sweating my ass off too" He laughed out loud turning around to see you wearing a smile on your face.
"I'm sorry, you're just... Incredible" You blushed "Like, I've seen all of your movies and series"
"You're incredible too" you said "Like... I always see your matches and you never fail to amaze me" Pedri smiled feeling himself blushing at your words.
"Thank you, it means a lot"
"What are you cooking today?"
"Honestly, I don't know" You both laugh lightly "I just hope that whatever I'm making won't give you a stomach ache"
"You can't be that bad"
"The only thing I do great is serve a glass of water and burned rice" You laughed
"I trust you" You said smiling lightly "You'll do great" You showed your fist up, waiting for him to bump his with yours, when you were called to start recording
"God, she's so beautiful" Pedri mumbled but you still heard it
"Thanks. You're pretty handsome too" He groaned making you laugh. You were teasing him but at the same time you were waiting for him to lose his nerves and you, lose yours.
... ...
Pedri thought this was the worst and best day of his life, you were chatting with him while he was cooking.
Don't get him wrong, you're beautiful and chatting with you was easy, his nerves turned into excitement while talking. But also, the talking with you made it for him a bit impossible to fully concentrate in the cooking.
He just hoped everything tasted good. Or eatable.
"This is really spicy" You said taking a bite from the chicken and coughing up a bit "Like really, really spicy" The whole crew laughed and Pedri covered his hands
"I'm sorry" He said
"No. I like it, I just wasn't expecting that much" You pronounced That heavier making them laugh once more "But still this is delicious" you gave another bite to the chicken showing a thumbs up
"Rate 0/10?"
"9" You said inmediately "For those who say Pedri can't cook"
"Yo tambien lo digo" (I also say it) Pedri, himself said it in disbelief, you liked his food.
"Probablemente me de un dolor de estómago mas tarde, pero, por ahora está buenísimo" (It'll probably give me a stomach ache later, but, for now this is good)
"Esto ha sido Cocina en el Nou, si te ha gustado deja un like y sigue al Barça en todas las redes sociales" (This has been Kitchen in the Nou, if you liked this video leave a like y follow Barça in all social medias) Pedri said as you both waved at the camera
You stood besides him giving him a hug and soon the cameras stopped rolling only for the staff to bring you a Barça shirt.
It was your size with Pedri's name and his number 8.
"Thank you!" You said smiling. Both of you posed for a picture as Pedri quickly signed the shirt for you "It was a pleasure meeting you" You said hugging him once more.
It was almost time for you to go
"CanIhaveyournumber?" He asked quickly as you blinked a few times to recover from his quickness
"Can I have your number? It was really nice meeting you too and I would love to chat with you more, without cameras if you'd like" Pedri said.
You smiled
"Only if you take me out on a date"
"Only one?"
"You need to win me over, González. If you keep this moves up, you'll do it in a snap of fingers tho"
You didn't need to say it twice.
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tatasoom · 7 months
Hello, fellow Last Twilight fans! I'm impressed by your incredible analysis and also endlessly thankful for all beautiful gifs, so I've decided to do... an investigation🙌
I'm sure this very last moment of next episode's preview seems the most thrilling:
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But what if I'll tell you, based on all videos that we have, that this Friday's episode mainly won't be about August?..
First of all we will start here: another Day and Mhok morning, directed as always with love by P'Aof👇
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They're happily laughing, making jokes and just shining from happiness.
And only after this cute scene we'll come to August. I recommend you to remember what P'Aof said about him: he isn't a bad guy, but he's a complicated character.
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So yeah, we have Day facing maybe his closest friend from "previous" life while standing next to his boyfriend from current life. And by August and Day being shocked we can be sure that it's their first meeting since Day's life has changed forever.
As if it's not enough for just one episode we'll have another Day and August meeting! This time it's not a coincidence. August is happy, Day is confused (I think) and Mhok is full of jealousy (The Killers started playing in my head).
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Now you can tell: "Wait, what? There's no such a scene in the preview!". You're right, I got these shots from a trailer and "Before Last Twilight". But look at this moment from the preview without honey lemon tea all over them:
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- Are you going to eat at home for the rest of your life?
- What if I eat out and make a mess?
Yes! Yes! Yes! Mhok and Day are going to have a dinner date after meeting August twice already.
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Now look at this moment from the preview, where Phojai is asking Mhok why he's wearing so much perfume (knowing that he's already seen Day with that too close friend August twice!)👇👇👇
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My heart barely survived four episodes, but that's just a start! Damn you, P'Aof and all writers of this show! I love you so much!
I also need to mention their upcoming flower market date (another date omg they're spoiling us!), even though I can't tell you for sure whether it will happen after first time meeting August or at the end of the episode. Seems like it's a beautiful last part of the episode, but I don't have a proof.
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The main idea of the next episode is blossoming feelings between Mhok and Day (with August being a catalyst, spices for the main course). Look how Mhok is catching with his eyes every Day's movement, every Day's smile!
And last but not least thing to mention.
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This scene that's gonna break our hearts to heal it immediately, because this growing closeness of two who was closed to all the world is everything!
Thank you for finishing this long post! I really appreciate it and all reactions are very welcome! Also I already have some other thoughts on different moments and want to analyse upcoming previews using this bunch of screenshots. Spoiler: we'll see an interesting moment with that t-shirt Day bought with Mhok in the previous episode (intriguing, huh?).
This was my very first time writing and posting something like this, so we can agree Last Twilight makes people going crazy haha
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cheegu3 · 4 months
can you do a "ignoring my boyfriend for 24 hours prank" on treasure . Also do you accept requests for the boyz ?
since this is an old ask I included the old members !! (so sorry that u had to wait so long for this one)
+ some are a bit longer than others bc I got way into the scenario I had created lol, it's not bc I dislike a member or favor others, I just felt like I had more to write on some !
also yedam n mashiho's pics are ass bc I had to download them on my computer lol
and yes I do accept requests for the boyz c:
warnings; yandere themes, abusive / toxic relationships, swearing, mentions of murder, minor mommy issues, a little fluff, drugging, violence, cheating
Treasure - reaction to you ignoring them
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He had very little patience for what was in his mind, a childish prank. But even with you acting up, his tolerance was low. Since he had clear rules and was upfront about what he expected of you; going against those things seemed like a clear act of rebellion.
You ignored him more in a playful way than in anger after he had teased you in front of his friends and embarrassed you. Unfortunately, you didn't get to do it right then and there but maybe it was best not to do it in front of his loved ones since you had no idea what his reaction would be like.
So, instead, you pushed him away when he tried to hug you once you got home. He called after you, '' Y/n? ''
After no response he followed you down the hall where he found you sitting on the couch, eyes glued to whatever was on the TV.
'' What's wrong? ''
Your lips were sealed tight, but if you looked close enough you could see them trembling as they were holding back a smile. He came around and stopped in front of you.
He started blocking the TV. You sighed and rolled your eyes, attempting to glare up at him. Immediately he scowled at your attitude and his voice dropped.
'' What the fuck are you doing? Why aren't you answering me? ''
Even though your whole body froze in fear, you stood your ground, refusing to give up so easily.
'' I'm gonna give you three seconds to stop this or God help me I will-''
Your eyes widened. His fist clenched hanging to his sides and you knew he probably wanted to say, 'slap you'.
'' One...'' your lips parted, yet nothing came out as you hesitated again. '' Two...''
'' Three- ''
'' No! Please, I'm sorry. I was just joking! '' you blurted out breathlessly.
A tense silence overtook the dramatic theatrics until a scoff disrupted it. You raised your head and looked at him cautiously.
'' I don't care. You're still getting punished for trying to pull something stupid like that on me. ''
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It was too risky to do the thing your friends pushed you to do, but you did it anyway, foolishly enough.
They had no idea how your boyfriend really was behind closed doors. Innocently they suggested you ignore him to ' teach him a lesson ' for not letting you go out with them for longer than an hour.
You bit down on your lip so hard in anxiety that it almost started bleeding in the cab home. It was impossible to say no. If you did, they might question how controlling Jihoon really was and if not, then well...you'd face his wrath instead.
The thing was, you had no way to escape it. When you were just about to leave they pressed themselves into the car and insisted you should do it that night and that they would come with you for moral support.
The plan was that they'd confront him and then after, you'd go inside and ignore him.
Your legs were shaking as you slowly ascended the stairs and you knew it wasn't due to the gust of cold wind brushing past. He was definitely still up since he had ordered for you to come home so early; and he was probably positioned near the door so he could greet you and berate you with questions as soon as you'd step in.
You dreaded seeing his face. Just the sight of your drunk friends giggling behind you would probably irritate him to the point he'd consider killing them. But then the fact that you were encouraged to stand up against him would really be the cherry on top.
Even as the door creaked open, you had perfectly predicted how it would all go down. His small smile when opening the door, then replaced with a twitch of annoyance as your friends stumbled into his view.
'' You brought your friends, '' he said, not sounding very amused.
'' Yes...they um- '' you inhaled shakily, '' They weren't really happy with you. ''
His eyebrow rose and his lips stretched into a very faint smirk, barely concealing his anger.
'' Oh really? ''
'' You're too strict with her. She's an adult, she can make her own decisions, '' your friend chimed in.
He looked at her with disdain as she struggled to keep herself upright and leaned on your other friend. You started to feel even more uncomfortable.
'' I think you guys should go, it's getting late. ''
But your friends had more to say and waved you off.
'' You're a shit boyfriend. ''
'' She deserves someone better. ''
Fuck - it was going way too far.
You knew that by this point, he'd definitely punish you afterward, but you didn't want it to be super bad so you attempted to put your foot down again; by stepping into the apartment and fake laughing.
'' I'll text you, bye! ''
They didn't really get a chance to throw in more insults because you firmly closed the door behind you and then turned to him, that nervous smile on your face again.
'' Sorry. Please don't mind them. I didn't tell them anything...about us.''
'' What would you tell them? ''
He was testing you, seeing if you'd say he was toxic and treated you horribly. Sensing that he caught you off guard, he chuckled.
'' Let's go. If you think I'm letting you get off easy after that, you're fucking crazy. ''
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The full 24 hours are not likely to pass. At first, he was confused but shrugged it off; he had better things to care about during the day than your attitude which he could deal with later. Then, as more time passed and he realized you weren't giving up the act even as he came home from work, he'd be irritated.
'' Y/n, come here. I'm home. ''
You heard it very clearly since you always knew what time he came home from work, but this time it was different. Your eyes continued scanning over the book page even though you were barely processing it, your body was on edge.
A few seconds passed with only the sound of the ticking clock to fill the dreadful silence. Then footsteps, followed by your boyfriend standing in the doorway.
His eyebrows were knit and he was scowling heavily. '' Why didn't you answer? ''
He picked up the book you were reading and you held back a protesting whine. Silently you watched him turn it over in his hands and then scoff.
'' Was it really that interesting? ''
On the surface he seemed fine but you had learned to read him very well. You saw through it and felt your body go rigid when you realized, very belatedly, that Yoshi was pissed off by your prank.
'' Sorry, '' you pathetically mumbled quietly.
His head snapped up, eyes narrowing like a predator and without any hint of amusement on his face.
'' That's not enough. ''
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He's a pretty sweet boyfriend who is often patient, calm, and understanding, so naturally, he'd give you space. In the process of doing that, he'd most likely obsess over why you were treating him that way though, and eventually spiral into self-hate.
He would let the full 24 hours pass, but make a point by sighing loudly and pouting whenever you two were in the same room.
There were rarely times when Junkyu would do something to upset you, and there hadn't been a reason this time either. Honestly, you just wanted to upset him a little because he was cute and because you were bored.
This is another reason why he reacted so strongly. Your boyfriend called out to you when the food he'd prepared was ready. Sitting down to eat, his smile quickly faded when none of his remarks or attempts at small talk were acknowledged.
'' Did I do something? '' he asked in a small voice.
You held back a reaction and didn't say anything or even look up at him. It was as if he didn't exist at all. He must've picked up on that feeling too, because after that he didn't say anything else.
He joined you in eating his food silently and then put the plates away before walking to another room, leaving you alone for about an hour.
When he came back, he had a gloomy look on his face. His eyes didn't search for yours like they usually did. He just went to grab something and then left again.
Your heart ached in regret upon seeing him shift so suddenly due to your own actions.
'' I'm sorry, I'm not actually mad at you. I was just joking. ''
You felt tears start to poke your eyes. The guilt had been eating you up inside the more time that passed. His eyes looked puffy and red. A sniffle told you it hadn't been long since he last cried, and his voice broke, '' Really? Are you sure? ''
The next day you'd better shower him in love, and apologize profusely for the next few days.
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He blinked at you in confusion but cunningly caught on quickly that you were playing a game. A childish grin would spread on his face as he asked for confirmation.
'' Are you playing a game right now? ''
Your silence didn't irritate him, instead, he nodded and pursed his lips, coming closer to you.
'' I'll do it too then. May the best one win! ''
It was unlike him to want to play childish games. He was usually pretty serious and at times strict, acting almost 10-20 years older than he actually was.
You stared after him with a gaping mouth. Then you laughed and shook your head. You weren't exactly complaining though since you'd been a bit nervous to try pranking him.
The day ended up becoming quite enjoyable. You two laughed a lot and tried to make the other person speak by catching them off guard or tickling them.
It was one of the more normal days you'd had where you felt like an actual couple, and at the end of it, it left you with a warm fuzzy feeling in your stomach.
Even you were surprised that Jaehyuk could make you feel those feelings, but it seemed like he was also a little shocked with himself. The whole thing seemed to have bonded you on both sides and when the 24 hours were up you got entangled in a passionate kiss.
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Very petty. He'd time the whole thing as soon as he caught on to what you were doing and then give you a little surprise when the full 24 hours were up.
He didn't really have any difficulty during those hours. However, on the inside, he was enraged and muttering to himself about how stupid and annoying you were being; only his revenge was keeping him in check.
You thought it was a bit odd, expecting a bigger reaction from him and unfortunately not stopping before it got too far. You enjoyed the time alone you got from this, cooking whatever you wanted to eat and watching whatever show you wanted to see for once.
When it was time for bed, he still hadn't said a word to you since he tried to hold your hand while walking and you had brushed him off. He asked you what was wrong and if he hadn't seen the smile you tried to hide, he might've blamed himself.
'' Hey, wake up. ''
You squinted at the bright light shining on your face and rolled over on your stomach. '' Just five more minutes. ''
Yoshi sighed but wore a smile when he sat down on the bed. The warm gesture of him stroking your hair like he always did so comfortingly, quickly turned cold as he began speaking again.
'' Did you have fun? Ignoring me for a whole day. I bet you did, but after a few days, you'll learn to never do something like that again. ''
'' What? What do you mean? ''
'' For the next four days, you won't exist to me. Did you forget I give back four times as hard? ''
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Another sweeter boyfriend who would be lost like a puppy due to your behavior. The two of you were out shopping when the idea came to you.
You made it very obvious that it was pretty playful and didn't flat-out ignore his existence, because you knew that would've broken his heart.
When he turned to ask you what you thought of a plushie, you crossed your arms dramatically and pouted.
'' Baby? What's wrong? '' his smile dropped.
The shopping spree would be cut short, with no items having been bought. Outside, he glanced disinterested at the other shops and then dragged you to the car.
Silence filled the space. Your poor boyfriend looked like he was panicking. His eyes flickered around while he tried to find the right words that would make you talk again.
'' Did I do something? ''
'' Should I have bought it without asking? ''
'' Did you not like the shop? ''
But no matter how hard or long he tried, he discovered he'd have no luck. He licked his lips and leaned back against the car seat with closed eyes.
'' Whatever it is. I'm sorry. ''
You had the opportunity to look at him and laugh at his cuteness now that he wasn't paying you any attention. However, your heart would soon feel a twinge of pain at the sight of a tear sliding down his cheek.
Doyoung wiped it away and turned his head which made it hurt even more. You weren't enjoying the prank now. He didn't want you to see him upset so he tried to hide it from you.
When he sniffled he cleared his throat loudly and turned fully, propping the door open quickly so he could get out.
'' I just need some fresh air. I'll be back soon. ''
He walked a few meters away from the car and when his head started drooping and his shoulders shook, you bit your lip guilty. When he'd come back you would apologize and kiss him.
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Will lose his temper and probably react violently. If that still didn't work, he'd do anything in his power to get you to give in; lock you into a room, not give you food and water, make your boss fire you or kick you out of school, flirt with girls in front of you, get you drunk, etc.
In short, he did not give a fuck how or what consequences it might have - he is making you give him the respect he is worthy of getting no matter what.
After you ignored him when he told you to pass him something for the second time, he started up on his feet and shot daggers your way.
'' Get up. ''
Seeing that you didn't move, he counted down from three under his breath and then heaved you up with a strong grip around your arm.
'' What the fuck do you think you're doing? ''
You feigned an innocent look, but with sealed lips. His eyes narrowed and he scoffed.
'' Playing a game? ''
The corners of your mouth tugging upwards ever so slightly was caught by Haruto and answered his question. A smug look came over his face.
'' Alright. Let's play. ''
He then left the house, leaving you to wonder what he was doing. The more time that passed, the more anxious you got. His games were never any lighthearted and fun ones.
An image of your family and friends popped into your head, making your breath hitch as you reached for your phone. You sent them each a text and waited while pacing around the house.
After about twenty minutes, your phone pinged.
Mom: hey, honey
Mom: is everything okay?
You read the messages over and over, the crease in your forehead deepening every time you did so. Something was wrong. Your mom never called you any nicknames or showed much affection overall. It was a wound you had and something that someone knew about.
Cursing under your breath, you ran out of the house and all the way over to your parents' where you found your mom tied up on a chair. Haruto was leaning against the table with a big grin on his face as he typed away on her phone.
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Irritated immediately and snapped back at you which made you jump back in surprise. He had always had a bad temper ever since you started dating him, which at this point had only been two months. But his anger had never been directed at you before, because you tiptoed around him carefully as to not upset him.
With a lighthearted joke like this though, you hadn't expected him to react the way he did. He looked at you as if you had just cheated on him after you turned away when he kissed you; and that's exactly where his rage-filled mind went.
'' Are you cheating on me? ''
Despite still sticking to your plan, your eyes widened visibly at his strange accusation. He approached you.
'' Why aren't you answering me? It's a simple question- yes or no? ''
Should you really push it further?
The look in his eyes told you that he wasn't really someone you should mess with when he's angry, and really you knew that from before due to seeing him fight all kinds of guys. It was breaking your heart that he had that same look of burning hatred directed at you now though, as if you were just like them.
'' I'll explain, '' you sighed and rubbed your temple.
The whole thing had made you tired and a slight throbbing in your head warned of an oncoming headache, it was best to end it here.
'' I wasn't actually angry or upset at you. It was this stupid joke thing I saw online that girlfriends did to their boyfriends. ''
His face turned blank. '' Fine. Good, '' he awkwardly pressed out and cleared his throat.
For the rest of the day, you'd have to walk on your toes, because although he didn't punish you for the prank; he'd be extremely moody and probe you, waiting for you to mess up so he actually could.
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He rolled his eyes at first and then walked away, eventually leaving the house. Several hours would pass without a word from him, leaving you a bit speechless because it was definitely not what you had planned.
Right as the sun started setting, he finally came home. He threw several glances your way to try and figure out if you were still going to ignore him.
He could tell it wasn't anything serious since you kept eye contact and looked at him deliberately when he spoke, you just didn't respond.
But it was annoying nonetheless and felt disrespectful. Testing how far you were willing to go, he said, '' Let's break up. ''
Without thinking you blurted out, '' What? ''
Junghwan smirked, happy and self-pleased that he had outsmarted you so easily. Now there was no point in continuing the prank anymore so you just sighed and gave up.
'' Are you serious? ''
'' Ah...now you're talking? ''
'' Answer me. Why would we break up? ''
'' You seem angry at me and won't respond. Why would I want to date someone who can't even communicate properly? ''
It was starting to sound serious, you were unsure if he was just fucking with you due to you ignoring him or if he actually had come up with that during his walk outside.
''I was just kidding. It was supposed to be a prank. ''
'' Aren't pranks supposed to be funny? ''
You felt your cheeks burn red in embarrassment.
'' Yeah, it wasn't very fun. You were gone the whole time. ''
'' Not quite, just a few hours. Happy to know you missed me that much though. ''
You laughed and this time it was your turn to roll your eyes.
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He felt a wave of emotions, but the biggest one was concern. After asking you why you were ignoring him for the fifth time, his delusional side came out instead.
You weren't ignoring him because you were mad at him - no, you were sick! He must hurry to the hospital to get you treated for whatever disease you had.
After snickering to yourself about the look on his face after you ignored him so blatantly, you went off on your own to take a nap. When you woke up again, you almost gasped in shock when you discovered you were moving.
Yedam was carrying you, running with you in his arms. He only gave you a pitiful look when he glanced down and saw that you were awake, nothing seemed to shake whatever he was stressed about away.
'' Don't worry. Go back to sleep, you will be okay, '' he whispered, shushing you like you were a child.
You winched at the bright hospital lights above and buried yourself into his chest. He managed to grab hold of a nurse near the entrance and loudly shouted at her.
'' My girlfriend needs help. She's sick- something's wrong with her! ''
The poor nurse jumped back in surprise and clutched her chest. A few seconds of awkward eye contact passed before she gave in and ushered you to a room.
You felt confused, the grogginess from sleep seemed to wear off a lot slower than you'd anticipated, it was almost like someone had drugged you...
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He'd look at you without an ounce of amusement in his face. It only appeared after he stood still and thought for a moment, then said something else.
'' If you don't want to talk to me then I will find someone who does. ''
Your face twisted uncontrollably in confusion. He hadn't exactly said anything wrong but the way he said it, almost pointedly at every word, made you shiver and feel uncomfortable for what was to come.
Your confusion would be answered after about two hours of radio silence from him. At the door, you waited to greet him like always, only to end up looking dumbfounded as a beautiful woman stepped in front of him.
'' Who are you? ''
She paid you no mind and her glancing back at Mashiho who gave her a small smile, told you that he had instructed her to do that.
Your boyfriend came in afterwards, very nonchalant looking for what drama he had just created for something so petty. You directed your rage at him since she didn't want to answer you.
'' Who is she? ''
'' Now you want to talk to me? '' he snickered, '' Too bad it's too late. ''
'' Answer me! '' you screamed at the top of your lungs.
The woman flinched and let out a small gasp but Mashiho stood unmoved, only raising an eyebrow, like he had expected this, which only made it sting even more.
'' Are you cheating on me? ''
'' I didn't know talking to someone was cheating. ''
Your lips thinned and your chin began to tremble.
'' Why did you bring her home then? ''
He stepped closer to you, the smile gone in an instant and the close proximity forced you to push your back against the wall.
'' To teach you a lesson. ''
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